Astm D3801-2019 PDF

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.


Designation: D3801 − 19

Standard Test Method for

Measuring the Comparative Burning Characteristics of Solid Plastics in a Vertical Position1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D3801; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original adoption or, in the case of revis original revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Sco Scope* pe* 1.1 This fire fire-te -test-r st-resp espons onsee stan standar dard d cov covers ers a sma smallll-scal scalee laborato labo ratory ry pro proced cedure ure for det determ ermini ining ng com compar parativ ativee bur burnin ning g characteristic charact eristicss of solid-plastic solid-plastic materia material, l, using a 20-mm (50W) premixed flame applied to the base of specimens held in a vertical position. NOTE 1—This test method and the 20 mm (50W) Vertical Burning Test (V-0, V-1, or V-2) of ANSI/UL 94 are equivalent. NOTE 2—This test method and Test Method B of IEC 60695–11–10 are equivalent. IEC 60695–11–10 has replaced ISO 1210. NOTE   3—For additional information on materials that burn up to the holdin hol ding g clam clamp p by thi thiss tes testt met method hod,, see Test Test Met Method hod   D635. D635.   For tes testt methods of flexible plastics in the form of thin sheets and film, see Test Method   D4804. D4804.   For add additio itional nal inf inform ormatio ation n on com compar parati ative ve bur burnin ning g characteristics and resistance to burn-through, see Test Method  D5048  D5048..

1.2 This test method was developed developed for polymeric polymeric materials used us ed fo forr pa parts rts in de devi vices ces an and d ap appl plian iances ces.. Th Thee re resu sults lts ar aree intended to serve as a preliminary indication of their acceptability with respect to flammability for a particular application. The final acceptance of the material is dependent upon its use in co comp mplet letee eq equi uipm pmen entt th that at co conf nfor orms ms wi with th th thee sta stand ndar ards ds applicable to such equipment. 1.3 The classification classification system described described in the appendix is intended for quality assurance and the preselection of component materials for products. 1.4 It is pos possib sible le tha thatt thi thiss tes testt is app applica licable ble to non nonmeta metallic llic materials other than plastics. Such application is outside the scope of this technical committee. 1.5 This test method does not cover plastics plastics when used for building construction, finishing or contents such as wall and floor coverings, furnishings, decorative objects etc. In addition, the fire resistance (in terms of an hourly rating), flame spread, smoke characterization and heat release rate are not evaluated by this test. Other fire tests exist and shall be used to evaluate the flammability of materials in these intended end use product configuration.

1.6 Th 1.6 Thee va valu lues es st state ated d in SI un units its are to be re rega gard rded ed as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.7   This This st stan anda darrd is us used ed to me meas asur uree an and d de desc scri ribe be th thee respo re sponse nse of mat materia erials, ls, pr produ oducts, cts, or ass assemb emblies lies to hea heatt and   flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself  incorp inc orpora orate te all fac factor torss re requi quire red d for fir firee haz hazar ard d or fir firee ris risk  k  assessm ass essment ent of the mat materia erials, ls, pr produ oducts, cts, or ass assemb emblies lies und under  er  actual fire conditions. 1.8   This standar standard d doe doess not purport purport to addre address ss all of the safe sa fety ty co conc ncern erns, s, if an anyy, as asso socia ciated ted wi with th its use. use. It is the the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.9   This inte interna rnatio tional nal sta standa ndard rd was dev develo eloped ped in acc accor or-dance with internationally recognized principles on standardizat iz atio ion n est estab ablis lishe hed d in th thee De Deci cisio sion n on Pr Prin incip ciples les fo forr th thee  Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical  Barriers to Trad Tradee (TBT) Committee.

2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards:2 D635 Test D635  Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position D883   Terminology Relating to Plastics D883 D4804 Test Method for Determining the Flammability CharD4804 Test acteristics of Nonrigid Solid Plastics D5025 Specifica D5025  Specification tion for Labor Laboratory atory Burner Used for SmallScale Burning Tests on Plastic Materials D5048 Test D5048  Test Method for Measuring the Comparative Burning Characteristics and Resistance to Burn-Through of Solid Plastics Using a 125-mm Flame D5207  Pra D5207 Practic cticee for Con Confirm firmatio ation n of 20– 20–mm mm (50 (50–W) –W) and 125–mm (500–W) Test Flames for Small-Scale Burning Tests on Plastic Materials E176   Terminology of Fire Standards E176


This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 Committee  D20 on  on Plastics and is the direct respon responsibili sibility ty of Subc Subcommitt ommittee ee   D20.30   on Thermal Properties (Section D20.30.03). Current Curre nt editio edition n approv approved ed Jan. 15, 2019. Published Published Janua January ry 2019. Originally Originally approved in 1987. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as D3801 - 10. DOI:

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on


the ASTM website.


*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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D3801 − 19

E691   Practic Practicee for Conducting an Interl Interlaborat aboratory ory Study to E691 Determine the Precision of a Test Method 3

2.2   IEC Standard: 60695–11–10   Fir 60695–11–10 Firee Ha Hazar zard d Test esting ing—Pa —Part rt 11 11-1 -10: 0: Test Flames—50W Horizontal and Vertical Flame Test Methods 2.3   ISO Standard:3 ISO 1210  1210   Plastic Plastics—Deter s—Determinatio mination n of the Burni Burning ng Behaviour of Horizontal and Vertical Specimens in Contact with a SmallSmall-Flame Flame Ignit Ignition ion Sour Source ce (Wi (Withdraw thdrawn) n) 4

2.4   UL Standard: ANSI/UL 94 Test 94  Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances 3. Terminology 3.1   Definitions— For For terms rela relatin ting g to pla plastic stics, s, the defi defininitions in this test method are in accordance with Terminology D883..  For terms relating to fire, the definitions used in this test D883 method are in accordance with Terminology E176 Terminology  E176.. 3.2  Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1   afterflame, afterflame, n— persist p ersistenc encee of flam flaming ing of a mat materi erial, al, after the ignition source has been removed. 3.2.2   afterflam afterflamee time time,, n— th thee len lengt gth h of time fo forr wh whic ich h a material continues to flame, under specified conditions, after the ignition source has been removed. 3.2.3   afterglow, afterglow, n— persist p ersistenc encee of glo glowin wing g of a mate material rial,, after ce after cess ssati ation on of fla flami ming ng or or,, if no fla flamin ming g oc occu curs rs,, af after ter removal of the ignition source. 3.2.4   afterg thee len lengt gth h of tim timee fo forr wh which ich a afterglow low tim time, e, n— th material continues to glow under specified test conditions, after the ignition source has been removed or cessation of flaming, or both. 3.2.5  flame-impingement time, n— the the time in seconds that the flame from the burner is in contact with the specimen. 3.2.6   flaming material, n— flaming flaming drips or particles from the specimen that ignite the absorbent 100 % cotton. 4. Summ Summary ary of Test Test Method 4.1 Th 4.1 Thee pr proc oced edur uree co cons nsist istss of su subj bject ectin ing g a se sett of pr preeconditioned condit ioned specimens of identic identical al compo composition sition and geomet geometry ry to a standard test flame for two 10-s flame applications. The afterflame time is recorded after the first flame application, and thee af th after terflam flamee an and d af after tergl glow ow tim times es ar aree re reco cord rded ed af after ter th thee second seco nd flam flamee app applica licatio tion. n. Inf Inform ormatio ation n is also rec record orded ed on whether or not flaming material drips from the specimen (and whether these drips ignite a cotton indicator) and total flame time for a particular specimen set.

5. Signi Significanc ficancee and Use 5.1 The tests results represent represent afterflame and afterglow afterglow time in se seco cond ndss fo forr a ma mate teri rial al of sp spec ecifi ified ed sh shap ape, e, un unde derr th thee conditions of this test method. 5.2 The ef effec fectt of mate material rial thic thickne kness, ss, col color or add additiv itives, es, and possible loss of volatile components is measurable. 5.3 The results, when tabulated, tabulated, are potentially potentially useful as a reference for comparing the relative performance of materials and as an aid in material selection. 5.4 In this procedure, procedure, the specimens specimens are subjected to one or more specific sets of laboratory test conditions. Different test conditions will likely result in changes in the fire-test-response characteristics measured. Therefore, the results are valid only for the fire fire-tes -test-e t-expo xposur suree con condit dition ionss des descri cribed bed in this test method. 6. Appar Apparatus atus 6.1   Test Chamber enclosed labora laboratory tory hood or chambe chamber, r, Chamber,,   enclosed 3 having an inside volume of at least 0.5 m . The chamber shall permit observation of tests in progress and shall be , free of  induce ind uced d or for forced ced dra draft ft dur during ing tes test, t, whi while le allo allowin wing g nor normal mal thermal circulation of air past the test specimen during burning. The inside surfaces of the towards chamberthe shall dark color. When a light meter, facing rearbe ofof thea chamber, is positio pos itioned ned in pla place ce of the tes testt spe specime cimen, n, the recorded recorded ligh lightt level shall be less than 20 lx. For safety and convenience, it is desirable that this enclosure be fitted with an extraction device, such as an exhaust fan, to remove products of combustion. The extraction device shall be turned off during the test and turned on imm immedia ediately tely after the test to rem remove ove the fire ef effflue luents nts.. (Warning— Warning—Combustion Combustion products are toxic. A system to contain and remove remove the products products of com combus bustion tion after after a tes testt is required.) NOTE   4—Laboratory hoods often have induced drafts even with the exhaust fan off. In such cases, a positive-closing damper shall be used. NOTE   5—A mirro mirrorr in th thee ch cham ambe berr, to pr prov ovid idee a re rear ar vi view ew of th thee specimen, has been found useful in some enclosures.

6.2   Laboratory Laboratory Burner,   constr construct ucted ed in acco accorda rdance nce wit with h Specification  D5025.. Specification D5025 6.3   Ring Stand,   with a clamp or the equivalent, adjustable for vertical positioning of specimens. 6.4   Gas Supply,   a supply of technical-grade methane gas, minimu min imum m 98 % pur pure, e, with suitable suitable reg regula ulator tor and met meter er for uniform gas flow. Natural gas having an energy density of 37 3 6 1 MJ/m at 25°C has been found to provide similar results. Howeve How everr, tec techni hnicalcal-gra grade de met methan hanee gas sha shall ll be use used d as the referee gas in cases of dispute. 6.5   Timing Device,  accurate to 0.5 s. 6.6   Cotton,  absorbent 100 % cotton.


Publication Publi cationss of the Intern Internationa ationall Elect Electrotech rotechnical nical Commission Commission (IEC) and

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are available from American National Nation al Standards Institute Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor Floor,, New Y York, ork, NY 10036, 4 Avail vailable able from Unde Underwrit rwriters ers Labo Laborato ratories ries (UL) (UL),, 333 Pfing Pfingsten sten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062-2096,

6.7   Desiccator,   containing containing anhyd anhydrous rous calcium chloride or other drying agent, capable of being maintained at 23   6   2°C and relative humidity not exceeding 20 %. 6.8  Conditioning Room or Chamber, capable of being maintained at 23 6 2°C and a relative humidity of 50 6 5 %.

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D3801 − 19

full-d l-draf raftt circ circula ulating ting-ai -airr ove oven n 6.9   Condition Conditioning ing Oven,   a ful capable of being maintained at 70   6   2°C while providing a minimum of five air changes per hour. 6.10   Micrometer,  having a resolution of at least 0.01 mm. 6.11   Measuring Scale,  graduated in millimetres. 7. Test Specimens 7.1 The standard standard specimen geometry geometry shall be 13.0 6 0.5 by 125   6   5 mm mm,, an and d sh shall all be pr prov ovid ided ed in th thee min minimu imum m an and d maximum thickness. Materials thicker than 13 mm shall not be tested by this test method. 7.1.1 The test specimens shall be molded in accordance with the ASTM specifications specifications for the material; or in accor accordance dance with the material manufacturer’s instructions. 7.2 Surf Surfaces aces shall be smoot smooth h and unbro unbroken. ken. Corner radius radius shall not exceed 1.3 mm. After any cutting operation, edges shall be fine-sanded to remove burrs, saw marks, and residual filaments.

FIG. 1 Ver Vertical tical Burning Burning Test for V-0, V-1, and V-2 Classification Classification

8. Condi Conditioni tioning ng 8.1 Condi Condition tion specimen specimen sets as follo follows: ws: 8.1. 8. 1.1 1 Co Cond nditi ition on on onee se sett of fiv fivee sp spec ecime imens ns (S (Set et A) fo forr a minimu min imum m of 48 ho hour urss at a tem tempe pera ratu ture re of 23 6 2°C and a

9.4 Ap 9.4 Appr proa oach chin ing g th thee sp spec ecime imen n fr from om th thee wi wide de si side de in a horizontal horiz ontal plane (see   Fig. 2) 2), pla place ce the test flam flamee cen centra trally lly under the lower end of the test specimen with the burner tube

relativ relat ivee hu humid midity ity of 50 6 10 %. On Once ce re remo move ved d fr from om th thee condit con dition ioning ing roo room m or cha chambe mber, r, spe specime cimens ns sha shall ll be tes tested ted within one hour. 8.1.2 Condit Condition ion a second set of five specimens (Set B) in a circulating-a circula ting-air ir oven for 168 6 2 h at 70 6 2°C and then cool in a desiccator for at least 4 h at room temperature prior to testing.. Once removed from the desicca testing desiccator tor,, specim specimens ens shall be tested within 30 min.

10 6 1 mm below the specimen and maintain that distance for a flame-impingement time of 10.0 6 0.5 s, moving the burner as ne nece cess ssar ary y in re resp spon onse se to an any y ch chan ange gess in th thee len lengt gth h or position of the specimen. Withdraw the test flame sufficiently so that there is no effect on the burning specimen (see  Note 6) 6) and measure the afterflame time, in seconds. 9.4.1 9.4 .1 Whe When n the flaming of the specimen specimen cea ceases, ses, immediimmediately ate ly pl place ace th thee te test st fla flame me un unde derr th thee ma majo jorr po port rtio ion n of th thee specimen (see Note (see Note 7) 7) maintaining a distance of 10 6 1 mm for a flame-impingement time of 10.0   6   0.5 s. After this second flame application, withdraw the test flame (see   Note 6) 6) and measure the afterflame and afterglow times, in seconds. 9.4.2 Record the afterflame afterflame time after the first flame application as t 1. Record the afterflame and afterglow times after the second flame application as   t 2   and   t 3, respectively. Note and

8.2 All specimens specimens shall be tested in a labora laboratory tory atmosphere atmosphere of 15 to 35°C and 45 to 75 % relative humidity. 8.3 Cotton shall shall be conditioned conditioned in the desicca desiccator tor for at least 24 hours prior to use. Once removed from the desiccator, the cotton shall be used within 30 minutes. 9. Pro Procedu cedure re 9.1 Con Conduc ductt the burning burning test in a cha chambe mber, r, enclosur enclosure, e, or laboratory hood free of induced or forced draft. 9.2 Clam Clamp p a spe specime cimen n fro from m the upper upper 6 mm of its length, length, with the longitudinal axis vertical, so that the lower end of the specimen is 300 6 10 mm above a horizontal layer of cotton, approximately 50 by 50 mm, thinned to a maximum uncompressed thickness of 6 mm, maximum mass of 0.08 g. See  Fig. 1. 9.3 Place the burner remote remote from the specimen, ignite, and adjust it to produce a blue flame 20 6 2 mm high. Adjust the needle valve and the air ports of the burner until a 20-mm yellow-tippe yellow -tipped d blue flame is produ produced, ced, and then increa increase se the air supply until the yellow tip just disappears. Measure the height of the flame. If the flame height is not 20 6 2 mm, adjust the burner needle valve to give the proper flame height. The flame shall sha ll be con confirm firmed ed usi using ng Pra Practic cticee   D5207   at lea least st on once ce pe perr month mon th dur during ing active testing testing or whe whenev never er the gas supply supply is changed.

FIG. 2 Appro Approaching aching the the Specimen from the Wide Wide Side in a Horizontal Plane

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D3801 − 19

record whether any particles fall from the specimen and, if so, whether they ignite the cotton. NOTE   6—Withd 6—Withdraw rawing ing the bur burner ner a dis distan tance ce of 150 mm fro from m the specimen while measuring  t 1,  t 2, and  t 3  has been found suitable. NOTE 7—When the flaming of the specimen ceases after the first flame application, the second flame application shall be started immediately. The test shall not be interrupted, for example, to record data, replace cotton, or evacuate evacua te the test chamber. chamber. NOTE   8—Measur 8—Measuring ing and record recording ing the afterfl afterflame ame time   t 2   and then continuing the measurement of the sum of the afterflame time  t 2  and the   t 3, recording afterglow time (without resetting the timing device) has been found satisfactory in the of  t 3.

9.5 If the specimen drips drips molten or flaming material during during either flame application, tilt the burner to an angle up to 45° towa to ward rdss th thee wi wide de si side de of th thee sp spec ecim imen en (s (see ee   Fig. Fig. 3), an and d withd wit hdra raw w th thee bu burn rner er sl slig ight htly ly fr from om on onee of th thee sid sides es of th thee specimens during the flame application to avoid dripping into the tube of the burner. If the specimen drips molten or flaming material, or is consumed during the test, hand-hold the burner and maintain the proper distance between the bottom of the spec sp ecime imen n an and d th thee to top p of th thee bu burn rner er tu tube be du duri ring ng th thee fla flame me applica app licatio tion. n. Dis Disreg regard ard any mol molten ten str string ingss of mate material rial for purpos pur poses es of pos positio itionin ning g the top of the bur burner ner tub tube. e. Always Always appl ap ply y th thee fla flame me to th thee bo bott ttom om of the maj major or po port rtio ion n of th thee specimen. 9.6 Repeat the pro proced cedure ure in   9.2 – 9.5   on the rem remaini aining ng specimens for each set. 10. Calc Calculati ulation on 10.1 Calculat Calculatee the total afterflame time for each each set of five specimens,  t  f  , using the following formula: 5

t  f    5





~ t 1, i 1 t 2, i !


(1 )

where: t  f    = total total flam flaming ing time time,, s, t 1,i   = afterfl afterflame ame time after after the first first flame imping impingement, ement, s, s, of  the   ith specime specimen, n, and afterflame ame time after after the second second flame flame impingement impingement,, s, t 2,i   = afterfl of the   ith specimen.

10.2 Determ 10.2 Determin inee th thee ma maxi ximu mum m af after terfla flame me tim timee fo forr ea each ch flame impingement, t 1 and  t 2, and the maximum afterflame plus afterglow time for the second flame impingement,   t 2   plus   t 3, recorded for each set of five specimens. 11. Repo Report rt 11.1 The complete report 11.1 report shall includ includee the follow following: ing: 11.1.1   Material Identification— Include generic description, manufacturer, commercial designation, lot number, and color. 11.1.2 Condi 11.1.2 Conditionin tioning g or aging aging.. 11 .1.2.1 Condit Conditioning ioning time for Set A at 23 6 2°C, h. (1)  Conditioning time for Set B at 70 6 2°C, h. 11 .1.2.2 Coolin Cooling g time for Set B in desiccator, desiccator, h. 11.1.3 11 .1.3 Indiv Individual idual test specimen data. Thickness. 11 .1.3.2 Afterfl Afterflame ame time after first flame imping impingement. ement. 11 .1.3.3 Afterfl Afterflame ame time after second flame impingement. impingement. 11 .1.3.4 Afterfl Afterflame ame plus afterglow time after second flame impingement. 11. 1.1. 1.3. 3.5 5 Wh Whet ethe herr or no nott th thee sp spec ecim imen en bu burn rned ed up to th thee holding clamp. 11. 1.1. 1.3. 3.6 6 Wh Whet ethe herr or no nott th thee sp speci ecimen men dr drip ippe ped d fla flamin ming g material which ignited the cotton. (1)  If the specimen dripped, whether it ignited the cotton. 11.1.4 11 .1.4 The total afterflam afterflamee time for each set of five specispecimens. 11.1.5 11 .1.5 Max Maximu imum m of bur burnin ning g time timess (af (after terflam flamee and afterafterglow) for each specimen set. 12. Pre Precisi cision on and Bias 12.1   Precision— Table Table 1, 1,  Table 2, 2,  and  Table 3 are 3  are based on a round robin conducted in accordance with Practice E691 Practice  E691.. For each material, all the samples were prepared at one source, but the individual specimens were conducted in accordance with 8.1.1 by 8.1.1  by the laboratories that tested them. Each test result was the average of five individual determinations. NOTE 9—The precision outlined below is based on the arithmetic mean of the afterflame and afterglow times. These data will be reevaluated based on the maximum afterflame and afterglow times in a future revision.

TABLE 1 First Impingement, Afterflame Time Material

Values, s Average

Polyamide Polypropylene II Polyphthalamide Polypropylene I Polysulfone


S r 

0.7 2.0 2.6 2.7 5.4


S R  B 

r C 

R D 

0.4 2.1 1.5 1.8 2.9

0.6 1.6 2.1 2.4 4.5

1.1 5.8 4.3 5.0 8.1

0.2 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.6


S r   = within-laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories: S r    5 ff s S 1 d 2 B 


n g s S  d { 1 s S  d g / n  2



1 2

S R    = between-laboratories reproducibility, expressed as standard deviation: 1

S R    5 f S r  2 1 S L 2 g 2  5

where  S L where S  standard deviation of laboratory means. C  r  =  = within within-labor -laboratory atory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 ×  S r  . D  R  =  = betwee between-labo n-laboratori ratories es critic critical al interv interval al betwee between n two test result results s = 2.8 × S R  .

FIG. 3 Tilti Tilting ng the Burner Towards Towards the Wide Side of the Specimen Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Jan 13 14:41:15 EST 2020 4 Downloaded/printed by Universidad De Antioquia (Universidad De Antioquia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.



D3801 − 19 TABLE 2 Second Impingement, Afterflame Time

Material Polyamide Polypropylene I Polyphthalamide Polypropylene II Polysulfone

Values, s Average


3.0 1.4 4.4 4.5 8.8

S r  A

S R  B 

r C 

R D 

1.1 0.6 1.4 1.5 2.6

3.2 1.2 3.2 4.2 3.1

3.0 1.6 3.9 4.2 7.3

9.0 3.2 8.8 11.7 8.6


S r   = within-laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories: S r    5 ff s S 1 d 2 B 


n g s S  d { 1 s S  d g / n  2



1 2

S R    = between-laboratories reproducibility, expressed as standard deviation: 1

S R    5 f S r  2 1 S L 2 g 2 where S  where  S L   5 standard deviation of laboratory means. C 

r   = within-laboratory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 × S  ×  S r  . R  =  = betwee between-labo n-laboratori ratories es critical interval between two test result results s = 2.8 × S R  . D 

TABLE 3 Second Impingement, Afterflame Plus Afterglow Material

Values, s Average


S r 


S R  B 

r C 

R D 

Polyamide Polypropylene I Polyphthalamide

3.0 3.1 4.7

1.1 1.1 1.3

3.2 2.3 3.1

3.0 3.1 3.8

9.0 6.5 8.7

Polypropylene II Polysulfone

4.7 9.2

1.5 2.7

4.1 3.2

4.2 7.7

11.5 8.9


S r   = within-laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories: S r    5 ff s S 1 d 2 B 


n g s S  d { 1 s S  d g / n  2



1 2

S R    = between-laboratories reproducibility, expressed as standard deviation: 1

S R    5 f S r  2 1 S L 2 g 2 where S  where  S L   5 standard deviation of laboratory means. C 

r   = within-laboratory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 × S  ×  S r  . R  =  = betwee between-labo n-laboratori ratories es critical interval between two test result results s = 2.8 × S R  . D 

12.1. 12.1.1 1 The polypropylene polypropylene (I and II), polyphthalami polyphthalamide, de, and polysu pol ysulfo lfone ne mat materia erials ls wer weree tes tested ted by 18 lab labora orator tories. ies. Each laborato labo ratory ry obt obtain ained ed two tes testt res result ultss for each mat materia erial. l. The round robin was conducted in 1994. 5 5

Supporting data are avail Supporting available able from ASTM Headquarters. Headquarters. Request RR:D201069.

12.1.2 12.1. 2 The polyamide polyamide material was tested by seven laboralaboratories. Each laboratory tories. laboratory obtain obtained ed four test resul results. ts. The roun round d 6 robin rob in was con conduc ducted ted in 199 1995. 5. (Warning— The follow following ing Warning—The explanations of   r   and   R   (12.2 – 12.2.3) 12.2.3)   are only intended to presen pre sentt a mean meaning ingful ful way of con consid siderin ering g the app approx roximat imatee precision of this test method. The data in Table in  Table 1, 1,  Table 2, 2,  and Table 3  3   are not appropriate for the acceptance or rejection of  materials, materia ls, as these data apply only to the materia materials ls tested in the round robin and are unlikely to be rigorously representative of  other lots, formu formulation lations, s, condi conditions, tions, materials, or labor laboratories atories.. Users of this test method are referr referred ed to the principles outlined outlined in Practice   E691   to generate data specific to their laboratory and materials, or between specific laboratories. The principles of  12.2   12.2 – 12.2.3  would then be valid for such data.) 12.2  Concept of r and R— If  If  S   S r  and  S  R  have been calculated from a large enough body of data, and for test results that were averages from testing five specimens, then: 12.2.1   Repeatability—r  is  is the interval representing representing the critical difference between two test results for the same material, obtained by the same operator using the same equipment on the same day in the same laboratory. The two test results shall be  judged not equivalent if they differ by more than the  r  value  value for that material. 12.2.2   Reproducibility—R   is the inte interva rvall rep repres resent enting ing the critical criti cal di difffe fere renc ncee be betw twee een n tw two o tes testt re resu sults lts fo forr th thee sa same me material, obtained by different operators using different equipment in different laboratories, not necessarily on the same day. The two test results shall be judged not equivalent if they differ by more than the   R  value for that material. 12.2.3 Any judgment 12.2.3 judgment in accord accordance ance with 12.2.1 with  12.2.1   and and 12.2.2  12.2.2 would have an approximate 95 % (0.95) probability of being correct. 12.3   Bias— There There are no recognized standards by which to estimate bias of this test method. 13. Keyw Keywords ords 13.1 burn burning ing charac characteristic teristics; s; flammab flammability; ility; plastics; smallscale burning tests; solid; vertical burning tests


Supporting Suppo rting data are availa available ble from ASTM Headq Headquarter uarters. s. Reque Request st RR:D2 RR:D2001188.

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D3801 − 19 APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Thi X1.1 Thiss app append endix ix des describ cribes es a clas classific sificatio ation n sys system tem tha thatt has been found useful to characterize the burning behavior of  rigid materials, supported in a vertical position, in response to a small-flame ignition source. The use of a category designation code is optional and is determined by examining the test results of materials tested by this test method. Each category code represents a preferred range of performance levels that simplifies description in material designations or specifications and is in use by certification bodies to determine compliance with applicable requirements. X1.2 The behavior behavior of specimens specimens shall be classified classified in one of  the categories shown in Table in  Table X1.1 by X1.1 by selecting the appropriate column using test results to answer the conditional questions posed. X1.3 Record Recording ing the category designatio designation n in the test report is optional.

TABLE X1.1 Materials ClassificationsA Criteria Conditions Afterflame time for each indivi Afterflame individual dual specimen, t  specimen,  t 1  or  t 2 Total afterflame time for any condition set (t  (t 1  plus  plus t   t 2  for the five specimens) Afterflame plus afterglow time for each individual indivi dual specimen after the second flame application (t  (t 2   + t 3) Afterflame or afterglow of any specimen up to the holding clamp Cotton indicator indicator ignite ignited d by flaming particles partic les or drops A



10 s



50 s



30 s






30 s


250 s 60 s

30 s





250 s


60 s








If only one specimen from a set of five specimens does not comply with the requirements, another set of five specimens shall be tested. In the case of the total number of seconds of flaming, an additional set of five specimens shall be tested if the totals are in the range from 51 to 55 s for V-0 and from 251 to 255 s for V-1 and V-2. All specimens from this second set shall comply with the appropriate requirements in order for the material in that thickness to be classified V-0, V-1, or V-2.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Jan 13 14:41:15 EST 2020 6 Downloaded/printed by Universidad De Antioquia (Universidad De Antioquia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

Universidad De Antioquia (Universidad De Antioquia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.  


D3801 − 19

SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee D20 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D3801 - 10) that may impact the use of this standard. (January 15, 2019) (1)  Subsection 2.1—Removed reference to ASTM D618. (2)  Subsection 8.1.1—Removed reference to ASTM D618; and added conditioning temperature and humidity with tolerances. ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the Copyri Copyright ght Clearance Center, Center, 222  Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; 

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