ASTM D 5080 - Determinación Rápida Del Porcentaje de Compactación

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.


Designation: D5080 − 17

Standard Test Method for

Rapid Determination of Percent Compaction1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5080; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original origin al adoption or, in the case of revis revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Sco Scope* pe* 1.1 Thi Thiss test met method hod describes describes the pro proced cedure ure for rapidly rapidly determi dete rminin ning g the per percen centt com compac paction tion and the var variati iation on fro from m optimum water content of an in-place soil for use in controlling construction constr uction of compac compacted ted earth. These values are obtain obtained ed by developing a three-point compaction curve at the same water content as the in-place soil without knowing the value of the water wa ter co cont nten ent. t. Th Thee so soil il us used ed fo forr th thee co comp mpact actio ion n cu curv rvee is normally the same soil removed from the in-place density test. For the remainder of this designation, this test method will be referred to as the  rapid method . 1.2 Thi Thiss tes testt met method hod is nor normall mally y per perfor formed med for soi soils ls con con-taining size). more than 15 % fines (minus 75-µm (No. 200) sieve 1.3 When gravel-size gravel-size particles particles are present in the soil being tested, this test method is limited to a comparison of the minus 4.75-m 4.7 5-mm m (No (No.. 4) siev sieve-s e-size ize fra fractio ction n of the inin-pla place ce den density sity material mate rial to a lab labora orator tory y com compac paction tion test of min minus us 4.7 4.75-m 5-mm m (No. 4) sieve-size material (Method A of Test Methods D698 Methods  D698). ). Subject to the limitations of Practice D4718 Practice  D4718,,  this test method is also applicable to comparisons of other sieve-size fractions (for example, Method C of Test Methods D698 Methods  D698))  or other compactive efforts (for example, Test Methods  D1557  D1557))  if new water contentt adjustm conten adjustment ent values are determined (see 6.1 (see  6.1  and  Appendix X2) X2). 1.4   Units— The The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. Reporting of test results in units other than SI shall not be regarded as nonconformance with this standard. 1.4.1 1.4 .1 The use of bala balance ncess or sca scales les recording recording pounds pounds of  mass (lbm), or the recording of density in pounds of mass per cubic foot (lbm/ft3) should not be regarded as nonconformance with this test method. 1.4.2 The sieve designations designations are identified using the “standard” system in accordance with Specification   E11 E11,,   such as 25-mm 25mm and 7575-µm, µm, fol follow lowed ed by the “alt “altern ernativ ative” e” sys system tem of  1-in. and No. 200, respectively, in parentheses.

1.5 All observed observed and calculated values values shall conform conform to the guidelines guide lines for signifi significant cant digits and rounding established established in Practice D6026 Practice  D6026 unless  unless superseded by this standard. 1.5.1 For purposes purposes of comparing, a measured or calculated value( val ue(s) s) with spe specifie cified d limi limits, ts, the mea measur sured ed or calc calculat ulated ed value(s) shall be rounded to the nearest decimal or significant digits in the specified limits. 1.5.2 The procedures used to specify how data are collected, record rec orded ed or calc calcula ulated ted in this standard standard are reg regard arded ed as the indust ind ustry ry stan standar dard. d. In add additio ition n the they y are rep repres resent entativ ativee of the significant digits that generally should be retained. The procedures dur es use used d do not con consid sider er mat materia eriall var variati iation, on, pur purpos posee for obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any considerationss fo ation forr th thee us user’ er’ss ob objec jectiv tives es;; it is co comm mmon on pr prac actic ticee to increa inc rease se or red reduce uce significan significantt dig digits its of rep report orted ed dat dataa to be commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope of this standard to consider significant digits used in analytical methodss for engine method engineering ering design. 1.6   This standar standard d doe doess not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safet sa fetyy pr prob oblem lems, s, if an anyy, as asso socia ciate ted d wit with h it itss us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.  See Section  Section   9. 2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards:2 D653   Termino D653 erminology logy Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contain Contained ed Fluids D698 Test D698  Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft 3 (600 kN-m/m3)) D1556 Test D1556  Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by Sand-Cone Method D1557 1557 Test  Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics isti cs of Soi Soill Usi Using ng Mod Modified ified Ef Effor fortt (56 (56,00 ,000 0 ftft-lbf lbf/ft /ft3 (2,700 kN-m/m3)) D2167 Test D2167  Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method


This test method is under the jurisdiction jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 Committee D18 on  on Soil and Rock and is the direct responsibility responsibility of Subc Subcommitte ommitteee   D18.08   on Special and Construction Control Tests. Current Curre nt editio edition n appro approved ved Feb. 1, 2017. Published Published Febru February ary 2017. Origin Originally ally approved in 1990. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D5080 – 08. DOI:

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on


the ASTM website.


*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Mar 14 21:59:57 EDT 2019 1 Downloaded/printed by Jony Gutirrez (Jony Gutirrez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.



D5080 − 17

D2216 Test  Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water D2216 (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass D2937   Test Me D2937 Meth thod od fo forr De Dens nsity ity of So Soil il in Pl Plac acee by th thee Drive-Cylinder Method D3740   Practic D3740 Practicee for Minimu Minimum m Requir Requirements ements for Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction D4718   Prac D4718 Practice tice for Cor Correc rectio tion n of Uni Unitt Weig eight ht and Water Content for Soils Containing Oversize Particles

4. Summa Summary ry of Test Method

D6026 D6026 Practice Data Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical D6938 Test D6938  Test Methods for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Soil-Aggregate by Nuclea Nuclearr Metho Methods ds (Shallow Depth) E11 Specification E11  Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves

of inin-plac placee wet density density at fiel field d wate waterr con content tent to lab labora orator tory y maximum maximu m wet density is determi determined. ned. An approximation approximation of the differ dif ferenc encee bet betwee ween n opt optimu imum m wat water er con conten tentt and field wat water er content is determined. After the actual field water content is determined by ovendrying in accordance with Test Methods D2216 (usually D2216  (usually the next day), the dry densities, unit weights, and optimum water content are calculated.

4.1 A representati representative ve sample of soil is obtained in conjunction with performing Test Method  D1556  D1556,,  D2167  D2167,,  D6938  D6938,, or D2937..   Soil D2937 Soil spe specim cimens ens are com compac pacted ted in acc accord ordanc ancee wit with h Method A of Test Methods D698 Methods  D698.. At least three specimens are compacted, the first at field (in-place) water content, and each of the remaining at different water contents. A parabolic curve is assumed as defined by the three compaction points, and the peak point of the curve is determined mathematically. The ratio

3. Terminology

5. Signi Significanc ficancee and Use

3.1   Definitions— For For definitions definitions of common technical terms in this standard, refer to Terminology   D653. D653.

5.1 Th 5.1 Thee ra rapi pid d met metho hod d is pe perf rfor ormed med to qu quick ickly ly ev eval alua uate te percent compaction and variation from optimum water content of soils used in construction without knowing the value of field water content at the time of the test. 5.1.1 5.1 .1 Test results results are usually usually det determ ermine ined d wit within hin 1 to 2 h from the start of the test. 5.1.2 The value of percent compaction compaction obtained using the rapi ra pid d me meth thod od wi will ll be th thee sa same me as th thee pe perc rcen entt co comp mpact actio ion n calculated using dry density values. 5.1. 5. 1.3 3 The va valu luee of th thee di difffe fere renc ncee be betw twee een n fie field ld wa water ter content and optimum water content will be approximate, but will be within   60.1 to 0.2 percentage point of the difference calculated once the field water content is known.

3.2  Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1   added a mount nt of wa water ter,, ex expr pres esse sed d as a added wate waterr, z— amou percentage of the wet soil mass, which is added to wet soil before compacting a specimen in the rapid method; if the water content of the wet soil is decreased, the amount of “added water” is a negative number (for example, −2.0 %). 3.2.2   C value— ratio, ratio, expressed as a percentage, of in-place wett de we dens nsity ity at fie field ld wa water ter conte content nt to th thee we wett de dens nsity ity of a laboratory compacted specimen prepared at field water content; the   C   value value is a com compar pariso ison n of com compac pactiv tivee ef effor fortt of field compaction equipment to standard laboratory compactive effort. 3.2.3   compaction curve at field water content— plot plot showing the relationship between wet density at field water content (converted wet density) and the percent of “added water.” 3.2.4   converted wet density,   ρwet c — wet w et density of a compacted specimen after being converted (by correcting for the amount of “added water”) to the wet density at field water content. 3.2.5   D value— ratio, ratio, expressed as a percentage, of in-place wet density at field water content to laboratory maximum wet density as determined from a compaction curve developed at field water content as determined by the rapid method; the   D value is the rapid method equivalent of percent compaction. 3.2.6   field water con conten tent, t, w f  — water w ater content of the minus 4.75-mm (No. 4) fraction of in-place soil. 3.2.7   field wet den w et den density sity as det determ ermine ined d density sity,,   ρwet  f  — wet from an in-place density test.

5.2 Test results may be used to determine determine if the compacted compacted material meets density and water content control values that are specified as a percentage of a standard maximum density and optimum optimu m water content such as determined in Method A of Test Test Methods   D698. D698.   A three-poi three-point nt com compac paction tion curve is use used d in place of the four- or five-point curve required in Test Methods D698.. D698 5.3 5. 3 Th This is tes testt me meth thod od is ba base sed d on th thee as assu sump mptio tion n th that at a three-point compaction curve is a parabola at the section of the curve close to optimum water content so that the peak point of  the curve can be determined mathematically. This assumption results in the major difference between this test method and obtaining obtain ing the maximu maximum m density and optimum water conten contentt from a full five-point compaction curve. 5.4 Onc Oncee the field ove ovendr ndry y wate waterr con conten tentt has been det deter er-mined in accordance with Test Methods D2216 Methods  D2216,,  the values of  dry density, dry unit weight, and optimum water content can be calculated calcula ted (see (see Note  Note 1) 1 ).

3.2.8  maximum wet density at field water content,   ρm— wet wet density defined by the peak of the laboratory compaction curve

5.5 This test method method can also be use used d for foundat foundation ion or borrow area material to compare in-place dry density and unit weight and water content to laboratory maximum dry density

at field water content. 3.2.9   w f  − wo — expres expressio sion n for the dif differ ferenc encee bet betwee ween n the in-p in -pla lace ce wa water ter co cont nten entt an and d th thee op optim timum um wa water ter co cont nten entt as determined by the rapid method.

and unit weight and optimum water content. 5.6 Thi Thiss tes testt meth method od has the advantag advantagee that the maximu maximum m dens de nsity ity va valu luee can be ob obtai taine ned d on th thee sa same me so soil il ex excav cavate ated d during the in-place density test.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Mar 14 21:59:57 EDT 2019 2 Downloaded/printed by Jony Gutirrez (Jony Gutirrez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.



D5080 − 17

NOTE   1—Since there is no need to immediately determine the water contents conten ts of mat materi erial al fro from m the inin-pla place ce den densit sity y tes testt or the lab labora orator tory y compaction compa ction points, use of rapid water content determinations determinations such as microwave, micro wave, direct heat, nuclea nuclear, r, etc., is not needed. Howe However ver,, if desir desired, ed, the percent compaction and variation from optimum water content may be determined using dry density values based on rapid water content test methods. Using three compaction points and determining the maximum densit den sity y mat mathem hematic aticall ally y wou would ld sti still ll app apply ly.. How Howeve ever, r, the rap rapid id wat water er content methods may give results that differ from the accepted oven-dried water content values and will lengthen the time of performing this test method.

9.2  Technical Hazards— The The test specimens should be prepare pa red d an and d co comp mpact acted ed as qu quick ickly ly as po poss ssib ible le to mi mini nimi mize ze moisture loss. If the test is not performed immediately, store the sample in a moisture-proof container to prevent the loss of  moisture. moistu re. A determ determinatio ination n of the water content content before and after storagee is recomm storag recommended ended.. 10. Calibration and and Standardization Standardization 10.1 10. 1 Veri erify fy tha thatt equ equipm ipment ent use used d in con conjun junctio ction n wit with h thi thiss


  2—The ofence the results produced thisming test is depNendent depend ent on thequality compet com petenc e of the per person sonnel nel by perfor per formin g method it and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the criteria of Practice D3740 Practice  D3740   are generally considered capable of competent and obj object ective ive tes testin ting. g. Use Users rs of the these se tes testt met method hodss are cau cautio tioned ned tha thatt compliance with Practice D3740 Practice  D3740 does  does not in itself ensure reliable results. Reliablee testin Reliabl testing g depen depends ds on many factors; Practice  Practice   D3740   provides provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.

6. Interfere Interferences nces 6.1 The water content adjustment adjustment values were determined based on average density and optimum water content values of  a large number of soil samples containing only minus 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve-size particles. The soil being tested should be compar com pared ed with the inf inform ormatio ation n in   Appendix Appendix X2 X2..   For soi soils ls having hav ing pro proper perties ties sig signifi nifican cantly tly dif differ ferent ent,, the wat water er con conten tentt adjustment values may not be applicable. If this is the case, new adjustment values must be determined for the specific soil (see   Appendix X2) (see X2). 6.2 For samples significantly significantly dry or wet of their optimum water content (+6.0 %, −4.0 %), the values   w f  − wo   are less accurate. 7. Appar Apparatus atus 7.1 Eq 7.1 Equi uipm pmen entt fo forr de deter termin minin ing g th thee in in-p -pla lace ce de dens nsity ity as required by this test method. 7.2 Equip Equipment ment for prepa preparing ring laboratory laboratory compac compaction tion specimens as required for Method A of Test Methods  D698  D698.. 7.3 Equip Equipment ment for determining determining water content as required required by this test method. 7.4   Graduated Cylinder 100-mL capacity, capacity, gradu graduated ated to 1 Cylinder,,   100-mL mL. 7.5   Electric Fan,  or other drying device. 7.6   Sieve,   a 4. 4.75 75-m -mm m (N (No. o. 4) si siev evee co conf nfor ormi ming ng to th thee requirements of Specification   E11 E11.. 7.7   Miscellaneo Miscellaneous us Equipme Equipment—  nt— Brushes, B rushes, kni knife, fe, mixi mixing ng pans, pan s, sco scoop, op, etc. etc.,, for mixing or trim trimmin ming g soi soill spe specime cimens; ns; bucket with lid or other suitable container for retaining the test sample. 8. Reag Reagents ents and Water Water 8.1 Tapw apwater ater that is fre freee of acids, alkalies alkalies,, and oils and is generally suitable for drinking should be used for wetting the soil prior to compaction. 9. Hazards Hazards 9.1   Safety Safety Haza Hazards rds—  — While W hile th ther eree ar aree no sa safe fety ty ha haza zard rdss specific to this test method, there are safety precautions in the referenced test designations that are applicable.

procedure is currently calibrated in accordance with the applicable procedure. If the calibration is not current, perform the calibration before using the equipment for this procedure. 11. Proced Procedure ure 11. 1.1 1 Th Thee pr proc oced edur uree fo forr pe perf rfor ormi ming ng th this is tes testt me meth thod od is divided into four sections as follows: 11.1.1 11 .1.1 Obtain in-place in-place densit density y, 11.1.2 11 .1.2 Compa Compact ct specim specimens ens and obtain compaction compaction curve, 11.1.3 11 .1.3 Determ Determine ine maximum point from compaction curve,  D  value, and   w f  −  w o, and 11.1.4 11 .1.4 Comple Complete te test for record. NOTE 3—Since the calculations are an integral part of the procedure, the calculations are included in the sections on procedure.

OBTAIN IN-PLACE DENSITY 11.2 Perform the test for determining in-place wet density in accorda acco rdance nce with Test Met Method hod   D1556, D1556,   D2167, D2167,   D6938, D6938, or D2937..  If the soil being tested contains gravel, determine the D2937 in-place wet density of the minus 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve size fraction of the soil in accordance with Practice D4718 Practice  D4718.. 11.3 The soil used to determine 11.3 determine the compaction curve curve is the material excavated during the in-place density test. While a minimum soil sample of about 7 kg of minus 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve size material is required for this test, a sample size of at least 12 kg is recommended. The actual sample amount will depend dep end on the percent percent of plu pluss 4.7 4.75-m 5-mm m (No (No.. 4) sie sieveve-size size particles present and if the soil is very wet or dry of optimum water conten content. t. 11.3.1 11 .3.1 If the in-pla in-place ce density is obtain obtained ed using Tes Test D6938 D6938    (nuclear method), a representative sample oft Method the soil being tested must be obtained. 11.3.2 If sufficient sufficient material is not obtained from from the in-place density test excavation, obtain additional soil from around the excavation. The additional material must be representative of  the soil tested for in-place density. 11.3.2 11 .3.2.1 .1 If the in-place in-place density density tes testt is to rep repres resent ent the ful fulll depth of a compacted lift, obtain any additional material only from the compacted lift being tested. 11 .3.2.2 If the excav excavation ation for the in-pla in-place ce density test has been contaminated with sand or has been wetted (as from the sand-cone or water replacement methods), the additional material must be obtained by excav excavating ating nonaffected nonaffected soil as close as practical to the original excavation. 11.4 11 .4 Pas Passs the soil obt obtain ained ed fro from m the in-place in-place den density sity test through a 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve. 11.5 Thoroughly mix the material passing the 4.75-mm 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve to ensure an even distribution of moisture throughout

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Mar 14 21:59:57 EDT 2019 3 Downloaded/printed by Jony Gutirrez (Jony Gutirrez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.



D5080 − 17

thee so soil. il. Th Thee mix mixin ing g sh shou ould ld be pe perf rfor orme med d as qu quick ickly ly as th practical to prevent moisture loss. 11.6 Determ 11.6 Determine ine the water content of a repre representativ sentativee specimen to the nearest nearest 0.1 % in acc accord ordanc ancee with Test Test Meth Method od D2216,,  Method B. D2216 11.7 11 .7 Keep the minus 4.75-mm 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve size material in a moisture-proof container to prevent moisture loss. COMPACT SPECIMENS AND OBTAIN COMPACTION CURVE 11.8 Com Compac pactt a spe specim cimen en of the minus 4.75-mm 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve size material at field water content in accordance with Method A of Test Methods D698 Methods  D698 and  and calculate the wet density of the specimen. 11.8.1 11 .8.1 The wet density for the first specimen compacted is referred to as the  first specimen wet density  or   ρwet  first . 11.9 At this point, point, calc calcula ulate te the   C   value. The   C   value is calculated before proceeding because, if it is less than the   D value (percent compaction) required in the specifications, the in-place density has failed to meet the specifications. The   D value obtained obtained from the rapid method test is always equal to or less than the   C  value.   value. 11.9 1.9.1 .1 Calculate Calculate and rec record ord the   C    valu valuee in pe perc rcen entt as follows: C   value 5

ρ wet  f  ρ wetfirst

3 100


where: C   value value = comparison comparison of field field compactiv compactivee effort effort to standard standard laboratory labor atory compactive ef effort, fort, nearest 1 %,  ρwet f    = wet dens density ity from from the the in-pla in-place ce density density test, test, thre threee 3 significant signi ficant digits, Mg/m , and  ρwetfirst   = first specimen specimen wet wet density density,, three signific significant ant digits, digits, 3 Mg/m . 11.10 Prepa 11.10 Prepare re a second specimen specimen for compaction compaction with 2 % added water. This compaction specimen is referred to as the second specimen. NOTE 4—This test method is written with the second specimen always having 2 % water added. When the in-place density is extremely wet of  the optimum water content, the second specimen may be a dried-back  specimen and the test completed following the principles discussed in this test method.

11.10.1 11 .10.1 Place 2.50 kg of soil from the original original sample into a mixing pan. 11.1 1.10.2 0.2 Mea Measur suree exa exactly ctly 50 mL of wat water er.. Thi Thiss amo amount unt of  water will increase the water content of the soil approximately 2.0 %. This is referred to as  2 % added water  (+2.0).  (+2.0). Although any an y wa wate terr in incr crem emen entt of 1 % or mo more re ma may y be us used ed,, th thee procedure is written for an increment of 2 %. 11.10.3 11 .10.3 Thoro Thoroughly ughly mix the soil while sprinkling sprinkling or spraying the water onto the soil to ensure an even distribution of  mois mo istu ture re th thro roug ugho hout ut th thee ma mater teria ial. l. Th Thee mi mixi xing ng sh shou ould ld be perfor per formed med as qui quickl ckly y as pos possib sible le to pre preven ventt moi moistu sture re los loss. s. Cover the mixing pan with a plastic bag, wet towels, or other cover to prevent moisture loss. 11.10.4 Compact the specimen and calculate the wet density of the specimen in accordance with Test Methods D698 Methods  D698..

11.10.5 11.10 .5 Calculate Calculate and rec record ord the con conver verted ted wet den density sity (density at field water content) of the specimen as follows: ρ wetc 5

ρ wet

1 1 ~ z /100 !


(2 )

where:  ρwetc   = converted converted wet wet density density of compa compacted cted specimen, specimen, three significant digits, Mg/m3,  ρwet = wet dens density ity of comp compacte acted d specime specimen, n, three three signifi signifi-3


100 10 0


digits, , ed to = cant amount amo unt of Mg/m water add water added to soil soil bef before ore com compac pactin ting g specimen, nearest 0.1 %, and = co cons nstan tantt to co conv nver ertt to de deci cima mal. l.

11.11 Prepa 11.11 Prepare re a third compaction compaction specimen. Water Water will be either added or subtracted. 11.11 11 .11.1 .1 Before the third specimen can be compac compacted, ted, compare the wet densities of the first two compaction specimens. If  the converted wet density of the second specimen is greater than or equal to the wet density of the first specimen, follow 11.11.2..  If the converted wet density of the second specimen is 11.11.2 less than the wet density of the first specimen, follow 11.11.4 follow  11.11.4.. 11.11 11 .11.1.1 .1.1 If the conv converted erted wet density of the second specimen is less than the wet density of the first specimen, and the difference is within 0.05 Mg/m3, the requirement for drying the soil (11.11.4 (11.11.4)) may be eliminated (see An (see Annex nex A1 A1)). The alterna alternate te procedure is referred to as the   1 %  method. 11.11 11 .11.2 .2 Prepar Preparee a third specimen by adding water. 11.11 11 .11.2.1 .2.1 Place 2.50 kg of soil from the original original sample into a mixing pan. 11. 1.1 11. 1.2. 2.2 2 Me Meas asur uree 10 100 0 mL of wa water ter.. Th This is am amou ount nt wi will ll increase the water content of the soil approximately 4 %. This is referred to as  4 % added water  (+4.0). 11. 1.1 11. 1.2. 2.3 3 Th Thor orou ough ghly ly mi mix x th thee so soil il wh while ile sp spri rink nkli ling ng or spra sp rayi ying ng th thee wa water ter on onto to th thee so soil. il. Th Thee mix mixin ing g sh shou ould ld be performed as quickly as possible to prevent moisture loss. 11. 1.1 11. 1.2. 2.4 4 Co Comp mpac actt th thee sp spec ecime imen n an and d ca calcu lculat latee th thee we wett density of the specimen in accordance with Method A of Test Methods D698 Methods  D698.. 11.11 11 .11.2.5 .2.5to Calculate density y accord according ing to Calculat   11.10.5. 11.10.5.e and record the converted wet densit 11.11 11 .11.2.6 .2.6 If the converted wet density of the third specimen is less than or equal to that of the second specimen, proceed to 11.12..   If the converted wet density of the third specimen is 11.12 greater than that of the second specimen, an additional specimen must be compacted in accordance with 11.11.3 with  11.11.3.. 11.11 11 .11.3 .3 Prepar Preparee additio additional nal specimen(s) by adding water. water. 11.1 1.3.1 Repeat –   except  increase   the amount of added water by 2 % more than that of the previous specim spe cimen en (th (that at is, +6.0 +6.0 %, +8.0 +8.0 %, etc. etc.). ). Bef Before ore com compac pactin ting g material to which 6 % or more water was added, the material should sho uld be res rescre creene ened d thr throug ough h the 4.7 4.75-m 5-mm m (No (No.. 4) siev sieve. e. Rescreening breaks down any balls of soil and assists in even moisture distribution. 11.1 1.3.2 Repeat   until the converted wet density of the current specimen is less than or equal to the converted wet density of the previous specimen. Proceed to  11.12  11.12.. 11.11 11 .11.4 .4 Prepar Preparee a third specimen by subtracting subtracting water water..

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D5080 − 17

11.11 .11.4.1 .4.1 Place 2.50 kg of soil from the original original sample into 11 a mixing pan. 11.11 11 .11.4.2 .4.2 Dry the soil until a 50-g mass loss occurs occurs without loss of soil. This decreases the water content of the soil by approximately 2 %. This is referred to as   minus   2 % added water (−2.0). The soil must be thoroughly mixed after drying. NOTE  5—The soil specimen may be dried fairly quickly (5 to 10 min) by using a fan, hair dryer, or other device to blow dry air across the pan of soil while slowly mixing the soil. In a humid climate, other methods to quickly dry the soil may be required. If heat is applied, the soil must cool to room temperature temperature before compa compacting. cting. Moisture Moisture loss during coolin cooling g must be consid considered. ered.

11. 1.1 11. 1.4. 4.3 3 Co Comp mpact act th thee sp speci ecimen men an and d cal calcu cula late te th thee we wett density of the specimen in accordance with Method A of Test Methods D698 Methods  D698.. 11.11 11 .11.4.4 .4.4 Calcula Calculate te and recor record d the conver converted ted wet density in accordance with to   11.10.5. 11.10.5.   When the soil is dried back, the amount of “added water,” z, used to calculate the converted wet density, is a negative number (that is,  z  = −2.0 %). 11.11 11 .11.4.5 .4.5 If the converted wet density of the third specimen is less than or equal to the wet density of the first specimen, proceed procee d to   11.12. 11.12.   If the con conver verted ted wet den density sity of the third specimen is greater than the wet density of the first specimen, an additional specimen must be compacted in accordance with 11.11.5.. 11.11.5 11.11 11 .11.5 .5 Prepa Prepare re additio additional nal specime specimen(s) n(s) by subtra subtracting cting water. 11.1 1.5.1 Repeat –  except decrease the amount of “added water” by 2 % more than that of the previous specimen (that is, −4.0 %). Before compacting material from which 4 % or more water was subtracted, the material should be thoroughly mixed and rescreened through the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve, if necessary, to break down any balls of soil and to assist in even moisture distribution. 11.1 1.5.2 Repeat   until the converted wet density of the current specimen is less than or equal to the converted wet density of the previous specimen. Proceed to  11.12  11.12..

FIG. 1 Deter Determining mining Peak Point of Compaction Compaction Curve Curve  x  A 5 added water at Point   A , %


 x  B 5 added water at Point B , %  x C  5 added water at Point  C , %

These values may be negative or positive numbers or zero, for examp example, le, −2.0, +2.0, 0.0.  y A 5 converted density of Point  A , Mg/m   3

(4 )

 y B 5 converted density of Point  B , Mg/m 3  y C  5 converted density of Point  C , Mg/m   3

11.14 11 .14 Calculat Calculatee the value x 1  to the nearest 0.1 % as follows: DETERMINE MAXIMUM POINT FROM COMP COMPACTION ACTION CURVE,   DVALUE, AND w  f  − w o 11.12 Label the points from the three compaction specimens Point  A ,  B , and  C , in order, starting with the specimen with the leastt amo leas amount unt of “ad “added ded water” (driest) (driest).. If mor moree tha than n thr three ee spec sp ecime imens ns we were re co comp mpac acted ted,, se sele lect ct th thee sp speci ecime men n wit with h th thee highest converted wet density and label as Point   B; select the specimen which has 2 % less “added water” than Point  B , and labell as Poi labe Point nt   A; se selec lectt th thee sp speci ecime men n wh which ich ha hass 2 % mo more re “added water” than Point   B, and label as Point   C . See Fig. See  Fig. 1. 1. NOTE  6—For simplicity, all the compaction specimens will be referred to as converted (converted to density at field water content) even though the first compaction specimen was compacted at field water content and therefore theref ore was not conver converted. ted. NOTE   7—In 7—In tho those se few cases where the den densit sity y of Poi Point nt   A   and the

 x 1 5  x   B 2  x  A


(5 )

11.15 11 .15 Calculat Calculatee the value x 2  to the nearest 0.1 % as follows:  x 2 5  x  C  2  x  A   (6 ) NOTE 8—If 2 % increments are used,  x 1 always equals 2.0 and  x 2 equals 4.0.

11.16 11 .16 Calculat Calculatee the value   y1   to three significant figures as follows:  

 y 1 5  y B 2  y A

(7 )

11.17 Calculat 11.17 Calculatee the value   y2   to three significant figures as follows:  y 2 5  y

C  2

 y A


(8 )

11.18 11 .18 Calculat Calculatee the value x m to the nearest 0.1 % as follows: follows:

density of Point B  are equal, then the points must be labeled  A, C , B, rather than  A ,  B ,  C .  Note 8 will 8  will not be valid for this case.

11.13 Assig 11.13 Assign n the follow following ing notation to the values from the three compac compaction tion point points: s: Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Mar 14 21:59:57 EDT 2019 5 Downloaded/printed by Jony Gutirrez (Jony Gutirrez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

 x m 5

1 2


 x 1 1

 y 1  x 1


 S D S D S D

~ x 


2  x 1


 x 1



 y 2  x 2


(9 )



D5080 − 17

11.19 .19 Calcula Calculate te the value zm to the nearest 0.1 % as follows: 11  z m 5  x  A 1 x m



11.20 11 .20 Calcula Calculate te the value   ym   to three significant figures as follows: 2

 y m 5

~ x m


 y 1 !


 x 1 ~ x 1 2 2 x  m !


11.2 1.21 1 Calc Calcula ulate te the max maximu imum m wet den density sity at field water content as follows: ρ m 5  y A 1 y m


= 11.22 11 .22 Calcula Calculate te the value   w f  −  w o  as follows:  MA!


11.23 Calcula 11.23 Calculate te and rec record ord the   D   valu valuee in pe perc rcen entt as follows:


where:  ρm   = maxi maximu mum m we wett de dens nsity ity at fie field ld wa water ter co cont nten ent, t, th thre reee 3 significant signifi cant figure figures, s, Mg/m .

w f  2 w o 5 2 ~ z

than the optimum water content, a positive value indicates the in-place soil is wetter than the optimum water content. NOTE   10—The water adjustment is necessary because when water is added add ed to the soi soill bef before ore com compac pactin ting g the spe specim cimen, en, the per percen centag tagee of  “added water” is calculated based on the mass of  wet  soil rather than the mass of the  dry  soil (the actual water content is not known at this time). So 2 % “added water” is only an approximation and an adjustment must be made to  zm  to get the value  w f  −  w o. The values for this adjustment have been calculated and then plotted on Fig. on  Fig. 2 (see 2  (see 6.1  6.1). ).



where: w f  − wo   = differen difference ce in water content content between between the field and and optimum water content, nearest 0.1 %, and  MA   = water conten contentt adjustm adjustment, ent, neares nearestt 0.1 %.

 D   value 5

 w f  −  w o  indicates the in-place soil is drier NOTE 9—A negative value of  w


3 100


where: valuee = rapid rapid method method equivalen equivalentt of per percen centt compactio compaction; n;  D   valu comp co mpari ariso son n of inin-pl place ace de dens nsity ity to lab labor orato atory ry maximum density, nearest 1 %,  ρwet f    = field wet densit density y, three signifi significant cant figure figures, s, Mg/m3 (from 11.2 (from  11.2 through  through 11.7  11.7), ),  ρm   = maximu maximum m wet densit density y at field water conten content, t, three 3 significant signifi cant figure figures, s, Mg/m (from   11.12   through 11.23), 11.23 ), and 100 10 0 = co cons nsta tant nt to co conv nver ertt to pe perc rcen ent. t.

Obtain  MA  from  from Fig.  Fig. 2 by 2  by plotting   ρm   and   zm  and selecting the cu the curv rved ed lin linee cl clos oses estt to th thee pl plot otted ted po poin int. t. Th Thee nu numb mber er corresponding to this line is   MA, for example, −0.2.

ρ wet  f 

COMPLETE TEST FOR RECORD 11.24 The fol 11.24 follow lowing ing calculatio calculations ns are mad madee aft after er the fiel field d water content has been determined. 11.24 11 .24.1 .1 Calc Calculat ulatee the dry den density sity for the inin-pla place ce den densit sity y test, laboratory maximum density, and first compaction specimen as follows: ρ d  5

ρ wet


1 1 ~ w f  /  /100 100!


where:  ρd    = dry densit density y, three three signifi significant cant figur figures, es, Mg/m3,  ρwet = wet de densi nsity ty,, three three signific significant ant figure figures, s, Mg/m Mg/m3, and w f    = field water content, content, neares nearestt 0.1 %. NOTE 11— D  and  C  values   values on the basis of dry density after determining the field water content may differ (60.1 percentage point) from the  D  and C  values   values reported on a wet basis on the day of the test. This difference is  C  values due to the the numbers are rounded. The  D  and   valueseven reported on the day ofway the test are the basis for acceptance or rejection though values on computer-generated reports may be slightly different.

11. 1.24 24.2 .2 Calcu Calculat latee th thee dr dry y un unit it we weig ight ht fo forr th thee in in-p -pla lace ce density test, laboratory maximum unit weight, and first compaction specimen as follows: γ d  5

9.807 3 ρ d 



where: γd    = dry unit weigh weight, t, three signifi significant cant figure figures, s, kN/m3,  ρd    = dry densit density y, three signifi significant cant figure figures, s, Mg/m3, and 9.807 9.8 07 = con conver versio sion n factor factor,, Mg/m Mg/m3 to kN/m3. 11.24.3 11 .24.3 Calculat Calculatee the optimu optimum m water conten contentt as follows: w o 5 w f 1 @ ~ 1 1 w  f  /100 !

FIG. 2 Wate Waterr Content Adjustment Adjustment Values Values


~ z m ! #

where: optimum m water content, content, nearest nearest 0.1 0.1 %, wo   = optimu w f    = field water water cont content ent,, nearest nearest 0.1 0.1 %, and  zm   = fr from om 11.19  11.19,, nearest 0.1 %.

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Jony Gutirrez (Jony Gutirrez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.  


D5080 − 17

12. Report: Test Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) 12.1 The methodol 12.1 methodology ogy used to spe specify cify how data are recorded cor ded on the tes testt dat dataa she sheet(s et(s)/f )/form orm(s) (s),, as giv given en bel below ow,, is covered in  in   1.5 1.5 and  and in Practice  D6026  D6026.. 12.2 Record as a minimum, the following general general informainformation: 12.2.1 12.2. 1 Name of indiv individual idual performing performing in-place density density test, 12.2.2 12.2. 2 Date of in-place in-place density test, 12.2.3 12.2. 3 Name of indiv individual idual performing performing rapid determ determination ination of percent compaction test, 12.2.4 12.2. 4 Date of rapid determination determination of percen percentt compa compaction ction test, and 12.2.5 12.2. 5 Test locatio location, n, elevatio elevation, n, and identifying number. number. 12.3 Record as a minimum, minimum, the following data data and results of  the in-place density test: 12.3.1 12.3. 1 Metho Method d of determining in-place density, density, 12.3.2 12.3. 2 Test hole volume, 12.3.3 12.3. 3 In-p In-place lace wet density, density, total or minus 4.75-mm 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve size fraction, or both, 12.3.4 12.3. 4 In-p In-place lace dry density, density, total or minus 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve size fraction, or both, 12.3.5 12. 3.5 InIn-pla place ce dry uni unitt weig weight, ht, tot total al or min minus us 4.7 4.75-m 5-mm m (No. 4) sieve size fraction, or both, and 12.3.6 12. 3.6sieve In-pla Inplace ce fraction, water wat er con conten t(s),, and total tot altest ormethod(s) minus min us 4.7 4.75-m 5-mm m (No. 4) size ortent(s) both, used. 12.4 Reco 12.4 Record rd as a min minimu imum, m, the following following results results of the rapid determination of percent compaction:

12.4.1 12.4 .1 Maximu Maximum m dr dry y de dens nsity ity an and d dr dry y un unit it we weig ight ht,, an and d optimum water content, 12.4.2   D  value,   C  value,   value, and   w f  −  w o, 12.4.3 Test appar 12.4.3 apparatus atus description, description, 12.4.4 12.4. 4 Commen Comments ts on test, as applicable, and 12.4.5 12.4. 5 Vi Visual sual description description of the materia material. l. 13. Pre Precisi cision on and Bias 13.1   Precision— Test Test data on precision is not presented due to the nature of the soil and rock materials tested by this test method. It is not feasible and too costly at this time to have ten or more agencies participate in an in situ testing program at a given giv en site site.. Also, it is not feasible feasible to pro produc ducee mul multip tiple le test locations having uniform properties. Any variation observed in the data is just as likely to be due to specimen variation as operator laboratory testing variation. 13.1.1 13.1. 1 Subco Subcommittee mmittee D18.08 D18.08 is seekin seeking g any data from the users of this test method that might be used to make a limited statement on precision. 13.2   Bias— There There is no accepted reference value for this test method, therefore, bias cannot be determined.

14. Keyw Keywords ords 14.1 compa compaction ction control; density; field density; field test; moisture moistu re contr control; ol; moistu moisture-de re-density; nsity; rapid compac compaction tion contro control; l; unit weight; water content


A1.1 Scope A1.1.1 A1.1. 1 This annex outlines an alternate procedure procedure for preparing the thi paring third rd com compac pactio tion n spe specime cimen n and det determ ermini ining ng the maximum point of the compaction curve at field water content. A1.1.2 This procedure A1.1.2 procedure eliminates the requir requirement ement for drying soils when the field water content is near optimum water content. A1.1.3 A1. 1.3 Thi Thiss pro proced cedure ure can onl only y be use used d whe when n the second second compaction specimen has a converted wet density lower than thee we th wett de dens nsity ity of th thee fir first st co comp mpac actio tion n sp spec ecime imen n an and d th thee 3 difference is 0.05 Mg/m or less. NOTE A1.1—This method assumes that the two wet densities plot near the peak point of the parabola.

A1.2 Procedur Procedure—Obtain e—Obtain Compaction Compaction Curve A1.2.1 A1.2. 1 Prepar Preparee the third specimen specimen by addin adding g 1 % water as follows: A1.2.1.1 A1.2. 1.1 Place 2.50 kg of soil from the original sample (see 11.5)) into a mixing pan. 11.5 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Mar 14 21:59:57 EDT 2019 7 Downloaded/printed by

A1.2.1 A1. 2.1.2 .2 Mea Measur suree 25 mL of wate waterr. Thi Thiss amo amount unt of wat water er will increase the water content of the soil by approximately 1 %. This is referred to as “1 % added water,” (+1.0). A1.2.1.3 Thoro A1.2.1.3 Thoroughly ughly mix the soil while sprinkling or sprayspraying the water onto the soil. The mixing should should be perfo performed rmed as quickly as possible to prevent moisture loss. A1.2.1 A1.2 .1.4 .4 Compac Compactt th thee sp speci ecime men, n, an and d ca calcu lculat latee th thee we wett density of the specimen in accordance with Method A of Test Methods D698 Methods  D698.. A1.2.1.5 Calculat A1.2.1.5 Calculatee and record the converted wet density in accordance with  with   11.10.5. 11.10.5. A1.3 Determine Maximum Maximum Point from Compaction Compaction Curve and   w  f  − w o A1.3.1 Label the values from the three compa compaction ction specimens as A, B, and C, in order of increasing water content, starting with the specimen compacted at field water content. Follow the directions in   11.13  through   11.22   to calculate the maximum density of the compaction curve and   w f  −  w o.

Jony Gutirrez (Jony Gutirrez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.  


D5080 − 17 APPENDIXES (Nonmandatory Information) X1. RA RATIONALE TIONALE

X1.1 Histo History ry of Standard Standard

X1.2 Applicabilit Applicability y

X1.1.1 The rapid X1.1.1 rapid meth method od has bee been n used by the Bureau Bureau of  Reclamation since the mid 1950s. Since that time, it has also been used by several other organizations. It was first proposed as an ASTM standard in 1970. 3

X1.2.1 Use of thi X1.2.1 thiss tes testt meth method od for con constr struct uction ion con contro troll should be agreed upon by all parties involved since the results may not exactly duplicate the results if the compaction curve were obtained in accordance with Test Methods D698 Methods  D698..  The use of three compaction points, mathematically mathematically determ determining ining the peak of the compaction curve, and the lack of standing time for the prepared specimens may affect the value obtained for the maximum density. However, the results are similar enough that expe ex pedi dien ency cy ca can n ju just stify ify the us usee of th this is te test st me meth thod od as an acceptable construction control technique.

X1.1.2 X1.1. 2 The theory and developmen developmentt of the rapid method is presented in Engineering Monograph No. 26.4 3

Special Procedures for Testing Soil and Rock for Engineering Purposes, STP 479, ASTM, 1970. 4 Availab Av ailable le from the Bureau of Recla Reclamation mation,, P.O. Box 25007 25007,, Denve Denver, r, CO 80225.


X2.1 Durin During g the procedure, procedure, water is added to wet soil. The percentage of water added is based on the wet mass of the soil since the actual water content content is not known. known. An adjustment adjustment can be ma made de to ob obtai tain n a mo more re acc accur urate ate ap appr prox oxim imati ation on of th thee w f  −  w o  value by using  Fig. 2 as 2  as discussed in 11.22 in  11.22.. X2.2 The water content X2.2 content adj adjust ustmen mentt val values ues are bas based ed on a best fit curve of over 1300 points of wet density at optimum water content versus optimum water content as shown on Fig. on  Fig. 5 X2.1.. X2.1 X2.3 The pr X2.3 prop oper ertie tiess of th thee so soil il be bein ing g tes teste ted d sh shou ould ld be checked with Fig. with  Fig. X2.1 to X2.1  to see if the soil values plot within the limits of  62 standard deviations. For data within these limits, the value of   w f  −  w o   determined by the rapid method will be within 60.1 to 0.2 percentage point of the difference between the in-place waterare content and theby optimum water content when these two values determined ovendrying. X2.4 X2. 4 If the soils fall outside outside the acceptable acceptable limits, limits, spe special cial water content adjustment values must be developed for that soil. Instructions can be found in Appendix B of Engineering Monograph No. 26.4 X2.5 The data used to develop X2.5 develop Fig.  Fig. X2.1   and  Fig. 2   came from the Bureau of Reclamation compaction test which uses a 3 1  ⁄ 20 20-ft mold, 3 layers, 25 blows per layer of a 5.5-lbm rammer dropped 18 in. Only minus No. 4 soil particles are compacted. The compactive effort is 12 375 ft-lb/ft3 which is comparable 5 Hilf, Jack W., “A Rapid Method of Construction Control for Embankments of  Cohesive Soil, Cohesive Soil,””   Engineering Engineering Monograph No. 26 , Bur Bureau eau of Rec Reclam lamati ation, on, 5th

Printing, August 1981.

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FIG. X2.1 Wet Density Versus Versus Optimum Water Water Content

to Method A of Test Methods D698 Methods  D698..  Water content adjustment values will probably have to be separately developed for soils with very low or high specific gravities or compacted with a different compactive effort.

Jony Gutirrez (Jony Gutirrez) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.  


D5080 − 17 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Comm Co mmitt ittee ee D1 D18 8 ha hass id iden enti tified fied th thee lo loca catio tion n of sel select ected ed ch chan ange gess to th this is st stan anda dard rd sin since ce th thee las lastt is issu suee (D5080 – 08) that may impact the use of this standard. (February 1, 2017)

(1)  Standard sieve size notation has been used throughout the standard. (2)   Upda Updated ted the ter term m moi moistu sture re con conten tentt to the acce accepte pted d ter term m water content throughout the standard. (3)   Add Added ed equ equipm ipment ent for det determ ermini ining ng wat water er con conten tentt to the Apparatus section, and removed the mixer as it does not appear elsewhere in the standard.

(4)  Clarified the definition for water added. (5)  Made several editorial revisions to bring standard standard into D18 compliance and improved the Report section. (6)  Remove parenthetical references to inch-pound units. (7)   Added guidance on required significant figures for calculating and recording data.

ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the Copyri Copyright ght Clearance Center, Center, 222  Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; 

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