Autopilot BT 82B

October 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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BT-82B Operating Instruction

BT-82B Autopilot Instruction Manual



BT-82B Operating Instruction

#IAO#IAN$ TAI%&O' C&INA  A((ress) *8-2 +ang +ang $uang Roa(, #iao #iaoiang iang (istrict, Tai./ou cit0, %/eiang Pro1ince, C/ina s >s0s 0ste te7 7 ?Ma ?Mast ster er St Stee eerin ring g St Stan an(@: (@::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::: 4 Ma Magn gnet etic ic C Cou ours rse e Se Sens nsor or S SCC-2 2 ?op ?opti tion ona3 a3@:: @:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::: :::::: ::::: :: Ru Ru(( ((er er An Ang3 g3e e ;e ;ee( e(>a >ac c ;B ;B-8 -82P 2P2: 2::: :::: ::::: ::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::: :: Ste Steeri ering ng >o >o  iin ns stee teerin ring gg gear ear roo roo7 7S S$C$C-82: 82:::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::::: ::::::: :: Sta Starte rterr !o !orr S Stee teerin ring g$ $ear ear ST ST-82 -82ST ST+ +-82: -82:::: :::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: Au Aui3ia i3iar0 r0 s stat tation ion ADAD-8 8 ?o ?opti ptiona ona3@:: 3@::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::: E Ete tent ntio ion n Ru Ru(( ((er er A3 A3ar ar7 7 e e1i 1ice ce AL AL-8 -8E? E?op opti tion ona3 a3@:: @:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::: Tec ec/n /nic ica3 a3 sp spec eci! i!ic icat atio ion: n::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::

* * * *" *" *" *5

Op Oper erat atio iona na33 Proc Proce( e(ur ure: e::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: *8

e!ore t/e operation: In a((ition, a3=a0s eep t/e instruction a1ai3a>3e in 0our pi3ot /ouse so t/at 0ou can consu3t t/e instruction an0 ti7e, it is very important for safe & smooth operation of the equipment. T/oug/ t/e instruction tr0 to 7ae out a33 in(s o! sa!et0 re3ate( 7atters in t/e process o! insta33ation, operation, 7aintenance, /o=e1er, it is i7possi>3e to pre(ict a33 /i((en trou>3es, in case o! specia3 situations, p3ease tae appropriate 7easures to a1oi( acci(ent occurrence: OPERATION! IMPORTANT NOTES TO SAFE OPERATION!

o not use auto7atic steering =/en in /ea10 tra!!ic areas or in narro= =aters, in poor 1isi>i3it0 or roug/ sea con(itions, suc/ as !og, stor7, >ecause it 7a0 cause serious acci(ent un(er an0 t/ese circu7stance >0 auto7atic steering:

Tru rust st t/e eHui eHuip7 p7en ent, t, >ut (o not ust re3 re30 0 on it:

o not 3ea1 3ea1e e t/e t/e /e37 /e37

unatten(e( an( (o not (o.e o!! at =or: 

 Auto7atic steering =ors on t/e course signa3 !ro7 $0roco7pass or  7agnetic co7passs sensor, t/ere!ore it (epen(s on t/e accurac0 o! course (etect (et ecte(: e(: W/ W/en en 7ag 7agnet netic ic co7 co7pa pass ss cou course rse is t/e cou course rse >en >enc/7 c/7ar ar,, i!  7agnetic co7pass inter!ere( >0 outsi(e 7agnetic !ie3(, t/ere =i33 >e (istinct error o! t/e course pro1i(e(J t/e 1esse3 7a0 (e1iate !ro7 t/e setting course o>1ious30: W/en in 7o(e o! na1igationa3 contro3, it is contro33e( >0 t/e /ea(ing in!or7ation !ro7 $PS sate33ite na1igation s0ste7J it (epen(s on t/e accurac0 o! $PS signa3: In consi(eration o! t/e in!3uence o! =in(, !3o=, =a1e, i! =e ust re30 on auto7atic steering, it 7a0 resu3t in co33ision an( stran(ing: To a1oi( t/e /appening o! t/ese 7arine peri3s, a3=a0s eep a c3ose e0e on sea state, an( 1eri!0 course an( position o! 1esse3 at regu3ar inter1a3s:

W/en 1esse3 turns as per t/e setting rate o! turn, 1esse3s rate o! turn is restricte( >0 7ai7u7 ru((er ang3e 3i7it in auto7atic 7o(e, i! t/e a33o=e( 7ai7u7 ru(er ang3e is too s7a33, t/e 1esse3s rate o! turn =i33 not reac/ t/e setting rate o! turn:

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BT-82B Operating Instruction



T/ere T/er e ar are e a 3o 3ott o! >e >ene ne!i !its ts !or !or 1e 1ess sse3 e3s s eH eHui uipp ppe( e( =i =it/ t/ au auto topi pi3o 3ot) t) 3o=e 3o=err !ue3 !ue3 consu77ation, 3o=er 3a>or intensit0 an( 3onger ser1ice 3i!e o! steering gears etc: 'sua33 'su a330 0, aut auto7a o7atic tic ste steeri ering ng is ac acco7 co7p3i p3is/e s/e( ( >0 t/e cou course rse sig signa na3s 3s pro pro1i( 1i(e( e( >0 $0roco7pass, so 1esse3s o! 7i((3e an( s7a33 si.e =it/out $0roco7pass can not rea3i.e auto7atic steering: BT-82B ?ou>3e N;'  ;'  auto BT-82B auto7atic 7atic steerin steering@ g@ is one econ econo7ica o7ica33 autop autopi3ot i3ot =it/ /ig/ per!or7ance >ut co7petiti1e price: It is >ase( on t/e eperiences o! BMEW in t/e past 0ears: Moreo1er, it 7eets t/e tec/nica3 reHuire7ents o! Ru3es !or Bui3(ing an( C3assing Stee3 0 7agnetic course signa3 !ro7 7agnetic co7pass: BT-82B autopi3ot can recei1e seria3 signa3s !ro7 $PS in APB sentence !or7at ?=/ic/ BT-82B accor(s =it/ NEMA*8 or IEC52**52-* reHuire7ents@ to rea3i.e auto7atic trac contro3 steering: BT-82B autopi3ot a(opts 1aria>3e gain PI ru((er contro3, an( =it/ =i(e range o!  para7e par a7eter ter a( a(ust ust7en 7ent, t, so it per per!or !or7s 7s =e3 =e333 un( un(er er (i! (i!!er !erent ent =ea =eat/e t/err on (i! (i!!er !erent ent 1esse3s: BT-82B autopi3ot app3ies so3i( e3ectric circuit in its inner part, so it /as a re3ia>3e per!or7ance, co7pact construction, an( is eas0 to operate an( 7aintain: It is suita>3e to a33 si.e o! 1esse3s, suc/ as) passenger 1esse3s, cargo, taner, !is/ing >oat, =oring 1esse3, patro3 cra!t, tra!!ic >oat an( so on: An( it /as t/e !o33o=ing !eatures: 

FEATURES) Stable headin It a(opts 1aria>3e gain PI ru(er contro33er, t/ere!ore, >ot/ ru((er ang3e an( 1esse3s /ea( /e a(in ing g ar are e a3 a3=a =a0s 0s un un(e (err t/e t/e co cont ntro ro3, 3, so t/at t/at Hu Huit ite e sta> sta>3e 3e /e /ea( a(in ing g =i =i3333 >e 7aintaine(:


Contro Cont roll o! "a "a#i #i"u "u" " ru rudd dder er an anl le e $ "a "a#i #i"u "u" " ra rate te o! turn turn in auto"atic steerin It can contro3 an( restrict t/e 7ai7u7 ru((er ang3e as =e33 as t/e 7ai7u7 rate o!  turn, a1oi(ing 1esse3s o1er-inc3ine, ensure t/e sa!et0 o! t/e 1esse3: %istincti&e anti'o&ershoot ad(ust"ent It /as t/e !unction o! a(usta>3e anti-o1ers/oot, =/ic/ cou3( e3i7inate osci33ation o!  /0(rau3ic s0ste7 e!!ecti1e30: Multi'Inter!aces It can connect !3ei>30 =it/ re3e1ant eHuip7ent 1ia ana3og inter!aces an( (igita3 seria3 ports, e:g:, $0roco7pass, 7agnetic co7pass, sate33ite na1igator, na1igator, ECIS, e3ongs to BT-8 series pi3otJ co(e ru3e !or BT-8 series pi3ot is as BT-82B !o33o=s,

Page  o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction

Con!iuration !or *T'+ Series Pilot Ta>3e >e3o= s/o=s t/e con!iguration o! BT-8 series pi3ot: ? 7eans !actor0 con!iguration ) Manua3 Steering T0pe






up Pi3ot

up Pi3ot

ot BT-

t BT-





BT-8  Auto7atic steering steering contro33er contro33er AP-82A AP-82A

 Auto7atic steering steering contro33er contro33er AP-82B AP-82B

;' steering contro33er ;P-8*

;' st stee eeri ring ng =/ee =/ee33 &-8 &-82 2 ?i ?inc nc3: 3:

 

ru((er in(icator@ ;' steering =/ee3 &-2 ?no ru((er 


   (   n   a    t    S   g   n    i   r   e   e    t    S

Non-!o33o=-up contro33er N;C-8

Ru((er ang3e in(icator ?7eter t0pe@

N;' steering 3e1er SAE

N;' steering =/ee3 N;-8


S0ste7 se3ector SAS

Pu7p se3ector SAP

Steering 7o(e se3ector SAM

Steering a3ar7 In(icator AL-82

Note *

E3ectric 7ounting >oar( unit






Co7pass repeater 8-< Magnetic Course Sensor SC-2 S/e33 o! steering stan(




3    B   c   a    >    (   e   e    ;   r   e    (    (   u    R




Steering Bo in steering gear roo7 S$C-82 ST - 82

 

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BT-82B Operating Instruction


ST+ - 82







ter Etension A3ar7 (e1ices AL-8E










3  Aui3iar0 station AD-8

Note *: 

A3ar7ing !unction is se3!-containe( !or AP-82A auto7atic steering contro33er:

Page 5 o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction

,a-out ;igure >e3o= s/o=s t/e La0out o! t/e eHuip7ent on t/e 1esse3:

Page 4 o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction


Construction and !unctions o! *T'+.* Autopilot


1eadin control Subs-ste" 2Master Steerin Stand3

&ea(ing &ea(in g con contro tro33 su su>s0 >s0ste ste7 7 is t/e >ac >a c>o >one ne o! t/e t/e eH eHui uip7 p7en ent: t: It eec e ecut utes es !unc !uncti tion on o! re rece cei1 i1in ing, g, ca3cu3ating, a7p3i!0ing, trans7 tra ns7itt itting ing,, in( in(ica icatin ting g an( or( or(ererissuing o! steering contro3 signa3s: 'sua33 'su a330 0, ec ecept ept ru( ru((er (er !ee !ee(> (>ac ac,, t/e0 are integrate( in t/e centra3i.e( contro3 conso3 in t/e >ri(ge or in(epen(ent 7aster  steering stan(: ;or BT BT-82 -82B, B, /ea /ea(in (ing g con contro tro33er 33er o!  /ea( /e a(in ing g co cont ntro ro33 su su>s >s0s 0ste te7 7 an an( ( ot/er operationa3 units are 3ocate( on t/e t/e co cont ntro ro33 pa pane ne33 o! 7a 7ast ster  er  steering stan(, =/ic/ is on t/e top o! t/e stan( an( is inc3ine( =it/ an ang3e ang 3e o! " re3 re3ati ati1e 1e to /or /ori.o i.onta nta33 3e1e3, see ;ig *: ;ro7 top to >otto7 an( !ro7 3e!t to rig/t, t/e0 are Co7pass auto au to7a 7ati tic c steer teerin ing g con ontr tro3 o33e 3err, ste tee eri ring ng s0st s0ste7 e7 se3ect 3ector or,, N;' st stee eerin ring g 3e 3e1e 1er, r, pu pu7p 7p se se3e 3ect ctor or,, ;' =/ee3, an( steering 7o(e se3ector se3ector::

repeater an( its (i77er, A3ar7 in(ication, *-Po=erpu7p se3ector 2- A3ar7 in(ication -&an( steering =/ee3 -Ru((er in(icator  "-i77er !or ru((er in(icator  5-Steering 7o(e se3ector 4-N;' ?Non-!o33o=-up@ steering 3e1er  8-Master steering contro33er  6- A(ust7ent >utton !or course repeater  repeater  *-Co7pass repeater 

Co"pass Repeater 4+') It is to in(icate t/e /ea(ing o! t/e 1esse3: T/is 1a3ue 7a0 co7e !ro7 g0roco7pass or 7agnetic co7pass: co7p ass: Co7pa Co7pass ss rrepea epeater ter can ;ig *- La0out o! Master Steering Stan( recei1e &T (ata in t/e !or7at o!  stan(ar( NEMA*8 F IEC5 **52* 1ia inter!ace RS8", an( repeat t/e present /ea(ing at steering stan( =it/ t=o 7o(es o! ana3ogue an( (igita3:


T=o >uttons 3ocate( near>0 on t/e rig/t >otto7 o! t/e repeater are a(usting >uttons =it/ t=o !unctions   : ;irst !unction) illu"ination ad(ust"ent It is a !reHuent30 use( !unctionJ press t/e rig/t >utton to increase t/e >rig/tness o!  t/e repeater an( press t/e 3e!t >utton to re(uce t/e >rig/tness o! t/e repeater repeater:: Secon( !unction) s-nchroni5ation6"atch up the headin indication o! repeater  Page 8 o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction

In case t/e t=o in(ications are out-o!-step, t/at (ia3 in(ication is not consistent =it/ (ig igit ita a3 in( n(ic ica ati tio on, pres press s t/e t/e >o >ot/ t/ >u >utt tto ons si si7u 7u3t 3tan ane eou ous s30 to res resu7e t/e t/e s0nc/roni.ation >et=een t/e t=o in(ications: Steerin controller AP'+.* Steering contro33er in t/e center o! t/e stan( pane3 is t/e core eHuip7ent to per!or7 a33 !unctions:


T/e operationa3 pane3 o! t/e steering contro33er is (i1i(e( into !our sections) Sction A Auto7atic Steering Para7eter A(ust7ent: Sction B -

igita3 isp3a0 !or &ea(ingRate o! Turn F Setting Course Setting Rate o! Turn:

Sction C -

Operating Status In(icator an( Steering Mo(e Se3ect:

Sction  -

A3ar7 In(ication: ;ig: 2) La0out o! contro3 pane3

A0 Auto"atic steerin para"eter settin

T/ere are !our para7eter a(usting no>s: T=o steering s0ste7 running in(icators are at t/e rig/t corner to in(icating t/e running s0ste7: ?Its on30 app3ica>3e !or t/e pi3ot =it/ (ou>3e ;' steering s0ste7, S0ste7 * is (e!au3t setting i! s0ste7 se3ector is not connecte(:@ T/ere are !our a(usting no>s) 7EAT1ER 2Sensiti&it-3 ad(ust"ent 7EAT1ER To set t/e 7ini7u7 (e1iation ang3e a33o=e(: I! o!! course ang3e is >igger t/an t/e 1a3ue, autopi3ot =i33 sen( out ru((er or(er i77e(iate30: RU%%ER ad(ust"ent To set t/e ru((er ang3e 7o1e( !or one (egree o! /ea(ing (e1iation, t/at is t/e ratio >et=een ru((er ang3e 7o1e( an( /ea(ing (e1iation ang3e: I! t/e setting is too 3arge, t/at t/e 1esse3 7a0 0a=, 0a=, an( i! t/e setting is too 3itt3e, 3itt3 e, t/at t/e 1esse3 cou3( not return to t/e setting course Huic30 Huic30:: T/e range is : 8, usua330, its a>out *:": RATE ad(ust"ent T/at is (i!!erentia3 a(ust7ent, to a(ust t/e (0na7ic sta>i3it0 o! t/e 1esse3:  Appropriate a(ust7ent a(ust7ent cou3( i7pro1e t/e /ea(ing /ea(ings s sta>i3it0 on a straig/t course, an( (uring c/anging /ea(ing in auto-steering ena>3e 7ae t/e 1esse3 into ne= course Huic30 an( s7oot/30 =it/out o1er-s/oot or s3uggis/ response: ,IMIT ad(ust"ent T/e 1a3ue (eter7ines t/e 7ai7u7 ru((er 7o1e7ent a33o=e( in (egrees, it is 1er0 i7portant !or taners an( container s/ips, !or =/ic/ inc3ine =it/ 3arge ru((er  ang3e is not a33o=e( in or(er to a1oi( 1esse3s o1er -inc3ine: T/e range is "   Page 6 o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction

an( t/e !unction is on30 e!!ecti1e in auto7atic steering 7o(e: &an( steering s0ste7 runnin indicator S8S/ and S8S.9 t/e 3it one 7eans t/e s0ste7 is running: S0ste7 =i33 >e put in use >0 s0ste7 se3ector . (It’s only applicable for pilot with double FU systems)

*0 Rudder "o&in indication: %iital displa- o! 1eadin6ROT $ Course6ROT Settin

Ru((er 7o1ing in(ication is in t/e center o! contro33er pane3, its a pair o! triang3e 3a7ps 7are( =it/ s07>o3 PORT an( STB: Rudder "o&in indication9  I! t/e 3e!t triang3e 3a7p is 3it, in(icating t/e Qport ru((er or(er is sent out >0 autopi3ot, t/e ru((er 7ust 7o1ing to port: An( t/e rig/t triang3e one is 3it in(icating t/e

star>oar( ru((er or(er is sent out >0 autopi3ot, t/e ru((er s/ou3( 7o1e to star>oar(: Rudder li"it indication9 T=o strip in(ication 3a7ps >0 t/e triang3e in(icators are !or ru((er 3i7it: W/en t/e 3e!t 3a7p is 3it, it 7eans t/at ru((er is reac/e( to port 3i7it, an( t/e rig/t 3a7p is 3it, it 7eans t/at ru((er is reac/e( to star>oar( 3i7it:

Be3o= ru((er 7o1ing in(ication t/ere are &ea(ingROT ?ate of !urn @ in(icator, Setting Course Turn Turn Rate  in(icator, CO'RSEROT se set t setter, an( CRS set an( ROT set se3ect >utton ?see rig/t !igure@: Q1eadi 1eadin6RO n6ROT; T; indic indication ation  is a -(i (igi gitt (isp (isp3a 3a0 0, to in in(i (ica cate te pres presen entt /e /ea( a(in ing g ?reso3ution) :* (egree@ pro1i(e( >0 g0roco7pass or 7agnetic co7pass accor(ing to t/e se3ecte( signa3 source, or to in(icate present turn o! rate ?reso3ution) :*per  7in:@: etai3e( in!or7ation re!ers to t/e net section: ;Settin course6ROT; indication  is a -(igit (isp3a0 to in(icate t/e setting course, =/ic/ is set >0 o!!icer, o!!icer, =it/ a reso3ution o! * or setting rate o! turn >0 * per 7inute:

&o=e1er t/e t=o (isp3a0s in(icate t/e /ea(ing or rate o! turn, it is se3ecte( >0 t/e >utton on rig/t-/an( o! t/e CO'RSEROT set setter, an( LE 3a7ps on rig/t si(e o! t/e (isp3a0 =i33 >e 3it accor(ing30: accor(ing30: Press t/e CRS set set >utton, t/e CRS set LE 3a7ps =i3 3a7ps =i333 3ig 3ig/t /t up at t/e sa7e ti7e an( t=o (is (isp3a p3a0s 0s =i3 =i333 in( in(ica icate te t/e pres present ent /ea(ing an( present setting course respecti1e30: I! press t/e ROT set >utton, t/e ROT RO T se set t LE 3a7p 3a7ps s =i3 =i333 3ig 3ig/t /t up at t/e sa7e ti7e an( t=o (is (isp3a p3a0s 0s in(ic in(icate ate Page * o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction

1esse3s present rate o! turn an( t/e setting rate o! turn set >0 o!!icer: ;COURSE6ROT SETTING; setter   is is a pu3se co(er, to set t/e 1esse3s setting course ?or(er course@ or setting rate o! turn: In auto7atic steering, autopi3ot =i33 contro3 t/e 1esse3s /ea(ing auto7atica330 to eep t/e 1esse3 on t/e setting course, or turn t/e 1esse3 =it/ t/is rate o! turn as 7ai7u7 rate a33o=e( !or 1esse3:

To c/ange t/e setting course, press t/e CRS set >utton, t/en t=o (isp3a0s in(icate pr pres esen entt /e /ea( a(in ing g an an( ( se sett ttin ing g co cour urse se resp respec ecti ti1e 1e30 30,, an an( ( rea( rea(in ing g on S Set etti ting ng CourseT Cours eTurn urn Ra Rate te (is (isp3a p3a0 0 =i3 =i333 !3a !3as/, s/, t/e t/en n tur turn n QCO QCO'RS 'RSER EROT OT Set Settin ting g no no> > to c/ange t/e setting course rea(ing: To To put t/e ne= setting iinto nto e!!ect, press QCRS set >utton again, t/e ne= setting course is con!ir7e( at t/e 7o7ent an( Setting Course (isp3a0 stops !3as/ing: Ot/er=ise, ne= setting =it/out con!ir7ation is ine!!ecti1eJ Setting Settin g Cours Course e (isp (isp3a0 3a0 =i33 resu resu7e 7e t/e pre1i pre1ious ous rea(ing an( stop !3as/ !3as/ing ing a!ter  secon(s 3ater: To c/ange 1esse3s 7ai7u7 rate o! turn, press t/e QROT set >utton, a!ter set ne= setting setti ng o! ROT ROT,, it 7ust re-pr re-press ess t/e QROT set >utto >utton n !or con!ir7 con!ir7ation ation o! t/e ne= setting, t/e 7et/o( is sa7e =it/ Course setting: C3oc=ise turn t/e QCO'RSEROT SETTIN$ setter, t/e setting 1a3ue increases, ot/er=ise, counte ot/er=ise, counterr c3oc c3oc=ise =ise turnin turning g t/e setter an( t/e settin setting g 1a3ue =i33 (ecr (ecrease ease:: Turn t/e setter a circ3e, 2 i7pu3ses is sent out, course setting c/ange 2 or rate o!  turn setting c/ange 2per 7inute: C0 Operational status indicator $ "ode selection in auto"atic steerin "ode

T/ere are steering 7o(e in(icators an( spare steering 7o(e se3ector, se3ector, steering course signa3 se3ector, auto7atic steering 7o(e se3ector, o!!-course a3ar7 in(ication 3a7p an( co7pass 7a3!unction in(icator ?t/e course input signa3 !ro7 >ot/ 7agnetic co7pass an( g0roco7pass 7ust >e a1ai3a>3e@: Steerin "ode indicator9 T/ere are !our green in(ication 3a7ps o! operation 7o(e to s/o= t/e steering 7o(e, A'TO ?auto7atic steering 7o(e@, &AN ?/an( steering 7o(e@, N;' ?Non-!o33o=-up steering 7o(e@, A'D ?aui3iar0 station steering 7o(e@ respecti1e30, respecti1e30, t/e 3it one 7eans t/at t/e steering 7o(e is e!!ecti1e: In auto7atic steering 7o(e, t/ere are t=o 7o(es) &EAIN$ contro3 7o(e an( TRACK contro3 7o(e: Press CO'RSE >utton or TRACK >utton to se3ect auto7atic steering 7o(e: Notes9 Heading control   "ode# it $eeps the vessel on the pla planne nned d co cours urse e by au autom tomati atica cally lly se sendi ndin%  n%  Page ** o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction

rudder order accordin% to course provided by compass and the planned course set by officer. TRACK  ontrol   ontrol "ode# officer set the planned course on satellite navi%ational  devices or chart plotter, satellite navi%ational devices send out new course order  accordin% acco rdin%ly ly,, auto autopilot pilot receives this cours course e orde orderr and the cours course e prov provided ided by  compass compa ss to perfo perform rm stee steerin% rin% automatic automatically ally,, $eep the vess vessel el on the plann planned  ed  course. 'hen ch 'hen chan% an%in% in% to au autom tomati atic c mod mode e fro from m oth other er ste steeri erin% n% mod mode, e, defaul default  t  settin set tin% % is  U* U*+ + con contro troll mod mode e wit with h ves vessel sels s pre prese sent nt hea headin din% % as  planned course.

T/ere is a green in(ication 3a7p on Q COURSE >utton: uring auto7atic steering 7o(e, i! press QCO'RSE >utton, t/e 3a7p =i33 3ig/t up, it 7eans t/at setting course >0 course setter is t/e p3anne( course o! auto7atic steering: T/ere are t=o in(ication 3a7ps on Q TRACutton, once t/e autopi3ot recei1e t/e signa3 !ro7 sate33ite na1igator or c/art p3otter, t/e rig/t 0e33o= in(ication 3a7p 3ig/ts up, it 7eans t/at t/is 7o(e is a1ai3a>3e: I! t/e signa3 !ro7 sate33ite na1igator or c/art p3otter can not >e recei1e(, t/e 0e33o= in(icator =i33 not 3ig/t up, t/e 7o(e is una1ai3a>3e: uring auto7atic steering 7o(e, press QTRACK >utton, ti33 t/e 3e!t green in(ication 3a7p is 3it up, it 7ean 7eans s t/at cours course e signa3 !ro7 sate sate33ite 33ite na1iga na1igator tor or c/art p3otte p3otterr is t/e setting course o! auto7atic steering: T/ere T/er e ar are e t= t=o o >u >utt tton ons s !or !or cou ours rse e si sign gna3 a3 so sour urce ce se se3e 3ect ctio ion) n) MAGN ?7agnetic co7pass@ co7pa ss@ an( G8RO ?$0roco7pass@: T/ere is one 0e33o= in(ication 3a7p an( one green in(ication 3a7p on eac/ >utton respecti1e30, 0e33o= in(icator 7eans t/at t/is course signa3 is a1ai3a>3e !or steering contro33er in auto7atic 7o(e: I! t/e autopi3ot re rece cei1 i1es es !ro7 !ro7 >o >ot/ t/ si sign gna3 a3 so sour urce ces s at t/e t/e sa sa7e 7e ti7e ti7e,, t/e t/e (e (e!a !au3 u3tt se sett ttin ing g is g0roco7pa g0roc o7pass ss =/en start start-up, -up, its green in(ica in(icator tor 3ig/ts up, course o! g0roc g0roco7pas o7pass s s/o=s on t/e /ea(ing (isp3a0: To se3ect 7agnetic co7pass as course signa3 source, press t/e QMA$N >utton ti33 its green in(ication 3a7p is 3it up =/i3e t/e green in(icator !or Q$+RO ?g0roco7pass@ is =ent out, it 7eans t/at 7agnetic co7pass is t/e course signa3 source in auto7atic 7o(e, at t/e sa7e ti7e, present /ea(ing !ro7 7agnetic co7pass is s/o=n on t/e course (isp3a0 (isp3a0:: I! 0ou =ant to c/ange t/e course signa3 course return to g0roco7pass, sa7e 7et/o( to press Q$+RO >utton to return t/e course signa3 source to g0roco7pass: Caution: to ensure the safety, do not chan%e course si%nal source in Caution: to automa aut omatic tic ste steerin erin% % mod mode. e. If cha chan%i n%in% n% the co cours urse e si% si%nal nal sou source rce in auto au toma matic tic mo mode de,, ve vess ssel el ma may y tu turn rn su sudd dden enly ly du due e to th the e di diff ffer eren ence ce between two course si%nals.

Page *2 o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction

Steerin Alar" Indicator A,'+.  A3ar7 in(ication is on t/e 3e!t o! t/e auto7atic steering contro33er, t/ere are running in(icators o! No:* Pu7p an( No:2 pu7p, 7a3!unction a3ar7 in(icators: Net T/ere are t=o operating position in(icators an( steering 7o(e in(icators: 7oreo1er


a3ar7 M'TE an( TEST >uttons at >otto7: seria3 (igita3 signa3 to etension a3ar7 (e1ice an( 3oce( TEMP G Te7perature Te7perature o! /0(rau3ic oi3 is /ig/er t/an setting 1a3ue: PRESS G Oi3 pressure is 3o=er t/an setting 1a3ue: 1a3ue: 18,OCecause o! /0(rau3ic s0ste7 !ai3ure:

T/e t/ir( group in(ication 3a7p is =it/ !o33o=ing 7eaning: AUTOFAI,  G 7a3 7a3!un !uncti ction on o! int intern erna3 a3 cir circu cuit it o! aut auto7a o7atic tic con contro tro33 uni unit, t, /an /an( ( steering an( auto7atic steering are !ai3ure: %C .=)  G i! t/e green 3a7p 3ig/ts up, it 7eans 2< C po=er is supp3ie( nor7a330:

Be3o= t/e t/ir( group, t/ere are t=o 3a7ps s/o=n operationa3 position: It 7eans t/at t/e steering contro3 is in >ri(ge =/en green Q *RI%EGE in(ication 3a7p 3ig/ts up, =/i3e 0e33o= QSTERN in(ication 3a7p 7eans it is contro33e( in steering gear roo7: It (epen(s on operationa3 position o! se3ect s=itc/: Page * o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction

T/ere are t/ree >uttons >uttons at t/e >o >otto7) tto7) QIM, QTEST an( QM'TE %IM >utton at t/e 3e!t si(e, to a(ust i33u7ination o! t/e a3ar7 (isp3a0 MUTE >utton at center, to acno=3e(ge an( si3ence t/e a3ar7, TEST >utton to test a3ar7 s0ste7, press t/e >utton, a33 a3ar7 in(ication 3a7ps =i33 3ig/t on =it/ au(i>3e a3ar7, c/ec =/et/er t/e a3ar7 s0ste7 is in goo( con(ition:

In case o! a3ar7 occurrence, t/e in(ication 3a7p =i33 !3as/ =it/ au(i>3e a3ar7 soun( o! Q(u- (u-: Press M'TE >utton to si3ence t/e a3ar7, an( t/e 3a7p c/anges !ro7 !3as/ !3a s/ing ing to ste stea(0 a(0 3ig/t 3ig/ting: ing: In a(( a((itio ition, n, QMu QMute te t/e !or !or7er 7er a3a a3ar7 r7 (o not a!!e a!!ect ct t/e !unction o! re-a3ar7ing =it/ au(i>3e soun( !or anot/er a3ar7: I! t/e trou>3e is c3eare(, c3eare( , t/e a3ar7 3a7p =i33 =ent out auto7atica330: auto7atica330:  NFU Steerin le&er SAE N;' steering 3e1er is on t/e >otto7 rig/t-/an( corner o! t/e steering stan( pane3, it is a se3!-reset s=itc/ to per!or7 N;' steering: N;' s=itc/ /as a c/aracter o!  Oo, =/ic/ s/ou3( >e speci!ie( in or(er: or(er: T/e starting 7o(e t/at is (irect starting or star-(e3ta starting s/ou3( >e speci!ie( as =e33: Port an Port an( ( star star>o >oar ar( ( star starte ters rs ar are e su supp pp3i3ie( e( >0 t/re t/reee-p/ p/as ase e po po=e =err !ro7 !ro7 7a 7ain in s=itc/>oar( an( e7ergenc0 s=itc/>oar( a3ong =it/ port an( star>oar( respecti1e30: Eac/ starter /as a t/ree positi position on s=itc/, t/e t/ree positions are re7ote contro3 ?contr ?co ntro3 o3 in >ri >ri(ge (ge@, @, tur turn-o n-o!!, !!, sta starti rting, ng, =/e =/en n a33 t/e t/e0 0 are on t/e re re7ot 7ote e pos positi ition, on, operator cou3( start up or turn o!! an0 one /0(rau3ic s0ste7 in >ri(ge: I! t/e s=itc/ o!  one starter is on t/e position o! starting or stop, t/en t/e correspon(ing /0(rau3ic s0ste7 can >e starte( an( turne( o!! in steering gear roo7, t/ere!ore, steering can >e per!or7e( >0 operating steering >o in steering gear roo7: ?;or (etai3s, see t/e a>o1e section o! steering >o@: W/en starting an( turn o!! t/e /0(rau3ic s0ste7 in >ri(ge, a33 a>o1e-7entione( s=itc/es s/ou3( >e on  Re"oteB ?contro3 in >ri(ge@ position: In a((ition, t/ere are 7onitoring !unctions =it/ (etecting an( trans7itting a3ar7 signa3s !or /0(rau3ic s0ste7: In case o! 7a3!unction in /0(rau3ic s0ste7, it =i33 sen( out 1isua3 an( au(i>3e a3ar7 at once: T/at is se1en 7onitoring ite7s) 3oss o! po=er  !or /0(rau3ic s0ste7, p/ase 3oss o! po=er supp30, s upp30, o1er3oa( o! pu7p 7otor, o1er-/ig/ pressure o! oi3 !i3ter, o1er-3o= 3iHui( 3e1e3 in oi3 tan, o1er-/ig/ oi3 te7perature an( o1er-3o= oi3 pressure: In a((ition, t/ere are Qtest >utton to test a3ar7 s0ste7 an( Q7ute >utton to si3ence t/e a3ar7: QMute t/e !or7er a3ar7 (o not a!!ect !unction o!  anot/er a3ar7ing =it/ au(i>3e soun( again:


Au Au#i #ilia liarr- st stat atio ion n AD AD'+ '+ 2opt 2optio iona nal3 l3

'sua330, it 7eans t/e steering (e1ices on >ot/ =ings o! >ri(ge: A si7p3e steering >o 'sua330, is t/e si7p3est aui3iar0 station: W/en 7o(e se3ector is on A'D: position, an( QAu: in(ication 3a7p 3ig/ts up, it 7eans t/at steering in >ri(ge =ings is a1ai3a>3e, an( steering is contro33e( >0 (irect30 operating t/e s=itc/ on an0 one aui3iar0 station: &o=e1er, t/e t=o aui3iar0 stations are inter3oce( eac/ ot/er, t/at is, i!  operation in t=o aui3iar0 stations si7u3taneous30 si7u3taneous30,, >ot/ contro3s are in1a3i(: >0 E#t E#tent ention ion R Rudd udder er Ala Alar" r" %e %e&ic &ice e A, A,'+E '+E2op 2optio tional nal33

Etension a3ar7 (e1ice can >e 7ounte( at a p3ace =/ere nee( a3ar7 signa3 (isp3a0 ?e:g: ru((er 7onitoring 7onitoring stan( stan(@: @: It recei recei1es 1es signa3s !ro7 steeri steering ng s0st s0ste7 e7 >0 seria3 trans7ission inter!ace:

Page *5 o! 6


BT-82B Operating Instruction III. Technical speciicai"n

Woring te7perature)

-* ~


Po=er supp30)   Ma M ain po=er

8< "5&. 2" ac-up@

2ot/ No: *an( No:2 pu7ps are in operation 5

Contro3 status)

ABC ?-(igit@ (e (e!ine( >e3o=)



 A) B)

* G /ea(ing /ea(ing contro33e( * G contro33e( in >ri(ge


* G N;' steering

 A3ar7 in!or7ation) in!or7ation)

2 G trac contro33e( contro33e( 2 G contro33e( in ru((er gear roo7 2 G &AN steering

 G A'TO steering

Tota330 2 ite7, ?A - nor7a3 operation, operation, < - a3ar7@ a3ar7@

: *:

o1er3oa( in No:* s0ste7


3o= 3e1e3 in No:2

: 2:

p/ase >rea in No:* s0ste7


!i3ter >3oc in No:2

: :

po=er 3ost in No:* s0ste7


/ig/ oi3 te7perature in No:2

": : ":

3o= 3e1e3 in No:* s0ste7


!i3ter >3oc in No:* s0ste7

5: *

3o= oi3 pressure in No:2 no (e!inition

4: 5:

/ig/ oi oi3 tte e7p: in in No No:* s0 s0ste7 *

/0(rau3ic s0 s0ste7 >3 >3oc iin n No No:2

Page *8 o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction 8: 4:

3o= oi oi3 p prressure No No:* s0 s0ste7 *

No:* 7ain po=er !or steering stan( is 3ost

6: 8:

no (e!inition


No:2 7ain po=er !or steering stan( is 3ost

: 6:

No:* /0(rau3ic s0ste7 3oc


No (e!inition

*: *:

o1er3oa( in No:2 s0ste7


O!!-course a3ar7

2: **:

p/ase >rea in No:2 s0ste7


Co7pass 7a3!unction

: *2:

po=er 3oss in No:2 s0ste7


 A'TO 7o(e 7o(e !ai3ure


?po=er ?po= er !ai3ure !ai3ure o! auto auto steering steering contro3 unit@

Page *6 o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction IV.. IV


Operational Procedure Start'up $ turn o!! th the pilot

 Start'up the pilot

Preparation) c3ose t/e s=itc/ on t/e 7ain s=itc/>oar( an( e7ergenc0 s=itc/>oar( to put t/roug/ po=er supp30 to /0(rau3ic s0ste7 o! autopi3ot: Put t/e t/e Pu7p steering se3ector 7o(e se3ector to N;' position: Put to position !or t/e se3ecte( pu7p: T/en t/e No:* or No:2 /0(rau3ic s0ste7 is put t/roug/ an( starte( up, an( t/en t/e autopi3ot puts into operation at once: A!ter t/at, put t/e s=itc/ on c/arging F (isc/arging pane3 or su>(istri>ution >o !or 20 one, >e sure t/at >ot/ s0ste7s an( a33 steering 7o(es are in goo( con(itions:  At 3ast, put t/e steering 7o(e on &an( position, an( put ru((er on 7i(s/ip, =aiting !or sai3ing:  Turn o!! the pilot

Preparation) turn to QN;' steering 7o(e, an( set t/e ru((er on 7i(s/ip: Put t/e P'MP Se3ect no> on O;; position, t/e steering s0ste7 an( /0(rau3ic s0ste7 =i33 stop operation i77e(iate30: T/en, put t/e 7o(e se3ect s=itc/ to O;; positio pos ition, n, an( s=itc s=itc/ / o!! o!! po= po=er er !or ste steeri ering ng s0s s0ste7 te7 on t/e 7ain s=i s=itc/ tc/>oa >oar( r( an( e7ergenc0 s=itc/>oar(: At 3ast, put t/e s=itc/ on c/arging F (isc/arging pane3 or  section >o !or 2e c/ange( a!ter start-up, an( =it/ a -(igit LE (isp3a0 t/e course: If the input of %yrocompass is analo% si%nal from synch or step-by-step, that  first must ma$e sure the course si%nal of /-01 analo%ue2di%ital converter is match up with the output of 3yrocompass.

T/e &ea(ing F Setting Course (isp3a0 ?-(igit LE 3ig/t@ on contro3 pane3 s/o=s t/e co7pass course too, (e!au3t setting is t/e course o! g0roco7pass, an( green in(ication 3a7p on $+RO >utton 3ig/ts up: To c/ange t/e course >enc/7ar to 7agnetic co7pass, press t/e MA$N >utton, a3ong =it/ a =/ist3e o! >, green in(icator on MA$N >utton 3ig/ts up =/i3e t/e in(icator on $+RO is =ent out: &ea(ing (isp3a0 s/o=s t/e course o! 7agnetic co7pass:

Page 2 o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction


NFU 22N Non'!ollow'up3 s stteerin

NFU steerin in bride

N;' steering 7o(e is a in( o! e7ergenc0 F >acup 7o(e t/at is se3(o7 use(: But it is necessar0 to c/ec it regu3ar30 to 7ae sure its nor7a3 operation in case o!  e7ergenc0: So 3ong as t/e operation is in >ri(ge, 7o(e can >e use( at an0 ti7e no 7atter =/at 7o(e it is se3ecte(, >ecause N;' steering /as a QOe per!or7e( in >ot/ =ings o! >ri(ge: Put t/e steering 7o(e se3ector is on QA'D: position, an( 3a7ps on si7p3e steering >oes =i33 3ig/t up at t/e ti7e, it 7eans t/at steering in t=o si7p3e steering >oes is a1ai3a>3e: W/en operating on one steering >o, its in(ication 3a7p 3ig/ts up, t/en t/e 3a7p in t/e ot/er >o =i33 auto7atica330 go out an( retreat !ro7 contro3 since t/e t=o steering >oes are inter3oce( eac/ ot/er: I! operating at >ot/ si(es si7u3taneous30 si7u3taneous30,, t/en >ot/ contro3s are in1a3i(, pa0 attention to a1oi( its occurrence: Steerin in steerin ear roo"

W/et/er >ri(ge steering stan( is in operating or not, steering in steering gear roo7 can >e per!or7e( accor(ing to t/e !o33o=ing proce(ures: Start up one set o! /0(rau3ic s0ste7, turn t/e position se3ector on t/e Steering >o in steering gear roo7 to contro3 in stern position, t/en steering can >e per!or7e( >0 steering s=itc/ on steering >o: I! steering stan( is in operating an( contro3 in stern in(ication 3a7p on steering >o 3ig/ts up, t/en operatin operating g in >ri(ge is ine!!ect ine!!ecti1e: i1e: W/en t/e posi position tion se3ecto se3ectorr turns >ac to Contro3 in >ri(ge, ru((er is un(er contro3 o! steering stan( in >ri(ge, =/i3e operation in steering gear roo7 is ine!!ecti1e: W/en operating in steering gear roo7, t/e /0(rau3ic s0ste7 can >e starte( !ro7 >ri(ge, as =e33 as steering gear roo7 >0 7anua3, G so 3ong as put t/e se3ector o! 

Page 2* o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction

starter on ON or O;; position, t/e /0(rau3ic s0ste7 =i33 >e starte( or turne( o!!: 'hen turn bac$ to control in brid%e, put the selector on starter to 4remote5 position, and position selector on steerin% bo6 to  control in brid%e  position, to ensure the full control of steerin% system in brid%e.


1and steerin

&an( steering is an o!ten-use( steering 7o(e, especia330 =/en entering an( 3ea1ing /ar>or or sai3ing in narro= =ater =ater:: To per!or7 /an( steering accor(ing to t/e !o33o=ing proce(ures) a: Tur urn n t/e t/e stee steeri ring ng =/ =/ee ee3, 3, an an( ( 7a 7ae e t/e t/e po poin inte terr o! ru(( ru((er er in(i in(ica cato torr po poin intt at present ru((er ang3e: >: Turn t/ t/e e 7o( 7o(e e se3e se3ecto ctorr to Q/an Q/an( ( ste steeri ering ng po posit sition ion,, t/e / /an an( ( in( in(ica icatio tion n 3a7p 3ig/ts up t/en t/e s0ste7 is operate( in /an( steering 7o(e: c: Turn t/ t/e e =/ee =/ee33 to 3e!t or rig rig/t /t sen sen(in (ing g out t/e or or(er (er 7o 7o1in 1ing g to port or st star> ar>oar oar(, (, t/e 1a3ue is (eter7ine( >0 t/e turning ang3e o! t/e =/ee3, =/ic/ is in(icating >0 t/e pointer o! ru((er in(icator: T/e ru((er =i33 auto7atica330 !o33o= up an( reac/ t/e or(er: =0

Auto"atic steerin

 Auto7atic steering is a 7o(e o!ten use( (uring 3ong 1o0age: To ensure t/e sa!et0 sa!et0,, =atc/ t/e sea care!u330 =/en auto7atic steering: Caution9 %o not use auto"atic steerin "ode in narrow water  and when enterin and lea&in harbor0

To actua3i.e auto7atic steering accor(ing to t/e !o33o=ing proce(ures) a:

Ma Mae e su sure re tt/a /att a a3333 p par ara7 a7et eter er a a( (us ust7 t7en ents ts !!or or a aut uto7 o7at atic ic s ste teer erin ing ga are re o on n nor7a3 positions) WEAT&ER -R' R' ER ER






:" or * in ca37 seaJ 2 or  in >a( sea 's 'sua ua33330 0 iit ts s a>o a>out ut *:", *:", it (e (epe pen( n(s so on n rru( u((e (err e e!!!ect !ect,, re( re(uc uce e iitt i!i! t/e ru((er e!!ect is too >ig an( increase it i! e!!ect is >a(: It iis s (eter7ine( >0 1 1e esse3s 3oa() *2 *2 !or 3i3ig/t 33o oa(e(,    !or /a3! 3oa( an( "5 !or !u330 3oa(: It iis s (eter7ine( >0 1esse3s tt0 0pe a an n( o op perators eperiences: 'sua330, *!or container, *"!or >u3 cargo an( taner:


Op Oper erat ate ea an( n( 7a 7ae e 1e 1ess sse3 e3s s ac actu tua3 a3 c cou ours rse ea agr gree ee =it =it/ /e ep pec ecta tatio tion nc cou ours rse: e: Con!ir7 t/at t/e se3ecte( course >enc/7ar source !or auto7atic steering is e!!ecti1eJ >ot/ t/e green an( 0e33o= in(ication 3a7ps o! t/e se3ecte( course source are 3it up:


Turn t/e 7o( 7o(e es se3e e3ecto ctorr to to QA QA'T 'TO O p posi ositio tion, n, an( QA' QA'TO TO in in(ic (icati ation on 3a7 3a7p p iis s 33it it up: T/en, t/e /ea(ing at t/e 7o7ent =i33 >e t/e setting course auto7atica330 an( eeps t/e 1esse3 on t/e present /ea(ing:

Page 22 o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction

 Auto steerin control "ode when chaneo&er to AUT AUTO O steerin

&ea(ing contro3 7o(e is t/e (e!au3t setting a!ter c/angeo1er to auto7atic steering, at t/is ti7e, t/e green in(ication 3a7p o! QCO'RSE Q CO'RSE is 3it, =/i3e green in(ication 3a7p o! QTRACK is (ea(: Chaneo&er control "ode in auto"atic steerin

;or7 QCO'RSE contro3 7o(e to QTRACK contro3 7o(e  ttention# satellite navi%ational si%nal si%nal input is necessary for !7 !7 control mode, that is, 4!75 is only available till its yellow indication lamp li%hts up.

Press t/e QTRACK >utton, ti33 t/e green in(ication 3a7p o! QTRACK >utton 3ig/ts up =/i3e green 3a7p o! QCO'RSE >utton is =ent out: Course signa3 !ro7 sate33ite na1igator is t/e setting course o! auto7atic steering: G It is >ase( on t/e setting course set >0 o!!icer on sate33ite na1igationa3 (e1ices in a(1ance: Notes) *:

Wa0 a0po poin ints ts TRACK s/ s/ou ou3( 3( >e se sett on sa sate te3333it ite e na na1 1igat igatio iona na33 (e (e1i 1ice ces s >e >e!o !ore re per!or7ing contro3 7o(e in auto7atic steering: 2: In QT QTRA RACK CK 7o(e (e,, CO CO'R 'RSE SER ROT OT SET ETT TIN IN$ $ sett tter er on steer teerin ing g contro33er can not >e set >0 7anua3: : W/e W/en n t/e t/ere re is in inpu putt !ro7 $P $PS S =a0 =a0poi points nts in in!or !or7at 7ation ion,, 0e33o 0e33o= = in( in(ica icatio tion n 3a7p o! QTRACK >utton =i33 !3as/, i! t/e ne= setting course can not >e recei1 rec ei1e(, e(, aut autopi opi3ot 3ot =i3 =i333 e eep ep str straig aig/t /t cou course rse on t/e set settin ting g co cours urse e recei1e( in t/e 3ast ti7e:

;ro7 QTRACK contro3 7o(e to QCO'RSE contro3 7o(e Press QCO'RSE >utton, ti33 t/e green in(ication 3a7p o! QCO'RSE >utton 3ig/ts up, =/i3e green in(icator o! QTRACK is =ent out: T/e present /ea(ing o! t/e 7o7ent =i33 >e t/e setting course !or auto7atic steering:

1ow to chane &esselKs headin in 1eadin control "ode o! auto"atic steerin

;irst, press QCRSset >utton to acti1ate t/e !unction o! course setting, &EA in(icator an( CO'RSE in(icator 3ig/t up at t/e sa7e ti7e, t=o (isp3a0s s/o= t/e present /ea(ing an( !or7er setting ?!3as/ing@ respecti1e30: respecti1e30: C3oc=ise or counter c3oc=ise turn CO'RSEROT SETTIN$ setter to increase or  (ecrease t/e setting, i! reac/ing epectation 1a3ue, t/en press t/e CRSset >utton again, ne= setting course stops !3as/ing, an( it is con!ir7e(: Autopi3ot =i33 sen( out ru((er or(er correspon(ing to t/is ne= setting i77e(iate30 i77e(iate30,, contro3 t/e 1esse3 on t/e ne= setting course: 8otes#

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BT-82B Operating Instruction

9. o onf nfir irma mati tion on (r (ree-pr pres essi sin% n% th the e  * *se set t bu butt tton on)) is ne nece cess ssar ary y to pu putt th the e settin% into effect. therwise, display stops flashin% 0 seconds later and bac$ to the former settin% by itself. 2. If the difference between settin% course and present course %reater than ff-U*+ alarm li%hts up and the buutton again, Setting CourseTurnRate (isp3a0 stops !3as/ing, t/e ne= setting is con!ir7e(: T/e autopi3ot sen(s out ru((er  or(er to contro3 t/e 1esse3s turning accor(ing to t/e t=o settings) 7ai7u7 ru((er  ang3e an( 7ai7u7 rate o! turn: isp3a0s =i33 s/o= t/e actua3 turn o! rate an( 7ai7u7 turn o! rate unti3 pressing t/e Course >utton: Opti7u7 setting o! ru((er ang3e 3i7it an( rate o! turn is (eter7ine( accor(ing to t/e actua act ua33 situat situation ion o! t/e 1esse 1esse33 as =e3 =e333 as cap captai tains ns opini opinion: on: T/e (e! (e!au3 au3tt set settin ting g o!  7ai7u7 rate o! turn is 66 per 7inute =/en (e3i1er0 >0 7anu!acturer:  Further explanation on "TRACK" control mode of automatic steering

I!na1igator autopi3otoris$PS connecte( =it/ sate33ite na1igationa3 (e1ices, suc/ $PS sate33ite c/art p3otter, an( it can output APB sentence in as accor(ance =it/ NMEA-*8, operates accor(ing to t/e !o33o=ing steps,  A: Set at 3east one goa3 on sate33ite na1igation (e1ices ?e:g: $PS@ accor(ing to t/e instruction o! t/e (e1ice: B: C/ec =/et/er t/e 0e33o= in(icator on TRACK is !3as/ing a!ter connecting =it/ na1igationa3 (e1ices, i! t/e in(ication 3a7p (oes not 3ig/t up, it 7eans t/at no sate33ite na1igationa3 in!or7ation recei1e(, c/ec t/e connection >et=een t/e autopi3ot an( na1igationa3 (e1ices: C: Put t/e 7o(e se3ector to A'TO position, press TRACK >utton, an( t/e green in(ication 3a7p o! TRACK is 3it up: : W/en goa3 (ata !ro7 na1igationa3 (e1ices is recei1e(, t/e >earing to =a0point

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BT-82B Operating Instruction

s/o=s on t/e Setting courseTurn Rate (isp3a0 (isp3a0:: At t/is 7o7ent, T/e green in(icator o! TRACK 3ig/ts up an( 0e33o= in(icator !3as/es: A'TO in(icator 3ig/ts up at t/e sa7e ti7e: *ettin% of two or more %oals

W/en t/ere are t=o or 7ore goa3 settings in t/e na1igationa3 (e1ices, t/e autopi3ot =i33 recei1e t/ese goa3 signa3s in turn, an( go !or=ar( to t/e setting goa3 in turn: W/en t/e 1esse3s arri1e( on one goa3 t/en start to=ar(s t/e net goa3, i! t/ere is a 3arge course c/ange, t/e 1esse3 7a0 (ri!t to t/e outsi(e: =andlin% of arrivin% at the last %oal

W/en arri1ing at t/e 3ast setting goa3, 1esse3 7a0 eep turning aroun( t/e goa3: T/e turning (irection (epen(s on t/e 1esse3s position o! t/e ti7e: Operator s/ou3( /an(3e it accor(ing to t/e actua3 situation =/en approac/ing t/e goa3: =ow to dod%e other vessels or obstructions

It is no nee( to s=itc/ o1er t/e steering 7o(e in case t/at t/ere is ot/er 1esse3 or  o>structions, operating N;' steering 3e1er to a1oi( t/e7: Re3ease t/e 3e1er a!ter  (eparting !ro7 ot/er 1esse3 or o>structions, s0ste7 =i33 resu7e to t/e TRACK 7o(e auto7atica330: 8o navi%ational si%nal in !7 control mode

I! no na1igationa3 signa3 recei1e( *" secon( a!ter t/e initia3 setting o! TRACK 7o(e, t/ere is recei1ing error an( a 3ong =/ist3e o! > I! t/e > continues =/ist3ing, s=itc/ s=itc / to t/e ot/er steering 7o(e !or a 7o7ent, an( turn >ac to TRACK steering 7o(e again 3ater, 3ater, i! >u.. > er stop stops s =/ist =/ist3ing, 3ing, it 7ean 7eans s s0ste7 are nor7a nor7a33 in TRACK 7o(e: 8avi%ational si%nal transmission brea$s durin% voya%e

I! t/e sate33ite na1igationa3 (e1ice stops trans7itting na1igationa3 signa3 (uring t/e 1o0age, or t/ere is 7a3!unction o! na1igationa3 contro33er input, 1esse3 =i33 eep straig/t course =it/ t/e (estination >earing recei1e( in t/e 3ast ti7e auto7atica330: ?0

Op Opti ti"i "i5a 5ati tion on o! Au Auto to"a "ati tic cS Ste teer erin in P Per er!o !or" r"an ance ce

 A!ter i7p3e7enting auto7atic steering, o>ser1ation is sti33 necessar0 =/et/er t/e 1esse3 1es se3 cou cou3( 3( eep eep to t/e or( or(er er cou course rse sat satis! is!act actori ori30 30:: A( A(ust usting ing t/e par para7e a7eter ters s appr ap prop opri riat ate3 e30 0 co cou3 u3( ( op opti ti7i 7i.e .e it its s pe per!o r!or7 r7an ance ce,, to 7a 7ae e it in t/e t/e >e >est st co con( n(it itio ion: n:  A(ust7ent is as !o33o=s)  7EAT1ER Ad(ust"ent

WEAT&ER WEA T&ER setting (eter7ines t/e a33o=e( a7ount o! 0a= in (egree, i:e: t/e 1esse3 7a0 (e1iate !ro7setting, t/e setting course(e1iation >e!ore an0 response !ro7ru((er t/e ru((er is gi1en: T/e 3arger 1a3ue t/e 3arger range is >ut 3ess 7o1e7ent: T/e 3o=er setting, t/e s7a33er (e1iation range is i s a33o=e( =it/ /ig/er accurac0 to eep t/e course, >ut t/e ru((er 7o1e7ent is 7ore !reHuent:

Page 2" o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction

WEAT&ER is set at * aroun( !or ca37 sea state: WEAT&ER setting s/ou3( >e increase( =it/ roug/ sea state, an( t/e >est setting 7a0 >e (eter7ine( as per t/e 1esse3s natura3 o!!-course states: eter7ination o! 1esse3s natura3 o!! course 1a3ue) set t/e WEA WEAT&ER T&ER on Q* position, o>ser1e t/e a1erage (e1iation range re3ati1e to t/e course or(er, e:g: i! o>ser1e( (e1iation range is a>out  (egree, t/en set it on Q or a position t/at a 3itt3e 3ess t/an : I! in roug/ sea resu3t in /uge 0a=, its unnecessar0 to correct course !reHuent30 !reHuent30:: ;ro7 t/e point o! sa!et0, set an appropriate o!! course 3i7it an( >e !ar a=a0 !ro7 surge:  RU%%ER ad(ust"ent

R'ER setting (eter7ines /o= 7an0 ru((er ang3e to correct one (egree o! t/e (e1iation !ro7 setting course, !or ea7p3e, i! 1esse3s /ea(ing (e1iates !ro7 t/e setting course to t/e star>oar( =it/ ang3e o! 2, I! R'ER a(: points at :" G ru((er pa((3e 7o1es to port =it/ an ang3e o! * I! R'ER a(: points at * G ru((er pa((3e 7o1es to port =it/ an ang3e o! 2 I! R'ER a(: points at 2 G ru((er pa((3e 7o1es to port =it/ an ang3e o!  'sua330,, R'ER a(: is on **:": 'sua330 T/e $oo( setti setting, ng, t/at is re3at re3ate( e( to 1ess 1esse3s e3s t0pe, ru((ers per!or7a per!or7ance, nce, 1esse3 1esse3s s spee( an( so on, an( s/ou3( >e 1eri!ie( >0 0a=ing o! s/ip in actua3 practice: It is easier to u(ge it in ca37 sea: In ca37 sea, put t/e QR' QR'ER ER a(ust7 a(ust7ent ent at Q*:2 , =/en 1esse3 (ri!ts !ro7 t/e epecte( course >0 =in(, a sing3e 7o1e7ent o! ru((er cou3( stop 1esse3s (e1iation auto7atica330 an( 7ae it turn >ac to epecte( course 3itt3e >0 3itt3e, t/e setting is appropriate as =e33 as t/e >est: I! t/e /ea(ing goes >ac Huic30 an( o1er t/e setting course, ru((er /as to 7o1e con1erse30 again, t/ere!ore ru((er 7o1es o1er an( o1er again, it 7eans t/at t/e setting is too 3arge, p3ease (ecrease t/e 1a3ue o! setting: I! on on30 30 t=o t=o or 7o 7ore re ru(( ru((er er 7o 7o1e 1e7e 7ent nts s in sa sa7e 7e (ire (irect ctio ion n co cou3 u3( ( stop stop 1e 1ess sse3 e3s s (e1iation, it 7eans t/at t/e setting is too s7a33, p3ease increase t/e 1a3ue o! setting: T/e opti7u7 setting is re3e1ant =it/ 1esse3s spee(, =ater current an( ru((er e!!ect: Larger setting !or 3o= 1esse3 spee( an( >a( ru((er e!!ect, an( s7a33er setting !or  /ig/ /ig / 1e 1esse sse33 sp spee( ee( an( goo goo( ( ru( ru((e (err e!!ec e!!ect, t, so a( a(ust ust t/e QR' QR'E ER R set settin ting g as 1esse3s spee( is c/ange(:  RATE ad(ust"ent

RATE is (eter7ine( >0 t/e 1esse3s 3oa() 3arger setting !or !u33 3oa(, =/i3e s7a33er  setting !or >a33ast3ig/t-3oa(:  A!ter setting o! opti7u7 RATE, RATE, turn t/e 1esse3 to port an( star>oar( =it/ a an n ang3e o!  *"2 *"2  in auto7 auto7atic atic steering respecti1 respecti1e30 e30,, i! 1ess 1esse3 e3 c/an c/ange ge its /ea( /ea(ing ing Huic Huic30 30 =it/out ecessi1e o1ers/oot ?no 7ore t/an or a>ut * o! course turning@, t/en

Page 25 o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction

t/e setting is appropriate an( s0ste7 is in t/e >est con(ition: I! 1esse3 is >ogge( (o=n or 3itt3e >0 3itt3e to enter t/e ne= course =it/out an0 o1ers/oot, it 7eans t/e sett se tting ing is e ece cess ssi1 i1e, e, so re(u re(uce ce it: I! 1e 1ess sse3 e3s s o1 o1er ers/ s/oo oott is 7o 7ore re t/an t/an , , an an( ( o1ers/oots occur again a!ter re-turning, e1en 1i>ration =it/out rest, it 7eans t/e setting o! (i!!erentia3 para7eter is insu!!icient, p3ease increase it: Notes)  A: I! t/e t/ere re is =a =a1e 1e on t/e se sea, a, it is possi possi>3e >3e to /a1 /a1e e so7 so7e=/ e=/at at >ig o1ers o1ers/oo /oott a!t a!ter  er  turningJ /o=e1er, /o=e1er, t/e situation =it/out an0 o1ers/oot s/ou3( >e a1oi(e( as =e33: B: So7e s7a33-si.e 1esse3s /a1e no o1ers/oot e1en =it/out (i!!erentia3 para7eter  =/en turning /ea(ing: Appropriate increase o! QR'ER setting cou3( i7pro1e its turning a>i3it0 a>i3it0:: C: So7e 1esse3s 7a0 /a1e a >ig o1ers/oot a!ter a 3arge ang3e turning, an( increasing QRATE QRA TE 1a3ue 7aes no use as =e33: At t/is ti7e, app30 use a 3arger !i3tering ti7e constant, i7pro1e t/e spee( o! ru((er 7o1e7ent appropriate30, an( re(uce t/e ti7e >et=een /ar( o1er to /ar( o1er to 2 secon(s, e1en 3ess, re-test again: I! a33 t/ese t/es e actio actions ns sti33 /a1e no e!!e e!!ect, ct, rep3ace a 3arge /ea( /ea(ing ing ang3e turni turning ng =it/ se1era3 s7a33 /ea(ing ang3e turning:  ,IMIT ad(ust"ent

I! t/e 1esse3 careene( >a(30 =/en turning, t/e setting s/ou3( >e (ecrease(: I! t/e turning is too s3o= =it/ 3itt3e 3 itt3e inc3ining, increase t/e setting: LIMIT is 1a3i( in a33 contro3 acti1ities, t/at is, it a3so restrict possi>3e 7ai7u7 rate o! turn:  ROT Ad(ust"ent

I! t/e 1esse3 careene( >a(30 =/en it turns at t/e 7ai7u7 turn rate, re(uce t/e setting o! Rate-o!-Turn: I! t/e 1esse3 inc3ines 3itt3e =/i3e t/e turn rate is too 3o=, increase t/e setting o! Rate-o!-Turn: I! t/e 1esse3s turn rate can not reac/ t/e setting 1a3ue, c/ec =/et/er it is cause( >0 s7a33 setting o! ru((er LIMIT: LIMIT:

Page 24 o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction

Installation instruction




uring t/e insta33ation, (o not 7o1e t/e eHuip7ent >0 roping t/e =/ee3 or  /an(rai3s, =/ee3 or /an(rai3 7a0 >rea >ecause o! t/e =eig/t o! steering stan(, causing stan(s !a33ing an( (a7age:

The !ollowin points are i"portant !or the nor"al operation o! the autopilot9

*: App App30 30 t/e ca> ca>3es 3es sp spec eci!ie i!ie( ( in t/e s0ste s0ste7 7 =irin =iring g (ra= (ra=ing ings, s, an( c/ c/oos oose e t/e ca> ca>3e 3e 7o(e3 t/at accor(ing =it/ t/e stan(ar( reHuire7ents:  Ca>3es !or insta33ation are not supp3ie( >0 t/e eHuip7ent un3ess ot/er=ise state(:   2:

o n not ot u use se t/ t/e e ca ca>3e >3e =it =it/ou /outt per per!or !or7in 7ing g /i /ig/ g/ 1 1o3t o3tage age tes test: t:


ont >un( >un(3e 3e up tt/e /e ca ca>3es >3es o o!! auto autopi3ot pi3ot =it/ p po=er o=er c ca>3e, a>3e, 3ou(s 3ou(spea peaer er ca> ca>3e, 3e, an an( ( so on: In a((ition, 1esse3s /ig/ po=er ra(io 7a0 inter!ere =it/ t/e autopi3ot eac/ ot/er:


To o>ta o>tain in an ac accurat curate e /ea /ea(ing (ing !ro !ro7 7 t/e 7a 7agneti gnetic c co7p co7pass, ass, g great reat c care are s/o s/ou3( u3( >e taen to t/e 3ocation o! t/e co7pass, in t/e area *7 c3ose to 7agnetic co7pass, t/ere s/ou3( not >e ot/er e3ectrica3 instru7ents, acti1e 7agnet, strong 7agnet, or ot/er t/ings 7a0 a!!ect its accurac0: A33 t/e ca>3es o! 3arge e3ectrica3 current s/ou3( >e insta33e( in coup3es, an( it is 7uc/ >etter t=isting eac/ ot/er ot/er:: Accurac0 o! 7agnetic co7pass s/ou3( >e ca3i>rate( regu3ar30 regu3ar30::


T/ T/e e 7o 7oun unti ting ng p3ac p3ace e s/ s/ou ou3( 3( >e co con1 n1en enie ient nt !or !or op oper erat atio ion n =it =it/ / 3it 3itt3 t3e e 1i 1i>r >rat atio ion: n: Pre1ent t/e eHuip7ent !ro7 rain an( suns/ine to pro3ong its ser1ice 3i!e: T/e appropriate space aroun( t/e instru7ent 7ust >e 3e!t !or eas0 7aintenance:

5: Mae s sure ure t/ t/at at po po=er =er su supp3ie( pp3ie( >0 1e 1esse3 sse3 is a agree( gree( = =it/ it/ t/e po=e po=err reHu reHueste( este( to a1oi( (a7age o! t/e eHuip7ent: 4:

on ontt 7e 7eas asur ure e insu insu3a 3ato torr resi resist stan ance ce =i =it/ t/ /ig/ /ig/-r -res esis ista tanc nce e 7e 7ete terr, >e >eca caus use e t/e t/e s0ste7 app3ies se7icon(uctor co7ponents: Cut o!! t/e re3ate( ca>3es an( =ires to t/e s0ste7 >e!ore 7easuring e3ectric (istri>ution circuit =it/ 7eg-o/77eters:

8: T/ T/e e a3 a3ig ign7 n7en entt pr proc oce( e(ur ure e /a /as s >e >een en pe per! r!or or7e 7e( ( >e >e!o !ore re t/e t/e (e (e3i3i1e 1er0 r0:: o no nott atte7pt to (isasse7>30 or a3ign it ran(o730: P3ease contact =it/ 7anu!acturer in case o! pro>3e7s: Installation o! "anetic course Sensor CS'4. Magnetic course sensor con1erts t/e course !ro7 7agnetic co7pass into e3ectric signa3, it is a 1er0 critica3 part, s/ou3( >e insta33e( care!u330: care!u330: o

P3ace t/e sensor as =e33 as its >otto7-p3ate to t/e center o! 7agnetic co7passs >o=3, /ea(ing 3ine on t/e sensor s/ou3( a3ign =it/ t/e !ore an( a!t 3ine on t/e >o=3, at t/is position, !i t/e >otto7-p3ate to t/e g3ass o! t/e >o=3 =it/ g3ue: T/e

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BT-82B Operating Instruction

>etter a3ign7ent, t/e >etter per!or7ance: o

 A!ter contro33er is put t/roug/, co7pare t/e rea(ings on (isp3a0 =it/ t/e 7agnetic co7passs rea(ing, s3ig/t30 a(ust t/e position o! !ore an( a!t 3ine 7ar to i7pro1e t/e accurac0 o! t/e course repeating:

Installation o! rudder !eedbac

To trans7it t/e ru((ers position to contro33er ru((er  !ee(>ac, 7ae sure t/atactua3 t/e !our points ?ru((er 7ae a ang3e@ para33e3ogra7, t/et/roug/ !our points are rotating center o! !ee(>acs rocer ar7, rotating center o! ru((er stoc, articu3ate( point o! ru((er ti33er an( a(usta>3e connecting ro(, an( articu3ate( point o! rocet ar7 an( a(usta>3e connecting ro(, its near30 a rectang3e when rudder paddle is at a"id'ship0  In a((ition, para33e3ogra7s t=o si(es s/ou3( >e =it/in t/e a(ust7ent range o!  rocer ar7 an( connecting ro(: T/e rig/t position o! !ee(>acs is t/at !ee(>ac in(icates at position  =/en t/e ru((er is at a7i(-s/ip:

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BT-82B Operating Instruction


Alin"ent $ Testin

!he operators must be familiar with the contents of instruction before attemptin% to ali%nment, and chec$ accordin% to the followin% steps#

 Alin"ent o! steerin control unit


C/ C/ec ec  an( >e sure t/ t/at at t/e co co7p 7pon onen ents ts are co corre rrect ct con conne nect cte( e( ac acco cor( r(in ing g to s0ste7 =iring (iagra7:

2: Put pu pu7p 7p se3 se3ect ector or o! ste steerin ering g stan stan( ( on QO;; QO;; posi positio tion, n, put t/roug t/roug/ / t/e po= po=er  er  s=itc/ !or pi3ot on 7aster s=itc/ >oar(, t/en steering stan( is po=ere(: Open t/e (oor o! steering stan(, 7easure 1o3tage at t/e connection ter7ina3s to con!ir7 =/et/er steering stan( is correct30 supp3ie( =it/ 1esse3s po=er: : Tur urn n t/e t/e s= s=it itc/ c/ o! pu pu7p 7p star starte terr to Qr Qre7 e7ot ote e,, pu putt stee steeri ring ng 7o 7o(e (e se se3e 3ect ctor or o!  steering stan( on QN;', steering position se3ector o! steering >o on QCTRL in Bri(ge: :

Put t/ t/e e pu7p s se3e e3ecto ctorr o! stee steerin ring g stan stan( ( on QNo QNo:* :*,, QNo: QNo:* * R'N in in(ic (icati ation on 3a7 3a7p p 3ig/t up at t/is ti7e:

": Turn urn t/e t/e 3e 3e1e 1err o! non non-! -!o3 o33o 3o==-up up s=i s=itc tc/ / to QPor QPortt ru(( ru((er er po posi siti tion on,, t/en t/en ru( ru((e (er  r  7o1es to 3e!t si(e, an( Turn t/e 3e1er to QStar>oar( ru((er, ru((er 7o1es to rig/t si(e: I! t/e 7o1e7ent (irection is opposite, t/en ec/ange t/e =iring connection o! port an( star>oar( so3enoi(s in /0(rau3ic s0ste7s: 5:

Put p pu7p u7p s se3e e3ecto ctorr on QNo QNo:: 2, t/ t/e e QNo QNo:2 :2 R' R'N N in in(ic (icati ation on 3a 3a7p 7p s/ s/ou3 ou3( ( 3ig 3ig/t /t up up:: Repeat t/e 3ast step test:

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BT-82B Operating Instruction


Tu Turn rn / /an( an( =/ee =/ee3, 3, p put ut / /an( an( stee steering ring o or(er r(er on Q.ero Q.ero, , t/ t/at at is Qa7i( Qa7i(-s/ip -s/ip pos position ition::

8: Tu Turn rn t/e 7o 7o(e (e se3e se3ector ctor to Q/ Q/an(: an(: Tu Turn rn /an( = =/ee3 /ee3 re respec specti1e30 ti1e30 to 3e!t an an( ( rig/t si(e, sen(ing out ru((er or(er o! *, ru((er s/ou3( !o33o= up it, t/e a33o=e( error is Q* : I! /0(ra /0(rau3i u3ic c s0s s0ste7 te7 osc osci33a i33ates tes,, a( a(ust ust ant anti-o i-o1er 1ers/ s/oot oot pot potent entio7 io7ete eterr on se ser1o r1o pane3: Turn t/e scre= c3oc=ise cou3( i7pro1e its anti-o1ers/oot a>i3it0: I! antio1ers/oot a>i3it0 too /ig/, (estination: t/en t/e ru((er in(ication 3a7p =i33 !3as/ >utturn ru((er  cou3(nt reac/ t/eisepecte( At t/is ti7e, counter c3oc=ise t/e scre= o! potentio7eter to re(uce its anti-o1ers/oot a>i3it0: S0ste7 s/ou3( >e a(uste( to a state) ru((er cou3( !o33o= up t/e ru((er or(er ti7e30, no 7atter  =/at ang3e is, neit/er o1ers/oot nor pause: Sing3e !3as/ o! ru((er in(icator is a3so a33o=e( in case o! specia3 situation: I! /an( steering is out o! or(er, re!er to t/e re3ate( contents in Trou>3e S/ooting: 6:

Put t/e s steerin teering g 7o 7o(e (e s se3ec e3ector tor to A'D A'D to per!o per!or7 r7 t/e steer steering ing >0 a aui3ia ui3iar0 r0 station, an( c/ec its running =it/ sa7e 7et/o( o! N;' steering: ?aui3iar0 station is optiona3@

*: Turn R'ER R'ER a(: to position *:", turn steering 7o(e se3ector to A'TO: **: C3oc=ise turn CO'RSEROT SETTIN$ setter, 7ae t/e or(er course " (egree greater t/an 1esse3s actua3 course, ru((er =i33 7o1e to star>oar( 4:" (egree, a33o=e( error is *:2 (egree: Counter c3oc=ise turn t/e setter, 7ae t/e or(er  course " (egree 3ess t/an actua3 course, ru((er =i33 7o1e to port 4:" (egree, a33o=e( error is *:2 (egree too:

 Sea trail

T/e sea trai3 is to (eter7ine t/e para7eter setting in t/e auto7atic 7o(e, especia330 (eter7inat (ete r7ination ion o! coun counter-ru( ter-ru((er (er para para7eter 7eter ??!or !or (a7p (a7ping ing   ) an( intro( intro(ucing ucing o!  auto au to7a 7ati tic c 7e 7eet etin ingg-ru ru(( ((er er ?! ?!or or co cons nsta tant nt /e /ea( a(in ing g erro errorr co co7p 7pen ensa satio tion@ n@:: T/ T/es ese e para7eters s/ou3( >e recor(e( an( arc/i1e(: E1en rep3acing a7p3i!ier, a(ust t/e eHuip7ent >ase( on t/e recor(s an( sea trai3 is no 3onger 3 onger nee(: In or(er to set opti7u7 para7eters, 1esse3 s/ou3( sai3 at cruising spee( in ca37 sea: T/e ca37er o! sea state, t/e 7ore accurate o! resu3ts: Preli"inar- settin o! P0I0% ti"e constant  ?P  ?P:I: :I: G Proportion, Integra3, i!!erentia3@

Be!ore t/e sea trai3, turn t/e s=itc/es to t/e positions 3iste( in T Ta>3e a>3e A as per 1esse3s si.e: T/ese settings 7a0 c/ange an( >e !ina3i.e( accor(ing to t/e resu3ts o! t/e sea trai3: Set t/e position o! in(i1i(ua3 potentio7eter accor(ing to t/e se3ecte( ti7e constants 3iste( in Ta> B, >e!ore !ina3i.ation o! ti7e constants, put t/e s=itc/ K* to O;; position, t/at is, integra3 is not in(uce(: ?T/e s=itc/ is on t/e auto7atic ru((er or(er  ca3cu3ation >oar(:@

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BT-82B Operating Instruction

u3 cargo, oi3 taners, an( * !or container container,, opinion !ro7 1esse3 o=ner s/ou3( >e consi(ere( as =e33: %eter"ination o! RU%%ER settin

In or(er to !in( a precise R'ER setting in auto7atic steering 7o(e, a(ust7ent s/ou s/ ou3( 3( >e pe per! r!or or7e 7e( ( ac acco cor( r(in ing g 1e 1ess sse3 e3s s (e (e1i 1iat atio ion n in t/e t/e ca ca37 37 se sea: a: Pu Putt t/e t/e WEAT&ER to * in a(1ance: ;irst, put QR'ER on Q*:": In auto7atic steering, o>ser1e t/e 1esse3s actua3 0a=i 0a =ing ng)) =/ =/en en 1e 1ess sse3 e3 (r (ri! i!ts ts o!! o!! p3an p3anne ne( ( co cour urse se >0 =i =in( n( an an( ( !3o !3o= =, t/en t/en a si sing ng3e 3e 7o1e7ent stop 1esse3s (e1iation, an( 7ae itosci33ates turn >ac !ro7 to p3anne( course 3itt3eo!>0ru((er 3itt3e, cou3( t/at t/e setting is appropriate: I! 1esse3 3e!t to rig/t !o33o=ing t/e Ru((er 7o1ing, t/en re(uce t/e setting: I! on30 7ore t/an t=o 7o1e7ent o! ru((er cou3( stop 1esse3s (e1iation, increase t/e setting: A!ter getting t/e opti7u7 setting o! R'ER, it is t/e re!erence !or t/e !uture operation: $enera3 speaing, opti7u7 setting o! R'ER is re3ate( to 1esse3s spee(, !3o= (irection, it is in1erse30 proportiona3 to t/e re3ati1e spee( o! t/e 1esse3: Na7e30, it is re3ate( to ru((er e!!ect, 3arger setting !or 3o= 1esse3 spee( an( 3o= ru((er e!!ect, =/i3e s7a33er setting !or /ig/ spee( an( /ig/ ru((er e!!ect: In a((ition, 1esse3s 3oa( a3so a!!ects t/e setting, s7a33er setting !or 3ig/t 3oa( an( 3arger setting !or !u33 3oa(: T/ere!ore, it is s/ou3( >e a(uste( (uring t/e 1o0age >ase( on t/ese princip3es as =e33 as t/e 1esse3s con(ition an( sea state: %eter"ina tion o! internal para"eter o! Counte %eter"ination Counterr'rudder 2di 2di!!erent !!erential3 ial3  A!ter setting o! opti7u7 QR'ER in straig/t 1o0age, turn t/e 1esse3 to port an( star>oar( >0 CO'RSEROT SETTIN$ setter =it/ a ang3e o! *"2respecti1e30, *"2respecti1e30, i!  1esse3 c/ange it /ea(ing Huic30 F s7oot/30 =it/out ecessi1e o1ers/oot ?no 7ore t/an t/a n , t/at is * *2 2 o! cou course rse turni turning: ng:@@ , t/e t/en n t/e setti setting ng is app approp ropria riate te an an( ( s0ste7 s0s te7 is in t/e >est co con(i n(itio tion: n: I! 1es 1esse se33 >og >ogs s (o= (o=n n >e! >e!ore ore t/e arr arri1ing i1ing t/e ne= course =it/out an0 o1ers/oot, t/at 7eans t/e 1a3ue o! (i!!erentia3 para7eter is ecessi1e, t/en re(uce its 1a3ue: I! 1esse3s o1ers/oot is 7ore t/an  7uc/, an( o1ers/oot occurs again a!ter returning, so 7uc/ as 1i>ration =it/out rest, t/at 7eans t/e setting o! (i!!erentia3 para7eter is insu!!icient, p3ease increase it: T/e test turning to po port rt an( star> star>oar oar( ( 7us 7ustt >e se1 se1era era33 ti7 ti7es es to (et (eter7 er7ine ine =/et/ =/et/er er t/e setti setting ng is opti7u7: Notes9  A: T/e test s/ou3( >e per!or7e( in ca37 sea: In case o! s7oot/ sea, t/ere 7ig/t

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BT-82B Operating Instruction

>e so7e=/at o1ers/oot, an( t/ere are (i!!erent resu3ts in t/e t=o si(es: In or(err to gain a precise resu3t, turn to port an( star>oa or(e star>oar( r( !or se1e se1era3 ra3 ti7es respecti1e30 an( tae t/e a1erage: In !act, an o1ers/oot 3ess t/an " is accepta>3e, >ut no an0 o1ers/oot s/ou3( >e a1oi(e( as =e33: B: So7e So 7e s7 s7a3 a333-si si.e .e 1e 1ess sse3 e3s s /a /a1e 1e no o1 o1er ers/ s/oo oott e1 e1en en =i =it/ t/ou outt (i!! (i!!er eren enti tia3 a3 para7e par a7eter ter =/e =/en n tur turnin ning g /ea /ea(in (ing: g: App Approp ropria riate te inc increa rease se t/e set settin ting g o!  C: R'ER cou3( i7pro1e its turning per!or7ance: So7e 1esse3s 7a0 /a1e a >ig o1ers/oot a!ter a 3arge ang3e turning, an( increasing (i!!erentia3 1a3ue 7aes no use as =e33: At t/is ti7e, use a 3arger  (i!!erentia3 rentia3 a(ust7ent a(ust7ent, i7pro1e t/e spee( o! ru((er  !i3ter   ti7e constant  o! (i!!e 7o1e7ent appropriate30, an( re(uce t/e ti7e >et=een /ar( o1er to /ar( o1er to 2 secon(s, so 7uc/ as 3ess, t/en re-test again: I! a33 t/ese actions sti33 (o not =or, rep3ace a 3arge /ea(in /ea(ing g ang3 ang3e e turning =it/ se1e se1era3 ra3 s7a33 /ea(ing ang3es !or turnings: Intro duci ducin n o! auto auto"at "atic ic "eet "eet'rud 'rudder der 2In 2Inter teral3 al3

 A!ter co7p3etion o! a>o1e7entione( a>o1e7entione( tests, auto7atic 7eet-ru((er can >e intro(uce(: Base( on t/e !ina3i.e( counter-ru((er ?(i!!erentia3@ ti7e constant, se3ect t/e integra3 ti7e constant accor(ing to t/e a>o1e ta>3e, ?usua330, Integra3 ti7e constant is " ti7es o! t/e (i!!erentia3 ti7e constant at 3east, not 3ess t/an  ti7es@, turn t/e integra3 a(ust7ent potentio7eter to t/e 3iste( position 7are( in t/e ta>3e A an( B, an( K* s=itc/ s=i tc/ to ON ON pos positio ition, n, a!t a!ter= er=ar( ar(s, s, aut autopi opi3ot 3ot =i3 =i333 7e 7eet et aut auto7a o7atic tica33 a330 0 to cor correc rectt course (e1iation in auto7atic steering:

Appendi# A9 setup and calibration o! Co"pass repeater Usually, all the undermentioned contents ha!e een done in the factory, it is not necessary to reset and recalirate unless there e unacceptale errors#

W/en po=er is put t/roug/, Co7pass repeater starts up: T/e (igita3 (isp3a0 in(icates 8888 at !irst, to >e se3!-c se3!-c/ec /ec:: I33u7i I33u7inatio nation n can >e a(uste a(uste( ( >0 t/e re( an( green >uttons un(er t/e repeater, press t/e re( >utton to increase t/e >rig/tness, press t/e green >utton to (ecrease t/e >rig/tness:  A!ter se3!-c/ec, (igita3 (isp3a0 in(icates --, repeater enters auto7atic ca3i>ration an( 7atc/ing: At t/e >eginning, t/e (ia3 c3oc=ise turn s3o=30, t/e turning =i33 >e !aster an( !aster t/en turning Huic30: It pauses at t/e position o! :  !or a s/ort 7o7ent, t/en enter into nor7a3 operation, t/e in(icate( 1a3ue on t/e (ia3 in(ication s/ou3( >e consistent =it/ t/e rea(ing on (igita3 (isp3a0 (isp3a0:: I! se3!-c/ec an( auto7atic 7atc/ing is !ai3e(, it in(icates Err on repeaters (igita3 (isp3a0: W/en entering nor7a3 operating, i! t/ere is no e!!ecti1e course signa3 recei1e( =it/in  secon(s, (igita3 (isp3a0 =i33 in(icate XXXX:

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BT-82B Operating Instruction

Repeater Repeat er rec recei1 ei1es es NM NMEA EA sen senten tence ce 1ia RSRS-2 22 2 F RS RS-2 -22 2 int inter! er!ace aces: s: Se Sente ntence nce !or7at s/ou3( >e set in t/e !irst operation: /0 Re'"atchin o! d diial readin I! t/ere is (i!!erent >et=een t/e (ia3 in(ication an( (igit in(ication (uring operation, 7ust re-7atc/ o! (ia3 in(ication: Press >ot/ re( an( green >uttons si7u3taneous30, (igita3 (isp3a0 s/o=s    -  - , repeater enters auto7atic 7atc/ing proce(ure,

a!ter auto7atic 7atc/ing ca3i>ration, t/e in(icate( 1a3ue on t/e (ia3 is a37ost consistent =it/ t/e r ea(ingan( rea(ing on t/e (igita3 (isp3a0 (isp3a0: : .0 Settin "ode Press t/e t=o >uttons si7u3taneous30 !or " secon(s or 7ore, re3ease unti3 t/e (isp3a0 s/o=s SET to enter t/e setting 7o(e, press t/e green >utton again, in(ication s/o=s as !o33o=ing ite7s in or(er >0 eac/ pressing, ?t/e seHuence is con1erse i!  press re( >utton@

C&E C - (n -





ia3 in(ication 1eri!ication 7o(e, to c/ec in(ication accurac0 o! (ia3: NMEA sentence sentence setting 7o(e, to se3ect t/e (esire( sentence !or7at Set >au( rate ia3 ca3i>ration 7o(e, to e3i7inate t/e a1erage error o! (ia3 in(ication Yuit t/e setting 7o(e

8ote## 8" 8ote 8"+ + sen sente tenc nce e se sett ttin in% % is =/ =/! ! an and d ba baud ud ra rate te is >? >?:: :: wh when en delivery, and the other two items (=+, @-22-A) have been calibrated  already before delivery, usually, usually, no need to adBust for user.

In t/e se3ecte( 7o(e, press t/e re( an( green >uttons si7u3taneous30 to acti1ate t/e 7o(e: 40

%i %ial al indi indica cati tio on &eri! eri!ic icat atio ion n "o "od de ?to c/ec t/e in(ication accurac0 o! t/e (ia3 at in(i1i(ua3 course points@

In setting 7o(e, press re( or green >utton unti3 (isp3a0 s/o=s C&EC, press t/e t=o >uttons si7u3taneous30, enters t/e 7o(e o! (ia3 in(ication error 1eri!ication) (ia3 return to sca3e , (isp3a0 s/o=s :: Press re( >utton or green >utton, t/e in(ication increases or (ecreases >0 :* (egree per step, an( it c/anges !aster an( !aster as t/e pressing ti7e goes on, re3ease t/e >utton, t/e (isp3a0 stops at a !igure, c/ec t/e in(ication error at eac/ point o! t/e (ia3 sca3e, re-press to c/ange it again:  A!ter c/ec a33 t/e points, press t/e t=o >uttons si7u3taneous30 si7u3taneous30,, con!ir7 co7p3etion o! in(ication error 1eri!ication, an( return to t/e setting 7o(e, (isp3a0 s/o=s C&EC: Repeater =i33 return to nor7a3 operation a!ter 4 secon(s aroun(, or Huit i77e(iate30

Page 5 o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction

!ro7 Huit 7o(e eit/er: =0

Sentence settin9 1%T: 1%M61%G

T/ere are t/ree options A'TO, &E&T, &C&T: In setting 7o(e, press re( or green >utton ti33 (isp3a0 s/o=s G(nG, press re( an( green >uttons si7u3taneous30 to enter t/e 7o(e, at t/is ti7e, (isp3a0 s/o=s) A'TO or &E&T or &C&T: Press t/e re( or green >utton (isp3a0 =i33 s/o=s in turn)  A'TO - &E - &C -

Recei1e t/e sentences = =it/ it/ i(enti!ier Q&T auto7atica330: Recei1e t/e sentences =it/ i(enti!ier Q&E&T on30: Recei1e t/e sentences =it/ i(enti!ier Q&C&T on30 on30::

W/en (isp3a0 s/o=s t/e (esire( sentence !or7at, press >ot/ re( an( green >uttons si7u3taneous30, t/e sentence !or7at is set, (isp3a0 s/o=s -(n-, an( return to t/e setting 7o(e: Press one >utton to se3ect Y'IT 7o(e, t/en press >ot/ re( an( green >uttons si7u3taneous30 to return t/e nor7a3 operation, or =aiting a>out 4 secon(s, t/e repeater =i33 return to nor7a3 operation status auto7atica330 auto7atica330:: %ial c ca alibration " "o ode  ?to e3i7inate t/e a1erage o! errors o! eac/ points, usua330,, it iis usua330 s (one a!ter co7p3etion o! t/e pro(uct:@ In setting 7o(e, press re( or green >utton unti3 (isp3a0 s/o= Z--[: Press t/e t=o >uttons si7u3taneous30, enter (ia3 ca3i>ration 7o(e, (ia3 =i33 turn an( stop stop at on one e po poin int, t, (igi (igita ta33 (isp (isp3a 3a0 0 in(i in(ica cate tes s t/e t/e co cour urse se 1a 1a3u 3ue e at t/e t/e ti7 ti7e, e, t=o t=o in(ications 7a0 >e (i!!erent:


Mo(i!0 t/e (ia3 in(icatio Mo(i!0 in(ication n =it/ t/e a1erage error >et= >et=een een (igita3 rea(-ou rea(-outt an( (ia3 in(ication >0 re( or green >utton:  Attention:   ver  Attention: verall all consid consideratio eration n error on every points of dial is important. Ce sure that %ap between indicat important. indicated ed value on the dial and di% di%it it dis displa play y is ac accep ceptab table le at every  every   point. therwise, there may be bi% error of dial  indication at some pointsD

Press >ot/ re( an( green >uttons si7u3taneous30 again, con!ir7 t/e co7p3etion o!  (ia3 ca3i>ration, return to t/e setting 7o(e, t/en (isp3a0 s/o= Z--[: A>out 4 secon( 3ater, repeater returns to t/e nor7a3 operation, or Huit i77e(iate30 1ia Huit 7o(e: 0 Set the baud rate "ode Press t/e re( or green >utton ti33 (isp3a0 s/o=s >au(, press t/e re( an( green >utton si7u3taneous30 to enter t/e set t/e >au( rate 7o(e: In t/e 7o(e press re( or green >utton t/e (isp3a0 =i33 in(icate >e3o= in turn)  A'TO inHuire a>out t/e >au( rate o! ente entering ring signa3 auto7atica330 :8 :8  re rece cei1 i1e e si sign gna3 a3 iin n 8 8  > >au au( ( ra rate te in in1a 1aria ria>3 >30 0 6:5 recei1e signa3 in 65 >au( rate in1aria>30 *6:2 recei1e signa3 in *62 >au( rate in1aria>30

Page 4 o! 6  

BT-82B Operating Instruction

8: recei1e signa3 in 8 >au( rate in1aria>30  W/en t/e (isp3a0 in(icate t/e >au( rate is t/e (esire( press >ot/ re( an( green >uttons si7u3taneous30 to con!ir7 t/e co7p3etion o! setting, an( return to t/e setting 7o(e, (isp3a0 s/o=s >au(: A>out 4 secon( 3ater, it =i33 return to nor7a3 operationa3 status, or Huit i77e(iate30 1ia Huit 7o(e: 8otes# 9. 1.

If di% di%ital ital di display splay show shows s EE EEEE EE,, it is a an n alarm from c course ourse detec detector tor,, it mea means ns that front-end devices are in warmin%-up status or the course value is invalid. on onnec nectio tion n wit with h oth other er eq equip uipmen mentt via iinte nterfa rface ce * * 101 is as ffoll ollows ows,, cable 9(red) for


cable 1 (white) for :G cable 0 (blac$) for HG cable >(blue) for H-G cable J (yellow-%reen) for %roundin%. onnection with other equipment via interface * >11 is i s as follows, cable 9(red) for


cable 1 (white) for :G cable 0 (blac$) for H-G cable >(blue) for HG cable J (yellow-%reen) for %roundin%.

Page 8 o! 6  


Trouble shootin

 Reco""ended Action !or Alar" In case o! a3ar7, s=itc/ to anot/er pu7p: In (ue ti7e, 7ae !urt/er c/ec an( re7o1e t/e !au3t accor(ing to t/e ta>3e >e3o= >e3o=:: L ; PO7ER; alar"


A: P Po o=er !!o or / /0 0(rau3ic s s0 0ste7 iis s 33o ost G t/ t/e es s= =itc/ o on n7 7a ain s=itc/ s=i tc/>oa >oar( r( is not s=i s=itc/ tc/ing ing on or 7a3 7a3!un !uncti ction on o! po= po=er  er  circuit: B: Pu7 Pu7p p (o (oesn esnt t sta start rt >ec >ecaus ause e t/e !use or po= po=er er sup supp30 p30 ca>3es is >roen: A: S=itc/ to anot/er /0(rau3ic s0ste7, an( c/ec t/e po=er  circuit in (ue ti7e: B: Rep3ace =it/ >acup !use or ca>3e:


L;P1ASE; Alar"

 A: One p/ase is 3ost or: or: B: p/ase seHuence 7istae: C: un>a3ance o! t/ree p/ase 1o3tage 7eas 7e asur ures es A: S= S=it itc/ c/ to an anot ot/e /err / /0( 0(ra rau3 u3ic ic s0st s0ste7 e7:: B: c/ec t/e po=er ca>3e an( p/ase seHuence an( c/ec t/e contact an( =ire connection o! t/e a3ar7 (etect circuit: C: Measure t/ree-p/ase 1o3tage: Cause

L;,OA%; Alar"

Cause 7eas 7e asur ures es

Oi3 pu7p 7otor o! /0(rau rau3ic s0ste7 is o1er-3oa(: A: S= S=it itc/ c/ to an anot ot/e /err /0 /0(r (rau au3i3ic c s0s s0ste te7 7 !or st stee eeri ring ng,, in (u (ue e ti7e, c/ec up pu7p starter an( /0(rau3ic pu7p asse7>30, an( reset o1er-3oa( re3a0:

L ;,E)E,; Alar"

Cause 7easures

Le1e3 o! /0(rau3ic s0ste7 is too 3o=: C/ec t/e 3e1e3 o! oi3 tan an( !i33 =it/ oi3:

L ;FI,TER; Alar"


;i3ter o! /0(rau3ic s0ste7 is >3oce(, 3arge pressure (i!!erence in t/e !i3ter !i3 ter:: C3 C3ea ean n tt/e /e !i !i3te 3terr a an( n( rep3 rep3ac ace e !!i3t i3ter er co core re::

7eas 7e asur ures es L ;TEMP ;T EMP0; 0; Alar"

Cause 7easures

Oi3 te7perature o! /0(rau3ic s0ste7 is too /ig/ S=it S= itc/ c/ to an anot ot/e /err pu pu7p 7p,, c/ c/ec ec  an an( ( a( a(u ust st t/e t/e a3ar a3ar7e 7e( ( /0(rau3ic s0ste7:


L ;PRESS; Alar"

Cause 7easures

Oi3 pressure o! /0(rau3ic s0ste7 is too 3o=, 7a3!unction o!  aui3iar0 pu7p or inappropriate a(ust7ent o! >ac pressure 1a31e S=itc/ S=itc / to anot/ anot/er er pu7p, c/ec aui3ia aui3iar0 r0 >u7p or a(us a(ustt t/e pressure o! >ac pressure 1a31e:


;180,OCe >ett=een 1e 1es sse3s 3s pr pre esent /ea(ing an( setting course is greater t/an t/e per7itte( 1a3ue: A: C/an C/ ange ge t/e t/e se sett ttin ing g co cour urse se 7o 7ore re t/an t/an * *> >0 0 au auto to7a 7ati tic c stee steeri ring ng,, a3ar a3ar7 7 =i =i3333 >e c3 c3ea eare re( ( au auto to7a 7ati tic ca330 a330 a!te a!ter  r  entering t/e ne= course: #.  Auto7atic steering 7o(e is 7a3!unctionJ see section o!  trou>3e s/ooting !or auto7atic steering:


Cause 7easures

Course (i!!erence >et=een $0roco7pass an( 7agnetic co7pass is greater t/an *2 A: T/ere T/e re is Big error o! 7ag 7agnet netic ic co co7pa 7pass, ss, ca3i> ca3i>rat ration ion it >0 pro!essiona3 personne3: B: ;au3t o! $0roco7pass or repeater, repair >0 eperience( personne3:

L ;CTR, P7R; Alar"


T/e se3ecte( 7ain po=er supp30 ?8e st star arte te(J (J t/e t/e st stee eeri ring ng p3ac p3ace e se3ection o! starter >o is =rong30 on CTR in stern: B: T/e !use core or t/e po=er ca>3e is >roen:



C:  Autopi3ot is turne( o!!, >ut t/e 2< storage >atter0 is not turne( o!! 0et: Switch to another power suppl- an( re7o1e t/e trou>3e ti7e30:  A: Put t/e operation p3ace se3ector to CTRL in >ri(ge position: B: Rep3ace !use core or >acup ca>3e: C: Turn o!! t/e s=itc/ o! 2< po=er in >ri(ge (istri>ution >o:

 Trouble shootin in NFU steerin "ode L Rudder hard o&er in the con&erse direction in NFU "ode

p/eno7e na Cause 7easures

ru((er 7o1es opposite to t/e or(er  Wrong =iring connection Ec/ange t/e t/e ca>3es 3es o! so3en 3enoi(s to port ru((er an( star>oar( ru((er:

L NFU steerin is "al!unction or now and then "al!unction

p/eno7e na Cause


N;' stee N;' steeri ring ng is un una1 a1ai ai3a 3a>3 >3e, e, or to /a /ar( r( o1 o1er er ust ust a!te a!ter  r  starting: A: So3enoi( =in(ing is open: B: Contro3 circuit o! so3enoi( =in(ing is open: C: So3enoi( core is >3oce(: A: Measure t/e resistance o! so3enoi( =in(ingJ rep3ace it in case o! open =in(ing: B: C/ec t/e !use core F ca>3e connection o! so3enoi( contro3 circuit in t/e steering >o in steering gear roo7, correct t/e7 in case o! open or >a( contact: C: I! t/e 1a31e is >3oce(, c3ean it or c/ange /0(rau3ic oi3 i!  necessar0:

L Rudder runs awa- to sinle direction in NFU steerin

p/eno7e na Cause

Ru((er runs a=a0 to t/e sing3e (irection, or /ar( o1er, =/i3e t/e /an( steering is nor7a3: Reset sp sprring o! s so o3enoi( or / /0 0(rau3ic 1a 1a331e is > >rroen or  ine!!ecti1e:


7eas 7e asur ures es

C/ C/ec ec a an( n( re rep3 p3ac ace e tt/e /e re rese sett s spr prin ings gs::


 Trouble shootin !or hand steerin L Rudder runs hard o&er in con&erse direction in hand steerin

p/eno7e na Cause 7easures

Ru((er 7o1es opposite to or(er ti33 /ar( o1er A: In1ert signa3 output o! !ee(>ac: or  B: T/e connection ca>3e to t=o so3enoi( =in(ings is 7istae: A: Ec/ange t/e t=o cores ?;*, ;@ o! t/e ca>3es !or  supp30ing po=er to !ee(>ac: or  B: Ec/ange t=o ca>3es to so3enoi(s =in(ings !or contro3 to port an( contro3 to star>oar( as =e33:

L Rudder "o&es in con&erse direction and be able to stop in hand steerin

p/eno7e na Cau aus se 7eas 7e asur ures es

Ru((er stops at t/e opposite si(e: In1 In1ert ert sig sign na3 o out utp put o! !e !ee( e(>a >ac c a an n( tt/ /e c con onn nec ecti tio on c ca a>3e >3e tto o t=o so3enoi( =in(ings is 7istae: E Ec/ c/an ange ge t/e t/e t= t=o o co core res s ?; ?;*, *, ; ;@ @ o o!! t/ t/e e ca ca>3 >3es es !!or or s sup upp3 p30i 0ing ng po=er to !ee(> po=er !ee(>ac ac an( ec/ ec/ange ange t=o ca>3e ca>3es s to so3e so3enoi(s noi(s =in(ings !or contro3 to port an( contro3 to star>oar( as =e33:

L Mal!unction in 1an 1and ds steerin teerin

p/eno7e na Caus Ca use e 7ea eas sures ures

*: 2:

N; N;' 's ste teer erin ing g iis so out ut o! or(e or(err a as s= =e3 e33: 3: &a &an( n( st stee eeri ring ng ru runs ns a= a=a0 a0 !ro !ro7 7 t/e no nor7 r7a3 a3 po posi siti tion on,, >ut t/e N;' steering is nor7a3: *: N; N;' ' stee steerin ring g is ou outt o! or(e or(err: 2. No ru((er !ee(>ac signa3 or !au3t o! !o33o=-up a7p3i!ier a7p3i!ier:: *: Se See es se ect ctio ion no o!! N N; ;' s ste teer erin ing g ttro rou> u>33e s s/ /oo ooti ting ng 2.

C/ec scre=s o! !ee(>acs an( tig/tent/e t/e7 i! 3oosing: C/ec inputoutput an( rep3aceter7ina3 t/e >roen ca>3eJ c/ec an( repair t/e ser1o a7p3i!ier or rep3ace it:

\ 1-draulic s-ste" oscillates or sluish response in hand steerin p/eno7e na Cause Caus e

7easur 7ea sures es

Ru((er at >ot/ si(es osci33ates or Ru((er 7o1ing in(icator  !3as/es >ut ru((er is s3uggis/:   *: T/ere is air in t/e /0(ra /0(rau3ic u3ic c03in c03in(er (er or too 7uc/ outp output ut !3o= o! oi3 pu7p resu3ting in o1er /ig/ spee( o! ru((er: 2: T/e >earing o! ru((er /ea( s/a!t >eco7es 3ess cro=(e(: : T/e p3a0 >et=een s/ea1e on p3unger  an( s3i(e p3ate on s/i!ting !or is too >igger: : Anti-o1ers/oot a(us a(ust7ent t7ent is out o! o or(er r(er:: *: C/e C/ec c an( re7 re7o1e o1e t/e air in t/e /0( /0(rau rau3ic 3ic c03 c03in( in(er er,, re re(uc (uce e t/e output !3o= o! oi3 pu7p, increase t/e ti7e !ro7 /ar( o1er  to /ar( o1er to 22" secon(s nor7a330, >ut no 7ore t/an 28


secon(s: 2: C/ec t/e >earing o! ru((er /ea( s/a!t an( its c3a7p p3ate : Measure t/e p3a0 >et=een s/ea1e on p3unger an( s3i(e p3ate on s/i!ting !or: : ReRe-a( a(ust ust pot potent entio7 io7ete eterr !or ant anti-o i-o1er 1ers/o s/oot, ot, inc increa rease se s0st s0ste e7 (a7 a7pi pin ng >0 c3oc 3oc= =is ise e turn turnin ing, g, ot/er t/er=i =ise se,, it (ecreases: L Oscillation or sluish occur onl- in one h-draulic s-ste"

p/eno7e na Cause 7eas 7e asur ures es

On30 one si(e ru((er osci33ates or Ru((er 7o1ing in(icator  !3as/es >ut ru((er is s3uggis/: Ru((er spee( o! t=o s0ste7s is not consistent: A( A(u ust st tt/e /e !!3o 3o= = ou outt o! / /0( 0(ra rau3 u3ic ic p pu7 u7pJ pJ 7 7a ae e t= t=o o sp spee ee(s (s > >e e eHua3 =it/ a (i!!erence 3o=er t/an 2 secon(: Re-a(ust antio1ers/oot:

L Not !ollow'up !or s"all rudder anle in hand steerin


S7a33 ru((er ang3e can >e !o33o=e(, >ut !o33o= accurac0 is

na Cause

poor: T/e gain a(ust7ent o! ru((er or(er a7p3i!ier is I7proper I7proper,, or  connection o! ru((er !ee(>ac is 3oose, or t/e (ea( >an( is too >ig: C/ec C/ec  t/e t/e ga gain ins s o! ru ru(( ((er er !ee( !ee(>a >ac c a7p a7p3i3i!i !ica cati tion on ci circ rcui uit, t, ser1o or(e or(err a7p3i a7p3i!icat !ication ion circ circuit, uit, integ integrate( rate( a7p3 a7p3i!icat i!ication ion circuit, an( correct it in case o! pro>3e7: Correct an( !asten t/e position o! ru((er Sensor in !ee(>ac:

7eas 7e asur ures es

L *i !ollow'up error o! hand steerin


S7a33 ru((er ang3e can >e !o33o=e(, >ut !o33o=-up accurac0

na Cause

is poor: T/e insta33ation o! para33e3ogra7 3in ro( asse7>30 !or ru((er  !ee(>ac unit is I7proper: A( A(u ust st t/ t/e e 3in 3in  ro( a ass sse7 e7>3 >30 0 to 7e 7eet et t/ t/e e reH reHui uire re7e 7ent nts s o!  para33e3ogra7:

7eas 7e asur ures es


Trou>3e Trou>3 e s/ooting !or auto7atic steering L Auto"atic steerin is out o! order  p/eno7e &an( steering is out o! or(er too: na Cause &an( steering is out o! or(er or(er:: 7eas 7e asur ures es S= S=itc itc/ / to an anot ot/e /err se ser1 r1o o s0 s0st ste7 e7,, e3i e3i7i 7ina nate te t/ t/e e !a !ai3u i3ure re o o!! /a /an( n( steering in (ue ti7e L Rudder is hard o&er in auto"atic steerin p/eno7e &an( steering is nor7a3, >ut /ar( o1er in auto7atic steering: na Cause ;ai3ure o! auto7atic ru((er or(er circuit: 7easures C/ec an( repair t/e auto7atic ru( ru((er or(er circuit >0 eperience( ser1ice personne3: L 1eadin swins in auto"atic steerin p/eno7e ac an( !ort/, ru((er 7o1es to

na Cause Caus e 7eas 7e asur ures es

port an( star>oar( respecti1e30 respecti1e30:: Settin Setting g o! ru((e ru((err ang3e ratio !or auto7 auto7atic atic steer steering ing is too 3arge Re Re(u (uce ce t/e t/e s set etti ting ng,, u usu sua3 a330 30 it is a> a>ou outt * *:2 :2

L 1eadin is swins in auto"atic steerin p/eno7e ricate t/e 7o1a>3e part o! gi7>a3s ring, >ecause sa3t 7a0 a(/ere to its sur!ace an( an ( a!!e a!!ect ct its its s7 s7oo oot/3 t/30 0 runn runnin ing: g: In ca case se o! 1e 1ess sse3 e3s s 3ong 3ong-t -ter er7 7 7o 7oori oring ng,, it is reco77en(e( to tae it (o=n an( put it in =are/ouse, or co1er =it/ sun s/ie3( to pro3ong its t/e ser1ice 3i!e: 

Magnetic sensor Magn Ma gnet etic ic se sens nsor or a( a(op opts ts t/in t/in F so so!t !t co con( n(uc ucto torr =i =ire re to a1 a1oi oi( ( inte inter!e r!ere renc nce e =i =it/ t/ 7agnetic co7pass: Caution) (o not contact it =it/ ot/er 7eta3 partJ ot/er=ise, it 7a0 resu3t in (a7age o! t/e =ire outer an( 7a3!unction o! t/e auto7atic steering: In case o! 1esse3s 3ong-ter7 7ooring, it is reco77en(e( to tae it (o=n an( eep it =it/ 7agnetic co7pass in =are/ouse:


 Co7pass repeater W/et/er routine 7aintenance or repair, t/e =/o3e set o! repeater s/ou3( >e rep3ace( i! t/e (isp3a0 is in con!usion:

 Ru((er !ee(>ac ;ee(>ac is insta33e( at a p3ace =it/ t/e strongest 1i>ration on 1esse3 an( t/e =orst a7>ient ;ee(>ac is a 1er0 critica3 unit,o!inor(er: case Be!ore its (a7age, /an( steering, en1iron7ent: auto7atic steering, ru((er in(ication are out 3ea1ing t/e port, c/ec =/et/er t/e >a33 unction an( !ie( part are 3oosen: $rease 7ont/30 to t/ose 7o1ing part, e:g: >a33 unction:

 Contro3 unit Regu3ar c/ec p3ugs, socets, connecting ter7ina3s =/et/er t/ere is rust, insu3ation >reaage, poor contact, scre=s 3oosen, etc: IX.

Spare Parts ,ist


Spare parts !or steering stan( *: Trans!or7er CBD-* 822< 2: S=itc/ing po=er supp30 S-4"-2 : ;use RL68 *5 A : ;use RL68 - *5 2A

* piece * piece " pieces " pieces



Spar Spare ep par arts ts !or !or s ste teer erin ing g> >o o in ru ru(( ((er er ge gear ar >o >o  *: 1a31e-(ri1en PCB * piece 2: Position in(ication 3a7p 2< =/ite * piece : Operating in(ication 3a7p 2< green * piece : ;use RL68-*5 2A " pieces


Spare parts !or starter  *: P Po o=er s su upp30 in(ication 33a a7p  8 8< =/it ite e * piec iece 2: Operating in(ication 3a7p 8< green * piece : O Op perating in(ication 33a a7p 8< 0e33o= * piece : Inter7e(iate re3a0 8< * piece ": ;use RL68 - *5 2A " pieces


Too3 *:"-"77 Inner /eagona3  /eagona3 spanner

* set


Storage s/ou3( !o33o= t/e !o33o=ing instructions) *@: Put a a3333 t/e po= po=er er s= s=itc itc/es /es tto o QO; QO;; ; po posit sition ion::  

2@ 2@:: St Stor orag age e te7p te7per erat atur ure e s/ s/ou ou3( 3( >e =i =it/ t/in in -2 -2  ""℃: Kee eep p it !ro7 !ro7 /ig/ /ig/ /u7i(it0J it 7a0 cause rust an( corrosion: @: Keep it !ro7 o> o>ecti1 ecti1es, es, =/ic =/ic/ / 7a0 gi1e out eros erosi1e i1e gas or >re >ree( e( 7icro 7icroorga organis7, nis7, suc/ as ani7a3 speci7en, insect, s7a33 ani7a3: @: Co1e Co1err t/e eHuip eHuip7ent 7ent =it/ PE p3a p3astic stic !i37 or c3o c3ot/ t/ i! 0ou no= t/e t/ere re 7a0 >e (ust: (ust:


Protection co1er is nece Protection necessar ssar0 0 i! t/ere is =e3(i =e3(ing ng oper operation ation near>0J pre1ent t/e eHuip7ent !ro7 (a7age cause( >0 =e3(ing spar:



It is guarantee( !or one an( a /a3! 0ear !ro7 t/e (ate o! (e3i1ere( >0 7anu!acturer, or one t/is 0earperio(, !ro7 t/e (ate (e3i1ere( s/ip0ar(, an( its counte(co7ponents on t/e ear3ier one: uring 7anu!acturer =i33 >0 repair or rep3ace (e!ecti1e !ree o!  c/argeJ /o=e1er, guarantee (oes not co1er t/e (a7age or 7a3!unction not cause( as a resu3t o! 7anu!acturers responsi> responsi>i3ities: i3ities:


Appendi# 1.

*T'+.* *T '+.* Autopilot Steerin Stand' Outline $ Mountin



Rudder Feedbac  Outline $ Connection


Steerin *o# ' Outline $ %i"ension



Starter' Outline $ %i"ension

Star-(e3ta starter ?a>o1e@ F (irect starter ?>e3o=@



E#tension Alar" Alar" %e&ice $ Au#0 Steerin *o#  Outline



S-ste" 7irin %iara"

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