Atlantean Visions - The Temple of Peace.pdf

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Research on Atlantis...


Atlantean Visions - The Temple of Peace

ATLANTEAN VISIONS Although I - and many of my fellow colleagues and researchers - have managed to obtain a tremendous amount of useful information about both Atlantis and ancient Egypt through being able to regress a large number of people back to their past Atlantean and Egyptian incarnations, we are also indebted to some very gifted mediums and 'sensitives' who have provided us with a tremendous amount of invaluable data. I think that it must be very significant - and adds great weight to the evidence of our 'discoveries' about Atlantis - that the vast majority of information available to us through regression, 'channelling' and other esoteric sources paints roughly the same kind of visual picture and uses very similar terminology. The overall Atlantean scenario which thus emerges is based - as it were - on a composite 'photograph' that has been created for us through a number of these different 'channels' and esoteric teachings. Edmund Harold in his excellent book, 'Crystal Healing', wrote: "During the Atlantean period it was the priesthood who pioneered the development of crystal power, for they utilised their natural electromagnetic energy to effect changes in the mental, physical and spiritual bodies of mankind.

During the early epochs of the Atlantean culture, the crystals were left in their natural state, the vast caverns wherein they grew being adapted as healing chambers by the priesthood. These vast crystal formations pulsated with a vibrant energy which the priests tapped in order to bring about a personality change within those who had transgressed their laws. Leading the offenders within such a concern, the initiate priests would first select a suitable crystal before positioning the miscreant before it. They would then 'tune-in' to the elemental intelligence of the crystal formation, which responded by releasing a potent electromagnetic energy. The offender was then left to absorb this powerful vibration which served to transmute their negative thought patterns into constructive acts (the modern practice of applying electrodes to the heads of those who suffer from severe depression would appear to reflect this long-forgotten activity)." Edmund Harold, again, "The Atlanteans also used quartz crystals for deeply occult purposes, for they were considered to possess a sacred energy. One individual, usually female, would be selected to become Keeper of the Temple Crystal and it was her sole task to ensure that it was never sullied by negative thought patterns or vibrations. As the abuse of thought was by then a major problem throughout Atlantis, this was a major undertaking.

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With the appearance on Earth of the Ahriamanic Forces - referred to in the Bible as 'the Sons of Belial' the pace of life in Atlantis swiftly altered and those who fell under Ahriamanic control were subsequently taught to grow perfect synthetic crystals, for all natural specimens were held by the priesthood. These synthetic crystals were ostensibly developed for beneficial purposes, although all too soon they became weapons of destruction." A modern Hindu sage and seer, Lama-Sing, has this to say about Atlantean crystal technology:- "The Atlanteans used their knowledge of crystal refraction, amplification and storage. It is widely known that a beam of light, when directed intensely and focused specifically on certain facets of a gemstone, will, when it exits from the reflective plane of the gem, be amplified rather than diminished.

And, further, these amplified energies may he broken down into a wide and sophisticated spectrum. The Atlanteans used the spectrum of this energy so as to be more usable. The Atlanteans were able to use the spectrum of this energy for specific purposes, much as you would use petrol in terms of its various spectrum limitations for a specific purpose. Extracting this and that and other things from the same basic substance. They used certain divisions of the energy for growing things. Others for healing, others for knowledge or increasement of substance. Other phases of the spectrum for disassembling molecule structures, and yet other combinations of these strata for building, assembling molecular chains, yes that is chains; or producing matter, transmutation of matter and that sort of thing. Their basic technology is still available in the earth plane in various locations. When it is proper and when it is in accord with God's will you shall have it again. But with it will come, yes, a burden of spiritual decisions and much needed growth. Man cannot have hate, hostility and anxiety within his being. He must replace this with love, tranquility, compassion and patience. For at the time these knowledges are recovered man will have many of the so-called secrets towards the creation, and conversely the destruction of matter. Crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus and transmit it over a great distance to similar receivers as are equal or comparable to the transmitter. Thus, from one pyramid to another the Atlanteans, in a sense, transmitted energy. That when the face of the earth, as it is called, was directed toward a certain point one pyramid would function to intensify and transmit

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energies to other pyramids which would then act as receiving devices and would disperse energy as it was needed. Then the opposite would be true, when that pyramid was at an unfocusable point to their celestial alignment the others would transmit to those. Very simple method, very effective method. Though it brought them many difficulties later". Whilst Lama-Sing is not easy to understand, or interpret, we can see that he is confirming that Atlantean Technology was all-powerful and that the energies thus harnessed were beyond anything which we have available on earth today. He reiterates the point that man must replace hate, hostility and enmity with love, tranquility, compassion and patience if mankind is ever going to make proper use of the knowledge contained within the Hall of Records when these records are eventually discovered. In 1981, Frank Alper, Founder-President of the Arizona Metaphysical Society, channelled hundreds of readings, providing a fascinating insight into the everyday life of the people who lived in Atlantis and how, crystals were used within their civilisation. Frank's trilogy of books under the title 'Exploring Atlantis' have become the foundation for many subsequent books on Crystal Healing. I have been fortunate to meet Frank on several occasions and have used his crystal configurations as a basis for some of the configurations described in my books 'The Healing Crystal' and 'The Mystical Crystal'. In one of his readings, Frank gives information about how the Atlantean crystal systems worked for the protection and for the energising of a large town or city. "Around the perimeter of the city of Orax, were placed several thousand crystals, elongated in shape and hexagonal on the sides. They served as the grounding points for this magnetic dome. Through these crystals was generated the magnetic field that protected the city. The power to these crystals was generated from the central core which was exactly in the centre of the city. The power from the core was conducted to the crystals on the perimeter through a system of copper rods. These rods led from the centre core to each of the crystals in the perimeter. From these rods, dissecting the diameter of the city, there were many thousands of points where the energy could be drawn off to supply power necessary for other functions and uses. These rods were placed approximately six feet beneath the surface of the ground and also served to make the earth quite fertile to produce food and vegetation. When entry into the city was desired by a visiting ship, the power to one or two of the crystals was lowered to create an opening in the magnetic field to allow for the entry of the ship. If this was not done, the ship would have crashed, for it could not have penetrated the force field surrounding the city ".

Probably the most prolific output of information concerning Atlantis was given through the mouth of Edgar Cayce. During many of his readings, Cayce referred time and time again to the Atlantean Great Crystal. The Great Crystal, he told us, was to be found in a very special building, oval in shape, with a dome that

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could be rolled back, thus exposing the Crystal to the light of the sun, moon and stars at the most opportune moments. The Great Crystal itself, which Cayce often referred to as the Tuaoi Stone, or Firestone, was huge in size, cylindrical in length, and prismatic in shape, cut, with six sides. On top of the Crystal was a moveable capstone, used to concentrate incoming rays of energy and to direct currents to various parts of the Atlantean countryside. We are told by Cayce that the Crystal gathered solar, lunar, stellar, atmospheric and Earth energies, as well as unknown elemental forces, and concentrated all these at a specific point, located between the top of the Crystal and the bottom of the Capstone. It also, so we are told, emitted an invisible beam of energy that could pass through water and solid matter. The energy of the Atlantean Great Crystal was apparently used for various purposes at different periods of Atlantean history. Around 50,000 years ago, the Great Crystal was used exclusively by the Initiates, or those spiritually advanced enough to be able to handle such a tremendous source of power. At first, the crystalline energies were mainly used as a means of communication between 'the finite and the Infinite' - an oracle through which the High Spirit spoke. In several of his readings Cayce stated that at this remote - and primitive - period in the world's history, the Great Crystal was the development of a prehistoric Wisdom which recognised that all energies in the universe are but aspects of one energy and one Mind. "There are, as were set in the beginning, as far as the concern is of this physical earth plane, those rules or laws in the relative force of those that govern the earth, and the beings of the earth plane, and also that same law governs the planets, stars, constellations, groups, constitute the sphere, the space in which the planet moves. These are of one force, and we see the manifestations of the relation of one force with another in the many various phases as it is shown. As the people of early Atlantis were a peaceful people, their developments took on rather that form - with the developing into the physical material bodies of the fast development, or to the using of the elements about them to their own use; recognising themselves to be a part of that about them. That spirit uses matter, that uses every influence in the earth's environ for the glory of the Creative Forces, partakes of and is apart of the Universal Consciousness" (3744-4,364-4 and 3508-1). As time went by, however, and the Atlantean civilisation progressed, the Great Crystal's energies were also used in rejuvenating the human body. By so doing, the Atlanteans were able to live for hundreds and hundreds of years, yet always maintain a youthful appearance. With the further advancement of Atlantean Technology, the Crystal energies were used in a wide variety of material ways. Edgar Cayce referred to the energies of the Crystal acting upon certain 'instruments' which, in turn, operated 'various modes of travel through induction methods'. Currents of energy were transmitted throughout the land, like radio waves, and, powered by these energies, crafts and vehicles sped across the Atlantean land, through the sky and under the sea; at the speed of sound! And by utilising other currents originating from the Crystal, the Atlanteans were also able to transmit the human voice over great distances. They could also transmit pictures, like our televisions ..... In the same manner, even heat and light could be directed towards specific buildings or open arenas, providing illumination and warmth by apparently invisible methods.

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However, as we already know, before the final destruction look place, some of the priests in Atlantis became power mad and the operation of the Great Crystal was taken over by those of less spiritual standing and the Crystal's powerful energies were tuned to higher - and, sadly, more destructive frequencies. Eventually, the Crystal was tuned too high, volcanoes became activated, mountains melted - and Atlantis was destroyed,. sinking without visible trace under the angry seas. In one reading, Cayce describes how, the Crystal energies were directed into the earth, over-loading the Earth energy grid system. "When there were those destructive forces brought through the creating of the high influences of the radial activity from the rays of the sun, that were turned upon the crystals into the pits that made for the connections with the internal influences of the earth " (263-4). And, as we have already seen, Cayce suggested that 'secret records' will one day he discovered in three locations - Bimini (in the Bahamas), in the Hall of Records near the Sphinx (Egypt) and in the Yucatan. There are a number of excellent - and informative - books which contain 'channelled knowledge about Atlantis and the Atlantean way of life. For example, in the Revelation of Ramble we are told.."Community living, as you call it, was the basic way of life in Atlantis. That was how Atlantean society was structured. Taking what I have described a step further, the Atlanteans would have twelve communities living around spiritual power-points on the Earth, a temple, which would be the equivalent of a present day town, for people were not so numerous then as they are today. These twelve communities would combine together to create a great power centralising on a temple which would be the spiritual centre of a particular region. On the next level you would have twelve temples forming yet another group, and so the structure was built up to form the whole." Later on Ramala has this to say, "There are many people living in the World today who are vegetarians. Every day the number increases as more and more people adopt the ways of the Creator. Today, especially amongst the young, the souls of the Aquarian Age, vegetarianism is prevalent, for some of the old souls of Atlantis are returning to the way of life that they have known before. Vegetarianism will become more universal within the next twenty to thirty years, for as the destruction of the cataclysm takes place, as much of the Animal Kingdom is destroyed, so Humanity will not be able to have meat and it will have to look elsewhere. If all of you have prepared yourselves by already taking that step, by already being able to live on one fifth of the food that you now consume, of being able to live only on the fruits of this Earth, you will then have taken a great step towards surviving the cataclysm to come." The Atlanteans possessed great knowledge in concentrating powerful crystalline energies within healing 'instruments. They grew artificial - synthetic - crystals which were used in what, today, we would term 'laser surgery'. There were also various healing 'tools' that were used for diagnostic purposes, as well as for healing.

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Ramala tells us, 'A greater understanding of Atlantis is soon to become a reality. Within the near future scientists will begin to discover an accurate record of Atlantis, but the purpose of the release of this knowledge is not to satisfy Humanity's curiosity but to prepare the World for the reappearance of Atlantis in the cataclysm that is to come around the end of this century. The final passing of Atlantis took place fifteen thousand years ago, although its demise had begun thirty-five thousands years earlier. It is the Age of Aquarius that now ushers in its rebirth into matter. Do not think, though, that with this rebirth will come only good, for with the rise of Atlantis to the surface there will also come the evil of Atlantis: all the disharmony and erroneousness that necessitated its destruction so many years ago. It is up to you, the Atlanteans who have reincarnated at this lime, to accept and transmute that evil and to prepare the land for the Age that is to come. Many evolved souls who died in the cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis have held the balance for all these years, but with the rising of Atlantis they will relinquish that responsibility. Therefore, Humanity, with its increased awareness and higher consciousness gained in its man incarnations since then, will have to cope with that evil, whilst at the same time accepting the gifts, the benefits and the evolutionary knowledge of Atlantis. If I had to place Atlantis geographically on your globe, it would be centred in the Atlantic Ocean. Is it not strange how the name persists even to this day? Atlantis stretched from Iceland in the north to the Falkland Islands in the south. It stretched from what is now the west coast of Africa to the cast coast of America. It was a beautiful land of towering mountains, the tips of some of which remain as the Azores. All that remains of the great continent today are a few scattered points of power and vibration, some of which you are aware of, which were thrown off when Atlantis submerged beneath the waves. Great Britain possesses several of them, particularly Iona, but also including the Islands of the Hebrides, the Scottish Western Islands and the West Country of England, Iceland and Greenland, the eastern coast of Canada and the eastern coast of America down to the state of Maine are also parts of old Atlantis. These are the only geographical areas that are left of what was once Atlantis. Over the course of many civilisations the Altanteans rose to a high state of technological achievement. They tapped into and used the energy of the Sun for the creation and sustenance of their society. Humanity today ignores this, the greatest, factor in its life and takes the Sun's powers for granted. It knows little of the real gifts of the Sun, but the Atlanteans recognised its true power and used it. They used it not only for transportation, for building, for healing, but for every aspect of their spiritual life as well. They used it for worship. The Atlanteans recognised that because there is an aspect of the Godhead in each cell of matter, which is energised by the Sun, all matter is controlled by the Sun. They discovered the relationship between the energising factor of the Sun and life on this Earth. There are a few examples remaining today of the immense buildings which the Atlanteans created. The great pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge in England are examples of Atlantean architecture. There are also archaeological 'problems' in other countries which Humanity today cannot solve, which can all be traced back to Atlantis. Because the Atlanteans understood the structure of matter they could dissolve and recreate it. The vast blocks of stone which were used in the construction of these edifices were dematerialised, moved to the spot where they were desired and then rematerialised. This may seem impossible to you, but it is true. The matter of this Earth is held together by the energy of the Sun. If you discover the way in which matter is held together you can then dissolve it and re-create it at your will.

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The government of Atlantis was, of course, run by the priests, or elders of the Temple. These were souls of great evolution, Masters who had trained and incarnated especially for that role, and they ruled and taught the country with great spirituality. Communication with the Higher Beings was an everyday occurrence. Whilst the priests could attune themselves at will to the Spiritual Hierarchy, even the ordinary people in the street could attune themselves to the higher planes of existence through the means of a magnetic device. By strapping this to themselves in times of prayer and meditation they heightened their senses, and so could communicate directly with the Higher Beings. It was also a lime when Masters from the other planets walked this Earth. Communication with, and the presence of, other planetary beings was an accepted fact. The Atlanteans themselves also travelled to the other planets within this Solar Body, but not in the physical sense of using rockets and spaceships, for they had discovered the power of the mind.

They had conquered the force of gravity and could 'fly'. They could move themselves from place to place, defying the Law of Gravity. In instances of disease or illness the Atlanteans recognised that the source of the disease lay not in the physical but in a higher body. Therefore they alvays cured the higher body, not the physical. If a person was ill he was taken to a place of healing, a temple, and placed in a healing room. his room was constructed of a certain type of stone, of crystal, and was so shaped mid angled that the power of the Sun was diffused into beams of different coloured cosmic light and energy. The person was then placed in the middle of the room, depending upon the nature of his illness, so that the correct rays of light, and therefore of colour, were directed onto him. Also, of course, the priests at that time, being evolved souls with a high degree of consciousness, could look at the Akashic record of the person who was ill, for illness is not necessarily only of one's present life, but can stretch back through many previous lives. They could cure, or attempt to cure, the true cause of the dis-ease in that person.' You would say to me, bearing in mind the picture that I have just painted, "Why, then, did Atlantis fall?" Atlantis fell for the same reason that all the other civilisations have fallen: Humanity's erroneousness. Although the people of Atlantis had reached a high point of evolution, although they had tapped into cosmic powers and, because of the era in which they lived, had developed their psychic abilities way, way beyond your comprehension, they did not motivate themselves correctly. They used their knowledge of the Cosmos, their point of evolution, not to fulfil the will of their Creator

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and His Divine Plan but to fulfil their own ideas of creation. They used their knowledge for personal satisfaction and gain, to obtain power, to amass wealth, to control other beings, to further their own plans, no matter what the cost. The powers which the Atlanteans were given, and which in the initial stages they had used for construction, were eventually used for destruction, and so the downfall of Atlantis, with its eventual subsidence beneath the waves, began. This subsidence was brought about not only by the great Beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy but also by the few remaining true priests of Atlantis.These priests recognised that Atlantis must be destroyed and so they offered to sink with it to hold the evil in balance. They realised that Humanity must experience further cycles of evolution before it would again be in the position to accept the responsibility and the knowledge of Atlantis. Many of the souls who lived in Atlantis are now incarnating in Preparation for its reappearance. They are young in physical years, but old in spiritual evolution. Unfortunately, many of them are misguided at this time because they lack spiritual direction and motivation and because their higher selves, their spirits, cannot understand or accept the restrictions of the dense physical life of Earth today, for they remember only the spirituality of old Atlantis. An expert on ancient religious practices, Manly P. Hall, hypothesises in his book, 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' that the Pyramids in Egypt were built by survivors of Atlantis. Hall suggests that the leading scientists of the Atlantean civilisation became aware of an impending disaster and, in order to salvage the treasures and knowledge of their age, emigrated out of the destructive reach of the cataclysm to other lands. One of these lands, Hall surmises, was Egypt, where the Atlanteans established centres of learning, built, like their own temples, in pyramidical shapes. In these learning centres they hid their secrets, embodied in symbolic language, to be uncovered and understood only by those who were worthy of acquiring and using this sacred knowledge. Wally Richardson and Lenora Huett, in their book, "Spiritual Value of Gem Stones", provides us with fascinating information concerning a large Atlantean prism used as a power station:- "...It was used in such a way as to utilise the rays of the sun and the atmospheric conditions of the universe, so that they were brought into play on this planet. This energy was brought into this planet, broken up and rearranged in such a way as to be used for power. It would draw this energy in and send it to a generator or a piece of machinery of comparable nature and store it. It was able to attract from outer space areas, the strong vibrations that are necessary to cause energy and power." Another well known psychic' who has received valuable - and largely corroborative - information about Atlantis is Washington columnist and author, Ruth Montgomery. Like Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery was told that the Atlanteans used an advanced energy created by what her spirit guides called the Great Crystal. Many thousands of years ago, she was told, the Atlanteans had discovered a huge vein of quartz and, after careful shaping and etching facets into the crystalline surface, a gem was finally created that was able to collect every ray of the sun and transformed it into a useful power. The Atlanteans also built a reflector for it, and housed it inside a gigantic domed building with a moveable top, so that the energy could be directed wherever it was desired. Nearby, 'copper vats' for storage were constructed, so that the energy was always available. According to Ruth's guides, the secret of the Great Crystal was in its carbon structure, which by an unrevealed process was "sufficiently powerful enough to raise the level of energy ten thousand times greater than of any known instrument today".

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The Atlanteans discovered that the Great Crystal "broadcast power" and could be used to propel vehicles. The guides also claimed that the Great Crystal was powerful enough that "When directed through the rays of the sun it created sparks so strong that ships would take off from the earth and move it in air currents, directed by facets of the Great Crystal in controlled pattern". Other vehicles too were powered in the same way and from the same source which "swam beneath the seas" . In fact the Great Crystal could "drive machines across the heavens and beneath the sea" , practically anywhere in the world. The Great Crystal was also used as an important source of communication. Ruth, from her guides, learned that the Atlanteans used certain Crystal frequencies like radio or television. "The pictures were viewed on round images", she wrote, "Which projected as a ray, and were thrown on walls or any blank surface, so that there was no need for screens or tubes". Ruth Montgomery then received these prophetic words, "Within the Crystal lies the secrets that will revolutionise the world, supplying all our power needs and energy forces." In Egypt, Ruth was further told, the Atlanteans built Temples that also used the sun's rays like the Great Crystal, for the specific purposes of healing, The rays were directed to cubicles where patients stretched out on couches and received the beneficent properties without the dangerous ones. What was this unknown healing process? It may one day be used in the treatment of cancer. Another psychic visionary, Reverend Thomas Allen Long, who was the founder of the Aquarian Church of Harmony, has gone on record as predicting that several men, in different countries, are working towards finding a new energy source that will involve arranging special crystals into prisms, and that these, in turn, are to be aligned into a cylinder configuration. The final result will be the creation of a generator that can receive universal creative energies and "correlate them with the earth energies of gravity and electric flow ". At the same time as the discovery of how this new crystal - prism - cylinder system works, other researchers will find out that such generators were once used long ago in Atlantis. Long goes on to warn that one of the ancient crystals, in its domed power-house, lies at the bottom of the ocean not far from Bimini, and that it has been responsible for the strange disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. The crystal generator, he believes, was only partly destroyed during the destruction of Atlantis, and at certain times when "there is proper aligning of the earth position in relation to planetary and universal elements", a great beam of energy becomes activated, which has the power to disintegrate the atomic structure of any object or person. Long continues by stating that the main problem stems from the fact that the protective shielding that sealed off the bottom of the crystal cylinder and its dome, was disrupted during the cataclysm which destroyed Atlantis so that the beam the generator produces now exits from both ends of the cylinder. Arizonian mystic, Virgil I Postelthwaite, who heads the Heirgive Foundation, has also seen the Atlantean Great Crystal as being submerged on the ocean bottom somewhere near the Bahamas, and is, at times, activated by outside forces triggering the stratige phenomena within the Bermuda Triangle. Virgil describes the Great Crystal as being 72 feet in diameter, resting on a box structure and under the protection of a dome. The Crystal is surrounded by twelve smaller crystals, each of a different shape and size - some diamond, some trapezoidal, some hexagonal - designed to either focus energies into or reflect energies outward from the Mother Crystal. Depending on how these forces were used or where they were to be directed, all the surrounding crystals could be activated at once, or individually, or selectively in groups, in innumerable combinations. These combinations created a wide range of frequency patterns, some of which could resonate great airships at a distance, causing them to levitate into the air and travel about the Earth.

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The Great Crystal, besides being connected to its surrounding crystals, was also interlinked by the planetary 'template', or energy line system, to twelve other crystals and twelve pyramids, strategically located at the major energy centres throughout the world. The main purpose of these crystals and monuments was to control and aid in the evolution of the earth and its peoples into higher dimensions of being. A Florida psychic, Richard Robeck, who has as his guides a group of entities known as 'The Brotherhood of Light' believes that the Great Crystal in Atlantis was controlled through the consciousness of the High Priest. It was by his will, and the supreme power of his psychic abilities, harmonised by twenty-two other priests who stood round the Crystal, that activated the energies causing them to beam forth with a ray of brilliant light during daylight hours and with a glow, brighter than the full moon, at night. The Great Crystal, according to the Brotherhood of Light, was housed in the 'primary pyramid' of Atlantis, with a capstone made of amber, and its beam was broadcast to many 'receiving stations' across the world, each a pyramid structure containing a small crystal, and watched over by a Priest and his assistants. These power sources were used for many purposes. At the receiving pyramids, the Crystal's energy was divided into departments; for prolonging the life span in certain cases up to two hundred years, the control of the weather, molecular transformation in chemistry and metallurgy, the cutting and fitting together of megalithic stone blocks, and the opening of interdimensional portals, both on the physical level and on the mental-spiritual level. The Great Crystal also provided power for many other small crystals that the Atlanteans placed in their homes, and, when immersed in an unknown chemical, produced a phosphorescent illumination and heat. The Atlanteans also utilised crystals as a form of monetary exchange, like a modern credit card, only with its own built-in record-memory and personal identification frequency. The end of Atlantis, according to the Brotherhood of Light, came when the High Priest lost the purity of his consciousness centred in the spiritual, and began tampering with the energies within the Earth. One entity, who was incarnate in Atlantis in the period before the final destruction, chronicled the events: "We believed that the earth was like an egg and that within its shell lay a giant crystal, for we observed the energy, the electricity, that did leave the earth and leap into the heavens - that which you term lightning. And we knew the earth to be a great storehouse, that the earth absorbed the energy of the sun mid stored it within itself. We therefore chose to tap the mother crystal, the earth itself. We did focus the crystal of Atlantis to the earth, and as the power was made manifest, we bore a tunnel, or hole, deep within the earth, beyond ten miles below the surface. It was a total of seven of your year cycles from the first time that we penetrated the heart of the earth to the time that the earth, like a wounded beast, did strike back, rupturing the vessel upon its surface and pulling Atlantis down into the bowels of the earth". There were survivors to he sure, and amongst them was preserved the hard lesson that the energies of the Earth are to be utilised in harmony and balance and not for self-centred gain, or to the harm of the planet. Reverend Paul Solomon of Virginia, America, head of the Fellowship of the Inner Light, possesses an interesting insight into the Great Crystal of Atlantis. He sees the Crystal as large and cylindrical in shape, hollow, with diamond-like facets cut in its sides. redesign of these facets is based on a mathematical formula found throughout nature - from the snowflake to the whirling galaxies. The core of this equation is founded on 6 x 6 x 6 - but the essential pattern and system it employs remains a mystery to us today. It will be rediscovered, Solomon assures us, in the fairly near future. Solomon describes how, under the Great Crystal, there was a couch upon which a patient could rest, and over him or her was placed a clear plastic cover.

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The light of the sun, focused through the crystal, was then directed onto the patient. The effect of the light, passing through the facets, was to burn ageing and diseased tissues, and aid in the regrowth of newer and better tissues. Paul Solomon saw that the Great Crystal had been mounted on top of a pyramid and by means of the mysterious properties associated with the structure, the energies of the Crystal were focused and concentrated. The Pyramid also contained a dome in its interior, whereby the Crystal energies were able to be spread over the entire land of Atlantis.This combination of pyramid and dome, Solomon stressed, was incorporated into such health and harmonic centres as the Temple of Sacrifice and the Temple Beautiful and is, in fact, the 'source of all power' on our plane of existence.

Like Cayce before him, Solomon describes how the Great Crystal, given to the Atlanteans as a blessing, was eventually abused and tampered with. The power-hungry Atlanteans learned that certain angles for focusing the sun through the Crystal had a potential for producing greater energy than it was meant to, in a destructive capacity. Finally, the angle of focus was allowed to create an energy output that triggered a geologic cataclysm; and Atlantis was destroyed! Most mediums - and esoteric sources - you will note, do agree that the knowledge possessed by the Great Crystal will some day in the future be made available to mankind once again. They are also - unanimously - agreed that this will not be allowed to come about until such time as mankind has been raised to a much higher level of spiritual awareness and consciousness. The general feeling amongst them all is that if the Great Crystal's power and energy were to be harnessed by present day humanity then the world would very rapidly follow, the same disastrous pathway that was taken by the Atlanteans immediately before the final destruction. However, according to Edgar Cayce, the 'lost' Hall of Records will be discovered in the near future - when maniind is 'ready'. It will then be up to everyone who becomes involved in analyzing and understanding the 'secrets' of the Hall of Records to purify their mind, body and spirit so that they only allow themselves to be influenced by the needs of the world and its inhabitants. We must not - we can not - return to the evil days of Atlantis!!!!!

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