
March 28, 2017 | Author: An-an Chan | Category: N/A
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Background of The Study

Auditorium is the part of a theatre, concert hall etc. where the audience sits (Oxford Dictionary, 2009). According to, an auditorium is a large room where an audience sits to view plays, concerts, sports contests, conventions, and other events. Sometimes the term is used to refer to a whole building used for public events.

According to,

auditorium is the area of a theatre or concert hall where the audience sits. Auditorium is basically a place where people come to see a theatre or to see a play or to gather for a function. Auditorium really needs to be constructed perfectly so that the show will not be ruined. From the audience point of view, the auditorium must be a very beautiful place or in other words, high in aesthetic value. While from the contractor point of view, auditorium need detail construction to be functioned to the fullest. It is important to make sure that the audiovisual of the auditorium is working perfectly by giving the full attention to the audiovisual system.



The objectives of the case study are: -

To know the construction of an auditorium


To identify the material used to complete the construction of the auditorium particularly the interior of the auditorium.



To know how to maintain the auditorium.


To know the typical design layout of lighting and sound system in an auditorium.


To know how the management of an auditorium.

Scope of Study Our scope of study is about the auditorium design layout, management, construction,

material used and maintenance.


In the auditorium, it mainly has its own special design layout that makes the audience please to see the play on the stage. It is basically about the sound that will be produce from the play and to the hearing of the audiences. This is to make sure that the play is successfully delivered to the audiences. Because of the auditorium is a special room, it needs a special management so that all of the equipment will well functioned. Auditorium also has a special construction to support the special function of an auditorium. The construction and the materials used is closely related to each other. This is to make sure that the auditorium will be a successful one. The maintenance is also need to be done regularly so that there will be no failure.




Introduction Most building that we use has any kind of function, such as the shopping malls have its

own function is to give a space to selling a product. But different building use different interior envelope. For building that use for working such as factory it just using painting finishing to its wall, same as the shopping mall complex it just using the painting to its finishing. The wall also made to reflect the sound in order to spread the sound to outer space. This is because to attract the attraction of people to come in to that building. Some building dint need to insulate the sound because of the some reason, but such as auditorium that use for theater or for loudness sound, the space need to be an acoustic room, that can resist the sound from spread out of the building. The interior wall that use in such building are made from material that can absorb the sound wave, because to prevent the sound from in to spread to outside of building. The lighting in auditorium also different compare to other building because the auditorium usually use for theater performance or a big event that need a large space and high sound loudness. In auditorium, the lighting using is more to the top down method and direct luminaries types. At stage lighting, it‟s using high intensity spotlight that direct transmit to the stage. The audio that use in this building also different compare to shopping complex audio system because auditorium more to sound surrounding distribution.



Room Acoustics

The term „acoustics‟ can be used to describe the study of sound in general but the subject of room acoustics is concerned with the control of sound within an enclosed space. The general aim is to provide the best conditions for the production and the reception of desirable sounds. Acoustic quality of sound in a room can affect the way that people judge noise levels. The sound quality of a large auditorium, such as concert hall, can be difficult to perfect and acoustic s has sometimes been described as an „art‟ rather than „science‟. But, as with thermal and visual comfort, there are technical properties which do affect our perception and these make the best starting point for designing or improving the environment. (Randall McMullan, 1992). 2.3

General Principles

2.3.1 Factors influence good acoustic room The detailed acoustic requirements for a particular room depend upon the nature and the purpose of the space. According to (Ibrahim, 1991), acoustic design strategies are: a. Achieve optimal resonance b. Reduce noise and vibration c. Avoid acoustic defects According to (Owen, 1985), there are some requirements need to be considered in room acoustics: 1. An adequate amount of sound must reach all parts of the room. Most attention in this respect needs to be given to those seats furthest from the source. 2. An even distribution of sound should be achieved throughout the room, irrespective of distance from the source. 3. Acoustical defects to be avoided include: a. Long delayed echoes b. Sound shadows 3


Reflectors And Absorbents

2.4.1 Types of sound movement According to (Acoustics Basic Room Acoustic Treatments, 2012), there are 3 types of sound movement: a. Reflected sound Reflected sound waves, good and bad, affect the sound you hear, where it comes from, and the quality of the sound when it gets to you. The bad news when it comes to reflected sound is standing waves. These waves are created when sound is reflected back and forth between any two parallel surfaces in your room, ceiling and floor or wall to wall. Standing waves can distort noises 300Hz and down. These noises include the lower mid frequency and bass ranges. Standing waves tend to collect near the walls and in corners of a room, these collecting standing waves are called room resonance modes. b. Absorbed sound The sound that humans hear is actually a form of acoustic energy. Different materials absorb different amounts of this energy at different frequencies. When considering room acoustics, there should be a good mix of high frequency absorbing materials and low frequency absorbing materials. A table including information on how different common household absorb sound can be found c. Diffused sound Using devices that diffuse sound is a fairly new way of increasing acoustic performance in a room. It is a means to create sound that appears to be "live". They can replace echolike reflections without absorbing too much sound. Some ways of determining where diffusive items should be placed were : 1. If you have carpet or drapes already in your room, use diffusion to control side wall reflections. 4

2. A bookcase filled with odd-sized books makes an effective diffuser. 3. Use absorptive material on room surfaces between your listening position and your front speakers, and treat the back wall with diffusive material to re-distribute the reflections.

Figure: types of sound movement 2.4.2 Types of reflector According to (Lawrence, 1970), sound reflectors are often required to direct sound in preferred directions in auditoriums, the necessary properties of sound reflectors are considered. Sound absorbent materials are used to control undesirable reflections and excessive reverberation in auditoriums as well as for noise reduction. The errors are often caused by the focusing effects of concave shapes which may produce places with very loud sounds or dead spots. It is generally unwise to have concave surfaces in a hall unless the focus is well outside. Convex surfaces can be useful in providing a diffusing surface in order to reflect the sound evenly in the hall. (Owen, 1985).


Figure : Sound waves can be concentrated and disbursed much the same as light waves from convex and concave surfaces. 2.4.3 Types of Absorber According to (Leading Edge Solutions for Noise Control, 2012), there are three basic categories of sound absorbers: porous materials commonly formed of matted or spun fibers; panel (membrane) absorbers having an impervious surface mounted over an airspace; and resonators created by holes or slots connected to an enclosed volume of trapped air. The absorptive of each type of sound absorber is dramatically (in some cases) influenced by the mounting method employed. 1. Porous absorbers: Common porous absorbers include carpet, draperies, spray-applied cellulose, aerated plaster, fibrous mineral wool and glass fiber, open-cell foam, and felted or cast porous ceiling tile. Generally, all of these materials allow air to flow into a cellular structure where sound energy is converted to heat. Porous absorbers are the most commonly used sound absorbing materials. Thickness plays an important role in sound absorption by porous materials. Fabric applied directly to a hard, massive substrate such as plaster or gypsum board does not make an efficient sound absorber due to the very thin layer of fiber. Thicker materials generally provide more bass sound absorption or damping.


Figure: example of porous sound absorber (sources: 2. Panel Absorbers: Typically, panel absorbers are non-rigid, non-porous materials which are placed over an airspace that vibrates in a flexural mode in response to sound pressure exerted by adjacent air molecules. Common panel (membrane) absorbers include thin wood paneling over framing, lightweight impervious ceilings and floors, glazing and other large surfaces capable of resonating in response to sound. Panel absorbers are usually most efficient at absorbing low frequencies. This fact has been learned repeatedly on orchestra platforms where thin wood paneling traps most of the bass sound, robbing the room of "warmth."

Figure: example of panel absorber (sources: 3. Cavity Resonators: Resonators typically act to absorb sound in a narrow frequency range. Resonators include some perforated materials and materials that have openings (holes 7

and slots). The classic example of a resonator is the Helmholtz resonator, which has the shape of a bottle. The resonant frequency is governed by the size of the opening, the length of the neck and the volume of air trapped in the chamber. Typically, perforated materials only absorb the mid-frequency range unless special care is taken in designing the facing to be as acoustically transparent as possible. Slots usually have a similar acoustic response.

Figure: example of cavity resonator


Audio visual equipments According to (AudioVisual Guide, 1930), the podium has a microphone, light and cable

for connecting a laptop to the LCD projector. There is also a pull out shelf that extends out the right side of the podium. There are some equipment used in auditorium for audio visual:a. computer projection b. video projection c. slide d. microphones and audi 8


REVERBERATION According to (comPADRE, 2012), a reverberation is perceived when the reflected sound

wave reaches your ear in less than 0.1 second after the original sound wave. Since the original sound wave is still held in memory, there is no time delay between the perception of the reflected sound wave and the original sound wave. The two sound waves tend to combine as one very prolonged sound wave. If you have ever sung in the shower (and we know that you have), then you have probably experienced a reverberation. The Pavarotti-like sound which you hear is the result of the reflection of the sounds you create combining with the original sounds. Because the shower walls are typically less than 17 meters away, these reflected sound waves combine with your original sound waves to create a prolonged sound.

Figure : reverberation (sources:

Figure :Diffuse late reflections to raise reverberation level. Absorb late reflections

to reduce

reverberation level. Right: Reverberation is residual sound that has lost all sense of direction 9



2.6.1 Objective Criteria For Music And Speech According to (Lawrence, 1970), It is well known that in many auditoria seats in some areas are regarded as having good listening conditions and others in the same auditorium are poor-thus it is necessary to obtain objective measurements of sufficient precision to differentiate between such areas. Loudness – the volume of the auditorium should be related to the number of instruments normally used – if the volume cannot be limited for economical reasons then consideration should be given to the installation of electroacoustic reinforcement. Reverberation – one solution to the problem of varying reverberation time is by the use of an electroaustic system. Definition, clarity – as the speed of sound in air is about 344 m/sec (1130 ft/sec) the criteria of 30 and 50 m/sec may be translated into path-length differences between the direct and reflected sounds of 10 and 17m (35 and 55 ft) respectively. Volume – it may be measured using directional microphones in the completed building. the design of diffusing surfaces is generally carried out on a more or less empirical basis. Musician‟ criteria – the room‟s response may be measured on the platform area in the same way as the listener‟s criteria. 2.7

ACOUSTIC MATERIAL Today‟s lifestyle is a loud one. Our entertainment, modes of travel, timesaving

conveniences and sophisticated machinery give off a tremendous amount of sound. Much of this is unwanted sound or, as it is more commonly known, noise. Noise must be controlled to maintain a degree of comfort. This is especially true in living and working quarters, be it at home, apartment, motel, hotel or office. That means keeping the noise from travelling from one area through a barrier (walls, floors, ceilings) into another. The goal of all acoustically “efficient” systems is to create a living or working environment that is comfortable and free from distraction or unwanted external noise. While the “ideal” acoustical environment has yet to be 10

created, several construction designs for commercial and residential installations do exist that promote an enhanced acoustical environment. Acoustic material is divided into five category that is: 

Acoustic Wall Panel

Acoustic Window

Acoustic Door

Acoustic Ceiling

Acoustic Partition

2.6.2 Acoustic Wall Panel Sound is a form of energy transmitted through air and perceived by human ear, it cannot be destroyed but can be converted to heat energy through sound absorption process. Sound is described as 'sound pressure level' which is measured by decibels dB, and its sound frequency is measured in Hz.Sound absorption measure a given material's ability to absorb sound energy at various frequency normally measured at 1/3 octave band centre frequency. The human ear can typically hear sound from 0-120 dB and can detect sound from 20-20000 Hz, but not equally sensitive across these range.

Figure 2.6: Detail of Construction Wall Panel 11

Acoustical wall panels can be constructed of many different materials and finishes. There are four types of acoustic wall panel material that is:



Fabric 

quality control during pre-fabrication

panels are interchangeable, configured easily by simply detach and reattach

tounge and groove fixed system. Do it yourself concept

replacement of any damaged panels is cheap and easy

Timber Perforated 

variety of colours and sizes

with log the same machined performance and can be nailed, cut, dig, drilled.







construction process and save the time and cost

Gypsum Perforated 

fast installation

effective sound absorption


attractive finish


2.6.3 Acoustic Window Windows are designed into structures to provide viewing, to transfer light and outside air, and for aesthetic value. When a window must also provide significant acoustical isolation, the design, construction and installation of window assemblies must be carefully controlled for a successful result.

Glass panes (and typical residential and commercial windows) are not

inherently good acoustical barriers. Such windows provide various levels of acoustical isolation depending on the specific construction of the assembly. When "typical" assemblies do not provide adequate isolation, acoustical windows can be considered. Acoustical windows are typical windows that have been acoustically upgraded by increasing the thickness (weight) and number of glass panels, the air space between the glass, improving the glazing system for the glass, and improving the sealing system between the glass frame, window frame and structure.

Figure: Method of Construction Windows


Glazing options: 

Laminated safety glass

One-way vision mirror

Bullet resistant


Non-reflective, heat resistant

Strong, durable metal frames (aluminium or stainless/galvanised steel) with proven, reliable acoustic seals

Outstanding laboratory-tested acoustic performance

Factory assembled for rapid, simple installation

Available in almost any size/shape

Designed to fit any wall thickness

Will integrate with any construction system, including drywall/stud partitions, concrete and masonry


2.6.4 Acoustic Door In a situation where there can be leaks around a door, through which sound can pass, there will be reduced sound attenuation. Therefore, not only does the fabrication period of acoustic door is carried out in great care, but also the installation process is meticulously done to ensure high performance and quality. The importance of good sealing method can never be underestimated. A door with a reduction factor of 40dB with a leakage factor of only 1% will have a true reduction of 20dB. Acoustic doors come in two different types; steel and timber. They are designed to have a combination of superb acoustic performance with attractive finishes and easy installation. The doors consist of door leaves that contain an acoustic infill, selected to provide high damping and minimum acoustic coupling to ensure high transmission loss. The outer and inner skins are of two different thicknesses to control the resonance effect. For steel doors, high gauge steel is used in constructing the door frame to rigidly support the door leaves. Due to the heavy weight of the door leaves, a special designed adjustable ball bearing hinges are use to ease the opening and closing of the door. For timber doors, high quality veneer finishes are used to ensure best performance and aesthetically satisfying.

Figure : Dimension of acoustic door ( metal & timber)


2.6.5 Acoustic Ceiling

Figure 2.16: Timber ceiling

Figure 2.17: Metal ceiling

Figure 2.18: Gypsum Perforated ceiling 16


LIGHTING Types of lights used in auditorium Lighting system for an auditorium is important to have effect and give luminance to the places. According to (Davis, 2012), there are some lights used in auditorium:1. House lighting House lighting is incandescent lighting, usually at low levels, frequently decorative, controlled on dimmers, and is intended to show the room to its best advantage. House lighting can be expensive to run and maintain. To save money the use of house lighting is strictly limited to times when the audience is present. To achieve the best results we limit house lighting to the seats and do not light the walls at all. Or we strictly limit the downlights to the seats and light other surfaces with a separate set of very dim lights optimized for those surfaces. 2. Work lighting Work lighting is a bright, cheap, and efficient system intended for cleaning and maintaining the room. Technical areas such as catwalks require separately switched white and blue work lighting. 3. Exit lighting Exit lighting is the red or green exit signs above egress doors. Exit signs near the stage are very objectionable. The only good solution is to not locate exit doors anywhere near the stage. 4. StageLighting About a quarter of all stage lighting is located in the auditorium. Usually we look for 8 lighting positions: near box booms left and right, far box booms left and right, near catwalk over the apron, mid catwalk with the lenses about 45 degrees to the actors nose, far catwalk at the ideal follow spot angle, and a low-angle position for projection and effects.



CASE STUDY SIRIM Berhad is a wholly-owned company of the Malaysian Government under the

Ministry of Finance Incorporated. With over forty years of experience and expertise, SIRIM has been the government's mandated machinery for research and technology development, and the national champion of quality. SIRIM has always played a major role in the development of the country's private sector. It focus on discovering and developing new technologies to help businesses compete better through quality and innovation. By tapping into our expertise and knowledge base, small and medium businesses collaborate with our scientists everyday in their quest for improvement in the manufacturing, technology and services sectors. SIRIM business methodologies are engineered to ensure fast, affordable and quality delivery across all of our services. SIRIM possess the necessary know-how and experience to help you see your idea through from inception to commercialization.


Figure 3.1: Location of SIRIM Berhad Sources:

SIRIM Berhad located at Persiaran Dato Menteri, seksyen 2, 40700 Shah Alam Selangor. It is easy to find the location because the building nears the main road. The SIRIM Berhad consists of 24 blocks and the auditorium in the block 18 beside the road. The auditorium place at the first floor combines with office building. The ground floor is lobby and the office building at floor two until floor eleven.




The lobby is located outside from the auditorium with an area of 149.45m². It is an open space which allowed the audience to gather before entering the auditorium. The lobby also consists of male toilet and female toilet. Across the lobby, also located a foyer which consists of two elevator and a spiral stairs to the lobby at the ground floor. There also a VIP room and a dining area located on the first floor.

Figure 4.1: VIP room

Figure 4.2: Dining room 20




Auditorium Layout

The auditorium is located on the first floor of the main office administration of SIRIM Berhad. A speech and presentation auditorium is used for conferences and training. The auditorium as a wide fan shaped, 542.8m² in area with four double door entries are on both sides of the room. A front stage with podium and large rear projection screen. The floors are raked seating which provides good view of the stage. A sloped ceiling is design to give lighting effect of the auditorium space. The auditorium can be accommodating with 450 people at one time. It consists of 450 raked seats facing towards the stage.


Auditorium seat

Control room

Figure 5.1: layout of auditorium


Figure 5.2: The raked seats from stage point of view



The stage located at the front of the auditorium which at the middle space. The location of stage will enable the audience to see clearly and will get a clear sound reflection. The area of the stage is about 54.81m². The stage is provided with an audio visual system. The stage is divided into two separate spaces, the front and the back. The front stage is used for any speech conference or training while the back stage is used as a storage area.


Figure 5.3: Front stage of the auditorium

Figure 5.4: The backstage of the auditorium



Control Room

The auditorium also consist a control room which control the whole operation in the auditorium such as the lighting and the audio-visual system. The control room located at the back of auditorium which the controller can monitor everything from the control room. The audio visual being control through a laptop which used a software where it can control the volume, the echoes and other setting of the audio visual.

Figure 5.5: The control room from outside view


Figure 5.6: Lights and audio visual control in the control room



THE TYPES OF LIGHTING IN THE AUDITORIUM There are various type of lighting used in the auditorium. Each lamps been designed

according to its task and suitability to be used in an auditorium. For the SIRIM auditorium, type of lighting suitable to be used for are ambient lighting, task lighting and display lighting, where ambient lighting is to radiates a comfortable level of brightness without glare, task lighting is used to perform a task that requires more light and display lighting is used to create visual interest.

Figure 6.1: The lighting design of the auditorium i.

Accent Lights Accent lighting used several types of lamp which each lamp is used according to its task.

This auditorium use false ceiling lights which is one of the types for accent lighting. It gives a visual effect which is suitable for an auditorium. The false ceiling lights are used to lighten the whole space of the auditorium. Recessed lights are also one type for accent lighting which it is built onto the ceiling. It gives more brightness where it lightens up the space directly. Another accent lighting is the spotlight which are located on the stage for any presentation or audio visual purposes. There different colors of spotlight that give dramatic effect to any performance on the stage. 26

Figure 6.2: The false ceiling lights

Figure 6: Recessed lights

Figure 6.4: Spotlight 27


Ambient Lights

Ambient lights are commonly mounted on the ceiling or wall. For the auditorium, the accent lighting is the wall mounted lights which located at the door, columns and each corner of the room. The wall mounted lights is used to identify the location of doors and columns to prevent the audience from colliding and for them to find a way out when other lights are off. Other ambient lights used are stair lights that being used to prevent audience from falling when the lights are off.

Figure 6.5: Wall mounted lights

Figure 6.6: Stair lights 28


Task Lights

Task lighting is used for specific tasks which require more lights than ambient lights can provide. There is only one type of task lighting used for this auditorium which is the fluorescent lights. This type of light is used at the backstage to provide more brightness.

Figure 6.7: Fluorescent lights



THE MATERIALS USED IN AUDITORIUM From the observation we found that there are several materials used in auditorium at

SIRIM Berhad. The materials used for ceiling, flooring, curtain fabric, wall, and also the auditorium seat have an effect on acoustical environment which during event are performed. They have to choose the suitable material to make an event more successful. When there is organization doing live presentation, speaker will present smoothly and audience will be able relax and receive the information provided. In our case study, we survey and observe about the material are used in the auditorium and to determine the type of material that have good absorption to the space.

Figure 7.1: Perforated wood panel soundproof The wood panel soundproof is used to control the transmission and absorption of sound inside the auditorium. This auditorium used perforated wood that used for absorption. There are used three layer of wall, the inner layer is perforated wood panel in the middle is span porost and the outer layer is curtain porost. The typical application is suitable for auditorium because the material has good absorption and there are have aesthetic looks for the wall.


Figure 7.2: Wood fire rated door The function of fire resistant door constructed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke. The doors not designed to be completely fireproof and it is made of combustible materials. They will resistant high level of heat and flames to slow the fire for a specified period of time. But at the end they will burn in a fire. Fire doors may allow the occupants to safely exit the building during an emergency. In our observation the auditorium is used wood fire rated door. It is because the thicker wooden can be soundproof inside the space. Noise from the lobby area can be disruptive. So, the openings such as doorways are must be properly sealed.


Figure 7.3: Fabric curtain

The curtain in this category is lightweight and lighter duty that has more decorative qualities to the design. The type of material use is velvet curtain fabric from the thicker product. They are suitable for the auditorium, museum, and also home theater. The materials have good sound absorption and have esthetic value to the auditorium stage.


Figure 7.4: Lennox auditorium seat For the auditorium seat they used lennox seat. The seats cover from high quality fabric. Moreover the seat design is more comfortable and also durable. The form used high density of sponge, durable shape and soft seat. The seat inside the auditorium is for the 450 audience. The seating area will provide absorption, thereby reducing the reverberation time. Besides that, to control the sound performance and the sound will transmitted to the audience without any disruption inside the space.

Figure 7.5: Floor carpet The majority of the auditorium floor is finishes with carpet. The carpet helps to muffle the sound of footsteps, as well as to absorb sound that spread into the floor. The thickness of carpet is 3mm and the size of auditorium is 542.8m². The carpet has excellent sound absorption properties. It can be reduce the transmission of impact noise and decreases both the noise level and the reverberation time (sound duration).


Figure 7.6: Fixed frame screen and timber flooring stage

The dimension for fixed frame screen is 80x20 mm (width x depth). The type of material used is aluminum frame well-finished. By using the projector the movie or video will appear at screen from the reflected of projector. The screen also has sound insulation to prevent the space from echoes. They used the wall soundproof panel for back screen wall. Moreover, they used timber flooring for the stage. The surface finish material is one of the impact sound insulation for the stage. The top of flooring is used carpet, they can increase structure borne sound transference and it is one option to improving the impact sound insulation of floors.


Figure 7.7: False Ceilings This auditorium is used false ceiling. The false ceiling used to conceal service lines such as air conditioning systems, electrical wiring and sprinkler. They used to give good thermal insulation and sound absorbing for the auditorium space. The ceilings provide hidden lighting effect. The gypsum board is used for false ceiling are tough, versatile and economical. The material is fire resistant, waterproof and soundproof. The shape of gypsum board is quite flexible and design for this auditorium is drop design. The gypsum board on a metal grid forms a strong ceiling design and has high impact resistance. It can suspend a load up to 15kg from the ceiling without any difficulty. The ceiling can be easily decorated with pain or wallpaper within 24 hours after it is constructed.



AUDIO VISUAL PERFORMANCE The audio visual is being tested whether the sound could be heard outside from the

auditorium. From our observation, the sound from inside can‟t be heard from outside. The sound can be heard clearly from every corner of the room where audience can experience good sound reflection. The sound been reflected from the source located from stage to the audience. The echo of the room can be controlled by reducing the echo of the microphone at the control room.

Figure 8.1: The sound controller The building is located near to the main road which causes the noise from automobiles. When sitting in the auditorium, the outside noise can‟t be heard where the sound material used for absorber panels is the best way to improve sound quality of an auditorium.


Figure 8.2: The building near to main road

Figure 8.3: Panel absorber





Introduction The maintenance that need to done for make sure the audio and lighting performance is at

the best performance and can functional well. The maintenance especially audio will be done by schedule. Some requirement that must be check while the maintenance such as the part that need to be maintenance, time when the maintenance should be done, cost incurred while maintenance and much more.


Basic requirement for the acoustically good halls 1) The sound heard must be sufficiently loud in every part of the hall and no echoes should be present. 2) The total quality of the speech and music must be unchanged i.e., the relative intensities of the several components of a complex sound must be maintained. 3) For the sake of clarity, the successive syllables spoken must be clear and distinct i.e., there must be no confusion due to overlapping of syllables. 4) The reverberation should be quite proper i.e., neither too large nor too small. The reverberation time should be 1 to 2 seconds for music and 0.5 to 1 second for speech. 5) There should be no concentration of sound in any part of the hall. 6) The boundaries should be sufficiently sound proof to exclude extraneous noise. 7) There should be no Echelon effect. 8) There should be resonance within the building.

So that to get good auditorium hall, basic requirement should be maintain to make sure it can functional well. Such as doing maintenance to audio system and lighting system in auditorium hall.



Acoustic requirements for good sound: 1) There should be adequate loudness in every part of the auditorium, especially in remote seats. 2) The sound energy should be uniformly distributed within the room. 3) Optimum reverberation characteristics should be provided in the auditorium to facilitate whatever function is required. 4) The room should be free from acoustical defects (distinct echoes, flutter echoes, picket fence echo, sound shadowing, room resonance, sound concentrations and excessive reverberation). 5) Background noise and vibration should be sufficiently excluded in order not to interfere in any way with the function of the enclosure.


Item need to be maintained: 1. Audio system For audio the maintenance will be done every 6 month that mean 2 times in one year. But, every after the auditorium is used, audio system will be maintain to make sure it in good condition. Usually, before auditorium functioned, the audio system will be maintain in 3 day before to make sure if have any problem and I can be repair early. In audio system the maintenance will be made at the computerized amplifier monitoring, extended bass subwoofer, foldback loudspeaker, dynamic supercardioid vocal mic and many more.


For the cost it depend on problem of audio that need to be change or repair, but usually cost in range of RM15,000 to RM20,000. This auditorium use Yamaha brand of PA system. Usually testing will carry out on speaker, sound system and microphone to make sure can functional well and it carry out before using the auditorium.

2. Lighting system For lighting system will be maintenance every month, because to make sure there dint not has any broken equipment especially for stage lighting system. In lighting system the maintenance will be made at stage lighting consule, 12 channel stages lighting dimmer, high intensity spotlight with color charnger, high intensity zoom profile spotlight, follow spotlight and many more. Cost for maintain the lighting system usually RM15,000 but if included maintain the cabling system for lighting the cost increase to RM20,000. Cabling system maybe maintain for the long term only.



3. Finishes of the auditorium (Acoustic Material) Today‟s lifestyle is a loud one. Our entertainment, modes of travel, timesaving conveniences and sophisticated machinery give off a tremendous amount of sound. Much of this is unwanted sound or, as it is more commonly known, noise. Noise must be controlled to maintain a degree of comfort. This is especially true in living and working quarters, be it at home, apartment, motel, hotel or office. That means keeping the noise from travelling from one area through a barrier (walls, floors, ceilings) into another. The goal of all acoustically “efficient” systems is to create a living or working environment that is comfortable and free from distraction or unwanted external noise. While the “ideal” acoustical environment has yet to be created, several construction designs for commercial and residential installations do exist that promote an enhanced acoustical environment. Acoustic material is divided into five categories that is: Acoustic Wall Panel


Acoustic Window


Acoustic Door


Acoustic Ceiling


Acoustic Partition



Wall Normally the auditorium wall use absorber type, this is because to absorb the noise and reduce the reflection of sound, which to get the best sound. Three layer of wall, the inner layer is perforated wood panel in the middle is span porost and the outer layer is curtain porost. It will be maintain if have any crack on the wall curtain.



Floor Use carpet type and about 3centimetre thick. Every month it will be maintain by clear the dirt and dust on the carpet.


9.5 I.

Normal problem of equipment in auditorium: Wireless microphone on stage does not function- it should be solve by change the battery of microphone and check the wireless cable to make sure can functional well.


Cabling of microphone damage- prepare the spare cable to replace the broken cable. Fuse on mixer broken or burning because of high voltage- this problem occur because of very high voltage received. So that the spare fuse and bulb sound be ready to replace.

Cabling system in stage to microphone



CONCLUSION From the case study that has been made we found that the auditorium building has

different equipment be use compare to others than normal building. Most of equipment is specially design for those auditorium purposes. For audio system this auditorium has two location main that transmitted the sound through. The wall of the auditorium was envelope by the laying groove acoustic panel that can reflect sound back and can absorb sound from go through outside. The audio visual system using computerized amplifier monitoring for monitor the audio that will be using in every event and be support by the extended bass subwoofer. The use of down light being use in this auditorium, to make the auditorium condition more comfortable and also have stage light that transmit the light direct to the stage. At the back of the auditorium there has pair of follow spotlight for the entrance of the guest or to show where the location of master of ceremonies. Usually all this system is most important part in auditorium. Without this component the auditorium just like normal building that been using normally. By this system and the acoustic room the building become different purpose.

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REFERENCES Office SIRIM berhad,(2013) SIRIM Berhad location map, retrieved on 6 Mei 2013, from website


Oxford Dictionary, 2009


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