Automated Grading System of Anastrophe Christian School Chapter IV
December 14, 2016 | Author: Janus Cesar Ruizan Quilenderino | Category: N/A
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Grading System...
Chapter IV FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Findings The researcher was able to develop a computer based Anastrophe Christian School Grading System and cope up with the following findings: 1. There were problems met in the current system in terms of the following: a. In saving and updating student’s grades The Anastrophe Christian School used the paper-based or the manual way of collecting data. Certain data collected such as the criteria scores is written in a class record. Their files of student information were kept in a filing cabinet and it was not well organized and is also prone to lose. In terms of updating a certain record of a certain student, the teacher looked at the file cabinet and searched the student’s record. The teacher modified or updated the record and returned it to the file cabinet. Therefore, it takes time from recording certain information until placing the record on the filing cabinet. b. In retrieving student’s grades The teacher asked some key information from the student like student ID number and name as basis in looking for the record of the student from the filing cabinet at the principal’s office. This manual way of searching and viewing to update and retrieve student’s record consumed much time and effort on the part of the teacher. The process costs much time and effort.
c. In generation Form 138 The Anastrophe Christian School used the paper-based and the manual way of generating student’s report like the Form 138. Every quarter, the subject teacher submitted the grades of the student to the adviser and then validated at the Principal’s Office. Thus, the adviser recorded the grades on their Form 138. The cycle continued until the end of the quarter. At the end of the school year, the Form 138 was kept on a filing cabinet at the principal’s office. The way that the school generates consumed much time and effort in the part of the teacher. The teacher must then present the said report for confirmation. 2. Security measures The log-in form enables the registered user to view and operate the system. In order to view and operate the system, the registered user must enter the right username and password. If the user enters a wrong username and a wrong password three times, an error message appears and the system would automatically exit. If the username and password is confirmed and valid, the system is accessed and the level of accessibility depends on the type of the user. A user log is included on the system which is used to track the activities of the users. 3. Economic Feasibility Based on the summary of the Cost Benefit Analysis and Break-even Analysis, the Break-even point of the proposed system occurs within three years, specifically in 1.19 years. 4. Evaluation of the proposed system The proposed system was evaluated 4.97 with a descriptive rating of “Excellent” by the Chairman, members of the Defense Panel as well as the end users. The following criteria were used to evaluate the system: Reliability, UserFriendliness, Usefulness and Completeness.
Conclusions Based on the findings the researcher concluded that: 1. There are problems met on the current grading system used by the Anastrophe Christian School and broken down as follows: In saving and updating student’s grades; In retrieving student’s grade; and In generation of Form 138. 2. The Automated Grading System of Anastrophe Christian School is a solution to ease the processes of saving, retrieving and updating student’s grades as well as the generation of reports. 3. The log in process of the automated system prevents unauthorized access and monitors user activities. 4. The Cost Benefit Analysis showed that the break-even point of the proposed system occurs within a year, specifically in 1.19 years. It is concluded then, that the system is economically feasible. 5. The proposed system is evaluated by the Chairman, members of the Defense Panel as well as the end users with a descriptive rating of “Excellent” as supported by the mean rating of 4.97 and indicates that the proposed system is technically and functionally feasible, thus it meets the expectation of the end-user. Recommendations Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are recommended: 1. The implementation of the Automated Grading System for the Anastrophe Christian School should be done to give solutions to the problems met in their current system and to have an accurate records on student grades as well as easy generation of Form 138. 2. The end users must undergo training/briefing for them to be familiarized with the operations and use of the computerized system. 3. There should be personnel in charge of maintaining the Automated Grading System and a good back up habit is recommended.
4. For further study, the researcher recommends an archive system in which records filed in the filing cabinet is being scanned and stored in a database that is constantly backed up. 5. The researcher also recommends an upgrade on the computer system of the school for faster operation of the automated system.
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