Atienza v. Villarosa digest

March 6, 2017 | Author: Anit Emerson | Category: N/A
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Atienza v. Villarosa | ema May 10, 2005 RAMON M. ATIENZA, in his capacity as VICE-GOVERNOR OF THE PROVINCE OF OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, petitioner, vs. JOSE T. VILLAROSA, in his capacity as GOVERNOR OF THE PROVINCE OF OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, respondent. Callejo, Sr., J.: SUMMARY: Mindoro Occ. Governor Villarosa issued a memo requiring that all purchase orders for supplies, equipment, etc. for the upkeep of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan be signed by him. Vice Governor Atienza replied that such authority was vested in him by the LGC. In response, Villarosa ordered the dismissal of almost 60 of Atienza’s appointees in the provincial government. Atienza asked Villarosa to reconsider both of his actions, but Villarosa refused. Atienza thus filed a prohibition suit in the CA. CA dismissed the case and upheld Villarosa’s power to sign the purchase orders, while ruling that the dismissal of the Atienza appointees can no longer be stopped, as Villarosa’s order had already been implemented. Atienza appealed to the SC, which ruled in his favor. SC held that under the LGC, the Vice Governor was given the authority to sign warrants against the provincial treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the operation of the SP. He was also designated as the Presiding Officer of the SP. As such, it is the Vice Governor who has the authority to sign the purchase orders, pursuant to the specific mandate of LGC 344 that vouchers and payrolls shall be approved by the head of the department or office who has administrative control over the fund concerned; and it is the Vice Governor who has such control with respect to the SP. Applying the doctrine of necessary implication, SC held that the authority to sign vouchers and warrants necessarily includes the authority to sign purchase orders, since the vouchers serve as bases for the purchase orders. Regarding the dismissal of Atienza’s appointees, SC held that the Vice Governor has the sole power and authority to appoint officials and employees of the SP and the Vice Governor’s Office who are paid from SP funds. Employees paid from provincial funds are under the appointing power of the Governor. While the budget source of the dismissed employees’ salaries was not known, SC still invalidated Villarosa’s memo ordering their dismissal, because it encroached upon the appointing power of Vice Governor Atienza by relegating him to a mere recommendatory role. SC held that the intent of the 1991 LGC was to separate the legislative and the executive at the LGU level, by making the vice-governor presiding officer of the SP, and vesting him with authority to appoint its officials and disburse its monies. DOCTRINE: While RA 7160 is silent as to the matter, the authority granted to the Vice Governor to sign all warrants drawn on the provincial treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the operation of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan as well as to approve disbursement vouchers relating thereto is greater and includes the authority to approve purchase orders for the procurement of the supplies, materials and equipment necessary for the operation of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. The Vice Governor’s authority to appoint the officials and employees of the SP is based on the fact that the salaries of SP employees are derived from the SP’s appropriation. The budget source of their salaries is what sets apart SP officials and employees from other provincial employees and officials. The appointing power of the Vice Governor is thus limited to employees of the SP and the Office of the Vice Governor whose salaries are paid out of the SP’s appropriated funds. An employee who is detailed or assigned in the Office of the Vice Governor but is paid out of provincial funds is still within the Governor’s appointing authority. With RA 7160, the union of legislative and executive powers in the office of the local chief executive under the BP 337 has been disbanded, so that either department now comprises different and non-intermingling official personalities with the end in view of ensuring a better delivery of public service and provide a system of check and balance between the two. The avowed intent of RA 7160 is to vest the Sangguniang Panlalawigan with independence in the exercise of its legislative functions vis-a-vis the discharge by the Governor of the executive functions. NATURE: Petition for review on certiorari. Original action for prohibition FACTS:  June 25, 2002 – Occidental Mindoro Governor Jose VILLAROSA issued a memorandum concerning the authority to sign purchase orders of supplies, materials, equipment, and repairs needed by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. The memo stated that all such purchase orders must be signed by the Governor, citing as basis DILG Opinion 148, s. 1993.  Occidental Mindoro Vice Governor Ramon ATIENZA responded that such authority properly pertains to him as Vice Governor, citing as bases DILG Opinion 96, s. 1995, as affirmed by COA Opinions of Jun. 28, Apr. 11, and Feb. 9, 1994. He also cited LGC 466 and 468 as bases for the separation of the legislative and executive powers at the provincial level.  July 1, 2002 – Villarosa responded by issuing a memorandum terminating the casual and job order employees recommended or hired by Atienza. These employees included 28 plus clerks, 30 utility workers,

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and an x-ray technician. Villarosa claims that the employees were redundant and that they bloated the bureaucracy. July 3, 2002 – Villarosa issued a memorandum reiterating the June 25 and July 3 memos and enjoining strict compliance therewith. July 9, 2002 – In a letter to Villarosa, Atienza raised his objections to the 2 memoranda, invoking the separation of powers at a provincial level, where the legislature is headed by the Vice Governor and the executive is headed by the Governor. o Villarosa insisted on the implementation of the 2 memoranda. Atienza thus filed a petition for prohibition before the CA, assailing the 2 memoranda as having been issued with grave abuse of discretion. Atienza claimed that the memoranda excluded him from the use and enjoyment of his office in violation of the pertinent provision of the LGC. He prayed that Villarosa be enjoined from implementing the 2 memoranda. Nov. 28, 2003 – CA DECISION o dismissed the petition. o Under LGC 344, the governor has authority to approve the purchase orders on question, since the provision states in part that "approval of the disbursement voucher by the local chief executive himself shall be required whenever local funds are disbursed." o LGC 466(a)(1) relied upon by Atienza is inapplicable because the approval of purchase orders is different from the power of the Vice Governor in 466(a)(1) to sign warrants drawn against the public treasury. o LGC 361 on requisitioning was also held inapplicable, thus: “[R]equisitioning x x x is the act of requiring that something be furnished. In the procurement function, it is the submission of written requests for supplies and materials and the like. It could be inferred that, in the scheme of things, approval of purchase requests is different from approval of purchase orders.” o CA ruled that the question on the validity of the dismissal of the vice governor’s employees was moot, as the act could no longer be enjoined. Atienza filed the present petition with the SC. Atienza and Villarosa’s terms have expired on June 30, 2004. Atienza did not seek re-election, while Villarosa lost his re-election bid, so the case has become moot. SC revolved to rule on the merits to formulate controlling principles to guide the bench, the bar, and the public.

ISSUES (HELD) 1) Who between the governor and the vice governor is authorized to approve purchase orders issued in connection with the procurement of supplies, materials, equipment, including fuel, repairs and maintenance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (VICE GOVERNOR) 2) W/N the governor has the authority to terminate or cancel the appointments of casual/job order employees of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Members and the Office of the Vice Governor (NO) RATIO MANDATE OF LGC & PRINCIPLES OF DECENTRALIZATION  LGC was enacted to implement the constitutional mandate to “provide for a more responsive and accountable local government structure instituted through a system of decentralization with effective mechanism of recall, initiative and referendum, allocate among the different local government units their powers, responsibilities, and resources, and provide for the qualifications, election, appointment and removal, term, salaries, powers and functions and duties of local officials, and all matters relating to the organization and operation of the local units”.  The provisions of the LGC are anchored on the following principles of decentralization: o Effective allocation among the different local government units of their respective powers, functions, responsibilities, and resources; o Establishment in every LGU of an accountable, efficient, and dynamic organizational structure and operating mechanism that will meet the priority needs and service requirements of its communities o Provinces with respect to component cities and municipalities, and cities and municipalities with respect to component barangays, shall ensure that the acts of their component units are within the scope of their prescribed powers and functions o Strengthening of effective mechanisms for ensuring the accountability of local government units to their respective constituents in order to upgrade continually the quality of local leadership 1) AUTHORITY TO APPROVE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PROCUREMENT OF SUPPLIES, MATERIALS, etc. OF SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN IS VESTED IN THE VICE GOVERNOR  Under the LGC, local legislative power at the provincial level is exercised by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) and the Vice Governor is its Presiding Officer.

The SP enacts ordinances and resolutions, and appropriates funds for the general welfare of the province in accordance with the LGC.  LGC 466(a)(1) provides that the Vice Governor shall be the presiding officer of the sangguniang panlalawigan and can sign all warrants drawn on the provincial treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the operation of the sangguniang panlalawigan ANALYSIS OF LGC 344  LGC 344 provides: Certification on, and Approval of, Vouchers. – No money shall be disbursed unless the local budget officer certifies to the existence of appropriation that has been legally made for the purpose, the local accountant has obligated said appropriation, and the local treasurer certifies to the availability of funds for the purpose. Vouchers and payrolls shall be certified to and approved by the head of the department or office who has administrative control of the fund concerned, as to validity, propriety and legality of the claim involved. Except in cases of disbursements involving regularly recurring administrative expenses such as payrolls for regular or permanent employees, expenses for light, water, telephone and telegraph services, remittances to government creditor agencies such as the GSIS, SSS, LBP, DBP, National Printing Office, Procurement Service of the DBM and others, approval of the disbursement voucher by the local chief executive himself shall be required whenever local funds are disbursed. In cases of special or trust funds, disbursements shall be approved by the administrator of the fund. In case of temporary absence or incapacity of the department head or chief of office, the officer next in rank shall automatically perform his function and he shall be fully responsible therefor.  CA’s reliance on the “approval of the disbursement voucher by the local chief executive…” clause is misplaced.  This clause cannot prevail over the more specific clause which provides that “Vouchers and payrolls shall be certified to and approved by the head of the department or office who has administrative control of the fund concerned, as to validity, propriety and legality of the claim involved”.  As presiding officer of the SP, it is the Vice Governor which has administrative control over its funds. Accordingly, the authority to approve disbursement vouchers for expenditures appropriated for the operation of the SP rests with the Vice Governor.  §39 of COA’s New Manual on the Government Accounting System for LGUs even provides: x x x Disbursement vouchers for expenditures appropriated for the operation of the Sanggunian shall be approved by the provincial Vice Governor, the city Vice Mayor or the municipal Vice Mayor, as the case may be. VICE GOVERNOR’S AUTHORITY TO SIGN WARRANTS & APPROVE DISURSEMENT VOUCHERS NECESSARILY INCLUDES AUTHORITY TO APPROVE PURCHASE ORDERS COVERING SUCH VOUCHERS  While the LGC is silent on the matter, the authority granted to the Vice Governor to sign warrants and approve disbursement vouchers relating thereto includes the authority to approve purchase orders covering such vouchers, applying the doctrine of necessary implication. o Chua v. CSC: Every statute is understood, by implication, to contain all such provisions as may be necessary to effectuate its object and purpose, or to make effective rights, powers, or privileges or jurisdiction which it grants, including all such collateral and subsidiary consequences as may be fairly and logically inferred from its terms. Ex necessitate legis.  Warrant – an order directing the treasurer of the municipality to pay money out of funds in city treasury which are or may become available for purpose specified to designated persons (Protest of St. Louis-San Francisco Ry. Co.). o Warrants of a municipal corporation are generally orders payable when funds are found. They are issued for the payment of general municipal debts and expenses subject to the rule that they shall be paid in the order of presentation (Shelley v. St. Charles County Court).  Voucher - a document which shows that services have been performed or expenses incurred. It covers any acquittance or receipt discharging the person or evidencing payment by him. When used in connection with disbursement of money, it implies some instrument that shows on what account or by what authority a particular payment has been made, or that services have been performed which entitle the party to whom it is issued to payment (First National Bank of Chicago v. City of Elgin).  Purchase order - an authorization by the issuing party for the recipient to provide materials or services for which issuing party agrees to pay; it is an offer to buy which becomes binding when those things ordered have been provided (Smyth Worldwide Movers v. Little Rock Packing). o Contains the terms and conditions for the procurement of supplies, materials or equipment, in particular. o The tenor of a purchase order basically directs the supplier to deliver the articles enumerated and subject to the terms and conditions specified therein.  When an authorized person approves a disbursement voucher, he certifies to the correctness of the entries therein; that the expenses were necessary and lawful, and that the supporting documents are complete and o

cash is available therefor. The person who performed the service or delivered the goods becomes entitled to payment.  Thus, the express authority to approve disbursement vouchers in effect is also an authority to approve the payment of money claims for supplies, materials and equipment; and from this authority, the authority to approve purchase orders to cause the delivery of the supplies, materials, and equipment is necessarily implied.  “[T]he authority granted to the Vice Governor to sign all warrants drawn on the provincial treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the operation of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan as well as to approve disbursement vouchers relating thereto is greater and includes the authority to approve purchase orders for the procurement of the supplies, materials and equipment necessary for the operation of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.” 2) GOVERNOR HAS NO AUTHORITY TO TERMINATE OR CANCEL THE APPOINTMENT OF CASUAL OR JOB ORDER EMPLOYEES OF THE SP OR THE VICE GOVERNOR; INTENT OF LGC ON SEPARATION OF POWERS  Concerning the appointing power of the Governor, LGC 465(b)(v) provides: For efficient, effective and economical governance the purpose of which is the general welfare of the province and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of this Code, the provincial governor shall appoint all officials and employees whose salaries and wages are wholly or mainly paid out of provincial funds and whose appointments are not otherwise provided for in this Code, as well as those he may be authorized by law to appoint.  As for the Vice Governor, LGC 466(2) provides: Subject to civil service law, rules and regulations, appoint all officials and employees of the sangguniang panlalawigan, except those whose manner of appointment is specifically provided in this Code.  Therefore, the appointing power of the Governor does not extend to officials and employees of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan because the authority to appoint them is vested in the Vice Governor. This includes casual and job order employees.  The Vice Governor’s authority to appoint the officials and employees of the SP is based on the fact that the salaries of SP employees are derived from the SP’s appropriation.  The budget source of their salaries is what sets apart SP officials and employees from other provincial employees and officials.  The appointing power of the Vice Governor is thus limited to employees of the SP and the Office of the Vice Governor whose salaries are paid out of the SP’s appropriated funds. An employee who is detailed or assigned in the Office of the Vice Governor but is paid out of provincial funds is still within the Governor’s appointing authority.  CAB: The source of the appointees’ salaries is unclear. Nonetheless, the July 1 memo cannot be upheld because it absolutely prohibited Atienza from exercising his authority to appoint SP employees, limiting him to a recommendatory role. This is an encroachment on the Vice Governor’s appointing power.  It must be noted that RA 7160 altered the balance of powers at the LGU level. Under BP 337 the governor was also presiding officer of the SP, in effect uniting executive and legislative powers in the governor. RA 7160, dissolved this union and separated the legislative from the executive. According to Sen. Pimentel, this was the intent behind making the Vice Governor and the Vice Mayor the presiding officers of their respective Sanggunian.  “The idea is to distribute powers among elective local officials so that the legislative, which is the Sanggunian, can properly check the executive, which is the Governor or the Mayor and vice versa and exercise their functions without any undue interference from one by the other. The avowed intent of RA 7160, therefore, is to vest on the Sangguniang Panlalawigan independence in the exercise of its legislative functions vis-a-vis the discharge by the Governor of the executive functions.”  The 2 memoranda issued by Villarosa constituted undue interference with the SP’s functions. They therefore run counter to the intent of the LGC and their implementation must be permanently enjoined. DISPOSITION: Petition granted. Memoranda dated June 25, 2002 and July 1, 2002 issued by Villarosa are NULL AND VOID.

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