Astrological Notes and QA Sessions - SJC

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A collection of notes, discussions, and questions/answers sessions on art and practice of Indian astrology....


Astrological Notes & Q/A Sessions Sri Jagannath Center

Astrological Notes


Table of Contents 1.0 Padas & Lagnas................................................................................................ 5 Arudha........................................................................................................................ 7 Pranapada ................................................................................................................... 9 2.0 Grahas ............................................................................................................. 10 Yogas ....................................................................................................................... 14 Surya ........................................................................................................................ 18 Shani ........................................................................................................................ 18 Guru ......................................................................................................................... 19 Shukra ...................................................................................................................... 22 Rahu & Ketu ............................................................................................................ 24 Moon ........................................................................................................................ 27 Neecha, Combustion and Retrogression .................................................................. 28 Bhadak ..................................................................................................................... 31 Karakas .................................................................................................................... 31 KSY & KAY ............................................................................................................ 39 Parivartana ............................................................................................................... 41 3.0 Bhavas & Signs............................................................................................... 42 Fourth Bhava............................................................................................................ 50 Sixth Bhava .............................................................................................................. 51 Tenth Bhava ............................................................................................................. 51 Seventh Bhava ......................................................................................................... 51 Twelfth Bhava .......................................................................................................... 54 4.0 Dasas................................................................................................................ 55 Vimsottari Dasa ....................................................................................................... 57 Three parts of period ................................................................................................. 57 Narayana Dasa ......................................................................................................... 60 Yogini Dasa ............................................................................................................. 61 Shoola Dasa ............................................................................................................. 62 5.0 Miscellaneous.................................................................................................. 62 Education ................................................................................................................. 66 Time/Kala ................................................................................................................ 66 Avataras ................................................................................................................... 70 On Learning Jyotisha ............................................................................................... 72 On Mantras............................................................................................................... 74 On Children.............................................................................................................. 76 On Muhurta .............................................................................................................. 77 Remedial Measures .................................................................................................. 77 Tulsi Devi................................................................................................................. 80 Birth ......................................................................................................................... 82 Past Life ................................................................................................................... 84 Ista Devata etc .......................................................................................................... 86 Chart Rectification ................................................................................................... 89 Medical .................................................................................................................... 90 Marriage & Relationships ........................................................................................ 90 Ayanamsa & Chakras .............................................................................................. 91 Western Astrology ................................................................................................... 93 KP Astrology ........................................................................................................... 94 Astrological Notes


Prasna ....................................................................................................................... 95 Mundane .................................................................................................................. 96 Divisional Charts ..................................................................................................... 96 Sade-sati ................................................................................................................. 102 VRY ....................................................................................................................... 102 Varshaphal ............................................................................................................. 103 Misc........................................................................................................................ 104 Example 1: Uncertainity in Profession(Laid off, Switching Pofession) ................ 107 Example2: Guidance on Deities............................................................................. 108 Example 3: Atmakaraka Question ......................................................................... 109 Example 4: Kiddnapping & Muhurta .................................................................... 114 Example 5: Telephone Disconnection ................................................................... 115 Example 6: Marriage Delays and Neecha Grahas ................................................. 119 Example 7: Multiple Miscarriage Case.................................................................. 119 Currently Working on: Vedic-astrology @ yahoo

Date: 15 June 2002 21:49 hrs

Astrological Notes


Varahamihira King Vikramaditya had many astrologers in his court. Of them, Mihira was an intellectual giant and the most renowned. He was admired and held in great reverence, not only by the King but also by his colleagues and the general public. The King had a son and as per tradition, his chart was to be prepared by the court astrologer (Raja-Jyotish). Both Mihira and other astrologers cast the horoscope of the prince. While Mihira used the knowledge of the Vedic Astrology tradition, other astrologers used different systems of calculation and interpretation. In spite of different systems, they arrived at a common opinion that the prince would have an anxious time at the age of 18. On the nature of danger and the cause of death of the prince, they were not unanimous. Others were of the opinion that his prince might lose his life due to the injuries inflicted by an animal while hunting. But the most learned and wise Varahamira who enjoyed the blessing of Lord Aditya, and had Divya Drishti and Vaksiddhi predicted clearly and boldly that the prince would be killed by a Varaha, i.e., a boar at a particular date and time!! He also said that no human remedies could avert the danger and save him from the jaws of death and this unpleasant incident could not be altered. Hesaid: " AVASYAM ANJBOKTHVYAM KRITHAM KARMA SUBHASUBHAM", that the prince could not survive even if all precautions would be taken. Years passed. The Prince was maintaining robust health. His surroundings were well guarded even some months prior to the eventual day. On the morning of the fated day, the King held a Durbar. A huge crowed was anxiously awaiting. The King requested Varahamihira to verify his calculations and confirm whether the fateful hour would be the same 5:00 p.m. on that day as predicted previously. All had their own doubts, because the king took every precaution. No wild boar or wild animal could have any chance of gaining access to the Prince’s palace which was very well protected by a huge army of vigilant warriors. The Prince was asked to take his seat in the seventh floor, and all the staircases were fully guarded. The King was confident that his son was safe. So he asked Varahamihira how could his son die from injuries, inflicted by a boar, when none would be allowed into the palace and especially when no animal could enter at all. He again requested him to reconsider deeply about his original prediction. The King also declared that he would award the Emblem of the Royal Title " Varaha" to Mihira, if the prediction would prove to be true because the King wanted to honour this science. Some minute’s passed - absolute silence prevailed. The whole crowd was eagerly observing Mihira to hear his verdict. Varahamihira said that he was devoted to Sun God and he is blessed with Vak-Siddhi. No mistakes could be committed. Death from the injuries inflicted by a boar was predicted from the Prince’s horoscope without any shadow of doubt. That was the penalty announced by the planets in the chart according to Karma done by the Prince in his previous birth. He repeated that the results of the past cruel Karma speak out through the planetary position at the time of birth. Therefore one should be prepared for the worst in spite of all possible efforts to hoodwink destiny. People, who gathered there, were confident that nothing could happen in such a strictly guarded palace. At frequent intervals a warrior was asked to given information about the Prince’s health. Reports that he was hale and healthy were received all right regularly. At 5 p.m. one warrior reported that the Prince was all right and the place was peaceful. Sometime later another soldier brought the same news. But Varahamihira did not agree. He calmly said to the King that the Prince had died at the stipulated time and it would be advisable if they would verify. The King kept quiet. Another soldier, after some time, came and there was no disturbance at all. The King began to doubt the prediction, and again said to Mihira whether there could be any mistake in his calculation. Mihira reiterated that he was dead at the moment he predicted. He further mentioned boldly that the Prince was lying dead in a pool of blood; probably the watchmen and the companions might not have noticed it. He suggested and persuaded the King to go and see for himself. The King with some important officers went up the stairs, one after the other. The King reached the 7th floor. The companions of the Prince were deeply absorbed in playing games and did not notice the arrival of the King. On enquiry the King understood that the Prince had been playing with them all along and that only a little while ago, he had gone out to the adjacent open terrace. All quickly stepped into the open terrace. Oh God! What a horror! To their great grief, the Prince was lying dead in a pool of blood. They found that the tusk of a stuffed boar had gored his body.

Astrological Notes


Thus God’s will, according to the Karma of the Prince fructified, as indicated by the planets, without being averted by the efforts of the King and his subjects. Therefore all events in our life are beyond our control and we have to submit ourselves quietly and suffer the consequences of our previous Karma....". His Works Mihira received the Royal title and is known as Varahamihira. He has authored some great classics. Varahamihira is the author of some of the most enlightening titles of Jyotish including the Brihat Jataka and Brihat Samhita. Harihara (author of Prasna Marga) says that one with the Garland of Varahamihira (and Krishneeyam & Dasadhyayi (Varahamihira for Mundane astrology & horoscopy, Krishneeyam for Prasna and Dasadhyayi for timing events) is sure to become an excellent Jyotish. We have named the classes after him with the hope that some day the best of Jyotisha shall be from SJVC. Suggested reading 1. 2. 3.

‘Karma & free will’ –article by Sanjay Rath with forward by Das Goravani. Srimad Bhagavad Gita –translation by Srila Prabhupada Related Hindu philosophical literature like Brihadaranyaka Upanishad etc.

To Do 1.


Maintain a Spiritual file. Keep a sketch of the lives of great souls in your spiritual diary along with their horoscopes (if available). Add important Mantra and principles they have taught or the lessons they have exemplified in their lives. Maintain a spiritual diary. Simply list (a) good deed and (b) bad deeds of the day. At the end of the list write a prayer or small message to God (in whichever form/name you believe) to forgive your errors and to use your hand for more good work. Note the Mantras you have done on the particular day and the number of rosaries of each (108 beads rosary).

OM TAT SAT Learning Vedic Astrology Vedic Astrology is both a science and an art. This study requires many hours of effort to learn the principles for chart construction and delineation as well as the various methods employed in prediction. An element of intuition is involved which has to be developed by reciting the Guru mantra. A qualified Jyotish teacher called ‘Jyotish Guru’ gives the mantra at a suitable date and time. The student himself should be qualified to receive this mantra and the instructions. Qualifications of a Vedic Astrologer Harihara in his monumental classic Prasna Marga states that this subject is to be studied only by Brahmana’s. And who is a Brahmana is defined by Lord Krishna in the Srimad Bhagavat Gita (on the basis of one’s nature and work) as those who are pious, calm, self-controlled and seekers of knowledge. These attributes can be developed by use of the appropriate mantra and the blessings of a qualified Jyotish Guru. A proper study and practice of this subject leads to good fortune, merit, salvation, respect in society and even fame. The attributes of a perfect Vedic Astrologer (called a Daivagya) are as follows: 1. Mastery of the subject of Vedic astrology 2. Knowledge of Mathematics 3. Spiritual and religious by nature 4. Truthful speech and countenance 5. Well versed in Veda’s, Mantra and Tantra. Daivagyna is the highest level and not everyone can achieve this. It takes many years of hard work and practice of mantras, learning of the Veda’s, Tapasya (spiritual practice) etc.

Astrological Notes


1.0 Padas & Lagnas Upapada and is referring to the intrinsic nature of one who is born a bastard. Naturally, Mercury hates the Moon who although being his father is also the cause of his infamy. Instead he adores Jupiter, who although suffering the unfaithfulness of his wife and the cheating of the Moon, had the great heart to adopt Mercury as his son. The traditional literatures have debated on this issue and have provided some very vital clues to the judgment of Mercury. We find the two extreme points of Mercury as the most characterless in terms of Gemini. Having sex with one and all irrespective of caste, creed or even the more extremes like same sex and even different species of animals! the purest of the pure.Virgo the virgin. That is why the dictum 'if Gemini is in the second from Upapada the native shall have union with many does not apply to later. +++++++ Paka Lagna is the position of the Self as viewed from Satya Peetha or the area of application of the intelligence. If for example the paka of a child is in the 12th from the paka of the Saptamsa Lagna (indicating the parent) then the child shall live far away from the parent. Similarly, if the paka of the Navamsa Lagna and the Paka of the Navamsa Saptama (i.e.the Lords of the Navamsa Lagna and the seventh house from Navamsa Lagna) do not have good sambandha, then there will be turmoil in married life.

++++++ Men with UL in 12th from AL are MCP's and tend to ignore their spouses and women with that combination are WW's (Wild witches) who will ignore their spouses and make him bow to everything they want. Break of marriage is seen from second from UL and that happens whenever a malefic influence comes on the AL. Thus a break in marriage is bad for your image and will destroy your Arudha.

++++++ There is a big difference between the Darapada (A7) and the Upapada (A12). The former is for all relations and partnerships as well as business partners, whereas the latter is exclusively for marriage (or relationship for a long period of time). The 12th house is the "Anuchara" or follower of the 1st and shows the person who walks with you through the life, shares your bed and is the major reason behind your expenditure. The Upapada is also called GAUNA PADA showing the KULA or Lineage effect or through which the lineage grows. Hence this refers only to marriage... This difference between the darapada and the Upapada is to be examined in the Divisions as well. For example, the Darapada indicates all PARTNERS. The first is spouse your spouse for life and the second is your bed partner (s) depending on the level of promisquity in the chart. The third is the Business and partners. Thus, the first two are seen from the Navamsa whereas the last is seen from the Dasamsa in addition to the Rasi chart. If the readings of the rasi and Navamsa/ dasamsa as the case maybe are the same, then the event will surely happen. If there is a doubt, then the reading of the divisional chart shall prevail.

++++++ When you make a statement that the 'Lords beyond the realm of Maya' then they are beyond the BhaChakra that symbolises the life process with time on this planet. Thus, the very casting of a horoscope is an attempt at futility. On the other hand when we accept that the Lord has appeared in this planet in a human form and shall be working within the limitations of the Maya that He has so beautifully created, then alone shall we be in a position to explain His leela in this incarnation.

Astrological Notes


For example, Dasaratha was the father of Rama, but the hrashest truth is that dasaratha is another child of Rama. Rama resides in the hearts of all and hence Ravana was also rama or rama was fighting with Himself !! This can lead to a lot of confusion but will open the inner eye and this is the real Veda. Jyotish being the Vedanga helps us to examine His present incarnation like having three brothers (why three brothers, why not ten, why not the whole world - Vasudeva Kutumbakkam is His concept). Remember that whenever there is a Lagna, there shall always be an Arudha. The Lagna is the satya peetha but not the drudha Satya. It is the body which the Atma occupies and not the Image in this incarnation. The Lagna is almost similar for all human beings - we all have two hands, two legs, two eyes, a head (with some luck a little gray matter in it) and are about 3 - 7 feet in height. Yet, when it comes to Arudha, why does everyone know Bill Clinton today? How many of you recall the name of the 10th US President off hand or maybe with a look into history books youwill remember, yet inspite of so many years we recall the incarnation of Sri Rama. We may not recall His physical appearance and have mental pictures conjured up by the descriptions we have in the scriptures. Some artists imagine that He was blue in complexion whereas He was actually very fair in complexion like the Sukla Paksha Moon. Thus the Satya Peetha symbolised by the Physical Body exists in this world of Maya for a short while but the arudha exists even today as we read the Ramayana. He seems super human with such beauty, strength and ideal manner. This is the difference between Satya and Maya peetha. In fact Ramakrishna Paramhamsa has taught that it is not possible for man to realise the penultimate truth in this physical body as it is surrounded by Maya. Worship of the Divine Mother helps the soul to gradually get over this hypnosis of perpetuity of the individual self and realise the inner self, but this also does not give Moksha... I finish here. You all can become good Jyotish, but the day you grasp the real nature of the Arudha, the Lagna and the Vasu's you shall be Daivagnya. ++++++ Imagine two houses facing each other in the opposite sides of a street. Let us call one Aries and the other Scorpio as these houses aspect each other. Now, the planets stationed in these signs are like people staying in the houses. What happens if these people are friendly to each other, like a priest Jupiter in Aries, the Mantras he says in the morning is going to be beneficial for the house in front as well. as the house and its occupants also benefit from the association with their front door neighbour. What happens if someone tells you that a Criminal has come to live in the house opposite yours? You have not met the criminal, yet there is going to be an apprehension. This is the effect of Rasi Dristi. These are permanent aspects caused due to the signs. They decide your reaction to information and other inputs from the Nature. Application of Rasi Dristi is vital in Jyotish. For example, you will recall how I had explained the Sarpa Yoga and the war in Yogoslavia. It ended as expected when Jupiter entered Aries and broke the sarpa yoga. Now, when Mars moved into Scorpio, it has dristi in its own house and the reconstruction of the place has begun as Mars favours its sign. ++++++ In the chart you give, the Arudha Lagna is in Aries with Venus in it and Sun & Mercury in the 12th house therefrom. Note that Mercury is the third lord and is debilitated and that these placement of the sun & Mercury in 12th house from Arudha Lagna should make him renounce or lose father and relatives. Venus in Arudha in the tenth house should bring forth the strong influence of Venus in his external personality as the arudha is what the world would remember Him by. Now, the Upapada representing the spouse/ family will be in Virgo and with its lord in debility will show that Sri Rama will marry into a very poor family. These are contradictory to the real life events of Bhagavan Sri Rama. In the chart we give, the Sun is exalted in AL showing that He is surya Vanshi and that Upapada in Aries with exalted Sun also speaks volumes of the royal family He married into. I have given other details in another mail. Venus in 12th from AL shows that he will renounce or lose His spouse and this also happened in His life. About Rahu & Ketu. Leave the discussions on exaltation and see the placement of Rahu in the eleventh house in Badhak sthana in the second from the Arudha Lagna. If Rahu is in the second from AL, it brings poverty. Instead in the chart we give, Mercury is in the second from AL and such a placement

Astrological Notes


gives a Kingdom. That is why we call Him Raja Ram. Thus placement of Mercury in the second from AL is more justified than the placement of Rahu in second from AL. Now, coming to Ravana, the sixth house is Sagittarius. The Satrupada A6 is in Aquarius. Aquarius has two lords Rahu and Saturn. Saturn in exaltation shows that Ravana will be a very powerful King expert in various sources of knowledge. The sixth lord Jupiter in exaltation aspecting satrupada shows that Ravana will also be a very learned Brahmin. Rahu and Ketu are in debility in kendra along the 1-7 axis showing that his lust will be his undoing but these planets placed in debility in Kendra to the sixth house will give him Rajyoga (as per the dictum malefics in debility in Kendra give rajyoga) showing that Ravana's Raj or Kingdom was Asuric as he ruled over the Rahu's & Ketu's (planets giving the Rajyoga will show the nature of the Raj). And finally, I will recommend a reading of Brihat Jataka as translated by Prof. B Suryanarayan Rao. I don't have a copy but do recollect that similar examples were given. The point for real debate should be that (a) when the charts of both Rama and Laxman were exactly similar, why the difference of being eldest and third as well as so many other differences like Rama's spouse acompanying Him to the jungles of Orissa (My Kalinga is still a jungle after so many years sad) whereas Laxman's spouse was in the toilet? (b) Why did the Maharishi's always say that Bharat was the ideal of Kingship while they said that Rama was the ideal of Dharma? (c) Why does Parasara attribute the Sun as signifying Rama at its highest glory and Moon at its highest glory as Krishna?

++++++ It many situations we may face such contradictions where the benefic in the third/sixth from AL would simultaneously be in the second from UL. The point is one does not have to hang the spouse to renounce this world! It can be done nicely, without fighting and breaking bones. Thus the benefics in the sixth from UL will give a very strong Pravrajya Yoga and renunciation of a high order, especially Mercury in 6th like in the case of Srila or Vivekananda. Then the end of marriage will be amicable. In this case whereas the Sun & Mercury can be considered benefics, the Moon is not really in that mood being low in Paksha Bala and also has the lordship of the third. Some depression or other mental activity that leads to sorrow (Saturnine sign) can be indicated). A very strong Mercury will indicate a strong renunciation as well as writing books etc. Now, we know Mahanidhi Swami to have all that. He is like a burning lamp for the devotees.

++++++ If the AL is in the UL of spouse or the 7th or trines from it, what does it mean, that the marriage is more due to the MAYA or the things that the spouse has got like cars houses etc. instead of the person himself/herself. ++++++ So, we are talking about Shiva's Bhakti...well, Lord Shiva is the Highest Guru. He is the one who gives the Maya as a part of our Karma and is the one who removes the maya as well...Agyanatimirandhasya Gyananjana Salakaya, Chaksyur unmilitam Yena, Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah. As Nataraja, He is the destroyer of the Maya and sits in perfect meditation in the seventh house of every horoscope. Because He sits in the seventh house, that house becomes one of the Satya Peetha or has truth in it and Maya cannot have a place in it. Lagna or Brahma is the other Satya Peetha. Narayana Dasa or any Rasi Dasa can start from Lagna or the seventh. Since worship of Brahma is forbidden, the Lagna is to be viewed as the center of Narayana. These are difficult concepts and will have to be understood to understand the Narayana Dasa.


Astrological Notes


The Arudha lagna is the *Maya* of the person himself and will represent the way perceive of a person when his name or identity is mentioned. For example whenever in future we talk of Bill Clinton, we cannot miss the small thought about Monika. Thus, this represents a distortion in the Maya or some spot on the image. Again when we talk of Chengiz Khan, we imagine a horrendous Mongolian with slit eyes riding out of the darkness ot kill thousands of people. For all we know, perhaps he was not so bad as history has painted him, but then this is his image in the present world. The image of the person as "Exhibiting Parakrama" or "Exhibiting Ahimsa" has to do with the image of the person in this world. Thus when we talk of Valmiki we remember him as writing the Ramayana. Thus, due to the strength of the Holy name of RAMA, the entire image of the peron shifted from the murderer Valmiki to the Saint Valmiki. This has to do with the sixth and third houses from the AL. If natural malefics are placed in the third house from AL,they shall give great parakrama and the person shall be remembered as a great killer of human Alexander or ASHOKA THE GREAT, but for persons like from Orissa, he shall continue to be the murderer ASHOK..i.e. CHANDA_ASHOK. Maya also differs from place to place. The enemy is never seen from the sixth from AL, but instead his own provess is seen out here. Like we see the extra attachments from the A7, we see the enemies from the A6. This is the way it is. The A6 is the Maya of the enemy and a malefic if placed in A6 shall damage the reputation of the enemy. If strong benefics...I shall end here. ++++++ Satya Peetha is quite different from Maya Peetha. In satya there are no enemies. Benefics in the sixth house from lagna, especially in strength give lots of money causing LAGNA ADHI YOGA and NOT Vasumati Yoga. Similar Yoga is not caused from AL. ++++++ The Arudha of the Lagna, for example, cannot be in the 1st or 7th houses. Similarly the Arudha of the 2nd cannot be in the 2nd or 8th house...and so on. If per chance, the Arudha does come to such a house, then choose the sign in the tenth from this house at which it has arrived. ++++++ Bravery and fears are seen from the third house from Arudha Lagna as the Atma does not know fear. Fear is only felt by the Mana which believes that it is immortal although at the superconscious level, this belief does not exist and the Mana knows at this level, it will die after the body. Fear of death comes during the periods of planets associated with the 3/6/8 from AL. ++++++ When you make a statement that the 'Lords beyond the realm of Maya' then they are beyond the BhaChakra that symbolises the life process with time on this planet. Thus, the very casting of a horoscope is an attempt at futility. On the other hand when we accept that the Lord has appeared in this planet in a human form and shall be working within the limitations of the Maya that He has so beautifully created, then alone shall we be in a position to explain His leela in this incarnation. For example, Dasaratha was the father of Rama, but the hrashest truth is that dasaratha is another child of Rama. Rama resides in the hearts of all and hence Ravana was also rama or rama was fighting with Himself !! This can lead to a lot of confusion but will open the inner eye and this is the real Veda. Jyotish being the Vedanga helps us to examine His present incarnation like having three brothers (why three brothers, why not ten, why not the whole world - Vasudeva Kutumbakkam is His concept). Remember that whenever there is a Lagna, there shall always be an Arudha. The Lagna is the satya peetha but not the drudha Satya. It is the body which the Atma occupies and not the Image in this incarnation. The Lagna is almost similar for all human beings - we all have two hands, two legs, two eyes, a head (with some luck a little gray matter in it) and are about 3 - 7 feet in height. Yet, when it comes to Arudha, why does everyone know Bill Clinton today? How many of you recall the name of the 10th US President off hand or maybe with a look into history books youwill remember, yet inspite of so many years we recall the incarnation of Sri Rama. We may not recall His physical appearance and have mental pictures conjured up by the descriptions we have in the scriptures. Some artists imagine that He was blue in complexion whereas He was actually very fair in complexion like the Sukla Paksha Moon. Thus the Satya Peetha symbolised by the Physical Body exists in this world of Maya for a short

Astrological Notes


while but the arudha exists even today as we read the Ramayana. He seems super human with such beauty, strength and ideal manner. This is the difference between Satya and Maya peetha. In fact Ramakrishna Paramhamsa has taught that it is not possible for man to realise the penultimate truth in this physical body as it is surrounded by Maya. Worship of the Divine Mother helps the soul to gradually get over this hypnosis of perpetuity of the individual self and realise the inner self, but this also does not give Moksha... I finish here. You all can become good Jyotish, but the day you grasp the real nature of the Arudha, the Lagna and the Vasu's you shall be Daivagnya.

++++++ Tasmin Ucche Neeche Va Srimantah. Thus if a planet is exalted or debilitated, especially in the 11th from AL or associated with the Su-Dasa, then Srimantah Yoga or wealth combination occurs. ++++++

Pranapada The method of calculating Pranapada as given below your letter is NOT correct. The Ista Ghati should be taken and not the point from sunset. Follow the following method:

Step 1: Calculate the Ista Ghati ONLY from the point of sunrise i.e. the first sight of the upper limb of the sun and this means the sunrise time with refraction correction of the upper limb only. The time in hours multiplied by 2.5 gives the Ista Ghati. Step 2: Pranapada = Sun's Longitude + Trikona correction + (Ista Ghati x 30 deg x 4) Note: Trikona correction is based on Navamsa arambha Rasi i.e. the starting sign for the navamsa's in any given sign. 1.

2. 3.

For fixed signs, the navamsa start from the ninth house which is a chara rasi and hence the correction of 240 deg (8 signs completed x 30 deg = 240 deg) is to be added to the formula when the Sun is in a fixed sign. For movable signs, the navamsa begin from the same sign itself. Hence no addition or correction is necessary. When the Sun is in a movable sign, the Trikona correction is zero. For dual signs, the navamsa start from the fifth house (which is a movable sign like capricorn being the fifth from Vorgo and the navamsa of virgo start from Capricorn). Thus, the correction is the number of signs intervening between the two i.e. 4 signs (like Capricorn 10 minus Virgo 6 = 4). 4 signs = 4x 30 = 120 degrees. Hence if the Sun is in a dual sign the Trikona correction of 120 degrees has to be added.

Step 3: If the Pranapada longitude is more than 360 degrees, expunge multiples of 360 degrees to get the sign and longitude of Pranapada. Step 4: The trikona correction for the Sun is based on navamsa and hence the Pranapada should be in trines or 7th house from the Lagna or Moon in the navamsa. This is the finest method for rectification of birth time. Additional Notes: Note Hora Lagna is twice the speed of Bhava Lagna; Ghatika Lagna is 5 times the speed of Bhava Lagna and Prana pada is 20 times the speed of Bhava Lagna. Thus, if Bhava Lagna is like the Rasi chart, Hora Lagna maps to D2, Ghatika Lagna to D5 and Pranapada to D20 which again is the 8th house (20= 12+8) in the second harmonic or conscious plane.


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Prana vayu or the first breath is one of the methods of correcting the chart as it shows independant existence of the baby from the Mother. In Kundalini Yoga, this is also closely associated with the Akasha Tatwa, sahasrara Padma and Brahma randhra. Now, let us see the calculation of the Pranapada. Step#1: Convert the time into vighati's and divide by 15. Convert this into signs degrees etc. Assume that in a case the birth is at 9:15' PM and Sunrise is 5:29'15" AM, then the Janma Ghati is (12+9.255.4875)*2.5 =15.7625* 2.5 = Gh 39.40625 =2364.375 Vighati Dividing this by 15, we have 157.625 Signs. Expunge multiples of 12 signs 157.625 - 12*13 = 1.625 Signs or 1s18Deg 45Min Step#2: Check the position of the Sun in the birth chart and transfer it to the MOVABLE SIGN in trines (as is done for determining the navamsa). This is done by adding 120 Deg if it is in Dual sign (goes to fifth house from the sign it is placed in)or 240 Deg if it is in fixed sign (goes to ninth from the sign it is placed in) and nothing is added if it is in a movable sign. Note that the navamsa for a sign are also calculated from the movable sign in its trines like the Navamsa for Taurus (fixed sign) starts from Capricorn (ninth house) and for Gemini (Dual sign) from Libra (fifth house). Let us assume that the Sun was in Cancer at 21Deg 04 Min. Then , there is nothing to add as this is already a movable sign. Step#3 Add the results of Step#1 & Step#2 to get the Pranapada. Thus 3s21Deg04Min + 1s18Deg45Min = 5s09Deg49Min or Virgo 9 Deg 49 Min. The results of the Pranapada in different houses are given by Parasara in BPHS and the results will be greatly modified by the planets (as lords of houses) associating with the Pranapada. The results of signs associating with Pranapada are given in the Jaimini Sutra and the results will be greatly modified by the nature of the planets (as lords of such signs) associating with the Pranapada. Check# Not deviating from the point, see the navamsa position of the Pranapada and that of the Lagna or Moon. These must be in trines/seventh house. In the above example, the Pranapada is in Virgo 9Deg 49 Min or Pisces navamsa and the Moon is also in Pisces navamsa as the Lagna is in Scorpio Navamsa. Thus both lagna and Lunar checks work.

2.0 Grahas The drishti or sight is based on the 'desires' of the conscious mind. This is the basis of Graha drishti. Sometimes the aspect of Saturn or another evil planet can cause Paapa Drishti and for this we have various remedial measures for removing the evils. This can also indicate the anger of someone or a silent hate like Mars or Saturn respectively. Desire is seen from Graha drishti. As explained in a recent lesson, the seventh house is the seat of the desires of the heart. That is why all the planets have an aspect on the seventh house i.e. they have conscious desires in the mind that they wish to achieve. Ketu being the Moksha Karaka does not have a head and hence, cannot see. In other words, Ketu does not have Graha Drishti or cannot have desires. Unless Ketu has this peculiar ability of NO-GRAHA DRISHTI, how can it qualify as the Moksha Karaka? Unless the desires are fully removed, there can be no Moksha. That is why all the eight planets from Sun to Rahu have drishti and hence also qualify as the Chara Karaka. Ketu who does not have Graha drishti, fails to qualify as a Chara Karaka. We know that the Chara Karakas represent animate souls in this planet. So, if a soul has got Moksha, what is it doing out here?? That is also the reason for removing Ketu from the list of Chara Karaka. Now after having determined that the Graha have Drishti on the seventh house (except Ketu), we then go on to define special aspects... I have done this. In case the class needs this again, I can oblige. Rasi Drishti is the aspect of the signs. It indicates a permanent relationship or Yoga of planets/signs by "being in these houses/ signs". This is sure to happen. +++++

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The stronger between the second and eighth lords is called Rudra. Sometimes the weaker qualifies. Rudra is like an elephant holding the PRANA to the Physical body. Thus, for each of the 12 houses, there is one eighth lord called its Rudra. However, for the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka, the eighth Lord is called Maheswara or Shiva as He is responsible for holding the ATMA inside the body. Thus, we can say that there are eleven Rudra and one Maheswara in a Horoscope. ++++++ E is ruled by the Sun, SE by Venus, S by Mars, SW by Rahu, W by Saturn, NW by Moon, N by Mercury, NE by Jupiter and the vertical by Ketu. ++++++

Q: Very often we come across the words "benefic signs" in Jyotish books. Like, ".... if the combination falls in a benefic sign or gets aspect of benefic planets....." A: No, it means "Owned by Natural Benefics".

+++++ A very good point about that Ista and Kashta Phala and Chesta Bala. When a planet is retrograde it attains extra rays (dictum states 'is full of rays') and is capable of tremendous exertion. Why would someone make such a tremendous exertion or effort without a desire for some objective? Thus the retrograde planet indicates a strong desire from the previous birth and hence the person does make a tremendous desire to achieve the results indicated by the planet. This effort is called CHESTA BALA. It indicates a great drive for a specific achievement. The calculations of Ista and Kashta Phala are based on various sources of strength of which one is exaltation and another is retrogression. The point is that in the calculation of the Ista and Kashtha Phala, these two calculation criteria have been treated independantly. Thus if a planet is exalted, irrespective of its motion it gets a large number of points and similarly retrogression has a 'multiplier' to these points earned. Thus it is evident that the Ishta and Kashta are an independant system of reckoning the GOOD and BAD Karma that could accumulate during the period of a planet and Phala is also a relative concept as to whether it is to be 'consumed' in this birth or whether it shall accumulate for a higher goal has not been specifically mentioned. So, this question is left open ended... Now, come to the practical situation of Saturn retrograde in the fourth in Libra. We have two cases one Bhagavan Sri Rama with saturn in Libra taking Him to 14 years of exile during its Moola Dasa (refer and another case of John Travolta where saturn gives him a great jump in its Bhukti. I really cannot comment on Travolta's chart without seeing it. But then there is something amiss out here as the reading is going against the principles of Jyotish Shastra. In any case Ernst, there is this sloka specifically given in Saravali/JP about the exaltation and retrogression. My Advise - NOTE: Both Bhagavan Sri Rama and John Travolta exhibited tremendous Chesta Bala or the power to work hard for the achievement of an objective and in both the cases the OBJECTIVE of the Chesta Bala was Venus the dispositor of Saturn. whereas in the case of Rama Venus represented lost wife, in the case of Travolta it was the dancing and entertainment industry. Success came in both cases, but after the necessary chesta bala was shown. Saturn delays the Ishta Phala but does not deny it. thus in the end Rama got back Sita and Travolta must have got some recognition or a hit movie. Placement of Venus from AL etc should be seen for this. In both cases we cannot say that they got the results easily like an exalted planet should give...with minimum Chesta and maximum Ishta phala. Dr Raman's books are good for beginners to know about these terms, but you need to learn their inner meaning from someone who knows. Each Bala has an inner meaning and usage.

+++++ Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer understanding of these rules that makes the subject "an art as well as a science". The situation where "Jupiter is aspecting the nodes" is very

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different from "Jupiter conjoining the nodes". Take a situation where a Purohit of a temple is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu) for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work place) and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally coerced to help the criminal. Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces) and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his temple (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others to prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to steal the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken. Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the Guru-Sthana.

++++++ Upagrahas give results during the periods of their dispositors if they are not conjoined or aspected by any planet (here check for Graha dristi). something like the nodes, but different as they do not have their own dasa. ++++++ Natural benefics damage themselves and do not harm others whereas natural malefic planets damage others and not themselves. Jupiter is a first rate benefic and being placed in the eighth from its own sign shall damage Sagittarius. In one chart with Aries Lagna and Jupiter in the fourth house in exaltation, I had ventured that the father died early. This was correct. ++++++ 1. Neechabhanga occurs due to the following: 1.1 A dispositor of the debilitated planet in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon. 1.2 The lord of the seventh from the debilitated planet in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon.. 1.3 The planet which gets exalted in the sign where the debilitated planet is placed is in a kendra from Lagna or Moon. 2. Neechabhanga maybe attained after a lot of effort if: 2.1. The debilitated planet is retrograde. 2.2. The sign with the debilitated planet is conjoined an exalted planet. Whereas rules in (1) above are natural neechabhanga conditions, the rules at (2) have not been explicitly pronounced in the texts and are inferred from what has been mentioned. ++++++ There are nine planets and ten major directions of life. Each of these planets can tell so many things depending on the direction one chooses. There are the eight plane directions and one vertical upward and one vertical downward. The question you both make is a doubt that can be resolved so long as you stick to these directions, else confusion will prevail. The deities are associated with directions of life and in each direction there are many deities. Let us consider two directions to clear your doubts. Case-1: The North Western direction is ruled by the Moon. The digpala or guardian deity paving this path is Soma the God ruling nectar or Amrita that gives immortality. Hence the Moon gives good health and strength and long life. The ultimate deity of people in this direction of life is the Divine

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Mother (Parvati or Durga) Who wants all Her children to be healthy and strong like Kartikeya, intelligent and free from vices like Ganesha and away from the sorrow of Saturn. Thus the deity indicated by the Moon shall be the divine mother. There can be many other deities in this direction like the deity giving good crops, pure food and all types of foods and good things that give strength which shall be indicated by the various planets associated with the Moon. there are many people aspiring for this work. Doctors who also help in keeping the population of the world healthy and long lived belong to this direction and the planets indicating them are the MOON & Mercury (General physician) or MOON & Venus (Medicine), Moon & Mars (Surgeon) etc. The deities will be slightly modified as per the exact influence but the primary direction of Karma Yoga is North Western. such people would meditate facing the directions of their digpala and deities i.e. North-West to become perfect Karma Yogi. Case-2: Consider the vertical upward direction. This is ruled by Ketu the Moksha karaka. The digpala is Ananta a form of Vishnu and the Bhagavatam and all books say that worship of Vishnu gives Moksha. Now if the Moon is associated with this main direction, then the form is Krishna. If the Sun, it is Sri Ram, if Mars then Narasimha etc. Point is can we get Moksha dig straight away? No we cannot. Krishna advises the worship of the Mother before coming to Him. Hence people from Puri worship Vimala in the Jagannath temple before visiting Him. In the ISKCON temple they worship Radha and so on. Unless the Karma Yoga indicated by the eight plane directions is perfect, the gati to Bhagavan is very much hampered. Now, consider the case of a priest. He may think that by just worshipping Krishna he is getting Moksha, but that is wrong. He is first a priest and hence he has to do his duties in this world as a priest and become perfect in them. The direction is ruled by Jupiter i.e. the north-eastern direction. The deity in this direction is Isa or the Trident holder Shiva in the Guru-form. Thus, every priest has to learn to see Shiva as his Guru and that his own personal Guru is his Shiva. this is the great teaching of the GuruShisya parampara and the very meaning of the word Sadashiva. Thus by doing his duties to his Guru Maharaja and worshipping his Guru Maharaja, he is actually worshipping Isa (Shiva) and qualifying for the worship of Krishna.

++++++ "Sama-Saptaka" means mutual seventh and refers to the placement of two 'otherwise friendly planets' in mutual one-seventh houses from each other. The placement of two diremalefics in such places is not considered 'sama-saptaka'. For this purpose the planets must have at least 'SAMA' relationship in the Graha Maitrya (five types of relationship) table. I will give two illustrations to explain my point. (1)The mutual placement of Saturn and Mars in the 1st and 7th houses causes Unmada Yoga or madness. Thus this position cannot be called Sama-saptaka as the planets are not only natural enemies, but also temporal enemies. What is worse, both are in Marana Karaka Sthana. (2) The Mutual placement of Jupiter and Mars in the first and seventh house axis resulted in a powerful Guru-Mangala Yoga for Bhagavan Sri Rama and He cannot be defeated in battle. This is taught by Krishna as 'among warriors, I am Rama' - Bhagavat Gita.

++++++ The term GrahaNa means to eclipse. The difference between planets and Graha is their power to influence human life. In this manner, they are seized of the Karma of all beings and relative to the life of the beings, they are eternal, hence, they possess the rays to represent Sri Vishnu in His incarnations. Thus Rahu & Ketu also become Graha even though they do not have bodies whereas the extrasaturnine planets do not become Graha. Jyotisha is the study of the effect of the Graha on all affairs. ++++++ Planets in trines have the same dharma (principles representedby the nature of the sign as Agni/Vayu etc.). It is like saying you accept my viewpoint and I accept yours. Thus planets in trines always

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harmonize their influences. Planets in mutual quadrants have mutually supportive Karma and become Paraspara Yogakaraka. It is like saying you help me and i help you. If they are malefic then the purpose can be bad like the recent sarpa yoga that led to war. ++++++ Try to understand these term from real life. Moolatrikona is like the "OFFICE" of the planet whereas Swakshetra is like "HOME" ..most natural and comfortable. For example, Sagittarius is the Moolatrikona of Jupiter and here Jupiter has to behave like a fiery person, fighting for and upholding truth and purity, but Pisces is His home and there is no war out here. Jupiter is in his natural elements of being a Brahmin out here. ++++++ A potentiality is not a person. Planets represent animate beings as they move around and signs represent inanimate beings as they are still. Astakavarga shows the sphere of influence of one planet in the affairs of another. Thus, the sun, by virtue of its placement shall have a say in some specific affairs of Jupiter on the basis of the bindoos of the sun in the AV of Jupiter. This cannot represent people, but may represent the opinion of a person in certain affairs of another. Opinions are whishes that later translate into beneficial vibes or malefic vibes. hence the AV is vital to the directions of the kitchen etc in Vaastu. Most vaastu people use the traditional temple Vaastu for houses and are completely bowled when the results are adverse.

Yogas Recently one as learned as Narasimha was baffled as to why I had predicted something about Dr.M.M.Joshi in September 2001 when none "Almost all Jyotisha think that Rajyoga begin with the start of a sub-period and end with the ending of one. This notion built due to improper teaching or training is fixed deep inside the mind and is wrong. Maharishis have given us various tools to determine whether the planet shall give its results in the begining (1-3antardasa), middle (4-6antardasa) or end (7-9antardasa)."

++++++ Yoga itself is a very great thing. If the Yogakaraka is related to the Badhak place, then there will be obstruction to the Yoga. If the Badhak is conjoined Jupiter, then he did not serve his Guru or ate away the Prasad meant for the deity. The solution lies in serving the Guru and offering Naivedya & flower to Ista Devata. The Badhak will function in his real life in such a way that the fruits of his own Karma will be denied to him...the person works and others eat away the results. As the lord of the 4th, the native will never be able to live peacefully at one place. Also, the naisargika Karakatwa of the Badhak should be examined.

++++++ A “Yoga’ must have ICCHA SHAKTI behind it to fructify. Look for Graha Drishti for this Shakti first. Without a desire for Dharmic Karma, even one born near a temple can become a rogue. Yoga's showing up in divisional charts have little relevance to the personality and just work at a lower level in a particular environment. Even criminals like Dawood Ibrahim give donations to the saints and that does not make them spiritual, it is the effect of Vimsamsa on everyone. The Navamsa yoga will effect in the environment of the spouses family and a person may become spiritual after marriage, or maybe the spouse's family maybe god fearing and pious people. DKY in D9.

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++++++ The Yoga is caused by any planet that can have a SAMBANDHA with the Yoga-Lakshmi. YogaLakshmi are the lords of the fifth and ninth houses and these houses are considered the houses of Lakshmi. On the other hand the Lords of the Kendra are considered akin to Narayana (please use this name instead of Vishnu as the latter is used for the second Lord) the Yogeshwara indicating the purpose of the Yoga. There is a nice story about the great Lord Jagannath having to go begging for His food after Lakshmi left His house due to Lord Balarama. Thereafter the Lord Jagannath had to plead with Her (again at the behest of Balarama) and Lakshmi returned. Chanakya Niti teaches (1) That without Ayana the Nara is just like an Animal (Nara+ Ayana make him like Narayana else he is an animal). These Ayana giving planets are the lords of the Kendra (and also those in kendra houses 1,4,7 & 10) and (2) (2) that without Lakshmi, none of the Ayana can be achived. The Lakshmi giving planets are the lords of the trines (and also those in the trines 5 & 9 houses). If one, two or more planets conjoin, aspect each other (by Graha Drishti) or have any of the Sambandha (relationships), they Generate a Yoga or UNION. If in such a Yoga the Lords of a KENDRA and TRIKONA are involved then that becomes a vital or crucial Yoga in the chart as there is the link between Narayana and Lakshmi. Such planet(s) become Yogakaraka. There is a lot to be learnt about a single planet getting this rulership of two or more getting this. Yogakaraka are planets with the potency of generating a Yoga either suo moto or with association depending on whether they own both KENDRA & TRIKONA or just one. They become Yogakaraka if they are involved in such a Yoga. Every Lagna has these potential Yogakaraka. There are three groups of YOGI planets: (1) Sun, Rahu & Mercury (2) Moon, Jupiter and Ketu and (3) Mars, Venus and Saturn. Of these, the third group is the one that is capable of generating Yoga SUO MOTO merely by placement. Mars is such a Karaka for the Luminaries and Saturn and Venus are for each other. I think you had this in mind while making the question. There is a lot more to Yoga's. I am finishing here having given enough food for thought. try these assignments: 1. List all the Yogakaraka for each lagna, clearly specyfying the nature of the Ayana and Lakshmi's form (one of the Asta Lakshmi). 2. Under what circumstances will these give Yoga and when? 3. Will every person born in Taurus Lagna have yoga during Saturn dasa? What is the condition for the Suo moto Yogakaraka to give Yoga. 4. Are Yoga's altered by placement? If so, explain with illustration. 5. Are the lords of dusthana also Yogakaraka? Under what circumstances can they become Yogakaraka? 6. Is Yoga only seen from Lagna or also from Sun & Moon Lagna? 7. Who is the Karyesha for (a) Rajyoga, (b) Duryoga (c) Yogabhanga (d) Daridrayoga (e) Yoga Rakshaka (protection of yoga) (f) Vidya yoga (g) Tapaswi Yoga (i) Dhana Yoga (j) Santana Yoga.

++++++ Raja also refers to the Atmakaraka (as Parasara calls the Atmakaraka the king of the horoscope). Thus, Raja Yoga's are those that bring about the association of the native with Kings or people in power, or can themselves elevate the native to positions of power of the significators of the swelf are strongly involved. From Raja we refer to the Chara AK and many Raja Yoga revolve around the Chara AK. We also refer to the Lagna, AL etc which also refer to the self. Since the Sun is the natural Raja of the zodiac, none of these Raja Yoga will initiate if the Sun (Savitur) is not strong [Saravali]. Similarly, Yoga refers to the Union and specifically to the Moon in the context of the Sun. Thus, once the sun initiates the 'Raja' situation, the Moon sustains the Yoga.


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The details are in the Jaimini Sutra. COVA is merely the use of the Jaimini Sutra. Let us understand this when we talk about these sadhana etc, we are invariably talking about "ATMA SHAKTI" ot the strength and knowledge of the Soul to face evil/ dark forces. Jaimini says that 1.

If two malefics are in trines to the Karakamsa (Navamsa sign occupied by the AK in Navamsa only) then the native has knowledge of Mantra shakti. 2. If three or more malefics are placed in trines then he has Tantra Shakti, Yantra shakti knowledge etc. Thus the ability is seen in trines to Karakamsa (And not Navamsa Lagna). You can see my chart as an example. This will give you a brief idea of the knowledge I might posess. If malefic combinations like Guru-Chandala Yoga are in trines to Karakamsa then this knowledge will be used to kill people. If the benefics influencing AK are strong, then this knowledge will be used for the welfare of the world (Fortunately I have the strong Moon aspecting AK, else I too may have joined the likes of Chandraswamy..see his chart with the Guru-chandala yoga in trines to AK-misuse of the knowledge for evil purposes by him has been spoken about in Delhi circles). TAPASWI YOGA Tapasya is a different aspect altogether. It amounts to physical discipline to achieve spiritual progress with various Yama and Niyama etc. It also shows a person working diligently and without personal ambition to achieve a certain is the essence of Krishna's teaching of Karma Yoga. Saturn, Venus and Mokshakaraka ketu in trines or influencing the Navamsa Lagna/ AK give this Yoga. If this Yoga is present then all these planets come under the spell of Krishna (OM). Ketu being the Moksha Karaka removes personal ambition and gains and gives a spiritual edge to the work. Venus is the greatest Tapaswi and had hung himself upside down from a tree for 14 years or so in a smoke (Ketu) from a fire burning underneath to get the Mritunjaya Mantra. Sukracharya had also lived for 20 years in the stomach of Shiva (the first achiever Yoga) to learn the secrets of rejuvinating the dead. Thus the determination of Sukracharya is infused into the native and nothing can stop him from the cherished goal. Finally saturn the hard worker makes the native toil day and night for the objective. Now, let us examine houses. The only house for which all the three of Saturn, Venus and Ketu are significators is 12th house. Thus, this Tapaswi Yoga makes the chart focus on the 12th house and Moksha etc and mantra like OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA etc Dwadasakshari (12 lettered amntra) are very favourable. Any good Dwadasaksharimantra can activate this Yoga.

++++++ There is a lot of difference between Pravrajya Yoga , Tapaswi Yoga or Daridra Yoga etc. Each yoga is very peculiar and has a specific meaning. If four or more planets conjoin in a sign in a kendra then Pravrajya Yoga results. The person does not desire Rajya and renounces this world. If one of these four planets is in Swakshetra, Moolatrikona etc, then the Pravrajya Yoga will also transform into a Mahapurusha Yoga where the native has great achievements in Yoga etc. If these planets (Four or more) are in dusthana, then although the person is spiritual, there will not be any Pravrajya. Tapaswi Yoga is different and has already been explained earlier. Anybody can be a Tapaswi..there must be a strong desire to give up everything else to achive the objective of this birth or some specific objective. this objective become NARAYANA for the person and he/she cannot see anything else other than this objective.

++++++ Before getting into this complication, let us ask a simple question. Is the wife of Bill gates a pauper? No, she is also a billionaire. How will you address the wife of the King? Ans..Queen In this manner the seventh from the Lagna, HL or GL is the partner that can also bring Yoga benefits. This partner can be spouse, business partner or a deity also! Why get into the complication from which tree the Mango came. Just go ahead and eat the Mango.

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In a similar vein, the seventh from the HL and GL are also the satya Peetha for these Lagna and can bring Yoga of power and wealth respectively. Now let us examine the cases you gave. In the chart of AKBAR, the GL is in the seventh house of partners or spouse. Now, Akbar followed what is called MARRIAGE DIPLOMACY in that he would force the defeated Rajput kings to part with their daughters and he would marry them . He had a whole HAREM of the daughters of alliance/defeated Rajput kings. Thus he felt SECURE and strong when he had these ladies with himself knowing fully well that these kings would stand by him in view of the relationship. GL IN 7TH HOUSE....Thus the power came and from the seventh house. The GL is the ultimate source of all Authority. Jupiter is a Yogada in the chart of AKBAR and inspite of being the 6th Lord, gave very good Rajyoga for him in Jupiter Dasa as it is a YOGADA. In the Case of rajiv Gandhi or Queen Victoria, these points conjoin inLagna. So any planet placed in or aspecting Lagna is a Yogada and the 7thlord from Lagna also becomes a Yogada. YOGADA means YOGA + ADA or HE WHO BRINGS YOGA (Blessings). ++++++ The definition of the Mahapurusha Yoga comes from the rasi Chart like Kalpadruma Yoga and similar Yoga. This is also dependant on the gati of theplanet as well as the D-Charts, and a host of other factors. Similar placements in the D-charts independantly also auger well for the concerned d-Chart, but cannot give the seults of all the factors listed under the Yoga. This is obvious. Finally, ONLY ONE Mahapurusha Yoga shall function in a lifetime.


1. The point is that the Mahapurusha Yoga as it is defined in BPHS must show up in the Rasi Chart. The quality and extent to which this will manifest will depend on the Divisional charts. Example1: Say Mercury is exalted in the tenth house for a person born in Sagittarius Lagna, then the potential or SEED for a Mahapurusha Yoga is seen. Now if Mercury is in debilitated Navamsa, this results in Raja-Bhanga Neecha Yoga and the Yoga exists only as a potentiality as its activation is very difficult unless Jupiter is very strong. In real life this is seen in the example of Sanjaya the charioteer of King Dritarashtra. He never had any gyana and was a charioteer like we have taxi or staff car drivers, yet when the time came, a STrong Jupiter in the form of Maharishi Veda Vyasa blessed him and the Bhagavat Gita flowed like nectar from his lips. Another example in history is Kalidasa who was an ILLITERATE person!!! Who will believe this now? Look at his genius and the blessings of the Divine Jupiter leading him to Kali mata. 2. If a planet is strong in a divisional chart in a kendra, the results are to be understood as "AKIN TO MAHAPURUSHA YOGA". This does not constitute a Mahapurusha Yoga by itself, but is quite similar and the results will be limited to the aspects ruled by the division. For example, Smt. Jayalalitha has got Jupiter in Sagittarius in Dasamsa with debilitated Rahu. We can say that she has "Hamsa Yoga in Karma" which will manifest in the form of making temples and other good karma during its periods. Thus in Rahu dasa Jupiter antardasa, she supported the BJP, but as soon as Saturn was to come, she joined hands with the Congress. Thus, in her dasamsa, Jupiter the Lagnesh of D-10 is BJP and Saturn is the Congress. Is there any doubt that she has made the political blunder of her life as the Dasamsa Lagna is Sagittarius? But where is the "Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga which should create a Paramhamsa like Yogananda". You can use the term HAMSA YOGA to indicate the similarity with the main yoga, but be very careful while classifying any person as MAHAPURUSHA. 3. The term Mahapurusha has been defined on the basis of PURUSHOTTAMA Bhagawan Sri Ramachandra. This becomes all the more clear when we read Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira. Understanding PARASARA Muni is very difficult. Everyday I get a deeper understanding the Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra and depend very much on the mercy of Sri Jagannatha Mahaprabhu for this. MAHAPURUSHA YOGA MEANS SPARK OF THE DIVINE OR THAT THE PERSON WILL HAVE AT LEAST SOME QUALITIES OF PURUSHOTTAMA BHAGAVAN SRI RAMACHANDRA. The Mahapurusha Yoga should not be treated like the other Yoga and they are very special. That is why Parasara has devoted

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a separate chapter to them and thereafter he explains the Panchatatwa that give rise to the Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. For a better understanding, treat the Pancha Pandava as the Pancha Mahapurusha and see their Yoga with Bhagawan and their Karma as the servants of Bhagawan Sri Krishna. These five Mahapurusha Yoga are based on the Panchatatwa, the fundamental principle of Sankhya Shastra. Thus a person born in any Mahapurusha Yoga, and if that Yoga is to manifest, should be actually working for God. Example: Adolf Hitler. Hitler had Mars in the seventh in Aries and had the potential for a Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga. But, what Karma did he do? Slaughtering Jews or any other innocent people of the world is antiGod and we cannot say that that he was working as a Mahapurusha. Thus, please be careful while using this terminology as we can distort Jyotish Vidya. 4. A question that naturally arises is that if the potentiality of Mahapurusha Yoga is there in a Chart, how and when will it manifest? The reply to this is seen in Saravali of Kalyana Verma. Mahapurusha Yoga will manifest on the basis of the strength of Savitur and Soma. While the Sun (Savitur) should be strong for the starting of the yoga, the Moon (Soma) should be strong for the sustenance of the Mahapurusha yoga. If neither is strong, only some effects will be seen during the Dasa of the planet causing the Mahapurusha Yoga. 5. Another Question that follows this is "What can we do to ensure that we remain in the right path and am working as a servant of Bhagawan instead of going the way of Adolf Hitler types?" The answer lies in the Rig Veda. The sloka will be in my new book. Suffice is to say that all Lagna's are worshipped with the mantra "HARI"; the Sun is best worshipped with the mantra "RAMA" and the MOON is best worshipped with the Mantra "KRISHNA". Thus, regular chanting of these three names will ensure that you work as His servant and do not stray. You can do this with either of the Mantra: Meditation: HARE-RAMA-KRISHNA (Called the Janaka Shadakshara) Maha-Mantra: HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE. If you have not yet started this, start it today before it becomes too late and Rahu takes over. Other details from Standard texts. I submit my little understanding of the Hora Shastra to the learned Jyotisha of the world.

Surya The Aaditya are the 12 sun signs and get energised or come into their truest nature when the sun is in them. They are the givers of everything in this world.

Shani Saturn does not hurt really, in the long run; he actually heals as it is the opportunity to undo past Karma. Look at the life of Rama. Had Saturn dasa not come, How would the world have benefitted from the rare Satyanarayana Vesha that He took up in the jungles? Even today we think of Rama in this form and Hanumanji in the Rudra form. For Libra & Taurus Lagna, Saturn behaves like the Moon & Sun respectively andis not very bad but not too good either.

++++++ The Argala point is well taken. You are quite right about Saturn. Whereever Saturn is placed, we end up losing out in that area of life and yet we say that Saturn protects the house where he sits. It is well known that in the 11th or 3rd house saturn does away with the elder or youger coborn in due couse of time and if he is supported by some other demon like naughty Rahu, then he does not waste time in doing this diabolical job - the coborn dies early. Similarly with fifth house where children are denied or some pain is caused. This is my personal experience where even a Saturn in Aquarius in the fifth house did not fail to show his form.

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Look at this rationally. He is weak so whatever he represents is weak and will die soon. If this is a brother, then this is lost early and if money, then this is depleted soon...So, does he really protect??? Talking of Deva's, perhaps he is the most unwelcome one. When his presence is felt nearby (i.e. transits the 12th house in Sade sati), your wife feels that you are the most despicable person in this world. And what is worse, if you are a devoted person having decided not to marry and dedicate yourself to Spirituality, then this results in your "falling" in love and tying the knot (perhaps aroung the neck!). In any case, you get the opposite of what you want and the result is sorrow in personal life. Finally he arrives at your forte, your Janma rasi and then you make all the mistakes you can imagine. Even Krishna admired the Moon on chaturthi during such a transit, so what to speak of little mortals like us. Having made all those mistakes your self confidence, esteem and ideals are shaken and you are left wondering whether there is any wisdom left within. Finally he bids good bye and you breathe in relief only to realise that he is not yet fully gone having stumbled at your gate. He intends to punish you for all the sins 'you' did when he was sitting on your head and guiding you! The crops are destroyed like the famine near Dwarka after Krishna admired the Moon on Chaturthi. He takes away all the savings, land and food as 'penalty' and leaves you high and dry. That's the story of Sade-sati. And what about the other houses? In the fourth, it is Kantaka sani like in the eighth…finally you realise that he is the just one, the truest dispenser of justice as he is the one who punishes you for the mistakes you made because of him!!! His aspects are universally accepted as terrible and most undesirable as they cause death and disease. Little Ganesha ended up fighting his father Shiva and having His head chopped off due to this aspect of Saturn who had unwitting admired His beauty as a baby in the mothers lap. Later, thanks to Vishnu Ganapati not only got a elephants head but also got the boon from His mother that where ever He sits Saturn shall neither dare to look nor stay. And per chance if Saturn were to show up, then Ganesha would transform him into a tiny mouse and take a piggyback ride. Imagine a little mouse having to go around the earth three times (remember the three transits of Saturn analogy) with a huge elephant bodied Ganapati. Well, that is truly Justice done. So, lets cheer up as Ganapati is always there to help just as he had heard Radha’s prayer and come to the Krishna's aid. Om namo Ganapataye vighna-vinashine swaha. (16 phoneme) ++++++ Durga destroued the demon Mahisasura who had the capacity to change form and fool everybody. When all the Gods failed to kill him, they got together and gave their strength to Durga (this is typical of the nodes ans they borrow the nature and strengths of the planets they conjoin). Thereafter in a fierce battle Durga killed him and is called "Mahisasura Mardini". It is for this particular form of Durga that Saturn is terribly scared of her. Durga is Shakti and Saturn represents the buffalo form of the asura (in fact the buffalo that yama rides is also ruled by Saturn). Thus, by worshipping Durga in this form, all troubles related to Saturn will surely vanish as no matter how powerful the evil, it is ultimately destroyed. The ten weapons that She takes from the Gods become the ten hands of the mother and also form the Dasakshari Mantra which is recited during Navratra. OM AIM HRIM KLEEM CHAMUNDAYAI VICHCHAI. ++++++ Question: "I could not understand what is hidden in "Mars naturally opposes Saturn". Answer: This is the Kala-Chakra. Saturn is in the NW & Mars in SE. Understand the kala-Chakra and the Astadala padma which is the foundation of Hinduism and Jyotish.


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Jupiter (Brihaspati) & Brihaspati alone is the Dhi, large quantities of which cause man to be above other creatures and Brihaspati alone is the giver of intuition and the activation of the third eye (Agni chakshyu). This third eye was and is originally that of Isana (Shiva) as He alone has the complete knowledge of the Supreme Personality. As Sadashiva, He becomes the first or primary guru to pass this knowledge through Parvati and other learners for the lineage and propagation of the knowledge and benefit of others (read-world). Brihaspati's strength in a vargas gives the rare boon to see the past and future clearly. ++++++ Jupiter in the first house gives intelligence and good health ruled by the first house. In the second he gives money. In the third or eleventh, brothers are promised and in the fourth excellent properties, vehicles and learning. In the fifth knowledge and excellent children are promised while in the sixth the native is foeless. In the seventh the spouse and marriage usher in the blessings of Shiva while in the 8th longevity is promised. Asura Yoga could resultif the 8th is not a fixed sign, but in any case, longevity is not hampered. Ninth Guru gives Dharma while in the tenth wealth and excellent reputation are indicated. In the 12th, good expenses on religious and spiritual causes opens the doors for moksha. So, can we say that Jupiter destroys the significations of the houses it is in? Even in Shoola dasa, the sign occupied by Jupiter does not kill in the normal circumstances as Amrita is obtained from deva guru. Afflicted jupiter is another issue. In any case, a sincere bow to Sri MahaVishnu will remove all the blemishes. ++++++ Deva Guru Brihaspati is the ONLY true representative of Bhagavan. This has been explained in Prasna Marga. Always keep Brihaspati in a Kendra. See the chart os ISKCON. The complete power of the Greatest of Rajyoga in the chart of Srila Prabhupada (Combination of the Sun & Jupiter with Mokshkaraka) continues in a Kendra in the Chart of ISKCON. Thus, ISKCON becomes the vehicle of Bhagavan to fulfill the Yoga promised in Srila's chart. ++++++ Gaja means elephant and Kesari refers to the Moon. When these two planets are in MUTUAL quadrants, then Gajakesari Yoga exists and Gaja or Jupiter is very strong. If Jupiter owns malefic houses, then this can be bad as well for material life, but Gajakesari is always good for faith. ++++++ Jupiter is the natural Karaka of Paka lagna or in simpler words, the significator of the lagna Lord. Thus Jupiter conjoining a fire or poison combination shows that the person himself is subject to the fire hazard or the poison danger. Venus is the natural significator of the seventh and shows the opposite of the indications. Thus, fire hazard or poison danger signified by the sixth is quenched/obstructed by Venus. Since Jupiter is the natural significator of the self, Narayana and the Gayatri mantra are indicated by it. Simioarly, the power to quench all fires/poisons etc. gives the Mritunjaya mantra to venus. Thus Deva guru ruling sukla Paksha also indicates Vaishnava and Sikra (Venus) ruling the Krusna Paksha indicates Shaivites. Going further, Vishnu rules the day and shiva rules the night. Thus Vishnu also rules the Sun/Jupiter and Shiva rules the Moon/Saturn. In this manner a perfect two-fold division can be made which forms HORA shastra. ++++++ Parasara is very clear is assigning the primary role of "Dhi" to Jupiter and "Vach" to Mercury. Jupiter also rules the Sahasrara Chakra, the seat of intelligence, Knowing (or knowledge) and understanding that leads to wisdom. Mercury is the "Vach" or the power of expression, whether in the written media or spoken or in any other form. We can call this as a function of intelligence, but not intelligence in itself. For example, man is an intelligent creature and can speak languages whereas other animals cannot speak languages. Here the expression of intelligence is being stated and not intelligence in itself.

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This is a very subtle difference. I think this concept of Mercury ruling intelligence and Jupiter ruling happiness is more from western astrology. Sukha or happiness is attributed to Venus and not Jupiter. This is the view of Parasara Muni. It is a separate issue that Venus gets exalted in a sign of Jupiter and a strong Jupiter could enhance the significations of Venus (at least the Sukha aspect) or a Putrakaraka Jupiter can protect marriage (Venus). ++++++ Jupiter represents the "Dhi-Shakti" and is the Karaka of the Dhimantah Yoga and the receiver of the Gayatri mantra (Tat Savitur...Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat). That is why the Gayatri Mantra is very sacred for the priests or Brahmana's (Jupiter). Jupiter worships the Holy fire or the "Cause" of the Rays of the Sun called Savitur (Prasava-Karana-Devata), also called Surya Narayana. Now, Jupiter transfers this Dhi-Shakti into individuals. Let us imagine the following situations: 1. 2. 3.

Jupiter (Priest) is running & direct: (Bheetavastha): Low Dhi-Shakti Priest is walking (normal motion); Good dhi-shakti Priest is sitting or meditating: Stationery...Guess the Dhimantah Yoga??

Similarly, the different motions of different planets produces different effects. ++++++ Agreed that there are many meanings of the word Dhi and that these also include, understanding, intelligence and wisdom personified as Brihaspati in the Rig Veda. Guru is the Lord of this faculty of the Brain called Sahasrara Padma and is of white color. This includes all the other seven colors as well as all the shades in it. This is the area of Memory where a jupiter in Simhasanamsa can give the memory of the past three births! (Sarvartha Chintamani). At least you have agreed that Parasara has stated that DHI is ruled by Brihaspati/ Jupiter and Vach by Mercury. Now, instead of saying that Buddha is like Buddhi and hence rules intelligence, we need to find the usage of the word Dhi and its meanings as given in other works of Jyotish. In usage, this is the Most fundamental Gayatri mantra of the Brahmana (Jupiter) where they say "...Bhargo Devasya Dhi-Mahi; Dhi-yo Yo Nah Prachodayaat". Finally, the exact four implications of the word DHI have been spelt out by Harihara in the monumental Classic PRASNA MARGA Madhyatavyadhipam Dugdhasindhukanyadhwam Dhi-ya Dhiyayami Sadhwaham Buddhi Suddhi Vridhdhi Ca Sidhaye. Thus, DHI includes Buddhi (intelligence), Suddhi (Purity), Vridhdhi (Growth/Prosperity) and Siddhi (Success/accomplishment of good actions). "Dhi" comes from the Akash Tatwa that permeates all signs and interacts with the other four Tatwa to produce Buddhi (with Agni or light that leads to enlightenment and knowledge), Suddhi (with Jala), Vridhdhi (with Vayu) and Siddhi (with prithvi). Thus, the next natural question is "What is the role of Mercury and the Sun in their interaction with Jupiter and the real meaning of Dhi-mantah Yoga?" What is the real meaning of Budha-Aditya Yoga ? This prayer of Harihara also clarifies an important point, as to WHO IS THE RECEPIENT OF THE GAYATRI MANTRA. He prays to his Ista Devata Sri Venkateswara of Tirupati (Vishnu) while I address the same to Sri Jagannatha of Puri (Vishnu). Many books say that this is addressed to the Sun without realising that this is addressed to Savitur or Prasava-Karana Devata or Narayana Who is to be meditated upon in the center of the orb of the Sun. Being wise and being intelligent are but different parts of the same Dhi Shakti. A child (Mercury) is not wise, but has a deep desire to learn many things and attain the knowledge of the world. This is the effect of Prithvi tatwa ruled by Mercury and the deity Ganapati guides the intellect of the child towards Siddhi. Merely being OLD does not give wisdom, but this comes from the aquisition of knowledge, and Agni Tatwa and Surya Devata guide the intellect towards aquisition of knowledge and hence

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wisdom. Since the spheres of knowledge are many, so also a person who is wise in some matters may be very foolish in others. Coming to the types of knowledge or their broad classification, after the Overlordship of Jupiter, the Sun becomes the representative of knowledge with the six planets from the Mon toSaturn ruling the six types of knowledge that leads to salvation. These are Mimamsa, Vedanta, Nyaya, Vaisesika, Sankhya and Yoga. I am aware that Mercury rules Mimamsa which is definitely not logic. The latter is under Nyaya. Anyway everybody give their reasoning on this before we progress further.

Shukra When Venus becomes Marana Karaka and also the Lord of Lagna, then it shall protect the native from many death like situations just like the Mritunjaya Mantra ruled by it. The native shall have many very impossible experiences and then will also come out strong. Such a native shall have great faith in Shiva. How can exalted Lagna Lord be bad? Lagna Lord is never bad..

+++++ Venus is an exception for this matter as he alone was successful in the tremendous tapasya that gave the Mritunjaya Mantra. Venus (Sukracharya) deserved it - as was predicted by Krishna. Thus diamond is a must for people with Venus in Marana Karaka sthana. The Mritunjaya mantra is activated. If Venus is lord of Lagna, then such people are very strong internally and have a rare ability to "rise from the dead", 'to come out of the worst crisis even if they are buried 10 feet under the ground! That is the power of the Tapaswi Yoga.

+++++ Question: Venus - Jup (Dwiguru Yog). What would be the effect of this combination in the 4th and the 12th house? Venus will become all the more powerful. As such this yoga makes Venus powerful, but in such houses where it has digbala and its karakatwa is strong, it becomes very powerful resulting in excessive attration for opposite sex. In the seventh house this will be so marked that even married women and all and sundry would throng for his indulgence and if Rahu is also in Arudha Lagna, he would be most obliging...sad but then this Dwi Guru Yoga gives in very great proportions. I prefer this in houses where Jupiter is the Karaka like 2, 5, 9 or 11. In Virgo there shall be a great harvest with plenty of food. In taurus, the cows shall yeild many times more milk than what is normal.

++++++ Venus in the seventh does increase sexual desire. There is no doubt to this, but a strong Jupiter can curb this. In fact, strong Mercury will surely curb this. Point is to study the Darapada and Upapada as well as the Arudha Lagna and see the placement of Venus from here. Take the chart of Bhagavan Sri Ram. In this Satya Narayana Vesha, he came to teach the values of fidelity and we see Venus (Marriage Karaka) exalted in the ninth house. Thus the Dharma he taught about marriage still forms the foundation of Hinduism. Since Venus is in the 12th house from Arudha Lagna, loss of wife was a permanent feature of His life in this planet. Since Venus is exalted in the ninth house, the ideals which He expressed and showed by real life example are the foundation of Dharma and marriage. There cannot be a single rule and the Navamsa also is very important. ++++++ Learn to think of the signification in "other possibilities" so that the understanding is easier. Venus rules clothes as well. Thus, a cloth can become impure out of use (6th house or Rahu) and its use

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without washing can cause disease. It can become old and worn out (8th house or saturn) or it can become tatterd & torn (with Mars). It can be burnt (Sun) or just a piece of rag (with Ketu)....similarly for its purity. Shasta Sukra Maranakaraka is the worst. ++++++ Venus and Moon are poles apart. My wife will want me to work hard and earn as much money for the family comfort whereas my mother will want that I should eat well, sleep well and be happy. Happiness is the key to MOKSHA. That is why the naisargika (Natural) mantra for all beings is "Hare Krishna" which is a four akshara (letter) mantra (from Mana-Mind and Trai- to protect).Here the reference is to the Moon (Krishna as the Moon takes the Mind to His Holy feet). Venus is the opposite. Venus should also be in such a mode of giving and not taking. In a mood of fasting and not overeating. In a mood of abstinence instead of desire. Such a mood is the reversal of the basic nature of Venus. That is why when all the planets orbit the Sun in the clockwise direction, Venus orbits in the anti-clockwise direction i.e. it is going in the naturally wrong path and is the cause or root of all desire. Here when we look at "WOMANHOOD" (Pearl & Phyl I hope you are reading this), there are two major roles: That of a Mother (Matri) and that of the wife (Stri). The role as Matri is most vital as this rules Bhu Loka where we live and thus the Divine Mother or all mothers actually run this world. Unless the Mother blesses, it is not possible to make even an inch of progress in this direction. Venus with Ketu indicates abstinence while with Rahu it indicates gluttony. Coming to primary significators, Venus rules SUKHA or happiness and thus a good Venus can give long term or permanent happiness instead of hankering for short term hapiness. Digbala of Venus is important no doubt, but what is more important is the purity of Venus. ++++++ Kalatrakaraka is normally used for Venus the Natural significator while DARAKARAKA is used for the Charakaraka. In any case, in my chart this is Rahu and not Saturn. Sani is the AK. The clue to my question lies in the point of 7 Sthira,8 Chara and 9 naisargika Karaka. Until you have why they are in these numbers. You have made an excellent attempt- Vey logical indeed. I need more depth. try again after meditating on Sri Jagannatha Mahaprabhu. Let me also wait for the others to attempt this. ++++++ Venus is the brilliant Morning star that is exalted in Pisces the house of the Maharishi's. In determining Muhurat, Friday coinciding with Revati Nakshatra the star of exaltation of Venus is considered very auspicious. It is evident that the conjunction of Jupiter either in the Rasi chart or during Dasa (like JupVen) is considered very auspicious and excellent results have been prescribed. The deity of Venus is Mahalakshmi and when the Asura had defeated the Deva's and were running away with Mahalakshmi, the Deva's went to Dattatreya (Om form of Vishnu) and asked Him to do something. With His divine sight Dattaguru saw that the Asura were carrying Lakshmi on their head and started smiling. He asked the Deva not to worry and told that Lakshmi would return very soon. This happened exactly as Dattatreya had predicted and the perplexed Deva asked for the reasons. Dattatreya explained that Lakshmi is symbolic of money and those people who have Lakshmi in their heads are bound to lose Her grace and consequently lose Her. Instead those who have Lakshmi in their thighs (ninth house-Dharma) will always find stability in wealth and Lakshmi will be please to be with them. Thus, Rahu & Saturn have Rajyoga due to Venus and Venus becomes a Yogakaraka for Capricorn and Aquarius. These people are always yearning for Lakshmi and consequently they may be fortunate to get Her sometimes, but invariably lose Her. That is why Rahu-Ven or Ven-Rahu, Sat-Ven or Ven-Sat periods are terrible as Lakshmi is said to LEAVE THE HOUSE. Financial pressures and misfortune

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result. The only exceptions are the Lagna of Jupiter (Pisces & Sagitarius) as they have the sence to use Lakshmi properly and give Her a respectable place next to Her Lord...see the real life & jyotish implications. ++++++ There is a considerable amount of overlapping between the functions of the student and the teacher. At a point of time the Buddha (Student) becomes a Guru (Teacher) and yet, he continues to be a student of his own Guru. This is true for all of us. The name Vachaspati refers to Guru as the teacher (most primary) of the Veda's in the oral tradition. Brihaspati taught this to the Maharishi's and now we have them. Hence He is the Vedic Speech personified. However, the act of speaking and the ability to do so depends on the vocal chords resonating certain sound waves. These sound waves need the medium of AIR or Vayu Tatwa (ruled by Saturn). Without the presence of air, Vac would not exist in this world. Not denying that sound waves cannot travel through other medium as we know that they travel through wires etc., the Natural mode is air. However speech is created in the Mooladhara ruled by Ganesha. Thus Mercury the Lord of the Prithvi Tatwa is the lord of Vak/Speech/Sound. I hope you have followed my earlier mails to Narasimha on this. Further, the Lord of hearing is Jupiter! Thus although with the blessings of Mercury the student can have a few golden words from his teacher, unless Jupiter blesses, these words will be meaningless, unheard and unlearnt.

Rahu & Ketu The nodes do not necessarily indicate caesarian delivery. I have Ketu in navamsa Lagna and was not a caesarian delivery. Just forceps as the huge nut refused to see the light of this world and the doctor had to use force to ensure that I survived. Guess I must have been a big sinner. The point is it shows something unnatural and causing anxiety - typical of the nodes. It will not be a natural delivery. Now, birth circumstances are seen from Lagna (Saravali) at birth and conception charts. There has to be a Martian influence to indicate the KNIFE. Moon can indicate difficulties in childhood and not delivery alone. An afflicted Moon can indicate balarishta i.e. death occuring a few years after a smooth delivery also. So, it is the Lagna and don't forget to see the shastyamsa as this is an event that is happening immediately on birth itself. So, there is no karma of this life to play with. Whatever is happening is due to last birth.

+++++++ Rahu also has the power to see the future, but it is not through Jyotish. Jyotish Vision comes from Jupiter and Bhagavan Vishnu. Rahu gives siddhi's like Karna Pisachini.

+++++++ Rahu indicates the "IMPORT of Goods and Services" while Ketu indicates "EXPORT" of the same.

++++++ When we talk of exaltation of the nodes, we should try to understand as to what is happening. Rahu exaltation is like Ravana the ten headed one where the heads refuse to die having partaken amrita. Now, Jupiter aspecting these nodes is going to intervene in their affairs and will not allow the exaltation to continue, just like Rama intervened in the affairs of Ravana. The net result is Ramayana i.e. the nodes fall. Look at my chart. For many years Narasimha asked why I took Mars to be stronger when Ketu is exalted.

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Jupiter in Pisces is aspecting the nodes and Mars and will give the great fighting powers to Mars just like the association of Bhagavan Sri Rama gave immeasurable strength to Hanuman. Thus Mars is not the simple Virgo placed Mars any more. He is now very strong and successfully defeats Ketu in the Lordship of scorpio. Similarly the one year additional period that the nodes get loses its significance in front of Jupiter who will not tolerate Adharma sitting on the throne. Thus this exception maybe noted "Jupiter aspecting the nodes will make them weak and cause their fall". There are so many such small things.

+++++ The term TRUE used for TRUE Nodes is a misnomer as these are merely mathematical points based on the intersection of the plane of the motion of the Moon (around the earth) and the earth (around the Sun). The principle to be used for the mathematical derivation is the important criteria and as Narasimha as already mentioned, the fact of their constant retrogression is the Jyotish principle enunciated by the Maharishi's. Thus if we were to apply this requirement that Rahu and Ketu must be retrograde all the time, then the calculations used for what is called TRUE NODE is incorrect as you will find them direct sometimes and retrograde at other times. Instead using MEAN NODES we find them to be retrograde all the time and this is advisable for use. Now coming to the Charakaraka Question, this will also depend on the Ayanamsa used in addition. Using Lahiri ayanamsa, we find Rahu becoming the Darakaraka. Use this for the present until that day when SJVC is able to sponsor a study into Ayanamsa and arrive at a very good result. Lahiri seems to be the closest so far.

++++++ Ketu alone cannot give the Tapaswi Yoga. All three of Saturn, Venus and Ketu are required for a good tapaswi. If only Saturn and Ketu are there, then the person will only wear the garb of a tapaswi and will not be sincere. Thus Venus gives sincerity, whether it be a love affair or love for God & Moksha (Venus+Ketu) or love for austerities (Venus+Saturn). The person is genuine. (Jaimini Sutra).

++++++ The Mean Node is the correct Node. "True Node" is a misnomer as it is merely a mathematical point. Oscillation i.e retrogression for a few Days and direct motion for a few days is not allowed by the Maharishi's. This is allowed for the other planets, but not for Rahu. It is for this reason that for the calculation of Chara Karaka, the longitude of Rahu is always reckoned from the end of the sign. For other planets, even if they are retrograde, their longitude is reckoned from the begining of the sign.

++++++ "NO BODY, WHETHER PLANET OR SIGN, CAN ASPECT THE SIGNS NEXT TO IT, EXCEPT THE GREAT CAUSE OF REBIRTH I.E. RAHU". Rahu represents the Various desires and other evils which have eclipsed our Dharma (Sun) from the very time our Atma had an independant existance from the Paramatma. This causes rebirth again and again as RAHU HAS A SPECIAL ASPECT ON THE 12TH HOUSE RECKONED IN THE REVERSE AS RAHU IS RETROGRADE. thus counted directly this is the 2nd house. The 12th house has to do with Moksha and the ONLY real obstruction to all of us getting Moksha is Rahu. The influence on the 2nd/12th is by way of ARGALA and this is planetary/sign intervention. If a Car is standing right in front of your Car, almost touching it (like the signs next to each other touch each other), it is difficult to go ahead by ignoring its intervention. If there is another Car Behind, then you cannot back out also. In this manner try to visualise the influence of the argala in real life. When you try to visualise, then the PARAMJYOTI awakens and you shall have the power to see the past present and future or to see Bhagavan whereever He wishes to reveal Himself.

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++++++ The nodes are the cause of KALI in this yuga and to say that they do not participate in warfare is preposterous. They are always fighting. They are born to do just that chasing after the moon - Rahu always pulling the Moon upwards and Ketu puling it down. Poor Moon - the curse of Ganesha must bear. All nodes and planets are treated equally in war especially look out for Mars & Ketu and Jupiter and Rahu. Check the date when they crossed in battle recently: Sept 11 2001!

++++++ Ketu in 12th house will disturb the married life for 3 years or till the birth of the first child. Keep a dancing Ganapati of brass near the bed side. ++++++ Kuja Vat Ketu refers to the INFRA RED COLOR of Ketu which is similar in its effect to the red of Mars. Too much heat. Why will it give divorce? It can only indicate fighting and excessive attachment (sexual type). As regards fruits, Ketu is Mokshkaraka and for a few years tried to tech the lessons of Brahmacharya and Moksha from the house it is placed in. Thus in the 12th or 7th, there is trouble for 3 years and crossing which the native has children. until children are born, there is danger to the marriage. thereafter it settles down. ++++++ The reasons for the benevolence of Rahu are very easy if we stick to the principles given in BPHS etc. The question here is the Lagna Aquarius and Rahu in tenth house. There is no other information and it is not advisable to speculate that I have some division or some individual horoscope in mind while giving these results. I always speak to the point and within the parameters given: 1.

Rahu in the tenth house is an excellent position as it gives success in all undertakings. There will be pilgrimages and reverence for God. This is well known. 2. Rahu is a dire malefic by nature and we must remember the dictum "Malefics debilitated in Kendra give Rajyoga". The debility or destruction of Rahu leads to rajyoga, which in its highest sence is Krishna Consciousness as Rahu is placed in opposition to Mercury (VishnuKrishna) in the Kalachakra (Refer my book Vedic Remedies in Astrology for details). Being in a Kendra in debility this Rajyoga in the material world is also present. thus the native shall become very spiritual, a fovorite of Krishna and shall also have associaiton with high dignitaries and powerful persons. 3. For perfect Krishna consciousness or atleast to move towards it, the placement of Rahu in the 7th or 12th from Arudha Lagna is advisable as then the perosn rejects the temptations of Rahu (Re-birth) and prefers Ketu (Moksha or final emancipation in some manner from re-birth). Dr Raman used to speak very highly of this as is available in his voluminous writings. Since rahu is the c0-lord of Aquarius, the Arudha Lagna shall be in Taurus. (Refer UPSJ or Crux of Vedic Astrology for calculating the arudha pada). Since Rahu is in Scorpio, it goes that Ketu will be in taurus. Thus, rahu placed in the seventh from tha Arudha Lagna will surely indicate a person who shall reject the temptations of Rahu in this Material world (AL) and shall embrace Ketu the Mokshakaraka. This is what assures the person of spiritual development towards Krishna Consciousness. 4. The case cited by Narasimha is that of Dinanath Das and when I met Dinanath for the first time, he had come to show his chart and had asked (Testing!!) whether I can indicate the period of his coming to ISKCON. Even without thinking hard, my immediate answer was "With the start of rahu Dasa". The reasons are many and all are available in the Rasi chart. I corrected the chart at a later date so, the D Charts were hardly seen. You can get the chart from Shri dinanath das.


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Ketu is the naisargika Mokshakaraka and represents the deity Ganapati. Thus the placement of Ketu in different houses shows the door for Moksha for the native. That was the real desire of Ganapati Maharaj as He meditated on MahavIshnu. However, fate had a different roe to play and the unwed Tulasi saw Him meditating and was attracted to him as Ganapati, in His meditation had imbibed the nature of Mahavishnu. She disturbed his meditation and said that she wanted to marry him. Ganapati was infuriated and cursed Her that just as she had disturbed His meditation on Vishnu, it would be the responsibility of Vishnu to ruin Her chastity and He declared that He was determined to be a Brahmachari. On hearing this, the poor Tulasi also lost her composure and cursed Him to have TWO wives (what to talk of Brahmacharya!!). Thanks to this hand of Bhagavan, both curses were fulfilled and Tulasi, having wed Vishnu became His consort and the purest deity in Himduism. Also Ganapati Maharaj wedded Vidya and Siddhi on a later occasion. That is why the ultimate desire of Ketu is to grant Moksha, but due to the words of Tulasi, it also gives marriages for the benefit of the Kula (Family) and lineage. since Tulasi is another name for PURITY, this marriage shall lead to the increase of Dharma. Lesson: In Jyotish, there are no black and white rules. Apply all that you learn and try to think hard. For example we find many people who are flirting around settle down after marriage i.e. they keep the marriage vow and thus the excess sexuality is controlled due to Ketu. ++++++ When the nodes transit the houses opposite to their natal position, their evil is nullified. That is why the best Upaya (Remedy) for an evil Rahu is from Ketu and that for an evil ketu is from Rahu. Thus people born with the Rahu-Ketu axis exactly opposite yours will be very nice for you. Similarly, you will also be very nice for them. This entire THEORY OF CHART MATCHING IS BASED ON SATSANG OR GOOD COMPANY. ++++++ Maharshi Parasara is a co-author of the Rig Veda and has also authored the Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra. Thus, if Parasara treats Ketu as a Graha (or Chaya Graha) then this must have been so during the period of the Rig Veda. When reading classics, be careful of terminology. There are many ketu's like UpaKetu or just Ketu which is a mathematical point in space like Gulika. Comets were also called Ketu's due to their "Tail" as Ketu is supposed to be the tail part. There will also be references to ketu as a Flag..Dhwaja and as Sikhi and should be understood from the context. ++++++ The main reason for Parasara adopting Mean nodes is that THEN ONLY ARE THEY RETROGRADE ALL THE TIME. Else if you use True Nodes, then the nodes are direct for some time and retrograde at other times. This seems to go against thir primary nature as the Karmic Control Planets.

Moon Moon is a vital point for health. In fact the Chandra Lagna chakra is seen only for health. You are very intelligent and have caught the point immediately. Understanding the basics and making them a part of your thinking is important in Jyotish..Manu's teachings help a lot.


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Yes it does overlap, especially in Sudasa as this is also computed with reference to the Moon as Lakshmi or Sri was born with the Moon (study samudra Manthana) and that is also why the Beejakshara for the Moon is Srim. Consider it this way. There is an environment presented (Narayana Dasa) bbefore a native at any point of time where the choises are very limited. Furthermore, the final decision of te native (Vimsottari) will depend on the resources available at hand (Sudasa). His final decision will depend on a host of factors besides just Mana. Spirituality clould also be an important input and for this the Drig Dasa is also important input. Only a great Jyotisha or a Maharishi is capable of summing the effect of all these situational factors, resources, desires of mind and soul and give a perfect answer.

++++++ Moon could also be associated with the fifth or ninth lord in Vimsamsa. Its placement in the 12th also gives Krishna Bhakti but in a different manner not the normal Bhakti but a deeper renunciation. Be careful in rectification.

++++++ The Moon is the mana and has to do with the way our mind works in this world. The Janma Rasi is how we think for our self, the 12th from the moon controls the way we think of our "Anuchara" or the family that is following us and the second about those who we follow in our work and other pursuits. Transit Saturn in the 12th gives troubles in marriage/life/home changes, in the Lagna to self/helth/friends/image and in the 2nd to profession/wealth/reputation besides all kinds of things coming under Sade-sati.

++++++ The mana is a feild on which various factors work, one is intelligence, another memory , then there is the learning ability, the comprehension ability and so on and so forth. Look at the animals - the elephant has a great memory and never forgets is what is generally talked about in villages of India..that is Jupiter it is the power to remember because it is in the right brain. It is not the smartness that comes from a rapid comprehension and keen eye that comes from Venus nor is it the learning ability of Mercury..all these work on the Mana. If the mana itself is damaged, then what shall we do with all the intelligence and memory? So Moon is important.


Neecha, Combustion and Retrogression Combustion is caused when the rays of a planet fail to reach us due to it being "BEHIND THE SUN". All planets move in one direction around the Sun EXCEPTING Venus whose natural motion around the Sun is opposite to the other planets. Thus the natural motion of Venus is a RETROGRADE motion. THAT IS WHY VENUS IS ASURA GURU. So, Venus gets combust in retrogression and Mercury in direct motion. ++++++ Nowhere is it written that planets cannot be retrograde in divisions and that is what I have said. I do not make statements outside the texts without the support of the scriptures. In any case the point is worth testing as then only can we say for sure that our belief is true or not. That is the scientific temper as this area is not explicitly stated in the texts. We have been using D-charts like normal charts on the basis of the statement of Parasara, and only experience has confirmed our beliefs regarding GL & HL in the divisions other than D-1, D-3 & D-9. This proves that other rules can also be extended to D-Charts, but carefully, and after proper testing.

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That is why although I have some knowledge about the various Hora Charts; I have always encouraged Richard and Purushottam in their experiments. If they are sincere, then sooner or later when Sri Jagannatha wills it, they will stumble on the truth. It is my sincerest wish that all Human beings strive for this truth and whenever I can, I shall always have an encouraging word for them. That is why Maharshi Vishwamitra advises us to follow Him in this most beautiful prayer in the Rig Veda: SUCHIR-MARKAIR-BRIHASPATIM-ADHVARESHU NAMASYATAH "[With His Divine Grace may] we approach Brihaspati with pure, untainted and clear thoughts which shall lead our good actions [in this Brahmanda] to definite Success." ++++++ How can I lose something that I do not own? It is like saying that the beggar lost a kingdom!!! Intelligence is called Dhi and is ruled by Brihaspati. What is combustion? It is the placement of a planet BEHIND the Sun and what is ECLIPSE? It is the placement IN FRONT OF the Sun. The Sun represents the ruling powers. Thus, in the Mahabharata battle, the Sun (Karna) was on the side of Duryodhana. The most crucial stage in the battle was when arjuna was to fulfill his promise of killling his sons murderer within a day, else commit suicide and we see how the eclipse came to his rescue. Thus, the eclipse which indicates major political changes in the land where it occurs did occur in North India and the result was that from that very moment, the tide changed in favor of the Pandava. In contrast, when a planet is behind the Sun, the ruling powers shall become stronger by supressing the matters ruled by the planet. For example Mercury is the power to learn and this is very important for growth. Thus Mercury rules the natural upachaya and those people who learn through out their lives are growing, others are not. When the combustion od Mercury occurs, such people normally stop learning, especially when this happens in transit. On the other hand, if Mercury is ahead of the Sun, it gains "EXTRA RAYS" and then the learning ability is far inexcess of what is natural. Such people learn fast and grow fast. In the light of this, we can have a "FEW TYPES" of Budha-Aditya Yoga. Here, aditya is the power to work and earn money for a happy life. In the Budha-aditya Yoga, the learner learns quickly the skills etc required to excell in his practise/work. If Mercury is behind the Sun in degrees, then he continues to follow what is taught; if ahead of the Sun, he tries one-upmanship on this superiors; if behind the Sun, he fails to learn much and is just copying his superios; if in front of the Sun, he learns a lot and also develops his own methods to work better. IN FRONT of the sun for exterior planets like Mars, Saturn & Jupiter means opposite or Retrograde. Thus, a retrograde planet (except venus) gets extra rays or is capable of doing better than what is being taught and shall surpass or excel others in his line. Venus when direct is excellent.

++++++ Strength is understood best as the combination of both "QUALITY and QUANTITY". Thus when we accept that the combination of the nodes with the Luminaries is a potential "ECLIPSE", then we accept that this will result in a major shift at some stage in life i.e. when the eclipse starts. It is the timing of this eclipse and the affairs that it will focus on that matter. Narayana Dasa is a fine tool to determine the strengths as varying with time. Those in Kendra to Narayana will be strong. Focus on the basics for now.

++++++ The planet in very fast motion is said to be in Bheeta-avastha (coward/afraid) while the one in regular motion is in the best mood. The stationery planet, if Satwik is meditating and if Rajasik, is contemplating/schemeing and if Tamasik is sleeping. Thus the qualities of the Mahapurusha Yoga are greatly modified on the basis of the motion of the planet. When retrograde the effects of the Yoga are reversed. For example if Saturn has just become retrograde, we should understand that its earlier good disposition was gradually reduced to sleeping state (Stationery) and then on waking up, it is agitated and wishes to accomplish its desires at all costs. Thus, tamasik planets when retrograde go to any extent to achieve their desires. If they are in such a terrible mood in their own house!! it will indicate that the house must be on fire!. Thus the

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Mahapurusha Yoga results will be quite in contrast to the standard results. Something like "King Bruce and the Spider". Where the sleeping state will indicate that the King lost his kingdom and the subsequent retrogression shows his fight back to retrieve the lost kingdom. In any case, he is still KING BRUCE and a Mahapurusha (Redefined as a strong personality type after my discussions with Narasimha). Now, if the stationery state has been achieved "After retrogression" then the Tamasik planet is stated to be beneficial as it has achieved its objective and is "Resting (Sleeping but in a happy/contented mood)". In the negative sence it could show a personality who is ignorant and contented with his ignorance!! Thus, the extent of retrogression is very important. If the planet has reached its peak level of retrogression (opposition to the Sun), then it shows the gradual reduction of the anger and gradual return to normalcy after obtaining its objective. HENCE, THE POSITION OF THE SUN FROM THE RETROGRADE PLANET IS OF PRIMARY IMPORTANCE. This is where we use Manu Smriti's basic computations in the Horoscope. If the Sun is in houses 5, 6 & 7 from the retrograde planet and before the seventh house longitude of the retrograde planet (for outer planets), Count the number of degrees from the Sun to the seventh house from the retrograde planet. Then in as many years from birth, the Sun shall strike down the retrograde planet and the suffering shall result in a change for the better as the retrogression (showing desires) decreases. If the Sun is in houses 7, 8 & 9 from the retrograde planet and beyond the seventh house longitude of the retrograde planet, then the Sun has already struck and the retrogression is on the wane. Count the number of degrees from the Sun to the ninth house from the retrograde planet and is as many years, the desires will either cease or the objective will be achieved. Example: Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn 26 Deg 50 Min and Sun is in the seventh from it in Cancer 21Deg 04 Min. The senth house longitude from Saturn is Cancer 26Deg 50 Min. Thus, motion of the sun to touch this longitude of the seventh house is 26Deg50Min Minus 21Deg 04Min = 5Deg 46Min. Thus, in about 5 years 9 months the Saturn would be defeated. Exactly after 5 Years 6 Months 7 days the native suffered a severe dogbite. In this manner the motion is to be understood and events can be approximately timed.

++++++ The retrograde planet is full of Rays and very very strong. Thus, it behaves like an independant Sun. For example Jupiter when retrograde will behave like a Yellow Sun while a retrograde Saturn will show light like a blue Sun. I have retrograde Saturn in the 11th house and it is also the atmakaraka indicating that I will follow the traditional line of my forefathers. Inspite of all the efforts of my family to make a good "engineer" out of me, I somehow continued with Jyotish. Saturn is in the 11th house and the hopes have been reversed during its period. Reversed means "Changed". For example in Saturn-Saturn we had a new Factory and a very high status, but in Saturn-Ketu the situation was reversed and it was lost. In both the examples you quote money matters that are best seen from the Arudha Lagna instead of Lagna. Ask the first friend about personal matters concerning the second house like choise of food, appetite, family affairs etc. While the second could have seen sorrow, but to what extent she will disclose is to be seen. When is your Mercury Dasa period? Please give the three charts and the Dasa for further discussion on these finer points. ++++++ Combustion is a state of being and is another AVASTHA like retrogression. In combustion the planet loses its own Rays whereas a planet in retrogression is full of Rays (Venus being the exception). Thus the combustion of a planet indicates its lack of influence on the chart by way of its natural nature and the planet shall be obliged to work for the sun alone and its significations. It shows a person who is under the dominating influence of a superior in the matters related to the signification of the planet. For example if Venus is combust, the artistic side can be lacking whereas if Mercury is combust the learning abilities are clouded or simply focused on the activities of the Sun (Dharma) and other learning is not present or not of much consequence.

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Conversely if a planet is retrograde, then its influence is very strong as it tends to initially give a strong desire and then abilities as well but not the results. The results are very difficult to achieve as the person is over ambitious in matters related to it and has very high GOALS. For example Saturn is my AK and is retrograde. This shows traditional learning as well as a strong desire and almost impossible goals to achieve in matters pertaining to the tradition. I expect too much from everybody in terms of sincerity and dedication to Jyotish and sometimes this can be very painful. Now what happens in Graha Yuddha? Can a combust planet win? Yes it can. Take an example. If four planets conjoin (as in the case of one of this list members), it shows spirituality of a high order and if one of them is combust and also ahead of the Sun, then it defeats the Sun and although due to the combustion the native shall be very spiritual or interested in Dharma and such learning, Sanyasa Yoga cannot occur and renunciation will not happen in this life. Thus combust planets cannot give Sanyasa as the rays are not original and the desires pertaining to its significations are generally suppressed or absent. Suppression of desires is not the path to spirituality, getting over them is true spirituality. ++++++ If the planet can get neecha in the Varga, then the Neecha Bhanga rules must apply. Care should be taken not to over ride the dictums where both the Rasi & Varga are jointly involved. For example, a planet exalted in the Rasi if neecha in the navamsa generates a duryoga called Rajbhanga Neecha Yoga. This shows a curse coming from the past life and will surely show up. Neechabhanga of the planet, if occuring in the Rasi chart show the places where the native can do remedy while those in the navamsa show the fruits of marriage and the remedies done by spouse shall help. ++++++ 1. 2. 1.

Neecha papas in kendras are good provided they are not Retrograde Neecha shubhas like guru are bad in kendra, unless they are retrograde Their placement from arudha lagna is important

++++++ Zoran: Anyway, what do you think of Jatak Desh Marga? There are some interesting points in the book such as double negative theory becoming strong affirmative, such as Guru in 8th (negative) in neecha (negative) becoming positive... Even though it has some merit, I may express some doubts on it. Sanjay Rath: THAT IS TRUE PROVIDED GURU IS NOT RETROGRADE AND ASPECTED BY MALEFICS SATURN & MARS, ELSE IT CAN BE DEADLY.

Bhadak Badhak is another word for Vighna or obstacles and their common deity, irrespective of signs, is Vighneswara or the Lord of all obstacles i.e. Sri Ganeshji. Retrogrades are the most difficult to pin down and we cannot have hard and fast rules for them. I was taught to visualise the mood of the Badhak... for example, if the Badhak is in direct motion, then the trunk of Sri Ganeshji is to the left and He is happily eating Laddoos (Sweets), whereas if the Badhak is retrograde, trunk is to the right and He is doing Tapasya (Penance) and not eating sweets. Such a position can be either very beneficial or very malefic. In the case of Zoran, this is very beneficial and he has had excellent results except when both the Badhak Mercury and Lagnesh Jupiter in tenth (Both natally retrograde) conjoined in his Arudha Lagna…We know the results of this conjunction. His hometown is destroyed. Sad, God makes this world and then dissolves it within Himself. This is His leela.

Karakas There are three types of Karaka and there is a deep phylosophical concept behind this. There are 7 sthira, 8 Chara and 9 naisargika Karaka planets. The Sthira karaka are used for Ayus determination

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whereas the naisargika karaka also relate to inanimate objects. Chara Karaka represents the individual atma (soul). The 8 Charakaraka are like the petals of the astadala padma which is the foundation of Jyotish. Naisargika vs Sthira (Differences) The Sun is naisargika Pitrikaraka whereas the Sun or Venus vie for the post of Sthira Pitrikaraka. Difference is that in nature, the father donates the atma for the creation of the being when it moves from his mooladhara etc (brihadaranyaka upanishad), whereas in the Sthira Karaka, the father can be signified by either the sperm (Venus) that created the being or by the Sun (Atma) which was transmitted with the sperm. This concept of sthira pitrikaraka is also used to determine the Yoni (body) occupied by the being in its previous incarnation from the dwadasamsa of Venus in the conception chart. Similarly for mother, whereas the Moon alone is the naisargika matrikaraka as it rules blood, Mars or Moon (either one only) shall be the sthira Matrikaraka. Thus both in father and mother, there is a difference in the determination of the sthira karaka and naisargika karaka. Now, look at brothers. Jupiter is the naisargika karaka for elder brothers whereas Saturn is the naisargika karaka for all elders including older brother. That is why when Saturn is in the 11th house, the native shall have an elder brother (unless Saturn is afflicted by the nodes), but due to karaka bhava hrasa, the brother may not live long. Now come to spouse - whereas Venus is the naisargika karaka for spouse and sex, Jupiter (in female charts) becomes the sthira karaka for husband. Another interesting difference in the use of Sthira & Naisargika karaka is in the houses. Venus is the naisargika and sthira karaka for younger sisters and this is seen from the 3rd house for naisargika (phalita) karaka whereas from the 5th house (especially when initiating the Shoola dasa) for sthira (ayus) karaka. I can go on, but this should suffice to indicate the broad differences between the two. The nodes cannot become Sthira karaka as they do not have a physical body. Now having understood the difference between the Naisargika karaka of Brahma/prajapati and the sthira karaka of Shiva/rudra, we come to the chara karaka of Vishnu. Here the individual atma comes into the opicture and since they are present in this planet, and so long as they are present here, we are sure that they have not got moksha. Hence Moksha karaka ketu is left out of the scheme as it cannot signify the atma that has incarnated in this planet. The remaining eight shall indicate the spiritual being (the atma). ++++++ The Sun as the natural AK is worshiped for health. This is for Sthira Karaka as they are connected with health and longevity. Guru is the natural significator of the PAKA lagna and Guru is worshipped everyday in the morning for Dhi Shakti and proper guidance. The 12th from the Chara AK is for spirituality and the final goal of Moksha. ++++++ There are three types of Karaka - Chara, Sthira and Naisargika. There are 7 Sthira, 8 Chara and 9 Naisargika Karaka. There is another reason (in addition to what you have stated) for the word Chara. Chara means 'changable' whereas Sthira means 'fixed' Naisargika is natural and that "which has already been decided". Thus, Chara Karaka indicates the individual soul and this is chara as in the next birth, this planet may not be the Chara Atmakaraka. Some other planet can be the chara atmakaraka depending on what lessons God has in store for you. Atmakaraka is seen in all divisional charts. However, its primary importance is in the Navamsa as it is Dharma that we carry to our next life or Dharma which we got from our last life. Nothing else comes with us when we depart for the heavens and take another birth. It is due to the importance of Dharma that the AK's real picture emerges in the Navamsa. In other charts like the Vimsamsa and Shastyamsa, it has a very limited role. In the Rasi chart it plays a crucial role as I have explained in various lectures/lessons. For example if AK is associated with the 11th house or lord, the native is interested in the occult knowledge and astrology. The four kendra from the Karakamsa are Dharma (1), Artha (10), Kaama (7) and Moksha (4). Thus the 12th house is the moksha sthana as this is also the ninth (dharma) from the 4th house. Postures - 1st house (Standing), 10th house (walking or crawling), 7th house (sitting) and 4th house (sleeping). Thus, one who is aspiring for Moksha has to meditate on Bhagavan sleeping on Shesha Naaga or his Ista

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devata in a sleeping posture. Now, the self includes the Body, Mind and Soul seen from the Lagna, Arudha Lagna and Atmakaraka respectively. If we talk of Moksha, then the 12th from Lagna means the time of death or end of worldly sojorn and NOT moksha. 12th from Moon or AL will indicate the end of the consciousness of the self and the person loses his independant identity before taking another body. This service isdone by Shiva the kind hearted Lord. Then comes the Atma. The 12th from this is Moksha and this is given by Bhagavan. The Ista devata has to be seen from the 12th from Karakamsa and not any other place. +++++ We are reborn because of our own desires and unfinished karma. Thus in any scheme, the Karmic Control planets viz. Rahu and Ketu must find a place. This entire material creation which we call Brahmanda is created by Brahma and is represented by the signs, divisions and the Navagraha (nine planets) in the form of Naisargika Karaka or significatyors of Nature. Thus, Brahma must be associated with the Nine planets. I had also stated that Sthira karaka (Seven Planets) are associated with death and Shiva. We also know that Shivattatwa is seen in the fixed signs. By exclusion the Chara Karaka (eight Graha excluding Ketu) must be associated with Vishnutatwa and is responsible for our Moksha, Pala and Guru etc. Your allotment of planetary periods for 7 years to chara, 8 to Sthira and 9 to Dwisbhava is also very correct. The question is HOW TO RECONSILE THESE TWO SEEMINGLY DIVERGEANT NUMBERS IN EACH SIGN? Clue: The first jyotish lesson I teach at SJVC on Mahavishnu and the Atma. ++++++ STHIRA KARAKA There are seven sthira karaka as these Karaka are fixed and do not change at all. They are used for timing the death of self and near and dear ones. Hence the term Sthira is also akin to Death which comes when the Prana's become sthira. Since this is related to the end of the PHYSICAL BODY, only those planets which have physical bodies can be considered. Hence ONLY seven planets from Sun to Saturn are considered and Rahu & Ketu are left out. CHARA KARAKA The birth of any being is due to the good or evil we have done in the past birth. Since we have not got Moksha is automatically implied in the fact that we sinners have taken birth. The only difference is in the quantum and the quality of the Sin (Paapa). This is also seen from the Kalachakra where only eight planets from the Sun to Rahu are used leaving out the Mokshakaraka Ketu. This is the fundamental basis of the Hindu religion as the eight Charakaraka are akin to the eight planets in the Kalachakra. The tithis of the Vedic Month are also based on this eightfold division with the Sun ruling Pratipada & Navami (1 &9), Moon Dwiteeya and Dasami (2&10), Mars Triteeya & ekadasi (3 & 11), and so on. Thus it is evident that the Charakaraka represent the cause of our births and are responsible for our punishment and spiritual growth. The Atmakaraka punishes the native and cleanses him and so on. Thus, there can be ONLY eight Chara Karaka. As regards the deities, the Vahana of the deities are in the seventh from the planets indicating them. Mahavishnu has been kept out of this Kalachakra as He is the only deity who LOVES one and all and transcends this Natural Law of rebirth while the other deities are involved in it. For example, Venus rules the tithi 6 (Snake) & 14 (Bull) and Shiva as Nageswara is worshipped on Shasti (6) and as Sambashiva riding a bull on Chaturdasi (14). Since the Sun is opposite to the Venus, the Sun represents Shiva. Similarly, Moon and Jupiter oppose eachother and Jupiter rules the tithi Panchami and the deity of the Moon is Devi or Shakti and on Panchami we celebrate Saraswati Pooja. In this manner, the deities and the days in which they were worshipped are determined astrologically. NAISARGIKA KARAKA

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The naisargika Karaka are the natural significators and are used in Phalita Jyotisha. Hence all the nine are used. They represent all creatures and bodies by the interactions of the signs, their divisions and the nine planets. Since they are a part and parcel of the creation of Brahma, they are also analogous to the Movable signs. CORRELATION I leave this correlation to your understanding for now. However, you will recall that I had spoken about Brahma and the Chakra in the sixth house. Now correlate this to the peculiar method of calculating Brahma Dasa from the sixth lord from the Dasa Rasi. In this manner, there must also be OTHER SECRET DASA IN THE REMAINING ADHYAYA OF JAIMINI WHERE THE BLESSINGS OF THE OTHER DEITIES ARE SEEN. ++++++ The only planet which says a complete NO is Moksh Karaka Ketu and Ganesh is the only deity who practised this Tapasya by meditating on Maha Vishnu. Tulasi tried to disturb His meditation and in theprocess received a curse by which she burnt. That is why we do not pluck Tulasi on Ekadasi to help Her personal tapasya in getting over this curse. Tulasi in turn cursed (or blessed...depends on how you look at it) Ganapati that He will marry two wives instead of one. These wives are Vidya and Siddhi. Just imagine Ganapati without Vidya or Siddhi??? In fact today Ganapati is reverred in India due to these two wives Vidya and Siddhi and very few really worship Him for His original powers of guiding perfect Pooja and tapasya.

+++++ The Atmakaraka is like the King of the Horoscope. If it is in the sixth house, then the native has the guts to revolt against the king! If it is in the sixth in the navamsa, then this will surely give a weak physique and poor health. If the Atmakaraka is in debility, then it shows the anger of the king or the weakness of the king whereas if it is exalted it shows a strong King. In this way the AK can be examined. The ultimate job of the king is to guide you to the temple of God. Now, if the Jupiter becomes the AK, it shows a benevolent king whereas if Saturn becomes AK, it shows a bad king who will not hesitate to punish and that too very severely. Pacify the Atmakaraka and your whole life will become smooth. The 12th house from AK in the Rasi chart is the house from which he gives, whereas the 12th from Him in Navamsa is from where He grants Moksha. This form is important for spiritual growth. In this way study His nature and form. ++++++ The Atmakaraka should be examined from the navamsa only as Atmakaraka shows its "Directing powers" in the Dharma-Amsa or Navamsa. Thus the navamsa of the AK is called Karakamsa.

++++++ The Chara Karakas for others are akin to their Atmakaraka. Like the 12th from AK gives Moksha to self, the 12th from DK gives Moksha for wife. In this manner we can worship the Ista Devata of parents (as indicateds in our charts for their benefit). However, this has not been advised by the Maharishi's who have advocated the worship of the Ista Devata and leave everything to Him. ++++++ When you choose a planet as Atmakaraka, we ONLY use the degrees in the RASI CHART. Since in the navamsa, we are seeing the 12th house from the Atmakaraka, the Yoga of the planet with the AK itself is ruled out. Thus the second source of strength i.e. OWN LORD, or Jupiter or Mercury comes into play. Normally, the path to the Ista Devata is not a direct one and the person first moves around the subsidiary deities around the trines to the amsa Lagna and then to the trines to the AK and finally to the

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12th from the AK. In any case, choose the deity signified by one of the planets in the 12th from the AK. Choose strongest on the basis of nature of the sign and planet. In case of doubt, use the Chara karakatwa of the rasi chart (here degrees come into play). ++++++ Jupiter as Karaka for 11th from Lagna represents elder brothers and 11th from AL is for income. Now what happens if an enemy of the Karaka is in the 11th house? I will twist this for another house so that you can get it better. Let’s say Saturn is the Karaka for the 8th house. Is the placement of Moon in this house good? No it is not as the 8th is a dusthana and the placement of the Moon out here will damage the Moon and the health will suffer. Now come to the 7th house. venus is Karaka. In a prasna chart you find Saturn out here, what do you predict..immediate marriage i.e. karaka's friend does the job. Look at two other planets out here. Mercury the cause of denility of Venus and Mars out here...terrible. Can cause homosexuality in the first case and kill spouse in the other case. Fighting in the bedroom with spouse i its better mood and rape in its ferocious mood can be some of the nice things we have to talk about Mars in the 7th house. Now get back to the 11th. This is not a kendra and instead a trika. An evil house. So, if Jupiters dire enemy Rahu Maharaj is here, he gets the beating of his life and is forced to dole out the money he has grabbed through various means..sharing spoils and loot, gains from criminals etc are some of the indications. Is this good? Judge for yourself. Saturn is really not an enemy of Jupiter and will give money from servants, labor or sometimes some negative things as well. These planets in the 11th house together will surely kill the elder brother and is Saturn alone is placed, then the brother shall die later in the youth or middle age of the native. Is this good? Then what is good about Saturn or Rahu in the 11th from Lagna/AL?

+++++++ It is so nice to read that you worship the lineage of Brighu Maharishi. So also, I have to worship my lineage of Atri Maharishi. The points you have given are nice but need some further clarification. POINT 1: ubhayam bhoomijo hanti sahajashto vinischayaat (mars in 3rd destroys elder and younger brothers) BPHS chap 15 verse 15. Commentary: Mars is a natural malefic planet and its placement in the third house is detrimental for the health of younger co-born just as its placement in the 11th is detrimental for elder co-born. Jaimini adds that if Rahu and Saturn are associated with this third then all co-born shall die. If Saturn alone is in third/eleventh then the death of younger/elder respectively shall occur at a later age i.e. after some time. Illustration: For a person with Dhanus Lagna with Saturn, Mercury, Sun and Venus in 11th house in Libra and Mars in Capricorn and with Arudha Lagna in Leo, all his younger brothers died together in a car accident. He was in tears when I mentioned about danger to younger co-borns during the period he had just lost them. Conclusion: Karaka Bhava Nasa may work with malefic planets. POINT 2: (a) saptame tu sthithe sukre ateevakaamee bhavennaraha (Venus in 7th makes the native over sexual).BPHS; (b) asateerathaha mritakalathramaadyam vade (if Venus in 7th he likes to enjoy the wives of others, and causes death to his wife)...Phaladeepika Commentary: The placement of Venus as Karaka of the seventh house (Kaama) does not result in the destruction of sexual desire but increases it manifold. This may cause death to wife if he gets infected with sexually transmitted disease, but if his wife is also adequately matched for his sexual gratification, then this maynot result. Illustration: Gemini lagna person with Venus alone in seventh had many relationships outside marriage. Osho who also had this Venus in seventh was somehow always associated with Sex and religion (No offence meant to anyone please).

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Conclusion: Karaka Bhava Nasa does not work with natural benefics (just like Parasara had mentioned.) POINT 3: kriyaalasathanu krisathanu (Sun in 1st makes native easily fatigued by slight work, with enmaciated, sickly body). Phaladeepika Conclusion: I am not giving comments etc; Karaka Bhava Nasa may work with malefic planets. POINT 4: Coming to our main point of controversy...putraihi kleshayutoh (his sons cause troubles to him, or they are faced with obstacles) when Jupiter is in 5th...Phaladeepika.Now why should Jupiter cause troubles to sons or sons should cause troubles to father in the above combination, if not for karaka rule? Reply: Suffering is a part of life and it is a part of nature that the good have to suffer the actions of the evil ones. We have read of so many instances in our sacred literature where evil ones like Kamsa or Ravana etc. Ravana had no business to trouble Bhagavan Rama, least of all kidnap His wife, yet he did it. Thus, the house where Jupiter is placed shows the place from where goodness and Godliness will be seen. If Jupiter is in fifth, the children can be famous and powerful provided that the Moon and fifth Lord are also well disposed. Thus, this can cause a lot of suffering for the children and from this suffering they shall evolve and shine as the great gifts of God on this planet. Illustration: To explain my point, let us take two cases of the same Lagna and exalted Jupiter in the fifth house. Case (1) Motilal Nehru Pisces Lagna; who was born with Jupiter in exaltation is the fifth house had one famous son Jawaharlal Nehru who suffered for many years during the freedom struggle and finally became the PM of India. His lineage has florished for 3 generations after him due to this exalted Jupiter as his entire son/grand daughter and great grandson became the prime Ministers of India. Case (2) Rabindra Nath Tagore had exalted Jupiter in the fifth house for Pisces lagna. He had a daughter and a son both of whom died around 1903 much before he got the Nobel Prize also. Conclusion: Jupiter cannot be blamed for the death of children. The correct picture emerges only in the Saptamsa chakra. With these words, I urge you to study hard and understand the secrets of the divisional charts. Do not accept what is going around in the market easily without fully trying it out. You will also appreciate what I had earlier written about one planet, two planets and more planet yoga's. ++++++++ Ravi or the Sun as the Atmakaraka is not the cause of grief. The Atma is above these emotions. Grief comes to the Mana (Mind) on perceiving things as being beneficial (happiness) or adverse (sorrow/greif) to oneself or others. Thus the Mana is the place where we live consciously and Saturn, the great enemy of the Moon is the Cause of Grief as Jupiter its great friend is the cause of happiness. In a way, both these also deviate from the path of the pure self consciousness as excess of happiness or sorrow are both bad.Moderation is always good. Remember that death occurs when the ATMA is no longer willing to stay in the body....and not vice versa.

++++++ Karaka means significator and does not mean that everybody born in Taurus will enjoy Rajyoga during Saturn periods. A Karaka is one who wishes to give or to do something. Like a Yogakaraka wants to have Yoga, but whether it will have Rajyoga or some other yoga is a separate issue. In any case RKY cannot be applied so easily.


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Karaka's aspecting a Bhava or conjoining the Lord of the Bhava enhances the significations of the Bhava. ++++++ In the first Adhyaya first Pada, Maharishi clarifies that he has hidden the numders refering to the signs in the words and not in the names of planets i.e. planets are always referred to by their names. Thus, Katapayadi Varga has been used and this method of Vedic Numerology (has been used in the Jaimini Sutra) to hide the signs and not the planets. In the stanza"ketoh kaivalyam", the reference is to the planet Ketu itself and kaivalyam is moksha. When read independantly, it means 'Ketu is the moksha karaka' when read with the preceding stanza it means ' ketu in the 12th will sure lead one in the path of moksha'. Swamasa has two parts - one is Lagnamsa which is the physical or conscious body and the other is the Atma in the form of Karakamsa. When we talk of emancipation, then to see the 12th house from Lagna is a foolish thing. What does it mean? Emancipation from this body or death or end of body!!! This is known to all. We all have to die one day, so what is the big thing about it. Moksha refers to a state of the Atma as its independant identity is lost for a relativley long period of time. Parasara is very clear in advising us to study 'Bandana or Moksha' from the Atmakaraka. Hence this has to be studied from the Karakamsa and not from Lagnamsa.

++++++ The Karaka for the self is the Sun and this is not ego. It is the individual atma. The consciousness of the existence of the individual as different from others is brought about by the Mana. The Mana believes that say 'Sailesh' is a different and unique personality - different from Sanjay or Lakshmi and others. This perception of the self as being different from others is Ahamkara. Thus, Mana gives birth to Ahamkara and this has been explained in the initial teachings on Creation. This Ahamkara is different from Atma and hence Sun cannot be its indicator as the Sun is very truthful and of Satwik disposition. The Sun will not lie, and instead will shed light that will unveil all untruth, lies and falsehood. Having accepted that Ahamkara is different from the Atma and is a function of the Mana, let us study the Mana Karaka Moon that is subject to this 'disease' that prevents emancipation from the cycle of rebirth. The Moon has various motions of which a very important motion is its relative motion in the vertical direction from the equatorial plane of the earth. This is the Latitude. The points of intersection of the lunar plane with the equitorial plane are called NODES and in jyotish they are Rahu and Ketu. The Moon's motion can be divided into two parts i.e. (a) from Ketu to Rahu when it is in the northern latitude and (b) from Rahu to ketu when it is in the southern latitude. There are various ways to know the Gati (movement or direction) as being towards Rahu (Bhoga - enjoyments and living in the delusion of EGO) or as being towards Ketu (Moksha - renunciation and living without this delusion of self importance). I will leave this for a later date. Thus, it is the Rahu & Ketu and their trines that show ego basking or spiritual upliftment respectively. That is why in COVA I had mentioned that Rahu causes egoism and a egotist - obsession with the self and mental gratification. The ninth house is the Dharma Bhava. Now, treat this as the first house for Dharma and we have two Karaka - first is the father from whom the Dharma comes. The first Karaka is the Sun. Thus a baby is reborn into a religion based on that adopted by his natural or foster father. I am a hindu simply because my father is a hindu. This is the first rule and the Sun is the first Karaka. Then comes learning of the dharma i.e. principles which guide life. The teachers of these will be the priests, guru's, mullah's etc depending on the religion for which the Karaka is Jupiter. Jupiter is a friend of the Sun and hence these priests etc will normally belong to the same religion as that of the father. This is the second rule for which the Karaka is Jupiter.

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The Lagna is the Physical personality and not the Lagna Lord unless the lord is in Lagna itself. Secondly, you seem to have ignored Drekkana and Navamsa Lagna completely. Please study these aspects for describing the physical personality. Perception is based on knowledge and Arudha does have some say on personlity like clothes (remember the saying clothes make a man). However, fat, slim, fair etc that are given by God is from Satya peetha i.e. Lagna. ++++++ Amsalagna and lagnamsa are quite interchangable and one has to be careful in reading. This is the mistake kn rao made in the interpretation of the word karakamsa where he feels that this is the rasi sign occupied by the ak in the navamsa. Lagnamsa is the navamsa of lagna and karakamsa is the navamsa of atmakaraka. In fact the exact term should be atmakarakamsa to differentiate it from the other karaka. Very often you find the word "amsa" being used and one have to be very careful as this is generally navamsa, but could be different in a specific context. I tried to finalise a terminology but the different ways of using Sanskrit words makes it very difficult. ++++++ Intelligence What is going on? Since when did Saturn give retentive memory? Jupiter is the memory and if guru is in Simhalokamsa the person shall have such a powerful memory that he shall remember his past 3 lives! (That’s a sloka) Now Saturn causes debility of Jupiter and loss of memory. I guess we all need a break. The error comes from a lack of full understanding. What you mistook was the ability of the TAPASWI Yoga for intelligence. Tapaswi or one who will do penance is seen from Ketu the planet of renunciation and Saturn the planetof denial and hard work. If Only these two planets are involved then the person cannot be a perfect Tapaswi although he may wear the dress of a mandicant etc. There are many such sadhus’ in India and elsewhere who are complete frauds. they profess they are into Sadhana but in reality are out to cheat the gullible public. It is Sukracharya (VENUS) who is the greatest and only Tapaswi. He alone fulfilled the impossible condition of Shiva of hanging upside down (Ketu) with smoke (Ketu) entering his nostrils (like smoking) for a year (Saturn). So severe was the penance that even Brihaspati backed out. Brihaspati is the wise one. He realised that other than Sukracharya none can do this sort of severe penance. So, he waited patiently (Patience is the greatest virtue of the Guru). Sukracharya (Venus) was ableto pass and get the Mritunjaya Mantra from Shiva, but Shiva had blessed Brihaspati in the form of Samba-siva or Sada-siva to run the Guru-Sisya Parampara after the latter adopted Budha as his son (that is why the Shisya is like a son and is also seen from the fifth house and the mantra that is transmitted is seen from the Mantrapada - the mantra of the Parampara is to be given when guru transits and aspects by Rasi dristi, the Mantrapada).Thus, it was the son of Brihaspati (or the great blessing of the Parampara) who got the Mantra from sukracharya by becoming his sisya. Strange but true, the wisdom and knowledge that has to be retained and transmitted had to be parted with by sukracharya to the Parampara of brihaspati. This is the greatness of the tradition of the Rishi's of yore. You should realise from the above that it was Saturn and Ketu who got together to support Venus in becoming the perfect Tapaswi, but the intelligence of Jupiter finally won. What Sukra got with so much Tapasya etc was just taken by brihaspati in good time. Thus, who is intelligent?Intelligence is a function of jupiter and Dhi is ruled by Him.In the kaalachakra, Jupiter alone has the power to overrule the Moon i.e. it is the superior intelligence of Brihaspati that can change the gati (direction) of the Mana and dominate over it. None else can do this. Hence the name for the Vahana of Guru in the Kaalachakra is Hari, the Lion, and the mantra for guiding the Mana in the right direction is "Hari Om". This has been explained in the Rig Veda also. Sun represents the source of knowledge; Moon is the consciousness that urges us to go to the source just as the reflected light gives some indication of the glory of the bright Sun; Mars is the energy required for any activity including reading; Mercury is the ability, skills, methods, language etc by which the knowledge is communicated; Venus is the desire that goads us to learn by differentiating one word from another or one part from another; Saturn is the enemy of the Sun and will obstruct the source causing the energy to weaken and we feel tired etc after some time, reading done at this time causes the memory to fail in its retention. This is what happened to Karna - at the crucial juncture

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the memory failed; Rahu is the darkness itself. Now think and write a detailed article or lesson on this. Mail it to this list and then we shall all work in improving it taking one point at a time. Take the examples of Einstein, Vivekananda, and Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore and other intelligent scientists and politicians as well.

++++++++ Dasamsa The dasamsa is a vital tool for this purpose. Transfers often involve short journeys that should be seen from the third house; the samll break in work like leave and joining time is also seen from the third house. A break in service is not involved and hence the eighth house is not being seen. If this is with a promotion, the fifth house is also involved in addition. Basically what is happening in a transfer is change in the place of work and also change of residence is occuring. This latter will also involve the fourth house. Very often I find people commuting from their old residence if this is a neraby town (fixed sign) but change of residence is forced if this is a far off place (movable sign). Question is how to go about timing it. The person should be running the periods of planets associated with tehe houses mentioned above or of a malefic associated with the fourth house in the Dasamsa, but the latter can also indicate disturbance in the place of work. Check the effect of the same planets in the Chaturthamsa (D-4). If both indicate the same thing, then the change in inevitable. Tenth Bhava Karaka: There are many Karaka for the tenth house. Chief of them in service matters are Moon & Sun. If the tenth Lord from the Moon is in any manner associated with the houses of travel, it brings travel to a distant place in search of work, or transfer for work. The tenth Lord from the sun will also indicate similarly for more independant professsional services. Movable, Dual and fixed in that order indicate the distance or travel time involved. The planets involved as discussed earlier if involved with the tenth house or lord from the Moon will surely bring this about.


KSY & KAY I have the sarpa yoga in my chart (with break) and for many years felt that this is useless as this is not listed as an important Yoga. With time I learnt better. So also with time you too will learn. A single frog is enough to spoil the water in the well. So also a single Sun in its greatest debility can destroy many Rajyoga.. Never underestimate the strength of the evil forces. Please take this as an advice. The sages had assumed that the learner of Jyotish would be well conversant with the basics and the means to study 'Desha-Kaala-Patra' before venturing into Jyotish. Today the reverse is true. For example, things like Argala, Arudha etc are considered by many a big name astrologer as unnecessary teachings and superfluous. Take an example…let us say that a Great Rajyoga is expected on a particular day in someones chart and on that very day, a big storm comes and there is complete destruction (like the great storm on Orissa a few years back). What Rajyoga are we expecting to work when the person will be desperately working to save himself? Let us take another example. Say one person was expecting a Major Dhan yog to function during these days of recession. To what extent would this work? This is Desha & Kaala. Kaala Sarpa Yoga belongs to that category of Yoga's which bring ruin on a nation. The circumstances surrounding the native or the environment is so bad that the lotus (individual) has to struggle very hard to bloom. Another example is the Graha Malika Yoga which is not mentioned by many sages but Ramanuja gives a lot of importance to it. I will again stress that besides the Desha & Kaala, the yoga will be in the

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directions indicated by the Yogeswara and to the extend indicated by the YogaMayi as in the example of the lords of the kendra and trines. How does the whole chart get into retrograde motion? No, this is not true and only retro planets are in retro motion. You need to rethink on this by clearly listing all points. Do keep in mind that your natal Jupiter is retrograde so, after you make the points, consider them at least THRICE. Bali is most misunderstood term and I will speak on this later. You are not sacrificing Narayana on Rahu the snake. Narayana is given the bed of Ananta is my understanding and unless the thought which generates the pooja is pure the results of the pooja will also be negative (Suchimarkair Brihaspatim adhvareshu namasyatah). There are eight great serpants based on the Ashtadala Padma. You can have their mantra from my website. Worship of Lord Shiva gives learning as Shiva is the Guru. Since Guru is the Karaka for Paka lagna, worship of shiva will always protect the Lagnesh and hence the Lagna as well i.e. good health, intelligence and freedom from sins. The virtues of worshipping Shiva have been explained by Bhagavan Sri Krishna in the Gita and the Padma Purana.

++++++ The difference is 'KSY' – agre Rahu adhou Ketoh sarve madhya graha i.e. Rahu is in front, the boss like the leader leading a group of followers in the reverse, 'KAY' - agre Ketoh adhou Rahu sarve madhya graha…here Ketu is the leader and all others shall follow him. There is a lot of difference out here. In KSY, the remedy, in case there is not break, is Chandi whereas in the case of KAY, the remedy is Vinayaka as per the dictum "Kaloh chandi vinayako". The number of akshara of the mantra should be from the Lagna to the leading node.

++++++ Nancy Reagan has Kala Srapa Yoga and not KAY. Moon in the seventh from Upapada and in Ghatika Lagna did give a famous husband and a powerful one at that, but that does not mean that the KSY is broken. There will be a lot hidden beneath that public image. Saturn as UL Lord promises Rajyoga for spouse at a late age and that has happened.

++++++ In Nehru's case, Jupiter was out of the 'Mouth of Rahu/Ketu'; i.e. in these cases, the degrees are actual and not reversed. In Brighu transits also when we find Rahu and Sun or Ketu and Moon approaching, the day of their conjunction is the day of defeat of the nodes. After this conjunction, the nodes lose their degrees and the luminaries gain degrees. Thus after a Graha Yuddha between the Sura (led by Surya) and Asura (led by Rahu), the Sura 'ALWAYS' win...

++++++ I do not have the reference at present for the Stanza "Agre Rahu adhou Ketu Sarva madhye Graha..." for Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY) and the reverse i.e. "Agre Ketu adhou Rahu .." for Kala Amrita Yoga (KAY). There were other details about the famines and destruction brought about by the KSY in mundane matters. This was extended to natal charts. The moot point is that the nodes (Rahu & Ketu) represent the two extremities of life like the infra-red rays (Ketu) and the Ultra-violet rays (Rahu) being the two extremeties of the visible spectrum of seven colors (VIBGYOR - the remaining seven planets from Sun to Saturn). Like the Infra-red & Ultra-violet rays are not part of the visible spectrum, yet they can be good (Infra-red can cure many bone related/muscle related diseases) or bad (UV is very dangerous and depletes the ozone layer like Rahu cutting out our breathing system and causing strangulation, asthama etc) so also the nodes Ketu & Rahu are not visible, yet they can influence human life.

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These two extremities of Human life are the Saint who renounces all attachment to worldly material existence in search for emancipation from sorrow/re-birth symbolised by Moksha karaka Ketu ruling the Tejas (fire) of tapasya or the dreaded Criminals who will go to any extent to enjoy the material enjoyments of this world like the Bhogi - Rahu. These nodes are always opposite to each other symbolising the opposite poles of life direction. Every human being is stationed between these two extremeties at any point of time in his life. Coming to the question of determining the existence of KSY or KAY, the first thing is to IGNORE the ascendant (Lagna). Place your finger on the sign occupied by Ketu and move it zodiacally along the signs till the sign occupied by Rahu. Were all the other seven planets placed within these signs from Ketu to Rahu? If yes, then Kala Sarpa Yoga exists. Similarly, place your finger on the sign occupied by Rahu and move it zodiacally along the signs till the sign occupied by Ketu. Were all the other seven planets placed within these signs from Rahu to Ketu? If yes, then Kala Amrita Yoga exists. If KSY exists then there is an inherent tendency to enjoy and to grab material comforts for oneself. This can take an extreme form like criminal tendencies like stealing etc. If KAY exists, then the tendency is to give up everything. In any case such people tend to be extreme in their decisions and naturally, there will be physical (Rahu) and mental (Ketu) suffering just like Rahu and Ketu eclipsing the Sun and Moon respectively. In both cases, this is considered bondage due to Karma of the last birth and will relieve the person or manifest at a certain specific age depending on the chart. One method of determing this is to use the natural years of the planets (refer to Crux of Vedic astrology by this scribe) where that for Rahu is 45 and for Ketu is 43. The next natural question is to determine the planets that can break this KSY or KAY related suffering. We know that natural malefics in Kendra (Quadrants) generate Sarpa Yoga. Thus, natural malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu - Sun has been included as a Krura and not as a Dushta) only enhace the suffering and potential problems associated with the KSY or KAY while natural Benefic planets (Moon, Jupiter, Mercury & Venus) can annul the suffering and generate greatness or Maha Yoga. Next comes the placement of these planets to annul the KSY/KAY and generate the Maha Yoga. If in a chart otherwise having KSY/KAY, these benefic planet(s) are placed with either of Rahu (Bhoga) or Ketu (Moksha) then the suffering ends and he attains greatness. Now coming to houses, the placement of these planets in the first or seventh house (Satya Peetha) also generates this great yoga. The results of KSY/KAY are altered as per the houses they start from and end at. Details are beyond the scope of this letter. A traditional Vedic Astrologer should not end without a small note on remedies. "Kaloh Chandi Vinayako" is the Vedic remedy for this KSY (Chandi) or KAY (Vinayaka - Ganapati) respectively. When the benefic planets conjoin the nodes, the deities are Parvati/Gouri (Moon), Sambasiva (Jupiter), Vishnu (Mercury) and Lakshmi (Venus) respectively. When natural benefics are in the first house, then the deity is a form of Vishnu while in the seventh house a form of Shiva. In this manner the intelligent astrologer can recommend the correct remedy. ++++++ The best remedy for the Kala-Amrita-Yoga is to read about the Matsya Avatar andto recite the mantra given in Srimad Bhagavatam 5.18.25. ++++++ I will give you a two-in-one remedy. Read about the Kalia mardana episode in Krishna's childhood. The Kaalasarpa Yoga ends and the nadi dosha is annulled when Bal Gopal wishes to crawl…like uprooting the Arjuna trees the dosha and curses attached to previous Karma shall all vanish. Mantra Kleem Krishna Kleem.


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The exchange does make each of them work for the other and the relationship becomes very strong. This is the highest sambandha. Parivartana primarily means change and that can be for the better when both work towards giving and for the worse if both work towards obstruction (badhak). Point I am interested in is what will happen and when. For example if the parivartan is between planets in saptamsa, say the indicator Moon has an exchange with Jupiter and signs Sagittarius & Cancer are involved. Will you predict a son or daughter? Normally, if we take Moon as lord of Sagittarius in Sagittarius i.e. as if in own sign, then a son is predicted. If we take Jupiter here as the indicator in exaltation in Cancer and due to the exchange, indicating a son as if it were the lord of cancer in cancer. Yet in real observation, a daughter will be born. This, what has resulted is a 'Parivartana' of the results.

++++++ Two beggars sit on the roadside and exchange ideas on improving their earnings or sharing their sorrows - debilitated planets in mutual aspect can only share their terrible state. By sharing, the burden of sorrows and troubles is reduced no doubt. If however, they are both in Kendra to Lagna then a sort of vipareeta Yoga can result as they shall work together for a sudden rise in fortunes by causing the neechabhanga Rajyoga for each other. In such a case those two beggars will hit upon a brilliant idea and implementing it will give both good fortune. The nature of the idea will depend on the nature of the planets. if they are both malefics, then this could be like robbing a bank or maybe changing over to more skilled professions like pick-pocketing where with some luck, a fat purse can fall into their hands. if they are benefics then better methods will be adopted...the cooperation of these Yogakaraka (in case of occupying quadrants) will be PARASPARA. Guru aspecting Moon is equivalent to GajaKesari yoga is a nice story going around these days as new ideas and ORIGINAL research rule the roost.

3.0 Bhavas & Signs This small note is to put the point in the right perspective. In Vedic Astrology, there is no MC. The Lagna is the only Satya [Real truth] and so also the seventh by virtue of being the descendant like the opposite of ascendant. In phylosohical language, we can say that the only two most vital truths are "Birth" and "death", everything else is relative, illusionary and unreal. Thus, it follows that the house divisions can either consider the Lagna sphuta as the starting point (Bhava Arambha), Midpoint with the Bhava or house extending 15 degrees on either side (Bhava Madhya) or the ending point (Bhava shesha). The Bhava Madhya is the one that is used in standard texts to define the bhava or the spirit body. Hence, there is no question of unequal houses at all and things like MC etc are borrowed concepts that were used by Krishnamurti to start his experimental NEW school of Astrology called KP System. This is NOT VEDIC ASTROLOGY under any circumstances. ++++++ Rasi is Permanent Dristi and is a Natural sight. Graha Dristi is A DESIRE. Whether it manifests or not is a separate issue. ++++++ What comes first "the chicken or the egg". The sign aspects are permanent aspects and do not change with time. They are to understood as two buildings standing in front of each other. These are the inanimate aspects indicating the fructification of the desires in the forms of physical or material changes on the universe. Planetary aspects are like the desire of the planets/ people they represent. Thus, if we say that the aspect of Jupiter is good, it is because the DESIRES of Jupiter are good.

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Your point about the quantum of aspect is very vital. All planets aspect the seventh, but the outer planets Mars, Saturn & Jupiter have special aspects. These special aspects are FULL 4pada or 100%. The lower aspects show that the aspect/desire is very low. WHAT IS SEVENTH HOUSE ASPECT? This is the seventh or KAMA Iccha or the desire for having union with the opposite sex etc. Mars is akin to Hanumanji the Brahmachari who has very little desire (25%) for these things; Jupiter has slightly more (50%) desire while Saturn has 75% desire. All the other planets have 100% desire. Thus all planets (representing people can be said to be perverts to some degree or the other. The only exception is KETU, who does not have a head and hence cannot aspect the 7th house. Thus Ketu becomes a perfect Brahmachari and strives for Moksha. Thus, Ketu is always punishing people so they become perfect Brahmachari, renounce their wrong desires and attain Jagannatha. Even Bill Clinton was punished during Jupiter dasa-Ketu Antardasa for his affair with Monica Lewinsky. ++++++ The concept of Argala can get confusing. To understand the relationship between mutual 3 & 11, we should first consider a benefic in 3rd. Then there is no Argala on Lagna and the benefic is not going to contribute to the good health of the native. The point raised is with reference to the third house as the focus. Now, the third house rules short journeys and this has the Lagna being in the 11th house from the third. The 3 & 11 have a mutual relationship in Argala. Take an example of a short journey that one makes from the house to office. The clerk may use a public transport like bus to make the journey. Junior officers will use smaller cars and the Managing director uses a Mercedes Benz. Thus the status is reflected through the means of transport used. The making of the journey from home to office is going to "show" to the people who "see" the transport means the status of the native. Here the reference is to the third from Arudha Lagna (/Varga) as status is a part of Maya. The question arising is interpreting this influence of the third house on lagna (or AL). If the short journey is being made in an ambulance, it can indicate a serious fall in health. Vice-versa, the journey itself will have an impact on the person. A person who has to travel a lot in connection with the work may have failing health (if the journey becomes very tiresome). In interpreting Argala, the 11th house does influence the matters of the house concerned, but at what cost is the question. Since the 11th is a house of gains, the 11th from the third i.e. Lagna is the house of gains for the third house. Thus if the third house is gaining something, say energy from the Lagna, then the Lagna has to lose the same. Thus short journeys require expenditure of energy that may or may not be very good for the lagna. That is the point. ++++++ Argala can be caused by all bodies, both Planets and signs. Thus a malefic sign causing Argala shows that there is a building in a particular area which is causing BAD VAASTU to a particular activity or body that has this Argala. ++++++ Argala for Rahu is not in the reverse. Who is the author who said so? Only Ketu is in the reverse. Ketu is the only one who is going against the process of re-birth or return to this planet (if that is what rebirth means). Thus, in a way he is the greatest benefic. Association of planets with Ketu can give directions in spirituality. ++++++ Badha means obstruction and every house in a horoscope shall have a Badhak sign that will obstruct its activities. The Badhak for Lagna is the most important of these. ++++++

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The trikona are mentioned for the Natural Zodiac and it is necessary to study MOTHER NATURE FIRST AS SHE IS THE REAL SHAKTI LEADING TO BHAAGAVAN. Now, start with sunrise when the Sun is in the first house. Aries is the first house of nature and the dharma trikona would be the fire signs...and so on. Fire which is the physical representative of Agni Tatwa is the remover of all sins and evils just like the purity of dharma removing the weaknesses and sins of the past. Bhakta's like Prahalada and Srima Sarada Devi (w/o Ramakrishna Paramhamsa) can sit inside a burning pyre and recite OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA. Vasu refers to the light or the purest form of agnitatwa. (The reference is to Jupiter the greatest and representative of God in Agni Rasi). Now, come to midday when the Sun is in the tenth house and the natural sign is Capricorn. The focus is on work and Karma Yoga. The signs are earthy and materially focused forming the Artha Trikona. It is here that most men fall and their Karma Yoga gets diverted to self gratification instead of Nishkaama karma (work without the desire for fruit). Jupiter is in debility. The great Bhakta's like Gajendra (King of the elephants) sing KLEEM HRISHIKESHAYA NAMAH and ensure that Bhagavan comes riding the Bird Garuda and removes them from sin that can cause such a terrible fall. At sunset, the Sun is in the seventh house and the 7th house of nature is Libra. This is the begining of desire that ultimately culminates in sex etc. The native, having finished working, dreams of meeting spouse etc and fulfills desires related to social and personal matters. The Airy signs can make the mind travel to great depths and the imagination is vivid as the desires will depend on what the mind has got wind of. Great Bhakta like Narada Muni (who was touched by the arrow of Kama devata) will sing HARE KRISHNA and will save themselves from these tormenting desires. At midnight, all sleep and the trines to the bed is the 4th house called Jala trikona. The Sun is in the 4th house and the water element is very strong. The penultimate sleep symbolises Moksha and Jupiter in these signs shows Bhagawan as sleeping on a bed or reclining on a couch. The Bhakta's like Mahalakshmi and Shiva sing OM NAMO NARAYANAYA and attain Moksha. Ayana refers to the direction of ones life and we know that MORNING SHOWS THE DAY. So, the prayer/pooja we do in the morning is vital to directing our efforts and path of life. This is done with the Gayatri Mantra's. Maharishi's who aim for Moksha stand in a river with water in their hands, JALA tatwa predominates in the Brahma Muhurta as they recite the gayatri. Hold water in cupped hands and offer this to Bhagavan as you recite the Gayatri mantra, then the Moksha ayana is obtained. If you hold a burning lamp as a sign of offering while reciting the Gayatri, then Dharma trikona re activated and the sins are washed away, ignorance goes and the light of knowledge comes. Offering incense indicates the prithvi tatwa and the person becomes a Karma Yogi while the offering of food fulfills all desires. Those who aim for perfection in all the four ayana will hold a lotus or other flower as an offering and recite the Gayatri. In this manner the ayana should be understood with reference to the Tatwa. ++++++ If the Argala and its obstruction are equally strong, it constitutes a bandhana Yoga (Bondage). If malefics alone are involved, and if this is in the 2-12 or 5-9 houses, then this can cause actual physical bondage like kidnapping or jail. Rahu and Saturn involved gives being beaten with chains or other forms of torture while Gulika aflicting shows the use of poisonous substances. This world can be very evil for some people depending on their karma. That is why i always look for natural benefics in these places. ++++++ Argala is an intervention of outside influences on a house or significator. These are normally inanimate like a beneficial ketu argala on Jupiter can give assets like aeroplanes! (This is an extreme position and experience is the best teacher in handling argala). Graha's are animate or movable objects like men and Graha dristi indicates desire of individuals or the native himself. Rasi dristi are permanent aspects of the signs. Both Rasi and Graha dristi are to be applied simultaneously. Rasi dristi is a permanent aspect while Graha dristi only moulds the desire of the object. For example, Saturn's aspect brings sorrow. If Saturn aspects the second, this could be with regard to family and so on. These are very qualitative as the sorrow always comes due to an incorrect perception or desire.

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++++++ I have mentioned this thing about desires earlier. This applies to the second part of the quote i.e. about the pada's of dristi while the first part applies to the ability to see things or "have knowledge of". Thus all planets aspect the seventh or they have the knowledge of the happenings of the house in the seventh from their station. To what extent they desire these things in the seventh house is seen from the "Dristi Pada". Maharshi Jaimini has also expressed a similar opinion when he assigns the seventh from Lagna and the Moon for Hridaya (Not physical heart, but emotional desires). Let us say you have Saturn in the ninth house. So, Saturn aspects the 11th (income), third and sixth houses. Since Saturn can give very strong desires due to depriving the person from the items it aspects, these houses will also show the strong desires the person will have and that these desires will be the cause of sorrow (Saturn's aspect). The aspect on the 3rd house is full in the sence that Saturn knows all that happens out there and that it can fully influence the third house, but this is not the priority of Saturn. Its aspect on the sixth gives rise to enemies and desires to win in conflicts (10th aspectUpachaya aspect is top priority with Saturn the Labourer). Its aspect on the gains (third aspect -another Upachaya and desire to show Parakrama is next priority with Saturn) reduces gains and brings misfortunes...etc. Thus, in the ninth Sani is bad both by placement and graha dristi as well. ++++++ Argala is an intervention of outside influences on a house or significator. These are normally inanimate like a beneficial ketu argala on Jupiter can give assets like aeroplanes! (This is anextreme position and experience is the best teacher in handling argala). Graha's are animate or movable objects like men and Graha dristi indicates desire of individuals or the native himself. Rasi dristi are permanent aspects of the signs. Both Rasi and Graha dristi are to be applied simultaneously. Rasi dristi is a permanent aspect while Graha dristi only moulds the desire of the object. For example, Saturn's aspect brings sorrow. If saturn aspects the second, this could be with regard to family and so on. These are very qualitative as the sorrow always comes due to an incorrect perception or desire. ++++++ Malefics in the third suo-moto cause Argala as they also simultaneously obstruct the Argala of the 11th house. Since the 11th is the house of Gains, the objective is not gained and the person has to use PARAKRAMA BALA to achieve the objective. Thus, the gain is initially denied and the native fights for it and gains it at a later stage. As regards the Chaturthamsa usage for determining the efficacy of the Argala and its obstruction, this is Bhagya (fortune/Destiny) and we shall discuss this later. I have already explained earlier that the reverse counting is for Ketu ONLY and not for Rahu as along with the other planets Rahu is the cause of rebirth and the fruits. Ketu is the ONLY planet that is working like Ganapati (Tapasya) to take us to Narayana i.e. Moksha. Hence Ketu's Argala is in the reverse as it indicates the planets favouring or disfavouring the attaining of Moksha. For example, I have Ketu in the AL in Sagittarius with the Moon in Aquarius and no planet in Libra. Thus, the Moon in the 3rd from the AL shows the nature of death and this is unobstructed. Moon is also in the 11th from Ketu counted in the reverse direction and helps in the gain of the objective of Moksha and this Argala is unobstructed. Thus on the one hand the Moon gives death, and on the other it aids Moksha which can be achieved, in the real sense after death. I hope with this example it is amply clear that the reverse count is only for Ketu because it is the Moksha karaka. ++++++ Argala means planetary or sign intervention and they are caused on signs and planets alike. The primary ones the 2nd, 4th & 11th and they are obstructed by the 12th, 10th and 3rd respectively. As regards Ketu, the reckoning is always in the reverse. Thus, for example, my AL is Sagittarius and has Ketu in it. Thus for ketu the 2nd, 4th and 11th counted in the reverse is Scorpio, Virgo and Aquarius that cause Argala. The planets in these signs also cause Argala on Ketu. However, the AL is Sagittarius and the Argala on the AL is reckoned in the regular order i.e the 2nd, 4th and 11th from Sagittarius or Capricorn, Pisces and Libra intervene in its affairs. Thus the presence of Saturn in the 2nd, Sun in the 8th and Ketu in AL causes Kemadruma (Poverty) Yoga which has

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resulted in taking up a service which can never make the two ends meet!! I guess all honest Govt. servants in India will be in such a predicament. Fortunately, the Mokshkaraka Ketu has Subha Argala in the 11th in Aquarius and due to my Ketu related activities I have received gifts and donations to improve my lot. Thus in Leo Dasa Aquarius Antardasa my elder brother gifted me a Car!! (We should also see the aspect of Aquarius on the A4 in Libra for this not ignoring its Argala on the 4th house as well.) Moon aspected by Venus can be Dhana Yoga. ++++++ The Kendra to Lagna is the meeting point of the Luminaries. That is why both the trines and Kendra are very important from it. The Kendra to Lagna also acts in a similar manner in influencing the Body. REMEMBER: "KENDRA IS TO KONA AS THE SELF IS TO GOD". Yoga occurs when the self meets his God. That is why the association of the Lords of the Kona and Kendra lead to Rajyoga. It is the coming together of the individual desires and the forces of nature that would lead to their achievement. The Sun is like God and the Moon like the self (actually Guru or intelligence that goes towards God). ++++++ The first point is the translation of drusya and adrusya. These are visible and invisible parts of the horoscope. Thus, the lagna is invisible or adrusya while the seventh is visible or drusya. Based on this logic, p.s. shastri had tested the possibility of taking the bhava as lagna cusp plus 30 degrees and so on. However, it is important to check which of the two lagna or the seventh is stronger i.e. dharma or kaama is stronger?? The spiritual meaning of this statement is very deep. If lagna is really stronger, then dharma and moksha (first and fourth house Kendra) in the adrusya half will play an important role in life. If seventh house is stronger, then kaama and artha (seventh and tenth house Kendra) in the drusya half will play an important role in his life. Adrusya also means the fruits of which are not visible like the fruits of dharma and moksha cannot really be reaped in this body while drusya also means the fruits of which are obtained in this life like kaama and artha. This difference of dharma and kaama is like sukla paksha ruled by Vishnu and Krishna paksha ruled by shiva. ++++++ First is the definition of Day and Night in the Zodiac where the Uttarayana (Aquarius to Cancer) is Night half and the Dakshinayana (Leo to Capricorn) is the day half. Thus the signs in these halves are the NIGHT & DAY SIGNS respectively. Parasara went a step ahead in teaching the DAY STRONG AND NIGHT STRONG SIGNS (Note the subtle difference). Thus the signs of Jupiter and Saturn are reversed and all other signs which are day signs are also day strong signs excepting the signs of Jupiter and Saturn. To be more precise, PISCES is strong at both times and especially the Sandhya's just like Mercury which is strong at both the Day & Night. ALSO Kalyan Verma must have given this strength of Day & Night strong signs like all other standard texts (Just check this out). Why this difference for Jupiter and Saturn? When we discussed special aspects then the planets beyond the earth (viewed as being above the earth) were given special aspect just like a bird in the sky can see more than one on ground. Now, we are examining the question of day and night which is based on AGNI TATWA and the SUN & MARS rule this Tatwa. So, the planets from Sun to Mars are in one group while those beyond (Jupiter & Saturn) are reversed. Faith can move mountains. The Badhak is coming from the HARA sthana and the Manduka Gati of RUDRA is 11th house, followed by the 11th from it, 11th from that and so on i.e. 11th house, 9th house and 7th house. That is also the reason for the Manduka Dasa being applicable to Rudramsa alone as explained by Jaimini. Shiva and Brahma have Mutual Badhak whereas Vishnu only obstructs or stops Himself. That is why the legends are full of Shiva and Brahma having differences of opinion.

+++++ Understand the basis of each type of drishti. Rasi drishri is the permanent yoga whereas Graha drishti is bhavisyat yoga. One exists whereas the other is latent in the form of ICCHA shakti or desire. This Iccha shakti may or may not manifest at a later date. In the chart of Bhagavan Sri Rama, The jupiter and Mars aspecting each other form Dharma-Karma dhipati Yoga and this yoga of Rama (Gajakesari in

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Kark lagna) and Hanuman (Mars exalted in the seventh) occured in the future when Rama needed Hanuman. +++++ The correct chakra for the Physical Body is the RASI CHAKRA. The Atma resides in the heart and its light shines through the sahasrara Chakra in the head. This is the BL or Bhava Lagna which is calculated like HL & GL. This light of the Atma is akin to a huge GEMSTONE emiting light on its own. People have different ways to try to draw the influence of this light which does not obey the boundaries of the signs. They take 15 Deg +/- from the BL for defining its shape. What is really important to the Jyotish is the influence of the light of this ASTRAL Body on the Physical body. Even if someone loses a hand, the astral boby continues to exist and if a dummy hand is placed in the place of the physical hand, it starts functioning to the best of the abilities of the hand. This ASTRAL BODY cannot be destroyed. Now, we need to have some system to correlate the BL with its 15 Deg +/- (Again some say this is 30+ only) with the Physical Rasi's. After all we are concerned with this life. That is why some Jyotisha have devised the system of 15Deg +/- for the Bhava Lagna to be computed. What is this indicative of? It would indicate the Astral Body as seen from the exterior or the outward manifestation of this light in this particular body in this life. Honestly, this is not of much consequence to the normal jyotisha as it has little say on the physical body which is controlled by the AK and Lagnesh. So, just use this, rather experiment with this for spiritual knowledge. +++++ There are many rules correlatin the Rasi & Navamsa and I shall give you some for a start. RULE 1) A planet, even if exalted in rasi chart, if debilitated in navamsa can cause rajabhanga Neecha Yoga. {Notes: a) If the said planet in the Kendra or trikona from Arudha Lagna and is a benefic, then the native himself has Rajabhanga Yoga. b) If the said planet is a benefic and is in a dusthana like 3 or 6 from arudha Lagna, then the natives enemies have Rajabhanga and the native actually enjoys Rajyoga. c) If the said planet is a malefic in Kendra or Trikona from Arudha Lagna then the native enjoys Rajyoga by the destruction of evil around him. d) If the said planet is a malefic and is placed in the 3 or 6 from AL, then the native although aspiring for rajyoga will lose to his enemies. RULE 2} The sign in the second house from the Navamsa Lagna as viewed in the rasi chart, shall be the focus for the past Karma of the native to fructify in this life. For example, if the Navamsa Lagna is in the 11th house from Natal Lagna, then the second from this is the sign in the 12th house from Natal lagna. this deals with Moksha and Jaimini accordingly prescribes spirituality and Moksha. RULE 3} The chara Karakas placed in kendra and trikona from the Navamsa Lagna shall prosper whereas those in dusthana shall suffer. For example even if the Atmakaraka is strong in the rasi chart, if it is in the 6th house the native shall be afflicted by diseases.

+++++ The houses mentioned by Parasara 3.55 'trkonat..etc' also includes the lord of the house of exaltation. This is very important and should not be ignored. Group the houses based on category: (1) Trikonadhipati- Trine lords like Jupiters aspect - 5 & 9 (2) (2) Chaturasradhipati- Lords of Chaturasras like Mars aspect - 4 & 8, (3) (3) Dwirdwadasadhipati- like Kartari Yoga - 2 & 12 and,

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(4) (4) Toongesha - Exaltation sign lord The exaltation of the nodes and their Moolatrikona is notional i.e. they do so on the basis of their functions. For example, Rahu is exalted in Gemini but Mercury is not a friend of Rahu and is the first one to beat him up. Yet, Mercury, Rahu & Sun all into one group of Yogi planets. Rahu gives excellent results in Leo in the Lagna can gives princely enjoyments. Thus, eclipse of the Sun is an indicator of change of the crown and can spell doom for one ruler (Sun) and rise for another ruler. This is the reason for Parasara explicitly avoiding mentioning the exaltation and moolatrikona of the nodes along with other planets. (Refer 3.49-54 BPHS) The co-lordship of the nodes has also been mentioned during the discussion on Dasa's only to indicate thier nature more clearly and the one's they are more alike or resemble in nature. Like Rahu as a higher or more diabolical version of Saturn and Ketu as a higher version of Mars; Blue and ultraviolet & Red and infra-red respectively. These nodes do not have bodies or are not visible like the colors of light they represnt. So, please do not start giving the 'real ownership' and relations to these Graha which have no bodies and which take the nature of whoever they conjoin. And before we delve deeper into relationships based on Moolatrikona, start with the exaltations. As a test case try these: 1. Sun – Mars 2. Moon – Venus 3. Mars - Saturn (Boxing ring example I give - Blue and Red shorts). The boxers are not enemies in the real sence but are 'enemies in a competition'. 4. Merc - Merc (Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful of them all??) 5. Jup - Moon Gajakesari 6. Venus - Jup (Dwiguru Yog) 7. Sat - Ven (Love & sorrow relationship or desire and rebirth) 8. Rahu - Merc/Ven 9. Ketu - Jup/Mar

++++++ You will agree that the Panapara are very vital houses as they represent the future of the chart, and normally the middle age when a person earn his fortune. These include the 2, 5, 8 & 11 houses. Parasara has emphasied the importance of the 5 & 11 in this regard for good income, whereas I will add the importance of the 2 & 8 axis for the ability to store wealth. Benefics in this axis will show the ability to hoard large amounts of wealth. If the second lord is in lagna then also there will be a lot of accumulated wealth. The Lords of these houses are crucial. ++++++ The gains from a particular house are seen from the 11th from it. Thus, the fruit of marriage (7th) is seen from the 5th house which is the 11th from the 7th house. This principle has been (generally) used in the divisions in the first cycle D1 to D12. Thus, the 9th house is Dharma and the gain from Dharma is that the wife is pious. This has been clearly explained in the srimad Bhagavat Gita. Thus, the 7th (Wife) is the 11th from the 9th house and the navamsa is seen for the fruits (Physical plane relates to fruits) from Dharma and wife is generally called Dharma-patni seen from the D9 chart. Similarly, children are the fruits from marriage and are seen in the D7 chart. ++++++ In the Rasi chart the direction indicated by the 8th lord placement gives ill health and death, in the D4 loss of fortune, in the D-10 loss of face and reputation and a lot of hard work, in the d-24 wrong education and incorrect learning etc… ++++++

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Trine is Lakshmi in the sense of giving the money and material necessary for attaining the Ayana determined from the Kendra. Here is the generalisation about the trines and Kendra. The ninth house is perforce the Vishnu Sthana as the Lagna is Brahma Sthana as their primary activity or matters are Dharma and birth. Fortune or succor is a consequence of Dharma and not vice versa. So, ninth is first a Vishnu sthana. That is why I had also requested others to use the name Narayana for the Kendra-trikona Yoga concept to avoid confusions like these. +++++ Gururaksha...well we say "Sarvangam sarvada Gurum" for the protective power of the Yellow color of Jupiter or Guru. This is also the color of Bagalamukhi the Brahmavidya Shakti; she is supposed to be 'Ganesa Swaroopa' in that she protects the body like the ultimate armor in war. She is the Brahmastra and the ultimate weapon of Narada Muni Who taught this world about Her as the 'Jaya' Shakti of Narayana. Guru is the Natural significator of Paka Lagna. What does this mean in real terms? The paka Lagna is the sign occupied by the Lord of Lagna and so long as this sign is guarded and protected by Guru, the native is immortal 'cannot die'. In Ramayana we have the example where the sharp arrows of Rama start cutting the heads of Ravana after outmatching him in archery warfare. As each head (10 heads symbolic of the 10 Mahavidya (penultimate learning) would be rare to find a Pundita like Ravana, Who became immortal as the Raj-guru of Sri Rama by teaching Bhagavan Sri Ram the famous Shiva Tandava and the path to Rajyoga after the battle). But as each head falls another would grow from the trunk like Rahu whose head cannot be destroyed as he has consumed Amrita. Then Vibheesan tells Rama to aim at the navel and Ravana falls to the mighty Ram-Ban (Rama's arrow). The Holy name 'Rama' is the 'Naisargika Taraka Mantra' as this is the finest word to take any being to the feet of the Guru..."Maharshi Vakya Bodhakai Virajamana Vakpatai; Saroja Janma Sevitam Tatha Krupa Bhi diyatam...Vyasadevas song). Thus, uttering the mantra "Sri Rama Saranam Mama" apply a little Turmeric paste on all parts of your body symbolised by the 12 signs and you will get the protection of Guru over your body; do this on the tri-netra (portion between the brows) with the Guru Mantra and your intelligence and knowledge will shine with the radiance of a thousand suns.. ++++++ There are three types of reckoning signs: a) The regular or zodiacal method where the signa re reckoned in the regular order b) The Odd/Even differentia where the odd numbered signs counted from Aries are regular and Even are reverse c) The Pada (Foot) where the Vimsapada and Samapada differentia is used and every three signs counted from Aries is Vimsapada/Samapada respectively. What I was teaching about the Tatwa is fundamental and basic regular reckoning as in a) above. Yes in the manner you mention, they can be mapped into Navamsa signs. In Kalachakra, the third (c) type is used. Here, every three /four Nakshatra are alternately Vimsa or Samapada. ++++++ Like the shirt and the body, the BL Chakra and Bhava Chakra for Lagna try to fit into one another. There is a mismatch and this is largely due to the various bodies of differnt sizes that we occupy from one life to another. The Astral body does not change much (rather it is mostly negligible as most of us waste our lives in trivial pursuits), but the pysical body changes from life to life. The Bhava Chakra from Lagna is the SHIRT that God has given for this life. The REAL astral light is not visible to ANY Camera, but what is visible is the physical manifestation of that light - just like the shirt covering the body. People may look very good at times with different shirts (Some genuinely believe they are good looking!!) and these are the NARCISSUS like fools who think they look handsome, little do they know what awaits them in the next birth. This knowledge of the astral body and its slight mismatch in "fitting into" the physical body is what we know as Bhava Chakra and Bhava Lagna Chakra respectively.

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THE NEXT QUESTION: WHAT IS THE USE OF THIS KNOWLEDGE? ++++++ Chalit Chakra is also called Bhava chakra, but the former term seems to be more appropriate as Bhava Chart can also be misunderstood as the chart from Bhava Lagna. There are some methods of seeing the Bhava. These are: 2. 3. 4. 5.

15 deg Plus/Minus Asc. Where every house cusp is the same as Lagna degree. 30 deg Plus Asc. Here the house cusps are the same as Lagna. Sign is a house irrespective of the ascendant degree. (Generally called the Rasi Chart). The method of house divisions on the basis of equally dividing the arc between the MC and Lagna into the two parts for 12 & 11 houses and one part for tenth and Lagna.

You can try all these and will only move in circles. Prof. P S Shastri has deliberated in length on this in the AM and his conclusion was that the Rasi Chart is the best to use. My recommendation is also the same, except that you can use (a) above as given by Parasara. ++++++ "IF THE LORD OF A HOUSEIS A NATURAL BENEFIC AND IS PLACED IN A DUSTHANA, ESPECIALLY THE EIGHTH FROM IT, THE HOUSE SIGNIFICATIONS SHALL SUFFER OR BE DESTROYED". I have cited the chart of Sri Ram where the sixth Lord Jupiter (For Cancer Lagna) is exalted in lagna and his exalted enemy Ravana was finally destroyed. This brings death to the house under consideration, especially Jupiter and Moon in the eighth. for Aries, an exalted Jupiter can indicate early death for father unless the Sun is strong. ++++++

Fourth Bhava Malefic planets ifluencing the fourth house indicate residence away from home. It may show unhappiness at home causing one to go to another place to settle. Similarly, if malefics are strong in Lagna, the person may not have many happy memories of childhood and will be better off in a foreign land if there are benefics in 12th house.

+++++ 4th formal education like gurukul, molther's language, childhood training like using toilet etc as well as school training that makes you acceptable to the society (Moon). Basically Aparaa vidya having to do with this worldly life. 5th house rules Para Vidya and gyana i.e. spiritual education, mantra diksha, spiritual thoughts, prayers, assimilation of the formal training and learning into your personal and spiritual life. 9th house both Paraa ad Aparaa vidya as this is the higher learning where the distinction between the two gradually fades. College education, specialisation, temple, dharma vidya and the higher knowledge of all Guru's. There is no other house for Vidya. Every house has its influence on these houses through Argala. Unless you understand argala, the confusion shall continue. Take your problem about the second house. It is the 11th (EAR) from the 4th house and indicates speech which is due to hearing the words of the mother and other trainers and teachers associated with the fourth house. The education in the fourth house has largely to do with hearing and speaking...A for Apple...types. The second house is the 10th (Obstruction to argala from 8th house) from the 5th house. That is why the mantra is just whispered into the year and its real practise is in the silent mode. Speaking a mantra tends to diminish its potential and all traditions prohibit its disclosure by speech at least.

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The second house is the sixth (enemy obstructs argala from 4th house) from the 9th house and hence those who speak too much often end up with very little higher learning. Here, sight and reading are more vital methods for learning. That is why blindness is a curse from Bhagavan as the higher learning is severely impaired. In this manner one has to understand the bhava and the Argala.

Sixth Bhava The 3 & 6 are houses of Parakrama & Yuddha and it is for us to decide as to whether we are prepared to eat the fruits of this in this life. Parakrama enhances the image no doubt, say the image of President Bush has increased many fold after his parakrama and yuddha against terrorism. But then this related to the material plane and grants success in this plane. The malefics in these houses will surely give parakrama and success in war. In the sixth house, they also make a person corruptible and one who can use force (Mars), fear (Saturn) or fraud (Rahu) to gain material objectives and success. Is thisgood for spiritual advancement? Definitely not. So, the spiritualist will surely renounce these things and prefer Ahimsa in the place of parakrama and compromise in the face of war as he is looking for success in spiritual plane. Natural benefics out here shall help him. If the natural benefic is exalted in Rasi or amsa, it helps us to time the event and causes. Some examples that really inspire: 1.

Vivekananda: Mercury & Venus are in 6th from AL with Venus in exalted Navamsa showing that this renunciation will happen exactly around the time of marriage & path shall be Shakti (Venus) patha. 2. Prabhupada: Mercury & Venus in 6th from AL with Venus in debility (Bhoga) & mercury in exaltation (Tyaga-renounce). Thus, he married (Venus) and suffered in this karmic world. When the time came for writing /trnaslation (Mercury) of the Bhagavatam, he left his family and renounced. The path chosen was Vaishnava (Mercury). For more details & examples, see the link 'sixth house from AL' in my website. ++++++ Malefics afflicting the 6th house or Lord from AL give Parakrama bala and success in disputes or materialistic gain of targets. Benefics so influencing give Spiritual gains.

Tenth Bhava The profession of the father is from his artha trikona and when the ninth is the "Lagna of Father, then the tenth, second and sixth become the Artha trikona for father. Since this is also the Artha trikona for the son, he was expected to follow in the same lines as his father. Thus, even in the Vedic times, the ninth was the lagna of father and not the tenth house.

Seventh Bhava 7th Bhava and Exaltations 7th house is the problem. It is a satya Peetha. pisces is the sign of Maharishi's who abstain from sex and do not indulge in bed pleasures - contradicts Venus. Exaltations are not only based on signs but also on degrees. keep degrees in mind while thinking, rather, think about the nakshatra and the answers will be

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easier to come, then pada and finally come to the degree. For example Jupiter maybe exalted in Cancer, but what about aslesha placement and Pushya placement - there is a big difference out here. See, I have this strange habit of first giving a simple way out and then trying to gradually complicate it. You got the other point s right. Also note the difference between the benefics and malefics exaltation. Start with Creation and the life principle. Ask sarat/manpreet if you want to learn more on this. Dig is closely related to Drig. 7th is for rebirth and hence Saturn is the main cause of rebirth and hence his deity is Brahma. One form of Saturn's deity called Prajapati or Daksha Prajapati the praise worthy one, the creator of the physical world ++++++ The seventh house is the house of desires and heart disease is caused of wrong desires. The physical manifestation will take place in the fourth from Lagna (or cancer sign the natural seventh). In all these cases we are looking at the Moon and the Conscious mind. Thus malefics in the 6th, 7th or 8th house from the Moon shall cause Papa-Adhi Yoga and also give disease due to bad karma that leads to the fulfilment of desires. Benefics in such places from the Moon shall cause Subha-Adhi Yoga resulting in great yoga for a strong and happy heart. Similarly, malefics in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from the Moon shall cause disturbances in family (spouse specifically), personal-mental life and in work sphere respectively. Benefics in such places shall cause blessings in such areas as has been described. For example, a person with saturn in the 12th from the Moon shall become very sorrowful after marriage due to the troubles from spouse one with Mars in the same place can cause a lot of disturbance to the spouse. All this is not good for the heart, and heart diseases, blood pressure etc, results. These are some of the indicators. Eighth lord in cancer or connected to an ill placed Moon can surely indicate heart disease. ++++++ Akin means similar and thus Shiva is similar to Rudra, but not exactly the same. Shiva keeps a Guard on the seventh house matters or the DWARA (Door) of this Sansara (World). Thus, by worshipping Shiva we are not removed from this worldly existence by one of the eleven Rudra. Instead we have the opportunity to live a complete life of 108 years and then Shiva delivers us at the doors of Lord Jagannath (Krishna) like Hanumanji taking us through the doors to Lord Rama. If we have desires left (7th house is not fully satisfied), then we take birth again and the seventh house shall tell us where we shall take re-birth. Thus for example, I have mars in the 7th house and it is indicative of Sri Lanka or sime such Island state. (I think Karu shall be happy to have me there in my next birth!!!) ++++++ There is a lot of Difference between Rudra and Shiva although they are the same in many ways. Shiva is represented by the Sun whereas Rudra is represented by Mars. Both are the same as they have Agni Tatwa, but are very different that Shiva gives light and illumination and is of Satwa Guna whereas Rudra is of Rajas Guna. Shiva is calm and happiness (Shantam Anandam..) whereas Rudra is full of Anger and death inflicting. Thus Shiva is the great giver of all the desires of the heart and sits in the seventh house in the form of a Linga whereas Rudra sits in the eighth house. Thus the 2nd or 8th Lord becomes the Rudra which is different from the 7th Lord. ++++++ What you say is right, but the nature of the planet is also important to determine the travel. For example: A) If the seventh Lord from Venus (Venus is Natural Karaka for 7th house) is in a fixed sign, then the spouse comes from nearby/ same town; if in a movable sign, then spouse comes from a far off land while if in a dual sign then spouse comes from another town in the same state/ country.

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Now note the following: •

1) KARAKA: the Karaka is the one that brings the spouse. Thus the ninth lord from Sun brings father, fourth lord from Moon brings mother and so on. Thus, the Karaka relates to real people or inaninate objects and not events when considering Lordship of the house for its Karakatwa. Which planet brings the self to this world? The Sun is the natural Atmakaraka. Hence the Lord of the Sun sign is the first planet that brings the soul to this planet. It is responsible for our stay in this world/ physical body. That is why the 12 mantras of the Sun God have been prescribed for the 12 Sun signs called Dwadas Aditya. Bhagawan Sri Krishna, taught this to Arjuna before the battle where He advised the recitation of Aditya hridaya. Most persons recite the entire stotra, but Bhagawan taught differently. There can be either of nine planets from Sun to Ketu who will become the dispositor of the Sun or Lord of Sun sign to give this body. These are placed in the astadala Padma. The nine names of Aditya on the basis of the nine planets (not 12 signs) are as follows: • • •

East - Sun - Lord of Leo - SURYA: Mantra : Om Ghrini Suryaya Namah SE - Venus - Lord of Libra & Taurus- RAVI Mantra: Om Ghrini Ravaye Namah South - Mars - Lord of Aries - Viwaswan - Om Ghrini Viwaswate Namah...and so on (Home work: Complete this table for ready reference; what is your natural mantra for body protection? Mine (Sanjay Rath) is • Om Ghrini Vishnave Namah (Upon waking up and cleansing). • OM Hum Vishnave Namah (If I have headaches). • Om Hrim Vishnave Namah (Before a Pooja) • Om Kleem Vishnave Namah (Removal of troubles). • Om Shreem Vishnave Namah (Good works etc)... List out your mantra in your diary and understand the Beejakshara's. •

2) BHAVA: Bhava brings about events. For example if the eighth lord is in a movable sign then death occus in a distant land; if in a fixed sign, then in the same town/near home while in a dual sign the indications can be while travelling or not very far from home. Nimmi has the 7th Lord in 12th house. So, the event was of marriage.

3) USING THIS KNOWLEDGE: My dad wanted to know as to "when and where the Hamsa Yoga in my chart will yeild fruits?". Sun is in 5th house in Cancer in my chart and ninth Lord from the Sun is Jupiter in Pisces (as its Lord in a dual sign). So, I asked my father as where he was at the time of my birth and he answered Delhi (he was being considered for a Gold Medal from the President of India for his work). My next question was did he get the medal..Of course he was the one who received it. Then my answer was easy.The Hamsa Yoga will surely fructify and this will happen in Delhi.

In this manner, one knowledge about KARAKA can be used to predict another event related to Lagna/tenth house. ++++++ The 11th house from any Bhava is the "Laabha" or the acts and things that the house gains and grows from. The Marriage grows with love and affection and of course, children. These are the fruits (Or gains ) from marriage. It tells us whether the objective of marriage is going to be achieved, and in what manner. Thus, a marriage without love and affection is no marriage at all. Sometimes people stay married due to the presence of children and their responsibilities. Thus, the fifth can be treated as a cementing house for the marriage. The fifth is trines to the ascendant and also shows the mind…whether it is capable of loving like with a Venus in the fifth or is too dumb for such sensitive things like with Saturn in the fifth. The fifth is the

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second from the fourth thereby it has primary ARGALA (intervention) in its affairs. Thus if the fourth rules the heart , then, figuratively, the fifth will tell us what the person likes or who and what occupies or influences his heart. The fifth is not really the house for extra-marital ties. It just shows who a person likes. It has nothing to do with LUST, but ONLY LOVE. For lust, see the Darapada (Arudha Pada of the 7th house) and the second and seventh from the Upapada (Arudha pada of the 12th house) as these show the persons who will come into his PRIVATE life (A&) and share his bed (A12 or UL).

Twelfth Bhava the 12th house from Lagna is the feet. Now just because a planet is placed at the feet, why should it cause losses? In fact Venus will give very good sources for expenses (I think Visti has already clarified this). Look at the 12th from Arudha lagna. in any case, also check whether Lagna or Moon is stronger to initiate the Vimsottari Dasa.

++++++ 12 is a very strange house and we have some very strange rules for it. The day we understand all this totally, then we would not like to stay in this planet for a day also. Take Bhavartha Ratnakara for change. Ramanujacharya says that a person is fortunate w.r.t those Bhava's whose Karaka's are in the 12th house. To this I add my experience: If the Karaka of the Bhava where Rahu is placed is in the 12th house, then the evils of Rahu can be checked by that planet. Such strange things exist out there. debility is in fact, a good thing in that it makes you humble. To this add the teaching of Jaimini - Tasmin ucche neeche va Srimantaha... Now, to bring you out of the confusion: The Atma is neither exalted by mundane things offered by the Rasi (Aditya) nor debilitated by the sorrows or suffering. It merely observes. It is in a state of perpetual strength as it is the king of the horoscope. If the king is weak can we say that the citizens or minister etc are strong? No. similarly when the AK is in a state of weakness (seemingly though in a particular birth), it is really not weak. The 12th house being a sign of debility is of no particular significance for the AK. Take Venus in Libra. Venus is debilitated in the 12th from this sign. Shall we say that Venus is uncomfortable in Libra!! If you are not spiritual or you become spiritual, it is NOT YOU who is making this happen. It is the aspect of Vishnu Bhagavan as He moves in the various signs i the form of DHARMA in the Drig dasa. The Drig Dasa Rasi is the sign where Jagannath is present TODAY. So, see if He is looking at you, or at your Karma or at your Arudha. Try to associate yourself with those things where the EYES OF JAGANNATH are looking as per the Rasi drishti of the Drig dasa Rasi. that way you will get tuned to Him. Of course the Gita is right, but although we speak its language, do we really follow it. This should be the question we ask each moment. Look at a light bulb. Is it giving the same radiance it did when it was bought? Not that the light in the world has diminished, but just that a thin layer of dust has gathered over it. All that I am telling all of you is to clean this bulb's covering each day so that there is no obstruction to the (inner) light. As a first step, I ask you all to try to find the bulb first, as there is some light within your room (Brain) but you don't know where it is coming from. The planets aspecting the 12th from AK or its Lord shall take you to this source of light and then you will know how to clean it.

++++++ Navamsa Rakshasa, Manushya and Deva are the threefold divisions of the Navamsa to show the Guna associated with the planet when we are referring to various matters as being Tamas, Rajas or Satwa. This primary Guna comes from past birth as this is a Navamsa. to understand this better, use the words Shiva,

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Brahma and Vishnu for the three types of Navamsa. While you are correct about Mercury being in Rakshasa Navamsa, I wonder how saturn placed in Virgo can be classified as Rakshasa Navamsa. There is something wrong out here. I also checked your software and got this. Please check this. Another point. If the Vimsottari Dasa starts from Lagna, I use the Navatara chakra from Moon and vice versa. Please add this to the software.

4.0 Dasas As the name implies, this is not for Phalita Jyotisha. The Yogini is a very scary deity associated with death and the dasa period (Max) is for 36 years which synchronises with an Ayur Khand of 36 years whether in Alpa, madhya or Poorna Ayus. Have you tried this Dasa in the charts of known people like Gandhi, Nehru etc and tried to find the accuracy in determining their passing away? The chart given below is that of Sri Aurobindo. We find that the Chart has got long life i.e. 72-108 years. Now, the Yogini dasa begins from Aug 15, 1872 + 72 = Aug 15 1944. The Atmakaraka is Mercury & Rahu is opposed to this in the Kalachakra. The Badhak sign is Taurus ruled by Venus (placed in 2nd with 2nd Lord in same nakshatra as well) and Rahu is in badhak. He left his body in Venus-Rahu Yogini Dasa on 5 Dec 1950. Interesting. Now examine a few more charts and let us see what you come up with. Also take some time out to study the Kalachakra and the "lining of constellations" as well as the movement of the Yogini as given in the Prasna Marga. ++++++ The entire Jyotish Vidya revolves around this Hare (Lagna) Rama (Sun) & Krishna (Moon). So, yes, it does work that way. For example the Narayana Dasa of the sign having the Sun is said to bring a fresh lease of life and opportuanity to the chart. ++++++ Temporal significations are important in both Phalita and ayur Dasa, Natural significations in Phalita Dasa and Fixed significations in Ayur Dasa. ++++++ In my advice, you will notice that I also have not rejected the Sun. I am only giving it a lower position for Phalita Dasa than the Lagna and Moon. You will appreciate that whereas the three are very important and form the tripod, in this World of Maya, the Atma is just passing through another of its endless journeys. It is the Moon (Mana) and Lagna (Body) that are UNIQUE for this particular Journey. The Atma (Sun) is old. The dasa from the Sun would be more relevant if we are considering the Nisheka chart. I will teach all these things to you some day where you can judiciously pick the right dasa for a particular chart. After all there are so many Dasa. We have just started the discussion on Dasa's and what I am teaching right now is the Vimsottari Dasa and here too the Lagna or Moon are used. The Sun is specifically left out. The Moola Dasa is a derivative of the Vimsottari (in a way) and there too the Sun does not enjoy as much importance as the Atma is old.

++++++ Like we treat the Planet dasa sign as first house and see the other planets also from it, so also we treat the Dasa sign as akin to Lagna and see the the other signs and planets from it. However, in both the cases the Maya Pada do not change. Thus if a person is having the Dasa of fifth house (Narayan Dasa), the Mantra Pada cannot become the Arudha lagna. We only treat the fifth as the temporary Lagna and see how the other planets are placed from it. This is seen to understand the influence of these signs and planets on the Dasa Rasi. Thus, if a person is having the vimsottari Dasa of the Moon, then the Moon

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sign is to be treated like lagna and planetary placements are seen from it. We cannot make the Moon, nor lord of Moon sign as Lagnesh. See the relationship between the new houses as the dasa changes with their ORIGINAL Arudha Pada. This is the answer to your last question.

++++++ The tradition knows that the Sun represents the Atma which does not know sorrow nor happiness. It merely observes all that is happening to gain knowledge. The Phalita Dasa's are basically the interaction of the body and Mana with the environment and hence the Lagna or Moon should be considered. If you read Parasara carefully, then you will always find that the various dasa's are focused to start from either Lagna or the Moon alone. Varahamihira also held a similar traditional view. Satyacharya has deviated in a number of points. Some of these are very useful as he has given the practise among astrologers of his days. Kalyan Verma picks up this thread. Actually the stanza quoted by kalyan Verma was with reference to Ayur Dasa and not to Phalita Dasa. there is a clear line between these types of Dasa's. Thus we really cannot say that he advocated for starting from the Sun in Phalita Dasa like the Moola Dasa. He was talking about using the stronger between the Sun, Moon and Lagna to calculate the longevity using different mathematical models.

+++++ Everything is not black and white. Although I have tried to make it as scientific as possible. Astottari is definitely better than Vimsottari in Ayur calculations, but that does not mean that Vimsottari will fail in Ayur calculations. Ududasa are dasa's of the mind level and can tell a skilled astrologer many tales of what is to be expected and what is likely to happen. Rasi dasa like Narayana Dasa are necessary to confirm the same. So, take one dasa and try to master it. Then take another and master it. You must learn each dasa and try to master as many as you can. This will increase your depth of the subject, understanding and grasp. Why is astottari better for Ayus? [108 years is the age for most Ayur dasa while 120 years is the age for most Phalita Dasa. Narayana dasa although having a maximum of 144 years is on a base of 120 years. This base is used in compression.]

+++++ Let us try to define Moola Dasa. Firstly, the word Moola has been chosen verycarefully by our seers andthey use their words with such perfection as if they were the perfect Brahma reincarnate..Aham Brahmasmi seems to be applicable to them. Moola is from Moolatrikona which forms the basis of correctly determining the periods of the planets associated with the Dasa. Secondly Moola is also a nakshatra forming an important junction point of the Bha-Chakra. Moola also means basic or the ROOT cause of our being or creation. Now, why were we created in our present bodies? It is because of our own Karma of past life/existence whether in a body or outside a body. Thus Moola dasa takes all this into accoutn and brings out the planetary effects of our Karma of past birth. Now let us understand Brahma, the Creator or the creative aspect of Godhead...depending upon the context. Brahma Yoga is seen from the Kendra (Quadrants) to the Lagna Lord. Thus the Kendra to Lagna, Panapara or Apoklimas are mutually interrelated and shall form the three stages of our existance as Youth, Middle age and Old age and shall roughly span 0-36, 36-72 aqnd 72-108 years. Note that Brahma is also associated with Ayus or longevity and the wise saying "Brahma de Ayus, Vishnou de Dhanam Shivou de Kalyanam"..[Dhanam has a much deeper implication and not just wealth]. Thus Moola Dasa is the Dasa of the Kendra, Panapara and Apoklimas respectively.

+++++ As I have been telling again and again, there is much more to the dasa than wht catches your eye and there is much more in those words of the great authors than what our brain comprehends. The author Kalyan Verma is a very respected name and their point is clear and unambiguous about starting of Dasa from Lagna, Sun or Moon, whichever is stronger. Can you give me the exact quote from Varahamihira?

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If you read Moola dasa results carefully as given by Kalyan Verma, you will also find the results of LAGNA. Any insights on this? I must have a valid reason as to why I exclude the Sun in natal charts and in conception charts, I consider ONLY Lagna and Sun and exclude the Moon. i have taken a few classes on conception charts in delhi and try to get those notes from sarat or Sarajit. This will help in clearing this. Lagna & Sun in conception charts and Lagna & Moon in natal charts. One for creation and the other for sustenance...think on these lines. Adding both together, you will see that i am saying the same thing as Varahamihira, Kalyan Verma and others that the stronest of Lagna, Sun and Moon are to be considered.Just that I am clarifying even further...for the benefit of all. if there are still doubts better read the chapters relating to the conception chart.

++++++ You will find the explanation for comparative strengths under sources of strength in the Upadesa Sutra Chapter II Quarter-3 Sutra 2.3.5 to 2.3.17 at Page 197. As regards comparative strengths of Rahu & ketu for determining the stronger for Aquarius (Sat/Rahu) and Scorpio (Mar/Ket) refer to the detailed notes under Sutra 1.1.27 at page 13. Please bookmark these pages as you will need to refer to them very often.

++++++ Question: In the BPHS Nakshatra Dashas of different total legth are listed (120, 108, 72, 36 etc.). Will this mean that whenever a native's chart satisfies the condtiton for using a certain Dasa system, taht will also signify his probable longevity? Or otherwise what is the significance of the total length of Dasa periods? Answer: 36 years only means that it is applicable for one Ayus Khanda. Let us say a person has got middle life of 36-72 years. This means that we can have four shoola dasa and by following the shoola Dasa and the methods I have given in the COVA the date of death can be fixed. However, we may need to check this through the Yogini Dasa. Yogini is a very evil name as it implies the destruction of Yoga. It is the exact opposite of God/krishna/ Yogeshwara/ Life. This Dasa is for 36 Years and its calculation has been taught in BPHS. Now apply this Dasa and try to pinpoint the period of death and you will see its accuracy. The KCD gives different life spans, but this is not the span. When calculating longevity, we arrive at different conclusions with the method of pairs. Say a person has two pairs showing short life and one pair showing long life, and yet long life is granted by one of the exceptions like Moon in 1st/7th house, then the longevity span/ range is altered. Another case can be that two pairs give long life, then we see the third pair to get a hint on the level. For example, if 3 Pairs show long life, then 108 years; if two pairs show long life and the third shows middle life, then this is lesser at 96 years and if two pairs show long life and the third shows short life then this is even lesser at 84 years. It is no longer 72-108 Years, but upto 96 years which will occur in about one-third of the cases. I have given the tables for this in my book COVA/USJM. Then in these cases, the Niryana Shoola Dasa will give good results. ++++++

Vimsottari Dasa Three parts of period Every dasa or antardasa can be divided into 3 parts to judge the trend.

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1) For malefic planets the results of its exaltation or such strength in divisions is felt in the first three sub periods i.e. about 1/3rd the period of dasa/antardasa. The results of its house placement and ownership are felt in the next three sub periods i.e. the middle 1/3rd past of the dasa/antardasa. The results of its aspects as well as aspects on it will be felt in the concluding 1/3rd portion or last three sub-period. 2) For Benefic planets, the result of its ownership and house placement are felt in the first three dub-periods (i.e. first 1/3rd part of the period). Its exaltation and strength show their results in the middle part (i.e. next 1/3rd part) whereas the aspects on it as well as its aspects bear faith in the last (i.e. concluding 1/3rd part of the dasa)."

+++++++ That statement about planets not giving results in their own sub-periods is not correct. It is derived by Jyotisha who have fasiled to explain the results of their predictions going awry. For example during saturn dasa saturn Antardasa, I have had fantastic results, went to Bishop cottons School at Bangalore; dad got his 10 Crore project and license done (way back in the days of the license Raj) and what not all. again in Mercury - Mercury I got a promotion, new car and what not all benefits. This list was started, books published and very good results. How can we say that these planets did not give results? What is more, I had expected these results and they have come to pass. Now, there is another point about the Satyacharya Principle. In its own-subperiod the results of the planet are akin to the position of the Sun. If the Sun is well placed in the chart, then blessings come during the own-subperiod as the planet is in the first house counted from it. Similarly, if a planet is in the third from the dasa lord, look for the placement of Mars to check the type of results that can be expected. If it is in the seventh, then ill-health results due to desires (Venus) while in the fifth they are like a strong Jupiterian blessing. Please add this as a note to the lesson on Vimsottari dasa. ++++++ First determine whether the Lagna or the Moon is stronger. Depending on this, the Lagna Naksha or Moon Nakshatra should be used to calculate the Dasa Balance. Now, if four or more planets are in Kendra to Lagna then the Dasa is modified to Tara Dasa. In any case the Utpanna, Kshema and Adhana Dasa shall be determined on the basis of the Longitude of the Moon but the balance shall be calculated from the respective constellations. Take my case. Lagna is stronger than the Moon sign. Thus the Lagna Nakshatra should initiate the Vimsottari Dasa. However four planets are placed in the Kendra to the Lagna and they shall convert the dasa to Tara Dasa. However for purpose of Utapanna and other dasa, the Moon longitude has to be used as these are derived from the Moon.

++++++ For the benefit of all readers, I shall begin with this small prayer to my Lord "OM KRISHNAM JAGANNATHAM NATWA SANJAYA DAIVAGYA". VIMSOTTARI DASA The Vimsottari (Lit: 120) Dasa is the King of the Ududasa and is preferred by all traditional astrologers due to the personal recommendation of Maharishi Parasara on the grounds that it is the only one (Other than Sandhya Dasa) having a period of 120 Years which is the Param Ayus of Man. Unlike other Udu Dasa it is fully balanced as it takes all the Nakshetra with equal weightage, starting with Krittika (3) for the Sun and in the order of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury,

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Ketu & Venus having periods of 6, 10, 7, 18, 16, 19, 17, 7 & 20 years respectively. Jupiter is the Guru of the Dasa with the periods of the Sun and Moon equal to that of Jupiter (6 + 10 = 16). Readers are familiar with the calculations and I shall leave this out. The Dasa's of the planets starting from that occupied by the Moon are also called Janma (Birth), Sampat (Wealth) etc. The 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Dasa are generally considered evil. Some astrologers add that the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th in Kali yuga refer to Balarista (infantile death), Alpa Ayus (Short life), Madhya Ayus (Middle Life) and Poorna Ayus (Long Life) respectively. Some astrologers also count the 1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th stars lordship from that occupied by the Lagna for determining health instead of Moon Star ( This is not agreed to by most). However, transit of the Moon is always reckoned from the birth Moon Star. The Dasa of the 2nd & 7th Lords or planets in these houses from Lagna, Paka Lagna or Arudha Lagna can cause a lot of Pain and Suffering. Hence Maha Mritunjaya Japa (8000 to be completed in 40 Days) is advised during the Vimsottari Dasa/ Antar of the planets so placed or Lords of 2/7 houses. The dasa of the lords of the trines is generally good while those of Dusthana (3, 6, 8 &12 houses) are bad. The Upachaya (3, 6 &11) are houses of growth and their Lords give growth after perseverence in Kali Yuga. The Lords of Kendra (Quadrants) generally give good results. Kendradhipatya Dosha applies to planets owing the quadrants. This Dosha ONLY results in reduction of effects and not their alteration. Natural Benefics (Jup, Ven, Merc, Moon) owning Kendra become less benefic/ neutral while natural malefic owning Kendra houses (1,4,7,10 Houses) lose their sting/ become less malefic. If the the planet is also placed in its own sign, then all malefic results are lost and MahaPurusha Yoga results. Natural Benefics owning Quadrants, if also placed in Quadrants or trines give Rajyoga whereas natural malefics owning Quadrants if placed in a dusthana give Rajyoga. The Sun, Moon and Lagna form the tripod of life. Thus, the results of the Mahadasa should also be examined from the Sun, as the Antardasa planet is also examined from the Moon and the Pratyantar dasa planet is examined from the Lagna. Combustion of planets cannot occur when they are retrograde (except Venus which revolves in the opposite direction i.e. Venus cannot be combust when in Direct motion). Combustion of Yogakarak planets ruins the fortune whereas the combustion of evil planets results in Rajyoga. If there is Pravrajya Yoga (Renunciation etc.) indicated by the conjunction of four or more planets, then the combustion is a material blessing as it destroys the Pravrajya Yoga and results in good fortune. (Readers can examine this in the Chart of Filmstar Amitabh Bachchan, Hyder Ali etc). Retrogrades have tremendous "Chesta Bala" and they can put in a lot of effort or the native has to put in a lot of effort to achive the indications of the retrograde planet. The retrograde planet normally reverses the indications of the house it is in. It is very strong being full f Rays and its indications are sure to occur. Thus, if retrograde in the 11th house, gains may be delayed or altogether denied. If retrograde in the fifth, the mind/children (one normally) will suffer. This is the first lot on the effects of the Dasa Planet. I hope readers can contribute charts wherein these principles can be verified.

++++++ The Vimsottari lordship of a star is Vital to its affairs. For example, there is a specific dictum that if the lord of the tenth house and the Sun has a common Nakshetra lord, then its dasa (Vimsottari) shall give Rajyoga of the high order. The strength of this nakshetra lord shall determine the level of the Rajyoga. (Jataka Parijatha I think). This (Vimsottari) Nakshetra Lord becomes the Jeeva for the bhava. We must also understand that there is a very logical reason behind giving these nakshetra lordships. For example (A), the deity of Aslesha is Rahu and it is considered a very inauspicious star for any spiritual activity. The nakshetra lordship of Mercury shows the state of mind that is best suited for this star vibration. i.e. Mercury or Vishnu's Name should be in the mind of the person if he wishes to get out of the evil effects of the star. Another example (B) the Nakshetra Revati has Pushan "The Knowledgable or wise one as its Lord" and the best state for the mind while approaching the wise one is as a student (Mercury) the lord of the

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constellation (Vimsottari). We could go on, but the point is that the Vimsottari is the Queen of the Dasa's and its lordship is vital in the chart. However, we cannot overstretch its importance as has been done for the KP system.

++++++ Kshema is the 4th Star and Adhana is the 8th Star. ++++++ The focus is on the ownership of Pusya. This is owned by brihaspati and umpteen Puja , Ganesha Yantra, wearing of Pokhraj, etc are done on the Lunar transit of this star. With the advent of kali, this foundation is getting wiped out as the ownership of Vimsottari is getting the focus. This is a temporary ownership and is applicable to Vimsottari dasa alone. If you can have "KP Sub's" with 243 Parts which is numerically a very vague number, why can't we have "SR Sub's" (Thanks to the Research potential of Rahu, I have just started another system where the sub lordship of Astottari dasa is used- Just now as I type this letter!!) with 64 parts or maybe three times that number? Do you feel this can be experimented, and why can we not use this vis-a vis the KP System? The answer is simple, the question of ownership is disputed i.e. the star is owned by one, but is used as the realm of another during a particular Dasa. Thus, the ownership of PUSYA is that of Brihaspati.and this continues. The question is why then do we use the star disposition and Sookshma Parivartana in Vimsottari Dasa? That's because of the Jeeva being the same for stars having similar lordship in Vimsottari.


Narayana Dasa I have clearly mentioned that narayana is above the Graha's. You have doubts try it and see for yourself. The point is the Satyacharya principle is typically applicable for the Ududasa and this has to be done till the third level. Actually there is more to this as my grandfather used the Vimsottari till the sixth level, and I haven't learnt more..need to work on this area. Narayana Dasa is composed of two factors (a) the Nara and (b) Narayana. If we are using Narayana dasa exclusively, as I do very ofter then I see two things (1) How will the dasa be for the person and what are the things that the environment can throw up and (2) How will the person be guided. First is without the Tripod and the second is with the Tripod, and to me it hardly matters as what will happen is more important than what the person is going to like or dislike do or not do.

++++++ Drekkana phala of the dasa planet needs to be considered with the nature of the planet as well. sazturn and Moon give good results in the last drekkana, Sun & Mars in the begining and Jupiter and Venus in the middle. Mercury at all times. Now what do we mean that aplanet gives its results in the middle or last part of its dasa? Who then gives the results in the begining or other parts? Here we need to understand the concept of tri-bhagi-phala. This concept is also used in the Rasi dasa where the dasa sign shall give its results based on the nature of the sign it is placed in. In this case the other results are of (a) planets placed in its sign and (b) planets aspecting it. thus if a planet is placed in the first drekkana then its results of placement and aspect shall be felt in the begining of the dasa; thereafter aspect of benefics and then the aspect of malefics and finally the results of disposition of planets in its sign depending on whether the sign is malefic or benefic.


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Use Narayana for all people and purpose and Su Dasa in the charts where you want to time specific events like say marriage or wealth etc. What I gave was a general rule to help in the selection of Su Dasa, but Sri cannot dominate over Narayana. She can be a powerful force, but not against Narayana.

++++++ "Sanau Che Tyeke" is difficult to interpret. My understanding is that if he influence of Saturn dominates the decision on the order, then it shall e regular or Zodiacal. This can happen if either saturn is placed in the arambha rasi or in the Dasa rasi. These are both important as one is akin to Paka Lagna and the other akin to Lagna. Similarly for Ketu the revere applies. Thus in the case of Sarada Ma, the presence of Sani in the Paka of the dasa rasi or the Arambha Rasi shall dominate the decision of regular reckoning of antardasa. When both Saturn and Ketu influence, the situation is even more difficult to judge. If both are together in a sign, then the one with a higher longitude shall dominate. If they are in separate signs like one in dasa Rasi and the other in Arambha rasi, thentheir strenghts are to be judged as per the strengths of signs. In this manner the movement of the antardasa are to be determined. ++++++ Some points: That the period of the sign is to be divided into three parts to understand the trend of the Narayana Dasa. If the sign is beneficial then the results will be in the first one-third, if malefic then its results will be in the last one-third. Pisces is the exception where the results will be in the middle always. The remaining two parts shall be governed by the lord of the sign and the planets placed in it or if none are placed, then those aspecting it If the Lord is a Natural malefic, then its results will be felt later than those of the planets in the sign. Vice-versa if the lord is a benefic. Thus, the natural trend of a dasa sign is to do good in the begining and evil towards the end.

++++++ Another Family Secret The Varsha chart for the begining of a Narayana dasa is the one that dominates the results during the entire period of the Narayana dasa. Thus, making a fresh varshaphala every year is really not necessary. I have shown this in my book COVA, but I wonder how many will catch that.

Yogini Dasa This is an intricate Dasa - the Yogini dasa as it is based on the eight evil Yogini's that cause the destruction of the YOGA between the Sun, Moon & Lagna. This dasa is for 36 years ONLY and is not extended as has been brought about by some authors in their books. Thay have mistaken the Yogini dasa for SHATTRIMSHAT SAMA DASA. Sad but true.

++++++ The dasa is for 36 years as its Param Ayus, and is applied to the Ayus khand to determine the exact death dates etc. Now, we have a phalita dasa of exactly same period and of the eight planets having 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 years each. This is the Shat Trimshat Sama Dasa. Thus, in the book 'Yogini Dasa' all that has to be done is change the name to Shat Trimshat Sama dasa and the names of dasa as per the eight planets. Everything else about cycles etc is fine. But to call this as Yogini Dasa is preposterous. The author has been misled - I cannot blame him.

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Shoola Dasa The SHOOLA DASA is named after the TRISHULA or Three headed spear carried by Lord Shiva in the form of RUDRA or MAHESWARA. The Shoola Dasa is a fixed period Dasa and will depend on the nature of animal etc. you are studying. Either (a) The period of gestation is equal to ONE ANTARDASA OR (b) the period of FULL LIFE (Purna Ayus) is equally divided by 12 for the dasa of the 12 signs and equally divided by 144 for each antardasa. Example A: Determine the Shoola dasa periods for Human births. We know that the period of conception & pregnancy (geatation) is 9 months. Thus, each Shoola ANTARDASA equals 9 Months. Each Shoola Dasa is 9 Years (12x9 Months= 108 Months =9 Years). Purna Ayus of this Dasa is 108 years (144x9months =1296 Months= 108 years). Example B: The US president is elected for a period of 4 years. This becomes the Purna Ayus of the Presidency and his ability to sustain during the 4 years will be seen from the Shoola Dasa of the swearing-in Chart. Since the Purna Ayus (Full Life) is for 4 years=48 Months, Each SHOOLA DASA for the US Presidency is for 4 Months (48Months /12 =4 Months). Each Antardasa is for 10 Days (4 Months/12 = 120 Days/12 = 10 Days). The shoola Dasa start from the Lagna or the 7th house whichever is stronger. Similarly for other relations. The stronger between the 3rd & 9th will start the shoola Dasa for Father, Paternal relatives & younger co-borns. The stronger between the 4th & 10th will start the shoola Dasa for Mother, Maternal relatives etc. The stronger between the 5th & 11th will start the shoola Dasa for Children, (Maharishi Jaimini adds younger sisters out here due to the pada of the third) & Elder co-borns. The stronger between the 6th & 12th will start the shoola Dasa for servants, pets etc. In this manner the Shoola Dasa for all can be determined. The Shoola Dasa are always regular and zodiacal. This is because Saturn is the natural Ayushkaraka (significator for longevity) and the Jaimini Maharishi teaches "Sanau UcheTyeke". The stronger between the 2nd & 8th Lord is called the Rudra. If the weaker is more afflicted, then it becomes the Rudra. The sign occupied by the Rudra is called Shoola and its trines are called TRISHULA. Since Venus & Mars are the Lords of the natural 2nd (Taurus) and 8th (Scorpio) houses of the zodiac, if they are aspected/conjoined by the Moon (Significator of the mind/health) generate Rudra Yoga. Death is to occur in the TriShoola, Rudra Yoga or other malefic yoga. Death can also occur in the sign of the Arudha Lagna(for self and other Arudha for other relations). Death can also occur in the signs aspecting the third (PLACE OF DEATH) from Arudha Lagna. Other details from my books.

5.0 Miscellaneous The Sunrise or Lagna is Birth and presided by Brahma, whereas the Sunset is akin to Shiva/ death or end of life and is the other door through which the Atma leaves. Strength is due to the association of Narayana. If Narayana is with Brahma, then He is stronger, if with Shiva, then Shiva is stronger. The rules only help us to determine the side on which Bhagavan is for that side alone is victorious all the time. "Jaya" can ONLY be associated with "Jagannath" or Bhagavan. Now, the Lagna or seventh being stronger only shows which of the two Satya Peetha associate with Bhagavan, it does not dilute the Satya or Truth. In Pooja it will indicate whether the Morning Prayer or evening POrayer is more important. If the Lagna is stronger, then worship Bhagavan more ardently in the morning, while if the seventh is stronger, then in the evening at the sandhya pooja. It also indicates the mood of Bhagavan. In real life, the Lagna in strength shows that the association with Bhagavan is preferred through a "Male Guide" or Guru whereas if the seventh is stronger, then this association with Bhagavan is

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preferred through a female guide "Shakti". Such persons with stronger Lagna will prefer words like "Jaya" or "Shri" prefixed before the name of Bhagavan like "Jaya Jagannath" preferred by me (Lagna stronger with Jupiter). On the other hand Srinivas Raju prefers "Hare Krishna" as his 7th house is stronger with saturn. Similarly, Srila Prabhupada preferred "Hare Krishna" or "Radhe Krishna" as in His chart, the seventh house is stronger with Saturn (Tamas removal Shakti Radhika- Hara/Hari/Hare) in it. You will find the names of the eight Queens in my book (VRA) under the Krishna Mantra's. If any planet is in the seventh, then prefix this name to that of Krishna and the native will progress rapidly into the Bhakti Marga. As regards the poles, let us be clear that the Hora is for "ONE HOUR" each and is started from six hours before astrological Noon. Thus their Atma rises and sleeps at the given six hours before and after the Mid day. Mid day is the most important reference as it represents Vishnu Gayatri, being the strongest. It (He) is Achyuta (or unchangable) whereas the other Gayatri's may change. ++++++ The stronger between the second and eighth lords is called Rudra. Sometimes the weaker qualifies. Rudra is like an elephant holding the PRANA to the Physical body. Thus, for each of the 12 houses, there is one eighth lord called its Rudra. However, for the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka, the eighth Lord is called Maheswara or Shiva as He is responsible for holding the ATMA inside the body. Thus, we can say that there are eleven Rudra and one Maheswara in a Horoscope. ++++++ What you say as ascendant is actually the BHAVA LAGNA which moves @ 1 degree in 4 minutes. The Sun is the Naisargika Atmakaraka and the visiblity of the Sun's upper limb has been used for Poojas and Yagna since time immemorial. The most important point is that the SUN is the Creator or the cause of the Lagna. If there was no Sun (figureatively, Atma or Vishnu) then there would be no need for a body. This is the explanation for the traditional use of the measurement of the time in Ghatika's from Sunrise. Thus if a baby is to be born, then it is the Atma that comes forst and then it enters food, from food to sperm, from sperm to egg and from egg to baby. Thus the Atma causes the Lagna to come into existance. Hence all measurement of Astrological time for the sake of explanation of individual births is from the Sun. However, the Yuga and others are explained on the basis of time. These affect individuals, but are not dependant on the individuals. Thus when Jaimini asks us to measure the Birth time from Sunrise or Sunset to determine the sex of the child, he is teaching an important lesson in giving the primacy to the Atma. He is also teaching a second very important lesson that the Sunrise (symbolising first house) or the sunset (symbolising seventh house) are the two houses of the Satya Peetha as these symbolise the Sun or the house aspected by the Sun (7th). This is the basis for choosing the stronger between the first and seventh house for the starting of all the various types of Rasi Dasa. These two houses become Satya Peetha and the Maya Pada (Arudha Pada) cannot fall in these houses. Thus this also teaches that the Arudha Pada of any house cannot fall in the same house or the seventh from it. ++++++ Pratipada is like birth, Dwiteeya is like sustenance in this world and Truteeya is like the end. Pooja's begin from the fourth with Ganapati, then we worship Bharati (Saraswati) or Sri, we progress to Kartikeya and other warrior Gods and Goddesses on Shasti including Naga. Then the desire for well being dawns and the Sun is worshipped on Saptami. Astami is for Bali Karma and Navami for the Dharma Devata led by SRI RAM. Dasami is for the Devi and other such strengths that give us success. Ekadasi is to pray for world peace after the war of dasami is over. Dwadasi is for progress that follows peace and Trayodasi is for wealth that follows peace and progress. Chaturdasi is to save us from the sins that we make after wealth has come and Poornima is to pray for Mukti after realising that all this was but a Drama for our understanding. So say HARI OM TAT SAT. In fact there is a close correlation between the kalachakra and the devata.

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++++++ In fact the best placement for Mercurial ascendants is Jupiter in the twelfth house, perhaps better than the Mahapurusha Yoga in seventh or tenth house also. I have always betted blindly on such a placement of Jupiter to give best results. Cases: My mother Virgo with Jup in 12; Narasimha Rao (ex PM of India) same Virgo with Jup in 12; Sarat Gemini with Jup in 12 and so many more. reason-Best placement for Badhakesh is the 12th house.. +++++++ Each of these Darshana has a foundation or hypothesis which is typical of the nature of the planet. I will use the example of Nyaya which is under discussion. Let us see how Mars rules LOGIC. After the Pandavas and Kauravas had finished their studies and were presented in the court to Dhritarashtra, Vidura put them to a test. Four persons, a Brahmana, a Kshatriya, a Vaishya and a Sudra had got together and murdered a man. The young princes were asked to advise the King on the punishment to be given. The Kauravas were dumb struck but Duryodhana came out with his LOGIC of EQUALITY (which, unfortunately, has become the foundation stone of modern-day Judicial systems! What else can we expect in this Kali Yuga) and declared that since the motive was the same of all the four and thier crime was the same, hence the punishment should also be the same. Finally Dharmaraja Putra Yudhisthira gave the perfect answer: Merely beacuse the motive or the extent of crime was the same, we cannot say that the punishment should be the same. (The Sudra is completely unaware and ignorant of social norms and his knowledge is at the rock bottom. Do we punish an animal for killing another?) Hence, he deserves compassion and should be forgiven. The Vaishya does know more, but is deep in Tamas and should be punished with a heavy fine. The Rajasik Kshatriya was supposed to control his passion and needs to be imprisoned in order to learn to control himself. But the all knowledgable Brahmana deserves the death sentence. What Duryadhana was preaching is the foundation of Nyaya Shastra or Logic that is typical of Mars. All the modern day revolutions like the French revolution are a typical example of the poor people (Saturn/Capricorn) coming under the influence of Mars. These are normally very violent and a lot of bloodshed and wanton killing follows. Nyaya is supposed to be established!!! We cannot attribute this to the peaceful Mercury that preaches Ahimsa. India is the first modern day nation that has achieved its independance by following this path of Ahimsa under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately, the post 1945 developments show that the effect of Kali Yuga was to be felt in this subcontinent also and bloodshed occured during the partition and the resultant is a typical Western Judicail system that is struggling to fit into the Indian way of life. One thing I am proud of is that here also India showed that the path of Dharma is much higher than the path of Nyaya and for Nyaya (Mars) to become relevant as a means of salvation, it cannot be divorced from Dharma (Sun). Hanumanji(Mars) had no strength and was defeated by Bali and hiding in the jungles till He met Sri Ram (Sun). Thus, we can infer that Mercury has a mush higher power of reasoning than that of Mars, but does not rule the FIERY knowledge of NYAYA (LOGIC) which is primarily the forte of Mars. Logic does not necessarily imply reasoning or being reasonable. Logic says "a cat has four legs and a Dog has four legs and hence a Cat is the same as a Dog". The reasoning of Mercury rejects this as being "UNREASONED DECISION". In fact a reasonable person is one who also compromises with the situation and takes a balanced view of things. Thus a reasonable person finds it most naive to get into a fight and is also the best businessman (Mercury). Logic always works under a limited scope whereas Reasoning has an open door policy and does not accept any limits. That is why a Logical Mars can arrive at quick decisions (Seemingly! as these are generally very bounded like 2 Plus 2 equals four) while a Reasonable Mercury is viewed as fluctuating as he continues to reason in greated depth. The two highest gifts of the DHI SHAKTI to Human beings are (1) THE POWER TO UNDERSTAND and (2) THE POWER TO REASON. These are ruled by Jupiter and Mercury respectively called VEERYAKOTI PRINCIPLE in Jyotish (I hope I have got this name right… Please check Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira). Further, we can also argue that understanding or reasoning is also application of Logic, but this is not true in the strictest sense. These require a much higher level of intelligence and intuition as well as a much greater depth of vision than what is envisaged under LOGIC. ++++++

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We are all agreeing to the differential between Jupiter and Mercury in Understanding and Reasoning. However, the differential between Mercury and Mars is still blurred in what constitutes LOGIC. Another point that seems to have been clarified is the definition of intelligence as used in the English language in that the TWO Planets Jupiter and Mercury constitute the superior intelligence of Mankind as they rule the Power to understand and the power to reason respectively. However, intelligence has the overlorship (Praty-adhidevata) of Jupiter and the Lordship (Adhi Devata) of the Sun. While you have given the definiton of LOGIC as scientific reasoning and have also given the fine example of a dynamic enpreneur/ manager, the arguments are inconclusive. LOGIC IS SCIENTIFIC REASONING ONLY. However, reasoning is more than SCIENTIFIC REASONING and includes the scope of UNSCIENTIFIC reasoning like that of an artist. Reasoning has MANAGEMENT as its objective which includes LOGIC, sixth sense, aptitude and learned skills as well. These other aspects are more important to Mercury. Something like the Simonian decision-making model of bounded rationality. Thus, LOGIC is BOUNDED RATIONALITY while MANAGEMENT in the higher levels is UNBOUNDED as the businessman gropes in the darkness for more knowledge or more options not explored earlier. Thus there results a serious difference in the minds of MERCURY who keeps the MIND OPEN and that of MARS who keeps the MIND CLOSED. This is also seen in the professions related to the planets where persons in the Army or police are required to get into action and not to think whereas those in business or any form of learning have to keep studying and groping in the dark for those pearls of wisdom. ++++++ Shadripu or six forms of sins make up the body of the "PaapaPurusha"(or the evil within all people). One of these is forgiven at the time of initiation and hence one-sixth of the Paapa or sin is destroyed. The person doing so takes this upon himself and due to his Tejas (Fire of Purity) is able to burn them. ++++++ SATYA is very difficult to understand. Here we are limiting ourselves to "SATYAVADI YOGA" or one who will speak the truth. Speech is to be studied from the second house, its lord and the second house from Mercury the significator of "Vaach" or speech. Association of the lords of trines with the second house from Lagna or Mercury gives Vaach siddhi or what the person says is fulfilled and thus such a person is also Satyavadi or truthful. However, Saturn and Mars are responsible for untruthful speech whereas Jupiter and Venus for truthful speech. Thus, the association of the second lord with Jupiter or Venus makes one truthful whereas the association with Saturn or Mars makes one untruthful. By association I mean "Sambandha" and not merely the ownership of the second. For example, Sagittarius Lagna is said to be the most truthful and straightforward although Saturn is the owner of the second. Thus mere ownership should not decide whether one is truthful or otherwise. The placement is important as well as the aspects and conjunctions on the second lord. A few examples are cited here:Dr B V Raman the eminent Jyotish was able to predict the sequence of World War II as well as the outcome very accurately that gave him world fame. The second lord Jupiter is in Scorpio in a Martian sign and this should give a yoga for being untruthful, yet the reverse occured. Mercury is in Leo and the second from it is Virgo. He worshipped Rajarajeshwari or the Sri Vidya and attained Vaach Siddhi. The Arudha of the second house is in Cancer showing that he shall have the power to speak about the future. Nostradamus also worshipped the Moon for this power to see the future. A male born in Cancer Lagna has the Sun (2nd Lord) and Saturn in the 8th house and is a chronic liar. Here the Sun is also in Scorpio Navamsa besides conjoining Saturn in Rasi. The Arudha of the second house is in Taurus with Rahu in it. Thus, the Yoga is complete. The ray of hope is in the aspect of Jupiter on the second as the Sun also

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conjoins Jupiter in Scorpio Navamsa. (DOB 16 Feb 1965, Cancer Lagna, Capricorn Navamsa Lagna 21N28 84E01) Bhagavan Sri Krishna had the second Lord in Virgo in exaltation conjoined Jupiter which is also the Arudha Lagna. The Arudha of the second house is also in Virgo with JupMerc or Guru-Sisya yoga. The Bhagavat Gita is the Greatest truth taught by Him and the only mantra in the Gita is "Om Tat Sat". The points about the 9th house and tenth house are fine, but not directly relevant. The tenth house can help us to "SEE" the truth. Mercury influenced by Jupiter is very good, especially in the Navamsa while the influence of the Moon or Venus on Mercury may not be good.

Education Education Fundamentals Education consists of aquisition of knowledge and learning, both formal and informal. The first thing that a baby learns is the mother tongue and in that sence, the first teacher is the mother (Moon). She continues to tech the child toilet training, eating and other members of the family contribute a little, but under the overall control of the mother. Thus, the Moon is the teacher and the child Mercury is the learner. At this stage tyhe learning is merely by repetition and copying or imbibing the sounds and actions. This is well represented by the constelation Aslesha (in the fourth natural sign Cancer) which shows copying or repetition of something. Thus the fourth house becomes the house of basic learning and formal education as well upto say, the tenth standard or the "O-Level". At this stage the students are taught to be disciplened and they are expected to copy the behaviour of parents and teachers in all matters. Later some of them also copy elder brothers or elder students. Thus, this is the natural process of Apara-Vidya or all learning that is associated with this material world. Simultaneously, the children are also given some training into the religious affairs and tend to copy the religious beliefs of the father and other elders. The Hindu children are given the Gayatri Mantra and the Christians have to be baptised and almost all religions give some form of learning to the child. This is the fifth house that follows the fourth house and also contributes to learning, but PARA-VIDYA. It is from here that the child gets the Guru mantra and develops attachment for the deity who’s Guru Mantra has been given to him. The Sun owns the fifth house of the natural zodiac and thus these religious practices are generally patriarchal. The Guru Mantra is signified by Jupiter and so is Para Vidya. The ninth house is the sixth from the fourth. Thus, if one works hard (6th house) and has good scores in formal childhood education (4th house), then the person is likely to continue into higher formal education. Being the fifth from the fifth house, it shows the application of knowledge and the intelligence. Thus higher education is different from lower education in that it requires an independant application of the mind and intelligence instead of just repeating or mugging up. The extent to which the independant application of mind will be made will depend on the extent of influence of Jupiter. If this is low, then the person shall continue to read and reproduce portions of books and literature without trying to understand their inner meanings. Jupiter is the lord of the natural ninth house and also its significator. The Sun becomes the significator for the APARA-VIDYA associated with the ninth while Jupiter signifies Para-Vidya.

Time/Kala The concept of time is not based on Sunrise. If it were so, then time could not be linear and we can never define the "Astronomical events with any accuracy" unless we all had very perfect calculations about sunrise in everyplace. Time is beyond the three physical dimensions of space and is beyond the five Tatwa. That is why the entire physical creation exists within the physical limitations (Called Bandana or bondage) of the five tatwa.

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When the question of definition of time comes, we look at our fathers and elders who had come to this world before us and leave earlier (most cases) and realise that there can be a linear scale, the begining of which is beyond the grasp of human brain, but which is always there. This time alone is the true representative of God. If you can get hold of the mahabharat Video's of ramanand sagar, this concept is well defined at the begining by Sri Krishna (every serial used to have this in the begining). Now, for a linear scale, we should have some point to measure the distance. So, we fix this as the time when the major planets would be around the zero degree of Aries (Kali Yuga. 18 Feb 3102 B.C) . I'm deviating into another detail. To understand the Hora, Ghatika, Vighatika and other fixed measures of time, conceive (imagime) the earth as being cylindrical and flat at the poles. Thus the length of day is similar throughout and that the places in the same Longitude (Latitude is irrelevant in this concept) shall have the same time of Noon. That is why when we calculate the LMT of any place, we are only considering the Longitude of the place and the longitude of the Zone the place is in. We are NOT considering the Latitude for calculating LMT. But, we consider the Latitude for calculating the Sunrise. This is the primary difference. According to this definition of time the poles are no longer single points on a globe at the apex, but flat circular bodies. Unless we do this, we can never define time for the poles and when we stand (imagine of course) at the north pole and look at our watch ticking away, we would wonder "What really is the meaning of time?"

++++++ Ujjain is the Jyotish Center of the earth due to the presence of the Jyotirlinga MAHA KALESWARA or Shiva as personified time. This has been so and the Vikram samvat is based on King vikramaditya of Ujjain. In any case, LMT is ACTUALLY the LST or Local Standard Time of any place. It is the REAL time of the place. The standard time Zomes are the fictitious times adopted for the people of a zone or area to have watches showing similar time and to synchronise their activities. For example a person in Bombay can tell another in Delhi that he will call at 8 AM and both use the same watch time of Indian Standard Time, so they can call each other. But, that does not mean that the REAL time in Bombay or Delhi is 8 AM. In fact neither is -- This is the time of Allahabad the birth place of Nehru (first PM) which was adopted as Standard time. LMT is nothing but Local Standard time. As regards the habit of trying to write History from the British viewpoint, let me quote Viscount Cheiro in Book of numbers, Page 19. Viscount Cheiro writes "We must not forget that it was the Hindus who discovered what is known as the precession of the Equinoxes, and in their calculation such an occurance takes place every 25,827 years. Our modern science, after labours of hundreds of years has simply proved them to be correct." The point is how long shall it take us to re-discover ourselves? The concept of the Bha-chakra in the Bhagavatam showed that not only were the people of that time so advanced to understand relative motion in space but were also capable of measuring distances in space very accurately. Look at the British view about the "DISCOVERY" that the eart was round or that the earth moved around the Sun in an elliptical orbit as recently as the 19th century!! One good look at BPHS or any of the traditional texts of Jyotish shows that these rudimentary concepts were well known to the ancients. Thus what the west did was to re-discover this. What exactly happened after the destruction of the fabulous Nalanda University that led to the complete destruction of knowledge and man/India going back into dark ages of ignorance? I don't know, but can speculate that perhaps the destruction of the civilization was intense and terrible and in many phases. ++++++ Kali Yuga begins with the alignment of the planets at /around 0 deg Aries. ++++++

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The HORA being the most rudimentary form of calander creation was used to determine the order of the day as well as the starting day in a month or year. The Sunrise is used for Lagna and other calculations of Jyotish day. It indicates one step in calander refinement without throwing out the older basic calander.The calander determined on the basis of the HORA can be used in the POLES as well where the lenght of the day and night are for six months each. The problem lies in your appreciation of this development of the calander and its different uses. The use of tithis was incorporated and this led to the Panchang. Without understanding this rudimentary HORA the foundation of Jyotish will be weak as I see in most students so far. Almost all who have not been taught this from the basics falter in these points. When you ask them to define the day on the basis of sunrise for the poles, they say that they need to think when they know for sure that there is nothing to think..they cannot define the day on the basis of sunrise once in six months. Then the calander in the poles will have only one day and one night in one year!! We all need to accept some things when they can be very shocking. It may take some time to seep in, but think calmly. K N Rao said that he was looking for manuscripts under his bed or almirah when he was asked as to why the planets have special aspects. This is untruth and this is what I detested in a Jyotish of his stature. There was nothing to look for. He knew that he did not have the answer as he was not trained in the tradition, yet he said so to live up to his image of know it all. I am open to criticism and when I say something I am open to debate. Please help me to be this way... I rejoice in OM TAT SAT. ++++++ Why does the length of the day have to be 6.02 to 18.02 in an equinox? We are talking of LMT of course. As regards Jaimini, the sloka is in the last chapter where the sex of the person is based on the vighatika lordship as reckoned from Sunrise or sunset. What you are suggesting is a new definition of Ghatika, Vighatika etc on the basis of the length of a solar return day which is slightly more than 24 hours. You are also suggesting that the Ghatika and Vighatika re not fixed quantity of time and that they can vary according to the length of the day or night as the case maybe. No, this is not acceptable. the Ghatika is fixed at 24 minutes and Vighatika at 24 seconds. If you are talking of Dr Raman and others, then this is very clear in their definition. In fact when a birth chart is given in Ghatika, then they use this to convert the birth time to hours etc. This shows that they used the hour (Hora) and ghatika as a mutually convertible time measure. what you are saying is that the Hour and Hora are also not one and the same and that the Hora is grossly different from the Hour both in quantity and starting points. ++++++ If any time calculation has to be started, then it must have an initial point. What you say as 6 AM LMT (in Kali Yuga) was 0 Hrs LMT during the period of Parasara. In fact this doubt of yours has affirmed my doubt that the Jyotisha in this list do not have a clear concept of time definitions related to Jyotish. You have raised two points:(a) That the time could be 6.05 etc instead of 6 AM LMT: Answer: No, it cannot be. Any scale built by a rational mind shall have an integer, preferably Zero as an initial point. (b)

That the time could be 12 Noon or 12 Midnight instead of 6 AM for the initial point:

This has been explained by me in the definition of the four Gayatri. Since the present period is kali Yuga, it is not strange that the Kali Gayatri or Midnight has come to represent the starting point of the day. Let us not blame the westerners for this. we have also adopted this and the world sings Happy New year at the strike of the midnight hour on 31st December. Unfortunate but true. The choise of the Gayatri, if left to a pure sadhu would automatically be the Brahma gayatri of 6 AM (which in the Vedic Time scale would be 00 Hora) as Brahma represents the begining and what we are concerned about is the begining of the day. Thus with the understanding of the Gayatri and the need to have a scale for time having 24 divisions, it was natural to start at what is now called 6.00 AM LMT. I have a question for you. Can you tell why the starting point of the Zodiac is Zero degrees of Aries and not 15 deg Taurus?

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Astronomical factors like Lagna, movement of sun etc, do help to determine the QUALITY of time, not the time itself. Some time back we had done an exercise of trying to time the Jovian years with the transit of Jupiter. I am sure you will remember the results which you had so carefully researched. We should realise that a scale for time has to be linear (Man's intelligence is limited to this today) and this cannot be done with any of the planets. The closest to this is the annual motion of the sun and the time taken for the earth to rotate around its axis. Again things like wobble etc are to be accounted for. Thus, measures of time (QUANTITY OF TIME) are determined from the average motion of these bodies. However, we will still need a starting point and this was taken as the begining of Kali Yuga for accounting the years. Others used Saka era, Christ's birth etc. that is beside the point. Here we are accounting for the days based on the rotation of the earth which was found to be for "ONE DAY AND ONE NIGHT" called AHORATRA. The total Quantity of time of ONE DAY AND ONE NIGHT was to be mapped into the Zodiac of 12 houses and this resulted in the concept of BHAVA LAGNA which is different from LAGNA. Lagna is a non-linear rotation as it is based on the elliptical path whereas BHAVA LAGNA is a linear concept based on the circular path. Thus, the first measure of time derived from ONE DAY & ONE NIGHT was the Bhava of 2 hours each. You will also note that the signs are 30 degrees each (Why?? Don't you find this arbitrary when we can have exact maps of each sign on the basis of the stars/constellations it contains??). The next division of time was for HORA LAGNA which moves at twice the speed of Bhava Lagna and was to be mapped into ONE DAY OR (repeat OR) ONE NIGHT. Thus the Hora period (Called HOUR today-thanks to the Greeks!) was derived. Now the hard question comes. Time, if it is to be linear, cannot be based on a variable like the sunrise. However, the Lagna can be calculated only from the sun and hence, had to be on the basis of sunrise. so also the Hl or GL had to follow the Lagna in a chart construction. the only way to resolve the issue was to use the plane of the equator and have a linear time scale of 24 hours for the day (else day lengths would also vary and it would be next to impossible to have a uniform calander or watch). It was also necessary to understand and apply the fact that time is an independant linear concept. This could be done if one of the four Gayatri (quadrants) would be used to initiate the time...Brahma Gayatri was the obvious choise. This was also done for Yajna & pooja etc. Jyotish is one topic where the largest amount of disagreement is present… Largely due to lack of depth of understanding. Till recently these scholars did not know WHY THE THREE PLANETS JUPITER, MARS AND SATURN HAVE SPECIAL ASPECTS!! At least you are quite aware of their scholarship when this happened in the Jyotish-list and K N Rao went to look for some documents/manuscripts he had hidden under some box that could not be found even after I gave so many hints. Such intelligent scholars will always agree, yet I beg to disagree. I shall continue to do so till somebody can account for the Hora's in the north pole using the sunrise time. The hora is a measure of time equal to 2 and a half Ghatika. A Ghatika is 24 minutes in length and thus, a Hora is equal to 60 Minutes or one Hour. I still cannot see how this has stretched more than 60 minutes. The difference is that the Birth time is defined in terms of Ghatika after sunrise to help in the easy calculation of the Lagna and special lagna. This has also been explained earlier. Your point is that the day starts with the sight of the upper limb of the Sun. I also agree with this and this is the day for all human activities. What happens if this sunrise were to occur once in six months (like in the North Pole)? Then the time definition would go awry. The length of the day would not be 24 hours but almost 6 months!! Realising this, the Maharishi's gave an independant definition of time in terms of fixed quantities called Hora, Ghatika (Danda in Orissa), Vighatika (Lita in Oriya) and Pal (Bi-lita in Oriya). The definiton of day for the calculation of Lagna is the sunrise. The definition of day for all ritual activities is the first visibility of the upper limb of the Sun (Varahamihira). Does this mean that the ritual knowledge of the aryans had nothing to do with the Alps or other northern lattitudes from where they are supposed to have migrated?? I hope the historians really apply themselves. This Sunrise is VISIBLE. What is not visible is time, and Kala is one of the definitions of Godhead. ++++++

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It is the definition of the Hora or Hour and is 6AM LMT. The Sunrise is the sight of the upper limb of the Sun (Varahamihira). Thus Sunrise is defined as the apparant visibility of the upper disc of the Sun. The first ray of the Sun is the one that drives away darkness. The problem arising is the mutual contradiction between the start of the day in the two definitions. This difference has to be there due to the variable time of sunrise. Take the case of a person born at 5:30 AM LMT when the sunrise was at 5 AM LMT on Wednesday. According to you, this would be Mercury Hora whereas according to what I teach this should be Venus Hora. TEST CASE Let me try to understand your point: Take this random case of a person born on 15 December 1999 at Tatitlek, Valdez-Cordova, Alaska at 8:00'AM Standard Time. The calculations from jagannath Hora are given under:Date of Birth: December 15, 1999 Time of Birth: 8:00:00 am Time Zone of Birth: 9:00 West of GMT Longitude of Birth: 146 W 41 Latitude of Birth: 60 N 52 Lunar month (maasa): Margasira Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Ashtami Tithi balance: 0.826433 Nakshatra balance: 0.587090 Sun-Moon Yoga: Siddhi Sun-Moon Karana: Vishti Vara (weekday): Tuesday Sunrise = 9:58:24 am (Apparent rise - upper limb) Ayanamsa = 23-51-8.88 Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days The problem of this Sunrise time gradually moving towards Midday and sunset also at midday… take a look at this for your comments. Do study the cases as we go closer into the Artic Circle and then form your opinion. Do also consider the time of sunset for determining Yama's and Yamardha which are also time measures of Vedic Astrology with important predictive uses. ++++++

Avataras Vishnu is the natural protector of Dharma as the Dharma trikons is the trines to the 1st house and the deity in the ninth house is Maha Vishnu. Lord Rama or any other Avatar (incarnation) always works to protect the natural order and truth. In fact the ONLY foundation of this natural order is TRUTH. Thus, whether you refer to any of the avatars, you are only referring to Vishnu. Now, in every horoscope, one of the three trine house from Lagna (1,5,9) shall be the strongest; among these, there shall be one planet and if none placed, then its lord that shall determine the mould of Vishnu in which the person has been built. For example, in the chart if Swami Vivekananda, the Sun is the strongest in trines to Lagna and we can say that he is in the mould of Rama..a perfect man no doubt. In this manner when we start seeing horoscopes, we start loving and respecting everybody and then we become closer to God.. that is the real purpose of Jyotish. That is why Vishnu is sarva-Vyapakeswara-Devata or is everywhere as in every creation, it is He who gives the mould. Whether it is a tree or monkey, they will all have a Lagna and the stronest in trines to this shall tell us the mould in which it is made. The ninth house always protects and that is why Vishnu is always protecting this creation...I can go on, but then you all must think.


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Lakshmi, as the world thinks is not the Goddess of wealth. She is the goddess of corn or grains. It is the shakti that helps us to sustain this body in this world. Kubera is a demi-god and an asura and is the God of wealth. How else can she be the spouse of Bhagavan? that is why She is the deity associated with taurus-venus... Shiva is not the destroyer. Rudra is the destroyer and hence the whose going the world weeps. Shiva saves this body from premature death and finally makes the soul independant from the Mana to be delivered at the feet of Bhagavan. That is why when a pregnant woman dies or a soul becomes a spirit and is unable to cross over due to a strong attachment with the Mana, then the divine mother is worshipped as She can help cure the ails of the Manas and then Shiva delivers the soul. that is why shiva is the real Guru for all. He is the one who is Maheswara in any chart and shall be reckoned from the eithth from the Atmakaraka i.e. the ultimate 12th Rudra (if i can use that term) for the atma.

++++++ There is a lot of difference in studying the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. In the former, we find actual political lives being portrayed. There is the brilliant debate of Saura Varsha vs Tithi-Varsha. In fact when you spoke of 360 days, I had refused to even discuss it as it had no basis what-so-ever, but now you have also, unconsciously, arrived at the vexed question that many others like KK Pathak are debating. The point is that HORA SHASTRA is based on HORA or AHO-RATRA which means a day and night equalling about 24 hours and that is governed by the naisargika Atmakaraka Sun. The Moon and all other planets follow the Atmakaraka who is the governor or King in the Horoscope. That is the strong basis of the Saura Varsha which has always been the foundation of Jyotish. Lunar Years have always been a challenge in trying to get at Tithi Pravesh Charts etc, especially in the case of birth in Adhika Maasa. The very foundation shakes and in about every five years we shall lose about one month. You have a good case, but it is not the final answer. I have passed through the phase that you tread today.

++++++ Ravana has got Moksha and we are still hanging out in this planet. This proves that Ravana was more spiritual than us. He was a great Guru Bhakta and worshipped Shiva like no one else I have imagined can do. Perhaps Markandeya, Parasara and Sukracharya are close competitors along with Vashishtha. Vishnu did not take an incarnation for the others. He did so for Ravana to grant him emancipation. If Rama thinks that Ravana deserved Moksha and not you and I, then we cannot question His decision but humbly accept this. That is why the entire Ramayana is but another leela of Bhagavan. Who is what, only He knows? Fact remains that not only was Ravana a great worshipper, but he was also a Brahmin and that too of the illustrious lineage of Kashyapa. Sura or Asura depends on whether one follows the teachings as handed down by the Sun (Sura from Surya) God Vivaswan to various sages and finally to the world in the form of the Bhagavat Gita (Note the Sun in fifth from Karakamsa makes one a Gita Gya - Jaimini Sutra). Point is Ravana did not obey these teachings of the Universal Godhead and that this world is one family as per Vasudeva Kutumbakkam and hence he became an Asura. He did not have good company and bad associates did lead him awry largely through flattery. The only brother who spoke sence was ridiculed as a coward. Thus, Ahamkara got the better of him, but his Bhakti for Lord Shiva did result in his Moksha in the hands of Bhagavan. Why? Krishna teaches “In whatever form you worship, then in that very form He comes to aid the worshipper". This statement has multiple meanings. Do consider and reflect on the difference between Asura and Rakshasa.

++++++ Achyuta dasa, among the pancha sakha of Sri Chaitanya also had this divine vision. I am neither suggesting any monopoly nor the need to invoke traditional references and names. When in comes to Lagna Nakshatra, do consider the work Jataka Parijatha. This is among the finest works in Jyotish.

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Does it not sound absurd that every person shall have evil during the first, third, fifth and seventh dasa and in others they shall have good alone. Is this true? Ask yourself. One as learned as yourself will easily see that this cannot be true as many die in the second, fourth and sixth dasa as well. So, is the Navatara chakra a farce in itself or is there some other clue to it? Sri Ram: When the rational and calm mind thinks like this, then the answers come from the blessings of the Dhi Shakti of the Gayatri. Coming to the chart of Bhagavan Sri Rama, let me clarify that I have always used the Sun in Aries. He was Surya Vanshi and also married the daughter (Sita Ma) of a King as Upapada is also in Aries with the exalted Sun. In fact since the Arudha Lagna and Upapada are in the same sign, similarities in birth indications should be seen in the case of both Bhagavan Sri Ram and Sita. • • •

Both were the eldest (eleventh house is Aquarius the eighth house and its lord Rahu is debilitated). Both had three younger co-born The parents of both had problems related to progeny and after remedial measures had children (either through the Payasam of the Maharishi or through adoption). In fact, I have tried this Payasam many times and have advised couples to keep fast on Sundays and worship Sri Surya Narayana with the Gayatri mantra and have got excellent results.

Taking the Sun at Zero of Aries, for Navami Tithi (ruled by Sun), degrees of the Moon shall be between 6-18 Degrees of Cancer. Thus, the maximum range for the Sun is 0-12 degrees in Aries and the Moon should be between 6 to 30 Degrees of Cancer. Punarvasu is from 0 to 3-20', Pusya from 3-20' to 16-40' and Aslesha from 16-40' to 30 Deg. The most likely Chandra Nakshatra is Pusya 3-20 to 1640 Cancer. Thus, the Maximum degree of the Sun in Aries is 10 Deg 40 Min. Bharata was born in the same night (i.e before the Sunrise of the next day in Meena lagna and also with the same Pusya nakshatra - note this causes Nakshatra dosha for elder brother and the mother of Bharata shall act inimically against Sri Rama due to this Nakshatra dosha of two brothers being born under the same star). If Pusya has continued from about midday to the sunrise of the next day, by implication the Nakshatra at sunrise on the date of birth of Bhagavan Sri Rama must have been Punarvasu. This must have changed to Pusya around midday just before the birth of Sri Ram. Thus, in every likelihood, the Moon maybe around 6-7 degrees of Cancer and the Sun in the 1st degree of Aries in Vargottama and Lagna in Cancer about 1-3 Degrees. Sri Bharata: Bharata was born on the same day (technically) in Pisces Lagna after about 16-17 hours of the birth of Bhagavan Ram. The moon needs to travel by about 8 to 9 degrees during this period and would be around 14 - 16 degrees of Cancer. Thus the Moon is still in Pusya nakshatra. Thus, Bharata was born in Meena Lagna, Pusya Nakshatra with Sun in 1 or 2nd degree of Aries and Moon in the last pada of Pusya. Sri Lakshman: In all likelihood this was also Cancer Lagna with the Moon in aslesha nakshatra, the tithi would surely have become Dasami as this would be about midday of the day following the appearance of Bhagavan Sri Ram. The strongest among Lagna, Chandra and Utpanna etc. Nakshatra should be considered as indicative of the fortunes of the individual. Taking Lagna Nakshatra as 4th pada of Punarvasu, this is the strongest as Jupiter is much stronger than Saturn (given the fact that both Lagna and Chandra Kendra are equally strong). Normal Vimsottari dasa will not apply and Moola dasa or Tara Dasa will give results. Treat Punarvasu as First for all purposes of the chart. If you see the Moola dasa ( of Sri Ram, then you will agree with the accurate readings of Saturn giving Vanvas of 14 years. Finally Balaji, Vimsottari is like the Bhagavat Gita - seemingly simple at the first glance but far too intricate than what is visible to the fore.

On Learning Jyotisha There are two ways to start learning Jyotish - First is to have it forced down your throat by elders in the family when you are too young and want to play and the second is to find an answer to lifes mysteries

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when faced with a perplexing situation. You are in the latter position. So start learning. You can go on questioning and doubting, but that will not help. Try reading seriously and that too a number of charts.

++++++ Past Karma is relevant in learning anything, why Vedic Astrology alone. Good Karma brings the blessings of Sadashiva and then we get to learn so many things including the way of life. Jyotish was originally taught in Ashram's of the Guru but due to Muslim invasion and the introduction of public schools that did not give proper attention to the native knowledge of India, this died with time and the learning was restricted to some fmaily traditions. Heredity is not the criteria, but the blessings of a Guru help in the spiritual upliftment necessary to understand this subject. If you have a Diksha Guru (in any Sampradaaya or path including ISKCON, R.K.Mission etc), this will help as you will learn the spiritual ways from them and understand this subject easily. Formal learning of the basics can be had from ICAS or so many other institutes in India and abroad. In the USA contact Dennis Harness (ACVA) or in the UK contact Komilla Sutton or Andrew foss (BAVA). You can make a search for Vedic astrology and get all these sites. I think Kepler College also gives degrees from Syamasundara Prabhu. After you have finished all that and if you still cannot make predictions, consider making a humble bow to Lord Jagannath, and some Guru at SJVC will teach this to you provided you learn the basic lessons at well.

++++++ Study hard but do study seriously. "Will study this and not that" is a wrong attitude. In that case what you need is one of those certificates from one of the "recognised" places to hang in your room. In this place a lot of serious work is going on and be serious about this subject. Statements like Jupiter in 12th is good and all that is just too much. Instead you should say that the "12th Lord in Rasi chart placed in 12th from Lagnamsa is good, but being the Atmakaraka Jupiter will teach hard lessons about looking after spouse and children and she should not try to immitate her father's experience and instead be a dutiful spouse in her life. Keeping one's character clean is the first step in this regard".

++++++ You are as correct in your translation of Matsarya as envy. In fact what I have written in the Jaimini Sutra was based on A.L.Basham and felt that such a translation would suffice for the English speaking reader; that was my first book. I have realised that it needs a lot of proof reading, too many mistakes and also an exhaustive commentary. This has already started and perhaps will finist sooner or later. Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school student’s translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. That is why Saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement.

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Moha is attraction without logical thinlking. Like a man 'falling for' a beautiful woman. This is what I call really 'headless attitude' and it can happen to all of us. Thus, Ketu the headless can cause this and also bring about marriage. For example, during the Narayana Dasa of Dhanuvad Ketu I got married. Many were shocked that one like me got married (So was I!!!). Perhaps Moha as I found everything so perfect if I had found a soul mate… that's Moha. There is no place for logic or thinking out here - no brain work at all. In this manner try to reason out and you will find the Jyotish links, but remember that I am not the last word in spirituality and try to improve on the spiritual definitions… try to surpass me and I shall be delighted as that is what is the aim of the Jaimini sutra..Spirituality links in Jyotish. ++++++ Jyotisha is given by planets who have the ability to see the future (Panapara houses 2,5,8,11). Of these, the fifth is the controlling house for the future. Jupiter and Rahu have special aspect on the fifth house, and are hte best astrologers. They are followed by Mars who can aspect the 8th house. In a chart, planets associated with the Panapara Houses make a good astrologer. For example, the Atmakaraka associated with the 11th house is a sureshot combination for excellence in Jyotish. Now, since the two chiefs are Jupiter and Rahu, at any given point of time, two schools of thought will prevail. One that follows the path of the Maharishi's (Jupiter) and is exceedingly intelligent, and the other that follows the ORIGINAL RESEARCH power of Rahu. While Research is good, it should follow the hypothesis of the Maharishi's. Ravana, the king of Lanka was also a great Jyotish, but see where the knowledge led him..destruction of the entire dynasty. He followed the Jyotish path of RAHU and his lineage was completely destroyed due to the anger of Jupiter. None of us are born Rahu's, it is a choise we make. Look at the life of Nostradamus where his entire family was destroyed and then, when he changed his ways, burnt the books of Vulcan and used the knowledge by simultaneously respecting the Church, his second family prospered. This is the main difference in that the path of the Maharishi's is full of roses while that of Rahu is full of thorns. There are many in the Mailing lists who question the very foundation of Vedic Jyotish like giving arguments that the 8th house is beneficial as it is the 11th (Gains) for the tenth. They do not understand the Maharishi's being limited by their senses. Whenever in such a doubt, it is best to PRAY TO MAHARISHI VEDAVYASA with the mantra "VYAM VYASADEVAYA NAMAH". It is only by His mercy that this knowledge is revealed and avidya goes. The first thing to do is to check your own chart for comparative influence of Rahu & Jupiter on the Panapara, chiefly the 5th house and see the planets in these houses. If a large number of planets influence , then they will aid in getting the knowledge of Jyotisha.

On Mantras Mritunjaya is also called Sanjivani Mantra.

+++++ Anybody can be given the Gayatri mantra diksha. Difference is in the Beejakshara and Samputa's that are limited. Just go to any Brahmin and seek his blessings. Where do you live? If this is not possible, then take (create) the mantra by the method I have described in the book Vedic remedies in Astrology… Mantra Samskara. Mantra Garbha, Jeevana etc. +++++ Some mantras are called PRASIDDHA Mantra and they can never be Ari (enemy to anyone. The Vishnu astakshari Om namo Narayana is one such mantra. Others are Prasiddha Mantra (Best advise) • •

Sun - Om Namah Shivaaya Moon - Om Matre Namah

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Mars - Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraaya Mercury - Om Vishnave Namah Jupiter - Om Tat Sat Venus - Om namo Lakshmi Narayanaaya Saturn - Om Namo Naraayanaya Rahu - Om Aim Hrim Kleem Chamundayai Vichchai Ketu - Om Ganeshaaya namah

In addition, for Lagna & Karma suddhi: Om namo Bhagavate Vasudevaaya (Supreme Intelligence) or Hare Rama Krishna Always prefer this mantra over others as they will give definite and good results without any negatives.

+++++ The best way to activate Jupiter or any planet in Lagna is through the single syllable mantra called Beejakshara Mantra. For Jupiter the beejaksara is OM. Ninth from Karakamsa is the yoga of Mars and rahu called Vijaya Yoga..and this means getting into terrible battles and having to win. What to do, this is the bane of Kali Yuga. I also have Kalpadruma Yoga and cannot escape these situations. +++++ When we know that the KSY/KAY has a strangle hold on the chart, the best remedy is given by the sloka "KALOH CHANDI VINAYAKO" as Chandi (Durga) and Vinayaka (Ganapati) are the deities of the Rahu and Ketu respectively. +++++ But if the Sarpa Yoga is broken by a benefic then the worship should be directed not to the sarpa but to the planetary deity who has broken the sarpa yoga. This point should be more clear. ++++++ The Gayatri mantra is given by Maharishi Vishwamitra at RV III.62.10 and reads: Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhi-mahi Dhi-yo yo nah prachodayaat. For more details refer to VRA. I am taking this for the Jyotish News. You people are doing a marvellous job. At this rate the Brahma Jyoti will come. ++++++ Today on Guru Poornima and coincidence of an eclipse, I am reminded of the Paramguru of our Parampara-Sri Achyuta Dasa and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Their kindness and mercy to allow some of us who would follow in their path to share their light should impel us to share this knowledge. The power of His divine light is seen in the NAVARNA mantra for lighting a lamp: "OM HUM RUM CHAITANYAYAI NAMAH". I really appreciate the keenness and drive with which you have been working in the Class. There are some secret mantra that can be recited for great mantrik power during an eclipse. One such mantra is the seven lettered mantra "OM AIM SHRIM HRIM SHRIM AIM OM". Wear white clothes and recite this mantra sitting on a white rug, facing east. Keep the Shri Yantra (or drawing of the same) in front; offer a hakki or any other rosary (mala) of 108 beeds to the Shri Yantra. This mantra be recited during the period of the eclipse. After the eclipse, take a bath and then throw away this white dress, white rug, hakki mala (or any other mala offered) in flowing water like a river

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(Visarjana). The mala on which the mantra recitation was counted is NOT to be thrown. This mala for counting is your strength and use a Sphatik or any such mala for this purpose.

Our Gurudeva Vyasadeva should be worshipped with the mantra: "OM JUM SAH VYAM VYASADEVAYA NAMAH SAH JUM OM""JUM" is the Mritunjaya beejakshara and OM JUM SAH is the Mritunjaya Beeja Mantra of Kahola Rishi. We accept the truth that Maharishi Veda Vyasa was none other than Mritunjaya Deva (Shiva, the Great teacher and protector) and hence worship Him with the above mantra for protection from all evils and guidance towards Krishna/ Bhagavan. ++++++ The Graha Beejakshara are HA, SA, KA, BA,GA,DA,PA,BHA & TA for the nine planets from the Sun to Ketu in the regular order. For these alshara to become a Mantra, you have to add AGNI (RA) and offer it to either Brahma ,Shiva or Vishnu (O). Then the mantras can be HRAM, SRAM, KRAM..etc or HRIM, SRIM, KRIM...etc. or HROUM, SHROUM, KROUM..etc. You have made some conceptual errors in the delination of the Beejakshara Mantra. The Vagbeeja is "Aim" which is the shakti of Mercury, which is also called "Chaitanya Beeja" while the "Tara" Beeja is "OM" which is also the naisargika Guru mantra and is called the shakti of Jupiter. The name KRISHNA is derived from the word AKARSHANA or the power to attract all and is hence, the most desirable. This is also called the "Kama Beeja" KLIM and fulfills all desires including Moksha. As regards Jagannatha Mahaprabhu, He is remembered with the "Jaya" repeated twice in conformity with the Moon (Two/Double) and then the Rama Beeja "Sri" followed by Jagannatha making the mantra "JAYA JAYA SRI JAGANNATHA" The poison is seen in the Nairtitti Kona (SW Direction ruled by Rahu). Thepoison destroying Beeja is "Ksha". Thus the Narasimha Beejakshara is "KshrOum" as it removes all poisons and evils. Similarly, the Garuda mantra is "Kshipa Aum Swaha" which destroys all snakes, enemies and evils and starts with the syllable "Ksha".

On Children If you really desire a child and Rahu is troubling you, then get a small idol of BALGOPAL and recite the Santana Gopala Mantra. I have given this out here so many times. +++++++ Conception Charts Seventh house; Venus is the Karaka for semen and Jupiter for fertilisation. The sun is the overlord of the entire process and his placement is vital to the coming of an ATMA to make the process fruitful. ++++++ The Saptamsa given by You is as follows. My question is how did you get a girl child after correction?? Mars the fifth lord is in leo showing a male birth. Even if we take the ninth Lord Sun, this is in fruitful Cancer (Male) with Rahu (Male) and Moon (Female) showing male birth!! On the other hand, for Capricorn the ninth lord is Mercury (Female) and is placed in Gemini (Female). However, even this is NOT CORRECT. Ketu is in Capricorn and we have to count in the reverse (be careful when Ketu is present) of the reverse and this can indicate Taurus as the ninth house. Now, the Lord of Taurus is venus in exaltation (Male) with saturn (Female) in Pisces (Male). Conjunction dominates and female would be born. Also note the parivartana yoga of Venus with Jupiter, bith in male signs. thus whatever chances of a male

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child are lost and female shall be born (Be very very careful when Parivartana Yoga is present). Thus due to the Parivartana Jupiter gets the PAKA LAGNA power from Venus. from Jupiter we have the Sun in the tenth house to indicate the Tithi as Pratipad. A very tricky case indeed. So, the birth time of 6:15 was correct and there is no need to change it. Just confirm that the Pranapada Lagna is in trines to Moon or Lagna in Navamsa. Blessings

On Muhurta (1) One of the fundamental rules for Muhurta is to avoid planets in the 8th house, at least malefics should not be there. (2) Second, planets should not sit in the bhava related to the Karya. For example, for marriage Muhurta, planets in the seventh are bad. Here, we are talking of starting education and for this the bhava is the fourth house (Vidya). Hence planets cannot be in the fourth house. (3) The Karaka for education (Mercury) and for the specific type of learning (Jupiter in the present case) should be very strong and not in dusthana. The Muhurta you have attached does not fit into these three fundamental rules. ++++++ Some Principles: Any organisation, whether a part of the main or independant, requires a correct Muhurta for its existence like different children of one father have their own charts. In any Muhurta, the Moon should be strong to bring the blessings of Shiva and the Guru's by which long life is obtained. (Shrim Beeja) In any Muhurta, Jupiter should be strong to bring the blessings of Jagannatha so that its objectives are achieved and blessings of God are there. (Kleem Beeja) In any Muhurta, the Lagna should be strong so that the intelligence is never destroyed i.e. Durgati does not occur (Hrim Beeja).

Remedial Measures Fasting Fasting ONLY ON THE DAYS RULED BY LORD OF UPAPADA AND WORSHIP OF DEITY CONNECTED WITH SECOND FROM UPAPADA. For example in a femalechart with Upapada in Cancer, fast on Monday as the Moon rules the sign Cancer and worship Shiva (deity of Surya) as the Lord of the second from Upapada. If Shiva is please a very learned person shall be got as a husband. Upapada in Makara (Capricorn) apply the same rules - fasting on Saturdays as Saturn is the Lord of Upapada. Worship the deity connected with the second from upapada i.e. Lord of Aquarius. As you have correctly said, there are two lords - for Saturn, choose Narayana as per Jaimini's advise and for Rahu choose Varaha roopa i.e. Varaha murti of Bhagavan Vishnu. The particular deity is well known as Tirupati Balaji. Almost everyone in Andhra Pradesh fasts and worships Balaji on Saturdays.

+++++ Rays of Guru can be enhanced ONLY by a topaz/pokhraj or by Mantra of Guru. Fasting cleanses the signs ruled by the planet.

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++++++ Fasting actually is called Vrata and 'Anna-sanna'; Vrata as it implies a solemn vow or promise of spiritual disciplene like a mantra recital or a pooja to be done on a regular basis. Anna-sanna implies fasting from grains and specifically rice. Thus, once rice is consumed, then the fast is broken. If it is very difficult to keep a complete fast, advise the consumption of 'Uncooked food' like fruits and salads. ++++++ Janaka was a Maharishi and the father of Sita as well. His greatest contribution to us is popularly called the Janaka Shadakshara Mantra "Hare Rama Krishna". Please check the Srimad Bhagavatam for this. I think I also read it in the Nrisimha Purana. As far as the Parampara of Jyotisha is concerned, it is clearly given in the works of Achyuta Dasa like Guru Bhakti Geeta etc. Since he was a direct disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, I stuck to this Mantra and it has really helped me in this long journey of Jyotisha. The root of the mantra is in the Rig Veda and it is the "younger brother" of the Mahamantra. Wait for my new book for the details. Some extracts from my new book: 1. "Rishi Janak was the father of Sita, the wife of Sri Ram. Shad-Akshara refers to the sixlettered mantra given by Rishi Janak. This is also the Guru mantra of the Jyotish Parampara of Orissa as given by Sri Achyuta Dasa. This mantra is the root for the Mahamantra: HARE RAM HARE RAM RAM RAM HARE HARE HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE." "The Rasi's are lorded by the planets and the Sun is the overlord of all the signs. Thus most remedial measures for good health of the physical body prescribe the worship of the Sun. Various deities as per Table 3.6 rule the Nakshetra (Constellation). The Moon is the Overlord of all the Nakshetra. Thus most of the remedial measures for maintenance of good mental health prescribe the worship of the Moon. Now Maharishi Parasara teaches that the Sun represents Sri Ram while the Moon represents Sri Krishna. Hence the best mantra for maintaining good mental and physical health is the Janak Shadakshara " HARE RAMKRISHNA" (hro ramakRYNa).

++++++ You wrote: Can you please provide some remedies, which are effective in the following: 1. Increase will power. Rath: Worship 10th Lord and fast on days related to 10th Lord. Mercury & Ketu casue the mind to fluctuate too much. 10th Lord is the answer. 2. Liberate from the thoughts of visting prostitutes. Rath: Just like He protected Narada from falling prey to the arrows of Kaamadevata, Narayana is the 'name' that must be recited constantly for removing the thoughts related to sex and for protection from the same. Om Namo Narayanaya 3. Stop a person from visiting prostitutes Rath: Om Vishnave Namah saves you from Shadripu and any Paapa karma 4. Liberate a person from the sins acquired by bad deeds including visiting prostitues. Rath: Worship of Lord Shiva with the Panchakshari mantra Om Namah Shivaya. Thus the Narayana Kavacha is the best armor against all weaknesses.

+++++++ Lal Kitab Astrology and the 'Black' and 'Red Book' type i.e Lal Kitabs etc is not good as this brings misfortune. Jyotish is a blessed science. Take the small example I gave to Syamasundara Das about not predicting the death of Sadhu's, yet he insists on doing so. Well, there are small things one learns from elders and others who have tread this path before us. Always use this knowledge for the welfare of others and Vishnu Himself will take good care of you.

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++++++ One who is in pursuit of the purity of Naarayana and the knowledge of Shiva will never be satisfied by throwing coal into a river. Think for yourself. Another point - just check your own chart. There would be some strong Rahu influence to draw you into this veil that will ultimately destroy your fine learning. I hope you are aware that the Lal Kitab does not differentiate one type of lagna from another. In fact all Lagna are the same and Lordship of Jupiter is for the 9th & 12th housen for all charts!! Supreme intelligence has gone into this serious attempt by some medieval Indian people (Dark Age of India) to distort the Vedic Astrology paradigm.

++++ Rays of Guru can be enhanced ONLY by a topaz/pokhraj or by Mantra of Guru. Fasting cleanses the signs ruled by the planet. Here, cleansing the Lagna (health) and 4th (happiness) is not going to solve her problem.

+++++ Question: If a person wants to get married the 2nd time or wants to solve the marital problem in 2nd marraige should the person be told to fast on the days ruled by Upapada or the 8th from Upapada? Answer: Upapada inspite of it being the second, third or more marriage. The Upapada is the GAUNA PADA. +++++++ Why did you advise fasting on Thursdays? The biggest problem in the charts of both prostitutes and saints is the Upapada and here it is afflicted by the Chandra-grahana yoga i.e. spouse will be extremely spiritual or none at all. Secondly see the placement of the Saturn and Rahu in the ninth house destroying the fortune. Thirdly, the lagnesh Guru affliction by Saturn, Rahu & Mars is a curse from preceptor - and a terrible curse at that which is difficult to overcome. She will need a combination of both Pokhraj (3 rati) and Garnet (3 rati) fixed in gold and worn in the ring finger. Fasting on Saturdays on WATER ONLY is advised as this will remove the curses attached to the marriage and the Upapada and then the Bhadra Yoga can rise. Saturn dasa is too far away to wait. In any case she will be 37 and then, perhaps she will have no suitors and automatically change by circumstances. The problem needs resolution immediately. ANTON - heed this and donate the gems to her if you can afford it. Else ask her to start keeping the fast on all saturdays and not to touch wine/alcohol. This is prohibited and to recite: "Om Namah Shivaaya Gouri-Shankaraaya Mahadevaaya namo namah Madanaantakaaya Muktipradaaya Srimad Shankaraaya Namo namah" With this mantra, the arrows of Madana (Kamadevata -the God of love/sex) shall not torment her life. Tonya (lady) 1980 June 22:15 (22:00-22:30) Donetsk, Ukraine 48:00 N 37:48 E Zoran: The problem about the Guru in her chart is that Guru is with too many Papas, such as Shani, Rahu and Mangal. Too many Vikhal avastas and bad Yogas. Not good for Ishta Devata graha. Guru Mangala Yoga gives her fine character. Being placed in ketu Nakshatra it gives bitter mental experiences and agonies, ketu being with Chandra 8th lord in Upapada Lagna. So Paka Lagna is afflicted. When Paka is afflicted worship of Guru is necessary, particularly Guru being Ishtadevata and Lagnesh. Meditation is the key. I doubt that she can afford Pukhraj, yet in Russia there are spotless Topaz which may be worn instead. Therefore meditation and spiritual activities are necessary, since Budha and

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Shukra are in 3rd from Arudha Lagna. For a start, she should fast on Thursday. Success in spiritual field is indicated later in life. Look at Rahu and Guru as Atma and Putra Yoga. I will think of a mantra for her, but you know well about meditation. Look at Guru neecha in Shastiamsha, with Shani giving neecha bhanga.. So that is the key. Bad karma from previous life is at the moment at its peak. Yet the things will change. Guru has neecha bhanga. +++++++

Nadi Dosha Q: Please suggest a remedy for naadi dosha. A: Worship Prajapati by keeping a fast on Sundays from sunrise to sunset. Break the fast before sunset with something sweet like Gur (jaggery), sugar or nice sweet like kheer. Recite the mantra OM Prajapataye namah 1008 times. After 7 sundays problems will start getting cleared and after 6 months all the problems will be over. +++++++ Abhijit is an intercalary Nakshatra and as solai pointed out, read the latest Jyotish News. The Muhurta are also based on the nakshatra starting from swati, the pearl. Abhijit Muhurta occurs when the Sun is in exact mid-heaven i.e. the 10th house (around mid-day) and all evils are destroyed at this time. The kitchen or fireplace is the place to activate the energy cycle (Agni devata). So, cook some Kheer (Rice + Milk) also called payasam, recite the Gayatri Mantra and enjoy this sweet dish with all people around. Satya stavam savitaram... Satya is the foundation of any family/marriage. So, a satya Narayana Vrata or pooja is most auspicious at this time. +++++++ Eka Mukhi Rudraksha is very good for personal power and position. The Late Indira Gandhi had a garland of 108 eka mukhi and she was perhaps, the most powerful PM we have had till date. She had got these as a gift from the king of Nepal. Realising its value, she had banned the sale of the Rudraksha in India; Later this was changed. Pancha-Mukhi is preferred by the Yogi's aspiring for Brahma -Gyana. I have a Dwi-Mukhi and another Sapta Mukhi rudraksha.. Wear according to your Ista devata/ Upasana. +++++++ There is only one solution to the troubles from evil people and Rakshasha types who trouble good people and obstruct Yagya, temple prayer etc. Remember even the Great Maharishi Vishwamitra Who gave us the Gayatri Mantra had to bring Bhagavan Sri Ram to stop the demons from obstructing his Good work. Solution: Have a large Picture of Bhagavan Sri Ram installed in the eastern direction. Note: KODANDA RAMA Picture is the best with Bhagavan standing and left foot in front (Pratyalidha).. Recited the holy name of "RAM" 1008 times daily and the evil will stop soon. Police will also help you as they will get to know the truth. +++++++

Tulsi Devi FACTS 1) There is no doubt that the plant is considered as the physical manifestation of Sri Tulasi Devi and it is Her body alone that can provide the mala that are used by the Vaishnava just like the

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Rudraksha provides the seeds for the mala for Shiva. There is a difference though. In the Rudraksha, the seed alone is considered auspicious whereas the entire plant is considered as auspicious in the case of the Tulasi. 2) 2) The Tulsi is the repository of the pavitra agni or the holy fire, and we know that our prayers reach bhagavan due to the purity they attain by agni devata residing in the body of Tulasi. If agni were not present either in the Tulasi or in the Rudraksha, then they cannot be used for mantra japa purposes. 3) Tradition as received from Sri Jagannath Das and other pancha sakha of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu clearly indicates the strict methods for keeping Her at home or other places of worship as well as the mantras used to receives leaves from Her etc. There are various mantra sadhana involved with Sri Tulasi Devi. 4) The procedure and reverence for the Griha Tulasi is just as the reverence for the tree that forms the body of Sri Jagannath Mahaprabhu. Ared cloth is tied as it is not proper to keep the deity undressed. Tulasi mata should be given red bangles, red sindoor and all other beauty aids just like a sadhva stri and pavitra agni maintains Her chastity. ANALYSIS When a person touches Her, it is like touching a married woman and is not considered right. To touch Her permission should be sought by reciting the appropriate mantra and then only are the leaves to be chosen as a gift from Her for the use of the temple. When anyone touches Her, Her agni tatwa is decreased but the person is benefitted no doubt. If the plant is among the many herbs planeted for medicinal purposes, then this does not matter very much, but if She has been worshipped, then this is bad. NOTE: The first sign in any temple or house where the purity of the Griha Tulaisi has not been maintained is that the purity of the Sanyasis, Guru's and women shall fall (as explained in the Gita for a fall in Agni tatwa results in fall in Dharma). Sanyasis will remarry, women shall break the marriage vow they made in front of Agni devata and the very purpose of the temple shall be lost. The Guru's may fall and they may suffer physically. Conclusion: The negatives outweigh the positives for allowing others to touch Her. It is my firm opinion that hurting sentiments should not be the criteria out here and Tulasi should be treated as a part of the deities of the ratna Simhasana of Jagannath. In fact sentiments will be MORE HURT when the negatives occur. Srila Prabhupada did allow Tulasi Seva for one and all, but that was SEVA and not just passerby watering her till Her roots become weak due to flooding. SEVA will require that they take the responsibility of looking after her for a day in a week or even a day in a month. Your Holiness can fix duties for all the devotees so that all benefit from the Seva, but just to drop a jug of water to cleanse oneself is another thing. In fact if they really need that cleansing, a dip at Radha kunda or the Maha Sagar ocean at Puri is recommended.

++++++ The reference is to Ganapati Maharaj only. He is 'Sashivarnam' when worshipped with Vishnu, as Bhagavan gave Him the elephant head. The Sashi varnam is a brahmin color and Ganapati here is pure in a mood to study. such a mood is rare and most conducive to study; and in such a mood He wrote the Mahabharata as recited from the lips of Sri Vyasadeva. This idol of 'Sashivarnam' Vughneswara is made from the root of a tree called 'sveta-ark' or as we people from the east say sweta-aak'. The idol is to be about the size of your thumb and if worshipped everyday with a certain mantra after the dhyana shloka which was being discussed, you get the entire knowledge of PARA VIDYA! In fact Ganesha is worshipped in many colors and that would depend on the strongest planet influencing Ketu or the sign Ketu is in. 'Haridra-Ganapati' or yellow Ganesha is worshipped in relation to sagittarius or Jupiter. Sashivarnam is the Moon & Ketu yoga we find in the chart of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The natural color of Ganapati is Red as this is the color of the first sign Aries. Further Ketu in Aries/Sagittarius (RED/YELLOW one translation of Jaimini) or Cancer/Pisces (WHITE GANESHA

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my translation) is responsible for granting Moksha. I think the latter is correct. SVETA_ARK is the key. Try to get this root and then have a Ganesha idol made and see the results for yourself. Ref:

Birth This is the only serious question, till date that has ever been raised against the other option of Nadi sodhana (i.e. cutting of the umbilicus). For this we need to first understand death. Satyacharya has taught us that the human being is defined by the Tripod of the Sun, Moon and Lagna and that these alone are the principal definition for the human being. Of these, the Sun is the Atma (first definition), Moon is the Mana (second definiton) and Lagna is the body (third definition). Swami Abhedananda who is considered the greatest exponent on life after death (his experiments etc are the finest that have been done and his writings are the clearest in the past 2-3 centuries). Reading his works affirms the Satyacharya principle that death is a physical manifestation of the separation of the three primary constituents of the being i.e. Creation is the coming together of the three - Lagna, Moon & Sun and Death is the final separation of all these three. For more details, please read the first chapter, opening paragraph of my book Vedic Remedies in Astrology. The Sun is the first to come and last to leave; Moon is the second to come (7th month of pregnancy) and normally second last to leave (except in some rare cases). lagna is the last to come (Delivery/Birth) and normally the first to leave. Unless this is understood clearly, construction os conception charts or predictions of death will be like firing in the dark. With this in mind, let us examine each aspect: Leaving aside the Sun and the Moon, as their leaving before the Lagna ends is only in exceptional or rare cases, Medical death is defined as the end of the BODY. So, we are limiting our discussion to the general case. BODY: Now, what is the body made of? It is composed of various chemical elements that are in some physical state (3 tatwa-Prithvi, Jala, Vayu) and that are energitic (Agni tatwa). The body parts work together and are bound together due to the 'INVIOLABLE PRINCIPLE' (Adabhyam) of Brihaspati (Akash tatwa). The Akash Tatwa is not visible and pearmeates the whole body and binds it together forcing the parts to work in perfect harmony and in support to each other. We, physically, cannot leave our head behind and take the rest of body to office because of this inviolable principle. Thus it is Akash tatwa which is the principal component of the body and that often continues even after medical death as the 'ethereal body'. Abhedananda's experiments have proved beyond an iota of doubt that the ectoplasm taken from a living person can help a medically dead person (existing in the spirit form) to manifest in a very light bodied physical form that can be photographed (like smoke which has material particles) and that is why the photographs taken of spirits that had manifested using the ectoplam were actually like smoky bodied. Thus, the first point about the body is that the akash tatwa continues to exist even after the other four tatwa have left the body and medical death has occured. Lesson here is that the Akash tatwa (through which Visnu {sarva vyapakeswara) permeates all bodies continues even after Rudra has left and the body is declared medically dead. Now look at the other four tatwa carefully. Agni is associated with each of the other Tatwa therby providing them the energy to do work. That leaves us with three tatwa i.e. Prithvi (solid), Jala (Liquid) and Vayu (gas). Of these, we can see the dead body much after medical death and the blood takes some time to dry up also. So, the first Tatwa whose decay causes medical death is Vayu (SaturnLongevity),and this is associated with the movement of the Prana as well. Thus, by a proper regulation of the Vayu tatwa through yogic practises like Pranayama, we can strengthen this Tatwa and the Prana to avert apamrityu (premature death). FIRST BREATH

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Further, extending this theory backwards to birth, we can say that the moment of birth is the first breath. This is the logic used. But then technically or rather this can be construed as 'medical birth'. Question that would arise is 'If this is medical birth then what is the moment of birth? CUTTING OF UMBILICUS Ask any of the people you know if they will part with their thumb and the reply is a definite 'NO'. This is a part of their body and they would not part with it for anyone's whim and fancy. So, is the foetus a part of the mother's body? If your answer is NO, then it will be hard to explain the concept of prakriti and Purusha etc. If your answer is 'YES' then the moment of separation of the body of the created being from that of the mother is the time of birth as it is at this moment that an independant body (Lagna) has come into being. After all, the time of birth is used to determine the Lagna. As regards breath, I was taught that the baby breathes inside the mother as well and that the breath or Vayu tatwa is made available through the mothers blood. The method of total breath being fixed includes the time spent in the womb and that this is applicable to the Nisheka (Conception chart) and not to the Janma (Birth chart). It is for this reason that the expectant mother (during pregnancy) is advised to be calm as excessive emotions causes her to breathe faster and so also the baby inside her will breathe faster thereby consuming more of those vital limited breath. She is advised to read Vishnu Purana etc and stay calm. It is now clear that the only moment for birth time is the cutting of the umbilicus or the separation of the baby from its mother. ++++++

Erecting and deciphering the conception chart I'll give the five rukes and you play with them: 1) Count 273 days from the date of your birth. That should be easy unless you were premature born. 2) See if the Lagna lord is in drusya or not and the person is male or female. Male births take longer as boys have a natural tendency to trouble their mothers, girls are sweeter and better. So, if the Lagnesh is so placed then a 15 day correction is called for from this date. There's a little bit of figures work like Gulika minus Saturn to do out here and you can learn this from any book. 3) The Lagna of Conception IS THE SEVENTH from Janma Lagna. Did you know this? Now you can apprecitae why the seventh house is also another Satya Peetha like lagna and is also the Dwara or the door through which you came to this world. There'sanother small math to do out here to get the Lagna degree right. 4) The Moon at conception MUST BE IN KENDRA TO JANMA RASI. Wow! Shivoham Shivoham..Mother dear mother..

Enough! time to say good night..(remember to ask this at a later date or try to find this yourself). ++++++ ho decides that an Atma is to be reborn in a particular family, in a particular time and place? Is it not Krishna? If it is Krishna, then should we not respect His decision. Being a bhakta also requires that we respect every decision of the Lord as this is a part of the Bhakti. Birth in Brahmin family (i.e. in the Gotra) is the first step and being prepared to accept the knowledge is the second and finally marrying and accepting the social responsibility of protecting and propagating Dharma is the third. The symbol for each of these stages is THREE SACRED THREAD tied in a knot called Yagyo Pavita and representing the TRIMURTI in the symbol of A-U-M. At the time of the ceremony of accepting the Sacred Thread, some Brahmins take one knot of three threads while others take two knots of six threads. Thereafter at the time of marriage, another knot of three threads is added making the total as nine or six respectively. A Gotra is a lineage from a Maharishi. Kshatriya and Vaishya families accepting a particular Maharishi as their Guru come into the Gotra and are called Gotraja's. However, they do not take the first set of three threads as the Maharishi is not their ultimate GENITOR, but accept the second set of three threads symbolising learning as the Maharishi is their

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PATER in that sense. A Caste or sub-caste is formed IF AND ONLY IF SEVEN generations of the family maintain the DHARMA associated with the Varna (loosely translated as Caste). Similarly, it is lost if seven generations DO NOT follow the Dharma associated with their Caste. I am finishing this brief introduction to Varnashrama here and leave you with questions like (1) Whether the Sudra who are also one of the four legs of Dharma were originally a part of the Sacred Thread while Chandala were kept out or (2) Whether the Dark ages of medieval India has resulted in the ruin of Varnashrama as the castes neither maintained the high standards nor duty associated with the Dharma, hence can we really callthem Brahmin's? Now for Sateesh's misgivings in the following Quote: I strongly dispapproved of Lord Sri Rama cutting the Head off of a Shudra for "daring" to read the Vedas - but I also read that there was an ulterior motive - anyone remember what it was? It is the responsibility of the Kshatriya to protect Dharma and Jeeva. Sun protects Dharma and Lord MahaVishnu incarnated in the form of Sri Rama (Surya Avatar) to do so. Mars the other Kshatriya protects life and for this Lord Narasimha Avatar is worshipped. These are the two Kshatriya in the Vaishnava tradition. The deities are Shiva (Sun) and Kartikeya or Skanda (Mars). Thus one who worships Shiva everyday in the morning as one of the 12 Jyotirlinga's is able to maintain Dharma and is protected by his Guru. Maharshi vakya Bodhakai Virajamana Vak patai Saroja janma Saveetam tatha Krupa Bhi_diyatam By worshipping Sri Rama, Dharma is protected as it is His responsibility to protect the words of the Maharishi's as recorded in the Veda. The person whose head Sri Rama cut off happened to be a Sudra, and has also got MOKSHA because of death in the hands of Bhagavan. Lord Rama would have done the same for an unqualified Brahmana as well. The reasons are easy to understand. Pick up a copy of the Rig Veda as translated by Wilson (Aurobindo was very critical of this poor work and complete lack of any understanding) and see for yourself the need to maintain the high level of understanding of these holy books. The Sudra should have taken a Guru and then after attaining the level of understanding to read (and interpret) the Veda's, done the same. In fact to teach the Veda's the person is required to maintain perfect celebacy of 44 Years. Then he becomes akin to a Rudra. Today Christianity and Islam also suffer from the low level interpretation of the teachings of their Param Guru's. Christ said "Do not covet thy neighbours wife" and just see what is happening in all the Christiandoms. A high level interpretation would require a true Christian to have only ONE MARRIAGE and not even to look at unmarried or married women as they would be somebody else's wife, either in the present or the future. Is this being practised? Low level interpretations of the sacred literature as well as works on Jyotish is a hallmark of the advent of Kali Yuga and the fact that we have started to question these low level interpretations shows that the SMALL GOLDEN CYCLE (CHAKRA) OF 480 YEARS IS AT THE DOOR. ++++++ The sex can be determined from the ruling planet of the Diva/Ratri vighatika. See Jaimini Sutra translation. As such, this is also seen from the seventh house AND NOT LAGNA. Everybody knows why.

Past Life Question: Why did Parasara state that the Drekkana shows abode from past life? That is, why specifically Drekkana? Answer: If you read the concept of the Shiva Linga and the saptarishi as explained in the book Vedic remedies in Astrology, you will find that the Atma is a ray of light originating from the Sun (actually

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the ninth sign from the Sun) and being guided by the Rishi's through the Astadala padma into this body. This is where the nature of the Rishi is very important and then, rishi's are seen from the DREKKANA and GURU DEVATA is the Bhratrikaraka..Can you se those linkages there, third Karaka, guru, Guru's lord over the Drekkana. ++++++ People are reborn (these days) largely due to strong unfulfilled desires. Take the drunkard next door. He has to be born so many more times because that last glass of beer is not over! That is Karmic rebirth where Bhagavan is kind enough to let him come again and again for that last glass, and perhaps alternating between other bodies of buffallo and other animals ( if more fortunate). Now, saturn also has a say in this matter and for this reason, Saturn and Gulika (his bright eyed son so very good at preparing poison) have a strong say in rebirth as well. Here they are used to calculate the date of conception by reducing the tentative date by the difference between their degrees. (Conception chart). At least one case is sure to be remembered . That of Bhagavan Ram, and here we cannot blame it all on Rahu (Ravana) alone and Saturn also holds the key to this. Thus when Rahu becomes the AK, I guess Rama will come to take you back to Godhead... ++++++ The seventh from Navamsa and Lagna are the natural checks, but I believe that the sex is determined by a more elaborate method on the basis of the previous birth. That is how birth charts of people like Shikhandi could reveal that they were females in their previous births and due to a terrible hatred had taken birth. Thus, the D-60 has to be involved. Then, this will give the sex in the past birth. The entire process of pro-creation is based on the Saptamsa and the seven Rasa as indicated in an earlier e-mail on Brahma Vidya. Thus, the saptamsa has to indicate whether the person is like Brahma or Saraswati (Sa-Rasa-Wati). Thus, the Saptamsa has to be involved. We may arrive at such divisions like the D-63 (9x7=63) and D-84 (12x7=84) using the NavamsaSaptamsa and Dwadasamsa-Saptamsa principles. However, this requires more study and is beyond our scope of discussions at present.

Effect of CURSE OF BRAHMIN Jupiter in trines aspected by Mars and Saturn indicates a Curse from Last birth/existence. SATURN will indicate the nature of the curse and the houses owned by Saturn shall be the cause of sorrow and problems/worry. If Saturn is in strength and in a Chara rasi, then a Great Brahmin is indicated and "Rajas Guna" shows anger is high. If Saturn is in a fixed sign, then Tamas Guna is high and Sorrow is indicated, while in Dual signs, the effect of the curse is negligible. In the horoscope of Bhagavan Sri Ram, Jupiter is in Lagna and is aspected by both Saturn and Mars (Note this aspect is on Jupiter in Lagna which is also the ninth Lord). Saturn is the Lord of the seventh house (wife) and eighth house (separation from wife). Saturn is placed in a movable sign showing that the curse is due to Rajas (Passion) and anger. Saturn is exalted and retrograde showing that the personality is a Muni or Brahmin of the highest order and a great renunciate (Narada Muni). Saturn aspects the Sun in the Arudha lagna and the tenth house from Lagna showing that it will deny or delay the Rajabhishek (Coronation). The curse worked just at the time of coronation of Sri Rama when due to the machinations of a hunchback maid servant (planets in the fourth house indicate personal maid servants also and hunch back is indicated by Saturn) his step mother was able to have Him banished for 14 years. The Curse WAS FULFILLED showing that Remedial measures cannot end the suffering and only help us to overcome it or face it with Divine help. But then it is through the suffering that we can come clean.In this manner the curse of the Brahmin can be deciphered from the horoscope. Now read the episode of the desire of marriage of Narada Muni due to the arrow of love that was shot at him by his brother Kama Devata (Love God) as has been given by Zavisa. Remedial Measure

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Parasara states that the remedial measure for Saturn is to worship Shiva with the Mritunjaya Mantra. We have already seen that the curse of the Brahmin is seen from both Mars and Saturn aspecting Jupiter and it is the debilitating aspect of Saturn which needs to be overcome. Thus, by worshipping Lord Shiva Bhagavan showed us the value of the words of Maharishi Parasara and the efficacy of the remedial measure. Lord Shiva, in answer to the prayer came as His ardent servant in the form of Hanuman (Thus, Lord Hanuman is none other than Shiva and is called Rudra Avatar where Rudra is one of the names of Shiva). Mars is a Yogakaraka and is exalted in Capricorn and is capable of removing the evils of Saturn. Thus Mars aspected by Jupiter becomes a fully qualified sisya (fifth lord) to destroy the enemy (being second from the sixth house). That is why the seventh house is called Satru Marana (House of death of enmity). The place where the remedial measure is to be perfromed is seen from the sign occupied by the Badhakesh (Lord of obstruction). Here the Badhakesh is Venus (for Cancer Lagna) and is placed in Pisces (Sea's/Ocean). Sri Rama carved a Jyotirlinga from the sands near the southern tip of India called Rameshwaram and worshipped Lord Shiva that resulted in the destruction of the Ravana and the end of the curse. Thus the establishment of a Shiva Linga (called Partiveswara Linga) and its worship in the place indicated by the Badhakesh removes the evils of Saturn.

Ista Devata etc Question: The Karakamsa is occupied by Vargottam Moon(AK) in sign Virgo, 11th house. Ishta Devta is indicated by Saturn placed in Leo, 12 th from AK.Thus the Ishta Devta is Narayan and Saturn is Putra Karak Answer: Point is that Saturn is your second Lord of wealth and also a malefic planet for Sagittarius Lagna. He is placed in the fifth house of Bhakti ans is also in debility in the second from AL indicating diseases related to Saturn like problems in the legs. Mantrapada is in Leo showing that the transit of Jupiter in Leo is the time you will be able to get the Mantra of Ista and then this will be fruitful. So, what to do till then? You seed to correct and prepare yourself for this development two years away. There are no other planets in the 12th from karakamsa and this is Leo owned by the Sun indicating Shiva. Thus, the next natural step is to prepare yourself by worshipping Shiva so that your sins are wiped out and Shiva alone is empowered to do this. Shiva sends a Sadguru to you from the Parampara of your Ista devata. It is this sadguru who is the living Shiva for you. He takes away one-sixth of your sins the day he gives you the parampara Mantra. Thereafter you progress spiritually. ++++++ This is very very vital and maybe noted by all. Ista Devata is always in the EAST, Palana Karta in the North and Guru Devata is worshipped in the South direction. ++++++ What does Ishta Devata in navamsa lagna show? Parasara has defined this clearly as "BANDHANA OR MUKTI". thus the Ista devata shall determine the path for emancipation from the cycle of rebirth or return to this planet. Return to this planet is seen from the seventh house whereas Moksha is from the Ista Devata. rest you can read from the scriptures. After all, why are we learning Jyotish if it cannot help us in this most basic requirement and once this path is set correct, then other Karma will fall in place. +++++++

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In a letter that I cc'ed to this list yeastereday on the KSY, i had mentioned about worshipping a form of Vishnu if the natural benefic is in Lagna and Shiva if in the seventh house..this is only a corollary to the rule of the Ista devata. The Ista is seen from the Navamsa. Nav means nine and the ninth house is a house connected with Dharma and Vishnu. For example if lagna lord is in the ninth house then we see a Vaishnava. Now the Atmakaraka is like the Sun and the sugnificator of the ninth house. In the navamsa the 12th from the Karakamsa should be associated with the Ista devata and this has to be a form of Vishnu.. see the links. Take the case of Jupiter as a Graha. You can recite the Graha Mantra. Now, if you want to be a preist (Livelihood-Amatyakaraka Yoga), then the ideal should be Brihaspati (Bhagavat Gita) and so, recite the Brihaspati Gayatri . If you want the knowledge of the tradition then worshipping Dattatreya, the snakes of ignorance will go and knowledge of all the scriptures will be yours. This is the Trimurti Rupa and symbolises AUM. If you want the knowledge of the occult and the deepest secrets of any vidya (including te Dasa Mahavidya) then worship Dakshinamurti. But if you want to be a perfect person (Perfection is akin to divinity) then recite the Dharma Gayatri of Vamana Avatar. Trinipada Vichakrame Vishnurgopa-adabhya Atho Dharmani dharayan..(rig Ved)What do you want? I hail from Puri and consider people who say you are Vaishnava and I am shaivaite to be very very ignorant fools just like the followers of Ramanuja who had come to change the tradition of Puri but were thrown out over a thousand miles in one night during their sleep! Here Jagannath and Lokanath live in perfect harmony looking after the world. We know that in every being be he a claimant of Christianity, Islam or any other faith in any form or manner, there resides in his heart our "Common"God Jagannath (Vishnu) and in his mind like the cresent moon, sits Lokanath (Shiva) his Guru, intellect and guide. We also know that for some the head shall rule over the heart (Shaivaite claims) and for others the heart rules over the head (Vaishnava claims). But fortunate are those who shall have a clear head and a clean heart with both working towards a common goal. So, Frank, we clean our hearts by saying OM NAMO NARAYANAYA and clear our heads by saying OM NAMAH SHIVAYA and there is peace in our mind and happiness in our heart. May this also become your path and you love every atom of His creation realising that He resides everywhere. The forms of deities are for our minds that does not stop to reason. It is in the mind that the man works with these mantra. It is in these various forms that we alleviate our sufferings as we start worshipping them and gradually start liking, loving and adoring the also the Grahas associated with the deities become neutral, freindly and protective in that order. The deities of the Graha's (List-2) are to be worshipped when associated with the Devatakaraka as they become the Guru Rupa and shall guide the intellect like Shiva sitting in our heads. Thus List-1 associates with the AK while List-2 should associate with the AmK or BK or other grahas in the Rasi and other charts. Another important point for Visti. I read that he claims that Parasara was a Vaishnava because of that list-1. This is ridiculous. everybody knows that PARASARA WAS AMONG THE FOREMOST WORSHIPPERS OF SHIVA. In fact so strong was His tapasya that Shiva had to be born (if I can use that term) as His son in the form of Sri Veda Vyasa. Vyasa deva the Greatest exponent of this Dharma has a similar beejakshara as that of Mritunjaya. OM HOUM JUM SAH VYAM VYASADEVAYA NAMAH ... This beejakshara HOUM & JUM are Sadashiva and Mritunjaya Beeja respectively and the deity is associated with the NEELA more from the site under Mritunjaya Mantra. the problem I see is that inspite of everybody reading the matter in the lessons and the web few are really thinking. must think hard and try to reason out things in your mind till perfect clarity is achieved. And when this happens, thank Shiva. Jaya Jaya Karunabdhe Sri Mahadeva Sambhu.... ++++++ Maharshi Jaimini uses the term "SAMBASIVA" for Jupiter and this is a direct reference to GOD AS THE TEACHER. This can indicate SHIVA in the SAMBHU form. In fact this indicates EVERY DEITY in the BRIHASPATI or Universal form. I give you a list of such forms depending on the planetary influence coming on Jupiter. Now, Parasara is also teaching in the same lines that Jupiter takes you to Indra (and Indra means your ISTA DEVATA). Other texts also refer to Jupiter taking you to the Dharma and Ista Devata as Jupiter rules the 12th (Ista) and 9th (Dharma) of the natural Zodiac.

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Sun: A strong Sun influencing such a Jupiter can indicate Sambhu or Dakshinamoorty(Ista form), Vishwanatha (Dharma form). Sri Rama is the Naisargika Dharma Roopa of Bhagawan also called Satya Narayana (Sadhu Roopa Bhagawan i.e. the only form in which Bhagawan wore the dress of a Sadhu/renunciate). Moon: A strong influence of the Moon gives undying fame just like the association of Krishna and Arjuna. The deity is Jagannath. In this manner you should think... Mars (Balaram/Narasimhadeva), Mercury (SriAchyuta/Buddhadeva), Jupiter (Dattatreya/Sri Vamana/Guru's/Narada Muni/Rishi) Venus (Hayagreeva/Parasurama), Saturn (Doorvasa/Koormarupa)..etc. +++++++ To understand Truti, we need to understand the concept of relativity. We human beings always see things with Human eyes and relativity helps us to see beyond. Time as a "relative concept" has been used in the Manu Smriti extensively. First we find how a God was punished and He was put to sleep and during his sleep, he manifested as a Human being and passed through tremendous hardhsip and pain and finally, he died and the dream ended. He woke up to realise that he was sleeping and dreaming. This is the concept behind "a day in the life of the gods is a year in human life" or an even more relative concept of a day being equal to a Human life of 120 years (Drekkana concept). Unless we ponder over these concepts, the divisional charts will always continue to elude us. Coming to Truti, the events occuring within a tatpala are so very sookshma/minute/tiny that their "Tatparya" (meaning/wisdom) is beyond the ability of the Human mind. Tatpal, Tatpara and Tatparya are related concepts and words. Mathematically, we can make various smaller divisions of Tatpal and fact remains that these exist and add up to make the tapal, yet they cannot be discerned by the mind. This is the limitation of the normal human mind. That is why Truti is always beyond the mind and is an unfathomable depth. These depths can be touched when one meditates and reaches the Para level where the mind loses its limitations and sheds its shackles, where we forget our existence since existence of the self is discerned by the mind during a Tatpal, so when in meditation we actually completely get lost or cease to realise the independant existence, then the mind has actually fathomed the unfathomable depths. The simplest and surest way to achieve this is to keep repeating the name of the Ista Devata. Here, I have Mercury in the 12th from Karakamsa and Parasara teaches that Vishnu is the deity. So, keep reciting this name of God, loudly, slowly and then mentally and finally we lose consciousness of the self and reach the Para levels... +++++++ As regards Akash Tatwa, remember that Tatwa came later. What came first in creation of the solar system? It is the sun (like Brahma) and that is the reason why the Sun is the Karaka for pregnancy and the nine houses from the sign occupied by a conception chart indicate the nine months from conception to delivery. When the sun shines nothing else other than he is visible. So, he is the lord of all the 12 signs,. From here comes the concept of Sun refering to the number 12. Although western numerology gives this number to Jupiter, we in India give this to the sun and also refer to the Dwadasamsa as Surya-amsa. ++++++

According to Parasara, the deity associated with Saturn is Brahma, but the worship of Brahma is prohibited as this leads to rebirth and the very essence of Spirituality is lost. This is where the Jaimini Sutra helps us. Maharishi teaches "Budhasani-bhyam Vishnu" giving the wisdom that when the problem of saturn in the 12th from Karakamsa etc, places is seen, recommend the worship of Vishnu. So, the way out is to worship Vishnu with the Mantra OM NAMO NARAYANAYA. +++++ The aspect or Drishti really means 'THOSE WHO KNOW' and those who know alone can tell us. Thus Ista Devata is from the Lord and not from aspecting planets. Aspecting planets lead us to the lord.

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What Sarat was trying to explain was that it does not matter. Choose any one of the deities and let the person start meditation and reciting the name. Sooner or later he will arrive at the door of the Ista Devata. People waste too much time in all sorts of calculations instead of realising that the various planets are only means to know the ultimate truth. thus Ista is from strongest planet in the 12th and if not, take the lord. Aspects matter but I don't want you all to get confused with beneficial and baneful aspects and get lost in the calculaitons of what is good and what is not good aspect. That is why I skipped the aspect rule and came straight to the point. Aspect can complicate as I have realised and people cannot understand these issues of qualitative nature of aspects. Learn the basics here and later we will go into great depth. Someday you all will be in a better position to understand Sarat's mail. ++++++ Let me tell you all a very important point about ISTA Devata. Irrespective of which planet is representing ISTA Devata, when the period of Jupiter (Samba-Siva or Guru) comes, He will guide you ONLY TO GOD. Jupiter will always show you the correct path. So, say "Om Tat Sat" or "Om Sat Guru" all the time and see how the Great Jupiter will guide you to your Ista devata irrespective of the dasa. ++++++ The point is that the 12th house from the Atmakaraka (Divinity) shows the place of Moksha and other opinions like "a benefic in Swamsa giving Moksha" are not correct. This has reference to the translations of some fellow astrologers to this stanza. The atmakaraka is God and is said to represt the King who acts on behalf of God. Thus if there is an afflicted AK in the chart of a King, like that of Mr Gomango (Chief Minister of Orissa during the recent most terrible cyclone of History), the people have to suffer. The 12th from the AK is the house from where God gives everything to the native and this is better seen in the Navamsa which is the Dharma Amsa. This act of giving everything including Moksha is what we refer to as the fundamental function of the Lord and in this we see the Ista Devata or the "Giver of all goodness". ++++++ Lesson on Ista Devata

Chart Rectification Every divisional chart shall speak about the personality to the extent it should. You have raised a nice question about considering all D-Charts together, but that is not the way. A day will come when you will also be able to determine the Lost horoscope in the following steps. What is important is a strong knowledge base:Determine the Year, Month, Paksha & Tithi. Then Determine the Lagna Determine the Drekkana on the basis of info about co-born. Fix the Navamsa & Dasamsa on the basis on knowledge of spouse, nature, job etc if the person is grown up. If very young go to the D-12 Chart directly, else correct this after the D-9 & D-10. Thereafter fix the D-24 Chart & other divisions. Check the Pranapada and the Kunda and if need be make minor corrections. When ever in doubt about the possibility of two nearby navamsa or Dasamsa, apply your MENTAL & SPIRITUAL energy to find out the truth. The more you apply yourself at this stage of correction, the more you shall understand the person and the more accurate shall be your prediction.

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Have you not wondered how I can make such accurate predictions at least most of the time? Have you not seen how Narasimha works so hard. This is another principle "Kasta Karile Krusna Mile" (which means that to get Krishna (Truth/satya) we have to work hard).

Medical Liver problems are given by Mars and Mars is not only AK, but also lords the 6th from Lagnamsa. It suffers affliction from Rahu & sun in Navamsa. Use yellow sapphire and green emerald combination in gold. Eat one guava leaf early in the morning befor e having anything. rest later ++++++ ++++++ This requires an understanding of the Human anatomy first and then the application of Jyotish. Take diabetes for example. Note on Diabetes This is a disease of the inability of the liver to produce insulin to digest the sugars. Sugars are ruled by Jupiter and so is the liver, bile is deep yellow in color and is the digestive power or real hidden life force provider in the body. In the zodiac this comes just below the stomach and is in the sign Virgo. The organs of the body in the region of the navel and above the private parts are in Virgo. This includes the appendices that digest fibre (not clearly defined in medicine) and are in Chitra; the spleen that removes poisons like the Sun and this comes in Uttaraphalguni star. Worship of Garuda removes the poisons and keeps this organ intact and efficient. The liver comes under Hasta nakshatra ruled by the Moon and with Savitur as its deity. Moon is the direct controller of Vigor in the body and a healthy liver gives vitality and tremendous energy whereas a bad liver can make you feel tired all the time. Pisces is the Badhak or obstruction to this Virgo-Liver and a healthy balance on this axis is called for to rnsure proper functioning of the liver. This can be done by recitation of the Gayatri mantra (Prayer to Savitur) which gives vitality and increases the longevity. Because of the rulership of this axis by Mercury and Jupiter, this Mantra is normally communicated on Wednesdays or Thursdays only. Venus is debilated in Virgo and is also the lord of the 2nd house (Maraka) from it. It reduces the life force by way of encouraging excessive sexuality or seminal losses etc. Mars is the greatest malefic for Virgo ruling the 3rd and 8th from it. With this knowledge study the chart carefully and determine the planet causing affliction. Be sincere in the remedial measures and this disease CAN BE kept under check.

Marriage & Relationships Fortune is one thing and Mana is another. In the Kuta matching for marriage we are basically checking for mental and physical compatibility based on some general factors. A good Jyotish will go a bit ahead and match the Upapada indications for marriage, length of married life and will also match the children to ensure that there are not divergent indications that can only fructify after a divorce. He will also try to check the in-laws from the navamsa as well as details of the spouse. Having done so, and praying to Sri Jagannath he will give a good date and bless the match. ++++++ Divorce or break in marriage is seen in the 8th house and NOT the seventh. It has become a habit of astrologers to give stories instead of arriving at a definite Sastraic conclusion. Ketu in the seventh gives a wife who tries to hen-peck the husband (or vice-versa), but that may not lead to divorce unless the 8th house/second from Upapada is weak. ++++++

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Question on relationships and attachments lasting for 1 year or longer. Answer: Tough to say. In India it would and this shows in the chart as they get attached or very involved. Sometimes you may get the chart of a couple where the first Upapada has nothing to do with the Lagna of the Spouse, then know that it is the second. In this manner you can check the number of 'marriage like relationships'intervening between the present spouses. The tools are there, but they have to be used with great intelligence. Look at the question of Saptamsa. You see Parasara taught the HORA SHASTRA or that part of Jyotish which is scientific and will reveal itself in all charts irrespective of who it is. Jaimini gave the Upadesa (Advisory Stanza) and showed the detailed examination of spirituality, various Devatas including Ista, Saptamsa, Rudramsa and other such divisions where the hand of God is clearly seen and where His will is going to totally prevail. Take my own chart. In Saptamsa, 7th Lord is Mercury in Scorpio and Mars is in Gemini with Moon. Daughter should be expected, but my mother took my wife to Jagannath and they did a small pooja for a son. I have a son now as the second. Parivartana Yoga worked, but could I have predicted this? Thus in areas where the Jaimini Sutra is going to be used, be careful as you are treading in HIS TERRITORY. If He desires, then OM TAT SAT shall be spoken from your lips. This is the difference between a Jyotisha and a Daivagya. ++++++ There is a person in Balrampur, UP who is quite adept at making the charts of spouse. Unfortunately, he is still unmarried as he has made a chart for his prospective bride and is still looking around for her!! Thus, making charts is not of any use. Clear the blockage in your own chart. If nothing else works, then do the "DAS-MAHAVIDYA MANTRA" related to the lord of the seventh from Lagna (for male charts since they are going to marry a female. In all other cases or combinations as is happening in gay marriages in US etc. this will not work). ++++++ Tara Kuta is not very important. The strength of the Gauna Pada is the most important. If blessings are there in the Gauna Pada, then, even without matching the person shall have a happy married life. Matching as is being done today is nothing but a farce. There are many people all over the world with very happy married lives. ++++++ The Moon has the ignomy of stealing the wife of Brihaspati (the lord of Pusya Nakshatra). Thus, it is advisable to keep marriages out of Pusya Star, else it is likely that a romantic "Moon" can run away with the bride!!

Ayanamsa & Chakras All telescopes measure the apparant positions of the planets (except radio telescopes). Thus if the Jantar mantar of Delhi made apparent observations it does not mean that these RAW DATA were used by the seers. They were well aware of the apparant positions and the corrections necessary. Take a look at the Surya Siddhanta where Arya Bhatta had taken for granted that everybody knew that the world was round, yet this was discovered by Europe many centuries later! Do not get diverted and swayed by the discussions on the apparant Moon in another list. Lack of faith is the cause of doubts that diverts the mind from real learning. This is the way of Maya. After all , these discussions are totaly meaningless as the Ayanamsa itself has not been finalised. Then there are some astrologers who say they get better results using the Lunar Parallax correction?!! I wonder if they have fully learnt Jyotish. After all, till recently when I showed the use of the Sun, Moon & Lagna for

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Vimsottari Dasa finer analysis in addition to what has been taught by Dr Raman, how many knew it? There is much more to the beautiful Vimsottari dasa. My point is learn the tools and then attempt to tamper with them. Inspite of so many years into Jyotish, I have NEVER commented on the value of the Ayanamsa in Public. Some self constraint is called for in the part of the more advanced astrologers so that we may all move forward. I hope that this message is received in the right spirit. ++++++ One is the Surya chakra or sayana Chakra where everything revolves around he Sun, WHICH IS NOT WRONG, BUT IS NOT AS CORRECT AS THE NIRAYANA CHAKRA where everything moves around the point I call narayana. Now, since we are living in this solar system, we need to accurately erect a chart of the skies duing birth and this chart is actually a sidereal chart. Thereafter we reduce the Ayanamsa to get the correct picture. Likewise, I have always maintained that the progression used in western astrology is perfectly correct and is as per Manu Smriti i.e. it has a strong Vedic base. I don't know why others denounce these things. However, the dasa systems for timing are better and easier to use. In fact I have shown vital events of various charts using these progressions in the Nirayana Chart. Point is are we going to keep cursing the western system or ar we going to realise that there is some truth in it and accept it as another part of Astrology that is not fully developed. In fact if the practitioners of that system did very serious research, they would, sooner or later arrive at the Nirayana chart. +++++ The oldest reference available on the use of weekdays is Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra. Parasara was the father of Vyasadeva and hence should have been in this planet about 70 years prior to Vyasadeva's appearance. Vyasadeva was a contemporary of Bhagavan Sri krishna. So, we are talking of the time when the Veda was one i.e. the original Rik Veda in which we have many chapters contributed by Parasara. I don't think there is any other book in this world that is older than the rik veda. One example: Sankranti dosha is caused by birth at the time/ day of entry of the Sun into a sign. There are seven types of Sankranti dosha and these are based on the WEEKDAYS on which Sankranti occurs. ++++++ The Vishnu Purana clearly mentions two separate zodiacs. One called Vishnu - the Sayana or tropical zodiac from where the effects of the Bhuva Loka (Antariksha) housing the planets are seen as affecting the physical process in this planet like causing rains, summer, winter etc, and the other is called Narayana -the Nirayana Zodiac that is seen for all life processes who are governed by the 33 deva's [Astavasavah (eight Vasu's)+11 Rudra+12 Aditya+Indra+Prajapati].I hope this clears your doubt. Thus, the western system of tropical zodiac is also correct but then this is meant for seeing rainfall, earthquakes etc and not Manushya Jataka. It is like giving dog food to human beings. +++++++ NOTES ON AYANAMSA The term "TRUE" has to be looked into very carefully in this Kali Yuga. Look at TRUE and MEAN Nodes. The principle there is based on the "basic LIFE rule that The luminaries shall always be direct in motion as they give life (HORA) and the nodes shall always be retrograde as they are like Rudra having the responsibility to take the life". In a similar vein, we all know that the planets revolve around the Sun and from the standpoint of this earth, the planetary positions are based on the placement of the planets in the constellations as viewed from this solar syatem. The question is "Is the solar system the centre of the world? And the answer is 'NO'. There is another center around which the entire solar system revolves. Thus, if SURYA is the Lord of all planets and they revolve around it and owe their existence to Him (Surya-the spiritual Sun God), then this entire creation/universe that revolves arond another center which we call Narayana

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owes its existence to Him i.e. Narayana. In a way, if Surya is the Naisargika Atmakaraka, then Narayana is the Atmakaraka for all such so many Surya's i.e. like the Supreme President (Narayana) Who has so many Governors (Surya). Having this higher knowledge, we need to have a zodiac which incorporates this concept. What is Ayanamsa in the physical sense? The zero degree of the zodiac i.e. zero-Aries is taken as a point of reckoning where the Visible zodiac (Western system) coincides with the sidereal zodiac. Now, we know that the Solar system (consider this whole system as one big family or a single whole planet that is revolving around Narayana) takes about 25200 years (check this figure from my web). Thus the Ayanamsa (Average-considering a linear circular motion) is 360 Deg / 25200 years i.e. 51.42 seconds per year. Others take this revolution at 24000 years and arrive at 54 seconds per year. This is the debate although it has now been quite conclusively proved that (a) the motion is not linear and (b) that the average is around 50.25 seconds per year. This non-linear movement of ayanamsa is the ayanamsa correction, but few people really get into this. Date of Reckoning: It is necessary to align all charts around Narayana Who is the TRUE center and not Surya. Thus in a sense, the western zodiac is Surya focused while the sidereal one is Narayana focused. We cal;culate the planetary positions and then reduce or add the Ayanamsa based on its position around Narayana. +++++++

The Litmus test of any ayanamsa is the accuracy of its working. The Lahiri Ayanamsa is actually the one finally adopted by the Govt. of India after the Lahiri committee comprising of the ablest astrologers debated on the same. Its inherent drawback is the annual progression of 50 seconds which is different from the actual rate of 50.23 Seconds per year. Hence some very minor inconsistencies crop in. Krishnamurti ayanamsa is like Lahiri plus the 0.23 seconds correction till 1920's. We use this because we have not been able to better it. The rest of the stories on ayanamsa are exciting, seemingly full of arguments, but are far fetched. So, till we can better it, we stick to the best available. +++++++ The concept is slightly different. When the Sun is at any point, then the Planets/ Yoga Tara i.e. Nakshatra near and around it are not visible due to the overpowering rays of the sunlight. The first that will be visible is the one at 180 Degrees from the Sun. This is the time of Sunset and this Tara/Star/ Constellation shall be visible. Thus, in any day, DRAW A LINE FROM THE POSITION OF THE SUN TO 180 DEGREE AWAY FROM IT. The Stars behind the Sun (Take Sun =0 Deg) i.e. 180 Deg to 360/0 Deg shall not be visible, but these signs are signs that are illuminated by daylight. Thus, during mid-day the sun is in the tenth house, at about 2 PM in the ninth house and so on till in the 7th house at sunset. That is why these houses from 1st to 7th (Reverse count 1.e. 7,8, 9, 10, 11 & 12)Degree wise are called Drusya Rasi or "signs when there is visibility in the place". The signs in the 1st to 7th houses in the direct count i.e. 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 are Adrusya Rasi or that do not afford visibility in the place. It is simple to understand that when the SUN IS IN ASWINI 0 DEGREE, THE YOGATARA IS CHITRA OR THE CONSTELLATION IN THE 7TH HOUSE OR 180 DEGREES OPPOSITE. That is why it is called Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa. ++++++ The order of the weekdays is based on the Hora's and NOT vice versa. Start with the Sun ruling the first hora of the first day and write 24x7=188 hora's. Thereafter follow the rule that the lord of the first hora of a day shall be the lord of the day and the order of weekdays shall emerge. ++++++

Western Astrology

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No they don't have a reference and hence their time concept is all over. We havea very elaborate Brahma Vidya from where we know of the Yugas and hence have a definite date for the start of Kali and zero Ayanamsa point etc. No meaning at all. The western wheels are but a symbolic representation (Geo centric) of the heavens as they look to the naked eye. They don't know where the system is headed (i.e. no ayana like we have Abhijit). Don't blame them. They lost it all fighting too many wars. The fact that they use progression i.e. a year in the life of Humans is equal to a day in the life of Gods shows a very rudimentary stage of Jyotish knowledge (Manu Smriti) was somehow retained by the system. Pars Fortuna is like Punya Saham showing the interaction between the Vedic system and the western world where they learnt about sensitive points. +++++++ Remember that the Square is NOT MALEFIC in Vedic Astrology. Parasara defines this Aspect under the relationship called 'PARASPARA YOGA-KARAKA" It is like "you pat my back and I will pat your back" or " If you kick me then I will kick you". These planets become mutual co-workers and help each other in getting things done (or undone) depending upon whether it is Itthasala or Easarpa. However, while examining Birth Charts, the orbs have to be elongated and the retrogression of the nodes have to be kept in mind. Thus, if Rahu & Jupiter are in quadrants, then Rahu will try to block the "SAT" of Jupiter. In such a context it is vital to note whether Jupiter has crossed the degree of Rahu. If it has not, then even powerful Mahapurusha Yoga's will become defunct. ++++++ You are most welcome to use not only the outer planets, but each of the stars and black holes etc for your astrology so long as they help you to give accurate predictions, but never say that Parasara intended to use them or was going to say something like this...types. You are doing a disservice to Parasara. Maharishi has been very explicit in the definition of the basics like signs, planets etc. Most of BPHS is lost to us and perhaps this may have included Varshaphala or other tools, but I cannot be sure and would not like to speculate. However, the chapters on basic tools and paradigm of JYOTISH is very clear and explicit. We stop at YAMA-Dharmaraja Saturn.

KP Astrology I have spent many years wasting my time with those readers (KP readers) as they are called. Later I regretted not having faith in Parasara and swore that till my dying breath, my faith would be unflinching and that may Sri Vyasadeva guide my intellect in this right direction. When such questions come to the mind, it is time to consider as to whether you are under some influence of Rahu, else why would you consider comparing KP with Parasara? Thus it is also time to recite your Guru Mantra more vigorously 'Hare Rama Krishna' ++++++ The difference between a saint and a scorpion is that the latter keeps biting the saint even when he tries to save it from drowning in flood waters. Just because Sri Krishnamurti criticised the Maharishi's we should not follow in his path and start criticising him. Fact remains that he studied Vedic Astrology and did use the same Vimsottari dasa and Niryana Jataka propounded by Parasara and others. I have always maintained that the KP system is NOT Vedic i.e. it does not pertain to the knowledge of the Vedas/propounded during the Vedic times. The stand taken by KP also supported the then political thinking that was criticising Brahman and all that pertains to the Vedic time. KP took the foolish path of criticising the Gurus and hence this has brought him infamy as is seen in this letter of yours. Personally, I neither ascribe nor follow the KP system, nor do I obstruct anyone from studying KP. I have also read those KP readers and have realised that KP's anger was directed to the traditional astrologers who DID NOT SHARE the secrets of the tradition. Before I started talking about Arudha, Upapada, and divisional charts, these were unheard of and even today I do receive some criticism, but this has reduced considerably as the people see the truth of light

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of the Guru's. Take Moola Dasa or Narayana Dasa or so many other dasa systems that I have taught from the tradition. How many even heard of these systems and tools. And in their absence, it was but natural for the self taught to criticise Jyotish. SO, FORGIVE & FORGET… remember this will only cause wastage of time. Learn to ignore and keep walking. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu even ignored the King of Puri at a point of time when He felt that this was necessary. In this manner ignore and keep walking...

Prasna Just calmly follow the description of the Prasna method as outlined in the Prasna Marga. Even today, many people are troubled by questions and often seek a meeting with the Jyotish. Before meeting the Jyotish, they ponder over the question, the way to put the question and what not all and finally having made up their mind, they proceed to the place of the Jyotish and make the Prasna. Now, the Jyotish does not ask "What time did this question first occur to you, nor does he bother about since how long. He simply places the planets according to the time when "HE HEARD THE QUESTION". Then the procedure follows. Now, take the time when Solai or Karu think about their Prasna, and after a lot of thought they pen it down and put it in a mail. It is possible that the Jyotish maybe travelling and may not be feeling up to the mark. Actually, in Prasna, this "FEELING" is very important as it is the intuition that guides. Then when the time is ripe, the mail is opened and read and chart cast.. Thus the time of knowing of the query is the Prasna time for the Jyotish. It is possible that the querist may have thought of umpteen questions, but the one asked is the actual Prasna and the time when the Jyotish (One of the three main representatives of Satya Peetha) reads or hears is the time for the Prasna. the other two are the Doctor (like Brahma his worship or good will gives long life) and Lawyer (like Shiva, his protection always saves a person, sometimes for big crimes as well). Like that Jyotisha is like Vishnu who sustains and guides the native into a meaningful life.. ++++++ Prasna Marga and all standard texts on Prasna and Muhurta have the firm opinion that the chart should be studied in as much the same manner as natal charts. However, mundane charts keep a few basic principles in mind. I am discussing some of them on the basis of my understanding, and with reverence to my elders: Lets Say RULE# 1: The Karya Bhava should preferably be without planets. Thus in marriage Muhurat the seventh house should be empty while for education the fourth should be empty and so on.The point here is that the signs represent inanimate objects while planets represent people, and in todays world, or say at any point of time the fact of birth itself indicates a sinner having come to this world. Thus, even Jupiter will indicate a human being and no matter how good he may be he shall have some failings. The idea is to keep people out of the affairs and let things happen as naturally as possible. Thus a seventh house without planets will indicate the non-interference of others in the marital affairs...which believe me is the main cause of breakage of marriages. Similarly, the fourth without a planet will indicate that the child learns naturally and special tutors or goading by somebody is not necessary. Lets call this RULE#2: The second house from Karya Bhava should be empty or with benefics only. At least the planet opposed to the Karya should not be there. The second house from any bhava is its longevity controller. The second house from lagna indicates the food for lagna. For example in marriages, the second from the 7th is the 8th house and no planets should be there, at least no malefics. Mars (indicating Brahmacharya) is opposed to venus the natural significator of marriages. hence, Mars should be fully avoided in the 8th house. Lets call this RULE#3: The Activity should not be started on a day that is ruled by a planet that is principally opposed to the natural significator. Again, marriages should never be held on Tuesdays for the simple reason the celebacy of Mars is opposed to Venus. Similarly, the Gayatri mantra cannot be given on a saturday. Even if given it could be fruitless. In this

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manner the other rules can be appreciated and the effects of Yoga (Union of planets and signs understood). ++++++ The decision as to whether the Prasna is genuine or not is very tricky. I believe that this was a genuine prasna. Now that we have all arrived at different charts we are required to make different readings and to offer our opinion. That person for whom this prasna was originally intended shall get the correct chart since the prasna is genuine. If it was not genuine, then none shall get the correct chart nor correct answer. That is the way of Jagannatha. Sometimes, we get different charts but the same answer like Robert Koch and I had different charts of Clinton but the same prediction, while KNRao and the host of others who said that Clinton was doomed also used these charts. Thus, we cannot arrive at any conclusion. Prasna is a higher aspect of Vedic astrology where a lot depends on the Grace of God to guide the person. This aspect of Jyotish can never be fully logical.

Mundane The Sun governs the activities of all mankind and his presence in a Drusya Rasi indicates Human activity, especially commercial enterprises where finance is the focus. So, I feel that the time of incorporation is the time of "Birth" of the company as it is at this moment that it comes into independant existance in this world. ++++++ Mundane charts have all the devata. However, the level shall be much lower depending on the purpose of birth (mundane activity). For a mundane chart like that of SJVC, we cannot taslk of Moksha for the organisation, so it would be quite out of the mark to determine Ista devata. Instead what is very important is the DHARMA DEVATA and here the ninth from Karakamsa is Capricorn which is unoccupied and its lord Saturn is in Virgo. Thus for anyone who comes to SJVC, the Dharma devata is Narayana. The conjunstion of Saturn with Mercury is also very poignant and that too in Gemini (during the solar transit of this sign the famous Rath Yatra of Sri Jagannath is held annually). Thus, the deity is a form of Narayana and will be quite formless, yet having the purity of Rama (Mercury in 1st drekkana). Note the presence of Mercury in Leo. This is Jagannath.

Divisional Charts Look for a connection between the fifth house and dasamsa for a job change. The fifth house is the 8th house from the tenth and shows temporary resignation (8th house matter) from what you are doing (10th) only to get another job (10th house is 6th from the 5th house). ++++++ Rahu aspecting the Sun indicates the fire. If this is in trines to Swamsa like Navamsa Lagna, then the person himself makes such bombs and fire hardous stuff (See the Navamsa of Albert Einstein whose knowledge led to the creation of the atom Bomb). If this combination is in other houses, then these houses may suffer from fire hazard. If this combination is in the Chaturthamsa (D-4 Chart), then the fire shall be at home, and if in the dasamsa, the fire shall be at the work place. Take my own horoscope as an example. Dasamsa: Lagna Pisces with rahu in the 12th house in Aquarius and Sun in debility in Libra. Thus the sun and Rahu aspect each other. Since this is not related to my Lagna, the fire was not in my Ministry but emanated from another- Rural Devt Ministry and I had fought this fire (Why?). Venus conjoins exalted Lagna Lord Jupiter in Cancer and Venus indicates fire fighting. Now, this combination aspects the Rahu in Aquarius and when the fire started, it was my office that contacted police, fire tenders etc

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and also got down to physically fighting and guiding the other officers in the building out. Thus fire hazards are to be studied from the D-charts for more details.

+++++ The four Pada's of a Nakshatra are like the four Tatwa predominating the Bha-Chakra. These are Agni, Jala, Vayu and Akash. Thus the first Pada of any Nakshatra is AGNI Second Pada is Prithvi. Third Pada is Vayu and Fourth Pada is Jala. Thus the Nakshatra borders are always clearly defined between Agni and Jala. That is also a reason for choosing the Gandanta between Agni & Jala Rasi where the Naklshatra Pada at the point of Gandanta are also Jala and Agni respectively. this should give you a fairly good idea about their "Dharmic Nature" as well and planets bplaced in such Pada have a strong influence of the predominating Tatwa. a person with Lagna and Moon in Agni can be very energitic, while one in vayu Padas will be thin. Jala Padas give capacity to think and Brahminical work and so on. this is one way to think. ++++++ Paternal Grandfather is shown by the fifth house in the D-12 Chart. The father is in the 9th house and the ninth from the ninth is the 5th house and hence paternal grandfather. ++++++ Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya....The dharmamsa is the most important D-chart in this life. The Gita says so. Yes we can extend the rules pertaining to nature etc. to the Lagna and AK in rasi, but only with limitation that if the Navamsa shows something alse, then the latter will prevail. For example, I give a lot of stress on the influence of the Sun in the fifth house as Gitagya or one understanding and following the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. However, if this is in the Navamsa, then the position is much stronger and has followed from the past life, especially when it is in the fifth from karakamsa.

++++++ Let us take a walk through the divisions or D Charts. The range D1 to D12 is the physical level and even animals are conscious about their children, property (like tigers have their areas of rulership and lions lord of given parts of jungle..then come to the next level where D13 to D24 charts are present. Here man has an upper edge thanks to Mercury and the Upachaya ownership of this planet. Learning languages (D24) is definitely not for the monkey nor is using washing machine (D16) for the dog. Then come to the range D25 to D36 where the subconsciousness become a director and of all the strengths the two POWER TO WILL and POWER TO UNDERSTAND makes man many times above others in this planet. Thats D27 and D30 charts..we understand that we suffer and also why we suffer . Imagine those poor creatures who do not know anything about karma theory and such philosophies to understand the ways of the creation. At this level we talk of the fourthdimension and weather it is linear is a hard question to answer. It seems so as the past life looks like something which we have lived as we are presently living this life..but then are you sure! So time itself is a relative concept and if this is true than he theory of Karma needs touching based on correction of Karma to avert a worse next life by getting back in time to do so..since we cannot do this we need not break our heads and continue with the assumed linear dimension of time. Now coming to the fifth dimension, you said Isana. No, thats not right as the dimension is not based on direction. NE direction ruled by Isana or Isa or sadashiva need not be the fifth dimension and is a part of the linear dimension only. I will not comment on this philosophy further for fear of shocking too many. Just remember that what you are confusing is the planes of consciousness with the question of dimension and assuming that the time is a linear continuuam. There is a spiritual dimension and that is beyond the scope of this class. Read Yogananda for more on this. Try Kriya Yoga for a change.

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++++++ Dasamsa is not related to career alone. It has to do with the abilities for Karma Yoga. Career is another issue altogether. I have Mars aspecting the 10th house and am a qualified engineer, yet I never had any engineering career as this is the realm of the sixth house. The tenth house in the dasamsa shows what one can succeed in, the abilities which are at the peak. Whether these materialise or not will depend on dasa and many other factors of argala etc. Mars having anything to do with the tenth will make one technically capable like a general. Mars rules the police and can also indicate an excellent policeman's ability. Whether he will do that or not will depend on dasa. Vajpayeeji has been the PM since 1997 only and that does not make him jobless before that. He has great oratorical ability and has made excellent lectures. ++++++ Different Vargas are at different levels. The first twelve in the physical level (D1 to D12), the next 12 in the mental conscious level (D13 to d24) and so on. However, the occupation of the same sign in other varga has not been given as much importance as the dharma Varga or Navamsa. Here the planet is Vargottama and the Guna of the rasi chart mathes the nature of the navamsa. What does suffering have to do with Vargottama position? If a person is suffering, then it has to do with the house of harm and that may again have some connection with the Ista, Palana or Guru Devata as seen from the Atma, Amatya or Bhratri Karak. If it does, it shows a easy way out. When you wrote this point, perhaps you were not considering a general question, but had some planet in Gandanta in your mind? Am I right in my assumption? If so, then the vargottama position shows that it can be a curse or a blessing. If a curse, act fast and rush to help of that person. ++++++ Since Sagittarius is the Dasamsa Lagna, the tenth house is owned by Mercury who rules speech. Thus by speaking or giving advise, he earns. Sagittaius Dasamsa can speak well and are very optimistic in their speech. This makes them good advisor's. 1. 2.


Planets in artha-trikona can determine profession. Similarly planets in 7th, being the 10th from the 10th house (Bhavat Bhavam Principle) can also determine profession. In the 6th house service is indicated whereas in the 7th house business is indicated. A strong 9th house or link between the 1st & 9th gives independant nature for working and such people cannot work under others. they are their own bosses.

These are some of the principles of the Dasamsa. If you can get hold of the Feb'1996 or some such old issue (Shiv Pujan has a copy) issue of the Astrological Magazine, read my article on Dasamsa. I will try to get this. ++++++ Swa is a general reference to the self and includes the three of Body, Mind and Soul. Thus the Navamsa Lagna is also Lagnamsa and is a part of Swa-amsa or Swamsa. Also, the Atmakaraka Navamsa called Karakamsa is called Swamsa. These are two diffent points of the self. Amsa means division and can refer to any of the umpteen divisions of a chart like Das-Amsa...etc. However, it is also the short name for NAVAMSA when other divisions have not been referred. ++++++ Real learning has to do with ones innate nature and learning of the Mother Tongue is among the first intelligent acts. Thus, the "birth place or mother land" to the extent of cultural influence at home is seen from the D-24 (2nd house). Thus, traditional texts also treat the 2nd house for learning and call it VacDevi Sthana as it opens the speech of the native. The fourth is Ganesha Sthana no doubt. Here, Saraswati controls the overall learning by hving the 5th house as Saraswati Sthana, especially in D-24. Now you can you also see the relationship of worshipping Ganapati on Chaturthi and Saraswati on Panchami?

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++++++ Keep the Moon in trines to the D-20 Lagna or having a strong influence on the trines for ISKCON devotees. ++++++ The trinal position of the Moon or its strong influence on the trines indicates the Bhakti for Sri Krishna. ++++++ The D-60 Chart of mine is as under. While the presence of the exalted Moon in the 12th from AK shows a deity, it cannot be feminine as the Moon is exalted. Use the same principles for determining sex as we do for children in saptamsa or co-born in in Drekkana. Thus, the Moon is a male and this is aspected by Mercury and the Sun. Thus , the specific mantra that I used in my last birth should be associated with Hari (Merc) Rama (Sun) and Krishna (Moon). Perhaps that is why I was reborn in Balabhadrapur sasan in Puri. Now, the Martian worship of past life is seen from the fifth lordship of Mars and its placement in the sixth house with Venus and aspected by Saturn & Rahu...Tantricism is indicated clearly as Jaimini clearly says that Venus afflicted by saturn and any other malefic can give tantricism. Beneficial aspect makes the person use this for good purposes. Now, the knowledge of Tantra has been following me from my last birth. You can see how the AK saturn is also clearly involved and FOUR MALEFICS Saturn, Rahu, Ketu & Mars are in the picture with the venus giving a great tapaswi Yoga for this tantricism. The absence of a single beneficial aspect from Moon, Merc or Jupiter shows that I MISUSED THIS KNOWLEDGE SOMETIMES. Later, thanks to the exalted Guru in Lagna I found the right path and hence I was reborn in Jagannath Puri. I am still being punished for that misuse of the knowledge and EVEN TODAY THERE ARE A NUMBER OF PEOPLE MAINLY THOSE DABBLING WITH TANTRICISM OF THE DARK KIND WHO TRY TO PROVOKE ME INTO GETTING BACK, but the Moon has been very kind. In this birth the Moon is in Pisces Navamsa aspecting the AK Saturn thereby coming to calm my agitated mind just like Krishna playing His flute to keep His flock together. I have seen some of the most deadliest Tantriks at work and have laughed and even slept in the same room where the Pooja was conducted if I know it all, as if I am very close to all that they are doing having done it so many times in the past. For example, when Bhagawan Mishra was doing the Bagalamukhi Brahmastra Pooja I knew the color, the left hand offering and what not all..these things are very powerful and keep coming back. Everytime I run a sub or sus-sub period of Rahu, the provocation to get back becomes very intense. I am running Merc-Merc-Rahu right now and there is one so called Prophet of Doom or Master of Rahu-Sikhi who has provoked me, at least tried to..thanks to Jagannath Mahaprabhu I have not fallen as yet. My faith is still strong and inspite of so many calls to go back, I am sticking to Jagannath. The reason is clear. My goal is to be strong and face all the suffering so that my paapa ends...some day He shall have mercy. D-60 Chart is below.

+-------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | Ket | GL | Cha | SanR | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | Lag | | | | | | | Gur | | | | |

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|-------------| D - 6 0 |-------------| | | | | | Rav | | | | | | | | HL | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | Suk | | | | | Glk | | | | | Kuj | | | Rah | | | | Bud | | | BL | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+

Trimsamsa Treat this like any other chart. In spiritualism we are taught of a “SHADOW SELF" called PAPA_PURUSHA which is a reflection of our own self, but the darker side which includes all the negative things we have done for ages and many births. This is the trimsamsa…the shadowy world of our self. Hence, the Sun and Moon do not own any trimsamsa as they have light. Second thing is to study this chart for all the bad things we have done for which we deserve to be punished or taught lessons. The 12th rules hospitals and is the 5th (Mantra) from the 8th (Diseases). Hence the 12th house shows the way to get out of diseases and other such bad karma. It is the future (5th) of the 8th house. A Saturn placed in such a place is not good as it delays the recovery from diseases, makes the effect of the mantra nil due to mistakes or "NOT WORSHIPPING GANESHJI" before starting a mantra can render it useless unless Guru is very strong. In this manner study the houses with focus on the 8th house (ROGA: Diseases & RINA Debts) and the 6th house (SHAD RIPU: Six kinds of weaknesses). In this manner the houses should be studied. The 9th house (Dharma) from the 8th house is the 4th house. Thus, happiness and laughter (ruled by the 4th house) are the best natural medicine to get out of the cycle of disease and debt. A clen heart is the key to happiness & laughter. Venus (fulfilment of desires) gives happiness & Mercury gives laughter. Moon is the natural significator for the 4th house and becomes the Controlling planet for good health and freedom from diseases. In this manner the planets should be studied. ++++++ I think the Pratyantar of Ketu in theAntar of Jup in Venus dasa is indicating considerable belligerance in the part of India against the terrorists. The present pratyantar of Mercury will show a lot of tough talking given the nature of Mercury (speech). If you see the Mandooka Dasa of the Rudramsa Chart, then you will agree that Vajpayeeji has done a remarkable job (a very intelligent move) in restraining India between December 2000 to August 2001 as this was the antardasa of the eighth house Sagittarius.Fortunately, the dasa is very favorable for India and Bharati Mata has got a lot of additional weapons and missiles during this favorable period. We have stuff that can strike a 'window' with pinpointed accuracy from 60-70 Km and that too dig through 20 odd feet of concrete before saying 'Kingdom come'. The present antardasa of Capricorn is very favorable for India. Notice that the present act of belligerance on the part of the terorists was during the Pratyantardasa of Cancer housing the exalted eighth lord Jupiter. Jaimini teaches that Jupiter so placed will indicate differences among the people due to religion and that the nation will be troubled by fires. this is also the tenth house from the sixth house of enemies. The nature of the enemy is seen from the sixth house Libra with headless Ketu in it indicating that these people will be headless and quite extreme in their views. They will lack the compassion of the Moon. The present pratyantardasa of Leo shows the quiet Saturn making definite moves just like he did in slowly but surely making the way for Rama to go to Lanka. The next pratyantar dasa of Virgo with

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lagna lord in debility will show India having to face some difficulties but rising with a definite anger like Parasurama (Venus) when faced with the humiliating knowledge of His mothers rape/debauchery. Then when the pratyantar dasa of Libra comes between 22 Jan 2002 to 11 February 2002, the very roots of terrorism shall be eradicated by the blade of the Gurkha's and the sword of the Sikhs.

+-----------------------------------------------+ |Glk |Mar Rah |Asc |Mer HL | | | | |GL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Moo | |Jup Mnd | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Rudramsa | | |-----------| |-----------| |AL | D-11 |Sat | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | | |Sun |Ket |Ven | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ Mandooka dasa (an ayur dasa showing wars and destruction): Aq MD: 1995-08-15 (07:14:35) - 2003-08-15 (08:24:36) Cp AD: 2001-08-14 (20:06:04) - 2002-04-12 (04:37:00) Pratyantardasas in this AD: Aq: 2001-08-14 (20:06:04) - 2001-09-04 (13:41:03) Pi: 2001-09-04 (13:41:03) - 2001-09-25 (02:18:52) Ar: 2001-09-25 (02:18:52) - 2001-10-15 (09:30:24) Ta: 2001-10-15 (09:30:24) - 2001-11-04 (11:08:23) Ge: 2001-11-04 (11:08:23) - 2001-11-24 (07:52:53) Cn: 2001-11-24 (07:52:53) - 2001-12-14 (01:10:59) Le: 2001-12-14 (01:10:59) - 2002-01-02 (16:30:35) Vi: 2002-01-02 (16:30:35) - 2002-01-22 (07:39:22) Li: 2002-01-22 (07:39:22) - 2002-02-11 (00:40:10) Sc: 2002-02-11 (00:40:10) - 2002-03-02 (21:03:20) Sg: 2002-03-02 (21:03:20) - 2002-03-22 (22:02:45) Cp: 2002-03-22 (22:02:45) - 2002-04-12 (04:37:00) Vajpayeeji will prove to be the victor and an able statesman leading this nation into its greatest triumph in this battle against adharma. Although you have said that the USA has been supporting some elements of extremism and terrorism, try to understand that the planners at Washington are far too shrewd and that President Bush aims to keep his promise of eradicating the roots of terrorism from the face of this world. All's fair in love and war. By coercing Pakistan to be a host nation for the hostilities, the USA has like a big brother told lil' Pakkie that behave yourself else you'll get spanked.

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Pakistan is also a nation and it has common people like India. They maybe misled by some of the inflamatory statements of the hardcore, but then they too have a right to live in peace. What is necessary at this stage is to remove the Cancer through a surgery before it spreads into the very body of the nation and causes its destruction. This maybe painful but is the only cure. Pakistan itself has to rise above the lies of its politicians of the past and its leaders of today have to accept that their sponsorship of terrorism cannot continue further without evoking a suitable response from India. In any case it is too late in the day to talk of peace..nobody will believe it. Prepare for 'Jai Sri Ram' the inevitable around Makar Sankranti. ++++++ Question: Could you please explain this. In your Upadesa Sutras, in page 122 you are explaing a chart in the previous page. In that chart MOON is the 5th lord occupying Sagittarius. In the Navamsa MOON occupies Cancer. You are saying that 5th lord MOON has gained three Navamsas. I do not understand it. I know that it is because I do not understand how you arrive at navamsa. Answer: There are two ways to look at this: 1.


Count from the sign occupied by the Moon in Rasi Chart to that occupied by it in Navamsa Minus one. In the example, this will be 7 as we count from Sagittarius (RASI Moon sign)to Cancer (Navamsa (Moon Sign) to get 8 signs and then reduce 1 to get 7 kids. Count the number of navamsa in the Moon sign itself and minus 1. Moon in sagittarius: Navamsa begins from Aries the Chara Rasi in trines. The Moon is in Cancer. Count 4 signs from Aries to Cancer and Minus 1 to get 3 kids.

Sade-sati Sade Sati actually occurs over each Graha. {THINK..} And what a matter is 'what does it represent' and what are its implications. If for example, Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius or in some manner related to Saturn, then Sade sati can give marriage. In fact those people who are spiritual and have always thought about renunciation etc are the ones to get married during sade sati. Those people who were thinking of happiness and marital bliss etc get the opposite. The moot point is that either way the people DO NOT GET WHAT THEY WANT. Net result is that they are sad.

++++++ It should be Lagna & Arudha Lagna as well as the Moon. In fact transit Saturn is vital for all predictions. Sade sati is bad in 12, 1 & 2 from natal Moon, whereas it is bad only in 1 from Lagna and AL. It is terrible in AL. ++++++

VRY That is a perfect example and the Viparitam was caused by the REAL RAJA or Krishna. Everyone else is a Nimitta . He ordained that His Kingdom shall be governed by the new order for Kali Yuga and the old order, having fallen due to its own vices suffered destruction and decay. Delhi is still called "INDRAPRASTHA" the name of the capital of the Pandava and Krishna still reigns supreme. If Akbar and the Moghuls ruled for so many years, it was because of the great respect and blessings of MIRA BAI on him while her own people gave her poison. The Rajputs were defeated. Krishna again won and for one Bhakta (Mira Bai) gave victory to Akbar. Thus, the Bhakta and Bhakti is important.

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Yoga means Union or 'to Yoke" and Raja means King and the King is also a Nimitta (or stands as representative) for God. Thus Raja Yoga can have different meanings depending on the level of the discussion. In the material plane it can mean access to power or the ability to control and direct the lives of fellow human beings. Here the leadership criteria comes into play and among the planets, the sun is the leader. Hence the Sun becomes the Raja or King. Thus Raja Yoga basically means Union with the Sun or having leadership or access to the leader. This can take various hues and the penultimate Raja Yoga is UNION WITH THE REAL RAJA OR GOD. This has been explained by Swami Vivekananda in his monumental work "RAJA YOGA". Swamiji speaks about the importance of the Gayatri Mantra for this purpose. Thus Raja Yoga can occur due to various combinations. A pauper can become a King (Vipareeta Raja Yoga) or the Price can become the King, a Sadhu can found a great spiritual institution and so on. In any case it indicates leadership and the Sun is the natural significator of all Rajyoga. There are secondary significators depending upon the type and nature of Yoga. Like the barber of the King also has Raja Yoga as he meets the king everyday in the morning to give him a nice shave. This yoga does not involve personal wealth but power by association. Honest Bureaucrats also have Raja Yoga as they also associate with the Minister and like the Moon reflect the rays of the Sun. Thus these bureaucrats are helped by the Moon to attain Raja Yoga. Jupiter helping one to get rajyoga gives immence fame as Jupiter is a higher frequency of the Sun. Like the Sun (King in material world) takes 12 months to go through the zodiac, Jupiter takes 12 years to through the signs. Thus Jupiter represents Vishnu (God)and the real Rajyoga. Thus Jupiter gives personal power and the person becomes like the sun or a King. Involvement of the Lagna Lord (Paka Lagna-significator Jupiter) ensures personal power. Similarly involvement of the Arudha Lagna can at best give power through association (Moon significator) like that of the bureaucrats. Involvement of the ninth lord or 5th lord (Significator Jupiter) also gives personal power. In this manner the Rajyoga should be understood. The Ghatika Lagna (moves 5 times at the speed of Lagna) is the real source of power.

Varshaphal I will disclose a family secret. Let’s call it RATHS VARSHA RULE after my Grandfather Late Pt. Jagannath Rath (Jyotish Ratna of Orissa). Progress the Lagna by one sign per month and make predictions. You will not fail. Thus the Lagna represents the Month following Birthday, 2nd house is the second month and so on. I have had the good fortune of so many such thumb rules that work miracles in my predictions. Muntha question: Take an example. Say Aries Lagna.The Sudarshan Dasa of the tenth year is in the 10th house Capricorn. Thus the Muntha in the Varshaphal Chart will be in Capricorn. Now Capricorn becomes the focal point for the Varsha Chart. If this is an Upachaya, then growth & good results. If the Muntha rasi is ill conjoined and ill aspected, then evil results. The Dasa outlined for monthly predictions is reckoned from Lagna and not Muntha in the Varshaphala Chart. You are imposing the Natal Chart on the Varsha Chart. I taught this method to one student...Aditya.N.Singh who has become "famous" in Bombay for his accurate predictions. It shouws that it works wonders.

++++++ The Muntha in the Natal chart is the Sudarshan Chakra Lagna. This is to be examined with respect to the Planets, Signs, Arudha Pada etc and is not considered auspicious. For example, if the Muntha/ Sudarshan Chakra Lagna is on the Arudha of the ninth house, then this may cause death of Father. Now, relate this to the Varshaphala where we need to examine the ninth house for father. Muntha in an Upachaya (House of Growth: 3, 6, 10, 11) results in growth in that year. Muntha is a focal point from where the natal chart interacts with the Varsha Chart. It is the vital link.

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++++++ Itthasala is a beneficial yoga caused when the two planets are "COMING CLOSER TO EACH OTHER". Thus, the faster planet must be BEHIND the slower planet. Easarpa Yoga is the reverse of ithasala Yoga and is evil. It is caused when the planets are MOVING AWAY from each other. Hence for Easarpa, the faster planet must be ahead from the slower planet. Normally the orb of affliction is ONE DEGREE. This is also the orb of fructification. ++++++ SAHAM are mathematical points arrived at by adding various Lagnas, Moon etc depending on the type of Saham. You will find a list of these in my book COVA and should also study Varshaphala of Dr B v raman for more details. Punya Saham is the most important. Dr Raman has shown the use of Saham in Varshaphala Charts (BOOK: VARSHAPHALA). He has also shown the use of two Saham called Paradesa Saham (Foreign residence) and Jalapatha saham (Crossing Large body of water) for foreign travel in NATAL CHART (BOOK: HOW TO JUDGE A HOROSCOPE VOL 2). I did not want to repeat this and have added the use of Saham in Transits (BOOK: CRUX OF VEDIC ASTROLOGY). You will appreciate that in the Tradition we are very careful not to antagonise the elders and thereby incur the wrath of Sri MahaVishnu. Hence, I always steer clear from what Dr Raman has already done and only add my part. However, I will have to work on BPHS as Dr Raman has not translated this.

Misc There are different Niti (literally Niti means codes of conduct or behaviour) Shastra and the best Niti has been outlined in the Rig Veda samhita that is followed by the Pure ones. This has also been codified by Katyayen (you can call this Brihaspati Niti). Chanakya Niti is commonly called Kutil Niti or the "Shrewd/Smart Man's behaviour" and is applicable only to "Raj Niti" or Politics. Chanakya is not wrong in that he advises the king to beware of women and politicians and in here he refers to the women coming into politics, directly or indirectly as being untrustworthy. However, in this place, we use Katyayen Niti and Women are to be respected and educated women should be married and given a respectable place and their offspring will also be learned and this will only result in the spreading of knowledge (reference is to Saraswati). Thus, the Rig veda encouraged the education of women. India fell into dark ages only because it stopped practising the Niti given in the Veda and followed Chanakya Niti. I clarify that the latter is only for politics. ++++++ Many people in the west have visualised this as destruction of bad people whereas Paapa refers to one's own sins. In fact I also told Rolf about how much I admire Maharishi and TM, and mentioned some very fine people associated with TM with whom I have had a great time. Tapani is no representative of the TM Movement, at least at present and he needs to personally evolve. Education cannot be a business. This business/barter concept is basically western. Commitment is completely personal. Commitment can be to some cause, to the knowledge, to the teacher or to anything that the individual symbolises as an aspect of the ideal goal. Most Diksha Guru's in the west demand a personal commitment. This is not correct. Surrender must be to God and not to any individual. The Atma is independant and must remain so till Yoga with the Paramatma. Guru, whether Siksha or Diksha is a medium for this Yoga. Thus, the individual is symbolised by the Beejakshara "Hrim", the Guru by "Shrim" and Isa by "Kleem", giving the vital mantra "Hrim Shrim Kleem". Expectation can be different from reality and I do not expect anything. That is the only way that there can be no sorrow in the relationship. Sorrow comes due to misplaced expectations. That is the difference between the two types of learning Para-Vidya and Apara-Vidya. There is no point in any relationship of teacher & taught till the primary thinking is changed from the business/barter system to one of Universal expansion. That is the only way to get and give Para-Vidya (True spiritual knowledge-Jyotish is a Vedanga), else the transfer of knowledge & its growth, if done by means of money or any other form of exchange is largely in a warped or obstructed form. That is why the donation given by the student is in the form of

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Guru Dakshina and the Guru receives it in the form of DakshinaMurti or the Holy fire that burns the sins (Dakshinamurti is the form of Lord Shiva holding the holy fire to burn the sins). If you go to the SJVC site you will see how the two flames are burning on the sides of Sri Jagannath for burning sins and giving the light of knowledge. If the Guru is a female, then she is akin to Dakshina Kali. "Isa" is different as He recieves the prayers and sacrifices and is Narayana or the destiny or Goal of the individual. The "Dakshina" can be anything from money to some work or prayer or teaching others etc. It must come from within the individual and not from outside. Thus, Narasimha gave his Dakshina in the form of a computer program, Yasomati Nandana in the form of translating the Jaimini Sutra into Russian Language, Sarat in the form of Editing the Jyotish News. The giving is not at all important and whether they do so or not does not matter atall to me. What matters is that SJVC should be a vehicle to re-establish true Jyotish. ++++++ Worship of the Surya (Aditya) Yantra is compulsory to become a good Jyotish. Ashok has prepared them perfectly in the same manner in which I had got mine. If you want one, please ask Sarat/Manpreet or anyone at Delhi. It is a bit heavy, copper Yantra (Plate) with the eight petal lotus and Asta Dhatu in the back. It is the most beautiful Yantra. ++++++ The DASA_AVATAR represented by the nineplanets and Lagna which has formed the foundation of mathematics as the Decimal system. (Counting Zero to Nine). The Bhumandala ends at the outer circle of saturn and is limited by the Lokaloka mountains with the imaginary Meru extending from the North pole to the polestar. This is clearly explained in the Srimad Bhagavatam. ++++++ Depending on the stronger between the lagna and seventh houses, the Kundalini Shakti can be seen either from the Drusya or Adrusya half of the Horoscope. This division of the zodiac into two halves on the basis of Drusya and Adrusya and later into Solar and lunar Hora is very fundamental to Kundalini Shakti and the way the planets affect this Shakti. Another theory is that the Adrusya are stronger in male charts while the drusya is stronger in female charts, but this is a mere speculation of some astrologers and does not have the sanction of the Maharishi's. Kundalini Shakti recides at the base of the spine in the seventh house and rises in the reverse direction (Direction ruled by the Mokshkarak Ketu) through the sixth, fifth, fourth, third and second houses to the Lagna. There are the seven Chakra ruled by the seven houses starting from the Mooladhara till the Sahasrara. The fourth Chakra is in the heart Lotus in the fourth house. This is the sign CANCER in the natural zodiac and is the residing place of Maha Vishnu. Hence Cancer becomes the house of God or Vishnu. Similarly, the Mooladhara is the seventh house and is presided by Ganesha. Worship of Ganesha in the Mooladhara in a yellow square with the Prithvi beeja results in destruction of enemies. Conversely, the Nabhi (Navel) is in the sixth house and Brahma (Saturn's deity) sits here. Worship of Brahma can cause weaknesses and enemies. The sadhaka has to be very careful during this phase. The fifth house or the Chakra in the solar plexus is ruled by the Sun and the natural fifth house Leo. This is also the kavacha of the Chart and the giver of good health etc. The third is the Chakra in the throat and is presided by Saraswati. The second house is the Agya Chakra between the eyebrows and the Lagna is the Sahasrara Chakra. The planets from the Sun to saturn, but not in that order, control these seven chakra. Study samkhya shastra as given in the Gita with the knowledge of Jyotish to develop a very dep understanding of Manas, the five tatwa etc. Then the inner meaning of the Mahapurusha Yoga will reveal by itself. Those who are unaware, can visit our site and see the links page where you can go to the site having the entire Bhagavat Gita as given by srila Prabhupada.

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Example 1: Uncertainity in Profession (Laid off, Switching Pofession) Question: I got laid off from a company on 19 May 2001. I am living in US. I moved to US on 12th April 2001. Getting job seems to be very difficult. I am also thinking of joining some good Law School to become JD. I am just living in Uncertainity. I am struggling with Material sustenance. Can Gurus see my chart, which is appended below? Answer: Om gurave namah Dear Venkat Saturn is a very crucial planet in your chart being the Lagna Lord and also since it represents your Ista Devata (Lord of 12th house from Atmakaraka Sun in Navamsa). Dasamsa: It is also a Yogakaraka in the Dasamsa and is placed in the sixth house in exaltation. Being the Lord of the 9th & 10th houses and since it is placed in a Dusthana it is capable of suo moto Rajyoga in the Karma kshetra. Its conjunction with Mercury the fifth Lord, it attains a position of significance to catapult you to very great heights. The Sun is not only the Atmakaraka but also a bitter enemy of Saturn and is placed in the 7th house in Dasamsa indicating end of service or break in service. Such a placement as the fourth lord promotes business and not service. Dasa: Dwisaptati Sama Dasa is applicable in your chart due the strong influence of the Lagna Lord in the seventh house dominating over other factors. The dasa are as follows: Dwi-saptati sama dasa (applicable if lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in lagna): Maha Dasas: Moo: 1977-03-12 (13:28:54) - 1986-03-12 (20:44:19) Mar: 1986-03-12 (20:44:19) - 1995-03-13 (04:00:15) Mer: 1995-03-13 (04:00:15) - 2004-03-12 (11:34:24) Jup: 2004-03-12 (11:34:24) - 2013-03-12 (18:58:57) Ven: 2013-03-12 (18:58:57) - 2022-03-13 (02:17:27) Sat: 2022-03-13 (02:17:27) - 2031-03-13 (09:42:38) Rah: 2031-03-13 (09:42:38) - 2040-03-12 (17:04:52) Sun: 2040-03-12 (17:04:52) - 2049-03-13 (00:30:38) Your going to the USA for work on April 12 2001 was in Mercury dasa, Sun Antar and Mercury Pratyantar. The Sun is placed in the 12th house from mercury and is its dispositor as well as the 7th Lord in the Rasi chart promising foreign travel when positively influenced by Mercury. With the advent of Jupiter Pratyantar on May 20 2001, you found yourself without a job and have been hunting for one since then. As brought out, the Sun in the 7th house in Dasamsa is evil for service, more so since this is indicated by Saturn. In addition it is the Atmakaraka and would prefer that you become spiritual and progress in the spiritual path instead of running after Maya in this world. Jupiter being the lord of the 8th and 11th house in the Dasamsa is strong in the 11th in trines to the Sun and aspecting it and in the sixth house from Saturn and Mercury. Thus Jupiter will aid the work of the Sun and pull down the promises of Saturn in the Karma Kshetra. Hence the negative result in their conjoined period. The Atmakaraka will not be evil for one who fasts on the days of the Ista Devata. So, fasting on Saturdays and worshipping Sri Venkateswara Balaji with the Astakshari Mantra “Om namo Narayana” is necessary for you. From 24 March 2002 to 15 May 2002 in Mercury-Moon-Mercury, He will again be kind and help you in your Karma Kshetra (more precisely, this will be in the second week of April on a Panchami). With best wishes, Sanjay Rath

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Example2: Guidance on Deities In past you have taught us through lessons about realising one's Ista/Kula/Grama Devatas through Navamsa and Vimsamsa charts. How ever for me still things looks quite obscure apparently owing to limited spiritual knowledge. In one of the recent mail, you have stated that, while interpreting charts more stress have to be given to position of planets indicating various Devatas, instead of just logic study of planetary combinations and permutations. Even I believe, an in depth spiritual inroads is very essential for attempting to understand intricacies of any charts rather than only adopting mathematical logic. Pondering on this matter, I feel, it would be first step for me to start with, to know details of all these Devatas, as indicated by the planets in my chart. I kindly request to enlight me in this regard. My Ista is Lord Vishnu/Krishna which is reflected in my Navamsa chart. Thula is my Karakamsa and 12th to this is Kanya. Kanya is not occupied by any planets and receives dhrusti from no planets. Hence, Budha its Lord in 2nd dreccanna indicates my Ista as Lord Vishnu/Krishna. RATH: PERFECT. DON'T STOP HALFWAY. Mercury is placed in the sixth house indicating that a six phoneme (SHADAKSHARI) mantra will take you to your Ista Devata. There are many such mantra to choose from of which OM VISHNAVE NAMAH is one such. In the Vimsamsa, Mercury is again in the sixth house indicatng service to the deity instead of just mantra Japa as the 6th house is 10th (Karma) from the ninth (temple/church). Thus service to Bhagavan in a temple will be the best form of remedy for increasing your spiritual direction. Being the Lord of the 4th house in Vimsamsa, Mercury will also keep you happy in the place /area of residence and bring the blessings of the Sthana Devata. 6th from Amatya Karaka (Kuja) should indicate Diety for this material world. Kuja (AmK) is in Karka (Navamsa) and 6th from this is my Navamsa Lagna, Dhanus. This is unoccupied and receives aspects (Rasi dhrusti) from no planets. Budha and Guru are placed in trines to this. This indicates Guru's dominance being not only sign lord but also placed in trine in an exalted sign. Whether does it mean that, I should look up on Samba Shiva/ Guru for any advancement in the material world? How I can perceive this and what should I do as per this? should I meditate on Lord Samba Shiva and go sharanagathi to my Gurudeva for any advancement and achievements? RATH: without doubt, it is Shiva Who will help you pass through this life peacefully doing good karma. Worship Him with any Astakshari mantra or worship OMKARESHWARA the Jyotirlinga causing the exaltation of Jupiter in Pisces. Try OMKARESHWARAAYA NAMAH. It is also suggested that, one's Guru should be ascertained from chara Bhatri Karaka. In my case Rahu is chara Bhatri Karaka. He is placed in the Karka along with vakra Kuja and receives Rasi dhrusti from Ravi, Shukra and Shani in Navamsa. I am puzzled. How this can give clue to my Guru! RATH: Simple - worship of Durga will lead you to your Guru, whether he be in body or not. In any case, Rahu dies not respect the Laxman rekha of national boundaries and willindicate going far in search of your Guru. You have taught us that, one has to derive form of the Diety from the trines in the Vimsamsa. Chandra(1) and Guru(5) are in trines in D20. Guru is also Lagna Lord here. Rath: Krishna bhakti and Shiva sadhana are indicated also. this is n confirmity with other directions. you would have known this had you not stopped halfway earlier in the analysis. As I already stated as per thumb rule, Guru is Diety for me for this material world. In the Vimsamsa Guru is again emerging as form of Diety. So I should worship my Guru for any benefits and to be free from all material afflictions. But how? Rath: After you have eaten the food alone can your hunger be satisfied, but that does not mean eating everything till you are in such a state that you cannot digest anything. The Palana Devata worship ensures that your Karma is superb and that you will eat only that much which you can digest fully. This is a figurative statement and is universally applicable. When anything is done in moderation, attachment to it shall go. The Palana devata, feeds you and also ensures that you do not have attachment to the fruits of your Karma.

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In Vimsamsa 2nd from Lagna is Mesha. The sign and its Lord Kuja is aspected (Rasi dhrusti) by Budha and this reaffirms my KulaDevata as (Gore) Gopal Krishna. RATH: Good work out here, and He is also your Ista Devata. My GramaDevatha is Lord Dharanatha. (A form of Lord Shiva, one of the pancha Maha atma Linga piece, was thrown by Ravaneshwar). This should be cross checked from the 4th from Lagna in Vimsamsa. Here again I am confused. This 4th house (D20) is occupied by Shukra and Shani and receives dhrusti from Chandra and Rahu. How these combination can lead clue for the Grama Devatha? RATH: Venus indicates the Shiva Linga and not Jupiter. As such Shiva is indicated only by the Sun, but the two Guru's worship Him differently. Jupiter prefers the knowledge from Shiva while Venus wants all the blessings of life and health. Hence the two forms. Here, Venus is indicating the Linga and Saturn indicates the specific Mahatma (based on Mahapurusha Yoga). Do not worry about them. Stick to Mercury and they will also be delighted at your Bhakti. 5th house in Vimsamsa(D20) shows Bhakti Marga. Here Guru is in exaltation. This again suffice on the indication that I need to approach you(Guru) and request for guiding me in Bhakti Marga. RATH: I am unfit to do this as I am personally into Gyana Yoga in my pursuit of the knowledge of Jyotish. I aim to cross this deepest and biggest ocean (Sankaracharya felt so) in this lifetime. I will teach you Jyotish and nothing more, and like a good Jyotish, the light will show you everything. This jyotish is the crux of mahabharata as essentially it was the differences between the blind Dhritarashtra and his anger against Krishna. Sanjaya kept on telling the truth to the king, and yet he never learnt anything..sad. You will find your Diksha Guru in good time and get the Gayatri from him. 9th house in Vimsamsa(D20) should be seen for Guru and Japa. This is unoccupied and receives Guru dhrusti from Karka. Now Guru is evident, but how to under stand Japa? Is it implies that I should meditate on Guru hymns? Should I wait until I have been initiated by you with the Mantra? i.e., until Jupiter moves to Karka and I visit to obtain initiation in person by you? RATH: Wait for Jupiter to enter Cancer as I had advised earlier. Then you will see the mantra's work. 12th from (D20) Lagna indicate Dhyana. I am not able to differentiate between subtleness of Japa and Dhyana. 12th is occupied by Ravi. Does it mean that I have to involve in Shiva Dhyana? Guruji, you have already informed me that, Naisargika atma Karaka Ravi, placed along with my Ista Budha in 6th house, house of service, is aspecting 11th house, in Rasi, and there fore I should dedicate my service to Lord Krishna. As on today I am unclear about this. I strongly believe once after initiation from you, all darkness covered in my mind gets cleared and I would be able to perceive all indications and can prosper with your kind blessings. RATH: Agreed. The day is not far and you have proved your desire and sincerity many times. Seeking your blessings all the time. namra Shishya, Mohan Hegde. [email protected]

Example 3: Atmakaraka Question Question: s it necessary that even in the charts of dictators and Terrorist leader the Atmakaraka should be associated with the swamsa to elevate them? S.Prabhakaran Answer: This is not a necessary condition, but a very important Yoga indicating self actualisation or reaching the highest pinnacle in life. If in the charts of dictators such a Yoga is found, then they will rise to achieve a lot, but I doubt that such a Yoga will be there in their charts. Normally various other yoga's pertaining to Mars dominates their charts. In the chart of Saddam Hussain that you have enclosed, the Lagna Lord Moon is conjunct the fifth Lord Mars in the fifth house resulting in Rajyoga as per Jaimini. The conjunction of debilitated Rahu makes this a potent Yoga for warfare. Here again we find the Mars and Rahu playing a crucial role for

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elevating him. The Moon as Lagnesh is basically debilitated bu gets Neecha bhanga due to Mars. So Martian activity suits his personality and rise. The AK Venus is exalted and Vargottama and basically Venus is the one who can put off the fire started by Mars/rahu. Venus is also in the eighth in Navamsa and has no link to the Lagnesh. Note the exchange between Jupiter and Saturn with Jupiter again getting Neecha bhanga due to Mars showing that such a dictatorial and martian attitude is the one that will give him good luck and personal status in this world. Venus is basically against this combination of Moon, Mars and Rahu as Venus and Saturn obstruct the Argala of the three in the fifth house. However, the Argala is stronger than the obstruction and inspite of various actions to dislodge him from power, the US and others have failed. However, he is defeated in battle with Venus as none can win against the Atmakaraka. With best wishes, Sanjay Rath ++++++ 1. In the first place it is incorrect to name any child simply because your wife saw a dream. If she did, then the correct thing is still to consult a good Jyotisha who has some knowledge of Sakuna Shastra and Swapna Shastra. The namakshara chosen is in Mesha Rasi which is in the 8th house from the Janma Rasi in Kanya indicating that the name shall bring disease. So, her name has to be changed. There is the great Bhagya Yoga, Lakshmi Yoga and Gajakesari caused by the conjunction of Guru and Chandra and this should be activated by choosing an auspicious akshara from Kanya Rasi. This is also 11th from AL and shall be auspicious. Preferaably some name like 'Priyadarshini' etc. 2. Rogesha having touch with the Surya causes heart disease and here it is Sun and eighth Lord saturn. Being the nature of saturn, it causes constriction in the heart. Choosing a MONDAY in the sukla Paksha when the Sun is in Jala Rasi (trines to AL), this hsould be done. At present the Sun transits the trines to Mrityupada and this is not advisable. 3. Till such time that her operation is done, early in the morning, mix a pinch of turmeric and a cup of milk and reciting the Guru Mantra Hare Rama Krishna 1008 times, give it to her to drink. This should be done within 15 minutes of her getting up. Her condition will improve immediately. I would prefer that you do the operation when the Sun is in Pisces on Sukla Paksha Dasami or a Monday. I hope you will not mind me copying this to the Varahamihira List as this is important lesson for all. With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath ----- Original Message ----From: "raddhanti" I am writing this also because I have a daugther, the youngest one, with a congenital heart defect. It is called aortic stenosis. It consist of the tightening of the aortic valve. There is no cure as such for it but just some treatments. Some people have this but very mildly and they do not need any intervention but others like my daugther, requires a procedure in which a catheter with a balloon is inserted to the valve and there, they inflate it to tear the valve and alleviate the pressure. In any case I do not want to take much of your time with details. But it seems she is going to need the procedure rather sooner than later. My question is, Does she have balaristhas that can endanger her life? What is the best moment to proceed with it? Is there any way I can do something to counteract this or help Her? Again I beg for your pardon if this create any problem. My daugther's name is: Ananda ( I know it is masculine but her mother received in a dream a day before she took birth so I allowed) Date of birth: 09 march 1993 at 16: 17 P.M. that was in Caracas Venezuela. Long. 66W55 Lat. 10 N. 27 the time difference with greenwich is 4.00 hours Again accept my regards and I hopeto meet you this year if i go to India Vaisnava dasa anudasa, Raddhanti +++++ Beatrice [Q1] For some people their life experience is predominantly past-centered, for others it is predominantly present-centered, and for others it is predominantly future-centered. What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to past, present, or futures experiential focus?

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RATH: The past present and future are to be studied from the houses, planets and nakshatra on the basis of the three-fold division of the zodiac as follows: Bhava: The present is seen from the Kendra (1, 4,7,10 houses) that are overlorded by Brahma. The past is seen from the Apoklimas (3,6,9,12 houses) which are lorded by Vishnu and the future is seen from the Panapara (2,5,8,11 houses) which are lorded by Shiva. Thus, for example, the present represents the self or present generation and can indicate the individual from the lagna; the future in the fifth house will show the children and the past in the 9th house will show the father. Rasi: The natural Kendra houses are the Chara Rasi (Movable signs 1,4,7,10) which are lorded by Brahma and indicate the present; the natural Apoklimas are the Dwisbhav Rasi (Dual signs 3,6,9,12) which are lorded by Visnu and indicate the past; the natural Panapara are the Sthira Rasi (Fixed signs 2,5,8,11) which are lorded by Shiva and indicate the future. Nakshatra: Every fourth nakshatra counted from Krittika, Rohini and Margasira are respectively indicating present, future and past. Similarly, every fourth nakshatra counted from the Janma Nakshatra shall indicate the present and so on. Graha: The planets are not like the Rasi/Bhava or Nakshatra and have considerable aspect (Drishti almost 75%) on the trines. This aspect is often ignored by astrologers. It plays a very crucial role in the navams and all charts. All Graha have the ability to see the ninth house and influence the housee they sit as well as the fifth house from their position. Thus, they can translate the past karma into present experiences and future expectaions. Of these, the special aspects of Rahu on 9 & 12 (reckoned on reverse as Rahu is travelling in reverse always) shows the "Adharma" and "Secret Sins" we have committed for which Rahu is sure to prove diabolical. He has no daya (mercy) and shall tend to be evil. Rahu also has full aspect on the fifth and has a comprehensive say on the 1st house from where he is stationed thereby translating the sins into present shocks and future horror. Look at Jupiter, Dayawan the merciful Guru. He accounts for the good deeds of the past related to Dharma (9th aspect) and translates them to the future of the family, good Sisya, mantra, bhakti etc in the 5th house. Thus there is a fundamental clash between Guru and Rahu; one believes that it is best to see good in the past present and future and the other who is bent upon punishing the sins. Similarly, Saturn accounts for the misuse of Parakrama (3sd house, Maithuna etc ruled by the 3rd house) and translates these sins into present day suffering by its aspect on the 10th house. Thus, Saturn is more keen to punish immediately for the past sins and weaknesses rather than defer it to a future date unlike Rahu. That is why Saturn doen not relent easily and does not defer punishment as he is not against Dharma. He afflicts the Karma Kshetra instead, gives poverty and loss of livelihood, status etc. Mars is the deadliest from this point. He has no aspect on the past and is not bothered about what good things anybody did at what time. He sees the house of happiness and can make the home (4th house aspect) a hell front in the present. He sees the house of death and his anger can give sure instant death, injury etc in the future (8th house aspect). Coming to Upaya or balanced remedial measures (this is slightly different from the normal remedy in that its focus is on balancing out or blocking the evil), this negative anger of Mars is quenched by the Moon who guards the Home front and also gives good health and long life i.e., protection and sustenance to the Body. Thus the best Upaya for Mars is to worship the Moon. Similarly, the best Upaya for Saturn is to worship the Sun and for Rahu is to worship Guru. The sweetest words for these planets/ God in these forms are "Krishna" for Moon, "Rama" for Sun and "Hari" for the Amrita of Guru (That is also why the Gurudwara at Amritsar where this nectar is taken is called "Har-Mandir-Sahib". Now, add these three words/names of God to get the most fantastic mantra "HARE RAMA KRISHNA". I hope you all realise the importance of the Guru Mantra of our Parampara now. Beatrice Q[2] Intelligence is basically of two kinds: linear thinking (buddhi, left brain) and structural insight (jnana/dhi, right brain). What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to each type of intelligence? Rath: In any human being, either of the two sides shall be predominant and almost 50% of the world is right brained dominance whereas the other 50% is left brain dominated. Every Rasi and bhava has this two fold division into left and right that are ruled by the Hora division of the sign or house. For example, the twelfth house rules feet and the first half will rule the right foot and second half will rule

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the left foot. The division of the head is seen from the Hora where the Sun's hora (1st in Odd sign and 2nd in even sign) rules the right side of the brain whereas the Moon's hora (2nd in odd signs and 1st in odd signs rules the left brain). The left brain has to do with the immediate (Vartamana) and will react naturally and instictively to hot/cold and tastes etc, whereas the right has to do with the learning experience called Dhi Shakti. Sun with the Guru Jupiter rules over this right side. Moon with the Guru Venus rules over the left side. Similarly, the Sukla paksha is ruled by Visnu and is analogous to the day half & Sun while the Krishna Paksha is ruled by Shiva and is analogous to the night half & Moon. Similarly the Udu Dasa of the Mind are also divided into two types: One having the Moksh Karak Ketu in line with Day half like Vimsottari and the other without Ketu and with focus on the body's existance analogous to the Moon, night half and like Ashttotari Dasa. In this way understand the two fold division of the Brain and the Udu dasa which are related to the Mind. Let us apply this knowledge to a case study of a boy born 1 June 1995 at 4:34' PM at Delhi. Chart is Given below. 1. Lagna is at 14th Deg of Libra and in the Hora chart, this is in Leo showing that the predominance is of the right side of the brain. This side is ruled by Sun & Jupiter. Next is to se the placement of these planets. We find the Sun in the 8th house and Jupiter in the second house (both Rudra Sthana) indicating that the right side of the brain shall dominate, but in a very negative way. 2. Next step is to examine the placement of the two enemies of these planets Sun & Jupiter. Saturn is the natural enemy of the Sun and Rahu is of Jupiter. If, these plaets are ill placed from Lagna and their enemies influence Lagna strongly, then the case of imbalance sets in. Saturn is placed in the fifth house in its Moolatrikona whereas Rahu is placed in rapt conjunction with Lagna. Thus this right brained child shall have a serious obstruction at the brain caused by Rahu and Saturn. The child is Autistic and cannot speak. Not that he is violent, but instead is kind, very kind - regressice autism. 3. Learn: If Jupiter and Sun are well placed intrines etc to Lagna then the right brain is very beneficial and well developed whereas if the Moon & Venus sre in trines, then the left brain is well developed. In this case we find the Moon in the ninth house ... the clue and solution lies here. Parasara says 1 lakh gayatri Manta; I add visit to Jagannath Krishna temple...What do you say? 4. Jupiter dasa is not good as it is lord of the trimsamsa lagna in addition to its placement in the 2nd house from Lagna having Rahu. What is the way out? Date of Birth: Time of Birth: Time Zone of Birth: Longitude of Birth: Latitude of Birth: Lunar month (maasa): Lunar day (tithi): Vara (weekday):

June 1, 1995 4:34:00 pm 5:30 East of GMT 77 E 13 28 N 39 Jyeshtha Sukla Tritiya Thursday

Sunrise = 5:24:43 am (Apparent rise - upper limb) Ayanamsa = 23-47-44.17 Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days Planet


Ascdt 13 Li 26'46.13" Sun 16 Ta 42'51.06" Moon 20 Ge 06'17.65" Mars 9 Le 21'06.10" Mercury (R) 22 Ta 20'50.95" Jupiter (R) 16 Sc 43'07.03" Venus 25 Ar 00'34.38" Saturn 29 Aq 57'42.53" Rahu 9 Li 57'03.79" Ketu 9 Ar 57'03.79"

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Swathi 3 Rohini 3 Punarvasu 1 Makha 3 Rohini 4 Jyeshtha 1 Bharani 4 Poo.Bhaa. 3 Swathi 1 Aswini 3



Beatrice [Q3] One's intuition may reveal itself by visual, auditory, or kinesthetic signals. What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to each form of intuition? Rath: The intuition is in the right side of the brain and this can be due to Jupiter or Sun predominantly. The intuition can reveal itself through any of the five Tatwa with the Jupiter in strength. Thus if it is the Akash Tatwa, then it shall be auditory, if Agni Tatwa then it shall be visual, and similarly the other tatwa ruling the other senses [Make a table for this including the actions]. The signs ruling the Tatwa and the Bhava have been taught earlier and you can refer to earlier texts or add the material here for ready reference. One day when I was seeing the chart of a printer, I suddenly got the smell of something burning. Shiv Pujan was sitting beside me and learning that day (I prefer one of the students at Delhi to be present and learn at these times). The smell was strong and soon everyone got the smell, but there was no fire as we learnt after a search of the kitchen etc at SJVC. Then I saw the chart and said that the native had a fire accident at his work place and his problems related to work had started after that fire hazard. This was 100% correct. Call it intuition, but the knowledge that Smell is ruled by the Prithvi Tatwa will generally indicate Mercury, which was his work area (no need to see chart). The smell of fire indicated the problem and it was a fire in his work area. Solution to fire hazards caused by the negative influence of Rahu on Sun can be solved by worshipping Durga as She can put Rahu at bay. So, that remedy was suggested. Intuition, knowledge etc go hand in hand. +++++ >>In 'COVA'- chapter 12 regarding ninth house - page 394, Sanjayji has mentioned that if Venus is in the seventh house, then the remedy(to prevent multiple marriage) is for marrying the same person twice.> I wanted to know whether this remedy is only to remove the ill - effects of venus in seventh or it removes all other ill effects(regarding first marriage) in the chart.>1. Arudha lagna and Darapada in shastastaka position.>2.Debiliated sixth lord(sickness,litigation) Jupiter and Eleventh lord Venus conjoined in the seventh house.>3. Venus and seventh house are under papakartari yoga.>4. Second lord from Upapada 'Mars' is conjoined with Rahu in the sixth house(sagittarius). - is this indicate death of spouse due to accidents? - please pardon(and correct) me if I am jumping into conclusion.>5. Seventh lord Saturn in badhaksthana Eleventh house (argala on seventh house separation/destruction of spouse)> So my question is if I marry the same person twice (Venus is seventh), what will be the result? Considering the above negative points are for first marriage. Dear All, > > Noted Kannada Film Actor Dr.Rajkumar being kidnapped by Sandlewood > Smuggler Veerappan on 30th July 2000 around 9:30pm(IST) from Gajanoor > near Erode (Tamilnadu). > > Why did this be happen? How is he and When will he be released safely? >> With warm regards, Muruli UPDATE Congratulations. Your predictions became true and correct. Dr.Rajkumar is released. When, I read the Prasna, I thought, why & how it will take 2 months for the release. He is a VIP and previous history of Veerappan Kidnapping ended early. But, as predicted, the costly mistakes were done, the negotiation was not easy, it took 15 days for concrete steps to take, release of Prisoners (his supporters) was the main demand (Money also could have been one of the demands, but, the Govt. will not announce publicly), even after 108 days, police is blocked and they are unable to do anything, the whole episode was depending on the agencies. For the benefit of others, at the time of this Prasna, what Pt.Sanjay and others in the world knew is: Dr.Rajkumar is Kidnapped with 3 of his friends or relatives and Tamilnadu Govt. is planning to send a news paper editor for negotiation. That is all. Solai Kannan

Example 5: Telephone Disconnection Please refer to your letters. I had not been able to post any evaluation as my telephone line had been disconnected by MTNL. The bill (s) had all been paid and I was shocked to see that their early warning system where a very sweet voice tells you that your outgoing call facility has been stopped due to nonpayment also failed. All other early warning systems also failed just like the intelligence network in India that gives "secret reports" after the event has happened!! What else could I do but to look at the chart for the disconnection to ascertain whether there could be a line fault or something else. The chart for the disconnection time is given below. I found that the Lagna rising was my natal Arudha Lagna (a yoga which occurs during death!) along with Ketu and Mars in it showing Pisacha Badhak (Ketu in Kendra as Mars aspects the Lagna). This shows sudden negative activity borne out of anger..terrible anger. I wondered as to who could be so angry. Perhaps Dusshera was around the corner and the telephone maintenance people had not been paid their annual Baksheesh (a dignified term for open bribe). A Jupiterian lagna rising should give me some help. After all, if Devaguru also sided with this bribe cycle, then what would be left of the 'Satyameva Jayate' that all public servants are supposed to adopt into their working environment. Fortunately Devaguru jupiter was in the seventh house, but again in a Guru Chandala Yoga with Rahu. Taking a closer look at the Tithi and Vara, I found the DEADLY combination of Wednesday and Astami. Now, Amavasya or astami coinciding with a Wednesday would make the evil powers have a field day going from one place to another causing havoc. What is worse, in a Guru-Chandala situation, during such a Tithi, Rahu gets the upper hand and suppresses Guru. Fortunately the Moon is also there to help Guru recover and let better sense and goodness prevail.

Astrological Notes


The little 'I' was not so concerned about the bombs falling in neighbouring Afghanistan or Musharraf sweating it out with the Mullahs in Pakistan. All that I wanted was to have my telephone restored so that I could talk to my little daughter at home in the afternoons and assure myself that all's well with the world. Kashta and Ista are related concepts in Vedic Astrology. Ista (or well being) and the blessings of all the good things are felt when Kastha (Pain & suffering) goes away. So, the first thing to do was to determine the Ista Devata or He who could solve all the problems in the chart. Venus is the Atmakaraka and is placed in Sagittarius Navamsa (Karakamsa) in the Lagna. Ista devata is seen in the 12th house from karakamsa. Mars is placed in the 12th house from venus in Scorpio and indicates the Ista Devata as Hanuman ji. With a sigh of relief (as if I had just achieved God realisation!) I started chanting the Hanuman Chalisa...Jai Hanuman gyan-gun-sagar, Jai kapees tehu lok ujagar, Ramdoota atulita bal-dhama, Anjani putra Pavana suta nama, Mahavir Bajrang....Mars placed in the Lagna in the Rasi chart (i.e. it is the dominant planet in the Lagna tells us that the telephome maybe restored within a week (with luck from Hanumanji of course). The eleventh house shows people who will help and success & gain of objective. Mercury is retrograde in the eleventh showing that this objective maybe denied! or delayed till Mercury becomes direct. It also tells that a person with Mercury's Lagna can help me out. The obvious choise was Sarat. So, I dialled the number and Sarat was on the line.. Sanjay: Hello! Sarat how are you? You seem to be missing Jyotish classes these days. Sarat: Guruji work keeps me at office for long hours and last Sunday I had knee problems. Sanjay: Saturn's period seems to be the cause. Have you stopped worshipping Ganapati Maharaj, else how can Sani throw his terrible glance at you? Sarat: I am under Moon-Venus-Mars Vimsottari period. Sanjay: Try Lagna Vimsottari as your Lagna with Atmakaraka is much stronger than that empty Janma Rasi. Sarat: Yes, it is Saturn Dasa Sanjay: Sarat, I have a problem as my residential telephone has been disconnected and I have paid all the bills. No, it is not a line fault nor is it anything else that I can imagine under the Sun except that Dusshera is near. Could be a Dusshera fault, but Sushma confirms that nobody called for Baksheesh. Can you talk to the GM or someone to find out. [Sarat talks to the GM and all others in the Accounts division and gets back] Sarat: Guruji, there is some outstanding amount against your telephone. No, this is not the telephone bill. All bills have been paid, but the MTNL authorities have confirmed that there is a RULE which states that if a check bounces then the person has to make a security deposit with MTNL and till such security amount is deposited, his telephone line is disconnected. These people cannot do anything as this is done AUTOMATICALLY by the computer. Sanjay: Wow! Sarat that's real Hi-tech MTNL with all that automation, but my bills (last two records) were paid in Cash!!! Sarat: No Prabhuji, this relates to a check way back in March or something when you were in Bombay perhaps. In fact the last time this RULE was invoked was in Noida when all telephone lines of an entire area were disconnected as the Check's of all residents had bounced. The check's were paid in time, but MTNL tried to encash them after six months. What to do, just pay that Rs 4000/- odd amount and your phone will be restored. Sanjay: Well, looks like they use a slow computer. March to October is quite a long time for any computer to process anything. You are right. A RULE is Dharma and we being Dharma-parayana must obey it. How do we see when the problem will end? When we have a specific chart for the BIRTH OF PROBLEM, then the death of the chart indicates the end of the problem. Death Determination: Month: Mrityupada is in Taurus and either the problem ends within this very solar month of Sun in Virgo (trines to Mrityupada) or it can stretch till the Sun comes to Scorpio after November 15 or maybe after February also if further delayed! (God bless AIRTEL for giving us mobile phones and make them kind enough to cut our bills.) Tithi: Fifth house is unconjoined any planet, but Venus the Atmakaraka aspects it. perhaps if the Ista Devata is pleased, then Shasti or Chaturdasi tithi will help. since the problem started in Astami, I can hope to finish it on Chaturdasi at the earliest.

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Lagna: It is likely that the restoration of any line will be in the day, so the Lagna's that are in trines to Arudha Lagna or its seventh could be rising. Arudha Lagna is in Virgo and the trines are the earthy signs and seventh is Pisces. Virgo is very early in the day (Sun is in Virgo these days) and the maintenance guys would be snoring. Circumstances of death: Third from Arudha Lagna is Scorpio which happens to be the 12th house from lagna, indicating Loss. so, I will have to pay that security deposit and this is going to be lost (at least a large portion maybe by the time I try to get it back!). No planet in this sign and its Lord is Mars (Hanumanji). Venus as AK is also in the 12th from AL- better make that payment quickly. I would hate to anger the Ista Devata. [Friday was spent in trying to get the duplicate security claim, Saturday the office was closed, Sunday is a holiday and finally on Monday the bill was paid and thanks to Sarat's immediate intervention and the kind hearted accounts officer who took personal interest, the telephone was connected again. The tithi on reconnection was Chaturdasi and the Lagna was Pisces the seventh from AL as indicated, Sun was in Virgo]. The lesson here is that the indication of Mars as the Ista Devata and controlling planet in the chart helped to end the problem quickly. I recited Hanuman chalisa and also have a hanuman.ram file that my computer played when I could not sing in the office. Tel Disconnection Chart Date: October 10, 2001 Time: 13:30:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Longitude: 77 E 12' 00" Latitude: 28 N 36' 00" Lunar Month: Adhika Aswayuja Tithi: Krishna Ashtami (33.75% left) Weekday: Wednesday Nakshatra: Punarvasu (61.30% left) Yoga: Siva Karana: Kaulava Hora Lord: Mercury Sunrise: 6:18:59 Sunset: 17:55:43 Janma Ghatis: 17.9593 Body Longitude Nakshatra Lagna 28 Sg 03' 02.11" U.Shaa. Sun 23 Vi 12' 38.23" Hastha Moon 25 Ge 09' 37.81" Punarvasu Mars 24 Sg 34' 15.23" Poo.Shaa. Mercury (R) 1 Li 14' 18.25" Chitra Jupiter 20 Ge 56' 13.55" Punarvasu Venus 29 Le 45' 13.75" U.Pha. Saturn (R) 20 Ta 55' 47.56" Rohini Rahu 6 Ge 51' 26.29" Aardra Ketu 6 Sg 51' 26.29" Moola

Astrological Notes

Pada 1 4 2 4 3 1 1 4 1 3

Rasi Sg Vi Ge Sg Li Ge Le Ta Ge Sg

Navamsa Sg Cn Ta Sc Li Ar Sg Cn Sg Ge



Rasi +-----------------------------------------------+ | \ / \ Glk / | | \ / \ Mnd / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Mar \ / | | \ / \ / | | x Asc x MerR| | / \ / \ | \ | | / \ Ket / | / \ / \ | | / \ 9 / AL \ | | / \ / \ | | GL x Sun | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Jup \ / | | \ / \ / | |HL x Moo x Ven | | / \ / \ | | / \ Rah / \ | | / \ / \ | | / SatR \ / \ | | / \ / \ | +-----------------------------------------------+ Navamsa +-----------------------------------------------+ | \ / \ / | | \ GL / \ Mar / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Ven \ / | | \ / \ / | | x HL Asc Glk x MerR| | / \ / \ | Rah / \ | | / \ | / \ / \ | | / \ 9 / \ | | / \ / \ | | Mnd x | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | \ / | | \ / | \ / \ / | |Jup x Ket x AL | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / Moo \ / Sun \ | | / \ / SatR \ | +-----------------------------------------------+

Astrological Notes


Example 6: Marriage Delays and Neecha Grahas Question: Please help When will i get marry? Born Jan 13 1971 1:08AM Madras and give me reason why its getting so delayed. Saturn yoga karaga in 7th and 7th lord in 2nd without any affliction with venus and jupitor. What is the problem? Help me. Thanks, Baskaran Answer: The seventh house in your chart has a debilitated Saturn (with retrogression) but without any neechabhanga what so ever in Rasi i.e. neither mantra nor tantra will help. However, Saturn is exalted in Navamsa causing neechabhanga (clue to remedy lies here). The lord of seventh house, Mars is in debilitated navamsa i.e. it is worse than Saturn who is at least getting neechabhanga Rajyoga whereas Mars is in Rajbhanga neecha avastha. As seventh lord in second with Lagna and Upapada lords it shows the possibility of marrying someone already married (i.e. a widowed or divorced lady – do you have abjections to this??). Also it shows someone who has seen sorrow. Upapada lord Jupiter is in 8th house in Navamsa and Sun is in Upapada i.e. the lady you are destined to marry would be perhaps a brahmin family. Fasting on ALL THURSDAYS and worshippping Sri Satyanarayana will be most beneficial. The second lord from Upapada is Saturn. Now, Saturn is also the lord of the seventh from the Moon and is responsible for bringing the spouse. You will have to use a shakti mantra for this and the best is the mantra for Kaali mata Om Krim krim krim hreem hreem hum hum Dakshina Kaalike krim krim krim hreem hreem hum hum swaaha. Recite this 108 times everyday after 10 PM just before going to bed. The reasons for the delay are the adverse dasa for marriage. Cancer Narayana Dasa was from 1990 to 2002. While umpteen possibilities existed due to the existance of venus aspect on the dasa rasi, the results from Capricorn were not forthcoming due to the debility of Saturn and its placement in the Arudha pada of Capricorn. The favorable dasa of leo narayana has just started and the results from aquarius shall be most beneficial as the sign is strong with the aspect/conjunction of both its lords and the Kendra position of both Venus and Mars who cause the neechabhanga of Saturn. I must also warn you that there is some strong prarabdha karma and if you break the thursday vrata, then around 201920, the marriage can end. With a prayer Om Tat Sat, Sanjay Rath

Example 7: Multiple Miscarriage Case Birth: April 26, 1961 at 04:30:00 PM CET (-1:00) Place: Hajdu Ibolya Long: 020E11'00" Lat: 46N15'00" The presence of Saturn in the fifth and Jupiter in trines is a sure shot combination for the birth of dead children (or abortions in modern day). In Stri Jataka, the ninth is the first child, seventh second and fifth third and so on. Thus, three dead children is clearly indicated in the chart. For further details we need to see the Saptamsa or D-7 Chart. If the Moon is weak or in a Dusthana in a female chartin the D7, then she cannot be a MOTHER. In the Rasi Chart the Moon is badly afflicted and there is no help from Jupiter. There are other combimations. Mail the Saptamsa chart to the list for an indepth study. I am not very inclined to agree with the Lagnesh in eighth theory as the Sun is well placed. The remedy will help her to come out of the affliction to the fifth, but may not guarantee children. The Upapada is in Sagittarius and FASTING ON THURSDAYS AND WORSHIPPING SRI SATYANARAYANA with the Mantra OM TAT SAT is very important for her. Final decision after I see the D-7. In the Rasi Chart, the fifth Lord from Lagna is well placed in its own house, but afflicted by the Badhakesh and seventh Lord Jupiter in debility. The fifth Lord from the Jupiter is Venus, though exalted, is retrograde showing that the fruits come only after a long drawn struggle.

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The Mantrapada (A5) is well placed in the second house, but its placement in the 12th from the Arudha Lagna shows that the children will either be rejected (Abortion) or lost. The mantrapada is not only afflicted by the nodes, but also by Moon & Rahu combination. The A3 (Arudha of Third house) is in Pisces in the 12th from the Sun as the A9 (Dharmapada) is in Capricorn in a kendra from the Sun. Both A3 & A9 are occupied and the dosha of A3 shows the need for medical intervention. The AS3 (Arudha of third from the Sun) & AS9 (Arudha of the ninth from the Sun) are both in Aquarius in the 11th from the Sun showing that there is no major flaw in planetary placements for very important or difficult Poojas & austerities. Now see the Navamsa. Saturn is well placed in the moolatrikona in the ninth with Jupiter in Aries. Venus is ill placed and afflicted by Ketu in the eighth house showing Rakta Dosha (Blood related complications). Finally the Saptamsa. None of the three of Saturn, Venus or Mercury are in trines. This shows that the lady is able to conceive children and problem is not in this area. Next is to study the sustenance power from the Moon. This is Lagna lord of saptamsa and is afflicted by Mars which is also the tenth Lord. This shows the sudden loss of pregnancies. Examine individual pregnancies from their Lords. The first is Jupiter the ninth Lord placed in the third showing a daughter, but that did not sustain due to the decision of the Lady herself. The next is Saturn Lord of Capricorn, the seventh Lord that is aspected by tenth Lord Mars who also afflicts the Moon. The third is Mars the tenth Lord itself. The fourth is Mercury Lord of Virgo in Taurus, also aspected by Mars from the seventh in Capricorn. The fifth is Moon Lord of Cancer with Mars and the sixth is Venus Lord of Taurus, again with Mars the tenth Lord. Now, the Mandooka (Frog)does not jump to the third Pisces as this is already covered in the first pregnancy and instead crawls to the next sign Aries. This gives the seventh pregnancy ruled by Mars himself and conjoining two feminine planets shows the chances for the birth of a Daughter provided the Jala tatwa is very strong. The next pregnancy is ruled by Aquarius and its lord Rahu in Libra shows the possibility of a Son. This is not aspected by Mars by Rasi dristi. It is evident from the above that the remedy lies in worshipping "Laxmi Ramana" or Sri Satyanarayana in every full Moon night by reading the Sri Satya Narayana Vrata Katha and by worshipping Sri Lakshmi with the Jala Beeja prefixed to the Gayatri Mantra. In case she is not qualified to receive this, give the Santana Gopala Mantra. Please confirm again that she has lost exactly six pregnancies and then give the mantra.

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BRAHMA VIDYA 4.1 CHAKRA: The basic quantum of time is 120 years which is the Param Ayus of the Human birth (Parasara gives the exact figure of 120 Years & 5 days, but we stick to the round figure of 120 years for the preliminary understanding). As explained earlier, this is also two cycles (Aaroha or increasing and Avaroha or decreasing quality of time) of Jupiter & Saturn of 60 years each. This is also a Kali (literally ONE) Chakra. Dwapara (Literally TWO) Chakra is 240 Years, Treta(literally THREE) Chakra is 360 Years and Kreta(literally FOUR) Chakra is 480 Years.

4.2 MAHACHAKRA: By adding all these four Chakra, we get a Maha Chakra of 1200 Years. (120+240+360+480=1200). Thus, Kali (ONE) Maha Chakra is 1200 Years, Dwapara (TWO) MahaChakra is 2400 years, Treta (THREE) Mahachakra is 3600 years and Kreta (FOUR) Mahachakra is 4800 years.

4.3 DAIVACHAKRA: By adding all these four Mahachakra, we get a Daivachakra of 12000 Years. (1200+2400+3600+4800=12000). As the name implies, the Daiva indicates the luminous ones (Sun & Moon) and we again come to the Ahoratra (Hora) concept where we have one Aaroha (increasing) cycle and one Avaroha (decreasing) cycle of 12000 years each to give the period of 24,000 years.

4.4 YUGA: Thereafter, 18 Ahoratra of the Daivachakra or 36 Daivachakra form a Yuga of 4,32,000 Years. This number is based on the Drekkana Division ruled by the Maharishi's (3x12=36). Thus, Kali (ONE) Yuga is 4,32,000 Years, Dwapara (TWO) Yuga is 8,64,000 years, Treta (THREE) Yuga is 12,96,000 years and Kreta (FOUR) Yuga is 17,28,000 years.

4.5 PADA: Trini-pada-vichakrame Vinur-Gopa-adabhyo (.) Atho Dharmani dharayan (.) Rig Veda The spiritual meaning (Veda) of this Gayatri from the Rig Veda can be studied from the works of Sri Dayananda Saraswati & Aurobindo. I can only attempt one lower level (Vedanga) Jyotish interpretation where “The Bha-Chakra or Zodiac is divided into three parts called the Nabhi

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(occuring in the Sandhi (junction) between the Water and Fire signs). These are the Vishnu-Nabhi and Brahma (Gopa) Nabhi at the two levels of Daivachakra and Chakra respectively. It is on the basis of this inviolable principle that Dharma is established." On the basis of this we can define two Pada. First , on the basis of the Vishnu Nabhi, is the Daiva-Pada where three Daivachakra are included to give 36,000 Years. Since at this level, Vishnu is one of the 12 Aditya's (Sun's or Diva or Daiva) , the 12 Aditya's give 12 Daiva-Pada's of 36,000 years each which is equal to one yuga (36,000 x 12 = 4,32,000 years). Second, on the basis of the Brahma Nabhi, is the Chakra-Pada where three Chakra's of 120 years each are included to form a Daiva-Varsha or the popularly known "Year of the Gods" of 360 years. Thus, Kali (ONE) Yuga is 1200 Daiva-Varsha , Dwapara (TWO) Yuga is 2400 Daiva-Varsha , Treta (THREE) Yuga is 3600 Daiva-Varsha and Kreta (FOUR) Yuga is 4800 Daiva-Varsha . [From here we use Daiva-Varsha or "Year of the Gods" each equalling 360 earth years as the standard quantum of time].

4.6 MAHAYUGA: By adding all these four Yuga, we get a Maha Yuga of 12000 Daiva-Varsha or 4,320,000 Earth years. (1200+2400+3600+4800=12000).

4.7 KALPA: One thousand Mahayuga are equal to one Kalpa. Thus, the Kalpa is the basic Vedic Cosmic cycle equal to 12,000,000 Daiva Varsha or 4,320,000,000 Earth years. This is also called the "Day of Brahma". The "Night of Brahma" is of equal length to the "Day of Brahma". Thus, the Ahoratra (Day & Night) of Brahma is 24 Million Daiva-Varsha or 8,640 Million earth Years. The Year of Brahma is 360 such days & nights thereby equal to 8640 Million Daiva-Varsha or 3,110,400 Million Earth years (or say 3.11 Trillion Earth Years). The Life of Brahma is said to be 100 such years of Brahma and is 864,000 Million Daiva Varsha or 311,040,000 Million Earth years (or say 311 Trillion Earth years). Thereafter Nirvikalpa Pralaya (complete dissolution of all worlds) occurs followed by the creation of another Brahma from the Navel of Narayana.

4.8 MANVANTARA: Material creation is the natural activity of Brahma during the Diva-kalpa (Day of Brahma) and material dissolution called Prakritika Pralaya (whereby the entire Universe is withdrawn into Him where it exists as a potentiality) followed by sleep is the activity in Ratrikalpa (Night of Brahma). Brahma creates these material worlds due to yoga (union) with all the "Rasa's".

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[The spiritual concept (Veda)of all the Rasa's is "Sa-Rasa-Wati" or the Divine Mother "Saraswati" whereas the Jyotish concept (Vedanga) is of the seven Rasa's (of the Saptamsa or D-7 Chart) repeating in two cycles of odd and even signs thereby causing fourteen yoga's of Brahma and Saraswati. These seven Rasa's come from the seven planets from Sun to Saturn having physical bodies and Rahu & Ketu are excluded as they do not have any material body]. Thus, each Manvantara, which is the Yoga of Brahma with one of the Rasa's, is for one-fourteenth the period of the Kalpa which is approximately 71 Mahayuga's. The period of a Manvantara equal to 852,000 Daiva-Varsha (i.e 71x12,000= 852,000) or 306,720,000 Earth years. Fourteen such Manvantara give the total period of 119,288,000 Daiva Varsha (i.e. 14x 852,000= 119,228,000) or 4,294,080,000 Earth years whereas that of the Kalpa is 12,000,000 Daiva Varsha or 4,320,000,000 Earth years. This leaves a gap of 72,000 Daivavarsha between the 14 Manvantara. There are twelve gaps or period of dissolution of the ANIMATE WORLD (the INANIMATE WORLD continues to exist as Brahma is awake) between these fourteen Manvantara with each gap equal to 6000 Diva-varsha. Manu is the progenitor of the human race and a Manu appears at the begining of each Manvantara. We are presently, in the seventh Manvantara of the Kalpa started by Manu Vaivasvata. Thus, he is our penultimate forefather as far as this material existence is concerned.

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The occurance of SUN RISE and SUN SET are very important phenomenon in the every day life of living being on the Planet Earth. All activity on the mother earth commences with the break of day i.e. SUN-RISE. All process of our life in all fields like Economic, Civil , Religious activities are related and dependent on SUN-RISE since ancient days. If it is so vital and important for all the living beings on this mother earth, it is natural to ask some of the following Questions : (1) What is SUN-RISE and SUN-SET ? (2) How is it measured or defined ? (3) Has it got different meaning and purpose, in the parlance of astrology? (4) What is the significance and its role in civil and religious life of the society as a whole ? We should examine the phenomenon of SUN-RISE : 1.0 TWILIGHT(USHA-KALA) The time interval preceeding SUN RISE and following SUN SET during which the sky is partially illuminated is called TWILIGHT, the illumination before SUN RISE is called Morning Twilight(or USHA-KALA) after SUN-SET is called Evening Twilight. The Twilight is further divided in the following parts : 1.1 ASTRONOMICAL TWILIGHT (18 deg.) This Twilight timing relate to the instant when the centre of the SUN is 18 deg. below the horizon . This is defined as Astronomical Twilight, now a days . Brahma Mahurta, Usha kala and Shandya kala commences after the commencement of Astronomical Twilight depending on the sanctions of Rishis in Dharmashastras. According to Vedic Sanction, all human beings after attending their morning natural call, should commence worship, perform other rituals and undertake pences during this period. 1.2 NAUTICAL TWILIGHT(12 deg.) The timing relate to the instant when the centre of the SUN is 12 deg. below horizon and is called Nautical Twilight. This is mainly used for navigational purposes as the brightness in the Sky is further increased. 1.3 CIVIL TWILIGHT(6 deg.) This Timing relate to the instant when the center of SUN is 6 de. below horizon and is called civil Twilight. The brightness in the sky is sufficient to commence activities without the help of any artificial light by all living beings on the Earth. 2.0 SUN-RISE This is indicated and defined as follows : 2.1 ASTRONOMICAL(ASTROLOGICAL)SUN-RISE The timing relate to the instant when the centre of SUN coincides with the horizon is called Astronomical SUN-RISE in the morning and SUN-SET in the evening . It should be remembered that longitudes of SUN, MOON and other bodies are

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measured from the centre of the Earth and relate to the centre of the Planets. The Lunar phases that tithes are also relate to the centre of the SUN and MOON. The Astronomical day and night become equal on the day of Accurance of Equinoxes.

2.2 SUN RISE -Visibility of the upper limb. This relates to the visibility of upper limb of sun in the horizon. This is called the day break. The commencement of SAVAN DAYor CIVIL DAY relates to the visibility of the upper limb of the SUN on the horizon (and not the coincidence of the upper limb with the horizon) and as such include refraction and limb-correction of about 3 & 1/2 min.(3 min. upto 10 deg. Lat, 4min. For 30 deg to 35 deg. Lat).The time relating to the visibility of upper limb in an important occurrence every day. Our Rishis in Vedas called in commencement of SAVAN DAY(CIVIL DAY in common terminology).The TIthis, Nakshastras and Vara relating to this timing are used to commence different rituals and penances(like Vrat etc.).Therefore, This is used to decide various auspious mahaurtas etc. also in some cases. 3.0 Some definitions are given below These will help to choose appropriate timing for different Astrological/civil purposes.

3.1 Solar Day : The duration of Solar day is 24hrs(60 Ghatis) equivalent of the time the Earth completes a rotation of 360 deg. about its own axis. This is standard measurement of time. 3.2 Sidereal Year : The sidereal year is the mean period of revolution of the earth in its orbit with respect to the back ground of starts(from a fixed star to a fixed star ). The length of mean sidereal Solar Year is 365 days 6 hr. 9 min 96.8sec. 3.3 Sidereal day: The Sidereal day is shorter than the solar day, because by the time the earth completes a rotation about its axis, the SUN slips nearly a degree to the earth and is of 23 hr. 56m 4.09053 sec. of mean solar day . 3.4 Tropical Year : This is also called civil year or year of seasons. This is equivalent to the time of passage of SUN from one Vernal Equinox to the next Vernal Equinox. This could also be defined by the time elapsed during successive passage of SUN on entry from Southern Hemisphere to Northern Hemisphere over the celestial Equator. Due to pression of equinoxes by a mean value of 50''.29 during the year , length of Tropical Year is less than Sidereal Year by about 20m 25 secs as at present. The duration of Tropical Year is 365 d 5 h 48 m 45.2 sec. In Vedic Era i.e. atleast upto Mahabharat Era ,Tropical Solar Year along with lunar Months were in vouge ,so that our calender is in complete unision and conformity with seasons(Ritus). There are many refrences in vedas and Puranas to this effect.In Vishnu Puranas, Sage Purana has clearly mentioned in sloka 2/10/4

At present, we are following Saka Solar Year and Vikram Sambat based on Sidereal Solar Year.With the result ,our present calendar is not in harmony

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with seasons and Ritus and is ahead by about 23days from the natural cycle of Ritus(seasons).We should adopt our calendar as per vedic Sanction as it has already become late. 3.5 Savan Year : The moths of the calendar consists of 30 days each and the year is of 360 days.This year is basically adopted for relegious rituals and penances. This is also called the "Atma" of all calendar(s) as the counting of days is even and uniform.For Astrological calculations , traditional Panchang makers use kaliyuga Era and the Julian calendar (one year equal to 365.25 day) is used by Modern Astronomers.The purpose of savarn calendar is distinctly different, and some Astrologers use Savan era for calculations of Directional periods under some wrong motions. 3.6 Savan Day :Every day commence on the visibility of upper limb of the SUN on the horizon and (not with coincidence of upper limb with the horizon). 4.0 Conclusion and Infrence : 4.1 Astronomical SUN-RISE should be adopted for all asrological calculations like calculation of ascendent , M:C,Hora Langa,Ghati Langa,Mandi,Gulika,other upgrahas etc. 4.2 SUN-Rise related to the visibility of upper limb-commencement of Savan/civil day This should be a dopted for rituals, penance and other religious of civil activities. Varsha-Miliara has referred this SUN-Rise only in this context. This time should not be mis understood with astronomical SUN-RISE. 4.3 The approriate SUN-RISE timing as mentioned at Sl. Nos. 4.1 and 4.2 should be adopted with fixing up Mahastas according to the sanction and requirement of Mahaurta Shastra. 4.4 The same rules would be applicable to SUN-SET and Evening Twilight. 4.5 The Astronomical day is shorter by 7 to 9 Minute in duration depending on lattitude and Visa-Versa in the case of duration of night. 4.6 Astronomical day and night becomes equal on the day of occurance of Vernal and autumnal Equinoxes. 4.7 Dinman and Ratri-man are related to Astronomial SUN-RISE and SUN-SET. They are not based on Savan-Day(Civil Day) for Astrological Calculations. 4.8 Period between two successive SUN-RISE(S) is never equal to 24 hours (60 Ghatis), and is always less or more than this period (accept two days in one year). Therefore Istha i.e, time of birth elapsed from SUN-RISE can be more than 24 hours (60 Ghatis) in some cases. 4.9 According to the practice in vaidic period, Tropical Solar year should be adopted with Lunar Months so that, the rituals and festivals should be in unision and haromony with the seasons and Ritus. Occurance of the day of Equinoxes and solstices are related to Tropical Signs. It is wrong to say that SUN adopts Northern course on the day of occurance of Sidereal Makar Sankaranti both from Astronomical and Astrological stand point the slake is very significant in this regard which refers to dual Zodiac.The Sloka 4 of chapter one of Birhat-Jatak is very significant in this regard which gives a suggetion about dual Zordial. 4.9.1 CALENDAR: For calendarical proposes, we should follow Tropical Zodicac

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commencing from the day or point of accurance of vernal Equinox. Lunar Months should follow Tropical solar Months as per scheme laid down in Vishnu Purna Second Ansha, Chapter Ten. First Solar Tropical Month shall be Madhu Masha and corresponding Lunar Month should be called chaitra followed by Scheme suggested in this chapter. In nutt-sell, we should adopt Tropical Rashis and Nakshatras for calendarical purposes and weather forecast. Ardra Pravesh Kundli should be made for Tropical Ardra which is Astronomically logical. 4.9.2 For Astrological predictions, we have to adopt Sidereal Zodiac which is dependant on Transit of Moon. Our vedas and puranas are full of predictions based on the transit of planet in the fixed (Sidereal) Nakshastras and Stars, as per sanction of saga Parasar. We should follow Sidereal Rasis and Nakshatras for prediction purposes. Parasar, as well Varaha-Mihira themselves has taken star chitra as a reference point. It may be mentioned that when both zodiac coindided on 285 AD, the star spica (Chitra & Virgins) was at 180 degree Opposite to the V.E.Point. This day was defined for commencement of New Era or Calendar. As star chitra has annual proper motion of (-) 0.028 seconds. This Star has already shifted by about 57 sec. since 285 A.D in reverse direction. As such, all longitudes of the planets given in Lahiri Ephemises should be increased by 57 Sec. for the year 1999. Only then, we are following true-Chitra-Pakshya-Anamsa. This anyamsa has the sanction of both sage Parasar and Varaha-Mihira. 4.9.3 Western Astrologers are using Tropical Zodiac and Indian Astrologers are using sidereal Zodia both for Calender and Astrological purposes. Tropical Zodiac should be used for calendarical purposes and sidereal zodiac for Astrological purposes.

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