Autocad Summer Training Report
Short Description
Autocad report...
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I express my profound gratitude to our HOD and a!! t"e fa#u!ty mem$ers of t"e Me#"ani#a! Department for ta%ing pains to guide me in t"e preparation of t"is pro&e#t report It is a pre' pre'i! i!eg egee to expres presss my "ea "eartis rtistt t"a t"an%s n%s to a!! mem$ers mem$ers of CAD/CAM Solutions( Ambala Cantt for t"eir 'a!uea$!e suggestions and #onstru#ti'e #riti#ism )as !i%e a $a#on !ig"t and $e#omes a sour#e of inspiration during my preparation of t"is pro&e#t report AMIT *AI+WAL *AI+WAL ,o!! No- ./0/123
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CAD6CAM is a term )"i#" means Computer Aided Aided Design 7 Computer Aided Manufa#turing It is t"e te#"no!ogy #on#erned )it" t"e use of digita! #omputers to perform #ertain fun#tions in design and produ#tion E!e#troni#s $rains in t"e form of mi#ropro#essors are parts of #ars )e dri'e( t"e p!anes in )"i#" )e f!y( t"e te!e'isions )e )at#" and t"e automated too!s )e use to produ#e su#" produ#ts T"e Computer Aided Design or CAD systems are used to design su#" produ#ts T"e CAD "ard)are typi#a!!y in#!udes #omputer( one or more grap"i#s disp!ay termina!s( %ey)ords and ot"er perip"era! e8uipment T"e CAD soft)are #onsists of t"e #omputer programs to fa#i!itate t"e engi nginee neering ring fun# fun#ti tion onss of t"e t"e use user #ompa ompany ny Exa Examp!e p!es of t"ese "ese app!i# app!i#ati ation on progra programs ms in#!ud in#!udee stress stress9st 9strai rain n ana!ys ana!ysis is of #ompon #omponent ents( s( dyna dynami mi#s #s resp respon onse se of me#" me#"an anis isms ms(( "eat "eat tran transf sfer er #a!# #a!#u! u!at atio ions ns and and #ustomers mar%ers are different T"ese T"ese fa#tor fa#torss gi'e gi'e rise rise to differ differen# en#es es in CAD syste systems ms re8uirements :!timate!y CAD6CAM )i!! pro'ide t"e te#"no!ogy $ase for t"e #omputer9integrated fa#tory of t"e future
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to AutoCAD G:I of AutoCAD Commands in AutoCAD Layers ;ie)ports Exer#ises
+amp!e < 2 +amp!e < = +amp!e < > +amp!e < 3 +amp!e < .
>D in AutoCAD >D
#ommands >D Exer#ises
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+amp!e < 2 +amp!e < =
AutoCAD( AutoCAD( de'e!oped de'e!oped $y Autodes% Autodes% In#( is t"e most popu!ar 4C < CAD system a'ai!a$!e in t"e mar%et T"is design pa#%age is a genera! purpose #omputer #omputer aided aided design design and drafting app!i#ati app!i#ation on for your #omputer #omputer T"e speed and ease )it" )"i#" a dra)ing #an $e prepared and modified using a #omputer offer a p"enomena! ad'antage o'er "and preparation Here I?m going to mention mention a fe) of t"e app!i#ati app!i#ations ons for )"i#" )"i#" AutoCAD is $eing used today-9
Ar#"ite#tura! dra)ings of a!! %inds Interior designs on fa#i!ity p!anning Dra) Dra)in ings gs for for E!e# E!e#tr tron oni# i#s( s( C"em C"emi# i#a! a!(( Ci'i Ci'i!( !( Me#" Me#"an ani# i#a! a!(( Automoti'es and Aerospa#e engineering app!i#ations T"eatre set !ig"ting designs Line dra)ing for t"e 5ine Arts( Texti!es( 5as"ion and Dress designing
+ome ot"er CAD pa#%ages de'e!oped $y t"e same #ompany are-9
Auto +"ade Auto 5!ix Auto Ket#" Animator >D +tudio
AutoCAD +#reen 6 | P a g e
;arious #omponents of t"e initia! AutoCAD s#reen are dra)ing area( #ommand )indo)( menu $ar( se'era! too!$ars( mode! and !ayouts( and t"e status $ar @5ig 2 A tit!e $ar t"at "as AutoCAD sym$o! and t"e #urrent dra)ing name is disp!ayed on top of t"e s#reen
Figure 1 AutoCAD Screen Screen
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Dra)ing Area T"e dra)ing area #o'ers t"e ma&or portion of t"e s#reen Here )e #an dra) t"e o$&e#ts and use t"e #ommands To To dra) t"e o$&e#ts( )e need to define t"e #oordinate points( )"i#" #an $e se!e#ted $y using our pointing de'i#e
Command Windo)
Figure 2 Command Window
T"e T"e #omm #omman and d )ind )indo) o) at t"e t"e $ott $ottom om of t"e t"e dra) dra)in ing g area area "as "as t"e t"e #ommand prompt )"ere )e #an enter t"e #ommands It a!so disp!ays t"e su$se8uent prompt se8uen#es and t"e messages We #an #"ange t"e siBe of t"e )indo) $y p!a#ing t"e #ursor on t"e top edge and t"en dragging it
App!i#ation +tatus ar
Figure 3 Applicaon Status Bar
T"e +tatus ar is disp!ayed at t"e $ottom of t"e s#reen @5ig > It #ontains some usefu! information and $uttons t"at )i!! ma%e it easy to
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#"ange t"e status of some AutoCAD fun#tions We #an togg!e $et)een on and off states of most of t"ese fun#tions $y #"oosing t"em Coordinates T"e #oordinates information is disp!ayed on t"e !eft #orner of t"e +tatus ar We #an #an se!e se!e#t #t t"is t"is #oor #oordi dina nate te $utt $utton on to togg togg!e !e $et) $et)ee een n on and and off off stat states es If t"e t"e COO,D+ system 'aria$!e #ontro!s t"e type of disp!ay of #oordinates
+nap Mode T"e snap mode a!!o)s you to mo'e t"e #ursor in fixed in#rements If snap mode is on( t"e Snap $utton on is #"os #"osen en in t"e t"e +tat +tatus us ar ar ot"e ot"er) r)is isee it is not not Snap Mode $utt disp!ayed
Grid Disp!ay T"e grid !ines are used as a referen#e !ines to dra) o$&e#ts in AutoCAD If t"e Grid Display $utton is #"osen( t"e grid !ines are disp!ayed on t"e s#reen
Ort"o Mode If t"e Ortho Mode $utton is #"osen in t"e +tatus ar( )e #an dra) !ines at rig"t ang!es on!y
4o!ar Tra#%ing If )e turn t"e po!ar tra#%ing on( t"e mo'ement of #ursor is restri#ted a!ong a pat" $ased on set as t"e po!ar ang!e settings C"oosing t"e Polar Tracking $utton in t"e +tatus ar turns it on ,emem$er t"at turning t"e po!ar tra#%ing on( automati#a!!y turns off t"e ort"o mode
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O$&e#t +nap W"en t"e O$&e#t +nap $utton is #"osen in t"e +tatus ar( )e #an use t"e running o$&e#t snaps to snap a point
A!!o)6Disa!!o) A!!o)6Disa!!o) Dynami# :C+ C"oosing t"e $utton a!!o)s or disa!!o)s t"e use of dynami# :C+ A!!o)ing t"e dynami# :C+ ensures t"at t"e F p!ane of t"e :C+ got dynami#a!!y a!igned )it" t"e se!e#ted fa#e of t"e mode!
Dynami# Input T"e Dynamic input $utton is used to turn t"e Dynami# Input on or off Turning it on fa#i!itates t"e "eads9up design approa#" $e#ause a!! #ommands( prompts and t"e dimensiona! inputs )i!! no) $e disp!ayed in t"e dra)ing area and )e do not need to !oo% at t"e #ommand prompt a!! t"e time T"is sa'es t"e design time and a!so in#reases t"e effi#ien#y of t"e user
+"o)6Hide Line)eig"t C"oosing t"is $utton in t"e +tatus ar a!!o)s you to turn on or off t"e disp!ay of !ine)eig"ts in t"e dra)ing
Mode! T"e Mode! $utton is #"osen $y defau!t $e#ause you are )or%ing in t"e mode! spa#e to #reate dra)ings
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Annotation +#a!e T"e annotation s#a!e #ontro!s t"e siBe and disp!ay of t"e annotati'e o$&e#ts in t"e mode! spa#e T"e Annotation Annotation +#a!e $utton "as a drop9do)n !ist t"at disp!ays a!! t"e annotation s#a!es a'ai!a$!e for t"e #urrent dra)ing
Annotation ;isi$i!ity T"is $utton is used to #ontro! t"e 'isi$i!ity of t"e annotati'e o$&e#ts t"at do not support t"e #urrent annotation s#a!e in dra)ing area
Automati#a!!y Add +#a!e T"is $utton( if #"osen( automati#a!!y adds a!! t"e annotation s#a!es t"at are set #urrent to a!! t"e annotati'e o$&e#ts present in t"e dra)ing
ui#% 4roperties If you se!e#t a s%et#"ed entity )"en t"is $utton is #"osen in t"e +tatus ar( t"e properties of se!e#ted entity entity )i!! $e disp!ayed disp!ayed in a pane!
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COMMAND+ LINE Line #ommand #ommand is used to dra) a #ontinui #ontinuing ng series of !ine segments( segments( $ut ea#" !ine segment is a separate o$&e#t We #an in'o%e t"e LINE #ommand from t"e Dra) too!$ar( too!$ar( as s"o)n in fig 3
Figure 4 Draw Toolar
We #an a!so in'o%e t"e LINE #ommand $y entering LINE or L at t"e #ommand prompt On#e you "a'e in'o%ed t"e LINE #ommand( t"e next prompt( t"e Specify first point( re8uires us to spe#ify t"e starting point After first point is se!e#ted( AutoCA AutoCAD D )i!! )i!! prompt prompt you to enter enter t"e se#ond se#ond point point at t"e Specify net point prompt At t"is point )e may #ontinue to se!e#t points or terminate t"e LINE #ommand $y pressing ENTE,( E+C( or t"e +4ACEA, T"e prompt se8uen#e of in'o%ing LINE #ommand is as fo!!o)sCommand- LINE Enter +pe#ify first point- Move point- Move the cursor (mouse) and left left click to specify the first point. +pe#ify next point or :ndoJ- Move the cursor and left click to specify the second point. +pe#ify next point or :ndoJ- Specify the third point. +pe#ify next point or C!ose6:ndoJ- Enter Enter @4ress ENTE, to exit LINE #ommand
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LINE T"e !LINE #ommand #an $e used to dra) #onstru#tion or pro&e#tion !ines T"ese !ines are t"e !ines t"at aid in #onstru#tion or pro&e#tion and are dra)n 'ery !ig"t!y( )"en manua!!y drafting An line @#onstru#tion !ine is a >D !ine t"at extends to infinity at $ot" ends As t"e !ine is infinite in !engt"( it does not "a'e any end points T"e prompt prompt se8uen#e of in'o%ing in'o%ing t"e !LINE #ommand is as fo!!o)sCommand- LINE Enter +pe#ify a point or Hor6;er6Ang6se#t6OffsetJ- Specify an option or select a point through through which the xline will pass.
4LINE T"e PLIN PLINE E #ommand is used to dra) a po!y!ine A po!y!ine is a !ine t"at "as different features T"e term 4OLFLINE #an $e $ro%en into t)o parts- 4OLF and LINE 4OLF means many T"is signifies t"at a po!y !ine #an "a'e many !ines +ome features of po!y!ines are !isted next 4o!y!ines #an $e t"i#% !ines )it" a desired )idt" T"ey are 'ery f!exi$!e and #an $e used to dra) any s"ape( su#" as a fi!!ed #ir#!e or a doug"nut 4o!y!ines #an $e used to dra) o$&e#ts in any !ine type Ad'an#ed editing #ommands #an $e used to edit t"em @for examp!e( t"e 4EDIT #ommand T"e #ommand prompt for in'o%ing t"e PLINE #ommand is as fo!!o)sCommand- PLINE Enter +pe#ify start point- Specify the starting point or enter its coordinates. Current !ine )idt" is nnnnn
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disp!ayed automati#a!!y automati#a!!y(( )"i#" indi#ates indi#ates t"e "urrent line #idth is nn$nnn is disp!ayed )idt" of t"e po!y!ine dra)n If )e need a different )idt"( in'o%e t"e Widt" option at t"e next prompt and set it Next t"e fo!!o)ing prompt is disp!ayed +pe#ify next point or Ar#6Ha!f)idt"6Lengt"6:ndo6Widt"JAr#6Ha!f)idt"6Lengt"6:ndo6Widt"J- Specify next point or enter an option.
4OLFGON A regu!ar po!ygon is a #!osed geometri# figure )it" e8ua! sides T"e num$er of side 'aries from % to &'() 5or examp!e( a triang!e is a t"ree sided po!ygon and a pentagon is a fi'e f i'e sided po!ygon In AutoCAD( t"e POL*GON #ommand is used to dra) regu!ar =D po!ygons A po!ygon is said to $e inscri+ed )"en it is dra)n inside an imaginary #ir#!e and its 'erti#es tou#" t"e #ir#!e Li%e)ise( a po!ygon is circumscri+ed )"en it is dra)n outside imaginary #ir#!e and sides of po!ygon are tangent to #ir#!e We We #an easi!y #"oose one option from t"ese t)o a'ai!a$!e options duri during ng t"e t"e in'o in'o%i %ing ng pro# pro#es ess s T"e T"e prom prompt pt se8u se8uen en#e #e of in'o in'o%i %ing ng POL*GON #ommand is gi'en next Command- POL*GON , Enter Enter num$er of sides 3- Enter 3- Enter a value between between 3 and !"#. +pe#ify #enter of po!ygon- Specify the center point or enter its coordinates. Enter an option Ins#ri$ed in #ir#!e6Cir#ums#ri$ed a$out #ir#!eJ- Enter $ or %. +pe# +pe#if ify y radi radius us of #ir# #ir#!e !e-- Spec Specif ifyy the the radi radius us of cir circle& cle& whic which h will will insc inscri ribe be or circumscribe circumscribe the polygon.
,ECTANG T"e -E"T.NG #ommand is used to dra) re#tang!es in AutoCAD We #an dra) re#tang!es $y spe#ifying t)o opposite #orners of t"e re#tang!e( $y spe#ifying t"e area and t"e siBe of one of t"e sides( or $y spe#ifying t"e dimensions of re#tang!es T"e prompt se8uen#e of in'o%ing -E"T.NG #ommand is as fo!!o)s14 | P a g e
Command- ,ECTANG Enter +pe#ify +pe#ify first #orner #orner point or C"amfer6E! C"amfer6E!e'ati e'ation65i on65i!!et !!et6T"i# 6T"i#%ness %ness6W 6Widt"J idt"J-- Specify first corner point or enter enter its coordinates. coordinates. +pe#ify ot"er #orner point or Area6Dimensions6,otationJ- Specify opposite corner point or enter its coordina coordinates. tes.
A,C An ar# is defined as a part of a #ir#!e In AutoCAD( it #an $e dra)n using t"e .-" #ommand AutoCAD pro'ides e!e'en different options to dra) an ar# To 'ie) t"ese options( #!i#% on Dra# option in t"e Menu ar( a f!yout option )i!! appear as s"o)n in fig .
Figure ! "pons in #enu Bar $or Creang an Arc
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T"e defau!t setting is for #reating a t"ree point ar# T"e #ommand prompt for in'o%ing .-" #ommand is as fo!!o)sf o!!o)sCommand- A,C Enter +pe# +pe#if ify y star startt poin pointt of ar# ar# or Cen Cente terJ rJ-- Spec Specif ifyy firs firstt poin pointt of arc arc or ente enterr its its coordinates. +pe#ify se#ond point of ar# or Center6EndJ- Specify the through point for arc or enter its coordinates. +pe#ify t"e end point of ar#- Specify the end point or enter its coordinates. coordinates.
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CI,CLE T"e "I-"LE #ommand #ommand is used to dra) #ir#!es #ir#!es AutoCAD AutoCAD pro'ides six different different options to dra) a #ir#!e To 'ie) and #"oose from t"e a'ai!a$!e options( #!i#% on Dra) option in t"e Menu ar( a f!yout )i!! appear as s"o)n in fig 1
Figure % "pons in #enu Bar $or creang a Circle
T"e defau!t setting is for #reating a #ir#!e )it" Center and ,adius option T"e ot"er options #an $e in'o%ed $y entering t"e appropriate !etter in t"e #ommand )indo) or $y t"e met"od met"od stated stated ear!ie ear!ierr T"e prompt prompt se8uen se8uen#e #e for in'o%i in'o%ing ng CI,CLE CI,CLE #ommand is stated next Command- CI,CLE Enter +pe#ify +pe#ify #enter point for #ir#!e #ir#!e or >46=46Ttr >46=46Ttr @tan tan radiusJradiusJ- Specify center point or enter its coordinates. coordinates. +pe#ify radius of #ir#!e or DiameterJ DiameterJ- Enter Enter the re'uired re'uired value value of radius.
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ELLI4+E If a #ir#!e is o$ser'ed from an ang!e( t"e s"ape is #a!!ed an e!!ipse( )"i#" #an $e #reated in AutoCAD using t"e ELLIPSE #ommand An e!!ipse #an $e #reated $y t)o different options and t"ese options are grouped toget"er in t"e Dra) option of t"e Menu ar as s"o)n in fig
Figure & "pons in #enu Bar $or creang an 'llipse
T"e defau!t setting is for #reating an e!!ipse )it" Axis and End point option T"e Ot"er options #an $e in'o%ed $y entering t"e appropriate !etter in t"e #ommand )indo) or $y met"od stated a$o'e T"e prompt se8uen#e for in'o%ing ELLIPSE #ommand is stated next Command- ELLI4+E Enter +pe#if +pe#ify y axis axis endpoi endpoint nt of e!!ips e!!ipsee or Ar#6C Ar#6Cent enterJerJ- Enter coordinates coordinates of axis end point or choose an option.
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+pe#ify ot"er endpoint of axis- Specify other end point or enter its coordinates. +pe#ify distan#e to t"e ot"er axis or rotationJ- Specify the half length of second axis.
E,A+E After dra)ing some o$&e#ts( you may need to erase some of t"em from t"e s#reen To eras erase( e( )e #an #an use use E-.SE #ommand in AutoCAD T"is #ommand is used exa#t!y t"e same )ay as an eraser is used in manua! drafting to de!ete un)anted information We #an in'o%e E-.SE #ommand from t"e Modify too!$ar
Figure ( #odi$) # odi$) Toolar Toolar
W"en )e in'o%e t"e E-.SE #ommand( a sma!! $ox( %no)n as pi#% $ox( rep!a#es t"e s#reen #ursor To erase an o$&e#t( mo'e t"e pi#% $ox so t"at it tou#"es t"e o$&e#t +e!e#t t"e o$&e#t AutoCAD #onfirms t"e se!e#tion $y #"anging t"e se!e#ted o$&e#ts into das"ed !ines and t"e se!e#t o$&e#ts prompt returns again We #an #ontinue se!e#ting o$&e#ts or press ENTE, to terminate o$&e#t se!e#tion and erase t"e se!e#ted o$&e#ts T"e prompt se8uen#e is gi'en next Command- E,A+E Enter +e!e#t o$&e#ts- Select first obect. +e!e#t o$&e#ts- Select second obect. +e!e#t o$&e#ts- Enter
CO4F T"e "OP* #ommand is used to #opy an existing o$&e#t T"is #ommand ma%es #opies #opies of t"e se!e#ted se!e#ted o$&e#t o$&e#tss and p!a#e p!a#ess t"em t"em at spe#if spe#ified ied !o#ati !o#ations ons(( $ut t"e origna!s are !eft inta#t In t"is #ommand )e need to se!e#t t"e o$&e#ts and spe#ify t"e $ase point Next )e need to spe#ify t"e se#ond point( t"is point is )"ere )e 1% | P a g e
)ant t"e #opied o$&e#ts to $e p!a#ed T"e prompt se8uen#e t"at is fo!!o)ed )"en you in'o%e "OP* #ommand is gi'en next Command- CO4F Enter +e!e#t o$&e#ts- Select obects to copy. +e!e#t o$&e#ts- Enter +pe#ify $ase point or Disp!a#ement6mOdeJ Disp!a#ement- Specify base point. +pe#ify se#ond point or use first point as disp!a#ement- Specify a new position on the screen screen using pointing device or entering coordinates. coordinates. +pe#ify se#ond point or Exit6:ndoJ Exit- Enter
MI,,O, T"e MI--O- #ommand #ommand #reates a mirror #opy of t"e se!e#ted o$&e#ts T"e o$&e#ts #an $e mirrored at any ang!e T"is #ommand is "e!pfu! in dra)ing symmetri#a! figures T"is #ommand is a'ai!a$!e in Modify too!$ar $ut it #an $e in'o%ed $y using using #omman #ommand d )indo) )indo) as )e!! )e!! W"en W"en )e in'o%e in'o%e t"is t"is #omman #ommand( d( AutoCAD AutoCAD prompts us to se!e#t t"e o$&e#ts o$&e#ts and t"en t"e mirror mirror !ine After )e se!e#t t"e o$&e#ts to $e mirrored( AutoCAD prompts you to enter t"e first point of mirror !ine and t"e se#ond point of mirror !ine A mirror !ine is an imaginary !ine a$out )"i#" o$&e#ts are ref!e#ted We #an spe#ify t"e end point of mirror !ine $y spe#ifying points on s#reen or $y entering t"eir #oordinates T"e mirr mirror or !ine !ine #an #an $e se!e se!e#t #ted ed at any any ang! ang!e e T"e T"e promp promptt se8u se8uen en#e #e of in'o in'o%i %ing ng MI,,O, #ommand is gi'en next Command- MI,,O, Enter +e!e#t o$&e#ts- Select obects to be mirrored. +e!e#t o$&e#ts- Enter +pe#ify first point of mirror !ine- Specify the first endpoint.
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+pe#ify se#ond point of mirror !ine- Specify the second endpoint. De!ete De!ete sour#e sour#e o$&e#ts o$&e#ts Fes6No Fes6NoJJ N- Enter for deletion& * for retaining retaining the obects.
O55+ET To dra) para!!e! !ines( #on#entri# #ir#!es( ar#s( #ur'es( and so on( )e #an use t"e O//SET #ommand T"is #ommand #reates anot"er o$&e#t t"at is simi!ar to t"e se!e#ted one ,emem$er t"at )e are a!!o)ed to se!e#t on!y one entity at a time to $e offset W"i!e offsetting offsetting an o$&e#t( )e #an spe#ify t"e offset offset distan#e and t"e side to offset( or )e #an spe#ify a distan#e t"roug" )"i#" you )ant to offset t"e se!e#ted se!e#ted o$&e#t T"e prompt se8uen#e se8uen#e )"i#" fo!!o)s )"en )e in'o%e in'o%e O//SET #ommand using #ommand )indo) is gi'en next Command- O55+ET Enter +pe#ify +pe#ify offset offset distan#e distan#e or T"roug"6E T"roug"6Erase6L rase6LayerJ ayerJ T"roug"T"roug"- Specify the offset distance. P Through Option
:sing t"is option )e do not need to spe#ify a distan#e )e simp!y spe#ify an offset point and t"e distan#e distan#e $et)een t"em is stored stored as offset distan#e Erase Option
T"e Erase option is used to spe#ify )"et"er t"e sour#e o$&e#t "as to $e de!eted or not Layer Option
:se t"e Layer option to spe#ify )"et"er t"e offset entity )i!! $e p!a#ed in t"e #urrent !ayer or t"e !ayer of sour#e o$&e#t Q
1 | P a g e
+pe#ify t"e o$&e#t to offset or Exit6:ndoJ Exit- Specify the obect to offset. +pe#ify point on side to offset or Exit6Mu!tip!e6:ndo- Specify a point on side to offset. +e!e#t +e!e#t o$&e#t to offset or Exit6:nd Exit6:ndoJ oJ Exit- Select another obect to offset or press Enter
A,,AF An array is defined as t"e met"od of #reating mu!tip!e #opies of t"e se!e#ted o$&e#t and arranging t"em in a re#tangu!ar or #ir#u!ar fas"ion In some dra)ings( )e may need to spe#ify an o$&e#t mu!tip!e times in a re#tangu!ar or #ir#u!ar arrangement 5or examp!e( suppose you "a'e to dra) six #"airs around a ta$!e T"is &o$ #an $e a##omp!is"ed $y dra)ing ea#" #"air seperate!y or $y using t"e CO4F #ommand toma%e mu!tip!e #opies of t"e #"air ut it is a 'ery tedious pro#ess and a!so t"e a!ignment of t"e #"airs )i!! "a'e to $e ad&usted :sing .--.* #ommand( a!! )e need to do is #reate &ust one #"air and t"e remaining fi'e )i!! $e #reated and automati#a!!y arranged around t"e ta$!e $y t"e .--.* #ommand T"is met"od is more effi#ient and !ess time9#onsuming .--.* #ommand #an $e in'o%ed $y different met"ods su#" as from Modify too!$ar( or $y ma%ing use of t"e Command Windo)( or from t"e Modify option of Menu ar
-E"T.NG0L.- .--.* .--.* A re#tangu!ar array is formed $y ma%ing #opies of t"e se!e#ted o$&e#t a!ong t"e and F dire#tions of an imaginary re#tang!e @a!ong ro)s and #o!umns It #an $e #reated $y se!e#ting t"e -ectangular .rray $utton in t"e array dia!og $ox @fig R t"at appears on in'o%ing .--.* #omand -O1S
T"is edit $ox is used to spe#ify t"e num$er of ro)s in re#tangu!ar array array
| P a g e
T"is edit $ox is used to spe#ify t"e num$er of #o!umns in t"e re#tangu!ar r e#tangu!ar array array
Figure * +ectangular Arra) opon in Arra) dialog o,
Offset distance and direction .rea
T"e options under t"is area are used to define t"e distan#e $et)een t"e ro)s and t"e #o!umns and t"e ang!e of array -o# Offset$ T"is edit $ox is used to spe#ify t"e distan#e $et)een t"e ro)s We #an eit"er enter t"e distan#e 'a!ue in t"is edit $ox or #"oose t"e Pick -o# Offset $utton to define t"e t"e ro) offset distan#e distan#e $y spe#ifying t)o points points on s#reen "olumn Offset$ T"is edit $ox is used to spe#ify t"e distan#e $et)een t"e #o!umns We #an eit"er enter t"e distan#e 'a!ue in t"is edit $ox or #"oose t"e Pick "olumn Offset $utton to define t"e #o!umn offset distan#e $y spe#ifying t)o points on s#reen .ngle of .rrray$ T"is edit $ox is used to define t"e ang!e of array T"is is t"e 'a!ue $y )"i#" t"e ro)s and #o!umns )i!! $e rotated
# | P a g e
POL.POL. - .--.* .--.* A po!ar array is an arrangement of t"e o$&e#ts around a point in a #ir#u!ar fas"ion T"is T"is %ind %ind of array is #reate #reated d $y se!e#ti se!e#ting ng t"e Polar .rray $utton in t"e Array dia!og $ox @fig 20 t"at appears on in'o%ing .--.* #ommand
Figure 1- .olar Arra) opon in Arrra) dialog o,
T"e #enter point of t"e array is defined as t"e point around )"i#" t"e se!e#ted items )i!! $e arranged It is defined as t"e #enter point of t"e imaginary #ir#!e on )"ose #ir#umferen#e t"e items )i!! $e p!a#ed T"e #oordinates of t"e #enter of array #an $e spe#ified in t"e and F edit $oxes We #an eit"er enter t"e 'a!ues in t"ese t"ese edit edit $oxes $oxes or se!e#t se!e#t t"e #enter #enter point point of array array from t"e s#reen s#reen using Pick "enter Point $utton Method and 2alues .rea
T"e options under t"is area are used to set t"e parameters re!ated to t"e met"od t"at )i!! $e emp!oyed to #reate t"e po!ar array arr ay Method$ T"is drop9do)n !ist pro'ides us t"ree met"ods for #reating t"e po!ar arrayT"ese arrayT"ese t"ree met"ods are dis#ussed next 4 | P a g e
Total num+er of items 3 .ngle to fill$ T"is met"od is used to #reate a po!ar array spe#ifying num$er of items in array an t"e tota! in#!uded ang!e $et)een t"e first and t"e !ast item T"e num$er of items and t"e ang!e to $e fi!!ed #an $e spe#ified in t"e Total num+er of items and .ngle to fill edit $oxes respe#ti'e!y We #an a!so spe#ify t"e ang!e to fi!! on s#reen $y #"oosing .ngle to fill $utton pro'ided Total num+er of items 3 .ngle +et#een items$ T"is met"od is used )"en )e )ant to #reate a po!ar array $y spe#ifying t"e tota! num$er of items in t"e array and t"e in#!uded ang!e $et)een t)o ad&a#ent items T"e ang!e $et)een items is a!so #a!!ed as in#rementa! ang!e T"e num$er items and t"e ang!e $et)een t"e items #an $e spe#ified in t"e Total otal nu num+ m+er er of item itemss and .ngle .ngle +e +et#e t#een en items items edit $oxes(respe#ti'e!y $oxes(respe#ti'e!y We #an a!so spe#ify t"eang!e $et)een items on t"e s#reen $y #"oosing .ngle +et#een items $utton .ngle to fill 3 .ngle +et#een items$ T"is met"od is used )"en )e )ant to spe#ifyang!e $et)een t"e items and tota! ang!e to fi!! In t"is #ase t"e num$er of items is not spe#ified( $ut is automati#a!!y #a!#u!ated using t"e tota! ang!e and ang!e $et)een t"e items T"e ang!e to fi!! and t"e ang!e $et)een t"e items #an $e entered in t"eir respe#ti'e $oxes
MO;E +ometimes t"e o$&e#ts are not !o#ated )"ere t"ey s"ou!d a#tua!!y $e In t"ese situations( )e #an use t"e MO;E #ommand T"is #ommand a!!o)s you to mo'e one or more o$&e#ts from t"eir #urrent !o#ation to a ne) !o#ation T"is #"ange of !o#ation of t"e o$&e#ts does not #"ange t"eir siBe or orientation On in'o%ing t"is #ommand )e are prompted to se!e#t o$&e#ts to $e mo'ed and t"e $ase point T"is $ase point is t"e referen#e point point )it" )"i#" t"e o$&e#t )i!! $e pi#%ed and mo'ed
5 | P a g e
,OTATE +ometimes )e re8uires an o$&e#t or any s%et#" in angu!ar positiont"e In t"ese situations( )e #an use t"e ,OTA ,OTATE #ommand T"is #ommand a!!o)s you to rotate one or more o$&e#ts from t"eir #urrent !o#ation to a spe#ifi# ang!e T"is #"ange of of t"e o$&e#ts does not #"ange t"eir siBe On in'o%ing t"is #ommand )e are prompted to se!e#t o$&e#ts to $e rotated and t"e $ase point T"is $ase point is t"e referen#e point )it" )"i#" t"e o$&e#t )i!! $e rotated
+CALE Wit" t"e use of t"is #ommand( )e #an in#rease or de#rease t"e siBe of any o$&e#t or a s%et#" +ometimes )e re8uires an o$&e#t in num$ers( on!y )it" t"e differen#e of siBes +o in t"is situation( )e #an use t"e +CALE #ommand T"is #ommand a!!o)s you to s#a!e one or more o$&e#ts from t"e se!e#ted $ase point On in'o%ing t"is #ommand )e are prompted to se!e#t o$&e#ts to $e s#a!ed and t"e $ase point T"is $ase point is t"e referen#e point point )it" )"i#" t"e o$&e#t )i!! $e s#a!ed
+T,ETCH Wit" t"e use of t"is #ommand( )e #an in#rease or de#rease t"e siBe of some se!e#ted part of any o$&e#t in a spe#ifi# dire#tion In t"is #ommand( t"e s%et#" is stret#"ed as mu#" )e re8uired +ometimes )e re8uires an o$&e#t in num$ers( on!y )it" t"e differen#e of siBes some part of t"e s%et#"ed o$&e#t +o in t"is situation( )e #an use t"e +T,ETCH #ommand T"is #ommand a!!o)s you to stret#" t"e o$&e#ts from t"e se!e#ted $ase point On in'o%ing t"is #ommand )e are prompted to se!e#t t"e portion to $e s#a!ed )it" t"e "e!p of green )indo) and t"e $ase point T"is $ase point is t"e referen#e point )it" )"i#" t"e o$&e#t )i!! $e stret#"ed
6 | P a g e
T,IM Wit" t"e use of t"is #ommand( )e #an remo'e t"e !ine or any s%et#"ed entity In t"is #ommand( t"e s%et#" is trimmed as mu#" )e re8uired It remo'es t"e extra dra)n !ine or s%et#" as per our spe#ifi# re8uirement T"is #ommand a!!o)s you to trim t"e o$&e#ts from t"e se!e#ted side On in'o%ing t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to rig"t #!i#% in t"e dra)ing area and )e are prompted to !eft #!i#% on t"e portion to $e trimmed
ETEND Wit" t"e use of t"is #ommand( )e #an in#rease t"e !ine t"e !ine upto t"e spe#ifi# point or !o#ation In t"is #ommand( t"e s%et#" is extended as mu#" )e re8uired It remo remo'e 'ess t"e t"e extr extraa dra) dra)n n !ine !ine or s%et s%et#" #" as per per our our spe# spe#if ifi# i# re8u re8uir irem emen ent t On in'o%ing t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to rig"t #!i#% in t"e dra)ing area and )e are prompted to !eft #!i#% on on t"e portion to $e $e extend
,EAK ,EA K AT AT A 4OINT 4OIN T Wit" t"e use of t"is #ommand( )e #an $rea% t"e !ine at a point )"ere )e re8uired In t"is #ommand( t"e s%et#" is $ro%en from t"at point )"ere )e re8uired We #an #rea #reate te t"e t"e num$ num$er er of $rea $rea% % poin points ts as mu#" mu#" )e re8u re8uir ired ed On in'o in'o%i %ing ng t"is t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to se!e#t t"e !ine and after t"at #!i#% on t"at point from )"ere )e )ant to $rea% t"e se!e#ted !ine( after using t"is #ommand t"e !ine or any se!e#ted entity )i!! $e #on'erted into num$ers
$ | P a g e
,EAK Wit" t"e use of t"is #ommand( )e #an $rea% t"e !ine )it" a spe#ifi# distan#e or upto a spe#ifi# point as mu#" )e re8uired On in'o%ing t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to se!e#t t"e point on t"e !ine and after t"at #!i#% on t"at point upto )"ere )e )ant to $rea% t"e !ine After using t"is #ommand on t"e !ine or any se!e#ted entity( entity( t"ere )i!! $e spa#e $et)een t"e s!e!e#ted points in t"e !ine or entity
*OIN Wit" t"e use of t"is #ommand( )e #an &oin t"e !ine dra)n or p!a#ed in t"e same p!ane On in'o%ing t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to se!e#t t"e first !ine and after t"at se#ond !ine p!a#ed at t"e same p!ane and t"en rig"t #!i#% After After using t"is #ommand ( t"ere )i!! $e no spa#e $et)een t"e !ines or entities
CHAM5E, T"is #ommand is used for remo'ing t"e s"arp #orners On in'o%ing t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to press A t"en ENTE,( after t"at fi!! t"e distan#e and t"en ENTE,( t"en fi!! t"e 'a!ue of ANGLE and ENTE,( after t"at se!e#t t"e !ine on )"i#" )e )ant to #reate t"e #"amfer #"amfer
5ILLET T"is #ommand is used for remo'ing t"e s"arp #orners On in'o%ing t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to press , t"en ENTE,( after t"at fi!! t"e 'a!ue and t"en ENTE,( after t"at se!e#t t"e !ines on )"i#" )e )ant to #reate t"e radius
8 | P a g e
,EGION T"is #ommand is used for f or #on'erting t"e re!ation of LINE into 4OLFLINE 4OLFLINE efore using t"is #ommand t"e s%et#" s"ou!d $e #!osed from a!! sides On in'o%ing t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to se!e#t a!! !ines and t"en rig"t #!i#%
E4LODE T"is #ommand is used for #on'erting t"e re!ation of 4OLFLINE into LINE On in'o%ing t"is #ommand( )e "a'e to se!e#t t"e 4OLFLINE 4OLFLINE and t"en rig"t #!i#%
% | P a g e
E!E-"ISE NO &45
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E!E-"ISE NO (45
#1 | P a g e
E!E-"ISE NO %45 # | P a g e
E!E-"ISE NO )45
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E!E-"ISE NO 645
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E!E-"ISE NO 745
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E!E-"ISE NO 945
#$ | P a g e
E!E-"ISE NO :45
#8 | P a g e
E!E-"ISE NO &'45
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>D MODELING TOOLA,+ 40 | P a g e
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E!E-"ISE NO (45 4 | P a g e
E!E-"ISE NO %45
4# | P a g e
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