Auto Invoice FAQ

January 2, 2019 | Author: blshinde88 | Category: Invoice, Database Index, Data Management, Software, Information Technology Management
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Auto Invoice FAQ...


Why is AutoInvoice splitting one order into two invoices? A: AutoInvoice uses grouping rules to group invoices, credit memos and debit memos. Grouping rules contain various transaction attributes (columns in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table) that must be identical for the same transaction. There are 2 kinds of attributes: mandatory and optional. You can only add or drop optional attributes. Please see the User's Guide for a listing of all columns included in the mandatory attributes and all the columns that can be added as optional attributes. Check the grouping rule that you are using. You may have defined an optional attribute that is different for two lines of the same invoice, and is, therefore, causing a second invoice to be generated. Check both optional and mandatory attributes of the two lines. If AutoInvoice is generating one invoice for multiple orders, then you may not have h ave defined sales order as an optional attribute. The Grouping Rule that is used by AutoInvoice is attached in your Batch source :  Navigation: Setup -> Transactions -> Sources -> AutoInvoice tab

Grouping Rule can be checked at:  Navigation: Setup -> Transactions -> AutoInvoice -> Grouping Rule

What is the suggested setting for the 'Log file message level'? A: For day-to-day business needs and to improve performance, set this to 0. If  AutoInvoice errors out, set the message level to 3 to get detail messages in the log to help debug the problem.

Message Level 0 gives the following entries en tries in the log file: Product Version Program Name AutoInvoice Start Time AutoInvoice Concurrent Request Arguments Error and Warning Messages AutoInvoice End Time AutoInvoice Logical Steps Message Level 1 gives you all of the above entries plus: Time- Stamped function labels Message Level 2 gives you all of the above entries plus: Sizes of Allocated Arrays Dynamic SQL Statements  Number of Rows Updated, Inserted and Deleted Message Level 3 gives you all of the above entries plus: Method IV SQL Array Values

If the errors are regarding AutoAccounting, message level can be set to 10 or above to get more detailed AutoAccounting messages in the log.

How can a credit memo (from legacy) be applied against an invoice using AutoInvoice? A: To link a credit memo to an invoice there are 2 options:

i) Populate REFERENCE_LINE_ID on RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL with the CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID of the invoice. OR  ii) Populate REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 to 15 with the INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 to 15 of the invoice. You also need to populate REFERENCE_LINE_CONTEXT with INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT of the invoice. INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 to 15 are stored in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. To create an on-account credit (i.e. not linked to an invoice) do not populate REFERENCE_LINE_ID, REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTES or  REFERENCE_LINE_CONTEXT.

Can Adjustments be imported through AutoInvoice? A:  No. Only Invoices, Credit Memos, Debit Memos, and On-account Credits can be imported through AutoInvoice. The adjustments can be imported by using Adjustment API's. This API allows users to create, approve, upda te, and reverse adjustments for  invoices using simple calls to PL/SQL functions

How is the Tax code derived in AutoInvoice? A: Release 12 uses E-business Tax for calculating tax for AutoInvoice.

i) For newly setup Release 12 instances (Where Tax Regime Determination is set to Determine Tax Regime) Tax code is derived based on your Regime to Rate flow settings for that Operating Unit / Legal Entity ii) For upgraded Release 12 instances (Where Tax Regime Determination is set to STCC) Tax is calculated like 11i.

Can changes be made to existing invoices via AutoInvoice? A:  No. You can only create credit memos and apply them to existing invoices if they are still open (or if Allow Over application is checked for that Transaction Type). You cannot update existing invoices. Once a transaction in AR has any activity against it

you cannot update it manually. Activity is defined as cash applied, credit memo applied, adjustment, posting to GL and, printing.

Once the transactions have been imported successfully into AR using AutoInvoice, how can they be purged from the interface tables? A: If the system option 'Purge Interface Tables' is set to Yes, data that has been validated and successfully imported in AR will be purged automatically. If the purge option is set to No, you can submit the AutoInvoice Purge Program from the Run AutoInvoice form to  purge the interface tables. This program will only purge rows that have been processed successfully.

 Navigation to check the 'Purge Interface Tables' option: - Menu: Setup>System>System Options - Alternate region 'Trans and customers' - 'Purge Interface Tables' checkbox  Navigation to submit the AutoInvoice purge program: - Menu: Interface>AutoInvoice - Request name: AutoInvoice Purge Program

How often can you run AutoInvoice? A: AutoInvoice can be run as many times as you like. It can run at anytime of the day, month, year. You need to set the rules for the running of this process based on your  company's business needs. You can also schedule to run AutoInvoice automatically at regular intervals.

How can the errors in the interface table lines be corrected? A: The errors in the interface tables can be corrected with the help of the AutoInvoice Validation Report and the AutoInvoice Au toInvoice Errors window, which displays records that failed AutoInvoice validation. Depending on the error  you may need to make changes either in Receivables, or to your feeder program or to the imported records in the interface tables.

Menu: Interfaces>Control>AutoInvoice>Interface Lines Interface Lines Window - This window lets you see all of the interface lines that have been processed but rejected by AutoInvoice. You can view and edit data in this window. Menu: Interfaces>Control>AutoInvoice>Interface Exceptions Interface Errors Window - This window lets you see all o f the errors generated by

AutoInvoice. This window is read-only, but you can drill down to view errors in more detail, and modify data in these windows.

How does the GL date get derived? A: For invoices without Rules:

AutoInvoice first uses the GL date in the interface table (RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL), if one exists. If one does not exist then it is derived as follows: If the Derive Date box is checked for your batch source (Menu: Setup>Transactions>Sources, query your batch source, alternate region Accounting), AutoInvoice first uses the ship date in the interface table. If the ship date does not exist, ex ist, AutoInvoice uses the sales order date. If the sales order date does not exist, AutoInvoice uses the date entered in the Submit Request window when AutoInvoice was run. If the Derive Date box is not checked for your batch source, AutoInvoice uses the date entered in the Submit Request window when AutoInvoice was run. For Invoices with Rules: AutoInvoice first uses the GL date in the interface table (RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL), if one exists. If the Invoicing Rule is 'Bill In Advance', AutoInvoice uses the Rule Start Date for the GL date. If the Invoicing Rule is 'Bill in Arrears' and the invoice line has an accounting rule of  type 'Accounting, Fixed Duration' and a period of 'Specific Date', AutoInvoice computes an end date using the earliest accounting rule date. For all other Accounting rules, AutoInvoice computes an ending date for each invoice line, and then takes the earliest date of these lines and uses it as the GL date of the invoice. If your invoice does not use a fixed rule accounting duration and an d the rule start date is not  provided in the interface table, GL date is derived as follows: If the Derive Date box is checked in batch source options, AutoInvoice first uses the ship date. If the ship date does do es not exist, AutoInvoice uses the sales order date. If the sales order date does not exist, AutoInvoice uses the date entered in the Submit Request window.

If the Derive Date box is not checked, AutoInvoice uses the date entered in the Submit Request window.

AutoInvoice is taking too long to run. How can I improve its performance? A: Although there are many reasons which can contribute towards poor AutoInvoice  performance, the most common ones are as follows:

a) Indexes have not been defined for the Line Transaction Flexfield on RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL  b) Custom indexes or triggers: If any custom indexes or triggers triggers have been defined, drop them to see if performance improves. c) Run Gather Schema Statistics from the System Administrator responsibility d) Check the log file message level setting in the Accounts Receivable System Parameters. (Navigation: Setup -> System -> System Options -> Trans and customers tab) If it is set to 3, change it to a lower value. Message level 3 is used when AutoInvoice fails in order to generate a log file with the highest possible level of information.

The Import program (RAXTRX) does not get spawned when I run AutoInvoice. What could be the reason? A: In this case the Master Program (RAXMTR) may complete without error but will not spawn the Import Program (RAXTRX). The log file for RAXMTR will show the 'No data Found' message.

AutoInvoice executes a statement similar to the following to select records for importing:


Please ensure: i) There are records present in the interface table RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL to be imported. ii) The column INTERFACE_STATUS and REQUEST_ID must be null

How do you default the batch source on the AutoInvoice submission screen?

A: Go to Concurrent -> Program -> Define Query for Short Name RAXMTR  Click on Parameters Go to Batch Source ID Change the default type to Constant Change the Default value to the NAME (not id) of the value you want "Order Entry" (it is case sensitive). Save.

What is the difference between the ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY and the HEADER ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY columns in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table.? A: They are for 2 different descriptive flexfields.


store values for the descriptive flexfield, 'Invoice Line Information', which app ears at the invoice line level. The value in these columns will be transferred to RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY and ATTRIBUTE115 if the transaction passes validation. RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.HEADER_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY and HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1-15 are used to store values for the descriptive flexfield, 'Invoice Information', which appears at the invoice level. The value in these columns will be transferred to RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY and ATTRIBUTE1-15 if  the transaction passes validation. Since they are descriptive flexfields, you c an set them up to store any value.

How to import gapless transaction numbers with AutoInvoice? A: Oracle does not guarantee 100% gapless transaction numbering even with the cache on the sequence turned off. You can make the invoice numbering follow your document sequencing and this will bring you closer to 100% gapless numbering. Setup Steps: i) Define a Transaction Type:  Navigation: Setup -> Transactions -> Transaction Type ii) Define a Batch Source that will copy the document number to the transaction number:  Navigation: Setup -> Transactions -> Sources You may choose to manually number or automatically number your invoice since the transaction number will be replaced by the document number later. Check the box Copy Document Number to Transaction Number. Save your work. iii) Define Document sequencing in System Administrator: a. Define Sequence  Navigation: Application -> Document -> Define Choose sequence type of Gapless  Note: It is not necessary to define a separate sequence for each transaction you enter. You may decide to define only 3 sequences one for transactions, one for receipts and one for  adjustments. .  b. Define Document Categories  Navigation: Application -> Document -> Categories Ensure that the name of the specific transaction type, payment method, and receivables activity is in the CODE field. For transactions the table is RA_CUSTOMER_TRX For receipts the table is AR_CASH_RECEIPTS

For Adjustments the table is AR_ADJUSTMENTS  Note: You must define a category for every transaction type, payment method, and receivables activity that you have defined. The categories are based on table names. From Release 11i onwards for any new defined Transaction Type or Payment Method, the Document Category is automatically generated with the correct code matching the name. For Types defined on prior p rior releases those do not exist and you need to do this manually. c. Assign the Sequences to the categories  Navigation: Application -> Document -> Assign The category you created c reated will be in the list of values as well a s the sequence that you defined. iv) Set the profile options in System Administrator :  Navigation: Profile -> System Check site and enter Application Oracle Receivables Query the profile Sequential Numbering This should be set to Partially Used or Always Used depending on your setup.  Note: Depending on your business requirements you can also choose to set this profile option at responsibility level.) v) Set the "Document Number Generation Level" in Receivables Responsibility  Navigation: Setup -> System -> System Options -> Trans and Customers Customers tab Set the option "Document Number Generation Level" to either 'when completed' or 'when saved' that will generate the document sequence for the transaction either when you complete the transaction or save the same respectively.

How can a manual tax line be imported using AutoInvoice? A: For importing a manual tax line, Please ensure the following tax related columns are  populated along with the other required columns for the Line Transaction Flexfield and Link to Line attributes:


Why AutoInvoice does not calculate tax automatically? A: Please ensure the following: 1) The Tax code that you have defined has the “Make Tax available for Transactions” checkbox checked

2) The Tax falls in the jurisdiction defined for the tax code 3) The tax has a default jurisdiction, default rate and default status defined. 4) There are no violation v iolation of the rules defined 5) The tax gets calculated when you create a manual invoice.

FREQUENTLY ENCOUNTERED ERRORS: 1. Please Correct Revenue (or Receivable or Freight or Tax) Account Assignment A: AutoAccounting is used to determine the accou nts when the distribution table is not  populated. When AutoInvoice rejects a line with this error, it generally prints the the account with the missing segment(s).

Menu: Setup>Transactions>AutoAccounting Query the account mentioned in the above error and note the setup for that missing segment. If it is based on: i) Transaction Type - Menu: Setup>Transaction>Transaction Types, and verify that all accounts are populated. ii) Salesperson - Menu: Setup>Transactions>Salespersons, and verify that all accounts are populated. iii) Standard Lines - For an Inventory Item Navigate to Menu: Setup>Transactions>Items>Inventory items, and verify that the 'Sales Account' is  populated in the 'Invoicing' alternate region. For a Memo Line, Navigate to Setup =>Transactions =>Memo Lines, and make sure that 'Revenue Account' is populated. iv) Taxes – Go to Tax Managers Responsibility Go to Taxes and query for your tax. Here go to Tax Accounts and verify all accounts are populated. Additionally the following can be checked: Setup of Cross Validation Rules. Run Cross validation Listing Report in GL to identify the cross validation rule stopping the import of this line.

2. Invalid Salesrep Number A: This error is seen in 12.0.5 and log File Shows AR_RAXTRX_SALESREP_INACTIVE. This is a known issue in 12.0.5. Please refer  Note  Note 727200.1 : R12 RAXTRX Fails With Invalid Salesrep Number And AR_RAXTRX_SALESREP_INACTIVE

3. You must supply payment terms for your non-credit transaction A: Payment term cannot be present for a credit memo. TERM_ID and TERM_NAME must be null if you are trying to import a credit transaction.

4. a) Invalid Warehouse ID (WAREHOUSE_ID) b) Unable to derive a gl date for your transaction. Please ensure that your transaction is in a gl period which you have defined A: When you get both these errors at the same time, please check whether your gl period is open for the date seen in the columns GL_DATE, SHIP_DATE_ACTUAL and SALES_ORDER_DATE in the table RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL

5. Invalid Warehouse ID (WAREHOUSE_ID) A: Please do the following: Using appropriate Order Management responsibility... Setup>System Parameters>Values Select the appropriate Operating Unit For Category select Generic Parameters Scroll down and verify your Item Validation Organization

6. Duplicate Transaction Flexfield A: This error shows up in 2 scenarios: i) The combination of fields INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT, INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2, …, INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 have duplicate values in the table RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL ii) There is already one transaction in AR with the same Line Transaction Flexfield. The combination of fields INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT, INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2, …, INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 already exists in table RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.

7. Cannot get remit to address A: A "Default Value" should be assigned for the Country and State with a blank zip code range. By adding this "default value" will will eliminate the user from having to enter every  possible Country and State combination that may be used. Also, by using this "default value" items will pass validation without running into an error because the remit-to address is not defined.

You can only have one default remit-to address defined.

 Navigation: Setup-->Print-->Remit-to Addresses Addresses Set up the default value for the remit to address. i) Go to Setup->Print->Remit-To Addresses. ii) Query up the address that will be the default address iii) Go to the "Receipts From" section of the form. iv) Put the cursor in the Country field and click on the LOV. v) Select the value "Default value" vi) Put cursor in the State field and click on LOV. vii) Select the value "Default value" viii) Save

8. a) Invalid bill to customer id, name ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID b) bill to address id must exist in Oracle Receivables and must be assigned to the bill to customer ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID A: This can be done by querying up the customer on the customer standard form i) Navigation: Customers > Standard ii) Query up the customer  iii) Click on the address in the alternate region iv) Place cursor on the correct address v) Click on the open button, will take you to the business bu siness purpose screen vi) Make sure that there is a usage of bill to already set vii) Make sure that at least one of the bill to's is active

If this is setup, then please check that the value in the interface table RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL for columns ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID and ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID has a value that is seen in columns CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID and CUST_ACCOUNT_ID in the table HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL.

9. Invoice lines with the same invoice number have been separated by the grouping process, causing duplicate invoice numbers. Here, AutoInvoice is trying to separate your lines into different invoices due to grouping rule settings. For further details, Please refer to the 3rd question of this FAQ. “Why is AutoInvoice splitting one order into two invoices? “


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