ASTM C94 Mixed Concrete

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Designation: C94/C94M − 13a

Standard Specification for

Ready-Mixed Concrete1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation C94/C94M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original origin al adoption or, in the case of revis revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Sco Scope* pe*

2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents

1.1 This specification specification covers ready-mixed ready-mixed concrete as defined in   3.2.2. 3.2.2.   Requirements for quality of concrete shall be either as hereinafter specified or as specified by the purchaser. In any case where the requirements of the purchaser differ from these in this specification, the purchaser’s specification shall gove go vern rn.. Th This is sp spec ecific ificati ation on do does es no nott co cove verr th thee pl place aceme ment nt,, cons co nsol olid idat atio ion, n, cu curi ring ng,, or pr prot otec ectio tion n of th thee co conc ncre rete te af after ter delivery to the purchaser. 1.2 The values stated in either SI units, shown shown in brackets, or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard. 1.3 As used throughout throughout this specifi specification cation the manufacturer manufacturer produces ready produces ready-mixed -mixed concrete. The purch purchaser aser buys readymixed concrete. 1.4 The text of this standard standard references references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard. 1.5   This standard standard does not purport to address address all the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and  health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory  (Warning —Fresh hydraulic cement cementiilimitations prior to use. ( Warning—Fresh tious mixtures are caustic and may cause chemical burns to skin and tissue upon prolonged use.2) 1 This specification specification is under the juris jurisdictio diction n of ASTM Committee  Committee   C09   on Concrete and Concrete Aggregatesand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C09.40   on Ready-Mixed Concrete. C09.40 Current Curre nt editio edition n approv approved ed Aug. 1, 2013. Published Published Augus Augustt 2013. Originally Originally approved in 1933. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as C94/C94M–13. DOI: 10.1520/C0094_C0094M-13a. 2 See Section on Safety Precautions, Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing,  Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.02.

2.1   ASTM Standards:3 C31/C31M   Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test C31/C31M Specimens in the Field C33/C33M   Specification for Concrete Aggregates C33/C33M C39/C39M Test C39/C39M  Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concr Concrete ete Specim Specimens ens C125 Terminology C125  Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates C138/C138M Test C138/C138M  Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete C143/C143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement C143/C143M Test Concrete C150/C150M Specification C150/C150M  Specification for Portland Cement C172/C172M   Pra C172/C172M Practic cticee for Sam Samplin pling g Fre Freshl shly y Mix Mixed ed Con Con-crete C173/C173M Test C173/C173M  Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method C231/C231M Test C231/C231M  Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method C260/C260M   Specifi C260/C260M Specification cation for AirAir-Entrai Entraining ning Admix Admixtures tures for Concr Concrete ete C330/C330M Specification C330/C330M  Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete C494/C494M   Spe C494/C494M Specific cificatio ation n for Chem Chemica icall Adm Admixt ixture uress for Concrete C567/C567M   Test Met C567/C567M  Metho hod d fo forr De Deter termin mining ing Den Densit sity y of  Structural Lightweight Concrete C595/C595M Specifica C595/C595M  Specification tion for Blended Hydra Hydraulic ulic Cements C618   Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined C618 Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete C637 Spe C637  Specificatio cification n for Aggre Aggregates gates for Radiatio Radiation-Shi n-Shielding elding Concrete


For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard --`,,,,``,``,,``````,,```,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States Copyright ASTM International Provided by IHS under license with ASTM No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

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C94/C94M − 13a C989/C989M   Sp Speci ecific ficati ation on fo forr Sla Slag g Cem Cemen entt fo forr Us Usee in C989/C989M Concrete and Mortars C1017/C1017M Specification C1017/C1017M  Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Use in Producing Flowing Concrete C1064/C1064M   Test Meth C1064/C1064M Method od for Temp empera eratur turee of Fre Freshl shly y Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete C1077 Practice C1077  Practice for Agencies Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggr Ag greg egate atess fo forr Us Usee in Co Cons nstr truc uctio tion n an and d Cr Crite iteria ria fo forr Testing Agency Evaluation

4.2 The volume volume of fresh concrete concrete in a given batch batch shall be determined from the total mass of the batch divided by the density of the concrete. The total mass of the batch shall be determined as the net mass of the concrete in the batch as delivered, including the total mixing water as defined in   9.3 9.3.. Thee de Th dens nsity ity sh shall all be de deter termi mine ned d in ac acco cord rdan ance ce wi with th Tes estt Method   C138/C138M. C138/C138M.   The yield shall be determined as the average of at least three measurements, one from each of three differ dif ferent ent tra transp nsport ortatio ation n uni units ts samp sampled led in acc accord ordanc ancee wit with h

C1157/C1157M C1157/C1157M    Per Perfor forman mance ce Spe Specific cificatio ation n for Hyd Hydrau raulic lic Cement C1240   Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious C1240 Mixtures C1602/C1602M Specificat C1602/C1602M  Specification ion for Mixing Water Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete C1611/C1611M   Tes C1611/C1611M estt Me Meth thod od fo forr Sl Slum ump p Fl Flow ow of Se Self lf-Consolidating Concrete

Practice C172/C172M Practice  C172/C172M..


2.2   ACI Documents: 211.1   Sta 211.1 Stand ndard ard Pra Practi ctice ce fo forr Sel Select ectin ing g Pr Prop opor ortio tions ns fo forr Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete 211.2 Standar 211.2  Standard d Practic Practicee for Selecting Prop Proportion ortionss for Structural Lightw Lightweight eight Concre Concrete te 301 Standar 301  Standard d Specifi Specifications cations for Struct Structural ural Concr Concrete ete 305R Guide 305R  Guide to Hot Weather Concreting 306R  Guide to Cold Weather Concreting 306R Guide 318   Buildi 318 Building ng Code Requir Requirements ements for Struc Structural tural Concr Concrete ete and Commentary 2.3   Other Documents:5 NIST 105-1 National 105-1  National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 

NOTE 1—It should be understood that the volume of hardened concrete may be, or appear to be, less than expected due to waste and spillage, over-excavation, spreading forms, some loss of entrained air, or settlement of wet mixtures, none of which are the responsibility of the producer.

5. Mater Materials ials 5.1 In the absenc absencee of des design ignate ated d app applic licab able le mat materi erials als specifications, the following materials specifications shall be used: 5.2   Cementitious Materials 5.2.1  Hydraulic Cement— Hydraulic Hydraulic cement shall conform to Specifi Specification cation C150/C150M  C150/C150M,,   Specification C595/C595M Specification  C595/C595M,, or Specification   C1157/C1157M. Specification C1157/C1157M. 5.2.2   Supplementary Cementitious Materials— Coal fly ash or natural pozzolans shall conform to Specification C618 Specification  C618.. Slag cement cem ent sha shall ll con confor form m to Spe Specifi cificati cation on   C989/C989M. C989/C989M.   Silica fume shall conform to Specification C1240 Specification  C1240..

3. Terminology

5.3   Aggregates— Normal Normal weight aggregates aggregates shall conform to Specification C33/C33M Specification  C33/C33M..  Lightweight aggregates shall conform to Specifi Specification cation   C330/C330M   and heavy heavyweigh weightt aggre aggre-gates shall conform to Specification C637 Specification  C637..

3.1   Definitions:   The ter terms ms us used ed in th this is sp spec ecifi ificat catio ion n ar aree defined in Terminology C125 Terminology  C125..

5.4   Water— Wate aterr sha shall ll con confor form m to Spe Specifi cificati cation on   C1602/  C1602M.. C1602M

3.2  Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1   concr concrete, ete, centr central-m al-mixed, ixed, n— read ready-mix y-mixed ed conc concrete rete mixed completely in a stationary mixer.

5.5   Air-Entraining Air-Entraining Admixtures— Air-entraining admixtures shall conform to Specification C260/C260M Specification  C260/C260M   (Note 2). 2).

3.2.2   concrete, ready-mixed, n— concrete concrete manufactured and delivered to a purchaser in a fresh state. 3.2.3   concrete, shrink-mixed, n— ready-mixed ready-mixed concrete partially mixed in a stationary mixer with mixing completed in a truck mixer. 3.2.4   concrete, truck-mixed, n— ready-mixed ready-mixed concrete completely mixed in a truck mixer. 4. Basi Basiss of Purchase Purchase

5.6   Chemical Admixtures— Chemical Chemical admixtures shall conform to either Specification  C494/C494M  C494/C494M   or or C1017/C1017M  C1017/C1017M as Napplicable (Note 2) (Note 2). OTE  2—In any given instance, the required dosage of air-entraining, accelerating, and retarding admixtures may vary. Therefore, a range of  dosages should be allowed which will permit obtaining the desired effect. NOTE  3—Interchanging kinds, characteristics, types, classes, or grades of the materials permitted in ready-mixed concrete may produce concrete of different properties.

6. Order Ordering ing Information Information

Available from American Concrete Institute (ACI), P.O. Box 9094, Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094,

6.1 In th 6.1 thee ab abse senc ncee of de desi sign gnat ated ed ap appl plic icab able le ge gene nera rall specifications, the purchaser shall specify the following: 6.1.1 Design Designated ated size, or sizes, of coarse aggregate, aggregate, 6.1.2 Slump Slump,, or slumps, desired at the point of delivery (see Section   7  for acceptable tolerances), Section 6.1.3 Slump flow, flow, or flows, desired desired at the point of delivery (see Section  Section   7  for acceptable tolerances),

5 NIST Handbook 105-1 (revis (revised ed 1990), “Specificatio “Specifications ns and Tolerances Tolerances for Reference Stand Reference Standards ards and Field Standard Weight eightss and Meas Measuresures-1. 1. Spec Specificat ifications ions and Tolerances Tolerances for Field Standard Weights Weights (NIST Class F),” National Institute of  Standards Stand ards and Te Technolo chnology gy., ., U.S. Dept. of Commer Commerce, ce, http:/ http://www /www.nist .gov/pml/  pml/  wmd/upload/105-1.pdf.

6.1.4 When air-entrain air-entrained ed concrete is specified, the air content of the samples taken at the point of discharge from the transportation unit (see Section  Section   8   and and Table  Table 1 for 1  for the total air content and tolerances) (Note (Note 5), 5),

4.1 The basis basis of purchas purchasee sha shall ll be a cub cubic ic yard or cub cubic ic metre of fresh concrete as discharged from the transportation unit.


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C94/C94M − 13a TABLE 1 Recommended Total Air Content for Air-Entrained Concrete A,B  Exposure ConditionC  Mild Moderate Severe

 ⁄ 8  [9.5] 4.5 6.0 7.5



 ⁄ 2  [12.5] 4.0 5.5 7.0



Total Air Content, % Nominal Maximum Sizes of Aggregate, in. [mm] 3  ⁄ 4   [19.0] 1 [25.0] 11 ⁄ 2   [37.5] 3.5 3.0 2.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 6.0 6.0 5.5

2 [50.0] 2.0 4.0 5.0

3 [75.0] 1.5 3.5 4.5


For air-entrained concrete, when specified. Unless exposure conditions dictate otherwise, it is permissible to reduce air contents recommended above by up to 1 % for concretes with specified compressive strength, f  strength,  f 'c , of 5000 psi [35 MPa] or above. C  For description of exposure conditions, refer to Standard Practice ACI 211.1, Section 6.3.3, with attention to accompanying footnotes. B 

6.1.5 Whi 6.1.5 Which ch of Options Options A, B, or C sha shall ll be use used d as a basis for determining the proportions of the concrete to produce the required quality, 6.1.6 When structural structural lightweight lightweight concrete is specifi specified, ed, the mass per unit volume as wet mass, air-dry mass, or oven-dry mass (Note (Note 6) 6), and 6.1.7 If desired, any of the optional requirements requirements of Table Table 2 in Specifi Specification cation C1602/C1602M  C1602/C1602M.. 6.1.8 Purch Purchaser aser shall state any drum revolution limit as to when the concrete discharge must begin. If no drum revolution limit is stated by purchaser, the manufacturer shall determine and communicate the limit to the purchaser prior to delivery. NOTE   4—An example of a drum revolution limit would be “XXX” revolutions.

6.2 If the typ type, e, kin kind, d, or class of cem cement entitio itious us materials materials in 5.2.1   and   5.2.2   are no nott de desig signa nated ted by th thee pu purc rcha hase serr, it is permitted to use cementitious materials in concrete mixtures that will satisfy the concrete properties and other requirements of the purchaser as ordered. NOTE   5—In selecting the specified air content, the purchaser should consider the expos consider exposure ure conditions to which the concrete will be subjected. Air contents contents les lesss tha than n sho shown wn in   Table Table 1   may may not give the required required resist res istanc ancee to fre freezin ezing g and tha thawin wing, g, whi which ch is the pri primar mary y pur purpos posee of  air-entrain air-e ntrained ed concre concrete. te. Air conten contents ts higher than the levels shown may reduce strength without contributing any further improvement of durability. NOTE 6—The mass per unit volume of fresh concrete, which is the only unit mass determinable at the time of delivery, is always higher than the air-dry or oven-dry mass. Definitions of, and methods for determining or calcula calculating ting air-dry and oven-d oven-dry ry mass masses, es, are cover covered ed by Test Method C567/C567M. C567/C567M .

6.3   Option A: 6.3.1 6.3 .1 When the pur purcha chaser ser req requir uires es the man manufa ufactu cturer rer to assume full responsibility for the selection of the proportions for the con concre crete te mix mixtur turee (Note 7), 7), the purchase purchaserr sha shall ll also specify the follo following: wing: 6.3.1. 6.3 .1.1 1 Req Requir uiremen ements ts for com compre pressiv ssivee str streng ength th as det deterermined on samples taken from the transportation unit at the point of discharge evaluated in accordance with Section   18 18.. The purchaser shall specify the requirements in terms of the compressive compr essive strength of stand standard ard specimens cured under standard laboratory conditions for moist curing (see Section   18 18). ). Unless otherwise specified the age at test shall be 28 days.

structures and conditions of exposure. The water-cement ratio of most structural struc tural lightw lightweight eight concr concretes etes canno cannott be determ determined ined with suf suffi ficient cient accuracy for use as a specification basis.

6.3.2 At the request of of the purchaser, purchaser, the manufacturer shall, prior to the actual delivery of the concrete, furnish a statement to the purchaser, giving the dry masses of cement and saturated surface-dry-masses of fine and coarse aggregate and quantities, type, and name of admixtures (if any) and of water per cubic yard ya rd or cu cubi bicc me metre tre of co conc ncre rete te th that at wi will ll be us used ed in th thee manufacture of each class of concrete ordered by the purchaser. He shall also furnish evidence satisfactory to the purchaser that the materials to be used and proportions selected will produce concrete of the quality specified. 6.4   Option B: 6.4.1 6.4 .1 Whe When n the pur purcha chaser ser ass assume umess res respon ponsib sibilit ility y for the proportioning of the concrete mixture, he shall also specify the following: Cement content in pounds per cubic yard [kilograms per cubic metre] of concrete, 6.4.1. 6.4 .1.2 2 Max Maximu imum m allo allowab wable le wat water er con conten tentt in gal gallon lonss per cubic cub ic yar yard d [lit [litres res per cub cubic ic metr metre] e] of con concre crete, te, inc includ luding ing surfac sur facee moi moistu sture re on the agg aggreg regate ates, s, but exc exclud luding ing wat water er of  absorption (Note (Note 7), 7), and 6.4. 6. 4.1. 1.3 3 If ad admix mixtu ture ress ar aree re requ quir ired ed,, th thee ty type pe,, na name, me, an and d dosage to be used. The cement content shall not be reduced when admixtures are used under this option without the written approval of the purchaser. 6.4.2 At the request of the of purchaser , the furnish manufacturer shall, prior to the actual delivery ofpurchaser, the concrete, a statement to th thee pu purc rcha hase serr gi givi ving ng th thee so sour urce ces, s, de dens nsiti ities, es, an and d sie sieve ve analyses of the aggregates and the dry masses of cement and saturated-surface-dry masses of fine and coarse aggregate and quantities, type and name of admixture (if any) and of water per cubic yard or cubic metre of concrete that will be used in thee ma th manu nufa factu cture re of ea each ch cla class ss of co conc ncre rete te or orde dere red d by th thee purchaser.

NOTE   7—The 7—The pur purcha chaser ser,, in sel selecti ecting ng req requir uireme ements nts for whi which ch he

6.5   Option C: 6.5.1 6.5 .1 When the pur purcha chaser ser req requir uires es the man manufa ufactur cturer er to assume responsibility for the selection of the proportions for the con concre crete te mix mixtur turee with the min minimu imum m allo allowab wable le ceme cement nt content specified (Note (Note 8), 8), the purchaser shall also specify the following:

assumes respo assumes responsibi nsibility lity shoul should d give consideration consideration to requir requirement ementss for workability, placeability, durability, surface texture, and density, in addition to those for structural design. The purchaser is referred to Standard Practice ACI 211.1 and Standard Practice ACI 211.2 for the selection of  propor pro portio tions ns tha thatt wil willl res result ult in con concre crete te sui suitab table le for var variou iouss typ types es of 

6.5.1. 6.5 .1.1 1 Req Requir uired ed com compre pressiv ssivee str streng ength th as det determ ermine ined d on sampless tak sample taken en fro from m the tra transp nsport ortatio ation n uni unitt at the poi point nt of  discharge evaluated in accordance with Section   18 18.. The purchaser shall specify the requirements for strength in terms of 

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C94/C94M − 13a tests of stand standard ard specimens cured under standard standard labora laboratory tory conditions for moist curing (see Section 18 Section  18). ). Unless otherwise specified the age at test shall be 28 days. 6.5.1 .2 Minimu Minimum m cement content in pounds per cubic yard [kilograms per cubic metre] of concrete. 6.5. 6. 5.1. 1.3 3 If ad admi mixt xtur ures es ar aree re requ quir ired ed,, th thee ty type pe,, na name me,, an and d dosage to be used. The cement content shall not be reduced when admixtures are used. NOTE 8—Option C can be distinctive and useful only if the designated minimum cement content is at about the same level that would ordinarily minimum be required for the strength, aggregate size, and slump or slump flow specified. At the same time, it must be an amount that will be sufficient to ensure durability under expected service conditions, as well as satisfactory surface texture and density, in the event specified strength is attained with it. For additional information refer to Standard Practice ACI 211.1 and Standard Practice 211.2 referred to in  Note 7. 7.

6.5.2 At the request of the purchaser, purchaser, the manufacturer shall, prior to the actual delivery of the concrete, furnish a statement to the purchaser, giving the dry masses of cement and saturated surface-dry masses of fine and coarse aggregate and quantities, type, and name of admixture (if any) and of water per cubic yard ya rd or cu cubi bicc me metr tree of co conc ncre rete te th that at wi will ll be us used ed in th thee manufacture of each class of concrete ordered by the purchaser. He shall also furnish evidence satisfactory to the purchaser that the materials to be used and proportions selected will produce

NOTE 9—This option applies when slump is stated as a target slump or nominal slump. For other ways of stating slump, the tolerances should be indicated by the purchaser.

7.1.3 When the purchaser purchaser states a slump flow requirement requirement for self-consolidating concrete: Tolerances for Slump Flow For Slump Flow Less than or equal to 22 in. [550 mm] More than 22 in [550 mm]

Tolerance ± 1   1 ⁄ 2  in. [40 mm] ± 2   1 ⁄ 2  in. [65 mm]

7.1.4 7.1. 4 The sl slum ump p to tole lera ranc nces es ar aree ap appl plica icabl blee wh when en wa water ter addition in accordance with 12.7 with  12.7 is  is permitted. 7.2 Concre Concrete te shall be available within the permissible permissible range of slump or slump flow for a period of 30 min starting either on arriva arr ivall at the job site or aft after er the initial initial slu slump mp adj adjust ustmen mentt  1 permitted in 12.7 in  12.7,,  whichever is later. The first and last  ⁄ 4   yd3 [1 ⁄ 4   m3] discharged are exempt from this requirement. If the userr is unp use unprep repare ared d for discharg dischargee of the con concre crete te fro from m the vehicle, the producer shall not be responsible for the limitation of minimum slump or slump flow after 30 min have elapsed star st artin ting g eit eithe herr on ar arri riva vall of th thee ve vehi hicl clee at th thee pr pres escr crib ibed ed destination or at the requested delivery time, whichever is later. 8. Air-Ent Air-Entrained rained Concrete Concrete

concre conc rete te of th thee qu quali ality ty sp spec ecifie ified. d. Wh Whate ateve verr st stre reng ngth thss ar aree attained the quantity of cement used shall not be less than the minimum specified.

8.1 Whe When n air air-en -entra traine ined d con concre crete te is des desire ired d the pur purcha chaser ser shall specify the total air content of the concrete. See Table See  Table 1 for recommended total air contents  contents   (Note 2). 2).

6.6 The proport proportion ionss arr arrive ived d at by Options Options A, B, or C for each class of concrete and approved for use in a project shall be assi assigne gned d a des design ignatio ation n to fac facilit ilitate ate ide identi ntificat fication ion of each concrete mixture delivered to the project. This is the designation required in   14.1.7   and supplies information on concrete prop pr opor ortio tions ns wh when en th they ey ar aree no nott gi give ven n se sepa para ratel tely y on eac each h deliver deli very y tick ticket et as out outline lined d in   14.2. 14.2.   A cer certi tified fied co copy py of all proportions propo rtions as established established in Options Options A, B, or C shall be on file at the batch plant.

8.2 The air content of airair-entrain entrained ed concrete when sampled from the transportation unit at the point of discharge shall be within a tolerance of  6 1.5 of the specified value.

6.7 The pur purcha chaser ser sha shall ll ens ensure ure tha thatt the man manufa ufactu cturer rer is provided copies of all reports of tests performed on concrete samples samp les tak taken en to dete determi rmine ne com compli plianc ancee with spe specific cificatio ation n requirements. Reports shall be provided on a timely basis.

8.3 When a preliminary preliminary sample taken within within the time limits of    12.7   and prior to dis of  discha charg rgee for placement placement sho shows ws an air content below the specified level by more than the allowable tolerance in accordance with   8.2 8.2,,   the manufacturer may use additional air entraining admixture to achieve the desired air conten con tentt lev level, el, fol follow lowed ed by a min minimu imum m of 30 rev revolu olutio tions ns at mixing speed, so long as the revolution limit of   of   12.7   is not exceeded exceed ed (see (see Note  Note 10). 10). NOTE 10—Acceptance sampling and testing in accordance with Practice C172/C172M  is not obviated by this provision. C172/C172M is

7. Toler olerance ancess in Slump or Slum Slump p Flow 7.1 Unles Unlesss other tolerances tolerances are indica indicated ted by the purchaser, purchaser, the following shall apply. 7.1. 7. 1.1 1 Wh When en sl slum ump p is st state ated d as a “m “max axim imum um”” or “not to exceed” requirement: Tolerances for “Maximum” or “Not to Exceed” Slumps For Slump of:


3 in. [75 mm] or less More than 3 in. [75 mm]

+0 and –11 ⁄ 2  [40 mm] +0 and –21 ⁄ 2  [40 mm]

7.1.2 When slump is stated as a target or nominal nominal slump: Tolerances for Target or Nominal Slumps For Slump of: 2 in. [50 mm] and less More than 2 through 4 in. [50 to 100 mm] More than 4 in. [100 mm]

Tolerance ±1 ⁄ 2  in. [15 mm] ±1 in. [25 mm] ±11 ⁄ 2  in. [40 mm]

9. Measu Measuring ring Materials Materials 9.1 Except as otherwise specifically specifically permitted, permitted, cementitious cementitious materia mate rials ls sha shall ll be meas measure ured d by mas mass. s. Whe When n sup supple plemen mentar tary y cementitious materials are used in the concrete mixtures, the cumulative mass is permitted to be measured with hydraulic cement, but in a batch hopper and on a scale which is separate and distinct from those used for other materials. The mass of  the hydraulic cement shall be measured before supplementary cementi cem entitio tious us mate materia rials. ls. Whe When n the qua quanti ntity ty of cem cementi entitio tious us material exceeds 30 % of the full capacity of the scale, the measured quantity of the hydraulic cement shall be within 6 1 % of th thee re requ quir ired ed ma mass ss,, an and d th thee cu cumu mulat lativ ivee mea measu sure red d quantity of hydraulic cement plus supplementary cementitious materials shall also be within 6 1 % of the required cumulative mass at each intermediate weighing. For smaller batches to a mini mi nimu mum m of 1 yd3 [1 m3], th thee me meas asur ured ed qu quan antit tity y of th thee --`,,,,``,``,,``````,,```,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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C94/C94M − 13a hydrau raulic lic cem cement ent and the meas measure ured d cum cumula ulativ tivee qua quantit ntity y of  hyd hydraulic hydra ulic cement plus supp supplementar lementary y cement cementitious itious materia materials ls used shall be not less than the required amount nor more than 4 % in excess. When the purchaser requires alternate methods of measu measuring ring cement cementitious itious materials, measur measurement ement methods and reporting shall be stated in the order (see   Note 11). 11).

concrete shall be accurately measured; if this proves impractical or impossible the wash water shall be discharged prior to loading the next batch of concrete. Total water (including any wash water) shall be measured or weighed to an accuracy of  63 % of the specified total amount. 9.4 Chemica Chemicall admixtures in powdered powdered form shall be measured by mass. Liquid chemical admixtures shall be batched by mass ma ss or vo volu lume. me. Admixt Admixtur ures es me meas asur ured ed by eit eithe herr ma mass ss or volume, shall be batched with an accuracy of  63 % of the total

NOTE 11—Cementitious materials in bags may be used when requested by the purchaser.

9.2 Ag 9.2 Aggr greg egat atee sh shall all be me measu asure red d by ma mass ss.. Bat Batch ch ma mass ss measurements shall be based on dry materials and shall be the required mass of dry materials plus the total mass of moisture (both absorbed and surface) contained in the aggregate. 9.2.1 For aggregates aggregates measured in indiv individual idual or cumula cumulative tive weigh batchers, when the required intermediate or final mass is less than 30 % of the scale capacity the aggregate aggregate mass shall be within   60. 0.3 3 % of sc scale ale ca capa pacit city y or wi with thin in   63 % of th thee required mass, whichever is less. 9.2.2 When aggregates aggregates are measured in an indivi individual dual weigh batch ba tcher er an and d th thee re requ quir ired ed ma mass ss of ag aggr greg egat atee is eq equa uall to or grea gr eater ter th than an 30 % of th thee sc scale ale ca capa pacit city y, th thee qu quan antit tity y of  aggregate shall be within   62 % of the required mass. When aggreg agg regates ates are mea measur sured ed in a cum cumula ulative tive agg aggreg regate ate wei weigh gh batcher batc her,, and the req requir uired ed int interm ermedia ediate te and fina finall cum cumulat ulative ive mass of aggregate components is equal to or greater than 30 %

amount amou nt re requ quir ired ed or pl plus us or min minus us th thee am amou ount nt or do dosa sage ge required for 100 lb [50 kg] of hydraulic cement, whichever is greater. NOTE   13—Admixt 13—Admixture ure dispe dispensers nsers of the mecha mechanical nical type capabl capablee of  adjust adj ustmen mentt for var variat iation ion of dos dosage age,, and of sim simple ple cal calibr ibrati ation, on, are recommended.

10. Batc Batching hing Plant Plant 10.1 10. 1 Bin Binss with ade adequa quate te sep separa arate te com compar partmen tments ts sha shall ll be provided in the batching plant for fine and for each required size si ze of co coar arse se ag aggr greg egat ate. e. Eac Each h bi bin n co comp mpar artme tment nt sh shall all be designed and operated so as to discharge efficiently and freely, with minimum segregation, into the weighing hopper. Means of control shall be provided so that, as the quantity desired in the weighing hopper is approached, the material shall be shut

of th thee sc scal alee ca capa paci city ty,, th thee qu quan anti tity ty of ag aggr greg egat atee at ea each ch success suc cessive ive wei weighi ghing ng sha shall ll be with within in   61 % of th thee re requ quir ired ed mass.

off with precision. Weighingof hoppers shall be and constructed so as to eliminate accumulations tare materials to discharge fully.

NOTE   12—The 12—The bat batchi ching ng acc accura uracy cy lim limit it of 0.3 % of sca scale le cap capaci acity ty establ est ablish ishes es a rea reason sonabl ablee min minimu imum m wei weighi ghing ng tol tolera erance nce lim limit it tha thatt is indepe ind epende ndent nt of the qua quanti ntity ty of mat materi erial al bein being g wei weighe ghed. d. It gen genera erally lly governs for smaller batch quantities weighed in weigh batchers (scales).

10.2 10 .2 Indica Indicatin ting g de devi vice cess sh shall all be in fu full ll vi view ew an and d ne near ar enough to be read accurately by the operator while charging the hopp ho pper er.. Th Thee op oper erato atorr sh shal alll ha have ve co conv nven enie ient nt acc acces esss to al alll controls.

9.3 Mixin Mixing g water shall consist of water added to the batch, ice added to the batch, water occurring as surface moisture on the aggregates, and water introduced in the form of admixtures. The added water shall be measured by weight or volume to an accuracy of 1 % of the required total mixing water. Added ice shall be measured by weight. In the case of truck mixers, any wash water retained in the drum for use in the next batch of 

10.3 Scales shall be considered considered accurate accurate if their accuracy is verified through the normally used capacity in accordance with Table 2 and 2  and load indicated relative to applied test load is within 60.15 % of the total capacity of the scale or 0.4 % of the net applied applie d load, whichever whichever is greater. greater. The minimum quantity and sequence of applied test loads used to verify material scales shall conform to Table to  Table 2 and 2  and its notes.

TABLE 2 Minimum Field Standard Weights and Test Loads A Device Capacity 0 to 2000 kg [0 to 4000 lb]


2001 to 20 000 kg [4001 to 40 000 lb]

Minimum (in terms of device capacity) Field Standard   Test LoadsC  Weights 100 % Greater ofB  Greater 10 % or 500 kg [1000 lb]

Minimum Loads for Verification of Scale Accuracy

100 %

50 %

Field standard weights or test load to used capacity, if greater than minimum specified. Strain-test loadsE  are permitted to be used above test load minimums. During initial verification, verific ation, a scale shall be tested to full capacity. capacity.


If the configuration and set up of the scale system prevents access or application of adequate field standard weights or if an unsafe condition is created by the verification process then the use of the scale above the verified position shall be discontinued until corrective measures have been completed. B  Field standard weights used in verify verifying ing accuracy of weighi weighing ng devices shall comply with requirements requirements of NIST Handbook 105-1. C  The term “test load” means the sum of the combination of field standard weights and any other applied load used in the conduct of a test using substitution test methods. Substitution Test—In the substitution test procedure, material or objects are substituted for field standard weights, or a combination of field standard weights and previously quantified material or objects, using the scale under test as a comparator. Additional test weights or other known test loads may be added to the known test load to verify the accuracy of higher weight ranges on the scale. D  The scale shall be tested from zero to at least 10 % of scale capacity using field standard weights, and then to at least 50 % of scale capacity using a series of substitution load tests that utilize field standard weights equaling at least 10 % of scale capacity. E  A strain strain-load -load test shall be conducted to verify the accuracy from 50 % of scale capacity to the used capacity of the scale.At least one load test shall be perfor performed med in each quarter of scale capacity. Strain-Load Test—In the strain-load test procedure, an unknown quantity of material or objects are used to establish a reference load or tare to which field standard weights or substitution test loads are added. --`,,,,``,``,,``````,,```,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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C94/C94M − 13a working ing 10.4 All exposed fulcrums, clevises, and similar work part pa rtss of sca scale less sh shall all be ke kept pt cle clean an.. Bea Beam m sc scale aless sh shal alll be equipped with a balance indicator sensitive enough to show move mo veme ment nt wh when en a we weig ight ht eq equa uall to 0. 0.1 1 % of th thee no nomi mina nall capacit cap acity y of the scale is pla placed ced in the batch hop hopper per.. Poi Pointer nter travel shall be a minimum of 5 % of the net-rated capacity of  the lar larges gestt wei weigh gh bea beam m for underwei underweight ght and 4 % for overoverweight. 10.5 10. 5 The device device for the meas measure uremen mentt of the add added ed wat water er shall be capable of delivering to the batch the quantity required within with in the accu accurac racy y req requir uired ed in   9.3 9.3..   The device shall be so arranged that the measurements will not be affected by variable pressures in the water supply line. Measuring tanks shall be equipped with outside taps and valves to provide for checking their calibration unless other means are provided for readily and accurately determining the amount of water in the tank. NOTE 14—The scale accuracy limitations of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Concre te Association Association Plant Certification Certification meet the requir requirement ementss of this specification.

11.. Mixe 11 Mixers rs and Agitators Agitators 11. 1.1 1 Mi Mixe xers rs wi will ll be st stati ation onar ary y mi mixe xers rs or tr truc uck k mix mixer ers. s. Agitators will be truck mixers or truck agitators. 11.1 1.1.1 .1 Stat Station ionary ary mix mixers ers sha shall ll be equ equipp ipped ed with a meta metall plate or plates on which are plainly marked the mixing speed of the drum or paddles, and the maximum capacity in terms of  the volume of mixed concrete. When used for the complete mixing of concrete, stationary mixers shall be equipped with an acceptable timing device that will not permit the batch to be discharged until the specified mixing time has elapsed. 11.1 1.1.2 .2 Each tru truck ck mix mixer er or agi agitato tatorr sha shall ll hav havee atta attache ched d thereto in a prominent place a metal plate or plates on which are plainly marked the gross volume of the drum, the capacity of the drum or container in terms of the volume of mixed concrete, and the minimum and maximum mixing speeds of  rotation of the drum, blades, or paddles. When the concrete is truck mixed as described in 12.5 in  12.5,,  or shrink mixed as described in 12.4 in  12.4,, the volume of mixed concrete shall not exceed 63 % of  `    ,   ,   ,   , `  `    , `  `    ,   , `  `  `  `  `  `    ,   , `  `  `    ,   , `    , `  `    , `  `    ,   , `    ,   , `    , `    ,   , `  -

the total volume of the drum or container. When the concrete is central mixed as descri described bed in 12.3 in  12.3,, the volum volumee of concr concrete ete in the truck mixer or agitator shall not exceed 80 % of the total volume of the drum or container. Truck mixers and agitators shall be equipped with means to readily verify the number of  revolutions of the drum, blades, or paddles. 11.2 All stat station ionary ary and tru truck ck mix mixers ers shall be cap capabl ablee of  combining the ingredients of the concrete within the specified time or the number number of rev revolu olutio tions ns spe specifie cified d in   12.5, 12.5,   into a thoroughly thoro ughly mixed and unifo uniform rm mass and of discha dischargin rging g the conc co ncre rete te so th that at no nott les lesss th than an fiv fivee of th thee six re requ quir irem emen ents ts shown in Table in  Table A1.1 shall A1.1  shall have been met. NOTE 15—The sequence or method of charging the mixer will have an important effect on the uniformity of the concrete.

11.3 The agitator shall 11.3 shall be capabl capablee of maintaining the mixed conc co ncre rete te in a th thor orou ough ghly ly mix mixed ed an and d un unif ifor orm m ma mass ss an and d of  discharging the concrete with a satisfactory degree of uniformity as defined by Annex by  Annex A1. A1. Copyright ASTM International Provided by IHS under license with ASTM No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

11.4 Slump tests of individual samples taken after discharge of approximately 15 % and 85 % of the load will provide a quick check of the probable degree of uniformity   (Note 16). 16). These two samples shall be obtained within an elapsed time of  not more than 15 min. If these slumps differ more than that specified specifi ed in in Annex  Annex A1, A1,  the mixer or agitator shall not be used unless the condition is corrected, except as provided in  11.5  11.5.. NOTE 16—No samples should be taken before 10 % or after 90 % of the batch has been discharged. Due to the difficulty of determining the actual quantity of concrete discharged, the intent is to provide samples that are representative of widely separated portions, but not the beginning and end of the load.

11.5 Use of the equipment is permitted 11.5 permitted when operation operation with a lo long nger er mi mixi xing ng tim time, e, a sm small aller er lo load ad,, or a mo more re ef efffici icien entt charging sequence will permit the requirements of  Annex  Annex A1 A1 to  to be met. 11.6 11 .6 Mixer Mixerss and agitato agitators rs shall be examin examined ed or their mass determine determ ined d as fre freque quentl ntly y as nec necessa essary ry to det detect ect cha change ngess in condition due to accumulations of hardened concrete or mortar and examined to detect wear of blades. When such changes are extensive enough to affect the mixer performance, the prooftestss des test describ cribed ed in   Annex Annex A1   shall shall be pe perf rfor orme med d to sh show ow whether the correction of deficiencies is required. 12. Mixi Mixing ng and Delivery Delivery 12.1 ReadyReady-mixed mixed concrete concrete shall be mixed and delivered to the point designated by the purchaser by means of one of the following combinations of operations: 12.1.1   Central-Mixed Concrete. 12.1.2   Shrink-Mixed Concrete. 12.1.3   Truck-Mixed Concrete. 12.2 Mixer Mixerss and agitators shall shall be operated within the limits of capacity and speed of rotation designated by the manufacturer of the equipment. 12.3  Central-Mixed Concrete— Concrete Concrete that is mixed completely in a stationary mixer and transported to the point of  delivery either in a truck agitator, or a truck mixer operating at agitating speed, or in nonagitating equipment approved by the purchaser and meeting the requirements of Section   13 13,,   shall conform to the following: The mixing time shall be counted from the time all the solid materials are in the drum. The batch shall be so charged into the mixer that some water will enter in advance of the cement and aggregate, and all water shall be in the drum by the end of the first one fourth of the specified mixing time. 12.3.1 12. 3.1 Where no mix mixer er per perfor forman mance ce test testss are mad made, e, the acceptable mixing time for mixers having capacities of 1 yd3 [0.76 m3] or less shall be not less than 1 min. For mixers of  greater capacity, this minimum shall be increased 15 s for each cubic cub ic yar yard d [cu [cubic bic metr metre] e] or fra fractio ction n ther thereof eof of add additio itional nal capacity capacit y (See (See Note  Note 17). 17). NOTE  17—Stationary mixers of similar design bearing a Performance Rated plate of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Manufacturers Bureau have been tested for their ability to produce uniformly mixed concrete in accordance with Annex A1  A1   for low slump (< 2 in. [50 mm]) and normal slump (4–6 in. [100–150 mm]) concrete in a mixing time between 30 and 90 sec.

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C94/C94M − 13a 12.3.2 2 Where mixer performanc performancee tests have been made on 12.3. given concrete mixtures in accordance with the testing program set forth in the following paragraphs, and the mixers have been charged to their rated capacity, the acceptable mixing time is permitted to be reduced for those particular circumstances to a point at which satisfactory mixing defined in 12.3.3 in  12.3.3 shall  shall have been accomplished. When the mixing time is so reduced the maximum time of mixing shall not exceed this reduced time by more than 60 s for air-entrained concrete.

ability to produce uniformly mixed concrete in accordance with   Annex A1.. A1

12.3.3   Sampling for Uniformity Tests Tests of Stationary Mixers—  Samples of con Samples concre crete te for com compar parativ ativee pur purpos poses es sha shall ll be obtained immediately after arbitrarily designated mixing times, in accordance with one of the following procedures:   Altern Thee mi mixe xerr sh shal alll be Alternative ative Pr Procedu ocedure re 1— Th stoppe sto pped, d, and the req requir uired ed samp samples les rem remove oved d by any sui suitabl tablee means from the concrete at approximately equal distances from the front and back of the drum, or   Alternative thee mi mixe xerr is be bein ing g Alternative Pro Procedur ceduree 2— As th emptied, individual samples shall be taken after discharge of  appr ap prox oxim imate ately ly 15 % an and d 85 % of th thee lo load ad.. Th Thee me meth thod od of  sampling shall provide that the samples are representative of  widely separated portions, but not from the very ends of the batch (Note (Note 16). 16). 12.3.3 12. 3.3.3 .3 The samples samples of con concre crete te sha shall ll be test tested ed in acco accorr-

(Note 16) 16). These samples shall be obtained within an elapsed time of not more than 15 min. The samples shall be secured in accorda acco rdance nce with Pra Practic cticee   C172/C172M, C172/C172M,   but but sh shall all be ke kept pt separate to represent specific points in the batch rather than combin com bined ed to for form m a com compos posite ite samp sample. le. Betw Between een sam samples ples,, where necessary to maintain slump, the mixer shall be turned in mix mixing ing dir directi ection on at agi agitati tating ng spe speed. ed. Dur During ing sam sampli pling ng the receptacle shall receive the full discharge of the chute. Sufficient personnel must be available to perform the required tests promptly. Segregation during sampling and handling must be avoided. Each sample shall be remixed the minimum amount to en ensu sure re un unif ifor ormi mity ty be befo fore re sp spec ecim imen enss ar aree mo mold lded ed fo forr a particular partic ular test.

dance with Section   18 18,,   and differences in test results for the two samples shall not exceed those given in Annex in  Annex A1. A1.  Mixer performance tests shall be repeated whenever the appearance of the con concre crete te or the coa coarse rse aggregate aggregate con conten tentt of sam sample pless selected sele cted as out outlin lined ed in thi thiss sec section tion indicates indicates tha thatt ade adequa quate te mixing has not been accomplished.

tra transp nsport orting ing concre con crete te turning thatt has tha been bee n transportation comple com pletely tely mixed in ata stationary mixer, any during shall be the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as agitating agitatin g speed.

12.4   Shrink-Mixed Concrete— Concrete Concrete that is first partially mixed in a stationary mixer, and then mixed completely in a truck mixer, shall conform to the following: The time of partial mixing shall be minimum required to intermingle the ingredients. After transfer transfer to a truck mixer the amount of mixing at the designated mixing speed will be that necessary to meet the requirements requir ements for unifo uniformity rmity of concre concrete te as indicat indicated ed in in Annex  Annex A1..   Test A1 Testss to co confi nfirm rm su such ch pe perf rfor orma manc ncee sh shall all be ma made de in accordance with 12.3.3 with  12.3.3 and  and Additional turning of the mixer, if any, shall be at a designated agitating speed. 12.5   Truck-Mixed Truck-Mixed Concrete— Concret Concretee tha thatt is com complet pletely ely mixed in a truck mixer, 70 to 100 revolutions at the mixing speed designated by the manufacturer to produce the uniformity mit y of co conc ncre rete te in indi dicat cated ed in   Annex Annex A1   (see   Note Note 18 18). ). Concre Con crete te uni unifor formity mity tests sha shall ll be mad madee in acco accorda rdance nce with 12.5.1 and 12.5.1  and if requirements for uniformity of concrete indicated in Annex in  Annex A1 are A1  are not met with 100 revolutions of mixing, after all ingredients including water, are in the drum, that mixer shall not be used until the condition is corrected, except as provided in  11.5  11.5..  When satisfactory performance is found in one truck  mixer mix er,, the per perfor forman mance ce of mix mixers ers of sub substan stantial tially ly the sam samee design and condition of blades are permitted to be regarded as satisfactory satisfa ctory.. Additional revolutions revolutions of the mixer beyond the number found to produce the required uniformity of concrete shall be at a designated agitating speed. NOTE 18—Truck mixers of similar design bearing a Performance Rated plate of the Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau have been tested for their

12.5.1   Sampling Sampling for Uni Unifor formity mity of Con Concr crete ete Pr Produ oduced ced in The concrete shall be discharged at the normal Truck Mixers— The operati ope rating ng rat ratee for the mix mixer er bein being g test tested, ed, with care bei being ng exercised not to obstruct or retard the discharge by an incompletely opened gate or seal. Separate samples, each consisting of approximately 2 ft3 [0.1 m3 approximately] shall be taken after discharge of approximately 15 % and 85 % of the load

12.6 12 .6 When When a tr truc uck k mix mixer er or tr truc uck k ag agit itato atorr is us used ed fo forr

12.7 For truck mixers satisfying satisfying the requi requirement rementss of   12.5 for mixing concrete, no water from the truck water system or elsewhere shall be added after the initial introduction of mixing water for the batch except when on arrival at the job site the slump or slump flow of the concrete is less than that specified, and except as permitted separately in 12.9 in  12.9..  If the desired slump or slu slump mp flow is les lesss tha than n spe specifi cified, ed, and unl unless ess otherwis otherwisee state st ated, d, ob obta tain in th thee de desir sired ed sl slum ump p or slu slump mp flo flow w wi with thin in th thee tolera tol erances nces sta stated ted in   7.1.1, 7.1.1,   7.1.2, 7.1.2, or   7.1.3   with with a one one-tim -timee addition of water. Do not exceed the maximum water content for the batch as established by the designed mixture proportion. A one-time one-time add additio ition n of wat water er is not pro prohib hibited ited from bei being ng several distinct additions of water provided that no concrete has been discharged except for slump or slump flow flow testing. All water additions shall be completed within 15 min from the start of th thee fir first st wa water ter ad addi ditio tion. n. Su Such ch ad addi ditio tiona nall wa water ter sh shall all be injected into the mixer under such pressure and direction of  flow to allo allow w for proper proper dis distrib tributi ution on with within in the mix mixer er.. The drum shall be turned an additional 30 revolutions, or more if  nece ne cess ssar ary y, at mix mixin ing g sp spee eed d to en ensu sure re th that at a ho homo moge geno nous us mixture is attained. Water shall not be added to the batch at any later time. Discharge of the concr concrete ete shall be completed within 1 1  ⁄ 2  h after the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and an d ag aggr greg egate atess or th thee in intr trod oduc uctio tion n of th thee cem cemen entt to th thee aggregates. This limitation may be waived by the purchaser if  the concrete is of such slump or slump flow after the 1 1 ⁄ 2-h time has been reached that it can be placed, without the addition of  water wa ter to th thee ba batch tch.. In ho hott we weath ather er,, or un unde derr co cond nditi ition onss contributing to rapid stiffening of the concrete, a time less than 11 ⁄ 2   h is permitted to be specified by the purchaser.


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C94/C94M − 13a 12.8 .8 When When a dr drum um re revo volu lutio tion n lim limit it (6.1.8 6.1.8)) fo forr st star artt of  12 discharge discha rge is specifie specified d by the purch purchaser aser,, this limit shall govern.

concrete tempe concrete temperature raturess appro approach ach 90 °F [32 °C]. Addit Additional ional information information may be found in ACI 305R.

NOTE   19—Depend 19—Depending ing on the project requir requirements ements the techno technology logy is available to the manufacturer to alter fresh concrete properties (such as setting time, slump or slump flow, air content, etc.). On some projects the manufacturer may request changes to certain fresh concrete properties due to the distance or projected transportation time between the batch plant and the point of delivery.

13. Use of Nonag Nonagitati itating ng Equipment Equipment

12.9 For truck mixers with automated water measurement measurement and slump slu mp iforpermitted slump slu mp flow monito monitorin ring g equ equipm ipment ent defined in 12.9.1 and 12.9.1  and by the purchaser, water maydefi be ned added during transportation to the job site. Such additional water shall be injected into the mixer under such pressure and direction of  flow to allo allow w for proper proper dis distrib tributi ution on wit within hin the mix mixer er.. The water content of the batch shall not exceed that established by the designed mixture proportions. If water is added, the mixer shall be rotated for an additional 30 drum revolutions, or more if necessary, at mixing speed to ensure a homogeneous mix is attai att aine ned. d. Sa Said id mi mixi xing ng sh shall all tak takee pl plac acee af after ter th thee la last st wa water ter addition but before the start of discharge. The acceptance or rejection of concrete based on slump or slump flow shall be according to Section  Section   17 17 of  of this specification. 12.9.1 12. 9.1 The aut automa omated ted slu slump mp or slu slump mp flow mon monito itorin ring g equipment shall be capable of obtaining one or more physical measurements on the truck mixer related to concrete slump or slump flow and providing an indication of slump or slump flow based on pre-established correlations. The slump or slump flow measure meas uremen mentt equ equipm ipment ent sha shall ll rep report ort in ter terms ms of slu slump mp or slump flow. The device for the measurement of water added to the truck mixer shall be accurate to 63 % of the amount added with said device. Upon request by the purchaser, the manufacturer shall submit data no older than 6 months substantiating the accuracy of the device for the measurement of water added. The equ equipm ipment ent sha shall ll hav havee con contro trols ls to pre preven ventt dis discha charg rgee of  water at pre-set limits to avoid exceeding the maximum water content for the batch as established by the designed mixture proportions. 12.10 Con 12.10 Concre crete te del delive ivered red in col cold d wea weathe therr sha shall ll hav havee the applicable applica ble minimu minimum m temper temperature ature indicated in the follow following ing table. (The purchaser shall inform the producer as to the type of construction for which the concrete is intended.) Minimum Concrete Temperature as Placed Sec Se cti tion on Si Size ze,, in in.. [m [mm] m]

Tem empe pera ratu ture re,, mi min, n, °F [° [°C] C]


55 [13] 50 [10] 45 [7] 40 [5]

Thee max Th maximu imum m tem tempe perat ratur uree of con concr crete ete pr prod oduce uced d wit with h heated agg heated aggreg regates ates,, hea heated ted water, water, or bot both, h, sha shall ll at no time during its production or transportation exceed 90 °F [32 °C]. NOTE   20—When hot water is used rapid stiffening may occur if hot water is brought in direct contact with the cement. Additional information on cold weather concreting is contained in ACI 306R.

12.11 12.1 1 The producer producer shall delive deliverr the ready mixed concrete concrete during duri ng ho hott we weat athe herr at co conc ncre rete te te temp mper erat atur ures es as lo low w as practicable, subject to the approval of the purchaser. NOTE   21—In 21—In some situations difficulty difficulty may be encoun encountered tered when

13.1 Whe 13.1 When n the use of non non-ag -agitat itating ing tra transp nsport ortatio ation n equ equipipment me nt is ap appr prov oved ed by th thee pu purc rcha hase serr, th thee co conc ncre rete te sh shal alll be manufactured in a central mix plant. The proportions of the concrete shall be approved by the purchaser and the following limitations shall apply: 13.2 13. 2 Bod Bodies ies of non nonagit agitatin ating g equ equipm ipment ent sha shall ll be smo smooth oth,, watertight waterti ght,, meta metall con contain tainers ers equ equipp ipped ed with gat gates es tha thatt will permit control of the discharge of the concrete. Covers shall be provided for protection against the weather when required by the purchaser. 13.3 The concrete concrete shall be delivered delivered to the site of the work  in a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass and discharged with a satisfactory degree of uniformity as prescribed in Annex in  Annex A1. A1. 13.4 Slump tests of individual individual samples taken after discharge discharge of approximately 15 % and 85 % of the load will provide for a quick check of the probable degree of uniformity   (Note 16). 16). These two samples shall be obtained within an elapsed time of  not more than 15 min. If these slumps differ more than that specified in  Table A1.1, A1.1,  the nonagitating equipment shall not be used unless the conditions are corrected as provided in 13.5 in  13.5.. 13.5 If the requiremen requirements ts of  Annex  Annex A1 are A1  are not met when the nonagitating equipment is operated for the maximum time of  haul ha ul,, an and d wi with th th thee co conc ncre rete te mi mixe xed d th thee mi mini nimu mum m tim time, e, th thee equipm equ ipment ent sha shall ll onl only y be use used d whe when n ope operat rated ed usi using ng sho shorte rterr hauls, or longer mixing times, or combinations thereof that will result in the requirements of  Annex  Annex A1  being met. 14. Batc Batch h Tic Ticket ket Information Information 14.1 The manufacturer manufacturer of the concr concrete ete shall furnish to the purchaser with each batch of concrete before unloading at the site, a delivery ticket on which is printed, stamped, or written, information concerning said concrete as follows: 14.1.1 14. 1.1 Name of rea readydy-mix mix com compan pany y and bat batch ch pla plant, nt, or batch plant number, 14.1.2 14.1. 2 Serial number number of ticket, 14.1.3 14.1. 3 Date, 14.1.4 14.1. 4 Tru Truck ck number, number, 14.1.5 14.1. 5 Name of purchaser, purchaser, 14.1.6 14.1. 6 Specific designation designation of job (name and locatio location), n), 14.1 14 .1.7 .7 Specifi Specificc cl clas asss or de desi sign gnati ation on of th thee co conc ncre rete te in conformance with that employed in job specifications, 14.1.8 14.1. 8 Amoun Amountt of concr concrete ete in cubic yards (or cubic metres), metres), 14.1 14 .1.9 .9 Tim Timee lo load aded ed or of fir first st mi mixi xing ng of ce ceme ment nt an and d aggregates, and 14.1.1 14. 1.10 0 Amo Amount unt of wat water er add added ed by purchaser purchaser of the concrete cre te or the pur purcha chaser’ ser’ss des design ignated ated rep repres resent entativ ativee and his initials. 14.1.11 For trucks equipped with automated water measurement me nt an and d slu slump mp or sl slum ump p flo flow w mo moni nito tori ring ng eq equi uipm pmen entt as defined define d in   12.9.1, 12.9.1,   the total amount amount of water added by sai said d equipment. 14.1.12 14.1. 12 Revolu Revolution tion limit as determ determined ined by the manuf manufacacturer in accordance with 6.1.8 with  6.1.8..


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C94/C94M − 13a 14.2 2 Add Additio itional nal inf inform ormatio ation n for cert certifica ificatio tion n pur purpos poses es as 14. designated by the purchaser and required by the job specifications shall be furnished when requested; such information as: 14.2.1 14.2. 1 Readin Reading g of revol revolution ution counter counter at the first addition of  water, 14.2.2 14.2. 2 Type, brand, brand, and amoun amountt of cement, 14.2.3 14. 2.3 Clas Class, s, brand, brand, and amount amount of coa coall fly ash, or raw or calcined natural pozzo pozzolans, lans, 14.2.4 14.2. 4 Grade Grade,, brand, and amount of slag cement,

NOTE   22—Deviation from standard test methods may adversely affect test results. NOTE   23—Deviation from standard moisture and temperature curing conditions is often a reason for low strength test results. Such deviations may invalidate the use of such test results as a basis for rejection of the concrete.

14.2. 14.2.5 5 brand, and brand, amountt of amoun fume, 14.2.6 14.2. 6 T Type, ype, brand, and amount of silica admixtures admixt ures 14.2.7 14.2. 7 Type, brand, and amount of fiber reinforcement, reinforcement, 14.2 14 .2.8 .8 So Sour urce ce an and d am amou ount nt of ea each ch me meter tered ed or we weig ighe hed d water, 14.2.9 14.2. 9 Info Information rmation necessary necessary to calculat calculatee the total mixing water. Total mixing water includes free water on aggregates, batch water (metered or weighed) including ice batched at the plant, wash water retained in the mixing drum, and water added by the truck operator from the mixer tank, 14.2.10 14.2. 10 Maximu Maximum m size of aggre aggregate, gate, 14.2.11 14.2. 11 Mass (amount) (amount) of fine and coarse aggregate, 14.2.12 14.2. 12 Ingre Ingredients dients certified as being previously previously approved, approved, and 14.2.13 14.2. 13 Signatu Signature re or initials of producer’s producer’s repres representativ entative. e.

samples of fresh at time of placement to determine conformance of itconcrete to this specification.

15. Plan Plantt Inspection Inspection

17.5 17 .5 Stre Streng ngth th te test stss as we well ll as sl slum ump p or sl slum ump p flo flow w, temperature, density, and air content tests shall generally be made with a frequency of not less than one test for each 150 yd (115 m3). Each test shall be made from a separate batch. On each day concrete is delivered, at least one strength test shall be made for each class of concrete.

15.1 The manufacturer manufacturer shall afford afford the inspec inspector tor all reason reason-able access, without charge, for making necessary checks of  the production production facilitie facilitiess and for securi securing ng necessary samples to determine if the concrete is being produced in accordance with this specification. specification. All tests and inspec inspection tion shall be so conducted as not to int interf erfere ere unn unnece ecessar ssarily ily wit with h the man manufa ufactu cture re and delivery of concrete. 16. Practices, Test Test Methods, and Reporting 16.1 Test 16.1 Test rea readydy-mix mixed ed con concre crete te in acco accorda rdance nce with the following methods: 16.1.1   Compression Compression Test Specimens— Practice Practice   C31/C31M, C31/C31M, using standard moist curing in accordance with the applicable provi provisions sions of Practic Practicee  C31/C31M  C31/C31M. 16.1.2  Compression Tests— Test Test. Method C39/C39M Method  C39/C39M.. 16.1.3   Yield Method d   C138/  Yield,, Mas Masss per Cub Cubic ic Foo Foot—  t— Test Metho C138M.. C138M 16.1.4   Air Co Conte ntent—  nt— Test Metho Method d   C138/C138M; C138/C138M;   Test Method C173/C173M Method  C173/C173M   or Test Method C231/C231M Method  C231/C231M.. 16.1.5   Slump— Test Test Method C143/C143M Method  C143/C143M.. 16.1.6  Slump Flow— Test Test Method  Method   C1611/C1611M. C1611/C1611M. 16.1.7   Sampling Fresh Concrete— Practice C172/C172M Practice  C172/C172M.. 16.1.8   Temperature— Test Test Method C1064/C1064M Method  C1064/C1064M.. 16.2 The testing laboratory laboratory performing performing acceptance tests of  concrete shall meet the requirements of Practice C1077 Practice  C1077.. 16.3 Lab 16.3 Labora orator tory y rep report ortss of con concre crete te test res result ultss use used d to determine compliance with this specification shall include a statement that all tests performed by the laboratory or its agents were in accordance with the applicable test methods or shall notee all kno not known wn dev deviati iations ons fro from m the pre prescr scribe ibed d pro proced cedure uress (No Note te 22 22). ). The re repo port rtss sh shall all also list an any y pa part rt of the tes testt methods not performed by the laboratory.

17. Sampling and Testing Testing Fresh Concrete Concrete 17.1 The contractor contractor shall afford afford the inspec inspector tor all reason reasonable able access and assistance, without charge, for the procurement of 

17.2 Tests of con 17.2 concre crete te req requir uired ed to det determ ermine ine com complia pliance nce with this specification shall be made by a certified technician in accordance accord ance with Practic Practicee  C1077  C1077.. 17.3 Sample Sampless of concr concrete ete shall be obtain obtained ed in accord accordance ance with Practice   C172/C172M, C172/C172M, except when taken to determine uniformity of slump within any one batch or load of concrete (11.4 11.4,,  12.3.3  12.3.3,,  12.5.1  12.5.1,,   and and 13.4  13.4)). 17.4 17. 4 Slu Slump mp or slu slump mp flow flow,, air air-co -conte ntent, nt, den density sity,, and tem tem-perature tests shall be made at the time of discharge at the option opt ion of the inspector inspector as oft often en as is nec necess essary ary for con contro troll checks. In addition, these tests shall be made when specified and always when strength specimens are made.


17.6 17. 6 If pre prelimi liminar nary y che checks cks of slu slump, mp, slump flow flow,, or air conten cont entt ar aree ma made de,, a si sing ngle le sa samp mple le sh shall all be ta take ken n af after ter th thee 3 3  1  1 discharge of not less than  ⁄ 4   yd or  ⁄ 4   m . All other requirement me ntss of Pr Prac actic ticee   C172/C172M   shal shalll be re reta tain ined ed.. If th thee preliminary measurement of slump  slump   (12.7 12.7))  or air content   (8.3 8.3)) falls outside the specified limits, address as indicated in section 17.6.1 or 17.6.1  or  17.6.2  17.6.2   as appropriate. 17.6.1 17.6. 1 If the measured slump or slump flow, flow, or air content, or both is greater than the specified upper limit, a check test shall be made immediately on a new test sample. In the event the check test fails, the concrete shall be considered to have failed the requirements of the specification. 17.6.2 17.6. 2 If the measured slump or slump flow, flow, or air content, or both is less than the low lower er limi limit, t, per permit mit adjustmen adjustments ts in accordance with 12.7 with  12.7 or  or 8.3  8.3 or  or both, as appropriate, appropriate, and obtain a new sample. If the sample of the adjusted concrete fails, a check test shall be made immediately on a new sample of the adjusted adjust ed concrete. In the event the check test fails, the concr concrete ete shall sha ll be con consid sidered ered to hav havee fai failed led the requiremen requirements ts of the specification. 18. Str Strength ength 18.1 Wh 18.1 When en st stre reng ngth th is us used ed as a ba basis sis for acc accep epta tanc ncee of  concrete, standard specimens shall be made in accordance to Practice   C31/C31M. C31/C31M.   The The sp speci ecime mens ns sh shal alll be cu cure red d un unde derr standard standa rd moistu moisture re and temper temperature ature conditions conditions in accord accordance ance with wit h the app applica licable ble pro provis vision ionss of Pra Practic cticee   C31/C31M. C31/C31M. The technician performing the strength test shall be certified as an


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C94/C94M − 13a ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technician, Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician—Grade II or by an equivalent written and an d pe perf rfor orma manc ncee te test st pr prog ogra ram m co cove veri ring ng th thee re relev levan antt tes testt methods. If acceptance is based upon compressive strength test results, the certification requirement is satisfied by certification as an ACI Concrete Laboratory Testing Testing Technician—Grade Technician—Grade I or by an equivalent written and performance test program. 18.2 For a strength test, at least two standard standard test specimens shall be made from a composite sample secured as required in Section   17 17..   A test shall be the average of the strengths of the specimens specime ns tested at the age specifi specified ed in in or  or (  (Note Note 24). 24 ). If a spe specime cimen n sho shows ws defi definit nitee evid evidenc encee oth other er tha than n low strength, of improper sampling, molding, handling, curing, or testing, it shall be discarded and the strength of the remaining cylinder shall then be considered the test result. NOTE   24—A 24—Addi dditio tional nal tests may be mad madee at oth other er age agess to obt obtain ain information for determining form removal time or when a structure may be put in service. Specimens for such tests are cured according to the section on Field Curing in Practice  C31/C31M  C31/C31M..

18.3 The representative representative of the purchaser shall ascertain ascertain and record the delivery-ticket number for the concrete and the exact locat lo catio ion n in th thee wo work rk at wh whic ich h ea each ch lo load ad re repr pres esen ented ted by a strength test is deposited. 18.4 To conform to the requirements requirements of this specification, specification, strength tests representing each class of concrete must meet the following two requirements (Note (Note 25): 25): 18.4.1 18.4. 1 The average of any three conse consecutive cutive strength strength tests shall be equal to, or greater than, the specified strength,  f  ' ' c, and

18.4.2 18.4. 2 When the specified specified strength is 5000 psi psi [35 MPa] or less, no individual strength test (average of two cylinder tests) shall sh all be mo more re th than an 50 500 0 ps psii [3 [3.5 .5 MP MPa] a] be belo low w th thee sp speci ecifie fied d strength,  f  ' c. NOTE  25—Due to variations in materials, operations, and testing, the average strength necessary to meet these requirements will be substantially higher than the specified strength. The amount higher depends upon the standard deviation deviation of the test results and the accuracy with which that value val ue can be est estima imated ted fro from m pri prior or dat dataa as exp explai lained ned in ACI 318 and ACI 301. Pertinent data are given in   Appendix X1. X1.

18.4.3 18.4. 3 When the specified strength strength is greater than 5000 psi [35 MPa], no individual strength test (average of two cylinder tests) shall be less than 0.90  f  ' c. 19. Failure to Meet Strength Strength Requirements Requirements 19.1 In the event that concrete concrete tested in accordance accordance with the requirements of Section  Section   18 18 fails  fails to meet the strength requirements men ts of thi thiss spe specific cificatio ation, n, the man manufa ufactu cturer rer of the rea readydymixed mix ed con concre crete te and the pur purcha chaser ser sha shall ll con confer fer to dete determi rmine ne whether agreement can be reached as to what adjustment or adjustments, if any, shall be made to the mixture proportions, production process, or testing procedures. NOTE   26—Sec 26—Sectio tion n R5. R5.6.3 6.3.4 .4 of the ACI 318 318–1 –11 1 Com Commen mentar tary y and Section 5.6.5 of ACI 318–11 and its respective Commentary Commentary address when and how low strength test results and the quality of in-place concrete can be investigated.

20. Keyw Keywords ords 20.1 accurac accuracy; y; blen blended ded hyd hydraul raulic ic cemen cement; t; certi certificat fication; ion; ready-mixed ready -mixed concrete; scales; testing


A1.1 The variation variation within a batch as provided provided in T in Table able A1.1 shall be determined for each property listed as the difference between the highest value and the lowest value obtained from the different portions of the same batch. For this specification `    ,   ,   ,   , `  `    , `  `    ,   , `  `  `  `  `  `    ,   , `  `  `    ,   , `    , `  `    , `  `    ,   , `    ,   , `    , `    ,   , `  -

the comparison will be between two samples, representing the

TABLE A1.1 Requirements for Uniformity of Concrete Requirement, Expressed as Maximum Permissible Difference in Results of Tests of Samples Taken from Two Locations in the Concrete Batch


Mass per cubic foot [mass per cubic meter] calculated to an air-free basis, lb/ft 3 [kg/m3] Air content, volume % of concrete Slump: If average slump is 4 in. [100 mm] or less, in. [mm] If average slump is 4 to 6 in. [100 to 150 mm], in. [mm] Coarse aggregate content, portion by mass of each sample retained on No. 4 [4.75-mm] sieve, % Mass per unit volume of air-free mortar based on average for all comparative samples tested, %. Average compressive strength at 7 days for each sample,A ba base sed d on av aver erag age e st stre reng ngth th of al alll co comp mpar arat ativ ive e te test st sp spec ecim imen ens, s, % A B 

Not less than 3 cylinders will be molded and tested from each of the samples. Approval of the mixer shall be tentative, pending results of the 7-day compressive strength tests.

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1.0 [16] 1.0 1.0 [25] 1.5 [40] 6.0 1.6 7.5 7. 5B 


C94/C94M − 13a first and last portions of the batch being tested. Test results conforming to the limits of five of the six tests listed in Table in  Table A1.1   shall indicate uniform concrete within the limits of this A1.1 specification.

V  2


where: P   = mass % of coarse coarse aggregat aggregatee in concrete, concrete,   = satu sa tura rated ted-s -sur urfa face ce-d -dry ry mass ma ss in lb [k [kg] g] of ag aggr greg egate ate c retained on the No. 4 [4.75-mm] sieve, resulting from washing all material finer than this sieve from the fresh concrete, concr ete, and mass ss of sam sampl plee of fresh fresh concr concret etee in mass per unit unit b   = ma volume container, lb [kg].


 V  3 A










SI units:

A1.2   Coarse Aggr Aggregate egate Conte Content, nt,   using using the was washou houtt test test,, shall be computed from the following relations: P 5 ~ c / b ! 3 100


 M  5


 M  5 V  2


 V  3 A






where: 3


 M    = mass per per unit unit volume volume of of air-free air-free morta mortar, r, lb/ft [kg/m ],

of concrete concrete sample in mass mass container container,, lb [kg], b   = mass of c   = satu saturat rateded-sur surfac face-d e-dry ry mass of agg aggreg regate ate retained retained on No. 4 [4.75-mm] sieve, lb [kg], V    = volum volumee of mass per per unit unit volume volume container container,, ft3 [m3], content of con concre crete, te, %, mea measur sured ed in accordanc accordancee  A   = air content with 16.1.4 with  16.1.4 on  on the sample being tested, and G   = densit density y of of coarse coarse aggre aggregate gate (SSD) (SSD)..

A1.3   Mass per Unit Volume Volume of Air Free Mortar  Mortar   shall be calculated as follows:  Inch-pound units:

APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information) X1. Calcu Calculation lation of the Averag Averagee Comp Compress ressive ive Strength ( f  '  ' ), Necessary to Meet the Strength Requirements of Sections  18.4.1  18.4.1,,  18.4.2  18.4.2,, and 18.4.3 and  18.4.3 cr

X1.1 Section   18.4   of this specification contains the same stren str engt gth h re requ quir irem emen ents ts as th thos osee co cont ntain ained ed in AC ACII 31 318 8 an and d ACI 301, except it does not require the submittal of the data and calculation of the average strength,  f  ' cr  necessary to meet those ACI Code and Specifications. This Appendix does not include all of the detailed requirements of the ACI Code and Specification that will govern a submittal for their respective purposes. The following material is intended to guide users of  this specification when no formal submittal is required. X1.1.1   Table X1.1 provides X1.1  provides the statistical formulas that can be used to calculate the required average strength   f   'cr   when historical statistical data are available. The formula to achieve

a sati satisfa sfactor ctory y ave averag ragee of thr three ee con consec secutiv utivee str streng ength th test testss as required in 18.4.1 in  18.4.1 is  is (Eq. X1.1) of   Table X1.1. X1.1.  The formulas for the minimum strength of an individual strength test result as required in 18.4.2 in  18.4.2 and  and 18.4.3  18.4.3 are  are (Eq. X1.2) and ( Eq. X1.3) in Table X1.1 X1.1.. Sin Since ce the ave averag ragee str streng ength, th,   f   'cr, must be high enough to conform to both averages of three consecutive tests and the requirements on minimum strength of a test, the one which requires highest average strength ( f   'cr) governs. X1.1.2 X1.1 .2 The fir first st ste step p in th thee pr proc oces esss of cal calcu culat latin ing g th thee over-design above   f   '   or the required average strength is to c determine if a record of 30 consecutive tests is available for the propos pro posed ed mix mixtur turee or simi similar lar mix mixtur turee wit with h a des design ign str streng ength th

TABLE X1.1 Requi Required red Average Compressive Compressive Streng Strength th when Data are Available Available to Establ Establish ish a Standa Standard rd Deviat Deviation ion Specified Strength f  ' ' c, psi f  ' ' c  equal to or less than 5000

grea gr eate terr th than an 50 5000 00

Inch-pound System Required Average Strength f  ' ' cr, psi Use the larger from Eq X1.1 and X1.2 f  ' ' cr  =  f   f  ' ' c  + 1.34s f  ' ' cr  =  f   f  ' ' c  + 2.33s – 500 Use th Use the e la larg rger er fr from om Eq X1.1 and X1.3 f  ' ' cr  =  f   f  ' ' c  + 1.34s f  ' ' cr  = 0.90f  0.90f  ' ' c  + 2.33s

SI System Required Average Strength f  ' ' cr, MPa

Specified Strength f  ' ' c, MPa f  ' ' c  equal to or less than 35 (X1.1) (X1.2) greater than 35 (X1.1) (X1.3)

Use the larger from Eq X1.1 and X1.2m f  ' ' cr  =  f   f  ' ' c  + 1.34s f  ' ' cr  =  f   f  ' ' c  + 2.33s – 3.45

(X1.1) (X1.2m)

Use the larger from Eq X1.1 and X1.3 f  ' ' cr  =  f   f  ' ' c  + 1.34s f  ' ' cr  = 0.90f  0.90f  ' ' c  + 2.33s

(X1.1) (X1.3)

where: f ' c    =   the specified compressive strength f ' cr    =   the required average compressive strength s    =   the standard deviation


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C94/C94M − 13a withi hin n 10 1000 00 ps psii [6 [6.6 .6 MP MPa] a] of th thee sp spec ecifi ified ed co comp mpre ress ssiv ivee wit strength proposed for use. If it is a new mixture or strength level and no standard deviation data is available then   Table X1.2   provide providess def default ault lev levels els of ove overr-des design ign equ equal al to 100 1000, 0, 1200 or (1.10 f   'c   +700) psi.

X1.1.3   Table Table X1. X1.3 3   provid provides es calc calcula ulated ted val values ues of ove overrdesign des ign and req requir uired ed ave averag ragee str streng ength th for sel selecte ected d sta standa ndard rd deviations and specified strength levels. Because of the large ranges ran ges of str streng ength th and sta standa ndard rd dev deviati iations ons,, the gra gray y sha shaded ded areas are considered unusual or not likely to be encountered.

TABLE TA BLE X1.2 Requir Required ed Average Compressive Compressive Streng Strength th When Data Are Not Available Available to Estab Establish lish a Stand Standard ard Deviat Deviation ion Inch-pound System Required Average Strength  f   f  ' ' cr, ps psii

Specified Strengthf  Strengthf  ' ' c   , psi Less than 3000 3000 to 5000


greater than 5000

Spec Sp ecifi ified ed St Stre reng ngth thf f  ' ' c   , MP MPa a

f  ' ' c   + 1000

Less than 21

f  ' ' c   + 1200

21 to 35

1.10f  ' ' c   + 700

greater than 35


SI System Requ Re quir ired ed Ave vera rage ge St Stre reng ngth th f   f  ' ' cr, MPa f  ' ' c  + 7.0 f  ' ' c  + 8.5 1.10f  ' ' c  + 5.0

where: f ' c    =   the specified compressive strength f ' cr    =   the required average compressive strength s    =   the standard deviation

`    ,   ,   ,   , `  `    , `  `    ,   , `  `  `  `  `  `    ,   , `  `  `    ,   , `    , `  `    , `  `    ,   , `    ,   , `    , `    ,   , `  -

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C94/C94M − 13a TABLE X1.3 Overdesign Necessary to Conform to Specified Compressive Strength

                    `   ,   ,         `   ,         `   ,   ,         `   ,   ,         `             `       ,         `         `   ,         `   ,   ,         `         `         `   ,   ,         `         `         `         `         `         `   ,   ,         `         `   ,         `         `   ,   ,   ,   ,         `         -

SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee Committ ee C09 has identified identified the location location of sele selected cted changes changes to thi thiss spe specific cificatio ation n sin since ce the las lastt issu issue, e, C94/C94M–13, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved August 1, 2013) (1) Added 6.1.8 Added  6.1.8,,  Note 4, 4,  12.8  12.8,,  Note 19, 19,  a  and nd 14.1.12  14.1.12.. (2) Changes in 12.7 in  12.7..

(3) Revised 19.1 Revised  19.1..

Committ Com mittee ee C09 has identified identified the location location of sele selected cted changes changes to thi thiss spe specific cificatio ation n sin since ce the las lastt issu issue, e, C94/C94M–12a, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved February 1, 2013) (1) Section 12.7 Section  12.7   was modified.

(2) Added Sections 12.9 Sections  12.9,,  12.9.1  12.9.1,,   14.1.11. 14.1.11.

Committee Committ ee C09 has identified identified the location location of sele selected cted changes changes to thi thiss spe specific cificatio ation n sin since ce the las lastt issu issue, e, C94/C94M–12, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved December 1, 2012) (1) Revised 10.3 Revised  10.3 and  and  10.4  10.4 including  including the addition of  Table   Table 2 to 2  to desc de scrib ribee th thee ve veri rific ficati ation on pr proc ocess ess fo forr sc scale aless fo forr we weig ighi hing ng materials.

(2) Added reference to NIST Handbook Handbook 105-1 on field standard weights in Table in  Table 2  2   and Referenced Documents.

ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the ASTM website (www.astm.or (  g/  COPYRIGHT/).

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