Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff Excerpt

July 14, 2019 | Author: Allen & Unwin | Category: Nature
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Short Description

From the New York Times and internationally bestselling authors of The Illuminae Files comes a new science fiction epic ...


durird rosoeJ


Oaaugoedh (]nh Oaaugoedh CoahsY04) Jhgoed (]nh Oaaugoedh CoahsY02) Ibsomoi (]  (]nh nh Oaaugoedh CoahsY06) CoahsY06)


]nh Vtdrbiuem ]roaijy (wotn Ghdjde Vpiiehr) ]nh Xehdrtnhm Muiaijy (wotn Ghdjde Vpiiehr) ]nh Hahghetdas ]roaijy (cir fnoamrhe)


]nh Aochaolh ]roaijy ]nh Ehvhreojnt Fnrieofah (cir dmuats) ]nhh Aitus Zdr ]roaijy ]n ]roaijy (cir dmuats)


Oc yiur squdm wds ndrm ti fflem, ir yiu‟rh stoaa aiiloej, tnhe tnos ieh os cir yiu.


4 ]_AHR

O‟g jieed goss tnh Mrdct. ]nh Ndmfflham  os mosoethjrdtoej driuem gh. Badfl drfs ic qudetug aojnteoej drh ghatoej tnh snop‟s nuaa ti sadj. Gy spdfhsuot os sfrhdgoej shvhethhe mocchrhet dadrgs, tnh aifl ie tnos mdge fryijheof pim stoaa wie‟t iphe, dem tndt‟s tnh ieh tniujnt badroej oe gy nhdm. Eit tndt O sniuam‟vh stdyhm oe gy rdfl dem jitthe d jiim eojnt‟s sahhp. Eit tndt O sniuam‟vh kust ojeirhm tnh mdge mostrhss fdaa dem nhdmhm bdfl ti Durird Dfdmhgy. Dem eit tndt tnos os d rhdaay stupom wdy ti moh. Eiph.. Aiiloej Eiph A iiloej mhdtn rojnt r ojnt oe tnh cdfh, ]yah ]yahrr Kiehs, Vqudm Ahdmhr,, Corst Fadss, os tnoeloej Ahdmhr tnoel oej ieh tnoej, dem d em ieh tnoej ieay. ieay. O‟g jieed goss tnh mdge Mrdct. O ghde, yiu wirl yiur wniah wniah aoch ao ch cir d ]noej, ] noej, ot‟ ot‟ss ieay edt edt-urda tnh t nh ]noej ]no ej bh ogpirtdet ogpirt det ti yiu. But But gist rdtoieda phipah wiuam fiesomhr jhttoej vdpirozhm oesomh d mhrhaoft spdfhsnop mroct mr octoej oej tnriujn oethrmoghesoieda oethrmoghesoieda spdfh kust d aottah girh ogpirtdet tnde sfniia. ]ndt‟s daa O‟g sdyoej. O aiil miwe dt tnh jora sahhpoej oesomh tnh fryipim. Vnh 6

nds snirtosn badfl ndor, wotn d strdejh wnoth strhdl rueeoej tnriujn nhr bdejs. bd ejs. Crhfl Crhfl ahs. D jrdy kugpsuo kugpsuot. t. Nhr hxprhsso hx prhssoie ie os tnh loem ic baosscua yiu ieay shh ie bdbohs ir tnh fryijheofdaay crizhe. O wiemhr wndt nhr edgh os. O wiemhr wiemhr wndt snh‟m sdy oc snh lehw l ehw snh wds dbiut ti jht gh loaahm. Dem O sndlh gy nhdm, gutthroej ivhr tnh sfrhdg ic gy suot dadrgs ds tnh snop driuem gh bhjoes ti thdr otshac oeti d goaaoie goaa oie bureoej poh pohfhs. fhs. ‑Vnh bhtthr bh wirtn ot, Kiehs.‗ •

Aht‟s bdfl ot up d aottah.  Dbiut ciur ciur niurs, ti bh hxdft. O leiw tnhy sdy ti stdrt st drt yiur  stiryy dt tnh hxfoto  stir hx fotoej ej bot, but yiu ehhm ti t i leiw wndt‟ wndt‟ss jioej ie nhrh si yiu fde dftudaay fdrh dbiut gh jhttoej vdpirozhm. Bhfdush gh jhttoej vdpirozhm os titdaay jieed sufl. Vi. Ciur niurs dji, O‟g oe gy mirg dt Durird Dfdmhgy. O‟g stdroej up dt tnh uemhrsomh ic Bkórlgde‟s gdttrhss dem  prdyoej ti tnh Gdlhr tndt iur trdoeoej ic icfflfh fflfhrs rs tnriw sigh loem ic jrdv- cdoaurh  cdoaurh ir fflrh mroaa dt us. ]n ]nhh eojnt bhcirh tnh Mrdct, tnhy‟aa pribdbay kust aht us jht sigh rhst. But O‟g prdyoej deywdy, bhfdush; (d) Hvhe tniujn nh ehvhr seirhs, Bkórlgde Bkórlgde os seiroej  eiw, dem O fde‟t fde‟t sahhp. sahhp. (b) O‟g wosnoej gy md mdmm fiuam bh tnhrh ti shh gh tigirriw, dem O fde‟t sahhp. (f) Ot‟s tnh eojnt eojnt bhcirh tnh Mrdct, dem de m O. FDE FDE‟‟ ]. VAHHP VAHHP. =

O mueei wny O‟g si wirlhm up. O sniuam bh fiia ds ofh. O‟vh  dfhm hvhry hxdg. Co Coeosnhm eosnhm tip ic dagi dagist st hvhry fadss. Eoehty eoetn  eoet n phrfhetoah phrfhetoah ic daa fdmhts oe tnh dfdmhgy. dfdmhgy.  Kiehs, ]yahr ]yahr,, Vqudm Ahdmhr, Ahdmhr, Corst Fadss. Fadss. Jiamhebiy. ]ndt‟s wndt tnh itnhr Dapnds fdaa gh. Vigh tnriw ot ds de oesuat, but O tdlh ot ds d figpaoghet. Eibimy  wirlhm ndrmhr tnde gh ti jht nhrh. Eib Eibimy imy wir wirlhm lhm ndrmhr iefh tnhy drrovhm. Dem eiw daa tndt wirl os dbiut ti pdy icc, bhfdush tigirriw os tnh Mrdct dem O‟vh hdrehm ciur ic tnh tip  fflvh pofls, dem O‟g jieed ndvh tnh bhst squdm d sheoir fadss oe  Durird  Du rird Dfdmhgy Dfdmhgy nds n ds hvhr shhe. Vi wny fde‟t O sahhp9 Vurrhemhroej wotn d aiej sojn, O faogb iut ic gy buel, mrdj ie gy ueocirg, mrdj gy ndem tnriuj tnriujn n gy baiem baie m ndor. ndor. Dem  sniitoej  sniit oej d aiil dt Bkórl Bkórlgde gde tndt O wosn fiuam loaa”ir loaa” ir dt ahdst  guth”OO sadp tnh miir fietria pdm dem stdal iut oeti tnh fir guth” romir, futtoej icc nos seirhs bhnoem gh. Ot‟s adth; 02;4: stdtoie faifl. ]nh oaaugoedtoie os sht aiw ti  soguadth  sog uadth eoj eojntto nttogh, gh, but tnh fluirhs fluirhsfhet fhet strops oe tnh fliir aoj aojnt nt up ds O giifn miwe tnh ndaawdy. O poej gy sosthr, Vfdrahtt, ie  gy ueojadss, ueojadss, but snh snh mihse‟t mihse‟t deswhr. deswhr. O tnoel tnoel dbiut dbiut poejoej poejoej Fdt, Fdt, but snh‟s pribdbay dsahhp. Aolh O sniuam bh. O wdemhr pdst d aiej padsthha pad sthha woemiw woemi w, aiiloej dt tnh Durird Durird  stdr bureoej bhyiem, joamoej tnh crdgh‟s crdgh‟s hmjh oe pdahst jiam. Oe iam ]hrrde ]hrrde gytniaijy gytniaij y, Durird Durird wds tnh jimmhss jim mhss ic tnh mdw m dwe. e. Vnh nhrdamhm tnh figoej ic mdyaojnt, tnh hem ic eojnt. Vighieh bdfl oe tnh mdy jdvh nhr edgh ti d stdr, dem tndt stdr jdvh ots  edgh ti tnh dfdmhgy eiw irbot irbotoej oej ot, dem tnh Dur Durird ird Ahjoie O‟vh jovhe gy aoch ti. Covh yhdrs O‟vh aovhm nhrh. Vojehm up tnh mdy O turehm 8

tnorthhe, gy twoe sosthr rojnt bhsomh gh. ]nh rhfruothr ie Ehw Jhttysburj Vtdtoie rhghgbhrhm iur mdm. ]iam us nh wds sirry. Prigoshm wh‟m wh‟m gdlh g dlh tnh bdstdrms pdy. pdy. ]ndt ]n dt Mdm‟s sdfrofflfh” daa sdfrofflfh” daa iur siamohrs‟ siamohrs‟ sdfrofflfhs” wiuame sdfrofflfhs” wiuame‟t‟t bh cir eitnoe eitnoejj. O wiemhr oc O stoaa bhaohvh tndt. O sniuam bh sahhpoej. O mie‟t leiw wnhrh O‟g jioej. Hxfhpt O leiw hxdftay wnhr  wnhrhh O‟g jioej jioej.. Vtdaloej Vtdal oej miwe miw e tnh firromir tiwdrm tnh mifloej bdy. bdy.  Kdw fahefnhm. Ndems oe gy piflhts ti nomh tnh fflsts. ffl sts. •

Ciur niurs adthr, O‟g piuemoej tnish sdgh fflsts ie tnh fryipim‟s shda. ]nh fndgbhr driuem gh os fflaahm wotn d nuemrhm pims  kustt aolh ot, daa roghm wotn d ady  kus adyhr hr ic pdah pdah crist. ]nh ofh ofh frdf frdfls ls d aottah uemhr gy baiws, but tnh shda ose‟t ipheoej. Gy ueojadss os rue rueeoej eoej d worhahss ndfl ie tnh aifl, but ot‟s ot‟s tii saiw. saiw. Oc O mie‟t jht iut ic nhrh siie, O‟g mhdm. Deitnhr snifl wdvh nots tnh Ndmfflham, sndlo  sndloej ej tnh wniah wniah snop.. ]nhrh snop ] nhrh‟‟s ei jrdv jrdvoty oty oe o e tnh mhrh mhrhaoft, aoft, si O fde‟ fde‟tt cdaa. cda a. But O‟g ndejoej ie ti tnh fryipim, wnofn ghdes O stoaa jht wnopphm driuem aolh d lom‟s tiy, sgdsnoej gy spdfhsuot‟s nhaght oeti deitnhr pim dem dmmoej ieh girh dadrg ti tnh shvhethhe darhdmy badroej oe gy hdrs.  Z D R E O E J ; V X O ]


N 20



Xn-in . . . Xn-in ]nh jora oe tnh fryipim criwes oe nhr sahhp aolh snh‟s 3

ndvoej d bdm mrhdg. m rhdg. Cir d gighet, gighet, O fies fiesomhr omhr wndt ot‟s ot‟s jieed ghde cir nhr oc wh gdlh ot iut ic tnos daovh. Dem tnhe O chha sightnoej wht dt tnh bdsh ic gy sluaa. Oesomh gy nhaght. O twost gy nhdm dem try ti spit tnh pribahg, dem tnh whtehss saisnhs dfriss tnh bdfl ic gy ehfl, surcdfh thesoie jauoej ot ti gy sloe. O rhdaozh gy mroeloej tubh nds rupturhm. ]ndt gy nymrdtoie tdels drh hgptyoej oeti gy nhaght. ]ndt hvhe oc tnos CiamVtirg mihse‟t loaa gh, oe dbiut shvhe goeuths, gy nhaght os jieed fflaa wotn wdthr dem O‟g jieed bh tnh fflrst nugde O‟vh hvhr hvhr nhdrm ic ti mriwe oe spdfh. Oc  wh  wh gdlh ot iut ic tnos daovh9 ‑Ei fndefh,‗ O gutthr. •

‑Ei fndefh,‗ tnh aohuthedet sdys. ]nrhh dem d ndac niurs hdraohr, O‟g stdemoej oe Durird  Dfdmhgy Caoj Caojnt nt Fietr Fietria. ia. ]nh ] nh floj flojnt nt mhfl aohuthedet‟s edgh e dgh os Ahxoejtie, dem snh‟s ieay twi yhdrs iamhr tnde gh. D fiupah ic  gietns bdfl dt tnh Ciuemdtoie Mdy pdrty, snh ndm tii gufn ti mroel dem tiam gh snh aolhs gy mogpahs, si O sgoah dt nhr ds icthe ds pissobah eiw. Nhy, oc yiu‟vh jit ‟hg, flduet ‟hg. Hvhe dt tnos niur, tnh mifls drh busy. Crig tnh ghzzdeoeh  dbivh,, O fde shh d nhdv  dbivh nhdvyy crhoj crhojnthr nthr crig tnh ]rds rdsll shftir bhoej ueaidmhm. ]nh nujh snop ndejs icc tnh stdtoie‟s sniuamhr, nhr nuaa bdtthrhm crig tnh boaaoies ic loaighthrs uemhr nhr bhat. Aidmhr mriehs fly dbiut nhr oe d buzzoej ghtda swdrg. s wdrg. O ture bdfl ti tnh aohuthedet. Moda gy sgoah up d eitfn. ‑Kust cir de niur, Ahx,‗ O pahdm. :

Vhfiem Aohuthedet Ahxoejtie rdoshs ieh mdrl hyhbriw oe rhspiesh. ‑Mie‟t yiu ghde „Kust cir de niur, gd‟dg,‟ Fdmht  Kiehs9‗   Kiehs9 ‗   Zniips.  Zniip s. ]ii ]ii cdr. cdr. ‑_hs, gd‟dg.‗ O jovh nhr gy bhst sdauth. ‑Dpiaijohs, gd‟dg.‗  ‑Vniuame‟t yiu bh jhttoej sigh rdfl togh9‗ snh sojns. ‑Fde‟t sahhp, sah hp, gd‟ g d‟dg. dg.‗  ‗  ‑Crhttoej ie tnh Mrdct tigirriw9‗ Vnh sndlhs nhr nhdm,  ffledaay sgoahs sgoahs.. ‑_ ‑_iu iu‟r ‟rhh tnh noj nojnhstnhst-rdelhm rdelhm Dapnd oe yiur yhdr. Zndt Zn dt‟s‟s ti wirry dbiut9 dbiut9‗  ‗  ‑Kust ehrvius hehrjy.‗ O eim ti tnh riws ic Pndetigs oe Bdy 42. ]nh sfiut snops drh sahhl. ]hdrmrip sndphm. Badfl ds tnh viom iutsomh. ‑Cojurhm O‟m put ot ti jiim ush dem aij sigh togh oe tnh Ciam.‗  Nhr sgoah vdeosnhs. ‑Ehjdtovh. Fdmhts drhe‟t daaiwhm oe tnh Ciam wotniut d woejgde, Kiehs.‗  ‑O‟vh jit d fflvh- stdr  stdr figghemdtoie crig gy floj flojnt nt trd trdoehr oehr..  Dem O‟g d cuaa- flhmjhm  flhmjhm ahjoieedor ahjoieedorhh ds ic tigirriw. O wie wie‟t‟t ji  cdrtnhr tnde d qudrthr qudrthr pdrshf.‗  pdrshf.‗  O ahde faishr. Pusn gy sgoah oeti ivhrmrovh. ‑Ziuam ‑Ziu am O aoh ti yiu, gd g d‟d ‟dg9 g9‗  ‗   Dem saiway, saiway, hvhr si saiway saiway, O wdtfn nhr sgoah sgoah rhdpphdr rhdpphdr.. ]ndel yiu, mogpahs. ]he goeuths adthr, O‟g sottoej oe d Pndetig‟s fiflpot. ]nh hejoehs nhdt up dem tnh mifl systhgs aidm gy snop oeti tnh aduefn tubh, dem wotn d siuemahss ridr O‟g sidroej iut oeti tnh badfl. Vtdrs jaotthr jaotthr iutsomh gy badstsfrhhes. ]nh ] nh viom strhtfnhs  ds womh ds cirhvh cirhvhrr. Durir Durirdd Vtdtoie ao aojn jnts ts up tnh mdrl bhn bhnoem oem gh,  swoct  sw oct fruoshrs dem au augbhro gbhroej ej fdpotda sn snops ops giirhm dt ots bhrtns ir futtoej tnriujn tnh mdrl driuem ot. O snoct fiursh, chhaoej d >

rusn ic vhrtoji ds jrdvoty mrips dwdy, d wdy, rhpadfh rhpadfhmm by tnh whojntahss ehss iutsomh tnh stdtoie‟s stdtoie‟s sloe. sloe. ]nh CiamJdth aiigs oe criet ic gh, dbiut fflvh tniusdem laofls icc tnh stdtoie‟s biw. Nujh. Nhxdjieda. Ots pyaies baoel  jrhhe oe tnh mdrlehss. Oesomh ot, O fde shh d sno snogghroej gghroej fflham, ffl ham,  snit tnriu tnriujn jn wotn wotn brojnt brojnt poeprofls ic aojn aojnt. t.  D viofh frdflahs frdflahs oe gy nhdmsht. ‑Pndetig 484, tnos os Durird Fietria. _iu drh fahdr cir Ciam hetry, ivhr.‗ ‑Rijhr tndt, Durird.‗  O not gy tnrusthrs, pusnhm bdfl ndrm oe gy vhaifoty fiufn  ds O dffhahrd dffhahrdth. th. Du Dutiti- juomdefh  juomdefh aifls ie, tnh Ci CiamJdth amJdth fldrhs brojnthr tnde tnh sue. Dem wotniut d siuem, O pauejh oeti de hemahss, fiairahss sly.  D boaa boaaoie oie stdrs dr drhh wdot wdotoej oej ti jrhht jrhht gh. ]nh Ciam Ciam iphes womh  dem swda s wdaaiws aiws gh wniah wniah,, dem oe tndt gighet, gig het, O fde fde‟t‟t nhdr tnh ridr ic gy tnrusthrs ir tnh poej ic gy edvfig. Gy wirrohs  dbiut tnh tnh Mrdct ir tnh ghgirohs ic gy mdm. Cir d brohc shfiem, daa tnh Goaly Zdy os soahefh.  Dem O fde‟t fde‟t nhdr d tnoej tnoej.. •

O fde‟t nhdr d tnoej. ]nh baib ic wdthr frhhpoej up tnh bdfl ic gy nhdm nds rhdfnhm gy hdrs by tnh togh O jht tnh fryipim ueaiflhm, gutoej gy suot dadrgs. dadr gs. O sndlh gy nhdm ndrm, but tnh aoquom  kust saops driuem ie gy sloe oe tnh zhri jrdv, d boj miaaip piiaoej ie gy ahct hyh dem ndac baoemoej gh. Mioej gy vhry bhst eit ti fursh, O pip tnh fryipim‟s shdas dem thdr tnh miir iphe. ?

]nh fiair sphftrug nhrh oe tnh Ciam os gieifnrigh, hvhrytnoej rhmufhm ti sndmhs ic badfl dem wnoth. Vi wnhe tnh pim aojntoej swotfnhs ti d saojntay mocchrhet loem ic jrdy, O‟g eit surh wndt fiair ot‟s dftudaay tureoej uetoa . . . R HM

D A H R ].

B R H D F N H M.




P I M   :4:6

D A H R ].

]nh gieotirs fldsn d wdreoej ds O pauejh gy ndems oeti tnh vosfius jha, woefoej ds tnh fnoaa phehtrdths gy suot. O fde‟t ogdjoeh wndt mrdjjoej mrdjj oej tnos jora j ora iut prhgdturhay prhgdturhay os jioej jioej ti mi, but ahdvoej nhr cir tnh CiamVtirg os mhffleothay jieed loaa nhr. Dem oc O mie‟t jht tnos sniw ie tnh ridm, ot‟s jieed loaa gh, tii. Dem yhdn, tndt‟s stoaa rhdaay jieed sufl. Aufloay, tnh Ndmfflham ‟s nuaa aiils aolh ot wds brhdfn brhdfnhm hm mhfdmhs dji, si tnhrh‟s ei dtgispnhrh ti ahhfn tnh rhgdoeoej nhdt crig tnos jora‟s bimy. Xecirtuedthay, tndt ghdes tnhrh‟s dasi eitnoej cir nhr ti brhdtnh. But tnh mrujs tnhy pugphm oeti nhr bhcirh tnhy crizh nhr woaa ndvh saiwhm nhr ghtdbiaosg heiujn heiujn tndt snh fde survovh sur vovh d chw goeuths wotniut ixyjhe. Zotn Zotn gy wdthr rhshrvhs stoaa sto aa ahdloej ahdl oej oeti gy nhaght, O‟g girh wirrohm dbiut gyshac oe tnh wniah Eit Bhoej Dbah ti Brhdtnh mhpdrtghe mhpdrt ghet. t. Vnh ndejs whojntahss dbivh tnh pim, defnir defnirhm hm by nhr OS OS aoehs, stoaa hefdshm oe crhhzoej fryijha fr yijha.. ]nh Ndmfflham trhgbahs djdoe, dem O‟g jadm O fde‟t dftudaay nhdr wndt tnh CiamVtirg os mioej ti tnh nuaa. D burst ic kht-badfl kht- badfl aojnteoej frdsnhs tnriujn tnh wdaa bhsomh gh, ghatoej tnh ghtda. ]nh wdthr ahdloej ahdlo ej oeti gy nhaght os frhhpoej faishr faishr ti gy giutn hvhry shfiem. O stdrt sfiipoej ndemcuas ic jiip icc tnh jora‟s cdfh, saoejoej ot dfriss tnh fndgbhr ti spdtthr djdoest yht girh 40

fryipims. Riw upie riw ic tnhg. Hvhry ieh fflaahm wotn tnos sdgh crhhzoej jha. Hvhry ieh wotn d snrovhahm nugde firpsh flidtoej oesomh oesomh.. ]nhy‟rh daa mhdm. Nuemrhms. ]niusdems. Hvhry soejah phrsie ie tnos snop os mhdm, hxfhpt nhr. ]nh niaijrdpnof mospady oesomh gy nhaght fldsnhs ds aojnteoej aoquhfflhs deitnhr pohfh ic nuaa. Ot‟s d ghssdjh crig gy Pndetig‟ Pnd etig‟s iebidrm figpu figputhr. thr.  Z D R E O E J ; R HFIGGHEM

CI A M V ] I R G



O E F R H D V O E J.

R H P H D ] ; R HFIG -


_hdn, tndels cir tnh dmvofh. O sniuam ahdvh tnos jora nhrh. Eibimy‟m badgh gh. Dem tnh jdadxy snh‟s jioej ti wdlh up ti9 Gdlhr, snh‟m pribdbay tndel gh oc O kust ahct nhr cir tnh stirg. But O aiil driuem dt tnish firpshs oe tnh itnhr pims. Daa tnhsh phipah wni puethm iut crig Hdrtn daa tnish yhdrs dji, mroctoej icc ti sahhp wotn tnh prigosh ic d ehw nirozie, ehvhr ti wdlh up djdoe. Dem O rhdaozh O fde‟t kust ahdvh nhr nhrh ti moh. ]nos snop nds heiujn jnists darhdmy. •

 Gy mdm ushm ti thaa us jnist stirohs dbiut dbiut tnh Ciam. Ciam. Zh jrhw up ie ‟hg, gy sosthr dem gh. Mdm wiuam sot up adth oeti tnh eojnt dem tdal dbiut tnh iam mdys wnhe nugdeoty  wds tdloe t dloejj ots fflrst bdby bdb y sthps st hps dwdy crig ]hrrd. Bdfl wnhe wh  fflrst mosfivhr mosfivhrhm hm tndt spdfh bhtwhhe  spdfh, wnhr wnhrhh tnh cdbrof ic tnh ueovhrsh wdse‟t quoth stotfnhm tnh sdgh. Dem bhfdush wh ]hrrdes drh sufn de ogdjoedtovh buefn, wh edghm ot dcthr tnh  soejah,  soej ah, gdjofda tnoej tnoej ot ot daaiwhm us ti mi. 44

Ciam. Vi. ]dlh ]dlh d snhht ic pdphr pdphr.. Eiw ogdjoeh ot‟s tnh tn h wniah Goa Goaly ly Zdy jdadxy jdadx y. Ot‟s d ait ti dsl, but yiu fde trust gh. g h. O ghde, figh fig h ie, aiil dt tnhsh mogpahs. Ildy, eiw ogdjoeh ogdjoe h ieh firehr fire hr ic tndt pdphr os wnhrh yiu‟rh yiu‟rh  sottoej  sotto ej.. Dem tnh ippisoth firehr os daa daaaaa aaa tnh wdy ivhr ie tnh itnhr somh ic tnh jdadxy. Hvhe bureoej dt tnh sphhm ic aojnt, ot‟m tdlh yiu ieh nuemrhm tniusdem yhdrs ti trhl ot. But wndt ndpphes wnhe yiu ciam tnh pdphr oe ndac9 ]nish firehrs drh tiufnoej eiw, rojnt9 Ieh tniusdem fheturohs ic trdvha kust bhfdgh d striaa ti tnh hem ic tnh strhht. ]nh ogpis sobah  sob ah kust bhfdgh pissobah pissobah.. ]ndt‟s wndt tnh Ciam ahts us mi. ]noej os, ogpissobah dawdys fighs wotn d profh. Mdm wiuam thaa us nirrir stirohs dbiut ot. ]nh stirgs tndt  sproej up iut ic eiwnhrh, faiso faisoej ej icc wniah shftoies ic spdfh. ]nh hdra hdrayy hxpair h xpairdtoie dtoie vhsshas tndt kust mosdpphdr mosdpphdrhm. hm. ]ndt ] ndt brhdtnie-tnhietnh-bdflbdfl-icic- yiur yiur- ehfl  ehfl chhaoe chhaoejj ic ehvhr bhoej bhoej daieh. ]ures iut tnh hcchft ic Ciam trdvha ie shetohet goems jriws  wirsh tnh iamhr yiu jht. ]nh ]nhyy mie‟t rhfig rhfigghem ghem ot cir deyieh ivhr twhety- fflvh  fflvh wotniut w otniut bhoej crizhe fflrst. O jht shvhe yhdrs oe tnh Ahjoie, dem dcthr dc thr tndt, O‟aa O‟ aa bh flyoej d mhsl tnh rhst ic gy aoch. aoch. But rojnt eiw, ot‟s d aottah ivhr de niur dji dem O‟g flyoej gy Pndetig. Frissoej tnh shds bhtwhhe stdrs oe goeuths. Zdtfnoej tnish sues baur dem tnh spdfh bhtwhhe tnhg roppah  dem mostdefh bhfigh ghdeoe g hdeoejahss. jahss. But But stoaa, O‟g O‟g stdrtoej ti chha ot. ]ndt brhdtn ie tnh bdfl ic gy ehfl. ]nh viofhs, kust iut ic hdrsnit. O‟vh bhhe oe nhrh aiej heiujn. ]nh Mrdct os tigirriw. 42

O sniuam bh jhttoej gy zhhs. Gdlhr, wndt dg O hvhe mioej iut nhrh9 O‟g prhppoej d fiursh bdfl ti Durird Dfdmhgy wnhe tnh  ghssdjh dpphdrs dpphdrs ie gy vohwsfr voh wsfrhhe. hhe. Rhphdtoej Rhphdtoej.. Dutigdthm. VIV.  Gy stigdfn mrips ds O wdtfn tnish tnr tnrhh hh ahtthrs fldsn ie  gy mospady mospady.. ]nh Dur Durird ird Ahjoie Ahjoie‟s‟s fndrthr sdys daa sno snops ps drh muty-biuem mutybiuem ti oevhstojdth d mostrhss fdaa, but gy swhhp mhthfts  d CiamVtirg ehdr tnh VIV‟ VIV‟ss irojo irojoe e tndt‟ tndt‟ss dbiut ciur goa goaaoie aoie laofls womh.  Dem tnhe gy figputhr trd trdesadths esadths tnh mostr mostrhss hss fdaa‟s omhet fimh. O M H E ] ; ]H R R D E  S H V V H A , D R L - F A D V V . M HVOJED]OIE ; N D M C O H A M .

‑Fde‟t bh . . . ,‗ O wnosphr. Hvhryieh leiws dbiut tnh  Ndmfflham mosdsthr. Bdfl oe Hdrtn‟s hdray mdys ic hxpdesoie, tnh wniah snop mosdpphdrhm oe tnh Ciam. ]nh trdjhmy hemhm tnh djh ic firpirdth spdfh hxpairdtoie. Ehdray Ehdray the tniusdem fiaieosts mohm.  Dem tndt‟ tndt‟ss wnhe gy figputhr fldsnhs d ghssdjh ie gy mospady. D A H R ] ; B OIVOJE

M H ] H F ] H M.

R H P H D ]; VO E J A H




‑Gdlhr‟s brhdtn . . . ,‗ O wnosphr. •

‑Gdlhr‟s brhdtn!‗ O sniut. Deitnhr drf ic qudetug aojnteoej rops tnh Ndmfflham ‟s nuaa, kust d chw ghthrs sny ic gy nhdm. ]nhrh‟s ei dtgi dem gy hdrs drh cuaa ic aoquom deywdy, si O fde‟t nhdr tnh ghtda 46

 vdpirozoej. But  vdpirozoej. But gy jut flops, flops, dem tnh wdth wdthrr fflaaoej gy nhaght nhaght summheay tdsths aolh sdat. Ot‟s fivhroej gy giutn eiw” ieay gy rojnt hyh dem eish drh stoaa mry. Ot ndm tdlhe gh d wnoah ti fflem nhr. ]rdwaoej tnriujn tnh Ndmfflham ‟s aojntahss oeedrms oe edrms ds d s tnh Ci CiamVti amVtirg rg rusnhm hvhr faishr, pdst tniusdems ic fryipims fflaahm wotn tniusdems ic firpshs. ]nhrh wds ei soje ic wndt loaahm tnhg, ir wny d soejah jora dgiej tnhg ndm bhhe ahct daovh. But ffledaay, tnhrh snh wds. Furahm up oe nhr pim, hyhs faishm ds oc snh‟m kust mrocthm mr octhm icc. Vahhpoej Vahhpoej Bhduty. Vnh‟s stoaa sahhpoej eiw, ds tnh trhgirs tnriw gh oeti tnh wdaa ndrm heiujn ti leifl tnh woem iut ic gh. ]nh wdthr oe gy nhaght saisnhs dbiut, dem O dffomhetay oendah, fniloej dem jdspoej. O‟vh O‟vh jit gdybh twi goeu go euths ths toaa O mriwe. mriw e. Dem si O kust mrdj tnh t nh brhdtnhr brhdtnhr tubh iut ic nhr tnridt, rop tnh OS O S aoehs iut ic nhr drgs, wdtfn nhr baiim frystdaaozh oe tnh vdfuug. ]nh wniah togh, snh mihse‟t givh. But snh‟s criweoej, ds oc snh‟s stoaa sto aa aist sighwnhrh sighwnhrh oe tndt bdm mrhdg. m rhdg. Vtdrtoej ti leiw tnh chhaoej. ]nh baib ic wdthr fivhrs bitn bit n gy hyhs eiw. eiw. Faisoej oe ie gy eistroas crig bitn somhs. O squoet tnriujn tnh baur, niam nhr faish dem lofl djdoest tnh bualnhdm. Zh‟rh bitn whojntahss, but bhtwhhe tnh Ndmfflham ‟s trhgirs dem tnh wdthr ehdr baoemoej gh, ot‟s dagist ogpissobah ti fietria iur trdkhftiry.  Zhh frdsn  Z frdsn oeti oeti d fausth fausthrr ic pims, pims, cuaa ic firpshs firpshs aiej aiej mhdm mhdm.. O wiemhr niw gdey ic tnhg snh lehw. Biuefoej icc tnh cdr wdaa, gy fflejhrs sfrdbbah cir purfndsh. ]nh bhaay ic tnos snop os d twosthm sedra, nuemrhms ic fndgbhrs pdflhm wotn pims. But O dfhm gy zhri-jrdv irohethhroej hxdg. O leiw hxdftay wnhrh wh ehhm ti ji. Hxdftay 4=

niw ti jht bdfl ti tnh Ndmfflham ‟s mifloej bdy dem gy Pndetig wdotoej oesomh o esomh ot. Hxfhpt tnhe tnh wdthr faishs ivhr gy eish. Dem O fde‟t brhdtnh deygirh.  Znofn  Znof n gojnt gojnt siuem siuem bdm, bdm, O leiw . . . Ildy,, ot rhdaay os bdm. Ildy But eit bhoej dbah ti brhdtnh ghdes O mie‟t ehhm gy ixyjhe suppay deygirh, hotnhr. Dem si O dog gyshac dt tnh firromir ahdmoej dwdy crig fryi. Rhdfnoej ti tnh bdfl ic gy spdfhsuot, O fflem tnh rojnt sht ic fdbahs dem rop tnhg aiish. Dem wotn d burst ic hsfdpoej I 2 dftoej aolh d toey kht pripuasoie ueot, wh‟rh wh‟rh flyoej. fly oej. O‟g niamoej tnh jora tojnt ti gy fnhst. Juomoej us wotn gy crhh ndem, squoetoej tnriujn t nriujn tnh wdthr fflaaoej gy nhaght. Gy auejs drh bureoej. Aojnteoej snhdrs tnriujn tnh wdaa, fdrvoej tnh totdeoug aolh butthr. ]nh snop snummhrs dem wh biuefh icc wdaas dem fiesiahs, gy biits lofloej, sighniw lhhpoej us ie fiursh. Iut.  Dwdy..  Dwdy  Zh‟  Z h‟rh rh oe tnh mif mifls ls ei eiw w, gy Pnde Pndetig tig sottoej ie tnh cdr somh, kust d mdrl baur oe gy uemhrwdthr vosoie. Sdst, sworaoej faiums ic tnh CiamVtirg wdot kust iutsomh tnh bdy miirs. Badfl aojnteoej oe tnh dor. Badfl spits oe gy hyhs. ]nh wniah jdadxy uemhrwdthr. O‟g dagist mhdc. Dagist baoem. Ieh tniujnt buoamoej oe gy goem. Zh‟rh stoaa tii cdr crig tnh snop. Dt ahdst twi nuemrhm ghthrs. Dey shfiem eiw, gy rhspordtiry rhflhx os jieed bufl dem O‟g jieed oendah d auejcua ic wdthr,, dem wotno wdthr wotnoe e sojnt ic sdavdtoie, sd avdtoie, O‟g O‟g jieed moh. m oh. 48

 Zh‟rh  Zh‟ rh bitn bitn jieed moh moh..  Gdlhr  Gd lhr,, nhap us. Aojnteoej frdsnhs. Gy auejs drh sfrhdgoej. Nhdrt sfrhdgoej. ]nh wniah Goaly Zdy, sfrhdgoej. O faish gy hyhs. ]noel ic gy sosthr. Prdy snh‟aa bh ildy. ]nhrh‟s d rusn ic vhrtoji. Dem D em tnhe O chh chhaa ot uemhr gy ndem. Ghtda. Cdgoaodr. Cdgoa odr. Zndt tnh . . . 9 O iphe gy hyhs dem tnhrh wh drh, flidtoej rojnt bhsomh gy Pndetig. ]nh hetry ndtfn uemhr gy fflejhrtops. Ot‟s ogpissobah. ]nhrh‟s ei wdy O”  Ei togh togh cir quhstoies, ]yahr ]yahr.. O thdr tnh ndtfn iphe, iphe, mrdj tnh pdor ic us oesomh, dem sadg ot faishm. Ds tnh toey doraifl fflaas wotn I 2, O rop gy nhaght aiish dem pdw tnh wdthr crig gy cdfh, brhdtn hxpaimoej crig gy auejs. O‟g furahm ivhr, flidtoej, jdspoej, mrdjjoej jrhdt nhdvoej auejcuas ic dor oeti gy fnhst. ]nh badfl spits burst oe gy hyhs. ]nh Ndmfflham rifls dem aurfnhs, aurfnhs, tissoej gy Pndetig dbiut oe ots mifloej brdflhts. _iu‟vh jit ti givh, ]yahr.  GISH,  GI SH, MDGE _IX _IX.. O fadw iphe tnh doraifl, puaa gyshac oeti tnh poait‟s fndor. Auejs stoaa dfnoej, thdrs strhdgoej crig gy hyhs. O sadp dt tnh aduefn fietrias, fietrias, not tnh burehrs bur ehrs bhcirh tnh fiupaoejs fiupaoejs drh hvhe aiish, badst iut ic tnh Ndmfflham ‟s bhaay aolh gy tdoa os ie fflrh. ]nh CiamVtirg CiamVtirg swhaas dem riaas bhnoem us, gy shesirs daa oe tnh rhmaoeh. ]nh tnrust pusnhs gh bdfl oe gy fndor, jrdvoty prhssoej ndrm ie gy fnhst ds wh dffhahrdth dwdy. Ixyjhestdrvhm darhdmy, ot‟s girh tnde O fde tdlh. O gdedjh ti dftovdth gy mostrhss sojeda wotn sndloej 43

ndems. Dem tnhe O‟g soeloej. Miwe oeti tnh wnoth bhnoem gy hyhs. ]nh sdgh fiair ds tnish stdrs, twoelaoej iut tnhrh oe daa tndt hemahss badfl. Dem gy adst tniujnt bhcirh O pdss iut figpahthay9 Ot‟s eit tndt O kust sdvhm sighieh‟s aoch ir tndt O ndvh ei omhd niw wh fivhrhm fivhrhm tnh adst twi nuemrhm ghthrs bdfl ti gy Pndetig‟s doraifl ir tndt tnh bitn ic us sniuam gist mhffleothay bh mhdm. Ot‟s tndt O‟g jieed goss tnh Mrdct.



O‟g gdmh ic fiefrhth fiefrhth.. Gy bimy‟ bimy ‟s fdrvhm fdr vhm crig d siaom baifl baifl ic stieh, dem O fde‟t givh d gusfah. Dem tnos os tnh ieay tnoej O leiw. ]ndt O fde‟t givh. O mie‟t leiw gy edgh. O mie‟t leiw wnhrh O dg. O mie‟t leiw wny O fde‟ fd e‟tt shh ir nhdr, tdsth ir sghaa ir shesh deytnoej. deyt noej. Dem tnhe tnhrh‟s . . . oeput. But aolh wnhe yiu‟rh cdaaoej dem yiu fde‟t thaa wnofn wdy os up ir miwe, ir wnhe d kht ic wdthr nots yiu dem yiu fde‟t thaa oc ot‟s nit ir fiam, eiw O fde‟t thaa oc O‟g nhdroej, ir shhoej, ir chhaoej. O kust leiw tnhrh‟s sightnoej O fde shesh tndt O fiuame‟t shesh shesh bhcirh, si O wdot, ogpdtohetay, ti shh wndt ndpphes ehxt. ‑Pahdsh, gd‟dg, gd‟dg, kust aht gh ndvh gy ueojadss, ueojad ss, O fiuam tueh oe ti tnh Mrdct rhgithay crig nhrh. O gojnt bh dbah ti fdtfn tnh adst chw riuems, hvhe oc O fde kust”‗ kust” ‗ Ot‟s d biy‟s viofh, dem oe d rusn O uemhrstdem tnh wirms, tniujn O mie‟t leiw wndt nh‟s tdaloej dbiut”but dbiut” but tnhrh‟s d eith ic mhsphrdtoie oe nos tieh tndt lofls up gy puash oe rhspiesh. ‑_iu ndvh ndvh ti uemhrstdem u emhrstdem niw ogpirtdet tnos t nos os.‗ 4>

‑_iu ndvh ti uemhrstdem niw ogpirtdet tnos os, Durird.‗ Ot‟s  gy gig‟s viofh, dem snh‟s stde stdemoej moej bhnoem gh, wrdpp wrdppoej oej de  drg driuem gy sniuam sniuamhrs. hrs. ‑] ‑]nos nos os jioej ti fndejh hvhr hvhryytnoej.‗  Zh‟rh oe criet ic d woemiw, wosps ic faium ir sgij vosobah ie tnh itnhr somh ic tnh tnofl jadss. O ahde cirwdrm ti rhst gy  cirhnhdm  cir hnhdm djdoest djdoest ot, ot, dem wnhe O aiil miw miwe, e, O leiw wnhrh O dg. dg. Cdr bhaiw, bhaiw, tnhrh‟s d jaogpsh ic gummy gum my jrhhe. Fhetrda Pdrl, Pdrl, wotn w otn ots briwe pdtfnwir pdtfnwirll quoat, quoat, tnh riics ic tnh sndetytiwes sndetyti wes dem tnh aottah fflhams fdrvhm iut by ots rhsomhets, tnh jrdy briwe ic wdthr bhsomh ot. Zh‟rh ie Zhst Hojnty- Eoetn  Eoetn Vtr Vtrhht, hht, dt tnh nhdmqudrt nhdmqudrthrs hrs ic Dm Dstrd Oefirpirdthm, gy pdrhets‟ hgpaiyhr. Zh‟rh dt tnh aduefn ic tnh Iftdvod OOO hxphmotoie. Gy pdrhets wdethm us ti uemhrstdem wny tnhy whrh jioej. Zny wh whrh aiiloej dnhdm ti d yhdr ic bidrmoej sfniia, brhdls sphet strdemhm wotn crohems. ]nos wds dbiut twi gietns bhcirh tnhy tiam Gig snh wds bugphm crig tnh gossoie. Bhcirh Mdm tiam nhr nh wds jioej wotniut nhr. ]nhe, ds O wdtfn, tnh trhhs ic Fhetrda Pdrl stdrt ti jriw,  sniitoej  sniit oej up ao aolh lh Kdfl‟s gdjof bhdestdal. Oe shfiems shfie ms tnhy‟r tnhy‟rhh tnh nhojnt ic tnh slysfrdphrs daa driuem tnhg. Soehs ahdp dfriss ti twoeh driuem iur buoamoej oe cdst- cirwdrm.  cirwdrm. ]nh ]nhyy squhhzh ao aolh lh bid fiestroftirs, dem tnh padsthr ie tnh wdaas stdrts ti frdfl,  ffleh must mroctoej crig tnh tnh fhoaoej fhoaoej.. Bauh fldlhs cdaa crig tnh sly aolh seiw. But tnos tnos pdrt ic tnh ghgiry ghgir y ehvhr ndpphehm, ndp phehm, dem tnh sojnt os pdoecua” pdoecua”uewhafigh uewhafigh dem uepahdsdet oe d wdy O fde f de‟t‟t put gy 4?

 fflejhr ie. O sny dwdy crig ot, snivh gyshac gyshac crhh c rhh ic ot, stugbaoej stugbaoej bdfl tiwdrm fiesfoiusehss. Bdfl tiwdrm tnh aojnt. •

]nh aojnt os brojnt dem tnh biy os stoaa tdaloej, dem ds O rhture ti tnh fiefflehs ic gy bimy, O rhghgbhr gy edgh. O dg Durird Koh-Aoe Koh-Aoe I‟Gdaahy I‟Gdaahy.. Ei, wdot. O‟g Duro I‟Gdaahy. ]ndt‟s bhtthr. ]ndt‟s gh. Dem O mhffleothay ndvh d bimy. ]nos os jiim. ]nos os prijrhss. Gy sheshs ic tdsth dem sghaa drh bdfl, dem O‟g ogghmodthay wosnoej tnhy whrhe‟t. Bhfdush niay fdlh, gy giutn tdsths aolh twi sightnoejs frdwahm oe tnhrh, ciujnt d bdttah ti tnh mhdtn, dem tnhe t nhe mhfigpish mhfigpishm. m. ]nhrh‟s d wigde‟s viofh eiw, crig cdrtnhr dwdy. ‑_iur sosthr woaa bh nhrh siie, oc yiu‟aa kust wdot.‗ ]nh biy djdoe; ‑Vfdrahtt‟s figoej9 Gdlhr‟s brhdtn, os tnh jrdmudtoie fhrhgiey ivhr darhdmy9 Niw gufn aiejhr mi O ndvh ti wdot9‗ •

Niw gufn aiejhr mi O ndvh ti wdot9 O‟g oe d vomfndt wotn gy mdm, m dm, dem tndt‟s tnh quhstoie mioej adps driuem gy brdoe. ]nh upaoel upaoel mhady os mrdjjoej mrdjjoej ie gy vhry adst ehrvh, tnh bridmfdst systhg gdloej gh wdot d fiupah ic  goeuths  goeu ths bhcirh bhcirh gy rhpa rhpaohs ohs rhdfn rhdfn nog ie Iftdvod, d fiupah girh girh bhcirh nos biuefh bdfl. But Mdm‟s jit Pdtrofh sottoej bhsomh nog, dem tnhrh‟s ei rhd sie snh snh‟‟ m bh nhrh hxfhpt ti brhd brhdll tnh ehws e hws nhrsha nhrshacc. O tno tnoel el O‟g 20

 dbiut ti nhdr tndt tnh wdot tndt nds n ds migoedthm m igoedthm gy ao aoch ch cir twi  yhdrs os ehdray ehdray ivhr. ivhr. O tnoe tnoell tndt daa tnh wirl wirl O‟vh put oe os dbiut dbiut ti pdy icc, tndt O‟g dbiut ti bh tiam O‟g sadthm cir tnh tnorm gos soie ti Iftdvod. ]imdy‟s gy shvhethhetn bortnmdy, dem O fde‟t tnoel ic d bhtthr prhshet oe daa ic togh dem spdfh. Pdtrofh ndse‟t spilhe yht, tniujn, dem Mdm‟s rdgbaoej ie  dbiut itnhr stucc stucc,, jroeeo jroeeoej ej ao aolh lh nos Gh Ghjdstdlhs jdstdlhs eug eugbhrs bhrs fdgh oe. Nos thet os jieh”tnhy‟rh jieh”tnhy‟rh sottoej oe criet ic de dftuda wdaa,  wotn d rhd rhdaa aovh woemiw woemi w dem hvhrytnoej, si O leiw tnh fiaiey  gust rhdaa rhdaayy bh prijr prijrhssoej hssoej.. Ie Mdm‟s adp os ieh ic tnh tnh fnogpdefnogpde zhhs nh n h wirls wotn ds pdrt ic tnh Iftdvod boi prijr prijrdg. dg. Znhe Z nhe  gy sosthr dem O gosb gosbhndvh, hndvh, nh thdshs us by fdaa fdaaoej oej tnhg nos  cdviroth  cdviro th fnoamrhe. fnoamrhe. ‑Gy dmipthm dmipt hm cdgoay os vhry whaa,‗ whaa,‗ nh adujns, a dujns, phttoej tnh deo gda. ‑But ‑But O‟g O‟g aiiloej aiiloej cirwdrm cirwdrm ti ndvoej dt dt ahdst ieh ic gy joras joras nhrh oe phrsie. p hrsie.‗  ‗  ‑Vi woaa ot bh siie9‗ O dsl, uedbah ti niam tnh quhstoie oe  dey aiejhr. aiejhr. O jride oewdrmay, toppoej gy nhdm bdfl dem rhsojeoej gy shacc ti d ciur- goeuth  sha  goeuth wdot cir d rhpa rhpayy. But gy nhdrt mrips wnhe O shh gy quhstoie ffledaay drrovh dt tnhor hem. Mdm‟s stoaa sgoaoej, but Pdtrofh Pdtrofh aiils . . . ehrvius9 ehr vius9 Zirrohm9 ‑Ot‟aa bh siie, Koh-Aoe,‗ Koh-Aoe,‗ gy cdtnhr prigoshs. ‑But . . . wh‟rh fdaaoej dbiut sightnoej sig htnoej hash timdy. tim dy.‗  ‗  . . . Zdot, mom m om nh dftudaay rhghgbhr gy bortnmdy9 Nh‟s stoaa sgoaoej, dem nh aocts nos ndem up oeti vohw ie tnh  sfrhhe.  sfr hhe. Gitnhrfustdrm, nh‟s niamoej Pdtrofh‟s ndem. . . . ‑Pdtrofh dem O ndvh bhhe sphemoej d ait ic togh tijhtnhr 24

adthay,‗ nh sdys. ‑Dem wh‟vh mhfomhm ot‟s togh ti gdlh tnoejs d aottah girh icfflfoda dem sndrh qudrthrs. Vi ot‟aa bh tnh tnrhh ic us wnhe yiu drrovh.‗ Nh lhhps tdaloej, but O‟g bdrhay aostheoej.. ‑O tniujnt yiu fiuam broej rofh fliur oej fl iur wnhe yiu figh. fig h. Dem tdpoifd stdrf st drfn. n. O wdet us ti ndvh kust ieh ie h ghda tndt mome‟t mome‟t figh  crig tnh syetn ti t i fhahbrdth bhoej tijhtnhr tijhtnhr djdoe. O‟aa gdlh yiu rofh eiimahs.‗  Ot tdlhs gh d gighet ti rhdaozh nh‟s mieh, tndt nh‟s wdotoej  cir gy rhpay rhpay.. O‟g aiiloej aiiloej dt tnh pdor ic ic tnhg, tnhor ndems oethraiflhm, Mdm‟s niphcua sgoah dem Pdtrofh‟s pdoehm jroe. ]noeloej ic gy gig dem tryoej tr yoej ti prifhss wndt tnos woaa woaa ghde. ‑_iu‟vh ‑_iu ‟vh jit ti bh lommoej, lom moej,‗‗ O ffledaay ffle daay sdy. ‑_iu ‑_iu wdet gh g h ti . . . fhahbrdth9‗   Drjuoej  Drju oej bdfl dem cirtn wotn d ciur- goeuth  goeuth mhady mihse mihse‟t‟t rhdaay wirl, si O lhhp gy trdesgossoie ie. Vdyoej hvhrytnoej O  ehhm ti bhcirh nh jhts jhts d fndefh ti deswhr. deswhr. ‑Aiil, O‟g sirry yiu ndvh ti nhdr tnos, Pdtrofh, but ibvoiusay Mdm wdse‟t fiesomhrdth heiujn ti thaa gh oe provdth.‗ O ture gy stdrh ieti gy cdtnhr, gy fflejhr prhssoej tnh ]rdesgot buttie si ndrm gy leuflah tures wnoth. ‑Corst icc, tndels cir tnh bortnmdy wosnhs, Mdm. ]ndels ] ndels cir tnh fiejrdtuadtoies fiejrdtuadtoies dbiut  woeeoejj Daa-Vtdths  woeeoe Daa-Vtdths djdoe. ]ndels cir rhghgbhroej rhghgbhroej ti ghssdjh Fdaaoh dbiut nhr rhfotda, wnofn snh edoahm, by b y tnh wdy. But gist ic daa, tndels cir  tnos. fiuame‟t jht fahdrdefh fahdrdefh cir cir Iftdvod,  tnos. Gig fiuame‟t  si wndt . . . yiu kust rhpadfhm nhr9 _iu‟rh _iu‟rh eit hvhe movirfhm yht! yht ! ‗  O mie‟t wdot ti nhdr tnhor mhadyhm rhpay. O mie‟t wdet ti nhdr  ehw vhrsoies ic tnh sdgh iam hxfushs ir dpiaijohs. dpiaijohs. O stdb d buttie ti loaa tnh trdesgossoie. But bhcirh O fde rosh crig gy shdt, tnh crizhe ogdjh ic tnh twi ic tnhg wdvhrs. O shh d fldsn ic aojnt. 22

Ot‟s si brojnt, tnh wniah wiram bures ti wnoth. Dem ds O  squoet  squ oet djdo djdoest est ot, put gy ndems iut oe criet ic gh, O rhd rhdaozh aozh O fde‟t shh deygirh. O fde‟t shh. •

O fde shh. O‟g ayoej ie gy bdfl, dem O fde shh tnh t nh fhoaoej. Ot‟s wnoth, dem tnhrh drh fdba fdbahs hs sedloej sedl oej dfriss ot, dem sighw sighwnhrh nhrh dbivh dbivh gh os d aojnt tndt nurts gy hyhs. O niam up gy ndems oe criet ic ot aolh O mom oe gy mrhdg, dagist surproshm O fde shh gy fflejhrs. But whorm mrhdgs dsomh, O ndvh gy edgh eiw. Dem O rhghgbhr gy cdgoay. O wds pdrt ic tnh tnorm snopghet ic fiaieosts ti Iftdvod OOO. Prijrhss!  Gdybh  Gdy bh O‟g ie Iftdvod eiw, dem dem tnos os fryi rhfivhry9 O stdrh up dt tnh t nh fhoaoej, fhoaoej, hyhs ndacnda c-faish faishm m djdoest tnh aojnt. O fde chh chhaa girh ghgirohs nivhroej nivhroej kust iut ic rhdfn. Gdybh oc O prhthem prhthem O‟g aiiloej aiilo ej tnos wdy  wdy,, dwdy crig tnhg, tnhy‟aa tnhy‟ aa figh frhhpoej iut. Dem tnhe O fde piuefh. Vi O cifus ie sightnoej hash dem mhfomh ti try dem ture gy nhdm. O pofl ahct, bhfdush O tnoel tndt‟s wnhrh tnh juy‟s  viofh  vio fh os figoej figoej crig. O chha chha aolh ieh ic tnish striejgh striejghe e yiu shh oe voms tryoej ti tiw d wniah aidmhr mrieh by ndem ds O strdoe djdoest tnh oehrtod, puttoej hvhry dtig ic gyshac oeti tnh hccirt. Ot‟s tnh whormhst shesdtoie”ogghdsurdbah shesdtoie” ogghdsurdbah hxhrtoie wotniut chhaoej d tnoej. tn oej. O‟g rhwdrmhm wotn d vohw ic d jadss wdaa, cristhm ti dbiut wdost nhojnt. ]nh juy‟s ie tnh itnhr somh ic ot, pdfoej aolh d fdjhm deogda. 26

Gy brdoe jihs ndyworh, ndyw orh, tryoej tr yoej ti prifhss tii gufn gufn oecirgdtoie dt iefh. Cdft; Nh‟s nit ds daa jht-iut. jht- iut. Aolh, fnoshahm kdw, tiusahm baiem ndor, briimoej stdrh wotn d phrchft aottah sfdr tnriujn nos rojnt hyhbriw, tnos-ostnos-os- kust  kust-romofuaius nit. ]nos cdft tdlhs up quoth d bot ic gy ghe ghetda tda rhda hstdth. Cdft; Nh‟s eit whdroej d snort. ]nos os eiw gdloej d pady cir Gist Ogpirtdet Cdft dem furrhe fur rhetay tay shhgs vhry vhr y rhahvdet ti gy oethr o ethrhsts. hsts.  Zndthvhr  Zndthv hr tnish tnish drh. drh.  Znhrhv  Znh rhvhr hr O dg. dg. Butt wdot, wdot d goeuth Bu goeuth,, admohs dem jhetahghe jhetahghe dem hvhryhvhr yieh bitn itnhrwosh ir oe bhtwhhe. Zh ndvh d ehw fiethemhr cir Cdft Cdft ic tnh Fhetury Fhetur y. Daa D aa itnhr it nhr cdfts, pahdsh sthp dsomh. Cdft; ]niujn tnh cristhm jadss ibsfurhs daa tnh oethrhstoej mhtdoas, tnhrh fde bh ei miubt dbiut ot. Gy gysthry gde os eit furrhe fur rhetay tay oe pisshsso pisshssoie ie ic pdets. ]nos mdy os aiiloej up. Nh criwes, gdloej tnh vhry gist ic tndt sfdrrhm hyhbriw. ‑]nos os tdloej cirhvhr,‗ nh sdys. •

‑]nos ‑] nos os tdloej cirhvhr. cirhvhr.‗  ]nh gde oe criet ic gh os wnoeoej djdoe. Zh‟rh aoeoej up  cir fryi, nuemr nuemrhms hms ic us, dem tnh padfh sghaas aolh oemustroda oemustroda- strhejtn  strhe jtn bahdfn. ]nhrh dr drhh butthrflohs oe oe gy stigdfn, but tnhy‟r tnhy‟rhh  eit ehrvhs” ehr vhs”tnhy‟rh tnhy‟rh hxfothghet. O‟vh trdoehm cir tnos cir yhdrs. O  ciujnt  ciuj nt tiitn dem edoa cir gy dpprhetofhs dpprhetofhsnop nop.. O‟vh hdrehm tnos  gighet. 2=

O sdom jiimbyh ti gy gig g ig dem gy aottah sosthr sost hr,, Fdaaoh, yhsthrmdy, dem tndt wds by cdr tnh riujnhst pdrt ic ahdvoej. O ndvhe‟t  spilhe ti Mdm soefh tnh Pdtrofh Oefomhet, dem O mie‟t leiw  wndt hotnhr ic us woaa sdy wnhe wh wh‟rh ‟rh rhueothm. rhueothm. Pd Pdtrofh trofh nhrsha nhrshacc nds bhhe ildy” snh  snh‟s‟s shet tnr tnriujn iujn d chw brohfflej pdphrs snh  ehhms gh ti rhdm, lhpt ot crohemay dem pric prichssoieda. hssoieda. But ic daa tnh phipah nh fiuam‟vh poflhm, gy cdtnhr ndm ti stdrt bieoej tnh tnh  wigde wni wds jioej jioej ti bh gy suphrvosir9 ]ndels djdoe, Mdm. Mdm. O snucflh d aottah faishr ti tnh criet ic tnh aoeh. Oe d goeuth ot woaa bh gy ture oe tnh sniwhrs, dem O‟aa sfrub gyshac wotnoe  de oefn oefn ic ic gy aoc aoch, h, mie gy tno tnoe e jrdy jrdy kugpsu kugpsuot, ot, dem sthp oeti oeti tnh fdpsuah. ]nhy leifl us iut bhcirh tnhy jht tnh brhdtnoej dem  chhmoej  chhmo ej tubhs tubhs oe. ]nh jor joraa oe aoeh bhnoem bhnoem gh g h aiils dbiut gy djh, dem ehrvius ehr vius  ds daa nhaa, jdzh jdzh floflhroej driuem driuem tnh padfh aolh ot‟s rofifnhtoe rofifnhtoejj icc hvhrytnoej ot adems ie. ‑No,‗ O sdy, tryoej ie d sgoah. ‑No bdfl,‗ snh rhpaohs, sndly. ‑Dpprhetofhsnop9‗ O juhss, dogoej cir mostrdftoie. ‑Ghthiriaijy,‗ snh sdys, nhr jroe d aottah snhhposn. ‑O‟g d  whdtnhr ehrm. e hrm. Ndrm eit ti bh, jriwoej jriw oej up oe Cairomd. Zh jht whdtnhr hr..‗  daa tnh whdtn ‑O‟g Hxpairdtoie dem Fdrtijrdpny,‗ O sdy. ‑Jioej wnhrh ei ieh nds jieh bhcirh, tndt loem ic tnoej. But O‟aa bh bdfl dt bdsh  d ait, tii. tii. Zh Zh sniuam ndej iut. iut.‗  Vnh toats nhr nhdm aolh O‟vh sdom sightnoej strdejh, dem tnh  wniah sfheh sndlhs, sn snovhrs, ovhrs, d broj brojnt nt aoj aojnt nt floflhroej floflhroej sighwnhrh sighwnhrh aolh d stribh. ]nh jora faishs nhr hyhs djdoest tnh fldsnhs, dem  wnhe snh iphes tnhg djd djdoe, oe, nhr roj rojnt nt hyh nds fndej fndejhm. hm. O fde 28

 stoaa shh tnh pupoa, tnh badfl hmjh ic tnh oros, but wnhrh nhr ahct  stoaa ahc t hyh os briwe, nhr rojnt rojnt nds nd s turehm purh wnoth. wnoth. ‑Hsnvdrhe,‗ snh wnosphrs, stdroej dt gh aolh snh mihse‟t  shh gh. ‑. . . Zndt9‗  ]nh wnoey gde oe criet ic us oe aoeh wnosphrs tnh wirm. ‑H-H‑HH-Hsnvdrhe.‗  Hsnvdrhe.‗  Znhe O wnora driuem, O shh tndt nos rojnt hyh nds turehm  wnoth,  wno th, tii. ‑Zndt mihs tndt ghde9‗  But ehotnhr ic tnhg rhpaohs. ]nhy kust wnosphr tnh wirm  djdoe,  djdo e, dem ot sprhdms up dem miwe m iwe tnh aoeh aolh d cirhst fdtfnoej fflrh. ‑Hsnvdrhe.‗  ‑Hsnvdrhe.‗  ‑Hsnvdrhe.‗  Hyh bureoej, fflejhrs trhgbaoej, snh rhdfnhs iut ti tiufn  gy cdfh. •

In, nhaai, tiufn. O shh yiu‟vh mhfomhm ti kioe us. Dem eiw  yiu‟‟rh nh  yiu nhrh, rh, O fde thaa hvh hvhry ry soeja soejahh pdrt ic gh os nurtoej oe wdys O mome‟t leiw ndm bhhe oevhethm yht. Deitnhr wdvh ic pdoe nots gh, swhhpoej dwdy tnh adst ic tndt frhhpy ghgiry-tndtghgiry-tndt-wdse‟twdse‟t-dd-mrhdg mrhdg tnoej dem rhgoemoej gh gy bimy shhgs ti bh kust ds ghsshm up ds gy nhdm os rojnt eiw. O‟g rhmufhm ti pdetoej, ti wnogphroej wotn d rdw tnridt tndt fdtfnhs dem jdjs dt tnh hccirt, ti kust hxostoej uetoa tnh nurt stdrts ti hbb dwdy. But wotn pdoe, dem tiufn, fighs priphr giboaoty. Dem tndt ghdes O fde pusn up ieti 23

gy habiws dem aiil dfriss cir tnh juy iefh girh. Nos aiwhr ndac nds turehm mdrl jrdy, dem crig tnos O mhmufh nh os eiw, uecirtuedthay,, whdroej uecirtuedthay whdr oej pdets. ]nos mdy rhdaay os tureoej iut ti bh d bust. ]nh pdets mosfivhry prigpts d toflah ic d quhstoie oe gy nhdm, dem O aiil miwe bhehdtn tnh aojnt, soavhry snhht tndt furrhetay fivhrs gh ti fnhfl wndt O‟g  whdroej. ]ures iut tndt tnh deswhr os ‑eitnoej dt daa.‗ Nun. O aiil bdfl dt tnh biy, biy, dem dt tnh t nh sdgh gighet, gighet, nh tures tu res ti gh, nos hyhs womheoej ds nh rhdaozhs O‟g dwdlh. O mrdw brhdtn ti try dem sphdl, but O fnilh, gy tnridt stoejoej aolh sighieh‟s roppoej iut gy vifda firms ieh by ieh. ‑Drh yiu ildy9‗ nh dsls. ‑Os tnos Iftdvod9‗ Iftdvod9 ‗ O wnhhzh. wnhhzh. Nh sndlhs nos nhdm, bauh hyhs ghhtoej goeh. ‑Zndt‟s  yiur edgh9 edgh9‗‗ ‑Durird Durird,,‗ O gded gdedjh. jh. ‑Dur ‑Duro. o.‗‗ ‑]yahr,‗ nh rhpaohs. Dem O sniuam dsl nog wnhrh O dg. Oc wh‟rh ie tnh Ndm fflham dem O wds puaahm iut hdray, ir oc O‟g ie Hdrtn dem tnhy dbirthm tnh gossoie. But tnhrh‟s sightnoej oe nos jdzh tndt gdlhs gh sny dwdy dwdy crig c rig tnh quhstoie. Nh ahts ahts nos cirhn cirhnhdm hdm rhst djdoest tnh t nh jadss bhtwhhe us wotn d tnuel. Aolh O mom dt tndt woemiw ie Hojnty-Eoetn Hojnty- Eoetn Vtrhht. ]nh ghgiry fdtfnhs gh uedwdrhs, broejoej wotn ot d sndrp wdvh ic O-wdetO-wdet-gygy-gig. gig. ]nos biy aiils kust ds aist ds O chha. ‑Drh yiu ildy9‗ O wnosphr. ‑O gosshm ot,‗ nh ffledaay sdys. ‑]nh Mrdct. O gosshm tnh wniah tnoej. tn oej.‗‗ 2:

Dem O‟vh jit ei omhd wndt d Mrdct os ir wny ot‟s si ogpirtdet. But O dsl deywdy dey wdy.. ‑Ndm sighwnhrh hash ti bh9‗ Nh eims dem sojns. ‑Rhsfuoej yiu.‗ Rhsfuoej. ]ndt‟s eit d jiim wirm. ‑Zni leiws wni O jit,‗ nh sdys, dem wh bitn leiw nh‟s fndejoej tnh t nh subkhft. subkhft. ‑O wds suppishm ti ndvh ciur ic tnh fflrst ffl rst fflvh pofls, dem eiw O‟g stufl wotn tnh bittig ic tnh bdrrha. ]nh mrhjs. Dem O wds kust ciaaiwoej rhj”‗ rhj” ‗ ‑]nh ‑] nh ehws ose‟t ose‟t daa bdm, ]y.‗ ]nh aiw purr fig fighs hs crig c rig sighwnhrh sighwnhrh iutsomh gy fflham ic  vosoie.. D jora‟s vio  vosoie viofh fh.. ]yahr swoejs swo ejs dwdy crig c rig gh aolh ao lh O‟g yhsthrmdy‟s ehws, padsthroej nogshac djdoest djd oest tnh criet c riet ic nos niamoej niamoej tdel. tdel . ‑Vfdrahtt.‗ ‑Vfdrahtt.‗ O fdrhcuaay ture gy jdzh tndt wdy”ot wdy” ot stoaa tdlhs tniujnt dem strdthjy, gy bimy rhcusoej ti mi deytnoej wotniut d pade”ti pade” ti shh wni nh‟s jrhhtoej. ]nhrh drh twi joras stdemoej tnhrh oe bauh-jrdy bauh-jrdy ueocirgs, tnh sdgh fiair ds tnh pdets nh shhgs ti ndvh dfquorhm. Ieh nds fldgoej rhm ndor” irdejh, rhdaay, dgdzoej myh kib”fut kib”fut oe d sndrp dsygghtrofda bib tndt swoejs driuem d fnoshahm fnoe kust aolh nos. Vnh sndrhs nos cuaa aops, tii, nos striej briws. Nhr ueocirg‟s slort os ogprhssovhay snirt. Vnh‟s tdaa. Dem snh‟s jirjhius. Prhsugdbay, tnos os Vfdrahtt. ]nh shfiem jora nds d edrriw cdfh dem d sidroej pniheox tdttiihm rojnt dfriss nhr tnridt (iufn). (iufn). Badfl ndor, aiejhr aiejhr dem spolhm ie tip, sndvhm ti cuzz miwe tnh somhs wotn girh tdttiis uemhrehdtn. O fde thaa snh nds mogpahs dem tndt nhr sgoah wiuam bh nujh, but O ndvh ti mhmufh ot daa wotniut shhoej tnh 2>

rhda mhda, bhfdush rojnt eiw snh aiils aolh sighbimy loaahm nhr jrdemgitnhr. ‑Fdt9‗ ]yahr sdys ti nhr. Nos viofh os aiw, pahdmoej. ‑Lhtfnhtt trohm ti mrdct gh,‗ Fdt sdys. ‑Dem d buefn dcthr tndt. O tiam tnhg O darhdmy ndm de Dapnd, nh kust fiuame‟t gdlh ot.‗ ‑]iam tnhg, nun9 Os Lhtfnhtt stoaa brhdtnoej9‗ ‑_hdn,‗ tnh jora sgorls. ‑Ehxt togh yiu ji ti fndpha, yiu gojnt wdeed sdy d prdyhr cir nos thstofahs, tniujn.‗ Nh hxndahs saiway dem prhsshs prhsshs nos pdag djdoest tnh jadss, jad ss, dem snh aocts nhrs ti prhss ot bdfl oe rhture. ]nh jora jo ra wotn tnh irdejh ndor ndo r wdtfnhs wdtfnhs tnhg. ‑O mome‟t ndvh ndvh ti oesost quoth  ds ndrm,‗ snh sdys, wry. ‑But O fiuam ndrmay ahdvh yiu iut tnhrh daieh. _iu‟m pribdbay jht yiurshac loaahm wotniut gh ti tdal iur wdy iut ic triubah, bdby britnhr.‗ ]dttii Jora puaas up nhr ueocirg sahhvhs, rhvhdaoej girh oel. ‑Vphdloej ic jhttoej yiurshac loaahm, yiu wdeed thaa us wndt yiu whrh whrh mioej Ciamoej Ciamoej by yiurshac yiurshac99 ]noel ]n oeloej oej wotn yiur itnhrr nhdm djdoe9‗ itnh djdoe9 ‗ Vfdrahtt eims oe djrhhghet. ‑Rhsfuoej mdgshas oe mostrhss os vhry twhety twhety-shfiem shfiem fhetu fheturry, ]y.‗ . . . Vdy wndt9 ]yahr niams up nos ndems, aolh, Zndt mi yiu wdet crig  gh9  dem tnh joras ture ti aiil dt gh ie gy sadb wotn furoius hyhs. Fnhfloej gh iut. Zhojnoej gh up. ‑O aolh nhr ndor,‗ ndor,‗ Vfdrahtt mhfadrhs. ]nhe, ] nhe, ds oc rhgh rhghgbhrgbhroej O‟g de dftuda  phrsie, snh sphdls ti gh, aiumhr, d aottah saiwhr. ‑O aolh yiur ndor.‗  ]nh shfiem jora seoccs, seo ccs, ibvoiusay ahss ogprhsshm. ogprhsshm. ‑Mom yiu thaa nhr tnh bdm ehws dbiut nhr aobrdry biils yht9‗ 2?

‑Fdt!‗ tnh itnhr twi sedp oe fnirus. De dmuat viofh futs futs oe bhcirh tnhy fde jht dey cur c urtnhr. tnhr. ‑Ahjoieedorh joieed orh Kiehs, yiur qudrdetoeh qudrdeto eh nds fahdrhm, yiu‟rh crhh ti ji.‗ ji.‗ ]y aiils dfriss dt gh, dem iur hyhs ghht. Nh nhsotdths. Mom yiu thaa nhr tnh bdm ehws9 ‑_iu fde fdaa oe tnh gireoej ti fflem iut wnhe yiu fde  vosot,‗‗ tnh vio  vosot, viofh fh sdys sdys.. Nh eims rhauftdetay, sthppoej iut ic nos niamoej phe ds tnh miir nosshs iphe oe criet ic nog. Zotn d adst jadefh dt gh, tnh troi t roi ahdvhs tnh riig, ]y‟s ]y‟s viofh viofh cdmoej iut ic nhdroej ds nh mosdpphdrs crig sojnt. ‑Nhy, fde O jht d snort9‗ Gy brdoe‟s brdoe‟s stdrto std rtoej ej ti dsshgb dsshgbah ah girh cdfts eiw, eiw, djotdtoie dj otdtoie frhhpoej oe ds tnh ahtndrjy ic fryi saops dwdy.  Znhrh  Znh rh dg O9 Zn Znii drh tnh tnhsh sh phi phipa pah9 h9 ]nhy‟rh rh oe ueoc ueocirgs” irgs” os tnos sigh loem ic goaotdry cdfoaoty9 Oc si, wndt dg O mioej nhrh, dem dg O sdch9 O try ti fridl iut d quhstoie, but O fde‟t gdlh gy viofh wirl. Dem tnhrh‟s ei ieh ti dsl deywdy. Dem si O‟g ahct daieh oe soahefh, hvhry ehrvh tnribboej oe togh wotn gy nhdrtbhdt, gy nhdm swoggoej wotn ndacdslhm quhstoies, quhstoies, tryoej tr yoej ti wdmh gy wdy crhh ic tnh fiecusoie O mome‟t leiw fdgh wotn fryi. •

O mie‟t leiw niw gufn togh nds jieh by wnhe O nhdr viofhs djdoe. O‟g oe tnh gommah ic deitnhr strdejh mrhdg-tnoej, tnos ieh ic d wiram tnofl wotn jrdspoej jrhhe padets, bauh seiw mroctoej miwe crig tnh sly, wnhe” ‑Durird, fde yiu nhdr gh9‗  Zotn  Zo tn hccirt, hccirt, O pus pusn n dwdy dwdy tnh ogdjh ic tnh pad padfh fh O‟v O‟vhh ehvh ehvhrr 60

shhe dem ture gy nhdm. O gust ndvh bhhe mizoej, bhfdush tnhrh‟s d wigde bhsomh gh oe tnh sdgh bauh-jrdy bauh- jrdy ueocirg ds hvhryieh hash. Vnh‟s phrchftay phr chftay wnoth. Dem D em O mie‟t ghde O‟g-ndacO‟g-ndac-FnoehshFnoehshdem- yiu‟  yiu‟rhrh-wnothrwnothr-tndetnde-gh gh wnoth, O ghde purhpurh-dsds-tnhtnh-mrovhemrovheseiw wnoth. wnoth. Ogpissobay Ogpissobay wnoth. Nhr hyhs drh d pdah jrdy” jrdy ” tnh wniah hyh, eit kust tnh oros”dem oros” dem tnhy‟rh wdy tii boj. Nhr bieh-wnoth biehwnoth ndor os puaahm bdfl oeti d pieytdoa. ‑O dg Jrhdthr Fade Fad e Bdttah Ahdmhr A hdmhr Mdeoa Mdeo a mh Shrrd Shrrd mh Vtiy.‗ Vtiy.‗ Vnh pdushs ti aht gh mojhst tndt giutncua. ‑O dg pahdshm ti ghht yiu, Durird.‗ Jrhdt Jr hdt Fade wndt eiw9 eiw 9 ‑Gggg,‗ O djrhh, eit jdgh ti rosl d mocchrhet loem ic siuem.  Eibimy  Eib imy hvhr fdaas fdaas gh Durird Durird ueahss O‟g oe oe triubah. triubah. ‑O ogdjoeh yiu ndvh gdey quhstoies,‗ snh sdys. Vnh‟s hvomhetay eit hxphftoej d rhpay. O eim d crdftoie, woaaoej gy cifus ti stdy wotn tnos gighet. ‑O‟g dcrdom dcr dom O ndvh bdm ehws,‗ snh snh fietoeuhs. ‑O leiw ic ei wdy ti brhdl tnos ti yiu jhetay jhetay,, si O‟aa O‟ aa bh crdel c rdel.. ]nhrh wds de oefomhet wnoah yiur snop wds he riuth ti Aho Jiej.‗ ‑Zh whrh trdvhaoej ti Iftdvod,‗ O sdy quohtay, but O leiw tnh edgh ic gy fiaiey ose‟t tnh pioet. O fde thaa crig tnh fdrhcua rhshrvh oe nhr viofh viofh tndt tnhrh t nhrh‟‟s sightnoej guf gufn n bojjhr figoej. ]nhrh‟s d prhssurh oe tnh dor, aolh tnh gighets bhcirh d stirg brhdls. ‑_iu whrh rhgivhm crig yiur fryipim ogpriphray,‗ snh fietoeuhs, ‑wnofn os wny yiu‟rh chhaoej aolh yiu‟vh bhhe turehm oesomh iut. ]ndt woaa ogprivh siie. But tnh Ndmfflham wds tnh subkhft ic de oefomhet oe tnh Ciam, Durird.‗ 64

‑Ot‟s Duro,‗ Du ro,‗ O wnosphr, stdaaoej. stdaa oej. Oefomhet oe tnh Ciam. ‑Duro.‗ ‑Zndt loem ic oefomhet9‗ O dsl. ‑_iu whrh dmroct cir sigh togh. _iu gdy ndvh eitofhm O mie‟t aiil aolh yiu.‗ ‑Gy gig dawdys sdom ot wdse‟t piaoth ti pioet iut tndt sirt ic tnoej. tnoej.‗‗ Vnh nds d sdm loem ic d sgoah cir tndt. ‑O‟g d Bhtrdslde. O‟g ieh ic gdey daohe sphfohs ]hrrdes ndvh hefiuethrhm oe tnh togh soefh yiu bidrmhm tnh Ndmfflham.‗ Gy goem fldtaoehs wotn ieh aiej bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhp,   daa finhrhet tniujnt snuttoej miwe.  Daohe sphfohs9 sphfohs9  Gdey9 Mihs eit figputh, pahdsh rhbiit. ‑Xg,‗ O sdy, vhry fdrhcuaay. Gy brdoe‟s tryoej ots bhst ti tnriw iut pissoboaotohs dem jhttoej eiwnhrh jiim. Drh tnhsh phipahh fiespordfy tnhirosts9 Ndvh O bhhe lomedpphm phipa l omedpphm by psyfn  drhh goaotdr fdshs9 Gdybh tnhy dr  goaotdryy dem tnhy‟vh bhhe bhhe lhhpoej lhhpoej fflrst fietdft crig us fovoaodes9 ‑O leiw l eiw tnos gust bh moc mocfflfuat fflfuat ti prifhss, prifhss,‗ snh sdys. ‑Zh hefiue hefiuethrhm thrhm daohes9‗ daohes9 ‗ O gdedjh. ‑O‟g dcrdom si.‗ ‑But tnh Ciam ti Iftdvod wds ieay suppishm ti tdlh d whhl! Oc wh mome‟t hvhe jht tnhrh, ot‟s ieay bhhe d chw mdys, rojnt9‗ ‑O‟g dcrdom eit.‗ Vightnoej‟s tryoej ti frhhp dfriss tnh firehrs ic gy vosoie, aolh wdthr shhpoej oe, ieay tnos wdthr‟s pnispnirhsfhet, 62

proflhm wotn d tniusdem pioets ic turquiosh aojnt. O snivh ot bdfl dem cifus gy dtthetoie ie tnh wigde dt gy bhmsomh. ‑Niw . . .‗ .‗ Gy tnridt tnr idt faishs ivhr. ivhr. O fde bdrhay bd rhay wnosphr tnh t nh quhstoie. ‑Niw aiej wds O jieh9‗ ‑O‟g sirry, Durird. Duro.‗ ‑Niw aiej9 ‗ ‑. . . ]wi nuemrhm dem twhety yhdrs.‗ ‑Zndt9 _iu‟vh jit ti bh lommoej gh. ]nos os”‗ os” ‗ But O mie‟t‟t hvhe ndvh mie ndvh wirms cir wndt tnos tn os os. ‑Zndt ‑ Zndt drh yiu tdaloej dbiut9‗ ‑O leiw tnos gust bh mocfflfuat,‗ snh sdys fdrhcuaay. Mocfflfuat9 Mocfflfuat9 O ehhm ti sphdl ti sighieh wni‟s gdloej shesh. Gy nhdrt‟s tnugpoej woamay, tryoej ti burst iut ic gy fnhst, gdtfnoej tnh piuemoej oe gy thgpahs. O fautfn tnh soavhry snhht ti gyshac dem sot up, shttoej tnh wiram wnoraoej. But O gdedjh ti swoej gy ahjs ivhr tnh hmjh ic tnh bhm dem ndua tnh snhht driuem gh aolh d tijd ds O stdjjhr ti gy chht. ‑Durird”‗‗ ‑Durird” ‑O wdet ti sphdl ti sighieh crig Dm Dstrd, sighieh crig tnh Iftdvod hxphmotoie. O wdet ti sphdl ti gy gig ir mdm.‗ ‑Durird, pahdsh”‗ pahdsh”‗ O stugbah gy fflrst chw sthps, dem gighetug gighetug fdrr fd rrohs ohs gh ti tnh miir, wnofn saomhs iphe ds O dppridfn. ]wi wighe oe bauh-jrdy bauh-jrdy ueocirgs swoej driuem ti cdfh gh, dem ieh sthps cirwdrm. O try ti mimjh, but O ehdray cdaa ivhr somhwdys dem snh jrdbs gh by tnh t nh sniuamhrs. sniuamhrs. Gy ndems drh busy niamoej up gy 66

snhht, si O kust lofl nhr oe tnh lehh. ]nh wigde yhaps, nhr ndems tojntheoej pdoecuaay ie gh, fflejhrs mojjoej oe. ‑Aht nhr tnriujn.‗ Ot‟s Bdttah Ahdmhr Znoth Admy‟s viofh bhnoem gh, dem oe titda fietrdst ti gy pdeof, snh siuems fdag. Loem ic rhsojehm. ]nh wigde rhahdshs gh, dem gy ahjs drh sndloej ds O titthr cirwdrm, gy tnridt tojnt, ds oc sighieh‟s squhhzoej ot. Dem tnhe O shh tnh woemiws dfriss tnh ndaawdy. O shh wndt‟s iutsomh tnhg. Vtdrs. Gy brdoe trohs ti uemhrstdem wndt‟s ndppheoej, floppoej tnriujn iptoies dem mosfdrmoej tnhg dt tip sphhm. ]nh vohw iutsomh tnh woemiws w oemiws ose‟t d wdaa. Ot‟s eit d buoamoej. buoamo ej. Ot‟s Ot‟s d nujh swhhp ic ghtda, stummhm wotn brojnt aojnts, strhtfnoej dwdy crig gh oe d aiej furvh. ]nish drh spdfhfrdct zoppoej driuem ot, aolh d sfniia ic toey fflsn mdrtoej driue driuem m d sndrl. ]nos os d spdfh stdtoie. O‟g oe  spdfh.   ]nos padfh os ogpissobah”ot ogpissobah” ot gdlhs tnh Fom Vnopydrms tndt tnh Ndmfflham aduefnhm crig aiil aolh d jds stdtoie sighwnhrh iut oe tnh biiemifls. ]nos padfh os ogpissobah. Xeahss tndt admy rhdaay os de daohe. Xeahss O‟g rhdaay oe spdfh. Xeahss tnos rhdaay os tnh cuturh.

Bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhp. Mihs eit figputh, pahdsh rhbiit. O‟g 26: yhdrs iam. 6=

Hvhryieh O leiw os mhdm.  Gy pdrhets pdrhets drh drh mhdm.  Gy sosthr os mhdm.  Gy crohems drh mhdm.  Gy nigh os jieh. Hvhryieh O leiw os jieh. O fde‟t. ]nh ehxt wdvh ic tnh vosoie fighs cir gh. Dem tnos togh O aht tnh jaiwoej wdthrs swhhp ivhr gy nhdm. Dem tnhy t nhy puaa gh uemhr u emhr..


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