Astm e 11-17

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.


Designation: E11 − 17

Standard Specification for

Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation E11; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption adopt ion or, in the case of revis revision, ion, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses parentheses indicates indicates the year of last reapproval. reapproval. A super superscrip scriptt ´

epsilon ( ) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Sco Scope* pe*

C430  Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the C430 Test 45-µm (No. 325) Sieve E161 Specifica E161  Specification tion for Precis Precision ion Electro Electroforme formed d Sieves E323  Specifi E323 Specification cation for Perfo Perforatedrated-Plate Plate Sieves for Testing Purposes E1638   Termino E1638 erminology logy Relating to Sieves Sieves,, Sievin Sieving g Metho Methods, ds, and Screening Media E2016   Specification for Industrial Woven Wire Cloth E2016 E2427 Test E2427  Test Method for Acceptance by Performance Testing for Sieves 2.2   ASTM Manual:2

1.1 This document document specifies the technical requirements requirements for; the woven wire test sieve cloth (sieve cloth) used in test sieves sieves,, the construction of test sieves, standard and non-standard test sieve frame sizes, and test procedures used to inspect sieve cloth and the test sieves. This specification applies to test sieves manufactured with sieve cloth having a nominal aperture size ranging from 125 millimetres (mm) down to 20 micrometres (µm). 1.2 Addit Additional ional reference reference information information can be found in Specifications  E161  E161,,  E323  E323,,  E2016  E2016,,  and in Test Methods  C430   and E2427.. E2427

Manual 32 Te 32  Test st Sievin Sieving g Metho Methods: ds: Guidel Guidelines ines for Establ Establishishing Sieve Analysis Procedures; 5 th Edition 2.3   Federal Standard:3 Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking 123  Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies) 2.4   Military Standard:3 MIL-STD-129  Marking for Shipment and Storage 2.5   ISO Standard:4 ISO 3310-1 Test 3310-1  Test Sieves—Technical Requirements and Testing – Part 1: Test Sieves of Metal Wire Cloth

1.3 1. 3 The va valu lues es st stat ated ed in SI un unit itss sh shal alll be co cons nsid ider ered ed standard for the dimensions of the sieve cloth openings and the wire diameters used in the sieve cloth. The values stated in inch-pound units shall be considered standard with regard to the sieve frames, pans, and covers. 1.4   This standar standard d doe doess not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safet sa fetyy co conc ncer erns ns,, if an anyy, as asso socia ciate ted d wit with h its us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.5   This int intern ernati ationa onall sta standa ndard rd was dev develo eloped ped in acc accor or-dance with internationally recognized principles on standardizatio iza tion n es esta tabl blis ishe hed d in th thee De Decis cisio ion n on Pr Prin incip ciple less fo forr th thee  Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical  Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

3. Terminology 3.1   Definitions— Additio A dditional nal ter terms ms can be fou found nd in Term ermiinology E1638 nology  E1638.. 3.1.1   aperture— the t he di dime mens nsio ion n de defin finin ing g an op open enin ing g in a screening surface. 3.1.2   backing backing cloth— a wi wire re me mesh sh su supp ppor ortt lay layer er us used ed di di-rectly under the sieve cloth with an opening coarser than the sieve designation. 3.1.3   crimp— the the corrugation in the warp and shute wire, or both bo th.. Th Thee cr crim imp p in th thee wi wire ress is fo form rmed ed eit eithe herr du duri ring ng th thee weaving process, or with a crimping machine prior to weaving. If for formed med dur during ing the wea weavin ving g pro process cess,, the tens tension ion exi existin sting g between the warp and shute wires fundamentally determines the respective amount or depth of crimp, which locks the wires in place, and in part establishes the firmness of the sieve cloth.

2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards:2


This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E29 Committee E29 on  on Particle and Spray Characterization and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee  E29.01 on Sieves, Sieving Methods, and Screening Media. Curren Cur rentt edi editio tion n app approv roved ed Apr April il 1, 201 2017. 7. Pub Publis lished hed Apr April il 201 2017. 7. Ori Origin ginall ally y approv app roved ed in 192 1925. 5. Las Lastt pre previo vious us edi editio tion n app approv roved ed in 201 2016 6 as E1 E11 1 – 16. DOI DOI:: 10.1520/E0011-17. 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or


Availab vailable le from Stand Standardiza ardization tion Docum Documents ents Order Desk, DODSSP, DODSSP, Bldg. 4, Secti Se ction on D, 700 Robbi Robbins ns Ave. ve.,, Phi Philad ladelp elphia hia,, PA 191 19111 11-50 -5098, 98, htt http:/ p://  / 

contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website. 4 Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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E11 − 17

3.1.4   firmness— a sub subject jective ive ter term m ref referr erring ing to the pla planar nar rigidity of sieve cloth (as a roll good, not mounted in a test sieve frame), established by the tensile strength of the material, the relations relationship hip of the mesh to wir wiree dia diamete meters, rs, the typ typee of  weav we ave, e, an and d amo amoun untt of cr crimp imp in th thee wi wire res. s. Th Thee ab absen sence ce of  firmness in sieve cloth is termed  sleaziness. 3.1.5   matched matched test sieve— a test sieve that reproduces the performance results of another test sieve within user defined limits for a designated material (for information only and may not be in compliance with this specification). 3.1.6   mesh— the the number of wires or openings per linear inch (25.4 mm) counted from the center of any wire to a point exact ex actly ly 1 in in.. (2 (25. 5.4 4 mm mm)) di dist stan ant, t, in incl clud udin ing g th thee fr fract actio iona nall distance between either thereof.

3.1.13   warp wires— the the wires running the long way of the cloth as woven. 4. Order Ordering ing Information Information 4.1 Order Orderss for items under this specification specification should include the following information as required: 4.1.1 Descri Description ption of item(s) (Test (Test Sieve or Sieve Cloth), 4.1.2 ASTM E11 designatio designation n and year of issue, 4.1.3 Quant Quantity ity of each item, and 4.1.4 Sieve designation designation (Table (Table 1, 1,   Standard Column 1, Alternate Column 2). 4.1.4 .1 Test sieves can be suppl supplied ied based on different different levels of confidence as Compli Compliance ance Sieves, Inspection Sieves, and Calibration Sieves. 4.2 Test sieves in standa standard rd circular or nonstandard nonstandard frame: 4.2.1 Nomin Nominal al sieve frame diameter (see Table (see  Table 2) 2), and 4.2.2 Nomin Nominal al sieve frame height (see Table (see  Table 2). 2).

3.1.7  plain weave— sieve sieve cloth in which the warp wires and shute wires pass over one and under one in both directions. 3.1.8   shute wires— the the wires running the short way of, or across the cloth as woven (also referred to as the shoot, fill, or weft wires). 3.1.9   sieve— an an apparatus for the purpose of sieving, consisting of a separating media mounted in a frame. 3.1.10   sieve cloth— woven w oven wir wiree clo cloth th con confor formin ming g to thi thiss specification. 3.1.11   test test sie sieve ve (wir (wiree clo cloth) th)—  — a sie sieve ve ma manu nufa factu cture red d by mounting sieve cloth in a frame, designed for use in particle size analysis by sieving.   compliance sievee man manufa ufactu ctured red compliance test sieve— a test siev using usi ng sie sieve ve clo cloth th whi which ch has been ins inspec pected ted pri prior or to bei being ng mounted mount ed in the sieve frame; and that meets the requirements requirements of  Table 1 in 1  in part based on the standard deviation of the required number of sample openings per 100 square feet of sieve cloth (Colu (Co lumn mn 7) no nott ex excee ceedi ding ng th thee ma maxi ximu mum m al allo lowa wabl blee fo forr a confidence level of 66 % (Column 8).   inspecti inspection on test siev sieve—  e— a tes testt siev sievee man manufa ufactu ctured red using sieve cloth which has been inspected after being mounted in the sieve frame; and that meets the requirements of  Table   Table 1

4.3 Descri Description ption of nonstandard nonstandard sieve. 5. Siev Sievee Cloth Requirem Requirements ents 5.1 5. 1 Th Thee si siev evee cl clot oth h us used ed in te test st si siev eves es sh shal alll me meet et th thee requirements of  Table   Table 1 and 1  and shall be designated Specification E11 Sieve Cloth. The number of inspected apertures shall be in accordance with Table with  Table 1 (Column 1  (Column 7). Sieve cloth conforming to this specification shall be woven from stainless steel, brass, or bronze. Sieve cloth with openings greater than or equal to 75 micrometres shall be woven using a plain weave. For sieve cloth with openings equal to or less than 71 micrometres the sieve cloth may be supplied using a twill weave. The sieve cloth shall not be coated or plated. 5.2 All measurements measurements of openings openings and wire diamete diameters rs shall be made along the midpoints of the openings as shown in  Fig. 1. 5.3 The There re shall be no puncture puncturess or obvious obvious defects defects in the sieve cloth. TABLE 2 Dimensions of Standard Frames Typ ypic ical al Fr Fram ame eA


Diam Di amet eter er Tol oler eran ance ce,, in in.. (m (mm) m)

in part based on the standard deviation of the required number of sample openings in the test sieve (Column 9) not exceeding thee ma th maxi ximu mum m al allo lowa wabl blee fo forr a co confi nfide denc ncee le leve vell of 99 % (Column 10).

Diameter, in.

Inside at TopB 


3.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 (76.2 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00)   calibration calibration test sieve— a test sie sieve ve man manufa ufactu ctured red using sieve cloth which has been inspected after being mounted in the sieve frame; and that meets the requirements of  Table   Table 1 in part based on the standard deviation of the required number of sample openings in the test sieve (Column 11) not exceeding the max maximu imum m allo allowab wable le for a con confide fidence nce leve levell of 99. 99.73 73 % (Column 12).  Discussion—Calibration sieves have had at least twice as many openings measured as Inspection sieves.


6.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 (152.4 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00)

13 ⁄ 4  (44.5) FH 1 (25.4) HH


8.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 (203.2 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00)

2 (50.8) FH 1 (25.4) HH


10.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 (254 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00)

3 (76.2) FH 11 ⁄ 2  (38.1) HH


12.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 (304.8 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00)

31 ⁄ 4  (82.6) FH 2 (50.8) IH 15 ⁄ 8  (41.3) HH

3.1.12  twill weave— sieve sieve cloth in which the warp wires and shutee wi shut wire ress pa pass ss ov over er tw two o an and d un unde derr tw two o wi wire ress in bo both th directions.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Aug 17 18:36:47 EDT 2017



Nominal Height, in. (mm)  

11 ⁄ 4  (31.8) FHC  5  ⁄ 8  (15.9) HH

Frame height measured from top of frame to top of sieve cloth. Measured 0.2 in. (5 mm) below the top of the frame. C  FH = full height; HH = half height; IH = intermediate height. B 


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E11 − 17 6.1.5. 6.1 .5.1 1 In ord order er to incr increase ease the pro probab babilit ility y or acc accepta eptance nce confidence level from 66 % at one-sigma to   X σ, specifically 99 % (2.58σ) and 99.73 % (3 σ) for Inspection and Calibration sieves respectively, respectively, these maximum standa standard rd deviat deviation ion values are determined by dividing sigma by a correction or K-factor. These K-factors are determined based on approximation to a Chi-square distribution for the sample variance as follows: K  5 1 1 X σ / =2 ~ n 2 1 !


(4 ) 6.1.5 .2 The applicable resulting K-factors (see   Appendix X3) are the X3) then n app applied lied and the max maximu imum m sta standa ndard rd dev deviati iation on tolerances are determined as follows: σ x  5

FIG. 1 Aperture Size

6. Technical Requirements Requirements 6.1   Opening Sizes, Tolerances, and Standard Deviation: 6.1.1 6.1 .1 Four tol toleran erances ces sha shall ll be app applied lied:: the var variati iation on for average opening (Y ), ), the maximum variation ( X ), ), the maximum standard deviation averagesizes, wire measured diameter. The opening tolerances apply toand thethe opening on the midpoint of the opening (see Fig. (see  Fig. 1) 1), and applied separately in both the warp and shute directions. 6.1.2 6.1 .2 The average average opening opening siz sizee sha shall ll not exceed exceed the sieve designation by more than 6Y   (Table 1, 1,  Column 4): Y  5



 w 0.98

  1   1.6





 2 w 0.75   3

1 4 w




 X 1 Y 



(3 )

6.1.5 The maximum standard standard deviation is calculated based on the Gauss Gaussian ian normal distribution distribution curve, truncated at the left end at 0 and at the right end at  w  +  X . The area under the curve to the maximu maximum m value  w  +  X  minus  minus the area under the curve to the intermediate value Z, is equal to this critical area between (w  +  Z ) an d (w  +  X ) no nott ex exce ceed edin ing g mo more re th than an 5 % of the openings (see Appendix (see Appendix X2). X2). The tolerances for sigma are then calculated based on: Φ


 2 Φ



 Z  σ

SS DD SS  DD  X  σ

 2 Φ



(5 ) 6.1.5. 3 The res resulti ulting ng tol tolera erance ncess are giv given en in   Table Table 1   for Inspec Ins pection tion Siev Sieves es (Co (Colum lumn n 10) and for Cali Calibra bratio tion n Sie Sieves ves (Column 12), and are presented for convenience based on the K-factors per the required minimum number of openings. 6.1.6 The actual standard deviation deviation of the openi openings ngs in the warp war p and wef weftt dir directi ections ons,, whe when n tak taken en sep separa arately tely,, sha shall ll not exceed the values shown in Table in  Table 1 for 1 for each type. If the number of samp sample le ope openin nings gs is les lesss tha than n 15, the max maximu imum m sta standa ndard rd deviation is not evaluated. If more than the minimum number of openings are measur measured, ed, the maximu maximum m standa standard rd deviation shall sha ll be calc calcula ulated ted (se (seee   Eq 5)   based based on the corre correspond sponding ing K-factor K-fac tor calcula calculation tion (see (see E  Eq q 4). 6.1.6 .1 The population population standard deviation   σ  is obtained by measuring all of the full openings  N  found in the test sieve and is calculated from the following equation: σ5

Œ   (

1  N  w ¯ ! 2 ~ w i 2 ¯   N  i 1

(6 ) 6.1.6 .2 The sample standard deviation deviation   s  is calculated from the mea measur sureme ement nt of the num number ber of ape apertu rtures res,,   n   as listed in Table 1 (Column 1  (Column 8 for Sieve Cloth, Column 10 for Inspection Siev Si eves es,, an and d Co Colu lumn mn 12 fo forr Cal Calib ibra ratio tion n Si Siev eve) e),, us usin ing g th thee following equation:


where   X  and  a nd  w  are expressed in micrometres. 6.1.4 The intermediate intermediate value  Z  shall   shall be stated as follows:  Z  5



where   Y   and   w  are expressed in micrometres. 6.1.3 The maximum maximum opening size measured measured shall not exceed the nominal opening size  w  (  (Table Table 1, 1,  Column 1), by more than  X   (Table 1, 1, Column 5):  X  5

K  sigma/ K 

0.05 ~ see Appendix X4!


and the results are given in   Table 1   for Compliance sieve cloth (Column 8). Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Aug 17 18:36:47 EDT 2017


  1 n21




 ( r 








(7 )

6.2   Wire Diameters: 6.2.1 The wire diameters diameters given in  in   Table 1, 1,  Column 13 are typical. 6.2.2 The average average wire diameter in a test sieve or sieve cloth shall fall between the tolerance (d min and d max ) given in Table 1, 1,  Column 14 and 15, respectively. It is recognized that mechanical mechan ical deformation deformation of the wire occurs during weaving, and the theref refore ore the dia diamete meterr meas measure ured d aft after er wea weavin ving g may be different than the wire diameter before weaving. The average wire diameter shall be calculated based on the same number of  sample apertures measured in accordance with Table with  Table 1. 1. 6.2.3 The wires shall shall be crimped in such a manner that the cloth clo th exh exhibi ibits ts firm firmnes ness, s, as agr agreed eed between between the user and the supplier, as applied to roll goods. 6.3   Test Sieve Frames: 6.3.1  General Requirements— Frames Frames for test sieves shall be constructed in such a manner to be rigid. The sieve cloth shall be mo moun unted ted on a fr fram amee wi with thou outt di disto stort rtio ion, n, lo loos osen enes ess, s, or


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E11 − 17

waviness. The method used to attach the sieve cloth to the fram fr amee sh shall all be do done ne so th thee ma mater terial ial be bein ing g sie sieve ved d wi will ll no nott become caught in the joint between the sieve cloth and the frame. 6.3.2   Standar Standard d Frame Frames—  s— Siev S ievee fr fram ames es sh shal alll be cir circu cular lar.. Typical frame sizes are 3 in., 6 in., 8 in., 10 in., and 12 in. diameter (or 76, 152, 203, 254, or 305 mm). Tolerances for dimensions of test sieve frames are given in  in   Table 2. 2. Frames shall sh all be ma made de of a no nonc ncor orro rosiv sivee ma mater teria iall su such ch as br brass ass or stainless steel. The bottom of the frame shall be constructed so as to provi provide de an easy slidin sliding g or nestin nesting g fit with any sieve frame of the sam samee nom nomina inall dia diamete meterr con confor formin ming g to the spe specifi cified ed dimensions. 6.3.3 The joint or fillet at the point point where the sieve cloth cloth and frame meet will provide a minimum clear sieving surface with a diameter equal to the nominal diameter, less 0.5 in. (13 mm) on up to and including 8 in. frames, and 1.0 in. (25 mm) on greater than 8 in. frames. 6.4   Nonstandard Sieves: 6.4.1   Nonstandar Nonstandard d Frame Frames—  s— Othe O therr sie sieve ve fr fram ames es ma may y be square squ are,, rec rectan tangul gular ar,, cir circula cularr, or non non-me -metal. tal. The fra frame me may have ha ve th thee si siev evee clo cloth th pe perm rman anen ently tly att attac ache hed, d, or it may be designed so the sieve cloth is replaceable. The provisions of  6.3.1   apply apply.. No Nons nstan tanda dard rd te test st si siev eves es ma may y be cer certifi tified ed in accordance with Section 7 Section  7.. 6.4.2   Sieves with Backing Cloth— Backing Backing cloth specifications can vary in accordance with the test sieve manufacturer. The use of a backing cloth will affect the sieve performance. Tes estt sie sieve vess wi with th a ba back ckin ing g clo cloth th ca can n on only ly be su supp pplie lied d as Compliance Sieves. 7. Test Sieve and Siev Sievee Clot Cloth h Docum Documenta entation tion and Certification 7.1 Docum Documentatio entation n of the measurement measurement of the openings openings in the sieve cloth must assure that the test sieve is traceable and certifiable. All test sieve certificates must be traceable by the test sieve serial number. Inspection and Calibration sieves must

also in also inclu clude de th thee da date te,, na name me an and d si sign gnatu ature re of th thee pe pers rson on certifying to the test sieve quality. 7.2 Test sieves may be suppli supplied ed as Complia Compliance, nce, Inspection, Inspection, or Calibration Sieves. 7.2.1 A Compliance Compliance sieve certificate certificate shall state that the test sieve has been manufactured with sieve cloth that has been inspected and found to be in compliance with the requirements of Spe Specifi cificati cation on E1 E11. 1. The Cer Certific tificate ate doe doess not req requir uiree any statistical documentation. 7.2.2 7.2 .2 An Inspectio Inspection n siev sievee cert certifica ificate te sha shall ll stat statee at a min miniimum the value for the average aperture size, separately in both the warp and shute direction of the sieve cloth. A Certificate with this inspection data must be supplied. 7.2.3 A Calibra Calibration tion sieve sieve certificate certificate shall state at at a minimum the num number ber of ape apertu rtures res and wir wiree dia diamete meters rs meas measure ured, d, the averag ave ragee ape apertu rture re size size,, stan standar dard d dev deviati iation on and ave averag ragee wir wiree diameter, separately in both the warp and shute directions of  the sieve cloth. A Certificate with this inspection data must be supplied. 8. Marki Marking ng or Labe Labeling ling of Test Test Sieves 8.1 Each test sieve supplied supplied shall bear a label marked with the following information: 8.1.1 “Test est“ASTM Sieve,”E11” designation, 8.1.2 “T The designation, 8.1.3 Name of the manuf manufacturer acturer or distributor distributor,, 8.1.4 Test sieve designation designation from Table from  Table 1, 1,  Column 1, and 8.1.5 Altern Alternate ate test sieve designation designation from Table from Table 1, 1,  Column 2 (optional). 8.1. 8. 1.6 6 Ea Each ch tes testt si siev evee sh shall all ha have ve a un uniq ique ue ser serial ial nu numb mber er permanently marked onto the sieve frame, skirt, or nameplate. 8.1.7 8.1 .7 The test sieve may also be labeled labeled with the Grade designation. 9. Keywo Keywords rds 9.1 apertu aperture; re; calibration calibration sieve; compliance sieve; inspection inspection sieve; opening; opening; particl particlee size; sieve; sieve analysis; sieve cloth; sieve designation; test sieve; woven wire test sieve cloth

SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS The following supplementary supplementary requirements requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the contract or order.

S1. Responsibility for Inspection Inspection

S2. Government Procureme Procurement nt

S1.1 Unless otherwise otherwise specified specified in the contract or purchase purchase order, the producer is responsible for the performance of all inspection inspec tion and test requirements requirements specifi specified ed herein. Excep Exceptt as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the producer may use his own or any other suitable facilities for the perfo performanc rmancee of the ins inspec pectio tions ns and test testss req requir uiremen ements ts spe specifie cified d her herein ein,, unless disapproved by the purchaser. The purchaser shall have the right to perfo perform rm any of the inspections inspections and tests set forth in this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that materials meet the specification.

S2.1 Unless otherwise otherwise specified specified in the contract, the material material shall be in packag packaged ed in accord accordance ance with the supp suppliers’ liers’ stand standard ard practice that will be acceptable to the carrier at lowest rates. Containers and packing shall comply with the Uniform Freight Classifi Clas sificati cation on rul rules es or Nat Nation ional al Mot Motor or Clas Classifi sificati cation on rul rules. es.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Aug 17 18:36:47 EDT 2017

Marking for shipment of such materials shall be in accordance with Fed. Std. No. 123 for civil agencies, and MIL-STD-129 for military agencies.


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E11 − 17


A1.1 Eve A1.1 Every ry opening opening in the sieve cloth or test sieve shall have the same probability of being inspected for compliance with the requirements shown in   Table 1. 1.   For sieve cloth and testt si tes siev eves es ha havi ving ng 15 op open enin ings gs or les less, s, me measu asure re all fu full ll openings (see Fig (see Fig.. A1. A1.1 1). For sieve cloth and test sieves having moree than 15 ope mor openin nings, gs, car carry ry out the ins inspec pectio tion n usi using ng the following three procedures: A1.1.1 Visual A1.1.1 Visually ly ins inspec pectt the con condit dition ion of the siev sievee clo cloth th against a uniformly illuminated background. If obvious deviations tio ns fr from om un unif ifor ormit mity y of ap appe pear aran ance ce ar aree fo foun und d (w (wea eavi ving ng defects, creases, wrinkles, etc.) the sieve cloth or test sieve, or both, is unacceptable. A1.1.2 Inspe A1.1.2 Inspect ct for overs oversize ize openings per tolerance X  given in Table in  Table 1 (Column 1  (Column 5); carefully and methodically examine the appearance of all openings in order to detect oversize openings for subsequent measurements. Openings in fine mesh sieves aree be ar best st vi view ewed ed wh when en mag magni nifie fied d op optic tical ally ly.. In th thee op optic tical al method, the minimum number of apertures examined shall be in accordance with   Table 1  1   (Columns 9 or 11) for sieves and (Column 7) for sieve cloth. The magnifications listed in  Table A1.1 may A1.1  may be used. If any opening is found to be oversize by more than tolerance   X , the sieve cloth or test sieve is unacceptable. A1.1 A1 .1.3 .3 Dete Determ rmin inee th thee av aver erag agee open openin ing g si size ze ( w   in millimetres millime tres), ), and for apertures apertures les lesss tha than n one mill millimet imetre, re, in

micrometres, the stand micrometres, standard ard deviation and wire diameter. diameter. The measured openings shall be spaced over the full diameter of the test sieve. Figs. sieve.  Figs. A1.1 and A1.2 indicate A1.2  indicate options to measure the individual openings in an 8 in. (203 mm) diameter test sieve. The minimum number of openings to be measured, in both the warp and shute direction, in an 8 in. diameter test sieve for Insp In spec ectio tion n an and d Cal Calib ibra ratio tion n gr grad ades es ar aree sh show own n in   Tabl Tablee 1, Columns 9 or 11 respectively. For test sieve sizes other than the 8 in in.. di diam amete eterr, th thee va valu lues es sh show own n in th this is tab table le sh shou ould ld be modified in proportion to the sieving area. For sieves greater than tha n 8-i 8-in. n. dia diamete meterr with designat designation ionss 25 mm and larger, larger, a maximum of, 25 apertures shall be measured for Inspection sieves and 50 apertures for Calibration sieves. Determine the aver av erag agee op open enin ing g alo along ng th thee ce cent nter er lin linee of th thee sie sieve ve cl clot oth h separa sep arately tely in two direction directions, s, par paralle allell to the warp and shute wires respectively (see  Figs. (see Figs. A1.3 ). A1.3). sieve cloth is a twill weave (openings lessA1.2 thanand or equal toIf71the micrometre), thee co th confi nfigu gura ratio tion n sh shall all be as sh show own n in   Fig. A1. A1.4 4   and th thee measurements shall be made vertically, to the wire. A1.1.4 To det A1.1.4 determ ermine ine the ave averag ragee ope openin ning g in sie sieve ve clo cloth th refer to Table to  Table 1 for 1  for the minimum number of sample openings to be measured. Calculate the standard deviation as in accordance with with  If the wire diameter is measured separately, not at the same time the opening is measured, the number of  samples shall be the same as the sample openings.

FIG. A1.1 All Full Apertures Measure up to 15 Apertures

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E11 − 17

NOTE   1—Apertures shall be randomly selected, spaced over the full sieve diameter at irregu irregular lar intervals, measurement measurement for warp and shute dimension, dimen sion, only one measu measuremen rementt per apertu aperture. re. FIG. A1.2 Example for Crossw Crosswise ise Spot Check 

NOTE   1—Apertures shall be randomly selected, spaced over the full sieve diameter at irreg irregular ular intervals, measurement measurementss for both warp and shute dimensions shall be made in any one aperture. FIG. A1.3 Example for Diago Diagonal nal Spot Check 

FIG. A1.4 Configuration of Twilled Weaves TABLE A1.1 Magnif Magnifying ying Power in Optic Optical al Method Nomina Nomi nall Ap Aper ertu ture re Si Size ze Magnification

5 mm to 50 500 0 µm 5 to 20

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Aug 17 18:36:47 EDT 2017

500 50 0 to 25 250 0 µm 20 to 50

250 to 20 µm 250 50 to 500


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E11 − 17 APPENDIXES (Nonmandatory Information) X1. DETERMINA DETERMINATION TION OF THE ST STANDARD ANDARD DEVIATION DEVIATION ON AVERAGE AVERAGE APERTURE APERTURE SIZE The standard deviation is calculated using equations as illustrated by the following two examples.

X1.1 Exam Example ple 1

X1.2 Exam Example ple 2

X1.1.1 X1. 1.1 Test  = for Inspectio Inspection n Gra Grade de siev sievee (n   = 25, nominal nominal apertu aperture re size   w 2 mm):

X1.2.1 Test for Calibration Grade sieve ( n   = 50, nominal apertu aperture re size   w  = 2 mm):

w i  1.812 1.859 1.906 1.953 2.000 2.047 2.094 2.141 2.188 n   =


n i  0 3 5 11 6 0 0 0 0 25


(w i  –  – w  w ¯ )   (w i  –  – w  w ¯ )2 –0.132 0.017 –0.085 0.007 –0.038 0.001 0.009 0.000 0.056 0.003 0.103 0.011 0.150 0.023 0.197 0.039 0.244 0.060

n i  ×   w i    0.000 5.577 9.530 21.483 12.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 48.590





n i  0 2 4 9 20 10 3 2 0 50


(w i  –  – w  w ¯ )   (w i  –  – w  w ¯ )2 –0.187 0.035 –0.140 0.020 –0.093 0.009 –0.046 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.048 0.002 0.095 0.009 0.142 0.020 0.189 0.036

n i  ×   w i    0.000 3.718 7.624 17.577 40.000 20.470 6.282 4.282 0.000 99.953


w ¯ 5 n ( w ¯ 



n   1 w ¯ ! 2 ~ w   2   ¯  n 2 1i 1 i



w ¯  5 ¯  s5


1 ·0.049 5 0.045 24

X1.1.2 Standa X1.1.2 Standard rd deviation deviation   σs  = 0.0 0.045 45 sha shall ll be com compar pared ed with the value of   σ  = 0.060 given in  Table 1, 1,  Column 10.  x 

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99.953   5 1.999 mm 50

Œ  Œ 


n  ×  × (w i  –  – w  w¯ )2 0.000 0.039 0.035 0.019 0.000 0.023 0.027 0.040 0.000 0.183



48.590   5 1.944 mm 25

Œ  Œ 

w i  1.812 1.859 1.906 1.953 2.000 2.047 2.094 2.141 2.188 n   =



w ¯ 5 n ( w ¯  w ¯  5 ¯ 

n  ×  × (w i  –  – w  w ¯ )2 0.000 0.021 0.007 0.001 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.049

n   1 w ¯ ! 2 ~ w   2   ¯  n 2 1i 1 i

 ( 5

1 ·0.183 5 0.061 49

X1.2.2 Standard deviat deviation ion   σs   = 0.0 0.061 61 sha shall ll be com compar pared ed with the value of   σ  = 0.064 given in Table in  Table 1, 1,  Column 12.  x 


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FIG. X2.1 Critic Critical al Area of Normal Distributio Distribution n Curve

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E11 − 17 X3. K-F K-FACTORS ACTORS TABLE X3.1 K Factors Xσ  K-factors

Samples n  15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 160 200 250 300

2.58 99 %

3.00 99.73 %

1.49 1.42 1.37 1.34 1.29 1.26 1.24 1.21 1.18 1.17 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.11

1.57 1.49 1.43 1.39 1.34 1.30 1.28 1.24 1.21 1.19 1.17 1.15 1.13 1.12

Reference: Courtesy of Professor Aridaman K. Jain, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2008. The acceptance confidence levels 2.58 and 3.00 are conservative as applied to the inspection of sieves, and the large sample K-factors are derived derive d by using the normal distribution distribution as an approximation approximation to a Chi-square distribution distri bution for the sample varian variance. ce.


X4.1 The stated requirem X4.1 requirement ent is that the pro probab babilit ility y of the area under the truncated normal curve from 0 to  w  +  X  minus the probability of the area under the truncated normal curve from 0 to   w   +   Z   is equal to 0.05, expressed where   N * is the truncated normal variable within the interval (0,   w   +   X ) as: P ~ N *


,   w   1   X  2

P ~ N *


,   w   1   Z  5


X4.2 Then, the probability probability density function of a trunca truncated ted normal can be related to the density of the regular normal by rescaling the truncated normal density by a factor, such that where   N   is the reg regular ular normal normal var variabl iablee wit with h mean   w   and standard deviation   σ  the scaling factor is: P ~ N   ,   w   1   X ! 2 P ~ N   ,   0 !

P ~ N * 5


,   w   1   X  2


,   w   1   Z 

P ~ N   ,   w   1   X ! 2 P ~ N   ,   w   1   Z ! P ~ N   ,   w   1   X ! 2 P ~ N   ,   0 !

X4.4 Then standardizing standardizing where   Φ   is the sta standa ndard rd nor normal mal cumulative cumula tive distribution distribution function with mean = 0 and variance = 1 results in:


Φ 5


 X  σ

 X  σ


 2 Φ

 2 Φ




X4.5 X4. 5 Hen Hence, ce, we sol solve ve for the val value ue of   σ  so that:


Φ *

X4.3 Mul X4.3 Multip tiplyin lying g by thi thiss fac factor tor to cha change nge   N  to   N , the equation becomes:

P ~ N *


 X  σ

 X  σ

 2 Φ

 2 Φ

 Z  σ





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E11 − 17 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee E29 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (E11 – 16) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved April 1, 2017.)

(1)  Added a reference for Manual 32 which was inadvertently omitted in the version balloted. (2)  Revised   Table 1, 1,  column 2b, heading from “Metric Alternative” to “Supplementary Size” as better description. (3)  Revised   Table 1   to include Supplementary Size designations 112, 80, and 71 mm previously omitted. (4)  Revised   5.1   and   A1.1.3   to co corr rrec ectt fr from om 63 to 71 micrometres, sieve cloth that may be supplied as twill, which corresponds with the 71 designation in  Table 1. 1.

(5)  Revised explanation notes in  Fig. A1.2   and  Fig. A1.3   for clarification. (6) Revised  Revised A1.1.3  A1.1.3 to  to includ includee infor information mation regarding regarding samplin sampling g of apertures for large diameter sieves with large openings, to be in alignment with ISO 3310. (7) Revised   A1.1.4   to correct regarding the number of wire diam di amete eters rs in insp spect ected ed (f (fro rom m 10 to sam samee as th thee nu numb mber er of  openings), which corresponds with 6.2.2 with  6.2.2..

Committee E29 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (E11 – 15) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Aug. 1, 2016.) (1)  Revised   Table 1   to add the ‘Metric Alternative’ designations column with corresponding tolerance data for alignment with ISO 3310. (2)  Revised   Table Table 2   to cha change nge hea headin ding g to ‘Di ‘Diame ameter ter Tole olerrance.’

(5)  Revised   6.2.1   and   6.2.2   to clar clarify ify the meas measure uremen mentt and toleran tol erance ce of the wir wiree diam diameter eter;; spe specific cifically ally tha thatt the ave averag ragee wire diameter shall be calculated based on the same number of  samples as the apertures and shall fall between the tolerance d min. and d max.

(3)  Revised   Eq 1   and   Eq 2   to reduce the maximum average opening size by 10 % for alignment with ISO 3310. (4)  Revised   6.1.5   to calculate new maximum standard deviation values based on a one-sided truncated normal Gaussian distrib dis tributio ution n cur curve, ve, whi which ch whi while le hav having ing min minimal imal imp impact act on tolerances, is more technically correct.

(6) Revised   Append Appendix ix X1   to co corr rrec ectt eq equa uatio tions ns fo forr me mean an,, summation of  w  w  not of  n  n  –  w, and correct termination of square root sign in equation for standard deviation. (7)  Added   Appendix Appendix X4   detailing the derivation of the new maximum maximu m standa standard rd deviati deviation on values values..

ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the Copyri Copyright ght Clearance Center, Center, 222  Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; 

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