Automatic Packing Functionality in SAP

August 3, 2017 | Author: Anupa Wijesinghe | Category: Subroutine, Instruction Set, Areas Of Computer Science, Software, Information Technology Management
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Contents Introduction – Automatic Packing ................................................................................................................ 2 Configuration steps ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Define Keys for Packing Instructions......................................................................................................... 2 Create new Access Sequence.................................................................................................................... 5 Define Determination Type for packing instructions ................................................................................ 7 Define Procedure for Packing instructions Determination ....................................................................... 9 Requirement Routines for Automatic Packing ................................................................................... 10 Maintain Packing Transaction Profile ..................................................................................................... 11 Important Notes.................................................................................................................................. 11 Create Packing Instructions .................................................................................................................... 14 What is a Check profile? ..................................................................................................................... 17 Define Packing Instruction determination record .................................................................................. 18 Activate Automatic packing for delivery type ......................................................................................... 20

Introduction – Automatic Packing As the name specifies, this can be used to pack FG materials automatically; based on pre-defined set of instructions. Once those instructions are configured, at delivery creation point, materials will be packed automatically.

Configuration steps Please note the configuration relate to automatic packing is fully based on the condition technique in SAP, just like pricing, text, outputs, etc.

Define Keys for Packing Instructions This is same as defining condition tables in pricing. IMG Path:

In this step you have to create a table to set up relevant packing instruction

Enter a number between 501 to 999 to create your own table

In this example I’m going to set my packing instructions based on the materials. Therefore I have to create the table for material only. To create, double click on the relevant field in the table.

table. Then it’ll appear in the

Once done, press

to generate

You can add new fields to

Create new Access Sequence This is also same as in pricing. IMG Path:

from below node

Create a new access sequence - ID and name

Click on

node and add relevant tables

Double click on

for each table, before you save

Define Determination Type for packing instructions Here you have to link your access sequence to relevant packing instructions.

Not like in pricing, here you don’t have a separate node to create condition type. You have to create and assign relevant access sequence in same window.

Define Procedure for Packing instructions Determination IMG Path:

Create a new procedure

Highlight it and go to

 

Add relevant condition types to the procedure. Once done, Save


Requirement Routines for Automatic Packing Like in pricing here also you can define requirement routines and assign those to relevant conditions. You can define your own routine from below IMG path:

By clicking on

button, you can create new routines.

Maintain Packing Transaction Profile Now you need to add your packing determination procedure to packing transaction profile. Important Notes In pricing we have to assign our condition determination procedure to relevant sales area, document pricing procedure and customer pricing procedure combination. But in automatic packing, you don’t have such an option given. It’s always attached to “Packing transaction profile” Though you have an option of creating a new profile in this node, it won’t work inside packing. You have to always assign your “Packing Determination Procedure” to standard procedure SAP has given. For example, for outbound deliveries, it’s always “0002 - Outbound Delivery”

If you create a new profile and assign you procedure to it, and then try to create automatic packing, you’ll get a error like this in packing screen.

For more info: Please refer the documentation given under IMG node. Standard settings The profiles are set as standard in the system. You can change the descriptions and the settings for each profile. However, you cannot create new profiles, delete existing ones, or change the assignment of profile to application. IMG Path:

Assign your Packing Determination Procedure to relevant standard Profile given. To do that; 

Select relevant profile

 

Click on Enter your profile


Now you need to create relevant packing instruction master data. This comes under SAP Easy access menu.

Create Packing Instructions Tx: POP1 SAP Easy Access Path:

Enter an ID for Packing Instructions

 

Press Enter Enter Short text as description

You need to add the relevant packing materials first with Item category “P” under “Component” field

Then you need to add the FG’s there are to be packed in this packing material


You’ll get a message as below

This is because you haven’t assigned a Check profile to your packing instructions. You can process by selecting

If you select Check Profile.

 

you’ll be directed to relevant screen where you have to maintain the

Save You’ll get a message like this

What is a Check profile? You use these inspection profiles to define the packing status of an HU template. In the inspection profile, you assign packing statuses to the possible ways in which an HU template can vary from a packing instruction (variances). For example, an HU template for which the target quantity is fallen short of can be assigned status 'Faulty', if you have specified in the corresponding inspection profile that this variance causes an error. You assign an inspection profile to a packing instruction. When you create an HU template with this packing instruction, the system assigns the template a packing status, according to the inspection profile settings. The packing status of an HU template consists of the individual packing statuses, the worst packing status of all of the sub-HUs determining the packing status of the HU template as a whole. To define your own Inspection profile, go to below IMG path:

Standard profile “01 - SAP STANDARD” is there. You can copy that and create your own one.

Here you can set different status messages that you want to appear in each case. Eg: You cannot create a handling unit from an HU template with the status "Packing instruction violated".

Define Packing Instruction determination record This is like the condition master record in pricing. (VK11). Here you have to enter relevant packing instructions against the determination type.

Enter determination type

Select relevant combination (based on the access sequence defined)

 

Press Enter Enter “Packing Instruction” against the “Material”

Activate Automatic packing for delivery type As the final step you have to activate automatic packing for the delivery type. IMG path:

Go in to your delivery type


for the relevant delivery type

Now to test this. Create a sales order for the FG. Go to VL01N and create delivery document. Once you go in to the delivery document press


You should be able to see that all FG’s are packed automatically.

Note: If you didn’t mark the

in the delivery type, you won’t see this automatic packing.

Instead you can select button at delivery document to pack according to packing instructions. In that case, system won’t ask you to enter packing material. Instead it automatically checks relevant packing instructions and pack accordingly.

Author: Anupa Wijesinghe E-Mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: View my profile in LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter

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