Attitude & Change

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Lestures note, Social Psychology UTM...


Attitudes and Attitude Changes: Infuencing Thoughts and Feelings

“By persuading others, we convince ourselves.” — Junius

 THE NATURE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF ATTITUDES Advertising can have powerf! e"ects# Unti! the ear!$ twentieth centr$% &en 'oght (() of cigarettes so!d# Then advertisers 'egan targeting fe&a!e '$ers#

In *(++% there were twice as &an$ &a!e as fe&a!e s&o,ers s&o,ers in the United States# A!thogh the s&o,ing rate has decreased decreased overa!!% wo&en have a!&ost caght p to &en# In -../ -0) of ad!t &en s&o,ed% s&o,ed% co&pared co&pared to *() * () of ad!t wo&en#

 THE NATURE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF ATTITUDES Advertising can have powerf! e"ects# Unti! the ear!$ twentieth centr$% &en 'oght (() of cigarettes so!d# Then advertisers 'egan targeting fe&a!e '$ers#

In *(++% there were twice as &an$ &a!e as fe&a!e s&o,ers s&o,ers in the United States# A!thogh the s&o,ing rate has decreased decreased overa!!% wo&en have a!&ost caght p to &en# In -../ -0) of ad!t &en s&o,ed% s&o,ed% co&pared co&pared to *() * () of ad!t wo&en#


A!thogh the s&o,ing rate has decreased overa!!% wo&en have a!&ost caght p to &en# In -../ -0) of ad!t &en s&o,ed% co&pared to *() of ad!t wo&en# 4t is advertising responsi'!e5  To  T o what e6tent e6tent can advertising advertising shape peop!e7s attitdes and 'ehavior5 E6act!$ what is an attitde% an$wa$% and how is it changed5

 THE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF ATTITUDES 9eop!e are not netra! o'servers of the wor!d#  The$ eva!ate what the$ enconter#  The$ for& attitdes# Attitudes Eva!ations of peop!e% o'8ects% and ideas#

 THE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF ATTITUDES Attitdes are &ade p of three parts that together for& or eva!ation of the “attitde o'8ect:1 *#An afective co&ponent% consisting of $or e&otiona! reactions toward the attitde o'8ect# -#A cognitive co&ponent% consisting of $or thoghts and 'e!iefs a'ot the attitde o'8ect# 0#A behavioral co&ponent% consisting of $or actions or o'serva'!e 'ehavior

 THE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF ATTITUDES *# ;hat is $or a"ective reaction when $o see a certain car5  –


9erhaps $o have fee!ings of e6cite&ent# If $o are a U#S# atowor,er e6a&ining a new foreignit s&o,ing redced their s&o,ing signi?cant!$ &ore than peop!e who were shown on!$ the ?!& or on!$ the pa&ph!et#

Feare% ca!!ed So 'efore ,ids watchca!!ed product TL or product sending the&  place!ent  % co&panies pa$ &a,ers of o" to the &ovies% it is good go od the to re&ind a TL show or &ovie to incorporate their the& that the$ are !i,e!$ to enconter prodct into the script# severa! atte&pts to change their • •

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RESISTING 9ERSUASILE 2ESSAGES "esisting #eer #ressure 9eer pressre is !in,ed to va!es and e&otions% p!a$ing on their fear of re8ection and their desire for freedo& and atono&$# In ado!escence% peers 'eco&e an i&portant sorce of socia! approva!perhaps the &ost i&portantand can dispense powerf! rewards for ho!ding certain attitdes or 'ehaving in certain wa$s% sch as sing drgs or engaging in nprotected se6# ;hat is needed is a techni>e that wi!! &a,e &a,e $ong peop!e &ore resistant to attitde change atte&pts via peer pressre so that the$ wi!! 'e !ess !i,e!$ to engage in dangeros 'ehaviors#

RESISTING 9ERSUASILE 2ESSAGES "esisting #eer #ressure One possi'i!it$ is to e6tend the !ogic of the attitde inoc!ation approach to &ore a"ective!$ 'ased persasion techni>es% sch as peer pressre# In addition to inoc!ating peop!e with doses of !ogica! arg&ents that the$ &ight hear% we co!d a!so inoc!ate the& with sa&p!es of the ,inds of e&otiona! appea!s the$ &ight enconter#

;hen 9ersasion Atte&pts 4oo&erang1 Reactance Theor$ "eactance +heory  The idea that when peop!e fee! their freedo& to perfor& a certain 'ehavior is threatened% an np!easant state of reactance is arosed% which the$ can redce '$ perfor&ing the threatened 'ehavior#

;HEN ;I ATTITUDES 9REDI=T 4EHALIOR5  The re!ationship 'etween attitdes and 'ehavior is not si&p!e% as shown in a c!assic std$ @a9iere% *(0/1 In the ear!$ *(0.s% Richard a9iere e&'ar,ed on a crossestion can 'e e6pected to predict that 'ehavior# *ub-ective norms: ;e a!so need to &easre peop!e7s s'8ective nor&stheir 'e!iefs a'ot how peop!e the$ care a'ot wi!! view the 'ehavior in >estion# #erceived behavioral control: Intentions are inCenced '$ the ease with which the$ 'e!ieve the$ can perfor& the 'ehavior#


It trns ot that peop!e are inCenced '$ advertise&ents &ore than the$ thin,#  The res!ts of over three hndred sp!it ca'!e &ar,et tests indicate that advertising does wor,% partic!ar!$ for new prodcts# E"ective ads wor,ed >ic,!$% increasing sa!es s'stantia!!$ within the ?rst si6 &onths the$ were shown#

 THE 9O;ER OF ADLERTISING *ubliminal !essages ;ords or pictres that are not conscios!$ perceived 't &a$ neverthe!ess inCence peop!e7s 8dg&ents% attitdes% and 'ehaviors# Si&p!$ stated% there is no evidence that the t$pes of s'!i&ina! &essages encontered in ever$da$ !ife have an$ inCence on peop!e7s 'ehavior#

vert s ng%  tra Stereot$pes% and Socia! 4ehavior

Advertise&ents trans&it c!tra! stereot$pes in their words and i&ages% s't!$ !in,ing prodcts with desired i&ages# Advertise&ents can a!so reinforce and perpetate stereot$pica! wa$s of thin,ing a'ot socia! grops#

Gender stereot$pes are partic!ar!$ pervasive in advertising i&ager$# 2en are depicted as doers% wo&en as

vert s ng%  tra Stereot$pes% and Socia! 4ehavior *tereotype +hreat  The apprehension e6perienced '$ &e&'ers of a grop that their 'ehavior &ight con?r& a c!tra! stereot$pe#

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