Atok Big Wedge Mutual Benefit Association v Atok Big Wedge Company

July 10, 2019 | Author: Foxtrot Alpha | Category: Employee Benefits, Wage, Fair Labor Standards Act, Minimum Wage, Employment
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Labor Standards Case...


Atok-Big Wedge Mutual Beneft Association vs. Atok-Big Wedge Mining Company Incorporated G.R. No. -!"#$% &uly '$% '$(( )acts* On 04 Sept Septem embe berr 19 1950 50,, the the Atoktok-Bi Big g Wedge edge Mutu Mutual al Bene Beneft ft Ao!i A o!iati ation, on, a labor labor union, union, demand demanded ed "rom "rom the AtokAtok-Bi Big g Wedge edge Mining Mining #ompan$, among other, an in!reae o" 50 !enta%o in the dail$ &age' (n the !oure o" !on!iliator$ meaure, ome o" the demand &ere granted and the other, in!luding the dail$ &age in!reae, re)e!ted' *he #ourt f+ed, ee!ti%e "rom the date o" the demand, the minimum &age at '.5 peo &ith ri!e ration and /'0 &ithout ri!e ration, den$ing dedu!tion "rom the minimum &age, the %alue o" houing "a!ilitie "urnihed b$ Atok to it emplo$ee and e!ien!$ bonu' epondent ube2uentl$ preented an urgent petition "or authorit$ to !eae it operation and la$-o emplo$ee due to hea%$ loe, in!reaed ta+e, high !ot o" material, negligible 2uantit$ o" ore depoit, and the en"or!ement o" the Minimum Wage 3a&, the !ontinued operation o"  the !ompan$ &ould lead to it immediate bankrupt!$ and !ollape' (ntead o" hearing the petition, the #ourt !on%ened the partie "or %oluntar$ !on!iliation and mediation and therea"ter, the partie rea!hed an agreement %aluing the "a!ilitie that &ill "orm part o" the &age and to be !harged in "ull or partiall$ b$ epondent againt laborer or emplo$ee in the e+igen!ie o" operation' *he labor union argue that to allo& the dedu!tion o" "a!ilitie appearing in the Agreement &ould be !ontrar$ to the mandate o"  Se!tion 19 o" the Minimum Wage 3a&, &hi!h tate that an emplo$er i not  )utifed in redu!ing redu!ing upplement "urnihed "urnihed on the date o" ena!tment'

Issue* Whether or not "a!ilitie !ome &ithin the term upplement' upplement' Ruling*  6O' *he meaning o" the term 7upplement7 ha been f+ed b$ the #ode #ode o" ule ule and egulat egulation ion  promu promulga lgated ted b$ the Wage Ad Admi mini nitra tratio tion n O!e O!e to implem plemen entt the Minim nimum Wage age 3a& 3a& 8#h' #h' 1, !: !:;, a< a< e+tr +tra renumeration or beneft re!ei%ed b$ &age earner "rom their emplo$ee and and in!l in!lud ude e but but are are not not retr etri! i!te ted d to pa$ pa$ "or %a!a %a!ati tion on and holi holida da$ $ not not &orked= paid i!k lea%e or maternit$ lea%e= o%ertime rate in e+!e o" &hat i re2uired b$ la&= i!k, penion, retirement, and death beneft= proft-haring= "amil$ allo&an!e= #hritma, &ar rik and !ot-o"-li%ing bonue= or other bonue other than thoe paid a a re&ard "or e+tra output or time pent on the )ob' 7Supplemen 7Supplement7, t7, there"or there"ore, e, !ontitute !ontitute e+tra e+tra renumer renumeration ation or pe!ial pe!ial pri%ilege or beneft gi%en to or re!ei%ed b$ the laborer o%er and abo%e their ordinar$ earning or &age' >a!ilitie, on the other hand, are item o"  e+pen +pene e ne!e ne!e ar ar$ $ "or "or the the labo laborrer? er? and and hi hi "ami "amil$ l$? ? e+it +iten en!e !e and and ubiten!e, o that b$ e+pre pro%iion o" the la& 8e!'  g:; the$ "orm part part o" the the &age &age and and &hen &hen "urn "urni ihe hed d b$ the the empl emplo$ o$er er are are dedu dedu!t !tib ible le

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there"rom there"rom in!e i" the$ are not o "urnihed, the laborer &ould pend and pa$ "or them )ut the ame' (t i thu !lear !lear that the "a!ilitie "a!ilitie mentioned mentioned in the agreement o" O!tober 9, 195 do not !ome &ithin the term 7upplement7 a ued in Art' 19 o" the Minimum Wage 3a&'

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