Atma Singh and Guruprem Kaur Khalsa - Guided Meditations (27p)

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Guided Meditations with the Master Atma Singh Khalsa Guruprem Kaur Khalsa from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.

four guided meditations with Yogi Bhajan’s voice recorded in mp3 format


Atma Singh Khalsa Guruprem Kaur Khalsa from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.


GUIDED MEDITATIONS WITH THE MASTER Atma Singh Khalsa Guruprem Kaur Khalsa from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. Yoga Gems P.O. Box 530, Santa Cruz, New Mexico 87567 [email protected] FIRST EDITION Synopses from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. Copyright © 2002 Atma Singh Khalsa & Guruprem Kaur Khalsa, Espanola, New Mexico Guided Meditation with the Master, Remember the Saint Within Guided Meditation with the Master, Into the Heart of the Lord Guided Meditation with the Master,To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season Guided Meditation with the Master, Pure Being Copyright © 2001 Yogi Bhajan All rights reserved. No part of this CD-ROM may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrievial system without written permission of the authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.


Always consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program. Nothing contained herein is presented as medical advice.The benefit attributed to the practice of Kundalini Yoga comes from a centuries-old yogic tradition. Results will vary with individuals.

APPROVED BY KUNDALINI RESEARCH INSTITUTE The KRI seal of approval is granted only to those products which have been approved through the Kundalini Research Institute review process for the accuracy and integrity of those portions which embody the technology of Kundalini Yoga and the 3HO lifestyle as taught by Yogi Bhajan.


Yogi Bhajan is a Master of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. He teaches, counsels and inspires people from every continent and all walks of life to live in their excellence, to be healthy, happy and holy. Since Yogi Bhajan arrived in the United States in 1969, he has been a forthright lecturer and a powerful teacher, bringing to the West a treasury of wisdom from a centuries-old yogic tradition. Yogi Bhajan is a spiritual and social leader. He is the Siri Singh Sahib, the chief religious and administrative authority of Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere. He has inspired both Sikhs and non-Sikhs to live to the highest standards of spirituality, commitment and compassion. Yogi Bhajan has created a sacred legacy, a vision for a new age of consciousness, the Age of the Sensory Human. He has not come to collect students, but to create the teachers of tomorrow who will love, serve, heal and uplift humanity.


October 15th, 2001

The Power of Memories


Guided Meditation with the Master, Remember the Saint Within October 16th, 2001

Let Your Purity Guide You


Guided Meditation with the Master, Into the Heart of the Lord October 20th, 2001

Body, Mind and Spirit


Guided Meditation with the Master, To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season October 27th, 2001



Guided Meditation with the Master, Pure Being

The Power of Memories October 15th, 2001

We all have a sense of memory of what happened to us in the past or beyond the past, and sometimes we have a memory of what has happened, but not in this time and space. It is called Ankaray Karm. Memory is very important. To remember we are human is very important, but we mostly forget. Our anger, negativity and the way we live on this earth are based on something we remember or are made to remember. We are having such a big war now. Many children of the refugees were educated to be reminded that everyone in the world is an infidel and they are to take vengeance. Today they are being taught that there are no longer Twin Towers in New York and no Pentagon. It proves that the mind of a person can be trained to be destructive and, also, that the mind of a person can be very, very constructive. This is how you feel. There are two types of people— those who blame and complain, and those who appreciate and are grateful. We are waking up. We are asking ourselves how we can be prosperous and achieve prosperity. The only way is to be fearless and enjoy our life—to walk again, take care of the lawns and gardens and be normal. But that is not very practical or possible right now. It is difficult because there is a memory and a fear. Think of the majority of people who have no discipline, no meditation, no sadhana. You have a life to live. The power to live life is in your prayer, positively. Whenever difficulties come and you fail or fall apart, you can relate to prayer. The law of the Infinite God within you is a very positive sign. It is something that you are. But there are memories—very positive and very painful memories.


One day I met a girl who used to be in 3HO and in the Dharma—a leadertype. I saw her and said, “Who are you?” Her whole identity has changed. Her life has been changed. She was in pain and she was sorry. All I said was, “There is nothing to be sorry. Rebound yourself!” She said, “Master, it is very difficult!” “Everything is very difficult. Still, give yourself a chance. Break through! If you realize your mistake and come home, you have not lost.” And I laughed and said, “Even the police wait twenty-four hours before writing a report!” That is the life. And that is the power of our memories. If we have good memories, let it be that during the day we have a memory of our sadhana, and during the night we have a memory of our prayer. The next morning we have the memory of another beautiful day. Our life can be difficult. Let us remember, and remember that we are in the state of heavens and shining and beautiful, and our every part of our being is cleansed. Guided Meditation with the Master, Remember the Saint Within Part I - 19 Minutes Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Eyes are closed. “Our ego has left us and we are enduring in a state of prayer. We are smiling, we are in a meditative mood, our eyes are closed and we are looking within ourselves. Deep down we find our self. Our nature and culture is powerful, prayerful, grateful. Let us meditate on these lines. Humble our self before our Creator, feel nearness and union and allow our self a gift of a deep breath. And let us concentrate on this breath. Let us let it go and take it back in, deep in our being, so it can touch us. Let us call upon our self, body, mind and spirit. Let us surrender our self to Almighty and let us be grateful for the guidance.


Let us transform ourselves to unique human beings, now, right this minute. Let us know that we know. Let us see that we see, in our inner being. And not use our open eyes with insecurity, but our inner eye with deep security.

Let us keep breathing deep and deep, and, leaving the deep breath deeply, let us create a cycle. Unending cycle. Let there be union between us and infinity. Let, for a moment, forget who we are, what we are doing, except we may ride on the wave of our own breath. Let us learn to guide ourselves against all odds and evens, from a neutral point of view. I am, I am. Let us charge ourselves with the surcharge of energy, flood ourselves with purity, pursue our self in beauty. Let us touch the Light. Let us give our self this day and maintain our self higher than our self as we know. Let us understand in our depth of mind that we were born in the womb through the sperms of our parents, to add beauty and bounty to our life of karma. And now we have debt to pay and we have to be positive, affirmative, serviceful, compassionate, kind. And we must reach out. We know many things in our life, but this moment we want to know our life, our life within our self, so that we can sit as yogis, meditate and get going, better than anybody. How young we are, we are. We have a long life to live. Breathe in deeply, continuously, and breathe out. Don’t let the control of the breath go away. Imagine a saint, and be a saint. Let us achieve something. Let us reach somewhere. Let us feel in us.This power of meditation, where you guide yourself, is the most affirmative, positive and fruitful. Ride the waves of the breath and feel the nearness of the God who gave you the Breath of Life. Reach out, inside of you, all what is there. In your heart center, may the Guru sit and preside over you as Deity. May you understand shuniya, and start from zero and try to reach Infinity. Breathe powerfully and forcefully. Inhale and exhale. Forget all memory of


the past and only remember you have a saint within, being provided by the Guru and guided by God. In this affirmation you can totally cleanse yourself and purify yourself. Be proud of the fact that once in awhile you get a chance to do it. It is not this evening and this day only. It should be your life, to recharge yourself. Part II - 3 Minutes Now consciously do Breath of Fire. Move the navel so that all of the organs—liver, kidney, pancreas… may be recharged. Lungs will give double function. You will get the right effect. Do it sincerely. Remember Breath of Life has a lot of power.

To End Inhale deeply, hold the precious breath and pray for peace and for all those who gave their life, peacefully. Exhale. Inhale deeply. Pray for peace of yourself and thank God we are together under one roof in love, tranquility and peace. Breathe out. Breathe in deeply and do the prayer that God give your shoulders the power to carry the weight of karma, dharma and this universe. Let it go.” May the long-time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on. “May you be blessed by the virtue of the Lord and may God within you rule your destiny and bring you peace and tranquility. May you make it a daily prayer and ask yourself for positive blessings, and share those blessings for all the world around. Sat Nam.”


Let Your Purity Guide You October 16th, 2001

Without meditation there is nothing. The mental life inside is very clear, calm, quiet, peaceful. It has nothing to do with anything. Manners, behaviors and third eye sight are all mental. Mental is 70% and physical is 30%. Depending on how your third eye works, in the end you will find that all sexual activities, friendships and consolation were nothing. They did not serve you. They only consumed your time in a particular space. It is not easy to live a Master’s will. But if you do not know how to live to a Master’s will, you cannot live in God’s Will. What is a student who cannot sacrifice? First there must be commitment, then character, dignity, divinity, grace, power to sacrifice, and then happiness. There are seven steps. Do you think that what belongs to you is yours? It is not true now, it was never true and it is not going to be true. The body that belongs to you is not yours. When my doctor was going to cut my toe I said, “Cut it. It doesn’t matter.” It is our family tradition that the feet are touched. Politeness prevailed. I thought of everybody as family, so they touch my feet. So, feet lost the toe! My job is not to be a great man. My job is just to teach greatness. I did not come here to become a guru. Somebody came today and said, “Do you know my son cut his hair?” I said, “You know, God gave him a destiny to become a leader, and now he is nothing.” Because it is very difficult to go on top of the mountain and very easy to fall. Same body! But there is a mind in it. How you want to apply that mind is up to you. Sikhs are going to be tested. Your turban and your white clothes are going


to be questioned. You are going to be questioned. You were born under that destiny where you are to be questioned and survive. That is the way you are. When I left India and came to America I always used to dream that I would have a house on the mountain. The house in Anandpur Sahib satisfies that dream. It is on top of a mountain and, the most beautiful thing, when you open the main door, what you see is… so beautiful! You bow right there. However corrupt you are or how pure you are does not matter. If you want to experience the psyche, that is psyche! You see the living experience of psyche face to face when you open that door. It is not something you or I can create. The flow of micro-consciousness in macro-consciousness creates an action into space and time for circumstances to be invented into the future of time and space where there is no end to it. That is the power of man—from nothing to everything. The Taj Mahal was made for a man’s wife. Had he made it for God, the world would have been different. But he could not go beyond that. Guided Meditation with the Master, Into the Heart of the Lord Part I - 11 Minutes Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Eyes are closed. “Sit straight in a meditative mood and posture. Watch your physical body and be grateful and in gratitude to God Who made it the way it is, with all its weaknesses and strengths. But the highest strength and most powerful reaching and sense of your life are that you can sit and meditate. For the moment of this truth, the gratitude is there. We are not perfect and divine, and neither we should be and neither are we asking for it. But we are asking that at this moment we have the capacity and capability of concentrating inside us. We are asking our self, for this moment, in this time and in this space, to be pure.


We are not questioning our achievement. We are questioning our action, our karma. The moment karma is done in the name of dharma, elevation takes

place. It’s automatic! Just close your eyes and be to be to be. Make yourself to be a saint and a yogi by your own personality and thought. And with those thoughts just breathe, long and deep, because all the beauty there is, all the prosperity there is, is in the commitment. This is that moment of commitment. It is our capacity. What was wrong yesterday or a few hours before, that was then. But now, at this minute of life, which is pure, solid, our life, for our purposes, may our Breath of Life be pure. Therefore, make it mechanical. Transform it from automatic to mechanical. Breathe in deep and breathe out completely. Breathe in on the sound of ‘Har’ and breathe out on the sound of ‘Haree,’ so the tattva of the male and female unites your consciousness into the Heart of the Lord. Whatever your God is, that is the guiding, goading personality, now. Adopt it. Adopt it with full inhale and a full exhale. With tremendous beauty, bounty and bliss. You are the consciousness of it. You are the center of it. Let your grace shine. Let your purity guide you. Let your self rebuild yourself. These are just 11 minutes you have to deal with. It is not very long. Mentally remind yourself, ‘Healthy I am, Happy I am, Holy I am.’ Purify your inner being into the guidance of the stars and the heavens. Friends and foes, it all goes. This moment is very pure because it is the applied combined purity of each one of us. Our thirty trillion cells per person are vibrating or making efforts to vibrate. At this moment we are comparatively kind and compassionate to our self. Try to see our higher self. Feel the living breath. It is not that you don’t breathe the whole day--you can’t live without that! But you don’t, at that time, feel. You don’t concentrate. You have done 11 minutes without any notice of time. Time passes in such things very fast.” Part II - 3 Minutes “Now, to make yourself powerful, give the Breath of Fire to yourself. From the navel, heal yourself! Breath of Fire is a healing breath. It burns out the disease. Allow yourself hear your own breath just for 3 minutes. Empower yourself!”


Part III - Meridian Enrichment Kriya - 3 Minutes Bring your hands in front of your heart center, with the fingertips touching and the palms spread. Inhale deeply and hold the breath in as you move the fingers in circles forward, down, back and up, 5 times (only fingers move, not the arms). Exhale.. To End Inhale deeply, hold, and expand your chest cavity—shoulders, chest and ribs. Exhale. Then inhale deeply and exhale completely. Then inhale deeply, hold, and with full strength expand every fiber of your body. Exhale and relax. Whenever you feel handicapped or weak in your life, do not run to coffee. Just do the Meridian Enrichment Kriya for 3 minutes. You will enrich all your meridians, or pulses, which is what some doctors try to do. You will be A-1 strong. May the long-time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on. “Be blessed, be pure, be conscious. Whenever you are conscious, breathe consciously. God will guide you through Breath of Life to your Infinity. Sat Nam.”


Body, Mind and Spirit October 20th, 2001

I have called you today, as these nine days are very auspicious. The moon is crossing beneath the sun. It is a time to sharpen the mind. Why not to do it the way of the century-old custom? It is not very difficult, and you will be very comfortable in the end. Guided Meditation with the Master, To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season 31 Minutes Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Bring your hands in front of your heart center, with the fingertips touching and the palms spread.Try to see how the energy moves. You will feel the reality of the body. “Inhale deep and ride on the breath, in and out, long and deep, as honestly as you can. Take your body, the inner being in this body, simply by meditative force. Do not try to understand that you cannot do it. It is not difficult, but it is a great experience. Pull your mental body out of your body. Just take it out. Just simply coordinate between you, your environments, your activities and your own preciousness. Your mental body, when you command it, is very pure, very clear. And it is yours. It is not related to the physical activities, although the mental body is with you. Things are corrupt only when you are in your physical body and your mental body is not combined. So, do coordinate—you have that power—and take this out, out of your being. Time is with us, the wind is behind us, and virtuous we are. It is a very special Saturday. Therefore the Saturn energy in the penetrating form of its being is passing through, irrespective of any force or any effort. That is why I chose it. And we have a small time window only, that is why


I am very quick and not saying anything. So this breath has to be very long and down to the navel point. Deep in, and hold, and completely out. The power we have is our virtue. Our virtue is extremely powerful. Our value is humongous. Value, we give! Virtues, we experience! Our values are our values. The majority of the time we forget that we have values. But most of the time, if we practice these things, we remember our values. And once a person follows one’s own values, that is all divinity is all about. So, keep the breath long, deep and evaluate yourself. Give yourself values. The first value you can give yourself is, I am virtuous. I am beautiful. God created me in the best form. Thank God has given me health, happiness and wealth. You know, you are a wonder of the world. Recognize the fact. Concentrate on these things. Now comes the secret of the Shintoism, the Japanese faith. See that you are just a blade of grass, beautiful, green, and you are covering your values. Start covering your values as a blade of grass, with an extreme sense of self-cooperation. The tips of the fingers must meet so that circulation can coordinate the two parts of the body, and your valuable and virtuous and wonderful body is right, at this time, under manual control, and your mental body is taken out. The mental body is looking at your physical body as you are sitting. Practice this split. Once you can separate your mental body and practice to separate it, as we keep on doing, there will be no problems—at the time of death you can split your mental body and be free of karma. You will never have a rebirth again. That is guaranteed. This is your reality. You have a physical body, you have a mental body and you have a body of bliss. When you separate that, in-between you watch over this body. See how beautiful it is?


Your breath has to be very long and deep because your spiritual body, your physical body, your mental body and your being are separate. You have never been taught this. You have never been told. You think you are one bundle.

Feel the super and extreme contentment. That will bring you prosperity. Ride on your breath and just feel supremely contented. That will give you the prosperity that you are looking for. It’s no use living rich, it’s no use living poor, it’s no use being great if you cannot demonstrate to yourself that you can separate your bodies as you can separate that strength. And you can not only visualize, but experience it. In this experience, you are the Supreme. Every religion goes round and round and round and talks one thing only— self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is just a phrase to us. Let us consider what self-consciousness is: When we know we have a spiritual body, we have a mental body, we have a physical body. Your mental body and your radiant body—have you ever put them together? They are yours. Nobody will know it! But you will be charged and recharged with the energy. What is more beautiful on this Earth than you? What is more pure and shining than you? What is more cool and calm and quiet than you? In the Eyes of God you are everything. Take a long deep breath and ride on it. Fortune and misfortune are two wavelengths. By yourself it pulses—you can put your body on any wavelength you need. In common man’s language we call it repetition. The body’s membranes, the body’s re-adjustment and the body’s main nervous system are going to adjust now. You are within that time. Please breathe long and deep and cure yourself forever. Heal! Take long deep breaths and ride on it, and keep your mental body away. Only look at where the tips of the fingers meet. Circulate your breath. Keep the mental body separate. Concentrate on the physical body, in the realm of personal consciousness. You are beautiful, you are bountiful, you are blissful, you are virtuous, you have vigor, self-control. Apply all that! The central nerve in the navel point can be touched by a deep breath. A split mental body can give you a vast area of coexistence. Your all five channels and tattvas are totally balanced at the moment. Your arc line is clear.


Can you believe the little bit that we have done? We suffer here, there, everywhere. What for? America needs peace, it needs love. It needs tons of smiles. It needs us—we the people. Our window is up at 12 o’clock. The rotation of the planet will change the energy and it will change everything. Now is the time. Breathe long and deep. Get it when it is available. Bring in you the coziness. Colorful coziness. Split the light inside. Bring in the special Breath of Life. If you know how to concentrate, meditate and breathe, this is the time.” To End “Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in all the virtues of God and breathe out peace for the world. Breathe in long and deep, hold it, love it, feel it, and then let it go. Now put all the pressure on the fingertips. Inhale deep. Put a tight grip on the fingers. Let it go. Inhale deep. Make the fingers very tight. Feel the purpose of life and prosperity. Let it go. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax.” This time may come in this month next year. My idea was just to give you a re-charge. And this is a very special time. The whole Eastern World is going to celebrate the Festival of Light. During the ten days of this festival people will do nothing but breathe, meditate, eat the right food and show gratitude to young girls, the mothers of innocence. When you see a young girl, you see the creative purity. Purity has many forms, but creative purity is only the young girl. The source of humanity is that young girl, who will grow and one day have a family and children.


America is young all the time and does not care. There is no rule, no virtue, because we are not a very meditative nation. But now we are learning a lesson. We got chili in our nose. Now we know we have to change. One day you will come out and realize how virtuous you are, how valuable you are, how this precious time is given to you so you can act on yourself so that you can turn from human into an angel. You are going to get kicked. That is a fact you cannot avoid. Every moment you have to concentrate on your purity.

I asked a Japanese master, “What is Shinto?” He replied, “It is a personal religion.” “Can I know about it?” He picked a blade of grass and said, “What do you see?” I was a little cleverer than he thought and I said, “God.” He asked, “Where is it?” I said, “In this blade.” “You know Shinto. That’s it! Thank you.” There is nothing more in teaching. This is all it is. If you cannot see God in all you cannot see God at all. When that monk picked up a piece of grass and said, “What do you see?” a normal reply would have been, “A blade of grass.” What is the most beautiful virtue man has? Matching intelligence! If you can match intelligence with another person you are the most valuable, virtuous and wonderful person. Love is when you temporarily get along with a person. Virtue is in matching intelligence—not values, where everybody differs. Match intelligence!


Co-Existence October 27th, 2001

For the last 3,000 years we have been taught nothing. We have been taught that there is a God somewhere up there, and that we must make an effort, a journey, to reach there. But it is very simple: If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all. If the Muslim God is better than the Hindu God, if the Christian God is better than the Jewish God, then there is neither a Muslim nor a Hindu, nor a Christian, nor a Jewish God. There is nothing. God is an interwoven energy, a vibratory impulse in the universe that creates the universe, contracts the universe and expands the universe. The whole universe! And the universe is as infinite as you can imagine. Guru Nanak is right to say that we can concentrate in the Sadh Sangat, in a group. Beauty lies in concentration. Individuality is very weak. Individuality is to project individualism: Saying, “I want to project myself,” never matters at all. As our universe contracts and expands, so do individuals. Whatever is will not be. If you feel “So and so is bothering me,” so and so is not bothering you. Maybe in a previous life, 300 years ago, you did something to that person. The soul is in a cycle, a circle. A circle is an orbit. An orbit is a zero. Zero is an expansion. Expansion is inter-related. Inter-relatedness is existence. Existence is dimension. That is how it is. But we have made a religion out of everything to make people stick around. On the other hand, discipline forces you to be purified. Concessions can be given, but real discipline ties you in a box and does not give you a place to move.


Religion was to help you find your way to a certain street. Religion was not to kill each other and do the things people do today. Understand that your beingness was to be connected to the Supreme Being all the time. You may try to lie, but ask the question, “If someone lied to you, would you like it?” If not, the other person would not like it either. So, how can a human lie to God when another person is a manifestation of God? Guided Meditation with the Master, Pure Being Part I – 11 minutes Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Hold the hands in front of the heart center, with the fingertips touching and the palms spread. The fingers are pointing away from the body and the thumbs are pointing up. “Close your eyes and try to go within. In the self of circumstances, the circumstances are in the self. Multiply them. All that is happening in the universe, and all that will happen in the universe, and all that has happened in the universe, is my universe. Bring it into your universe in universal coordination. The universe is not separate from you and you are not separate from the universe. Bring the force in. Use your extreme power. You are powerful, and you are pure, and you are infinite, and you are, because there is a part God in you, and that part God is in everything. The totality of it has to be understood right now. In this meditation you bring in that powerful self-controlled, meditative energy, in your being, within your being. You are not a woman, you are not a man—that is structure. Inside is that pure being. If you understand that pure being, then you will not be passionate--not passionate, wrong and small. Your strength will be manyfold! And from many-fold, make it to a mega-fold—‘I am the Ultimate!’


That one line, ‘God and me, me and God are one,’ has to be understood, with acknowledgment. I’m not a doctor so and so. I’m not an attorney so and so. I’m not a person so and so. I’m not a genius so and so. All these professional attachments you have are not to be there. And I am not a male and I am not a female. I am just that living, vibrating spirit. And that living, vibrating spirit is totally interlocked. And when you take that attitude, then

you understand, ‘Give me that identity and honor, or give me death.’ Then life does not mean anything. Life is a mirage if it is not yours and you do not control it. Let’s be virtuous. I am virtuous, we are virtuous. Everything is virtue. Every virtue comes from God and every virtue is God. And every living thing is God’s virtue, and everything grows within the virtue, and everything expands within the virtue. And the more the virtue expands, the more impressive connections and relationships we have. Every relationship is a tie-in. And that is how we understand each other’s virtues. All there is, is virtue. All there will be is virtue. Ultimately, vice will eat you up. It’s a cancer of the infinite universe. Hidingly you can do it, cleverly you can do it, purely you can do it--it is your science. It has no recording in the Divine because God is virtuous. And God, like the sun, spreads rays, the light. God, which is the impulsive power of selfcontained expansion and contraction and has its own frequency, has a rhythm to which you have to tune in. The only thing you tune-in to, the automatic—the automatic in you, is the Breath of Life. And with the Breath of Life you have a heartbeat, and with a heartbeat you have a pulse. So it all comes to the pulse, if you really want to know. And if you disturb somebody’s pulse and make it run fast, you are actually doing a bad job. Life is calmness, quietness, peace. “Shanti,” tranquility. Anything and everything you do is to be in tranquility. In that tranquility you will exist in a biorhythm. You exist a co-existence. So long you want to exist and you exist, you are creating a very dragging situation. You have to co-exist! Your power is to co-exist. Our co-existing is virtue. Our self-existing is non-existing. In self-existing we lose all the flow of the universal energy. What is there to learn? What are we doing? What books are we reading? And what are we thinking? It is a simple thing. It is the simplest of all things. If you learn co-existence, you will learn with your own self. You will live with your own self. Within the constant self and beauty you can create the


most powerful, the cleanest karma of all. And that is your dharma. All what there is and all what there will be are co-existing and coordinating and coconnected with you. And you have to have that sensitivity.” Part II – Meditation on Sound - 31 minutes Same posture. Powerfully move the navel as you sing the “Ik Acharee Chand” shabd (“Ajai Alai” by Gurushabd Singh and Nirinjan Kaur. Jaap Sahib, lines 189-196) Ajai. Alai. Abhai. Abai. Abhoo. Ajoo. Anaas. Akaas. Aganj. Abhanj. Alakh. Abhakh. Akaal. Diaal. Alaykh. Abhaykh. Anaam. Akaam. Agaah. Adhaah. Anaatay. Pramaathay. Ajonee. Amonee. Na Raagay. Na Rangay. Na Roopay. Na Raykhay. Akarmang. Abharmang. Aganjay. Alaykhay. “This shabd gives you many words one word at a time—they are all faculties of God. Your whole being will coordinate the sound, the system, the self, the breath, the life, the prana. What you personify is what you become. Touch the navel. Move it! Union must take place! Give a few minutes to living. When you move the navel the sound will change. Change the inner self so that the outer world will change. What an easy way to be healthy! Change the inner self, bring it to zero thought, move the navel!”

To End Inhale long and deeply, exhale and relax.


In spite of all our handicaps we are a beautiful soul. Physical weaknesses occur because we do not have a habit—sadhana. “Sa” means "total," “Dhana” means “wealth.” The total wealth is in sadhana. But we do not have a habit, we do not have time, we do not appreciate it. We feel that there is a God on the seventh story and we have to make a lot of money to build a staircase to reach there. Then we will sit on the right side of God. What we are going to do then? Jump?

For years and years, for eons, we have taught each other with love and affection, yet we have never taught that we must co-exist. We can never exist personally. It is not our faculty! When you start existing for yourself, you are causing pain to your self, to your being and to your inner being, to your everything. You are co-coordinating, inter-dependent and co-existent. For the last 5,000 years you have been taught how to be in pain. You do not know pleasure. Pleasure is in co-existence. Pain is self-existing. It is so simple. When you intelligently, intellectually, socially and personally understand that you are doing something where your coexistence is in danger, correct it, and everything around you will correct. Make yourself a center of your total energy and beauty. You will never be a slave. You will be selfcontained, self-content and continuous. Do not regret living. Do it today!


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