ASTM D36/D36M-09 Standard Test Method for Softening Point of Bitumen (Ring-and-Ball Apparatus)

April 21, 2017 | Author: Nashrul32 | Category: N/A
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Report that I do for highway lab...


JR2 (i) ASTM D36/D36M-09 Standard Test Method for Softening Point of Bitumen (Ringand-Ball Apparatus)

INTRODUCTION The softening point is defined as the mean of the temperature at which the bitumen disks soften and sag downwards a distance of 25mm under the weight of a steel. In general, with material of these types, softening does not take place at a definite temperature. As temperature rises, these materials gradually and imperceptibly change from brittle or exceeding slow-flowing materials to softer and less viscous liquids. For this reason, the determination of the softening point must be made by a fixed, arbitrary and closely defined method if the results are to be comparable. This method is useful in determining the consistency of bitumen in establishing the uniformity of shipments or sources of supply.

OBJECTIVE To determine the temperature at which a phase change occurs in the asphalt cement. It is measured in accordance to ASTM D6/D36M-09.

APPARATUS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Steel ball, 9.53mm diameter, weighing between 3.50 ± 0.05g. Ring Ball-centering guide Ring Holder Bath Thermometer

PROCEDURE 1. Pour hot asphalt into the ring and cool samples at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Level the samples. 2. Place the ring on the ring holder. Maintain the temperature in the water at 5 ± 1°C for about 40 minutes. Keep the sample in the water at a level of not less than 102mm and not more than 108mm from the bottom of the bath. 3. Place the ball in each ball-centering guide using a forceps. Then, apply heat at a rate 5°C per minute and make sure it is increasing uniformly. 4. Record for each ring and ball temperature shown by the temperature when the specimen surrounding the ball touches the bottom plate.

RESULT Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Temperature (°C) 3 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 16 19 21 24 31 35 41 46 51 (R1) 52 (R2)


Where, R = Temperature reading upon the ball touches the bottom plate


JR2 (ii) ASTM D5 Standard Test for Penetration of Bituminous Materials

INTRODUCTION The penetration test is an empirical test used to measure the consistency of asphalt cement. Generally, the penetration of a bituminous substance may be defined as distance in hundredth to which a standard needle penetrates the material under known conditions of times, loading and temperature. This test is used for evaluating the consistency of asphalt material before and after heating.

OBJECTIVE To measure the consistency of a bituminous material at a given temperature.

Apparatus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Penetration Needle Water Bath Stopwatch Penetration Container Penetrometer Asphalt sample Thermometers

PROCEDURE 1. Penetration needle was cleaned with toluene or other solvent and dried it with a clean cloth. 2. Needle was carefully insert in the penetrometer. 3. Sample container was placed directly on the submerged stand in the penetrometer. The sample was keep completely covered with water at 25°C ± 0.5°C temperature. 4. The needle position by slowly lowering it until its just makes contact with the surface of the sample. 5. Penetrometer’s pointer was bring to zero. 6. The needle holder was released for the specified period of time (5 sec) and get the reading. Ignore the result if the container moves. 7. Three determinations at points was make on the surface of the sample not less than 10mm from side of the container and not less than 10mm apart.

RESULT No. 1 2 3

Penetration reading 96 97 96


Where, R = is the penetration reading at different location

DISCUSSION Based on the result on experiment (i), the softening point for the sample that was tested is 51.5 C. Table 1 show the requirement for 60/70 penetration grade bitumen (PWD 1992). The bath we use is same between the other groups, but it different in the heat of fire on Bunsen Burner. The other group get faster result compare our group. The result that we get follow the requirement for 60/70 penetration grade. The different between the temperature reading (R1 and R2) just differ by 1°C. Based on the result on experiment (ii), average penetration reading, R is 69.33. From the two experiment, we know the value of softening point and the value of penetration. Based on the value, we can plot the graph on Figure 1 to get the value of Penetration Index (PI). Figure shown the Nomograph for the Penetration Index of bitumen (Whiteoak, 1990). From the graph on figure we known the value of Penetration Index is -0.5. Table 2 show the Bitumen type base on the PI value. Thus the type of bitumen is Conventional Paving Bitumen because it between -2 and +2 of PI. The PI values can be used to determine the stiffness (modulus) of a bitumen at any temperature and loading time. It can also,to a limited extent, be used to identify a particular type of bituminous material.

Table 1: Requirements for 60/70 penetration grade bitumen (PWD 1992)

Property Penetration at 25°C, 100g, 5 s (deci-millimetre, d-mm) Softening Point, ring and ball (°C) Flash Point, Cleveland open cup (°C) Thin film oven test , 3.2 mm at 163°C for 5 hours · Loss on heating (% by mass) · Penetration of residue at 25°C (% of original penetration) · Ductility of residue at 25°C at 5 cm/min (cm) Solubility in trichloroethylene (% by mass) Specific gravity at 25°C

Requirement 60-70 47-56 Min. 232 Max. 0.8 Min. 54 Min. 50 Min. 99 1.0-1.11

Table 2: Type of bitumen base on PI value.

Bitumen type Blown Bitumen Conventional Paving Bitumen Temperature Susceptible Bitumen (Tars)

PI >2 -2 to +2
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