Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
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Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Greg Shields
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Introduction to Realtime Publishers by Don Jones, Series Editor
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Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Introduction to Realtime Publishers ................................................................................................................. i Chapter 1: Installation Fundamentals: Automatically Deploying Windows 7 with Windows Deployment Services .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Step One: Installing and Configuring Windows Deployment Server ............................................ 2 Stepping Back: What Can You Now Do? .................................................................................................... 3 Step Two: Configuring WDS for Over‐The‐Network Image Deployment .................................... 5 PXE Response Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Boot Tab .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 DHCP Tab ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Multicast Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Advanced Tab ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Step Three: Deploying Your First Windows 7 Image ........................................................................ 12 Just a Few Steps to Basic Automation ...................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 2: Creating a Universal Image that Installs Everywhere .................................................... 18 Step Four: Dealing with Drivers ................................................................................................................. 19 Unpacking Drivers ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Adding Drivers to Boot Images .............................................................................................................. 23 Step Five: Automating the WinPE Boot Image ..................................................................................... 24 Preparing WSIM ........................................................................................................................................... 25 Locating the Right Questions and Inserting Answers .................................................................. 27 The Remaining Questions and Answers ............................................................................................ 29 Validating, Saving, and Adding the Answer File to WDS ............................................................ 30 Step Six: Automating the Set Up Windows Phase ............................................................................... 31 Time for Applications ..................................................................................................................................... 34 Chapter 3: Techniques in Installing Applications During Windows Deployment ..................... 35 Step Seven: Creating a Master Image with Applications ................................................................. 35
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Invoking Sysprep ......................................................................................................................................... 36 Creating a Capture Image ......................................................................................................................... 37 Capturing the Master Image .................................................................................................................... 39 Stepping Back: Application Delivery Mechanisms ............................................................................. 43 From Thick to Thin ..................................................................................................................................... 45 Thick to Thin: What Do You Need? ...................................................................................................... 45 The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit ...................................................................................................... 46 Coming Up: Folding Your Deployment Infrastructure into the MDT ......................................... 47 Chapter 4: Layering Applications on Top of Deployed Windows Images ..................................... 48 Step Eight: Installing and Preparing the MDT ...................................................................................... 48 Importing an MDT Image ......................................................................................................................... 50 Importing Drivers ........................................................................................................................................ 52 Creating a Task Sequence......................................................................................................................... 53 Updating the Deployment Share ........................................................................................................... 54 Deploying a Basic Desktop with MDT ................................................................................................. 55 Step Nine: Learning Silent Installations and Repackaging ............................................................. 56 Three Ways to Silence Applications .................................................................................................... 58 MSI‐Based Installations ............................................................................................................................ 58 EXE‐Based Installations ............................................................................................................................ 59 Differential‐Based Installations ............................................................................................................. 60 Step Ten: Laying Applications Atop a Windows Image ................................................................... 61 Adding the Application to the MDT ..................................................................................................... 62 Configuring the Application for Deployment .................................................................................. 63 Thin Is Most Definitely In! ............................................................................................................................ 65 Chapter 5: User Virtualization: Tools and Techniques in Preserving User Data ....................... 66 Step Eleven: Preserving User Data ............................................................................................................ 68 Requirement One: Upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 ....................................................... 69
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Requirement Two: Refreshing a Windows 7 Instance ................................................................ 74 Requirement Three: Moving a User to New Computer Hardware ......................................... 74 Stepping Back: Real User Virtualization ................................................................................................. 77 Encapsulation and Decoupling .............................................................................................................. 78 The Benefits of Decoupling ...................................................................................................................... 78 User Virtualization Goes Beyond OS Deployment .............................................................................. 79 Chapter 6: Automating Application Inventory and Overcoming Incompatibility ..................... 81 Step Twelve: Inventorying Applications and Drivers on the Network ..................................... 82 Installing the MAP and Collecting Inventory ................................................................................... 82 Creating and Using MAP Reports .......................................................................................................... 87 Step Thirteen: Resolving Application Incompatibilities .................................................................. 89 Installing the ACT ........................................................................................................................................ 89 Creating a Data Collection Package ...................................................................................................... 91 Analyzing and Keeping Track of Results ........................................................................................... 93 Fixing Incompatible Applications ......................................................................................................... 94 Solving Incompatibility: Not Hard but Time‐Consuming ................................................................ 98 Chapter 7: Creating a Complete Solution for Automating Windows 7 Installation .................. 99 Stepping Back: Understanding LTI, ZTI, and UDI ............................................................................. 100 Step Fourteen: ZTI with ConfigMgr ........................................................................................................ 101 Integrating ConfigMgr with MDT ........................................................................................................ 101 Adding the State Migration Point ....................................................................................................... 102 Creating an OS Deployment Share ..................................................................................................... 103 Creating a Deployment Task Sequence in ConfigMgr ................................................................ 103 Importing Drivers ...................................................................................................................................... 111 Updating Distribution Points ................................................................................................................ 113 Viewing the Task Sequence and Creating the OS Deployment Advertisement .............. 115 Stepping Back: What Haven’t You Seen? What’s Left? .............................................................. 120
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
The Automations Virtually Never Stop ................................................................................................. 121 Chapter 8: Integrating Automated Windows 7 Installation into VDI Environments ............. 122 Step Fifteen: Integrating MDT into VDI Deployment ...................................................................... 123 Creating a Virtual Machine and Deploying an OS ........................................................................ 123 Injecting Drivers and Virtual Tools .................................................................................................... 127 Tuning the Virtual Machine ................................................................................................................... 128 Guidance for Services .......................................................................................................................... 128 Guidance for Additional Configurations and Scripting ......................................................... 131 Tuning Personal Desktops vs. Pooled Desktops ........................................................................... 133 Preparing and Templatizing the Deployed Virtual Machine .................................................. 134 Automating Windows 7 Installation: Start to Finish ....................................................................... 135 Download Additional eBooks from Realtime Nexus! ...................................................................... 135
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
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Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
[Editor's Note: This eBook was downloaded from Realtime Nexus—The Digital Library for IT Professionals. All leading technology eBooks and guides from Realtime Publishers can be found at]
Chapter 1: Installation Fundamentals: Automatically Deploying Windows 7 with Windows Deployment Services You’ve just been handed a new project to migrate your desktops to Windows 7. Congratulations! That’s a big job; one that’s sure to make you look good to your peers and your bosses—if you get it right. Among IT projects, none so dramatically impacts users than a desktop operating system (OS) upgrade. With it, users get new icons and a new desktop look and feel, not to mention a few new ways of accomplishing their daily tasks. That’s something they can see, feel, and touch. Completing an upgrade project successfully means doing so without a major interruption to the flow of your users’ workday. In contrast, doing a poor job means leaving a bad taste in the mouth of your business. That bad taste makes down‐the‐road upgrades that much more difficult to get approved. If your company can’t see value in an OS upgrade—or if they see more pain than value—you’ll surely be stuck at this OS version for far longer than you want. And businesses have long, long memories. That’s why this book exists. Although installing Windows the manual way requires as few as seven clicks and a bit of time, that manual method is rife with pain and trouble. Fully automating the installation of Windows 7 requires a bit more up‐front effort, but the result is a more seamless process—that just works. Better yet, that same process will continue to benefit you for years to come, creating a platform for quickly refreshing computers whenever necessary. All you need is a project plan to get you started and a cookbook of step‐by‐step solutions to finish the job. You’ll get exactly that in these pages. In the next few chapters, I’ll show you the steps required to automate Windows 7 installation, click‐by‐click. But we won’t stop there. I’ll dig deep into the ways in which that automated installation will fundamentally change how you do IT. You’ll learn exactly how to automate Windows for an OS migration project, whether from Windows XP or Windows Vista. You’ll even discover the steps to wrap your automated installation into a VDI infrastructure, enabling hosted virtual desktops to be provisioned automatically and on‐ demand. More importantly, you’ll learn tips and tricks for layering the Windows OS, enabling you to fix common IT problems by simply rebuilding the user’s computer—all the while maintaining their applications and user profile information.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Best, you’ll learn how to do all of this using Microsoft’s no‐cost deployment solutions. Admittedly, these solutions might not be the slickest ones around, but they’re free. In addition, they are overloaded with an alphabet soup of three‐ and four‐character acronyms whose complexity makes them a “why bother” for many IT pros. But wade through the silly acronyms and the overly‐complicated Microsoft documentation, and underneath it all is a powerful automated deployment solution. I’ll help you navigate, showing you which features to use and which to avoid. Keep this guide handy. In it are the step‐by‐step instructions you’ll find yourself turning back to again and again as you fully automate one of the most time‐consuming parts of your job: Windows 7 installation.
Step One: Installing and Configuring Windows Deployment Server Many authors might begin this discussion by explaining the complex file format Microsoft uses for Windows deployment. That format is called Windows Imaging (WIM) format. Like the GHO files from Symantec Ghost’s days of yore, WIM files are those that contain your Windows 7 images. That’s really about all you need to know right now. I could spend pages talking about the intricacies of how it works (and actually will a bit later). But it’s my belief that understanding WIM’s format is less important at first than knowing what to do with it. Thus, Step One in your exploration of automatically deploying Windows 7 starts by installing Microsoft’s solution for actually deploying Windows 7. That solution is called Windows Deployment Services. Commonly shortened to just WDS, it is available as an installable role inside Windows Server 2008 R2. Note WDS is also available in Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008, but those versions don’t include the capabilities you’ll really want. Thus, this book’s server side will focus exclusively on Windows Server 2008 R2. Installing the WDS role is a very simple process that you complete in Server Manager. Start by right‐clicking Roles to add the Windows Deployment Services role. Installing this role also installs two role services: Deployment Server and Transport Server. Both of these role services are required for WDS to function.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Once the WDS role is installed, you will complete an initial configuration to get started. Do so by right‐clicking the server in the WDS console, and selecting Configure Server. The Configure Server wizard will query you for information in three areas: •
Remote installation folder location. Your image files obviously need a storage location. These files will be large, measuring in the tens of gigabytes, and you’ll eventually have more than one of them. For this first area, provide a path to a sufficiently‐large local folder where you will be storing your image files. This path should not be the system partition.
PXE server initial settings. Although it is possible to start a Windows 7 image deployment by booting the computer from a DVD or USB drive, you get the best automation by booting computers via the Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE). This “pixie booting” enables computers to automatically download an image from the network as they boot. Transferring Windows 7 images over the network can have a big impact on network performance (a topic I’ll discuss in a minute), so for now, select the Do not respond to any client computers option. Don’t worry, we’ll be changing this option shortly.
Add Image Wizard. The third query asks whether you want to add images to this server now. In this first chapter, I’ll be showing you how to deploy default images that are right off the Windows media. Automating the customization of these images won’t happen just yet. That comes later. For this first example, you’ll install only the default configuration of Windows 7—just like what you get after a manual install from the DVD.
To get started, select the Add images to the server now check box, and click Finish. You’ll be prompted for a file path. Insert your copy of the Windows 7 DVD into the drive, and supply the right path. The Add Image Wizard will ask you to create an image group. Do so, giving that group a friendly name. One or more images will be added to your server, depending on which version of the Windows 7 media you have. This process can take a few minutes, so grab a cup of coffee and meet me back here in 10.
Stepping Back: What Can You Now Do? So what can you do now? Right now, not much. What you’ve achieved at this point is the very beginning of your image deployment system. Remember your Ghost Server? On that server, you would create multicasting sessions to deploy images you specified to clients you connect. You’re doing much the same here, except Microsoft’s “Ghost Server” is accessed through the WDS console in Administrative Tools. Figure 1.1 shows an example of what you might be seeing at this point. There, five install images have been uploaded to the server from the Windows 7 DVD media. Each image corresponds to one of the editions of Windows 7. The steps up to this point have uploaded another image as well. This image is called a boot image, and it is found in Figure 1.1’s Boot Images folder.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 1.1: The WDS console. WDS uses two types of images to install Windows. The boot image has nothing to do with the OS you’ll eventually install onto that computer. Rather, it is a miniature version of Windows called the Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE). You need WinPE just to boot the computer to which you’ll eventually deploy an image. As it boots the computer, WinPE also loads other niceties, such as a lightweight Windows GUI for interacting with that computer. A network stack is also loaded, so you can conveniently transfer images over your LAN. WinPE is actually a tiny version of Windows, so some (though far from all) of your usual Windows commands will work with it. I’ll talk more about WinPE later, but for now, be aware that the boot image is what starts this ball rolling. The real juice with WDS comes in its install images, found in the Install Images folder in the console. You’ve just uploaded a set of install images right off the Windows 7 media. Yours might have a few less or more than mine, depending on where you got your media. One of these install images and a boot image is all you need to start automatically deploying Windows. Really. Note It’s at this point where I should highlight how Microsoft’s overly‐complicated documentation can really confuse people. Reading it, you might discover that Microsoft wants you to PXE your machine to WDS using an Unattend.XML file built from WSIM in the WAIK after pre‐staging your GUID inside the ADUC. Oh, and don’t forget MDT (formerly BDD!), who’s Deployment Workbench wraps around all this ridiculousness. My response: Hooey. In attempting to define everything, Microsoft has inadvertently confused everything. Bear with me in this book because I intend to bootstrap you through those same services but without all the confusing alphabet soup.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
So obviously that right‐off‐the‐DVD image isn’t terribly customized for your environment. All by itself, your computer won’t have Office installed. It won’t have any special drive partitioning. Any customizations you normally add to your “golden image” won’t be on it. All those things are the topic in Chapter 2. Before you start customizing your image, you need to know how to actually deploy an image. That’s what we’re about to do in step two.
Step Two: Configuring WDS for Over‐The‐Network Image Deployment I mentioned before that one mechanism to boot a computer is by using a DVD or USB hard drive. You can start that process by right‐clicking a boot image, and selecting Create Discover Image (and then perform another dance of multiple steps I won’t get into). The problem is that the manual method of booting computers is a process you don’t want to do. It’s not terribly automatic. So the much more exciting solution is to use PXE and your network. Before you start, however, check out this sidebar for an important warning about WDS and network bandwidth consumption. A Warning about OvertheNetwork Image Deployment Kicking off an over‐the‐network image deployment is a lot like turning on a fire hose of data through your network. Not properly segregated, that data hose can severely bog down entire sections of your LAN. For example, turning it on in a non‐segregated network of a dozen computers can essentially shut down the network for everyone else until the installation is complete. Multicast domains can protect you from this situation, but they’ll need to be specifically configured on your networking equipment. If you intend to use over‐the‐network image deployment, you might start by splitting off a little network subnet just for use in deploying computers. That subnet might include your WDS server and a few network connections for computers who need imaging. That way, you can learn about WDS’ traffic and effects on your network equipment before you stage it throughout the rest of your network. Let’s get your WDS server ready for deploying default images across the network. Doing so requires two network services: PXE, which we’ve already discussed, and DHCP. PXE handles the very first bootstrapping step for the computer, directing it to the WDS server where it can find its boot image. DHCP is used to give those PXE clients an address and route them to the WDS server. I’ll show you a fairly open example of how to configure the two, and let you lock it down later as you see fit. Start this process by right‐clicking your server name in the WDS console, and selecting Properties. If you’ve done everything correctly, you should see nine tabs in the resulting properties screen. You’ll need to make changes in five of the tabs to get started.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
PXE Response Tab The first tab where configuration is required is PXE Response, seen here in Figure 1.2. Any computer whose boot order has been configured to boot first from a network card will attempt to find a PXE server every time it boots. Obviously, this means that every time that computer starts, it will essentially be looking for a new OS vis‐à‐vis WDS. This is an OK thing, based on some other configurations you’ll make shortly. But, as you can imagine, the default setting is for WDS to not respond to client computers.
Figure 1.2: The PXE Response tab. To begin listening for PXE clients, change this setting to Respond to all client computers (known and unknown). By setting the configuration in this way, any PXE client that attempts to connect to WDS will be heard and receive a response.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Notice also that Require administrator approval for unknown computers has been selected. Using WDS alone, administrator approval is a necessary evil because this action provides the mechanism to name new computers as their OS is installed. If you don’t select this check box, computers will be given a default name that is based on the username of the individual who hits F12 and starts the installation. Virtually all of us use a special naming convention for our computers. So naming all your computers after yourself isn’t a great solution. Note Be aware that there’s a missing piece in WDS’ installation that causes this naming process to fail unless you make a small change to your Active Directory (AD) permissions. The problem exists because the process to name that computer and add its account token into AD happens using the server’s AD authentication token and not your user token. You’ll need to make this small change to enable the correct permissions: In Active Directory Users and Computers, right‐click the domain, and then select Delegate Control. Change the object type to include computers, and add the computer object of the WDS server into the dialog box. Click Next. When prompted, select Create a custom task to delegate. Select Only the following objects in the folder. Next, select the Computer Objects check box, then Create selected objects in this folder. Click Next. In the Permissions box, select Write all Properties, and click Finish.
Boot Tab As you can imagine, setting the previous tab to listen for every PXE boot could be a bad thing. “Connect every computer to WDS as it boots? Greg, are you nuts?” Quite the opposite, my friends. You can still listen for every client but allow most of them to continue on through the regular boot process by forcing the user to hit the F12 key when the user is ready for an OS installation. You can setup this configuration on the Boot tab (see Figure 1.3). Notice that known and unknown clients are separated out, with each class of client being given one of three different options.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 1.3: The Boot tab. Hitting F12 presents a great way to automate. Think of how this might work: You recognize that a computer needs rebuilding. That computer’s BIOS is already configured to boot first from its network card. Assuming that a transmission is ready for approval, all you need to do from the client is reboot and hit F12 to start the process. Every other computer passes by this situation after a few seconds on their way to a standard boot. You’ll also see in this figure that it is possible to specify a default boot image. This setting is optional for now, as you should at this point only have a single boot image (for at least one processor architecture) if not more. If you have more than one for each architecture, consider selecting one as the default.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
DHCP Tab On the third tab of interest, you begin the process of setting up DHCP services (see Figure 1.4). The verbiage on this tab is a bit confusing. Allow me to translate. There are in fact three scenarios that can exist between WDS and DHCP: •
WDS and DHCP are on the same subnet but on different servers. This setup is the most‐likely case. It is also the easiest, as there is nothing additional that you need to do. You can move to the next step.
WDS and DHCP are on the same server. If your DHCP server is also your WDS server, select both of the offered check boxes. Move on.
WDS and DHCP are on different servers on different subnets. This setup involves the most work. Select none of the check boxes. Then, in the DHCP console of your DHCP server, view the properties of each relevant DHCP scope. There, select the check boxes to enable scope options 66 and 67. You’ll need to enter the fully‐ qualified domain name of your WDS server in the String Value box for option 66. Enter the name of your boot image into option 67. This name is typically boot.wim, although you can double‐check the file name by viewing the properties of the boot image on the General tab.
Figure 1.4: The DHCP tab.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Multicast Tab The Multicast tab (see Figure 1.5) has two sections you’ll need to review. At the top, you can set the network addresses you’ll use when multicasting. These addresses can either source from a static range or be distributed through DHCP. Depending on how your network is configured, these addresses may be different than the default settings. Consult your network settings (or your network administrator!) for your specific addresses.
Figure 1.5: The Multicast tab. The bottom section can be very important for speeding up the transmission of images to multiple clients at once. You can obviously imagine that some Windows computers are faster than others. Maybe they have faster processors or disks, or they’ve got a better connection to the LAN. One historical limitation of multicast is that its transmissions are always limited to the slowest member of the group. That limitation hasn’t changed. But what has changed is the ability to break apart a multicast transfer into multiple smaller transfers when slow machines cause slowdowns. In the Transfer Settings box, you can separate those clients. More multicast transmissions obviously means simultaneously duplicating that aforementioned fire hose of data. So be careful before you make any changes because you can really turn on the faucet here.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Advanced Tab Finally is the Advanced tab (see Figure 1.6). If you’re using a Microsoft DHCP server, you’ll need to click the radio button to Authorize this Windows Deployment Services server in DHCP. You can also specify a domain controller (as opposed to having WDS discover a local one), although doing so isn’t common.
Figure 1.6: The Advanced tab.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Step Three: Deploying Your First Windows 7 Image You’re now ready to deploy your first Windows 7 image over the network. Start this process by right‐clicking Multicast Transmissions in the WDS console, and selecting Create Multicast Transmission. You’ll have three areas to address: •
Transmission name. Each transmission requires its own name. Clients will use this name to identify which transmission they want to follow. Give the transmission a friendly name, and continue.
Image selection. Your second selection will identify which image you want to transfer. Each image group contains one or more images. Select the one you’re ready to deploy.
Multicast type. Creating a multicast transmission only prepares it for clients. Once that transmission is prepared, it will sit in waiting for those clients based on the behaviors you set. As Figure 1.7 shows, you’ve got options. You can instruct the transmission to begin after a certain number of clients or amount of time passes. A much more powerful alternative is to simply tell the transmission to begin when the first client connects. Subsequent clients will join later, picking up the data at whatever point it is at, and finishing up where necessary. I particularly like this setting, as it gives me the most flexibility for starting transmissions and joining clients a bit later.
Figure 1.7: Multicast Type.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Finishing the wizard sets the multicast transmission to a Waiting status until the Multicast Type conditions are met. Now, ready a computer that needs an OS. Set its network boot order in the BIOS to boot from its NIC first. Then boot it, and hit F12 when prompted. If you’ve done everything correctly, the computer will boot and pause as it awaits approval for its pending OS installation request. Figure 1.8 shows how the boot screen will appear as the client waits. Note that this computer’s pending request ID is set to 1.
Figure 1.8: Awaiting administrator approval. That same pending request ID number will be displayed in the WDS console under Pending Devices (see Figure 1.9). To approve the request and name the computer, right‐click the appropriate request ID and choose Name and Approve. Enter a name for the computer into the resulting dialog box, and click OK. The installation will begin.
Figure 1.9: Pending Devices.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
The client will download its boot image from the WDS server and present you with a screen that looks similar to Figure 1.10. As you can imagine, at this point you don’t have full automation just yet. You’ll learn about those steps in future chapters. But what you do have is a mini‐setup screen for Windows 7. Figure 1.10 shows that the mini‐setup screen needs a Locale and Keyboard as well as credentials to connect to the WDS server (in my case,
Figure 1.10: The boot image’s setup screen. Entering those credentials brings you to Figure 1.11, where your selection of OS edition can be made. You should note an interesting behavior here. When you created the original multicast transmission, you identified an edition for distribution, yet on this screen you’re allowed to choose any edition in the image group. That edition selection will become important down the road as you add automation pieces.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 1.11: Selecting an edition. This wizard’s final screen (not shown here) provides a location to configure any disk partitions that will be used by this computer. Moving on from this screen begins the installation. Monitoring the status of installations occurs back in the WDS console, where useful instrumentation data is presented for each client: name, IP address, time connected, status (as percent complete), and even CPU, memory, and network utilization statistics. I’ve scrolled Figure 1.12 a bit to the left to show some of its more interesting columns. This date is useful for identifying when one or more slow clients needs to be disconnected or reverted to its own multicast transmission. You can do so by right‐clicking any running transmission, and selecting Disconnect or Bypass multicast.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 1.12: Client instrumentation for an active multicast transmission. Give your installation a few minutes to complete. As with a manual installation, the installation process will reboot the computer a few times and offer a few pop‐up status screens. Once the installation is again ready for user input, you’ll be presented with the post‐installation configuration screen called Set Up Windows (see Figure 1.13).
Figure 1.13: The Set Up Windows screen. You’ve seen the next set of screens before. They’re pretty much the same configuration screens you see when you install Windows manually: setting a username and password, accepting the license agreement, configuring Windows Update, and setting the time and time zone.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Just a Few Steps to Basic Automation You’ve complete the few steps required to achieve basic automation, and there are just a few more to get you to even greater levels of automation. This first chapter has hopefully demystified some of the steps required to start automating the installation of Windows 7 with Microsoft’s tools. If a default installation from the Windows 7 DVD media is all you’re looking for, you can stop here and begin deploying clients. But most of us would probably like just a few more of these processes taken off our plate. We don’t want to deal with answering questions during WinPE’s initial boot. We probably don’t want to answer questions at the post‐installation configuration screen either. If we have drivers that aren’t part of the Windows DVD media, we want them added to our installation. And, most importantly, we want our initial installation to start with a set of applications like Microsoft Office and others. All of these are valid requirements as well as completely feasible automations that you can add with just a bit more work. And all of these are topics explored in Chapter 2.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Chapter 2: Creating a Universal Image that Installs Everywhere As you complete the steps from the previous chapter, you’re absolutely ready to start deploying Windows 7 images. They’re not terribly customized images yet, but they’ll work. Once deployed to desktops, these images will look almost exactly like the generic Windows 7 installation you would install directly from the DVD media. There’s nothing wrong with a generic image, especially considering that many of us have used the walk‐around‐the‐office‐DVD‐in‐hand approach for years. But there’s also nothing particularly automated about them. Worse yet, these images aren’t truly universal. If the computers to which you’re targeting the images need a set of drivers that aren’t on the DVD media, they might not work properly. Let’s think for a minute about what this solution lacks: •
Driver injection. Windows 7 comes with a massive stack of drivers right inside its DVD media and through Windows Update. But computers today often need their own custom drivers over and above the defaults. Our solution doesn’t yet have a way to inject those custom drivers into our images.
Automating the WinPE phase. Remember that deploying an image requires a boot image as well as an install image. Currently, our boot image asks us a set of questions we’d prefer not to answer, things like locale, keyboard, username and password to deployment server, operating system (OS) to install, and disk partitions. Real automation means answering these questions beforehand and letting our solution do the work.
Automating the set up Windows phase. Even after answering all of WinPE’s questions, there’s still a full second set of questions required by the Windows installation itself. The Set Up Windows wizard asks for a username and password, accept the license agreement, configuration settings for Windows Update, identify network settings, and set the time and time zone settings. We also want these questions answered beforehand, so we can zip past this manual step.
Thus, our solution is indeed still incomplete. It hasn’t evolved yet to using a universal image, one that can install everywhere. Nor is it fully automated so that it takes care of the heavy lifting on our behalf.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
There’s good news: It is possible with today’s Windows 7 deployment technologies to add these three capabilities with not much extra effort. I’ll show you how to do just that in this chapter. As with the previous chapter, I’ll be supplying you with a receipt to get started. I’ll then point out a few places where you can explore on your own for even greater automation. Let’s begin with the drivers.
Step Four: Dealing with Drivers Windows Deployment Server (WDS) got a very nice new feature in Windows Server 2008 R2. That new feature takes most of the pain out of automatically injecting drivers into a deployment. Navigate over to the WDS console in Server Manager, and scroll down to its Drivers node. Here you can add sets of drivers, called Driver Packages, to your WDS server. Those Driver Packages contain the drivers that a computer might want. Remember Plug and Play? Windows’ Plug and Play supplies the automation framework for installing these drivers inside a Windows deployment. Plug and Play: Awesome for Windows Installations During Windows installation, the real power of Microsoft’s Plug and Play shines. You already know that Plug and Play is the service that watches for new hardware to be connected. When it detects new hardware, it matches the hardware component’s characteristics to the drivers available. When it finds a match, the correct driver is automatically installed, making the hardware ready for use. Although you’re used to seeing its actions when you plug in a new device, Plug and Play is also in action during the install process. During install, Windows invokes Plug and Play to detect the installation hardware. The correct drivers are then installed if they’re available. If they’re not, Windows uses a generic driver when one is available. In the end, what you need is a mechanism to make custom drivers available during the install. If they’re available, Windows will take care of the rest. Drive Packages enable you to make custom drivers available during install. Once created and added to WDS, Plug and Play will find and install the custom drivers as the OS deployment begins.
Unpacking Drivers The hard part here is getting drivers into a format that WDS can use. WDS cannot work with drivers that are packaged into .EXE or .MSI files. Drivers need to be extracted from their .EXE or .MSI file so that WDS can find each driver’s .INF file.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Remember how most drivers, when they’re fully unpacked, arrive with some combination of .SYS, .CAT and .INF files? You can consider the .INF file to be a kind of instruction manual for installing the driver. It is the .INF file, usually one for each driver, that WDS needs to find. It needs the other files as well, but consider the .INF as your starting place. Everything else WDS needs is usually found in the same location. As you can imagine, locating the .INF can be difficult. Finding it is sometimes a game of educated guessing. Sometimes drivers arrive with their .INF files already extracted. Other times, they are packaged into a .CAB or .ZIP file. Your mileage will vary, with each driver being a little different. Unpacking the VMware Tools’ Drivers Don’t worry if this unpacking process is a bit confusing the first time around. Most of us are used to using install files to automate everything after we double‐click. Unfortunately, that double‐click doesn’t work for this specific need. Let me step you through a quick example that can illustrate one mechanism to locate the files you need. If you’re following along using VMware Workstation as your lab environment, you know that VMware’s custom drivers are found in the VMware Tools. Every OS that runs inside VMware Workstation needs its VMware Tools installed if it’s to work properly. For Windows, those tools are found in the file C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows.iso. Mount that ISO using a tool such as Virtual Clone Drive, and take a look at its contents. Inside are two .MSI files that contain the VMware Tools’ drivers: VMware Tools.msi and VMware Tools64.msi. You want the contents of these files. You can extract them to a folder by running an administrative install using the command: msiexec /a VMware Tools64.msi
Doing so will launch a mini‐setup that asks for a location to store the unpacked drivers. Store them somewhere they can be later accessed by WDS. You’ll use these drivers in the next step. Caution: Although this process makes for a great example, don’t use this process to install the VMware Tools on production computers. VMware strongly recommends installing the tools through their usual mechanisms inside VMware Workstation. Once you’ve unpacked drivers, you can add the entire folder’s worth of them in one fell swoop by right‐clicking Drivers in the WDS console, and choosing Add Driver Package. Figure 2.1 shows the screen that appears. You can select either a single .INF file or tell WDS to search a folder for every driver package it finds. I’ve chosen the second option because it’s easier and adds everything at once.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 2.1: Driver package location. The wizard’s second page provides a place to select the drivers to add from the set WDS has found (see Figure 2.2). Some of these you won’t want. For those, you have two options: clear the check box to prevent a driver’s package from being loaded to WDS, or double‐click the driver and change its status to Disabled if you want it loaded but not enabled for deployment. Double‐clicking individual drivers also gives you more details about that driver, its files, and other characteristics.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 2.2: Available driver packages. Click through the remaining wizard pages and add the drivers to the default DriverGroup1 to complete the wizard. DriverGroup1 is the default group that can be used by all computers as an installation is deployed. Thus, right out of the box any driver that is contained in DriverGroup1 will automatically be available for any deployment to any computer. You might at this point want to add to DriverGroup1 the set of drivers you know your desktops will need. Once added, try a test installation to see whether those drivers are successfully installed during a deployment. You’ll be able to tell by logging into a desktop as Administrator after deploying an OS. Once there, check the list of drivers in Device Manager. You’ve done everything correctly if the right drivers appear.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note Although this tool is great when drivers are perfectly matched to computers, you might experience the situation where drivers conflict with each other. For example, drivers from one hardware type might be very close to those of another. As a result, the wrong set of drivers can be installed by WDS. In this case, you’ll need to configure WDS driver groups in combination with filters. WDS’ filters restrict driver installations to certain hardware characteristics such as manufacturer, BIOS vendor, UUIS, OS version, and so on. They provide a way to target specific sets of drivers to specific sets of hardware. Configuring these filters is out of scope for this book; you can get more information about them at‐ us/library/dd348456(WS.10).aspx.
Adding Drivers to Boot Images Up to now, I’ve showed you only the steps to add drivers to install images. If your hardware will not function with the generic drivers included in WinPE, you’ll need to add custom drivers to your boot image as well. This process is slightly different than with install images. The boot image process requires specifically adding drivers into the boot image rather than just making them available. Before you start, driver packages for boot images must first be added into the Drivers node using the method I’ve already explained. Once added, inject them into a boot image by right‐clicking the boot image, and choosing Add Driver Packages to Image. This selection brings up a multi‐screen wizard for selecting the appropriate driver packages. Figure 2.3 shows the most important page in that wizard. This page locates driver packages based on the search terms you set in the Search box. The settings in Figure 2.3 are the defaults for my standard x64 boot image. Adjust your search terms, then click Search for Packages to reveal the results at the bottom. Select the check boxes for the appropriate drivers, and complete the wizard to add them to the boot image.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 2.3: Add Driver Packages to Boot Image Wizard. Note Although adding driver packages to boot images is easy, removing them is less so. Thus, it is recommended that you make a backup copy of the image before making any changes. Otherwise, a wrongly‐placed driver can corrupt the boot image.
Step Five: Automating the WinPE Boot Image With the right set of custom drivers, your images can now be made universal. That makes you ready for the next step in constructing your deployment solution: automating responses to the set of questions asked by WinPE prior to starting an OS deployment. These questions relate to locale, keyboard, the username and password WinPE needs to download an install image, OS and edition, and disk partitions.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Things get a little more challenging in this step. First, you’ll need to learn two more of the acronyms in the Microsoft deployment alphabet soup: WAIK and WSIM. The WAIK is the Windows Automated Installation toolKit. Among many other deployment‐related tools, the WAIK is the home of the Windows System Image Manager (WSIM). Your first job is to locate the Windows 7 version of the WAIK (they are versioned by OS). For this book, download and install the WAIK to your WDS server. Once installed, launch WSIM. WSIM provides a workbench for creating unattended installation files. Figure 2.4 shows what WSIM looks like after completing some of the preparations I’ll explain next. As you’ll immediately note, it’s a pretty busy interface. I’ll walk through each of its panes in the next section.
Figure 2.4: An example WSIM interface. First a little background on what you’re about to create. The files WSIM generates provide the “answers” to the “questions” you’ll want to eliminate from your automated installation. You’ll in fact use WSIM twice to do this. For its first run‐through, you’ll be answering the questions WinPE asks during its portion of the installation. For the second—which I’ll explain in Step Six—you’ll follow up with an additional set of answers that will be used by the Windows installation itself.
Preparing WSIM To get started with WSIM, create a Distribution Share. For our purposes, create a folder called C:\DistroShare on your WDS server. Then, in WSIM, right‐click Select a Distribution Share | Create Distribution Share. Navigate to C:\DistroShare, and click Open to set this as your share.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Your next action will be to export an install image from WDS to the share. This image is needed so that WSIM can analyze it to discover the questions that might need answering. Right‐click an install image that you plan to eventually deploy (yes, that’s an install image and not a boot image), and choose Export Image. This will be the image that you later plan to deploy to your desktops. I’ll be choosing the Windows 7 ENTERPRISE edition image for mine. Export that image to C:\DistroShare and give it a name. Then, back in WSIM, right‐ click Select a Windows image or catalog file | Select Windows Image, then choose the .WIM image you just exported. You’ll be immediately prompted with the error message you see in Figure 2.5. This is OK because you haven’t yet created a catalog file that is associated with this image. Create that catalog by clicking Yes. This catalog file takes a few minutes to generate as WSIM analyzes the image for all the possible questions that could be asked. Once it is complete, you’ll be able to pick and choose from the questions it discovers and answer those of interest.
Figure 2.5: Cannot find a valid catalog file. Figure 2.6 shows what the Windows Image pane will resemble once this process has completed. You’ll see that a very large number of questions are available to be answered, many of which are difficult to understand and all of which have cryptic names. Many questions have sub‐categories of further questions.
Figure 2.6: WSIM’s Windows Image pane.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
You might spend quite a bit of time here simply finding the questions of interest. Many of these are intended only for the activities in Step Six. Others are intended for what we’re doing here with WinPE in Step Five. To be honest, this process is mostly a guess‐and‐test activity. I’ll help get you started with the minimum you’ll need to fully automate this step. Later, you can add more answers as you see fit and desire more customization. Before you can begin working with questions, you’ll need to create an answer file. You’ll eventually add this .XML file into WDS. Create it by right‐clicking Create or open an answer file | New Answer File in the Answer File pane (see Figure 2.7).
Figure 2.7: An answer file. Note Every answer file has seven numbered sections. These seven sections correspond to the seven “passes” of the Windows installation, starting with windowsPE and finishing with oobeSystem (OOBE stands for Out‐Of‐Box Experience). For Step Five in our process, we’ll be working only with questions that relate to Pass 1.
Locating the Right Questions and Inserting Answers At this point, you’ll need to locate the questions you want and insert whatever answers make sense for your Windows 7 deployment. I’ll kick off this process by explaining how to answer one question in detail. Then, in the next section I’ll follow up with a table of the remaining questions and their answers. Remember that I am using the x64 installation of Windows 7. Questions for x64 installations begin in WSIM with amd64. If you will be installing the x86 version, look for those that start with x86. The first question you want to answer relates to the regional language to be used by the installation. In the Windows Image pane, navigate to amd64_MicrosoftWindows InternationalCoreWinPE_{version}_neutral where {version} is whatever version number you see. Right‐click this element, and select Add Setting to Pass 1 windowsPE (see Figure 2.8).
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 2.8: Adding a setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Doing so adds the question to your answer file. Once added, you’ll then answer it in WSIM’s upper‐right pane. That pane’s title will always be the name of the question you’ve currently selected in the Answer File pane. Figure 2.9 shows both panes with the question highlighted that I’ve just selected.
Figure 2.9: Answering a question. If your language choice is United States English, the correct answer for this question is en us. Enter this value into each of the boxes except for LayeredDriver under settings in the upper‐right pane. Note You wouldn’t necessarily know this by looking, but LayeredDriver is only used by Japanese and Korean keyboards. I bring up this point to highlight how much research, guessing, and testing you’ll be doing when you attempt to customize. So, yes, what you’re thinking is correct: This isn’t easy. Keep following along, and I’ll at least get you started. Also notice in Figure 2.9 that amd64_MicrosoftWindowsInternationalCore WinPE_{version}_neutral has another question below it in the subfolder marked SetupUILanguage. You’ll want to answer that question as well. Click to view SetupUILanguage, and enter enus again next to UILanguage in the upper‐right pane.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
The Remaining Questions and Answers You have now completed answering the first question. Table 2.1 provides all the questions and answers. For each, I’ll explain the question as well as possible corresponding answers. Remember that these answers are for my environment as I’ve been building it in this book. Thus, yours might be slightly different. Locate and answer each of these before moving on. Windows Image Pane (Question)
UpperRight Pane (Answer)
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ International‐Core‐ WinPE_{version}_neutral
InputLocale = en‐us SystemLocale = en‐us UILanguage = en‐us UILanguageFallback = en‐us UserLocale = en‐us
This item configures the WinPE language to US English.
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ International‐Core‐ WinPE_{version}_neutral\ SetupUILanguage
UILanguage = en‐us
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\ WindowsDeploymentServices\ Login\Credentials
Domain Username Password
Enter the domain, username, and password of the user who connects to your WDS share (the same user as in Chapter 1, Figure 1.10).
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\Disk Configuration\Disk
DiskID = 0
This item begins working with the first disk in the computer.
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\Disk Configuration\Disk\Create Partitions\CreatePartition
Extend = true Order = 1 Type = Primary
This item creates a single primary disk to install Windows.
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\Disk Configuration\Disk\Modify Partitions\ModifyPartition
Active = true Format = NTFS Label = Windows Letter = C Order = 1 PartitionID = 1
This item modifies that partition to create the C: drive as the first NTFS drive and partition.
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\ WindowsDeploymentServices\ ImageSelection\InstallTo
DiskID = 0
This item installs Windows to the disk and volume created in the rows above.
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\ WindowsDeploymentServices\ ImageSelection\InstallImage
Filename ImageGroup
PartitionID = 1
See the note below.
Table 2.1: Step Five’s remaining questions and answers.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note The InstallImage question is a special case. If you want complete automation, enter the filename, Image Group, and Image Name of the image you want to deploy from WDS. You can get this information by reviewing the properties of the image in WDS. In my case, the filename will be install.wim, the ImageGroup will be Windows 7 Default, and the ImageName will be Windows 7 ENTERPRISE. If you do not enter values, you will be given the option to select an image at the time of installation. Thus, there’s a tradeoff between full automation and being able to choose an image at every OS deployment. Remove the question entirely from the answer file if you won’t be supplying answers.
Validating, Saving, and Adding the Answer File to WDS The hard part is done! Three easy steps are next: validating the answer file, saving it, and finally entering it into WDS. The first step is validation. Run a validation by selecting Tools | Validate Answer File. Your answer file should validate with no warnings or errors. If one exists, WSIM will tell you what needs to be fixed. For example, Figure 2.10 shows the error message you would see if your DiskID item under Disk was missing a value. Fix any errors and re‐run the validation again until it reports No warnings or errors.
Figure 2.10: A validation error. Save the answer file to the C:\RemoteInstall folder on the WDS server by selecting File | Save Answer File. Because this answer file will be located under the Client tab in WDS, let’s name this file unattend_x64_client.xml. Answer files for WinPE are configured on a per WDS server basis and not a per boot image basis. Thus, a single answer file will be used for all deployments of a particular architecture (x86, ia64, or x64) for the entire WDS server. You can attach answer files you just created by navigating back to the WDS console, and right‐clicking the server name | Properties. Under the client tab (see Figure 2.11), select the Enable unattended installation check box, and click Browse next to the correct architecture (x64 in my case). Provide the path to the unattend_x64_client.xml file, and click OK.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 2.11: Adding the unattended installation file to WDS. At this point, you might want to re‐run another OS deployment, just to see how the installation has now automated its first steps. As you’ll discover, you won’t be asked any questions until you get to the Set Up Windows wizard after the installation completes. Fixing that is a job for Step Six.
Step Six: Automating the Set Up Windows Phase Getting rid of that pesky Set Up Windows wizard requires one more step in fully automating the installation. By combining this step, what we accomplished in Step Five, and the driver work in Step Four, you’ve fulfilled this chapter’s goal of creating a universal Windows image that installs anywhere.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
You already know that WSIM provides you an almost‐too‐much‐to‐handle list of possible questions and answers that customize your Windows installation. At this point, however, what you want is that universal image that installs everywhere with no added effort. This step will show you the few additional questions and answers WSIM can manage in order to eliminate the Set Up Windows wizard. Any further customization I’ll leave to your own curiosity. You can spend literally days tweaking unattend files in WSIM to get the process just right. Getting through Set Up Windows means addressing four areas: Setting the time zone, accepting the EULA, setting up the network location, and creating a local administrator and password. Each of these steps can be pre‐answered through the same WSIM tool you’ve already experienced in Step Five. Different here is where you’ll attach that file once created. Rather than attaching it to the Clients tab for the WDS server, you get to apply your unattend file directly to the image you plan to deploy. Rather than go through the process again for using WSIM, let me give you a second table of questions and answers that you’ll need. As in Step Five, use WSIM to create an unattend file with these questions and whatever answers make sense for your environment. However, there is one important difference. For Step Six, you’ll be adding your questions and answers to different passes in the installation process, specifically Pass 4 and Pass 7, rather than Pass 1. Table 2.2 includes the correct passes to get you going. Remember that, as before, these answers are for my environment as I’ve been building it. Yours might be slightly different. Windows Image Pane (Question)
UpperRight Pane (Answer)
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐Shell‐ Setup_{version}_neutral (Pass 4)
ComputerName = %MACHINENAME% TimeZone
Setting ComputerName to %MACHINENAME% will pass through the name you set in WDSs Name and Approve. Set TimeZone to your correct time zone, such as Mountain Standard Time. 1
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐ International‐ Core_{version}_neutral (Pass 7)
InputLocale = en‐us SystemLocale = en‐us UILanguage = en‐us UserLocale = en‐us
This item configures the Windows language to US English.
See‐us/library/cc749073(WS.10).aspx for a list of applicable time zone strings.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Windows Image Pane (Question)
UpperRight Pane (Answer)
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐Shell‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\ oobe (Pass 4)
HideEULAPage = true HideWirelessSetupIn OOBE = true NetworkLocation = work ProtectYourPC = 1
Hides the EULA and wireless setup screens, sets the network location to work, and enables Automatic Updates.
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐Shell‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\ UserAccounts\LocalAccounts\ LocalAccount (Pass 7)
DisplayName = LocalAdmin Group = Administrators Name = LocalAdmin
This item adds a local administrator account named LocalAdmin.
amd64_Microsoft‐Windows‐Shell‐ Setup_{version}_neutral\ UserAccounts\LocalAccounts\ LocalAccount\Password (Pass 7)
Value = {Password}
This item configures the password for the administrator account created earlier.
Table 2.2: WSIM questions and answers for Step Six. As before, validate this file and save it to complete this step. I’ll name my file C:\RemoteInstall\unattend_w7_enterprise.xml as this file corresponds specifically to the Windows 7 ENTERPRISE deployment in WDS. Note I mentioned that you could add customization. One place to do so is in the subfolders of amd64_MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup_{version}_neutral. You can either further personalize your installation by answering their questions, or remove them from the file by right‐clicking each, and choosing Delete. Be aware that your validation may display a set of yellow warnings if these subfolder items are not populated with information or not removed from the unattend file. So plan on either answering them or deleting them so that validation completes successfully. As in Step Five, the final part of Step Six is to attach this file to its correct location inside WDS. To do so, navigate to the WDS console in Server Manager, then go to Install Images and find the install image for the unattend file you just created. Right‐click that install image, and view its properties. You’ll see a check box at the bottom of the properties window (see Figure 2.12). Select this check box, and click Select File. Provide the path to the unattend_w7_enterprise.xml file, and click OK.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 2.12: An image’s properties. You’re done! At this point, re‐run your installation one more time and amaze yourself with a Windows 7 OS that fully deploys without additional input.
Time for Applications In two chapters, we’ve started with little more than the manual installation of Windows and added six steps of automation. You now know how to extend the basic image to virtually any kind of hardware through drivers and Plug and Play. You also know how to automate the WinPE and Set Up Windows portions of the installation so that you can kick off a deployment and come back to a CONTROL+ALT+DELETE screen. Yet there are still a few things that remain ominously missing at this point. The first and most obvious of these are those pesky applications. A Windows computer isn’t terribly useful for users if they’ve got no applications to run on that computer. That will be the topic for the next chapter. In it, I’ll show you different approaches for getting applications onto computers, some of which might surprise you.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Chapter 3: Techniques in Installing Applications During Windows Deployment Chapter 2 covered the first six steps in creating a fully‐automated and universal Windows 7 image. With those six steps, you’re ready to start deploying Windows with fully‐automated ease. However, you can probably imagine that there’s an important piece of this deployment that’s still missing: the applications. In this chapter, I’ll discuss two very different techniques that you can use to install applications onto Windows 7 desktops during a deployment. I’ll start by explaining the thick approach, and will then begin the dive into a discussion of the layered approach. The thick approach is probably similar to how you’ve been handling applications. Using the thick approach, you create one or more master images that contain the operating system (OS) along with any applications you want deployed. Once created and configured to your liking, this master image is captured back to your WDS server and later redeployed to computers around your network. The approach is called thick because the images grow large as applications and configurations are added. The thick approach with master images has long been used because it is easy to comprehend. Simply create an image, make any configuration changes, install and configure applications, and finally capture that image back to the deployment server. Although the approach requires extra steps, it is easy to visualize what the user will get when the captured image is redeployed: If you created it on the master image, the user will get it.
Step Seven: Creating a Master Image with Applications The creation of a master image starts with the deployment of a basic image to a master computer. This master computer will be the location where you will perform the image customization work. Deploy that basic image using the process you learned in the previous two chapters. Once the image is deployed to the master computer, make the changes you want eventually deployed to users. In addition to installing applications, you might want to set a few of their initial configurations to make things easy. You might also want to install any licenses that can be legally replicated throughout your network. Remember that any change you make on this master image will be copied to every other computer when the image is later deployed.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Audit Mode Windows Vista and Windows 7 now include a special configuration “mode” called Audit Mode. Although you can absolutely make changes to your master computer without using Audit Mode, this special mode enables a set of protections for master images during this customization process. Using Audit Mode is optional and out of scope for this book. For more information, see‐ us/library/dd799305(WS.10).aspx. In my sample master image, I deployed a copy of Windows 7 using our process thus far and then installed Microsoft Office. For grins, I also changed the theme and configured the power settings for the computer. For our sample solution, these simple changes represent the only custom configurations I’ll set in my master image.
Invoking Sysprep You’ll need to Sysprep the computer as the very last step in this customization process. A Sysprep must be completed to prepare the computer for being deployed, as it completes a process called generalization. The generalization process eliminates all the data on the OS instance that links it to the hardware on which it was installed. By generalizing, you can later redeploy this image to other hardware. Older versions of Sysprep were quite painful to use. Luckily, it has gotten quite a bit easier in Windows 7 to complete this task. Sysprep is now available directly on every Windows 7 instance. To launch Sysprep, run the command C:\Windows\System32\sysprep\sysprep.exe
Running sysprep.exe will bring forward the dialog box you see in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: The System Preparation Tool dialog box.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note in Figure 3.1 that the System Cleanup Action is set to Enter System OutofBox Experience (OOBE), and that the Generalize check box is selected. These two settings revert the computer back to a point where the Set Up Windows wizard will be displayed upon the next reboot. This action puts the computer into the correct position for deployment. That is the same position we experienced with our basic image in the previous chapters. You’ll also note that I’ve configured the Shutdown Options to Shutdown the computer once it has completed generalizing. This is important for the next part of this process. Note Pre‐staging the computer into this mode means that our original unattend files—those we worked on in the previous chapter—should still work in customizing and automatically deploying this computer in the same way as our basic image. You should still be able to use your original unattend files, even against this customized image. Just make sure that you re‐attach them to the new image back in WDS after capturing the image in the next step.
Creating a Capture Image To deploy this image, you’ve first got to capture it to your WDS server. Capturing that image requires the use of a special boot image I’ll call a capture image. This capture image boots the computer to WinPE just like a boot image. But instead of handing off to an install image, the capture image instead gathers the computer’s data into a master image. Let’s create that capture image. Go to your WDS server, and click Boot Images. Right‐click a boot image, and choose Create Capture Image. You’ll be presented with the Create Capture Image Wizard just like you see in Figure 3.2. Give the capture image a name and description as well as a storage path. You’ll notice that I’m storing my capture image with the boot image in C:\RemoteInstall\Boot\x64\Images. Click Next to create the image, which will take a few minutes to complete.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 3.2: The Create Capture Image Wizard. After the image has been created, you’ll be presented with a Task Progress screen (not shown here). There will be an Add image to the Windows Deployment Server now check box. Select that box, and click Finish. This step adds the just‐created capture image back to the WDS server, enabling the capture image to be deployed over the network just like we’ve been doing with every image so far. Run through the resulting Add Image Wizard to add the new capture image back to WDS. Figure 3.3 shows how I’ve given this image a name of Microsoft Windows Capture (x64). Completing this wizard and adding the image takes a few minutes once again, but as a result, you’ll be able to capture a master computer’s image in the same way that you deploy an image—over the network!
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 3.3: The Add Image Wizard.
Capturing the Master Image That was the hard part. Your last task in this step is to capture the image you’ve just generalized and made ready for deployment. At this point, the master computer should be powered down if you configured Sysprep per the instructions. Sysprep needs it to remain powered down so that its power‐back‐on‐into‐Set‐Up‐Windows state is captured by the capture image. You’ll do that now, but be terrifically careful with this step. Power on the powered‐down master computer and connect it to your WDS server via PXE boot. You must make sure not to power on the computer into its Windows installation. Quickly power it back down if you have any problems with PXE. Assuming you’re successful with the PXE boot, you’re ready to capture its image.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note There’s another important change to be made here first. Remember back in Chapter 2 when we attached the unattend_x64_client.xml unattend file to our WDS server? That unattend file boots computers and immediately begins deploying our basic Windows 7 boot image. You don’t want to deploy an image at this point, you want to capture one. So, the unattend file needs to disappear for a while. To ensure that you boot to the correct image, right‐click to view the properties of the WDS server, and select the Client tab. Clear the Enable unattended installation check box. You can re‐select the check box after you’ve completed the capture. If you’ve done everything correctly, your master computer will boot to a screen similar to the following image. There, you’ll want to select the capture image to start the capture process. Be very careful with this process, as booting back to Windows may require needing to re‐Sysprep and shut down the computer before trying again.
Don’t forget to select the Enable unattended installation check box once you’ve completed your capture. That returns your WDS server back to its normal operation for automatically deploying images. The next set of steps is a manual process; however, this is OK because you’ll be doing them relatively rarely. After booting with the capture image, you’ll see an initial welcome screen. Click Next to see the Directory to Capture screen, similar to Figure 3.4. Anyone think it’s funny they call this the directory to capture? Sorry, I digress…
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 3.4: Directory to Capture. The drop‐down box on this screen is exceptionally important. In it should be the volume of the computer you’ll want to capture back to WDS. You can see in my example that C:\ is the volume I’m interested in capturing. If you do not see a volume here, your Sysprep did not complete successfully. If you don’t see a volume, log out of the capture mode before attempting any other action, power on the computer back to its installed OS, manually answer the Set Up Windows questions, make any necessary changes, and re‐Sysprep the computer before starting this process again. In Figure 3.4 are also Image name and Image description boxes. These are intended for the name and description of the image as will be seen in WDS. I’ve named mine to show that this image is comprised of my basic Windows 7 ENTERPRISE image plus Microsoft Office. Click Next to continue. The next screen, shown in Figure 3.5, identifies where you want to store the install image. Be aware that this New Image Location screen behaves a little strangely. Follow along closely because I experienced some problems the first few runs through.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 3.5: New Image Location. Remember how creating a capture image required two steps? In the first step, the image was created, then it was uploaded to the WDS server. This rather‐confusing window needs to accomplish both of those tasks. Problem is that you don’t necessarily want to store your image on the master computer; you want to store it on your WDS server. It’s here where things get tricky. Click Browse in the Name and location box to browse to the Images folder on your WDS server. For me, the correction location was \\wdsserver\c$\RemoteInstall\Images\Windows 7 Default. There, give the image a name, which in my case was Windows7_Office.wim. You will be prompted to enter credentials to make this connection. After completing this step, select the Upload image to a Windows Deployment Services server (optional) check box. Enter the name of your WDS server under Server name, and click Connect. You will be prompted again for credentials. After successfully authenticating to your WDS server, a list of image groups will appear under Image Group name. Select the correct image group, and click Next to continue.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note I’ve seen some very strange behavior at this configuration screen. Namely, that the authentication session used to connect to the WDS server’s disk could not be shared by the WDS server connection. To get around this odd limitation, I used the server name for the disk connection and its IP address for the WDS connection. You might experience different results. If your connection attempt results in an error message, consider using my dual name and IP address trick to connect. You’re done! The capture process should begin. Capturing an image takes a bit longer than deploying one, so plan on quite a few minutes passing. Also, as with image deployments, be conscious about the large amount of network traffic that an image capture can generate. At its conclusion, you should find your newly‐created image in the WDS console. Consider performing a test deployment to see how well it works and whether your configurations deploy correctly. Your configuration should not have affected many of the questions and answers in your unattend file. If you have configured a specific image to be deployed in your Client file, you’ll want to change its name and filename. The other settings should remain effective and should correctly answer the questions required by this custom image’s Set Up Windows prompt. If you’ve done everything correctly, you should be able to deploy your custom images using exactly the same process as your basic images from Chapters 1 and 2.
Stepping Back: Application Delivery Mechanisms Step Seven seems pretty involved, particularly when you pair it with the realization that every little change to a Windows image will require a deployment, a configuration change, and a capture. That’s a lot of steps when you consider how often changes can be necessary. An interesting thing about the Windows XP‐to‐Windows 7 upgrade in comparison with previous OS upgrades are the new mechanisms now available to actually deliver applications to users. Before I get into any step‐by‐step processes, I want to step back a minute and really focus on the concept of application delivery. Remember back not too many years ago when we didn’t have many options for delivering applications. For most of us, when a user needed an application, we arrived at their desk with a DVD and installed it locally.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
That “DVD” application delivery mechanism suited us well for many years, but over time, we grew tired of needing to show up at every desk after every request. It is at that point where other application delivery mechanisms grew compelling: •
Group Policy Objects (GPOs) began delivering applications through our Active Directory (AD) infrastructure.
Application management solutions like System Center Configuration Manager, System Center Essentials, and others from third parties gained widespread use.
Application virtualization solutions like Microsoft’s App‐V, among other third‐party solutions, can now stream an application through what can only be called a glorified file copy.
These nifty solutions enable us to evolve towards a kind of layered approach in managing our desktops—and, indeed, our desktop images. Rather than installing applications and other customizations directly into images—the thick approach—smart administrators know that a thin approach is a lot more manageable. With the thin approach, deployed images remain relatively basic, containing few applications that are directly installed into the image. Pairing down the image to a configuration that is as simple as possible reduces the need for updates over time. Instead, applications are installed (layered!) on top of the basic image using one of the other mechanisms discussed in the previous bulleted list. You’ll obviously have a bit more setup in constructing that layering infrastructure, but the result will be a much cleaner and more elegant solution. More importantly, after the up‐front work is complete, your day‐to‐day operations became far, far easier. Figure 3.6 shows a graphical representation of this layering that I first created for TechNet Magazine back in December 2009 2 . In it, take a look at the Core Operating System and its Drivers. These elements, which we worked on in Chapter 2, are only part of the giant stack that makes up every desktop.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 3.6: Layering Windows OS deployment. I’ll spend some time with the other elements in this stack in other chapters. For now, however, I want to continue the conversation by talking more about the layer marked Applications.
From Thick to Thin Think about how the thin approach will dramatically change your management of desktop images. Let’s compare “thin” with “thick”: How many desktop images do you have today? Ten? Dozens? Hundreds? You’ve needed each of those desktop images because they’re slightly different in composition. One may have Office 2010 on it, while another still holds Office 2007 or even 2003. Even others may be different only in their drivers. We fixed the driver problem in the previous chapter. There, we used WDS’ Drivers node to create a pool of drivers that any deployment can pull from when Plug and Play finds a hardware match. Accomplishing this means we can now get rid of every image that’s only different because of its driver composition. This chapter’s goal is to get you started down the road of eliminating the rest of your images. Those images exist because their application composition is different. This chapter won’t yet give you the complete solution, but it starts the discussion. Actually getting to that thin nirvana will take many of the remaining chapters.
Thick to Thin: What Do You Need? Think about the only real way to get to this single‐image nirvana: Stopping the practice of installing applications and customizations directly inside the image. That’s kind of a neat thought, yes? If I deploy an image that doesn’t contain applications—or that contains only the applications I want everywhere—I can then layer on top of that image everything else during subsequent steps.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
What would I need to do this? 1. I need some mechanism to automatically install applications to desktops after they’re deployed. 2. I need some mechanism for identifying which applications should be installed onto which desktops. 3. It would be nice to have another way to inventory applications on my existing desktops and hold that information in reserve. I could then use it to redeploy the correct applications after the desktop is upgraded. 4. I need a way to repackage those applications so that they can be installed via this magical automatic installation system. As with the Windows installation, fully‐ automated application installation needs to ask no questions during an installation. It needs to start, finish, and be done. 5. I need to recognize that the applications themselves are only part of the job. Along with applications, most users have data that needs to be transferred with the application. Users don’t like it when their data isn’t available after their computer is upgraded, and the manual steps to make that data available are painful for them and us. As a result, any upgrade project should probably automatically manage my user data as well. That’s a pretty tall order of features. And you’re right in thinking that we’ll need to add capabilities into our automated solution if we’re to get there. What’s great is that you can actually fulfill these needs using Microsoft’s free solutions. You can also fulfill these needs using for‐cost solutions. As I mentioned in Chapter 1, although Microsoft’s no‐cost solutions might not be the slickest ones around, they’re free. If your deployment project is small, low in complexity, or suffers under a really small budget, Microsoft’s no‐cost solutions integrate perfectly to create most of this single‐image nirvana. If you’ve got a few more bucks, use them to expand that solution to include some of the costlier bits—either from Microsoft or third parties. Those additional spendy bits bring greater administrative control, more reporting, and better granularity in the actions they perform.
The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit But this book is all about the free tools, so that’s where we’ll focus. I’m sure there are plenty of third‐party solution salespeople who’ll be happy to explain how their products make all of this simpler. Once you’ve implemented what I’ve told you in Steps One through Seven, you have everything you need to create a fully‐automated and universal system for deploying Windows 7. You can actually put down this book and start deploying Windows with success. In fact, if your upgrade project is really small, these seven steps are probably all that you need.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
If your upgrade project is more than really small, the steps to this point probably don’t fulfill your needs. You’ve got to be pretty curious at this point how to get to this layered approach for applications, user data, and other customizations. Even if you’re small, after going through that painful deploy, reconfigure, and capture process a few more times, this layered concept will probably become compelling. Unfortunately, we’ve pretty much come to the end of the capabilities that we can squeeze out of WDS alone. In order to take that next step in evolving our solution towards real automation, we need to layer another of Microsoft’s acronyms (and applications) on top of WDS. That new acronym and application is called the MDT or the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit. If you’ve been around the block for any period of time, you know that Microsoft’s deployment tools have for years been…well…awful. They worked, but they were very technology focused in the capabilities they presented. What the world has really wanted is a more process‐focused solution; one that could truly automate all the usual workflows that make up an upgrade project: user data collection, application inventory, application compatibility checking, application installation, and user data injection—all those “other” tasks that had for so long not been there in RIS, WDS, and the other tools alone. What the world wanted was a way to create sequences of the tasks that go on in an upgrade project. Those sequences would be codified instructions that automatically did all those nifty things on behalf of the administrator. What a neat idea, eh? Well, Microsoft listened, and the MDT was born.
Coming Up: Folding Your Deployment Infrastructure into the MDT The next chapter will start our exploration into the MDT. As you’ll discover, the MDT arrives as a kind of procedural wrapper around all the technologies that we’ve already explored to this point. You won’t necessarily be throwing away anything you’ve already learned. In fact, by navigating your learning in this way, you’re particularly prepared to do well with the MDT’s task sequence method of deploying Windows desktops. The next chapter continues the conversation on techniques in installing applications, focusing on the ways in which the MDT streamlines the process and moves you towards a more layered approach. I’ll start by helping you get the MDT installed and initially configured. Then, I’ll show you the steps you’ll need to implement to incorporate application installations within your Windows deployment. You also know that applications aren’t everything. Applications by themselves are only of limited assistance. You also need to return user data back to a computer after it’s been upgraded. Following Chapter 4, I’ll continue by discussing the all‐important topic of user data and show how the MDT will assist in preserving that data during an upgrade.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Chapter 4: Layering Applications on Top of Deployed Windows Images The previous chapter offered a half‐chapter of step‐by‐step Automating Windows 7 Installation content. In that chapter, you learned about Step Seven of the deployment process: where you can customize your basic Windows 7 images—those right off the DVD media—through the deploy‐modify‐capture method commonly called the thick approach. I mentioned that at the conclusion of Step Seven you’re absolutely ready to begin deploying images. Step Seven and those prior give you everything you need to be successful in deploying Windows 7 using that thick approach. Rejoice! Yet the second half of Chapter 3 focused less on the step‐by‐step; it was dedicated towards pointing you in the direction of a new and arguably smarter approach: the thin approach. Using the thin approach, applications, customizations, and user data are not configured directly on the image; instead, those changes are layered on top of a basic image. They’re deployed using other tools. One tool that is commonly used (at least among Microsoft’s no‐ cost options) is the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). This chapter will reposition your Windows 7 deployment solution inside the framework of the MDT to gain added flexibility in deployment. Yes, we’ll for a minute lose some of the automations that we’ve worked so hard to implement; but we’ll replace them with a much more capable interface for the real needs of our project. And don’t worry, I’ll help you add those customizations back by the book’s conclusion. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to install and initially configure the MDT, how to deploy an image, and how to link applications to that deployed image. At its conclusion, you’ll see why the thin approach can be far superior to its thick alternative in dealing with applications. Time for an applications diet.
Step Eight: Installing and Preparing the MDT As of this writing, the MDT’s current version is MDT 2010 Update 1. Thus, start this step by locating and downloading this version from Microsoft’s Web site. Install it to your WDS server. You’ll find that the MDT installation is exceptionally simple, requiring only a few very basic questions to get started.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note The MDT requires the WAIK for its installation, which you already installed to the WDS server back in Step Five. Once installed, your first step will be in creating a deployment share. It is within this deployment share where much of your work will be stored. You’ll find yourself here during most of your MDT administration. Right‐click the Deployment Share link, and choose New Deployment Share to begin. Six questions are asked as part of the New Deployment Share Wizard. You’ll need to provide a path, share name, and descriptive name for the location on disk where deployment data will be stored. I’ll use the location C:\DeploymentShare. You’ll also be asked three questions regarding whether you want the MDT to confirm whether an image should be captured (see Figure 4.1), whether you want users to set a local administrator password during deployment, and whether you want users to enter a product key. Accept the defaults for each of these questions to begin.
Figure 4.1: Allow image capture. Completing this task creates the deployment share in the workbench. Figure 4.2 shows an example of how the workbench will look. You’ll notice that the deployment share comes equipped with a few additional components that weren’t available in WDS, such as the Applications, Packages, and Task Sequences nodes. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, MDT wraps around the knowledge you’ve already gained at this point. Using MDT, you’ll be able to create useful task sequences that better define the characteristics of images as they’re deployed to desktops.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 4.2: The Deployment Workbench.
Importing an MDT Image But before we get there, let’s get the MDT up to a level of capability we’ve already accomplished with WDS. You’ll be happy to know that this won’t take much effort. Start by right‐clicking Operating Systems, and choosing Import Operating System. We’ve already created a set of images that the MDT can import. These images are located on our WDS server; we now just need to make them available in the MDT. Do so by selecting Custom image file in the OS Type window (see Figure 4.3). Click Next, and enter a path to the image’s .WIM file. If you’ve been following along, I will be uploading the custom image we created in Chapter 2 called Windows 7 ENTERPRISE + Office. That image is located in C:\RemoteInstall\Images\Windows 7 Default.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 4.3: OS Type. I didn’t select the Windows Deployment Services images option because there appears to be an issue with this option in the current MDT version. Part of that issue relates to the need to import Windows 7 setup files with the custom image. In the end, choosing the Custom image file route made everything work just fine. Figure 4.4 shows the screen you’ll see next if you select Custom image file in Figure 4.3. At this screen, select the second option to Copy Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or later setup files from the specified path. Enter Setup source directory path to the Windows 7 DVD media, and click Next. Failure to complete this task may generate an error message as you attempt to deploy an OS image in a later step. Click through the remaining screens in the wizard to import this image.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 4.4: Specify OS files.
Importing Drivers After uploading an image, you’ll want to upload the set of custom drivers you collected for WDS in the previous chapter. Do so by right‐clicking OutofBox Drivers, and selecting Upload Drivers. The wizard, seen in Figure 4.5, will ask for the folder where the drivers are stored. You created this folder in Step Four in Chapter 2.
Figure 4.5: Specify directory for the Import Driver Wizard.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note If you’re following along at home and using VMware Tools device drivers, be aware that these drivers don’t function in WinPE. There is a way around this, however: View the properties of your deployment share and look at the Windows PE x86/x64 Components tabs. For now, set their selection profiles to Nothing to prevent a WinPE boot failure. Pay attention to the WinPE configurations in this screen. It is here where drivers from your Out‐of‐Box Drivers node are injected into WinPE. Even if you’re not using VMware Workstation, you’ll want to specifically tailor your driver selections here so that inappropriate drivers aren’t injected into WinPE.
Creating a Task Sequence Next, you need to create a task sequence for deploying a Windows image. This task sequence adds the MDT’s useful workflow components into a deployment. You will create a basic task sequence at this point and add to it in a later step. Right‐Click Task Sequences, and choose a New Task Sequence to start the New Task Sequence wizard. This wizard starts the creation of a task sequence by asking six questions: The task sequence’s name, the template, OS, and product key to use, the name and organization of the user as well as the Internet Explorer home page, and finally the local administrator password. Most of these settings should be self‐explanatory with the exception of the Select Template page (see Figure 4.6). There, you’ll find seven task sequence templates to choose from. The sequence you’ll want to create is a standard OS deployment. What we’re doing is not performing a capture. We’re not replacing a client. We don’t intend to upgrade, but instead deploy a fresh OS that assumes no existing user data. Therefore, select the Standard Client Task Sequence, and complete the rest of the screens in the wizard.
Figure 4.6: Selecting a Task Sequence template.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Take a minute and peruse the properties of the task sequence you just created. Under the Task Sequence tab, you’ll notice the impressive list of tasks (see Figure 4.7) that can be customized as part of this sequence. I’ll return to these in a minute, but spend some time familiarizing yourself with what you’ll soon be able to do.
Figure 4.7: The Task Sequence tab.
Updating the Deployment Share Next up is updating the deployment share. Among other things, this activity links the MDT to WDS. The linkage requires two parts: First, right‐click your deployment share and view its properties. Under the General tab, select the Enable multicast for this deployment share (requires Windows Server 2008 Windows Deployment Services) check box, then click OK. Next, right‐click your deployment share again, this time choosing Update Deployment Share. This process updates the MDT’s needed configuration files and creates the necessary boot images that you’ll use shortly. Accept its default values, and complete the wizard. This process will take an extended period of time.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
The section action is to replace WDS’ original boot images with those that the MDT just created. Don’t worry; they’re much nicer than the boot.wim that we’ve been using! Disable any boot images currently on your WDS server by right‐clicking the image, and selecting Disable. Then right‐click Boot Images, and choose Add Boot Image. The boot image can be found in C:\DeploymentShare\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim if your deployment share is in the same location. Note If in Chapter 2’s Step Five you configured your WinPE unattend file to point towards a specific Filename, ImageGroup, and ImageName, now would be a good time to remove those settings.
Deploying a Basic Desktop with MDT After completing the previous steps, you’re ready to deploy your first desktop with the MDT. PXE boot that desktop just like you’ve been doing up until this point. Notice as its booting that you are now booting from the MDT’s LiteTouchPE_x64.wim rather than WDS’ boot.wim file. Once booted, you’ll be greeted with a very different desktop and a welcome screen than what you saw with WDS. This new welcome screen comes equipped with quite a few more options than in WDS (see Figure 4.8). Click the very large button marked Run the Deployment Wizard to install a new Operating System, then enter appropriate credentials in the resulting screen.
Figure 4.8: The Welcome Windows Deployment screen.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Now things begin to get very, very interesting. That task sequence we created just a minute ago can be selected inside this wizard. In fact, any task sequence is now available for selection. If you select a task sequence (see Figure 4.9, in my case Windows 7 ENTERPRISE + Office) and continue through the wizard, you’ll be asked common questions like the computer name, domain joining information, whether you want to restore user data (new!), language, time zone, BitLocker configuration (also new!), and other preferences.
Figure 4.9: Select a task sequence. You’ll even be asked if you want to use this deployment as a capture rather than a deployment. All of these options are available in the same task sequence. Complete the series of wizard pages and the deployment will begin. It is important to recognize that although task sequences are all managed inside the MDT, WDS continues to handle all the deployment responsibilities. That means WDS remains responsible for your PXE boot infrastructure and all network transport requirements for deploying images. You will, however, begin working with images now inside the MDT.
Step Nine: Learning Silent Installations and Repackaging One of the areas where the MDT truly shines is in its ability to layer applications on top of an existing OS image. If you recall the second half of Chapter 2, this layering of applications allows you to create a relatively thin OS image. That thin image has few configurations. Thus, it has little in terms of regular maintenance needs, alleviating you from the need to deploy, modify, and recapture the image with each change. Applications are layered into images by adding them into the MDT’s Applications node. If you right‐click that node, and choose New Application, you’ll be greeted with a wizard for adding such an application. Figure 4.10 shows an example of the three types of applications that can be added: those with source files, those without source files or located elsewhere on the network, and application bundles (which are collections of applications).
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 4.10: New Application Wizard The second of these selections comes in especially handy if you have already generated a stockpile of applications that have been repackaged to run silently. This repackaging process is fundamentally important to application layering, and represents the biggest hurdle most IT organizations have in making the thick‐to‐thin jump. Why? The process to repackage applications can be complex, and is in many ways a bit of an art form. The issue goes a bit like this: Remember how we reconfigured our images back in the early steps of this book so that they would function without prompting for questions? By using unattend files, we were able to answer those questions prior to a deployment, allowing the deployment to continue through without prompting. The same holds true with thin‐ deployed applications. These applications need to be repackaged so that they operate silently; essentially, so that they do not ask any of the normal questions an application would ask when it is installed. Let me give you a short primer that will get you started with repackaging your applications. This isn’t a step‐by‐step process because every application is a little bit different. You’ll need to do some sleuthing and more than a bit of detective work to accomplish this task correctly. Once you learn the basics, you will be ready for Step Ten, in which I’ll show you how to incorporate one silenced application—WinZip—into a task sequence.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Three Ways to Silence Applications Let me help you with the science behind the art. There are three common ways in which software is typically installed to a computer: •
MSIbased installations. These installations, all of which have an .MSI extension, leverage the built‐in Windows Installer Service to complete their task. They share this commonality, so they tend to be the easiest to repackage.
EXEbased installations. A software installation with an .EXE extension typically uses its own built‐in mechanism for installing itself. With a set of potential tools to create these files, there are an equal set of ways to silence them. With these, you’ll find yourself needing a little sleuthing to discover their secrets for silence.
Differentialbased installations. When neither of the other two mechanisms work for an installation, tools are available that can snapshot the configuration of a computer before and after an installation to determine which files and registry keys changed.
For the first two installation types, the solution for repackaging is in finding their silent switches. These switches, such as /silent, /s, or /v /qn for example, instruct either the built‐ in installation code or the Windows Installer Service to install the package without prompting the user. For the third mechanism, special tools are required. We’ll discuss all three in the following sections.
MSI‐Based Installations MSI installations are generally the easiest to repackage to run silently. Every MSI installation uses the Windows Installer Service. Thus, every MSI installation tends to have similar silent switches that install the package silently. Generally, all MSI‐based installations use the msiexec.exe command to invoke their installation. The general syntax looks a bit like this: msiexec.exe /qb‐ /l* {logfile.txt} /i {setup.msi} {NAME=Value}
In the code, each switch instructs the Windows Installer Service to accomplish a different task associated with the installation. Table 4.1 explains the job of each switch. Switch
Invoke the Windows Installer Service
Use a basic user interface with no (modal) dialog boxes
/l* {logfile.txt}
Log all information about the installation to logfile.txt
/i {setup.msi}
Install the setup.msi application (as opposed to repairing or uninstalling it, which use different switches)
[Optional] Set the NAME setting to the configured Value
Table 4.1: Common msiexec.exe switches.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
{NAME=Value] at the bottom of Table 4.1 requires additional explanation. Customizations for MSI‐based installations are stored in a database‐like format. Thus, settings that customize the installation for your environment—such as installation location, post‐ installation reboot suppressing, or other elements—can be set at the time of installation. With MSI installs, these are typically completed in one of two ways—either by setting individual values at the command line or by using a transform file. Transform files are used when the number of customizations is large, as it allows individual customizations to be wrapped into a single file. For example to install a version WinZip, you might use a command similar to: msiexec /qb‐ /l* logfile.txt /i WinZip.msi SERIALNUMBER={value} REBOOT=SUPRESS
In this example, the WinZip.msi file is launched with two customizations. The first inputs the serial number as it installs the software. The second instructs the installer not to reboot the machine after the installation. If a transform file were available for this same installation, it would change the installation to resemble the following: msiexec /qb‐ /l* logfile.txt /i WinZip.msi TRANSFORMS={transform.mst}
The hardest part about repackaging MSI files can be in finding the right customization settings for the command line. MSI interrogation tools are available to do this, and some application vendors provide tools for generating your own transform files. The “art” in this process is in determining what they are and how to use them. Note One very good way to find this information is to check out the Web site This location includes a clearinghouse of many common installations and their customization options.
EXE‐Based Installations EXE‐based installs can be more difficult than MSI‐based installations because each EXE‐ based install has its own built‐in mechanisms for repackaging for silent installation. Sleuthing to find the appropriate switches is much of the “art” of software packaging. The easiest place to start is by simply attempting to run the software installation with the /? switch. This switch—as well as /help, help, and others—can often display a dialog box that presents the proper switches to be used for silent installation. Other common switches that are known to work are /s and /s /v/qb. These switches are used by some of the common enterprise packaging solutions for silent installation.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note There is no common schema among EXE‐based installations, so other switches can also be configured to run the package silently, such as /q:a /r:n, /silent, /passive, /quiet. The clearinghouse at as well as on the Web site of the application’s vendor can provide information about EXE packages. Another commonly used tactic is wrapping an EXE installation around an MSI file. Here, when double‐clicked, the EXE file actually launches an MSI installation inside itself. With these sorts of installations, the use of the /a switch can sometimes assist with extracting the MSI file from its host EXE. Try this process with the /a switch: From a command prompt, run setup.exe /a
This launches what is called an administrative installation of the software. Often, this administrative installation can prompt you through the installation as if you were installing it on a computer. Instead of actually installing the package, it results in an unpacked MSI file that has been preconfigured with your stated customizations. That MSI file can then be launched silently using the techniques discussed earlier. A second tactic to unpack the MSI file is to double‐click the EXE file and allow it to unpack itself. When the first screen of the installation presents itself, leave the screen open and look in the computer’s %TEMP% folder. Often, you’ll find the MSI file you’re looking for in that location.
Differential‐Based Installations Last is the situation where no matter of sleuthing can determine how to directly convert the software’s installation to silent mode. Such is often the case when the software’s developer didn’t include the necessary code to make it run silent. In these cases, the optimal solution for repackaging this software is through what I’ll call a differentialbased installation or diff. In a diff, a special piece of software is used that snapshots a computer. The computer used for these snapshots should be relatively free of configurations. It should include the same OS on which you eventually intend to deploy the software. It should also contain the minimum amount of software necessary to install the piece of software you intend to repackage.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Two snapshots are created. The first captures each file, folder, and registry key present on that system. Once the first snapshot has completed, the software to be repackaged is then installed to the computer. After installing the software, a second snapshot is taken. The diff tool then scans the two snapshots to look for changes to files, folders, and the registry. Changes are presented to the administrator through a tree‐like interface that allows you to selectively remove any extraneous findings (these can be common). Once removed, the remainder is then repackaged into a new MSI file that automatically runs silently. Software Is Really Just Files and Registry Keys At its core, a software installation is little more than a process that copies a set of files and folders to a target system, adds, updates, or removes a set of registry keys. Sometimes drivers are registered, but at the end of the day, a software installation isn’t much more than a file copy and a registry change. Professional installers may include additional functionality that streamlines this process, but in the background, these are the main two steps used to install virtually all pieces of software. Thus, if you merely watch to see which files and registry keys have changed, you’re probably going to capture what the software installation program actually accomplished. Just repackage those changes, and you’ve got your silent installation. Many diff tools are exceptionally expensive and are parts of enterprise‐class software distribution platforms. These expensive software packages can be too costly for the small IT shop. One long‐standing and no‐cost solution still available today is the software tool called WinINSTALL LE (found at‐le). This tool should be installed onto a clean reference computer. Once installed, run WinINSTALL LE’s Discover menu item to begin the snapshot/installation/re‐snapshot process.
Step Ten: Laying Applications Atop a Windows Image Though the information in Step Nine only scrapes the surface of the dark art of software packaging, it serves as a starting point moving towards the thin approach to application installations. Out of each of the steps in this book so far, Step Nine will probably take you the longest to comprehend. So don’t get too discouraged if you don’t understand its processes at first. I didn’t. In Step Ten, I want to show you the step‐by‐step processes you can use to layer an application—once silenced—into a Windows image. Be aware that you may not want to do this with every application. Those applications that you anticipate every user needing, such as Microsoft Office and/or other common applications, may be better managed by being directly installed (using the thick approach) onto the image. The decision about how to deliver an application will depend on your environment’s individual needs.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Let’s assume that for Step Ten, I have already repackaged the WinZip application using the diff method from Step Nine. Using that method, I have an installation that runs silently. When invoked, its MSI installation automatically installs the WinZip application onto a Windows desktop. Rather than applying it directly to the image, I want to layer WinZip only for those users who need it. This application currently resides in my IT share found at \\wdsserver\ITApplications\WinZip.
Adding the Application to the MDT Back in the MDT, right‐click the Applications node, and choose New Application. Just like in Figure 4.10, I’ll choose Application without source files or elsewhere on the network because I don’t want to import the application directly into the MDT. Figure 4.11 shows the next screen in this wizard where I’m prompted for the publisher, application name, version, and language of the application. This information is useful when the time comes to deploy the application. Thus, although the four selections are optional, consider filling them in.
Figure 4.11: Application details. The wizard’s next screen, which Figure 4.12 shows, provides a location to enter the full path to the packaged application’s executable along with a working directory. This path must be accessible by the user whose account will be used for deploying the OS image. Ensure that appropriate permissions are applied to the share and NTFS permissions. Click through the remaining screens to complete the wizard.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 4.12: Command details.
Configuring the Application for Deployment Two methods are available for adding the application to the OS deployment. It is possible to select one or more applications during the deployment activity. This occurs while you answer the questions inside the MDT task sequence. Every application that has been added to the MDT server’s Application’s node will be available for installation in this screen. You can see in Figure 4.13 that check boxes are available for installing the WinZip application. Other applications that have been added to the MDT, such as Company App ABC, are also available for installation in this wizard page. Select the check box next to the applications to be installed, and continue through the wizard. Applications are installed in the State Restore phase of the MDT task sequence.
Figure 4.13: Select one or more applications to install. Applications needn’t necessarily be optional activities inside a task sequence. In fact, full automation means not making these options inside the deployment. As with many customizations inside the MDT, you can direct those actions right inside the MDT task sequence.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 4.14 shows the task sequence for the Windows 7 ENTERPRISE + Office image that we’ve been working with in this chapter. In the State Restore phase, you can see the Install Applications task. I have selected to Install a single application in this task, with the application set to Nico Mak Computing WinZip 11. Notice how this is subtly different than the alternative, which installs multiple applications based on decisions made inside the deployment wizard. Installing additional applications happens by clicking Add | General | Install Application in the task sequence.
Figure 4.14: Installing applications in a task sequence.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Note Although not to the level of a dedicated application deployment solution, the MDT’s granular management of applications is fairly rich. For example, you can define collections of applications to be deployed together by creating an application bundle. You can also ensure that strings of applications that have dependencies on each other—such as when a line‐of‐business application requires Microsoft office—are installed in order. This is accomplished through the Dependencies tab inside the properties of the application. More detail about accomplishing these tasks is out of scope of this chapter, but you can learn more by exploring the options under the Applications tab to familiarize yourself with what capabilities the MDT provides.
Thin Is Most Definitely In! Chapters 3 and 4 have hopefully expanded your knowledge and your expectations in terms of what an automated Windows 7 installation solution should look like. Such a solution should absolutely be able to deploy Windows 7 images. But a smart solution—one that really and truly augments the business process of IT—should also be able to layer in those extra bits. And yet applications aren’t the only thing that such a solution needs to handle. We haven’t even gotten to the arguably more important scenarios surrounding the protection of user data. The only way your Windows 7 upgrade project will be considered a success is if you can protect that data and ensure it arrives back on users’ upgraded computers. Even the smallest amount of missing data creates stress and negative attitudes that cause upgrade projects to failure. That’s why the next chapter is all about user data. You’ll find that the thin approach works very well here. The MDT in combination with Microsoft User State Migration Tool (USMT— yet another acronym!) will enable you to layer user state data over the top of a deployed OS. You’ll also probably recognize that our shift from WDS to the MDT has removed a few of the automations that we so carefully built in the previous three chapters. That’s OK. We gain critical granularity in the process, but a holistic solution needs to include those automations to be fully complete. Over the next few chapters, we’ll be adding those automations back in. The final chapter will then be a wrap‐up, consolidating everything into a final and fully‐workable solution.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Chapter 5: User Virtualization: Tools and Techniques in Preserving User Data We’re getting ever closer to that full solution for automating Windows 7 installation. To this point, you’ve learned about the image deployment process. You’ve experienced how to create your own universal images. You’ve even discovered how to layer applications into those images, a process that converts an administratively‐challenging thick image into a much‐cleaner thin image. But, if you recall back in Chapter 3, the many layers of a complete Windows instance (shown again in Figure 5.1) aren’t complete with just the applications. Layering over the top of those applications are specific configuration changes and even user personality information that you’ll need to incorporate for success.
Figure 5.1: Layering Windows OS deployment. In short, if your users don’t find all their data on their new Windows 7 computer, they’re not going to care about all its nifty new features. That data is to them more important than any new operating system (OS). Without it, your Windows 7 deployment project will not succeed.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
It’s for this reason that this chapter focuses on the all‐important facet of user data. Interestingly, locating that user data, offloading it to temporary storage, then injecting it back into an upgraded or replacement computer aren’t terribly easy activities. If you’ve ever been responsible for manually locating a user’s data that’s strewn around their computer, you know this pain. We’ve all sat in that seat at some point in our careers; I’d prefer not to have to again. That’s why automation of this user data preservation is important. You want an automated solution that takes care of these steps for you. A highly‐successful tool will automate the processes to such a degree that you’ll be able to abstract the user data from the individual computer. That same tool will create a kind of virtualization of the data, removing the direct ties between user data and specific machines. I’ll be spending the majority of my time in this chapter talking about the tools inside the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) that can accomplish this task. The MDT 2010 Update 1 comes equipped with Microsoft’s (here comes another acronym!) USMT, or User State Migration Toolkit. Although nowhere near a perfect solution, the USMT does a fairly good job of collecting and later injecting the right data. It is also extensible. You can adjust its behaviors should your users or their applications store data in other areas that aren’t part of its default collection pass. You should, however, be aware that the MDT and USMT combo only represents one approach towards virtualizing user data. In fact, by default (as you’ll learn in the sidebar), USMT does not capture everything. I’ll talk about other approaches towards the end of this chapter that you might consider if your Windows 7 deployment requires more capabilities. What Does the USMT Collect by Default? The USMT indeed can’t know every file and registry setting for every application in existence. It can, however, know what it needs to migrate for most Microsoft applications and even many from third parties. It can also make educated guesses about data that must be captured based on commonly‐accepted coding practices. If your applications follow those accepted practices, there’s a good chance that their data will get collected right out of the box. For the rest, you’re going to need to customize USMT’s behaviors. Three files, found in the \USMT subfolder of your deployment share, are the primary means for telling USMT what it needs to collect. Those three files are MigUser.xml, MigApp.xml, and MigDocs.xml. As you can imagine, MigUser.xml contains commands for migrating user folders, files, and file types; MigApp.xml focuses on migrating application settings; and MigDocs.xml deals with user folders and files throughout the system.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Right out of the box, USMT will gather common user folders, such as My Documents, My Video, My Music, My Pictures, Desktop files, Start menu items, Quick Launch settings, and Favorites. It will gather information out of specific user profiles as well as the All Users or Public profile (depending on the OS). It will even gather user settings, such as Accessibility settings, EFS files, Favorites, Fonts, ODBC settings, among others. An extensive list of files to migrate is managed by file extension. Everything from .CSV, to .DOC*, to TXT, and many others are captured right out of the box. You can modify the MigUser.xml file to extend this list to other files that your needs require, or you can create your own custom XML files that augment the defaults. Microsoft provides extensive documentation regarding the settings that are captured at‐ us/library/dd560801(WS.10).aspx.
Step Eleven: Preserving User Data Let’s begin by exploring the options the MDT has available for your Windows 7 deployment project. I’m going to guess that your project probably has three requirements. I’ll assume that for the first, you want to implement an automated process to upgrade Windows XP computers to Windows 7. As part of that upgrade, you want to save as much of the existing user data that you can. I’ll also assume that your second and third requirements are fairly similar. Both come into play after the upgrade. For the second, you’ll need another automated process for refreshing a Windows 7 computer with a new Windows 7 image. This process means you can quickly bring a failed computer back to a known‐good state. There is a third use case. Sometimes users want new computers, or you need to deploy them new hardware. Thus, your third requirement will be a process to replace a user’s computer hardware while keeping their user data. We already have a completely‐functional image that we can use for all three of these requirements. That image is the one called Windows 7 ENTERPRISE + Office, and it’s the same image I’ve been using for the past few chapters. We’ll use that image for the examples in this chapter as well. Take a look at Figure 5.2 where I’ve again brought up the default Standard Client Task Sequence. This is in fact the very same Task Sequence that we started using upon installing the MDT. In Figure 5.2, you can see the Capture User State task highlighted. This task invokes the ZTIUserState.wsf script during the relevant part of the installation.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 5.2: Capture User State. What’s interesting about this script is that we’ve yet to see it get invoked, even though it is a part of the sequence. That’s because, as configured in the default sequence, the Capture User State task will not invoke when an installation is started via the boot‐from‐PXE method we’ve used to this point. Instead, there’s a completely different method that you’ll need to use if you want to invoke the script and gather user data during an upgrade. That method I’ll talk about in the following section.
Requirement One: Upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 Consider the situation where you’re ready to upgrade a user’s computer. When that happens, you’re probably going to be somewhere physically close to that computer. Maybe you’ve brought it back to a central IT room where you’re performing the upgrade. Or perhaps you’ve travelled to their desk to help them through it. For this and other reasons, an image deployment that involves user data preservation starts not from a PXE boot but instead from a running instance of the OS itself. In this case, that OS will be Windows XP.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
To kick off a deployment that preserves user data, don’t boot the machine to PXE. Instead, run the command \\{serverName}\deploymentshare$\scripts\LiteTouch.vbs
from inside the running OS. This command is installed by the MDT installation to the deployment share’s scripts folder. It launches a Windows Deployment Wizard screen similar to what you see in Figure 5.3. You’ll notice that the same Windows 7 ENTERPRISE + Office task sequence we’ve been working with is available for deployment.
Figure 5.3: Running the LiteTouch.vbs script on Windows XP. After you click Next, the next page in the wizard (see Figure 5.4) is new as well. You’ll see in this page that two options are available for deploying the image: Refresh this computer and Upgrade this computer. You’ll also notice that only the Refresh this computer option can be selected. Recall that there is no direct upgrade path from Windows XP to Windows 7. Thus, you can’t kick off a traditional upgrade and get the new OS (although you could if the original OS were Windows Vista).
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 5.4: Choose a migration type. That means that every Windows XP to Windows 7 upgrade is in fact a fresh installation. As a fresh installation, you’ll need to ensure that you’re preserving the user data because it will be formatted by the installation. Select the Refresh this computer option, and click Next to advance to the next page. The next three pages provide locations to change the computer name (if you wish), join the computer to a domain or workgroup, and specify where to save data and settings. Figure 5.5 shows an example of this third screen. Of the two options that actually save user settings, choose the first if you want to store the captured user data on the computer during the refresh. Choose the second if you want it transferred to a file share somewhere on your network.
Figure 5.5: Specify where to save data and settings.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Both options have merit. In the first, you’ll reduce the level of network traffic necessary to complete the upgrade. In the second, you’ll create an off‐computer copy of the user’s information should you experience a problem with the deployment. But, in doing so, you’ll increase the amount of time required to deploy as well as the network consumption. Your concerns about mid‐deployment issues are absolutely warranted. Sometimes OS upgrades just don’t complete perfectly, and there’s nothing more heart‐wrenching than having to look back at the user after a failure and say, “Oops.” That’s why the very next page in this wizard provides the option to create a complete computer backup prior to the deployment (see Figure 5.6). This complete computer backup is intended to be used in an emergency should something go wrong. As with the previous page, you can store that backup locally (if space permits) or send it to a remote location. Remember that this full computer backup will be many orders of magnitude larger in size than just the user data. So storing it somewhere else can have a big impact on storage as well as network consumption.
Figure 5.6: Specify where to save a complete computer backup. After the page that Figure 5.6 shows, you’ll see another series of wizard pages (not shown). Those pages ask the same questions you’ve seen in other deployments so far: language, time, currency, keyboard layout, time zone, and applications to install. The second‐to‐last wizard page will ask for credentials used in connecting to network shares, followed by a Ready to begin page. Click Begin to start the capture, deployment, and user data injection process. The script will capture the user state information to the location you identified in Figure 5.5. Figure 5.7 shows the installation progress bar that keeps you advised on the status. When data collection is complete, the computer will reboot into WinPE, install the image, and ultimately inject the collected user data from its storage location.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 5.7: Capturing user state. You’ll know that everything has completed successfully if you see the final screen, which looks like Figure 5.8. This screen shows that no errors or warnings were reported during the installation. That’s a good thing.
Figure 5.8: Deployment summary. Customization Resources I mentioned earlier that you can customize the data the USMT will collect. What I didn’t mention is that customization isn’t a trivial task and will require sleuthing in terms of what data you actually want—files, registry keys, and so on. Once you know what you want, you’ll need to encode that information into the USMT’s XML files. These tasks are not easy nor can I explain them in the space I have available. Thus, the specifics of this aspect of customization are best left to Microsoft’s Web site. Two URLs provide sample XML code you can borrow to modify USMT’s configuration files. Information on including files and settings can be found at‐ us/library/dd560778(WS.10).aspx. Information on excluding files and settings can be found at‐ us/library/dd560762(WS.10).aspx. Both of these locations offer example code to create a custom.xml file that works with the default MigApp.xml, MigUser.xml, and MigDocs.xml files. The combination of these files will control what data is preserved between OS installations. Numerous third‐party solutions also exist that do a much slicker job of this customization. It is in fact these customizations that present the strongest case towards looking to third parties for better capabilities.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Requirement Two: Refreshing a Windows 7 Instance With the information in the previous section, you have what you need to truly start upgrading Windows XP and Vista machines to Windows 7. But that only finishes the immediate project; what you really want is a Windows 7 deployment solution that continues to benefit you over the long term. That’s why your second requirement is refreshing an existing Windows 7 instance. In this situation, a user’s computer does not need to be upgraded. Instead, their instance of Windows 7 just needs a quick rebuild. In completing that rebuild, all the same applications and user data must be injected back onto the computer after the rebuild completes. You essentially want them to walk away and come back to a functioning computer. You can use the same process to accomplish this that you did with the first requirement. Again, instead of booting to PXE, kick off the \\{serverName}\deploymentshare$\scripts\LiteTouch.vbs script inside the running Windows 7 OS. As before, this script will ask you a series of questions that are similar to those I discussed in the previous section. Once the questions are answered, the user data capture will begin, followed by the image deployment, and concluding with the user data injection. You’ll know you’ve done everything correctly when you see a Deployment Summary screen similar to Figure 5.8.
Requirement Three: Moving a User to New Computer Hardware As you can imagine, the steps involved with the first two requirements are more or less the same. Their only difference is their starting OS. In them, you’ll be kicking off the script from within the running OS instance, answering its questions, and then allowing it to complete the process—all on the same computer. But there sometimes comes the need to move a user to a completely new set of computer hardware. Perhaps your company is going through a hardware refresh, replacing older hardware with new. Or maybe the user’s computer is experiencing problems and needs a hardware replacement. In either of these cases, you don’t want to deploy another image to the same hardware. Instead, you want to capture the user data and then inject it to a completely different computer. Accomplishing this task requires two Task Sequences, one of which you haven’t seen or created yet. To begin, you’ll need to create that brand‐new task sequence. This time, you’ll be creating a Standard Client Replace Task Sequence, as Figure 5.9 shows. This task sequence is somewhat different from any that we’ve used so far because it does not actually deploy an image to a computer. There also aren’t many settings to configure as part of this sequence. I’ll name mine Windows 7 Replacement.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 5.9: Standard Client Replace Task Sequence. Figure 5.10 shows the default tasks that are created as part of the default Standard Client Replace Task Sequence. If you look very closely, you’ll notice that none of the typical image deployment tasks are part of this sequence. In fact, the PreInstall and Install phases are both essentially empty, containing only the Next Phase task.
Figure 5.10: Tasks in the Replace Task Sequence. A replace task sequence is used to capture user data off an existing computer and send it to a remote server for storage. Remember in Figure 5.5 where you were given the option for storing user data either locally or remotely? In this sequence, you’ll be forced to store the data remotely so that it can later be accessed by the new computer.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
As with the other steps, you will begin this process at a running instance of the OS. Also, just like the other steps, the process begins by launching the \\{serverName}\deploymentshare$\scripts\LiteTouch.vbs script. This time, however, select the Windows 7 Replacement sequence you see in Figure 5.11.
Figure 5.11: Selecting a task sequence. As I mentioned earlier, the only option available now (see Figure 5.12) is to specify a location somewhere on the network. I’ve created a share called \\wdsserver\userdata, so I’ll store mine in the gshields subfolder of this path. Obviously, make sure that you’re setting your permissions appropriately so that the user whose credentials the installation is using has appropriate access. A replacement sequence also gives you the ability to create a complete computer backup, although that backup must be transferred to somewhere on the network. I’ll skip that backup for now. Lastly, provide a set of credentials and the user state capture will begin.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 5.12: Specify a location for user data. Restoring this information to another computer happens in much the same way as the steps in the second requirement. The only difference here will be the need to point the task sequence back to the remote location for the user data. Be aware that the computer will reboot back into WinPE for a very short time after the state capture is complete.
Stepping Back: Real User Virtualization You’re probably wondering at this point why this chapter’s title starts with the term User Virtualization. That’s because this concept of layering user data and configuration information on top of an OS represents a kind of virtualization. Remember that virtualization at its most basic represents the abstraction of one layer of resources from another. In server virtualization, you’re abstracting the server from its physical resources. Application virtualization abstracts applications from their underlying OS. In this concept of user virtualization, user data is abstracted from applications and OSs altogether. I wrote about this concept of user virtualization in a recent book, The Shortcut Guide to User Workspace Management, which you can download for free from In that guide, I talked about some of the fantastic benefits one could get out of fully and completely abstracting the user’s workspace from the rest of the OS.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
What’s important to recognize here is that the MDT doesn’t get you there fully and completely. The MDT is more of a point solution that’s used for a specific problem. Smart organizations recognize that virtualizing the user’s workspace presents very compelling administrative benefits for ongoing operations—even after the upgrade or when users don’t necessarily need new OSs. Let me quote a section from Chapter 1 of that book, to tease you towards external solutions that are always on and always managing user data. These always‐on solutions create user virtualization by allowing users to seamlessly move across OSs, computer instances, and even OS delivery infrastructures. The solutions are available today, and the future state they present is something I think every IT professional would love to have in their own data center.
Encapsulation and Decoupling With this understanding in mind, let’s assume that through the use of one or more software products, it becomes possible to logically encapsulate these layers. This process of encapsulation creates hard lines between the user workspace and the applications and OS it customizes. It does the same thing between applications and the OS, as well as between the OS and the hardware on which it rests. Without this logical encapsulation in place, managing that computer is a very difficult thing to do. Without some automated software deployment or application virtualization solution, adding a new piece of software means I have to manually touch each and every computer. Updating a piece of software requires a lengthy uninstallation‐followed‐by‐reinstallation process. Lacking solutions like these, working with OSs and applications in any form is both difficult and time consuming. The same holds true at the user workspace layer as well. User data is natively stored within a Windows user profile, with that profile containing all the customizations that elevate a freshly‐installed Windows OS into something that’s personalized for each user. Lacking logical encapsulation at this layer, moving that user data between different computers becomes challenging to the point of absurdity. If you’ve ever spent four hours trying to upgrade a single user’s computer from one OS to another, you know this pain.
The Benefits of Decoupling Now, envision an environment where each of these layers has been fully encapsulated. Such an environment would see a full decoupling of each layer from the others. Here, for example, a hard line would exist between the user’s workspace and their applications. The user’s workspace would be independent from the OS as well as its hardware.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
In such an environment, that user’s workspace would immediately become fully mobile. This becomes possible because that workspace is no longer directly reliant on the layers below it. Because the decoupled workspace now exists in its own independent and isolated layer, that layer can trivially move between different computer instances. Such an environment would gain some very interesting benefits to administration. For example, consider the change that is represented in Figure 1.2. Here, the user workspace has been decoupled from its OS and installed applications. With the aforementioned encapsulation in place, it becomes possible to swap out the underlying OS along with its applications.
Figure 1.2: Decoupling the user’s workspace enables it to work atop new computer instances. This process sounds vaguely similar to the manual steps I went through to locate the user’s information, copy to an offline location, and merge it back with the upgraded OS. However, different with a User Workspace Management solution is the logic that fully automates these steps.
User Virtualization Goes Beyond OS Deployment It is my hope that you take two important points away from reading this chapter. Obviously, the first point relates to the steps you can implement today to add user data capture and injection into an MDT task sequence. If your needs relate solely to a Windows upgrade, the MDT and the USMT can perform most of what you need. For the rest of us, the second take‐away relates to the need for pervasive user virtualization and/or user workspace management in our desktop environments. By elevating what we know we can do through tools like the USMT into always‐on solutions, we can create a future‐state where users get their settings at every desktop, at anytime, anywhere, no matter what the delivery mechanism. That future state makes users very happy. It also makes us very happy because it opens up the ability for IT to make underlying changes without impacting users in the slightest. If you haven’t taken a look at the user virtualization solutions out on the market, they’re a game changer for even small environment needs.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
That said, this book still has a few topics to cover to round out the complete solution for Windows 7 deployment. Next up is the recognition that many applications simply won’t function atop Windows 7. Windows Vista and Windows 7 both enjoy a much more secure kernel architecture that protect them from many of Windows XP’s nefarious attacks. At the same time, that more‐secure architecture eliminates the functionality from many poorly‐ coded applications. In the next chapter, I’ll show you Microsoft’s free tools for inventorying your environment. I’ll also show you the tools Microsoft provides for helping you get through the application compatibility part of this story. Lastly, I’ll show you smart ways that you can “punt” on some applications so that those with conflict don’t need to delay your Windows 7 upgrade.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Chapter 6: Automating Application Inventory and Overcoming Incompatibility Step Eleven, covered in the previous chapter, really concludes the “deployment” activities in Windows 7 deployment. By navigating through the first eleven steps, you know how to create and deploy images. You’ve seen how to layer applications on top of those images during deployment. You’ve also learned tricks you’ll need to preserve important user data between old and new OS instances. Congratulations! You’re ready to start deploying! Or are you? If you’ve been around the IT industry for long, you know that every OS upgrade is never as simple as it seems. Although deploying OSs is pretty easy, making sure applications work with that OS often isn’t. Here’s a chilling statement: Many of your applications that run just fine on Windows XP won’t automatically run on Windows 7. Yikes. You should already know some of the reasons that this is the case. Windows Vista and Windows 7 arrive with significant changes to their security model. These two OSs no longer grant applications and drivers direct access to the OS’s most‐secure kernel code. The new security model along with a host of other updates make Windows Vista and Windows 7 significantly more secure than Windows XP. Significantly. Unfortunately, those changes also mean many older applications—those that abused Windows XP’s overly‐open and inviting nature—aren’t going to work automatically. Some will require configuration adjustments. Others will need software “shims.” Even others won’t work at all. Thankfully, Microsoft knows about the problem. To assist, they’ve created two tools (along with accompanying acronyms) that inventory your network and apply known fixes that’ll make many applications work again. The first of these tools is called the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit (called the MAP). A simple tool, the MAP collects a list of applications and drivers on your network. With its data, you can identify the applications on your network and a list of drivers your computers will need. The second and more powerful tool is the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (aka the ACT), which assists in identifying and fixing incompatible applications.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Step Twelve: Inventorying Applications and Drivers on the Network Step Twelve begins with the installation of the MAP. With it, I’ll show you how to gather a report of the software that’s installed on computers around your network. With that information in hand, I’ll point you to Microsoft’s Windows 7 Compatibility Center. This site is an online clearinghouse of applications and their compatibility status. You can compare the software in your report to those in the Compatibility Center to see which will work and which won’t. But that’s not all the MAP is good for. Remember back in Step Four (and again in Step Eight) where I showed you how drivers can be automatically injected into images as they’re deployed? Wouldn’t it be useful to know exactly which drivers your computers will need? The MAP can also collect that information for you, if you know where to look.
Installing the MAP and Collecting Inventory Begin by downloading the MAP from Microsoft’s Web site and installing it to the WDS server we’ve been using throughout this book. Using the MAP requires first installing a copy of Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 as well as the .NET Framework. The MAP will automatically install a copy of SQL Server Express to the computer as it begins its installation. Once installed, you’ll be asked to create a new inventory database just like you see in Figure 6.1. I’ve named my database MyInventory.
Figure 6.1: Creating a new MAP database. Figure 6.2 shows what the MAP’s console will look like after installation. You should immediately notice that the MAP has far more capabilities than simply searching your network for installed software. Other assessments are available that help determine Windows Server roles that have been installed on servers, where SQL server components have been deployed, and even where virtual machines might be hiding on your network.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.2: The MAP console. Inventorying the software in your environment starts by clicking the Inventory and Assessment Wizard link you see in the right pane of Figure 6.2. Clicking this link brings forward a wizard that you’ll use to configure the types of inventory to be collected. Windows, Linux, VMware, Exchange Server, and SQL Server computers are all options for inventorying. I’ll be using only the Windows‐based computers scenario in this chapter, as this scenario provides the information I’ll need for a Windows 7 upgrade. The wizard’s second page (seen in Figure 6.3) shows the multitude of methods the MAP will use in discovering computers to inventory. My computers are all members of an Active Directory (AD) domain, so I can select the first and second check boxes to find them. Other computers not on the domain can be discovered via IP ranges, by entering in computer names manually, or via a text file.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.3: Selecting methods to discover computers. Subsequent wizard pages provide locations to enter AD credentials, to restrict inventory to specific organizational units (OUs), and to add domains or workgroups if they are discovered by the tool. The page titled All Computers Credentials allows you to enter in a list of possible credentials the tool can use in attempting to inventory discovered computers. It is within the All Computers Credentials and Credentials Order pages where the MAP truly shines. You can see in Figure 6.4 that I have entered credentials for two different domains: COMPANY and SPECIALIZED. Additional workgroups or specific computer credentials can be added as well. Doing so will give the inventory process plenty of username and password options as it authenticates to discovered computers.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.4: Setting an order of credentials. Click Finish to complete the wizard and begin the discovery and inventory process. Be aware that this process can take a considerable quantity of time, particularly if your scope is large. Version 5.0 of the MAP, the version used in this example, is reported to discover and inventory as many as 100,000 computers. Gathering information from that quantity of computers, as you can imagine, is going to take a while. Note The MAP’s inventory process uses WMI queries to gather its information. Ensure that the Remote Administration firewall exception has been enabled on any computers that will be queried by the MAP. Figure 6.5 shows a report on the products the MAP found in my network. You can see that the Adobe Reader 9.4.0 was discovered on two computers. A set of three Apple applications was found on another two, as well as an entire list of software from all sorts of vendors. This screen inside the report is relatively static, giving you little more than a view of the software that the MAP has found inside your network.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.5: Product inventory results. A much more useful representation of the data found by the MAP can be created by clicking the Windows 7 Readiness link in Figure 6.5’s left pane. The resulting Windows 7 Readiness summary provides high‐level information about the computers found in the discovery and inventory process. You can learn in this screen how many computers have hardware that is powerful enough to support Windows 7. You can also learn how many drivers your computers will need and which of those drivers are included on the Windows 7 DVD. Figure 6.6 shows a snippet of the summary screen. That screen tells me I’ll need to locate manufacturer drivers for 61 of the 194 drivers my computers say they need.
Figure 6.6: Device compatibility summary.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Creating and Using MAP Reports There’s a link (not shown) on the right pane of this Windows 7 Readiness Summary Results page that’s labeled Generate Report/Proposal. Click that link to generate a report. Then click View | Saved Reports and Proposals to bring forward an Explorer window. In this window, you’ll find a Microsoft Word document that contains useful project planning information about your Windows 7 readiness. You’ll find even more useful information in the accompanying Excel spreadsheet. Inside that spreadsheet is detailed information about each inventoried computer, its hardware configuration, and any installed software and drivers. Figure 6.7 shows one of the tabs in that spreadsheet. In it you can see that at least one computer on my network reports it will need the Realtek High Definition Audio driver. Happily, that driver is available on the Windows 7 DVD media, so I don’t need to worry about it. Another computer reports it needs the Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller, which isn’t on the Windows 7 media. I’ll need to locate that driver from its manufacturer’s Web site and add it to my Out‐of‐Box Drivers node in my MDT Deployment Share.
Figure 6.7: A MAP report’s Excel spreadsheet. By reviewing the drivers inside this Excel spreadsheet, I now know which drivers I’ll need to make available in MDT so that my images will deploy correctly. This report all by itself gives me the data I need to ensure my deployment goes as smoothly as possible.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
A second tab on this Excel spreadsheet gives me a punch list for tracking down the compatibility status of applications that are installed on my computers. That tab, labeled Discovered Applications, lists each application, its version number, and the number of instances found on the network during the last inventory pass. I mentioned at the beginning of this step that Microsoft has created an online clearinghouse of application compatibility status information. That clearinghouse is called the Windows 7 Compatibility Center. Navigate to‐7/en‐us/default.aspx to check out its constantly‐updated list. Figure 6.8 shows the results of going to the site and running a search on Adobe reader. I already know from my MAP report that I have two copies of Adobe Acrobat 9.4.0 in my network. Running this search tells me that Adobe Reader version 9 is compatible with Windows 7. It also tells me that version 8 compatibility requires an action, specifically a free upgrade. That’s useful information.
Figure 6.8: The Windows 7 Compatibility Center. Combining the information provided by this Web site with the information in my MAP report, I can quickly identify which applications will work and which won’t. For some, I may learn that they’ll require a patch or some other special configuration to function.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Step Thirteen: Resolving Application Incompatibilities I told you that two tools are necessary to fill out Windows 7’s application compatibility story. The second of these two tools is the Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT). While the MAP is a simple tool that gathers a relatively simple set of information, the ACT is a robust solution for locating and applying fixes to applications that otherwise won’t work. That said, using the ACT isn’t nearly as simple as the MAP. You can’t just install it and immediately run an inventory. Rather than using WMI to query computers for their contents, the ACT gathers its information through the use of an agent. That agent allows the ACT to gather a greater level of detail than MAP can get with its WMI approach. Although great for data collection, this agent isn’t exactly trivial to install. It must be deployed and launched through an external software delivery mechanism. That mechanism can be a logon script, Group Policy Software Installation, or even System Center Configuration Manager. You can even double‐click and invoke the agent manually on any computers you want to inventory. Launching that agent through any of these means will gather the data on the system and transfer it to a file share that you designate on your network. For Step Thirteen, I’ll show you how to set up the ACT, gather information from agents, and use that information to locate fixes for known‐incompatible applications. Note In the interest of space, I’ll assume that you know how the steps necessary to automatically deploy a piece of software through one of the aforementioned tools. Should you need assistance, consult Microsoft’s deployment guide with the ACT that walks you through the process.
Installing the ACT Start by downloading the MAP from Microsoft’s Web site. In my case, I’ll be using the MAP version 5.6. Install it to the server we’ve been using throughout this book, and launch its Application Compatibility Manager to begin the initial configuration. Note If you’re using the ACT on the same server where you installed the MAP, you’ll need to perform one step prior to launching the Application Compatibility Manager. Navigate to C:\SQLEXPRESS and double‐click the installation file you find. Doing so will launch the SQL Server setup wizard. You’ll need to install an additional SQL Server instance for the ACT to use. Click through the wizard screens and create a new named instance. In my case, I’ll name that instance ACT. You’ll use that instance in the following steps. Three information pieces are required to initially configure the ACT (see Figure 6.9). You’ll need a SQL Server database instance to store its information. You’ll also need a file share with plenty of storage space, which will be used for collecting agent log files. Lastly, you’ll need an account that is used for the ACT Log Processing Service.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.9: The ACT Configuration Wizard. The ACT Configuration Wizard will step you through setting up these three pieces. This will be your primary server for collecting and processing log files as well as viewing reports, so you’ll want to use the ACT’s Enterprise configuration when prompted. Configuring the ACT database requires a somewhat confusing wizard page (see Figure 6.10). Clicking the drop‐down box should provide a list of local SQL Server Express instances (see the earlier note for an extra step if you’re using the same server where the MAP is installed). Select the instance you want, and click Connect (not shown) to connect. Then enter a database name, and click Create to create that database. I’ve named my database MyActDatabase.
Figure 6.10: Configuring the ACT database.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
In a following screen, you’ll be asked for your share path and name. Be aware that the Domain Computers group must be given write access to this location. The configuration wizard’s final screen will ask for account credentials for the ACT Log Processing service. You may select either Local System or a domain user account. You’ll notice as the ACT launches that there’s not much to see at first. Figure 6.11 shows ACT’s Collect view. It is in this view where Data Collection Packages are configured and generated. Those packages are essentially a software installation in .MSI format that installs silently. Inside the package is the necessary logic that will evaluate computers, gather data, and report back application and compatibility information to the file share.
Figure 6.11: The ACT’s console.
Creating a Data Collection Package Creating a Data Collection Package begins by double‐clicking the white space inside the ACT’s right pane. Doing so brings forward a wizard screen similar to what you see in Figure 6.12. Each package’s .MSI file can be installed by double‐clicking it on a candidate system or by distributing it through a software delivery system. For this example, I’ll create a package and simply double‐click it on my WDS server, \\wdsserver.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.12: Creating a Data Collection Package. I’ve named this package Verify Windows 7 App Compat, as you can see in Figure 6.12. I’ve also set the package to begin monitoring application usage as soon as possible after installation. The package has a duration of 10 minutes and will output its data to the ACT’s log location. When you click Advanced, you will see a secondary screen that allows you to enable or disable any of the three compatibility evaluators: inventory collector, User account control compatibility evaluator, or Windows compatibility evaluators. Choose File | Save and Create Data Collection Package to complete this step and ready the package for deployment. This process creates that .MSI file in the location you specify. Once created, double‐click that .MSI file on any computer to begin collection, or deploy it through your software deployment solution. This ACT Thing Seems Hard You might be asking why this process seems somewhat more complicated than the MAP’s inventory process. Recall that although WMI can be remotely queried over the network, it can only provide a limited set of data about installed applications. Some applications may not be exposed properly or completely within WMI. Thus, some of your applications simply won’t be in the MAP’s list. The ACT is intended to scale to thousands of computers. It is also designed to collect and report on other data, with that reporting to occur over a distributed amount of time to prevent abusing your file share. For all of these reasons, Microsoft uses an installable “agent” to accomplish these tasks. In the end, it is more work to get the data you need, but the data you’ll get will be of much higher quality.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
After letting the agent run for 10 minutes or so, you should begin seeing data in the log location’s \Processed folder. When you do, return to the ACT and take a look at its Analyze view. Within the Analyze view, you’ll find information about the applications the agents have found on your computers.
Analyzing and Keeping Track of Results Now, here’s where the exciting part happens. While in that view, click Send and Receive. Clicking this button shares your application information with Microsoft, while at the same time downloading Microsoft’s corresponding compatibility information. You’ll have an opportunity to see what data is sent to Microsoft before sending (it isn’t much, but you’ll want to confirm this sharing with your corporate security policies). Once the synchronization is complete, the ACT’s report will update to include information collected from the IT community about your applications. You can see in Figure 6.13 that the community has rated most of the applications on my \\wdsserver computer fairly well, with a slightly lesser rating for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and the Microsoft SQL Server Browser. You should know that although the software seen in Figure 6.13 is all Microsoft software, this report will provide information on other software as well.
Figure 6.13: The Windows 7 Application Report after synchronizing. You can safely assume that information gathered in this report is equivalent to what you would be seeing on Microsoft’s Windows 7 Compatibility Center Web site. That’s a good thing. What it means is that the ACT’s Application Compatibility Manager is a kind of workflow management solution for keeping track of all your applications. As you click through its settings, you’ll notice that you can set your own assessment of each application as well as its deployment status, category, and priority. You can also document issues with applications and corresponding solutions. Figure 6.14 shows an issue with the Office Diagnostics Service conflicting with a custom application once upgraded to Windows 7.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.14: Documenting an issue with an application. Note The ACT is useful for more than verifying compatibility with Windows 7. It can also be used for verifying compatibility with Microsoft updates prior to deploying them with WSUS.
Fixing Incompatible Applications All of this setup merely gets you to the point where you can begin analyzing and tracking your applications for incompatibility. ACT also provides a set of tools for actually fixing incompatible applications. One tool that you’ll use in modifying applications to help them run is the ACT’s Compatibility Administrator. Inside the Compatibility Administrator are more than 6500 known applications along with their accompanying fixes. Two versions of the Compatibility Administrator are available, one each for 32‐bit and 64‐ bit applications. In either, click the Applications node to expand the list of known applications. As you’ll quickly find, fixes are available for many known applications, such as the HP Web Jetadmin application that Figure 6.15 shows. There you can see that the VistaRTMVersionLie fix can resolve an issue with the HPWJAUpdateService.exe file.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.15: Compatibility Administrator. Although this information is useful if your applications are in the list, many applications won’t be available. Any custom and uncommon applications your company uses aren’t likely to be present. For applications not in the list, you’ll need to test which compatibility fixes might resolve the problem. Built into the ACT are more than 360 compatibility fixes (sometimes called shims) that can be integrated into an application to return it to functionality. These fixes, a list of which can be seen in Figure 6.16, resolve issues with User Account Control, permissions, file virtualization and repathing, and numerous others.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 6.16: The ACT’s compatibility fixes. What Fixes Do What? With 360 possible compatibility fixes to choose from, how do you know where to start? Good question, because the answer isn’t immediately obvious. Check out the TechNet Web site at‐us/library/cc722305(WS.10).aspx. In this location, you’ll find descriptions of each fix, along with symptoms that suggest when the fix might be applied. Even with the symptoms and fix descriptions on this Web site, finding the fix that actually works will be a guess‐and‐check exercise. Problematic applications will require substantial work to see which fix (if any) will work. The ACT exists to create a singular database where discovered fixes can be logged so that you can measure your progress over time and document your findings. To run tests against applications, you’ll want to install the Compatibility Administrator to a reference computer that is running Windows 7. On that computer, install the application and verify that it is incompatible. Take careful note of exactly how that application is failing as well as error messages it gives or other notable behaviors. To test a fix, create a Custom Database in the Compatibility Administrator on the Windows 7 computer. Right‐click that database, and create a new Application Fix. Doing so will launch the Create new Application Fix wizard.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
In this wizard, you’ll be asked for information about the application, including its program file location. You’ll also assign potential fixes to the application. Using this wizard enables you to tag applications with potential fixes until you find the correct set that works. Figure 6.17 shows one of the wizard’s pages where compatibility fixes are tagged to an application. You can click Test Run to test the execution of that application after fixes are applied. The goal here is to verify whether assigned fixes indeed resolve an incompatibility.
Figure 6.17: Tagging a compatibility fix to an application. Note One easy starting point is to try setting the Compatibility Mode for the application to Windows XP. This Compatibility Mode automatically adds a series of adjustments to the application’s execution space that may quickly solve the incompatibility. If an adjustment to the Compatibility Mode does not resolve the problem, trying out specific fixes should be your next step. After configuring the fix, save it to a location on the computer. The file will have an .SDB extension. Then right‐click the custom database and choose Install to install the fix. Once installed, try re‐launching the application to see whether the incompatibility is resolved. If not, iterate through the previous steps until you locate the set of fixes that work with your application. Make sure to right‐click the custom database, and choose Uninstall to remove the fix before adding a new fix.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Once you’ve discovered the correct set of fixes your application needs, you’ll want to deploy those fixes along with the deployment of your application. That deployment will be different based on how you deploy applications. You can do so by including the compatibility fix database in your deployed image, distributing it via a software distribution system, or including it in a logon script by calling the sdbinst.exe file. Each of these options is explained in greater detail in the Microsoft TechNet article at‐us/library/cc794691(WS.10).aspx.
Solving Incompatibility: Not Hard but Time‐Consuming Reading through this chapter, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “This seems like a lot of work.” In all honesty, it is. Not all applications work well atop Windows 7, although that number is growing every day as vendors realize the need to update their code. There will always, however, be a set of applications that will never run just right. For those, tools like the MAP and particularly the ACT give you a mechanism to track down and potentially resolve their incompatibilities. Getting those fixes just right will take a bit of effort. In just thirteen steps, you’ve been introduced to nearly all the pieces you need to be successful with your Windows 7 deployment. You can now deploy images with the assurance that user data and now applications will run successfully atop the new OS. What you’re likely still looking for is a way to pull all these steps together into a cohesive solution. You’re nearly there. If you’ve been following along as we’ve been building this solution together, you’ve already got most of the pieces connected that you need to fully automate the solution. Taking that last step and completing the solution is the topic for the next chapter.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Chapter 7: Creating a Complete Solution for Automating Windows 7 Installation You should by now recognize this book’s pattern of introducing new technologies and approaches into the Windows deployment story. That story involves plenty of layers, each of which builds on the infrastructure of the layer below. It started in Chapter 1 with the very basics of deploying images—and weren’t those basics, indeed! The images back then weren’t even customized. They were little more than the default configuration you get by Next, Next, Finishing your way through a manual installation. The next chapters then led you through greater customization and introduced additional automations. By now, you’ve learned how to create single images that deploy everywhere. You’ve automated the installation of drivers, applications, and user state information. You’ve also discovered the MDT, and how its Task Sequences are the glue that ties your automations together. Throughout this book, I’ve shown you how Microsoft’s free solutions can accomplish necessary deployment tasks. Those free tools get you pretty far. Using them, you can kick off a relatively‐automated Windows installation with little effort and good results. Yet even with substantial automation in place, there’s always an underlying desire to fully automate everything. A complete solution for automating Windows 7 installation should take you out of the picture entirely. That solution should be able to upgrade or refresh computers without needing to touch them at all. This topic, the zero‐touch approach, is the final layer that creates your complete solution. Just like each of the previous chapters, getting there requires leaning on the infrastructure you’ve built up to this point. There is, however, one downside: Taking that final step requires a new piece of software that isn’t free. Getting to the complete solution, at least with today’s options, requires assistance from Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager (or ConfigMgr for short). ConfigMgr isn’t free, but it is valuable in ways that go beyond desktop deployment. If this book’s exploration of automations for Windows installation excites you, then ConfigMgr’s many automations for Windows management will excite you even more. It’s a fantastic administrative tool with a long history, bringing much to the table in addition to OS deployment.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Before it can deploy operating systems (OSs), ConfigMgr must be installed. Its agents must also be distributed to your desktops. Doing so requires an exercise in design work and more than a few initial configurations. Those initial steps by themselves are a big topic. So in the interests of space, this chapter will assume you’ve already completed the setup activities. If you need assistance, numerous books and guides exist that’ll get you started. As I begin this chapter, I’ll assume you’ve already completed the installation of ConfigMgr and have deployed its agents to the computers on your network. Resource ConfigMgr’s initial installation and agent deployment can be exceedingly complex activities. If you’re looking for a little help, Alberto Ortega has written an excellent blog post that I use when building new ConfigMgr servers on Windows Server 2008 R2. Found at‐sccm‐2007‐sp2‐ rc‐on‐windows‐server‐2008‐r2/, this post does an excellent job of documenting the exact steps that will complete ConfigMgr’s initial installation and agent distribution.
Stepping Back: Understanding LTI, ZTI, and UDI Before we get started, let’s spend a minute understanding why ConfigMgr is necessary for full automation. In short, it’s the ConfigMgr agent that’s needed. Microsoft’s acronym‐filled MDT documentation refers to three deployment approaches. These they refer to as LTI, ZTI, and UDI. These three acronyms reference Microsoft’s LightTouch Installation, Zero Touch Installation, and UserDriven Installation approaches. MDT alone supports only the LTI approach. That’s because the “Light” in Light‐Touch Installation refers to the fact that some of its activities must be accomplished at the desktop. You’ve seen this in previous chapters where someone at the desktop is needed to launch a PXE boot or run the LiteTouch.vbs script. But this chapter’s goal is full automation. Getting there means not having to physically be present at any desktop for an installation. That said, even if it’s not you in person, kicking off that installation requires something to exist at the desktop. That’s why ConfigMgr, and specifically its agent, is a requirement. The ConfigMgr agent is that something at the desktop. Being installed there, the agent is perfectly positioned to facilitate an OS upgrade or refresh, resulting in a ZTI. Note Although I won’t be discussing it in this chapter, ConfigMgr is similarly well‐ positioned to handle the extra steps necessary for users to initiate their own deployment. This approach represents Microsoft’s UDI, and is an added capability you can layer on top of what you learn in this chapter.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
For the ZTI installation approach to work, that ConfigMgr agent must be present at every desktop. As you can imagine, this means that you won’t be using ZTI for fresh installs. A fresh install starts with an empty hard drive, which means no ConfigMgr agent is present on the machine. Thus, this chapter will focus on the processes used to upgrade an existing machine (one that already contains an agent) as well as refreshing one with a clean OS.
Step Fourteen: ZTI with ConfigMgr As I mentioned, getting to complete automation with Microsoft’s tools requires the assistance of a ConfigMgr agent. Among its other tasks, this agent must be present to receive the signal from the ConfigMgr server that an installation package has been advertised and is ready for distribution. I’ve built my ConfigMgr server on a new computer named \\sccm. Although I’m using a different computer here for ConfigMgr, be aware that there are no technical limitations that prevent you from collocating ConfigMgr with WDS and MDT. If you do intend these services to coexist, make sure to use the full version of SQL Server and not SQL Server Express for all your deployment services. That’s because ConfigMgr requires a full version of SQL Server to function. Upon completing the initial installation of ConfigMgr, my server shows a set of systems with installed and functioning agents. I know this because the Client column in Figure 7.1 shows Yes for each of the computers shown.
Figure 7.1: Three computers, each with a ConfigMgr agent. A few configurations must be set before you start deploying OSs. These configurations go above and beyond the typical ConfigMgr installation. They integrate ConfigMgr with your existing MDT infrastructure. They add a State Migration Point, which will be used in storing user state information during upgrades. Finally, they create a folder and file share ConfigMgr will use to store package information.
Integrating ConfigMgr with MDT First up is integrating your ConfigMgr console with MDT. Start by installing the ConfigMgr console to your MDT server. The console is available on the ConfigMgr media by clicking the Install Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 link. Once launched, choose to Install or upgrade an administrator console.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Without launching the console after its installation, select the Configure ConfigMgr Integration link under Microsoft Deployment Toolkit in the Start menu. You’ll be prompted for a Site server name and Site code. These will correspond to your ConfigMgr site and site server. Now you can launch the ConfigMgr console, and right‐click Computer Management | Operating System Deployment | Task Sequences. If you see a selection titled Create Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence, you’ve got a successful integration.
Adding the State Migration Point Your next task is to add the State Migration Point role to the ConfigMgr server. Navigate to Site Management | | Site Settings | Site System, then right‐click the link for your ConfigMgr server, and choose New Roles. You’ll be greeted with a screen that’s similar to Figure 7.2.
Figure 7.2: New Site Role Wizard. This first role assignment is to the ConfigMgr server itself, so you need only click Next to continue. At the next screen (not shown) choose to add the State migration point role, and click Next. The screen that follows (see Figure 7.3) sets the location for storing user state information as well as settings for the deletion policy and whether to enable restore‐only mode. Click the upper‐right yellow star, and enter a folder path to your storage location. As you can see in Figure 7.3, I’ve chosen C:\ConfigMgrUserState as my path, and limited the number of clients and minimum free space. Click through the wizard’s remaining pages to finish the installation.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.3: Configuring the state migration point.
Creating an OS Deployment Share The next preparation step is easy. OS deployment with ConfigMgr requires a folder and associated share to store package information. On my server, I created a folder called C:\OSDPackages and shared it as \\sccm\OSDPackages with appropriate permissions. Do the same on your server, as you’ll be adding data to subfolders of that share in a moment.
Creating a Deployment Task Sequence in ConfigMgr Most IT professionals don’t realize that WDS and MDT aren’t even necessary to deploy OSs with ConfigMgr. That said, there’s a reason this book delays ConfigMgr until its second‐to‐ last chapter: Getting here requires understanding the underlying infrastructure first. You’ve developed that understanding through the previous chapters. You now know how WinPE functions. You’ve also created at least one image that can be deployed. You’ve gathered a list of drivers and applications that need installation with the deployment, and you’re familiar with the complexities of user state migration. By first knowing each of these tasks, your efforts in working with ConfigMgr are eased because ConfigMgr itself is a complex application. It needs to be, in part because of how it can scale from just a few computers to tens of thousands. Having built your MDT and other infrastructures before now enables you to leverage that experience within ConfigMgr. In fact, thanks to the MDT‐to‐ConfigMgr integration you just completed, the Create Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence menu item is about to become your best friend.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Right‐click Task Sequences in ConfigMgr, and select Create Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence. What appears is a lengthy wizard that requires numerous settings to complete. The first time you run this wizard, you’ll be creating many of the items it asks for in its pages. You’ll be able to reuse many of those items during subsequent uses of the wizard. You can consider the Client Task Sequence template (see Figure 7.4) to be the core template for many ZTI deployments. This template will scan for applications and user state, offload user state information, rebuild the computer, reinstall applications, and ultimately replace user state information onto the upgraded or refreshed computer. Select this template in this screen.
Figure 7.4: Choosing a template. In the next screen, (not shown) enter a Task Sequence name and any comments. Then fill out the Details page with information about your domain and Windows settings (see Figure 7.5). If your organization uses volume license keys for desktops, you can enter that license key into the provided blank.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.5: Providing template details. Figure 7.6 defines how the Task Sequence might be used. A ConfigMgr Task Sequence can be used for deploying images or deploying and subsequently capturing an image. We already have an image to use that was captured back in an earlier chapter, so we won’t need to use this image for a later capture. Thus, configure the screen as you see it in Figure 7.6.
Figure 7.6: Specifying template capture settings.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
You’ll find Microsoft’s wizard verbiage to get a little confusing in the next series of screens. The first is seen in Figure 7.7 where the wizard asks for a boot image. Know that the boot image used by ConfigMgr is slightly different than the one used by WDS and MDT during previous examples.
Figure 7.7: Specifying a boot image. This alternate boot image is configured with extra code that facilitates its integration with ConfigMgr. Thus, you won’t be using the same boot image you used in previous chapters. Here, select the Specify an existing boot image package option, and click Browse. Two ConfigMgr boot images should be automatically available, one each for x86 and x64. In this example, I’ll use the x86 boot image. Another point of confusion with this wizard is in its next screen (see Figure 7.8) where MDT files package information is required. This package is a collection of scripts and other data from the MDT that is used by ConfigMgr for deploying an OS. This is a new ConfigMgr instance as well as the first execution of the Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence, so the MDT files package does not exist. Thus, it must be created. To do so, select the second radio button and provide a UNC path to a subfolder of your choice within the OS deployment package share created earlier in this chapter. For my environment, I’ll use \\sccm\OSDPackages\MDTFiles.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.8: Providing an MDT package. This location will be populated with information from MDT after the wizard is complete and the Task Sequence is generated. In later Task Sequences, you may simply reference an existing ConfigMgr package through the top radio button. In the following screen (not shown) you will be asked for name, version, language, manufacturer, and comment information for the package that will eventually be created that includes this data. A name is required at minimum; however, the other information will be useful down the road for identifying the characteristics of this package. In my environment I’ll name the package MDTFiles. One of the biggest benefits of layering ConfigMgr atop an existing MDT instance is that you’ve already built the OS image you intend to deploy. You’ll see multiple options in Figure 7.9 for creating or specifying the OS image to be deployed. Choosing the first option will select an image that has already been converted into a ConfigMgr package.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.9: Specifying an OS image. You haven’t created that package yet, so choose to Create a new OS image. In doing so, enter the path to the image’s WIM file that you created in a previous chapter. You’ll see in Figure 7.10 that I have selected Windows7_Office.wim, which is the WIM file created earlier that currently resides on the WDS server. I’m also providing a path to new subfolder of the ConfigMgr OS deployment package share. Doing this copies the WIM file to the new location once the wizard is complete. It at the same time reconfigures the WIM file into a ConfigMgr package for deployment. In the next screen (not shown), you’ll be asked for name, version, and comment information. As with the MDT package, enter as much detail as possible in these blanks to assist with later identification. Note During later uses of this tool, you can select to Specify an existing OS image instead. This will direct you to the list of packages currently installed on the ConfigMgr server. In order for ConfigMgr to manage the client after deployment, it will need to add a ConfigMgr agent to the image as the OS is deployed. That ConfigMgr agent is part of its own package. (Notice how everything that is to be deployed in ConfigMgr must be encapsulated into a ConfigMgr package?) As this is a fresh installation of ConfigMgr, that Client Package does not yet exist. If yours does, you may choose the top radio button option in Figure 7.10, click Browse, and locate the Client Package you’ve already created. If yours does not, select the second radio button, and click Next to continue.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.10: Determining which client package to use. As with the other packages so far, a USMT package must also be created. This USMT package collects the USMT code from the location in the upper path box and copies it to the path in the lower box (see Figure 7.11). The upper path should be automatically filled in for you as this location is supplied from the WAIK. As with the other packages, the lower path will be a subfolder of your choice within the OS deployment package share. The screen that follows (not shown) will ask for the usual package characteristics: name, version, language, manufacturer, and comments.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.11: Specifying a USMT package. One final package is required for Task Sequences that deploy Windows 7 computers. This package, called the Settings Package, includes a set of configurable settings that define how the OS is deployed as well as the behavior of the installation. Choose at this time to create a new one, as one has not yet been created (see Figure 7.12). Give it a subfolder path to your OS deployment share, and (not shown) provide name, version, language, manufacturer, and comment information.
Figure 7.12: Creating a settings package.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
You may click through the remaining screens, choosing the defaults to complete the Microsoft Deployment Task Sequence creation. Notice that no Sysprep package is required because this Task Sequence deploys Windows 7, an OS that natively includes the needed Sysprep code. Once you’ve completed the wizard, the process to create the Task Sequence will take a period of time. This process transfers a large quantity of data from various locations to your OS deployment share. Note Once the creation is complete, spend a minute reviewing the contents of the OS deployment share. You’ll find that a number of subfolders have been created, with some containing information that will be used during the installation. This data collection is stored in file format so that it can be modified or otherwise customized to change the behaviors of the installation or the OS that is delivered. Although this topic is out of scope for this chapter, know that you can edit any of the configurations found in this share to modify the behavior of the installation. As you’ll discover later, any changes here must be uploaded to a distribution point to be used.
Importing Drivers ConfigMgr handles driver injection using the same plug‐and‐play approach seen with WDS and MDT. Thus, the driver store you created during the previous chapters can be automatically imported into ConfigMgr. Do this now by right‐clicking the Drivers node, and choosing Import. If you’ve been following along throughout this guide, you probably have a folder of drivers on your WDS server in a subfolder of the C:\RemoteInstall folder. Mine is at\\wdsserver\REMINST\Stores\Drivers. You can see in Figure 7.13 that the wizard can interrogate drivers within a stated path and its subfolders to automatically import those drivers into ConfigMgr.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.13: Importing drivers. Once imported, drivers can be added (not shown) to categories for filtering. This prevents similar‐looking drivers from accidentally being installed onto incorrect equipment. It also prevents drivers from one OS from being inadvertently added to another, which can cause conflicts. Be particularly careful with your drivers, as driver mismatches will cause problems with OS deployment. Note In fact, a driver problem that warrants additional attention is caused by drivers used for networking. The WinPE instance used by ConfigMgr requires a functioning network driver so that its installation can communicate with the ConfigMgr server to download images. If you are following along using VMware Workstation, you may have difficulties with the VMXNET driver used by some versions of VMware Workstation. One workaround is to alter the driver used by your Windows XP desktops by adding the line ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000" to your VM’s VMX file. This line forces the virtual machine to use the more‐common Intel e1000 NIC driver, which must be subsequently downloaded from the Internet and installed to the Windows XP desktop. Drivers must be added to at least one driver package and distributed to distribution points before they can be used by computers during deployment. Figure 7.14 shows how the set of drivers specified in Figure 7.13 have been gathered into a package and sent to the ConfigMgr distribution points.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.14: Adding drivers to packages. The next screen (not shown) provides a location to add drivers to boot images. If candidate desktops require non‐native drivers to boot properly into WinPE, make sure to add them to the correct boot image or the boot and/or deployment process will fail. Click through to finish the wizard.
Updating Distribution Points At this point, you have the data you need to begin your first deployment. The next step is to add each of the newly‐created packages to a ConfigMgr distribution point. This distribution point is different than the file share in which you’ve been storing data up until now. It is the location agents will query for package data. Separating your working file share from the “production” distribution point allows you to work with the data in your file share, only updating it to the distribution point when it is ready for deployment. Distribution points are not updated through any of the previous wizards. You’ll need to manage them separately. The process to accomplish this task is the same for all packages. I’ll show you how to complete this step with one package, then point you towards the series of packages that require attention. Start by clicking the Packages node. Right‐click any of the recently‐created packages in the middle pane, and choose Manage Distribution Points. Click Next, then choose to Copy the package to new distribution points. Figure 7.15 shows an example of the distribution points where package data can be uploaded. Select one, and click Next to update that distribution point with the new software.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.15: Selecting distribution points. Note Remember that you can at any point alter the data that is stored within your OS deployment share; however, when you do make changes to that data, the distribution point must always be updated with a new copy of the data. This can be done by selecting the package, and choosing to Update distribution points. At this point, you can copy the remaining packages to the distribution point. This will be the MDT Files package, Settings package, USMT package, Microsoft Configuration Manager Client Upgrade package, Boot image package, Driver package, and the Windows7_Office Operating System Image package. Note Some of these packages are not found under the Packages node. They will be found elsewhere in the Computer Management hierarchy. One caution is important as you update distribution points with new data. Be aware that the process to copy packages to distribution points takes time. Although smaller packages will be updated almost immediately, larger packages such as your OS images will take much longer. You should not begin advertising packages until they have completed their installation to distribution points.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.16 shows how to verify installation status by navigating to System Status | Package Status. Notice here that the Windows7_Office 1.0 en‐US package has been targeted to one distribution point but has not completed its installation there. This Package Status view will help you ensure that ConfigMgr has completed its transfer of data to the distribution points prior to creating an advertisement.
Figure 7.16: Package status.
Viewing the Task Sequence and Creating the OS Deployment Advertisement You’re nearly ready for deployment. Prior to creating the advertisement that announces the availability of the OS upgrade, you might want to review the Task Sequence created in the earlier step. Navigate to Task Sequences, right‐click, and choose to Edit the Task Sequence you just created. You’ll immediately see the incredible number of steps that are automatically generated as part of the Task Sequence. One of those steps, the Apply Operating System Image step, is shown in Figure 7.17. In this step, the captured image is selected to be deployed as part of the Task Sequence.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.17: Task Sequence. You can at this point adjust any of the characteristics of this Task Sequence as well as add steps by clicking the upper‐left Add button. By default, this Task Sequence will automatically install the selected image to a targeted computer after gathering user state information. It will restore that user state information to the new computer once the installation is complete. Considering the very large number of steps and possible outcomes that exist in this sequence, I’ll leave the exploration to you for how you will customize your Task Sequences. Note Remember that ConfigMgr is an application installation solution in addition to its job in deploying OSs. Thus, it can install applications on top of managed systems once those applications have been packaged. That packaging process is similar to what was discussed in Chapter 3. You’ll notice that there is a step titled Install Software, which is one mechanism that can be used to install packaged software during an OS deployment. You’re now ready to deploy an OS. Start that process by right‐clicking the Task Sequence, and choosing Advertise. Doing so will bring forward the New Advertisement Wizard, similar to Figure 7.18. In this wizard you’ll schedule the Task Sequence you want to deploy and connect it to a collection of computers that will be upgraded. That collection of computers is seen in Figure 7.18. The actual process to create and populate collections is out of scope for this chapter; however, notice that I have created a collection called XPtoW7 Computer that contains only my test computer.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.18: New Advertisement Wizard. All advertisements run on a schedule. Notice in Figure 7.19 that the advertisement has a start time but is also configured with a mandatory assignment to begin as soon as possible. In ConfigMgr parlance, “as soon as possible” can sometimes involve a large amount of time, so be prepared for a short delay even after the advertisement is created.
Figure 7.19: Scheduling the advertisement.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
This is a test environment, so you will also want to select the Ignore maintenance windows when running program and Allow system restart outside maintenance windows check boxes. Lastly, because you may rerun this package later, consider setting the Program rerun behavior to Always rerun program. Click Next to continue. Next up is the Distribution Points page (see Figure 7.20) with only a few settings. Set the bottom radio button to instruct the client to gather its data directly from a distribution point rather than downloading the content. An OS deployment will wipe a system disk; this setting prevents the situation where downloaded data is deleted by the Task Sequence. You may also select the two bottom check boxes to ensure that any available distribution point is used.
Figure 7.20: Specifying distribution point settings. The next five screens of the New Advertisement Wizard are not shown, as most deployments use their defaults. Continue through the wizard to create the advertisement. If you’ve done everything correctly, a balloon notice will appear on desktops after a few minutes (but sometimes as much as an hour later) after the advertisement is created. Clicking that balloon notice will bring forward the Program Countdown Status message that Figure 7.21 shows. This notice alerts the users that their computers are about to be upgraded, and provides a 5‐minute countdown timer prior to beginning the OS deployment.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.21: The Program Countdown Status balloon. As with the MDT, a set of pre‐installation activities must occur on the client before it boots into WinPE for the actual OS installation. Figure 7.22 shows the Installation Progress bar that shows which steps in the Task Sequence are in progress.
Figure 7.22: The Installation Progress bar. Once the pre‐installation activities are complete, the computer will reboot directly into WinPE to begin the installation. ConfigMgr uses a different background screen to denote its version of WinPE. You can see an example of that screen in Figure 7.23. If you’ve done everything correctly, the OS will install and eventually return control back to the user with the new OS. Viola! You’ve completed your first zero‐touch deployment of an OS!
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 7.23: The WinPE Phase.
Stepping Back: What Haven’t You Seen? What’s Left? Getting this far with the zero‐touch deployment approach is an accomplishment all by itself. The multitude of components required to get this far requires no small effort in designing and integrating a range of technologies. Congratulations! In fact, this simple example is only a small portion of what ConfigMgr brings to the table in terms of OS deployment. This walk‐through represents barely the simplest of installation use cases, and it is written to get you started down the path of even greater automation. Once you understand the basics, you become well‐prepared for adding to that knowledge with additional automations, many of which you only gain through your ConfigMgr infrastructure. ConfigMgr itself comes equipped with a significantly‐greater level of intelligence about the software that is deployed and managed in your environment. However, most of its functionality works best only when your IT processes subscribe to using it for pretty much everything. That means coordinating the packaging efforts of your deployed software, updates, OSs, and even desired configurations. By centralizing all facets of Windows configuration control within a ConfigMgr infrastructure, you gain a configuration management database that becomes useful for even greater levels of automation.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Consider additional capabilities that might come through centralizing control in this manner. For example, software installation can be slipstreamed into OS deployments. As ConfigMgr is as much a software installation solution as an OS deployment solution, it stands to reason that any software package created for installation can be automatically added to an image as well. Adding a bit of extra intelligence to your Task Sequences, it becomes possible for your deployment sequences to query computers for installed application packages with the goal of automatically reinstalling those packages after an upgrade. ConfigMgr also includes support for PXE booting desktops for image deployment, similar to how WDS and MDT use the same technology. ConfigMgr includes a PXE service point role that can handle deployment of WinPE to PXE clients for a streamlined LTI experience. A third deployment approach is also possible with ConfigMgr that transfers control to users entirely. The UDI approach gives individual users the ability to refresh their computers on their own and without IT involvement. With instrumentation for reinstalling appropriate applications and migrating user data, the UDI approach enables users to fix their own problems without requiring intervention by IT.
The Automations Virtually Never Stop This chapter has intended to serve as the capstone for this book’s discovery on automating Windows deployment. However, the conversation isn’t done. The title of this book asserts that it is a definitive guide for desktop and VDI environments, but we haven’t gotten to the virtual world just yet—I purposely decided to hold on that discussion, giving you the opportunity first to understand fully the Windows deployment process. With that information firmly in hand, this book’s final chapter concludes with a look at how this information can be directly translated into the desktop virtualization world. In the next chapter, I’ll show you how the information you’ve learned so far will bring a significant assist should you take the road of virtualizing your desktops. You’ll be happy you’ve stuck around this long. The information in the last chapter is not to be missed.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Chapter 8: Integrating Automated Windows 7 Installation into VDI Environments When is a desktop not really a desktop? When it’s a virtual desktop, of course! From the user’s perspective, a virtual instance of Windows 7 might look the same as a physical instance. But you’re an IT professional. You’re aware of all the extra forces working behind the scenes that are required to make that virtual instance happen. Virtualization, presentation, transport protocols, automated deployment, and snapshotting all comprise the virtual desktop administrator’s toolkit for deploying even the most basic Windows 7 instance. Complicating this process even more is the multitude of desktop virtualization solutions on the market today. VMware View, Citrix XenDesktop, and Microsoft Remote Desktop Virtualization Host represent three of the major players. They’re not the only ones. “Smaller” alternatives like Quest, Wanova, MokaFive, NComputing, and others now release their own solutions that create a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or VDI. When it comes to Windows 7 itself, however, there is good news. What you’ve learned so far in this guide directly assists in creating virtual machines inside a VDI infrastructure, notwithstanding which vendor writes the software. No matter whose technology connects your users to VMs, the processes you now know for configuring Windows remain relatively the same. That knowledge makes my life easier as this book’s author. It also makes your life easier if you’ve been following along throughout its pages. That’s why this chapter won’t delve too deeply into the specifics behind each VDI platform. The exact clicks required to build a desktop template in Citrix XenDesktop are quite different than those inside VMware View. That same series of clicks will surely change within each product as they evolve over time. So, I’ll leave the specifics to the vendor documentation. Rather than focusing on the VDI products, this final chapter focuses on Windows itself. The reason? Windows 7, as you know, is designed to be an “everything for everyone” operating system (OS). Far from a single‐purpose OS, Windows 7 can just as easily be a home desktop for one individual as a virtual business desktop for another. The difference is in the tuning.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
In this chapter, I’ll share with you the high‐level process you’ll use in preparing Windows 7 for VDI deployment. As you can imagine, many of these tuning suggestions remove the “extra” bits of Windows that contribute to its resource use. With VDI, many copies of Windows operate simultaneously on the same server. Thus, the task of eliminating unnecessary services and processes must be done to guarantee overall performance. Finally, going down the virtual route adds the potential for a big win. Namely, VDI rewards smart administration. The smarter you are in tuning your Windows instances, the better they will perform in aggregate. The more resources you conserve inside each individual desktop leaves more available for others. Smarter administration in VDI means squeezing more desktops on fewer servers while still preserving each user’s experience. In the end, with greater density, you’ll get more out of less.
Step Fifteen: Integrating MDT into VDI Deployment With that introduction, let’s step back into Windows 7 deployment, but this time focus on virtual deployment. We begin by bouncing back to our old friend the MDT. You might at this point be thinking, “Wait a minute. We’re moving backwards from ConfigMgr to MDT?” Absolutely. Although the extra functionality delivered by ConfigMgr was necessary in the previous chapter’s zero‐touch installation scenario, you can use MDT (at no cost!) as your customization platform for VDI deployment. One of VDI’s biggest differences is in how the resulting WIM image ultimately gets deployed. Thus far, the WIM files we’ve created were designed to be deployed to physical desktops. Deploying to virtual desktops uses a different set of steps. Replacing the physical desktop’s hard disk is a virtual hard disk. For VMware VDI, that virtual disk file is a VMDK. Microsoft and Citrix use a VHD file. Combined with that VMDK or VHD file are others that describe the configuration of the virtual machine itself, such as its memory configuration or number of processors. All are necessary to describe the characteristics of the virtual machine.
Creating a Virtual Machine and Deploying an OS I mentioned earlier that different VDI platforms use different mechanisms for managing their virtual machines. This chapter will attempt to stay as product‐neutral as possible, so I’ll keep things simple by sticking with Microsoft’s Hyper‐V R2 platform. If you’re familiar with how to create and work with virtual machines, you should be able to easily translate what you see here into your platform of choice. Creating a new virtual machine with Hyper‐V starts in the Hyper‐V Manager by clicking New | Virtual Machine (see Figure 8.1). In the resulting wizard, follow through its steps to create a new virtual machine somewhere on the Hyper‐V server. Although most VDI deployments leverage SANs for production deployments, our interest at this point is only in learning to deploy a WIM file’s contents to a virtual disk.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 8.1: Creating a new virtual machine. Windows 7 virtual machines tend not to require as much RAM as is commonly installed to physical machines. Although Windows 7 can operate in as little as 512MB of RAM, real‐ world best practices suggest a starting point of 1536MB of RAM. One great fact about virtual machines is that you can always adjust that quantity up or down later if you see performance problems or unused resources. Connect the virtual machine to an existing virtual network and create a virtual hard disk when prompted. The final screen in the wizard (see Figure 8.2) discusses the options available for deploying an OS to this newly‐created virtual machine. Take a look at the radio button at the bottom of the screen that you may not have noticed before. That radio button enables you to install an OS from a network‐based installation server.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 8.2: Installation options. Recall that our entire series of activities to this point has created the very network‐based installation server this radio button references. By selecting this radio button, you are effectively PXE booting the virtual desktop and connecting it to your WDS server to receive an OS image. Before booting the virtual machine, however, right‐click the powered‐down computer and view its settings. Look for its BIOS settings, similar to what you see in Figure 8.3. You’ll see that the virtual machine has been configured to boot from its legacy network adapter. This legacy network adapter is a special network adapter that’s used by Hyper‐V just to get the machine started during its initial configuration. Being “legacy,” it is by no means high performance; however, it does include the necessary code to integrate with your WDS server.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 8.3: Boot from legacy network adapter. Note Microsoft recommends the use of the network adapter and not the legacy network adapter when a machine (server or desktop) is in production. The reason is that the network adapter enjoys a set of performance and other optimizations not available on the legacy network adapter. You’ll eventually switch to the “regular” adapter after installing Hyper‐V’s Integration Components. Other hypervisors use a similar series of virtual adapters and drivers. For example, VMware View requires virtual machines to use VMware’s e1000 network card driver to connect to a WDS server, but suggests later switching to their VMXNET3 driver once provisioned. Connect to the virtual machine, and power it on. You should quickly spot a familiar screen (see Figure 8.4) if the Hyper‐V host’s virtual network successfully communicates with the WDS server. In that screen, you’ll see that the virtual machine is ready for a network service boot. Hitting the F12 button at this point will connect the virtual machine to the WDS server for an OS deployment.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 8.4: PXE booting the virtual machine.
Injecting Drivers and Virtual Tools Voila! You’re successfully deploying a Windows 7 image to a virtual machine! Not much to it, eh? In reality, this book’s previous chapters have led you through most of the work in automating this deployment process. If you do nothing else at this point, you have, at the very least, created your first Windows 7 virtual machine atop Hyper‐V. Yet, as you know, there’s always more to the story. You will need to add Hyper‐V’s drivers and virtual machine tools to your MDT driver store. You’ve done this before with the VMware Workstation drivers in Chapter 2. Hyper‐V’s drivers and tools are called the Hyper‐V Integration Components and are located on any Hyper‐V server in the ISO file at C:\Windows\System32\vmguest.ISO. Mount this ISO to a drive letter to get at its contents, then unpack the drivers from their installation files within. Add them to MDT’s driver store once you’ve gained access to the drivers themselves. Note Another common tactic to install a VDI platform’s virtual tools to desktops uses an MDT application. You learned how to do this in Chapter 4 by creating and deploying a silenced installation during the OS deployment process. The only difference here is that the application being deployed is a collection of drivers (among other software). Using an MDT application replaces some of the need for driver injection by directly automating the installation of the VDI platform’s virtual tools.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Tuning the Virtual Machine With drivers ready to go, your next step will be to tune Windows 7 for use with VDI. These tuning activities typically involve shutting down unnecessary services and processes with the goal of streamlining Windows for best performance as a virtual machine. In the early days of VDI, this process involved quite a bit of guess‐and‐check work. Today, however, most VDI vendors have developed a set of guidance documents to assist. Although each vendor releases its own documentation, you’ll find a fairly significant overlap in what they suggest you should do. I’ll introduce you to three of these documents that are available as of the time of this writing, then summarize some of what they suggest in what remains of this chapter. Those three documents are: •
VMware View Optimization Guide for Windows 7
Deploying Microsoft Windows 7 Virtual Desktops with VMware View
Citrix Windows 7 Optimization Guide for Desktop Virtualization Note Tuning guidance is always a moving target as our industry learns new tips and tricks. Thus, I am purposely not providing direct links to these documents, as they will evolve over time and potentially change locations. You should be able to search for their titles using your favorite Web browser.
Guidance for Services Your first step in tuning Windows 7 starts by disabling the services that don’t make sense within a VDI deployment. Unlike Windows XP, where nearly every service was enabled by default, Windows 7 does a better job of turning on only those services that it absolutely needs. That said, the default installation of Windows 7 still enables services that can be safely disabled when they aren’t absolutely necessary. Disabling these services also stops any associated processing, which has an effect on overall VDI environment performance. Collected from the three documents listed earlier, consider the following services as a starting list for those you might want to disable on your VDI virtual machines:
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). Some applications and services require BITS for functionality; test before removing
BitLocker Drive Encryption Service. BitLocker is not recommended for use within many VDI architectures
Block Level Backup Engine Service, Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider, System Restore, Volume Shadow Copy Service, Windows Backup. Used for protecting local data, which is unnecessary in a layered environment where data is stored off the desktop and issues are most often resolved by recreating the desktop
Desktop Window Manager Session Manager. Enables Windows Aero, which will improve performance if disabled
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Disk Defragmenter. Disk defragmentation will have a significant impact on performance; pooled desktops are typically destroyed and re‐created often enough that fragmentation does not create significant performance issues
Diagnostic Policy Service, Windows Error Reporting Service. Used for troubleshooting and problem detection; less useful in a VDI environment where a common solution is to destroy and re‐create the provisioned desktop
Function Discovery Resource Publication. Publishes computer information on the network, which may not be necessary for enterprise deployments
Home Group Listener, Home Group Provider. Home groups are unnecessary in enterprise deployments
Indexing Service. Used for indexing local data, which is unnecessary in a layered environment where data is stored off the desktop
IP Helper. Disable when IPv6 is not used
Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service. VDI desktops typically do not use local iSCSI disks
Offline Files. Used for storing copies of network files, which is a use case not found in most online VDI deployments
Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service. Used for VPN connectivity, which is not commonly a part of a VDI architecture
Security Center. This service notifies users when security‐related configurations are modified, which may be unnecessary in a fully‐managed VDI architecture
SSDP Discovery, UPnP Host Service. UPnP devices are not commonly attached to VDI virtual machines
Superfetch. Used for caching commonly‐used applications; less useful in a VDI environment where provisioned desktops are routinely destroyed and re‐created
Tablet PC Input Service. Tablet PCs are not commonly attached to VDI virtual machines
Themes. This service adds personalization to the desktop experience but at the cost of added resource utilization
Windows Defender, Windows Firewall. Some environments elect not to install anti‐malware or host‐based firewall software to VDI desktops due to their extremely short lifespan
Windows Media Center Receiver Service, Windows Media Center Scheduler Service, Windows Media Player Sharing Service. Windows Media Center and Windows Media Player are not commonly used on VDI virtual machines
Windows Search. Used in searching for data, which is unnecessary in a layered environment where data is stored off the desktop
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Windows Update. Virtual machine images are typically based on clones of a core image; when updates are ready for deployment, typically the core image is updated with clones regenerated thereafter; updates are typically not installed directly to cloned images
WLAN AutoConfig, WWAN AutoConfig. Used for wireless LAN and mobile broadband configuration; not a common configuration with VDI virtual machines
Disabling these services can be accomplished via many mechanisms. Both Group Policy and Local Policies are two mechanisms to control configuration while desktops are in operation. Services can also be configured during OS installation by adding custom tasks to an MDT task sequence. These custom tasks, in this case the Run Command Line task, configures services by invoking the Windows sc command with appropriate options. Service configuration obviously requires a functioning OS, thus they are typically disabled late in the task sequence after the core installation is complete. Figure 8.5 shows how the Run Command Line task might be added to a standard client task sequence in the MDT. There, the task has been added to the Custom Tasks step, which itself is a component of the State Restore step, by selecting Add | General | Run Command Line and entering the following text into the Command line field: sc config wuauserv start= disabled
Figure 8.5: A custom task to disable a service.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
The contents of the Command line field in Figure 8.5 show that the sc command has been configured to set the startup value to disabled for the wuauserv (Windows Update) service. Similarly‐structured command lines can be used to modify the configuration of other services. Guidance for Additional Configurations and Scripting Services aren’t the only configurations that require tuning. The guides noted earlier suggest other configurations in which resource‐intensive activities such as full window dragging, font smoothing, and cursor blink are disabled. These other configurations can be set through registry manipulations, the use of native commands, or even Group Policy or Local Policies. Often, Loopback Policy Processing is used to apply user‐specific settings to organizational units (OUs) that contain the VDI desktops’ computer objects. In the interests of space, I’ll direct you to each document rather than reprinting their guidance here. That said, implementing some of these configurations at the time of installation is another area where the MDT’s task sequences can assist. One way to invoke a series of changes all at once is through the use of scripts. Recall that the MDT’s Run Command Line task can invoke any executable or script that is natively supported by Windows 7. This support means that batch files, VBScripts, and (with a little extra effort) even PowerShell scripts can be used to make configuration changes. Figure 8.6 shows a second Run Command Line task that’s been added to the Custom Scripts step. That task runs a custom VBScript script named DisableCursorBlink.wsf by invoking the cscript.exe script host. The contents of the VBScript itself are unimportant for this discussion. As long as those contents correctly accomplish the task without generating an error or prompting the user, the script will execute correctly.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 8.6: Incorporating a script into a task sequence. More important for this discussion is where you’ll store those scripts once created. For scripts to be delivered and invoked on desktops during installation, they need to be stored in the %SCRIPTROOT% folder. This folder is found on the MDT server, typically in the \Scripts subfolder of your deployment share. A view of the Options tab can be seen in Figure 8.7. For particularly complex scripting needs, this tab provides a location to determine the success codes for a script as well as set conditions for when a script must be run. The success codes 0 and 3010 are inserted by default. A success code of 0 generally means that the script executed successfully, with a success code of 3010 generally representing a successful execution with the need for a reboot. Additional codes can be added in the field if your custom script is configured to supply them as it exits.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Figure 8.7: Adding success codes and conditionals. Also seen in the lower‐right of Figure 8.7 is an area where conditional statements can be added to determine whether a script should be run. Scripts are only run when conditionals in this box resolve to True.
Tuning Personal Desktops vs. Pooled Desktops It is worth stating again that this configuration tuning process is important for Windows 7 to function best within your selected VDI platform. You’ll find, however, that which configurations you’ll want to tune are impacted heavily by the methods in which Windows 7 will be deployed to users. Two common methods are through the use of what are generally called personal desktops and pooled desktops. Different vendors refer to personal and pooled desktops by different names. From a general perspective, however, the personal desktops approach refers to delivering the exact same desktop instance to each user each time. That desktop is considered the user’s personal one with no other user having access to it. This approach is most similar to physical desktop deployment, where a one‐to‐one mapping exists between each user and their assigned desktop.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Pooled desktops are quite different. A pooled desktop is one that has been generalized and added to a pool with others that are similarly configured. As a user logs in, that user is assigned the next available desktop in the pool. As a result, they are never guaranteed to get the same desktop every time, and in fact rarely do. When well‐engineered, this practice adds a significant amount of flexibility to VDI deployments, as desktops can be easily destroyed and re‐created when problems occur. To enable this flexibility, pooled desktops are typically configured using a layered approach. They also commonly make use of desktop clones, which are low‐volume snapshots from a central, core image that contain only changes. Their core OS is installed with very basic settings and core configurations. Applications and user state information is then layered over the top as the desktop is provisioned to the user. When well‐engineered and well‐optimized, pooled desktops tend to enjoy a much lower cost of ownership than do personal desktops. Pooled desktops tend to enjoy a higher density than personal desktops. They can be much more easily destroyed and re‐created because they are based on clones from a core image. These tactics can significantly reduce the storage costs associated with VDI while increasing its user density. As a result, many of the tuning suggestions you will find tend to relate to the pooled desktop architecture. If you intend to deploy personal desktops, you might want to enable more personalization elements. Doing so will mean leaving a greater number of services and processes enabled.
Preparing and Templatizing the Deployed Virtual Machine Desktops that will be used for VDI deployments are generally cloned (in pooled environments) or directly copied (in personal environments) from the reference virtual machine. Most VDI solutions first require converting the virtual machine into a template prior to deployment. This conversion process is a protective measure that restricts the virtual machine to be used only as a source for replication. No matter which desktop approach you plan to use, reference virtual machines must be generalized prior to replication. Depending on your VDI solution, the generalization process will use the native SysPrep utility or a vendor‐supplied utility. Notwithstanding, both SysPrep and the vendor‐supplied tools achieve the same goal of removing system personality elements such as name, IP address, and SID, among others. Vendor‐supplied tools will typically add configurations that prepare the virtual machine for VDI distribution.
Automating Windows 7 Installation for Desktop and VDI Environments
Automating Windows 7 Installation: Start to Finish And now we finally navigate to the end of this story. Starting with the very basics of OS installation, you’ve now experienced the vast majority of tools and techniques that layer on top of each other to create full automation. Yet even as this story concludes, it merely scratches the surface of the in‐the‐field tips and tricks that other deployment pros have learned. Regardless of whether they are specialized task sequences, scripts to add to them, or other nifty tips and tricks, all of these further automate this process while making your life easier. Best of luck with your Windows 7 deployment project. With the foundations firmly grasped, you’re well prepared to be successful in upgrading your environment to Microsoft’s newest desktop OS.
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