ASTM Host Simulator User Manual V5-6

April 12, 2017 | Author: Rol Positivo | Category: N/A
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ASTM Host Interface Simulator User Manual Version 5.6 Supported Instruments: Elecsys 2010/1010, STA, STA-C, STA-R, LSM, PSM, CC Modular, Hybrid Modular Cardiac Reader, Aliquoter VS II, Amplilink, Urisys 2400, AVL OMNI,OMNI-C ASTM+

ASTM Host Simulator User Manual V5-6.doc/C. Mahlmann, LG-I, 14.02.2003

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual









5. MAIN MENU SYSTEM 5.1. Multifunctional text editor

6 9

6. TECHNICAL DETAILS 6.1. Record editor rules 6.2. TCP/IP Communication

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7. DATA FLOW OF ASTM HOST INTERFACE SIMULATOR 7.1. ASTM+ 7.2. Amplilink 7.3. AVL OMNI 7.4. Roche OMNI-C 7.5. Cardiac Reader 7.6. ELECSYS 2010 7.7. ELECSYS 1010 7.8. LSM 7.9. Modular CC 7.10. Modular Hybrid 7.11. PSM 7.12. STA, STA-C, STA-R 7.13. UriSys 2400 7.14. VS II

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

1. Purpose of the ASTM Host Interface Simulator The ASTM Host Interface Simulator allows to simulate the host communication for all Roche analyzers that are equipped with an ASTM host protocol. The tool may simulate the analyzer or the host. It was developed with the programming language Visual Basic 6.0 and requires a 32-bit operating system (Windows 95 or NT). The tool has instrument-independant features ... • low-level communication • trace recording • messages may be created with a record editor, saved as so-called record files (*.DAT) and sent to the connected device • error simulation by sending wrong checksums • free timer setting and instrument specific features ... • the extracted info of received messages is stored in instrument-specific MS ACCESS databases • realtime request mode may be simulated with this database • the meaning of the record fields may be displayed in the lower part of the record editor

2.System Requirements Hardware: • IBM-compatible computer, capable of running Windows NT, 2000, XP Software: • 32-bit Windows Operating System (NT, 2000, XP)

3. Installation of the Tool The ASTM Host Interface Simulator is to be installed on the hard disk by the SETUP.EXE routine. The SETUP routine creates a new directory and copies the program files and library files to the hard disk. Be sure that no other application is open during setup !

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

4. Main Screen of the Test Tool

The Main Screen contains the following items (top down): • Title line (containing the selected instrument, the programs name and version) • Pull-down menu system (see chapter 2.1) • Local Device setting (HOST or INST) and their names The ‘Operating Mode’ setting screen can be accessed by clicking on this field • Symbolic indication of the local device (blue frame) A click on the corresponding icon selects the local device • actual Date and Time • actual RS232-Parameter setting The ‘RS232 Parameter’ setting screen can be accessed by clicking on this field • Step-Mode status (visible or invisible means enabled or disabled) • Last Sent/Received messages if activated on the Mode of Operation screen an info line is appended to the list for each sent and received message. The list may be cleared with the ‚Clear List‘ button. • actually opened Trace file name The file selection mask for trace files can be accessed by clicking on this field • Size of the actually opened trace file in bytes.

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

• actually opened Record file name The file selection mask for record files can be accessed by clicking on this field • Number of messages to send • Communication Trace Window Sent messages are displayed in green, received messages in blue and error messages in red color. If the space character (code 20hex) within records is replaced by another character, this is indicated above the trace window. • The icon right to the Communication Trace Window allows to enter a comment line which is written to the trace file. • Status line Indication of the actual transition state (Idle, Transfer, Receive) and the active keys with time counter, if STEP mode is enabled)

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

5. Main Menu System Record File Delete

Record files (*.DAT) which are no longer needed can be deleted from the harddisk


A record file (*.DAT) can be displayed, printed, searched, ... with a multifunctional text editor (see 3.1 for a description of the editor options) For starting the record editor you need to open an already existing DAT file


Any previously created record file can be sent via the serial interface


This option quits the program

Trace File Open for Recording

A file can be opened where the complete communication in both directions is stored with time and sender information


The above opened trace file can be closed with this option


Trace files which are no longer needed can be deleted from the harddisk


Any trace file can be displayed, printed, searched, ... with a multifunctional text editor (see 3.1 for a description of the editor options)

Extract Records

All records of any trace file are extracted and written to a record file by this option.

Insert Comment

This option allows to enter a comment which is written to the actually open trace file.

Clear Window

This option clears the trace window.

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

Options Interface Settings

The tool may communicate via RS232 or TCP/IP. For the RS232 interface the baudrate, data-, stopbits, parity, COM port and kind of handshaking can be set on this screen. The TCP/IP communication is not yet evaluated ! This screen can also be opened by clicking on the RS232 parameter field on the main screen

Mode of Operation

The following settings can be done on this screen: • the connected instrument • enter the operators name • the local device (HOST or INSTRUMENT) incl. the device names • the colors for the trace messages • enable/disable step mode • enable/disable acustical error signal • enable/disable storage of received records in the instrument-specific database • display one line for each sent or received message in a list control on the main screen • definition what to send in case of host if there is no TS available in the database for a received request • definition of a space replacement character for the trace display For Elecsys 1010/2010, the following settings can be done • decision which sample info items shall be echoed on a test request • enable/disable storage of received manufacturer records in the database • enable/disable storage of manufacturer records in the trace file For Modular/Hybrid, the following settings can be done • decision which sample info items shall be echoed on a test request • activation of rules for a reflex testing if working as host For PSM, the following settings can be done • single record or single frame For OMNI, the following settings can be done • or as record delimiter

Timer Settings

All timing and retry adjustments can be done on this screen


The four delimiter characters of the ASTM protocol can be selected with this option

Low-Level Errors

Different kind of error simulation can be activated for testing the interface software of the connected device

continued on next page

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

Options menu continued DB Access

This screen allows to take a look at the different database tables which contain the received data. Test selections and test selection requests can be generated and sent to the connected device. There are two options for the database in a pull-down menu available: • ‘Compress DB’ eliminates ‘holes’ in the database file and decreases the file size • ‘Store Column Width’ stores the actual column width of the displayed table after a manual adaptation. • ‘Create Report’ creates result reports, if the result table is displayed


The programs desktop language can be selected (german or english)

Communication Test

This option initiates a short [ENQ] - [ACK] - [EOT] sequence for testing the communication, if the test program is connected to itself. This test is supported by the STA Compact, it is not supported by the Elecsys 2010 interface !

? Help on ASTM Simulator

This option gives access to the integrated online help for the ASTM Simulator itself

Help on ASTM 1381 (Low Level Specification)

The ASTM specification document as helpsystem

Help on ASTM 1394 (High Level Specification)

The ASTM specification document as helpsystem

Software Changes History

Displays the software changes of previous releases of the tool

System Info

Displays system information

Save Screen Shot

Allows to save a previously captured screen shot (via [PrtSc] key to the clipboard) as bitmap file. As an additional option this bitmap file may be compressed with PKZIP.


An info window with version number and programmers address

Clear Send Buffer

Clears all message that are to be send

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

5.1. Multifunctional text editor For displaying record and trace files there is a text editor window which looks as follows:

The upper window displays the contents of the record or trace file. The lower window is an option of the record editor where the meaning and contents of the fields is displayed

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

The record/trace editor has a pull-down menu with the following options: File Open

Another record/trace file can be opened

Save as

The modified file or a selected part of it can be stored in another file


The whole file, a selected part of it or the parser information (only for record files) can be written to the printer, a text file or the clipboard.


(only available, if record files are displayed) The contents of the text window is sent to the other device


This option quits the text editor

Edit Cut

the selected part of the text is cut and copied to the clipboard


the selected part of the text is copied to the clipboard


the contents of the clipboard is inserted at the cursor position


the selected part of the text is deleted

Insert Trace Comment

enters !C at the actual cursor position. the text which may be entered after that expression is not sent but displayed in the trace file

Insert Delay

enters !D at the actual cursor position. the time in seconds which may be entered after that expression causes a delay during sending

Provoke Wrong Checksum

enters !S at the actual cursor position. this expression causes a checksum error in the following record during sending

Provoke Wrong Frame Number

enters !F at the actual cursor position. this expression causes a wrong frame number in the following record during sending

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

text editor menu system (cont) Search Search text

any expression can be searched in the text file

Search again

the above specified search is repeated

Options Parser

(only available, if record files are displayed) if a record file is displayed the text window is divided into two parts. In the upper part, the record file is displayed, in the lower part the field information of the selected record is displayed. If the Parser option is deactivated, the text window increases to full height.

Instrument Messages

(only visible, if record files are displayed and the program works as instrument simulator) All messages that the instrument can send during operation are offered in a option box. The selected message is displayed with default values in the text editor window and can be modified.

Host Messages

(only visible, if record files are displayed and the program works as host simulator) All messages that the host sends during operation are offered in a option box. The selected message is displayed with default values in the text editor window and can be modified. On this screen the test selection default profile can be displayed, modified and stored in a separate file.

Small/Large Window

with this option, the text editor window can be reduced to the half height. So it is possible to observe the trace window on the main screen while the text editor is open. If a record file is displayed and the small window is selected, the parser option is disabled

? Help

This option gives access the integrated online help and the System Information window

Test List

If working as Elecsys or Modular, the list of tests with test codes is displayed in a small list control

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

6. Technical Details 6.1. Record editor rules The record text file can contain more than one message (a message starts with the Header record, contains several data records and ends with the Termination record). Each message has to start with a Header record; otherwise it is not sent. The time delay between messages can be specified on the ‘Timer Settings’ screen. 6.2. TCP/IP Communication Beside the communication via the serial interface RS232 the simulator may also communicate via TCP/IP network. The corresponding setting is done on the ‘Options/Interface Settings‘ screen. Here you select between RS232 and Network interface. If RS232 is selected, the baud rate, port number, data-, stopbits and parity check may be selected. If Network is selected, there are three further options: Device works as ... • • •

TCP/IP Server (the other device needs to be TCP/IP Client TCP/IP Client (the other device needs to be TCP/IP Server TCP/IP UDP = User Datagram Protocol (the other device needs the same setting)

According to the above listed options, you have to enter additional settings. If Server is selected, the local port number needs to be entered. This must be the same number than the remote port number of the client. After re-starting the simulator, a dialog is displayed which indicates the network options and the simulator as server waits for a client to connect before he gives access to the program features. If Client is selected, the remote port number needs to be entered. This must be the same number than the local port number of the server. In addition the servers IP address (format: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd) must be entered. After re-starting the simulator, a dialog is displayed which indicates the network options and the simulator as client needs to be connected to a listening server by pressing the [Connect] buttons. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol. Unlike TCP operations, computers do not establish a connection. Also, a UDP application can be either a client or a server. You have to enter the other devices IP address, the local port number (which must be entered as remote port number at the other device) and the remote port number (which must be entered as local port number at the other device). After re-starting the simulator, a dialog is displayed whcih indicates the network options and both devices need to be connected before you get access to the program features. When selecting the option 'RS232 TCP/IP Conversion' the ASTM Simulator passes messages received via the RS232 port to the TPC/IP port and vice versa. In this case both setting frames are visible.

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

7. Data Flow of ASTM Host Interface Simulator 7.1. ASTM+ The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the ASTM+ protocol specification. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

Test Selection


Test Requests Test Results Manufacturer Records


Edit and send Edit and send Edit and send

Edit and send Edit and send Edit and send



Send out of DB

Test Selection


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Test Requests Test Results Manufacturer Records


answer requests

DB write Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

HOST Mode: answer requests

Edit and send

Store received data Send TS if available

Edit and send

DB write

Edit and send

Store received data Store received data Store received data

7.2. Amplilink The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the Amplilink. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Test Selection


Result Request Test Results


Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write Store received data Store received data

Edit and send

Edit and send

As answer to result request

Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Send out of DB

answer requests

Edit and send

Edit and send

HOST Mode: Messages


Test Selection


Result Request Test Results


DB write

Edit and send Store received data

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

7.3. AVL OMNI The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the AVL Omni. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Send out of DB


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Patient Query

answer requests

DB write

Edit and send

Store received data

Test Result


Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data

Calibration Report Maintenance Report QC Report


Edit and send


Store received data


Edit and send


Store received data


Edit and send


Store received data



Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write

Patient Info


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Edit and send

send, if query is received

Store received data

HOST Mode:

7.4. Roche OMNI-C The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the Roche OMNI-C. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Send out of DB


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Patient Query

answer requests

DB write

Edit and send

Store received data

Test Result


Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data

Calibration Report Maintenance Report QC Report


Edit and send


Store received data


Edit and send


Store received data


Edit and send


Store received data



Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write

Patient Info


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Edit and send

send, if query is received

Store received data

HOST Mode:

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

7.5. Cardiac Reader The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the Cardiac Reader. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


TS Request


Test Selection


Result Request Result


Action Request Action Confirmation Inst Config Request Inst Configuration Inst Status Request Inst Status


Proc Message Request Proc Message


Subst Data Request Substance Data


Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

Store received data

Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data

Edit and send

Edit and send

Send confirmation


Store received data Store received data

Send first DB entry if available Edit and send

Edit and send


DB write

Edit and send


answer requests

Store received data Send first DB entry if available

Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data Send first DB entry if available

Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data Send DB entry if available


Edit and send



Send out of Record-Editor

TS Request


Test Selection


Result Request Result


Edit and send

Action Request Action Confirmation Inst Config Request Inst Configuration Inst Status Request Inst Status


Edit and send


Edit and send


Edit and send


Edit and send

Proc Message Request Proc Message


Subst Data Request Substance Data


Edit and send


Edit and send

Store received data

HOST Mode: Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write

Edit and send

Store received data Edit and send

Send confirmation Store received data


Edit and send

Store received data

Store received data Edit and send


Store received data

Store received data

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

7.6. ELECSYS 2010 The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the ELECSYS 2010 analyzer. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. (mm) (mr) (sr)

each selected DB entry is sent in a separate message each selected DB entry is sent in a separate record within one message if more than one entry is selected only the first will be sent

INSTrument Mode: Messages


Record Editor (Requests)

Calibration Result Calibration Parameters Control Parameters Diluent Parameters Instrument Config Instrument Status Log File


Record-Editor (Data) Edit and send


Edit and send

Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write Store received data Store received data


Store received data


Store received data


Edit and send

Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (lf)


Edit and send


Edit and send

Processing Message Request Cancel Sample Status


Edit and send

Select DB and send (sr)


Edit and send

Service Data


Edit and send

Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (sr)

Substance Data Test Application


Test Conditions


Edit and send

Test Results

P, O, R

Edit and send

Result Context Raw Result


Test Selection

Q, P, O

Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (mr) Select DB and send (mr)

send 1. entry of DB on request send 1. entry of DB on request send on request with date and category check

Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

send 1. entry of DB on request send 1. entry of DB on request

Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

send 1. Entry or all of DB on request

Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

edit and send TS Requests

Select Request DB and send (mm)

• •

store received TS data create no. of requests

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

HOST Mode: Messages


Calibration Result Calibration Parameters Control Parameters Diluent Parameters Instrument Config Instrument Status Log File Processing Message Request Cancel Sample Status Service Data


Substance Data Test Application Test Conditions Test Results Result Context Raw Result'


Test Selection

Q, P, O

Record Editor (Requests)

Record-Editor (Data)

DB read

DB write Store received data


Edit and send request

Edit and send

Store received data


Edit and send request

Edit and send

Store received data


Edit and send request


Edit and send request


Edit and send request

Store received data


Edit and send request

Store received data Store received data


Store received data Edit and send

Store received data

Edit and send request Edit and send request Edit and send request

Store received data Store received data

Edit and send request Edit and send request Edit and send request

Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

Edit and send

Edit and send

• •

select DB and send (mm) send on request, if available, or default TS if enabled

• •

store received request create no. of TS

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

7.7. ELECSYS 1010 The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the ELECSYS 1010 analyzer. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. (mm) (mr) (sr)

each selected DB entry is sent in a separate message each selected DB entry is sent in a separate record within one message if more than one entry is selected only the first will be sent

INSTrument Mode: Messages


Calibration Parameters Control Parameters Diluent Parameters Instrument Config Instrument Status Log File


Record Editor (Requests)

Record-Editor (Data) Edit and send

Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write Store received data


Store received data


Store received data


Edit and send


Edit and send


Edit and send

Processing Message Service Data


Edit and send


Edit and send

Substance Data Test Application


Test Conditions


Edit and send

Test Results

P, O, R

Edit and send

Result Context Raw Result


Edit and send Edit and send

Test Selection

Q, P, O

edit and send TS Requests

Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (lf) Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (sr) Select DB and send (mr) Select DB and send (mr)

send 1. entry of DB on request send 1. entry of DB on request send on request with date and category check

Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

send 1. entry of DB on request

Store received data Store received data Store received data

send 1. Entry or all of DB on request

Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

Select Request DB and send (mm)

• •

store received TS data create no. of requests

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

HOST Mode: Messages


Record Editor (Requests)

Record-Editor (Data)

DB read

DB write

Calibration Parameters Control Parameters Diluent Parameters Instrument Config Instrument Status Log File Processing Message Service Data


Store received data


Store received data


Store received data


Edit and send request

Edit and send

Store received data


Edit and send request

Store received data


Edit and send request

Store received data Store received data


Edit and send request

Store received data

Substance Data Test Application Test Conditions Test Results Result Context Raw Result'


Edit and send request

Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

Test Selection

Q, P, O

Edit and send request Edit and send request

Edit and send

• •

select DB and send (mm) send on request, if available, or default TS if enabled

• •

store received request create no. of TS

7.8. LSM The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the LSM. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

Test Selection


TS Request


Edit and send

Edit and send

Test Results


Edit and send

Edit and send



Send out of DB

Test Selection


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

TS Request


Test Results


answer requests

DB write Store received data

HOST Mode: answer requests

DB write

Store received data

Edit and send Send all TS if ALL request

Store received data

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

7.9. Modular CC The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the Modular analyzer. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write

Realtime TS Request Routine Test Selection Result Request


Routine Result Photo Calib Result ISE Calib Result Absorbance Result


Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data


Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data


Edit and send Edit and send

Edit and send Edit and send

Store received data Store received data



Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

Realtime TS Request Routine Test Selection Result Request Routine Result Photo Calib Result ISE Calib Result Absorbance Result


Edit and send


Store received data


Send result if available

Store received data

HOST Mode:


Edit and send


Edit and send

answer requests

DB write

Send TS if available

Store received data

Edit, send and create Store received data


Store received data


Store received data Store received data

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Operators Manual

7.10. Modular Hybrid The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the Hybrid Modular analyzer. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Realtime TS Request Routine Test Selection Result Request


Routine Result Photo Calib Result ISE Calib Result E Calib Result CC Abs. Result


Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data


Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data

M M P,O,C,R,C, M P,O,C,R,C, M

Edit and send Edit and send Edit and send

Edit and send Edit and send Edit and send

Store received data Store received data Store received data

Edit and send

Edit and send

Store received data



Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

Realtime TS Request Routine Test Selection Result Request Routine Result Photo Calib Result ISE Calib Result E Calib Result CC Abs. Result


E Absorbance Result

Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write

Edit and send


Store received data


Send result if available

Store received data

HOST Mode:

E Absorbance Result


Edit and send


Edit and send

answer requests

DB write

Send TS if available

Store received data

Edit, send and create Store received data


Store received data

M M P,O,C,R,C, M P,O,C,R,C, M

Store received data Store received data Store received data Store received data

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Operators Manual

7.11. PSM The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the PSM. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

Test Selection


TS Request


Edit and send

Edit and send

Test Results


Edit and send

Edit and send



Send out of DB

Test Selection


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

TS Request


Test Results


answer requests

DB write Store received data

HOST Mode: answer requests

DB write

• • •

Store received data

Edit and send Send all TS if ALL request search sampleID search patientID, if sampleID is empty

Store received data

7.12. STA, STA-C, STA-R The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the STA analyzer. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB



Worklist Request Result


Edit and send

Edit and send


Edit and send

Edit and send



Send out of DB



Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Worklist Request Result


answer requests

DB write Store received data

HOST Mode:


answer requests

DB write

Send worklist if available

Store received data

Edit and send

Store received data

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ASTM Host Simulator Tool

Operators Manual

7.13. UriSys 2400 The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the UriSys analyzer. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages




Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

Send out of DB

Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

answer requests

DB write

answer requests

DB write

Edit and send

HOST Mode: Messages




Store received data

7.14. VS II The table on the following pages lists the data flow options of the test program for the Aliquoter VS II. Depending on wether the program works as Host or Instrument simulator it is shown which messages can be generated, modified and send with which option. INSTrument Mode: Messages


Send out of Record-Editor

Send out of DB

Test Selection


TS Request


Edit and send

Edit and send

Sort List


Edit and send

Edit and send



Send out of DB

Test Selection


Send out of Record-Editor Edit and send

TS Request Sort List


answer requests

DB write Store received data

HOST Mode: answer requests

DB write

Send TS if available

Store received data Store received data

Edit and send

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