Atty. Rey Ferdinand t. Garay vs Judge Rolando s. Venadas, Sr

May 5, 2017 | Author: Christine Joy Prestoza | Category: N/A
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ATTY. REY FERDINAND T. GARAY VS JUDGE ROLANDO S. VENADAS, SR A.M. No. RTJ-06-2000 FACTS: Spouses Sombilon were the previous owners of a 601-square meter property,

with two buildings constructed on it which was foreclosed and sold at public auction on July 1, 1!!", where #$% emer emerge ged d as the winn inning ing bidd idder in the amou mount of #&,',000(00( Spouses Sombilon sought the help of )tty( )tty( *aray, *aray, a #ublic )ttorney+s )ttorney+s ffice #) #).. lawyer( lawyer( /hey told )tty )tty(( *aray that they they wanted to reacquire reacquire ( the property from #$%, but had no money to repurchase repurchase it( ew days after, after, )tty( )tty( *aray went to the ban alone lone and offered to buy the prop ropert erty by ma maing ing a down payme ayment nt 16 of #"2,600(00  or &03 of the purchase price which #$% decided to approve( Spou Spouse ses s Somb Sombil ilon on move moved d for for a reco recons nsid ider erat atio ion n of the the issu issuan ance ce of the the 4rit 4rit of  #ossession #ossession arguing that )tty( )tty( *aray, *aray, who was the former counsel of 5illy, was barred from purchasing the property pursuant to paragraph , '& )rticle 1!1 of the 7ivil 7ode( 8/7 Judge 9enadas, Sr( issued an rder '' holding in abeyance the implementation of  the 4rit of #ossession on the ground that the implementation and enforcement of the writ of possession would wor great; in
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