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SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri Class-4 26th November 2005 New Delhi Translation By Ajay Zharotia

In the lotus feet of Sri Guru Sanjay Rath ji Sri Guru Sarbani ji My Special Dedications to Sri Guru Visti Larsen ji

Please note This is the Translation of the lecture given by Guru Sanjay Rath during SJC-Atri Class-4. Gurudev did not edit this translation. All mistakes are mine. Please forgive me for my limitations. In case of any query direct it to me. [email protected]

SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

||Hare Rama Krsna|| Today we will study about, “Graha Mala Yoga”. Ok, what is the yoga in “Jyotish”? Yoga is made through “Sambandha”. There is no yoga without “Sambandha”. Yoga means the “union” or coming together of two or more factors. Ok, when we say two or more factors what are these two and more? Do we include Rasi and Graha or just Graha? Parasara says, Rashi are not Jivatman, we see “Jadatman” in Rashi, so it does not constitute the yoga but it contributes to it. Graha form the yoga. It is very important concept. If we do not understand it then all the Yogas we may read will go wrong. So Yoga is formed by two or more grahas. Why are we talking of grahas because grahas are indicative of Jivatman. Ok, when Graha shows “Jivatman” then how Sambandha is formed between two or more grahas? Sambandha means relationship and these are of four types. First is Purna Sambandha (complete relationship), this happens in case of “Parivartan”. 100% complete Sambandha. Two grahas exchange their house (go to each other houses) with each other. For example Brhaspati in the rashi of Mangal and Mangal in the rashi of Brhaspati will cause a perfect bondage between Brhaspati and Mangal. Graha involved are not going to break this agreement and will definitely be acting accordingly. OK. Parivartan yoga will fructify from birth because it is complete in itself. Second is “Yuti” means when two Graha co join they create “Yuti”. This is also a kind of Purna yoga but slightly less than Parivartan yoga. Why? It is possible that when two or more grahas join together, they might help each other, they might do each other’s work or work for the same cause but it is also possible that they may have difference of opinion. For example when a Man and woman marry together they create a kind of Yuti. They still can have differences or they still can fight but relationship continues. So Yuti is a kind of Purna Yoga but not as perfect as Parivartan. Third type of Sambandha is “Drishti Sambandha”, when two planets aspect each other. This kind of yoga is considered weak because it is formed by the Drishti. And the yoga, which is formed by the Drishti, depends upon “Iccha Shakti” of the grahas. When desire is there then that yoga will work but when desire is not there it will not work. Remember we are seeing here Graha Drishti, not the Rashi Drishti. Have you seen Sri Rama Chart? Ok, Please take a note. From jyotish point of view take the horoscope of Sri Rama and then read the Ramayana you will enjoy more. Sri Rama was born in the Karka lagna with Chandra in the Pushya Nakshatra. Please note, it is important how nakshatra play an important role. Bharat was born after few hours in the same nakshatra with Meena lagna. Sri Laxman was SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

born next day in the karka lagna only but his Chandra was in Ashlesha Nakshatra, the Nakshatra of Sarpas. That why, Sri Laxman was also considered as an incarnation of the Vasuki. So did you notice all the brothers have the same kundlis. The only difference is the Nakshatra of Chandra. Now tell me, why Sri Laxman had doubts on Bharat? And why Shri Rama never doubted him? Tell me. See, Ashlesha is the nakshatra of Sarpas and it will never have a faith on Guru’s Rashi. It is very important. Study the Nakshatra from their respective deveta. Mana is guided by the devetas. Meaning of Deveta is “Diya”. Mana will go where devata will lead him. How can Mana go where there is no light? So do not go by just Vimsottari dasa lordship. If you want to understand nakshatra understand their deveta. Do you know why Bharni nakshatra is considered inauspicious? Why people are afraid of Bharni. Because, it is the Nakshatra of “Yama” the lord of death, tell me who is not afraid of death.

Ok now, see chart of Sri Rama, in Lagna Brhaspati is exalted, the lord himself is sitting there, and in 7th house Mangal is indicative of “Hanuman”. Now tell me was Sri Rama and hanuman was related since their birth? No. When Sri Rama needed him, he came. So in other words yoga formed by Drishti Sambandha will work when there is a desire. It is yoga of future. It will activate in some time in future when person will have desire to do so. The last type or fourth type of yoga, occur when there is a Parivartan by one planet and Drishti by other planet. Take an example, Brhaspati is in Mesha, and Mangal is in Kanya. So how the yoga is formed here? Brhaspati has gone to house of Mangal but Mangal did not reach the house of Brhaspati but he is aspecting the house of Brhaspati. It means he wants to come but did not reach. Brhaspati has done the work of Mangal by reaching his house but Mangal will work when he will have the “Iccha Shakti” or desire to do Brhaspati’s work. So when this desire will happen is the condition for the future so this yoga will also work in future. Means when the time will come these Yogas will fructify. Normally. People say it work during the natural ages of the grahas but it also work in the respective dasa of the grahas. So this kind of yoga is also considered very weak. SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

Now take a peculiar condition of Parivartan Yoga. Guru is in his own Rashi; He is sitting in his own house. He is the lord of that house and sitting in own house this also give rise to a kind of Parivartan with in itself, which has strength to generate “Mahapurush” Yoga. So when will he generate Mahapurush yoga? When he will be in Kendra to the lagna. What is Purusha? Purusha are the kendras, called Sri Vishnu Sthan. Trikonas are called Lakshmi Sthan. So when Lakshmi and Vishnu create a Sambandha, it is called Lakshmi Narayana Yoga. When Lord of Kendra creates a relationship with lord of Trikona this give rise to Lakshmi Narayana Yoga. So if these lords are involved in any of these 4 types of yoga it is called Lakshmi Narayana Yoga. Now we will discuss the different types of Lakshmi Narayana Yoga. Lets take 10 th house first. If the lord of 10 th house creates any kind (any one of 4 types) of Yoga with the lord of Ninth house, it is called Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga. This is considered as the most auspicious yoga in Jyotish. The person born with this yoga, his karma will always follow the path of Dharma. Now what is Dharma, we will not discuss here. Everybody has different Dharma to fulfill. Any way we will not get into that. The Person who has Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga will get the karma through his bhagya. The God will use his hand to fulfill certain karma that will be beneficial for the whole world. It is a karma Yoga and 9th house is involved so the Lakshmi will be giving the resources so long as his karma are for that purpose, for the welfare of the world. When 10th lord create yoga with trikona lord we consider it the blessings of Maa Shakti. If 7th lord creates yoga with the Trikona lord even that person does lot of work for the welfare of the world. Lord Shiva blesses that person when 5th lord or 9th lord creates yoga with the 7th lord. This kind of person strives to get knowledge of the religions of whole world. If this person gets into Christianity, he wants to understand Christianity completely. If this person learns jyotish he strive to be best in Jyotish. If he goes into Hinduism he will study Hinduism thoroughly. He wants all the knowledge. He will never be satisfied that only one religion will lead to god. He will always believe that all religion are the same and take you to the God. It gives a person very broad minded approach. Now take 4th lord, if it creates yoga with 5th or 9th lord than the lord Vishnu himself loves that person. He will consider the entire universe as his family. See the difference, when I was taking about 7th lord I was mentioning knowledge and Lord Shiva. That person will talk about all the religions of the world, all the knowledge, the true worshipers of Shiva. Shiva means Knowledge, the real worship of Shiva is pursuit of his knowledge. SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

In the same way take Vishnu. Vishnu comes from “Vasudeva Kutumbakam”. The people who do not have clean heart how will they consider whole world their own house and everybody as a part of their family. How can that person be close to Lord Vishnu? So, when 4th lord creates yoga with 5th lord or 9 th lord the person’s heart gets pure and because of that Mantra starts residing in the heart of that person. Now we saw three types of yoga, coming from blessings of Maa Shakti, Shiva and Vishnu i.e. from the involvement of 10th lord, 7th lord and 4th lord respectively. In the same manner when Lagnesh is involved in the yoga that come from the blessings of Surya. So today you understood the first chapter of yoga and who are the devetas associated with it. Now see the horoscope of Sri Rama and tell me the yoga in which Lagnesh is involved. Guru and Chandra are sitting in the lagna. Lagnesh is in lagna and 9th lord is also in lagna. So blessing of Surya will always be there. Suppose for a moment forget that this is the horoscope of Sri Rama and somebody comes to you with this kind of yoga in the lagna and ask you, what is the purpose of his life and the mantras to understand his real nature, what will you say. You will tell him Guru Chandra yoga only. Remember whenever Lagnesh is involved in the yoga always recommend worship of Surya because that yoga is coming from the blessings of Surya. In the Seventh House Mangal is aspecting Chandra in lagna. Here the yoga is between 5 th lord and lagna lord. Please do not confuse yourself here with lagna and 10 th lord, both the house are Kendra so that cannot be the yoga. May be it is any other yoga but not the Lakshmi Narayana yoga, which we are taking about today. So lagna lord and 5th lord are aspecting, this is the yoga for future because the Drishti Sambandha makes it. There is another yoga of Guru and Mangal here. What kind of Yoga it is? It is Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga, between 9th and 10 th lord. Because of this yoga Sri Rama got the strength of Maa Shakti and he was able to accomplish the task, for which he is remembered by the humanity forever. You know who gave us Navarna Chandi mantra; Sri Rama gave it to us, that is the reason it is called Rama Chandi Mantra. What other Yoga do we see? Yes, Panch Mahapurush Yoga is there. 5 planets are exalted. Remember, Sun and moon does not constitute Panch Mahapurush yoga. You need to understand the “ayana” (focus) of the grahas to understand Panch Mahapurush Yoga. Graha work in their “ayana”. Shukra gives Malviya Mahapurush yoga and persons jala tattva become stronger. See Shukra has the digbala in the fourth house. So Shukra keeps 4th house in focus. He will give every kind of comfort and luxuries to the person. SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

Person who is born with Hamsa Mahapurush yoga, his Akash tattva will be strong because of Guru. Buddha gives Bhadra Mahapurush Yoga and that person want to be king of the world. Bhadra Mahapurush and Hamsa Mahapurush yoga keeps their focus on Lagna. Bhadra Mahapurush will give person great name, fame, and authority etc. while Hamsa Mahapurush yoga will give immense Knowledge. Mangal gives Ruchak Mahapurush yoga, which strengthen the Agni tattva. Ruchak Mahapurush yoga gives karma Yoga, because it keeps 10th house in focus. Mangal has digbala in 10 th house. The person can perform any kind of work without any obstacles. Like Hanuman, he can do everything, Ruchak Mahapurush yoga turns impossible into possible. Similarly, Shani gives Sasa Mahapurush yoga, and keeps the 7th house in focus. This kind of person wants all their desire to be fulfilled. So now, you have understood the effect of Panch Mahapurush yoga. Always see the ayana (focus) of the Graha. That is very important. Student’s questions: On 6-8 relationship in Parivartan Ok understand this, it’s a good question. Suppose, Shukra is in Meena Rashi Lagna, Guru in Tula rashi, here the yoga happened between Shukra and Jupiter but this will not be called the Laxmi Narayana Yoga because trikona lord is not involved in this yoga. Student’s questions: Mostly giving various combinations (nothing significant) Be very clear the lord of Kendra and Trikona has to be involved for Laxmi Narayana Yoga to complete. It is raja yoga. We have learnt basics of Mahapurush yoga and Laxmi Narayana Yoga. Student question: Why Devi is associated with the 10th house. Very good question. Understand this. Four kendras are called four Gayatri. There are four “Sandhi” in a day. Sandhi means junction, from Sunrise to next day sunrise there are four junctions. In realty if you see Surya is always fixed in one position, it is lagna, which is moving. For example, at sunrise Surya is there in Mesha at 10 degrees. First Junction is sunrise. This is called “Surya Sandhi” or “Brahma Sandhi”. Surya himself is lord of this sandhi. According to Shastra, the worship of Brahma is barred that is why Surya is worshiped with Savitur Gayatri in this kala. Now where will be Surya in “Madhayana” or Around 12 noon? In 10th house, which mean karka is the lagna at that time. But in reality Surya is still there in SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

Mesha rashi. So karka lagna came in the 4th house from Surya. This “Madhayana” is called “Abhijeet Muhurta” and Lord Vishnu is worshipped with Vishnu Gayatri during this time. If anybody who takes Vishnu’s name at this time before having food his food and wealth will never reduce or end. In jyotish, According to Jataka Parijat, 4th house from Surya is called Abhijeet Rashi. It is believed to be like “Akshya Paatra” means the bowl in which food never ends. See the fourth house from Surya in your rashi, and worship the aditya related to that rashi your food will never end. Any way we will go into all this later. Similarly, third, Surya “asta kala” or sunset is considered as end of life, lagna will be in 7th house from Surya. When day ends Shiva is worshiped with Shiva Gayatri at this time. Mritunjay is also recited at this time in anustup chanda. Last, at Madhya Ratri or mid night lagna will be in 10th house from Surya. This junction is called Turya Gayatri. Turya mean fourth and the person who desire moksha or yogis worship Maa kali in Jagati Chanda at this time. This is also called kali Gayatri. So the basic of yogas are clear. Now see some inauspicious yoga also. Now Ok, suppose the yoga occur involving bhava other than Kendra and Trikona. There are six house involve in Kendra and Trikona i.e. 4 Kendra and 2 Trikonas. Lagna is included in the Trikona also but primarily it is Kendra and secondary it is trikona. Remember this, do not forget. Now which houses are left, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, & 12th clear? Tell me out of these which house is the worst? Student discussion: different opinions…and reasoning How come 2nd house is bad? When you will understand the meaning of word “Hari” that day you will understand the 2nd house also. Till the time “Hari” is giving you food you are here in this world. So, 2nd house cannot be that bad. It sustains you in this world. I can understand about 8th house, because our debts are there, Past karmas are there, but I cannot hold some one else responsible for that. It is our own karmas. See; understand the concept first, it is very important. Do you know what is “Trika”? Trika is 3rd, 6th, & 11th . These are three houses because of which you are born in this world. “Ka” is the Brahma akshara. Please note that “Ka” is very important when you will learn Mantra Shastra. Why kali has “Krim” as Beeja akshara? Please read “Karpuradi Stotra” of kali, most of the mantra of kali has come from there. There you will know that “Ka” is the Brahma akshara, creation of body is based on this. How the Ataman gets separated from Parma-atman? It is separated because of the strength of 12 vowels. Why did Brahma created the world, it is because of Tri-Ka means three “Ka” which are mainly 3rd, 6th, & 11th House. When we will study Rudramsa, there we will see these 3 house also SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

because of which our enemies get defeated. Our “Shad-ripu” is our real enemy. When we do Brahma dasa we calculate it from 6th house for lagna, then 7th house for 2nd house and so on. 6th house is the reason for which you are born. Why? Because there was some “Avgunas” left over there. Till the time these “Avgunas” are there, you will come back again. This is most important teaching of Jyotish. Three houses 3rd , 6th, & 11th and the root of all these houses is 6th house which is opposite of 12th the house of Moksha. Because of Avgunas in this house you are denied of “Moksha”. So in Jataka, 6th house is considered as the most malefic house. If Subha grahas are there in this house then person tries to remove his own “av-gunas” and contrary to this if papa grahas are here than person sink further in his own “avgunas”. If 6th house have papa-Graha then Lagnesh need to be stronger. Any Graha placed in 6th house become reason for the enmity or defeat of that person. For example 7th lord going to 6 th house, spouse will become reason for defeat or if 3rd lord is placed in 6th then brother can become reason for enmity. In the same manner lord of any house placed in the 6 th becomes reason for the enmity. Student’s question: what if Lagnesh go to 6th house? See, this is very important point. If Lagnesh goes to 6th house, one that person can become his own enemy or he will become so intelligent that he will come beyond every thing. If lagna lord goes to any one of these three houses 3rd, 6th, & 11th than person became very intelligent, like Brahma. Tell me, which house is in trine to 3rd and 11th house? 7th house, if you worship lord Ship you will come out of the bad effect of these 2 houses. So it is important that if Lagnesh goes to 3rd or 11th house the person should worship lord Shiva. If Lagnesh goes to 6th house person should worship Vishnu, he will become very intelligent and leave enmity. Student’s question: If Lagnesh is in 6th then, trine from the 6th house is 10th house, what if he worships Devi? Yes, that will be required while defeating enemies. Normally, that person needs to worship Devi in “Sumya Rupa” not in Kali Rupa. In my experience, I have seen if this person even by mistake worships Durga, all his work will accomplish without any obstacle. If Lagnesh goes to 6th house the person would not like to worship Vishnu or Devi. See, you are Lagnesh not lagna. Your Jivatman not Jadatman, so you are Lagnesh and the house where Lagnesh goes is your Paka-Lagna. The person will see the world for that houses perspective. This perspective can be wrong sometimes. Make the Paka-lagna first house and see the strength and weakness of that chart from that house. By this placement, you will notice this person becomes very good in war. The kind of strategy he can evolve nobody can. Normally these people do very well in area of law and order. They can become very good lawyers. SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

What Gurudev Said…

SJC-Atri-Class-4: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath

Topic: Yogas- Part-1

Similarly see all the bhavas, which are in Kendra and Trikona to 6th house of that person and judge result. Also, See that which bhava become bad from sixth house and give adverse result. See their lord and their relationship with Lagnesh. The planets that are in Kendra and Trikona to the Lagnesh will support Lagnesh. Because, Lagnesh is ultimately the focus of the chart, you are the focus of the chart. We will study this later, let move further we have to finish at least basic of the yoga today. Suppose, what will happen if the lord of good house and the lord of bad house does the Parivartan or makes some yoga. For example 9th lord goes to 3rd house and 3rd lord goes to 9th house, there is a Parivartan. 3rd house is the house, which is called the house of fall, Kama Bhava and 9th house, is guru or Dharma. A very strange combination isn’t it. The meaning of this Parivartan is this, that person can see lot of bad name with respect to his father or teacher and emerge as very religious person. So something bad can happen and finally result in something good. I will tell you very important rule today, which nobody sees. In this kind of exchange the 3rd lord, which is gone to the 9th house, shows his desire to become good so he need to be strengthen. And 9th lord who goes to the bad house need to be weaken in the chart. Just see the principle, if good is becoming enemy, he should be rejected and if enemy becomes good he should be accepted. If needed recommend even gemstone of the 3rd lord because he is gone to 9th house. If he becomes strong he will make that person “Dharmatma” but condition is that at the same time 9th lord has to be weaken. If 9 th lord is not weaken than 3rd lord also cannot become strong. When you will see horoscope you will find these type of yogas most. If there is Parivartan in good and bad houses follow the above principle I have given. Remember these rules of mine. These are very important. Effects of Saturn on 9th recommend worship of Devi, effects of Mars on 9th recommend worship of Shiva, effects of nodes on 9th recommend mantras of guru. In cases of node see rashi of Jupiter and if it is in even Rashi you can take Guru Dattatryea mantra or for odd Rashi you can take Dakshinamurti mantra.

To be continued…

Om tat Sat

SJC-Atri-Class-4: 26 th November 2005

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