Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet & Instructions (in Accor

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Process Industry Practices Vessels

PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time by the responsible Function Team and will be reviewed every 5 years. This Practice will be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn. Information on whether this Practice has been revised may be found at

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP.

PIP will consider requests for interpretations (inquiries) for this Practice. Instructions for preparing inquiries are available on the PIP website at PRINTING HISTORY June 2000 Issued June 2002 Editorial Revision Not printed with State funds


Process Industry Practices Vessels

PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650) Table of Contents 1. Introduction .................................. 2 1.1 Purpose ............................................. 2 1.2 Scope................................................. 2

2. References ................................... 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Process Industry Practices ................ 2 Industry Codes and Standards .......... 2 Government Documents.................... 3 Other Government Documents.......... 4

3. Use of This Practice .................... 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Data Sheet Purpose .......................... 4 Purchaser’s Responsibility................. 4 Manufacturer’s Responsibility............ 4 Text Legibility..................................... 4

4. Specific Instructions.................... 4 4.1 Line-by-Line Instructions.................... 4 4.2 Tank Plan and Sketches.................. 23

Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet

Process Industry Practices

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PIP VEDTA003 EDITORIAL REVISION Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650) June 2002


Introduction 1.1

Purpose This Practice provides guidance to purchasers (owners, engineering contractors, and other designated agents) and manufacturers (fabricators and erectors) for the preparation and completion of the Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet (hereafter referred to as the Data Sheet). The Data Sheet shall be prepared in conjunction with PIP VESTA002 such that comprehensive proposals (bids) may be made and subsequent purchase orders may be placed for the fabrication and erection of tanks per API Standard 650 (hereafter referred to as API 650).


Scope This Practice explains information to be placed on the Data Sheet primarily by purchasers for use by manufacturers. However, some of the instructions apply to either the purchaser or the manufacturer, depending on which party assumes certain responsibilities.


References Requirements in the latest edition (or edition indicated) of the following codes, standards, and references shall be considered an integral part of this Practice. Short titles will be used herein when appropriate. 2.1

Process Industry Practices (PIP) – PIP INST1000 - Requirements for Storage Tank Insulation Systems (in progress) – PIP VECTA001 - Tank Selection Guide (in progress) Note: PIP VECTA001 is intended for use by owners and engineering contractors, not by manufacturers. – PIP VEFTA100 - Tank Drawing Standards List (in progress) – PIP VESTA002 - Atmospheric Storage Tank Specification (in Accordance with API Standard 650) – PIP VEDTA003 - Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)


Industry Codes and Standards •

American Petroleum Institute (API) – API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks – API Standard 650 - Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage – API Recommended Practice 651 - Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

– API Recommended Practice 652 - Lining of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms – API Recommended Practice 2350 - Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities •

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) – ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1 - Pressure Vessels Basic Coverage – ASME B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 –

ASME B16.21 - Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges

– ASME B16.47 - Large Diameter Steel Flanges NPS 26 through NPS 60 •

American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) – ASTM A573 - Standard Specification for Structural Carbon Steel Plates of Improved Toughness

Canadian Standards Association International (CSA) – CSA G40.21-M - Structural Quality Steels

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) – ISO 630 - Structural Steels

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) – NFPA 780 - Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems


Government Documents •

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – OSHA 29 CFR 1910 - Subpart D: Walking-Working Surfaces – OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – EPA 40 CFR Part 63 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories (HON) Subpart F - National Emission Standards for Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Subpart G - National Emission Standards for Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry for Process Vents, Storage Vessels, Transfer Operators, and Waste Water Subpart H - National Emission Standards for Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment Leaks – EPA 40 CFR Part 68 - Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions Subpart G - Risk Management Plan (RMP)

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– EPA 40 CFR Part 264 - Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (RCRA) Subpart J - Tank Systems 2.4

Other Government Documents – Hershfield, D. M. 1961. “Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States for Durations from 30 Minutes to 24 Hours and Return Periods from 1 to 100 Years,” Technical Paper No. 40, Weather Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 115 pp.


Use of This Practice 3.1

Data Sheet Purpose The Data Sheet (attached to this Practice) shall be part of a complete tank specification. The Data Sheet provides space for defining specific technical information such as geometry, design loads, materials, and appurtenances, as well as an outline sketch of the tank. The Data Sheet may be used as part of the owner’s permanent record describing the tank. Because some information on the Data Sheet may be determined by the manufacturer, the Data Sheet may also be used to facilitate gathering of the complete design requirements.


Purchaser’s Responsibility The preparer(s) of the Data Sheet shall have tank design experience and shall ensure that the requirements are both accurate and complete. The purchaser is primarily responsible for initiating and completing the Data Sheet.


Manufacturer’s Responsibility The manufacturer shall complete the Data Sheet as required to describe the proposal and shall provide the relevant information required on all lines marked with an asterisk (*) that have not been provided by the purchaser. The Data Sheet shall be submitted at various times during the project as described in PIP VESTA002, Section 1.5.


Text Legibility All text placed on the Data Sheet shall be of size and quality to be readable and reproducible. Use additional sheets or extend the form electronically for more space or necessary additions.


Specific Instructions 4.1

Line-by-Line Instructions Each place for data entry (numbered lines, boxes, table cells, etc.) on the Data Sheet shall be completed by marking “NA” (not applicable), “Later,” “TBD” (to be determined), or other such terminology. The “Later” and “TBD” notations shall be

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

edited to reflect subsequent decisions and as-built configurations (see PIP VESTA002, Section 1.5). See Section 3.3 for items marked with an asterisk (*). Use any consistent set of units for all dimensions and other data on the Data Sheet. Change any pre-printed units as required. The following numbered items correspond to the numbered lines and numbered tables on the Data Sheet. General 1. Tank manufacturer – Manufacturer’s name* – Contract number*: Enter proposed or assigned. – Address*: Enter physical address, not a post office box. – Manufacturer’s serial number for tank* – Year built* – Edition and Addendum of API 650 used for design and fabrication* 2. Purchaser – Purchaser’s name – Purchase order number or designation – Address: Enter physical address, not a post office box. – Tank designation: For example, item number, equipment tag number, or other description. 3. Owner/Operator – Owner/operator name – Location of facility where tank will be operated 4. Tank Dimensions – Size Limitations: Specify size limitations only when exact dimensions are to be determined by manufacturer (e.g., maximum and minimum diameters, shell heights, overall heights, etc.). – Tank Diameter*: Specify ID, OD, or CL/BSC (centerline diameter of bottom shell course). – Shell Height*: Specify the distance from the top face of the bottom plate or annular ring to the upper edge of the cylindrical shell including top angle, if any. – Maximum Capacity and Net Working Capacity*: Determine according to the attached criteria. Units may be in any conventional volumetric measure (e.g., barrels, gallons, cubic meters, etc.).

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– Criteria*: Specify by reference to the rules whereby the terms of capacity may be determined (e.g., API RP 2350). 5. Products Stored – Liquid: Specify liquid(s) requiring storage. – Minimum Specific Gravity and Maximum Specific Gravity: Enter specific gravities of the stored liquid(s) at designated temperatures. Use extreme values of all products when tanks are to be designed for multiple products. The minimum specific gravity provided here shall be used in making the decision for minimum design specific gravity of PIP VESTA002, Sections C.3.4.1 and H.4.2.6. – Vapor: Specify vapor in the space above the liquid. – Vapor Pressure: Specify absolute vapor pressure at the maximum operating temperature. Use the largest value for tanks designed for multiple products. – % Aromatic: Specify percentage by weight of aromatic hydrocarbons in tank. – Supplemental Specification: Refer to any supplemental specification for protecting the materials of construction, as applicable. – Hydrogen Sulfide Service? (Yes/No): Indicate if expected. If “Yes,” a supplemental specification for material selection and hardness shall be provided. – Supplemental Specification: Refer to any supplemental specification for material selection and hardness when hydrogen sulfide service is expected. See PIP VESTA002, Section 3.3.4. – Other Special Service Conditions: Include any conditions that may require further consideration. Consider thermal expansion or shock, cyclic vibratory fatigue, and issues or regulations concerning the product stored, e.g., chloride, caustic, amine, or ethanol corrosion, hydrogen blistering or embrittlement, oleum, sulfuric acid, or ammonia service, RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act), HON (Hazardous Organic National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants), RMP (Clean Air Act Risk Management Plan), etc. Provide supplemental specifications as needed. Design and Testing 6. Applicable API 650 Appendices*: Select the API 650 Appendices by marking the corresponding boxes on the Data Sheet. All Appendices except Appendix E are listed here. The description and the applicability for each API 650 Appendix is given in API 650, Section 1. API 650, Appendix E, may be selected on Line 8 of the Data Sheet. If API 650, Appendix G, is selected, the data sheet in Appendix G shall be attached to this Data Sheet. If no appendices are chosen, the basic design of API 650 is intended.

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

7. Design Parameters – Maximum Operating Temperature: Often called the design temperature (the highest metal temperature for which the tank is to be designed). Differs from the “usual” operating temperature. For temperature limits, see API 650, Section 1.1.1, and Appendices M and S. – Design Metal Temperature*: Enter either lowest 1-day mean temperature plus 15ºF or a lower temperature as specified by the purchaser if operating conditions and/or local atmospheric conditions control fracture toughness issues. – Roof Maximum Operating Temperature*: Specify only when different from shell and bottom temperatures, as in the case of an uninsulated roof on an insulated shell. – Design Liquid Level*: See API 650, Sections, C.3.1, and E.8, and PIP VESTA002, Sections 3.6.C and E.8.B. – Design Pressure: Specify pressure and units in the vapor space. – Partial Vacuum: See PIP VESTA002, Section 3.2.E for units. – Maximum Fill Rate: Specify rate and units (e.g., 100 gallons per minute). – Maximum Emptying Rate: Specify rate and units (e.g., 75 gallons per minute). – Flotation Considerations (Yes/No): Indicate if required. Include design consideration that advise the manufacturer about flotation anchorage, bottom uplift, and partial submersion pressures arising out of flood or dike impoundment. – Flotation Supplemental Specifications: Refer to any that may describe external liquid depth, external fluid specific gravity, minimum internal liquid level, and any other information necessary for design. PIP VESTA002, Section 3.2.F, makes the design criteria here a matter of agreement between purchaser and manufacturer. – Applied Supplemental Load Specification: Refer to supplemental specifications that provide concentrated loads applied to the shell, such as openings or appurtenances from attached equipment, valves, or piping, or reactions from stairs and platforms for determination of strength and stiffness issues by the manufacturer. If this information is not provided, the requirements of PIP VESTA002, Section 1.5.F.5, still apply. 8. Seismic Design Data – Seismic Design? (Yes/No): Indicate whether design for earthquakes is required. The purchaser may specify API 650, Appendix E, or an alternate criterion. – API 650 Appendix E: Mark the box provided if API 650 shall be used for seismic design.

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– Alternate Seismic Criteria: Refer to any supplemental criteria different from API 650 that shall be followed. All required design factors shall be included in this supplemental specification. – Zone: See API 650, Appendix E, Figure E-1, and Table E-1, or as specified by the purchaser. – Importance Factor: See API 650, Appendix E, Section E.3.1. – Zone Factor*: See API 650, Appendix E, Table E-2. – Site Coefficient*: See API 650, Appendix E, Table E-3. This is a number between 1.0 and 2.0. – Slosh Height: Specify freeboard skirt height to prevent wave action overspill during an earthquake event (see PIP VESTA002, Section E.8.B). – Roof Tie Rods @ Outer Ring?* (Yes/No): See API 650, Section, and PIP VESTA002, Section E.8. – Sliding Friction Factor*: Specify a multiplier on the weight of the tank and its contents to establish the lateral force at the tank bottom that resists sliding (see API 650, Appendix E, Section E.8.4). 9. Design Wind Issues – Wind Velocity*: See API 650, Section, Notes (a) and (d), and API 650, Section 3.11.1, Note. – Prevailing Wind Direction: For example, NW to SE. – Check Overturning Stability? (Yes/No): See API 650, Section 3.11 – Top Wind Girder Style*: See API 650, Section 3.9, and Figure 3-20, for open top and external floating roofs. – Dimensions of Top Wind Girder*: For example, if style were “Curb Angle,” the dimension might be 3 x 3 x 3/8. – Use Top Wind Girder as Walkway? (Yes/No): See API 650, Section 3.9, and Figure 3-21, and note 3'-6" dimension requirement of PIP VESTA002, Section 3.9.B, if choice is “Yes.” – Intermediate Wind Girders* (Yes/No): Specify “Yes” whenever wind girders shall be added to the shell to satisfy shell stability stiffening predicated by wind loads. Specify “No” if shell stiffening is to be accomplished by increasing the shell thickness. If not specified by purchaser, the manufacturer must select between the two alternatives and indicate the choice here. – Intermediate Wind Girder Style*: See API 650, Section 3.9 and Figure 3-20, for all kinds of tanks whenever wind girders are specified. – Dimensions of Intermediate Wind Girders*: For example, if style were “formed plate,” dimension might be b=30 per API 650, Figure 3-20.

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– Check Buckling in Corroded Condition? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. If ”Yes,” the wind load shall be applied to the corroded shell to establish the adequacy of the thicknesses and/or stiffening rings to resist the applied forces. 10. Shell Design – 1-Foot Method?* (Yes/No): Indicate if required. The purchaser may select this shell thickness design method. The method is subject to the limitations noted in API 650, Sections 3.6.3, A.4, J.3.3, and S.3.2. If not selected by the purchaser, the manufacturer may select either this design method or one of the other two methods that API 650 lists, subject to the API 650 restrictions and purchaser’s approval. – Variable-Design-Point Method?* (Yes/No/Alternate): Indicate if required. The purchaser may select this shell thickness design method. This method is subject to the restrictions detailed in API 650, Section 3.6.4, as well as in PIP VESTA002, Section 3.6.B. If the 1-Foot Method or Elastic Analysis Method is selected by the purchaser and the Variable-Point Design Method is also selected as an “Alternate” by the purchaser, the Variable-Point Design Method may be used in addition to the purchaser-selected method, but the resulting proposal must be clearly marked as an “Alternate.” If the method is not selected by the purchaser, the manufacturer may select either this design method or one of the other two methods that API 650 lists, subject to the API 650 and PIP VESTA002 restrictions and to the purchaser’s approval. – Elastic Analysis Method?* (Yes/No/Alternate): Indicate if required. The purchaser may select this shell design method. This method is subject to the restrictions detailed in API 650, Section 3.6.5, and in PIP VESTA002, Section 3.6.B. If the 1-Foot or Variable Design-Point Method is selected by the purchaser and the Elastic Analysis Method is also selected as an “Alternate” by the purchaser, the Elastic Analysis Method may be used in addition to the purchaser-selected method, but the resulting proposal must be clearly marked as an “Alternate.” If the method is not selected by the purchaser, the manufacturer may select either this design method or one of the other two methods that API 650 lists, subject to the API 650 and PIP VESTA002 restrictions and to the purchaser’s approval. – Plate-Stacking Criteria* Centerline-Stacked? (Yes/No) or FlushStacked on the Inside? (Yes/No): Choose between centerline-stacked or flush-stacked on the inside by marking “Yes” and “No,” respectively, in the boxes provided on the Data Sheet in accordance with PIP VESTA002, Sections 1.4 and 3.1.5.B. – Plate Widths (Shell Course Heights) and Thicknesses (New)*: Specify nominal shell course heights and new, nominal thicknesses. The first course is attached to the bottom. – Joint Efficiency*: Specify in percentage. Applicable only to API 650, Appendices A, J, and S designs. Mark “NA” for all other designs.

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– Shell-to-Bottom Weld Type*: See API 650, Figure 3-3A (inside and outside corner fillets), Figure 3-3C (inside and outside partial penetration corner welds with fillet weld reinforcement), and Section J.3.2.4 (full penetration butt weld to flanged flat bottom). – Corner Weld Inspection Method*: Choose among the options listed in accordance with API 650, Section 5.2.4. 11. Open Top and Fixed Roof Data (see page 5 of the Data Sheet for Floating Roofs) – Open Top?* (Yes/No) Specify “Yes” if tank has no roof or has an external floating roof. Specify “No” for all other tanks. Note: The remaining entries apply to fixed roofs ONLY: – Fixed Roof Type*: Enter description such as supported cone with internal structure, supported cone with external structure, structurally supported aluminum geodesic dome, self-supporting cone, selfsupporting dome, self-supporting umbrella, and flanged only flat top. – Roof Support Columns*: Complete for supported roofs only. Specify pipe or structural shape. If structural shape is specified, indicate the kind (e.g., wide flange, back-to-back channel, etc.). – Cone Slope*: Specify as rise and run in inches per foot. For examples, see API 650, Sections 3.10 and 3.10.5. – Dome or Umbrella Radius*: See API 650, Section 3.10.6, for selfsupporting approximate spherical radius of roof. – Weld Joints*: Describe the type of roof plate weld joint. May be lap joint, butt joint, or some combination thereof. By default, lap joint shall be chosen. Note: API 650, Appendix F, Section F.7 roofs shall conform to API Standard 620. When radial lap joints are included in the compression ring region, see API Standard 620, Section 3.12.2, Note 17, for an important design issue. – Seal Weld Underside of Lap Joints? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. May be required for internally coated roof plates or to prevent crevice corrosion. – Gastight? (Yes/No): Indicate whether the vapor space must be gastight. For examples, see API 650, Section 5.3.7. – Joint Efficiency*: Use only for API 650, Appendix F, Section F.7 roofs. See API Standard 620, Table 3-2. – Thickness*: Provide nominal thickness (in inches), including any corrosion allowance of roof plates. – Live Load*: Indicate uniformly distributed roof live loads from operational, maintenance, personnel, scaffolding, equipment loads, snow, ice, etc. API 650, Section, requires a minimum value of

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25 PSF. For instructions on combining with ice and snow loads, see PIP VESTA002, Section 3.2.D. – Applied Supplemental Loads Specification*: Indicate supplementary specifications for both dead and live roof loads that are concentrated or have local distributions (e.g., the personnel loads of API 650, Sections and H.4.2.5). Specify any reactions from platforms or walking surfaces as well as loads applied by equipment, valves, and piping. – Column Lateral Load: Purchaser may optionally specify lateral loads imposed upon roof-supporting columns in accordance with API 650,Section – Frangible Roof-to-Shell Joint? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. See API 650, Sections and The frangibility of tanks less than 50 feet in diameter may require additional design considerations beyond those required by API 650. – Seal Weld Roof Plates to Top Angle on the Inside? (Yes/No): When “Yes” is selected, the shell-to-roof-joint shall be seal-welded on the inside. For certain designs, this may adversely effect frangibility, as indicated in API 650, Section F.2.2.2. – Roof-to-Shell Detail*: See API 650, Figures 3-3A, F-2, and Section J.3.5, and API Standard 620, Figure 3-6. – Radial Projection of Horizontal Component to Top Angle*: Specify inward or outward projection. 12. Required Bottom Data – Thickness*: Enter nominal thickness, including corrosion allowance. – Style*: A = flat, B = cone up to center, C = cone down to center, D = side to side, E = cone down to off-center sump – Slope*: Enter in inches/foot. For Style E above, the slope specified is the maximum slope. – Weld Joint Type*: 1 = single-welded full-fillet lap joint, 2 = singlewelded butt with non-removable backing strip, 3 = double-welded butt without backing strip, 4 = double welded, full-fillet lap joints, 5 = other to be detailed on Data Sheet Remarks Line 23 – Provide Drip Flange (Yes/No): Indicate if required. If “Yes,” a drip flange shall be provided per PIP VESTA002, Section 3.4.B. Unless the following Alternate Specification is provided, the default drip flange shall be provided. – Alternate Specification: Refer to an acceptable drip ring design specification if the purchaser requires a drip ring but declines the default design of PIP VESTA002, Section 3.4.B. – Annular Ring* (Yes/No): Indicate if required. The purchaser may stipulate this type of detail even if API 650 does not require such for

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the materials and thickness of the first shell course. A purchaser’s choice of “No” does not relieve the manufacturer from complying with API 650 requirements in this regard. – Annular Ring Minimum Radial Width* and Thickness:* Specify width and thickness in inches. 13. Foundation Information – Furnished by*: Indicate purchaser, manufacturer, or others. – Type*: Indicate materials and form. See API 650, Appendices B and I (e.g., concrete ring-wall or steel wide flange grillage on concrete pile cap). – Per Specification*: Estimate pressure from geotechnical report, experience with similar tanks in the same area, etc. – Foundation Specification Reference: Refer to any specification that describes soil allowable bearing pressure. – Anchor Size*: See PIP VESTA002, Section 3.3.1.B. Provide materials of construction, geometric forms, and corrosion allowance for anchors in Table 2 of the Data Sheet. – Anchor Quantity*: Indicate the total number of anchors or anchor bolts to be provided. – Foundation Design Loads: See PIP VESTA002, Sections 1.5.C.8 and 1.5.G.16. These loads are unfactored after the manner of the Allowable Stress Design methodology. (Sign convention is as follows: positive acting downward, negative acting upward.) –

Base Shear*: Indicate the values for the wind and seismic conditions in units of force.

Overturning Moment*: Indicate in units of force-distance. See API 650, Section 3.11, for wind, and API 650, Appendix E, or alternate seismic criteria as specified on Line 8 of the Data Sheet for seismic criteria.

Ring Forces*: Indicate loads delivered by the shell wall in units of force per circumference of shell. Note: The uniformly distributed loads are shell plus roof weight (both new and corroded), roof live load, internal pressure, and partial vacuum. Note: The non-uniform loads are the peak magnitudes of the longitudinal compressive distributed force derived from the wind and seismic-overturning moments without regard to any other compressive or tensile loads in the shell.

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Bottom Forces: Indicate support loads that are the uniformly applied forces to the floor away from the shell ring in units of force per unit area. These include weight of floor panels,

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

product and test liquid weights, and pressure/vacuum loads. Mark all inapplicable entities as “NA.” –

Other Foundation Loads*: Provide an attachment to describe such loads, lateral soil pressure, overburden, roof column reactions, pore pressure, etc.

14. Pressure Test (PIP VESTA002, Section 5.3.6, provides supplemental test criteria to API 650 requirements) – Hydrotest Minimum Metal Temperature*: Specify recommended minimum mean metal temperature at which pressure test can be safely conducted. The safe temperature for hydrotest is not clearly delineated in API 650. Safe temperature depends upon issues such as the design metal temperature, fracture toughness of the material, thermal inertia, freeze point of the test medium, and duration of the test. – Hydrotest Fill Height*: See API 650, Sections 5.3.6, F.4.4, and F.7.6. – Waive Settlement Measurements (Yes/No): Indicate if required. Purchaser may waive the measurement of foundation settlement during the hydrotest in accordance with PIP VESTA002, Section 5.3.6.A.5. – Test Water Quality Responsibility: Specify responsible party. Refer to supplemental specifications as required. For guidance, see PIP VESTA002, Section 5.3.6.C. – Test Water Source and Disposal Tie-In Locations: Provide the location of the supply and disposal points for hydrotest water that the manufacturer shall use. – Pneumatic Test Pressure*: See API 650, Sections F.4.4, F.7.6, and J.4.2.2 – Post-Pressure-Test Activities Required of the Manufacturer: Select the activities desired according to PIP VEDTA002,Section 5.3.6.A.4. 15. Optional NDE (Nondestructive Examination) Requirements – Inspection by: Designate purchaser’s inspectors. – Supplemental NDE Responsibility and Supplemental NDE Specifications: Specify NDE options (e.g., API 650, Sections,, and 6.3.4) or indicate additional NDE options, such as weld hardness testing or additional radiographs. For possible additional costs, see API 650, Section – Positive Material Identification (Yes/No): Indicate if required. Include criteria to be followed. – Waive Dimensional Tolerances of API 650, Section 5.5.1? (Yes/No): This is purchaser’s option. – Maximum Permissible Plate Thickness for Shearing*: Specify the thickest plate to be butt-welded that may be sheared (3/8" thickness, 5/8" thickness, or any thickness in between) in accordance with

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API 650, Section 4.1.2. If purchaser does not specify, manufacturer shall mark the 3/8" thickness. – Must Welds between 3/16" and 5/16" be Multi-Pass? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. “Yes” imposes the weld restrictions of PIP VEDTA002, Section 3.1.2. – Leak Test Method*: Describe leak tests for each component. For example, see API 650, Sections 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 5.3.5, 5.3.6, 5.3.7, C.3.6, C.3.4, H.4.3.4, and H.7.2. 16. Coating Data – Internal Painting/Coatings/Linings by: Describe responsible party or indicate “Not Req’d.” – Per Specification*: Refer to supplemental specifications to address the detailed painting/coating/galvanizing/lining requirements for items such as internal structural supports, inside surface of roof, floor, piping flanges, stairs, platforms, ladders, underside of bottoms, and top surface of foundation. Ensure that all requirements address issues such as joint contour preparation (e.g., shell-to-bottom, sharp edges of laps, crevices, etc.) and reduced weld build-up or undercut. For guidance on internal bottom linings, see API RP 652. – External Painting by: Describe responsible party or indicate “Not Req’d.” – Per Specification*: Refer to any supplemental specification fully describing the process. – Under-Bottom Coating by: Describe responsible party or indicate “Not Req’d.” – Per Specification*: Refer to a supplemental specification fully describing the process. 17. Cathodic Protection – Cathodic Protection System? (Yes/No): Indicate whether a cathodic protection system shall be provided. See API RP 651 for guidance. – Per Specification*: Describe requirements and responsible parties. 18. Leak Detection System – Leak Detection System? (Yes/No): Indicate whether a leak detection system shall be provided. These may be active (e.g., volumetric inventory records, mass change, acoustic emissions sensing, and trace element detection) or passive, as described in API 650, Appendix I. – Per Specification*: Describe requirements and responsible parties.

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

19. Release Prevention Barrier (See API 650, Appendix I, Section I.1.1, Note, for definition.) – Release Prevention Barrier? (Yes/No): Indicate whether a release prevention barrier shall be provided (e.g., vault floors, double bottoms, and impermeable membranes). – Per Specification*: Describe requirements and responsible parties. 20. Tank Measurement System – Required? (Yes/No): Indicate whether a tank measurement system shall be provided (e.g., float gauge, differential pressure level indicator, radar, and level gauge). – Remote Capability Required? (Yes/No): Indicate whether level measurements are required to be relayed to remote control stations. – By*: Designate the provider of the measurement system. – Per Specification*: Refer to supplemental specification. 21. Tank Weights and Lifting Requirements – Full of Water*: Indicate weight filled with water to design liquid level (in pounds). – Empty*: Indicate weight when empty (in pounds). For specification of lift lugs, see Data Sheet, Line 28. For tanks that are to be lifted, rigging and handling instructions and temporary bracing may be required. Provide reference to a supplemental specification as required. – Shipping: Specify weight for API 650 Appendix J tanks only. – Brace/Lift Specification*: Refer to any supplemental bracing/lifting specifications. 22. References: Include relevant PIP Practices. 23. Remarks: Use this as a “catch all” for issues not adequately covered elsewhere. Specifically, include all weld assembly sequences of PIP VESTA002, Section 1.5.C.4, that are required by purchaser. In addition, include any alternate shell opening designs specified by purchaser in accordance with API 650, Section, with reference to the alternate criteria (e.g., API Standard 620). Table 1 Materials of Construction* List material specifications (e.g., CSA G40.21M-260W, ASTM A573-65, ISO 630 Gr E355-C, etc.). Apply corrosion allowance to each component. See PIP VEDTA002, Section 3.3.2. For internals, the corrosion allowance shall be applied to each exposed surface unless otherwise specified. Show units of measure. Table 2 Bolts and Anchors Complete all bolting and anchorage information (see API 650, Sections 2.7, 3.11.3, E.6.2, F.7.4, and J.3.9, and PIP VESTA002, Sections 2.7.A and 3.3.1.B), including

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PIP VEDTA003 EDITORIAL REVISION Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650) June 2002

head and nut shape and material specifications. Show units of measure for the corrosion allowance and see PIP VESTA002, Section 3.3.2. Corrosion allowance may be marked “NA” for galvanized, special corrosion resistant coated, or stainless steel anchor bolts. Table 3 Nozzle and Manhole Schedule* (for Fixed Roof, Shell, and Bottom): Include nozzles, e.g., both blanked and piped-to connections, equipment and instrument attachment and access openings, sumps, inspection ports, and manholes in the fixed roof, shell, jacket, and bottom. The description of and examples for the information that may be specified in Table 3 is as follows: Entry Field

Comments Mark Service Size, NPS, or Dia. (Inches) Neck Sch or Wall Thick. (Inches) Reinf. Plate Dimensions (Inches) Full Pen. On Open. (Y/N) Flange Type Flange Class or Thick. (Inches) Gasket Bearing Surf. Dimen. and Finish Gasket Thick. and Dimen. (Inches) Gasket Mat’l. and Descript. Proj. to FF or CL or from Datum Lines

Representative Example

Purchaser’s mark or designation Stated service or purpose Conventional size description of pipe and tube Pipe schedule or wall thickness

Nozzle “A-1” in shell Product Out NPS 24

Circular, Diamond, etc.

49.5" OD X .188"

See PIP VESTA002, Section 3.7.C Fabricated, S.O., WN, LJ, etc. ASME, ANSI, API 650 Table


Dimension and finish of bearing surface in contact with gasket

Generic, Brand, ANSI Std, etc. See paragraph below

Sch 40S

ASME B16.5 Lap Joint Cl 150 27.25" OD, 125-250 Ra µ-In .125" X 24" ID X 28.25” OD Filled TFE Sheet, ASME B16.21 18" FF

ASME B16.47 flanges are not available in all sizes, materials, and flange types. Refer to PIP VESTA002, Section 3.7.E. Nozzle projections shall be measured from the outside of the shell to the face of the shell flange (FF) and from datum line to the face of the flange for roof and floor openings, unless otherwise specified. Shell opening elevations shall be from the datum line to the centerline of the opening, unless otherwise specified. Roof opening locations shall be measured radially from the centerline of the tank. Specify datum line and elevations with orientations on the “Tank Plans and Sketch” of the Data Sheet. For fabricated flanges requiring ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, UG-34 and Appendix 2 calculations, place the “m” and “y” values for the gasket in the “Remarks” section of the Data Sheet, Line 23. Clearly indicate to which gaskets these values apply.

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

Consider listing in Table 3, items such as: • Water draw-offs • Thermowells (make, model, stem length) • Suction Trough (size, reference drawing) • Couplings (number, size) • Sump • Inspection hatches for observation of floating roofs (as specified on Line 32) Some items require that supplemental information be supplied, such as reference drawings, model numbers, and other specifications. Provide any supplemental information on Line 23. Other Tank Appurtenances: 24. Platform, Stairway and Railing: See PIP VESTA002, Sections 3.8.10 and C.3.14.F. – Galvanizing Required? (Yes/No)*: Indicate whether miscellaneous structural steel (e.g., stairways, platforms, and handrails) shall be galvanized. See warning in PIP VESTA002, Section 1.5.G.18.a. – Stairway Style*: Specify whether straight along a radius or helical. – Walking Surface Type*: Describe type of walking surface on platform and stairs (e.g., diamond checkered pattern plate, bar and rod grating, expanded metal grating, etc.). – Stairway and Walkway Clear Width*: Indicate in inches. – National Safety Standards*: Indicate all standards that shall be observed for ladders, stairs, walkways, platforms, and other architectural/structural items (e.g., OSHA 1910). – Architectural/Structural Specification*: Provide details for alloys, shapes, fasteners, painting, etc. – Gauger’s Platform Required? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. – Quantity of Gauger’s Platforms Required*: Indicate quantity. – Per Specification*: Refer to any supplemental specification, if guager’s platform specification differs from the architectural/structural reference specification above. 25. Jackets and Other Heaters/Coolers – Jacket Required? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. The following items shall further specify a “Yes” response. – Jacket Construction? (Integral/Stand-Alone)*: Indicate whether jackets shall be integral (utilize the shell as one boundary wall) or stand-alone (able to hold pressure when detached from shell).

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PIP VEDTA003 EDITORIAL REVISION Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650) June 2002

– How Attached?*: Indicate how jackets are attached to the shell. Specify whether welded, bolted, or otherwise attached. – Type*: Specify type of jacket selected from choices provided. – Jacket Supplemental Specifications: Refer to any supplemental specification. – Other Heaters/Coolers?* (Yes/No): Indicate if required. – Indicate Type*: Specify type of heater/cooler. For example, internal coils, bayonet heat exchangers, or below bottom piping – Specifications for Other Heaters/Coolers*: Provide reference to any supplemental specifications. – Design Pressure*: Specify design pressures for jacket or heaters/coolers, both internal pressure and partial vacuum. – Design Temperature*: Specify design temperatures for jackets and heaters/coolers. 26. Mixer/Agitator – Quantity: Indicate number required. – Size* – Per Specification*: Provide reference to supplemental specification. 27. Insulation Data – Required? (Yes/No): Indicate whether insulation is required. – Thickness*: Indicate thickness of insulation in inches. Note: If not uniform for entire tank shell and roof, defer to supplemental insulation specification. – Material*: Designate material and density of insulation. – Per Specifications*: Provide references to insulation and insulation support specifications (e.g., PIP INST1000). – Responsibility for Insulation and Installation*: Indicate purchaser, manufacturer, or others. 28. Structural Attachments – Lift Lugs for Maintenance or Installation?* (Yes/No): Indicate if required. – Description*: Specify type of lifting lugs. – Shell Anchorage?* (Yes/No):Indicate if anchor attachments to the shell are required. – Type*: Specify type of shell anchorage (e.g., chairs, lugs, sleeves, rings, straps, etc.).

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

– Scaffold Cable Supports? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. See API 650, Figure 3-19. 29. Various Other Items – Welded Flush-Type: Mark the block indicating whether shell nozzle, cleanout fitting, or both, are desired. – Bolted Door Sheet: Mark the block indicating whether flush or raised type is required. This kind of door sheet is limited to API 650 Appendix A tanks and subject to the temperature limitations of API 650, Appendix M, Section M.1.2.c. – Enter miscellaneous items not found elsewhere on the Data Sheet. Table 4 Other Tank Appurtenances Schedule*: Include all appurtenances not described elsewhere on the Data Sheet. Consider listing in Table 4 such items as the following: • Ladders • Overflow openings (number and size) • Circulation vents (number and size) • Pressure-vacuum relief valves (nominal size, model number, etc.) • Free vent/flame arrestor • Grounding clips (quantity and style) Some items require supplemental information, such as reference drawings, model numbers, and other specifications. Provide any supplemental information on Line 23. Floating Roof Configuration: 30. Permissible Types of External and Internal Roofs – External Type: Specify the option listed in PIP VESTA002, Appendix C*, or the purchaser ONLY may specify “Other” and describe another option listed in API 650, Appendix C. – Internal Type: Specify the option listed in PIP VESTA002, Appendix H*, or the purchaser ONLY may specify “Other” and describe another option listed in API 650, Appendix H. 31. Options with External Floating Roofs: – Overflow Openings in Shell Acceptable? (Yes/No): See API 650, Section C.3.1. – Shell Extension? (Yes/No): Select a windskirt per API 650, Section C.3.1. May affect capacity, design liquid level, and need for overflow indicator (alarm). – Alarm Device Specification: See API 650, Section C.3.1, if shell extension is chosen. May require a supplemental specification. See API RP 2350.

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PIP VEDTA003 EDITORIAL REVISION Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650) June 2002

– Roof Drain Check Valves Required? (Yes/No): See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.8. – Roof Drain Isolation Valves Required? (Yes/No): See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.8. – Freeze Protection for Roof Drains Required? (Yes/No): See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.8. Freeze protection is not required in all climates. – Roof Drain Piping to External Nozzles: Select the type of piping from the blocks provided. If “Other” is selected, provide description or reference supplemental specification. The number of roof drains required and sump details shall be shown on the construction drawings. – Rim Vents? (Yes/No): See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.9.B. – Quantity*: Indicate quantity of rim vents. See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.9.C. – Foam Dam? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.15.2. – Supplementary Specification: Provide supplementary foam dam specification reference. – Minimum Deck Thickness for External Floating Roofs*: Specify a minimum deck thickness greater than that stated in API 650, Section C.3.3.2. If not specified, the manufacturer shall insert the thickness stated in the above reference. – Rolling Ladder Required?* (Yes/No): Unless the purchaser specifically declines here, a rolling ladder is to be provided in accordance with PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.7. 32. Options with Internal Floating Roofs: – Bulkhead Top Edges to Be Liquid Tight? (Yes/No): See API 650, Section H.5.1.4. This is mandatory for external floating roofs but is a purchaser’s option for internal floating roofs. – Number of Fixed Roof Inspection Hatches: Indicate number required for evaluation of condition of floating roof without having to enter the vapor space. See API 650, Section H.6.5.3. – Internal Roof Drain Required? (Yes/No): See API 650, Section H.4.7.4. – Corrosion Gauge Required? (Yes/No): See API 650, Section H.6.7. – Two-Position Legs Required? (Yes/No): See API 650, Section H.4.7.3, and PIP VESTA002, Section H.4.7.3. If the two positions shall be fieldadaptable to account for floor settlement, see the option on the Data Sheet, Line 39.

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

33. Primary Seal (applies to all floating roofs) – Primary Seal: Select from types listed, or specify “Other” and supply necessary details or reference specification. – Wax Scrapers Required? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. Such devices remove wax-like substances from the tank shell as the roof descends to provide a cleaner sealing surface. 34. Mechanical Shoe Options – Shoe Mechanism: Indicate mechanism required for mechanical primary seal. Select the manufacturer’s standard, or specify a particular type (e.g., pantograph, leaf spring, safety pin spring, coil spring scissors, etc.). – Electrically Isolate Mechanism from Shoes? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. 35. Mechanical Shoe Seal Thickness and Coatings – Minimum Shoe Thickness*: Specify in inches. See API 650, Section C.3.13, and PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.13.B.1. – Carbon Steel Shoes to Be Galvanized? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. This option cannot be selected for stainless steel shoes. 36. Secondary Seals and Weather Shield Characteristics – Secondary Seal? (Yes/No): Indicate the need for a secondary rim seal. – Supplementary Specification: Refer to supplementary specification for secondary rim seal. – Weather Shield? (Yes/No): Indicate the need for a weather shield on external floating roofs. If secondary rim seals serve as weather shields, they shall not be additionally requested here. – Supplementary Specification: Provide references for weather shield specifications. 37. Gauge Wells, Sample Hatches, and Guide Poles (anti-rotation devices) –

Quantity of Non-Guide Pole Gauge Wells Required: See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.14.A.2, for manual gauging apparatus in wells not associated with a guide pole.

– Quantity of Sample Hatches Required: See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.15.3, for sample hatches without gauging apparatus. – Guide Pole for Gauging? (Yes/No): Indicate whether the guide pole (anti-rotation device) shall be used for gauging. – Slots in Guide Pole? (Yes/No): Indicate whether guide pole, if used for gauging, shall be slotted. – Datum Plates? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.14.D.

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PIP VEDTA003 EDITORIAL REVISION Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650) June 2002

– Striking Plates? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.14.E. – Guide Pole Emissions-Limiting Devices: Indicate any required by regulation or any additional devices requested by the purchaser for guide poles from the list provided. See PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.14.A.1. 38. Floating Roof Manholes and Low Elevations for Two-Position Roof – Quantity of Roof Manholes*: See API 650, Sections C.3.5, C.3.11, and H.6.5.2. – Minimum Roof Clearances above Floor: Indicate elevations above the floor to the landed floating roof for both the minimum operating level and the minimum maintenance level. These choices affect access and capacity. See API 650, Sections C.3.10.1 and H.4.7.2, API RP 2350, and PIP VESTA002, Sections C.3.10.A and H.4.7.3. 39. Low-Level Roof Support – Cable-Supported Floating Roof? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. This is an internal floating roof option as found in PIP VESTA002, Section H.4.7.6. – Leg Sleeves or Fixed Low Legs: Mark the block that specifies whether the leg-supported floating roof shall be provided with a sleeve through the roof plate or with fixed low legs. – Removable Leg Storage Racks? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. For internal floating roofs with leg supports, specify whether a storage rack is required. For external floating roofs, the storage rack is required per PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.10.A. – Must Each Leg Be Field-Adjustable? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. If potential floor settlement is an issue, the purchaser has the option to require a two-position removable leg that can accommodate local adjustments that may differ for each leg. This option is for all floating roofs and is specifically discussed in PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.10.A. Design and Testing 40. Rainfall and Rain-Induced Structural Effects for External Floating Roofs – Design Rainfall Intensity: Specify a rainfall rate, a minimum period of duration, and an association with a statistically occurring storm such as that found in Technical Report No. 40 (e.g., 0.5 inches per hour for 5 minutes for the 2-year storm). – Design Accumulated 24-Hour Rainfall: Specify height of water accumulated in 24 hours associated with a statistically occurring storm (e.g., 12 inches in 24 hours for the 100-year storm). – Distortion and Stability Determinations Required? (Yes/No): List option per API 650, Section C.3.4.2.

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PIP VEDTA003 Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650)

– Supplemental Specification: Document any established methodology chosen by agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer. 41. Design Loads – Flotation Test Required for API 650 H.5.2 or H.5.3 Roofs? (Yes/No): Indicate whether a flotation test in accordance with API 650, Section H.7.3, shall be required. – Landed Live Loads*: See API 650, Sections C.3.10.2 and H.4.7.4. This space gives the purchaser the option of specifying a larger live load for external floating roofs and for specifying the stated live load for internal floating roofs even if drains are provided that may normally negate the need for such live load design. – Required Even When Drains are Specified? (Yes/No)*: Indicate if required. Live load support for landed roofs with drains may be selected since API 650, Section H.4.7.4, may be interpreted as relaxing the live load design requirement when drains are provided. – Point Load Required? (Yes/No): Indicate if required. Point or concentrated loads are stated in API 650, Section H.4.2.5, for internal floating roofs, but may be waived for tanks 30 feet or smaller in diameter. This provides the purchaser the option to require point load design for these small diameter tanks. Table 5 Floating Roof Materials According to PIP VESTA002, Section C.3.1, the application of corrosion allowances (C.A.) shall be a matter of agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. Document this agreement on the Data Sheet “Remarks” Line 23 (e.g., “Manufacturer affirms that the nominal thicknesses chosen for floating roof components include the corrosion allowances shown in the Table for Floating Roof Materials on page 5 of the Data Sheet”). 4.2

Tank Plan and Sketches (Page 6 and Supplements) 4.2.1

General Page 6 of the Data Sheet shall be used to show the shell and roof appurtenance orientations. A single sheet is normally adequate for this purpose; however additional sheets may be necessary to show special details or configurations. All sheets shall be identified and sequenced as part of the Data Sheet. Sketches may be made with CAD or manual drafting. All sheets shall be identified by revision date or other means of record change.


Sketch Views The sketch view shall include an orthographic “Plan View” that may be used for the orientation of shell, roof, and bottom openings. Other views may be added.

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PIP VEDTA003 EDITORIAL REVISION Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet and Instructions (in Accordance with API Standard 650) June 2002


Drafting Practices for Data Sheet Sketches Drafting practices shall be consistent with the following items:

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Where practicable, sketches shall be to scale, but the scale need not be shown on the sketches.

Bottom views are not allowed.

Plant north or geographic north arrow shall point upward on the sketch.

Plant north or geographic north shall be at the “0 degrees” orientation, as applicable.

Component thicknesses need not be shown on the sketch.

Internal details shall be identified and located. Provide only enough information to describe the item, or provide reference to standard details. These items shall also be itemized in the appropriate tables in the Data Sheet.

External appurtenances may be omitted from the sketch; however they must be itemized in the appropriate tables in the Data Sheet.

Foundation or anchorage details not clearly defined elsewhere shall be shown in the Data Sheet. This may require that an “Elevation View” be provided.

Process Industry Practices


Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet

Page 1 of 6 June 2002 * If box is blank, manufacturer shall determine and submit as per PIP VESTA002. GENERAL 1.

Manufacturer* ____________________________________________

Contract No.* _________________________________________

Address* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mfg. Serial No.* _____________________ 2.

Year Built* ____________

Purchaser _____________________________________________

Edition & Addendum to API 650* ________________________

P.O. No. _______________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tank Designation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.

Owner/Operator _____________________________________________


*Size Limitations ________________________________________


Products Stored:

Capacity: Maximum* _______________

Location ___________________________________________

Tank Diameter* _________________

Net Working* _______________

Shell Height* ____________

Criteria:* _______________________________________

Liquid ___________________________________

Min. S.G.: _______ at ________°F

Max. S.G.: ________ at ________°F

Vapor ___________________________________

Vapor Pressure ________ PSIA at Max. Operating Temp. H2S Service? Yes ! No ! Suppl. Spec. ______________________

% Aromatic ______ Suppl. Spec. ________________________

Other Special Service Conditions? Yes ! No ! Suppl. Specs.____________________________________________________________ DESIGN AND TESTING 6. 7.

Applicable API Standard 650 Appendices:* A ! B ! C ! F ! G ! H ! I ! J ! M ! O ! P ! S ! Max. Oper. Temp. _____°F

Design Metal Temp.* _____°F

Design Pressure ________ Partial Vacuum ___________

Roof Max. Oper. Temp.* _____°F

Design Liquid Level* ____________

Maximum Fill Rate _______________ Maximum Emptying Rate _______________

Flotation Considerations? Yes ! No ! Flot. Suppl. Spec:* __________________ Applied Supplemental Load Spec._____________________ 8.

Seismic Design? Yes ! No ! Importance Factor ________

API 650 Appendix E !

Roof Tie Rods @ Outer Ring?* Yes ! No ! 9.

Wind Velocity* ________MPH

Alternate Seismic Criteria ________________________

Zone Factor (Table E-2)* ________

Site Coefficient (Table E-3)* ________

Zone ________

Slosh Height ________

Sliding Friction Factor* ______________

Prevailing Wind Direction: From _____ To _____

Check Overturning Stability? Yes ! No !

Top Wind Girder Style* ______________________ Dimensions* ____________________ Use Top Wind Girder as Walkway? Yes ! No ! Intermediate Wind Girders?* Yes ! No !

Intermediate Wind Girder Style* _________________


Check Buckling in Corroded Cond.? Yes ! No ! 10.

Shell Design: 1-Ft Mthd?* Yes ! No ! ;

Variable-Des-Pt Mthd?* Yes ! No ! Alternate !; Elastic Anal. Mthd?* Yes ! No ! Alternate !

Plate Stacking Criteria* Centerline-Stacked ? Yes ! No ! Plate Widths (Shell course heights) and Thicknesses (New):*

Flush-Stacked on the Inside? Yes ! No ! Numbers below Indicate Course Number.

1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ 6. __________________ 7. __________________ 8. __________________ 9. __________________ 10. __________________ 11. __________________ 12. _________________ 13. __________________ 14. __________________ 15. __________________ Joint Efficiency* ________% 11.

Shell-to-Bottom Weld Type* ___________________ Corner Weld Insp Mthd* __________________

Open Top and Fixed Roofs: (See Sheet 5 for Floating Roofs) Fixed Roof Type* _______________________________ Cone Slope* ________In./Ft.

Open Top? * Yes ! No !

Roof Support Columns* – Pipe !

Dome or Umbrella Radius* ________Ft.

Or Structural Shape !


Weld Joints* _______________________________________ (Lap, Butt, Other)

Seal Weld Underside of Lap-Joints? Yes ! No ! Thickness* ________In.

Live Load* ________PSF

Frangible Roof-to-Shell Joint? Yes ! No !

Gastight? Yes ! No !

Joint Efficiency* ________%

App. Suppl. Load Spec.* _____________

Column Lateral Load _____________ Lbs.

Seal Weld Roof Plates to Top Angle on the Inside? Yes ! No !

Roof-to-Shell Detail* __________________________________ Radial Projection of Horizontal Component of Top Angle* Inward ! Outward ! Approvals:


Title: By: Drawing No.:


Date: Sheet ___ of ___


Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet

Page 2 of 6 June 2002 * If box is blank, manufacturer shall determine and submit as per PIP VESTA002. 12.

Bottom: Thickness* ________In.

Style* _____________

Provide Drip Flange? Yes ! No ! Annular Ring?* Yes ! No ! 13.

Slope* ________In./Ft.

Weld Joint Type* _________________

Alternate Spec. ______________________________________________________________________

Annular Ring: Minimum Radial Width* ________ In.,

Foundation: Furnished by*_________________________________________ Soil Allow. Bearing Pressure* ________

Thickness* ________In.

Type* ________________________________

Per Spec.* __________________________________

Anchors: Size* _____ Qty* _____

Foundation Design Loads: Base Shear (Lb.): Wind* ______ Seismic* ______ Overturning Moment (Ft.-Lb.): Wind* _______ Seismic* _____ Ring Forces (Lb./Ft.): Weight of Shell + Roof New* _______ Corroded* _______ Roof Live Load* _______ Internal Pressure* _______ Partial Vacuum* ________

Wind* ________

Seismic* ________

Bottom Forces (PSF): Floor Wt. New* ______ Corroded* ______ Product Wt.* ______ Water Wt.* _____ Internal Pressure* ______ Partial Vacuum* ___________ Other Foundation Loads* ________________________________________________________________ 14.

Hydrotest Minimum Metal Temperature* ________

Hydrotest Fill Height* ________

Test Water Quality Responsibility: Purchaser ! Manufacturer !

Waive Settlement Measurement? Yes ! No !

Supplemental Test Water Quality Spec. ________________________

Test Water Source & Disposal Tie-In Locations _________________________________________ Pneumatic Test Pressure* __________ Post-Pressure-Test Activities Required of the Manufacturer: Broom Clean ! 15.

Potable Water Rinse! Dry Interior! Other ! _____________

Inspection by _________________________________________ in Shop; ___________________________________________ in Field Supplemental NDE Responsibility ______________________

Supplemental NDE Spec. ______________________________________

(Purch., Mfg., Other)

Positive Material Identification? Yes ! No !

PMI Requirements:____________________________________________________

Waive Dimensional Tolerances of API 650 Section 5.5? Yes ! No !

Max. Plate Thickness for Shearing* 3/8" ! _______ !

5/8" !

Must Welds between 3/16" and 5/16" Be Multi-Pass? Yes ! No ! Leak Test Mthd: Roof* _______________ Shell* _______________ Noz./Manhole Reinf. Plt.* _____________ Floating Roof Components* ________________ 16.

Bottom* _____________

Coatings: Internal Painting/Coatings/Linings by: _________________________

Per Spec.* _______________________________________

(Not Req’d., Others, Tank Mfg.)

External Painting by:


Per Spec.* ________________________________________________

(Not Req’d., Others, Tank Mfg.)

Under Bottom Coating by: _________________________

Per Spec.* ________________________________________________

(Not Req’d., Others, Tank Mfg.)


Cathodic Protection System? Yes ! No !


Leak Detection System? Yes ! No !


Release Prevention Barrier? Yes ! No !


Tank Measurement System: Required? Yes ! No !

Per Spec.* _________________________________________________________________

Per Spec.* _____________________________________________________________________ Per Spec.* _________________________________________________________________ Remote Capability Required? Yes ! No !

By:* ____________________________________________ Per Spec.* ___________________________________________ 21.

Weight of Tank: Full of Water* _________ Empty* _________ Shipping* ________ Brace/Lift Spec.* _________________________


References*: PIP VESTA002, PIP VEDTA003 Instructions, API Standard 650





Title: By: Drawing No.:


Date: Sheet ___ of ___


Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet

Page 3 of 6 June 2002 * If box is blank, manufacturer shall determine and submit as per PIP VESTA002. Table 1. MATERIALS of CONSTRUCTION Component




Shell, Course __ to __

Manhole/Nozzle Necks

Shell, Course __ to __

Manhole/Nozzle Flanges

Shell, Course __ to __

Flange Covers


Anchor Attachments




Submerged Piping

Annular Ring

Wetted Structurals


Reinforcing Pads

Non-wetted Structurals


+If so indicated, C.A. is to apply to each exposed surface. Table 2. BOLTS and ANCHORS Component

Head Type*

Bolt or Anchor Material*

Nut Material*

Thread Series*


Flange Bolting


Structural Bolting


Anchor Bolts


++ Total C.A., on the nominal diameter. Table 3. NOZZLE and MANHOLE SCHEDULE* (for Fixed Roof, Shell, and Bottom) Mark



Size, NPS, or Dia. (In.)

Neck Sch or Wall Thick. (In.)

Reinf. Plate Dimensions (In.)


Full Pen. on Open. (Y/N)

Flange Type

Flange Class or Thick. (In.)

Gasket Bearing Surf. Dimen. and Finish

Gasket Thick. and Dimen. (In.)

Gasket Mat’l. and Descript.

Proj. to FF or CL or from Datum Lines

Title: By: Drawing No.:


Date: Sheet ___ of ___


Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet

Page 4 of 6 June 2002 * If box is blank, manufacturer shall determine and submit as per PIP VESTA002. OTHER TANK APPURTENANCES 24.

Platform, Stairway, and Railing: Galvanizing Req’d?* Yes ! No ! Stairway Style* ____________ Walk Surf. Type* ___________ (Straight or Helical)

Stair and Walkway Clear Width* __________________ National Safety Standards*___________________________________________ Architectural/Structural Specification* _________________________________________________________ Gauger’s Platform Req’d? Yes ! No ! Qty Req’d.* _____________ 25.

Per Spec. *___________________________________

Jacket Req’d? Yes ! No ! Jacket Construction?* Integral ! Standalone !

Jackets and Other Heaters/Coolers:

How Attached?* Welded ! Bolted ! Other !_______________________________________________________________________ Type* : Annular Cylinder ! Pipe Coil ! Half-Pipe Helix ! Panel Coil ! Other ! _____________________________________ Supplemental Jacket Specification* __________________________________________________________________________________ Other Heaters/Coolers?* Yes ! No ! Indicate Type:* Internal Coils ! Bayonet Ht. Exch. ! Below Bottom Piping ! Other ! ________ Specification for Other Heaters/Coolers* ______________________________________________________________________________ Design Pressure*: Internal ________PSIG Partial Vacuum _______PSIG 26.

Mixer/Agitator: Quantity ________



Size* ________

Design Temperature*: Max. ________°F, Min. ________°F

Per Spec.* ___________________________________________

Required? Yes ! No !

Thickness* ________In.

Per Specs*_________________________________

Material* __________________

Responsibility for Insul. and Instll. _________________________ (Purchaser, Manufacturer, Others)


Structural Attachments:

Lift Lugs?* Yes ! No !


Shell Anchorage?* Yes ! No ! Type* _______________________________________________ Scaffold Cable Support? Yes ! No ! 29.

Various Other Items:

Welded Flush-Type: Shell Connection ! Cleanout Fitting !

Bolted Door Sheet: Flush !

Raised !

Miscellany #1 ____________________________________ Miscellany #2 ________________________________________________ Miscellany #3 ____________________________________ Miscellany #4 ________________________________________________ Miscellany #5 ____________________________________ Miscellany #6 ________________________________________________ Table 4. OTHER TANK APPURTENANCES* Mark



Service or Description




Height from Datum



Title: By: Drawing No.:


Date: Sheet ___ of ___

Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet

PIP VEDTA003 Page 5 of 6 June 2002

* If box is blank, manufacturer shall determine and submit as per PIP VESTA002. FLOATING ROOF CONFIGURATION 30.


32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

38. 39.

External Type: Single Deck Pontoon* ! Double Deck* ! Other ! ________________________________________________ Internal Type: Tubular Pontoon* ! Metallic Sandwich Panel* ! Composite Sandwich Panel* ! Single Deck* ! Double Deck* ! Other ! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overflow Openings in Shell Acceptable? Yes ! No ! Shell Extension? Yes ! No ! Alarm Device Spec. ________________________ Roof Drain Check Valves Req’d? Yes ! No ! Roof Drain Isolation Valves Req’d? Yes ! No ! Freeze Protection for Roof Drains Req’d? Yes ! No ! Roof Drain Piping to External Nozzles: Mfg. Std. ! Armored Flexible Pipe ! Swivels in Rigid Pipe ! Other ! ___________________ Rim Vents? Yes ! No ! Quantity* ______ Foam Dam? Yes ! No ! Supplemental Spec. __________________________________ Minimum Deck Thickness for External Floating Roofs* ___________________________ Rolling Ladder Req’d?* Yes ! No ! Bulkheads Top Edges to be Liquid Tight ? Yes ! No ! No. of Fixed Roof Inspection Hatches Required:_____________ Internal Roof Drain Required? Yes ! No ! Corrosion Gauge Required? Yes ! No ! Two-Position Legs? Yes ! No ! Primary Seal: Shoe ! Toroidal Envelope ! Other ! __________________________________ Wax Scrapers Req’d? Yes ! No ! Shoe Mechanism: Mfg. Std. ! Other ! ________________________________________________ Electrically Isolate Mechanism from Shoes? Yes ! No ! Minimum Shoe Thickness* ____________In. Carbon Steel Shoes to be Galvanized? Yes ! No ! Secondary Seal? Yes ! No ! Suppl. Spec. ___________________ Weather Shield? Yes ! No ! Suppl. Spec. ____________________ Qty of Non-Guide Pole Gauge Wells Required __________ Qty of Sample Hatches Required ___________ Guide Pole for Gauging? Yes ! No ! Slots in Guide Pole? Yes ! No ! Datum Plates? Yes ! No ! Striking Plates? Yes ! No ! Guide Pole Emissions-Limiting Devices: Sliding Cover ! Pole Wiper ! Pole Sleeve ! Float ! Float Wiper ! Pole Cap ! Qty. of Roof Manholes* _______ Minimum Roof Clearances Above Floor: Operating _______In. Maintenance _______In. Cable-Supported Floating Roof? Yes ! No ! Leg Sleeves ! OR Fixed Low Legs ! Removable Leg Storage Racks? Yes ! No ! Must Each Leg Be Field Adaptable? Yes ! No !



Design Rainfall Intensity ________In./Hr. (mm/hr) Based on a ________ Minute Duration Associated with the ____________ Storm Design Accumulated 24-Hour Rainfall ________In. (mm) Based on the ____________ Storm Distortion and Stability Determinations Required? Yes ! No ! Supplemental Specification __________________________________ Flotation Test Required for API 650 H.5.2 or H.5.3 Roofs? Yes ! No ! Landed Live Load* _______PSF Required Even When Drains are Specified*? Yes ! No ! Point Load Required? Yes ! No ! Table 5. FLOATING ROOF MATERIALS

Component Deck Plate Inner Rim Plate Outer Rim Plate Foam Dam Sandwich Panel Face Plate Sandwich Panel Core Gauge Well Drain Sumps Opening Sleeves Floating Suction Lines Primary Fabric Seal Foam Log Core Landing Legs Landing Leg Bottom Pads Manhole Necks Vents Approvals:



Component Datum Plate Tubular Pontoon Pontoon Bulkhead Submerged Pipe Guide Pole



Secondary Seal Secondary Seal Fabric Wiper Tip Wax Scraper Weather Seal Envelope Fabric Shoe Mechanisms Primary Seal Shoe Removable Covers Rolling Ladder Inlet Diffusers Revisions:

Title: By: Drawing No.:


Date: Sheet ___ of ___

Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet

PIP VEDTA003 Page 6 of 6 June 2002

* If box is blank, manufacturer shall determine and submit as per PIP VESTA002. Tank Plan and Sketches:




Title: By: Drawing No.:


Date: Sheet ___ of ___

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