Astm D854-10

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Designation: D854 – 10

Standard Test Methods for

Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Water Pycnometer1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D854; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original origin al adoption or, in the case of revis revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Sco Scope* pe* 1.1 Th 1.1 Thes esee tes testt me meth thod odss co cove verr th thee de deter termin minati ation on of th thee specific gravity of soil solids that pass the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve, by means of a water pycnometer. When the soil contains particl par ticles es lar larger ger than the 4.7 4.75-m 5-mm m sie sieve, ve, Test Met Method hod   C127 shall be used for the soil solids retained on the 4.75-mm sieve and these test methods shall be used for the soil solids passing the 4.75-mm sieve. 1.1.1 Soil solids for these test methods methods do not include solids which can be altered by these methods, contaminated with a substance that prohibits the use of these methods, or are highly organic soil solids, such as fibrous matter which floats in water. NOTE  1—The use of Test Method D5550 Method  D5550 may  may be used to determine the specific gravity of soil solids having solids which readily dissolve in water or float in water, or where it is impracticable to use water.

1.2 Two meth methods ods for performi performing ng the spe specific cific gra gravity vity are provid pro vided. ed. The met method hod to be use used d sha shall ll be specified specified by the reques req uestin ting g aut author hority ity,, exc except ept whe when n test testing ing the typ types es of soi soils ls listed in 1.2.1 in  1.2.1 1.2.1   Method A—Procedure for Moist Specimens, described in   9.2 9.2..   This pro proced cedure ure is the pre prefer ferred red meth method. od. For or organ ganic ic soils; highly plastic, fine grained soils; tropical soils; and soils containing halloysite, Method A shall be used. 1.2.2   Method B—Procedure for Oven-Dry Specimens, described in 9.3 in  9.3.. 1.3 All observed observed and calculated values values shall conform conform to the guidelines guidel ines for signifi significant cant digits and rounding established established in Practice  D6026  D6026.. 1.3.1 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/  recorded and calculated in this standard are regarded as the industry standard. In addition, they are representative of the significant digits that generally should be retained. The procedures dur es use used d do not con consid sider er mate materia riall var variati iation, on, pur purpos posee for obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any considerations for the user’s objectives; and it is common practice to increase incr ease or red reduce uce sig signifi nifican cantt dig digits its of rep report orted ed data to be

commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope of the these se test methods methods to con consid sider er sig signifi nifican cantt dig digits its use used d in analysis methods for engineering design. 1.4 1. 4 Th Thee va valu lues es st state ated d in SI un units its are to be re rega gard rded ed as stan st anda dard rd.. Th Thee in inch ch-p -pou ound nd un units its gi give ven n in pa pare rent nthe heses ses ar aree mathematical mathem atical conve conversion rsionss which are provi provided ded for infor information mation purposes only and are not considered standard. 1.5   This standar standard d doe doess not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safe sa fety ty co conc ncern erns, s, if an anyy, as asso socia ciated ted wi with th its us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards:2 C127   Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), Gravit y), and Absorption Absorption of Coarse Aggregate Aggregate D653   Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids D2216   Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass D2487   Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) D3740   Practice for Minimu Minimum m Requir Requirements ements for Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction D4753   Guide Guide for Eva Evaluat luating ing,, Sel Selecti ecting, ng, and Spe Specify cifying ing Balances and Standard Masses for Use in Soil, Rock, and Construction Materials Testing D5550   Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Gas Pycnometer D6026  Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical Data E11   Specification for Woven Wire Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves E177  Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in ASTM Test Methods E691   Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to


This standard is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 Committee  D18  on Soil and Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.03 Subcommittee  D18.03 on  on Texture, Plasticity and Density Characteristics of Soils. Curren Cur rentt edi editio tion n app approv roved ed Jan Jan.. 1, 201 2010. 0. Pub Publis lished hed Mar March ch 201 2010. 0. Ori Origin ginall ally y approved in 1945. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D854 – 06   ´1. DOI:

For refere referenced nced ASTM stand standards, ards, visit the ASTM webs website, ite, www www.ast,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on


the ASTM website.


*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright. © ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700 West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, United States

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); reserved); Sun Nov 7 23:28:39 EST 2010 1 Downloaded/printed by King Mongkut Univ of Tech N. Bangkok pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.



D854 – 10

Determine the Precision of a Test Method 3. Terminology 3.1   Definitions—For definitions of technical terms used in these test methods, refer to Terminology   D653. D653. 3.2  Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1   specific gravity of soil solids, Gs,   n—the ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a soil solids to the mass of the same volume of gas-free distilled water at 20°C. 4. Significan Significance ce and Use 4.1 The specific specific gravity of a soil solids solids is used in calculating the phase relationships of soils, such as void ratio and degree of saturation. 4.1.1 The specific gravity gravity of soil solids is used to calculate the density of the soil solids. This is done by multiplying its specific gravity by the density of water (at proper temperature). 4.2 4. 2 The te term rm so soil il so solid lidss is ty typi pica cally lly as assu sume med d to mea mean n naturally occurring mineral particles or soil like particles that are not readily soluble in water. Therefore, the specific gravity of soil solids containing extraneous matter, such as cement, lime, lim e, an and d th thee lik like, e, wa water ter-s -sol olub uble le ma matte tterr, su such ch as so sodi dium um chloride, and soils containing matter with a specific gravity less than one, typically require special treatment (see Note (see  Note 1) 1) or a qualified definition of their specific gravity. 4.3 The balances, pycnometer pycnometer sizes, and specime specimen n masses are esta establi blishe shed d to obt obtain ain test res result ultss wit with h thr three ee sig signifi nifican cantt digits. NOTE   2—The quality of the result produced by these test methods is depend dep endent ent on the com compet petenc encee of the per person sonnel nel per perfor formin ming g it, and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the criteria of Practice D3740 Practice  D3740   are generally considered capable of competent and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of these test methods are cautioned that compl compliance iance with Practi Practice ce   D3740   does does not in its itself  elf  assure reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 provides D3740  provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.

5. Appar Apparatus atus 5.1   Pycnometer —The —The water pycnometer shall be either a stoppered flask, stoppered iodine flask, or volumetric flask with a minimum capacity of 250 mL. The volume of the pycnometer must be 2 to 3 times greater than the volume of the soil-water mixture used during the deairing portion of the test. 5.1.1 The stoppered flask mechanically sets the volume. The stoppered iodine flask has a flared collar that allows the stopper to be pl plac aced ed at an an angl glee du duri ring ng th ther erma mall eq equi uilib libra rati tion on an and d prevents water from spilling down the sides of the flask when the stopper is installed. The wetting the outside of the flask is undesirable because it creates changes in the thermal equilibrium. When using a stopp stopper er flask, make sure that the stopp stopper er is properly labeled to correspond to the flask. 5.2   Balance—A balance meeting the requirements of Guide D4753   for a balance of 0.01 g readability. When using the 250–mL 250–m L pycno pycnometers, meters, the balance capacity capacity shall be at least 500 g an and d wh when en us usin ing g th thee 50 500– 0–mL mL py pycn cnom omete eters rs,, th thee ba bala lanc ncee capacity shall be at least 1000 g. 5.3   Drying Drying Ove Oven n—Therm —Thermostatic ostatically ally contro controlled lled oven, capable pab le of main maintain taining ing a uni unifor form m temp tempera eratur turee of 11 110 0   6   5°C throughou throu ghoutt the dryin drying g chamb chamber er.. These requir requirements ements usual usually ly require the use of a forced-draft oven.

5.4   Thermometric Thermometric Device, capable of measuring the temperature range within which the test is being performed, having a read readabi ability lity of 0.1 0.1°C °C and a max maximu imum m per permiss missibl iblee err error or of  0.5°C. The device must be capable of being immersed in the sample and calibration solutions to a depth ranging between 25 and 80 mm. Full immersion thermometers shall not be used. To ensure the accuracy of the thermometric device, the thermometric device shall be standardized by comparison to a NIST traceable traceab le thermo thermometric metric device. The standa standardizati rdization on shall inclu clude de atThe least leas t one temperatu temperature re rea readin ding g with within in the range of  testing. thermometric device shall be standardized at least once every twelve months. 5.5   Desiccator —A —A desiccator cabinet or large desiccator jar of sui suitab table le siz sizee con contain taining ing sili silica ca gel or anh anhydr ydrous ous calc calcium ium sulfate. NOTE   3—It 3—It is pre prefer ferabl ablee to use a des desicc iccant ant tha thatt cha change ngess col color or to indicate indica te when it needs reconstitution. reconstitution.

5.6   Entrap Entrapped ped Air Rem Remova ovall App Appara aratus tus—T —To o rem remove ove entrapped air (deairing process), use one of the following: 5.6.1  Hot Plate or Bunsen Burner , capable of maintaining a temperature adequate to boil water. 5.6.2   Vacuum Vacuum System, a vacuum pump or water aspirator, capable of producing a partial vacuum of 100 mm of mercury (Hg) or less absolute pressure.  Warning— Mercury has been  Warning—Mercury designated by EPA and many state agencies as a hazardous materia mate riall tha thatt can cau cause se cen central tral ner nervou vouss sys system tem,, kid kidney ney and liver liv er dam damage age.. Mer Mercur cury y, or its vap vapor or,, may be haz hazard ardous ous to health hea lth and cor corros rosive ive to mate materia rials. ls. Cau Caution tion should should be tak taken en when handling mercury and mercury containing products. See the applicable product Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for details deta ils and EP EPA A’s web website site – http http://w ://www ww.epa .epa.go .gov/me v/mercu rcury/  ry/  faq.htm - for additional information. Users should be aware that selling mercury and/or mercury containing products into your state may be prohibited by state law. NOTE   4—A 4—A partial partial va vacu cuum um of 100 100 mm Hg ab abso solu lute te pres pressu sure re is approximately equivalent to a 660 mm (26 in.) Hg reading on vacuum gauge at sea level.

5.7   Insulated Container —A —A Styrofoam cooler and cover or equi eq uiva valen lentt co cont ntain ainer er th that at ca can n ho hold ld be betw tween een th thre reee an and d si six x pycnometers plus a beaker (or bottle) of deaired water, and a thermo the rmomete meterr. Thi Thiss is req requir uired ed to main maintain tain a con contro trolled lled tem tem-peratur per aturee env enviro ironme nment nt whe where re cha change ngess wil willl be uni unifor form m and gradual. 5.8   Funnel—A non-corrosive non-corrosive smooth surface funnel with a stem that extends past the calibration mark on the volumetric flask or stoppered seal on the stoppered flasks. The diameter of  the stem of the funnel must be large enough that soil solids will easily pass through. 5.9   Py Pycn cnom omet eter er Fi Fill llin ing g Tub ubee wi with th La Late tera rall Ven ents ts —A device to assist in adding deaired water to the (optional) pycnom pyc nometer eter wit withou houtt dis distur turbin bing g the soi soil-w l-water ater mix mixtur ture. e. The device may be fabricated as follows. Plug a 6 to 10-mm ( 1 ⁄ 4  to 3  ⁄ 8  in.) diameter plastic tube at one end and cut two small vents (notches) just above the plug. The vents should be perpendicular to the axis of the tube and diametrically opposed. Connect a valve to the other end of the tube and run a line to the valve from a supply of deaired water.

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D854 – 10

5.10   Sieve— 4.75 mm (No. 4) conforming to the requirements of Specification E11 Specification  E11.. 5.11   Blender Blender (optio (optional) nal)—A bl blen ende derr wi with th mi mixi xing ng bl blad ades es built into the base of the mixing container. 5.12   Miscellaneou Miscellaneouss Equip Equipment  ment , su such ch as a co comp mpu ute terr or calculator (optional), specimen dishes, and insulated gloves. 6. Reag Reagents ents 6.1   Purity —Dist istill illed ed wa wate terr is us used ed in th this is tes testt Purity of Water —D method. This water may be purchased and is readily at most grocery stores; hereafter, distilled water will beavailable referred to as water. 7. Test Specimen 7.1 The test specimen specimen may be moi moist st or ove oven-d n-dry ry soil and shall be representative of the soil solids that pass the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve in the total sample.  Table 1 gives 1  gives guidelines on recommended dry soil mass versus soil type and pycnometer size. 7.1.1 Two important factors factors concerning concerning the amoun amountt of soil solids being tested are as follows. First, the mass of the soil solids divided by its specifi specificc gravi gravity ty will yield four-signifi four-significant cant digits. Secondly, the mixture of soil solids and water is a slurry not a hig highly hly viscous viscous flui fluid d (th (thick ick pain paint) t) dur during ing the dea deairi iring ng process. 8. Cali Calibrat bration ion of Pyc Pycnome nometer ter 8.1 Determ Determine ine the mass of the clean and dry pycnometer pycnometer to the nearest 0.01 g (typi (typically cally five significant digits). Repeat this determination determi nation five times. One balance should be used for all of  the mass measurements. Determine and record the average and standard deviation. The standard deviation shall be less than or equal to 0.02 g. If it is greater, attempt additional measurements or use a more stable or precise balance. 8.2 8. 2 Fi Fill ll th thee py pycn cnom omet eter er wi with th de deai aire red d wa water ter to ab abov ovee or below the calibration mark depending on the type of pycnometer and laboratory preference to add or remove water. 8.2.1 It is recommended recommended that water be removed to bring the water wa ter lev level el to th thee ca calib libra ratio tion n ma mark rk.. Th Thee re remo mova vall me meth thod od reducess the cha reduce chance ncess of alte alterin ring g the the therma rmall equ equilib ilibriu rium m by reducing the number of times the insulated container is opened. 8.2.2 The water must be deaired deaired to ensure that there are no air bubbles in the water water.. The water may be deaired using using either boil bo ilin ing, g, va vacu cuum um,, co comb mbin inati ation on of va vacu cuum um an and d he heat, at, or a deairing device. This deaired water should not be used until it has equilibrated to room temperature. Also, this water shall be added to the pycnometer following the guidance given in   9.6 9.6.. 8.3 Up to six pycnometers pycnometers can be calibr calibrated ated concurrently concurrently in each insulated container. container. Put the pycno pycnometer(s meter(s)) into a covere covered d insulated container along with the thermometric device (or the TABLE 1 Recomm Recommended ended Mass for Test Specimen Soil Type

SP, SP-SM SP-SC, SM, SC Silt or Clay

Specimen Dry Mass (g) When Using 250 mL

Specimen Dry Mass (g) When Using 500 mL

Pycnometer 60 6 10 45 6 10 35 6 5

Pycnometer 100 6 10 75 6 10 50 6 10

temperatur tempera turee sen sensin sing g por portion tion of the the thermo rmometr metric ic dev device) ice),, a beaker (or bottle) of deaired water, stopper(s) (if a stoppered pycnometer is being used), and either an eyedropper or pipette. Let the pycnometer(s) come to thermal equilibrium (for at least 3 h). The equ equilib ilibriu rium m tem temper peratu ature re sho should uld be wit within hin 4°C of  room temperature and between 15 and 30°C. 8.4 Mov Movee the insulated insulated containe containerr nea nearr the balance balance or vice versa. Open the container and remove one pycnometer. Only the rim of the pycnometer shall be touched as to prevent the heat thermal equilibrium. Either workfrom in thehandling containerchanging or place the the pycnometer on an insulated block (Styrofoam) while making water level adjustments. 8.4.1 If using a volumetric volumetric flask as a pycno pycnometer meter,, adjust the water to the calibration mark, with the bottom of the meniscus level with the mark. If water has to be added, use the thermally equilibrated water from the insulated container. If water has to be removed, removed, use a small suctio suction n tube or paper towel. Check for and remove any water beads on the pycnometer stem or on the exterior of the flask. Measure and record the mass of pycnometer and water to the nearest 0.01 g. 8.4.2 If a stoppered stoppered flask is used, adjust the water to prevent prevent entrap ent rapmen mentt of any air bub bubble bless bel below ow the sto stoppe pperr dur during ing its plac pl acem emen ent. t. If wa wate terr ha hass to be ad adde ded, d, us usee th thee th ther erma mall lly y equilibrated water from the insulated container. Then, place the stopper in the bottle. If water has to be removed, before or after inserting the stopper, use an eyedropper. Dry the rim using a paper towel. Be sure the entire exterior of the flask is dry. Measure and record the mass of pycnometer and water to the nearest 0.01 g. 8.5 Measur Measuree and record the temperature temperature of the water to the neares nea restt 0.1 0.1°C °C usi using ng the the thermo rmomet metric ric dev device ice tha thatt has been therma the rmally lly equ equilib ilibrat rated ed in the ins insula ulated ted con contain tainer er.. Ins Insert ert the thermometric device (or the temperature sensing portion of the thermometric thermo metric device) to the appropriate appropriate depth of immers immersion ion (see   5.4 5.4)). Retu Return rn the pyc pycnom nometer eter to the ins insula ulated ted con contain tainer er.. Repeat the measurements for all pycnometers in the container. 8.6 Readjus Readjustt the water level in each pycnometer pycnometer to above or below the calibration line or empty the pycnometer and fill to the above or below the calibra calibration tion line. Allow the pycnometers pycnometers to th ther erma mally lly eq equi uilib libra rate te (f (for or at lea least st 3 h) in th thee co cove vere red d insulated insula ted container. container. Adjust the water level to the calibra calibration tion line by removing water from the pycnometer or by filling the pycnometer to the calibration mark with the thermally equilibrated deaired water from the insulated container. Measure and record the mass and temperature of the filled pycnometer. 8.6.1 8.6 .1 Repeat Repeat the pro proced cedure ure in   8.6   unti untill a to tota tall of fiv fivee independent measurements of the mass of the filled pycnometer and temperature readings are obtained. The temperatures do not need to bracket any particular temperature range. 8.7 8. 7 Using Using eac each h of th these ese fiv fivee da data ta po poin ints ts,, co comp mput utee th thee calibrated volume of each pycnometer,  V  p, using the following equation: V  p   5

~ M  pw,c   – M  p! rw,c


where:  M  pw,c   = the the ma mass ss of th thee py pycn cnom omet eter er and water water at th thee calibration calibr ation temper temperature, ature, g,

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   M  p



D854 – 10 = the ave averag ragee mass mass of the dry pyc pycnom nometer eter at calibration, g, and = th thee ma mass ss densi density ty of water water at th thee ca cali libr brat atio ion n temperature g/mL,  g/mL,   (Table 2) 2).

8.8 Calcula Calculate te the average and the stand standard ard deviation deviation of the five volume determ determination inations. s. The standard deviation shall be less than or equal to 0.05 mL (rounded to two decimal places). If the standard deviation is greater than 0.05 mL, the calibration procedu procedure re has too muc much h var variab iabilit ility y and will not yield accurat accu ratee spe specifi cificc gra gravit vity y det determ erminat ination ions. s. Eva Evaluat luatee are areas as of  possible possib le refine refinement ment (adjusting the volum volumee to the calibration mark, achieving temperature equilibrium, measuring tempera-

ture, deairing method or changing to the stoppered flasks) and revise the procedure until the standard deviation is less than or equal to 0.05 mL. 9. Pro Procedu cedure re 9.1   Pycnometer —Usi sing ng th thee sa same me ba bala lanc ncee us used ed to Pycnometer Mass—U calibrate the pycnometer, verify that the mass of the pycnometer is within 0.06 g of the average calibrated mass. If it is not, re-calibrate the dry mass of the pycnometer. 9.2   Method A—Procedure for Moist Specimens: 9.2.1 Determ Determine ine the water content of a portion of the sample in acco accorda rdance nce with Test Test Meth Method od   D2216. D2216.   Using Using thi thiss wat water er

TABLE 2 Densit Density y of Water and Tempera emperature ture Coefficient Coefficient (K ) for Various TemperaturesA,B  Temperature (°C)


Density (g/mL)C 

Temperature Temperature Coefficient (°C) (K )

Density (g/mL)C 

Temperature Temperature Coefficient (°C) (K )

Temperature Density Temperature Coefficient C  (g/mL) (°C) (K )

Density (g/mL)C 

15.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

0.99910 0.99909 0.99907 0.99906 0.99904 0.99902 0.99901 0.99899

1.00090 1.00088 1.00087 1.00085 1.00084 1.00082 1.00080 1.00079

16.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

0.99895 0.99893 0.99891 0.99890 0.99888 0.99886 0.99885 0.99883

1.00074 1..00072 1 1 .00071 1. 1 .00069 1. 1 .00067 1. 1 .00066 1. 1 .00064 1. 1 .00062 1.

17.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

0.99878 0.99876 0.99874 0.99872 0.99871 0.99869 0.99867 0.99865

1..00057 1 1.00055 1.00054 1.00052 1.00050 1.00048 1.00047 1.00045

18.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

0.99860 0.99858 0.99856 0.99854 0.99852 0.99850 0.99848 0.99847

1.00039 1.00037 1.00035 1.00034 1.00032 1.00030 1.00028 1.00026

.8 .9 19.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 23.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

0.99898 0.99896 0.99841 0.99839 0.99837 0.99835 0.99833 0.99831 0.99829 0.99827 0.99825 0.99823 0.99754 0.99752 0.99749 0.99747 0.99745 0.99742 0.99740 0.99737

1.00077 1.00076 1.00020 1.00018 1.00016 1.00014 1.00012 1.00010 1.00008 1.00006 1.00004 1.00002 0.99933 0.99931 0.99929 0.99926 0.99924 0.99921 0.99919 0.99917

.8 .9 20.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 24.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

0.99881 0.99879 0.99821 0.99819 0.99816 0.99814 0.99812 0.99810 0.99808 0.99806 0.99804 0.99802 0.99730 0.99727 0.99725 0.99723 0.99720 0.99717 0.99715 0.99712

1..00061 1 1 .00059 1. 1.00000 0 .99998 0. 0 .99996 0. 0 .99994 0. 0 .99992 0. 0 .99990 0. 0 .99987 0. 0 .99985 0. 0 .99983 0. 0 .99981 0. 0.99909 0 .99907 0. 0 .99904 0. 0 .99902 0. 0 .99899 0. 0 .99897 0. 0 .99894 0. 0 .99892 0.

.8 .9 21.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 25.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

0.99863 0.99862 0.99799 0.99797 0.99795 0.99793 0.99791 0.99789 0.99786 0.99784 0.99782 0.99780 0.99705 0.99702 0.99700 0.99697 0.99694 0.99692 0.99689 0.99687

1.00043 1.00041 0 .99979 0. 0.99977 0.99974 0.99972 0.99970 0.99968 0.99966 0.99963 0.99961 0.99959 0 .99884 0. 0.99881 0.99879 0.99876 0.99874 0.99871 0.99868 0.99866

.8 .9 22.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 26.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

0.99845 0.99843 0.99777 0.99775 0.99773 0.99770 0.99768 0.99766 0.99764 0.99761 0.99759 0.99756 0.99679 0.99676 0.99673 0.99671 0.99668 0.99665 0.99663 0.99660

1.00024 1.00022 0.99957 0.99954 0.99952 0.99950 0.99947 0.99945 0.99943 0.99940 0.99938 0.99936 0.99858 0.99855 0.99852 0.99850 0.99847 0.99844 0.99842 0.99839

.8 .9 27.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9

0.99735 0.99732 0.99652 0.99649 0.99646 0.99643 0.99641 0.99638 0.99635 0.99632 0.99629 0.99627

0.99914 0.99912 0.99831 0.99828 0.99825 0.99822 0.99820 0.99817 0.99814 0.99811 0.99808 0.99806

.8 .9 28.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9

0.99710 0.99707 0.99624 0.99621 0.99618 0.99615 0.99612 0.99609 0.99607 0.99604 0.99601 0.99598

0..99889 0 0 .99887 0. 0.99803 0 .99800 0. 0 .99797 0. 0 .99794 0. 0 .99791 0. 0 .99788 0. 0 .99785 0. 0 .99783 0. 0 .99780 0. 0 .99777 0.

.8 .9 29.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9

0.99684 0.99681 0.99595 0.99592 0.99589 0.99586 0.99583 0.99580 0.99577 0.99574 0.99571 0.99568

0.99863 0.99860 0 .99774 0. 0.99771 0.99768 0.99765 0.99762 0.99759 0.99756 0.99753 0.99750 0.99747

.8 .9 30.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9

0.99657 0.99654 0.99565 0.99562 0.99559 0.99556 0.99553 0.99550 0.99547 0.99544 0.99541 0.99538

0.99836 0.99833 0.99744 0.99741 0.99738 0.99735 0.99732 0.99729 0.99726 0.99723 0.99720 0.99716

Reference: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, David R. Lide, Editor-in-Chief, 74th Edition, 1993–1994.

 26 6  26 6 rw  5 1.00034038 – ~7.77 3 10  2  – ~4.95 3 10  2 ! 3 T  – ! 3 T  2

where: Densit sity y of of wate waterr in in g/mL g/mL,, rw    = Den T    = the tes testt temp tempera eratur ture e in in °C, °C, and K    =   rw ⁄ 0.9982063 0.9982063 C 

Temperature Coefficient (K )

mL = cm3.

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D854 – 10

conten tent, t, calc calcula ulate te the range of wet mas masses ses for the spe specifi cificc con gravity gravit y specime specimen n in accordance with   7.1 7.1.. From the sample, obtain a specimen within this range. Do not sample to obtain an exact prede predetermin termined ed mass. 9.2.2 To disperse disperse the soil put about about 100 mL of water into into the mixing container of a blender or equivalent device. Add the soil and blend. The minimum volume of slurry that can be prepar pre pared ed by thi thiss equ equipm ipment ent will typ typical ically ly req requir uiree usi using ng a 500-mL pycnometer.

During the process, the slurry should be agitated as necessary to mai maintai ntain n boi boilin ling g and prevent prevent soi soill fro from m dry drying ing ont onto o the pycnometer. 9.6  Filling the Pycnometer with Water —Fill the pycnometer with deaired water (see 8.2.2 (see  8.2.2))  by introducing the water through a piece of small-diameter flexible tubing with its outlet end kept just below the surface of the slurry in the pycnometer or by using the pycnometer filling tube. If the pycnometer filling tube is used, fill the tube with water, and close the valve. Place

9.2.3 Using the funnel, pour the slurry into the pycno pycnometer meter.. Rinse an Rinse any y so soil il pa part rticl icles es re remai maini ning ng on th thee fu funn nnel el in into to th thee pycnometer using a wash/spray squirt bottle. 9.2.4 Procee Proceed d as described in  in   9.4 9.4.. 9.3   Method B—Procedure for Oven-Dried Specimens: 9.3. 9. 3.1 1 Dr Dry y th thee sp speci ecime men n to a co cons nstan tantt ma mass ss in an ov oven en maintained at 110  6   5°C. Break up any clods of soil using a mortar mor tar and pes pestle. tle. If the soil will not easi easily ly dis disper perse se aft after er drying dryin g or has chang changed ed composition, composition, use Test Method A. Refer to 1.2.1 to  1.2.1 for  for soils that require use of Test Method A. 9.3.2 Place the funnel into the pycnometer pycnometer.. The stem of the funnel must extend past the calibration mark or stopper seal. Spoon the soil solids directly into the funnel. Rinse any soil particles remaining on the funnel into the pycnometer using a

the such thatthe thevalve drainage holes justthe at the surface of  the tube slurry. Open slightly toare allow water to flow over the top of the slurry. As the clear water layer develops, raise the tube and increase the flow rate. If the added water becomes cloudy, do not add water above the calibration mark  or into the stopper seal area. Add the remaining water the next day. 9.6.1 If using the stoppered stoppered iodine flask, fill the flask, such that the base of the stopper will be submerged in water. Then rest the stopper at an angle on the flared neck to prevent air entrapment under the stopper. If using a volumetric or stoppered flask, fill the flask to above or below the calibration mark  depending on preference. 9.7 If heat has been used, allow allow the spe specim cimen en to coo cooll to approximately room temperature.

wash/spray squir wash/spray squirtt bottle. 9.4   Preparing Preparing the Soil Slurry— Add water until the water level is between   1 ⁄ 3  and   1 ⁄ 2  of the depth of the main body of the pycnometer pycno meter.. Agitat Agitatee the water until slurry is formed. Rinse any soil adhering to the pycnometer into the slurry. 9.4. 9. 4.1 1 If slu slurr rry y is no nott fo form rmed ed,, bu butt a vi visc scou ouss pa paste ste,, us usee a pycnometer having a larger volume. See  7.1.1  7.1.1..

9.8   Thermal Thermal Equili Equilibrium brium—P —Put ut th thee py pycn cnom omete eter( r(s) s) in into to a covered insulated container along with the thermometric device (or the temperature sensing portion of the thermometric device), a beaker (or bottle) of deaired water, stopper(s) (if a stoppered pycnometer is being used), and either an eyedropper or pipette. Keep these items in the closed container overnight to achieve thermal equilibrium. 9.9   Pycnometer Mass Determination—If the insulated container tain er is not pos positio itioned ned near a bal balanc ance, e, mov movee the ins insulat ulated ed container near the balance or vice versa. Open the container and an d re remo move ve th thee py pycn cnom omet eter er.. On Only ly to touc uch h th thee ri rim m of th thee pycn py cnom omete eterr be becau cause se th thee he heat at fr from om ha hand ndss can ch chan ange ge th thee therma the rmall equ equilib ilibriu rium. m. Plac Placee the pyc pycnom nometer eter on an ins insulat ulated ed block (Styrofoam or equivalent). 9.9.1 9.9 .1 If using a vol volume umetric tric flask, flask, adj adjust ust the wat water er to the

NOTE   5—For some soils containing a signi significant ficant fraction of orga organic nic matter, kerosene is a better wetting agent than water and may be used in place of distilled water for oven-dried specimens. If kerosene is used, the entrapped air should only be removed by use of an aspirator. Kerosene is a flammable liquid that must be used with extreme caution.

9.5   Deair Deairing ing the Soi Soill Slu Slurry rry—E —Ent ntra rapp pped ed air in th thee so soil il slurry can be removed using either heat (boiling), vacuum or combining heat and vacuum. 9.5.1 9.5 .1 Whe When n usi using ng the hea heat-o t-only nly met method hod (boiling) (boiling),, use a duration of at least 2 h after the soil-water mixture comes to a fulll boi ful boil. l. Use only eno enough ugh heat to kee keep p the slurry slurry boi boilin ling. g. Agitate the slurry as necessary to prevent any soil from sticking to or drying onto the glass above the slurry surface. 9.5.2 If only a vac 9.5.2 vacuum uum is use used, d, the pyc pycnom nometer eter must be continually contin ually agitated under vacuum for at least 2 h. Continually agitated means the silt/clay soil solids will remain in suspension, and the slurry is in constant motion. The vacuum must remain relatively constant and be sufficient to cause bubbling at the beginning of the deairing process. 9.5.3 9.5 .3 If a com combin binatio ation n of heat and vacuum vacuum are use used, d, the pycnometers can be placed in a warm water bath (not more than 40°C) while applying the vacuum. The water level in the bath should be slightly below the water level in the pycnometerr, if th ete thee py pycn cnom omete eterr gl glass ass be beco come mess ho hot, t, th thee so soil il wi will ll typically stick to or dry onto the glass. The duration of vacuum and heat must be at least 1 h after the initiation of boiling.

calibration mark following the procedure in  8.4.1  8.4.1.. 9.9.2 If a stoppered stoppered flask is used, adjust the water to prevent prevent entrap ent rapmen mentt of any air bub bubble bless bel below ow the sto stoppe pperr dur during ing its plac pl acem emen ent. t. If wa wate terr ha hass to be ad adde ded, d, us usee th thee th ther erma mall lly y equilibrated water from the insulated container. Then, place the stopper in the bottle. If water has to be removed, before or after inserting the stopper, use an eyedropper. Dry the rim using a paper towel. Be sure the entire exterior of the flask is dry. 9.10 Measu Measure re and record the mass of pycnometer, pycnometer, soil, and water to the nearest 0.01 g using the same balance used for pycnometer calibration. 9.11   Pycnometer Pycnometer Temper emperatur aturee Determ Determinatio ination n—Measure and record the temperature of the slurry/soil-water mixture to the nearest 0.1°C using the thermometric device and method used during calibration in 8.5 in  8.5..  This is the test temperature,  T t . 9.12  Mass of Dry Soil—Determine the mass of a tare or pan to the nearest 0.01 g. Transfer the soil slurry to the tare or pan. It is imperative that all of the soil be transferred. Water can be adde ad ded. d. Dr Dry y th thee sp spec ecim imen en to a co cons nsta tant nt ma mass ss in an ov oven en

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D854 – 10

maintained ed at 110 6 5°C and cool it in a desiccator. If the tare maintain can be sealed so that the soil can not absorb moisture during cooling, a desiccator is not required. Measure the dry mass of  soil solids plus tare to the nearest 0.01 g using the designated balance. Calculate and record the mass of dry soil solids to the nearest 0.01 g.

G1@20°C   = the appare apparent nt specific specific gravit gravity y of soils retaine retained d on the 4.75-mm sieve as determined by Test Method C127 Method  C127,,  corrected to 20°C G2@20°C   = the specifi specificc gravity gravity of of soil solid solidss passing passing the the 4.75-m 4.7 5-mm m siev sievee as det determ ermine ined d by thes thesee tes testt methodss (Equa method (Equation tion 4).

NOTE   6—This 6—This metho method d has been prove proven n to provide more consi consistent, stent, repeatable results than determining the dry mass prior to testing. This is most probably due to the loss of soil solids during the de-airing phase of 

11. Report: Test Test Data Sheets(s)/Form(s)


the test data sheets or forms, as given below, is the industry standard, and are representative of the significant digits that should be retained. These requirements do not consider in situ material variation, use of the data, special purpose studies, or any con consid sidera eration tionss for the use user’s r’s obj objecti ectives ves.. It is com common mon practice to increase or reduce significant digits of reported data commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope of the standard to consider significant digits used in analysis methodss for engine method engineering ering design. 11.2 Record as a minimum the following following information (data): 11.2.1 11 .2.1 Ident Identificatio ification n of the soil (material) being tested, such as boring number, sample number, depth, and test number. 11.2.2 11 .2.2 Visual classification classification of the soil being tested (group name and symbol in accordance with Practice  D2487  D2487). ). 11.2.3 11 .2.3 Percen Percentt of soil particles particles passing the 4.75-mm (No. (No. 4)

10. Calc Calculati ulation on 10.1 Calculat Calculatee the mass of the pycnometer and and water at the test temperature as follows:  M pw,t   5  M p   1 ~V  p   ·   rw,t !



where:  M rw, mass of th thee py pycn cnom omet eter er and water water at th thee te test st w,t  t    = mass temperature tempera ture (T t ), g,  M  p   = the ave averag ragee calib calibrat rated ed mass of the dry pycnometer, g, V  p   = the averag averagee calibra calibrated ted volum volumee of the pycno pycnometer meter,, mL, and rw,t    = the dens density ity of of water water at at the test tem temper peratu ature re (T t ), g/mL from Table from  Table 2. 2. 10.2 10. 2 Calc Calculat ulatee the specific specific gra gravity vity at soi soill sol solids ids the test temperature,  G t  as follows: Gt   5

rs  M s 5 rw,t  ~ M rw,t  2 ~ M rws,t   –  M s!!



where: rs   rw,t   

= the den densit sity y of the soi soill sol solids ids Mg/ Mg/m m3 or g/cm3, = the density density of wate waterr at at the the test test temp temperat erature ure (T t ), 3 from Table from  Table 2, 2, g/mL or g/cm .  M s   = the mas masss of of the the ove oven n dry dry soi soill soli solids ds (g) (g),, and and  M rws,t    = the mass mass of pycnom pycnometer eter,, water, water, and soil solids solids at at the test temperature, (T t ), g. 10.3 Calculat Calculatee the specific gravity of soil solids solids at 20°C as follows: G 20°C

  5 K  · ·  G


where:    R P


1  R P 1 100 ·  G 1@20°C  100 ·  G2@20°C 

sieve. 11.2.4 11 .2.4 If any soi soill or material material was excluded excluded from the tes testt specimen, describe the excluded material. 11.2.5 11 .2.5 Metho Method d used (Method A or Method B). 11.2.6 11 .2.6 All mass measurements measurements (to the nearest 0.01 g). 11.2.7 11 .2.7 Test temperature (to the neares nearestt 0.1°C 0.1°C). ). 11.2.8 11 .2.8 Specifi Specificc gravity at 20°C (G,  G s,  G 20°C ) to the nearest 0.01. If desired, values to the nearest 0.001 may be recorded. 11.2.9 11 .2.9 Averag veragee specific gravity at 20°C ( Gave  or  G avg@20°C ) to the nearest 0.01, if applicable. (See  10.4  10.4). ). 12. Pre Precisi cision on and Bias 12.1   Precision—Criteria for judging the acceptability of test results obtained by these test methods on a range of soil types using usi ng Method A (except (except the soi soill was air dri dried) ed) is giv given en in


where: K    = the temperature temperature coef coeffficient given given in Table in  Table 2. 2. 10.4 10. 4 For soi soill sol solids ids con contain taining ing par particl ticles es gre greater ater than the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve for which Test Method C127 Method  C127 was  was used to determine the specific gravity of these particles, calculate an average specific gravity. Test Method C127 Method  C127 requires  requires the test be perfor per formed med at 23   6   1.7°C and does not require the specific gravity data to be corrected to 20°C. Use  10.3  10.3   to correct this measurement to 20°C. Use the following equation to calculate the average specific gravity: Gavg@20°C   5

11.1 11 .1 The method used to specify how data are recorded recorded on


= the per percen centt of soi soill ret retain ained ed on the 4.7 4.75-m 5-mm m sieve, = the percen percentt of soil passin passing g the 4.754.75-mm mm sieve,

Tables 3 and 4.  These estimates 4. of precision areby based on the results of the interlaboratory program conducted the ASTM Reference Soils and Testing Program.3 In this program, some labor lab orato atori ries es pe perf rfor orme med d th thre reee re repl plic icate ate te tests sts pe perr so soil il ty type pe (triplicate test laboratory), while other laboratories performed a single test per soil type (single test laboratory). laboratory). A descrip description tion of  the soils tested is given in 12.1.4 in  12.1.4..  The precis precision ion estimates may vary va ry wi with th so soil il ty type pe an and d me meth thod od us used ed (M (Met etho hod d A or B) B).. Judg Ju dgem emen entt is re requ quir ired ed wh when en ap appl plyi ying ng th thes esee es estim timate atess to another soil or method. 12.1.1 12.1. 1 The data data in Table in  Table 3 are 3  are based on three replicate tests performed by each triplicate test laboratory on each soil type. The sin single gle ope operato ratorr and mul multila tilabor borator atory y stan standar dard d dev deviati iation on shown in Table in  Table 3, 3,  Column 4 were obtained in accordance with Practice   E691, E691,   which which rec recomm ommend endss each test testing ing lab labora orator tory y perfor per form m a min minimu imum m of thr three ee rep replica licate te test tests. s. Resu Results lts of two 3

Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Research Report RR: RR:D1 RR:D18-1009 8-1009..

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D854 – 10

TABLE TAB LE 3 Summary of Test Results from Triplicate Test Laboratories (Specific Gravity) (1)

Soil Type

(2) Number of Triplicate Test Labs



Average ValueA

Standard DeviationB 

properly conducted tests performed by the same operator on thee sam th samee ma mater terial ial,, us usin ing g th thee sam samee eq equi uipm pmen ent, t, an and d in th thee shortest practical period of time should not differ by more than the single-operator d2s limits shown in Table in  Table 3, 3,  Column 5. For definition of d2s   see Footnote C in   Table Table 3. Results of two properly conducted tests performed by different operators and on different days should not differ by more than the multilaboratory d2s  limits shown in  Table 3, 3,  Column 5. 12.1.2 12.1. 2 In the ASTM Reference Soils and Testing Testing Program,

(5) Acceptable Range of Two ResultsC 

Single-Operator Results (Within- Laboratory Repeatability):  14 2.717 0.009 0.03 13 2.670 0.006 0.02 14 2.725 0.006 0.02 14 2.658 0.006 0.02 Multilaboratory Results (Between- Laboratory Reproducibility):  CH 14 2.717 0.028 0.08 CL 13 2.670 0.022 0.06 ML 14 2.725 0.022 0.06 SP 14 2.658 0.008 0.02 CH CL ML SP

many of the laboratories performed only a single test. This is common practice in the design and construction industry. The data in   Table 4   are based upon the first test result from the triplicate test laboratories and the single test results from the other oth er labo laborat ratori ories. es. Resu Results lts of two pro proper perly ly con conduc ducted ted test testss performed by two different laboratories with different operators using different equipment and on different days should not vary by more than the d2 s  limits shown in Table in  Table 4, 4,  Column 5. The results in Tables in Tables 3 and 4 are 4  are dissim dissimilar ilar because the data sets are different. 12.1.3  Table 3 presents 3  presents a rigorous interpretation of triplicate test data in accordance with Practice   E691   from prequalified laboratories. Table laboratories.  Table 4   is derived from test data that represents common practice. 12.1.4   Soil Type—Based on the multilaboratory multilaboratory test results results,,


The number of significant digits and decimal places presented are representative of the input data. In accordance with Practice D6026 Practice  D6026,,  the standard deviation and acceptable range of results cannot have more decimal places than the input data. B  Standard Standa rd deviat deviation ion is calcul calculated ated in accord accordance ance with Practi Practice ce   E691   and is referred to as the 1s  1s  limit.   limit. C  Acceptable range of two results is referred to as the d2s  d2 s  limit.  limit. It is calculated as 1.9 1.960 60=2· 1s  1 s , as defined by Pra Practi ctice ce   E177. E177.   The difference difference betwee between n two properly conducted tests should not exceed this limit. The number of significant digits/decimal places presented is equal to that prescribed by these test methods or Practice D6026 Practice  D6026..  In addition, the value presented can have the same number of decimal places as the standard deviation, even if that result has more significant digits than the standard deviation.

TABLE TA BLE 4 Summar Summary y of Single Test Test Result from Each Laboratory Laboratory (Specific Gravity)A (1)




Soil Type

Number of Test Laboratories

Average Value

Standard Deviation

Multilaboratory CH CL ML SP A

the usede in the program is described below accordance withsoil Practice Practic  D2487.  D2487 .  In addition, the local nameinof the soil is given.

(5) Acceptable Range of Two Results

CH—Fat clay, CH, 99 % fines, LL=60, PI=39, grayish brown, soil had been air dried and pulverized. Local name—Vicksburg Buckshot Clay CL—Lean clay, CL, 89 % fines, LL=33, PI=13, gray, soil had been air dried and pulverized. Local name—Annapolis Clay ML—Silt, ML, 99 % fines, LL=27, PI=4, light brown, soil had been air dried and pulverized. Local name—Vicksburg Silt SP—Poorly graded sand; SP, 20 % coarse sand, 48 % medium sand, 30 % fine sand, 2 % fines, yellowish yellowish brown. Local name—Frederick name—Frederick sand

Results (Single-Test Performed by Each Laboratory):  18 2.715 0.027 0.08 18 2.673 0.018 0.05 18 2.726 0.022 0.06 18 2.660 0.007 0.02

See footnotes in Table in  Table 3. 3.

12.2   Bias—There is no acceptable reference value for this test method, therefore, bias cannot be determined.

SUMMARY OF CHANGES In accordance with Committee D18 policy, this section identifies the location of changes to this standard since the last edition (06´1) that may impact the use of this standard. (1) Subse Subsections ctions 5.4  5.4,,  8.3  8.3,,  8.5  8.5,,  8.6  8.6,,  9.8  9.8,,   and and 9.11  9.11 were  were changed to permit the use of standardized non-mercury thermometers.

(2) Subsec Subsection tion   8.6   was cha change nged d and sub subsec section tion   8.6.1   was added to clarify the pycnometer calibration procedure.

ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the ASTM website (www.astm.or (  g/  COPYRIGHT/).

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