Astrology & Profession

March 12, 2017 | Author: mahadp08 | Category: N/A
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Vedic Astrology...


Astrology & profession Are you one of those people who are confused about their career? Do you always try to find answers to the questions like "Which profession would suit my stars? What is the best I can do? What are the talents I have? In which area can I use my skills? Which work would be loved by me? And which career can make me rich?" Well, if that is so then take help of the modern astrology. In the present times, the main aim of astrology is to define an individual’s career. The above mentioned questions are most commonly asked to the astrologers. I have been an astrologer for the last 15 years and this area has always been one of my favorites - the relation between astrology and career. There are specific astrological indicators of different careers and I have been working on the same for the last many years of my professional life. A few decades back I discovered a number of combinations of astrology indications with various professions. Actually, I was teaching a beginner's course in the field of Jyotish in Florida and that is when I discovered the following combinations. And recently I have added a few more professions which are not taken into consideration that seriously – cooking and the sex industry. So, the following studies are an outcome of 15 years of research – an on-again and off-again one! The following combinations are a result of my research so they can not be taken as the final verdict. However, you can take them as useful indicators of career learning and according to me probably they will work. Teacher - Let us start with the most important profession. For this, one has to have a strong Jupiter in the chart (kundali). This is so because Jupiter is the planet that rules education. Also, the 4th house plays an important role as it is the house of education. Ruling children and intelligence the 5th house should also be attractive. Doctor - Even in this case, Jupiter plays an essential part. It is the planet of professionals and has to be in good strength. The 10th house of career and the 5th house of healing should have a good bond. Also, the 12th house should be strong enough. A good example should be Mr. K.N. Rao. Music - Venus is the most artistic planet of all and that is why in Music it as to be strong. It should also have dig bala in the 4th house. The 3rd house is

the one that is of the self efforts and the performing arts and it should be strong. Jupiter is important for Classical, Rahu for Rock and modern, Mercury for instrumental and Moon for vocal. Lawyer - Again the Jupiter is the one that rules Law. The 9th house of has to be in good strength. Also, the 6th house is of the combativeness and in this profession it should be at the right place in the chart. Architect - The house of land and houses i.e the 4th house along with Mars and Saturn should be at the right place in the chart. Mars represents building skills and Saturn is the planet of Earth. Besides this, Jupiter should be strong. This provides the required intelligence. Renunciate Yogi - For this profession, one needs affliction of a few houses. For self-confidence 1st house, the 2nd house for family life as well as money, for home and happiness the 4th house and the 5th and 7th house for children and marriage respectively. Sex Industry - This could include adult, media and erotic dancing. For this, one has to have strong presence of Venus along with Mars. The planet of happiness, Moon should be confliction. Also, the 1st house must be weak as it is the house of self-approval. Entrepreneur - This profession demands a combination of many Dhana and Raja Yogas for money and leadership qualities. Besides this, Saturn (planet of big projects) and the 11th house (of gains) should be there in the individual's chart. This is not all. The dasha sequence has to be indicative of repetitive success. Sun should be strong as it is the planet of leadership and confidence. Presence of a Mahapurusha Yoga is also beneficial. A person with this Yoga generally gains fame and wealth. The same holds for the career of a captain of an industry. Foreign Languages - For gaining skills in a foreign language an individual needs to have the following planets strong - Jupiter, Mercury and Ketu. Also the 1st house should be strong enough. Cooking - In this not so popular profession, Mars and Moon should be of good strength. And the 2nd house should be strong. Manager - For the leadership abilities, the 1st, 5th and the 10th house should be in good position. Also, the planet of royalty Sun should be strong. Mars is the planet of macho and that is why it is also necessary.

Modeling - This profession of beauty demands presence of strong Venus along with the 1st and 2nd houses' strength. Writing - This profession demands that the 3rd and 5th house along with the planets – Jupiter and Mercury must be well indicated in an individual's charts. Technical profession - The planets Mars, Rahu, Saturn, and Ketu have to be strong as these are the natural malefics. And one of these should have a relation with Mercury. Profession in foreign countries - If you are looking for this then in your chart the 9th and 12th house should be strong enough. The planets Rahu and Ketu are the ones for "foreignness" and they should be prominent. The 4th house should have some afflictions. Sports - For being a sports person, you need to have Mars string which is the planet for courage. Along with that the 5th house (games), the 3rd house (courage) and the 6th house (competitiveness) must be strong. Mercury should be well represented as it is the planet of fun. And also the planet Sagittarius should be in no case in the 8th or 10th house. Astrology - To be an astrologer, an individual should have Mercury (talking and calculations), Ketu (the Enlightener) and Jupiter (for tradition and divinity) of good strength. Also the 5th, 8th and 9th house should be strong. Automobile business - Mars and Venue should be extremely strong. Venus for luxury and Mars for mechanical planet. The 4th house is the house of cars so of course it should be strong as well. Thus, in most cases the strength of 1st house is required (except the sex industry and yogi profession). Also, the more the connectivity between the separate indicators of the skills, the stronger will be the skill. It is very much clear that astrology works on commonsense where the meanings of each sign planet and house are used to interpret meanings and delineate professions. PLANETARY COMBINATIONS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND HIGH JUDICIAL OFFICERS Often there is a question as to how people having different horoscope

enter the same profession. The simple answer to this could be that their horoscopes must bear some similar factors. To locate such factors, an investigation into the nativities of those coming under the same profession would be necessary on the following lines : 1. The nature and related characteristics of a particular profession should first be ascertianed and analysed. 2. Likewise, the indications of the Zodiacal houses should also be balanced in the features of the profession (e.g., 6th house in a horoscope is the house of government service as explained hereinafter.) Thus the planets and the Zodiacal houses, so established for a particular profession, would go to make the common or similar factors for each profession. An attempt is made here in respect of administrative officers in public administration. Public administration has been defined as the "Art and science of Management as applied to the affairs of the state" and also as "that part of science of asministration, which has to do with the goverment and thus, concern itself primarily, with the executive branch, where the work of the govermnment is done." The functions of the administrative officer (I.A.S.) are rather undefined and unlimited. However, in various capacities , they are of different natures. In one capacity, one of his important function is to tender advice to the political executives with his inherent talent, knowledge of technicalities of administration and his reservoir of information and thus, help in formulation of policies and enactment of laws. His task in this respect goes even further. In order to execute the laws and the public policy, he sets-up the work of programme-planning; and thus, arranges to maintain co-ordination. It will not be out of season to mention that instead of considering the planets in their individual capacity, an astrologer may normally, focus on looking for Raja Yogas. One, two or more such Yogas in the horoscope may lead one to mistake them as qualified for the I.A.S. job. The view is not dependable for the following reasons :

1. Firstly, a Raja Yoga is different from Rajya Yoga, and the former is not be confused for the latter. 2. The Raja Yoga in a horoscope indicates health, happiness and comforts and luxuries of life as per their constituents, and also certainly indicates political power but it would require a good deal of study and investigation before one could definitely in what manner a Raja Yoga is likely to manifest. 3. The Raja Yoga in different horoscopes are generally, of different type and strength (vide horoscope under review for ready reference), except one or the other of them being common, but that too, not in all cases. 4. The Raja Yogas are not always dependable, rather are ineffective, if the component planets suffer from any inability due to maleficence, and thus, are rendered powerless to give results of the Yoga. 5. Moreover, it is also to be noted that the Raja Yogas, no doubt, have a generial impact on the horoscope, but they fructify mainly when the DasaBhukti of the palnets forming the Yoga come to operate in the life-time of the individual concerned, which may not necessarily coincide with the time of entrance into the profession. 6. Over and above all, it is also very pertinent to see whether there is any malefic or evil Yoga in the horoscope, in addition to the benefics ones, which if it exists, will mar the results of even the benefics Yogas, just as a drop of poison in a jar of milk spoils all the milk. As such the Raja Yogas do not, in themselves, justify the making of an administrative officer and cannot be accepted as common factors. We have to search for planetary influences, in the individual capacity of planets and the Zodiacal indications by assessment of : 1. The status of the planets amongst themselves; 2. Inherent features, nature, qualities and tendencies of planets; 3. Residential strength of the planets in the relation and association with other planets;

4. Functional value of the planets with reference to a particular Lagna; and 5. The nature and tendencies of the Zodiacal signs or houses. Status of Planets According to Jataka Parijata (II - 2) ----

meaning, that the Sun and the Moon are sovereigns; Jupiter and Venus are counsellors; Mercury is the heir-apparent (young prince); Mars is the commander-in-chief; and Saturn is the servant. In saying that the Sun and the Moon are sovereigns, it must be understood that the Sun is the king, the Moon being the Queen. Similarly, Jupiter is the minister (External Affairs) and Venus is his wife (Minister for Internal Affairs or the matters inside the house). Further, the Sun rules the six signs from Leo taken in the negative side while the Moon is the lord of the other six signs, from Cancer counted in the opposite side. It is by these two luminaries that the supremacy over the other 10 signs has been given to Mars and the other planets. That is to say, the 2nd place from the Sun in Leo, his throne-seat, (negatively) has been alloted to Mercury, the heir-apparent. The 3rd place has been given to Venus who is the Minister of Internal Affairs. The 4th house has been given over to Mars who is the commander-in-chief. The 5th house is the house of knowledge and External Affairs, and has been alloted to Jupiter. To the servant Saturn, has been alloted the 6th house. A similar order would follow in the case of the Moon with reference to the signs under her sway counted from Cancer (her throne - seat). As explained above, the 6th place from the sovereign's throne, (the Sun in Leo) has been alloted to saturn. In other words, the 6th house is the house of government service and Saturn is the government servant. The 6th house becomes all the more significant as it stands identical with

the 9th (Bhagyastana) from the 10th (Karmastana); and also the 10th (Karmastana) from the 9th (the Bhagyastana); again, it is the 5th from the 2nd house and the 2nd from the 5th house. Further, no less important is the position of the 11th house, the house of gains and income, as it stands 6th from the 6th house. Hence, in this context, the 11th house also plays an important role. Further in consideration of the status of the planets amongst themselves, Jupiter (minister for sovereign), Mars (commander-in-chief i.e., possessing executive powers) and Saturn (servant of the sovereign), represent fitness for the administrative job. Accordingly, for the purpose of investigation, we proceed ahead to evaluate these three planets with reference to their natural, residential, functional and other properties. Saturn Amongst other indications, Saturn signifies servile duty, whole sovereignty (Uttarakalamrita V -- 47-50); further, Saturn controls longevity, livehood, cause of death, prosperity and adversity. Besides, he represents general masses, public responsibilities, mass contact and political diplomacy. Ordinarily, as a general dictum of astrology, any planets in his own, exaltation, friendly house or Moolatrikona Rasi or Varga and Amsa, will promote the happiness of the person concerned. (Uttarakalamrita, IV -13). Besides, Saturn is predominant in his own Drekana, especially, when in Upachayas (3,6,10,11) and also in all the signs when retrograde (Jataka Parijata II -- 67). Again, in case Saturn acquires beneficience by temporal position, its aspects are productive of good. Saturn in the 1st house (Ascendant) identical with Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces signs, according to Garga is capable of conferring royalty (i.e., power, authority and prosperity) on the native. Saturn in the 1st is capable of conferring authority and power.

It is apparently so because Saturn in the Ascendant aspects the 7th (house

of diplomacy) and the 10th (the house of livelihood, respect and dignity). And, he also aspects the 8th, the house of vocation. He sends exceedingly powerful rays in his 3rd and 10th aspect , his quarter glance (J.P. II - 31). Again, in the case of Pisces Ascendant, he is the lord of the 11th (Capricorn), in which sign he indicates honours, authority, position and financial gains. An almost parallel view is also expressed in Jataka Parijata (VII - 57)

It means that when Saturn is in the rising sign identical with Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Aries, Capricorn or Aquarius, the native will be lord of men, handsome and intelligent, and will lead a town or village. When in the 4th (Simhasana or house of authority), he aspects the 6th, the 10th and the Ascendant. One becomes a great diplomat or high-positioned government servant and wields immerse power and gets success in foreign countries. When in the 7th, where Saturn gets Digbala, he becomes very powerful and promises a prominent high position in public life. In the 10th, normally, he gives reversals in life and causes sudden downfall if afflicted; but when exalted and aspected by a benefic 10th lord, he extends splendour, honour, grandeur and reputation. He is the Karaka for the 6th house (J. P. II - 51). Assuming lordship of the 9th and the 10th from Lagna, in the case of Taurus Ascendant, he becomes highly auspicious. Saturn, when he bestows blessings, has no limits and can take one very high in all areas of life.

meaning, that Saturn always gives all desirable things when in the 8th. Mars

As regards Mars, he is called 'Vakra' (crooked) also, meaning diplomat. He also represents kingship, royal aspect, authority and power to punish, magistrate, criminal cases, energy, courage, tact, action, executive capacity, service under a king, commander, land, lord of men and mounting a vehicle. He also indicates treasure and litigation. What an administrative officer needs in the performance of his duties is, mainly the executive capacity, tact and diplomacy, timely and effective action and determination to assert authority , to take wrong-doers to task for maintenance of law and order and to secure the welfare of the people by exercising magisterial powers vested in him. These are the qualities of Mars. He is, thus, the strong indicator for executive service under the government. Like Saturn, the magnitude of his strength will have its say in raising the position of the native high. As regards the strength of Mars, he is also the Karaka for the 6th house, (the house of service under the government). He has abundant strength in his Drekanna, in the 12th, the 8th, the 11th, the 10th and the 1st signs, in retrogression, in his navamsa and gives prosperity when he is in the 10th from Lagna and also when he is in Cancer (J. P. II - 63). Besides, like others planets, he is strong in his exaltation, own house, in a friendly house and Moolatrikona Rasi and bestows immense benefits and makes one a leader. He is mighty strong in Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius when without the Sun. He gets strong even in his enemy's camp. (Uttarakalamrita V - 15). He gets auspicious in the 8th in the matter of service,as in the case of Mr. Morarji Desai who started his career as an administrative officer with exalted Mars in his 8th. The 8th house is the house of vocation as well; and Mars is the Lord of 8th of the Zodiac (Kalapursha). Hence, Mars in the 8th as lord of the 8th is very significant in service matters; from the 8th, he aspects the 11th also. Mars enjoys Digbala in the 10th and gives prosperity. He gets exalted in the 10th sign of the Zodiac. Mars in the 10th makes one the beacon light of the family.

Mars in the 10th house gives executive ability, capacity for leadership and

prosperity. He becomes specially strong as lord of the 9th in the 10th and makes one a judge or magistrate. In association with Saturn, he gives brilliant results. According to Kalamrita (IV - 8),

Meaning, if Mars and Saturn be strongly placed i.e., exalted, in own or friendly house with benefic aspect, and occupy the 2nd and the 10th houses from the Lagna, the native will be highly praised in public and will be a great personage. Planetary Combinations to Become a Businessman

Many people want to become a businessman but those who have suitable planetary combinations in their birth-chart become a successful businessman. Let us acknowledge those planetary combinations which make the person a famous and successful businessman. Planetary Combinations in the Birth-chart 1. The conjunction between the lords of the Kendra or Trine house or their aspect relationship form the Raj Yoga in the birth-chart which gives auspicious results to the person. Similarly, if the lord of the Kendra or Trine forms a relationship with the second house or the eleventh house then possibilities will be high to earn money. A strong fortune and money are the key assets of a business man. Raj Yoga makes the fortune and Dhan Yoga increases his income.

2. If Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in conjunction in the Kendra then the Yoga to earn money is formed in the birth-chart. In addition, if Sun is located in the eleventh house then the person will have high possibilities to get money. 3. To be a successful businessman, auspicious Rajyoga and Panch Mahapurush Yoga is mandatory in the birth-chart along with Dhan Yoga. 4. In the birth-chart of Aries Ascendant, if Mars is the Ascendant lord and it is exalted in the tenth house and forms Ruchak Yoga and Kuldeepak Yoga and Mercury is also located with Mars. Or Jupiter aspects the ninth lord from the second house. Or Sun is the fifth lord, Moon, the fourth lord and Venus is the seventh lord are in conjunction in the eleventh house. Rahu is exalted in the Ascendant. In addition, Saturn as the lord of the tenth house or eleventh house is located in the ninth house. As a result, these Yogas will make a person ambitious, influential, clever and with strong will power he will become a successful businessman and expand his business further. 5. In the birth-chart of Taurus Ascendant, if the second lord and the fourth lord are located in the Ascendant. Saturn as a Yogakaarak planet is in the eleventh house, Mars and Venus are in conjunction in the second house. Jupiter is in the tenth house and Rahu in the seventh house then the person will expand his business and gain fame, popularity, wealth and money. 6. If in the birth-chart of Cancer Ascendant, Jupiter-Venus are located in the Ascendant. Sun is in the eleventh house. Mars which is the Yogakaarak of the tenth lord is located in the third house. Moon which is the Ascendant lord is located in the second house and Saturn as the seventh lord is in the ninth house. Mercury is in its own sign and placed in the house of expenditure. As a result, these yogas will give fame, wealth as well as make a person courageous and a successful businessman. 7. When Saturn is in its own sign and shares an aspect relationship with the tenth or eleventh house/lord and Rahu also influences the eleventh house. The Ascendant or the Ascendant lord is in relationship with the tenth house/lord or ninth lord or it influences the Ascendant house. Along with this, Mercury forms any kind of relationship with the eleventh lord or the second lord then the person will become a successful businessman.

8. If Mercury is the Ascendant lord and exalted in the fourth house with the eleventh lord. And the second lord is in the tenth house. And among the ninth lord, third, fifth or tenth lord any two are in conjunction in the eleventh house the person will be very rich and a successful businessman. 9. If Mercury is exalted and placed in the second house with the Ascendant lord in the birth-chart. If the ninth lord is in conjunction with the third lord or the tenth lord is in the third house and influences the twelfth or tenth house. Rahu influences the eleventh house or the second house then the person becomes a businessman. ASTROLOGICAL COMBINATIONS FOR YOUR CAREER IN VARIOUS FIELDS Posted: May 27, 2010 |Comments: 0 | Views: 1,797 |

Ads by Google Your Zodiac Horoscope Insert Your Birthdate & Get Answers about PastPresent and Future. Free Modern Astrodynamics by W. Wiesel, now available in paperback. Jupiter Home Search Find real estate in Jupiter now! Jupiter Multiple Listing Search. Luxury Apartments in Bangalore, Designed by HOK - USA Near Yeshwantpur Metro Station The following are important combinations for profession/ career on business. A mention about the broad indication for professions by each Planet/ Sign/ Nakshtra had been given separately. Here we shall give the combinations i.e. when more than one planet are associated together in one sign/house. It may be mentioned that these combinations must not be applied blindly as they are modified by their strength/ weakness and aspect of other planets both benefic and malefic aspect would trouble the native on various steps of life- whether it is business or profession or service. SPECIFIC COMBINATIONS 1) Government Employment: Sun and Moon in the 10th house, Saturn and Sun (any where – service with pitfalls). Sun with Jupiter gives position in judiciary which includes profession of an Advocate.

With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter (Retrograde), (12th house) – the native had a high position in Government employment, the Sun in 11th house, because of Mars and Ketu (8th house), the native had to lead a miserable life with constant disputes in service and also quarrels with his superiors. 2) Professions involve lot of traveling- Marking- Saturn with Moon, Artistic bent of mind, Smuggling, cheating tendency, Business/ profession relating to earth and water (mud, bricks, water etc.) 3) Earning with obstacles: Saturn and Mars combination. The native earns by telling a lie if the combination is in 11th house. However, much earning is indicated including acquisition of land building if this combination is aspected by Venus/ Jupiter.   

Retrograde Mars in Lagan and Retrograde Saturn in 4th house. Mars with Saturn and Rahu-Factory/ Industry with break in career. Saturn, Ketu and Mars – displacement in career by legal disputes. 4) Professions relating to trade, writing law, authorship etc:- Saturn and Mercury, Juipter involvement would give the needed intelligence and ability. Venus and Jupiter gives professional respect and copious money – also money lending/ banking profession and connected professions. 5) Independent Career :- Saturn and Jupiter. The native even a beggar i.e. most fortunate combination. Independent career, self employment, head of the organization

Venus, Saturn with Mercury – independent business after the age of 30 years or so. Ads by Google

6) Banking, money lending, finance companies. 

Saturn and Venus – luxurious profession. Banker, accountants, money lending business. Also for property dealers (real estate agents). 7) Subordination position

Saturn with Rahu. If Jupiter/Venus are involved, promotion after initial subordination. Also masking abilities and Joker – including fraudulent/cheaters. Posing as what he is not i.e. posing as CBI officer etc come under this combination 8) Lawyers/ Advocates etc.

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Mercury and Ketu but with Saturn and Ketu, native may not get the expected fruits of labor. Jupiter and the Moon- rather Jupiter alone and well placed is capable of making a lawyer. Jupiter with Mars specially in 2nd house makes the native criminal lawyer specially when the Sun is in the 10th house. 9) Inherited business or father's professions:

Saturn with the Sun and the Moon. With the involvement of Mars at gives worries in the professional work. 10) Frequent breaks in career – why.

Saturn with the Sun and Mars- Governemnt service, Police, Army, Navy specially when the Sun and Mars are in 10th house and in a fiery sign – Aries, Leo and Scorpio.

11) Luxurious career in art and trading. 

Venus with the Moon and Saturn – the native shall have both accounted and unaccounted wealth. With Jupiter's joining, the native becomes expert in a technical subject including a consultant in financial institutions. Venus with Mars and Saturn. 12) Bad Professions-slugging etc.

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Moon hemmed by Rahu and Saturn. Saturn with Moon and Rahu- shady deals. 13) Renouncement from the worldly affairs, religious activities.

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Saturn with Moon and Ketu. Saturn with Rahu and Mars. Jupiter influencing Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. 14) Property dealers, trading brokerage and real estate business.

Mars with Saturn and Mercury- Bad Mars may give rise to constant quarrels including among partners. 15) Merchant banker, surgeon, engineer etc.

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Mars with Saturn and Jupiter For surgeons look at the position of Mars specially in 6th/ 10th houses in Aries/ Scorpio. 16) Specialist / analyst and for in depth study- Jupiter with Rahu and Saturn. 17) Artists: Favorable signs – Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. Venus and Mercury to be prominent- also Mars giving creative ability. Favorable aspect of the Moon is also needed.

Mars/Venus /Mercury for actors. 18) Architect- Saturn is most prominent (planning and structure) Mars and Mercury to be favorable. 19) Athletes- Mars with Jupiter specially of Virgo/ Sagittarius.

20) Astrologer- Mercury the mathematician has major role to play, look for combinations with other planets. Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Moon and also Venus. 21) Chemists- Mars and Mercury with Saturn-Sixth house should be favorable/active. 22) Doctors- Mars and Jupiter- Mars gives both surgery and medicine. 23) Dancers- Venus, Moon and Mars. First and fifth house should be active and favorable. 24) Electrician and electrical engineer-Mars and Mercury- Mars gives the mechanical ability. Look at Mars in 10th house. 25) Politicians- VIPS- Ministers.    

Exalted planets specially the Sun and Saturn. All planets should be well placed. Two/three planets must be in their signs or in their Mool-trikona positions. Birth should be with Gaj-Kesari Yoga (Moon and Jupiter), Budhaaditya Yoga (the Sun and Mercury). 26) Teacher- the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna normally fall in Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius. The Lagna and ninth house are found to be active alone with the 5th house. Now a mention is made about more beneficial yogas connected with professions of the native. The native is considered to be fortunate when born with Vargothama position i.e. same sign in rasi and navamasha. Planets placed in angles (kendras) occupying their own signs or Moola trikona signs are called ‘Karakas' with respect to each other. One of these planets in the 10th house merits special consideration. The existences of Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas are equally important for professional rise. The Panache Maha-pusha yogas are respectively Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, Malavya ans Sasa Yogas. They are caused respectively by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn when these planets happen to occupy Kendras (angles) houses, identical with their own signs exaltation signs or Mooltrikona signs. Planetary Combinations Conferring Status, wealth & wisdom

Posted: Mar 12, 2011 |Comments: 0 | Views: 404 |

Ads by Google Your Zodiac Horoscope Insert Your Birthdate & Get Answers about PastPresent and Future. Free Jupiter Home Search Find real estate in Jupiter now! Jupiter Multiple Listing Search. Free Tamil Astrology S/W Get the most accurate Free Tamil Astrology Software. Download now ! Watch Free Videos Watch Full-Screen, High-Res Movie Clips & Trailers Download Free! Rise and fall in life is well known. Some persons are born wealthy and others acquire wealth by their self efforts and hard labour and they continue prospering in their mission and reach at the height with the change of ‘Dasha' of the Planets. Actually they are born with good and auspicious combinations to come up in their field. For example, the Sun in the 10th House is bound to take the native to hold a high position including in the Government. It has been seen that all High Government officials have their Sun either in the 10th House or in Leo sign or in exaltation sign- Aries. So these combinations are formed by planets. Similarly, afflicted Sun, Sun in Libra (debilitation sign) can give fall from the position. 2. The following principles will throw light on various combinations in your Horoscope specially for females. i.) Guru in Lagna, Chandra in 7th or in his own Vargas and Sukra in 10th, the woman will become the wife of a king or a ruler, even if she is born in a poor family and inferior caste. Here it means that although a girl may be in humble circumstances and belong to a lower caste than that of the ruler, she will become his wife. Beauty is no doubt a powerful weapon for women to conquer men, but sometimes love is blind and women of ordinary complexion and beauty will be courted by a ruler, what we may call a lucky girl. ii.) If benefices occupy the kendras or if they are in Lagna and if the 7th House falls in a Nara Rasi or signs like Mithuna, Kanya, Thula, the first half or Dhanus or Kumbha, occupied by evil planets the girl will have great wealth, will have patience and agreeable temper upon her as servants. She will have great political power.

iii.) If 11th house is occupied by Chandra and the 7th occupied by Sukra and Budha and have the aspect of Guru, she will become the bride of ruler and will have all comforts of life. Ads by Google

iv.) If Kanya becomes Lagna with Budha in it, and Guru is found located in the 11th, i.e. Kataka, in exaltation, she will become a queen and will command great respect and power. These two planets, Budha and Guru, are in exaltation and they produce Rajayoga. v.) If Sukra (Venus) occupies Lagna, Budha is in the 3rd House and the powerful Guru possessed of Shadvarga strength and is located in the 4th, the girl will marry a king (VIP) and will have all royal enjoyments. vi.) If at the time of birth there are three planets that have good Shadvargas, she will become the wife of a Raja (VIP). If four planets are so well situated with of a great emperor. If five planets have completely auspicious Shadvargas, she will become the wife of a very great emperor who has command over the three worlds and will travel in Vimanas (Aero planes). vii.) If Budha joins Kanya or Mithuna and Jupiter accepted by Guru is with auspicious Shadvargas and the 4th has the aspect of Sukra, the girl will marry a Maharaja (king). The Sadvargas are:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lagna of Birth or Ascendant. Hora or half of a Rasi or sign. Drekkana or one-third of a sign. Navamsa or one- ninth division of a Rasi. Dwadasamsa or one- twenty of a Zodiacal sign. Thrimsamsa or one- thirtieth division of a sign.

These six divisions constitute Shadvargas and when all are good, the planet is powerful. Other works mention Shodasavargas or 16 divisions and they are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Lagna Hora Drekkana Panchamsa Saptamsa Navamsa Dwadasamsa Trayodasamsa Panchadasamsa

10. Shodasamsa 11. Thrimsamsa 12. Ekadasamsa 13. Shashtamsa 14. Ashtamsa 15. Chaturthamsa 16. Shashtiamsa viii.) If Kuja occupies 3 or 6 and Sani with auspicious Shadvargas joins 11 and Guru aspects Lagna the native becomes the wife of warrior, will be fond of righteous conduct and will be loving her husband and be loved by him. ix.) If the Sun occupies Mesha his sign of exaltation with all the auspicious Shadvargas, accepted or conjoined by benefices and the birth falls in a fixed sign, the girl will become a queen and will command many conveyances and servants. x.) If lagna falls in Kanya with Budha combined there, Guru in the 11th, Sukra in the 2nd and Poorna Chandra (full Moon) in the 10th, she will be an empress. She will be charitable, generous, blessed with sympathetic speech, virtuous and helpful to the poor and distressed.

xi.) Look also to the position of Venus for all combinations- whether afflicted debilitated. 'Bhavas' or 'Houses' in a Horoscope In the horoscope cast by Nirayana system the ascending sign is known as the 'first house'. The next one to it is the 'second' and so on till the 12th house. Vedic seers have classified these houses according to their benefic, malefic or inter mingling qualities. The ascendant/Lagna being the first, the 4th, 7th and 10th from it are kendra houses. These are the foundation pillars. The next in strength are the kona houses or trines viz. 5th and 9th. The next in order are Panaparas 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th (5th is both kona and panapara). Houses 3rd, 6th, 9th & 12th are apoklimas ( 9th is a kona also) Panaparas mean houses of 'wealth'. 2nd House is self-earning, 5th is through children, 8th is inheritance and from unexpected sources, and 11th is all gains. THE HOUSES 3, 6,10 AND 11 ARE ALSO CALLED OOPACHAYAS OR HOUSES OF GROWTH. Kendras are strong houses and planets in them bestow health, wealth, happiness and prosperity (barring some exceptions). Bhava Houses: - Similarly the horoscope is divided into 12 Bhava houses or mansions. (There are number of methods of house divisions which can be learnt from the astrological books). Late Dr B.V.Raman one of the greatest savants of Astrology states "The twelve Bhava houses represent the entire life history of the individual. By careful scrutiny of planetary combinations and aspects in the 12 houses, the whole life of a person can be predicted with sufficient accuracy. The relations and inter relations of planetary placements must be carefully scrutinized and then prediction ventured. Deterministic interpretation of combinations should not be given." Signification's of the Bhavas: The '1st House'(Ascendant) also known as the Tanu Bhava (Tanu means body) shows the beginning of life, child hood, health, environment, personality, Physical appearance, Character and the general strength of the horoscope.

DETAILED EFFECTS OF THE LORDS OF EACH BHAVA PLACED IN DIFFERENT HOUSESARE GIVEN IN THE ASTROLOGICAL BOOKS OF BOTH ANCIENT AND MODERN WRITERS. THESE HAVE TO BE TAKEN NOTE OF BY THE VEDIC ASTROLOGER FOR CO-ORDINATING THE RESULTS. The Second Bhava shows family, right eye, food, wealth, education, manner and source of death, self-acquisition and optimism. The Third bhava Represents brothers, sisters, intelligence, courage, Short journeys, neighbors, printing, publishing, right ear and the chest The Fourth Bhava shows Home life, Happiness, mother, relatives, Movable and immovable assets, education, neck and shoulders. The Fifth Bhava shows intelligence, soul, Poorva punya (merits earned in the past life), children, fame and competitive examinations. The Sixth Bhava signifies Enemies, thieves, cuts and wounds, disappointments, miseries, sorrow, debts, Divorce, court cases, departmental disciplinary actions, Diseases, battles etc The Seventh bhava shows Marriage, spouse, marital happiness, sexual diseases, Diplomacy, travel, business, tact, and latent energies. The Eighth Bhava is for Longevity, sexual organs, death, legacies, Gift and gains and unearned wealth got from races, lotteries etc, Cause of Death, wills, disgrace, degradation, defeat, insult, sorrow, servants and impediments. The Ninth Bhava indicates Godliness, righteousness, preceptor or the Guru, Father, Grand children, Metaphysical studies, Intuition, religiousness, charity, Law, Judiciary, philosophy, Science and literature, press Media and publications, lasting fame, leadership, long journeys and foreign travel. The Tenth Bhava signifies Occupation, Rank, Honor, success, Means of lively hood, self-respect, religious knowledge and dignity. The Eleventh Bhava speaks of Means of Gains, accomplishments, friends and helping people, personality, ornaments, Freedom from misery and pain. The Twelfth Bhava shows Misery, Loss, expenditure, Waste, extravagance, sympathy, Renunciation, emancipation (moksha), Forced confinements like in hospitals, asylums, jails etc. Permanent residence abroad.

Ayurvedic Medical Astrology A Branch of Vedic Astrology Medical astrology is a science that demands knowledge of both Astrology and Medicine. Ideally, it takes years of acquiring astrological expertise and then becoming totally familiar with anatomy and physiology to qualify as a medical astrologer who, as an Ayurvedic Physician can accurately understand diseases and advise clients on the best procedures for regaining health. Medical Astrology is a branch of Vedic Astrology. It deals with the medical aspect of astrology. Vedic horoscope is drawn by the Vedic Medical Astrologer, based on time, place, and date of birth of the concerned person and then appropriate advice is given to enliven all areas of their lives. The “Ayur-Jyoti” technique uses Vedic astrology to determine potential weak spots. You may be able to determine a tendency toward various types of illnesses, and one can usually see periods of stress or lowered vitality when one could develop health problems. Analyzing the planetary combinations and placements in a natal or progressed chart, a medical astrologer can ascertain likely psychological or physical weaknesses that may be causing disease. The medical astrologer then can advise the client on the appropriate tests necessary to verify the astrological speculations. After a physician’s tests have confirmed the diagnosis, the medical astrologer can outline the best diet, nutritional supplements & therapeutic lifestyle changes for the individual to optimize their health and well-being. Introduction to Vedic Astrology: Vedic Astrology,or Jyotish, originated from The Vedas (Vedic Scriptures) dating back over 6,000 years. The world’s most ancient scriptures give evidence of a culture rich in the arts, philosophy, medicine, religion, and science. Jyotish was first mentioned in the Rig Veda, and references were also made in the classical Indian epics, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the classic Bhagavad-Gita. The Vedas are considered by many to be the most vast and complete system of knowledge known to mankind, and Jyotish is revered as one of the most important limbs of the Vedas. Jyotish, a Sanskrit word, translates to Divine Light. It is the eye of divine knowledge, which is omnipresent, omnipotent, pure, supreme, and exalted. Jyotish, is believed to have been conceived by the ancient sages in higher states of consciousness, which allowed them to cognize life beyond time and space, beyond past, present and future. In this super-conscious state, they recognized the energetic rays of the planets as reflectors or

transmitters of light energy. These solar and planetary radio-like waves, sent out at various angles, were seen to bear influence on everything animate and inanimate, affecting humans on both biological and psychological levels. It is said that the sages observed and experimented with their observations in order to codify into rules of astronomical calculations, which ultimately became the laws by which Jyotish is practiced. The astronomical genius demonstrated by the Vedic Seers is suggested by the fact that these ancient astronomers conceived of cosmological issues that have remained consistent with the enduring discoveries of science to the present day. It is interesting to note that, whereas medieval Europe still believed that the earth was stationary, Vedic astronomers of antiquity founded a system which stated that the apparent rising and setting of the planets and the stars were due to the movement of the earth. The Vedas are a composite or holistic knowledge, integrating every part or branch of knowledge to the whole. All the parts are viewed in context of Vedic philosophy such that the sciences are consistent and reinforce the orientation of artistic expression; medicine is consistent with religion and so forth. This integrated philosophical orientation to life opposes the long popular scientific view embraced by Western culture that has compartmentalized life in an ever-shifting focus or preoccupation with one segment or another. This fragmented approach to life results in the various disciplines of knowledge being in conflict with one another, such that the artist is seen at odds with the scientist, religion, and philosophy are inconsistent with each other, science is at war with religion, and so on. For the individual, awareness of the inter-relatedness of all phenomena allows one to perceive one’s own life in the context of the greater whole, leading to the Vedic concept of karma. It is said that no thought, word or deed escapes the ultimate, inescapable justice of the universe, known simply as karma. The understanding of the law of cause and effect, or karma, is expressed in scientific law as follows: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In various religious and spiritual texts, it is suggested in proverbs like," As you sow, so shall you reap", or implied in sayings like, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." But nowhere is the law of karma more fundamental as a philosophy of life than in the Vedic literature. The concept of karma speaks to your responsibility for yourself in the most profound terms. You could say that the horoscope offers a means for assessing ones karmic path in order to become more conscious, or self aware, and, as a consequence, more actively responsible for your actions. A child is born on a given day and that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his/her individual karma. The horoscope is a

challenging portrait revealing their unalterable past and its probable future results. The chart shows what we are now because of what we have thought and done in the past. Astrology, by providing us with a blueprint of our attachments, challenges, talents, and mental tendencies, offers us a way of not only realizing in a specific sense of what our karma is, and helping us work with these confrontations within and without, but also a way of beginning to rise above and gain a perspective on our destiny. Astrology is not a discipline that promotes a passive acceptance of fate; rather astrology takes an account of your strengths and weaknesses and various tendencies, with the idea that through self-awareness, one can become more conscious of the choices of actions available. Astrology is a means of taking stock of your inner /outer environment, tendencies, challenges and natural resources so that one may live more wisely, in tune with their own karma or life experiences. As a science and as an art form, astrology is the study of the subtle energies that make up our world. When we evaluate a horoscope, we are looking at nothing more than the blending of energies, which can combine in an infinite variety of ways. As energetic beings, each one of us is comprised of a combination of energies, which makes up the sum total of our self. The fact is that each of us is created by a particular combination of planetary gravitational pulls exerted in different degrees, from different angles, and in different quantities. The multitude of possible combinations accounts for the variety of personalities, mentalities, physiques, as well as the emotional and intellectual constitutions that we find here on earth. The stars do not rule our destiny; they merely record a destiny that has already been formed. They are a symbol, not a force; a transmitting energy, not an originating power. The planets do not dictate, but indicate the energies that are influencing a situation at a given time. Astrology is determinism to the extent that the unchangeable law of karma shadows it; however, life that is guided by free will does not follow any preordained pattern. It is through free will that humanity may guide the future and thereby take charge of creating its own personal destiny. Astrological chart readings can be complex, but a trained astrologer can decipher it for you very easily. Chart Interpretation While computer programs have reduced the calculation time for astrology charts and alleviated the risk of human error, computers can't replace talented astrologers because an astrologer can offer greater insight that's gained from training and experience. It's this human factor that's at the

heart of astrology. The complexity of interpreting astrological chart meanings is a genuine art. How an Astrologer Interprets Your Chart An astrologer is most concerned about the placement of the planets and signs in the twelve houses of your chart. There are infinite possible combinations, and the odds of two people having the same astrological chart is very rare. Even twins have different charts since birth times won't be the same. One degree can make a difference that's as pronounced as night and day. Ads by Google Child birth Child birth is a special time in your life. Make the most of it. Your Zodiac Horoscope Insert Your Birthdate & Get Answers about PastPresent and Future. Free Free Tamil Astrology S/W Get the most accurate Free Tamil Astrology Software. Download now ! This gives you an idea of just how special the imprinting of the planets and the signs are at the time of your birth and why you want an astrologer interpreting what these nuances may mean. In fact, certain aspects or degrees can be interpreted differently from the "standard" or popular way you may see in books, and only an astrologer can convey those differences in a meaningful way. For example, during a reading, an astrologer would note the importance of a stellium (four or more planets in the same sign). An astrologer will examine and explain to you why this is significant and how you may possibly act and move through life not as your sun sign dictates, but like the sign of your stellium. A good example would be a Gemini sun sign with five signs in Cancer. Depending on which houses these signs are located in, along with aspects and other intricate details, you may very well act more like a Cancer sun sign than a Gemini. It requires an astute astrologer to decipher the significance of a stellium in your chart. Planets, Signs and Houses To understand how a chart is interpreted or read, it helps to understand how all the parts of the chart, including the elements of the signs, relate to each other. Planets will show you what is going on energetically. The sun sign will show you how things will unfold, and the house will reveal the

areas in your life where all of this will occur. The astrologer will interpret this data and discuss how it will impact your life. When everything comes together in your chart, it's clear to see how the combination of various energies of elements, qualities and the relationship between houses and planets create the intricacies that make you unique. Understanding Astrological Chart Readings There are several different kinds of chart readings you can have, but the birth or natal chart is the typical one used. The natal chart is calculated by using your date of birth, time of birth and location of birth. The latter would be the city and state. An astrologer will convert your birth location into longitude and latitude to get a precise calculation. By having the time of your birth, the astrologer can ascertain where the planets were on the horizon at the moment of your birth. Time of birth is crucial for an accurate chart calculation. Natal Chart Your natal chart is the basis for calculating other charts, such as a progression chart, that can yield what's known as event astrology. This means that the astrologer will progress your chart for the upcoming year. This process identifies and highlights significant events, both positive and negative. This chart can be narrowed down not just to months, weeks and days, but to the precise hour, minute and second. Many people use progression charts to assist them in taking full advantage of the energies of beneficial planet alignments and plan their yearly activities. For example, you can use a progression chart to select the best time for doctor appointments, to have surgery, buy stocks, sign contracts and so on. Two Significant Signs in Your Reading There are two significant signs to which you'll want to pay close attention: 

Ascendant or Rising Sign: This refers to the sign that was on the horizon at the moment of your birth. This sign will usually be different from your sun sign. Your rising sign is how people will see you. It's often called your outward personality sign.

Sun Sign: This is your soul sign and where you are in the progression of incarnations through the zodiac wheel. However, keep in mind that this may not be your first passage through the twelve signs.

Chart Overviews

Your astrologer will conduct a general overview with you. This is a basic discussion of which planets were on the horizon at the time of your birth and which were below it. Your sun sign will be discussed followed by your rising sign and moon sign. These three play key roles in your life from soul growth, to your outer personality, to your emotions. The astrologer will read your chart house by house and discuss what energy and possibility reside in each. This will encompass more than just planets and signs; you'll hear words like nodes and aspects. The astrologer will give you a quick rundown of each sign, planet, element and degrees, and how all of this affects you in life. Each astrologer reveals a chart in her or his own style. Some astrologers prefer to discuss your sun sign and how it molds your life while others may prefer to focus on your rising sign. The approaches will be different from one astrologer to the next, but the information you receive will be pertinent to your chart. It will take some time for you to fully digest what you've learned during your astrological chart reading, and it's best to record the session so you can refer back to certain points. Judgement of Svamsa Parasara recognized the difference between Karakamsa (soul) and the Lagnamsa (body) and uses the term "Swamsa" to describe both when common rules are present. The Lagnamsa represent that which is readily available or easily achieved whereas the karakamsa represent the desire of the soul. If both of them conjoin, the stage is set for self-actualization. Instead if they are in sadastaka (mutually 6/8th) life can be a bed of thorns. Similarly consider other karakas from the bhavas. If there are only benefics in karakamsa and lagnamsa and aspected only by benefics, the native will surely enjoy Rajayoga. Similarly benefics in Swamsa or in its quadrants or trines and devoid of malefics, the native will surely be prosperous and knowledgeable. Mixed planets give mixed results. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Aries: trouble from rats, cats etc. Taurus: Troubles/ Happiness from quadrupeds (cow/ bulls etc.) Gemini: Itches, skin infection and over weight problems. Cancer: Trouble from watery diseases, hydrophobia and leprosy. Leo: Danger from dogs, tiger and other such canines. Virgo: Trouble from fire, weight problems, skin infections.

7. Libra: Trouble from Trade and business. 8. Scorpio: Watery diseases, danger of reptiles, and snakes, shortage of mother’s milk. 9. Sagittarius: Danger of accidents and fall from height. 10. Capricorn: Danger from aquatic creatures, birds and spirits besides skin problem and/or psychic disorders. 11. Aquarius: Construction of lakes, tanks, garden, roads, temples etc. 12. Pisces: Law abiding, religious and righteous person. Parasara adds that the karakamsa in Pisces indicates Moksha.

Note: Various kinds of problem have been indicated by planets occupying specific Navamsas. These problems arise in the life of the person if the Atmakaraka is afflicted. Physical problems are indicated by the Navamsa of the lord of the badhakasthana.

Effect of Planets in Swamsa 1. The sun in swamsa makes the native a keen government/ political worker and good at social service. 2. The full Moon and Venus in Swamsa give all luxuries of life and an educationist is produced. According to Parasara presence of full moon and aspect of Venus on it also gives the same result. 3. Mars in Swamsa gives expertise in metallurgy or in arms and warfare or in matters related to fire. 4. Mercury in Swamsa gives business acumen and produces a skilled trader or weaver, sculptor or one well versed in social and legal norms. 5. Jupiter in Swamsa makes a Karmayogi who will excel in any field due to his intelligence or one interested in philosophy and religion or a priest. 6. Venus in Swamsa indicates a government or political official or a passionate person who is virile up to a hundred years (indicate bureaucracy). 7. Saturn in Swamsa gives success in any line of activity and consequential fame 8. Rahu in Swamsa produces a Bowman or a thief. He may earn by dacoity or by cheating or maybe capable of handling very poisonous

and dangerous chemicals, medicines etc or an expert in metals/ manufacturing activities. 9. Ketu in Swamsa indicates one who will earn through elephants (trucks and heavy vehicles) or maybe a thief or a swindler. This may also indicate watch repairing or delicate machines or computers. 10. Moon in Swamsa aspected by Venus: Capability to deal with liquids and chemicals. 11. Mercury aspecting Moon in Swamsa: Produces a doctor or work related to medicine.

Note: The various vocations listed above may be more applied to the lagnamsa than the karakamsa as karakamsa indicate the desire of the soul whereas the lagnamsa indicate the actual karma of the body. Though these indicate the vocation with D-10 we can say with certainty the actual vocation. Some more indications: 1. Sun and Rahu joining swamsa indicate death due to snake venom. If benefic aspect the combination this will not happen. Rather the native will be a doctor handling poisonous drugs and curing venom afflictions. A malefic's aspect would cause death. 2. Mars alone aspecting/ joining the aforesaid combination indicates a person who will burn the houses of others. Parasara opines that mars aspect on the combination in karakamsa indicates that the person will burn his own house or that of others. 3. Venus aspect the Rahu & Sun combination will produces fire fighter or the fire won't occur at all. 4. Jupiter aspect the Rahu & Sun combination indicates one who will set fire to his own house or that of his neighbour. 5. If Saturn and Rahu are in Swamsa, the Native is either a seller or consumer of betel leaves and other aphrodisiacs. 6. The moon in the fourth from swamsa produces a sailor. The aspect of Venus confirms this. 7. Gulika in Swamsa makes the native consume poison or poison others. If Mars conjoin/ aspect Gulika, the native sells or administers these drugs while Jupiter in such place indicate self- consumption. The aspect of Venus or Sun cures the evil or prevents it from occurrence. 8. Moon aspecting or joining Gulika in swamsa indicates theft or receipt of stolen wealth.

9. Mercury aspecting/ joining Gulika in swamsa indicate hydrocele and similar diseases of the private pats. 10. Ketu aspecting/ joining swamsa results in a perforation of the eardrums or other ear ailments. 11. Venus aspecting/ joining Ketu in swamsa produces asceticism and religious leanings. He may be initiated into a religious order. 12. Both Mercury and Venus aspecting Ketu indicates a mimic or a talkative person or one born to a maidservant / concubine. Parasara adds that the child may belong to a female remarried. 13. Saturn aspecting the Venus and Ketu in Swamsa produces a Tapaswi or a servant. 14. Saturn alone aspecting Ketu in swamsa indicates that the native is a fraud in the garb of a sanyasi. 15. If the Sun & Venus aspect/ conjoin karakamsa, royal assignment (government/ political office) is surely indicated.

2nd From Swamsa 1. Venus or Mars in the 2nd from swamsa produces passion and illicit relationships. 2. Venus or Mars joining/ aspecting the second makes him passionate till the en of life. The influence is milder in case the second is owned by Venus or Mars and strongest if both of these planets in the 2nd owned by anyone of them. Ketu associating such combination destroys the passion. 3. Jupiter joining/ aspecting the 2nd makes the native excessively passionate and sensuous (provided Venus/Mars also influence) 4. Rahu joining/ aspecting the 2nd cause the Native to destroy all his wealth on account of his unbridles passion and licentious nature (provided Mars/ Venus also influences). Note: Jupiter is expansive in Nature. It intensifies the influence of the other planets.

3rd House:

1. Malefics in the 3rd indicate courage or valour whereas benefics indicate cowardice. 2. Malefics in the 3rd and 6th make a good farmer or living through agriculture. This also indicates working in the air forces. 3. Jupiter in the ninth indicates a big landlord or a distinguished personality. 4. Venus: artistic skill. 5. Mercury: Writer 6. Mars: Capable of carrying firearms and weapons.








4th from Swamsa 1. Moon & Venus Joining/ aspecting the 4th from swamsa give a palatial residence. 2. Exalted planet in fourth will also give big residential house. 3. If Saturn and Rahu are in the fourth, stones, rocks and such materials are used. 4. Mars and Ketu in the fourth indicate use of clay and bricks. 5. Jupiter in 4th indicates that the house made up of wood. 6. Sun in the 4th gives a house of thatched straw or grass. 7. Moon in 4th aspected by Venus: Leucoderma or Leprosy (if heavily afflicted). 8. Mars aspects the Moon in the 4th: White leprosy. 9. Ketu aspecting the Moon in the 4th: Bluish Leprosy.

4th/ 5th from Swamsa: 1. Rahu and Mars are in the fourth or fifth from Swamsa, Tuberculosis is indicated. Moon aspects/joins the combination confirms it. 2. Mars in 4th/5th: Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Gangrene. 3. Ketu in 4th/5th: Glandular ailments (like Thyroid) or water borne diseases like dysentery, typhoid etc. 4. Rahu and Gulika in the 4th/5th: Affliction from dangerous poison.; Doctor handling such poison. The aspect od mercury or Venus

indicate medical knowledge; Jupiter indicate consumption of poison; Aspect of Mars indicates giving/ selling such drugs/ poisons. The aspect of Sun gives death through snake venom.

5th from Swamsa: 1. Saturn (alone) in 5th: Archer. 2. Ketu (alone) in 5th: Abilities to make watches, precision equipment/ light engineering/ electronic goods). 3. Mercury (alone) in 5th: Ascetic, member of a religious order or one who uses a walking stick. 4. Rahu (alone) in 5th: Metallurgist (or heavy engineering). 5. Sun (alone): Swordsman (or one who carries a blade/ knife) 6. Mars (alone): Lancer (or a spear wielder). 7. Moon & Jupiter in swamsa/ 5th: Excellent author. 8. Venus in 1st/ 5th with the Moon from swamsa: Author but of less capability. 9. Mercury in similar position with Moon: Author of even lesser capability.

Note: The number of natural benefics in the swamsa or 5th house will determine the capabilities of the author. The presence of the Moon (Mind) is the primary factor. Jupiter, Venus & Mercury give writing abilities, but in a decreasing order.

1st/ 5th from Swamsa 1. Venus in 1st/ 5th: Indicate a poet, an eloquent speaker or a knowledgeable critic. 2. Jupiter 1si/5th indicate a genius having knowledge in various branches and a great author.. However it does not give eloquence. It Jupiter does indicate a grammarian, knowledge of religious scriptures (like Vedas, Bible, Quoran etc) and a philosopher & Vedantist. 3. Saturn in the 1st/5th makes a man in an assembly or a gathering. Such person will shy away from the limelight.

4. Mercury in the 1st / 5th indicates a mimansaka or involvement in interpretation of texts/ available literature etc. 5. A logician is indicated by Mars in the 1st/ 5th. Parasara indicate legal knowledge and jurisprudence. 6. Moon in the 1st/ 5th gives knowledge of the Sankhya and Yoga philosophies besides history (rhetoric & Music) or produces a singer. 7. The sun in the 1st/ 5th gives knowledge of the Vedas and Bhagavat Gita. Parasara says that sun in 5th gives knowledge of Music and Vedanta. 8. Ketu in the 1st/ 5th gives Mathematical ability. This is important for astrology as well. If Jupiter associates, this knowledge is obtained by inheritance and the teaching are fully digested. Rahu indicates capabilities of research and Mathematics. 9. Jupiter joining/ aspecting the above planets in the 1st/5th will give all round knowledge, both traditional and modern and proficiency in at least one branch.

Note: The combinations from 16 to 27 are also applicable to the 2nd house. Parasara opines that the combinations are also applicable ot 2nd / 3rd house besides 1st / 5th. He also opines that these results are also to be seen from the lord of swamsa. These results in the bhava will be temporary while in the Navamsa they wil be pronounced. The point is to confirm results from both Navamsa Lagna and karakamsa. While the result from Navamsa Lagna will be pronounced, those from Karakamsa (indicating the desire of the soul) may manifest only during specific periods. It is the mismatch between Navamsa Lagna and the Karakamsa that leaves many desires unfulfilled thereby causing rebirth.

7th house: 1. Jupiter and Moon in 7th: Gives good looking and fair complexioned spouse. 2. Rahu: Brings a widow or widower in marriage. 3. Saturn: Brings older (than normally expected) person in marriage or the spouse could be religious (more ritualistic) or of poor health. 4. Mars: Spouse having deformed or defective limbs.

5. Sun: Spouse is favoured and protected by family. Spouse is learned, She will be confined to domestic chores. If Sun is debilitated then she may have clandestine relationship with elder members of the family (may not be true under benefic influence). 6. Mercury: Talented and young spouse. She will be conversant with fine arts. 7. Moon: First mating will be in the open or an uncovered place. The influence of planets will indicate the following placeSunGarden MarsA wall or such construction MercuryPark or playground Jupiter Temple Venus Bathroom or Bedroom Saturn & Rahu - Tavern or some dirty place etc. Note: The place of mating is seen from the 10th of 7th (spouse) i.e., 4th. Similarly the place of illicit sex (2nd) is seen from 10th from 2nd i.e., 11th. The exaltation etc, aspects and signs involved should also be considered.

9th from Swamsa 1. Benefics in the 9th from swamsa make one righteous, honest, truthful and faithful/ devoted to teachers and elders. Malefics associated with the ninth will produce opposite qualities like dishonesty, faithlessness and unrighteousness. 2. If Saturn and Rahu are in the 9th house, the native betrays his elders and preceptors. 3. Sun and Jupiter in the 9th will make the native confidant (or faithful) of his elders and teachers. 4. Parasara says Venus and Mars in the 9th from Karakamsa indicate that the lover (having illicit relationship with the native) will die. Mercury and Moon in the 9th will cause imprisonment due to the illicit relationship. Jupiter alone in the 9th indicates excessive passion and sex.

10th from Swamsa 1. Mercury conjoining/ aspecting the 10th from swamsa indicate results like Saturn (Success in any line of activity and consequential

fame). This indicates skill and fame and is good for fortunes as well, as Mercury is a natural benefic. Besides, like Saturn, it tends to promote a traditional vocation. 2. Beneficial aspects/ conjunctions on the 10th from swamsa produce stable fortunes. Malefics cause fluctuation in fortunes. Parasara opines that the combination will no only give stable fortunes but also make the native serious, strong (fixity of purpose) and intelligent. Malefics will not only harm the business/ career but also deny filial bliss. Mercury and Venus gives success in trade/ career and produce great works. The Sun, Moon & Jupiter so related to the tenth will give Rajayoga (Very high Status and achievements) 3. The Sun in the 10th from Karakamsa aspected by Jupiter produces a cowherd or milkman (or one associated in some manner with animal husbandry). This is contrast with Parasara who mentions Rajayoga.

12th from swamsa: 1. Benefics: take the soul to the auspicious world (of the departed) after death. The five benefics indicate five auspicious world as follows: Jupiter- Svah; Mercury- Janah; Moon- Manah; Venus- Tapah; Sun- Satya. 1. Parasara opines that Malefics in the 12th indicate expenses on unlawful and bad activities while benefics give legitimate expenses. 2. Ketu: Final emancipation. Others opine that benefics in the swamsa gives moksha. Parasara says" If exalted planets or planets in own sign or natural benefics are placed in the 12th house from Karakamsa, the soul transmigrates to a beneficial world after death. If Ketu is so placed and only aspected by or joined by benefics, final emancipation (from the cycle of rebirth) shall be obtained. 3. If Ketu is in the 4th or 12th from Karakamsa, final emancipation will be granted. During the dasa of Rahu in 10th (i.e., Ketu in 4th), the native goes on a pilgrimage and has a symbolic dip in sacred waters to wash his sins. If such placement of nodes occur from swamsa, they lead him towards emancipation. Parasara says- if Ketu is in the 12th from karakamsa in Aries or Sagittarius conjoined or aspected by benefics, the native is led towards emancipation. 4. Malefics in 4th/12th: No deliverance from the cycle of rebirth. Sun is not considered malefic here, as it is a natural significator of Dharma. 5. Devotion (mostly seen from 12th of Karakamsa)

Sun and KetuDevotee MoonVenusLakshmi, Native will be MarsSkanda (Subramanya, Mercury/ SaturnJupiterSamba RahuTamasi (destroyer of darkness) Ketu- Ganapati or Skanda


Siva Gouri prosperous. Kartikeya) Visnu Siva or Durga.

1. Saturn in the 12th in a malefic sign shows inclination for black magic, devilish worship and spirits. 2. Venus in the 12th in malefic sign: Same as Saturn. 3. The religiosity are also to be examined from the 6th from the Amatyakaraka

Malefics in Trine from Swamsa 1. Two malefics in trine (1/5/9): The native gains expertise in spells (Mantra) and occult knowledge. At least one malefic gives knowledge of Mantra, two indicates knowledge of mantras and their usage while more malefic give knowledge of Yantras and Tantra. 2. The malefics in trines aspected by other malefics: Expertise in black magic. 3. Malefics in trines aspected by benefics: Expertise in white magic.

Note: If the combination of malefics is in trine from Lagnamsa then the native will make his living out of knowledge whereas if the combination occur from Karakamsa, the magic is very strong.

Other Combinations: 1.

Ketu in the second aspected by malefics produces stammering and other speech defects. According to Parasara Ketu in the 2nd / 3rd from swamsa causes speech defects. If malefics aspects, these defects are pronounced. Pt. Sanjay Rath says that Ketu in the 3rd won't produce speech defects unless there is a malefic in the swamsa causing papakartari yoga of 2nd.

2. Malefics simultaneously in the 2nd and 8th house from Lagna, Arudha Lagna and swamsa cause Kemadruma Yoga (utter poverty). If the yoga is from Lagna or Lagnamsa then the effect will be felt throughout life whereas from Arudha Lagna it indicates financial down turn or fall. The yoga from Karakamsa indicates one who will detest wealth and may become a renunciate. Moon’s aspect on the yoga will intensify it. 3. The results will manifest during the dasa of the sign (or planets) concerned.

Note: The argals or dristi of the sign/ planet whose dasa is operative should also be examined as well as the various yoga and Vargas OM TAT SAT Posted bySarajit Poddarat1:42 PM

Basic Principles to Determine Profession and Income This is very important to find out all the ways and means by which a man earns his money and livelihood. Take the Lagna or the Moon at birth and see who occupies tenth house from it. If the Sun is in the 10th house the person inherits paternal property, if the Moon is there, he gets money through the mother, if Mars occupies it, he procures wealth through his enemy, if Mercury joins the tenth, he gets money through friends, if Jupiter is found there, the person has wealth through brothers, if Venus is in the 10th, then money comes through women, and if Saturn occupies it, servants fetch him money.

Some astrologers say that the most powerful among the two must be found out and then the source of wealth predicted from the planet who occupies the 10th from it. Suppose there are two or more planets in the 10th from Lagna or Chandra or from both, then money flows in through those channels which are ascribed to the planets in their Dasas and Antardasas. If there is no planet in the 10th house from Lagna or Chandra, take the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon and Sun, and ascribe the acquisition of wealth to such methods or processes which are controlled by that planet.

If the lord of the Navamsa is the Sun, the person makes money by scented articles, gold, wool and medicines. He may be a medical man himself or may be an attendant or nurse upon patients. If lord of the navamsa of 10th lord is the Moon, he gets money by dealing in corals, pearls, shells, agricultural products and dependence upon women. If Mars owns that navamsa, he will make money by minerals, ores, or compounds, by weapons of various kinds, by fire in being engaged in fireworks, kitchens, engine driving or wherever there is work connected with fire and by rash adventures or speculations and venturesome deeds or such actions, in which physical strength and courage is utilized.

If Mercury becomes the lord of that Navamsa, the person becomes a writer, mechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, poet, mathematician, architect or scent maker.

When Jupiter becomes the lord of that Navamsa the person gets money through Brahmins, priests, educated classes, temples and charities, mining operations and manufacturers, sacrifices, discipleship and pilgrimage. When Shukra becomes the lord of that navamsa he gets money by gems, metals, cows and buffaloes. When he is Saturn the man earns money by labour, such as travelling and carrying, by being an executioner or hangman, and such mean travels which are against the traditions of his family.

Planets give wealth similar to the houses they occupy. Take those lords in the 10th from lagna or chandra and find out in what house he is. If the house he occupies is his own he gets money in his house. If it is his friend's then he gets money through friends. If he occupies unfriendly houses, then he makes money through his enemies. If he happens to be Sun, and is in his exaltation and is otherwise powerful the person acquires wealth by self exertions. If all the benefic planets are powerful and occupy the lagna, 2nd and 11th houses, the person will make money by various means. Such a person will succeed in any business he undertakes, however divergent it may be from his original work. If there are no planets in the 10th house, find out where the lord of the 10th from Sun, or Moon or Lagna is situated in the navamsa and if he is in a friendly or inimical sign predict as above. To the above must be added the fact of the Sun being exalted, i.e., in Aries, to make the man acquire wealth by self-exertion.

According to one classical author if Jupiter occupies 10th house from Janmalagna the native attains glory by involving himself in the activities of public welfare. Similarly if Saturn occupies 10th house, the native gets reputation and recognition by working for the poor people.

For making more accurate analysis we can also analyse that which planets occupy or aspect 10th house from Karkamsha lagna and Arudha lagna.

According to Rishi Gemini when the 10th house from Karkamsha is occupied or aspected by benefic planets other than Mercury, the native is firm minded or the native becomes either a priest or one who settles the disputes of other people.

If the 10th house from Karkamsha is aspected by only Jupiter and Sun, the person will be a cowherd (Dairying, or dealing in milk products.

Note :- The term Agriculturist and cow herd can cover a lot more than it did in the older days because these areas have become specialised with time.

If there are two malefics in the 6th house from Karkamsha lagna the person is an agriculturist.

If Jupiter is the ninth from karkamsha the person is an agriculturist.

If Sun and Venus aspect the Karkamsha the person is in government service, or has connections in the government.

If 10th house from Karkamsha is occupied or aspected by Mercury the person will be in government service.

If Saturn is in the Karkamsha lagna the person will make a living through a famous occupation. (This is a combination for fame).

If Ketu is in the K.L and is aspected by only Venus then the person is a priest.

If the K.L. is aspected by Mercury, Moon and Venus and if second lord is in the 7th house then the person is a doctor.

If K.L is occupied by Sun and Rahu and they are associated with benefic and malefic planets then the person will be a doctor or vaidya who is expert in poison cure.

If K.L is aspected by Venus and Moon the person is an alchemist (one who deals with chemicals)

For rapid growth in one's career it is essential to have powerful planetary combinations for the acquisition of wealth in his/her horoscope (Janmakundli). Here we shall give few important combinations.

If lord of 2nd house, lord of 11th house and lord of 1st house are together in any Kendra and one of these three are exalted in that case a person succeeds to make unlimited wealth in his life.

If Lagna lord is placed in lagna native gets the blessings of Goddess Laxmi throughout his life.

If auspicious planets are there in 2nd house and Jupiter is exalted.

If all the auspicious planets occupy all 4 kendras of horoscope.

If 2nd lord, 9th lord and 11th lord all are in kendras.

If ascendant sign is Aries and Jupiter is in 11th house and Sun in 5th house.

If lord of 2nd house is exalted and several planets are there in 2nd house.

If lord of 1st house is in 2nd and the lord of 2nd house is in 1st house.

If Lagna lord, 2nd lord, 9th lord and 11th lord all are exalted.

If ascendant sign is Aries or Scorpio and Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are in first house.

If ascendant sign is Sagittarius or Pisces, Jupiter, Moon and Mars are in Lagna.

If Rahu, Venus, Mars and Saturn all are in Virgo.

If 2nd lord is powerful and Jupiter, Moon and Sun are placed in 5th, 9th and 3rd house.

If Mars is in its own sign or in exaltation and occupies any kendra.

If all planets are there in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th houses.

Different professions signified by different planets in modern context are as follows -

The Sun is the significator of Administration, Government and profession relating to medicine.

The Moon signifies profession related to hospitality and public relations.

Mars signifies the armed forces, police, entrepreneurship.

Mercury signifies finance, structural designing, writing and Astrology.

Jupiter signifies education, legal profession, consultants, spirituality related profession and financial management.

Venus signifies TV and film industry, life saving drugs, financial advisor, music, dealing in luxurious items.

Saturn signifies industries, service, dealing with labour, industrial workers and leadership for politician.

Birth chart only indicate the professional field of the native, the timing of rise in profession is indicated by Dasha of planets operating during a particular period.

Number of factors are associated with determining the professional field of a native and timing for events for rise in profession. The 10th house is the most important house for profession, however due importance is to be given to 9th house being the house of luck and 2nd house being the house of status. While analysing the house of profession of the native, we should assess 10th hose alongwith 9th, 11th and 2nd houses.

Dashmamsa is the concerned divisional chart for the profession. The strength of 10th lord in Dashmamsa (D-10) chart i.e D-10 and position and strength of lagna lord of D-10 should be given equal importance. While analysing the profession, otherwise the results can be misleading.

Dasha parameters for determining timing of rise in profession 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Dasha of 10th lord of Birth chart. Dasha of the dispositor of 10th lord. Dasha of Lagna lord of Dashmamsha. Dasha of a planet occupying or aspecting 10th house of Dashmamsa or birth chart. Dasha of a planet who is exalted in Dashmamsa. Dasha of planets aspecting 10th houe, 10th lord, planets conjoined with 10th lord and planets placed in 10th house. Planets aspecting or conjoined with dispositor of 10th lord. Dasha of 7th lord.

Transit parameters- Jupiter and Saturn must make a contact by way of conjunction or aspect with the two conditions out of four mentioned below : 1. 2. 3.

10th house 10th lord 7th house

4. 5. 6.

7th lord from lagn or moon

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


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