Australian Freeman Mark Pytellek's WORKSHOP MANUAL APRIL 2009

June 23, 2016 | Author: Akira Moore | Category: N/A
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Index 1 . Black's5'nEditionDefinitionsof selectedWords 2 Examplesof Maximsof Law

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Supreme Court of QueenslandAct 1991 UniformCivil Procedures Rule 666,667, 329, 331 Rulesl999 4 UniformCivil Proceduresules 1999- Division5 Judgmentby agreement 1 3 15 5 . BILLSOF EXCHANGEACT 1909- SECT 56 ' 16 Acts BILLSOF EXCHANGEACT1909 o . CommonwealthConsolidated SECOND SCHEDULE Section100 - Formof Protestwhich may be used 17 A C T 1 9 0 9- S E C T7 0 7 . B I L L SO F E X C H A N G E 18 Award obtain 8. Q's to the Registrarto 20 9. The Private Administrative Process 21 10. Noteson Pierre'sworkshopJanuary2008 33 11. Procedure for effectingAdministrative Process 34 of Mailing 12.Certificate For Furtherand BetterParticulars 35 13. ExampleLetterof Request/Rogatory 53 14. ExampleAffidavitin Supportof Letterof RequesVRogatory 55 15. ExampleAffidavitof Claimant 58 16. ExampleAffidavitof Truthin Name 60 to Cure 17. ExampleNoticeof Faultand Opportunity 63 to Cure 18. ExampleNoticeof Defaultand Opportunity 65 of Dishonour/Mediation 19. ExampleCertificate 68 Record) (now Private called CCI of 20. ExampleLetterRogatory/Submission 74 2'1.Example2 LetterRogatory& Opportunityto Cure 82 to the DutyLawyerand Fiduciary 22. Instructions 84 23. Exampleacceptedfor valuestamp 85 24. CREDITCARDSAND LOANS 86 25 INSTRUCTIONS 87 26. ExampleBank Letter1 88 27. ExampleBank Letter2 89 Agency Acceptanceto Collections 28. ExampleNoticeof Conditional 91 YourTax Return 29. Restructure 914 s1 3 0 . E x a m p l eT a x R e t u r nF o r I n d i v i d u a lP 918 P 2 F o r I n d i v i d u a l s 3 1 . E x a m p l eT a x R e t u r n 91C 32. ExampleTax ReturnFor IndividualsP3 91D s8 3 3 . E x a m p l eT a x R e t u r nF o r I n d i v i d u a lP 92 34. How to fill in Tax Return 35. lncomeTax ReturnNoticeof Assessment2004- ShowingZeroTax Due 92A 36. lncomeTax ReturnNoticeof Assessment2005- ShowingZeroTax Due 92B 37. lncomeTax ReturnNoticeof Assessment2006- ShowingZeroTax Due 92C 93 38. RedraftATO Assessment EXAMPLE1 94 39. RedraftATO Assessment EXAMPLE2 96 40 HOWTOADDRESSTHECOURT 97 EXAMPLE1 41. ExampleWhat to say in courtas a Defendant 98 EXAMPLE2 42. Mark'sCourtAppearance 100 EX1 matter a to dismiss registrar/magistrate 43. ExampleQuestionsto ask 104 2 EXAMPLE 44. FurtherQuestionsto Ask 105 EX 3 45. Examplemrndsetto havein courtdealingwith Banks 106 EXAMPLE4 46. Canadiantechnologyto dismissmatterin court 108 EXAMPLE5 47. Anotherexampleof addressingcourt 1084 48. SouthportCourlClerkJessicaDixon'ssignedstatementrevealing = Claim/Security Fraudulent NO Affidavitin Supportof Claim - REQUEST1O8B C O U R T SS , OUTHPORT 4 9 . . M A G I S T R A T EASN D D I S T R I C T 'set off' accepted TO SEARCHCOURTFILE,showing 109 50.ActingDefaultJudgeM. A. BorleisCourtOrder J.


e l a i mfo r In j u ry 5 1 .Exa mp lC Notice Reminder 52.Example Notice Summary 53.Example without TO APPEARor SUMMONS 54.Howto addressa NOTICE

110 111 112

113 Attending court 114 55. Affidavitof Truth 124 56. NOTICEOF REQUESTFOR FURTHERAND BETTERPARTICULARS 128 57. How to Stop an Action by Holding Your AdversaryLiable 134 WithActionAgainstYou 58. StoppingCouncilfrom Proceeding 136 59. Exampleof TakingControlof a Conversation 139 60. Preparationfor meetingwith Tax Officer 144 HDH ProcessWorks!!!! 61. MoreConfirmation 146 62. SETTINGUP YOUR CLAIMOF RIGHT 147 63.AustralianCriminalCodeAct 1995 Chapter2.3 Division9.5 148 64. CriminalCodeAct 1995(Cth)10.4Self Defence 1484 (2) (1) & 39. Section OF CANADA CODE 65. CRIMINAL 149 AND UNDERSTANDING OF RE NOTICE 66. AFFIDAVITOF SERVICE I N T E N TA N D C L A I MO F R I G H T 151 O F N O T I C EO F U N D E R S T A N D I NAGN D I N T E N TA N D 67 AFFIDAVIT C L A I MO F R I G H T 158 68. ConstructiveNoticeof Childof God Status 159 69. STATEMENTOF CLAIM 160 J U D G M E N T D E F A U L T A N D N O N R E S P O N S E 7 0 . N O T I C EO F 163 66. DefaultJudgment 166 67. Letterof Requestand Notificationto Journey 171 71. Replyfor an allegedinfringement 172 72. When pulledover by'PeaceOfficer' 177 C O M M U N I C A T I O N W R I T T E N N O T I C E O F 73. 179 74. CopyrightNoticeTrade-Name/Trade-Mark 1 81 75 ExampleUCC FINANCINGSTATEMENT 1 814 of initialFinancingStatement 76. Copyof Acknowledgment 182 77. Declarationof Competency 183 78. Deed of Title 184 79. Billof Sale 1 85 80. PrivatePropertyCar Label 1 8 6 81. PrivatePropertyCar Label2 187 at the Door 82. Stoppingthe Mortgagee/Bailiff/Sheriff/Police 188 83. PrivatePropertyKeep Out 189 Non-Resident 84. Non-Commercial 190 Door at the Aggressors 85. Confronting 191 Property Private 86. Applicationfor Permissionto Enter 193 PROPERTY OF 87 STOP MORTGAGEETAKINGPOSSESSION 194 88. CurrentWork in Progress 195 89. Mark'ssolutionsTemplate 200 90. ProductKey BenefitGuide 202 91. VirtualMoneyInc overviewof debitcard 202A. Application Information 92.VirlualMoneyCard Registration 203 93. SolutionsTrust'sServices

is notlegaladvicenorto be takenas in thisdocument DISGLAIMER:The material purposes only.Theauthortakesno suchbutis purelyfor education It is the or omissions. for anyerrors,inaccuracies responsibility -3-



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to conducttheirown due diligenceto verifythe reader'sresponsibility accuracyof the contentshereindisclosed.Enjoyyour reading! v. To grant,concedeor adjudgeto. To give or assignby sentenceor judicial or aftercarefulweighingup of evidence.Thus,a jury awards determination one awardsa contractto a damages,;the courtawardsan injunction; bidder.To conferas beingdeservedor merited. renderedby arbitratorsor commissioners, n. The decisionor determination deciders,upon a controversysubmittedto or otherprivateor extrajudicial them,alsothe writingor documentembodyingsuch decision.See alsofinal awards. Black's5'nEd P71 tmplied Consent via inaction or silence 'consentis not agreement'so You may respondwith: Registrarmay say: 'That'sfine, let'ssee what Black'slaw dictionarysays about'Consent'.' 'that'snot the preferredlaw dictionarywe go with' say: lf Registrarsays 'That'sok, but why then are theremore Black'sLaw dictionariesin then any otherunlessyou are tryingto misleadyou future,^ universities Black's5'' Ed lawyers.. . . .... so Black'sis obviouslysufficientto use....' P160

The act of a thirdpersonin intermediating lnterposition. Mediation: Intervention; betweentwo contendingpartieswith a viewto persuadingthem to adjustor settle (neutralParty). theirdispute.Settlementof disputeby actionof intermediary of of a neutralnationin the controversies Also the friendlyinterference of difficulties, their adjusting others,for the purpose,by its influenceand by Black's5u'Ed P508 keepingthe peacein the familyof nations or articlein Stipulations: A materialcondition,requirement, an agreement. The name givento any agreementmade by the attorneysengagedon the opposite if in writing),regulatingany matterincidentalto the sidesof a cause(especially Voluntaryagreement proceedingsor trial,whichfallswithintheirjurisdiction. relevantpointso as to of some disposition concerning betweenopposingcounsel obviateneed for proofor to narrowrangeof litigableissues.An agreement, admissionor confessionmade in a judicialproceedingby the partiestheretoor their attorneys. made duringthe courseof trialmay involvejury of lessthan 12 Stipulations issalof action( Rule ( F e d.R .C i viPl. 4 8 ), Ma ste rsfindings( Rule53( e) ( 4) )dism , 41(a)),or discovery Black'ssthEd P735 by simplyaskingthe question are you kindsir offeringme a transactionin a crown securityinterestor not ????????? eitherway he is screwed ar b act applies y e s . . . . . . . a n kyo u ki n dsi r th e refor ecom m er cial tr ansactionc oz n o . . . . . . . .w .. e l lw h a ta m i d o i n 'h e r ethen ???? if dis ainta comm er cial capacitythen artificial proper of in an instead name in my u wouldbe able 2 do all this w o u l d n ' yt o u ch a rl i eh o rse ? ? ? ? ????? says: so show me the correctedpaperwork cookieboy ls it NOT so that thereare no more CommonLaw Crimesin Australia,they are all commercial are we NOT? Foreignto Australia,and thereforeFOREIGN We are in foreignjurisdiction to the statutelaws. -4-

Therefore1. no more C.L. crimes 2. Commonwealth ArbitrationAct doesn'tapplyto us, NOT subjectto it ucP 442, 444-446,449, 449 UCP Part 8 Ch 131 P103 LetGr of Request - This wouldbe why the learnedsolicitor I THEN LOOKEDUP THE BUTTERWORTHS makesher statement- but it does not washwith BankersAcceptanceLaw, now does it otherwisethey couldnot act just becauseof silence.Sucha mindfieldof liesand innuendo. ,'SILENCE. Failureto communicate.A contractis not madesimplyby an offeree'ssilenceafteran offerorinformsan offereethat silencein replyto the offerwill be taken as acceptance, even if the offereeforms,but does not attemptto communicate, an intentiontc accept: F e l t h o u se v B i n d l e y(1 8 6 1 )1 1 C B ( N3) 869;142 ER 1037. See alsoBilater al contr ac t; Offer;UnilateralContract." What does Blackssav 'S/ence can be equated with fraud Where there is a legal or moral duty to Speak or where an enquiry left Unanswered would be intentionally Misteading' Did a Southport magistrate during a court hearing in December 2006 NOT wave my Ceftificate of Dishonour ln the air and call out, 'what about This Certificate of Dishonour?' in reply to a prosecutors rejection to the 3'd party interuenor's tender of written Mutual agreement between the pafties? Silence:The stateof a personwho does not speak,or of one who refrainsfrom speaking.In the law of estoppel.'silence'impliesknowledgeand an opportunity to act upon it. Silence,estoppel by. Suchestoppelariseswherepersonis underduty to anotherto speak or failureto speak is inconsistentwith honest dealings.Silence,to work'estopped',mustamountto bad faith,and elementsof essentialsof such estoppelinclude:changeof positionto prejudiceof :person claimingestoppel,damagesif the estoppelis denied,duty and opportunityto speak,inducingpersonclaimingestoppelto alterhis position,relianceupon silenceof partysoughtto be estopped.Black'ssthEd P719 Affiant The person who makes and subscribesan affidavit. The word is used,in this sense,interchangeably with 'deponent.'But the latterterm shouldbe reservedas the designation of one who makesa deposition.Black'sSth Ed P28 Agent. A person authorizedby anotherto act for him,one instructedwith another'sbusiness.One who represenfs and actsfor anotherunder the contractor relationof agency.Etc etc Black'ssthEd P 32 Principal.Adj. Chief;leading;most importantor considerable; Primary;original.Highestin rank,authority,character,importance, or degree. Black's 5'nEd P 621 Principal.n. The sourceof authorityor right.A superintendent, as of a school.Black'ssthEd P622 -5-

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Person.ln generalusage,a humanbeing(ie naturalperson- itself an oxymoron), partnerships, thoughby statuletermmayincludea firm,labourorganisations, trusteesin bankruptcy, trustees, legalrepresentatives, corporations, associations, 5" Ed P595 Act,S 2(1),Black's LabouiRelations or receivers.National The. Thepersonwhosenameis signedor the personswhosenamesare Undersigned. |th Ed P 793 Black's or subscriber. the subsciiber signedat the endof a document; 56 permitsanypartyto a civil SummaryJudgment.Ruleof civilprocedure judgmenton a claim,counterclaimor crossclaim actionto movefor a summary factandthathe is thatthereis no genuineissueof material whenhe believes entiledto prevailas a matterof law.The motionmaybe directedtowardall or part or other of a claimor defenceandit maybe madeon the basisof the pleadings and portionsof the recordin the caie or it maybe supportedby affrdavits a variety SthEd P 748 SeealsoGenuinelssue,Materialfact. Black's of outsidematerial. 'A as a Fiduciary.(asa noun) personthatholdingthe character to thatof a trustee,in respectto thetrustand analogous trustee,or a character goodfaithandcandorwhichit in it andthe scrupulous involved confidence for to act primarily A personhavingduty,createdby hisundertaking, requires. withsuchundertaking' benefitin mattersconnected another's of Of the natureof a trust,havingthe characteristics (asan adjective) A to or foundedupona trustor confidence. to a trust,relating a trust,analogous must who and for another whomanagesmoneyor property personor instrtution imposedbll"ry.ot_,n_ , activity exercisea standardof carein suchmanagement 'etcBlacK'sc"' tro contract.Eg. Executorof the estate;receiverin bankruptcy. . P320 guardianor ForeignFiduciary.A trustee,executor,administrator, the one in whichhi is acting.' jurisdiction than other by a appointed conservatoi Black's5t' Ed P321 'A tngel:*it}r 'n ie*5Ofilngr n lh.: $ *p h ! *t r y = **l i h *ra te l yi n v*l i dar Eun:*nl' displaying h*pe *f d*eelvin*$CImeCIn*' Al s * h a vt a l **k u t " **p h i sticnt*". inn**ent. t fiha*gc th* r::*aninE*{. 4.L4ak*n:*f* c*r:rPl*xcr t*fined

' t.i\' { ak* l*ss nalur alct' ...{ v*r *}* tCIde{:*:v* 3.Alt*rwitlrth* intenlicer

'Ih* f*dern/ lax sysi*r:r'3p€rsf€'tfol &.?,*.'S T&X FAYAR$' e F{ARTffiR; attdboth ll:s trax *ffics att"til*xptty** Jla:::,-,-,^,, a/#re crsrnrwunity rhe tsertefif c#-ape{#ttt1g ra!* la pf;ly {rvftatrale?}.Tlre sysfemrs *assd ott{# irrrpcr-f;+r:f *bligafisirs rvttll!fl*tt t*gat ryrflrfJ;ef*x Cffics i,td v*luntarily usmgslyirtg #qrygfff;,4#v*,.;i*g*; i:rcfif; fruif: y;tivit*g*: gr*irl;iilfc;resf'Ifu* p*rf,srtna*f?#r {*rt;*atanu{".'l'i,:ii,f; J€rslyrrgt*s lfo* exclrang*fl:rplcn:rs# siliry?# *ntittad t* r*t*i,;*. #iack'll 5"' {.rJP&2 Wh;atfu*st*{i{ p11;*ris*il*r*s r:*l Ssr*vi*-usly rj* l*.qPeY*{#gef I ffrxl *t;il;*r:# ; t't* tttity; syt1* tly{fious rvrff: fu*l6rl:fo ff seffrap$s?rfSr; fi, sr:*i*l'v'tst"?t*tly l***l;4. ft**ptt 'ryi:*r*si#,* ii a J*cr*ty l* tv*r* *r'lsss 1":r*xirriiiy. w,** fiav* t*gSttlatt*t;s, pJnr*, *r;dsr lfu* sari;* l*urs nrtd *f 6:**p1*lrur*grr;fi:* s€jtxl* /:i{ #gfufs,priul*gcs, *r int*r*sts . Jfc#ilr?*tes?tL-#tjljet#3 c#!1}tt"!frt} s*ffrr?#r? g*v**lin*r:i*J, rrlrffrsi,';,. s**l*,J.foi;sirle.s-s. i*l*rcsfs n**hg fr*rn a,sscclsffol;ss***J*sijt , r*o;i**ti*rs*l #Jil*fusL*w !Jt*fi*t\#{"'## P!4# -6-

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