Attribute Matrix 2010[1]
Short Description
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Petrel* 2010 Attribute Matrix Seal Trap
Reservoir Charge
Short Description and Meaning
3D Curvature
Variance (Edge Method)
Dip Guided Variance
Dip deviation
PATENTED Spectral decomposition at user-selected frequencies. Obtained by cosine correlation transform (CCT) analysis that estimates the contribution of each frequency to the input seismic. By exploiting the tuning effects provides indications on stratigraphic thickness. N.B.: it works in time domain.
Structural attribute that describes how bent a curve is at a particular point. Enables the detection of subtle structural changes in dip-saturated data. Equivalent to the second-order derivative when the dip is zero.
Signal coherency analysis: Estimates trace to trace variance (1-semblance). Amplitude Invariant (but not orientation invariant); i.e. it will produce the same response for the same seismic signature, whether in a low or high-amplitude region.
Same as variance with an added principle component based guiding. Improves continuity of non-vertical events.
RMS Amplitude
Measure of reflectivity within a time window: The square root of the sum of the squared amplitudes divided by the number of live Samples
Remove Bias
Removes DC bias for the seismic traces. DC bias occurs when the average of the trace values departs from zero and may be caused by processing artifacts and/or geological factors.
Relative Acoustic Impedance
Physical attributes that reflects physical property contrast and provides better tie to well domain for geological analysis: Assumes zero phase data. Generated by integration of seismic trace and subsequent low cut filter to remove arbitrary long wavelength trends
Event, Gradient, Principle component
Local Structural Dip Event, Gradient, Principle component
Structural Smoothing Structural Smoothing Options: dip guide, edge enhance
Original Amplitude T* attenuation Chaos
Delineate Salt extents as separable from sediment on frequency content
Edge Detection (Structural)
Fault lineament detection, in particular in dip saturated data. Helps indentifying upthrown and downthrown sides of a fault
Reveals discontinuities in seismic data either related to stratigraphic Can help outline salt extents terminations or structural lineaments
Fault detection from continuous variance response. Gas chimney mapping
Reveals discontinuities in seismic data. As above, useful for structural and stratigraphic terminations.
Fault detection from continuous variance response. Gas chimney mapping
Can help outline salt extents
Formation Orientation
General Stratigraphic
Discerns flexure and position of anticline / syncline hinges
Detection of subtle depositional elements for seismic geomorphology such as channel incisions, gullies, incised valleys, drainage patterns and gas vents (negative curvature) or channel fills, splays, lobes, lens, isolated bars, mounds and wedges (positive curvature)
Must be a density change in channel fill and surrounds. Useful for channel development
Can discriminate between low and high continuity of seismic reflections. Interpretation of progradational versus aggradational stacking patterns on stratal slices.
High variance can suggest faults or fractures swarms
Useful for channel sweep at Z values for channel development
Can discriminate between low and high continuity of seismic reflections. Interpretation of progradational versus aggradational stacking patterns on stratal slices.
High variance can suggest faults or fractures swarms
Frequency filtered data is useful input for frequency based attributes.
Fault attribute enhancement and fault extraction
WARNING: the interior of a salt accumulation can be chaotic
Possible fracture indicator by local high dip deviation response
Delineate laterally continuous discontinuities based on a conditioned input
Large (seismic scale) fracture swarms detection
Derivative based attribute for stratigraphic and structural Provides information about the local application: The gradient for each voxel is calculated analytically by orientation field of the reflectors and its changes in the three directions the spatial derivatives in t/d, x and y directions
Input for edge detection like variance as it is amplitude sensitive
A measure of compass direction of the “normal” to the plane of the Captures structural orientation local seismic event
Second derivative
Reflection Intensity
Instantaneous Quality Time Gain
Genetic inversion
Dominant Frequency
Can be used as texture attribute for seismic facies analysis
Shows karsts and sinkholes, in addition to fracture corridors) and stratigraphic (carbonates build-ups/ reefs, channels, etc.) features
AVO Workflows
Hydrocarbon Indicator
Directional curvature can enhance the geology by suppressing footprints
Karst and sinkhole delineation. Good discriminator for seis- Detection and mapping of buildups/reefs within layer cake mic facies analysis depositional environments
Time gated frequency filter. Mute unwanted frequencies
Classical attribute for bright spot detection (highly correlated to Envelope)
Can differentiate between tight or shaly and good porosity limestone
Good discriminator for facies analysis
Provides better tie to lithology and can be related to porosity (non linear)
Discriminates weak coherent noise.
Use a wrapping colour map Captures stratigraphic orientation
A measure of the inclination of the seismic event measured from the horizontal plane
Captures structural dip
Define dipping direction of events
Performs data smoothing by local averaging with a Gaussian weighted averaging filter. Use as input for variance, dip deviation or chaos
General smoothing. Increased signal/ noise ratio for structural Interpretation
Use to remove noise from the data
Performs data smoothing by local averaging with a Gaussian weighted averaging along flow surfaces following the local dip/ azimuth
Shows the dip orientation of events
Captures stratigraphic dip
Help identify channel edges
Estimating local signal magnitude (absolute amplitude)
Provides increased layer continuity without sacrificing vertical resolution Increased signal/noise ratio
Enhance discontinuities
Can illuminate “flat spots” or fluid contacts
Used as possible data conditioning step before generation of variance attribute in Ant tracking workflow.
Delineate channel edges
The original amplitude of the seismic data
PATENTED Frequency attenuation-based algorithm which compares frequencies above and below selected points of analysis
Indicator of open fractures if gas is present
Open Fracture indicator
Maps the “chaoticness” of the local seismic signal from statistical analysis of dip/azimuth estimate.
Delineate Salt extents
Faults and fractures identification
Useful for identifying; Channel infill , Gas chimneys, Reef internal texture, Sink holes, Salt diapir, Shale diapir
Determines to which degree local orientation is planar
Good stratigraphic indicator: Reef internal texture Sink holes Channel infill in particular subtle features
Time derivative of the phase
First derivative
Can improve the image of subtle stratigraphic S/N can improve at selected features as well as frequencies sub-seismic faults
Lithology Indicator
Fracture corridors, Karst delinea- Filter using a stereonet to tion eliminate azimuthal features
Good stratigraphic discriminator
Bed thickness indicator and can detect lateral changes in lithology Laterally increasing instantaneous frequency can indicate bed thinning or pinch outs.
Trace AGC
Can be used as input to facies mapping in particular for seismic geomorphology analysis
Stratigraphic layering. High contrast indicates possible sequence boundaries, Reveals unconformity surfaces
Reveals discontinuities and improves structural delineation
Detect lithological changes, Sequence boundaries, Thin-bed tuning effects
Graphic Equalizer
Noise Reduction
Removes DC bias from the trace
Mainly represents the acoustic impedance contrast, hence reflectivity. Indicates the group, rather than phase component of the seismic wave propagation.
Apparent Polarity
Detects amplitude variations for channels with density changes to surrounds
Envelope (Reflection Strength)
Instantaneous Phase
Texture Attribute
Filtered seismic can show channels clearer
Discriminates rapid changes in Use in softer lithologies local orientation. where the downthrown Input to Ant Tracking side of the fault shows dip
Local Flatness
Cosine of Instantaneous Phase
High curvature zones especially on the Maximum Curvature are often associated with high fracture density zones.
Maps the “flatness” of the local seismic signal, 3D. “Flatness” is the degree to which local reflectors are flat/planar (not necessarily horizontal).
Instantaneous Frequency
Fracture Indicator
Selected frequencies, also combined with other Identification of thin beds and subtle stratiattributes in a ANN, can graphic features (e.g. pinch-out, reefs, chandetect possible fractures zones For channel mapping and nels, etc.). via attenuation analysis, or, thickness estimation Can be used along stratal slices for seismic geoconversely can highlight submorphology analysis seismic faults
Selected frequencies can provide sharper image of small faults than the input data for input to workflows such as Ant Tracking.
Detects subtle changes in structural trend and/or tectonic features and lineaments, convex up (positive curvature) or concave down (negative curvature) structures
Edge detection attribute: Estimates difference between sample dip and local dip. A threshold can be applied.
Ant Tracking
Local Structural Azimuth
Can enhance subtle structural features.
Salt Workflow
Apply a frequency filter over time gates to seismic data. Various methods and tapers are available
PATENTED Fault enhancing attribute. Connects attribute responses by using principles of swarm intelligence (“ants”)
Gradient Magnitude
General Structural
Cosine function applied to the instantaneous phase
Description of the phase angle at any instant along a trace independent of amplitude. It reveals weak and strong events with equal strength
Continuity boundary of sediment at salt face
Improves lateral continuity of layers
Continuity boundary of sediment at salt face
Discriminator for geometrical shape Good indicator of continuities, angular unconformities, faults, pinch-outs, sequence boundaries, onlap patterns
Can help when used in combination to isolate faults
Channel infill
High pass filter enhances terminations and discontinuities for fault mapping. Low pass filter enhances signal/noise to improve seismic event continuity.
High pass filter enhances terminations and discontinuities for fault mapping
Detection and mapping of buildGood discriminator for seis- ups/reefs within mic facies analysis Layer-cake depositional environments.
Spatial correlation to porosity and other lithologic variations
Fracture zone indicator, since fractures may appear as lower frequency zones
Enhances low amplitude sections for improved horizon interpretation Drawback is that relative amplitude information is lost
Time rate of change of the amplitude
Useful for Stratigraphic analysis, facies estimation, QC interpretation (zero crossing)
Second derivative measures the variation in the tangents of the selected seismic amplitude, directly above and below the reflection. High values indicate rapid shift from peak to trough (short wavelength)
Second derivative can be used to help guiding the pick by providing continuity in areas of where reflections are poorly resolved on the raw amplitude May help resolve subtle stratigraphic patterns such as shingled/low angle prograding fore-sets
May enhance terminations and discontinuities
A quality factor that is assigned based on the instantaneous envelope
Can be used for fracture Detection
Show onlap and channel edges via frequency filtering
May help distinguish different kinds of bright spots (due to gas, limestone..)
Reduce frequencies from noisy seismic
Boosts weak events but also boosts noise
Can help isolate channels features
In combination with Envelope, useful for (Near—Far) / Near
Karst delineation
Can indicate fluid content and absorption character of a reservoir
Can be used for fracture detection Helps identify time dependant weaknesses in seismic amplitudes
Enables the balancing of amplitudes as a function of time. If the gain is >1 amplitudes will increase with time and if gain is
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