Astrological Forecast 2014 – the Day Masters2

January 31, 2018 | Author: Florian M | Category: Economies, Philosophical Science, Science, Business
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2014 Forecast based on Day Master2...


2014 Astrological Forecast – The Day Masters Before I launch into the individual forecasts for the 10 Day Masters, some important academic stuff, mostly which relates to how a lot of this information is derived. You might wonder what I bother to bore people with the details of how the answers were explained. Simple – because BaZi oftentimes is all too much based on faith and fate (“Just Believe”) and people are often not critical, inquisitive or for that matter, intellectual, when they are given an answer in BaZi. WHY is almost as important as the HOW is almost as important as THE ANSWER when it comes to Astrology because Why is how you determine the solution, and How explains to you the context, whereas The Answer has an annoying habit of being quite uninformative (especially when the answer is in the form of ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ or ‘Okay’). The methodology for determining the outcomes of each of the 10 Day Masters (sans a chart, which of course, is the Gold Standard of a forecast – let there be no illusion about that) is based on a couple of simple premises. Firstly, we use the old-fashioned principle that there are prized stars and there are not so prized stars. The prized stars are Officer, Wealth (specifically Direct Wealth although these days, who wants the plain old boring vanilla wealth) and Resource (but only Direct Resource, as this is a better quality Nobleman). So simple method: the Day Masters that ‘see’ a prized star, one presumes to be having a favourable year. The Day Masters that ‘see’ a not-so-prized star, one presumes to be having a less favourable year. In the context of 2014, as Horse contains 丁 and 己 so it is important that both of these be prized stars to the Day Master – if one is prized but the other is not, then we would presume a less than favourable year as a whole. Secondly, we operate on the assumption that the Branch (which is Horse 午)carries greater significance than the Stem (which is Jia Wood 甲). Accordingly, if the Stem represents a prized star, but the Branch doesn’t, then we presume a negative or unfavourable year for the Day Master. If the Stem represents a not-so-prized star but the picture is different for the Branch, then we presume a favourable year for the Day Master. It goes without saying that if you have Stem and Branch prized, that’s a big bonus. Thirdly, we can add further refinement to the process by qualifying specifically which of the six types of each Day Master is likely to benefit the most. This is done by comparing the interaction of the Jia Zi of the year 甲 午 with the Jia Zi of the Six Day Masters, but also determining if there is a favourable Combination involving the year and the Jia Zi. And so…

In 20144, Jia Wood sees Directt Wealth andd Hurting Officer. O Thiss denotes a vvery producctive year forr Jia Woodss overall. Exxpect to havve lots of neew ideas, annd outrageouus ones at th hat which iff you are boold, will yieeld wealth opportunities o s or a new source s of wealth. Theree is the possibillity of beingg offered a JV J or partneership with someone with w a bold nnew idea or a disruptive businesss model. W is regardeed as ‘dead wood’, thiss means thatt you may fi find yourselff Howeveer, as Jia Wu workingg with someeone who iss a little too opinionated d and who may m well bee unable to determine if they wish w to strikke boldly, orr play it safee (Hurting Officer O and Direct Weaalth v distincctly differennt viewpointts). having very 2014 wiill be worst for 甲 午 followed fo by 甲 子 Day Masters, esspecially if tthey are borrn in the Summer months (M May, June, July). J It mayy be favourable for 甲 戌 and 甲 寅 Day Massters utcomes are likely to bee modest at best provided, Fire is a favourable element. Foor 甲 辰, ou ou against your y boss, orr your minions and for 甲 申 theree will be autthority issuees (either yo against you).

In 20144, Yi Wood sees Indirecct Wealth annd Eating God. G This prresents a miixed bag situ uation becausee the Indirecct Wealth Sttar denotes a shortcut mentality m orr windfall w wealth style opportuunity but thee Eating God indicates a long-term m outlook orr a idea or ooutcome thaat requiress time to perrfect. Yi Woods thereffore must seelect their oppportunitiess carefully in the year, deetermining what w is mosst importantt for them in n the immeddiate 5 year gameplan to t decide which w Star to t follow (IW W or EG). It I is howeveer a good yeear in whichh to also con nsider cashing out on an existing e asseet or investm ment, and th hen putting it back intoo something g longterm (ass a method of o fulfillingg the polar opposite o quaality of the two t Stars inn the Branch h). Due to the prresence of a Rob Weallth Star in thhe Stem, Yi Woods willl find they are approacched by lots of people p to coollaborate, be b it formallly or inform mally. It willl be a profittable outcom me for

sure butt nonethelesss, a judicioous approachh of selectin ng the best opportunitiees in light of the above conflict, c is vital. v In 20144, it will be the t most prooductive forr 乙 未 and 乙 巳 - 乙 亥 may benefit, provided they are ablee to get theirr ambition level l up. Ouutcomes willl be mixed for 乙 丑 w whilst for 乙 卯 it is best to ensure e the partnership p d does not invvolve someo one of the opposite o sexx.

In 2014, Bing Fire seees the Rob Weealth Star and Hurting Officcer Star. Overaall, the forecaast is not favou urable for o three non-pprized stars: Hurting H Officerr, Rob Wealthh and Indirect Resource. Bings gennerally given the presence of From a caareer standpoiint, this denotes that ANY progress p is miixed at best, annd the primaryy challenge iss likely to be issues related to stafff and co-workkers. Since it is a Rob Weaalth year, Bingg Fires will finnd the fiscal ch hallenge y make, it all keeps going g down is probabbly the biggestt challenge of the year. It seeems no matteer how much you the drain.. Thus, approaach the year with w not just a strategy to co ontain spendinng, but an attem mpt to focus spending s on avenues that will geenerate revenuue in the future such as long g-term assets. Business parttnership opporrtunities w the know wledge that theey may not yield any immeediate benefits for the should bee evaluated wiith great care with next 1-2 years. y

2014 wiill be most challenging c g for 丙 子 and a 丙午,especially in i the careerr departmen nt. It will be most m expennsive for 丙 寅 and 丙 戌 financiallly. 丙 申 and a 丙辰w will probably y get off the easiest in 2014,, but even thhen, it will not n be witho out getting hit by at leaast, some fin nancial challengges.

In 20144, Ding Fire sees the Friiend and Eaating God Star. The brooad implicattion of this is that there might be som me increase in i financial expenditure, largely asssociated w with either trrying to keep upp with the Joones OR sim mply as a reesult of some irrational exuberancee. There maay be an inclinatiion to take more m holidaays than usuual, or simp ply indulge in i emotionaal spending. 2014 wiill be the moost expensivve, financiaally, for 丁 未 and 丁 巳. 巳 丁 丑 wiill face furth her challengges in the sttaff or emplloyee departtment, in ad ddition to thhe increase iin personal

outgoinngs, most likkely due to impulse i speending or co omfort spennding. For 丁 卯 and 丁 酉, aside froom potentiaal financial hiccups or irrational i sp pending, theere is the poossibility of romantiic entanglem ments provinng to be thee source of much m of thee year’s anggst. 丁 亥 will w probablyy escape som mewhat thee full impactt of the yearr or at the vvery least, will w be obliviouus to any finnancial presssures by annd large. They will spennd but feel lless horrifieed by their creedit card billl simply beecause they may well be spending on someonee else’s account.

Wu Earrth sees the 7 Killings Star in the Stem, S with the t Direct Resource R Sttar and the Rob R Wealth Star in the Branch. B Thhings will probably p no ot be that greeat money w wise, but theere male Wu certainlyy will be prrogress in teerms of careeer (sudden promotion)) or relationnship for fem Earths (not ( a Princee, but certaiinly no frogg either). Perhaps the grreat challennge for Wu Earth’s E in 2014 will be moving out off their comfoort zone and d adjusting to t new presssures at wo ork. Hey, with greeat power coomes great responsibility and so Wu W Earth’s should expeect it to be a hectic year oveerall thankss to the stresss from the 7 Killings Star. S Changes in the peeople who manage m you will be likely and a it is highhly possiblee you may find f yoursellf working ffor a slavedrriver of the highhest order. Legal L probleems are alsoo likely so be b careful you don’t skkate the edgee of the law. In 20144, 戊寅 will feel the preessure the most, m and theere will be a tremendouus conflict between b doing thhings the steeady and ceertain way, and a getting it DONE. 戊 午 will fiind it very challengging in term ms of producctivity and getting g thing gs done, wiith much ovverthinking and a mind-fuuck going onn. 戊 子 willl feel tremeendously prressured thiss year, thankks to the claash. Male 戊 子 may also experiennce some chhallenges in the relationnship arena – there may y be an abrupt change c or a lot of blow w ups (or som me accidenttal dalliancees that turn oout to be compliccated). Therre may also be an unexppected chan nge to your financial situation due to currencyy fluctuatioons or paperr losses on innvestments. 戊戌 shouuld expect iit to be slow w going as far ass impetus gooing with getting thinggs done, with h overthinkking or exceessive patien nce resultingg in a loss of o momentuum or even any a ability to t get starteed. 戊 申 annd 戊辰 prrobably escaape the yearr relatively unscathed u – relatively m means you might get som mething in thhe way of thhe broad strookes of above (issues with w boss, ooverthinking g, procrasttination) buut it will gennerally be a lot less pain nful comparred to 戊 子 子.

In 20144, Ji Earth seees the Direect Officer Star S in the Stem, S with Indirect Ressource and Friend F below. So S good staar in Stem, so-so s stars in the Brancch. By simplified logic as per explained in Part 1, it i will be ann average yeear for Ji Eaarth. A modest promotion or perhaaps a new jo ob, but with at best, b additioonal perks rather r than a payrise, an nd worse, a non-minionn that you have h to managee. Procrastinnation and a lack of willlingness to be proactivve will be sttrong on thee minds of Ji Eaarth people in i 2014, witth a tendenccy to be rath her suspicioous minded as well. Thee year is least favvourable forr 己 未 and 己 丑, paarticularly iff they are boorn in the yyear of the Snake, S or the monnth of Snakee. 己 巳 is also a likely too find this year y quite diifficult, withh perhaps a little too mucch patience on their parrt when it coomes to gettting things done, or a ffalse sense of o authoritty when it comes to thee workplacee. 己 卯 need ds to be carreful of probblems relateed to the law, besst to keep thhose incomee tax forms on the side of legal, annd be wary oof workplacce romancees or unwannted attentioon in the offfice. 己 亥 probably p geets off the liightest in 20 014 which might m be weelcome breaathing spacee after the raather difficuult 2013.

2014 shhould be for all intents and a purposees a half deccent year foor Geng Metals, bar perrhaps for 庚 子 and 庚 午. 午 The year brings Indirect Wealth h, plus the Direct D Officeer and Direcct Resourcce – all of which w are nice stars andd nice to hav ve. Gengs inn the corporrate world however h are likelly to benefit more from m the year thhan those who w are self--employed oor running their t own bussinesses, sinnce the Direect Officer Star S is usually more addvantageouss to those in n employm ment. Whatt good newss do Gengs have to look forward too? Obvioussly, a promo otion of substancce that bringgs with it money m and perks, p with the t good neews likely too be coming g as early as February 2014. 2 Whilsst the moneey may not be b as amazing as you hhoped, somee is better thhan none. 庚 子 off course willl be the excception to thhis rule, as it i is a Hurtinng Officer ssee Direct Officer O year forr this Jia Zi. Female 庚 子 should be careful at a home andd in the offiice (fighting g with the bosss = fighting with the SIIgnificant Other) O and fo or Male 庚 子 should leearn the art of

silence at the workp kplace. Proteesting the prrinciples is pointless thhis year, insttead, focus on producing financial results (orr use a finanncial justificcation) as thhe basis for any disagreeements you havve with yourr superiors. 庚 午 will likely experrience an ovverdose of ddictatorship syndrom me, which will w ultimateely end up being b detrim mental towarrds your leadership an nd authoritty within thee workplacee. Stress levvels are also o likely to bee extremelyy high, largeely due to perhaaps an inabiility to deleggate new responsibilitiees that you have actuallly grabbed for yourselff. 庚 戌 iss likely to beenefit the most m from thhis year, witth strong oppportunities go to up the career ladder inn a big proomotion leapp. 庚 寅 willl also beneffit in the sam me way, buut may get more m by way of monetary m coompensatioon comparedd to 庚 戌. 庚 辰 and 庚 申 will aalso benefit from the overrall positivee stars of thee year, but less l advantaageously compared to tthe other tw wo, but equally,, will escapee from any of the negaative aspectss compared to 庚 午 annd 庚 子.

Xins doo not do as well w as theirr Geng brethhren in 2014 4, largely because the pprized stars are in the Stem m and the leess than prizzed stars dominate the Branch. B Xinns will be seeeing the 7 Killings and Indirect Resouurce Stars inn the Branchh, with a meeasly Directt Wealth Staar above. Broadly B speakinng that doesnn’t hark tooo well. Xin especially e dislikes d the 7 Killings S Star as it burrns the Metal raather than makes m it spaarkle. As succh, Xins sho ould be careeful of legall problems, petty people (especially ( since the 7 Killings com mes with In ndirect Resoource) but aalso, be wary y of being suuspicious minded m and petty p themselves! Fortu unately, the solution foor Xins is to do what theey are goodd at, which is, i argue theeir way out of the probllem. A goodd dose of Hurting H Officer is what is needed n to doose that Dinng Fire from m the Horse so when puut under the grindstoone, respondd in true fasshion by risiing to the ch hallenge. Inn this way, 22014 may yet y prove to be a decent d year for Xins. X born inn the Summ mer months, in particulaar, those borrn in the The yeaar will be toughest for Xins Goat annd Snake moonths. Wateer will be thhe most important elem ment for these Xins, so book b in those beeach holidayys and workk out your problems p in the showerr or swimmiing pool. 20 014 will be the tooughest for 辛 丑 , withh lots of tenndency towaards overthiinking thinggs but also mindfuccking yoursself as a resuult of just ann overly susspicious thoought processs. Be a littlle more open annd air your concerns, c doo not keep them t to you urself. 辛 未 should be ccareful of th hings getting too t hot wheen it comes to income tax t matters or legal issuues that havve been neglected from 20011 or 2012. 辛 巳 willl find the yeear taxing in n terms of work w pressurre, stress an nd perhapss for the 辛 巳 woman, relationshipp woes. Thiis is a good time at worrk to learn how h to DELEG GATE and possibly, p staart to develoop a little bit of irresponnsibility by way of not offeringg to save thee day all thee time at woork. 辛 亥 will w probablly escape reelatively unsscathed this yeaar as the 亥 will w slightlyy amelioratee the effectss of the 午 through t com mbination. Finally, F

辛 酉 will w likely allso get off liightly in 2014 although h after a preetty lazy yeaar in 2013, will w probably find the pressure p upss and the staakes rise in 2014 2 in the workplace..

Strong Ren R Waterss will find 2014 is a goood year for them, coupled with thee benefit of 2 good stars in the Stem (D Direct Weallth + Direct Officer) an nd an Eatingg God in thee Stem, which can’t be all thhat bad eitheer. Broadly speaking, Rens R will fin nd 2014 is highly h produuctive, with h a lot of opportuunities for prromotions and a job channge (for tho ose who are employed) although th he selfemployeed Ren mayy find that reevenues staart to move towards t thee realm of ‘cconservativee’, which might m feel a bit unsatisffactory afterr the high of 2013. 2014 will be a busy year for f Rens as a whoole tho, andd there may well not bee much timee for R&R. 壬 戌 and 壬 寅 howev ver should make m it a pooint to take some mini--breaks, esp pecially duriing the sum mmer monthss, to rechargee, as regathering your wits w is essenntial for thee Ren Waterr person. Make time alsso to constanntly re-evaluuate your foccal point ass Rens are att their best, when theree is a clear destinattion in whicch to direct their t energies. Financiaally, the yeaar will be beest for 壬 戌 and 壬 寅. w experieence problem ms in 2014,, thanks to the t Althouggh overall thhe year is goood, 壬 子 will clash. This T is likelyy to be relatted to busineess partnersships (whichh unexpecteedly fracturee, probably due to mooney or pilffering, on either side) but could alsso be relatedd to relation nships. ust Marriedd 壬 子 malees in particuular should be extra carreful of keeeping in theiir pants or ju trying too keep the workplace w s stress out off the home. Escalating costs c versuss less than forecast f income may also afffect some 壬 子 detrim mentally so at the start of the year,, plan and budget b more coonservativelly, and avoiid over-leveeraging yourrself financiially. 壬 午 has a selfpunishm ment this yeear, but sincee it involves the Directt Wealth Staar, this probbably just su uggests a form of o indecisivveness relatiing to job oppportunitiess, or possiblly, an attem mpt to over-sspread yourselff and be tooo calculativee when it coomes to mon ney matterss (resulting iin financial difficultty). Best to think bird in i hand rathher than attempting to outsmart o thee universe in n 2014 for 壬 午. 午 For 壬 申 the year will w be half decent, with h certainly a lot more iimpetus to get g things done d compaared to 20133. There will be an imprrovement too your sensee of drive an nd focus, but b possibly at the expeense of yourr sense of co omfort and contentmennt. Howeverr, any change in your menntal approacch to life, will w be a goo od one this year y so embbrace it. 壬 辰 will probably get the leaast out of 20014 – the pllus point is no downsiddes, the minnus point – a middle upside at a best.

Last butt not least, Gui G Waters – 2014 brinngs the Hurting Officerr Star, seateed atop the Indirect I Wealth Star and thee 7 Killingss Star. For certain c Gui Water indivviduals, thiss is favourable, for others, the t presencee of the 7 Killings K and Hurting Offficer Star may m be a mixxed bag. Em mployed Gui Waaters will noot find the year is so advvantageous, especiallyy if they worrk in a conservative professiion (ie: bankking). whilsst the moneyy will comee, the hasslees will too, aand the job stress. Self-em mployed Guii Water on the t other haand may ben nefit from thhe Hurting O Officer and Indirect Wealth,, although due d to the prresence of thhe 7 Killing gs Star, therre will likelyy be a risk of o saying something s t ends upp getting youu into troub that ble. Worse, you y get sued for libel or o your money comes c on thhe back of over-stated o c claims whicch you end up u not being able to deeliver upon. Remember R thhat in 2015,, Gui Waterr will see a strong s 7 Killlings Star w with no Ressource Star to help h out, whhich suggessts, be very careful c whaat eggs you lay in 20144 since the chickens c will com me home to roost in 2015! Pressurre, petty peo ople, backstabbers and a notoriouss reputation aside (alll which cann be good buut only if yo ou are 50 Cents C perhapps), the Weaalth Star G is presennt in the Brranch, whichh indicates a good yearr for cashingg out on invvestments. Guis should not n however MAKE innvestments since s the prresence of thhe Hurting O Officer, 7 Killings K and andd Indirect Wealth W Star are a likely too result in hiighly specullative investments with h an extremeely high riskk profile, that might jusst end up ex xploding on you in 2015. 2014 wiill be least advantageou a us financiallly for 癸 亥 and 癸 丑 whilst 癸 巳 and 癸 未 will probably do best ouut of it, due to the comb mbination thaat produces Fire in the case of 癸 未 . 癸 丑 and 癸 未 howeever, will geet the worst of the stress from the 7 Killings S Star, and thee nastiest of the backstabbingg as well, allthough 癸 丑 will hand dle it a tad better. b 癸 卯 should bee careful 卯 癸 卯 hoowever will have a very y of relatiionship probblems, espeecially single male 癸 卯. producttive year, if they are able to adopt both b a shortt and long-tterm outlookk on new id deas or ventures they pursuue this year. 癸 酉 prrobably esccapes the moost unscatheed in 2014, although thhat might bee due an inh herent tendenccy to be lesss proactive than t usual or o more laid d back aboutt matters coompared to the t other Guui DMs.  

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