Astm D1633-17 PDF

April 15, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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lnternallon nal standard was de dev vel oped In acco ccordance onaJJy rerog.rilzOO principl principles es on st and a rdi1..atton « Stabll tabllss hed ln Th1s lnternallo rdance wit h lnt  rnatl rnatlo

Decis ion o n Princip Principlles fo r the De ve lopm ent of lnlcrnallonaJ S tandards tandards,, Guide Guidess and Reco mmend ati ons Iss ssued tions ued by the World TrJde Orga ntzall ntzallo on Technical Barriers to e l BT ) Co mmltte-e.



Designation: 01633 - 17


Standard Test Methods for

Compressive Strength of Molded Soil Cement Cylinders 1 This standard is issued unde r the fixed designa designattion D I633: lhe numbe r immediately following the designation indicates the year o or iginal adoption or, in lhe case of o f revision revision.. the year o last revision. A number in parentheses indica indicattes the year o las lastt reapproval. A superscript eps i lon E) indic:ites an editor editoriial change s ince the last revision o r reapproYal.

1. Scope Scope* * 1. 1 Th is tes t m ethod covers th t he deter eterm m i n at io n o f the com com  pressive str st rengt gth h o f soil soil--cement usin usi ng molded cyli nd nde ers as l est spec im ens.

1.2 T wo al te rn ati ve p rocedu ocedurres are provid ed as fol l ows ows:: 1.2.1 Method A   his procedur procedu re uses a tes l speci specim men pre pre pared pare d i n a mold complying wi th Test M et eth h ods 0698 (4.0 i n . ( 101.6 mm mm)) i n di am eter and 4.6 i n. ( 11 6.8 mm mm)) in he igh ghtt), so meti mes re refferred to as a proc proctto r mol old d , res ultin ulting g in a he igh t overr diameter rat ove rat io o f 1. 15. T his tes t me method m ay be used o nly o n ma mater i al s wi th 30 o r Jess ret ai ain ned o n the ·19.0-m 9.0-mm m 3.t.-i n.) sieve.. Sec Note 2 . sieve  


tes ti nspeci ethod 8 proce specim mlein ndrical w iLhl a h1.2.2 cig hl M over diameter diamet erisraprocedu tio o dure f 2re .0 uses prepaared prepar a cy indrica mo l d i n acco accorrda nce wi t h Practice Practice 01632 2 .8 in i n . (7 1.1 mm) i n dia di am eter an and 9.0 i n. (229 mm mm)) in he igh ghtt). T h i s l est meth od is appli c abl able e to hose ma te r ia iall s t hat pass the 4.75 75-- mm (No. 4 ) sieve. 1.3 Units Units-- T he values st stal ed i n i nch- pou poun nd u nits ar arc c to be regarded as sta stan ndard, except excep t as no ted in below. below. T he valu es given give n in pa rent enth heses arc mathemat ical co nve rsi sio o ns lo S I u nits, and ar e pr p rovi ded fo r in info fo nn ali o n o nly and are no t co con nside derred standard. Si Si eve sizes arc id i dentified by th e stand ard desig designat natio ns i n Specifica Specificati tio o n El I. Th The e al tern at ive si si eve size des ig n at io n given give n i n parenth eses is fo forr i n forniation on o n l y and does not repr present esent a d i fTcrcn l sta stan ndard si sieve size. 1.3.1 Th e gravitationa l syste system m o f in ch -poun d un its is used

w hen de dea l ing w ith inch i nch-- pou nd uni ts. Jn Lh i s system syste m. th the pou po und (l b f) repr rep rese nt s a u nit o f fo rce (weight), w hile th e un unit for mass is slugs. slugs . 1.3.2 Th e slug un i t o f m ass is al mos ostt never used i n comm co mme ercial practice, th at i s, de nsity sity.. ba ball ances, etc. Th Therefo ereforre, the th e standard uni unill fo forr mass i n lh lhis is stan d ar ard d is ei th er k ilogra ilogram m (k g) or gra gram m (g), o r bo both. th. Also, lh lhc c eq u iv alent i nch- pou poun nd un it g) (slu (sl u i s not given/presented i n parenth eses.

1.3.3 1l i s comm commo o n prac practi tice ce i n t he en engineeri gineerin ng/co g/con nst stru ructio ction n professio rofession n to con co ncur urre rentl ntly y use pou nds l o represent both a un un it o f ma ss lb m) an a nd o f fo rce ( l b f) . T h i s im plicitly co mb in es t wo se parate sys tem s of of un its; t ha hatt i s, th the e ab abso lu te sys tem an d the gravi lal io nal sys tem. l l is sc ientifi ntifically cally un desirable to combin combi ne the th e use o f t wo se parat parate e se l s o f in ch -po poun und d un un its wi thin a sing single le stan sta ndard. As slat slated, ed, l his stan d ar ard d i ncl clu udes t he gravi gravi tatio tation nal system syste m o f in inc c h- pou poun nd un its an d does no l use/p use/prrese nt the slug unitt for mass . Howeve uni Howeverr, lhc u se o f bala balan nces or scales, reco rd i ng pou nds o f m ass ( lb m) o r reco rd i ng den si ty i n lbm/ft 3 shall not be reg regar arded ded as no nco nfo rm rma ance w i t h th thii s stan d ard. 1.4 A ll o bserved an and calcu calcu l ate d va lu es sha ll co con n fo form rm l o the gu i del gui delii nes fo forr si g nifica ificant nt d ig it s and roun round in ing g estab l ished i n Practice 06026 un less su pe rsede rseded d by thi s l est met hod. 1.4 .4.. I Th e procedures used l o spec i fy how data ar arc c collect collec ted/ recorded an and c alc ulated i n t he stan d ar ard d are regarde egarded d as the i ndus dusttry s tanda darrd. ln add it io n. t hey are re prese nt nta at ive of o f the sig n i fica fican nt d i gi gitts t ha t ge gen nera ll y sh shou oull d be re tai ned. Th The e pr p roce oce dures used do not consider material varia variati tio o n , p urpose for obtai obt ain n i ng the d at a. specia speciall purpose st stud udii es, o r an y consid consi der ation atio ns f or the user's objec objecti ti ves; an and it is comm co mmon on p ra c t ice l o i ncre crea ase o r red edu uce signi fica ficant nt di gi ts o f repo reporrte ted d data l o be comm co mme ensur ura ate w i th these co con nside sidera ratt i o ns. It i s beyon beyo nd t he scope o f th ese l est m ethods to co nsi der si s i gn i fifica ca nt d igits used i n analys alysii s met eth hods for fo r engi engin neeri eerin ng d at a. 1. 5 This standard does not purport to address all o f the

safety concems, i OJI \ associated with its use. It is tfle respon respo nsibility o f tile user o f this standard to establish appro appro priate safety, safety, h e l t l ~ a11d environme environmen n ta tall practices 011d deter deter mine the app applicability o f reg regu ulatory limitation limitations prior to use. 1.6 This te m atio  al standard was developed in in accor accor dm1ce with intemationally recognized princi principles on on sta starrulard ulard iza tion established in the Decision 11 Principles for the Develop evelopm ment o f ln lntematio tematio  al Stan Standards, Guides w ul Reco ecom m mendation mendatio ns issued by th e World Trade Orga11iza tion Technical Barriers to Trade TBT  Committee.


This Le s t method is under the j urisd risdiiction of ASTM Commi Commiu uee D 18 on Soil and Rock and is the dir di rect responsib esponsibiili ty of Subcommittee D 18.15 on Stabil Stabi lization Wi th Admixtu res. Currentt edition approved Nov. Curren Nov. l. 20 17 . Pub Publl ished November 2017. 2017. Originally approved in 1959. Last previ previous edit edi t ion approved in 2007 as Dl 633-00{2007 , whii ch w:is wit wh wi thdrawn in July 20 16 and reins einsttated in November 20 17. DOI: I0  1 520/Dl633-17 520/Dl633-17..

* A S umma ummary ry of of Chan hanges ges sec tio n a,pp ears at th e end e nd o f this s tandard Copyright e ASTM International. 100 Barr Halllor Halllor Drive, PO Box C700. West Cooshohock Cooshohocken . PA 19428-2959. Unoed States

Copyright by AST Copy ASTM M Jnt'l (al alll right> re res er erv ved 13:20:40 0:40 ED T 20 19 ed   ; Wed Apr 3 13:2 1 Do\>n lo ad ed. d.print printee d by JCA JC AJ\ J\ORCO J\ORCON N (A (ASESO RE S E N ESTRATEGJAS COMERCIALES BIFCO S.A. DE C.V.) pursuant to Li Liccense Agreem Agreemeent. No further repr reproduct oductiions aut hori orizze d.




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Mediian = 6.2 Med


01633 17

Difference in Strength

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DIFFERENCE I N STRENGTH OF TWO SPECIMENS S PERCENT OF VER GE STRE NGTH FIG. 1 Distribution of Variation of Test Resul Resu lts for

S U M \l A RY O F


Sets of Dupllcate Specimens

H A ~ G E S

accordance with Comm itt ittee ee 01 8 policy. policy . this section iden li fies the loc loca ation o f c han ges to th t his standard s in ince ce the l ast edition 2000 Reapproved 2007 2007)) )) tha thatt may impact impac t t he use o f t his stan dar ard d . Novembe Novemberr I , 2 17) ln

(I) C l arified wording in 1. 1.2 2. 1 and 1.2.2. 2) Update Updated d c avea ts i n Section I and renumbered sect ions as

applii ca appl cabl ble 3) Updated Updated 2.1 re fere eren nces 4) Update Updated d 3.1 Definitions statement. 5) Update Updated d Nole I . 6) Added cl ari arificat ficat io n word i ng in 5 1

7) A dde ded d ba l ances an d measuring device to the Apparatus

sectio n. section 8) A dde ded d cl ari fica ficati tio o n word i ng and proced Lra rall ste ps i n Sec Sec-ti ons 6 and 7 9) A dde ded d calcu l ation of o f un it weight in Sec ti tio on 8. expan nded t he Repo rt section. 10) Updated and expa

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserte asserted d n connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of his standard are expressly advised that determination ol he validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of nfringement of su suc ch rights, rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any lime by he responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years yearsand and if not revised revised,, effherreapproved reapproved or withdrawn . Your comments are invited either or revision revision of his standard or toradditional toradditionalstandards standards and should shouldbe be addressed to ASTM ASTMInternational International Headquarters. Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of h responsible technical committee, Which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have ot received a lair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Ba Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 -2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standa.rd may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832 610-832··9585 (phone), 610-832 e-mail); or through the ASTM website 610-832·· 9555 (fax), or [email protected] emay also be secured from the Copyright Clearance C Jter, 222 the· 2600; rights to , photocopy standard Rosewood Drive, Permission Danvers , MA 01923, 01923 Tel: (978} 646 646·

Copyright by ASTM Jnt I al ed); ); Wed Apr 3 13:20 13:20:40 :40 EDT 2019 alll right> res erved 4 Do\>nlo aded.pri d.printed nted by .rt:AJ\ J\ORCON (AS ESORES EN ESTRATEGJAS COMERCIA LE S BIFCO S.A. DE C.V.) pursuant to Li cense Agreem ent. No further reproducti reproductions au authori thorizzed.

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