
June 14, 2018 | Author: Şükrü Ayhan Baydır | Category: Electromagnetic Compatibility, Electronics, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetism
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Automotive _Ele c tronic s_from_He r ma n_Ca sie r.ppt - slide pdf.c om

 El ec t r o n i c C ir c u i ts i n an A u t o m o t iv e En v ir o n m en t Herman Casier AMI Semiconductor Belgium [email protected]

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O u t l i n e 1  

Introduction   

Automotive Market and trends Characteristics of Electronics in a car Automotive Electronics Challenges

Cost and Time To Market

Quality and Safety 

Quality requirements

 

Safety requirements DFMEA

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O ut l i ne 2 

High Voltage : the car battery  History of the car battery    

Why switching over to 42V PowerNet Specifications of car-batteries Example: lamp-failure detector Example: high-side driver

High Temperature requirements     

Temperature range specification Functionality and reliability limits Diode leakage currents Example: bandgap circuit Example: SC-circuit

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O ut l i ne 3 

EMC general  Definition of EMC   

Compliance and pre-compliance tests EMC standards EMC standards in IC-design

EME – Electro Magnetic Emission     

1W /150W test method EME what happens? EME how to cope with? Example: digital circuit current peaks Example: CANH differential output

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O ut l i ne 4 

 – Electro Magnetic Susceptibility EMS  DPI – Direct Power Injection method

EMS compliance levels EMS what happens? EMS how to cope with? Example: rectification of single ended signal Example: rectification of differential signal Example: substrate currents in ESD diodes Types of substrate currents

Example: jumper detection

     

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O ut l i ne 5 

Automotive transients (ISO-7637) (sometimes called Schaffner pulses)    

Transient pulse definitions Transient pulses what happens? Example: supply & low-side driver Example: bandgap circuit



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Tr en d s i n au t o m o t i v e CAR Technology > 1891 mechanical system > 1920 + pneumatic systems + hydraulic systems >   1950 + electric systems



very low

very high technical skills



good technical skills increasing driving skills

> 1980 + electronic systems congestion + optronic systems starts

low technical skills high driving skills

> 2010 + nanoelectronics congested + biotronic systems optimization starts

very low technical skills decreasing driving skills

> 2040 + robotics + nanotechnology

no technical skills no driving skills

maximal and optimized

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high technical skills low driving skills

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A u t o m o t i v e El ec t r o n i c s Phase 1: in Introduction Electronics non-criticalofapplications 

Driver information and entertainment e.g. radio,

Comfort and convenience e.g. electric windows, wiper/washer, seat heating, central locking, interior light control …

Low intelligence electronic systems Minor communication between systems (pushbutton control) No impact on engine performance No impact on driving & driver skills 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt


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A u t o m o t i v e El ec t r o n i c s Phase 2: Electronics support critical applications  Engine optimization: e.g. efficiency improvement & pollution control 

Active and Passive Safety e.g. ABS, ESP, airbags, tire pressure, Xenon lamps …

Driver information and entertainment e.g. radio-CD-GPS, parking radar, service warnings …

Comfort, convenience and security: e.g. airco, cruise control, keyless entry, transponders … 

Increasingly complex and intelligent electronic systems Communication between electronic systems within the car Full control of engine performance No control of driving & driver skills But reactive correction of driver errors. Electronics impact remains within the car 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt


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A u t o m o t i v e El ec t r o n i c s Phase 3: Electronics control critical applications 

Full Engine control e.g. start/stop cycles, hybrid vehicles …

Active and Passive Safety e.g. X by wire, anti-collision radar, dead-angle radar … 

Driver information and entertainment e.g. traffic congestion warning, weather and road conditions …

Comfort and convenience Very intelligent and robust electronics Communication between internal and external systems Information exchange with traffic network Full control of engine performance Control of driving and (decreasing) driving skills Proactive prevention of dangerous situations inside and around the car Full control of car and immediate surroundings 

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A u t o m o t i v e El ec t r o n i c s st

Phase 4: Fully Automatic Driver   (1  generation) 

Traffic network takes control of the macro movements (upper layers) of the car Automatic Driver executes control of the car and immediate surroundings (lower and physical layers) A D A M : A u t o m a ti c Dr i v er fo r A u t o -M o b i l e or EVA : Elegan t Vehicle Au tom at

Driver has become the Passenger for the complete or at least for most of the journey Driver might still be necessary if A D A M b e c o m e s an A n a rc h i s t i c D r i v er A n d M ad m an o r E VA b e c o m e s a n E n r a g e d Ve h i c l e A n a r c h i s t 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt


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A u t o m o t i v e D r iv e r s 

Safety (FMEA)

Increasing Complexity

level 1: remains “in-spec” in Harsh environment 

more functions and more intelligence : makes the car system more transparant for the driver 

Increasing Accuracy More, higher performance sensors : cheapest sensors require most performance

Low cost and Time-To-Market (of course)


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 Automotive IC’s 

HBIMOS (2.0µm)

I2T (0.7µm)

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Tec h n o l o g y Ev o l u t io n Feature size trendand versus year of market introduction for mainstream CMOS for 80-100V automotive technologies

Technology Node (µm) 10

BIMOS-7µm SBIMOS-3µm HBIMOS-2µm I2T-0.7µm




0.1 1980




 Year of Market Introduction 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt


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Introduction Top automotive vehicle manufacturers (2000) (top 14 manufacturers account News for 87% of worldwide production) Source: Automotive Datacenter - 2001 BMW 1,7%

GM 14,2%

Others 13,5%

Mitsubishi 2,8% Ford 12,4%

Suzuki 3,0% Renault 4,1%

Toyota 9,9%

Honda 4,2%

VW group 8,6%

Hyundai 4,2% Nissan 4,4%

Fiat 4,6%

PSA group 4,7%

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DaimlerChrysler 7,8% slide: 15  15/123


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Introduction Automotive semiconductor consumption forecast

Automotive electronic equipment revenue forecast


100 90 Other Auto



Remote/Keyless Entry


Climate Control unit



       $        B


Dashboard Instr.


 Auto Stereo




Engine Control units

15        $       B





0 2003




CAGR = 6.6% (2002 –2006)

2003 2004 2005 2006

CAGR = 13.2% (2002 –2006)

Source : Dataquest December 2002 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt  

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Introduction Total semiconductor market (US$B) 300 Military/Aero (3%) CAGR=8% (2002-06)


Industrial (7%) CAGR=12% (2002-06) Automotive (8%) CAGR=13% (2002-06)

200 150

Consumer (17%) CAGR=15% (2002-06)


Communications (24%) CAGR=14% (2002-06)


Data Processing (41%) CAGR=12% (2002-06)

0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt  

Source : Dataquest November 2002 slide: 17  17/123


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Introduction Where do we find electronics in a car Compass Interior Light System Automated Auto toll Payment Cruise Control Rain sensor Entertainment Head Up Display

Power Window Sensor Stability Sensing

LED brake light

Dashboard controller Light failure control

Backup Sensing

Information Navigation Keyless entry Central locking

Engine: Injection control Injection monitor Oil Level Sensing Air Flow Throttle control Valve Control Headlight: Position control Power control Failure detection

Suspension control Key transponder Door module Seat control: Position/Heating Airbag Sensing &Control E-gas

Brake Pressure

Gearbox: Position control

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Introduction Electronics are distributed all over the car-body  Distributed supply used for both power drivers and low power control systems  direct

battery supply for the modules: highvoltage with large variation Trend: Battery voltage from 12V 42V

 large

supply transients due to interferences of high-power users switching or error condition (load-dump) Trend: comparable supply transients, lower loaddump transient

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Introduction 

Modules, distributed over the car-body have to comply with stringent EMC and ESD  low

EME to other modules and external world

 low

EMS (high EMI) for externally and internally

generated fields  High ESD and system-ESD requirements Trend: increasing EMC frequency and EMC field strength for the module. Trend: increasing ESD voltages and power Trend: more integration brings the module border closer to the chip border : the chip has to comply with higher EMC field strengths and ESD power.  2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt  

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Introduction 

Modules onsensors all locations in the car, close to controlled and actuators  large

temperature range: - 40 … +150°C ambient

Trend: increasing ambient temperature 

Critical car-functions controlled by electronics  Safety

& reliability very important

Trend: increasing safety and reliability requirements  Communication speed and


Trend: higher speed, lower/fixed latency, higher reliability and accident proof communications 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt  

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Introduction 

Many modules interface with cheap (large offset, low linearity) and low-power sensors  High

accuracy and programmability of sensor interface: sensitivity, linearization, calibration … Trend: increasing sensor interface accuracy, speed and programmability with higher interference rejection and more intelligence

 SOC-type semiconductors in module  Lower

cost mandates single chip Trend: increasing intelligence requires state-ofthe-art technology with high-voltage (80V), higher temperature (175°C ambient) and higher interference rejection (EMC, ESD) capabilities

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A u t o m o t i v e El ec t r o n i c s C h a l len g es Quality & Safety

Cost & TTM

Automotive IC design

EMC & Automotive transients

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High Voltage High Temp.

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C o s t & Ti m e To M a r k e t 

The automotive market is very cost driven : “Bill of Materials” and “Cost of Ownership” more important than component cost

Time To Market is quite long : start design to production is typically 2 … 3 yrs  but Time To Market is in fact “Time to OEM   qualification slot” which is not flexible 

Prestudy, design, redesign : typ 12 … 18 month 

Automotive IC qualification : typ 3 … 4 month  OEM qualification : typ 6 … 12 month The start of the OEM qualification is a very hard deadline

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O utl i ne Quality & Safety

Cost & TTM

Automotive IC design

EMC & Automotive transients

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Q ual i ty and S afety 

Required reliability ?  

Most cars actually drive less than 10.000hrs over the cars lifespan of 10 … 15 years  Most electronics also only functioning during 10.000hrs but some are powered for > 10years

High reliability requirements : 1ppm  for production reasons (low infant mortality) 

for safety reasons and long lifetime (failure rate).

Implications  

Design : 6 sigma approach Test: high test coverage (digital and analog), test at different temperatures IDDQ, Vstress for early life-time failures Packaging : high reliability

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Q ual i ty and S afety 

Safety requirements ? 

If a problem affects the performance, the circuit/module functionality must remain safe (predictable behavior). Problems: circuit/system failure, EMC disturbance, car-crash (within limits) …

Non-vital functions may become inoperable until the problem disappears Vital parts must remain functional

Implications   

Fault tolerant system set-up Worst Case Design including EMC disturbance DFMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)

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DFMEA What : Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is a disciplined analysis/method of identifying potential or known failure modes and providing follow-up and corrective actions before the first production run occurs. (D.H. Stamatis) Why : avoid the natural tendency to underestimate what can go wrong 

FMEA extends from subcircuit to component to

system and assembly and to service, where each FMEA is an input for the next level.  Design FMEA (DFMEA) concerns the component design level. 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment http://slide pdf.c om/re a de r/full/a utomotive e le c tronic sfromhe r ma nc a sie r ppt  

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FMEA does include prototypes and samples because up not to that point, modifications are part of the development. It is good practice though to include DFMEA already in the prestudy for its large implications on the final circuit 

In the automotive industry, a standardized form and procedure has been published by AIAG 

The header is not standardized and contains design project references, the DFMEA versionthe control, team and the authorization signatures. 

The second part includes the mandatory items

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Mandatory items for the DFMEA 

Functional block  

Identification number Circuit part and Design function e.g. input CLCK_in, Schmitt-trigger function

Actual state of the circuit (I) 

Potential failure mode e.g. no hysteresis or hysteresis in one direction only Potential effect of failure e.g. oscillation of clock signal [S] Severity of the failure: rank 1 … 10  e.g. 8 : critical failure: product inoperable

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Mandatory items for the DFMEA (II) 

Actual state of the circuit (II) 

Potential cause of failure e.g. Metal 1 crack [O] likelihood of Occurrence of failure: rank 1 …10 e.g. 5 : medium number of failures likely Preventive and Detection methods e.g. digital test of input does not include hysteresis [D] likelihood of Detection of failure: rank 1 … 10  e.g. 7 : low effectiveness of actual detection method [RPN] Risk Priority Number: [RPN] = [O] x [S] x [D] e.g. 280 : high value : corrective action required

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Mandatory items for the DFMEA (III) 

Corrective action 

recommended corrective action e.g. include hysteresis test in test-program Responsible Area or Person and Completion Date e.g. test engineer NN, wk 0324

Corrected state of the circuit 

  

Corrective action taken e.g. testprogram version B1A [O] : Revised Occurrence rank e.g. 8 (unchanged) [S] : Revised Severity rank e.g. 5 (unchanged) [D] : Revised Detection rank e.g. 1 : effect measured by standard test program [RPN] : Revised Risk Priority Number e.g. 40

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DFM E A exam p l e

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DFM E A exam p l e

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O utl i ne Quality & Safety

Cost & TTM

Automotive IC design

EMC & Automotive transients

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High Voltage High Temp.

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Hi gh V ol tage : the car-b attery 

Some History

~ 1955: 12 Volt battery introduced for cranking large & high compression V8 engines

1994: workshops in USA and Europe to define the architecture for a future automotive electrical system.

1995: study at MIT for the optimal system. the highest possible DC voltage is best.

1996: futureofnominal voltage = 42battery Volt multiple low-cost lead-acid below 60 Volt under all conditions (60V = shock-hazard protection limit for DC voltages) 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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The car-b attery

March 24, 1997: Daimler-Benz presents the “Draft Specification of a Dual Voltage Vehicle electrical Power System 42V/14V” 


is the de-facto standard since it is supported by the > 50 consortium

members (  The name:

42V = 3 X 12 V Lead-Acid Battery  nominal operating voltage of a 12Volt battery is 14 Volt 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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The car-b attery

Ex am p l e of a dual v ol tage po w er s y s tem 14V/42V

The system can be equipped with two batteries or with one main battery (14V or 42V) and a smaller backup battery for safety applications …  2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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The car-b attery

Forecast of thevehicle 42V vehicle share in in Europe relation to the overall production

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The car-b attery

Why switching over to 42Volt battery ?  Electrical power consumption in a car rises beyond the capabilities of a 12Volt battery. 

Limit for 14V generator power ~ 3kW

Mean power consumption of a luxury car ~ 1.1kW (corresponds to ~ 1,5l/100km fuel in urban traffic)

The required power for all installed applications in luxury cars already exceeds the generator

capability. New applications e.g. ISG (Integrated-StarterGenerator), X-by-wire, require much higher power

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The car-b attery

Why switching over to 42Volt battery ?  Alternator efficiency increases from 50% to 75% or more and creates smaller load-dump pulse (voltage supply pulse when the alternator runs at full power and the battery is disconnected) 

New power hungry systems possible  

Electro mechanical or hydraulic brakes Electric water pumps

“Stop -startinsystem”: Generator a single Integrates unit (ISG). Starter and

Electromechanical engine valve actuators …… 

2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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The car-b attery

Why switching over to 42Volt battery ? 

Most existing systems benefit from 42V    

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Engine cooling (eliminates belts) Electromechanic gear shifting ….. 

Some systems still require 14V   

Incandescent ligtbulbs Low-power electronic modules Existing high-volume modules because of redesign, qualification and production costs

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The car-b attery

Specification of the 42V battery

2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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Other specifications 

Battery reversal: no destruction - non-continuous, small voltage for 42V - continuous, full battery voltage for 12V systems

Short drops: reset may occur 30V

16V / 100msec at 16V / 16V


0V @ -3V/min. & 0V

Slow increase/decrease: no unexpected behavior 48V @ +3V/min

Voltage drop test: reset behaves as expected 42V




… and so on to … 30V


20.5V 0.5V





Electric modules see this car-battery voltage, which is further disturbed by conductive transients (ISO7637) and by ESD pulses.

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specification ofExample the current 12V battery

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Translation of the 42V battery specification into an 80V Technology requirement

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Example Lamp-failure detector  

 Directly connected

to the car-battery 

Sense inputs can be above or below VDDA  V(Rsense)

detection Accuracy < 10mV  Output: low voltage CMOS levels

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CMOS logic



ESD prot.

Schaffner  protection

V generator 

2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment


Level shifter 

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Solution based on the low impedance of the source: the comparator and level shifter extract their supply from the sensor input.

ESD protection of the input with automotive-transient (Schaffner) resistant zener diodes (BVCES > 80V)

Protection for automotive transients (Schaffner) of all points connected to the car-battery by relative high value polysilicon resistors.

Resistors limit current during transient spikes

Floating resistors can handle positive and negative spikes

Accuracy not impacted if IbxRpoly > chip dimensions On-chip current loops are very inefficient antennas for electromagnetic emission and susceptibility. (“rule of thumb”, L < λ / 20). The variations are quasi-stationary and a LowFrequency modeling with L, R and C is adequate. 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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EM C s t an d ar d s i n d es i g n


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Radiated emission and susceptibility is not the major problem for IC’s. Conducted emission and susceptibility to the efficient antennas on the PCB and the cable harness is the important problem. Two EMC conductive methods, compatible with simulation, have been standardized.  IEC 61967-4 (1W / 150W method)  IEC 62132-4 (DPI – Direct Power Injection) Note that ISO 7637 (Schaffner) is compatible These methods model conducted EMC between

IC PCB, not the EM-field. Generated EM-fields areand function of module and wiring layouts. Limit setting for these methods is based on the accumulated experience of the chip and module manufacturers 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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EM C s t an d ar d s i n d es i g n


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System level test  Radiated susceptibility 

TEM cell tests ISO11452 –3

IC level tests : empirical validation and theoretical analysis   Susceptibility 

Conducted susceptibility 

Shielded chamber tests ISO11452  –2 

ISO 7637 –1

Conducted and radiated emission CISPR25 Etc… 

2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

Like IEC 62132-4 (Direct Power Injection) Like ISO 7637-1 (Conductive transient pulses)

Emission 

Like IEC 61967-4 (1 Ohm/150 Ohm method) slide: 75 


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O utl i ne Quality & Safety

Cost & TTM

Automotive IC design EME & EMS & Automotive transients 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

High Voltage High Temp. slide: 76 


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EME 1    / 150    test


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EME 1    / 150    test


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1W method measures the RF sum current in a single ground pin (RF current probe). This measures the RF return current from the various current loops (emitting antennas) of the PCB.

150W method measures the RF voltage at a single or at multiple output pins, which are connected to long PCB traces or wiring . (150W is the characteristic impedance of harness wiring harnesses in a vehicle).

Various measurement configurations are used for different types of outputs. 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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S tan d ard E M -fi el d g raph


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emission limit example: H-12-n-O

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E ME w h a t h ap p en s


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EME is generated by HF currents in external loops, which act as antennas.

Sources of the HF currents 

Switching of core digital logic: glue logic, mcore, DSP, memory, clock drivers … synchronous logic generates large and sharp current peaks with large HF content Activity of the analog core circuit does not generate large current peaks

Switching the digital pins directly to the PCB fast andof large currentI/O peaks High power output drivers large current peaks to the PCB and wiring harness.

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EM E h o w t o c o p e w i t h


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Internal measures  Limit the switching power to the external 

Use low power circuits & circuit techniques - low power flip-flop, memory … - architecture with different clock domains - lower or adaptive supply voltage - …. Note: gated clocks are not efficient for EME if modes exist where all gates are open.

 

Use a more advanced technology Use on-chip capacitors

EME (HF) looks at switching power spectrum, low-power digital looks at mean dissipated power. 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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EM E h o w t o c o p e w i t h


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Shape the current peaks to the external 

Slow down the switching edges - MS-FF and 2phase clock - asynchronous logic - controlled edges for I/O or power driver - …. 

External and Chip-layout measures 

Differential output signals e.g. CAN, LVDS … twisted-pair like lines generate less EME and are

less susceptible to EME VDD and VSS close to each other - differential signals (see above) - external decoupling easier and more efficient

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EM E h o w t o c o p e w i t h


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EME of the module is the result of the current peaks generated by the IC times the efficiency of the emitting antennas of the PCB and wiring harness.  The current peaks simulated or measured with 

the 1W / 150W method do not predict the correct value of the emission but give a good relative indication. A correlation with the actual measured EME of the module is required. 

Each own limits for themanufacturer emission as specifies simulatedhis or measured by the IEC 61967-4 1W / 150W method.

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In the example, spectra of different current pulses are evaluated. The current pulses are simplified. 

Simulated spectra  


Reference current pulse in existing technology. 100mA outgoing pulse 100mV in 1W probe Distributed pulse: amp. / 2, freq. x 2 HF spectrum remains, LF spectrum changes Pulse with slower edges & same power: amp. / 2 HF spectrum lower, LF spectrum remains Same logic in newer technology (2 generations): power / 2, amp. X 1, width / 2, slopes x 2 HF spectrum higher, LF spectrum lower

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Example 5/28/2018

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Spectrum of different pulses    ]    ]    ]    ]   c       c     e   b      4   4   5   4   -   -   -      E   E   E   F    [    [    [    [

reference spectrum & distributed pulse 

   )    )    )    )   z   z   z   z    H   H   H   H    M    M    M    M    1   2   1   1  ,  ,  ,  ,   c   c   c   c   e   e   e   e   s   s   s   s   n   0   n   n   5   n    0  .  .    0  .  .    5   5   0   2    1  ,  ,  ,  ,    V   V   V   V   m  m  m  m    0   0   0   0    0   5   5   0    1    (    (    (    1    (     s   m   e   p   u   r   e   o   y    t   s    l   c   l   e   s   l   g   o   p   e   p   u   s   o   s   d   l   e   u   n   e   t   c   u   p   h   n   b   r   c   e   e   t   e   r   i   r   w  w   e   t    f   s   l   o   e    i   e   r   d   s   n

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Example 5/28/2018

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CANH differential and single ended output  (for the given pulse mismatch) 84 dBm V 78 V 72









4   5    6  

60  – differential E CANH output [ F – 7 – h ] 54




7    8   9   1  0  






1  1   1  2   1  3  


1  4  


24 18






1  7    1  8  

0 105



1   5    1  6  

1  9  

3 4 56

8 106


 y   2

Frequency / Hertz

2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment






3 4 56















q    p  

8 107


3 4 56

8 108


3 4 56 f 

8 109  Hz

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O utl i ne 5/28/2018

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Quality & Safety

Cost & TTM

Automotive IC design

& EMS &EME Automotive transients

2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

High Voltage High Temp. slide: 87 


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EMS DPI tes t 5/28/2018

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Measurement set-up

The measurement set-up uses a power source For Zin(DUT) > 200W, the power source can be replaced by a voltage source. For Zin(DUT) < 50W, the power source is better replaced by a current source (Norton equivalent) Note that Zin(DUT) is frequency and signal dependent 

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EMS DPI tes t 5/28/2018

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Simulation models

Simulation model for Zin > 200 W  Guideline for amplitude AV AV = 22V @ 5W DPI (level 1) AV = 7V @ 0.5W DPI (level 2) AV = 2.2V @ 50mW DPI (level 3) 

Simulation model for Zin < 50W  Guideline for amplitude AI

 50  Zin    50   Zin 

AI  Pinj 

Pinj : required immunity level 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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E MS c o m p l i an c e lev e l s 5/28/2018

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Not all I/O pins of the IC are connected to the wiring harness and unprotected. 

Level 1: direct connection to the environment

Level 2: direct connection to the environment but some external low-pass filtering is available. e.g. signal conditioning input stages, direct sensor interfaces …

Level 3: No direct connection of the I/O to the environment. e.g. interface chips connected to sensor chips in the same module, A/D converter input stages …

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EMS caused malfunction is not always detrimental Class A: all functions of a device/system perform within the specification limits during and after the exposure to the disturbance. Class B: some functions can go temporarily beyond the specification limits during the exposure. The system recovers automatically after the exposure. Class C: some functions can go temporarily beyond the specification limits during the exposure. The system does not recover automatically but requires operator intervention or system reset. Class D: degradation or loss of function, which is not self-recoverable due to damage of the IC or loss of data. 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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E MS w h a t h ap p en s 5/28/2018

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The incident high-frequency electro-magnetic power is partially absorbed in the IC and causes disturbances in different ways: 1) Large HF voltages into a high-impedance node 2) Large HF currents into a low-impedance node 3) Large HF power into a node, which switches from high-impedance to low-impedance at device limits, at protection voltages or at frequency breakpoints. Rectification/pumping, Parasitic devices/currents and Power dissipation are the three important disturbing effects of EMS 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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1) Large HF voltages into a high-impedance node 

Medium power dissipation e.g. 9% of DPI for 1kW 

Linear large signal behavior of components and structures in the signal path no effect

Non-linear behavior of components and structures in the signal path rectification effects (pumping) on capacitors in the signal path. : important disturbance on a chip e.g. bias pumping

Capacitive coupling input devices into the substrate e.g. large driver in the OFF state, ESD structures substrate currents and substrate bounce : important effect for latch-up, pumping …

Capacitive coupling to adjacent devices or structures e.g. Cm = 100fF gives | Zm | = 10 kW at 159MHz

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2) Large HF currents into a low-impedance node 

Large power dissipation e.g. 83% of DPI for 10 W : Important effect on chip.

Linear large current behavior of components and structures in the current path no effect

Non-linear large current behavior of components and structures in the current path rectification effects (pumping) in the signal path: important disturbing effect on a chip.

Inductive coupling to adjacent devices or structures : only important for bondwires and leadframe e.g. 100mA @ 159MHz gives ~ 750mV in an adjacent, open wire.

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3) Large HF power into a node, which switches from high-impedance to low-impedance

e.g. at device limits or at protection voltages or at frequency breakpoints  Combines high voltage and large currents  Large power dissipation in clipping devices or protection structures Important effect  clipping activates parasitic devices & current paths large current peaks in the supply lines or other pins generates EME in other loops on the PCB. large current peaks in the substrate through parasitic devices important effect e.g. latch-up, substrate coupling …  Nature of the signal path can change with frequency important effect, difficult to cope with. 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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EM S h o w t o c o p e w i t h 5/28/2018

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Guidelines 

Use good large signal and HF models

Include all parasitic components of the devices (internal and external)

Design, simulate and layout with all parasitics

Avoid rectification : make circuits symmetrical 

Differential circuit topologies and layout

Limit voltage input range of sensitive devices such that they do not go in non-linear behavior or in degradation conditions.

Limit frequency input range of sensitive devices : band-limited signals

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Make circuits robust for rectification 

Design for high CMRR & PSRR

Keep internal node impedances low

Keep sensitive nodes on-chip

Avoid / control parasitic devices and currents 

Use protection devices that clip beyond the required EMS injection levels

Make protection levels symmetrical

with respect to the signal Minimize substrate currents

Collect substrate currents in controlled points

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Example 5/28/2018

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Rectification LF: both the NMOS/OpAmp circuit and the LP-filter follow the input variations Iout is correct MF: the NMOS/OpAmp circuit follows Vin and conducts a linear current in the PMOS diode. VgsPMOS(Id) is non-linear and the LP-Filter output voltage is the mean of the rectified VgsPMOS (pumping) Iout decreases HF: the NMOS/OpAmp becomes a Source follower which rectifies the input current, The rectified current is largely linearized in the PMOS diode before the LP-filter. Iout returns to correct value

LF: below LP-filter & OpAmp GBW MF: between LP-filter & OpAmp GBW HF: above LP-filter & OpAmp GBW Note: at high DPI voltages, the ESD and NMOS diodes can also rectify the current (below OpAmp GBW)

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Example 5/28/2018

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Current source error (filtered)

Effect of rectification on the

as function the DPI source voltage and of frequency

output current (pumping) Iout (%)

Iout (% of Iout without DPI source) 99%

Vin : 500kHz – 1.0*Aref

100 0.5 Vin




80 Vin : 500kHz – 1.5*Aref

1.0 Vin



80% 1.5 Vin



3.0 Vin

2.0 Vin

50 frequency Vin

0% 100k




Time/µsec 40







Vin: DPI source voltage (arbitrary units)

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Example 5/28/2018

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Rectification in a differential comparator

Emitter follower rectification due to large Ccs of current source replace current source by resistor 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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Example 5/28/2018

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Further EMS improvement

Input Attenuator

Input Filter

large improvement (LF & HF) also for LF & HF signals beyond the supply voltages reduced sensitivity 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

large improvement (only HF) also for HF signals beyond the supply voltages no sensitivity reduction slide: 101 


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Effect of the EMS improvements EMI 

(1) original circuit with current source

DPI source strength (relative units)


(2) current source replaced by resistor

5  3 

(3) with input attenuator (4) with input filter

(5) with input attenuator and input filter



frequency 1M



1G (Hz)

2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

The EMI in the graph is value the maximum value of the DPI source strength for which the comparator gain > 2 slide: 102 


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Parasitic currents & substrate currents Example: substrate currents in an ESD protection structure

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Ty p es o f S u b s t r at e C u r r e n t



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Three important types of substrate current 

Substrate currents, injected into the substrate by a PNP transistor where the substrate is the collector, by diode breakdown, by impact ionization … Effect: substrate biasing, which can activate other parasitic transistors or cause latch-up. Substrate currents, extracted from the substrate by a forward biased diode. This diode becomes a lateral NPN with any other neighboring N-region as collector. Effect: extraction of currents from other distant N-regions (up to millimeters distance). Capacitive currents due to junction or oxide capacitors, coupled to the substrate. Effect: substrate biasing (bounce) & capacitive coupling to other junctions or oxide capacitors

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Problem: for the input strapped to ground, the output toggles from low to high for low EM injection Cause: substrate current extraction from the NMOS drain during negative pulses overrides the bias current

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Solution: new ESD protection circuit without substrate NPN, back-to-back zener diodes and shielding of the NMOS gate. Vbat Vcc regulator  Vbias



large current pull-up


DPI Source ESD protection for positive and negative battery voltages


back-to-back ESD z ener diodes

2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

Schmitt trigger  with shielded NMOS-gate slide: 106 


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O utl i ne



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Quality & Safety

Cost & TTM

Automotive IC design EMC &  Automotive transients

High Voltage High Temp.

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A u t o m o t i v e t r an s i en t s



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Standard test pulse 1

Standard test pulse 2

Disconnection of a supply from an inductive load, while the device under test remains in parallel with the inductive load (ISO 7637, part1)

Interruption of the current in an inductor in series with the device under test (ISO 7637, part1)

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A u t o m o t i v e t r an s i en t s



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Standard test pulses 3a and 3b These pulses simulate transient, occurring as a result of switching processes. They are influenced by distributed capacitances and inductance of the wiring harness. (ISO 7637, part1)

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A u t o m o t i v e t r an s i en t s



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Standard test pulse 4

Standard test pulse 5

BATTERY VOLTAGE DROP: During motor start, the battery is overloaded and the voltage drops, especially in cold weather.

LOAD DUMP: This happens when the battery is disconnected while it is being charged by the alternator.

(ISO 7637, part1)

(ISO 7637, part1)

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Standard test pulses 5 : LOAD DUMP clamped Load dumpLoad amplitude alternator speed field of the excitation. dump depends duration on depends on the timeand constant field excitation circuit and the amplitude. Today most alternators have an internal protection against load dump surge. The 6 zener diodes clamp above 24Volt.

For alternators with autoprotection 

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Standard test pulse 6

Standard test pulse 7

This disturbance occurs when the ignition. current is interrupted.

Simulates the decrease of the magnetic field of the alternator when the engine stops.

(ISO 7637, part1)

(ISO 7637, part1)

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The customer has to define the “Level of Test”

according the needs of his application. Test pulses 

Test levels 

(ISO 7637, part1) 

(values agreed to between car manufacturer and supplier)

Pulse type

Series resistance

Impulse duration






10 W 

2 ms






10 W 

50 ms






50 W 

0.1 ms













(12V -3V) +35V

(12V-5V) +50V

(12V-6V) +80V

(12V-7V) +120V

3b 4

10 W 



up to 20 sec up to 400ms

Typical requirement today: Level IV, except Load dump: Level II - III. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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T r a n s i e n t s  – W h at h a p p e n s



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Automotive transients (ISO-7637-1): electrical transient conduction along the supply lines only. other IC pins indirectly connected to supply via load devices (outputs) or sensors (inputs)

ISO-7637-1 describes two types of pulses 

Pulse 4 defines the minimum battery voltage. Note: battery voltage = module supply voltage. Internal IC supply voltage = module supply  – reverse battery diode  – module supply regulator  – internal supply regulator of the chip.

Pulses 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 5, 6 and 7 describe high voltage, high power transient disturbances on the supply line.

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T r a n s i e n t s  – w h a t h ap p en s



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The high voltage, very high power transient disturbances can cause excessive substrate currents and power dissipation in the IC if they exceed the voltage capability of the chip. The IC can only survive if:  

Transient peak voltages blocked e.g. high-voltage techno or lower level transient spec Transient voltages externally limited e.g. static with zener diodes (clamped load dump) e.g. dynamic limitation with RC (all other pulses) e.g. reverse battery protection diode Peak currents internally or externally limited e.g. series impedance of load or sensor or external R e.g. low impedance output dynamically switched-off

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Typical input supply protection  reverse

bias diode  RC-filter (pulses 1, 2, 3a, 3b)

Low-side NDMOS driver with ± 100V input range   NDMOS

with reverse voltage diode (PNP)  NDMOS drive logic with slope control  Clamp

circuit to prevent lateral NPN activation during fast negative pulses below ground

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A u t o m o t i v e t r an s i en t s  – ex a m p l e  

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Bandgap with improved tolerance for substrate currents and temperature Transient or EMC induced substrate current extraction and high temperature leakage currents from all N/Sub diodes. (NPN PMOS N-well, NMOScollectors, S/D diffusions) Transient or EMC induced current injection into the substrate, connected to AGND. Capacitive coupling through all N/Sub diode capacitors No direct effect on the most sensitive bandgap circuits: bipolar PTAT and OpAmp input stage. 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

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Cost & TTM

Result Quality & Safety

Fully compliant Automotive Automotive IC design IC design EMC & Automotive transients 2004 11 29 AID-EMC / HC / Electronic Circuits in an Automotive Environment

High Voltage High Temp. slide: 118 


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Resul t



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Combination of Silicon and Design Technology for Automotive Applications

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This work would not have been possible without the cooperation and dedication of many colleagues at AMI Semiconductor. I would like to thank in particular: Geert Vandensande, Michel De Mey, Aarnout Hans Wieers, GuggSchweiger, Eddy Blansaer, Luc Dhaeze, Koen Geirnaert, Herve Branquart and many others.

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