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ASTM B152: Standard Specification for Copper, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar...



Legally Binding Document By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code § 552(a) and Part 1 of the Code of Regulations § 51 the attached document has been duly INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance.

e Document Name:

ASTM B152: Standard Specification for Copper, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar

CFR Section(s):

46 CFR 58.50-5(a)(4)

Standards Body:

American Society for Testing and Materials

Official Incorporator: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR



Designation: B 152 - 97a

Used in USDOE-NE sIaldards

Standard Specification for

Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 152; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year oflast revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year oflast reapproval. A superscript epsilon (.) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard Jws been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. Consult the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards for the specific year of issue which Jws been adopted by the Department ofDefense.

1. Scope* 1.1 This specification2 establishes the requirements for

NOTE 2-This specification is not intended to cover material rolled to ounce-weight thicknesses. Such material is covered by Specification

copper sheet, strip, plate, and rolled bar. Each of the coppers listed as follows has a unique property, making it suitable for specific applications. The purchaser in consultation with the supplier shall choose and specify the copper best suited to his application. In the case where the copper is for general, rather than specific application, and the purchaser does not specify which copper is wanted, one of the coppers listed which is readily available shall be supplied. Copper UNSNo.3

Previous DesignationA



CI0300 CI04OO, ClO500, CI0700 CI0800


Cl1000 B


CII300, Cll400, Cll600 B Cl2000



Cl2200 B


C12300 C14200 CI4420 C14530


B370. Plates for locomotive fireboxes are covered by Specification B 11. Flat copper products with finished (rolled or drawn) edges (flat wire and strip) are also covered by Specification B 272. NOTE 3-A complete metric companion to Specification B 152 has been developed-B 152M; therefore, no metric equivalents are presented in this specification.

2. Referenced Documents

2.1 ASTM Standards: 2.1.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of material purchase form a part of this specification to the extent referenced herein: B 11 Specification for Copper Plates for Locomotive

Type of Copper Oxygen·free electronic Oxygen·free without residual deoxidants Oxygen·free extra low phosphorus Oxygen-free, silver bearing Oxygen-free low phosphorus Electrolytic tough pitch Silver bearing tough pitch Phosphorized, low residual phosphorus Phosphorized, high residual phosphorus Phosphorized, silver bearing Phosphorus deoxidized, arsenical Tin bearing tellurium copper Tin tellurium bearing copper

Frreboxes4 B 193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials5 B 224 Classification of COppers6 B 248 Specification for General Requirements for . Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled JJar6 B 272 Specification for Flat Copper Products with Finished (Rolled or Drawn) Edges (Flat Wire and Strip)6 B 370 Specification for Copper Sheet and Strip for Building Construction6 B 571 Test Methods for Hydrogen Embrittlement of Copper> B 601 Practice for Temper Designations for Copper and Copper Alloys-Wrought and Cast6 E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials7 E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)8

A Except Copper UNS No. C lO300 (oxygen-free extra low phosphorus) and No. C 10800 (oxygen-free low phosphorus) these types of copper are classified in C1assification B 224. B SAE Specification CAlOl conforms to Copper UNS No. CIOlOO; SAE Specification CAI02 conforms to the requirements for Copper UNS No. ClO200; SAE Specification CAl IO conforms to the requirements for Copper UNS No. CllOOO; SAE Specifications CAl 13, CAl 14, and CAI16 conform to the requirements for Copper UNS Nos. Cll300, Cl1400, and Cl1600; SAE Specification CAI20 conforms to Copper UNS No. Cl2000; and SAE Specification CAI22 conforms to the requirements for Copper UNS No. Cl2200.

3. Terminology

NOTE I-Copper UNS Nos. CI04OO, C10500, C10700, CI1300,

Cll400, and Cll600 identify coppers with specific silver content (see

3.1 Definition o/Term Specific to This Standard· 3.1.1 capable of-the test need not be performed by the

Table 1).

producer of the material. However, should subsequent testing by the purchaser establish that the material does not meet these requirements the material shall be subject to rejection.

specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B-5 on Copper and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility ofSuhcommittee B05.01 on Plate, Sheet, and Strip. Current edition approved Sept. lO, 1997. Published March 1998. Originally published as B 152 - 42 T. Last previous edition B 152 - 97. 2 For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specification SB-152 in Section 11 of that Code. 3 The UNS system for copper and copper alloys (see Practice E 527) is a simple expansion of the former standard designation system accomplished by the addition of a prefix "C" and a suffix "00." The suffix can be used to accommodate composition variations of the base alloy. 1 Thic

Discontinued-see 1980 Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Part 6. Vol 02.03. 6 A1I1IUJJi Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 02.01. 7 Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 03.01. 8 AnnuaJ Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 01.01. 4

S AnnuaJ Book ofASTM Standards,

* A Summary of ChaDges section appears at the end of this specification. 255


B 152

4. Ordering Information 4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include the following: 4.1.1 Quantity, 4.1.2 Copper UNS No. (Section 1). When Alloys CI0400, C10500, C10700, CI1300, CII400, CI1600, or CI2300, the amount of silver in ounces per ton, 4.1.3 Temper (Section 7), 4.1.4 Dimensions: thickness, width, and weight (Section 14), 4.1.5 How furnished (straight lengths 01' coils), 4.1.6 Length (Section 14), .. 4.1.7 Weight of coils: coil weights or coil size limitations, if required, . 4.1.8 Type of e9ge, if required; slit, sheared, sawed, sqUare edges, rounded comers, rounded edges, or full-rounded edges (see 14.1.6), 4.1.9 Whether the resistivity test is required for either CopperUNS Nos. ClOl00, C10200, C10300, CllOOO, or C12000 (Section 13), 4.1.10 Embrittlement test (Section 12), 4.1.11 ASTM specification number. 4.2 The following requirements shall be specified if applicable: 4.2.1 Certification, if required (Section 15), 4.2.2 Mill test report, if required (Section 16), 4.2.3 Resistivity test for Copper UNS Nos. ClOlOO, CI0200, C10300, Cll000, or C12000 (Section 13), 4.2.4 Embrittlement test for ClOl00, C10200, C10300, Cl1000, C12000 (Section 12), 4.2.5 Type of edge, if other than slit, 4.2.6 Supplemental requirements for agencies of the U.S. Government as given in Specification B 248.

7.1.1 Special or nonstandard tempers are subject to negotiation between manufacturer and purchaser (see 4.1.3).

7.2 As Hot-Rolled Temper (M20): 7.2.1 The temper of hot-rolled copper sheet and plate that produced by hot rolling. Plate not specified for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code . Applications are generally available in the M20 temper. " 7.3 Annealed Temper (0): 7.3.1 The temper of hot-rolled and annealed copper Sheet and plate Shall be that produced by hot rolling and subsequent annealing (025). Plates specified for Boiler and Pressure ,Vessel Code applications shall be furnished in the 025 temper. 7.3.2 The standard temperS of Cold-rolled annealed copper Sheet, strip, and plate are deSignated as follows: 060, soft anneal and 068, deep drawing anneal. ' NQTE 4-Soft-anneal temper is suitable for most industrial users of copper such as forming, spinning, and simple drawing operations where close control of temper is not essential. Deep-dnlwing anneal temper is eSpecially suited for very severe drawing and forming operations where maximum dUctility and Close control of temper is required.

8. Mechanical Requirements of Cold-Worked and OotRolled Tempers 8.1 The tension test shall be the standard test for all tempers of cold-rolled, hot-rolled, and hot-rolled and annealed cOpper sheet, strip, plate, and rolled bar, and acceptance or rejection shall depend only on the tensile properties, which shall conform to the requirements prescribed in 8.3 and Table 2. 8.2 Test specimens Shall be taken to conform, where applicable, to Section 6 of Test Methods E 8. Tension test specimens shall be taken so that the longitudinal axis of such specimens is parallel to the direction of rolling. Plate ite:m test-five specimens shall be taken either from the excess portion of the plate or from separate pieces produced under the same specification and temper. 8.3 'Hot-rolled.' and hot-rolled and . amiealed plates of Copper UNS' Nos. Cll000 and C12200 shall have 40 % Iilinimum elongation in 2 in., and hot-tolled and hot~rolled and annealed plaresofCopper UNS No; C14200 Shall have 45. % ininmnpneiongation in 2 m. '

5. General Requireme~ts 5.1 Material furnished under this specification shall confOIm to the applicable requirements of the clirtent edition of Specification B 248. 6. Chemical Composition 6.1 The materials shall oonform to the chemical requirements prescribed in Table 1. 6.2 Iflimits for unnanied elements are reqUired, they shall be established and analysis required by agreement between manufacturer or supplier and purchaser.

9. Grain Size Requirements of Cold-Rolled Annealed Tempers 9.1 Grain size shall be the standard test for cold-rolled annealed copper Sheet and 'strip, and acceptance or rejection shall depend only on the grain size. The average grain size of each of two samples of annealed material, as determined on a plane parallel to the surface of the sheet or strip, shall be within the limits prescribed m Table 3.

7. Temper

7.1 Rolled Material (H)--'-The standard tempers of coldrolled sheet, strip, plate, and rolled bar copper of all types are designated as follows (see Practice' B' 601): Temper DeSignatioh




Eight-bani, Quarter-bani, Half-hanI,A Three-quarter-hard, A


H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HIO

Hard,A Extra-hard,A

Spring, A and Extra-spriugA

A Consult suppliers to determine the availability of sheet, plate, and rolled bar in these tempers.

10. Rocbvell Hardness 10.1 Rockwell hardness tests offer a quick and Convenient :meilio
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