ASTM D1143 - 07 (Static Axial Compressive Load)

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Designation: D 1143/D 1143M – 07

Standard Test Methods for

Deep Foundations Under Static Axial Compressive Load1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation designation D 114 1143/D 3/D 1143M; 1143M; the numbe numberr immedia immediately tely following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. reappr oval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope Scope* *

1.6 A qualified qualified engineer engineer shall design and appro approve ve all load load-ing app appara aratus tus,, loa loaded ded mem member bers, s, sup suppor portt fra frames mes,, and tes testt proced pro cedure ures. s. The tex textt of thi thiss sta standa ndard rd ref refere erence ncess not notes es and footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard. This standard also includes incl udes illu illustra stration tionss and appen appendices dices intended intended only for explanatory or advisory use. 1.7 The values stated stated in eith either er SI units or inch-pound inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each eac h sys system tem may not be exa exact ct equ equiva ivalen lents; ts; the theref refore ore,, eac each h system shall be used independently of the other. Combining

1.1 The test methods described in this this standard measure the axial deflection of a vertical or inclined deep foundation when loaded in static axial compression. These methods apply to all deep foundations, referred to herein as  piles,  that function in a manner similar to driven piles or castinplace piles, regardless of their method of installation, and may be used for testing single piles or pile groups. The test results may not represent the long-term performance of a deep foundation. 1.2 This standard provides minimum minimum requirements for testtesting dee deep p fou founda ndatio tions ns und under er sta static tic axi axial al com compre pressi ssive ve loa load. d. Plans, specifications, and/or provisions prepared by a qualified engineer may provide additional requirements and procedures as needed to satisfy the objectives of a particular test program. The engineer in responsible charge of the foundation design, referred to herein as the Engineer, shall approve any deviations, tio ns, del deleti etions ons,, or add additi itions ons to the req requir uireme ements nts of thi thiss standard. 1.3 This standard standard allows the foll following owing test procedures: procedures: Proced Proc edur ure eA Proced Pro cedure ure B Procedure Proce dure C Proced Pro cedure ure D Proced Pro cedure ure E Procedure Proce dure F Proced Pro cedure ure G

values the two systems may result in non-conformance with thefrom standard. 1.8 The gravitationa gravitationall syste system m of inch inch-poun -pound d unit unitss is used when dealing with inch-pound units. In this system, the pound (lbf) represents a unit of force (weight), while the unit for mass is slugs. The rationalized slug unit is not given, unless dynamic (F=ma) calculations are involved. 1.9 All observed observed and calc calculat ulated ed values shall conform conform to the guideline guid eliness for signi significant ficant digits and round rounding ing esta establis blished hed in Practice D Practice  D 6026. 6026. 1.10 1.1 0 The method method use used d to spe specif cify y how dat dataa are collecte collected, d, calculated, or recorded in this standard is not directly related to the accuracy to which the data can be applied in design or other uses, or both. How one applies the results obtained using this standard is beyond its scope. 1.11   This standard does not purport to address all of the safe sa fety ty co conc ncer erns ns,, if an anyy, as asso soci ciat ated ed wi with th its us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Quick Quic k Tes estt Mainta Mai ntaine ined d Test (op (optio tional nal)) Loading Loadi ng in Exce Excess ss of Main Maintain tained ed Test (opti (optional) onal) Consta Con stant nt Ti Time me Int Interv erval al Test (op (optio tional nal)) Consta Con stant nt Rat Rate e of of Pen Penetr etrati ation on Test (op (opti tiona onal) l) Constant Cons tant Move Movement ment Incre Increment ment Test (opti (optional onal)) Cyclic Cyc lic Loa Loadin ding g Test (op (optio tional nal))

1.4 Apparatus and procedures herein herein designated “optional” “optional” may produce different test results and may be used only when ap appr prov oved ed the th e ion, Engi En neer er.. the Theewor Th word wo “sha “s hall ll” indi in dica cate tess aa mandat man datory oryby provis pro vision ,gine and word drd“sh “shoul ould” d”” ind indica icates tes recommende recom mended d or advis advisory ory provi provision. sion. Impe Imperati rative ve sent sentences ences indicate mandatory provisions. 1.5 A qualified geotechnica geotechnicall engin engineer eer shoul should d inte interpret rpret the test results obtained from the procedures of this standard so as to predict the actual performance and adequacy of piles used in the constructed foundation. See  Appendix X1  for comments regarding some of the factors influencing the interpretation of  test results.

2. Referenced Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards:   2 D 653  Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids D 3740  Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies


This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.11 on Deep Foundations. Curren Cur rentt edit edition ion app approv roved ed Feb Feb.. 1, 200 2007. 7. Pub Publish lished ed Apr April il 200 2007. 7. Ori Origin ginally ally approv app roved ed in 195 1950. 0. Disc Discont ontinu inued ed in August August 199 1995 5 and reinstated reinstated in 200 2007 7 as

2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@ [email protected] rg. For   Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume Standards  volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on


D 1143–07. Last previous edition approved in 1994 as D 1143 – 81(1994)


the ASTM website website..

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.



D 1143/D 1143M – 07 Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock  as Used in Engineering Design and Construction D 5882   Test Test Method for Low Strai Strain n Inte Integrit grity y Testi esting ng of  Piles D 6026   Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical Data D 6760  Test Method for Integrity Testing of Concrete Deep Foundations by Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing 2.2   American National Standards: Standards:3

foundation.. When performed foundation performed as part of a mult multiple iple-pile -pile test program, the designer may also use the results to assess the viability of different piling types and the variability of the test site. 4.2 If feasible, without exceeding exceeding the safe structural load load on the pile(s) or pile cap, the maximum load applied should reach a fai failur luree loa load d fro from m whi which ch the Engineer Engineer ma may y det determ ermine ine the ultimate axial static compressive load capacity of the pile(s). Tests that achieve a failure load may help the designer improve

ASME B30.1   Jacks ASME B40.100   Pressure Gages and Gauge Attachments ASME B89.1. B89.1.10.M 10.M   Dial Indic Indicators ators (For Line Linear ar Meas Measureurements)

the efficiency of the foundation by reducing the piling length, quantity, or size. 4.3 If dee deemed med impract impractica icall to app apply ly axi axial al tes testt loa loads ds to an inclined pile, the Engineer may elect to use axial test results from a nearby vertical pile to evaluate the axial capacity of the inclined pile.

3. Terminology 3.1 For common definitions definitions of terms used in this standard standard see Terminology  D 653  Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids. 3.2  Definitions of Terms Specific to this Standard: 3.2.1  cast in-place pile,  n —a deep foundation unit made of  cement grout or concrete and constructed in its final location, for exam example, ple, drilled shafts, bored pile piles, s, caiss caissons, ons, auger cast piles, pressure-injected footings, etc 3.2.2   deep founda foundation tion,   n— a rela relative tively ly slen slender der stru structur ctural al

NOTE   1—The 1—The quality of the result produced produced by this test method is dependent depend ent on the competenc competencee of the personnel personnel performing performing it, and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the criteria of Practice D Practice  D 3740 are 3740  are generally considered capable of competent and objective testing/sampling/ inspection/etc. Users of this test method are cautioned that complia compliance nce with Pract Practice ice  D 3740   does not in itself  assure reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D 3740 provides 3740  provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.

5. Test Foundation Preparation

element that below transmits orsurface, all of thesuch loadasit asupports to pile soil or rock well the some ground steel pipe or concrete drilled shaft 3.2.3   driven pile,   n—a deep foundation unit made of preformed for med mat materi erial al wit with h a pre predet determ ermine ined d sha shape pe and siz sizee and typically installed by impact hammering, vibrating, or pushing. 3.2.4   failure failure load ,   n—fo —forr the pur purpos posee of ter termin minati ating ng an axia ax iall co comp mpre ress ssiv ivee lo load ad te test st,, th thee te test st lo load ad at wh whic ich h ra rapi pid d continuing, progressive movement occurs, or at which the total axial movement exceeds 15 % of the pile diameter or width, or as specified by the engineer. 3.2.5   telltale telltale rod ,   n—an uns unstra traine ined d met metal al rod ext extend ended ed throug thr ough h the test pile from a spe specifi cificc poi point nt to be used as a reference from which to measure the change in the length of  the loaded pile. 3.2.6   wireline,   n—a ste steel el wir wiree mou mounte nted d wit with h a con consta stant nt tension force between two supports and used as a reference line to read a scale indicating movement of the test pile.

5.1 Excavate or add fill to the the ground surface around the test pile or pile group to the final design elevation unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 5.2 Cut off or build up the test pile as necessary necessary to permit construct cons truction ion of the load load-appl -applicat ication ion appa apparatus ratus,, plac placemen ementt of  the nec necess essary ary tes testin ting g and ins instru trumen mentat tation ion equ equipm ipment ent,, and observation of the instrumentation. Remove any damaged or unsound material from the pile top and prepare the surface so that it is perpendicular to the pile axis with minimal irregularity to provide a good bearing surface for a test plate. 5.3 For tests of single piles, piles, install a solid steel test plate at least 25 mm (1 in) thick perpendicular to the long axis of the test pile that covers the complete pile top area. The test plate shall span across and between any unbraced flanges on the test pile. 5.4 5. 4 For te test stss on pi pile le gr grou oups ps,, ca cap p th thee pi pile le gr grou oup p wi with th steel-reinforced concrete or a steel load frame designed for the anticipated loads. Provide a clear space beneath the pile cap as specifi spe cified ed by the Engineer Engineer to eli elimi minat natee any bea bearin ring g on the underlying ground surface. For each loading point on the pile cap, provide a solid steel test plate oriented perpendicular to the axis of the pile group with a minimum thickness of 25 mm (1 in), as needed to safely apply load to the pile cap. Center a single bearing plate on the centroid of the pile group. Locate multiple bearing plates symmetrically about the centroid of the pile group. Boxes and beams may bear directly on the pile cap when designed to bear uniformly along their contact surface with the cap. 5.5 To mini minimize mize stress concentrat concentrations ions due to minor irre irregugularities of the pile top surface, set test plates bearing on the top

4. Signi Significanc ficancee and Use 4.1 Fie Field ld tes tests ts pro provid videe the mos mostt rel reliab iable le rel relati ations onship hip between twe en the axial axial loa load d app applie lied d to a dee deep p fou founda ndatio tion n and the result res ulting ing axi axial al mov moveme ement. nt. Test res result ultss may als also o pro provid videe inform inf ormati ation on use used d to ass assess ess the dis distr tribu ibutio tion n of sid sidee she shear ar resist res istanc ancee alo along ng the pil pilee sha shaft, ft, the am amoun ountt of end bea bearin ring g developed devel oped at the pile toe, and the long-term long-term loadload-deflec deflection tion behavior.. A foundation designer behavior designer may evaluate the test test results to determine if, after applying an appropriate factor of safety, the pile pi le or pi pile le gr grou oup p ha hass an ul ulti tima mate te st stat atic ic ca capa paci city ty an and d a deflect defl ection ion at ser servic vicee loa load d sat satisf isfact actory ory to sup suppor portt a spe specifi cificc

of pre precas castt or cas cast-i t-in-p n-plac lacee con concre crete te pil piles es in a thi thin n lay layer er of  quick-setting, non-shrink grout, less than 6 m (0.25 in) thick  and having a compressive strength greater than the test pile at the time of the test. Set test plates, boxes, and beams designed


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D 1143/D 1143M – 07 to bear on a concrete pile cap in a thin layer of quick-setting, non-shrink grout, less than 6 mm (0.25 in) thick and having a compressive strength greater than the pile cap at the time of the test. For tests on steel piles, or a steel load frame, weld the test plate to the pile or load frame. For tests on individual timber piles, set the test plate directly on the cleanly cut top of the pile, or in grout as described for concrete piles.

structures shall have sufficient size, strength, and stiffness to prevent excessive deflection and instability up to the maximum anticipated test load.

NOTE  2—Deep foundations sometimes include hidden defects that may go unno unnotice ticed d pri prior or to the static testing. testing. Low strain integrity integrity tests as described in D in D 5882 and 5882 and ultrasonic crosshole integrity tests as described in D 6760 may 6760  may provide a useful pre-test evaluation of the test foundation.

of the pile or pile group to minimize eccentric loading. When necessary to prevent lateral deflection and buckling along the unsupp uns upport orted ed pil pilee len length gth,, pro provid videe lat latera erall bra braces ces tha thatt do not influence the axial movement of the pile, or pile cap. 6.1.3 6.1 .3 Eac Each h jac jack k sha shall ll inc includ ludee a hem hemisp ispher herica icall bea bearin ring g or similar device to minimize lateral loading of the pile or group. The hemispherical bearing should include a locking mechanism nis m for saf safee han handli dling ng and set setup. up. Cen Center ter bea bearin ring g pla plates tes,, hydraulic jack(s), load cell(s), and hemispherical bearings on the test beam(s), test pile, or test pile cap. 6.1.4 6.1 .4 Provide Provide bea bearin ring g sti stifffen feners ers as nee needed ded bet betwee ween n the flanges of test and reaction beams. Provide steel bearing plates as needed to spread the load from the outer perimeter of the  jack(s), or the bearing surface of beams or boxes, to bear on the surface of the test pile or pile cap. Also provide steel bearing

6.2  Hydraulic Jacks, Gages, Transducers, and Load Cells: 6.2.1 The hydraulic hydraulic jack( jack(s) s) and thei theirr opera operation tion shall conform for m to to ASME  ASME B30.1   Jacks Jacks and shall have a nom nomina inall loa load d capacity exceeding the maximum anticipated jack load by at least lea st 20 %. The jac jack, k, pum pump, p, and any hos hoses, es, pip pipes, es, fitt fitting ings, s, gages, or transducers used to pressurize it shall be rated to a safe pressure corresponding to the nominal jack capacity. 6.2.2 The hydraulic hydraulic jack ram(s) shall have a trav travel el greater than the sum of the anticipated maximum axial movement of  the pile plus the deflection of the test beam and the elongation and movement of any anchoring system, but not less than 15 % of the average pile diameter or width. Use a single highcapacity jack when possible. When using a multiple jack system, provid pro videe jac jacks ks of the sam samee mak make, e, mod model, el, and cap capaci acity ty,, and supply the jack pressure through a common manifold. Fit the manifold and each jack with a pressure gage to detect malfunctions and imbalances. 6.2.3 Unless otherwise specified, specified, the hydraulic hydraulic jack(s), pressure gage(s), and pressure transducer(s) shall have a calibration to at least the maximum anticipated jack load performed within the six months prior to each test or series of tests. Furnish the calibrat cali bration ion repo report(s rt(s)) prior to perf performi orming ng a test test,, which shall include the ambient temperature and calibrations performed for multiple ram strokes up to the maximum stroke of the jack. 6.2.4 6.2 .4 Eac Each h com comple plete te jac jackin king g and pre pressu ssure re mea measur sureme ement nt system, including the hydraulic pump, should be calibrated as a unit when practicable. The hydraulic jack(s) shall be calibrated over the complete range of ram travel for increasing and decreasing applied loads. If two or more jacks are to be used to apply the test load, they shall be of the same make, model, and size, connected to a common manifold and pressure gage, and operated by a single hydraulic pump. The calibrated jacking

plates to spread the load between the jack(s), load cells, and hemisp hem ispher herica icall bea bearin rings, gs, and to spr spread ead the loa load d to the tes testt beam(s), test pile, or pile cap. Bearing plates shall extend the full flange width of steel beams and the complete top area of  piles, or as specified by the Engineer, so as to provide full bearing and distribution of the load. 6.1.5 6.1. 5 Unless Unless oth otherw erwise ise spe specifi cified, ed, pro provid videe ste steel el bea bearin ring g plates that have a total thickness adequate to spread the bearing load loa d bet betwee ween n the outer per perim imete eters rs of loa loaded ded sur surfac faces es at a maximum angle of 45 ° to the loaded axis. For center hole  jacks and center hole load cells, also provide steel plates adequate to spread the load from their inner diameter to the thei th eirr ce cent ntra rall ax axis is at a ma maxi ximu mum m an angl glee of 45 ° , or pe perr manufactur manuf acturer er reco recommen mmendati dations. ons. Beari Bearing ng plat plates es shall exte extend nd the full width of the test beam(s) or any steel reaction members

system(s) shall have accuracy less than 5% of the maximum applied load. When not feasible to calibrate a jacking system as a unit, calibrate the jack, pressure gages, and pressure transducerss separ ducer separatel ately y, and each of thes thesee comp component onentss shall have accuracy less than 2% of the applied load. 6.2.5 Press Pressure ure gages shall have minimum graduations graduations less than or equal to 1% of the maximum applied load and shall conform to ASME B40.100 Pressure B40.100  Pressure Gages and Gauge Attac Attachhments with an accuracy grade 1A having a permissible error  6 1% of the span. Pressure transducers shall have a minimum resolution less than or equal to 1% of the maximum applied load and shall conform to  ASME B40.100   with an accuracy grade 1A having a permissible error   6  1% of the span. When used for control of the test, pressure transducers shall include a real-time display.

so as to provide full bearing and distribution of the load. 6.1.6 6.1 .6 A qua qualifi lified ed eng engine ineer er sha shall ll des design ign and app approv rovee all loading apparatus, loaded members, support frames, and loading procedures. The test beam(s), load platforms, and support

6.2.6 6.2 .6 If the max maximu imum m tes testt loa load d wil willl exc exceed eed 900 kN (10 (100 0 tons), pla tons), place ce a pro proper perly ly con constr struct ucted ed loa load d cel celll or equ equiva ivalen lentt device devi ce in serie seriess with each hydra hydraulic ulic jack. Unle Unless ss other otherwise wise specified the load cell(s) shall have a calibration to at least the

NOTE   3—Rota 3—Rotations tions and lateral displacemen displacements ts of the test pile or pile cap may occur during loading, especially for piles extending above the soil surface or through weak soils. Design and construct the support reactions to resist any undesirable rotations or lateral displacements

6. Appar Apparatus atus for Applying Applying and Measu Measuring ring Loads 6.1   General: 6.1.1 The apparatus for applying applying compressive loads loads to a test pile pi le or pi pile le gr grou oup p sh shal alll co conf nfor orm m to on onee of th thee me meth thod odss described in   6.3 6.3– –6.6  Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer, the apparatus for applying and measuring loads described in thi thiss sec sectio tion n sha shall ll be cap capabl ablee of saf safely ely applying applying at lea least st 120 % of the maximum anticipated test load. Use the method described descr ibed in   6.3   to app apply ly axi axial al loa loads ds to eit either her ver vertic tical al or inclined incli ned piles or pile groups. groups. Use the meth methods ods described described in 6.4--6.6 6.4 6.6 to  to apply only vertical loads. 6.1.2 Align the test load apparatus apparatus with the longitudinal longitudinal axis



D 1143/D 1143M – 07 maximu imum m ant antici icipat pated ed jac jack k loa load d per perfor formed med wit within hin the six max months prior to each test or series of tests. The calibrated load cell(s) or equivalent device(s) shall have accuracy within 1 % of the applied load, including an eccentric loading of up to 1% appl ap plie ied d at an ec ecce cent ntri ricc di dist stan ance ce of 1 in in.. (2 (25 5 mm mm). ). After After calibration, load cells shall not be subjected to impact loads. A load cell is recommended, but not required, for lesser load. If  not pra practi cticab cable le to use a loa load d cel cell, l, inc includ ludee emb embedd edded ed str strain ain gages gag es loc locate ated d in clo close se pro proxim ximity ity to the jack to con confirm firm the

group to place the necessary bearing plates, hydraulic jack(s), hemispherical bearing, and load cell(s). For test loads of high magnitude requiring several anchors, a steel framework may be required to transfer the applied loads from the test beam(s) to the anchors. 6.3.3 6.3 .3 When When tes testin ting g ind indivi ividua duall inc inclin lined ed pil piles, es, ali align gn the  jack(s), test beam(s), and anchor piles with the inclined longitudinal axis of the test pile. 6.3.4 6.3 .4 Att Attach ach the tes testt bea beam(s m(s)) (or rea reacti ction on fra framew mework ork if  used) to the anchoring devices with connections designed to adequately transfer the applied loads to the anchors so as to prevent slippage, rupture or excessive elongation of the connections under maximum required test load. 6.4   Load App Applie lied d by Hyd Hydrau raulic lic Jac Jack(s k(s)) Act Acting ing Against Against a Weighted Box or Platform   : (Fig. 3) 3) 6.4.1 Apply the test load to the pile or pile group with the hydraulic hydr aulic jack(s) reac reacting ting against the test beam(s) cent centered ered over the test pile, or pile group. Center a box or platform on the test beam(s) with the edges of the box or platform parallel to the test beam(s) supported by cribbing or piles placed as far from the test pile or pile group as practicable, but in no case less than a clear distance of 1.5 m (5 ft). If cribbing is used, the

applied load. 6.2.7 Do not leav leavee the hydra hydraulic ulic jack pump unattended unattended at any tim timee dur during ing the tes test. t. Aut Automa omated ted jac jackin king g sys system temss sha shall ll include a clearly marked mechanical override to safely reduce hydraulic pressure in an emergency. 6.3   Loa Load d App Applied lied by Hyd Hydrau raulic lic Jac Jack(s k(s)) Act Acting ing Aga Agains inst  t   Anchored Reaction Frame   (See Fig. (See  Fig. 1  1   and and Fig.  Fig. 2): 2): 6.3.1 Apply the test load to the pile or pile group with the hydraulic hydra ulic jack(s) react reacting ing again against st the test beam beam(s) (s) cente centered red over the test pile, or pile group. Install a sufficient number of  anchorr pile ancho piless or suitable anchoring anchoring devic device(s) e(s) to provi provide de adequate reactive capacity for the test beam(s). Provide a clear distance from the test pile or pile group of at least five times the maximum diameter of the largest anchor or test pile(s), but not less than 2.5 m (8 ft). The Engineer may increase or decrease this minimum clear distance based on and factors such as of theloads type and depth of reaction, soil conditions, magnitude so that reaction forces do not significantly effect the test results.

bearing area of the cribbing at ground surface shall be sufficient to prevent adverse settlement of the weighted box or platform. 6.4.2 The test beam(s) shall have suffici sufficient ent size and strength to prevent excessive deflection under the maximum load, and suffficie suf icient nt clea clearance rance between the botto bottom m flange flange(s) (s) of the test beam(s) and the top of the test pile or pile group to place the necessary bearing plates, hydraulic jack(s), hemispherical bearing, and load cell(s). Support the ends of the test beam(s) on temporary cribbing or other devices.

NOTE   4—Excessive vibrations during anchor pile installation in noncohesive soils may affect test results. Anchor piles that penetrate deeper than the test pile may affect test results. Install the anchor piles nearest the test pile first to help reduce installation effects.

6.3.2 Provide Provide suf suffficie icient nt cle clearan arance ce betw between een the bott bottom om flange(s) of the test beam(s) and the top of the test pile or pile

FIG. 1 Schematic of Hydraulic Jack Acting Against Anchored Reaction Frame



D 1143/D 1143M – 07

FIG. 2 Schematic of Hydraulic Jack on a Pipe Group Acting Against Anchored Reaction Frame

FIG. 3 Schematic Hydraulic Jack Acting Against Weighted Box or Platform

6.4.3 Load the box or platform platform with any suitable suitable material material such as soil, rock, concrete, steel, or water-filled tanks with a total weight (including that of the test beam(s) and the box or platform) at least 10 % greater than the maximum anticipated test load.

6.5   Load Applied Directly Using Known Weights   (See Fig. (See  Fig. 4,  Fig. 5, 5,   and and Fig.  Fig. 6): 6): 6.5.1 6.5 .1 Cen Center ter on the test pile pile or pile cap a tes testt bea beam( m(s) s) of  known kno wn wei weight ght and of suf sufffici icient ent siz sizee and str streng ength th to avo avoid id excessive exce ssive deflection deflection under load with the ends suppo supported rted on



D 1143/D 1143M – 07

FIG. 4 Schematic of Direct Loading on a Single Pile Using Weighted Platform

FIG. 5 Schematic of Direct loading on a Pile Group Using a Weighted Platform

FIG. 6 Schematic of Direct Loading on a Pile Group

tem tempor porary ary cri cribbi bbing ng if nec necess essary ary to sta stabil bilize ize the bea beam(s m(s). ). Alternatively, the known test weights or loading material may be applied directly on the pile or pile cap.

6.5.2 Center and balance a platform platform of known weight weight on the test beam(s) or directly on the pile cap with overhanging edges of the pla platfo tform rm par parall allel el to the tes testt bea beam(s m(s)) sup suppor ported ted by



D 1143/D 1143M – 07 cribbing or by piles capped with timber beams, so that a clear distance of not less than 1.5 m (5 ft) is maintained between the supports and the test pile or pile group. 6.5.3 Place suff sufficie icient nt pair pairss of timb timber er wedges betwe between en the top of the cribbing or timber cap beams and the bottom edges of the platform so that the platform can be stabilized during loading or unloading. 6.5.4 6.5 .4 App Apply ly the tes testt loa loads ds to the pil pilee or pil pilee gro group up using known kno wn wei weight ghts. s. Whe When n loa loadin ding g the pla platfo tform, rm, rem remove ove any

0.25 mm (0.01 in) or less, with similar accuracy. Scales used to measure pile movements shall have a length no less than 150 mm (6 in), minimum graduations of 0.5 mm (0.02 in) or less, with similar accuracy, and shall be read to the nearest 0.1 mm (0.005 in). Survey rods shall have minimum graduations of 1 mm (0.01 ft) or less, with similar accuracy, and shall be read to the nearest 0.1 mm (0.001 ft). 7.1.4 Dial indicators and electronic electronic displacement indicators indicators shall be in good working condition and shall have a full range

temporary supports at the ends of the test beam(s) and tighten the wedges along the bottom edges of the platform so that the platfo pla tform rm is sta stable ble.. Use loa loadin ding g mat materi erials als suc such h as ste steel el or conc co ncre rete te so th that at th thee we weig ight ht of in incr crem emen enta tall lo load adss ca can n be determined with accuracy of 5 %.

calibration calibrat ion within three years prior to each test or seri series es of  tests. test s. Furni Furnish sh cali calibrat bration ion repo reports rts prio priorr to perf performi orming ng a test, including the ambient air temperature during calibration 7.1.5 Clear Clearly ly iden identify tify each disp displacem lacement ent indi indicator cator,, scale scale,, and ref refere erence nce poi point nt use used d dur during ing the tes testt wit with h a ref refere erence nce number or letter. 7.1.6 Indic Indicators ators,, scale scales, s, or reference reference point pointss attac attached hed to the test pile, pile cap, reference beam, or other references shall be firmly affixed to prevent movement relative to the test pile or pilee cap dur pil during ing the tes test. t. Unl Unless ess oth otherw erwise ise app approv roved ed by the Engineer, verify that reference beam and wireline supports do not move during the test by using a surveyor’s level to take read re adin ings gs on a su surv rvey ey ro rod d or a sc scal alee wi with th re refe fere renc ncee to a permanent bench mark located outside of the immediate test area.

NOTE   5— Depending on the magnitude of the applied load and axial movement, platform stability may be difficult to control at or near a failure load when applying the load directly. The user should consider using a different load method when anticipating a failure load. NOTE   6— The loading apparatus described described in 6.5 in  6.5  may allow target rod level readings directly on the center of the pile top or pile cap to measure the pile top movement described described in 7.2.4 in  7.2.4..  To accommodate the target rod, use a double test beam with sufficient space between the beams, leave a hole through through the platform platform,, and leave a line of sigh sightt bet betwee ween n the test weights for survey level readings.

6.6   Other Other Types of Loadin Loading g Appar Apparatus atus (optio (optional) nal)— The Engineer Engine er may spe specif cify y ano anothe therr typ typee of loa loadin ding g app appara aratus tus satisfying the basic requirements of   of   6.3 6.3   or or   6.4 6.4..

7.2   Pile Top Top Axial Movements Movements (See Fig. 7)— 7.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, specified, all axial compressive compressive load tests shall include apparatus for measuring the axial movement of the test pile top, or piles within a group, or the pile group cap.. Thi cap Thiss app appara aratus tus sha shall ll inc includ ludee a pri primar mary y mea measur sureme ement nt system and at least one redundant, secondary system, using at least two of the systems described herein.

7. Appar Apparatus atus for Measuring Measuring Movement 7.1   General: 7.1.1 7.1 .1 Ref Refere erence nce bea beams ms and wir wireli elines nes sha shall ll be sup suppor ported ted indepe ind epende ndent nt of the loa loadin ding g sys system tem,, wit with h sup suppor ports ts firm firmly ly embedded in the ground at a clear distance from the test pile of  at least five times the diameter of the test pile(s) but not less than 2.5 m (8 ft), and at a clear distance from any anchor piles of at least five times the diameter of the anchor pile(s) but not less than 2.5 m (8 ft). Reference supports shall also be located as far as practicable from any cribbing supports but not less than a clear distance of 2.5 m (8 ft). 7.1.2 Refer Reference ence beams shall have adequ adequate ate strength, strength, stif stifffness, and cross bracing to support the test instrumentation and minimize vibrations that may degrade measurement of the pile move mo veme ment nt.. On Onee en end d of ea each ch be beam am sh shal alll be fr free ee to mo move ve laterally as the beam length changes with temperature variations. tio ns. Sup Suppor ports ts for ref refere erence nce bea beams ms and wir wireli elines nes sha shall ll be isolated from moving water and wave action. Provide a tarp or shelter to prevent direct sunlight and precipitation from affecting the measuring and reference systems. 7.1.3 Dial and electronic displacement displacement indicators indicators shall conform to ASME to  ASME B89.1.10.M Dial B89.1.10.M  Dial Indicators (For Linear Measurements) and should generally have a travel of 100 mm (4 in), but shall have a minimum travel of at least 50 mm (2 in). Provide Provi de grea greater ter trav travel, el, longe longerr stem stems, s, or suf suffficie icient nt cali calibrat brated ed blockss to allow for great block greater er trave travell if anticipated. anticipated. Electronic Electronic indica ind icator torss sha shall ll hav havee a rea real-t l-tim imee dis displa play y of the mov moveme ement nt

NOTE   7—When 7—When possible use displacement displacement indica indicators tors as the primary system to obta system obtain in the mos mostt pre precise cise measureme measurements. nts. Use the red redunda undant nt system(s) to check top movement data and provide continuity when the measuring system is disturbed or reset for additional movement. NOTE   8—Pile top movements measured directly on the test pile have superior accuracy to measurements on the test plate, but with negligible difference when using a thin layer of grout on a sound pile, or with a test plate welded to the pile. However, users may wish to verify that the test plate and indicators indica tors pile ( 7). do not move relative to each other using additional 7).

7.2.2   Displacement Indicators— Mount a minimum of two displacement indicators on the reference beams to bear on the pile top at axisymmetric points equidistant from the center of  the test pile, or pile cap, with stems parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pile, inclined pile, or pile group. Orient two parallel reference beams, one on each side of the test pile or pile cap, in a dir direct ection ion tha thatt per permi mits ts pla placin cing g the their ir sup suppor ports ts as far as feasible from anchor piles or cribbing. Alternatively Alternatively,, mount the two indi indicator catorss on axis axisymme ymmetric tric points equi equidista distant nt from the center of the test pile, or pile cap, with the stems parallel to the long lo ngit itud udin inal al ax axis is of th thee pi pile le or pi pile le gr grou oup p to be bear ar on th thee reference beams. NOTE  9—For piles having a width or diameter greater than 2.5 ft (0.75 n), and for piles without without good lateral lateral supp support ort near the top, use fou fourr displacement indicators to compensate for lateral movement or rotation of  the pile top.

available during the test. Provide a smooth bearing surface for the indicator stem perpendicular to the direction of stem travel, such as a small, lubricated, glass plate glued in place. Except as required in 7.4 in  7.4,,  indicators shall have minimum graduations of 

NOTE  10—For tests on inclined piles, monitor lateral pile movements as



D 1143/D 1143M – 07

FIG. 7 Schematic of Instrumentation of Measuring Axial Pile Movements

describ described ed in   7.3 7.3tto detect instabi instability lity that may result from gravitational forces during the test.

7.2.4   Surveyo Surveyor’s r’s Lev Level el or Las Laser er Bea Beam m—Movement readings obtained using a surveyor’s level or laser beam shall be taken on a survey rod or a scale and shall be referenced to a permanent bench mark located outside of the immediate test area or, alternatively, the surveyor’s level shall be mounted on an object of fixed elevation (for example a driven pile) outside of the immediate test area. Reference points or scales used in taking displacement readings shall be mounted on the sides of  the test pile or pile cap and located on opposite sides except that reference points may be located on top of the pile cap or readings may be taken on a single fixed point in the center of  the test pile top, test plate or pile cap (see  Fig. 6). 6).

7.2.3   Wire Wireline, line, Mirr Mirror or,, and Scale—Orie —Orient nt two wirel wirelines ines parall par allel el to eac each h oth other er and per perpen pendic dicula ularr to and loc locate ated d on opposite sides equidistant from the axis of the test pile, or pile group, in a direction that permits placing the wireline supports as fa farr as pr prac acti tica cabl blee fr from om an anch chor or pi pile less or cr crib ibbi bing ng.. Th Thee wire wi reli line ness sh shal alll in incl clud udee a we weig ight ht or sp spri ring ng to ma main inta tain in a constant tension force in the wire, so that, when plucked or tapped, the wireline will return to its original position. Use clean, uncoated steel wire with a diameter of 0.25 mm (0.01 in) or less for the wirelines. Each wireline shall pass across, and remain clear of, a scale mounted on the test pile or pile cap parallel to the axis of the pile or pile group. Mount the scale on a mirror affixed to the test pile or pile cap and use the wireline

7.2.5   Other Other Types of Measur Measurement ement Syste Systems ms (Option (Optional) al)— The Engineer may specify another type of measurement system

as a reference line to read the scale. Use the mirror to eliminate parallax error in the scale reading by lining up the wire and its image in the mirror. Align the wire not more than 13 mm (0.5 in) from the face of the scale.

satisfying the basic requirements of   7.2 7.2.. 7.3   Latera Laterall Mov Movemen ements ts (Opti (Optiona onal) l)   Measur Measuree the lat latera erall movements of the top of the test pile or pile group to within an accura acc uracy cy of 2.5 mm (0. (0.1 1 in) using either either of the followi following ng 8


D 1143/D 1143M – 07 8. Proc Procedur eduree

methods:  (a)  two displacement indicators oriented in orthogonal directions, mounted with their stems perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the test pile(s) and bearing against lubricated glass plates affixed to the sides of the test pile or pile cap, or   (b)   a sur survey veyor’ or’ss tra transi nsitt rea readin ding g fro from m sca scales les mou mounte nted d laterally on two perpendicular sides of the test pile or pile cap with readings referenced to fixed foresights or backsights. For tests on inclined piles, orient the indicators or scales parallel and per perpen pendic dicula ularr to the ver vertic tical al pla plane ne of the incline incline and

8.1   Loading: Loading: 8.1.1   General: 8.1 .1.1 App Apply ly tes testt loa loads ds fol follow lowing ing one of the pro proced cedure uress described below for each test method, or as modified by the Engineer. If feasible, the maximum applied load should reach a failure that reflects the ultimate axial static compressive load capaci cap acity ty of the pile(s). pile(s). Do not exc exceed eed the saf safee str struct uctura urall capacity of the pile or pile group, or the loading apparatus. Do not leave a loaded pile unattended. 8.1.1. 2 To avoi avoid d exces excessive sive creep and possi possible ble stru structura cturall failure of cast-in-place concrete piles, delay load testing after conc co ncre rete te pl plac acem emen entt to pe perm rmit it th thee fr fres esh h co conc ncre rete te to ga gain in adequate strength and stiffness. Use test cylinders or cores of  the pil pilee con concre crete te to det determ ermine ine the app approp ropria riate te wai waitt tim time, e, recognizi reco gnizing ng that the test cylinders cylinders will generally generally cure more quickly than concrete in the pile. The static axial capacity capacity of piles typically typically changes as time elapses after pile installation, possibly increasing (setup) or dec decrea reasin sing g (re (relax laxati ation) on),, dep depend ending ing on the soi soill or roc rock  k  proper pro pertie tiess and the por poree wat water er pre pressu ssure re and soi soill str struct ucture ure disturbance induced by installation. This behavior may affect both driven piles and cast-in-place piles. The Engineer may specify spec ify a wait waiting ing period betwe between en pile installation installation and stat static ic testing test ing to inves investigat tigatee time effects. effects. The wait waiting ing peri period od may range ran ge fro from m 3 to 30 day days, s, or lon longer ger,, bas based ed on tes testin ting g (fo (forr example redriving piles) or prior experience. 8.1.1. 4 When temporari temporarily ly dewatering dewatering a test site with piles installed in granular soils, maintain the groundwater level as nearr to the nominal nea nominal ele elevat vation ion as pos possib sible le and rec record ord the elevation of the groundwater surface during the test. Use the groundwat grou ndwater er surf surface ace elev elevatio ation n meas measured ured during the test to correc cor rectt the axi axial al pil pilee cap capaci acity ty whe when n the gro ground undwat water er lev level el during the test deviates more than 1.5 m (5 ft) from the service groundwater elevation. 8.1.2   Proce Procedur duree A: Qui Quick ck Test —A —App pply ly th thee te test st lo load ad in increments of 5 % of the anticipated failure load. Add each load loa d inc increm rement ent in a con contin tinuou uouss fas fashio hion n and imm immedi ediate ately ly following the completion of movement readings for the previ-

perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the test pile(s). 7.4  Pile Compression and Strain Measurements (Optional) : 7.4.1 7.4 .1 Mea Measur suree the compress compression ion or str strain ain of the test pil pilee during loading at locations specified by the Engineer to help evaluate the distribution of load transfer from the pile to the surrounding soil. 7.4.2 Determine pile compression compression using displacement indiindicators to measure the relative movement between the pile top and an unstrained telltale rod (Figs. ( Figs. 7-10) 7-10) bearing at a point within the pile. Unless located on the pile axis, install paired tell te llta tale less in th thee pi pile le wi with th th thee ro rods ds in ea each ch pa pair ir or orie ient nted ed symmetri symm etricall cally y oppos opposite ite each other and equid equidista istant nt from and parallel to the pile axis. Terminate telltale pairs near the pile bottom and at other points along the pile as required. Measure and an d re reco cord rd th thee di dist stan ance ce fr from om th thee pi pile le to top p to th thee te tell llta tale le termination point(s) to the nearest 10 mm (0.5 in). Install the tellta tel ltales les in a she sheath ath or cas casing ing to ins insure ure free rod movement movement during the test. The rods shall have a rounded tip that bears on a clean steel plate affixed to the pile or shall be threaded into a nut affixed to the pile. Clean the telltale rods prior to installation, oil them during or after installation, and provide centralizers to restrain lateral movement but not axial movement at the pile top. The displacement indicators shall have a travel of  at least a 5 mm (0.2 in) and minimum graduations of 0.01 mm (0.0001 (0.000 1 in) or less less,, with similar similar accur accuracy acy.. Moun Mountt a smoo smooth th bearin bea ring g sur surfac facee for the ind indica icator tor ste stem m on the tel tellta ltale le rod perpendicular to the direction of stem travel, such as a small, lubricated, glass plate clamped or glued in place. 7.4.3  Other types of telltale (Optional)—The Engineer may specify speci fy anoth another er type of telltale for the measurement measurement of pile compression that satisfies the basic requirements of  7.4.2 of  7.4.2.. 7.4.4 7.4 .4 Mea Measur suree pil pilee str strain ain dir direct ectly ly usi using ng str strain ain gag gages es installed along the length of the pile axis. Install single gages along the pile axis, or gage pairs with the gages in each pair oriented orien ted symm symmetri etricall cally y oppos opposite ite each othe otherr and equi equidista distant nt from fro m and paralle parallell to the pile axi axis. s. Mea Measur suree and record record the distance from the pile top to the gages to the nearest 10 mm (0.5 in). The gage type and installation shall be as specified by the Engineer and shall include temperature compensation as recomm rec ommend ended ed by the gag gagee man manufa ufactu cturer rer.. Whe Where re fea feasib sible, le, measurement programs involving strain gages should include calibr cal ibrati ation on of the ful fully ly ins instru trumen mented ted pil pilee and a com comple plete te history of gage readings starting before their installation in the pile.

ous load interval. Add load increments until reaching a failure load but do not exceed the safe structural capacity of the pile, pile group, or loading apparatus. During each load interval, keep the load constant for a time interval of not less than 4 min and not more than 15 min, using the same time interval for all loading increments throughout the test. Remove the load in five to ten app approx roxima imatel tely y equ equal al dec decrem rement ents, s, kee keepin ping g the loa load d constant for a time interval of not less than 4 min and not more than 15 min, using the same time interval for all unloading decrements Consider longer time intervals for the failure load to assess creep behavior and for the final zero load to assess rebound behavior. 8.1.3   Procedure B: Maintained Test (Optional): 8.1.3. 1 Unle Unless ss failure occurs occurs first, load the pile to a maximum maintained load of 200 % of the anticipated design load

NOTE   11—To interpret strain measurements and estimate pile stresses, the Engineer will require a depth profile describing the variation of pile constituents and their strength, cross sectional area, and stiffness. Stiffness propert prop erties ies may var vary y with the appl applied ied stress, stress, esp especi ecially ally for grou groutt or concrete. Obtain this information from installation records and separate material property tests as needed.

for tests on individual piles, or 150 % of the pile group design load, applying the load in increments of 25 % of the design load. loa d. Mai Mainta ntain in eac each h loa load d inc increm rement ent unt until il the rat ratee of axi axial al movement does not exceed 0.25 mm (0.01 in) per hour, with a 9


D 1143/D 1143M – 07

FIG. 8 Possible Installation of Telltales for Steel H-Piles

minimum time adequate to verify this movement rate based on the accuracy of the movement indicator readings, and with a maximu max imum m of 2 hr hr.. Aft After er app applyi lying ng the maximum maximum loa load d and reac re achi hing ng an ov over eral alll te test st du dura rati tion on of at le leas astt 12 hr hr,, be begi gin n

unloading when the axial movement measured over a period of  1 hr does not exceed 0.25 mm (0.01 in); otherwise allow the maximum load to remain on the pile or pile group for 24 hr. If  failure occurs during loading, maintain the failure load, or the 10


D 1143/D 1143M – 07

FIG. 10 Possible Installation of Telltales for Timber Piles

FIG. 9 Possible Installation of Telltales for Pipe Piles

maximum load possible, until the total axial movement equals 15 % the pile diameter or width. After completing the final load load increm inc rement ent,, rem remove ove the loa load d in decremen decrements ts of 25 % of the maximum test load with 1 hr between decrements. If using the direct direct loading loading method method described described in 6.5 in  6.5,, incl in clud udee in th thee fir first st lo load ad in incr crem emen entt th thee we weig ight ht of th thee te test st beam(s) and the platform that bear directly on the pile. Before adding or removing load increments, tighten the wedges along the platform edges to stabilize the platform. Place or remove load increments in a manner which avoids impact and maintains the load balanced at all times. After each load increment has been added, loosen (but do not remove) the wedges and

the procedure in section 8.4. If the test pile(s) approach failure during the maintained loading procedure, consider decreasing the final load increments to obtain a more accurate failure load.

keep them loose to permit the full load to act on the pile as it moves.

the settlement equals 15 % of the pile diameter or width. If  failure does not occur, hold the full load for 2 hr and then remove the load in four equal decrements, allowing 20 min between decrements.

8.1.4   Procedure C: Loading in Excess of Maintained Test  (Optional)—After the load has been applied and removed in accordance with 8.3, reload the test pile or pile group to the maximum maintained load in increments of 50 % of the pile or pile group design load, allowing 20 min between load increments. Then apply additional load in increments of 10 % of the desi de sign gn lo load ad fo forr th thee pi pile le or pi pile le gr grou oup p un unti till re reac achi hing ng th thee maximum required load or failure, allowing 20 min between load increments. If failure occurs continue jacking the pile until

NOTE   12— If negligible permanent axial movement occurs after unloading the pile, consider reloading the test pile(s) to a greater load or use



D 1143/D 1143M – 07 8.1.5   Procedure D: Constant Time Interval Loading Test — Follow the procedures of , but apply the load in increments of  20 % of the pile or group design load with 1 hr between load increm inc rement ents. s. The Then n unl unload oad the pil piles es wit with h 1 hr bet betwee ween n loa load d decrements. 8.1.6  Procedure E: Constant Rate of Penetration Test (optional) 8.1.6 8. 1.6.1 .1 The ap appa para ratu tuss fo forr ap appl plyi ying ng lo load adss sh shal alll ha have ve a capacity as specified and shall be in accordance with section 6.3   or   6.4 6.4.. Us Usee a me mech chan anic ical al hy hydr drau auli licc ja jack ckin ing g sy syst stem em equipped with a bleed valve, variable speed device, or other means for providing a smooth variable pressure delivery. Vary the applied load as necessary necessary to maintain a pile penetration rate of 0.25 to 1.25 mm (0.01 to 0.05 in) per minute for cohesive soil or 0.75 to 2.5 mm (0.03 to 0.10 in) per minute for granular soils, or as specified by the Engineer. Continue loading the pile until achieving continuous penetration at the specified rate. Hold the maximum applied load until obtaining a total pile penetration of at least 15 % of the average pile diameter or width, or until the pile stops penetrating. Gradually releas rel easee the fina finall loa load d to pro protec tectt the loa load d and mea measur sureme ement nt systems Contr Control ol the rate of penet penetrati ration on by check checking ing the time taken for successive small equal increments of penetration and

preceding load level in increments equal to 50 % of the design load, allowing 20 min between increments. Apply additional loads in accordance with. After the maximum required required test load has been applied, hold and remove the test load in accordance with . 8.2  Recording Test Readings 8.2.1   General: 8.2.1. 1 For the requ required ired time intervals intervals described described below for each test method, record the time, applied load, and movement

then adjus adjusting ting the jack jacking ing accor according dingly ly.. Alter Alternati natively vely,, use a mechan mec hanica icall or ele electr ctrica icall dev device ice to mon monito itorr and con contro troll the penetration rate so that it remains constant 8.1 .6.4 See for mea measur sureme ement nt pro proced cedure ures. s. Whe When n usi using ng a video vid eo rec record ording ing sys system tem,, loc locate ate all gag gages es for eas easy y rea readin ding g within the camera’s field of view, as well as a digital clock  displaying time to the nearest second. 8.1.7   Proce Procedur duree F: Con Consta stant nt Mov Moveme ement nt Inc Incre remen mentt Test  (Optional) Apply test loads in incr incremen ements ts required to prod produce uce pile top movement increments equal to approximately 1 % of  the average pile diameter or width. Vary the applied load as necessary to maintain each movement increment, and do not apply additional load until the rate of load variation to hold that moveme mov ement nt inc increm rement ent constant constant is les lesss tha than n 1 % of the total

Record readi Record readings ngs taken before applying applying any test load, at the proposed design load, at the maximum test load, and after the remova rem ovall of all loa load. d. Int Interm ermedi ediate ate rea readin dings gs for eac each h loa load d increm inc rement ent are rec recomm ommend ended ed to pro provid videe add additi itiona onall qua qualit lity y assura ass urance nce and det detect ect pot potent ential ial fai failur luree of the loa load d rea reacti ction on system. 8.2.1. 3 When using embedded embedded strain gages to obtain incremental strain measurements as in 7.4 in  7.4 record  record strain readings just before bef ore startin starting g the test and and,, as a mi minim nimum, um, during during the test whenever recording readings of time, load, and movement. The Engineer may also require gage readings taken before and after the pile inst installa allation tion to obtai obtain n a compl complete ete strain history and investigate residual stress behavior. 8.2.2  Procedure A: Quick Test —Record —Record test readings taken at 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 min after completing the application of each load increment, and at 8 and 15 min when permitted by longer load intervals. Record test readings taken at 1 and 4 min after completing each load decrement, and at 8 and 15 min when permitted by a longer unload intervals. Record readings taken at 1, 4, 8 and 15 min after all load has been removed.

readings readin gs (di (displ splace acemen ment, t, and str strain ain if mea measur sured) ed) for eac each h proper pro perly ly ide identi ntified fied gag gage, e, sca scale, le, or ref refere erence nce poi point nt tak taken en as nearly nea rly sim simult ultane aneous ously ly as prac practic ticabl able. e. The Engi Enginee neerr may specify different reading intervals from those given below as need ne eded ed to sa sati tisf sfy y th thee ob obje ject ctiv ives es of a pa part rtic icul ular ar te test st pi pile le program. Obtain additional test readings as specified by the Engineer, or as convenient for testing purposes, i.e. when using a dat datalo alogge ggerr to rec record ord rea readin dings gs at a con consta stant nt tim timee int interv erval. al. When using the loading procedure described in   6.5 6.5,, take the zero-load reading before placing the test beam(s) and platform on the pile(s). Clearly record and explain any field adjustments made to instrumentation or recorded data. 8.2.1. 2 Verif erify y the stability stability of the reference reference beams beams and load reaction system (including reaction piles) using a surveyor’s level or transit and target rod or scales to determine movement.

applied load per hr. Continue loading the pile in such increments until the total movement equals 15 % of the average pile diameter or width. Remov Removee the final test load in four equal decrements decrements after maintaining the final movement increment until the rate of  load variation is less than 1 % of the total applied load per hour. Afte Af terr re remo movi ving ng th thee fir first st lo load ad de decr crem emen ent, t, do no nott re remo move ve additional addit ional decrements decrements until the rate of pile rebound for the preceding load decrement is less than 0.3 % of the average pile diameter or diagonal dimension per hour. 8.1.8   Procedur Proceduree G: Cyclic Loading Test (optio (optional) nal)— For the first application of test load increments, apply such increments in accordance with . After the application of loads equal to 50, 10 100 0 an and d 15 150 0 % of the pi pile le desig design n lo load ad for te test stss of  individual piles or 50 and 100 % of the group design load for

NOTE   13—The movement movement measured measured between readings for a given load increment provides an indication of creep behavior.

8.2.3  Procedure B: Maintained Test (also Procedures C, D, and G) (Optional)—Record test readings taken before and after the application of each load increment or decrement. During each load interval, provided that the test pile or pile group has not failed, record additional readings taken at 5, 10, and 20 min following application of the load increment, and every 20 min thereafter as needed. After applying the total load, provided that the test pile or pile group has not failed, record additional

tests on pile groups, maintain the total test load in each case for 1 hr and remove the load in decrements equal to the loading increment incre ments, s, allo allowing wing 20 min betwe between en decre decrement ments. s. After removing each maximum applied load, reapply the load to each

readings taken at 5, 10, and 20 min, then every 20 min up to 2 hrs, then every hour from 2 to 12 hrs, and then every 2 hrs from 12 to 24 hrs as nee needed ded.. If pile fai failur luree occ occurs urs,, als also o rec record ord readin rea dings gs tak taken en imm immedi ediate ately ly bef before ore rem removi oving ng the firs firstt loa load d 12


D 1143/D 1143M – 07 decrement ment.. Duri During ng unloa unloading ding,, recor record d read readings ings taken at time decre intervals of 20 min. Record final readings 12 hr after removing all load. 8.2.4   Pr Proc oced edur uree E: Co Cons nsta tant nt Ra Rate te of Pe Pene netr trat atio ion n (Optional)—Record test readings taken at least every 30 s or at sufficient intervals to determine the actual rate of penetration. Operat Ope ratee any aut automa omatic tic mon monito itorin ring g and rec record ording ing dev device icess continuously during each test. When the test pile has achieved its specified rate of penetration, continue to take and record

9.1.9 Only authorized authorized personnel shall be perm permitte itted d withi within n the immediate test area, and only as necessary to monitor test equi eq uipm pmen ent. t. As be best st as po poss ssib ible le,, lo loca cate te pu pump mps, s, lo load ad ce cell ll readouts, dataloggers, and test monitoring equipment at a safe distance away from jacks, loaded beams, weighted boxes, dead weights, and their supports and connections. 10. Repor Reportt

9.1 All operations operations in connection connection with pile load testing testing shall be carried out in such a manner so as to minimize, avoid, or elimin eli minate ate the exp exposu osure re of peo people ple to haz hazard ard.. The fol follow lowing ing safety saf ety rul rules es are in add additi ition on to gen genera erall saf safety ety req requir uireme ements nts applicable to construction operations: 9.1.1 9.1 .1 Kee Keep p all tes testt and adj adjace acent nt wor work k are areas, as, wal walkwa kways, ys, platforms, etc. clear of scrap, debris, small tools, and accumulati la tion onss of sn snow ow,, ic ice, e, mu mud, d, gr grea ease se,, oi oil, l, or ot othe herr sl slip ippe pery ry substances. 9.1.2 9.1. 2 Provide Provide tim timber bers, s, blo blocki cking ng and cri cribbi bbing ng mat materi erials als made of quali quality ty mate material rial and in good serviceable serviceable condition condition with flat surfaces and without rounded edges. 9.1.3 9.1 .3 Hydraul Hydraulic ic jac jacks ks sha shall ll be equ equipp ipped ed wit with h sph spheri erical cal bearing plates or shall be in complete and firm contact with the bearing surfaces and shall be aligned so as to avoid eccentric

10.1 The report of the load test shall include include the following following information as required by the Engineer and as appropriate to the pile type, test apparatus, and test method: 10.1.1   General: Project identification identification and location, Tes Testt site location, Owner, structural engineer, engineer, geotechnical engineer, pile contractor, boring contractor, 10.1.1 10. 1.1.4 .4 Nea Neares restt tes testt bor boring ing(s) (s) or sou soundi nding( ng(s), s), and the their ir location with reference to test location, 10.1.1 .5 Insit Insitu u and laboratory laboratory soil test resu results, lts, and 10.1.1 .6 Horiz Horizonta ontall and vertical control control datu datum. m. 10.1.2  Pile Installation Equipment : 10.1.2 .1 Make, model, model, type and size of hamm hammer, er, 10.1.2 .2 Weigh eightt of hamm hammer er and ram, 10.1.2 .3 Strok Strokee or ram, 10.1.2 .4 Rated energy energy of hammer, hammer, 10.1.2 .5 Rated capacity capacity of boil boiler er or compr compressor essor,, Type and and dimensions of capblock and and pile cushion, 10.1.2 .7 Weigh eightt and dimensions dimensions of driv drivee cap and foll follower ower,, 10.1.2 .8 Size of predr predrilli illing ng or jett jetting ing equipment, equipment, Weight of clamp, follower, adaptor, and oscillator for vibratory driver. 10.1.2 .10 Type, size, length, and weigh weightt of mandrel, 10.1.2 .11 Type, size, and lengt length h of auger, 10.1.2 .12 Type and size of grout pump, pump, and 10.1.2 10. 1.2.13 .13 Type ype,, siz size, e, wal walll thi thickn ckness ess,, and len length gth of dri drive ve casing. 10.1.2 .14 Detai Detailed led descr descriptio iption n of drill drilling ing equip equipment ment and techniques, 10.1.2 .15 Size, type, lengt length, h, and insta installat llation ion or extr extracti action on

loading. 9.1.4 Loads shall shall not be hoist hoisted, ed, swung, or suspended suspended over anyone and shall be controlled by tag lines. 9.1.5 9.1 .5 The tes testt bea beam( m(s), s), rea reacti ction on fra frame, me, anc anchor hor pil piles es and other anchoring devices, test boxes, and their connections and supp su ppor orts ts sh shal alll be de desi sign gned ed an and d ap appr prov oved ed by a qu qual alifi ified ed engineer and installed to transmit the required loads with an adequate factor of safety. 9.1.6 For tests on incl inclined ined piles, piles, all inclined inclined jacks, bearing plates, test beam(s), or frame members shall be firmly fixed into int o pla place ce or ade adequa quatel tely y blo blocke cked d to pre preven ventt sli slippa ppage ge upo upon n release of load. 9.1.7 All reaction reaction loads shall be stable and balanced. balanced. When using loading method in 6.5 in  6.5,,  safety wedges shall be in place at all times to prevent the platform from tipping. During testing,

method of casings or a combination thereof. 10.1.3  Test and Anchor Pile Details: Identification and location location of test and anchor piles, 10.1.3 .2 Desig Design n load of test pile or pile group, 10.1.3 .3 Type and dimensions dimensions of test and anchor piles Tes Testt pile material including basic specifications, 10.1.3 10. 1.3.5 .5 Pil Pilee qua qualit lity y inc includ luding ing knots, knots, spl splits its,, che checks cks and shakes, shak es, and stra straightn ightness ess of pile piles, s, pres preservat ervative ive trea treatmen tmentt and condit con dition ioning ing pro proces cesss use used d for tim timber ber tes testt pil piles es inc includ luding ing inspection certificates, 10.1.3 .6 Wall thickness thickness of pipe test pile, 10.1.3 .7 Weigh eightt per foot of H test pile, pile, Description of test pile tip tip reinforcement or protecprotection, Description of banding–timber banding–timber piles,

readings for the duration readings duration of the loadi loading, ng, and dete determin rminee the maximum load applied. Take and record readings immediately after unloading and again 1 h after removing all load. 8.2.5   Pr Proc oced edur uree F: Con Const stan antt Mov Movem emen entt Inc Incrrem emen ent  t  (Optional)—Reco —Record rd test readings taken imme immediate diately ly befo before re and after each movement increment with sufficient intermediate readings so as to determine the rate of load variation and the actuall load required to main actua maintain tain each sett settleme lement nt incr increment ement.. During unloading, record readings taken immediately before and after the removal of each load decrement with sufficient interm int ermedi ediate ate rea readin dings gs so as to det determ ermine ine the rat ratee of pil pilee rebound. Record final readings taken 12 h after removing all load. 9. Safety Requirements Requirements

movements of the reaction load or system should be monitored to detect impending unstable conditions. 9.1.8 All test beams, reaction frames, frames, plat platform forms, s, and boxes shall be adequately supported at all times. 10.1.3 .11 10.1.3 .12 10.1.3 .13 13

Description Descripti on of special coatings used, Test pile (mandrel) (mandrel) weight weight as driven, driven, Date precast precast test pile piless made, Details Detai ls of conc concrete rete and/or grout mix design,


D 1143/D 1143M – 07 10.1.3 .14 Concr Concrete ete and/o and/orr grout placement placement tech technique niquess and records , 10.1.3 .15 Concr Concrete ete and/or grout sample strengths strengths and date of strength test, Description of internal internal reinforcement reinforcement used in test pilee (si pil (size, ze, len length gth,, num number ber lon longit gitudi udinal nal bar bars, s, arr arrang angeme ement, nt, spiral, or tie steel), Condition of precast precast piles including including spalled areas, areas, cracks, top surface, and straightness of piles. Notat Notation ion of any unusual occurrences occurrences during installation. 10.1.5   Pile Testing: 10.1.5 .1 Date and type of test, Tem Temperature perature and weather conditions during during tests, 10.1.5 .3 Numbe Numberr of piles in group test, 10.1.5 .4 Brief descr descripti iption on of load appli applicati cation on appar apparatus atus,, including jack capacity, 10.1.5 .5 Descr Descripti iption on of instr instrument umentatio ation n used to meas measure ure Ef Effective fective prestress, prestress, 10.1.3 .19 Degre Degreee of inclinatio inclination n for each pile, pile, 10.1.3 .20 Lengt Length h of test pile during driving, driving, 10.1.3 .21 Fina Finall pile top and bottom elevations, elevations, and ground elevation referenced to a datum, 10.1.3 .22 Embe Embedded dded length–test length–test and anch anchor or pile piles, s, 10.1.3 .23 Teste ested d length of test pile, and 10.1.3 .24 Fina Finall elev elevation ation of test pile butt(s) referenced referenced to fixed datum. 10.1.4  Test and Anchor Pile Installation: 10.1.4 .1 Date installed, installed, 10.1.4 .2 Volum olumee of concrete or grout placed placed in pile, 10.1.4 .3 Grout pressure pressure used, 10.1.4 .4 Description Description of prepre-excav excavation ation or jett jetting ing (dept (depth, h, size, pressure, duration),

pile movement movement inclu including ding location of indic indicator ators, s, scale scales, s, and other reference points with respect to pile top, 10.1.5 10. 1.5.6 .6 Des Descri cripti ption on of spe specia ciall ins instru trumen mentat tation ion suc such h as strain str ain rod rodss or str strain ain gag gages es inc includ luding ing loc locati ation on of suc such h wit with h reference to pile top, 10.1.5 .7 Speci Special al testing procedures procedures used, 10.1.5 .8 Tabula abulation tion of all time, load, and movement movement read read-ings, 10.1.5 10. 1.5.9 .9 Ide Identi ntifica ficatio tion n and loc locati ation on ske sketch tch of all gag gages, es, scales, and reference points, Description and explanation explanation of adjustments adjustments made to instrumentation or field data, or both, 10.1.5 .11 Notat Notation ion of any unusual occurrences occurrences during testing, Tes Testt jack and other required calibration reports, reports, Operating pressure for double-acting double-acting and differential type hammers, Throttle setting–diesel setting–diesel hammer (at final driving), Fuel type–diesel hammer hammer,, 10.1.4 .8 Horse Horsepower power delivered delivered and frequ frequency ency of vibr vibratory atory driver during final 10 ft (3 m) of pile penetration, Description of special installation installation procedures procedures used such as piles cased off, 10.1.4 .10 Type and loca location tion of pile splices, splices, Driving or drilling records, records, 10.1.4 .12 Fina Finall penet penetrati ration on resi resistan stance ce (blow (blowss per inch), 10.1.4 .13 Rate of pile penetration penetration for last 10 ft (3 m) s/ft, vibratory driving, 10.1.4 .14 When capblock capblock replaced (indicate (indicate on log) log),, 10.1.4 .15 When pile cushion replaced replaced (indicate (indicate on log), Groun Groundwate dwaterr leve level, l, and Suitable photographs photographs showing the test instrumeninstrumentation and set-up. Cause and duration of interruptions interruptions in pile instalinstallation, and

12.1 axial static static pile capa capacity; city; field testing; testing; jack; load cell cell;; loading procedure; reference beam

11. Prec Precisio ision n and Bias 11.1   Precision—Test data on precision is not presented due to the nature of this test method. It is either not feasible or too costly at this time to have ten or more agencies participate in an in situ testing program at a given site 11.1.1 11 .1.1 Subco Subcommit mmittee tee D18.11 D18.11 is seeking any data from the users of this test method that might be used to make a limited statement on precision. 11.2   Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test method, therefore, bias cannot be determined. 12. Keyw Keywords ords


X1.1 X1 .1 Po Pote tent ntia iall re resi sidu dual al lo load adss in th thee pi pile le wh whic ich h co coul uld d influence the interpreted distribution of load at the pile tip and along the pile shaft.

X1.3 Chang Changes es in pore water water pressure pressure in in the soil caused caused by pile driving, construction fill, and other construction operations which may influence the test results for frictional support in relatively impervious soils such as clay and silt.

X1.2 Possi Possible ble interactio interaction n of fric friction tion loads loads from test pile with upward friction transferred to the soil from anchor piles obtaining part or all of their support in soil at levels above the tip level of the test pile.

X1.4 Dif Differe ferences nces between between conditions conditions at time of testing testing and after final construction such as changes in grade or groundwater level.



D 1143/D 1143M – 07 X1.5 Poten Potential tial loss loss of soil supporti supporting ng test pile pile from such things as excavation and scour.

X1.9 Speci Special al testing testing procedures procedures which which may be required required for the application application of cert certain ain acceptance acceptance crit criteria eria or meth methods ods of  interpretation.

X1.6 Possi Possible ble differen differences ces in the performanc performancee of a pile in a group or of a pile group from that of a single isolated pile.

X1.10 Requi Requireme rement nt that non tested pile(s) pile(s) have essentiall essentially y identical conditions to those for tested pile(s) including, but not limited limi ted to, subs subsurfac urfacee condi condition tions, s, pile type, lengt length, h, size and stiffness, and pile installation methods and equipment so that application or extrapolation of the test results to such other piles is valid.

X1.7 Af Affect fect on long-term long-term pile performa performance nce of factors factors such as cre creep, ep, env enviro ironm nment ental al ef effec fects ts on pil pilee mat materi erial, al, neg negati ative ve friction loads not previously accounted for, and strength losses. Type oftostructure struct ure to beand supported suppo rted,, including includin sensiti sensitivvityX1.8 of structure settlements relation betweeng live and dead loads.

SUMMARY OF CHANGES In accordance with Committee D 18 policy, this section identifies the location of the changes to this standard since the last edition (D 4719 – 94) that may impact the use of this test method. (1) Reorganizati Reorganization on following current D18 guidelines guidelines including elimination of the “Introduction” and addition of “Terminology” and “Significance and Use”. (2) Chang Changed ed title and text to indicate multiple multiple procedures procedures and include deep foundations that function similar to driven piles.

choose and optional method as provided. (5) Whe When n usi using ng jac jacks, ks, require require hem hemisp ispher herica icall bea bearin rings gs and load cell(s) for tests over 100 tons. (6 ) Inclu Include de specific requirement requirementss for test plates. (7 ) Addition of references references for pressure gages and displacement

(3) Incl Inclusion usion of current current D18 cave caveats, ats, D  D 3740  3740   and and D  D 6026. 6026. (4) Change Quick Test Test Method to preferred. preferred. Previous Standard Method now shown as “Maintained Test”. The Engineer my

indicators. (8) Additional requirements requirements for measuring measuring systems and testing time intervals.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  addres add ress s or at 610 610-832 -832-95 -9585 85 (pho (phone) ne),, 610 610-832 -832-95 -9555 55 (fa (fax), x), or serv service ice@as @astm. org (e-m (e-mail ail); ); or thro through ugh the AST ASTM M web websit site  e  (


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