Astro Secrets_KP 1.pdf
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(Late) Sri M.P. Shanmugam (K.P. Astrologer)
FOREWORD The author of thts book Sri.M.P.SHANMUGHAM. has strained his nerves, to find out the truth in this As trosc1ence. (oUowing the foot steps and teachings of our beloved GuruJI Srt.K.S.Krlshnamurtl for few decades and has found the truth. how the planets results / n a ture is mod1fted due to various reasons. In this book. the ~uthor shares his views and findings. that how the s ublord theory offered to us by late GuruJI Prof. K.S .Kr1shnamurti. who Invented the K.P.Stelh.r method . Is the only one method aVailable to u s, to offer a result. for the various type of questions from the confused persons. who approac h astrologers. to have their doubts cleaxed
He has writt en .In detail. the Sublord theory and the results In various houses and how the sc lentUlc a nalys is Is to be made while offering predictions. His sincere efforts t o propogate the Su blord theory of KP. a sys tem which Is to be pr'actised In t1)ls fast world, needs encouragement from one and all. Hyderabad : 30·4-1995.
Sd/· K.. Ganaplthy.
Gnana Siroman!. Jyothls h Vlsharath. K. Ganapathy. Eldest Son of Sothlda Mannan Jyothish Marthand Late Prof. K.S.Krlshnamurti 1·11·201 1105. Begumpet. Hyderabad 500016.
PADHATl-W is dedicated at the Lotus feet of Sothidr, Mannan. JYOlhish Marthand, Guruji Prof. Late Sri.K.S.KRISHNAMURTI. A few words about me· My forefathers were astrologers, that is traditional astrologers. In their footsteps, I have been practising the same traditional astrology .
During February , 977, a friend of mine , brought to my attention, say a small explaining about a maHer·event , made by the genius Sri. KSK. This was the turning point. From the next day, 1 started following the same levels of analysis and found the truths , surprising and inspiring.
From that day, KP for me, was a Voice from Heaven. I started mastering all the KP Readers. Thereafter I contributed my articles, on KP, in "Astrology & Alhrishla",
I surprised the public in and around my area through KP with several findings, and continue the same to give the true findtngs 10 the public till loday . Alongwith ft, I added my own practical experience to KP I which KP will prove to be a Thrill as the Readers go through this Book "ASTROSECAETS AND KRISHNAMURTl PAOHAlHl". Sri KSK, to me is bolh a Guru and God. I have totalty identified myself with thi s Guru-Gad-Immortal KSK
28.5.1995 70. flango Nagar.
M.P.SHANMUGHAM K.P. Astrologer.
Sathy Road , COIMBATORE 641 044.
Our Sincere respects to Late. Senior Pr'!f
Sundarsen, Gun K.P. Astrologer
Weith. pu.......... are thankful to Smt. Uma Venkatweman of MIa, Susmitha Systems, Bangalore for having made the taler typesetting. We also thank Sri. N. Sunderuon, Gunh.r~e for his able assistance in proof reading of the ,..... typeseHing work. Our Sincere thanks to Sri P.Sudarsana Rao, Proprietor. "Sujalha Fertilisers·, Pannam Bazaar, GUNiUR 522 003, an admirer of KP, for his part financial contrtbtAion at Rs.6OOOI- to bring out this 0001< "ASTROSECRETS AND KRISHNAMURTl PADHAiHl"
We expect to bring out tfvt I publication of "AstrOSlere's and KrI.hnamurti Padhllthe- around April-May 1996.
28 . 5 . 19~5
Solhidamamani K.Subramaniam, S~cond Son of Jyothish Marthand. Sri.K.S.Kristwwnurti Krishman & Co. , 804 . Mount Road, Madras 600 002.
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