ATG Framework and Components

March 22, 2017 | Author: Pawan | Category: N/A
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Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, ecommerce, eCommerce or e-comm, refers to the buying and selling of p...



ATG Framework and Components

ATG Framework and Component Pawan Modi [email protected]

ATG FRAMEWORK & COMPONENTS ATG is the worldwide leader in the E-commerce solutions. This document describes ATG framework to build e-commerce application. ATG

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ATG Framework and Components

Table of Contents ABBREVIATION




Introduction ATG Architectures Component Centric Model Model View Controller – MVC Design Patterns followed in ATG

8 8 8 8 8

ATG Platform ATG Dynamo Port Map Module Dependencies

9 9 10

ATG Components Dynamo Application Framework (DAF) Dynamo Personalization Server (DPS) Dynamo Scenario Server (DSS) ATG Portal ATG Commerce ATG Content Administration (ATG Publishing) ATG Merchandising ATG Search ATG CSC (Commerce Service Center) ATG Outreach and Campaign Optimizer ATG Control Center (ACC) ATG Business Control Center (BCC)

11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14

Dynamo Application Framework (DAF) Nucleus Tag libraries Dynamo Servlet Beans (Droplets) Form Handlers Repository API

15 15 16 16 16 16

Components Create / Modify Components Component Properties File CONFIGPATH Environment Variable Component Scope Component Logging Linking Property Values

18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19


Page 2

ATG Framework and Components Repositories Repository Repository Item Types of Repository in ATG Item Descriptor Repository View Java Interfaces & Classes Steps in Setting up a SQL Repository Working with Repositories

21 21 22 23 23 27 27 28 29

Droplets (Dynamo Servlet Beans) Advantages of Droplets How to use Droplets in a JSP Droplet Parameters Important ATG Out-of-the Box Droplets Steps in writing a Droplet TargetingForEach CategoryLookup, ProductLookup , SKULookup ItemLookupDroplet RepriceOrderDroplet, PriceEachItem, PriceItem

31 31 31 32 32 33 34 34 34 34

Form Handlers Form Handler Beans Form Handler Methods Exception Handling in Form Handler Displaying error messages on page ATG Out-of-the Box Form Handlers Example of Using a FormHandler Steps in writing Custom Form Handler Example of Custom Form Handler (Java Code) Example of Custom Form Handler (JSP Code) SimpleSQLFormHandler RepositoryFormHandler ProfileFormHandler SearchFormHandler /atg/userprofiling/B2CProfileFormHandler atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BcommerceProfileFormHandler atg.commerce.profile. CommerceProfileFormHandler ShoppingCartModifier,ExpressCheckoutFormHandler, CartModifierFormHandler

35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38

ATG Controller Framework (Servlet Pipeline) Request Handling by Servlet pipeline DynamoHttpRequest and DynamoHttpResponse ServletUtil Types of Pipelines Request Processing by DAF Servlet Pipeline

39 39 39 39 40 40


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ATG Framework and Components Request Processing by DAS Servlet Pipeline Customize Pipeline Servlet InsertableServlet Steps to Create InsertableServlet DispatcherPipelineableServlet

41 42 42 43 44

ATG Scenarios (DSS) Difference between Scenarios & Targeters Slots

45 45 46

Dynamo Personalization Server (DPS) Personalization Message Content Processor Content Management

47 47 49 50



ATG E-Commerce Functional Components


Profile Management Profile Repository Profile Form Handlers B2C Profile Form Handler B2B Commerce Profile Form Handler Profile Tools and Property Manager Create User Profile Create Profile Group Current Location Property

55 55 55 56 56 56 57 57 57

Catalog Management Product Catalog Extending default Product Catalog Category Product and SKU Catalog Navigation Navigation History and Breadcrumbs Custom Catalogs

58 58 58 58 59 59 60

Order Management ATG Order Components (OTB) ATG Order Java Interfaces ATG Order Java Classes Customizing OrderTools Order Repository /atg/userprofiling/Profile.transient Pre-checkout Process ATG

61 61 62 63 65 69 Error! Bookmark not defined. 70 Page 4

ATG Framework and Components Shopping cart Creation Order Creation Multiple orders creation for an user Saving Modifying Repricing Orders Extending Purchase Process ChangedProperties Java Interface

70 71 71 71 72 72

Checkout Process ExpressCheckout/Expedited Checkout Complex checkout Simple Checkout Order Pipeline Running a processor chain User defined Processor Pipeline Tags in Pipeline Definition File Transaction Handling

74 74 74 74 75 76 76 77 77

Payment Process Payment Pipeline chain Order Fulfillment

78 78 79

Pricing and Promotions PricingModel Droplet for displaying price ATG Pricing Services Pricing Engine Pricing calculators Pricing Objects Price Calculation Flow Pricing Calculators Pricing Engine implementation

80 80 80 81 81 81 81 82 83 83

Promotions Attributes to manage promotions eCoupon Coupon FormHandler Gift certificate Gift certificate FormHandler

85 85 86 86 86 86

Extra Info /atg/userprofiling/B2CProfileFormHandler /atg/commerce/catalog/CatalogNavHistory /atg/commerce/ShoppingCart OrderManager Order Repository Profile Repository Product Catalog

88 88 88 88 88 88 89 89


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ATG Framework and Components sortProperties



91 91

Repository SEORepository SitemapRepository

92 92 92

SEO Components


JumpServlet JumpServlet Configuration

96 96

URL Optimization JSP Coding Component Configuration

97 97 97

Meta Tag Implementation JSP Coding

100 100

Canonical URL JSP Coding Component Configuration

102 102 102

Sitemap Generation Sitemap Configuration Steps to Generate Sitemap

104 104 108

Appendix Droplets Form Handlers

109 109 111


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ATG Framework and Components

Abbreviation DAS

Dynamo Application Server


Dynamo Application Framework


Dynamo Scenario Server


Dynamo Personalization Server


Dynamo Request Protocol Server


Global Scenario Server


Load Manager


Connection Module


Remote Method Invocation


Dynamo Control Center


Session Backup Server


User Datagram Protocol alternative protocol to TCP/IP, (usually used for broadcasting)

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol, MIB packet services


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ATG Framework and Components

ATG Introduction ATG is the worldwide leader in the E-commerce solutions. ATG product suite has enabled the vendors to enable their e-commerce commercial capabilities.

ATG Architectures ATG follows architecture listed below. 

Component Centric - The Dynamo Web applications are collected out of individual Java Bean components, which are configured and linked together with .properties files.

MVC - Model View Controller architecture is a standard design pattern that separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller.

Component Centric Model Defines the basic architecture of a component, specified the structure of the interfaces and the mechanisms by which it interacts with the container and other components. It also Provides guidelines to create & implement components that can work together to form the application. This model makes it possible for us to build Dynamo applications by configuring pre-built components instead of writing a lot of Java code from scratch.

Model View Controller – MVC Model - The model contains the state of the application. It is not aware of the view or controller. View - The view gives the presentation of the model. The view can access the model getters only. Controller - The controller takes action on the user input and creates, sets the model.

Design Patterns followed in ATG


MVC2 in a Dispatcher View Strategy (a pull based MVC) used by Droplets.

MVC2 in a Service To Workers Strategy (a push based MVC) by formhandlers.

Dependency Injection or IoC (Inversion Of Control) used by nucleus to resolve inter dependencies between components.

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ATG Framework and Components

ATG Platform The ATG Platform and its suite of products is a flexible, Java-based development environment for building personalized applications for the Web and other communication channels (e-mail messaging, wireless devices, etc.). The platform and its related products, include Dynamo Application Server, ATG Portal, ATG Commerce, ATG Content Administration, and the ATG Control Center.

ATG Dynamo Port Map


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ATG Framework and Components

Module Dependencies ATG application often depends on other modules which are started automatically when your module is started. These dependencies are declared in the module manifest file at location /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

The list show above will include DSS at a minimum. If our application uses facilities provided by other application layers (e-commerce) then we will need to include those modules in the list as well. Note that we only need to include the top-level module, all additional modules required by the top modules will automatically be started. E.g. If our application requires DSS, which requires DPS, then we need to specify only DSS not DPS.


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ATG Framework and Components

ATG Components The ATG Platform includes the following core components: •

DAF - Dynamo Application Framework (Foundation Layer)

DPS - ATG Personalization Module

DSS – ATG Scenarios Module

Dynamo Application Framework (DAF) The Dynamo Application Framework (DAF) is a foundation layer. DAF runs on top of (DAS) or leading J2EE application server and supplies essential facilities for application development and deployment viz. –



Tag libraries

Droplets & Form Handlers

This portable framework is designed to run on the industry’s leading J2EE application servers, including ATG’s own Dynamo Application Server (DAS), IBM WebSphere and BEA WebLogic.

Dynamo Personalization Server (DPS) The Personalization module (DPS) provides tools for visitor profiling and content targeting, enabling to deliver personalized content to customers according to their characteristics and preferences. –

visitor profiling

content targeting

Dynamo Scenario Server (DSS) The Scenarios module (DSS) adds advanced scenario-based personalization features to the ATG Platform. Using the scenario editor, business managers can design, test, and fine-tune customer management scenarios that track and respond to customer behavior. Business processes can be exposed as workflows. Data analysis and reporting tools, including ready-made business chart templates, are available for charting scenario data. –

Scenario based personalization

ATG Portal ATG Portal provides a customizable framework for building personalized Web portals for specific user communities.


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ATG Framework and Components A company, for example, might create separate portals for employees, customers, and partners, each providing access to different content and services. The Portal Application Framework (PAF) is used by developers to create and administer portals and the individual gears that render content and features (a stock ticker or discussion forum, for example) within portal pages. ATG Portal comes with a set of page template and baseline gears that you can use for your own portals.

ATG Commerce ATG Commerce includes everything we need to build and manage personalized ecommerce Web sites. ATG Consumer Commerce provides business-to-consumer (B2C) storefront development with following features. –

Product Catalog management

Profile Management

Shopping Cart and Checkout

Order Management



Customer Service

ATG Business Commerce adds support for following business-to-business (B2B) transactions. –

B2B payment methods (purchase orders, requisitions)

Account-specific product catalogs

Price lists, multiple shipping/billing addresses etc.

ATG Content Administration (ATG Publishing) ATG Content Administration (earlier known as ATG Publishing) is used for managing the content on the production website. It provides a streamlined system for modifying and deploying content on your site. The system maintains the versions for the changes made to publishable assets. It keeps track of multiple versions of publishable assets (scenarios or catalog items, for example) within specific publishing projects. Content administration provides following tools.


Workflow editor

Content Creation, Editing, Check-in Approval

Deployment to Production Page 12

ATG Framework and Components

Using the workflow editor, you can define how each project moves through the various stages of the publishing process i.e. content creation, editing, check-in, approval, QA and deployment on the live site.

ATG Merchandising ATG Merchandising application runs on top of ATG Publishing and ATG Commerce. It provides a way to Commerce Business users for creating and maintaining versioned content of various items like ProductCatalog, Personalization targeters etc.

ATG Search ATG Search is a leading search engine which lets users find in the information they wanted. The response time of the search engine is very less. The features of ATG Search include. –

Processes natural language queries

Supports faceted navigation in applications

Multiple language support

Industry-specific lexicons

Automated indexing features

Generating reports is easy using ATG Customer Intelligence

ATG CSC (Commerce Service Center) ATG CSC (Commerce Service Center) is a web based application that also integrates a ticketing system, which can be used by the Commerce Call center agents to manage customers, Orders etc. It enables the sales and service agents to efficiently help customers over telephone, website, email or other means of ATG Commerce. ATG Commerce Service Center helps in increasing revenues and profits by turning the service center into sales center. It provides a smooth customer service experience. ATG Commerce Service Center is customer service application which can be customized and deployed. ATG Knowledge and Response Management accumulate and provide CRM related information.

ATG Outreach and Campaign Optimizer ATG Outreach and Campaign Optimizer are used by the marketing people to create promotions, scenarios etc to track visitor behavior and tune the commerce system.

ATG Control Center (ACC) ATG Control Center (ACC) is the integrated (stand-alone) user interface for the ATG Relationship Management Platform and its supported products. ATG

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ATG Framework and Components The ACC provides application developers, page designers, site administrators, business managers, and other members of your project team with point-and-click access to the tools they need for building and maintaining ATG applications.

ATG Business Control Center (BCC) The ATG Business Control Center is a browser-based interface that allows marketers and others senior people to create and edit many of the elements required to maintain an ATG-based Web site. The activities can be performed in the ATG Business Control Center are divided into the following general areas.

ATG Content Administration The ATG Business Control Center is the primary interface for performing ATG Content Administration tasks, including the creation and deployment of Web site content. Note: Content groups can be created via both i.e. ACC & BCC.

Management of ATG Personalization Assets You use the ATG Business Control Center to create and manage the components that are responsible for delivering personalized Web site content (content that changes dynamically for each site visitor). These components include user segments, content targeters, and content groups.

Profiles Management Management of the profiles required by ATG Business Control Center users, including their organization and role assignments. The ATG Business Control Center is also used as the starting point for launching several ATG applications including the following


ATG Merchandising

ATG Outreach

ATG Service applications

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ATG Framework and Components

Dynamo Application Framework (DAF) The ATG Platform is supported by a foundation layer called the Dynamo Application Framework (DAF) that runs on top of our application server. Our application server handles tasks like session management, load balancing, clustering, and SNMP monitoring etc. But DAF supplies additional following facilities for application development and deployment.



Nucleus is an ATG component container.

Nucleus is the central registry for the JavaBeans that contain our application-level logic.

It creates and configures Dynamo components and organizes them into a hierarchical namespace so they can be referenced by other components.

By reading the various configuration files associated with each component, Nucleus figures out what components to use in an application, what their initial properties are, and how they connect to each other.

Nucleus allows developers to build applications in a component-oriented manner.

Nucleus is the mechanism that creates and configures new components, then gives these components a place to "live" so they can be found by other components.

The components are stored in the Nucleus which is representing the components in a hierarchical structure and the components are looked up using the request.resolveName(“alias name”) method.

In Nucleus, every component has a unique name. Components are organized into a hierarchy, similar to a file system. This results in component names such as /atg/dynamo/service/Scheduler and gives Nucleus the ability to resolve relative names, such as.../service/Scheduler. Furthermore, Nucleus components are JavaBeans, affording all the advantages of the JavaBeans standard.

The Pages and Components task area in the ATG Control Center shows all of the components currently registered in Nucleus (by module or by path) and provides templates to help we create new ones, either from existing Dynamo classes or our own Java classes.

When it comes to configuring components for our application, we can use the built-in Component Editor to specify initialization parameters and the way the components link together. The ACC creates the necessary configuration files automatically.

DAF also provides a Web-based component browser, as part of the Dynamo Administration interface that we can use to examine and modify components in a running Nucleus application. Page 15

ATG Framework and Components

Tag libraries •

Originally the presentation language used by the framework was JHTML. There are lots of custom tags provided in JHTML to access the dynamo components.

When JSP become the presentation language for java, the DAF framework provides the DSP tag library to access Nucleus components and render dynamic content from our Java Server Pages (JSPs).

DAF also includes a Core tag library that provides generic tags for flow control, manipulating data and handling transactions.

Dynamo Servlet Beans (Droplets)   

 

Dynamo Servlet Beans are specialized Nucleus components that can be embedded in our JSPs to display dynamic content. Droplets are based on MVC2 Dispatcher View (pull based) design pattern. Dynamo Servlet Beans minimizes the amount of Java code that has to appear in HTML and the amount of HTML that has to be hard-coded into Java classes and also enables the developer to take a “Dispatcher View” approach of MVC2 Design pattern. As a result, Java programmers and page designers can work independently and applications are easier to maintain. DAF comes with a set of ready-made Dynamo Servlet Beans that you can use in your pages.

Form Handlers •

• •

Form handlers are specialized Nucleus components that can be embedded in our JSPs to do form validation and based on the results do certain actions like inserting into database, forwarding the user to some other JSP page etc. Using Form Handlers is the way to achieve “Service to Workers” (push based) approach of MVC2 design pattern. DAF comes with a set of ready-made Form handlers like ProfileFormHandler, ShoppingCartModifier etc. that we can use in your pages either directly or customize them using the extension points given.

Repository API • • •


The Repository API (atg.repository.*) is a data access layer that defines a generic representation of a data store. ATG support SQL repository, LDAP repository, Composite repository & Versioned repository. Whenever ATG applications needs to load, store, or query a data store, they make the appropriate calls through this API. The API then accesses the underlying data storage device, translating the API calls into whatever calls are needed to access that particular data store. Implementations of the Repository API exist to access data stores such as relational databases, LDAP systems, and content management systems. Page 16

ATG Framework and Components • •


In addition, the Composite Repository feature enables us to consolidate multiple data sources and make them available to our application as a single, queryable repository. The Secured Repository Adapter provides fine-grained access control to repository item descriptors, individual repository items, and even individual properties through the use of Access Control Lists (ACLs).

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ATG Framework and Components

Components Components in ATG are a public java class with appropriate properties with set/get methods. Additionally a component comes with .properties file that specify the class name and the scope and also any default values. The properties file also contains any dependency injections of other components. This .properties file must be placed under CONFIGPATH of the ATG. The name of the component is the full path name of the .properties file under the configpath starting with a “/”. For example, /com/vam/firstbean. CONFIGPATH variable is computed dynamically during startup based on the modules started, their order of startup and based on the entry in the MANIFEST.MF file of every module started. Use of components gives following advantages. •

Code reusability

Reduced development time

Container independent

Entire application behavior can be changed by modifying one/some of the components.

Note: In ATG, a component have one of the 3 scopes i.e. Global, Session, Request.

Create / Modify Components We can create / modify component and configure initial properties by –

Using the eclipse ATG component browser plug-in.

Using ATG Control Center (ACC) browser.

Manually by editing the .properties file.

Using any of the above approach, we can browse components, set properties (single and multi-value), link / unlink components. Full component name are unique, containing folder names followed by simple component name, separated by forward slashes like /atg/dynamo/service/SMTPEmail.

Component Properties File Properties file is a text file and named with the component name (including full path) following by .properties extension. Properties are name value pair. If the same property value is defined at different level i.e. ATG local config level & application config level then value from application config level will be taken. It is called configuration layering. DPS/DSS ATG Local ConfigApplication Config


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ATG Framework and Components Component properties file mainly contain class, description & scope information of a component. Class is a name of java class with package. Description is a short description of component and scope tell about the component scope. ATG looks for component properties file in directories specified by CONFIGPATH environment variable.

CONFIGPATH Environment Variable ATG looks for component properties file in directories specified by CONFIGPATH environment variable. E.g. CONFIGPATH=\B2CAppearal\config CONFIGPATH actually points to many folders and Nucleus reads entire CONFIGPATH left to right. So every matching properties file is loaded. If the same property value is defined in two files, the last value overrides previous values. It is called configuration layering.

Component Scope In ATG, a component can have any one of these scope. 

Global (default) – for everyone.

Session – for individual session.

Request – only to send response for a request.

Component Logging Component can log information about their status. Logging can be done on per-component, per-module or per-application basis. ATG support log levels i.e. error, warning, info, debug. Default log level is info. Log files are generated /server/atg/logs Individual component can turn on/off their logging. is a special properties file, not associated with any specific component this is often used to set logging levels for a set of components.

Linking Property Values In a system containing many components, it is possible for several components to be initialized with the same property values. If we configure (set value) these properties independently then this can lead to the confusion for the administrator if the value is changed in one component, but not changed in the other components. So we want to link the property of a component to other component. ATG Nucleus can link the property of one component to the value of other component. To do this, we need to append a “^” to the name of the property we want to set. Finally, enter the component name and property name whose value is to be copied. ATG

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ATG Framework and Components For example if there is a second bean whose age property is dependent on firstbean age property, then the properties file of second bean will look like shown below, where firstbean is a nucleus name relative to secondbean.


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ATG Framework and Components

Repositories ATG provides an easy to use and powerful object relational mapping (ORM) persistence framework. It supports numerous databases, including Oracle and DB2, as well as popular open source databases such as and MySQL. It uses reflection primarily to determine the java bean properties and does not need the developer to code any POJO also.

Repository The data access layer that defines a generic representation of a data store. Repositories access the underlying data storage device through a connector, which translates the request into whatever calls are needed to access that particular data store. Connectors for relational databases and LDAP directories are provided out-of-the-box. Connectors use an open, published interface, so additional custom connectors can be added if necessary. A repository is a collection of repository items. Each repository connects to a single data store. But application & subsystems in Dynamo can use different repositories or share the same repository. The repository is not the data store itself instead, it is a collection of JavaBeans whose properties can be found and stored in the data store. The mission of the repository is to provide a mechanism to retrieve the data elements and a run-time representation of the available Meta information about each object. Following are the main conceptual parts of the Repository API.


Repository Items - Each employee would have a corresponding repository item. Repository item is corresponding to row in database table. Repository item is made of properties. These properties correspond roughly to columns of a table

Item Descriptors - An employee item descriptor would specify all of the properties that an employee repository item could possess.

Repository Queries - An application can build queries that return the appropriate employee. Page 21

ATG Framework and Components

Repository Item Repository items are like a JavaBeans. Their properties are determined dynamically at runtime. The properties in a particular repository item depend on the type of item. One item might represent the user profile (name, address, phone number) while another may represent the meta-data associated with a news article (author, keywords, synopsis). Each repository item is made of properties. These properties store the data that makes up a repository item. Each property has a name, such as id, firstName, or lastName etc. In the SQL repository, these properties correspond roughly to columns of a table. The properties available to a type of repository item are defined in the repository’s item descriptors. So the purpose of the Repository interface system is to provide a unified way for data access. For example, developers can use targeting rules with the same syntax to find people or content. Each repository item must have an identifier, which is called a repository ID. The repository ID must uniquely identify the repository item from all other repository items of the same type. So each item descriptor must specify the columns that act as the repository ID (which will usually be the same as the table’s primary key. If we don’t define an id property in the item descriptor, then the id property must use the default data-type, which is string.

For example, In the SQL repository, a repository item often corresponds to a row in a table. In the SQL profile repository, each user profile is a repository item.


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ATG Framework and Components

Types of Repository in ATG The following Repository models exist in ATG. 1. SQL Repositories - use ATG’s Generic SQL Adapter (GSA) connector to perform a mapping between ATG and data stored in a SQL database. It can be used to access content, user profiles, application security information, and more. 2. LDAP Repository - Uses the Dynamo LDAP connector to access user data in an LDAP directory. 3. Composite Repository - provides a means for using more than one data store as the source for a single repository. 4. Versioned Repositories - an extension of the GSA used in ATG Publishing. This is to maintain versions of repository items.

Item Descriptor Each repository item type is described by a Repository item descriptor (which has a one-to-one correlation with RepositoryView). The item descriptor gives a name to the type, and also describes the properties for that type. The name of each property is defined in the item descriptor, as well as the class of the Java object used to represent that type (Integer, String, etc.). The item descriptors exposed by a repository depend on a combination of the underlying data store and the configuration of the repository. For example, In the SQL repository, each database table might have its own repository item descriptor. Or another alternative might join multiple tables into a single item descriptor. Also Repositories can support multiple item descriptors. For example, a SQL repository instance that supports a commerce application might have different item descriptors representing users, products, product categories, orders, etc. An item descriptor implements the atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor interface and may subclass atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl.

Item-Descriptor Relationships •

One to One – Represented by ‘auxiliary’ tables.

One to Many – Represented by ‘multi’ tables

Many to Many – achieved using an intermediate table.

The multi-column-name attribute ensures that the ordering of the multivalues are maintained. The column specified by the multi-column-name attribute is used for multi-valued properties of datatypes array, map, and list and is not used for sets (which are unordered). For map type properties, the ATG

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ATG Framework and Components values in the column specified by the multi-column-name attribute must be a string. For list or array type properties, these values should be an integer or numeric type, and must be sequential.

Xml-Combine Xml combine tag is use to extend default catalog (product catalog). •







Cascade attribute The SQL repository uses the cascade attribute to better handle hierarchical properties with either the item-type or component-item-type attributes. The cascade attribute can take one or more values i.e. insert, update, or delete.

Cascade Insert If a repository item has a property with the item-type attribute and the cascade="insert" attribute set, then when the item is created following action executes. –

A new item of the type declared by the item-type attribute is also created and

The property is set to point to the other item created.

The cascade="insert" attribute is typically used with cascade="update" and cascade="delete" so that management of this item is completely automatic. The item is created, added, updated, and deleted along with the parent item. The cascade="insert" attribute is ignored for properties that use component-item-type.

Cascade Update If a repository item has a property that refers to other items and that has the cascade="update” attribute set, then.


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ATG Framework and Components –

When we call addItem(), any new (transient) items referenced by this property are added automatically to the repository and

When we call updateItem, any referenced items that have been modified are automatically updated. Any referenced items that are new (transient) items are added.

Cascade Delete If a repository item has a property with the cascade="delete" attribute set, then when you remove the repository item, any items that are referenced by the property will also be removed. Also, when you remove a reference to this item, the item is automatically removed. Special care must be taken in cascade delete in one-to-many relationships. Do not use cascade="delete" in properties on the “many” side of the relationship that refer to items on the “one” side of the relationship. The item on the “one” side of the relationship cannot be deleted safely, since multiple items may be referring to it. For example, suppose you have an item descriptor named company with an employee property that references many repository items defined by an employee item descriptor. The employee item descriptor itself defines a company property. In this one-to-many relationship, the employee property in the company item descriptor could use cascade="delete". But the company property in the employee item descriptor should not use cascade="delete", since deleting one employee item would then delete the company item that is referenced by the remaining employee items.

Item-Descriptor Hierarchy (Inheritance) Item-descriptors also allow inheriting data from parent table. There exists an auxiliary relationship between the parent and child item-descriptors. The parent item-descriptor specifies/restricts the child item-descriptors that can inherit it by specifying the sub-type-property attribute. Fetching the child repository item will automatically fetch data from the parent table as well.

Derived properties In a SQL repository, we can have derived properties. This feature enables one repository item to derive property values from another repository item or from another property in the same repository item.

Transient Properties The SQL repository allows us to define transient attributes for a repository item. Transient attributes are never stored or read from the persistent data store. They are readable and writable, but not queryable.


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ATG Framework and Components A transient property can be specified by defining a tag that is not associated with any database table, but which is instead a direct child of an tag.

Item Caches & Query Caches Each item descriptor in a SQL repository has its own separate item cache and query cache. We size and flush caches separately for separate item types. The item cache holds property values for repository items. It is indexed by the repository item IDs. The query cache holds the repository IDs of items that match particular queries in the cache. Query caching is turned off by default. For example, suppose you have a query like this job = manager AND sal = 5555 If query caching is enabled, the first time this query is issued, the result set is retrieved from the database and stored in the query cache. Then, the next time this same query is issued, the SQL repository can retrieve the result set from the cache, rather than needing to access the database.

Cache Invalidation Item cache entries are invalidated when that item is updated & affected queries are also invalidated. In addition, whenever an item of a given item type is added to or removed from the repository, all queries are invalidated in the query cache for that item descriptor.

Cache Modes The SQL repository implements several different modes of caching. Which mode is to be chosen depends on the nature of your Dynamo application.


No Caching (disabled)

Simple Caching - caching is handled separately in each VM, with no invalidation events to synchronize updates from different server instances. By default, the SQL repository uses simple caching. Simple mode is better if the application is running on only one JVM and is not clustered across.

Locked Caching - read and write locks are used to synchronize the caches. Page 26

ATG Framework and Components •

Distributed Caching - caching with cache invalidation events.

By default, the SQL repository uses simple caching. To enable a different cache mode for an item descriptor, set the cache-mode attribute in the item-descriptor tag of the repository definition file.

Note: •

Simple mode is better if the application is running on only one JVM and is not clustered across.

If the ATG applications are deployed on a cluster of servers, then we have to go in for either Locked caching or Distributed Caching.

For repositories like ProfileAdapterRepository, where at the most one server alone will be handling the updates, it is better to use Locked caching because we have single server & many modules wants to try operation at the same time.

Repository View atg.repository.RepositoryView If you do not have an exact repository ID, you can search for items in the repository through a RepositoryView. Item descriptors and RepositoryViews often have a one-to-one relationship and often have the same name. You can find out what views are available through the viewNames property of the Repository component. This is useful if you need to build a system to navigate and view the entire contents of a repository. The IDs for items in different item types might not overlap. There might be no view that can return all items in the repository, but if there is, it is the default view. If you need to use the default view, you can use the view named by the defaultViewName property. Alternatively, you can create properties for your own services that allow you to explicitly name the view your code is interested in using. After you have a name, you can retrieve that view through the RepositoryView getView(String pName) method. From this returned object you can build and execute a query.

Java Interfaces & Classes atg.repository.Repository The atg.repository.Repository interface is the base definition of any repository implementation. This interface provides methods to access RepositoryItems, RepositoryViews and ItemDescriptors, corresponding to the three main elements of the repository.



The atg.repository.RepositoryItem interface is the immutable interface that represents an element from a repository.

Each RepositoryItem is uniquely identified through its repositoryId property. Page 27

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After a repository item is created, but before it is added to the database, you can change its repository ID by changing the value of the id property.

Once the item has become persistent, you can no longer change the ID.

atg.repository.RepositoryView atg.repository.QueryBuilder •

Sets of repository items can be gathered by queries, which you can build using the atg.repository.QueryBuilder interface.

This QueryBuilder object can be obtained from the repository view’s queryBuilder property.

Once a query is built, each RepositoryView implementation translates the internalized data structure into its native query language, for example SQL, and then return an array of repository items that match the supplied query criteria.

Once a query is built from the QueryBuilder, it is executed via the various executeQuery methods defined in the RepositoryView interface.

Above methods return either –

an array of RepositoryItems, for elements that match the “where” clauses of the query, or

null, if no elements could be found.

Steps in Setting up a SQL Repository


Write a Repository definition XML file following the DTD of the gsa-template tag.

Add the necessary item-descriptors in the XML file and map them to the appropriate tables.

Make the GSARepository java class into a global component by defining a .properties file and configure the properties like DataSource, Definition file etc.,

Use the startSQLRepository command line tool to test out the repository and get the DDL structure.

Create the necessary tables in the database.

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Add the repository to the ContentRepositories component, initialRepositories property if the repository has to be started automatically during the ATG startup, or just leave it. The repository component will be started when an application component accesses it, the first time.

Working with Repositories Retrieving Item We can retrieve items from the repository using the following methods.

Creating Item We can create items using the following two methods.

Note –Above methods creates a MutableRepositoryItem. This does not insert the item into the Repository. The item exists only in the memory.

Adding Item Once an item is created using create item method, we can turn it to a persistent repository item use the addItem method.

Removing Item Removing item persistently, just pass the ID and ItemDescriptor name of the item to the removeItem method. The item’s property values will be deleted and will no longer be accessible from the repository.

Updating Item The MutableRepository updates a repository item transactionally in three steps. 1. Fetch a mutable version of the repository item through the getItemForUpdate or getItemsForUpdate methods. These methods return instances of MutableRepositoryItem.


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ATG Framework and Components 2. MutableRepositoryItem has a method setPropertyValue(String pPropertyName, Object pPropertyValue) to update the property value. Use this method to change as many properties as you wish. 3. Above changes will not be reflected in the repository until the final updateItem operation is invoked. Save the changes with the updateItem method. This method extracts all the changes required for the item and updates the item in the data store. Depending on how you have configured transactional behavior, the update can be committed immediately, or the update may happen automatically when the associated transaction commits. If there was any type of error, a RepositoryException is thrown.


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Droplets (Dynamo Servlet Beans) Droplet is a Servlet Bean to dynamically generate HTML from a Java Object. It minimizes the amount of Java code that has to appear in HTML and the amount of HTML that has to be hard-coded into Java classes. DAF (Dynamo Application Framework) comes with a set of ready-made (out-of-the-box) Droplets that can be used. The user can create their own droplets based on their need. They are referred as Custom Droplets.

Advantages of Droplets We can include multiple droplets in a single page. •

Droplets can be nested

Parameters can be passed between different droplets. For examples - ForEach, Switch, IsNull, IsEmpty etc.

How to use Droplets in a JSP


Import droplets using following statement.

Using droplets using following tag.

Passing parameters to droplet.

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Droplet Parameters •

Input parameters –

Passed to the servlet bean

Usually used by the java code to process

Output parameters –

Set by the servlet bean

Used on the JSP’s to display dynamic content

Open parameters –

Open parameters contain the data that is rendered by the servlet bean.

Marked by dsp:oparam tags, and specify code to execute at different stages of servlet processing.

Important ATG Out-of-the Box Droplets



For ForEach Compare

Displays a single output the number of times specified Displays each element of an array Displays one of a set of possible outputs, depending on the relative value of its two input parameters


Displays a numeric value as a currency amount, formatting it based on the locale

ErrorMessageForEach Format

Displays error messages that occur during a form submission Displays one or more text values, formatting them based on locale


Displays one of two possible outputs, depending on whether its input parameter is empty


Displays one of two possible outputs, depending on whether its input parameter is null



Range Redirect

Displays a subset of the elements of an array Redirects the user to the specified page


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Displays one of a set of possible outputs, depending on the value of its input parameter


Displays each element of an array, arranging the output in a two-dimensional format


Displays a subset of the elements of an array, arranging the output in a two-dimensional format


Constructs an RQL query and renders its output parameter once for each element returned by the query


Constructs an RQL query of a SQL database and renders its output parameter for a selected subset of the elements returned by the query

Steps in writing a Droplet •

Write a java class extending the atg.servlet.DynamoServlet class.

Override the service() method and provide the logic there.

Identify the appropriate Input parameters that can be passed to droplet and the OPARAMS the droplet will render and also the various output parameters the droplet will set in the request.

Write the BeanInfo class and define all the necessary parameters in that.

Make the droplet into a component using the ATG Component Browser.

Embed the droplet in a JSP page using the tag and pass the necessary parameters.

Us the OPARAM tags to mix the HTML content and the dynamic values returned by the droplet.

Example of Custom Droplet (Java Code)


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ATG Framework and Components Example of Custom Droplet (JSP Code)

TargetingForEach TargetingForEach droplet uses the RootCategories targeter to find root categories.

CategoryLookup, ProductLookup , SKULookup Categories, products and sku’s can be displayed with the help of CategoryLookup, ProductLookup and SKULookup droplets respectively.

ItemLookupDroplet RepriceOrderDroplet, PriceEachItem, PriceItem These droplets are used to display the price of the SKUs.


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Form Handlers Form handlers are specialized nucleus components that embedded in JSPs to do form validation and based on the results do certain actions like inserting into database, forwarding the user to some other JSP page etc. The form handler checks the validity of the data, check for errors, and determines what action to take (e.g., submits the data, direct the user to a different page, display an error message, etc.) Following are the use cases of form handlers. •

Displaying live value of the component’s property.

Dynamically setting values to component’s properties.

Direct interaction with SQL database e.g. Storing and retrieving information from database.

Example is ProfileFormHandler, ShoppingCartModifier etc.

Using Formhandlers we can associate various inputs to the nucleus components. User can create their own Formhandlers based on their need. They are referred as Custom FormHandlers.

Form Handler Beans These beans have their getters and setters. These are properties which can be set by the input elements in a form. The form handler can evaluate the validity of the data and check for errors if any. The beans can be use for output also.

Form Handler Methods A form handler class must include one or more handler methods. A handler method is typically invoked when the user clicks the submit button and handles the processing of the form. FormHandler can have several methods depending on its purpose. E.g. FormHandler used to create a profile can have methods for creating profile, modifying profile, deleting profile etc.

Exception Handling in Form Handler As mentioned, FormHandler is used to handle errors and exceptions. These exceptions are stored in following properties. –

formError: A Boolean i.e. true if any errors occurred.

formExceptions: A vector of the exceptions that occurred when the form is processed.

propertyExceptions: A read-only property that returns a dictionary of subproperties, one for each property set by the form. Any property that generates an exception, the corresponding subproperty in the propertyExceptions contains that exception.

Displaying error messages on page Check for the value of “formError” Boolean & render the error or exception using droplet i.e. “ErrorMessageForEach”. This droplet is used to display the errors occurred during form Handling. ATG

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ATG Out-of-the Box Form Handlers Name



Works with form data that is stored in a SQL database.


Saving repository data to a database.


Connect forms with user profiles stored in a profile repository. Creating, modifying and deleting user profiles.

CartModifierFormHandler Used to process an order such as adding to cart, modifying cart etc. QueryFormHandler

Specifying properties to Search Engine. Also used to obtain refinements from existing data.

Example of Using a FormHandler

Steps in writing Custom Form Handler


Create a java class extending the atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler base class.

Provide the appropriate handleXXX methods e.g. handleCreate(), handleUpdate() etc. Each Handler method will be triggered by a corresponding dsp:input submit button from the JSP page.

Provide either a Map data structure to hold the form data or provide individual fields with appropriate set/get methods.

Write the validation logic inside the handler methods and return appropriate Boolean codes.

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Populate validation errors, if any, into the formExceptions Vector or proceed to do the business logic.

Forward the user to the appropriate success URL.

Example of Custom Form Handler (Java Code) In the following code sample, handleAddData() is handler method and name is handler bean. The handler method will contain logic to do the validations and handling errors. The data is processed and control is redirected to the successURL specified in the form.

Example of Custom Form Handler (JSP Code) In following sample code, the input is bean used to set the value after the form is submitted. When user clicks on submit button the handleAddData() method of MyFormHandler Java class get called which will process data and transfer control to the successURL specified in form action.


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SimpleSQLFormHandler SimpleSQLFormHandler for working with form data that is stored in a SQL database.

RepositoryFormHandler RepositoryFormHandler for saving repository data to a database.

ProfileFormHandler ProfileFormHandler class to connect forms with user profiles stored in a profile repository.

SearchFormHandler SearchFormHandler for specifying properties available to a search engine. You can also extend these and other form handler classes to handle the specific needs of your application.

/atg/userprofiling/B2CProfileFormHandler atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BcommerceProfileFormHandler atg.commerce.profile. CommerceProfileFormHandler ShoppingCartModifier,ExpressCheckoutFormHandler, CartModifierFormHandler These form handlers are used to manage the Shopping Carts.


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ATG Controller Framework (Servlet Pipeline) ATG controller framework is used to handle the HTTP requests. The controller is called as servlet pipeline while is formed by a sequence of separable independent steps. The sequence of the steps is important because each step might depend on additional information about the request. Major tasks of Servlet Pipeline include. –

session tracking

page compilation

Request Handling by Servlet pipeline Request handling can usually be broken down into a series of independent steps. Each step may depend on additional information being available about the request, so order does matter. Each of the steps is made by a single Nucleus service which implements the Servlet interface. The linked list of these servlet called as request-handling pipeline. Every request sent to the Dynamo server is dispatched to the servlet pipeline. The request is delivered to the servlet at the head of the pipeline. The pipeline is started by Page filter and most requests handled by Nucleus are dispatched to the PageFilter or DynamoProxyServlet. Each servlet in turn performs its specific function on the request. Each servlet is also given a pointer to the next servlet in the pipeline. When a servlet is done acting on the request, it can pass the request to the next servlet. This linked-list of servlet is called the servlet pipeline. This provides the flexibility of customizing the pipeline through configurable components.

DynamoHttpRequest and DynamoHttpResponse The Dynamo server provides specific request, response pair called DynamoHttpServetRequest and DynamoHttpServletResponse. •

DynamoHttpServletRequest: atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest. This class implements HttpServletRequest. It is a mutable class whereas HttpServletrequest is immutable. DynamoHttpServletrequest provides methods that allow us to change the properties of the request, such as setPathInfo or setPathTranslated. DynamoHttpServletRequest object is created by DynamoHandler i.e. a first servlet in pipeline. DynamoHandler create this object by wrapping generic HttpServletRequest object.

DynamoHttpServletResponse: There is also a corresponding atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse that allows you to change properties of the HttpServletResponse, such as the output stream and access its values, such as status code.

ServletUtil This class (atg.servlet.ServletUtil) is used to import the information of Dynamo specific requests or response. For example, to access the state object parameter, jsp should use following sample code. ATG

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Types of Pipelines There are two request-handling pipelines used by Dynamo. •

DAF Servlet Pipeline - It is used to handle the JSP request. This pipeline is for customer application jsp request.

DAS Servlet pipeline - It is used to handle JHTML request. Because JHTML is a proprietary language, it relies on the page compiler provided in the DAS servlet pipeline to generate JHTML into a servlet that’s rendered as HTML by the application server.

Request Processing by DAF Servlet Pipeline When a JSP page is requested, the DAF servlet pipeline runs through the set of servlet shown below. Following figure also depicts the common servlets contained in the DAF Pipeline.

The application server follows the following path for processing the request. 1. When a user performs an action that prompts a response, the application server creates an instance of the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse. 2. Based on the directories and file extension of the requestURI, the application server uses servlet and filter mappings defined in web.xml to determine the next resource to call. 3. By default, PageFilter is mapped to handle JSP requests. When the application server invokes PageFilter, it checks the request and response for a reference to a Dynamo request and response pair. ATG

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ATG Framework and Components 4. The pair does not exist; PageFilter will start the DAF servlet pipeline by calling DynamoHandler, the first servlet in the pipeline. 5. The DAF servlet pipeline will process through a series of servlets that modify the request and response by extracting path information and providing session, user, and security information. 6. The last servlet in the pipeline is TailPipelineServlet. It is responsible for calling FilterChain.doFilter(), which invokes the next filter defined in web.xml. Note: ATG Business commerce pipeline includes additional components more than ATG Consumer Commerce. pageFilter is use only in DAF request handling pipeline. It is responsible to handle jsp pages. pageFilter call an instance of DynamoHandler a first servlet in a pipeline. Now it is a responsibility of DynamoHandler to generate DynamoHttpServletRequest wrapping generic HttpServletRequest.

Request Processing by DAS Servlet Pipeline DAS is used to handle JHTML request. The pipeline runs through the set of servlet. As JHTML is a proprietary language, it relies on the page compiler provided in the DAS servlet pipeline to generate JHTML into a servlet that’s rendered as HTML by the application server. DynamoProxyServlet is used in DAS pipeline instead of pageFilter. DynamoProxyServlet make call to DynamoHandler to start DAS pipeline. The application server follows the following path for processing the request. 1. A call for a page in the dyn directory, which holds all JHTML pages, causes the application server to invoke DynamoProxyServlet, which is responsible for starting the DAS servlet pipeline by calling DynamoHandler. 2. The DAS servlet pipeline performs the same request and response handling tasks as the DAF servlet pipeline. 3. One task common to both pipelines is the compiling of JHTML pages by PageCompileServlet, one of the servlets in the pipeline. 4. By default, no filters are involved in request-handling process; if you create custom servlet filters, they will be invoked before DynamoProxyServlet. Note:Although DynamoHandler does the same thing in both pipelines but a different version of DynamoHandler is used for each request type. ATG

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ATG Framework and Components • PageFilter calls /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/DynamoHandler to start the DAF servlet pipeline for JSP requests. • DynamoProxyServlet calls /atg/dynamo/servlet/pipeline/DynamoHandler to start the DAS servlet pipeline for JHTML requests.

The main difference between the DAS and DAF servlet pipelines is that the DAS servlet pipeline automatically compiles the page from JHTML to Java, whereas the DAF servlet pipeline relies on the application server to handle the complete page compilation process.

Customize Pipeline Servlet All servlets in a pipeline implement “PipelineableServlet” interface of atg.servlet.pipeline package. Servlets that implement PipelineableServlet have a nextServlet property that points to the next component to invoke. In order to write custom pipeline servlet, needs to implement an interface i.e. “PipelineableServlet”. Create a component using this servlet. The components created by these servlets should be globally scoped and configured to the pipeline. You can write custom pipeline servlet by extending the atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl class. This class implements all Servlet methods, so we need to override the service method. This class defines a property called nextServlet of type Servlet, which specifies the next servlet in the pipeline. When your servlet finishes processing, it passes the request and response objects to the servlet specified by this property, by invoking a method called passRequest. The PipelineableServlet interface has two subinterfaces that provide additional mechanisms for determining the next component to invoke.

InsertableServlet Servlets that implement the InsertableServlet interface have an insertAfterServlet property that enables the servlet to insert itself in a specific spot in the pipeline. The key advantage of this mechanism is that it does not require modifying any existing servlets in the pipeline compared to PipelineableServlet. Example: if we want to insert a servlet i.e. Servlet1a, between two servlets i.e. Servlet1 & Servlet2 in the pipeline.


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ATG Framework and Components If Servlet1a implements PipelineableServlet, you can reroute the pipeline by changing the value of the Servlet1.nextServlet property pointing to Servlet1a rather than Servlet2, and set Servlet1a.nextServlet to point to Servlet2. But if Servlet1a implements InsertableServlet, all you have to do is set Servlet1a.insertAfterServlet to point to Servlet1, and Servlet1a will automatically be “spliced” into the pipeline right after Servlet1 and before Servlet2. Servlet1a is able to do this because it effectively sets its own nextServlet property to the value of Servlet1’s nextServlet property and rewrites Servlet1’s nextServlet property to point to Servlet1.

Steps to Create InsertableServlet Following steps involve creating & adding an InsertableServlet to the servlet pipeline. 1. Write a servlet e.g. MyServlet, extending InsertableServletImpl. 2. Define it as a component in the Nucleus hierarchy of this servlet. It does not really matter where you put your servlet in the component hierarchy. 3. Set the insertAfterServlet property of your servlet to point to the path of the pipeline servlet you want your servlet to follow in component’s property file. 4. For example, if you want your servlet to follow the DynamoServlet in the pipeline, use

5. Add the path to your servlet to the initialServices property of /atg/dynamo/servlet/Initial


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DispatcherPipelineableServlet DispatcherPipelineableServlet interface provides a mechanism for conditionally branching the pipeline. This interface includes a dispatcherServiceMap property that is a Map of possible servlets to invoke next, depending on some condition. key1, list1 key2, list2 If key1 is matched then servlets from list1 will be invoked in sequence. If key2 is matching the condition then servlets from list2 will be invoked in sequence. For example, the MimeTypeDispatcher servlet determines which servlet to invoke depending on the MIME type of the request.


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ATG Scenarios (DSS) DSS adds advanced personalization features such as customer management scenarios, data analysis and reporting to the Dynamo framework. Scenarios are represented visually in the ATG Control Center by flow diagrams that describe targeted customer interactions as a series of "if...then" triggers and responses. Example: If a customer registers, but doesn't log in within two weeks, then send them a reminder e-mail offering a 10% discount toward their first purchase. By analyzing the data collected from scenarios, we can fine-tune our business initiatives and the site's overall design to best meet the needs of our customers. Scenarios are event-driven. Event element defines what the site visitor does, an Action element defines what the system does in response. A scenario anticipates and tracks the actions of the people who visit our Web site and responds appropriately by tailoring the content of the site, offering price promotions, or sending targeted e-mail messages. Scenario server itself is event driven. Events in DAF are just JMS messages and therefore the scenario server acts as a MessageSink. We can configure it to listen to various events (by default, it receives all the standard Dynamo events). When a scenario is created or modified in the ACC, its definition is saved in the scenario registry (located at the Nucleus path /atg/registry/data/scenarios) as a file with the extension .sdl.

Difference between Scenarios & Targeters S.NO Scenarios



Scenarios are triggered by events.

Targeters are not event based.


The business rules we can set up through If we want to personalize content as a targeters are more flexible in some cases than result of a site visitor's doing something scenarios. For this reason, if we need to set up specific (for example, logging in), use a highly complex rules to match content to scenario. visitors, use targeters.


Scenarios use a feature called slots to display dynamic content. Slots provide some powerful advantages over targeters (for example, we can set up empty slots that generate their own requests for content). Targeters don’t use slots.


If we want to set up a long-term approach to content and visitor management, use scenarios.


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Slots Slots are Nucleus components that can be used to display and manage dynamic content on Web site. Targeting servlet beans are used to include slots in site pages and scenarios are used to fill them with content. Slots are more powerful and flexible than targeters. Example, slots have better caching capabilities than targeters, which can make displaying content faster. Slots have better caching capabilities, which can make displaying content faster. Scenarios use slots to manage the delivery of dynamic content. For example, scenarios allow us to set up an empty slot that generates its own request for content when a site visitor displays the page. The process of creating and setting up a slot has the following steps. 1. Create the slot component. 2.

Add an appropriate targeting servlet bean (for example, TargetingForEach) to the page or pages where you want the slot to appear. In the Targeter property of the bean, specify the slot component.

3. Create a scenario that specifies the content you want to display in the slot and defines the circumstances in which the content appears.


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Dynamo Personalization Server (DPS) ATG provides a way to match page content to individuals based on their needs and preferences. DPS provides a full set of customizable tools for displaying targeted information. ATG Personalization Module (DPS) provides features that are specifically designed to support Web site personalization, which is the process of displaying different content to each site visitor depending on his or her preferences and requirements. Ideally, a Web site should recognize that we are looking at a particular category of information, and show the related products, services, and information for that category. This concept called as personalization. Personalized Web sites customize the behavior, content, and presentation of the site to fit each visitor's characteristics and preferences. Some Web applications explicitly segment their users into several affinity groups (such as visitors and members, or investors and brokers), and associate different content with each group of users.

Why personalization is important? When the World Wide Web was first developed, one big problem was trying to find valuable information. There was not much content published, and searching for the right piece of information was difficult. To make finding the sparse information easier, companies such as Yahoo started creating indexes of all the available content, and Web sites started including site maps among their pages. Most Web sites today have their own search engines, because the amount of content on even a single site is too vast to navigate by means of a site map.

Personalization ATG Personalization lets you customize content for specific users and events, primarily through two mechanisms. 

Content targeters that match content to specific users.

Slots that display their content in the context of certain events, or scenarios.

DPS Repository Dynamo SQL Profile Repository - It is pre-configured default repository for DPS. Using this, we can store, modify and query user profile data in a SQL database. Example is /atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository. Dynamo LDAP Profile Repository - Using this, we can store, modify and query user profile data in LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory. Content Repository - A content repository is a collection of content items managed by a single system such as a relational database, file system, or third-party content management system. A content ATG

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ATG Framework and Components repository typically serves as a source of content items to be displayed to a user, either directly or as an element in a page. Note: Since the GSARepository class implements both the atg.repository.Repository interface and the atg.repository.content.ContentRepository interface. So a repository can contain multiple repository item types. So a single repository can contain both content repository items (arranged in a hierarchical structure with folders that can contain repository items and other folders) and non-content repository items (arranged in a flat structure). A SQL content repository must contain following things.  One and only one item descriptor that defines repository items that act as folders (the folder item descriptor) and  One or more item descriptors that define content repository items (the content item descriptors).

DPS Form Handler This form handlers contains the handler methods to handle the user login, registration, updation etc. Also there are extension methods like preCreateUser(), postCreateUser(), preLoginUser(), postLoginUser() etc., provided. /atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHandler - process form input and updating user profiles. atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler ScenarioProfileFormHandler is an implementation class.









User Profile Management When a person visits our Web site, DPS creates a profile for him or her (based on a profile template) and stores it in a database. This profile contains a list of properties that describe the person's characteristics, such as the name he or she entered in a registration form (a self-reported, or explicit, attribute) or the date of the person's last login (a system-generated, or implicit, attribute). All profiles track the same attributes, only the values vary from user to user. DPS makes profiles persistent by storing them in a database. DPS includes two implementations of the Dynamo Repository API for accessing stored profile data. Keeping track of profile attributes makes it possible to segment site visitors into target audiences called profile groups. Business managers create profile groups by defining business rules in the Targeting > Profile Groups window of the ATG Control Center. Once we create a profile group, we can use it to define our targeting rules and scenarios (if we have DSS installed).


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Profile Properties The profile contains properties that describe the person's characteristics. There are two kinds of profile properties. Usually, the system updates profile properties automatically. We do not have to change them. But Control Center provides options that let us view the profiles in the repository. We can also use them to add, edit, and delete profiles if necessary.

Explicit Properties – Explicit properties are provided by site visitors when they fill registration form to become a member of your site. Examples of explicit properties are a person's name and address. Implicit Properties - Implicit properties are information that the system gathers about visitors by tracking their behavior at your site. Example is a list of recently browsed Web pages is an implicit property.

Message Content Processor MessageContentProcessor is responsible for actually setting the e-mail message content given the rendered message body. TemplateEmailInfoImpl’s contentProcessor property points to an object of MessageContentProcessor. MessageContentProcessor is an abstract class. The Personalization module includes two concrete subclasses of MessageContentProcessor i.e. SimpleContentProcessor and HtmlContentProcessor. We can also implement our own content-processing scheme by creating a subclass of MessageContentProcessor that implements all of its methods.

SimpleContentProcessor This doesn’t do any processing on the passed in message content, but simply uses the content as is to set the javax.mail.Message content. The MIME type of the content in the Message is specified by the service’s contentType property. Example, if contentType is “text/html” the rendered page is sent as HTML and if the contentType is “text/plain” it will be sent as simple text (no word wrapping).

HtmlContentProcessor HtmlContentProcessor a more sophisticated implementation of MessageContentProcessor. This does the following jobs. 1. Takes in content of type “text/html”.



Optionally, converts it into content of type “text/plain”.


Performs word wrapping on the plain text version of the content.


Determines whether to send the Message content as “text/html”, “text/plain”, or “multipart/alternative” with “text/plain” and “text/html” parts.

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Content Management The term content refers to discrete units of information (a news article or a banner image, for example) available for display to Web site visitors, either directly or as an element in a Dynamo Server Page. Each unit of content, or content item, is associated with a particular type of media (an HTML or XML file, a GIF file, a PDF document, etc.) and has meta-data that describe its characteristics. Content data is also stored in searchable repositories. A content repository is a collection of content items managed by a single system such as a relational database, file system, or third-party content management system. Dynamo includes three implementations of Content Repositories.

SQL Content Repository The SQL Content Repository provides access to content stored in a SQL database.

HTML Content Repository The HTML Content Repository provides access to HTML files stored in a file system. HTML content repository can be created from ACC with repository component and its associated DataStore, HTMLItemDescriptor, and RepositoryPropertyDescriptor components.

XML Content Repository The XML Content Repository provides access to XML files stored in a file system. The ACC includes a wizard to help us create components that make up an XML Content Repository, including the XMLRepositoryService component and its associated XMLDataStore, XMLItemDescriptor, and RepositoryPropertyDescriptor components. Once we set up a content repository, we can run queries against meta-data attributes to search for and manage particular content items. We can also run targeting operations against the content attributes to match content items with visitor profiles. Similar to profile groups, we can organize content items into logical groupings called content groups by defining business rules in the Targeting > Content Groups window of the ATG Control Center. Once we create a content group, we can use it to define our targeting rules and scenarios (if we have DSS installed).

Content Targeter & Targeting Targeting is the process of displaying content items to a particular user, at a particular time, in a particular context. Content targeters that match content to specific users. Content targeters are the business rules created using the ACC. In the DPS rule-based system, business managers create rule sets that control how content is displayed on the Web site. Business rules define the content that we show to each profile group.


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ATG Framework and Components Content targeter relates the content group with the profile group. To display targeted content, site must include content targeters that define the rules that determine which users see what content. You can create targeters through the Content window of the Control Center. ATG Personalization includes five targeting servlet beans •

TargetingForEach displays all of the items returned by the targeter.

TargetingFirst displays the first n items, where n is a number you specify.

TargetingRange displays a range of items, such as the third through the seventh.

TargetingRandom displays n items chosen randomly.


The first four of these servlet beans perform fundamentally similar operations. Each one uses a targeter to gather a set of items from a content repository, and renders the content items on the page. They differ only in whether they display all of the items returned by the targeter, or just a specific subset.

We can disable this behavior for any targeting servlet bean by setting one or both of the following parameters in the servlet.

Note - If we have ATG Scenarios, we can use scenarios instead of targeting rules to control the content that we display to each profile group.


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Steps Involve in Personalization Once we have planned our approach to the relationship between site visitors and content, we use the Control Center to Create profile groups, group similar content items together, match content groups to profile groups & determine the visitor behavior that we will track and use to update profiles. Use following steps to personalize website.


Set up visitor profiles.

Create profile groups.

Set up content items.

Group content items together

Match content items with targeted audiences (profile groups).

Track visitor behavior.

Preview the site

Analyze data and fine tune the personalization

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ATG Commerce ATG Commerce module provides the foundational packages for online store. It handles pricing, inventory, fulfillment, merchandising, targeted promotions, and customer relationships. ATG supports both B2C by ATG Consumer Commerce and B2B by ATG Business Commerce. ATG support following features for Consumer Commerce. •

Profile management

Product Catalog

Product catalog display templates.

Catalog navigation & Product/SKU Comparison.

Setting pricing models.

Shopping carts, multiple shopping carts for a user.

Orders management like canceling, viewing orders.

Inventory management

Merchandising(promotions, coupons, gift certificates)

Integration with Payment gateways and TAX systems.

Modular code execution using pipelines

ATG support following features for Business Commerce.


Cost Centers to track internal costs.

Exporting an Order as XML.

Scheduled order for regular buyers.

Order approvals by other higher authorities.

Custom catalogs for different users from different organizations.

Volume Pricing & Tiered pricing

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ATG E-Commerce Functional Components ATG is not just a framework but a package where common e-commerce features are provided out of box. Developers can use these features in their e-com application with minor configurations. ATG support following e-com functional components.  Profile Creation and Management.  Product catalog services and Navigation  Pre-checkout/Purchasing process like Shopping carts  Merchandising features like cross-sell, up-sell etc.  Checkout and Payment Processing.  Order Fulfillment


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Profile Management Profile management is the extension of Personalization functionality. The following are the extensions of personalization. 

Profile Repository

Profile Form Handler

Profile Tools and Property Manager

Profile Repository Describes the attributes that ATG Commerce adds to the user Item Descriptor to support gift lists, wish lists, promotions, address books, credit card collection and other minor features. The Personalization module’s Profile Repository is an instance of the Generic SQL Adapter. It is located in /atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository. The Personalization module defines a base “user” Item Descriptor in it. This user has many general attributes defined, such as first and last name, e-mail address, date of birth and home address. It adds several attributes to the user Item Descriptor to support gift lists, wish lists, promotions, address books, credit card collection and other minor features. Additionally it also provides properties such as •

Promotions based properties like activePromotions, usedPromotions etc.

Address based properties like shipping Address, billingAddress etc.

Payment based properties like CreditCard number, type, expirationYear etc.

List features like wishList, giftLists etc.

Shopping preferences like allowPartialShipping, allowExpressCheckout etc.

Profile Form Handlers The ATG Commerce profile form handler (atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler) is a subclass of atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler for commerce specific operations. The following operations are performed by overriding the addPropertiesOnLogin, postCreateUser and postLoginUser methods from the ProfileFormHandler. 1. An anonymous user can accumulate promotions in their activePromotions attribute. During login, the anonymous user’s active promotions are copied into the list of active promotions of the persistent user.


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ATG Framework and Components 2. During the registration and login process, any shopping carts (Orders) created before logging in are changed to be persistent. If the user’s persistent profile contains any old shopping carts (Orders in an incomplete state), these shopping carts are loaded into the user’s session. 3. After log in, the PricingModelHolder component is reinitialized to cache all the promotions that the persistent user has accumulated during previous sessions.

B2C Profile Form Handler It is extending user Profile form handler for B2C Commerce. Class /atg/userprofiling/B2CProfileFormHandler extend from atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler class and is injected the component CommerceProfileTools to perform most of the commerce profile related activities. The /atg/userprofiling/B2CProfileFormHandler component is used to handle user specific operations like user login, registration, logoff etc. This also contains a Map property by name ‘editValue’ that holds extra properties like shippingAddress etc. The B2CProfileFormHandler also provide handler methods to check up creditcards for their format and there is a converter to print the Credit card number masked. We can use the Profile.transient property to check up whether the user is logged in or not and act accordingly. Note: Any custom profile property that is added by us, must be handled in our FormHandler component which will extend the B2CProfileFormHandler. The userProfile.xml can be extended to add more properties.

B2B Commerce Profile Form Handler ATG Commerce provides a class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler class that extends the CommerceProfileFormHandler and this is available under B2BCommerce for use. In B2B, it is extended to include the concept of addition or removal of CostCenters for B2B sites.

Profile Tools and Property Manager Profile tools & property manager provide additional methods to access commerce specific profile properties such as shipping and billing addresses and credit card information. Also describes the extensions related to the ATG Commerce Property Manager, which provides additional access to profile property names specific to Commerce customers that are used by Commerce Profile Tools.

ATG Commerce profile tools Class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools is a subclass of atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools. It provides additional methods to access commerce specific profile properties such as shipping and billing addresses and credit card information.


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ATG Framework and Components Example: The shipping addresses are managed by the Commerce Profile Tools component. This extension of the tools component provides methods to create, delete and update profile repository shipping addresses as well as to retrieve all shipping addresses.

ATG Commerce Property Manager Class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager is a subclass of atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager. It provides additional access to profile property names specific to Commerce customers that are used by CommerceProfileTools. Example: The shipping address property names are stored in CommercePropertyManager. This provides a convenient central location to store property names that may change depending on the site.

Create User Profile The User Profile can be created by 1. Extending the Commerce profile Form Handler 2. Extending the repository userProfile.xml 3. Profile groups or segments to be used to target the specific customers.

Create Profile Group ACC is used to create user groups such as Anonymous users, Members, Administrators etc. It can be configured to allow anonymous users to visit the site, to browse the catalog and other pages, or they can register as members through a registration page. •

Returning registered members can log in with their user names and passwords. Once they log in, members can access the My Profile page that allows them to maintain personal and commerce profiles and to track their order information.

Administrators can view and manipulate user profile data using the Profile interface in the ACC. This interface enables them to search, create, edit, duplicate, and delete user profiles.

Current Location Property The user profile has a property called currentLocation (/atg/userprofiling/Profile.currentLocation) that may be used by complex targeting systems to enable the targeter to know what kind of targeting information is available.   


That enable targeters to know what kind of targeting information is available. It is an enumerated property type whose choices can be “unknown, home, store_home, shopping_cart, catalog_category, catalog_product, catalog_search, checkout, and profile”. In a category page, we can set the property like shown below.

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Catalog Management Product Catalog The Product Catalog is a primary component in the Commerce Application. It is a repository containing repository items like category, products, media, etc. This provides an organizational framework to a commerce site. ATG Commerce includes a default catalog which can be extended as per the need. Catalog repository items can be edited using ATG Control Center (ACC). In ATG Commerce, the product catalog is an ATG repository and the various elements of the catalog (such as categories, products, and images) are repository items. The product catalog is built by adding new repository items and defining relationships between them. A product catalog is a hierarchical tree of categories and products.

Extending default Product Catalog ATG Consumer Commerce comes with an XML definition file that contains the information for the standard product catalog. A reference to this XML file is found in the /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog component. The location of this XML file is /atg/commerce/catalog/productCatalog.xml Xml-combine is used to extend the default catalog. These extensions can be created to add properties to categories, products and sku’s. But new tables must be created in the database to accommodate the extended properties. Xml combine tag is use to extend default catalog. •







Category Product and SKU The main item types for standard catalogs are categories, products and SKU’s (Stock Keeping Units). A product is a navigational end-point in the catalog. But, customers purchase a SKU and not a product. A product may have several different SKUs associated with it, representing varieties, sizes, and colors.


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ATG Framework and Components For example, a product that represents a specific shirt might have many associated SKUs, representing different combinations of size and color

Catalog Navigation A catalog home page displays a list of root categories. ATG provide targeters to find root categories. Category is considered to be a root category if their root category property is set to true. Developers can use TargetingForEach droplet which uses the RootCategories targeter to find root categories. Categories, products and sku’s can be displayed using CategoryLookup, ProductLookup and SKULookup droplets respectively.

Navigation History and Breadcrumbs ATG provides some components to keep a track of the path a customer follows when browsing a website. Using these components, a list of the items the customer visited can be constructed and can be displayed as links so that the customer can navigate back using them. These links are called Breadcrumbs. ATG Commerce provides CatalogNavHistory component to track the customer’s path through the catalog. The component is placed under /atg/commerce/catalog/CatalogNavHistory. The component uses the following input parameters. 1. navAction - operation to be performed on the stack. Options are push, pop and jump. A blank navAction is treated as push. 2.


navCount - to detect use of the Back button and should be passed in with any link that leads to a page that uses breadcrumbs.

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Custom Catalogs Custom catalogs are an important feature for commerce websites. It is needed to provide information to particular customers or companies. The Product Catalog can be altered to create a number of subcatalogs representing the smallest section of the inventory that the customers want to view. A custom catalog can be setup in following 3 steps. Step 1: Create a new database to accommodate the custom catalog data. Step 2: Configure the product catalog repository to use the custom catalog xml file. Define the path of this repository in the file. Step 3: To keep the atg.repository.servlet. ItemLookupDroplet from returning an item that is not in the current catalog, change the following servlet beans. /atg/commerce/catalog/ /atg/commerce/catalog/ /atg/commerce/catalog/ And use the following class: $class=atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogItemLookupDroplet


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Order Management ATG Order management supports functionality like –

Adding, editing, deleting items to a shopping cart,

Calculating the promotions if exists

Ensuring items are shipped by the preferred method

Validating credit card information.

Multiple shopping carts for user

Multiple shipping and payment methods

Provides various types of checkout like ExpressCheckout/Expedited Checkout, normal checkout, complex checkout etc

Payment Integration with Cybersource, Cybercash

Order History

ATG Order Components (OTB) ATG provide good number of out of box components for Order Management feature. Few of them are listed below.

Shopping cart Shopping Cart is an Order in incomplete state.

Order Orders are in process. Customers can have an unlimited number of orders in existence at one time.

Order Holder This class maintains the current Order object as well as a collection of saved Order objects. The component that utilizes OrderHolder is /atg/commerce/ShoppingCart, a session-scoped component whose handleXXX methods add, delete, and switch between carts

Order Repository Repository to store the Order details

Order Manager There is a business layer class called as OrderManager which takes care of creating/loading/refreshing/updating the orders. This component in turn interacts with the Pipeline processors. Order Manager interacts with the pipeline processors. ATG

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Pipeline Includes a sequence of Pipeline processors to do the job in a fine grained transactionally aware manner for order submission and payment. This pipeline contains the sequence of processors for order submission and payment.

Payment Manager There is a component called as PaymentManager which in turns interfaces with Payment Pipeline to talk to the third-party payment gateways to ensure that the CreditCard authorization/debit is handled seamlessly.

Form Handlers CartModifierFormHandler, ShoppingCartModifier, ExpressCheckoutFormHandler etc. are used to manage the Shopping Carts

Droplets RepriceOrderDroplet, PriceEachItem, PriceItem etc. which are used to display the price of the SKUs. ShippingGroupsDroplet, PaymentGroupsDroplet which can help in accumulating necessary information.

OrderTools OrderTools contains a set of properties that you can use to customize the purchase process. The default property settings should be suitable for most sites, but can be changed.

ATG Order Java Interfaces Order The Order interface represents the delivery and payment information for a collection of items. An Order contains CommerceItems, ShippingGroups, PaymentGroups, and Relationships.

CommerceItem The CommerceItem interface represents information about a product to be purchased. A CommerceItem contains the SKU (also called the catalogRefId) and the quantity of the item purchased.

ShippingGroup The ShippingGroup interface contains information about the delivery of a collection of CommerceItem objects. A ShippingGroup could contain a physical delivery address.

PaymentGroup The PaymentGroup interface contains payment information, shipping costs, and tax information for each item or the entire Order. This includes information such as a credit card number, an expiration date, and the amount to be charged. ATG

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Relationship The Relationship interface represents an association between two or more of the commerce objects listed above, such as the relationship between a CommerceItem and a ShippingGroup.

HandlingInstruction The HandlingInstruction interface describes special handling for a CommerceItem within a given ShippingGroup. Gift wrapping is an example of HandlingInstruction.

ATG Order Java Classes Order Classes –

OrderImpl: This class implements Order. It contains data structures for managing collections of other commerce objects. It manages collections of CommerceItem, ShippingGroup, PaymentGroup, and Relationship objects.

Item Classes –

CommerceItemImpl: This class implements CommerceItem. It stores the data about a specific item in an Order.

Shipping classes –

ShippingGroupImpl -This class implements ShippingGroup. It stores the data describing where and how to ship CommerceItems, as well as the Relationships to items in the shipping group. This class provides no functionality itself. There are 2 subclasses which have actual implementation called HardgoodShippingGroup and ElectronicShippingGroup.

HardgoodShippingGroup - This class implements ShippingGroup and extends ShippingGroupImpl. In addition to storing inherited data, it stores information about how the CommerceItems are to be shipped to a physical street address, such as the carrier and postaladdress.

ElectronicShippingGroup - This class implements ShippingGroup and extends ShippingGroupImpl. In addition to storing inherited data, it stores information about how CommerceItems are to be delivered electronically, such as an e-mail address.

Payment Classes –


PaymentGroupImpl - This class implements PaymentGroup. It stores the payment information for CommerceItems, shipping costs, and tax. It also can contain Relationships to those items, shipping costs, or tax costs in the PaymentGroup.

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ATG Framework and Components This class provides no functionality itself, but is used through the CreditCard and GiftCertificate subclasses. –

CreditCard - This class implements PaymentGroup and extends PaymentGroupImpl. In addition to storing inherited data, it stores information about how CommerceItems, shipping costs, and tax costs are paid for using a credit card.

GiftCertificate - This class implements PaymentGroup and extends PaymentGroupImpl. In addition to storing inherited data, it stores information about how CommerceItems, shipping costs, and tax costs are paid for using a gift certificate.

StoreCredit - This class implements PaymentGroup and extends PaymentGroupImpl. In addition to storing inherited data, it stores information about how CommerceItems, shipping costs, and tax costs are paid for using a store credit.

Relationship classes –

ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship - When this Relationship is added to a ShippingGroup and CommerceItem, the CommerceItem is shipped using the information in the ShippingGroup. This Relationship object itself contains data such as the quantity to be shipped.

PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship - When this Relationship is added to a PaymentGroup and CommerceItem, the CommerceItem is paid for using the information in the PaymentGroup. This Relationship object itself contains data such as the quantity of the item to be paid for using the PaymentGroup.

PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship - When this Relationship is added to a PaymentGroup and ShippingGroup, the shipping cost is paid for using the information in the PaymentGroup. This Relationship object itself contains data such as the amount of the shipping cost to be paid for using the PaymentGroup.pShippingGroupRelationship.

PaymentGroupOrderRelationship - When this Relationship is added to a PaymentGroup and Order, the tax cost or order cost is paid for using the information in the PaymentGroup. This Relationship object itself contains data such as the amount of the tax cost to be paid for using the PaymentGroup.

Handling Classes


HandlingInstructionImpl - This class implements HandlingInstruction. It contains a ShippingGroup ID, CommerceItem ID, and quantity, as well as data about what quantity of CommerceItems in which ShippingGroups need special handling. This class provides no functionality itself, but should be used through a subclass like GiftlistHandlingInstruction.

GiftlistHandlingInstruction - This class implements HandlingInstruction and extends HandlingInstructionImpl. In addition to storing all the basic data that it inherits, it also stores data about which CommerceItems in the Order were added from a gift list. Page 64

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Address classes There are two classes atg.core.util.Address and atg.core.util.ContactInfo. These objects are referenced when a user checks out. We need to extend these objects to track additional information about your users if needed. –



These classes address Properties like firstName, middleName, lastName, address1, address2, City, state,country, postalCode, ownerId and ContactInfo Properties like phoneNumber, faxNumber, email.

Business Layer Classes The business layer classes contain the logic and business rules for the purchase process. The methods within these classes are used to make changes to an Order. These methods contain the logic that alters the Order’s data structure and maintains its accuracy. Following are business layer classes –









Customizing OrderTools OrderTools need to be customized when the order module is extended. The OrderTools component is located in Nucleus at /atg/commerce/order/. The following OrderTool properties can be customized. orderTypeClassMap, defaultOrderType, commerceItemTypeClassMap, defaultCommerceItemType, shippingTypeClassMap, defaultShippingGroupType, defaultShippingGroupAddressType, paymentTypeClassMap, defaultPaymentGroupType, defaultPaymentGroupAddressType, relationshipTypeClassMap, beanNameToItemDescriptorMap,


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orderTypeClassMap This property defines the type-to-class name mapping for Order objects. You can have more than one type of Order object. When creating a new Order, a string is passed as a parameter to the create method. (For example, the string “default” could be passed.) This constructs an instance of an Order class that is mapped to that string.

commerceItemTypeClassMap This property defines the type-to-class name mapping for CommerceItem objects. You can have more than one type of CommerceItem object. When creating a new CommerceItem, a string is passed as a parameter to the create method. (For example, the string “default” could be passed.) This constructs an instance of a CommerceItem class that is mapped to that string.

shippingTypeClassMap This property defines the type-to-class name mapping for ShippingGroup objects. You can have more than one type of ShippingGroup object. When creating a new ShippingGroup, a string is passed as a parameter to the create method. (For example, the string hardgoodShippingGroup could be passed.) This constructs an instance of a ShippingGroup class that is mapped to that string.

paymentTypeClassMap This property defines the type-to-class name mapping for PaymentGroup objects. You can have more than one type of PaymentGroup object. When creating a new PaymentGroup, a string is passed as a parameter to the create method. (For example, the string creditCard could be passed.) This constructs an instance of a PaymentGroup class that is mapped to that string.


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relationshipTypeClassMap This property defines the type-to-class name mapping for Relationship objects. You can have more than one type of Relationship object. Relationships are not created directly by a user. Relationships are created by methods based on the type of relationship that the method needs. The relationshipTypeClassMap property maps a name to a class. It is used to configure the class type that will be instantiated when a request to construct a relationship is made. By overriding the default values, you can customize the environment to use a Relationship class you have subclassed.

beanNameToItemDescriptorMap This property maps a bean name to an OrderRepository item descriptor name. When saving an Order, the processors that contain the code for saving look for an OrderRepository item descriptor with the same name as the bean class. The beanNameToItemDescriptorMap property contains this mapping. All objects that can be mapped to an item descriptor are listed in the beanNameToItemDescriptorMap. The format is =. The example below demonstrates how a mapping is defined in the properties file. The following code defines the default values.


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defaultOrderType This property defines the default Order type. In the example below, the default type is defined as the string “default,” which in turn maps to a class in the orderTypeClassMap property. The following code defines the default value.

defaultCommerceItemType This property defines the default CommerceItem type. In the example below, the default type is defined as the string “default,” which in turn maps to a class in the commerceItemTypeClassMap property. The following code defines the default value.

defaultShippingGroupType This property defines the default ShippingGroup type. In the example below, the default type is defined as the string hardgoodShippingGroup, which in turn maps to a class in the shippingTypeClassMap property. The following code defines the default value.

defaultShippingGroupAddressType This property defines the default ShippingGroupAddressType. To customize your address information you need to subclass RepositoryContactInfo and use your new class name for the defaultShippingGroupAddressType.

defaultPaymentGroupType This property defines the default PaymentGroup type. In the example below, the default type is defined as the string creditCard , which in turn maps to a class in the paymentTypeClassMap property. The following code defines the default value.

defaultPaymentGroupAddressType This property defines the default PaymentGroupAddressType. To customize your address information you need to subclass RepositoryContactInfo and use your new class name for the defaultPaymentGroupAddressType.


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Order Repository The Order Repository is the layer between ATG Commerce and the database server. The repository is where Orders are saved after processing and stored in between customers’ visits to your site. It is implemented using a SQL repository. The beanNameToItemDescriptorMap property of the OrderTools component maps the Order Repository item descriptors to Bean names. In ATG Commerce, the processors that save and load an Order look for an item descriptor that is mapped to the corresponding commerce object class; the beanNameToItemDescriptorMap property contains this mapping. The base Order Repository definition file /DCS/config/atg/commerce/order/orderrepository.xml.




In ATG Consumer Commerce, this base file is combined with an additional definition file that is located at /B2CCommerce/config/atg/commerce/order/orderrepository.xml. In ATG Business Commerce, this base file is combined with an additional definition file that is located at/B2BCommerce/config/atg/commerce/order/orderrepository.xml


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Pre-checkout Process Shopping cart Creation The shopping cart can be implemented by following steps. 1. Shopping cart can be implemented using cartModifierFormhandler cartModifierFormHandler. This java class has /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CartModifierFormhandler.


extending package

2. ProductLookupDroplet and SkuLookupDroplet to retreive product and sku by passing productid and skuId. 3. CartModifierFormhandler contains many handle methods to add product to shopping cart. Repository id of product and sku needs to be passed to cartModifierFormhandler to add the same to cart. 4. Above repository Ids are passed as hidden parameters in form. These Ids goes to cartModifierFormhandler when user submits form by clicking add to cart button. 5. These values are passed to the as hidden fields when the user pushes the “Add To Cart” submit button provided by us.

6. When add to cart button is clicked then handleAddItemToOrder method is invoked in CartModifierFormHandler. This method adds item to order.

7. handleAddItemToOrder method of CartModiferFormhandler internally PurchaseProcessFormhandler and PurchaseProcessHelper to add items to


api of order.

8. Finally handleAddItemToOrder method of CartModifierFormhandler call updateOrder() method of OrderManager Class to save order to repository.

PurchaseProcessFormHandler This abstract class defines the very general FormHandling functionality that the purchase process formhandlers require, including Transaction management, PipelineChain execution, central configuration, and error processing.

PurchaseProcessHelper PurchaseProcessHelper contains the common functionality required by the purchase process form handlers as well as commerce web services.


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Order Creation There are many api exposed by OrderManager to create an order. The type of order created depends on an api used to create an order. OrderManager internally uses OrderTool api to create order. The orderType parameter decides the type of order to be created. If orderType parameter is null then defaultOrderType is created using OrderTool. We need to pass profileId to createOrder() method for creating the order.

Multiple orders creation for an user Creating multiple orders requires atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder in addition to atg.commerce.order.Order. Customers can have an unlimited number of orders in existence at one time. OrderHolder class maintains the current Order object as well as a collection of saved Order objects. The component that utilizes OrderHolder is /atg/commerce/ShoppingCart, a session-scoped component whose handleXXX methods add, delete, and switch between carts. Multiple shopping carts can be implemented by using the handleCreate method of the OrderHolder class. This method creates a new Order and sets it as the currentOrder in the OrderHolder. Any previously existing Order object is placed into the collection of saved carts.

Saving Modifying Repricing Orders In order to save, modify or repricing the order we need an instance of CartModifierFormHandler class. This is located in Nucleus at /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CartModifierFormHandler.

Saving Order Many of the methods in CartModifierFormHandler call OrderManager.updateOrder() to save the Order in its present state to the Order Repository.

Modify Order It provides methods to modify an Order by catalogRefId of CommerceItem.




handleMoveToPurchaseInfo() – This method checks for any modification in the order then it starts the checkout process.

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RepriceOrder The handleAddXXX and handleRemoveXXX methods of CartModifierFormHandler automatically reprice the Order whenever the user makes changes to it. These handle methods internally calls createRepriceParameterMap() method of PurchaseProcessFormhandler to reprice an order. However, if the users make changes to their orders through other purchase process form handlers that do not reprice orders, such as the form handlers that create and manage shipping groups, then RepriceOrderDroplet servlet bean is used to reprice the Order before displaying its price to the user.

Extending Purchase Process Creates a new class called MyCommerceItemImpl by extending CommerceItemImpl and adds a new String properties e.g. shortDescriptioon. The calls to getPropertyValue() and setPropertyValue() retrieve and set the values of properties directly on the repository item objects; they are part of the atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties interface.

ChangedProperties Java Interface The ChangedProperties interface enhances performance when saving an Order to the Order Repository. In ATG Commerce, all commerce objects implements ChangedProperties interface except for atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData and all subclasses of atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo. The commerce object that supports the ChangedProperties interface, every get() method needs to call the getPropertyValue() method, and similarly every set() method needs to call the setPropertyValue() method. This reduces the amount of processing when the OrderManager.updateOrder() is called to save order to repository. This enhances the performance because we set the value directly to repository item and saving the only property that is actually changed. Call to getPropertyValue("PropertyName") retreive the property directly from repository item and eliminate the need to create member variable in the class that are not changed. ATG

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ATG Framework and Components In the example above, the call to setPropertyValue("shortDescription", pShortDescription) in the setShortDescription() method causes the shortDescription repository item property to be set directly when the method is called.



Reduces the amount of processing when OrderManager.updateOrder() is called to save the Order to the repository.

Enhances the performance because we set the values directly to the repository item and save the properties only that have actually been changed in the class. The call to getPropertyValue("shortDescription") retrieves the property directly from the repository item and eliminates the need to create a member variable in the class to store the value.

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Checkout Process Checkout process is initiated when the order is submitted. ATG supports following 3 types of checkout. 1. Express Checkout / Expedited Checkout 2. Complex checkout 3. Simple checkout

ExpressCheckout/Expedited Checkout Express checkout supports the use of only a single profile HardgoodShippingGroup and a single profile CreditCard for a given Order. It retrieves the predefined shipping group and payment group at runtime automatically from user profile. We can manage and expedite the pre-checkout process for Orders using the ExpressCheckoutFormHandler. It supports the following methods 

handleExpressCheckout - invokes the runRepricingProcess() method to reprice the Order, then calls OrderManager.updateOrder() to save the Order in its present state to the Order Repository, and finally calls commitOrder() to submit the Order for checkout.

runRepricingProcess - Reprices the Order by running the pipeline specified in ExpressCheckoutFormHandler.repriceOrderChainId. Bydefault, this property is set to repriceOrder.

commitOrder - used to submit the current Order for checkout. The method then calls the OrderManager.processOrder() method, which executes the processOrder pipeline.

Complex checkout Provides several form handlers to support a checkout process that uses any number or type of shipping group and payment group. Also Separate form handlers exist to support the following tasks: 

CreateShippingGroupFormHandler - Creating shipping groups.

ShippingGroupFormHandler - Associating shipping groups with an Order and its items.

CreatePaymentGroupFormHandler - Creating payment groups.

PaymentGroupFormHandler - Associating payment groups with an Order and its items.

CommitOrderFormHandler - Submitting an Order for checkout .

Simple Checkout It is same as Express checkout but expects the user to fill in the shipping and payment group during checkout.


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Order Pipeline Order pipeline is used to process order. Order processing occurs when a customer has supplied all the necessary information for the Order and has submitted it for checkout. 1. The processing of an Order begins with a call from FormHandlers (CartModifierFormHandler) to OrderManager.processOrder(). 2. OrderManager.processOrder calls the PipelineManager to execute the processOrder pipeline which is configured in Commerce Pipeline.xml located at //B2CCommerce/config/atg/commerce/commercepipeline.xml 3. The processOrder pipeline first validates an order by calling executeValidateForCheckoutChain processor in the pipeline. This is a first processor in processorder pipeline and then invokes the sequence of processor in the pipeline. Call to executeValidateForCheckoutChain processor internally calls validateForCheckout pipeline. 4. Each processor after execution returns a status code and determines which processor in the chain to execute next. 5. The Pipeline Manager enables us to dynamically add and remove processors and chains of processors.


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Running a processor chain PipelineManager is responsible to call any processor chain using runProcess method. Pipeline manager start the processor chain by invoking the runProcess() method of first processor in the chain and passes it the user data. The runProcess() method is called on the head PipelineLink object of the processor chain and it is responsible for following tasks. 1. handling the transaction (if required) 2. executing the processor, and 3. Returning the return code to the PipelineChain. If status code is 0 then it tell PipelineManager to stop this chain or if the code is other then 0 then it calls the next processor to execute. Four methods are called before and after the call to runProcess() in the PipelineProcessor to handle the transaction in the following order –





The runProcess() method is called between these methods and the call is returned to the PipelineChain with a return value. If the return value is 0 (PipelineProcessor.STOP_CHAIN_EXECUTION), it tells the PipelineManager that execution for this chain should be stopped. If the return value is other than o, then it calls the next processor to execute.

User defined Processor Pipeline Pipelines can be created/deleted in following two ways.

XML file Pipeline Manager can be initialized with a set of processor chains at startup using an XML configuration file called a pipeline definition file. It is a simple way to construct and manage the global PipelineManager without writing code. CommercePipeline.xml is the sample pipeline definition file provided. A processor in a pipeline can be extended by overriding runProcess() method, and can be configured in the pipeline. ACC’s PipelineEditor is used for creating, deleting or modifying the Pipelines graphically.

atg.service.pipeline API Any non-globally scoped Pipeline Managers need to be created using the API. ATG

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Tags in Pipeline Definition File PipelineManager The top level tag that encloses a definition of a Pipeline Manager.

PipelineChain Tag defining a given processor chain in the Pipeline Manager. •

name - (required) the name of the processor chain

headlink - (required) the first processor in the chain to be executed

transaction - the default transactional mode of all the processors in this chain

classname - the full name of a Java class which is to be instantiated and used as the PipelineChain object. The default is atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain. The value must be this class or a subclass of it.

resultclassname - the full name of a Java class which is to be instantiated and used as the PipelineResult object

Pipelinelink Defines a processor within the chain and names it.

Processor The name of the Pipeline Processor object.

Transition A reference to the next link to be executed mapped by a return value.

Transaction Handling The valid transaction modes are as follow.







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Payment Process The Payment Process is handled by payment pipelines and payment pipeline is called by PaymentManager. It manages the authorization, debit, and credit of PaymentGroups in an Order, and it tracks the results of those payment operations using PaymentStatus objects. A seperate payment pipeline is defined for each type of payment group i.e. creditcard, giftcertificate and storecredit. PaymentManager consist of methods like authorize(), credit() and debit(). These methods take the order object and one paymentgroup or list of paymentgroup as parameters. It performs payment operation by calling appropriate payment pipeline according to paymentgroup passed as parameter. •

creditCardProcessorChain - pipeline handles authorization, debit, and credit work for the atg.commerce.order.CreditCard

giftCertificateProcessorChain - pipeline handles authorization, debit, and credit work for the atg.commerce.order.GiftCertificate class.

They are configured in paymentGroupToChainNameMap of PaymentManager.

Payment Pipeline chain Each of the payment pipelines is composed of two processors. 1. First processor - Aggregates the information required to performing the requested payment action and creates an XXXInfo object for use in that action. Example for CreditcardProcessorChain, the action is CREDIT and the CreditCardInfo is the action object. 2. Second processor - Performs the actual operation authorizing, debiting, or crediting the appropriate payment method.


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Note: By default a single pipeline exists to perform authorize, debit, and credit actions for a single PaymentGroup type. ATG supports to split them into separate pipelines if it needs to be handled differently.

Order Fulfillment ATG Commerce provides extension points to link the Commerce system with any Fulfillment system. One of the processor in the commerce pipeline called as sendOrderFulfillmentMessage can be configured to send out a JMS message to the designated fulfillment system. ATG commerce comes with a simple implementation of a Fulfillment system that can be accessed via the Dynamo Admin UI.


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Pricing and Promotions PricingModel Pricing model is a repository item that describes a discount. It includes a PMDL rule and the discount type and amount. It also contains information about when the pricing model may be used. ACC is used to set up the prices and promotions for the products in the catalog. Every product can have two pricing models.

Standard Prices Standard prices are the prices specified for the product in the catalog. The prices specified with the catalog are list price and sales price. The list price is the full, undiscounted price of a product. The sales price represents actual selling price for an item on sale. The boolean property On Sale indicates whether the item is on sale or not. The system uses this flag to determine the base price of the item.

Promotional prices Promotional price is the price after applying the promotions or discounts. Different prices can be offered depending on circumstances such as timing, other products being purchased, or the customer's profile by calculating dynamically using a combination of standard prices and promotions.

PMDL (Pricing Model Definition Language) PMDL is used to describe promotions. This includes the discount rules for when a promotion may apply and the rules for what may be discounted. These two pieces are called the “qualifier” (when) and the “target” (what) and are a part of every promotion. The ACC and BCC include a discount rule interface for creating rules.

Droplet for displaying price PriceItemDroplet –

Component used is /atg/commerce/pricing/PriceItem

Use to display the amount price that is calculated dynamically by the pricing engine for a particular user at a particular time. It calculates different prices for the same item depending on whether that item is displayed alone (for example, in the product template page of the catalog) or in the context of the shopping cart of an item dynamically.

PriceItem takes a SKU repository item as its item parameter. It outputs an element parameter that is of type CommerceItemImpl that is renamed to SKU using the elementName parameter

RepriceOrderDroplet – ATG

Component used is /atg/commerce/order/purchase/RepriceOrderDroplet Page 80

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It is use to reprice an order by sending a required parameter which specified pricing operation to execute. Pricing operations are defined in the atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants interface.


ATG Pricing Services The pricing services provide a flexible system for personalizing the prices of items in product catalog. The content for every shopper can be personalized to show different categories and the prices can be tailored dynamically. Thus the system is granular enough to create a system with the facility of pricing the items differently for different shoppers. Pricing services comprises of following two components. These components work together to determine prices for catalog items, total orders, sales tax, and shipping. 1. Pricing Engines 2. Pricing Calculators

Pricing Engine Pricing engine is mainly responsible for following three tasks. 1. Retrieving any promotions that are available to the site visitor. 2. Determining which calculators generate the price. 3. Invoking the calculators in the correct order.

Pricing calculators Pricing calculators are responsible for the following tasks. 1. Looking up the price in the catalog by priceList. 2. Invoking a qualifier service that identifies the objects to discount. 3. Determine price using the information received from the engines and from the qualifier.

Pricing Objects Items List Price property of the product catalog is used to specify the list price of an item. Pricing services uses the list price to calculate the new price based on the promotions or discounts applied on it.


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Order It calculates the total cost of an order and apply any discount that is applicable (for example, a customer might have a coupon offering a 10% discount on a total order).

Shipping price It calculates the price of shipping for an order and apply discounts if applicable.

Tax It calculates the sales tax for an order. Alternatively, sites can use a third-party system such as CyberSource or TAXWARE to handle tax calculations.

Price Calculation Flow 1. During checkout, PriceItem servlet bean in a page or from the ATG Commerce PricingTools class calls the pricing engine. 2. The pricing engine applies its configured precalculators. A precalculator modifies a price without using any associated promotions. For example, a site could use a list price precalculator or an order subtotal precalculator to establish a base price to which subsequent calculators will apply a discount. All the precalculators (defined in ItemPricingEngine) are executed in order. This includes the following. •

listPrice (fixed price, bulk price, tiered price)

salePrice (if item is on sale)

3. The pricing engine accesses the current customer’s profile and retrieves any promotions listed in the activePromotions property of the profile. 4. The pricing engine builds a list of global promotions. It builds the list by using its globalPromotionsQuery property to query the Promotions repository, searching for any promotion given to all customers (global). 5. The resulting lists are concatenated. The pricing engine processes one at a time. It applies promotions by priority. 6. The pricing engine applies its configured PostCalculators, which make any necessary modifications to the price after any discounts have been applied.


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Pricing Calculators Shipping calculators All the shipping Calculators in our application are configured as preCalculators for ShippingPricingEngine at /atg/commerce/pricing/ (corresponding java class com.ebg.sec.order.pricing.SECShippingPriceEngineImpl).

Tax calculators Similarly, all the Tax calculators are configured as preCalculators for TaxPricingEngine at /atg/commerce/pricing/ (corresponding java class com.ebg.sec.order.pricing.SECTaxPriceEngineImpl).

Shipping and Tax Pricing Engines calculate the shipping cost and tax (as applicable) using configured Shipping and Tax Calculators, respectively. getPreCalculators() method of com.ebg.sec.order.pricing.SECShippingPriceEngineImpl returns an array of configured shipping calculators , while getPreCalculators() method of com.ebg.sec.order.pricing.SECTaxPriceEngineImpl returns an array of configured tax calculators.

Pricing Engine implementation SECShippingPriceEngineImpl SECShippingPriceEngineImpl extends atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl, the component for SECShippingPriceEngineImpl is available at /atg/commerce/pricing/ShippingPricingEngine. Following calculators are configured as its pre Calculators.

SECShippingCalculatorImpl_en_US The component for this calculator is available at /atg/commerce/pricing/SECShippingCalculatorImpl_en_US. Following method calculate the shipping cost for particular order.

SECShippingDiscountCalculator_en_US The component for this calculator is available at /atg/commerce/pricing/SECShippingDiscountCalculator_en_US. Following method of this calculator calculates the discounted shipping cost for particular order.


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SECTaxPriceEngineImpl SECTaxPriceEngineImpl extends atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl , the component for SECTaxPriceEngineImpl is available at /atg/commerce/pricing/TaxPricingEngine. Following calculators are configured as its pre Calculators.

SECTaxProcessorTaxCalculator_en_US The component for this calculator is available at /atg/commerce/pricing/SECTaxProcessorTaxCalculator_en_US. Following method of this calculator calculates the applicable tax.

SECTaxDiscountCalculator_en_US The component for this calculator is available at /atg/commerce/pricing/SECTaxDiscountCalculator_en_US. Following method of this calculator calculates the applicable tax.


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Promotions ATG supports dynamic set up of offers or promotions on specific products or groups of products. Users can set up promotions from ACC. Promotions are stored in the Promotions repository, which is one of the default ATG Commerce repositories. Promotions can be any kind such as fixed price off, percentage off or in terms of another free product, free shipping etc. The system also treats coupons as a type of promotion. Examples of promotions are. 1.

Specific amount off a particular product


Specific amount off a whole order

3. Percentage amount off a particular product 4. Percentage amount off a whole order 5. Specific amount or percentage off a product based on an attribute 6.

Free product or free order

7. Free shipping for a specific product Promotions can be applied at 4 levels based on the priority set. By default, the following is the priority level to apply promotions. •

Item level

Order level

Shipping level

Tax level.

ATG scenarios support the set up of cross sell and up sell features.

Attributes to manage promotions Following are the three important attributes to manage promotion for each user.

activePromotions Stores the list of promotions that can be used by the user in pricing their orders.

usedPromotions Stores any promotions used in an order.

inactivePromotions Stores promotions that can no longer be used. A promotion would be moved into the inactive list. ATG

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eCoupon Coupons are a type of promotion (20% of an order over $100, for example) sent to specific customers. Customers redeem coupons by entering a claim code during the checkout process. You can use the ATG Control Center or BCC to manage coupon repository items. Creating an eCoupon is a two step process. 1. Create a promotion. 2. Create a coupon and associate it with promotion created in step 1.

Coupon FormHandler SECCouponFormHandler Class com.ebg.sec.order.formhandler.SECCouponFormHandler extends atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler. SECCouponFormHandler is the java class created to handle coupon addition and removal from an order. Methods used in SECCouponFormHandler are as follow. 

handleClaimCoupon() - To claim a coupon code and add it to order.

handleRemoveCoupon() - To remove an already applied coupon from the order.

Gift certificate Gift certificate represents another mode of payment, just like credit card payment. Gift certificates allow a customer to pay for all or part of a purchase using a prepaid amount. By providing gift certificates as an option for your customers, you can increase sales and attract new business. Processing a gift certificate involves the following steps. 1. Customer A purchases the gift certificate on behalf of Customer B. 2.

ATG Commerce fulfills the purchase for Customer A (and sends a notification e-mail to Customer B as part of the fulfillment process).

3. Customer B uses (claims) the gift certificate to pay for all or part of an order.

Gift certificate FormHandler SECPurchaseProcessFormHandler Class com.ebg.sec.order.formhandler.SECPurchaseProcessFormHandler is the java class created to handle gift certificate addition to an order. Methods used in SECPurchaseProcessFormHandler are as follow. ATG

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handleClaimGiftCertificate() - To claim a gift certificate.

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Extra Info /atg/userprofiling/B2CProfileFormHandler    

Component is use to handle user specific operations like login, registration logoff etc. It is extended from atg.commerce.profile. CommerceProfileFormHandler class. It contains a Map property by name “editValue” that holds extra properties like Shipping Address etc. It also contains handler methods to check up credit cards for their format and there is a converter to print the Credit card number masked.

/atg/commerce/catalog/CatalogNavHistory  

Component to track the customer’s path through the catalog. This component takes the following input parameters. o navAction – defines the operation type to be performed on stack. Options are “push, pop & jump”. A blank navAction is treated as push. o navCount –

/atg/commerce/ShoppingCart  

Shopping cart component is a session-scoped component whose handleXXX methods add, delete, and switch between carts. This component utilizes an object of OrderHolder class which contains the current order as well as saved order objects.

OrderManager  

Order manager is a business layer component which takes care of creating, loading, refreshing, updating the orders. This component also interacts with the pipeline processors.

Order Repository Order repository stores an order details.


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Profile Repository Dynamo SQL Profile Repository It is pre-configured default repository for DPS. Using this, we can store, modify and query user profile data in a SQL database.

Dynamo LDAP Profile Repository Using this, we can store, modify and query user profile data in LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory.

Product Catalog       

  

The Product Catalog is a primary component in the Commerce Application. It is a repository containing repository items like category, products, media, images etc. ATG Commerce application comes with a default product catalog which can be extended as per business need. Catalog repository items can be edited using ATG Control Center (ACC). A product catalog is a hierarchical tree of categories and products. Default product catalog xml file is /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog. Default product catalogs can be extended to meet business needs. o Xml-combine tag is used to extend the default catalog. o Extensions can be created to add properties to categories, products and sku’s. o New tables must be created in the database to accommodate the extended properties. The main item types for the catalogs are categories, products and SKU’s (Stock Keeping Units). A product is a navigational end-point in the catalog. However, customers purchase a SKU and not a product. A product may have several different SKUs associated with it, representing varieties, sizes, and colors.

Custom Catalog Custom catalog is repository needed to provide information to particular customers or companies.

sortProperties the sortProperties property of this component holds the property whose values determine the sort order. By default, items are sorted by display name in alphabetical order. A string that specifies how to sort the list of repository items. This parameter is specified as a comma separated list of property names. The first name specifies the primary sort, the second specifies the secondary sort, etc. If the first character of each keyword is a -, this sort is performed in descending order. If it is a + or it is not a -, it is sorted in ascending order.


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Note: This parameter is only valid for repository items, it will not work with enumerated data-types.


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ATG Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques Search Engine Optimization technique is used to optimize the site for indexing purpose and to improve the ranking of the page in search engine index. Here, Search Engine is referred to the engines used for indexing the websites like Google, yahoo, Bing etc. ATG out of box supports following SEO techniques to improve the ranking of our site. 

Url Optimization

Meta Tag Implementation for JSP.

Canonical URLs for Products and Categories.

Sitemap Creation & Maintenance

We will discuss them in coming sections.

Disclaimer SEO is vast topic and is not restricted to the techniques discussed here. This section is demonstrating the SEO capabilities that ATG has implemented and supported.


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Repository ATG SEO makes use of two repositories i.e. SEORepository & SitemapRepository to store SEO information. Kindly refer Repository section to know basic about repositories.

SEORepository All SEO related data is stored & maintain in SEO repository. This repository is extensible and can be customized according to your project needs. The path of this repository is /atg/seo/SEORepository.

SitemapRepository All sitemaps related information is stored in SitemapRepository. The path of this repository is /atg/sitemap/SitemapRepository


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SEO Components ATG has defined several components to fetch information from SEO and Sitemap repositories and render SEO friendly pages for search engine robots. Following is the list of important components used for SEO. Kindly refer Droplet section to know basic about droplets. S.No

Droplet Name

Component Path




/atg/repository/seo/CatalogIte mLink

This Droplet is used to render page with either a static URL (optimized) if the visitor is robot or with dynamic URL if visitor is a human user. Every URL should be SEO friendly as all the URLs are generated using CatalogItemLinkDroplet. Also since most of the robots don’t crawl more than 100kb of information from a web page, all the large images on the page will be shown only to the human users and not to the crawlers (robots).



/atg/repository/seo/CategoryDi This Droplet generates URLs for categories mapping directly into rectTemplate the web application. URLs created via this template should not require forwarding by a jump servlet. In easy term, this droplet creates URL for human users.


CategoryIndirectTempla te

/atg/repository/seo/ CategoryIndirectTemplate

This Droplet generates static URL for categories based on a predefined template. In easy term, this droplet generates URL for search engine robots. The URLs generated here are optimized URLs.



/atg/repository/seo/ ProductDirectTemplate

This Droplet generates URLs for products mapping directly into the


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ATG Framework and Components web application. URLs created via this type of template should not require forwarding by a jump servlet. In easy term, this droplet creates url for human users. 5

ProductIndirectTemplat e

/atg/repository/seo/ ProductIndirectTemplate

This Droplet generates static URL for products based on a predefined template. In easy term, this droplet generates url for search engine robots. The URLs generated here are optimized.


CategorySitemapGener ator

/atg/sitemaps/CategorySitema pGenerator

This component generates category sitemap xml with optimized URLs of all categories available in catalog repository. This xml contain optimized URLs of all categories in product catalog.


ProductSitemapGenerat or

/atg/sitemaps/ProductSitemap Generator

This component generates product sitemap xml with optimized URLs of all products available in catalog repository. This xml contain optimized URLs of all products in product catalog.



/atg/sitemaps/StaticSitemapGe nerator

This component generates sitemap xml with optimized URLs of all static pages like contactUs etc.



/atg/sitemaps/SitemapIndexGe nerator

This component generates the entries in the SitemapRepository & that will be used to create siteIndex xml file.


SitemapGeneratorServi ce

/atg/sitemaps/SitemapGenerat orService

This component manages the process of scheduling and invoking various sitemap generator components.




This component creates XML files


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from SitemapRepository.

/atg/repository/seo/ CanonicalItemLink

This droplet generates canonical url for products and Categories.

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JumpServlet Jump servlet is the servlet placed in DAFPipeline which sense for keyword “jump” in request URL. If found then request will be processed by JumpServlet. As mentioned earlier that we show optimized URLs to search engine robots. These optimized URLs contain jump keyword. We make sure that search engine is indexing optimized URLs only and same is shown to user. Hence user comes to our website with optimized URLs (i.e. with the keyword jump) and JumpServlet translate this URL to original (non-optimized) URL to process user request. Example: URL that is indexed by search engine looks like below.

JumpServlet translate the above URL in to non-optimized URL like shown below to process the request.

JumpServlet Configuration Jump Servlet component is present at path /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline. Jump servlet needs to be defined in web.xml of commerce application.

Whenever request comes via indirect URL (optimized URL with jump keyword) then jump servlet translate it to direct URL. Jump Servlet uses direct URL template to translate indirect URL to direct URL. Note: - Direct URL means non-optimized URL and indirect URL means optimized URL with jump keyword. Also add jump servlet to so that servlet is ready to serve with the server startup.


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URL Optimization URL optimization technique is to create neat and clean URL for robot visitor. If system detects the visitor is search engine crawler then application renders optimized URLs (clean URL). This increases the possibility of improving the ranking of page. We can achieve Url Optimization using following steps. Make sure your URL contains important keywords such that it matches user search teams. Try to include product name & important attributes in URL.

JSP Coding When robot crawl the page then we have to show clean URLs. Following component on the JSP checks for user agent (i.e. human or robot) and renders the URLs accordingly. Considering that we are generating the URL for a category here. Param element showing in following example is the category object.

Same coding snippet will be used to generate optimized URL for Product. If user agent is robot than URL looks like below.

Note: - URL formed above is perfectly according the indirect template defined for Product and Category. We will discuss these components in coming section.

Component Configuration In order to achieve URL optimization we have to configure the bunch of components.

CategoryIndirectTemplate This component gets called when CatalogItemLink droplet executed on JSP. Configurations of important attributes are shown below.


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urlTemplateFormat This property defines the format of indirect (optimized URL) URL. Example is shown above. Point to remember here is it should contain keyword jump. As JumpServlet looks for keyword jump in the URL and if found then convert the URL to direct (non-optimized) URL for the processing. Actual URL looks like below by applying above format.

indirectRegex This property defines the regex for your URL format. It checks if URL formed according to regular expression defined here. This is mostly for validation purpose and to ensure that URL format and regex are in sync.

regexElementList This property is to support above two properties i.e. urlTemplateFormat & indirectRegex. We use item in URL format. Hence we define the item here. What is the source of item and how to get their value. In above example you can see that item is defined as Category and that is coming from ProductCatalog repository. Note: - There are many other properties available in this component. Kindly check the ATG document for complete list of attributes

CategoryDirectTemplate This component is used to generate direct URL (non-optimized) for human users. As user visit the page on the site then CatalogItemLink droplet gets executed. This droplet checks the user profile and makes internal call to respective template (Direct or Indirect) component to form and render URL. If the visitor is human user then CatalogItemLink droplet makes call to CategoryDirectTemplate to form direct URL. Following is the configuration of this component.


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ATG Framework and Components Refer above section to know about property urlTemplateFormat.

CategoryTemplateMapper This component keeps the list of URL templates defined in the system. We can define custom Direct / Indirect URL template component. These template components will not be considered to form desired URL unless they are listed in templates property of CategoryTemplateMapper for item type Category. Kindly see the configuration below.

templates This property is list type of property that contains the list of templates defined. Templates get resolved by using the item type and visitor profile. Example: if visitor is human and item is category then CategoryDirectTemplate will be used to form URL hence direct URL (non-optimized) gets formed. But if visitor is robot (crawler) and item is category then CategoryIndirectTemplate will be used to form URL hence indirect URL (optimized) gets formed. Note: - We have discussed above URL optimization for Item type Category. We need same set of components and configuration for Item type Product. Hence I am not documenting the configuration for Product item. Following are the name of important components for item type Product.

ProductDirectTemplate Refer CategoryDirectTemplate section above.

ProductIndirectTemplate Refer CategoryIndirectTemplate section above.

ProductTemplateMapper Refer CategoryTemplateMapper section above. ATG has created all SEO components considering two basic Item types i.e. Product and Category because we mostly want to optimize the URL of product and category items. If the project requirement is also to optimize the URL of custom items (other than Product and Category) then you can define similar set of components by using the existing OOB java classes and do the configuration to generate respective direct and indirect URLs.


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Meta Tag Implementation Web search engines ranking of page is partly based on the words that appear in certain HTML tags, particularly tags and the tag. A common SEO technique is to list key search terms in these tags, to raise the ranking of the pages of our site. Due to large number of pages in the website, it is not feasible to provide data manually for these tags for every page exist. We can populate or update these tags dynamically from BCC (publishing). SEO tag repository is used to store meta tag data i.e. keywords, description and title for every page exist in the website. This data will be retrieved and meta tags will be populated with the relevant keywords, description and title information. Primary key to retrieve this data from the SEO repository is url of the page. Admin user has to populate meta tag data very first time in SEO repository from BCC (publishing) for every page in the website.

JSP Coding JSP coding is needed to fetch meta tag data i.e. title, keyword and description information for given page. Here the key to fetch this data from SEO repository is the page URL. Idea here is to generate meta tags for every main JSP with unique title, description and keyword information. If we don’t provide unique data to title, description and keyword for given pages then Crawler consider them all as a single page though their body content is different & therefore ranking of the page comes down. This data will be controlled by merchandising user from BCC (publishing) application. You can create a JSP fragment with the following piece of code and include the same in the header section of all other JSPs. In this way same code snippet can be used and effort can be saved.


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You can further tweak the above code by appending the product / category name in title information coming from repository. You can fetch information from repository like shown above and append product name in it. By appending product name in title and description, you are making the virtual unique pages & increasing the chance of getting indexed. Example For Product “Nokia X101”, title looks like below Product Detail Page – Nokia X101 Product “Motorola AY203”, title looks like below Product Detail Page – Motorola AY203 Assume ProductDetail page is served by productDetail.jsp in your WAR. Same JSP is used to render the information for “Nokia” and “Motorola” products. This JSP has meta tags (title etc). As shown above, by appending the product name in title information coming from SEO Repository, we are making many unique virtual pages at run time. Pages rendered for different products consider as unique page because their title are different. Hence crawler will index them all. That means the number of pages in your website is equal to number of products in your catalog. That also means search engine have found tons of valuable information in website for indexing. But if we don’t append product name than title looks same for all products hence crawler consider them as single (same) page though they are showing different products information. ATG

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Canonical URL Canonical URLs are the outcome of the process of normalization of the URLs to make them consistent across the site. The process includes converting unfriendly URL to SEO friendly URL so that search engines index the page with the product name appearing in URL. For example: The URL before normalization look like,

And after normalization same look like this, /prod450074/cat17006

For SEO using Canonical URLs technique, application should specify the link tag on product detail page which specifies the canonical URL on the page. This link tag can be specified like below,

The canonical URL is similar to static URL. When a web spider accesses the page using static URLs it finds a link on the page and gets indexed. Human user gets this URL as search results (search engine) and they comes to the site by clicking the same, jump servlet translate this URL to dynamic URL (non-optimized) and request is processed.

JSP Coding We have to put canonical URL on product detail page and category summary page. Idea here is to have direct URL for product detail page and category summary page for web spider. Put the following piece of code in header section of Product Detail JSP and category summary page.

Component Configuration You need to configure component i.e. CanonicalItemLink droplet to render canonical URL for product item type. Refer following configuration and put this configuration in CanonicalItemLink droplet component.


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itemDescriptorNameToUrlTemplateMap This is map property that contains item to indirect template mapping. Hence if item is Product then ProductIndirectTemplate component is used to form canonical URL. Same applies for item type Category.

defaultRepository It takes reference of repository where item belongs to.


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Sitemap Generation Sitemaps are files stored on a web server that list the URLs of useful pages available in our website, so web spiders are able to identify site content without relying exclusively on their ability to crawl and parse the pages. Sitemaps are not an official standard, but they are supported by many search engines, including Google, Yahoo and MSN. Sitemap is an xml file that list URLs of all pages in your website. It contains basic information like URL, lastModified, changeFrequency and priority about the page. Sample entry in sitemap xml is shown below.

Sitemap Configuration We need to create & configure certain components to generate appropriate sitemap xml files for our commerce website. As commerce website always have long list of categories and infinite products. It is good to generate unique URLs for all these items and put them all in sitemap xml file. More URLs in sitemap drives more indexing of data from the site and increases the chance of higher ranking. 1. Create component XXXXSiteMap at the following path in your ATG module. Here XXXX stands for your application context root in capital letters. /YourModule/config/atg/registry/webappregistry/

2. Now add following configuration in the above created component properties file.

Here XXXX stands for application context root. 3. Create component XXXXWebApp at the following path in your ATG module. Here XXXX stands for your application context root in capital letters. /YourModule/config/atg/registry/webappregistry/


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ATG Framework and Components 4. Now add following configuration in above created component properties file.

Here XXXXEar is the name of application EAR and xxxx is context root of application. 5. Now configure ProductSitemapGenerator component. This component is responsible for generating Sitemap xml for item type Product. This component is present at the following path. /YourModule/config/atg/sitemap/

Following attributes are needed to be configured for this component. sourceRepository - repository to retrieve information for generator. contextCatalog - catalog id that will be used for resolving derived properties sitemapFilePrefix – Prefix for your Sitemap xml file. Sitemap file must have no more than 50,000 URLs and must be no larger than 10MB (10,485,760 bytes). If we list more pages (URL) than this limitation, then generator will split information into several files with names sitemapFilePrefix_1.xml, sitemapFilePrefix_2.xml and so on. changeFrequency - How frequently the page is likely to change. Valid values are: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never. Priority - The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. urlPrefix - URL prefix with protocol, host, port and context path. Context path should not be included here if webApp property is specified. webApp - Used to retrieve application's context root. itemDescriptorName - Type of repository item to retrieve. Template - Generator uses this template to construct sitemap URL for repository item of type ItemDescriptorName Both direct and indirect templates can be set here. Use indirect template to generate sitemap with optimized URLs for repository items. Sample configuration of this component is shown below.


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6. Now configure CategorySitemapGenerator component. This component is responsible for generating Sitemap xml for item Category. The configuration is exactly same as shown above for item type Product. This component is present at the following path. /YourModule/config/atg/sitemap/

Note: - You need to configure this component according to your environment setup. 7. Now configure StaticSitemapGenerator component. This component is responsible for generating the sitemap for static pages in your website like contact us etc. Here property staticPages maintains the list of static pages in your website.


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8. Now configure SiteMapIndexGenerator component. This component is responsible for storing the sitemap data in repository. This component also creates a list of sitemaps generated according to the configuration. This is available at the following path. /YourModule/config/atg/sitemap/

9. Now configure SitemapGeneratorService component. This component is backbone for generating Sitemaps. This component generates sitemap according to the configuration done in respective generators (i.e. ProductSitemapGenerator etc). If we define new Generator (for new item type) then it is mandatory to add the same in sitemapGenerators list property of this component else sitemap will not be generated for new Generator added. Property warDir is the property that takes absolute path of folder to place sitemap xml files generated. Ideally this should be the root of your application WAR.


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10. Now configure final component i.e. SitemapWriterService. This component is responsible for writing down the sitemaps data in to XML files at the configured path.

We are done with all required configuration for sitemap. Now we are ready to generate first set of Sitemap xmls. Refer following section for the same.

Steps to Generate Sitemap 1. Make sure commerce (production) server is up and running. Also ensure the access to /dyn/admin application. 2. Go to /dyn/admin application. Provide user and password to enter in to application. 3. Go to Sitemap Administration  Generate sitemap  Start service. 4. After the generation of the sitemap, invoke the Sitemap Writer service to write to xml files. Sitemap Administration Write Sitemaps Start service. 5. Now you can find the SiteMap xml files are generated at the configured path. To know the path, check the value of warDir property of component SitemapGeneratorService.


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Appendix Droplets Following are the extensively used droplets. Please refer the ATGPageDevGuide.pdf for the detail.

atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach Displays error messages that occur during a form submission. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 257)

atg.droplet.For Displays a single output the number of times specified.

(ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 261)

atg.droplet.ForEach Displays each element of an array. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 263)

atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet Looks up an item in one or more repositories based on the item’s ID, and renders the item on the page. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 280)

atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup Looks up an item in a specific repository, based on the item’s ID, and renders the item on the page. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 320)

atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach Constructs an RQL query and renders its output parameter once for each element returned by the query. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 322)

atg.droplet.Switch Displays one of several possible outputs, depending on input parameter value. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 340)

atg.droplet.TableForEach Displays each element of an array, arranging the output in a two-dimensional format. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 342)

atg.targeting.TargetingArray TargetingArray differs from the others in that it does not format the output of the targeting operation. Instead, you must use another servlet bean to format the outputCategoryLookup. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 350)

atg.targeting.TargetingFirst Displays the first n items, where n is a number you specify. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 352) ATG

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atg.targeting.TargetingForEach Displays all of the items returned by the targeter. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 355)

atg.targeting.TargetingRandom Displays n items chosen randomly. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 358)

atg.targeting.TargetingRange Displays a range of items, such as the third through the seventh. (ATGPageDevGuide.pdf, 360)

ProductLookup SkiwLookup CatalogItemLookupDroplet RepriceOrderDroplet PriceEachItem PriceItem ShippingGroupsDroplet PaymentGroupsDroplet PriceItemDroplet RepriceOrderDroplet /atg/commerce/gifts/GiftlistLookupDroplet /atg/commerce/gifts/GiftlistDroplet


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ATG Framework and Components

Form Handlers SimpleSQLFormHandler ShoppingCartModifier ExpressCheckoutFormHandler CartModifierFormHandler GiftListFormHandler GiftListSearch


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