audacity powerpoint presentation rubric all about me student handouts

January 31, 2018 | Author: api-230659207 | Category: Microsoft Power Point, Software, Technology, Computing, Computing And Information Technology
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Download audacity powerpoint presentation rubric all about me student handouts...


Audacity Guidelines and Planning for ALL ABOUT ME PPT

Audacity Introduction and Reflection Questions Overview: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is Audacity? What are advantages of Audacity? What are some of the main uses for Audacity? How to access Audacity? After completion of the demonstration and guided practice, what is your opinion of Audacity? Is it a good use of freeware application?

Audacity Activity: Use this for your All About Me Project: Things to remember:        

Save the lame_enc.dll file to your student drive from Edmodo so that you can export and save the files. We do not want to save it as an Audacity File since they are very large in size. Have your headset adjusted and your paper ready to read into Audacity. Click on start …. Then pause 3-4 seconds and begin reading your bio…. Then pause 3-4 seconds again and click on the stop button. If you have done it right you will see part of the screen moving and a blue sound wave pattern appearing as you talk (also notice the Microphone Volume Gauge) When done, play it back to check out the recording. If happy go onto the next step. Click on the File Menu then choose Export as a WAV file. This is the method for saving. Then you will save it in your Documents Folder (the same place you put the lame_enc.dll file earlier.) You should be able to save it to a NEW FOLDER: ALL ABOUT ME.

After practicing with the given steps above you are to record a student biography about yourself that will be used in your presentation. You may re-record numerous times until they have mastered the use of the software. Once you feel comfortable with their recording, export it as instructed above in order to save it. The recording needs to coincide with your PPT about yourself. You may record in sessions or in an entirety. Remember you will also be using music audio and clip art audio as well. Pay close attention to your length and have proper pausing, voice inflections, and speed. Planning Sheets:

Title: Name: Theme:

Name:_________________________________________________________________ Class Pd: ___________________

Date Submitted: _____________________________________

Name:_________________________________________________________________ Class Pd: ___________________

Date Submitted: _____________________________________

PowerPoint Presentation (PROJECT GRADE) Item Appropriate design selected—same theme throughout presentation. Remember dark font on light background and light font on dark background Step 1 will be to insert photo album. Go to INSERT select PHOTO ALBUM- then INSERT PICTURE FROM FILE- select your 10 + photos. Use CTRL if you are not selecting all or consecutive photos. ( 2pts each)

Points Possible 25

25 Once you have selected the photos- you are to choose a layout and shape. (5 pts) You may also adjust the photos from the options under the preview in the same options dialog box. MINIMUM of 13 slides (can have up to 20 slides):  Title: All About Me (or another title) with your name on slide (4pts)  10 slides with pictures of you (will import photo album) (40 pts)  1 slide with favorite web links – hyperlinks showing (4 pts)  Conclusion Slide about you that relates to your PowerPoint – with comment (see directions below for comment) (4 pts)

Create Section Headers: Intro, Details/ Years/School/Family/ Conclusion . Add section headers buy going to HOME TAB, Slides Group, NEW Section Command



48 Use all 8 of the items shown above that located on the Insert tab in a creative way that describes something about you. (6 pts each)

Points Earned

Name:_________________________________________________________________ Class Pd: ___________________

Date Submitted: _____________________________________

Click on the Info Tab under FILE and go to the Presentation Properties Type “Complete” for Status and “MSITA” for Subject Animate EACH IMAGE AND OBJECT that is inserted including title text for each slide. Use transitions for each slide and use rehearse timings feature. Make sure that you allow enough time to look at each slide and that your narration coincides with the timing. Add a comment to me about what you learned about PowerPoint that you didn’t already know. To do so, select the REVIEW TAB and then select NEW COMMENT. Record something about yourself as an audio file. Time it per slide for the entire slideshow. Remember to compress your presentation. Include clip art audio and music audio in your presentation. Presentation to Class-should play automatically with no interruptions- time frame is 3-5 minutes. Timed:__________________ minutes_______seconds All Content per slide is relative to PowerPoint. Thorough planning was used. Pre-Planning for PPT was utilized (turned in 1st day) and then stapled to this rubric when project is finalized. Turn in both together for grading. No spelling or grammatical errors in PowerPoint.


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10 10 10 15 25

Deduct 2 points for each error.

Adhere to the Rule of 49: limit of 7 lines on a slide/7 words on a line.

Reminders FOR COMPLETION 1. Import photo album or scan 2. Select design theme 3. Input text to explain your slides. 4. Apply transitions and animations. 5. Record audio message using Audacity 6. Import a clip art and music audio.

Total: 300 Points Due ______________

7. Spell check document and proofread to make sure content makes sense 8. Add comment at end-using the review tab. 9. Include all insert objects from the Insert tab. 10. Submit for grading. This project is due Thursday Dec. 6, 2012.

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