April 24, 2017 | Author: Mukhram Bhadu | Category: N/A
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ATP11A Siteforge Process – 850 MHz

Document History Version




Version 1.0

Ashish Shukla


New ATP 11B procedure for 850 Mhz

Version 1.1

Ashish Shukla


Modification in Slide 36 Remark about Existing Antenna Swap and Transfer to ware house

Agenda Work Order Assignment Management Flow chart Example on WO Assignment Management Flow Procedure to use SITEFORGE using tab in field WO Assignment Management Flow(ATP-11A) Install and usage of various Login Procedure to use SITEFORGE using tab in field

Introduction to Work Order Assignment Management Work Order Assignment Management is also known as WAS. WAS is going to help users in automating the Work Order(WO) flow in a systematic manner using a portal called SITEFORGE. Using this portal each level of Management employees will receive and execute their WO or Task assigned to them. Helps to trace the network status through online mode. Provides Visual steps to guide users on progress and upcoming steps. Improves productivity & complete visibility. Helps users to monitor Parameter Compliance Index(Planned Vs. Actual). Helps users to Search/Filter Sites & WO based on various parameters.

Network Lifecycle Management Flow (Work Allocation System)

WO assignment management flow Responsibility: GIS/SIITE FORGE; Notification: Samsung CH

Responsibility:Sam sung CH; Notification:Samsun g AM, RJIL CTO Responsibility: Samsung Am Notification: Samsung CM

On Hold with justification

WO is created & issued to respective SAMSUNG CH by RJIL

Samsung QE “Accept” “On hold” with issue list to eNB Eng

CH assigns the WO to respective Samsung AM Accept 1. AM assign Samsung eNB engineer & QE for that Site 2. Assign various tasks of that WO to single or multiple SOLPAR

SAMSUNG AM will Accept

Reject Responsibility: SOLPAR PM Notification :Samsung AM & Samsung eNB er.

SOLPAR PM assigns task to SOLPAR field engineer

RJIL Circle CTO Accept/ Reject Accept

Task is auto-closed in SITEFORGE Responsibility: SOLPAR field engineer Notification: Samsung eNB er. & SOLPAR PM Responsibility: SOLPAR FE & SAMSUNG eNB er. Notification: Samsung AM & SOLPAR PM

SOLPAR field er. Executes task(Pre ATP 11A) & saves it in tab & uploads to server once in coverage & notify to eNB Eng. Pre-ATP11A is acknowledged by eNB Eng joint ATP11A is performed (FE + eNB Eng) Report is modified on Tab ,if required (FE) Joint-ATP11A is completed & report is uploaded on server. Samsung eNB er. to certify


Response:Sam sung QE Notification: Samsung-Reg QM,AM,CM; SOLPAR-PM,FE

Responsibility: Samsung AM Notification: Regional QM,SAMS CM,Circle RJIL CTO Responsibility: Circle RJIL CTO Notfication: Samsung CH,AM;System( GIS,REIMS)

Responsibility: SAMSUNG AM Notification: SOLPAR PM, SAMSUNG CH

Login Creation & Siteforge Installation

Login creation - introduction Objective • Procedure to install and use (Work Allocation System – WAS [Siteforge]) in Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8” by Solpar field engineers • Steps User (Solpar field engr.) creation by : Solpar Project manager Intimation mail to field engineer : From Siteforge team ([email protected])

Click activation link

Login to Siteforge and change password (default password is with project manager) Download and install .apk (installation file). Start using the siteforge by clicking the icon.

Login creation - Intimation mail

Receive mail from siteforge team Click on Activation Link

Login creation – accessing the site first time If the mail is accessible in the TAB

Click on Activation Link

If the mail is not accessible in the TAB (eg. Official mail not configured in the the TAB) Open explorer, type below link in the address bar

Login creation – password change Change the password

Default password would be available with your project manager

Login Login with the new password

Changing security setting Before downloading the installation file, change the security setting •Go to TAB setting •Turn on Blocking mode •Tick Unknown sources check box

Download and install installation file (.apk) file

•Click ‘Download Apk’, •Once downloaded, go to notifications and click .apk file •Select install

ATP 11A Procedure

How to Login?-FE Login with your user name from Samsung TAB

ATP 11A Process

Click on Task

ATP 11A Process

Click drop down Menu to Select Specific band

ATP 11A Process

Select 850 Band

ATP 11A Process

Select the Site and Click on Perform ATP 11A

Site Information


Click On Next

Installation Scenario

Field Engineer need to answer the above question that they have installed Multiband or Penta Band during 850 Mhz Installation

Antenna Make & Model

EDIT Enter the Information based on ACE/ROSENBERGER Model Type Used


Antenna Height incuding building height and tower foundation height in Case of RTP/RTT/RTD

Antenna & Cable Information

Tilt Information

Azimuth Information

½ inch RF jumper Information

CPRI Cable & RRH Type

CPRI Length

RRH type V1/V2

Installation Check List

EDIT CDU Installation Check List

Press yes or no to depict the status

Installation Check List

RRH Installation Check

Installation Check List

Antenna Installation Check

Installation Check List

Cabling Check for 850 Mhz

Grounding Check

Site Inventory List

Field Engineer need to capture the Serial number of all the site inventory for 850 Mhz

Capture the 850 Mhz L9CA serial Number

Capture 850 Mhz RRH Serial Number for all Three sectors

Capture 850 Mhz Antenna Serial Number for all Three sectors

Site Inventory List

Capture 850 Mhz Antenna Serial Number for all Three sectors

Incase of Pentaband / Muntiband Antenna capture the serial number of all the three RET in all the 3 Sectors

Site Photograph

Collect the mentioned photographs

Site Photograph

Site Photograph

Site Photograph

Site Photograph


Incase of existing antenna are swapped with new antenna then SOLPAR need to mention the YES/NO , and also confirm that they are sent back to warehouse .

Add remarks about the work done if any

Click Next

Acceptance Sheet

Thank You!!!

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