Astm E935

March 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ihsmdnbtmon0 H=58 ∓ 25

Utbnibri Yhst Khtgois for

Zhrforkbneh of Zhrkbnhnt Khtbl Sbmlmnd Uysthks bni Sbmls for Cumlimnds2 Ygms stbnibri ms mssuhi unihr tgh flxhi ihsmdnbtmon H=581 tgh nukchr mkkhimbthly followmnd tgh ihsmdnbtmon mnimebths tgh yhbr of  ormdmnbl bioptmon or, mn tgh ebsh of rhvms ormdmnbl rhvmsmon, mon, tgh yhbr of lbst rhvmsmon. rhvmsmon. B nukchr mn pbrhn pbrhntghsh tghshss mnimebths tgh yhbr of lbst rhbppr rhbpprovbl. ovbl. B suphrsermpt hpsmlon (¹) mnimebths bn himtormbl egbndh smneh tgh lbst rhvmsmon or rhbpprovbl.

2. Ueo Ueoph ph

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2.6 Yghsh thst khtgois khtgois brh lmkmthi to tgh bpplmebtmon of tgh lobis ihsermchi ghrhmn ghrhmn..

2.2 Yghsh thst khtgois eovhr eovhr proehiurhs proehiurhs to ch followhi mn thstmnd thst mnd tgh phr phrfor forkbn kbneh eh of phr phrkbn kbnhnt hnt khtb khtbll rbm rbmlmn lmnd d sys systhk thkss (dubri, (dubr i, stbmr stbmr,, bni rbkp-r rbkp-rbml bml systhks systhks), ), mnelui mneluimnd mnd eokpo eokponhnts nhnts sueg bs rbmls (gbni, wbll, drbc, bni trbnsfhr rbmls) bni swmnd dbths or otghr forks of rhqumrhi dubrirbml ophnmnd prothetmon, mnstbll mns tbllhi hi mn bni for bdr bdrmeu meultu lturbl rbl,, bss bsshkc hkcly ly,, eok eokkhr khrembl embl,, hiuebtmonbl, hiuebtm onbl, mnius mniustrmbl, trmbl, mnstmtu mnstmtutmonbl, tmonbl, rherhb rherhbtmonbl, tmonbl, bni rhsmih rhsmihnntmbl cumlimnds bni otghr strueturhs, sueg bs towhrs or hlhvbthi plbtforks.

2.4 Ugo Ugouli uli eok eokput putbtmo btmons ns kba kbahh mt pos possmc smclh lh to pro provmi vmihh tgh nhhihi mnforkbtmon, thstmnd ebn ch hkployhi for vhrmflebtmon. 2.7 Ygh vbluhs stbthi mn mneg-pouni mneg-pouni unmts unmts brh to ch rhdbri rhdbrihi hi bs stbnibri. Ygh vbluhs dmvhn mn pbrhntghshs brh kbtghkbtmebl eonvhrsmons to UM unmts tgbt brh provmihi for mnforkbtmon only bni brh not eonsmihrhi stbnibri. 2.=   Ygms stbnibr stbnibri i ioh iohss not purport purport to bii biirh rhss ss bll of tgh sbfh sb fhty ty eo eone nehrn hrns, s, mf bn bnyy, bs bsso soem embt bthi hi wm wmtg tg mts us ush. h. Mt ms tg tghh rhsponsmcmlmty of tgh ushr of tgms stbnibri to hstbclmsg bppro prmbth sbfhty bni ghbltg prbetmehs bni ihthrkmnh tgh bpplmebcmlmty of rhdulbtory lmkmtbtmons prmor to ush. For sphemfle gbzbri stbthkhnts, stbthkhn ts, shh shh 22.3  22.3..

2.3 Ygh Yghsh sh thst khtgois khtgois brh bpplmebcl bpplmebclhh to sue sueg g rbm rbmlmn lmnd d sys sys-thks bni rbmls gbvmnd kb`or strueturbl eokponhnts kbih of  khtbl, wmtg tghmr sheonibry eokponhnts, mneluimnd swmnd dbths or otghr forks of dubrirbml prothetmon, kbih of khtbl or otghr kbthrmbls sueg bs wooi, plbstme, bni dlbss.

3. Shfhrhne Shfhrhnehi hi Ioeukhnts

2.5 Ygh Yghsh sh thst khtgois khtgois ebn ch ush ushi i to ihthrkmnh ihthrkmnh wghtghr wghtghr 3 phrk ph rkbn bnhn hntt kht khtbl bl rb rbmlm mlmnd nd sy systh sthks ks bn bni i rb rbmls mls,, mneluimnd eokpon eok ponhnt hnts, s, eok eokply ply wmtg rhq rhqumr umrhkhn hkhnts ts of tgh bpp bpplmeb lmebclh clh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmons, sueg bs cumlimnd eoihs, or phrforkbneh stbnibris sueg bs tgosh ihsermchi mn Uphemflebtmon  H=78  H=78,, BNUM/BUUH B2369.2, bni OUGB 2=2:.35.

3.2   BUYK Utbnibris05 H9   Zrbetmehs for Foreh Vhrmflebtmon of Yhstmnd Kbegmnhs H9 H848   Zrbetmeh for Shportmnd Ibtb frok Utrueturbl Yhsts of  H848 Cumlimnd Eonstruetmons, Hlhkhnts, Eonnhetmons, bni Bsshkclmhs H652   Yhrkmnolody of Cumlimnd Eonstruetmons H652 H=78  Uph H=78 Uphemfl emflebtm ebtmon on for Zhr Zhrkbn kbnhnt hnt Khtb Khtbll Sbml Sbmlmnd mnd Uys Uysthks thks bni Sbmls for Cumlimnds H2972 Yhrkmnolody H2972  Yhrkmnolody of Sbmlmnd Uysthks bni Sbmls for Cumlimnds 3.3   Otghr Utbnibris0 Utbnibris0 BNUM/BUUH B2369.2  B2369.2   Ubfhty Shqumr Shqumrhkhnts hkhnts for Torapl oraplbeh beh 9 Tblamnd/Toramnd Uurfbehs bni Yghmr Beehss OUGB 2=2: 2=2:.35 .35 Dubrimnd  Dubrimnd ffioor bni wbll ophnmnds bni golhs 8

2.9 Uph Uphemfle emfleblly blly,, tgh tghsh sh thst kht khtgoi goiss eov eovhr hr pro proehi ehiurh urhss for ihthrkmnmnd tgh stbtme strhndtg of khtbl rbmlmnd systhks, rbmls bni eok eokpon ponhnt hntss bs str struet ueturb urbll hlhk hlhkhnt hntss wgh wghn n mns mnstbll tbllhi hi bni fbsthnh fbs thnhi i to eon eonerh erhth, th, kbs kbsonr onry y, woo wooi, i, bni kht khtbl, bl, bs whl whlll bs rhlbthi proiuets. 2.8 No eonsmihrbtmon eonsmihrbtmon ms dmvhn mn tghsh thst khtgois to bny possmc pos smclh lh iht ihthrm hrmorb orbtmo tmon n of khtb khtbll rbm rbmlmnd lmnd sys systhks thks,, rbm rbmls, ls, bni eonnhetmons, rhsultmnd frok bivhrsh hnvmronkhntbl eonimtmons. Ygh phrforkbneh of sphembl thsts eovhrmnd tgms bsphet kby ch ihsmrbclh.

5. Yhrkmnolody 5.2   Ihflnmtmons’ For For ihflnmtmons of thrks ushi mn tghsh thst khtgois, shh Yhrkmnolody H652 Yhrkmnolody  H652 bni  bni Yhrkmnolody  H2972  H2972..

2 Yghsh thst khtgois brh unihr tgh `urmsimetmon of BUYK Eokkmtthh   H:6   on Zhrforkbneh of Cumlimnds bni brh tgh imrhet rhsponsmcmlmty of Uuceokkmtthh  H:6.86 on Zhrforkbneh of Sbmlmnd Uysthks bni Dlbss for Floors bni Utbmrs. Eurrhn Eur rhntt him himtmo tmon n bpp bpprov rovhi hi Bpr Bprml ml 2, 3:2 3:25. 5. Zuc Zuclms lmsghi ghi Bpr Bprml ml 3:2 3:25. 5. Orm Ormdmn dmnbll blly y bpprovhi mn 2=75. Lbst prhvmous himtmon bpprovhi mn 3::6 bs H=58-::(3::6). IOM0 2:.283:/H:=58-25. 3 “Fmhli Yhstmnd Ihvmeh for Sbmlmnd Uysthks bni Sbmls,‛ @ournbl of Yh Yhstmnd stmnd bni   Hvblubtmon, Vol. 26, No. 6, MI @YH22349@, Onlmnh, Bvbmlbclh0 gttp0//www.bstk.ord,

5 For rhfhrhnehi BUYK stbnibris, vmsmt tgh BUYK whcsmth, www.bstk.ord, or eontbet BUYK Eustokhr Uhrvmeh bt shrvmehJbstk.ord. For  Bnnubl Cooa of BUYK  Utbnibris volukh mnforkbtmon, rhfhr to tgh stbnibri”s Ioeukhnt Uukkbry pbdh on tgh BUYK whcsmth. 9 Bvbmlbclh frok Bkhrmebn Uoemhty of Ubfhty Hndmnhhrs (BUUH), 27:: H. Obaton Ut., Ihs Zlbmnhs, ML 6::27, gttp0//www.bssh.ord. 8 Bvbmlbclh frok Oeeupbtmonbl Ubfhty bni Ghbltg Bikmnmstrbtmon (OUGB), 3::

:2 Novhkc Novhkchr hr 2=77.

Eonstmtutmon Bvh., Tbsgmndton, IE 3:32:, gttp0//www.osgb.dov/lbw-rhds.gtkl.

Eopyrmdgt © BUYK Mnthrnbtmonbl, 2:: Cbrr Gbrcor Irmvh, ZO Cox E4::, Thst Eonsgogoeahn, ZB 2=937-3=8=. Xnmthi Utbths Eopyrmdgt BUYK Mnthrnbtmonbl Zrovmihi cy MGU unihr lmehnsh wmtg BUYK No rhproiuetmon or nhtworamnd phrkmtthi wmtgout lmehnsh frok MGU

2 Not for Shsblh

                    j   ,   ,         j   ,         j   ,   ,         j   ,   ,         j             j             j         j         j         j   ,   ,   ,   ,         j         j         j   ,   ,         j         -


H=58 ∓ 25 5.3  Ihflnmtmons of Yhrks Uphemfle to Ygms Utbnibri0 5.3.2   fbmlurh’ tgh t gh lo loss ss of lo lobi bi eb ebrr rrym ymnd nd eb ebpb pbemt emty y or tg tghh mnbcmlmty to khht tgh rhqumrhi lobi ebrrymnd ebpbemty sphemflhi mn tgh bpp bpplmeb lmebclh clh phr phrfor forkbn kbneh eh stb stbnib nibri, ri, ihp ihphni hnimnd mnd on tgh purposh of tgh thst. 5.3.3   dubrirbml dubrirbml ophnm ophnmnd nd pr prothetmo othetmon’  n’ swm swmnd nd dbt dbths hs or otg otghr hr fork of cbrrmhr to prhvhnt unmnthnihi hdrhss or fbll tgroudg dubrirbml ophnmnds. 9. Umdn Umdnmflebn mflebneh eh bni Xsh 9.2 Yghsh thst khtgois brh mnthnihi to provmih mnforkbtmon mnforkbtmon frok fro k wgm wgmeg eg bpp bpplmeb lmebclh clh ihs ihsmdn mdn bni phr phrfor forkbn kbneh eh ibtb ebn ch ihrmvhi for tgh phrforkbneh of khtbl rbmlmnd systhks bni rbmls mnstb mn stbllh llhi i bn bni i fb fbsth sthnh nhi i to str strue uetu turb rbll hl hlhk hkhn hnts ts of eo eone nerh rhth th,, kbsonry, wooi, bni khtbl bs whll bs rhlbthi proiuets. 9.3 Yghsh thst khtgois khtgois kby ch ushi to ihthrkmnh wghtghr wghtghr rbmlmnd sys rbmlmnd systhks thks eok eokply ply wmt wmtg g rhq rhqumr umrhkh hkhnts nts of tgh bpp bpplmeb lmebclh clh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmons.

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9.5 Ygh Yghsh sh ths thstt khtg khtgois ois brh mnthnihi mnthnihi for ush mn tgh cuymnd cuymnd bni shll shllmnd mnd of rbml rbmlmnd mnd sys systhk thkss bni eok eokpon ponhnt hntss bee beeori orimnd mnd to phrforkbneh phrfo rkbneh sphemflebtmons, sphemflebtmons, for ush mn proi proiuet uet ihvhlo ihvhlopkhnt pkhnt rhshbr rhs hbreg, eg, for ush mn qub qublmty lmty bss bssurb urbneh neh bni kbn kbnufb ufbetu eturmn rmnd d proehss eontrol, for ush mn ihvhlopmnd phrforkbneh stbnibris, bni for ush mn flhli bni lbcorbtory eokplmbneh ihthrkmnbtmon. Yypmebl ffioor-kounthi rbmlmnds brh sgown mn  Fmd. 2. 2. j    ,   , j  j  j    ,   ,   ,   , j  j  j  j  j  j    ,   , j    ,   , j    , j    ,   , j  -

8. Bppbr Bppbrbtus btus 8.2   Yhstmnd Bny y ths thstmn tmnd d kbe kbegmn gmnhh or lob lobimn imnd d Yhstmnd Kbegmnh’ Bn ihvmeh, ebpbclh of mkposmnd forehs beeurbth to wmtgmn   62 % wghn eblmcrbthi mn beeoribneh wmtg Zrbetmehs   H9 H9,, ms sumtbclh bni kby ch ushi provmihi provmihi tgh rhqumr rhqumrhkhnts hkhnts of sphemflhi rbth of  lobi lo bimn mnd d br brhh kh kht. t. Yg Yghh ths thstm tmnd nd ih ihvm vmeh eh sg sgbl blll ch of su sufffme memhn mhntt ebpbemt ebp bemty y to prh prhvhn vhntt ymh ymhlim limnd nd of mts vbr vbrmou mouss eok eokpon ponhnt hntss bni sgbll mnsurh tgbt tgh bpplmh bpplmhi i lobi rhkbmn rhkbmnss hsshntmblly pbrbllhl to tgh rhlhvbnt bxms of tgh bsshkcly iurmnd thstmnd.

FMD. 2 Front Vmhws Vmhws of Uhetmons of Ygrhh Yypmebl Yypmebl Sbmlmnd Uysthks Uysthks

pbrty, thstmnd bdhney, bni rhdulbtory coiy mnvolvhi or tgosh tgbt brh sphemflhi cy, or otghrwmsh rhqumrhi to provmih mnforkbtmon rhlbthi to, bpplmebclh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmons.

8.3   Yhst Uysthk’ Bttbeg Bttbeg tgh lobimnd ihvmeh to tgh bsshkcly cy khbns of pmns or b swmvhl eonnhetor to prhvhnt tgh imrhet trbnsfhr of bny ffihxurbl forehs tgroudg tgh eonnhetmon. Lobi eontbet pomnts bdbmnst tgh thst sphemkhn sgbll ch b kbxmkuk wmitg wmi tg of 3 mn mn.. (8 (82 2 kk kk), ), un unlhs lhsss ot otgh ghrw rwms mshh sp sphe hemflh mflhi i cy tg tghh bpplmebclh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmon or rhqumrhi for tgh purposh of tgh thst bni bpplmhi sueg tgbt tgh ehnthrlmnh of tgh lobi eontbet pomnt ms loebthi bt tgh posmtmon mnimebthi cy tgh thst khtgoi.

4. Mnstb Mnstbllbt llbtmon mon 4.2 Mnstbl Mnstblll tgh rbmlmnd systhk, rbml or eokponhnt eokponhnt chmnd thsthi mn beeori beeoribneh bneh wmtg tgh kbnufbeturhr”s kbnufbeturhr”s or ihsmd ihsmdnhr”s nhr”s sphemflebtmons. 7. Ubkpl Ubkplmnd mnd 7.2 B sbkplmnd sbkplmnd plbn bpproprmbth bpproprmbth for tgh purposhs purposhs of tgh thst sgbll ch ushi. 7.2. 7. 2.2 2 Mf b sb sbkp kplmn lmnd d pl plbn bn ms sp sphem hemflh flhi i cy tg tghh bp bppl plme mebc bclh lh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmon, tgbt plbn sgbll ch ushi for eokplmbneh thstmnd.

8.5   Ihffihetmon Khbsurhkhnts’ Xnlhss Xnlhss otghrwmsh sphemflh sphemflhi i cy tgh bpplmebclh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmon, imbl dbdhs, gbvmnd b skbllhst imvmsmon of not korh tgbn :.:2 mn. (:.38 kk), or bny sumtbclh khbsurhkhnt ihvmehs or eblmcrbthi shnsors of bt lhbst eokpbrbclh beeurbey bni shnsmtmvmty sgbll ch ushi to khbsurh tgh gormzontbl imsplbehkhnts of tgh top of tgh rbmlmnd systhk or rbml rhlbtmvh to mts ormdmnbl loebtmon bt hbeg lobimnd pomnt prmor to lobi bpplmebtmon. Yghsh ihvmehs sgbll gbvh suffmemhnt khbsurhkhnt ebpbcmlmty to mnimebth tgh imsplbehkhnt tgroudgout tgh thst rbndh.

=. Yhst Uphemkhns =.2   Uphemkhn Ihflnmtmon’ Ygh Ygh dubri bni gbnirbml thst sphemkhn kh n sg sgbl blll ch ih ihfln flnhi hi bs tw two o vh vhrt rtme mebl bl po post stss bt kb kbxm xmku kuk k ehnthr-to-ehnthr spbemnd, bni bll eokponhnts, bni bll eonnhetmons tmo ns ush ushi i mn tgh dub dubri ri bni gbnirbml gbnirbml sys systhk, thk, mneluimnd mneluimnd tgh vhrtmebl post cbshs. =.2.2 =.2 .2 B dub dubrir rirbml bml oph ophnmn nmnd d pro prothet thetmon mon sph sphemkh emkhn n sue sueg g bs b swmnd dbth sgbll ch ihflnhi bs b smndlh hxbkplh of tgh dubrirbml

6. Yhst Uhlhetmon 6.2 Ygh only thsts tgbt nhhi nhhi to ch phrforkhi brh tgosh tgosh tgbt brh nhehssbry to provmih mnforkbtmon rhqumrhi cy tgh rhquhstmnd Eopyrmdgt BUYK Mnthrnbtmonbl Zrovmihi cy MGU unihr lmehnsh wmtg BUYK No rhproiuetmon or nhtworamnd phrkmtthi wmtgout lmehnsh frok MGU

3 Not for Shsblh


H=58 ∓ 25 ophnmnd prothetmon, bt kbxmkuk spbn mf bi`ustbclh, bll eonnhetmons tmo ns us ushi hi mn btt bttbe begk gkhn hntt to tg tghh du dubr brir irbml bml sy syst sthk hk,, tg tghh tw two o vhrtmebl posts tgbt ihflnh tgh ophnmnd, bni suffmemhnt mnstbllbtmon of tgh dubrirbml systhk to phrkmt mnstbllbtmon of tgh dubrirbml ophnmnd ophnmn d proth prothetmon etmon beeori beeorimnd mnd to tgh kbnuf kbnufbeturhr” beturhr”ss mnstru mnstrueetmons wmtg bihqubth strueturbl support cy tgh dubrirbml systhk. Mf tg tghh pu purp rpos oshh of tg tghh ths thstt ms to ih ihthr thrkmn kmnhh eo eokp kplmb lmbne nehh or phrforkbneh bs mnstbllhi mn b sphemfle flhli hxbkplh, tgh spbn of  tgh dbth sgouli ch bs mn tgh flhli mnstbllbtmon.

pomnt of tgh ehnthr lmnhs. Sheori ihffihetmon of tgh mn-flll bt tgh pomnt of kbxmkuk ihffihetmon of tgh mn-flll.

=.3   Uphemkhn Bsshkcly’ Yhst Yhst sphemkhns kby ch bsshkclhi usmnd usmn d tg tghh be betu tubl bl po post st cb cbsh sh bn bneg egor orss to ch mn mnst stbl bllh lhi i to b rhprhshntbtmvh sucstrbth of tgh eokplhthi mnstbllbtmon, or thst sphemkhns kby ch bsshkclhi usmnd post cbsh bnegors eonsmsthnt wmtg tgh smzh bni loebtmon of bnegors to ch mnstbllhi mn tgh eokplhthi mnstbllbtmon, eonnhethi to b rmdmi support, mnstbllhi beeorim beeo rimnd nd to tgh kbn kbnufb ufbetu eturhr” rhr”ss rhe rheokk okkhni hnibtmo btmons ns bni bs sphemflhi cy tgh bpplmebclh phrforkbneh stbnibri or bs rhqumrhi for tgh purposhs of tgh thst. Mf bighsmvh bnegors brh ushi, eurh bighsmvh bighsm vh beeori beeorimnd mnd to tgh kbnuf kbnufbeturh beturhr”s r”s rheokkhnibtmons rheokkhnibtmons to hnsurh rhlmbclh strhndtg iurmnd thstmnd. Ygh thst rhsults sgbll stbth tgh kmnmkuk rhqumrhi hidh imstbneh to hnsurh bihqubth phrforkbneh.

hbeg thst. 2:.8.2   Rub Rubrth rthrr Zom Zomnt nt Sul Sulh’  h’ Fo Forr pu purp rpos oshs hs of tg tgms ms th thst st,, qubrthr qub rthr-po -pomnt mnt lob lobimn imnd d sgb sgbll ll ch ihh ihhkhi khi to ch hqu hqumvb mvblhn lhntt to unmfork lobimnd cy ebleulbtmnd tgh hqumvblhnt chnimnd kokhnt dhnhrb dhn hrbthi thi mn b unm unmfor fork k lob lobi i seh sehnbr nbrmo mo usm usmnd nd tgh fol follow lowmnd mnd hqubtmon (shh Fmd. (shh  Fmd. 3)0 3)0

2:.8  Xnmfork Lobi Yhst’ Uuc`het Uuc`het tgh top rbml or otghr rbml of  tgh thst sphemkhn to tgh rhqumrhi kbxmkuk unmfork thst lobi bpplmhi vhrtmeblly bni gormzontblly, bs rhqumrhi cy tgh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmon. Shqumrhi vhrtmebl bni gormzontbl thst lobis sgbll ch bpplmhi shpbrbthly bni shquhntmblly, unlhss otghrwmsh rhqu rh qumr mrhi hi cy tg tghh ph phrf rfor orkb kbne nehh sp sphe hemfl mflebt ebtmo mon n or to kh khht ht tg tghh purposh of tgh thst. Sheori tgh ihffihetmon bt kmi-spbn iurmnd





(2 )

wghrh0 Z   ; Foreh (lc) bpplmhi bpplmhi bt hbeg qubrt qubrthr hr pomnt, pomnt, w   ; Xnmfo Xnmfork rk lobi (lc/ft (lc/ft), ),  L   ; Upb Upbn n (ft) (ft) chtwhhn chtwhhn tgh tgh two posts. posts. 2:.6   Eonehntrbthi Lobi Yhst’ Ygh Ygh top rbml or otghr suc`het rbml of tgh thst sphemkhn sgbll ch suc`hethi to tgh eonehntrbthi

=.5   Uphemkhn Hxbk bkpl plhs hs of ty typm pmeb ebll ffio ffioor or-Uphemkhn Ihsermp Ihsermptmon’  tmon’ Hx kounthi thst sphemkhns brh sgown mn  Fmd. 2  mn imbdrbkkbtme fork. Ygh sphemk sphemkhn hn mnstbllb mnstbllbtmon, tmon, mneluimnd tgh post spbemnd, sgbll ch tgh sbkh bs tgh betubl or bntmempbthi flhli mnstbllbtmon. B dubrirbml sphemkhn sgbll gbvh b kmnmkuk of tgrhh posts mf  tgms ms mn lmnh wmtg tgh betubl flhli mnstbllbtmon smkulbthi.

thst lobi bpplmh bpplmhi i vhrtme vhrtmeblly blly bni gormzo gormzontblly ntblly,, bs rhqum rhqumrhi rhi cy tgh phrforkbne phrfo rkbnehh sphemfl sphemflebtmon. ebtmon. Bpply rhqumrhi vhrtme vhrtmebl bl bni gormzontbl thst shpbrb shpbrbthly thly bni shquhntmblly, shquhntmblly, unlhss otghrwmsh otghrwmsh rhqumrhi qumrh i cy tgh phrforkbneh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmon sphemflebtmon or to khht tgh purposh of tgh thst. Ygh rhqumrhi eonehntrbthi eonehntrbthi thst lobi sgbll ch bpplmh bpplmhi i bt tgh followmnd tgrhh ermtmebl loebtmons0 rbml kmispbn chtwhhn posts, top rbml bi`behnt to b post (kbxmkuk 5 mn. frok post), top of b smndlh post. Yhst lobis brh to ch bpplmhi bni ihffihetmon rheorihi shquhntmblly, onh loebtmon bt b tmkh. Ygh lobi bpplmhi on tgh rbml bi`behnt to tgh post ebn ch bpplmhi to tgh opposmth post frok wgmeg tgh top-of-post thst wbs phrforkhi on. Mn tgh ebsh of swmnd dbths, mf tgh strueturh of tgh dbth rhqumrhs loebtmnd tgh thst lobi korh tgbn 5 mn. frok b post iuh to gmndh or lbteg eonstruetmon, tgh lobi sgouli ch loebthi bs elosh to tgh 5-mn. kbxmkuk imstbneh frok tgh post bs ms possmclh. Sheori tgh

2:. Zroehiur Zroehiurhh 2:.2  Uhlhetmon of Yhst Khtgois’ Ygh Ygh ushr kby shlhet onh or korh of tgh thst khtgois ihsermchi mn  2:.9  2:.9,,  2:.8  2:.8,, bni 2:.6 bni  2:.6,, bs ihthrkmnhi cy tgh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmon or tgh purposhs of  tgh thst. 2:.3  Uhquhneh of Yhst Khtgois’ Uphemkhns Uphemkhns thsthi for two or korh of tgh lobimnd eonimtmons sgbll ch suc`hethi flrst to tgh mn-flll lobi thst, followhi cy tgh unmfork lobi thst, bni lbst, tgh eonehntrbthi lobi thst, mn tgbt orihr unlhss sphemflhi otghrwmsh cy tgh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmon. 2:.5   Shplbe tghh th thst st ms Shplbehkh hkhnt nt of Fbm Fbmlhi lhi Eok Eokpon ponhnt hnts’  s’ Mf tg eoniue eon iuethi thi for rhs rhshbr hbreg, eg, ihs ihsmdn mdn or pro proiue iuett ihv ihvhlo hlopkh pkhnt nt purposhs, mf b eokponhnt(s) or eonnhetmon(s) fbmls mn bny of tgh thsts, ths ts, ths thstmn tmnd d kb kby y eo eont ntmn mnuh uh bf bfthr thr tg tghh fb fbmlh mlhi i eo eokp kpon onhn hntt or eonn eo nnhet hetmo mon n ms rh rhko kovh vhi i bn bni i rh rhpl plbe behi hi.. Yg Yghh fb fbmlu mlurh rh ku kust st ch rheorihi. Mf thstmnd ms eoniuethi for purposhs of ihthrkmnmnd eokp eo kplmb lmbne nehh wmt wmtg g b ph phrf rfor orkb kbne nehh st stbn bnib ibri ri or to ih ihthr thrkmn kmnhh phrforkbneh of tgh eokplhth rbmlmnd systhk or bny hlhkhnt of  tgh rbmlmnd systhk, tgh fbmlhi eokponhnt or eonnhetmon kby not ch rhplbehi. Ygh thst shrmhs eontmnuhs bs ihflnhi mn  2:.2  2:.2..

ihffihetmon bt tgh pomnt of bpplmebtmon of tgh lobi. 22. Lobi Bpplmebtmon Bpplmebtmon 22.2  Sbth of Lobimnd’ Ygh Ygh rbth of lobimn lobimnd d sgbll ch sueg tgbt tgh kbxmkuk sphemflhi lobi ms begmhvhi mn no lhss tgbn 2: s bni no korh tgbn 8 kmn. 22.3   Lobi Iurbtmon’ Kbmntbmn Kbmntbmn tgh kbxmkuk sphemflhi lobi forr 2 km fo kmn n ch chfo forh rh rh rhlhb lhbsmn smnd. d. (Tbrnmnd’ Zossmc smclh lh mn`u mn`ury ry to Tbrnmnd’Zos

2:.9   Mn-Fmll Lobi Yhst’ Ygh Ygh thst sphemkhn sgbll ch ebpbclh of sbtmsfbetormly rhsmstmnd tgh rhqumrhi thst lobi bpplmhi ovhr b 2 ft 3 (:.:=3=-k3) squbrh brhb norkbl to tgh mn-flll. Ygh thst lobi sgbll ch bpplmhi bt tgh mnthrshetmon of tgh gormzontbl bni vhrtmebl ehnthr ehn thr lmn lmnhs hs of tgh mnmn-flll flll,, unl unlhss hss sph sphemfl emflhi hi otg otghrw hrwmsh msh cy tgh phrforkbneh sphemflebtmon or tgh purposhs of tgh thst. Mf mt ms ihthrkmnhi tgbt bnotghr loebtmon wmll ymhli lhsshr rhsults, tgbt posmtmon sgouli ch ushi mnsthbi of tgh mnimebthi mnthrshetmon

FMD. 3 Ebleul Ebleulbtmnd btmnd tgh Hqumvb Hqumvblhnt lhnt Chnimnd Kokhnt Dhnhrbthi mn b Xnmfork Lobi Uehnbrmo (shh Hq (shh  Hq 2)


Eopyrmdgt BUYK Mnthrnbtmonbl Zrovmihi cy MGU unihr lmehnsh wmtg BUYK No rhproiuetmon or nhtworamnd phrkmtthi wmtgout lmehnsh frok MGU


5 Not for Shsblh


H=58 ∓ 25 phrsonnhl bni ibkbdh to tgh thst hqumpkhnt bni mnstrukhntbtmon tm on pr prmo morr to to,, iu iurm rmnd nd,, bn bni i bf bfth thrr lo lobi bi bp bppl plme mebt btmo mon n cy bn bny y unhxph unh xphethi ethi rhlh rhlhbsh bsh of pot pothntm hntmbl bl strb strbmn mn hnh hnhrd rdy y bee beeuku ukulbth lbthi i iurmnd iur mnd thst thstmnd mnd ebn oee oeeur ur bni kus kustt ch dmv dmvhn hn eon eonsmi smihrb hrbtmo tmon.) n.) (Tbrnmnd’ Mf thsts brh eoniuethi mn b strueturh bni not mn b Tbrnmnd’Mf thstmnd lbcorbtory, hxhremsh ebutmon bdbmnst unwbnthi ibkbdh to tgh cumlimnd, mts eokponhnts, bni mts flnmsg.)

25.3.3 Fbmlurh 25.3.3 Fbmlurh of hlh hlhkhn khnts ts or eok eokpon ponhnt hntss of tgh rbml rbmlmnd mnd systhk or rbml. 25.3.5 25. 3.5 Fbm Fbmlur lurhh of tgh eon eonnhe nhetmo tmons ns of tgh hlhk hlhkhnt hntss or eokponhnts of tgh rbmlmnd systhk or rbml. 25.3.9 25.3. 9 Fbmlur Fbmlurhh of tgh bnegorbdh. bnegorbdh. 29. Shpo Shport rt 29.2 Shpor Shportt tgh bpplme bpplmebclh bclh mnforkbtmon mnforkbtmon bs lmsthi mn Zrbetmeh H848 bni H848  bni sphemfleblly tgh followmnd mnforkbtmon0

23. Eble Ebleulbtm ulbtmon on 23.2  sphemflebtmon Lobi-Ihffihetmon Lobi-Ihffih etmon Ibtb’  Bs rh rhqu mrhi hi cyihthrkmnh tghh ph tg phrf rfor or-kbneh or otghr purposh ofqumr tgh thst, tgh betubl, betu bl, bi` bi`ust usthi, hi, bni bvh bvhrbd rbdhh lob lobi i ihffi ihffihetm hetmon on ibt ibtbb for hbeg lobimnd lobi mnd pom pomnt nt of hbe hbeg g of tgh ths thstt shr shrmhs mhs,, mne mnelui luimnd mnd rhs rhsmiu miubl bl ihffihetmon, ihffihetm on, mf rhqumr rhqumrhi. hi. 23.2.2 23.2. 2 Ebleulb Ebleulbth th tgh betubl ihffihetmon ihffihetmon (∆) bt b dmvhn lobi for bn mnimvmiubl thst mn tgh followmnd kbnnhr0 ∆ 8  B n 3  B



29.2.2 29.2. 2orShlhvbn Shlhvbnt t pgysme pgysmebl-str bl-strhndtg hndtg prophrt prophrtmhs mhs of tgh rbmlmnd rbmlmnd-systhk rbml kbthrmbls ushi for tgh thst sphemkhns. 29.2.3 29.2. 3 Ihsermp Ihsermptmon tmon of tgh proeh proehiurh iurh ushi for tgh bsshkc bsshkcly ly bni mnstbllbtmon of tgh rbmlmnd systhk or rbml. 29.2.5 29.2. 5 Ihsermp Ihsermptmon tmon of tgh bnego bnegorbdh rbdh systhk. 29.2 29 .2.9 .9 Bd Bdh, h, mn ibys, ibys, bt tmk tmkhh of thst of tg tghh rb rbmlm mlmnd nd or rb rbml ml bnegorbdh systhk, mf tgms mnforkbtmon ms of bny smdnmflebneh. 29.2.8 29.2. 8 Bdh, mn gours or ibys, smneh bsshkcly bni mnstbllbmnstbllbtmon of tgh rbmlmnd systhk or rbml, mf tgms mnforkbtmon ms of bny smdnmflebneh. 29.2.6 29. 2.6 Uphemhs Uphemhs,, ovh ovhn-i n-iry ry sph sphemfl emflee drb drbvmty vmty,, bni kom komstu sturh rh eonthnt bt tmkh of thst, mn phrehnt of tgh ovhn-iry whmdgt bni volukh, of bny wooi khkchrs or eokponhnts of tgh bnegorbdh systhk. 29.2.4 29.2. 4 Betubl rbth of lobimn lobimnd d chtwhhn mnerhkhnts. mnerhkhnts.

(3 )

wghrh0  Bn   ; tgh mnstr mnstrukh ukhnt nt rhbimn rhbimnd d bt b dmvhn lobi, lobi, bni bni nmtmbl mnstru mnstrukhnt khnt rhbimn rhbimnd. d.  B2   ; tgh mmnmtmbl 23.2.3 Mf rhqumrhi, 23.2.3 rhqumrhi, octbmn tgh bi`usthi ihffihetmon ihffihetmon cy plottmnd tgh betubl ihffihetmon vhrsus tgh bpplmhi lobi bni hxtrbpolbtmnd b skootg eurvh tgroudg tgh ibtb pomnts cbea to zhro lobi. Ygh bi`usthi ihffihetmon bt kbxmkuk lobi or bny otghr thst lobi ms ocshrvhi frok tgh plot rhlbtmvh to tgh zhro lobi. 23.2.5 23.2. 5 Octbmn tgh bvhrbdh bi`usthi bi`usthi ihffihetmon bt kbxmkuk lobi or bny otghr thst lobi for hbeg of tgh thst shrmhs bs tgh brmtgkhtme brmtgkh tme khbn of tgh bppro bpproprmbth prmbth mnimvmiubl mnimvmiubl ihffihetm ihffihetmon on ihthr ihthr-kmnbtmons bt b dmvhn lobi mn b dmvhn shrmhs.

29.3  Shportmnd of Fbmlurh’ Shport tgh ihffihetmon bt fbmlurh bni fbmlurh koihs bs ihsermchi mn Uhetmon  25  25,,   bni sphemfleblly tgh followmnd mnforkbtmon0 29.3.2 29.3. 2 Ygh bpplmebclh phrforkbneh phrforkbneh stbnibri, stbnibri, mf bny bny.. 29.3.3 29. 3.3 B ihsermptmo ihsermptmon n of bny ihf ihfork orkbtmo btmon n or crh crhbab babdh dh tgb tgbtt ebus eb ushs hs b sp sphe hemkh mkhn n to fb fbml ml to khh khhtt tg tghh rh rhqu qumr mrhkh hkhnt ntss of tg tghh bpplmebclh phrforkbneh stbnibri. 29.3.5 29.3. 5 B ihsermptmon ihsermptmon of bll fbetors bni bf bffhethi fhethi eokponhnts eokponhnts tgbt eontrmcuthi to fbmlurh. 29.3 29 .3.9 .9 B ih ihse serm rmpt ptmo mon n of bn bny y eo eoni nimtm mtmon on tg tgbt bt rh rhni nihr hrss bn bny y eokponhnt eokpo nhnt of tgh dubri dubrirbml rbml systhk systhk,, mnelui mneluimnd mnd bny dubri dubrirbml rbml ophnmnd prothetmon, unbclh to funetmon bs mnthnihi.

23.3   Shqumrhi Yhst-Lobi bni Kbxmkuk-Lobi Ibtb’ Mf M f rhqumrhi bni unlhss sphemflhi otghrwmsh mn tgh bpplmebclh phrforkbneh stbnibri, ihthrkmnh tgh bvhrbdh rhqumrhi thst lobi bni kbxmkuk lobi for dmvhn bsshkcly bs tgh brmtgkhtme khbn of  tgh bpproprmbth thst bni kbxmkuk lobis for hbeg of tgh thst shrmhs ihphnimnd on tgh thst rhqumrhkhnts.

28. Zrh Zrhemsm emsmon on bni Cmbs

25. Fbml Fbmlurh urh Bnblysms Bnblysms

28.2 No stbthkhnt stbthkhnt ms kbih on tgh prhemsmon or on tgh cmbs of 

25.2   Ihffihetm Ihffihetmon on bni Lob Lobi i bt Fbm Fbmlur lurh’  h’ Ihth Ihthrkm rkmnh nh tgh rhqumrhi thst lobi bni kbxmkuk thst lobi bni tgh eorrhsponimnd ihffihetmon for hbeg bsshkcly or eokponhnt thsthi, ihphnimnd on tgh thst rhqumrhkhnts.

tghsh thst khtgois smneh no thst ibtbkhtgois brh bvbmlbclh bt tgms tmkh tgbt brh cbshi on tgh ush of tgh ihsermchi.

25.3   Fbmlurh Ihthrkm rkmnh nh bni ihsermch ihsermch tgh typ typhh of  Fbmlurh Koihs’ Ihth fbmlurh bs follows0 25.3.2 25.3. 2 Fbmlur Fbmlurhh of tgh totbl rbmlmnd systhk or rbml.

26.2 cumli cumlimnd mnd eokponhnts1 eokponhnts1 dbths1 ophnmnd prothetmon1 prothetmon1 rbmlmnd systhks (khtbl)1 rbmls (khtbl)1 thst khtgois1 tgrust rhsmstbneh

26. Ahyw Ahyworis oris

BUYK Mnthrnbtmonbl Mnthrnbtmonbl tbahs no posmtm posmtmon on rhsphetmnd tgh vblmim vblmimty ty of bny pbthnt rmdgts bsshrt bsshrthi hi mn eonnhe eonnhetmon tmon wmtg bny mthk khntmo khntmonhi  nhi  mn tgms stbnibri. Xshrs of tgms stbnibri brh hxprhssly bivmshi tgbt ihthrkmnbtmon of tgh vblmimty of bny sueg pbthnt rmdgts, bni tgh rmsa  of mnfrmndhkhnt of sueg rmdgts, brh hntmrhly tghmr own rhsponsmcmlmty. j    ,   , j  j  j    ,   ,   ,   , j  j  j  j  j  j    ,   , j    ,   , j    , j    ,   , j  -

Ygms stbnibri ms suc`het to rhvmsmon bt bny tmkh cy tgh rhsponsmclh thegnmebl eokkmtthh bni kust ch rhvmhwhi hvhry flvh yhbrs bni  mf not rhvmshi, hmtghr rhbpprovhi or wmtgirbwn. ]our eokkhnts brh mnvmthi hmtghr for rhvmsmon of tgms stbnibri or for biimtmonbl stbnibris  bni sgouli ch biirhsshi to BUYK Mnthrnbtmonbl Ghbiqubrthrs. ]our eokkhnts wmll rhehmvh ebrhful eonsmihrbtmon bt b khhtmnd of tgh  rhsponsmclh rhspon smclh thegnmebl thegnmebl eokkmtthh, wgmeg you kby btthni. Mf you fhhl tgbt your eokkhnts gbvh not rhehmv rhehmvhi hi b fbmr ghbrmnd you sgouli  kbah your vmhws anown to tgh BUYK Eokkmtthh on Utbnibris, bt tgh biirhss sgown chlow. Ygms stbnibri ms eopyrmdgthi cy BUYK Mnthrnbtmonbl, 2:: Cbrr Gbrcor Irmvh, ZO Cox E4::, Thst Eonsgogoeahn, ZB 2=937-3=8=, Xnmthi Utbths. Mnimvmiubl rhprmnts (smndlh or kultmplh eopmhs) of tgms stbnibri kby ch octbmnhi cy eontbetmnd BUYK bt tgh bcovh  biirhss biir hss or bt 62:62:-753753-=878 =878 (pgo (pgonh), nh), 62:62:-753753-=888 =888 (fbx (fbx), ), or shrv shrvmehJ mehJbstk bstk.ord .ord (h-k (h-kbml) bml)11 or tgro tgroudg udg tgh BUYK whcs whcsmth  mth  (www.bstk. (www .bstk.ord). ord). Zhrkmssmon Zhrkmssmon rmdgts to pgotoeopy tgh stbnib stbnibri ri kby blso ch sheurh sheurhi i frok tgh BUYK whcsmt whcsmth h (www (www.bstk. .bstk.ord/  ord/  EOZ]SMDGY/).

Eopyrmdgt BUYK Mnthrnbtmonbl Zrovmihi cy MGU unihr lmehnsh wmtg BUYK No rhproiuetmon or nhtworamnd phrkmtthi wmtgout lmehnsh frok MGU

9 Not for Shsblh


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