Astm D6980-17

July 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pbgs gitmrihtgoihj sthi`hr` whs `mvmjopm` gi hllor`hilm wgtb gitmrihtgoihjjy rmlocigzm` prgilgpjms oi sthi`hr`gzhtgoi msthnjgsbm` gi tbm @mlgsgoi oi Vrgilgpjms eor tbm @mvmjopamit oe Gitmrihtgoihj \thi`hr`s, Cug`ms hi` ^mloaami`htgois gssum` ny tbm Sorj` Prh`m Orchigzhtgoi Pmlbiglhj Nhrrgmrs to Prh`m (PNP) Loaagttmm.

@msgcihtgoi4 @5726 ∞ 83

\thi`hr` Pmst Amtbo` eor

@mtmragihtgoi oe Aogsturm gi Vjhstgls ny Joss gi Smgcbt 8 Pbgs sthi`hr` gs gssum` ui`mr tbm ﬈xm` `msgcihtgoi @5726; tbm iuanmr gaam`ghtmjy eojjowgic tbm `msgcihtgoi gi`glhtms tbm ymhr oe  orgcgihj orgcgi hj h`optgoi or, gi tbm lhsm oe rmvgs rmvgsgoi, goi, tbm ymhr oe jhst rmvgsgoi. rmvgsgoi. H iuanmr gi phrmi phrmitbmsm tbmsmss gi`glhtms tbm ymhr oe jhst rmhppr rmhpprovhj. ovhj. H supmrslrgpt mpsgjoi (°) gi`glhtms hi m`gtorghj lbhicm sgilm tbm jhst rmvgsgoi or rmhpprovhj.

8. \lo \lopm* pm*

. ^memrmil ^memrmilm` m` @oluamits @oluamits >.8   H\PA \thi`hr`s4> @22776 Loaagttmm  @>6 oi  oi Vjhstgls hi` gs tbm `grmlt rmspo rmspoisgngj isgngjgty gty oe \unlo \unloaagttm aagttmmm  @>6.36  @>6.36   oi Hihjytglhj Amtbo`s. Lurrmit Lurrm it m`gtg m`gtgoi oi hppro hpprovm` vm` Duim 8=, >683. Vunjg Vunjgsbm` sbm` Hucust >683. Orgcgi Orgcgihjjy hjjy hpprovm` gi >660. Jhst prmvgous m`gtgoi hpprovm` gi >68> hs @5726 - 8>. @OG4 86.8=>6/@5726-83. > Eor rmemrmilm` H\PA sthi`hr`s, vgsgt tbm H\PA wmnsgtm, www.hsta.orc, or loithlt H\PA Lustoamr \mrvglm ht smrvglmFhsta.orc. Eor  Hiiuhj Nook oe H\PA  \thi`hr`s vojuam gieorahtgoi, rmemr to tbm sthi`hr`‗s @oluamit \uaahry phcm oi

tbm H\PA wmnsgtm.

=.8 Pb =.8 Pbgs gs tm tmst st am amtb tbo` o` gs gi gitm tmi` i`m` m` eo eorr us usmm hs h lo loit itro roj, j, hllmpthilm, hi` hssmssamit tmst. =.> Aogstu Aogsturm rm wgjj he heemlt emlt tbm prolmsshngjgty prolmsshngjgty oe soam ahtmrghjs. Eor tbmsm ahtmrghjs, `memlts wgjj ollur ge tbmy hrm prolmssm` wgtb h aogsturm loitmit outsg`m oe tbm rmloaami`m` rhicm. =.< Pbm pby pbysglh sglhjj pro propmr pmrtgms tgms oe soa soamm pjhs pjhstgls tgls hrm crm crmhtjy htjy heemltm` ny tbm aogsturm loitmit. 5. Gitmremrm Gitmremrmilms ilms 5.8 Sbmi tmstgic tmstgic pjhstgl ahtmrghjs ahtmrghjs eor aogsturm aogsturm ny h joss gi wmgcbtt tmlbigq wmgcb tmlbigqum, um, tbm possg possgngjgty ngjgty mxgsts eor vojhtgj vojhtgjms ms otbmr tbhi aogsturm to nm mvojvm` hi` lhusm h nghsm` bgcb rmsujt ge tbm ahtmrghjj bhs iot nmmi `rgm` to rmaov ahtmrgh rmaovmm mxlmss aogsturm hi` jow nogjgic vojhtgjms. Gt gs gaporthit to bhvm h workgic kiowjm`cm oe tbm ahtmrghj tbht gs nmgic tmstm` hi` to rmahgi nmjow hiy amjtgic or `mloaposgtgoi tmapmrhturms tbht wouj` uiimlmsshrgjy lhusm tbm magssgoi oe vojhtgjms wbglb lhi nm bhraeuj. 3. Hpphr Hpphrhtus htus 3.8  Aogsturm Hihjyzmr,  loithgigic4

*H \uaahry oe Lbhicms smltgoi hppmhrs ht tbm mi` oe tbgs sthi`hr` Lopyrgcbt © H\PA Gitmrihtgoihj, 866 Nhrr Bhrnor @rgvm, VO Nox L366, Smst Loisbobolkmi, VH 870>2->7=7. ]igtm` \thtms Lopyrgcbt H\PA Gitmrihtgoihj Vrovg`m` ny GB\ Ahrkgt ui`mr jglmism wgtb H\PA Io rmpro`ultgoi or imtworkgic pmragttm` wgtbout jglmism eroa GB\

Iuanmr4 S>>=>230 8Or`mr \oj` to4AH^W JMB^PM^ [>33866668Q [>33866668Q - AJMB^PM^FAH@ME^OA\POIM.LOA,

Iot eor ^mshjm,>6>6-88->3 >6460482 ]PL

                    f   ,   ,   ,         f         f         f   ,         f         f             f       ,         f   ,         f   ,   ,         f   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,         f         f   ,   ,         f   ,   ,   ,         f         -


@5726 ∞ 83 3.8.8 .8 Pbm lhphngjgty lhphngjgty oe tbm ovmi sbh sbhjj jj nm smj smjmltm mltm` ` nhs nhsm` m` 3.8 upoi upo i tbm spm spmlg﬈l lg﬈l aht ahtmrgh mrghjj nmgi nmgic c tmst tmstm`. m`. \uc \uccms cmstm` tm` tmst tmapmrhturms eor spmlg﬈l pjhstgls hrm sbowi gi  Phnjms H8.8-H   @mtmragihtgoi oe Optgahj Pmst Loi`gtgois4 IOPM 0‐Sbmi `mtmragigic `mtmragigic tbm optga optgahj hj tmst loi`g loi`gtgois tgois eor h ahtmr ahtmrghj, ghj, gt gs us usme meuj uj to bh bhvm vm h Kh Khrj rj Eg Egsl slbm bmrr hp hpph phrh rhtu tuss hv hvhgj hgjhn hnjm jm hi hi` ` tm tmst st gi hllor`hilm wgtb Pmst Amtbo` @5257 Amtbo`  @5257 or  or loithlt tbm hihjyzmr ahiuehlturmr wbo gi soam lhsms wgjj provg`m tbgs smrvglm eor you.

86.>.8 Vrocr 86.>.8 Vrocrha ha tbm hihjyzmr gi hllor` hllor`hilm hilm wgtb tbm loi`gtgois jgstm` gi Hiimx gi  Hiimx H8, H8,  Hiimx H>, H>, or or Hiimx  Hiimx H 86. >.> Po `mtm `mtmrag ragim im tbm opt optgau gaua a tmst tmap tmapmrh mrhtur turmm eor h ahtmrghj, rui h sgicjm tmst wbglb gilju`ms smvmrhj loismlutgvm procrh pro crhas as tbh tbhtt bhv bhvmm nmm nmmi i jgi jgikm` km` toc tocmtb mtbmr mr.. Mhl Mhlb b pro procrh crha a gs g`mitglhj gi gts phrhamtmrs mxlmpt tbm tmapmrhturm gs gilrmhsm` =¶L. IOPM   =‐Sbmi =‐Sbmi gil gilrmh rmhsgi sgic c tbm tms tmstt tma tmapmr pmrhtu hturm, rm, `o iot mxl mxlmm` mm` h tmapmrhturm wbmrm tbm potmitghj mxgsts eor tbm magssgoi oe bhraeuj euams. IOPM  5‐Misurm tbht tbm procrha smjmltm` to rui ﬈rst gs tbm jowmst tmapmrhturm.

86.>.< Hetmr tbm tmsts bhvm loapjmtm`, 86.>.< loapjmtm`, pjot tbm rmsujt vmrsus vmrsus tmapmrhturm to ahkm h lurvm hs gi  Egc. 8. 8. 86.>.. . Nmtwmmi pogits pogits < hi` = tbm aogsturm rmsujt gs vmry jow hi` loisthit. Lboosm h tmapmrhturm gi tbgs rhicm hs tbm optgaua optgau a tmst tmapmr tmapmrhturm. hturm. 86.>.< 86. >. Ge loivmrsgoi loivmrsgoi to ac/kc gs `msgrm `msgrm`, `, lhjlujhtm hs eojjows4

7.= Ge rmsujts hrm stgjj iot wgtbgi tbm hllmpthnjm rhicm, rhicm, ﬈rst pmreora h tmapmrhturm lhjgnrhtgoi hi` tbmi h nhjhilm lhjgnrhtgoi to mis misurm urm hih hihjyz jyzmr mr pmr pmreor eorahi ahilm. lm. ^mtm ^mtmst st wgtb so` so`gua gua thrtrhtm `gby`rhtm. Ge rmsujts stgjj hrm iot wgtbgi tbm hllmpthnjm rhicm, tbm lhusm oe tbm ioiloieorahilm aust nm `mtmragim` hi` lorrmltm` nmeorm prolmm`gic wgtb tmstgic.

ac/kc = Aogsturm loitmit ~ % ! < 86666

8>. ^mpo ^mport rt 8>.8 ^mpor ^mportt tbm eojjow eojjowgic gic gieorahtgoi4 gieorahtgoi4

86. Vrolm`ur Vrolm`urmm 86.8   \hapjm Hihjysgs4 86.8.8 86.8. 8 Vrmph Vrmphrm rm hihjyzmr hs succ succmstm` mstm` ny gistruamit ahiuehlturmr. 86.8.> 86.8. > Vrocr Vrocrha ha tbm hihjyz hihjyzmr mr wgtb tbm succm succmstm` stm` tmst loi`gtgois jgstm` gi  Hiimx H8, H8,  Hiimx H>, H>, or or Hiimx  Hiimx H230 >Or`mr \oj` to4AH^W JMB^PM^ [>33866668Q [>33866668Q - AJMB^PM^FAH@ME^OA\POIM.LOA,

Iot eor ^mshjm,>6>6-88->3 >6460482 ]PL


                    f   ,   ,   ,         f         f         f   ,         f         f             f       ,         f   ,         f   ,   ,         f   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,         f         f   ,   ,         f   ,   ,   ,         f         -


@5726 ∞ 83 PHNJM 8 Aogsturm (%) H


\thi`hr` @mvghtgoi oe Jhn Hvmrhcms \ 6.687> 6. 6.6863 6. 6.6302 6.85 6.6658 6.6>08 6.66>0 6.66 8>.8. > @htm oe tmst, tmst, 8>.8.< 8>.8. < Gi`gv Gi`gvg`uhj g`uhj spmlgami spmlgami sgzm, 8>.8.0 8>.8. 0 Gi`gv Gi`gvg`uhj g`uhj spmlgami aogsturm, aogsturm, hi` 8>.8.= 8>.8. = Hvmrhc vmrhcmm aogsturm ge aujtgpj aujtgpjmm tmsts hrm rui. f    ,   ,   , f    ,   , f  f    ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   , f    ,   , f    , f    , f  f  f    , f  f  f    ,   ,   , f  -

8< 6.6>5< 6.6>60 6.6823 6.86>3 6.67>0 6.6>03

6.68230 33866668Q [>33866668Q - AJMB^PM^FAH@ME^OA\POIM.LOA,

Iot eor ^mshjm,>6>6-88->3 >6460482 ]PL


@5726 ∞ 83 PHNJM H8.8 \uccmstm` Pmst Loi`gtgois eor \mjmltm` Vjhstgls Ahtmrghj HN\ HN\ + VL VOA Hlryjgl VH 5 VH 5/5 VNP VL VMG VMP VV\ V\ VUL PVM PV]


Pmst Pmap. (¶L)


806 8== 856 8=6 83= >86 83= 836 836 856 836 85= 86= 806 8==

G`jm Pmap.


866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866

6.686 6.66= 6.66= 6.663 6.68= 6.68= 6.66= 6.66= 6.66= 6.66= 6.66= 6.66= 6.686 6.66= 6.686


\hapjm \gzm   (crhas) 82 >2 82 >2 82 82 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 82 >2 82

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

>> >> >> >> >> >>

Vhi Phrm


]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ] jtrh-Jow ]j ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow ]jtrh-Jow

\hapjm Phrm (smloi`s)

Jget Loapmishtgoi

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866

IOPM 8‐Ge you iotglm `mcrh`htgoi oe ahtmrghj gilju`gic aorm tbhi ao`mrhtm `gslojorhtgoi, amjtgic, or saokm, jowmr tbm tmst tmapmrhturm ny 86¶L pmr tmst uitgj io `gslojorhtgoi hppmhrs hi` tbm pmjjmts rmthgi tbmgr sbhpm. IOPM >‐Jget loapmishtgoi hllouits eor tbm `geemrmilm gi bmht hnsorptgoi propmrtgms nmtwmmi rmsgis. Gi mssmilm, gt h`dusts eor tbm stroicmr hgr lurrmits prmsmit gi tbm tmst lbhanmr wbmi tmstgic ophqum rmsgis. IOPM  > ]sm tbm eoj eojjow jowgic gic cug cug`mj `mjgim gimss eor `mt `mtmra mragigi gigic c tmst loi`gtgois eor h ahtmrghj iot jgstm` gi   Phnjm H8.8, H8.8,   hi` tbmi pmreor pmr eora a pro prolm` lm`urm urm gi   86.>   to `m `mtmr tmragi agimm tb tbmm op optga tgahj hj tms tmstt tmapmrhturm4

Pma mapm pmrh rhtu turm rms s

Mi`gic Lrgtmrgh \hapjm \gzm Phrm Optgois Jget Loapmishtgoi

Ahtmrghjs wgtb hi mxpmltm` aogsturm loitmit nmjow 6.86 % Pms mst‐ t‐\m \mtt to 6 ¸ > c shapjm wgi`ow Vhi Phrm‐]jtrh Jow Aogsturm \hapjm Phrm‐2 s 866 %

                    f   ,   ,   ,         f         f         f   ,         f         f             f       ,         f   ,         f   ,   ,         f   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,         f         f   ,   ,         f   ,   ,   ,         f         -


H>.8 \uc H>.8 \uccms cmstm` tm` tmst loi loi`gt `gtgoi goiss eor smj smjmltm mltm` ` pjh pjhstgl stglss hrm cgvmi gi Phnjm gi  Phnjm H>.8. H>.8.

Lopyrgcbt H\PA Gitmrihtgoihj Vrovg`m` ny GB\ Ahrkgt ui`mr jglmism wgtb H\PA Io rmpro`ultgoi or imtworkgic pmragttm` wgtbout jglmism eroa GB\

Iuanmr4 S>>=>230 0Or`mr \oj` to4AH^W JMB^PM^ [>33866668Q [>33866668Q - AJMB^PM^FAH@ME^OA\POIM.LOA,

Iot eor ^mshjm,>6>6-88->3 >6460482 ]PL


@5726 ∞ 83 H>.> > ]sm tbm eoj eojjow jowgic gic cug cug`mj `mjgim gimss eor `mt `mtmra mragigi gigic c tmst H>. loi`gtgoi loi`gt goiss eor h ahtm ahtmrgh rghjj iot jgstm` gi   Phnjm H>.8   hi` tbmi pmreor pmr eora a pro prolm` lm`urm urm gi   86.>   to `m `mtmr tmragi agimm tb tbmm op optga tgahj hj tms tmstt tmapmrhturm4 Pmapmrhturms

\mt tmstgic ht =6 % smt to 6.686 to 6.6>6 %

\hapjm Smgcbt

Eor ahtmrghj spml nmtwmmi 6.66= % hi` 6.6>6 % smt to

tmapmrhturm. Agigaua Pmstgic Pgam

\mt agigaua tmstgi tmstgic c tgam ht 0 to = agi eor ahtmrghjs sulb hs pojyha pojyhag`ms g`ms tbht mvojvm aogsturm sjowjy to prmvmit mhrjy tmragihtgoi oe tbm tmst. \mt to OEE ge iot imm`m`.

Mi`pogit Pgam

8.= to 6 % hi` 6.8=6 % smt to 6 to .8‐\hapjm wmgcbts hrm smjmltm` nhsm` oi tbm rmloaami`m` aogsturm spmlg﬈lhtgoi. Gilrmhsgic shapjm sgzm provg`ms bgcbmr sgcihj to iogsm rhtgo eor jow aogsturm jmvmjs.

PHNJM H>.8 \uccmstm` Pmst Loi`gtgois eor \mjmltm` Vjhstgls Ahtmrghj HN\ HN\ + VL VOA Hlryjgl VH 5 VH 5/5 VNP VL VMG VMP VV\ V\ VUL PVM PV]


Pmst Pmap (Lmjsgus)

Pgam (agi)

\thi`ny Pmap (Lmjsgus)

8.6 >.6 >.6 >.6 >.6 >.6 >.6 >.6 >.6 >.6 >.6 .6 >.6

\hapjm \gzm (crhas)

\hapjm @mjhy (smloi`s)

06 =6 06 =6 = 56 36 =6 36 36 =6 06 6>6-88->3 >6460482 ]PL


@5726 ∞ 83 PHNJM H33866668Q [>33866668Q - AJMB^PM^FAH@ME^OA\POIM.LOA,

Iot eor ^mshjm,>6>6-88->3 >6460482 ]PL

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