Automated Grading System of Anastrophe Christian School Chapter I

December 14, 2016 | Author: Janus Cesar Ruizan Quilenderino | Category: N/A
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Chapter I THE PROBLEM Introduction The rapid development of technology has a great impact in people’s daily life. Wherever you go, wherever you are, whatever you do, there are always technologies being used. From home setting to different establishments, technology arises. Old technologies are being improved or renovated and new trends exist. Technology makes things easier, faster and gives people’s convenience in all aspects of their lives. This technology today changed the world and is constantly used. Most establishments and institutions are now using automated systems, web-based or offline, in processing their records and for the improvement of their business functions. In this case, technology aides to give an accurate processing and secured manipulation and storing of data as well as fast retrieval of those data. Automated Grading System is an example of an information system created from certain programming software. This system is being adapted by schools from Elementary to Universities or Colleges. In the country, it is not often used but rather Microsoft Excel is often used for the Grading System. It allows a user to have the convenience in computing student’s grades as well as to have its personal records organized to be easily retrieved. It makes the user convenient in processing and retrieving records. In this case, the user’s burden of work is being reduced or minimized. It also gives an accurate computation of raw data and every inputted data that is being saved securely and can be retrieved quickly. It generates reports such as student grades.


This automated system holds critical data and requires strong security to protect those. Since most of the data inputted are numbers, the system only allows appropriate data to be entered on the system. As an output to various computations on the system, the Form 138 is generated. The need of computerized system to process data has increased due to the rapid growing of population in Anastrophe Christian School. As time goes by, more records will be stored, processed and retrieved. Without an advanced technology such as this computerized system, the processes such as storing, retrieving and updating students’ record will become burden to all staff in charge of the records. Another difficult task in a manual way is the generation of student’s Form 138. Every grade of the student is verified and is written manually on a Form 138 sorted by grading period. Having an automated grading system will definitely make the generation of report faster and convenient. Background of the Study As the researcher observed, almost all schools in Ilocos Sur do not use an automated grading system. Among them is the Anastrophe Christian School. The said school is using the manual way of computing their students’ grades. The teachers are computing their students’ grades using the program Microsoft Excel. Scores or grades are being inputted there but for a greater number of students means a greater number of files to be kept. A huge number of files are prone to lose. The Anastrophe Christian School teachers compute student grades using the manual process. Scores and grades are being written in the class record which are placed or kept in the file cabinet. Forms such as Form 138 and 137 are also being kept. This process consumes a lot of time in keeping the record in the cabinet or retrieving the


record from the cabinet. This is one of the issues that are being considered by the researcher in proposing this study. Some teachers of different schools have this difficulty in managing their student records most especially in the grading portion and also there are lot of paper works involved. In the part of the school, making use of the manual grading system is costly and is time consuming. Instead of purchasing those class records a solution has to be made. The data which can be stored in that class record can also be stored electronically. So it is recommended to go automated in order to be more economical. All of the said issues gave the researcher idea as to what system will be developed, what is to be considered and what is to be provided. The researcher has assessed the current system of Anastrophe Christian School and proposed an automated system that will help the teachers, in concern with their convenience, as well as to improve the school’s current system. The implementation of the proposed system in the said school will determine the difference of manual processes from the automated one. Since it is already the age of technology, it is time to cope and embrace the benefits that it may bring to the lives of the humanity. History of the Agency Anastrophe Christian School presently occupies the second floor of Rondaris Building at Vigan City, housing a complete Elementary School. It has enough rooms for classrooms, 1:1 class-classrooms ratio, fully air-conditioned and fully lighted at that. It has a library also, Home Economics Room, Industrial Arts Room, Laboratory, Clinic, Computer Room, Registrar’s Office, Administrative Office and also comfort rooms to meet the ideal pupil: toilet ratio so with the Activity Room for the Pre-Elementary Department.


Although the school vicinity is within the heart of the city, and along main road, it has a spacious flag pole for daily conduct of the flag ceremony. As regards to the playground area the owner of this school has a sprawling ground at his resort, popularly known as the Heritage Resort of Caoayan, Ilocos Sur, some two kilometers away from the school site. Here the pupils have their Physical Education every Friday afternoon. Here the pupils and future high school students will have their scout camping activities, monthly programs, family day programs and the like. Here, of course, a portion of their ground is utilized for the agriculture subject. Questions: The pupils and students to be transported at a distance like that? How secured are they? Pre-arranged ride is considered. The school janitor and the teacher-in-charge accompany the pupils to the Heritage Resort of Caoayan and then bring back the pupils to school. Now, this S.Y. 2011-2012, the first year level has opened. It will occupy the first two rooms opened at the second floor. Opposite of it is the home economics room and the students’ physical education and Agriculture subjects room.

Mission To mold young people with the right character and discipline in pursuit to wisdom and development in them the right perception of life, a life with a great and noble purpose. It is for reason the machinery cog of the school was inspired to extend its educational services to learners by opening a Second Department. And to modestly start it, is for the first year level only yet. Vision


To have a well-established learning institution, that is founded and guided by the biblical truth that will cater to the development needs of children and youth for them to be a responsible citizen in their times.

Figure 1 Organizational Chart

Bienvenido Jimenez, Gina Raqueño Board of Trustees Cherry Ann Rabang K1 & K2 Adviser/Principal Figure 2 Liezel Apalis Cashier/School Nurse Organizational Chart TeachingStaff Ma.Roysa Paz Myrene RibucanRosaAnn Patubo Faith GuillermoMae Faith Llanes Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

Alvin Pajo Grade 6 6

Non-Teaching Staff Marvin Rabang Utility

North West

East South

A. Reyes St.

PC Outle

Old Ancheta Clinic

HL Sinanglaoan ni Crisologo Museum Tailoring Gloria Azada Auto Shop

Anastrophe Ch



Statement of the Problem The researcher aimed to develop an Automated Grading System for Anastrophe Christian School. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What are the problems of the current grading system that can be solved by the automated system in terms of: a.) saving and updating student’s grades; b.) retrieval of student’s grades; c.) generation of reports? 2. How can be ensured the security of the automated system, so that only those authorized person can access it? 3. Is the implementation of the automated system economically feasible? 4. What is the evaluation of the proposed system along the following: a.) reliability; b.) user-friendliness; c.) usefulness; d.) completeness; and e.) aesthetic effect? Significance of the Study The study aimed to automate the current grading system of Anastrophe Christian School. The proposed Automated Grading System for the said school will provide faster access of data; implement easier and secured operation of adding, updating and tracking of grades; generation of reports such as Form 138; and gives convenience on users in performing their tasks. For the benefit of the teachers, the time and cost spent in the computation of grades will be lessened. Committing errors and data lose are also prevented. The benefit of the school includes the easy and quick production of Form 138. Also, their teachers will have a short time preparing students’ grades which implicates that their teachers will work more on or will have more time in educating their students. By using the automated system, a teacher can easily retrieve the students’ grades and generate their Form 138. Simply by storing the scores in the different criteria of grading which includes quiz, project, home work and others. The teacher will no longer


compute the students’ grade but it will be done automatically by the system. The teacher is benefited by means of reducing the time spent in the computation of grades and generation of Form 138. One of the benefits of the said school from the system is the fast production of reports. The system can easily prepare a Form 138 to be printed. Compared to the manual way of retrieving record and producing an output or a form, the automated system is far more efficient. Pupils also gain benefits on this automated system. It will be easier for them to receive their Form 138. Because of the easy production of the report, it can be generated immediately upon request or when needed. Through this study, the researcher was benefited by gaining new knowledge and enhancing his programming skills which he can use in the future. Further was, challenged to develop efficient and effective information system. Scope and Delimitation The system supports the computation of grades in the different criteria included in the system of Anastrophe Christian School. The generation of final grade in each subject per grading period is also included. It also supports the storing of students attendance and their narrative report. The generation of Form 138 is also integrated in the automated system. Characteristics of the Current System The Anastrophe Christian School is currently using a manual grading system. Teachers are not that convenient in recording data and producing outputs. Some of the teachers are still being confused in managing their records. Some of them even get a hard time in computing their students’ grades. The hardest part in the grading process is the compilation of student scores within a specific subject. The result will be the students’ periodic grade. The permutation table that they refer during grade computation is not


consistent. There is an instance that different permutation table was being used the previous years. The criteria for grading are also dynamic. A teacher of a certain subject can set criteria which could be different from other subjects’ criteria or could also be different compared to previous year’s criteria of that certain subject. On Record Management. In the grading process, the teacher of each subject is collecting data which are the scores from students’ quizzes, points in participation and extracurricular activities, grades in recitation and other aspects in academics. This data serve as the inputs in the grading system and are often collected and written in a class record. The class records are always kept at the school’s file cabinet. It means that a teacher can only compute a certain grade at the school. After the raw scores of each student are collected, the teacher will then check the permutation table for equivalents. The generated equivalent of each of the criteria will then be added together to generate the final grade of the student in a particular subject within a grading period. This method is repeated until the teacher has completed the computation per grading period. A form called Co-curricular activities is being prepared for the scores in curricular activities. On Grade Computation. After generating the subject grades from first to fourth grading period, the teacher will compute for the final grade of a certain student. The teacher will then go back to the file cabinet, looking for their students’ card, and then the teacher will generate the academic average of the student by means of some computation. Then another process occurs. The Extra Curricular Activity of the student is evaluated and computed. It is mandatory to include the ECA because it has a part in the generation of the student rank. After the academic and ECA part of the grading process, the character trait is evaluated and is mandatory. Attendance record is also being updated in the student


card as well as the narrative report. The class record will then be kept in the file cabinet again. On Report Generation. To generate a ranking report, the teacher looks for the records kept in the file cabinet and traces the average of the student in a grading period. If a teacher wants to retrieve or look for a student grade, he/she will look at the class record. If they tend to commit a typographic error, they are to use a white marker to rewrite the data. After determining the average, the teacher looks for the summary of the curricular activities. Computation happens and the rank of a certain student is determined.

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