Astrological Combinations for some Mental Illnesses

January 31, 2017 | Author: Saravana Kumar | Category: N/A
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Combinations for Mental Retardation / Autism / Mental Illness

Mental Retardation: Generally for mentally retarded childs one thing is generally found, 1. 3rd Lord is in 4th House or with 4th Lord and 5th lord is in 2nd House or 2nd Lord. 2. 5th Lord is in 6:8 or 2:12 position with Lagna Lord. 3. Very rarely we find zero point in sarvastak chart. 4. Rahu generally afflicts the Moon, or Moon is situated in the constellation of Rahu or Ketu. 5. If we go for the chart of conception, Moon and Mars are effected by Rahu, (see in rashi and navamansha chart) 6. Other then these no special symptoms are indicated. If we study the chart of Mother and father, in fathers chart Saturn in most of the cases is situated in 10th house, and 5th house/ lord of 5th house are affected by Mars and Rahu. For Mother it may be 11th house to 11th lord. 7.

Another combination for Mentally Retarded child is 3rd Lord in 4th, 4th Lord in 5th and 5th lord in 2nd House.

Mental Illness or Insanity: The classical astrological text gives certain combinations for mental illness or insanity. These combinations are often too vague and non specific; they cannot be applied to individual horoscopes in the literal sense. That in fact, is true of combinations for any diseases as given in the astrological texts. They however, give certain clues about the cause of that disease. We shall quote here some of these combinations, and follow this with our understanding of mental illness and the relevant examples. Some of the combinations for mental illness taken from the JATAKA TATTVA and other texts are as follows. 1. Jupiter in the ascendant and Mars in the seventh house, or vice versa. a. Jupiter is the planet of idealism; Mars indicates aggression. Too much emphasis on these could ruin the married life, as this combination involves the 7th house. b. In the above yoga, substitution of mars by Saturn has been said to have the same result though the nature of affliction will obviously change from aggressiveness towards depression.

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2. Saturn in the lagna and Mars in the 5th or the 7th or the 9th house 3. Saturn in the lagna, the Sun in the 12th house, and Mars or the Moon in a trine. 4. Saturn in the 12th house associated with a waning Moon. 5. Association of Saturn and the lord of the 2nd house with the Sun or Mars. 6. Birth in the hora of Saturn or Mars, the sun-moon conjunction in the lagna or the 5th or the 9th, and the Jupiter in the quadrant. 7. Mandi in the 7th house, afflicted by a malefic. a. Note: same result may accrue from an afflicted Mandi in the 5th house 8. Rahu and the Moon in the lagna, and malefic in the trine

Mental faculties: Astrological Basis. It will be seen from the above that the various combinations for mental diseases are fairly generalized. No mention has been made of the time of onset of the ailment. In addition, there is generally no mention of the various divisional charts without which any combination would lose its specificity. We must thus look for the factor that governs our normal behavior from the nature and extent of the abnormal behavior from the nature and extent of affliction to such factors. The following points thus need attention of the assessment of the mental health of a native: a. The Moon: It is the significator of the mind. Its strength or weakness reflects the state of one's mind. Its strength attachments are feelings, emotional reactions, mental compatibility with others, and such faculties that do not rely on Mathematical logic. The Moon has no enemies. b. Mercury: It signifies the nervous system, academic discipline, rationality, logic and intellect, as also one's complexes. Its enemy is the moon. Understandably, the mind (signified by the moon) is opposed to reasoning and intellect (signified by mercury). c. Jupiter: The best benefactor. Jupiter is the significator of maturity and wisdom. While Jupiter is neutral towards mercury, the latter happens to be the enemy of Jupiter. Quite naturally the strict limits of logics can only restrain the exercise of wisdom. Note: When the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are strong and well placed, the native has a sound mind, a healthy reasoning and a mature wisdom. When these three planets are afflicted, weak or ill placed, there is a vulnerability

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to mental illness, nervousness, Intellectual confusion, and inability to take wise decisions and to implement them. d. The fifth house: The fifth house is the house of fascination, thinking, logic and wisdom. For a sound mental health, the 5th house and the 5th lord must not be afflicted and be under benefic influence. e. The lagna and the sign Mesha: Mesha happens to be the first house equivalent to the head of the Kalapurusha. The lagna is the first house or the head of the native. Both should not be afflicted for a sound mental health f. Malefic and benefic Yogas: Besides the other factors, certain malefic and benefic Yogas in the horoscope may promote the occurrence of a mental illness, or favorably compensate for it.

The following are especially important: The Kemadruma Yoga, i.e.,the Moon without a planet on either side of it. This is an adverse Yoga. The Moon needs support in order to insure a sound mind. When there is no planet in the second and the 12th from the Moon, an inherent weakness is indicated in the chart. The Gajakesari Yoga, i.e., the presence of Jupiter in a quadrant from the Moon. This is very potent and benefic Yoga; Planets in mutual quadrants influence each other. Jupiter in a quadrant from the Moon causes strengthening of the Moon. The Chandradhi Yoga. This consists of the presence of benefic in the 6th, 7th, or 8th, from the Moon. Benefic in these houses promote, and the malefic obstruct and hinder the functioning of the moon. Afflictions to the Moon - Most of the mental disorders manifest when the moon is afflicted. These vary from simple mental aberrations to gross neuro-psychotic disorders. The Moon suffers afflictions when it is weak, placed in adverse (6, 8, or 12th) houses, and under the aspects or association of malefic •

Affliction by the sun: Quick temper, quarrelsome, self-aggrandizement.

By Mars: Quick temper, aggressive, violent.

By Saturn: Acute depression; maniac depressive psychosis.

By Rahu: cunning in thought, schizophrenia, phobias, and maniacal suicidal tendencies.

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By Ketu: Maniacal/suicidal tendencies, phobias, irrational suspicion of others.

Note: (1) Affliction to Mercury and Jupiter causes abnormalities in behavior in a similar manner. For example, placement of mercury in the 6th house affected by Saturn, leads to some sort of mental derangement. Jupiter- Saturn or Jupiter-Mars opposition have already been pointed out. (2) How close these planets are in degrees must be examined. Using vastu for study or vastu for business can make your fortunes prosper and yield good benefits. Let vastu consultancy guide you to make the perfect business vastu or vastu study for better results.

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