Astm D5685

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Designation: D5685 – 05

An American National Standard

Standard Specification for

“Fiberglass” (Glass-F “Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinfo iber-Reinforced rced Thermos Thermosetting-Re etting-Resin) sin) Pressure Pipe Fittings1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5685; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original adoption or, in the case of revis original revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Sco Scope* pe*

D2310   Classific Classification ation for Machin Machine-Made e-Made “Fiber “Fiberglass” glass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe D2992   Practice for Obtaining Hydrostatic or Pressure Design Basis for “Fibe “Fibergl rglass” ass” (Glas (Glass-Fib s-Fiberer-Reinf Reinforce orced d Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe and Fittings D2996   Specifi Specification cation for Filamen Filament-W t-Wound ound “Fiber “Fiberglass’ glass’’’ (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe D2997   Specific Specificatio ation n for Cent Centrif rifuga ugally lly Cas Castt “Fib “Fiberg erglass lass”” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe D3567   Practi Practice ce for Det Determ erminin ining g Dim Dimens ension ionss of “Fi “Fiber ber-glass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe and Fitting Fittingss

1.1 This spe specific cificatio ation n cove covers rs “fib “fiberg erglass lass”” (gla (glass-fi ss-fiber ber-reinforced reinfo rced thermosetting-res thermosetting-resin) in) fitting fittingss for use with filamen filamentt wound or centrifugally cast fiberglass pipe, or both, in sizes 1 in.. th in thro roug ugh h 24 in in.. fo forr pi pipe pe ma manu nufa factu cture red d to Sp Speci ecific ficati ation on D2996   or D2996 or D2997  D2997,,  or both. 1.2 The following following safety hazard hazard caveat pertains only only to the test method portion, Section  Section   7,  of this specification: 1.3   This standar standard d doe doess not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safet sa fetyy co conc ncer erns ns,, if an anyy, as asso socia ciate ted d wit with h its us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

D4024   Spec Specificat ification ion for Mach Machine ine Mad Madee “Fib “Fiberg erglass lass’’ ’’ (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Flanges F412  Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems F477  Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe 2.2   ANSI Standard: Standard: B16.5  Steel Pipe Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings 3

NOTE  1—The term “fiberglass pipe” as described in Section   3   of this specification applies to both reinforced thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP) and reinfo reinforced rced polymer mortar pipe (RPMP). NOTE  2—For the purposes of this standard, ploymer does not include natural polymers. NOTE  3—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard.

2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents Documents

3. Terminology


2.1   ASTM Standards: D618  Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing D883   Terminology Relating to Plastics D1598   Test Test Meth Method od for Ti Timeme-toto-Fai Failur luree of Pla Plastic stic Pip Pipee Under Constant Intern Internal al Press Pressure ure D1599  Test Method for Resistance to Short-Time Hydraulic

3.1   Definitions: 3.1.1   General—Definitions are in accordance with Terminology   D883   or   F412. nology F412. Abbreviations are in accordance with Terminology D1600 Terminology  D1600,, unless otherwise indicated. The abbreviation tio n fo forr fib fiber ergl glas asss pi pipe pe is RTR TRP P an and d th thee ab abbr brev eviat iatio ion n fo forr fiberglass fittings is RTRF.

Pressure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings D1600   Term Termino inolog logy y for Abb Abbrev reviate iated d Term ermss Rela Relatin ting g to Plastics D2143   Test Method for Cyclic Pressure Strength of Reinforced,, Therm forced Thermosettin osetting g Plastic Pipe

3.1.2   “fiberglass” “fiberglass” pipe—tubu —tubular lar produ product ct contai containing ning glass fiber rei fiber reinfo nforce rcemen ments ts emb embedd edded ed in or sur surrou rounde nded d by cur cured ed thermo the rmosett setting ing res resin. in. The com compos posite ite stru structu cture re may con contain tain aggregate, granular or platelet fillers, thixotropic agents, pigment me nts, s, or dy dyes es.. Th Ther ermo mopl plas astic tic or th ther ermo mose setti tting ng lin liner erss or coatings may be included. 3.1.3   reinforced reinforced thermo thermosetting setting resi resin n pipe—fiber —fiberglass glass pipe without aggregate (RTRP). 3.1.4   reinforced polymer mortar pipe —fiberglass pipe with aggregate (RPMP). 3.1.5   reinforced —fiberglass glass fitreinforced thermo thermosetting setting res resin in fitting—fiber ting without aggregate (RTRF).


This specification specification is under the juris jurisdictio diction n of ASTM Commi Committee ttee   D20   on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee  Subcommittee   D20.23  on Reinforced Plastic Piping System and Chemical Equipment. Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2005. Published November 2005. Originally approved approv ed in 1995. Last previous previous edition approved in 2002 as D5685– D5685–02. 02. DOI: 10.1520/D5685-05. 2 For refere referenced nced ASTM stand standards, ards, visit the ASTM websi website, te, www www.astm .org,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.

3 Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.



D5685 – 05 reinforced ced polym polymer er morta mortarr fitting—fiber —fiberglass glass fitting 3.1.6   reinfor with aggregate (RPMF).

4.1 This specification specification cover coverss fiber fiberglass glass fittings defined by type (method of manufacture), grade (general resin type), class (general liner type), catagory (configuration of joining system), and pressure rating ( a single letter disignating the pressure class and method of manufacture).

section and a suitable adhesive. This joining method provides an interference fit over the entire length of the bond line. 4.5.2   Category 2—Straight-taper adhesive-bonded joint fitting manufactured with a tapered socket to be used with a pipe or fitt fittin ing g wi with th an un untap taper ered ed sp spig igot ot se secti ction on an and d a su suit itab able le adhesive. This joining method provides an interference fit at the bottom of the socket. 4.5.3   Categor Categoryy 3—St —Straig raight ht adh adhesiv esivee bon bonded ded joi joint nt fitt fitting ing manufactured with an untapered socket for use with a pipe or

4.2   Types: 4.2.1   Typ Typee 1—Filame —Filament-wo nt-wound und fitting fittingss manuf manufactured actured by winding continuous fibrous-glass strand roving or roving tape, either preimpregnated or impregnated during winding, onto a mandrel, or a liner corresponding to the fitting shape. 4.2.2  Type 2—Compression molded fittings made by applying external pressure and heat to a molding compound that is confined within a closed mold. 4.2.3   Type 3—Resin transfer molded fittings manufactured by pump pumping ing a thermo thermosetting setting resin into glass reinforcements reinforcements that th at ha have ve be been en cu cutt to si size ze an and d cla clamp mped ed be betw twee een n ma match tched ed molds. 4.2.4   Type 4—Centrifugally cast fittings made by applying resin and reinforcement to the inside of a mold that is rotating and heated, subsequently polymerizing the resin system.

fitting with an untapered spigot and  joining provides no interference fit. a suitable adhesive. This 4.5.4   Category 4—Butt and strap joint made by a contact molding process which involves hand lay-up with glass-woven roving or chopped strand mat, or both, which is saturated with resin. 4.5.5   Categ —Flan lange ged d fitt fittin ings gs ar aree av avai ailab lable le as all Category ory 5—F outlets flanged or as flange-by-joint specified in this specification. Flanges are in compliance with Specification D4024 Specification  D4024.. 4.5.6   Category 6 —Elastomeric —Elastomeric (gasket) sealed joints with sealant manufactured in compliance with Specification   F477 for joints which have integral longitudinal restraint and do not require thrust blocking or external longitudinal restraint. 4.5.7   Category 7 —Elastomeric —Elastomeric (gasket) sealed joints with seals manufactured manufactured in compl compliance iance with Specifi Specification cation F477  F477 for  for

4.2.5   Type Type 5—Co —Contac ntactt mol molded ded fitti fittings ngs mad madee by app applyi lying ng resin and reinforcement to a mold or to mitered filamentwound stock or centrifugally cast pipe stock. This procedure shall also cover “spray-up” fittings which are made by spraying resin and reinforcement on a mold or over mitered pipe wound stock. “Contact “Con tact mol moldin ding” g” inc includ ludes es bot both h han hand d lay lay-up -up and spr sprayay-up up manufacturing processes. 4.2.6 Fittings of Type Type 1 through Type Type 5 which require thrust blocking or external axial restraint when installed shall have thee let th letter ter “R” ap appe pend nded ed to th thee ty type pe of de desig signa natio tion. n. ( Fo Forr instanc ins tance, e, a con contact tact mol molded ded fitti fitting ng req requir uiring ing thr thrust ust blo blocki cking ng when installed would be designated a type “5R”.) 4.3   Grades: 4.3.1   Grade 1—Epoxy-resin. 4.3.2   Grade 2—Polyester-resin.

 joints which require thrust blocking or external longitudinal restraint. 4.6   Pressure Pressure Rating—Press —Pressure ure rating shall be catego categorized rized by a single letter designation. designation. Pressu Pressure re designations designations are shown in Table in  Table 1. 1. The pressure ratings are applicable for the temperature at which the fittings were tested and for lower temperatures tur es dow down n to −50 −50°F °F (−4 (−46°C 6°C). ). Whe When n agr agreed eed upo upon n bet betwee ween n purchaser purch aser and manuf manufacturer acturer,, pressu pressure re rating ratingss determ determined ined by tests condu conducted cted follow following ing Practic Practicee  D2992  D2992 are  are acceptable. 4.7   Designation Designation Code—The fitting designation code shall consist of the abbreviation RTRF or RPMF followed by the type, typ e, gra grade, de, and class in Arabic Arabic num numera erals ls and the pre pressu ssure re rating category as a capital letter.

4. Clas Classifica sification tion

NOTE   4—An example is RTRF 21A2E. This designation describes a (Type 2) compression molded fitting with a (Grade 1) epoxy-resin without a lin liner er (Cl (Class ass A), whi which ch is joi joined ned wit with h a (Ca (Categ tegory ory 2) tap taper er-to -to-ta -taper per adhesive joining system and has a 200 psig (1380 kPa) pressure rating.

4.3.3   Grade 3—Phenolic-resin. 4.3.4   Grade 4—Vinylester resin. 4.3.5   Grade 7 —Furan —Furan resin. 4.4   Classes: 4.4.1   Class A—No liner. 4.4.2   Class B—Polyester-resin liner (nonreinforced). 4.4.3   Class C —Epoxy-resin —Epoxy-resin liner (nonreinforced). 4.4.4   Class D—Phenolic resin liner (nonreinforced). 4.4.5   Class E —Polyester-resin —Polyester-resin liner (reinforced). 4.4.6   Class F —Epoxy-resin —Epoxy-resin liner (reinforced). 4.4.7   Class G—Phenolic resin liner (reinforced). 4.4.8   Class H —Thermoplastic-resin —Thermoplastic-resin liner (specify). 4.4.9   Class I —Furan-resin —Furan-resin liner (reinforced). 4.4.10   Class J —Vinylester —Vinylester resin liner (nonreinforced). 4.4.11   Class K —Vinylester —Vinylester resin liner (reinforced).

NOTE   5—Fittings with identical classification from different manufacturers may not be interchangeable due to non-standardization of pipe or sockett diame socke diameter, ter, socket length, taper angle, or comb combination ination thereof.

TABLE 1 Pressur Pressure e Categorie Categories s Designation

4.5  Joint Categories (Method of Joining) : 4.5.1  Category 1—Taper-to-taper adhesive-bonded joint fitting ti ngss ma manu nufa fact ctur ured ed wi with th a ta tape pere red d so sock cket et to be us used ed in conj co njun uncti ction on wi with th a pi pipe pe or fit fittin ting g wi with th a ma match tchin ing g sp spig igot ot

Pressure RatingA, psig (kPa)


25 50 100 150 200 250 300

(172) (345) (690) (1034) (1380) (1724) (2068)


400 (2759) 500 (3448) 1000 (6896)

A Pressure ratings are applicable only for the temperature at which the fittings were tested and for lower temperatures.



D5685 – 05 5. Mate Material rialss

7. Test Methods Methods

5.1 Fitting Fittingss manufactured manufactured in accordance with this specificaspecification tio n sh shall all be co comp mpos osed ed of re rein info forc rcem emen entt em embe bedd dded ed in or surrounded by cured thermosetting-resin. The composite structure may contain granular granular or platelet fillers, thixotropic thixotropic agents, pigments, or dyes. 5.2 The resins, fiberglass fiberglass reinforcements, reinforcements, and other materials, when combined into a composite structure, shall produce a fitting fitti ng tha thatt will mee meett the per perfor forman mance ce req requir uireme ements nts of thi thiss specification.

7.1   Conditioning—Wh —When en con conditi ditioni oning ng is req requir uired, ed, and in all cases of disagreement, condition the test specimens at 73.4 6  3.6°F (23   6  2°C) and 50   6  5 % relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior to test, in accordance with Procedure A of  Practice D618 Practice  D618.. 7.2   Test Conditions—The tests may be conducted at ambient tem temper peratu ature re and hum humidit idity y con conditi ditions ons.. Whe When n con contro trolled lled environmen envir onmentt testing is specified, tests shall be condu conducted cted in the Standard Laboratory Atmosphere of 73.4   6  3.6°F (23   6  2°C) and 50   6  5 % relative humidity. When elevated temperature testing is specified, conduct the tests at the design temperature 6   5.4°F (3°C).

6. Requirem Requirements ents 6.1   Workmanship—The fittings shall be free of all defects including includ ing inden indentations tations,, delamin delaminations ations,, bubb bubbles, les, pin holes, foreign inclusions, and resin starved areas, which, due to their nature, degree, or extent, detrimentally affect the strength and serviceability of the fitting. The fitting shall be as uniform as commercially practicable in color, opacity, and other physical properties. 6.2   Dimensions and Tolerances—All flanged fittings shall conform to the center line to flange face dimensions, hole size and hole pattern, and tolerances of ANSI  B16.5  B16.5 short  short or long radius type, or otherwise as agreed upon between the manu-

7.3   Dimensions Dimensions and Toleran olerances ces—Measu —Measure re fitting dimensions in accordance with applicable documents and Practice D3567..   Measu D3567 Measure re flan flange ge dim dimens ension ionss wit with h a micr microme ometer ter or vernier calipers, or other suitable measuring devices accurate to within  6 0.001 in. (0.02 mm). Diameters shall be determined by averaging a minimum of four measurements, equally spaced circumferentially. 7.4  Pressure Tests: 7.4.1   Short-T Short-Term erm Hydrostatic Strength Test  Test —Short-term —Short-term hydrostatic failure pressure tests to determine compliance with

facturer and purchaser. Fitting center line tothereof, end dimensions, taper angles, taper length, or combinations will vary for non-flanged joining systems and the individual manufacturers shall be consulted for dimensions. Dimensions shall be measured in accordance with  with   7.3 7.3..

ration shall beleast capable sustaining a short-time hydrostatic pressure, pressu re, of at fourof times its cycliccyclic-rated rated pressure pressu re or three times its static-rated pressure for 1 min without visible weeping or leakage. 6.3.2 6.3 .2 Each compone component nt sha shall ll mee meett or exceed the cyc cyclic lic or static-test static-t est requi requirement rementss of  7.4.2.   7.4.2. 6.4   Glass Tr Transiti ansition on Temper emperatur aturee (Tg)—The Tg for each resin used, as determined by some thermal analysis method, shall be no less than a minimum statistically significant value established by the manufacturer. Samples shall be taken from manufactured fittings when thermal analysis testing is accomplished by dif different ferential-sca ial-scanning nning-chlo -chlorimeter rimeter (DSC) (DSC).. Test in accordance with  with   7.5 7.5.. 6.5 Factor Factory y leak tests shall be conducted conducted at a pressure pressure of 1.5 timess pre time pressu ssure re rati rating ng and at a fre freque quency ncy determine determined d by an

6.3  performed 6.3 performe d at ambien ambientt temper temperature ature in accord accordance ance with Test Method   D1599   using using spe specime cimens ns and size sizess as des descri cribed bed in 7.4.3..  Leaking past the gasket interface of flanged fittings and 7.4.3 elastom elas tomeri ericc seal sealed ed fitt fitting ingss is per permiss missibl iblee dur during ing this tes test, t, provided the pressure is at least two times the rating when the leak lea k oc occu curs rs.. Th Thee bo bolt lt to torq rqui uing ng se sequ quen ence ce of Sp Spec ecifi ificat catio ion n D4024,,   Fig. D4024 Fig. 2 sh shall all be us used ed wh when en te testi sting ng fla flang nged ed fitt fittin ings gs.. Fittingss without flanges shall be tested with the pipe they are to Fitting be used with joined to the fitting. Bending or shape restraint duri du ring ng th thee te test st is pe perm rmitt itted ed to th thee ex exten tentt ap appl plic icab able le to its anticip ant icipated ated ins install talled ed con condit dition ions. s. Thi Thiss inf inform ormatio ation n sha shall ll be contained in the test report. 7.4.2   Cyclic or Static Pressure Test : 7.4.2. 7.4 .2.1 1 For cyclic cyclic pre pressu ssure re test tests, s, the gage pre pressu ssure re at the peak pressure of the cycle shall be not less than 2 times the pressu pre ssure re rat rating ing of the fitti fitting. ng. The cyc cycle le amp amplitu litude de pre pressu ssure re shall be at least 80 % of the selected peak pressure. 7.4.2 .2 For static pressure pressure tests, the gage pressure shall be no less than 2 times the fitting static pressure rating. 7.4.2 .3 Test each compo component nent specimen as requi required red above with unrestrained ends and in accordance with Test Methods D2143   for for cy cycli clicc te tests sts,, or   D1598   for for st stat atic ic te test stss at th thee components temperature rating. 7.4.2 .4 Each component component specimen specimen must withstand 168 h for static tests or 252,000 cycles for cyclic tests, without failure. 7.4.3   Test Test Spe Specim cimens ens and Sam Sample ple Siz Sizee Req Requir uireme ements nts for  Pressuree Tests—T Pressur —Tes estt sp speci ecime mens ns sh shal alll in inclu clude de at lea least st on onee fitting in each configuration, for example, 45° and 90° elbow, tee, flange, coupling (includes integral coupling) etc., joined to

agreement between the purchaser and the seller. 6.6 For ind indivi ividua duall ord orders ers,, onl only y tho those se add additio itional nal test and number of tests specifically agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller need be conducted.

pipe se pipe secti ction onss at lea least st 18 in in.. (0 (0.5 .5 m) lo long ng or 2 di diam amete eters rs,, whiche whi chever ver is lon longer ger,, usi using ng the join joining ing met method hod,, des design ign,, and adhesive intended for field assembly. Specimen diameters for test in each configuration shall include the maximum product

NOTE   6—Fittings with short radii which are not in compliance with ANSI B16.5 radius tolerances may be available.

6.3  Fittings and Connections Pressure Test Requirements— Fittings, couplings, and connections shall meet the following qualification requirements when tested with restrained ends for Type 6 fittings, and unrestrained ends for other type fittings, in accordance with 7.4.1 with  7.4.1 for  for short term hydrostatic strength tests, and 7.4.2 and  7.4.2 for  for cyclic or static tests. 6.3.1 Each type of compo component nent and its field-j field-jointed ointed configuconfigu-



D5685 – 05 size in each pressure class and for each method of manufacture. In addition, smaller sizes in the pressure rating shall be tested as follows: Product Size Range Nominal, in. A 1, 11 ⁄ 2  , 2, 2 1 ⁄ 2  , 3 4, 6 8,10,12 14,16

8. Marki Marking ng 8.1 Mark each fitting with the follow following ing information: information: 8.1. 8. 1.1 1 Th Thee de desi sign gnati ation on “A “AST STM M D5 D568 685” 5” wi with th wh which ich th thee fitting complies, 8.1.2 8.1 .2 Ide Identifi ntificati cation on of the fitt fitting ing in acco accorda rdance nce wit with h the designation code in  in   4.2 4.2,, 8.1.3 Nomin Nominal al fitting size, 8.1.4 Manuf Manufacturer acturer’s ’s name (or trademark) trademark) and product designation, and

Test Size, Nominal, in. 3 6 12 16

A In each range of size, the manufacturer may elect to test a smaller product size to qualify only the smaller size.

7.4.4   Requalification Tests for Fittings, Couplings, Connections, and Adhesi Adhesives ves—The qualification tests in   6.3   shall be repeated repeate d after any chang changee in manuf manufacturin acturing g proce process, ss, construction, or type of materials.

8.1.5 Pressu Pressure re rating (cyclic or static), psig. 8.2 All required required markings markings shall be legible and applied so as to re rema main in le legi gibl blee un unde derr no norm rmal al ha hand ndlin ling g an and d in insta stalla llatio tion n practices.

NOTE   7—Fiberglass fittings short-term hydrostatic strength at ambient temperatu temper ature re is not nec necess essari arily ly gre greate aterr than its sho shortrt-ter term m hyd hydros rostat tatic ic strength streng th at all highe higherr tempe temperature ratures. s.

9. Keywo Keywords rds 9.1 centrif centrifuga ugally lly cast; com compres pression sion mold molded; ed; con contact tact molded; degree of cure; epoxy-resin; filament-wound; furanresin; glass transition temperature; percent extractable material; polyester-resin; pressure-rating; transfer molded

7.5  Glass Transition Temperature—Deter —Determine mine by using the procedure proced ure in in Annex  Annex A1. A1.


A1.1 Scope

A1.5.2 Run the scan from room room temperature temperature to at least 22°F (12°C) above the expected glass transition temperature and no more than 482°F (250°C).

A1.1.1 This test determines A1.1.1 determines whether whether the degree of cure of a fiberg fibe rglass lass fitti fitting ng test spe specime cimen n meet meetss the qua quality lity con contro troll requirements quirem ents determined by statistical analysis of typica typicall production products.

A1.5.3 Obtain the Tg Tg1(midpoint of the inflection in the DSC curve). A1.5.4 If the Tg is not within A1.5.4 within 9°F (16°C) (16°C) of sta statist tistical ically ly significant value, cool down the DSC and run another sample again aga in fro from m roo room m temp tempera eratur turee to 54° 54°F F (30 (30°C) °C) abo above ve Tg1   to obtain Tg2. A1.5 A1 .5.5 .5 Th Thee va valu lues es Tg1   and and Tg2   obtain obtained ed wi with th th thee te test st

A1.2. Terminology A1.2.1   Definition: A1.2.1.1   glass transition temperature—the midpoint of the inflecti infl ection on temp temperat erature ure at the DSC cur curve ve (he (heat at flow versus versus temperature).

sample should be compa compared red to those statistically statistically signifi significant cant values val ues obt obtaine ained d fro from m typ typical ical pro produc duction tion pro produc duct. t. The mea mea-sured and typical values should be within 9°F (16°C).

A1.3 Appar Apparatus atus A1.3.1   Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) .

A1.6 Repo Report rt

A1.4 Test Specimens

A1.6.1 A1.6. 1 Repor Reportt the following information: information:

A1.4.1   Size—The size of the specim specimen en is limited by the size of the DSC sample pan. All specimens can be a chip or filed into in to a fin finee po powd wder er to pr prov ovid idee ea easy sy we weig ighi hing ng an and d un unif ifor orm m contact with the pan. A1.4.2   Location—For any given fitting, a sample should be taken 0 to 10 mils (0 to 0.025 m) from the outer surface, as well as 0 to 10 mils from the inner surface. If the fitting has a liner, a specimen should be taken from the liner, as well as the inner and outer edges of the overwrap.

A1.6.1.1 Complet A1.6.1.1 Completee identifi identification cation of the specime specimens, ns, including material, manufacturer’s name, and lot number. A1.6.1.2 Fitting dimensions, A1.6.1.2 dimensions, including nominal size, minimum reinforced wall thickness, and average outside diameter of reinforced wall. Unreinforced thickness (that is, liner) shall also be reported. A1.6.1.3 A1.6. 1.3 Numbe Numberr of specime specimens ns tested and where the specimens were taken from the fitting. A1.6.1.4 A1.6. 1.4 Heat-u Heat-up p rate for DSC initial temperature temperature and final temperature for both scans. A1.6.1 A1. 6.1.5 .5 Record gla glass ss tra transit nsition ion temp tempera eratur turee (in (inflec flection tion value) for the first scan as Tg 1.

A1.5 Procedur Proceduree A1.5.1 A1.5. 1 The maximum heating heating rate is 41°F (23°C)/min. (23°C)/min. The Tg is dep depend endent ent upo upon n hea heatin ting g rat rate, e, ther therefo efore re a con consist sistent ent heating rate must be used for all testing. 4


D5685 – 05 A1.6.1 6.1.6 .6 Record glas glasss tran transiti sition on temp temperat erature ure (in (inflect flection ion A1. value) for the second scan as Tg2, if applicable. A1.6.1.7 A1.6. 1.7 Date of test.

SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee D20 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue D5685–02 that may impact the use of this standard. (1) Corre Corrected cted and revised revised Section 4 Section 4  on Grades and Classes to conform to   D2310   and to provide distinction between vinylester and polyester resins.

(2) Eliminat Eliminated ed reference reference to Percent Extractables Extractables test since this is no longer part of the referenced standard. (3) Revised basis of pressure pressure test requirements requirements in  7.4.2

ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address or at 610address 610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the ASTM website (www.astm.or (  g/  COPYRIGHT/).


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