ASTM C131/C131M − 14: Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine

January 26, 2019 | Author: Shaheer Ahmad | Category: Structural Steel, Bearing (Mechanical), Building Engineering, Nature
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Short Description

Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Ange...


Designation:C131/C131M − 14


ResistancetoDegradationofSmall-SizeCoarseAggregate byAbrasionandImpactintheLosAngelesMachine 1 ThisstandardisissuedunderthefixeddesignationC131/C131M;thenumberimmediatelyfollowingthedesignationindicatestheyear oforiginaladoptionor,inthe caseofrevision,theyearoflast oflast revis oflastrevis revision.Anumberinparenthes ion.Anumberinparenthes esindicatestheyearof esindicatestheyearoflastreappro lastreapproval. Asuperscriptepsilon( ´)indicatesaneditorialchangesin )indicatesaneditorialchangesincethelastrevision cethelastrevisionorreapproval orreapproval.. ThisstandardhasbeenapprovedforusebyagenciesoftheU.S.DepartmentofDefense.

C136 C136TestMethodforSieveAnalysisofFineandCoarse TestMethodforSieveAnalysisofFineandCoarse Aggregates C535 C535TestMethodforResistancetoDegradationofLargeTestMethodforResistancetoDegradationofLargeSizeCoarseAggregatebyAbrasionandImpactintheLos Angeles Machine C670 C670PracticeforPreparingPrecisionandBiasStatements PracticeforPreparingPrecisionandBiasStatements forTestMethodsforConstructionMaterials C702 C702PracticeforReducingSamplesof  PracticeforReducingSamplesof  AggregatetoT AggregatetoTesting esting Size D75 D75Practicefor Practicefor Sampli SamplingAggregate ngAggregate ngAggregatess E11 E11SpecificationforWovenWireTestSieveClothandTest SpecificationforWovenWireTestSieveClothandTest Sieves

1. Sco Scope* pe* 1.1 Thistestmethodcovers aprocedurefor aprocedurefortestingofcoarse testingofcoarse aggregat aggregateswithamaximum eswithamaximumsizesmallerthan sizesmallerthan37.5mm([1 37.5mm([1 1⁄2 in.]for resista resistanceto nceto ncetodegrad degrad degradationusingthe ationusingthe LosAnge LosAngelestesting lestesting machine( machine(Note1 Note1 Note1)). NOTE1—Aprocedurefortesting 1—Aprocedurefortestingcoarseaggreg coarseaggregatelarger atelargerthan19.0mm than19.0mm [3⁄4 in.]iscoveredinTestMethod in.]iscoveredinTestMethodC535 C535 C535.. Thuscoarseaggregateswitha maximumsizebetween19mm[ 3⁄4 in.]and37.5mm[1 1⁄2 in.]maybe testedby Te Test st Metho Method dC535 C535orTestMethodC131/C131M. orTestMethodC131/C131M.

1.2 ThevaluesstatedineitherSIunitsorinch-po undunits aretoberegardedseparatelyasstandard.Thevaluesstatedin eachsystem may not be exa exact ct equ equiva iva ivalen len lents; ts; the theref  ref ore ore, each ore, systemshallbe systemshallbe used independ independently ently ofthe other.Combini other.Combining ng valuesfromthetwosystemsmayresul valuesfromthetwosystemsmayresultin tin non-conf non-conforman ormance ce withthestandard.

3. Terminology 3.1 Definition Definitionss—Fordefinitionsoftermsusedinthistest method,refertoTerminology C125 C125..

NOTE 2—SievesizeisidentifiedbyitsstandarddesignationinSpecification E11 E11.. The Alt Altern ern ernati ati ative ve des design ign ignati ati ation on giv given en in par parent ent enthes hes heses es is for informationonlyanddoesnotrepresentadifferentstandardsievesize.

6 3 : 6 1 8 1 6 0 5 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 8 6 0 9 0 7 . r N f L 3 5 3 4 1 8 7 . r N d K d t L e r o c a r r e T h t u e B d a o l n w o D n e m r o N

4. Summ SummaryofTes aryofTes aryofTestMethod tMethod 4.1 Thistestisa measur measureofdegradatio eofdegradatio eofdegradationofmineralaggrenofmineralaggregat gates es of stan standar dar dard d gra gradin din dings gs res resulti ulti ulting ng fro from m a com combin bin binatio atio ation n of action actions s includ includingabrasionor ingabrasionor attritio attrition, n, impact,and impact,andgrind grind grindingin ingin arotatingsteeldrumcontainingaspecifiednumberofsteel spheres,thenumberdependinguponthegradingofthetest sample.Asthedrumrotates,ashelfplatepicksupthesample andthe ste steel el sph sphere ere eres, s, car carryi ryi rying ng the them m aro arounduntil unduntil they are droppedtotheoppositesideofthedrum,creatinganimpactcrush crushingeffe ingeffe ingeffect.The ct.The conten contentsthen tsthen rollwithinthe drumwithan abradingandgrindingactionuntiltheshelfplatepicksupthe sampleandthesteelspher sampleandthesteelspheres,andthecycl es,andthecycleisrepeated. eisrepeated.After After theprescribednumberofrevolutions,thecontentsareremoved fromthedrumandtheaggregateportionissievedtomeasure thedegradationaspercentloss.

1.3 Thisstand ar  ar d d doe does s notpurpo notpurport rt to add re ress allof the ress sa fet  y co conc nc ncer  er ns ns , if an y , as asso so soci cia ci ate ted d wit h h its us use. e.  It is th thee responsibilityoftheuserofthisstandardtoestablishappropriate safety and health health practices  practices and determine the applicabilityofregulatorylimitationspriortouse. 2. Referenc Referenced ed Docume Docume uments nts 2.1 ASTMStandards:2 A6/A6M A6/A6MSpecificationforGeneralRequirementsforRolled SpecificationforGeneralRequirementsforRolled StructuralSteelBars,Plates,Shapes,andSheetPiling C125 C125TerminologyRelatingtoConcreteandConcreteAgTerminologyRelatingtoConcreteandConcreteAggregates

5. Signi Significanc ficanc ficanceandUse eandUse


Thi This s tes test t met method hod is und under er the  jur  jurisd isd isdict ict iction ion ofASTM Com Commit mit mittee tee C09 on ConcreteandConcreteAggregatesandisthedirectresponsibilityofSubcommittee C09.20 onNormalWeightAggregates. CurrenteditionapprovedJuly1,2014.PublishedJuly2014.Originallyapproved in1937.Lastpreviouseditionapprovedin2006asC131–06.DOI:10.1520/C0131 _C0131M-14. 2 ForreferencedASTMstandards,visittheASTMwebsi ForreferencedASTMstan dards,visittheASTMwebsite,,or te,,or contactASTMCustomerServiceat[email protected].For AnnualBookofASTM Standardsvolumeinformation,refertothestandard’sDocumentSummarypageon theASTMwebsite.

5.1 Thi This s testhasbeenwidel testhasbeenwidely y use used d asan ind indicat icat icatorof orof the relativ relative e qualit quality y orcompetenceof orcompetenceofvario vario varioussourcesof ussourcesof ussourcesofaggre aggre aggregate gate ha havi vi ving ng si simi mil mi lar min mi ner eral al co comp mp mpos os osit it itio io ions ns ns.. Th The e re resu su sults lts do no nott automatic automatically ally permitvalidcomparis permitvalidcomparisonsto onsto bemade between between sourcesdistinctlydifferentinorigin,composition,orstructure. Assignspecificationlimitswithextremecareinconsideration ofavailableaggregatetypesandtheirperformancehistoryin

*ASummaryofChangessectionappearsattheendofthisstandard Copyright©ASTMInternational,100BarrHarborDrive,POBoxC700,WestConshohocken,PA19428 Copyright©ASTMInternation al,100BarrHarborDrive,POBoxC700,WestConshohocken,PA19428-2959.UnitedStates -2959.UnitedStates

1 


C131/C131M−14 spe specificend cificend use uses. s. Thepercen Thepercent t los loss s det determ erm ermine ine ined d by this test methodhasnoknownconsistentrelationshiptothepercent lossforthesamematerialwhentestedbyTestMethod C535 C535..

int introd rod roduct uct uction ion of the test samp sample.A le.A sui suitab tab table, le, dus dust-ti t-ti t-tight ght cov cover er shallbe shallbe provide providedfortheopening dfortheopeningwithmeansforboltin withmeansforboltingthe gthe coverinplace.Thecove coverinplace.Thecovershallbesodesign rshallbesodesignedastomaintain edastomaintain thecylindricalcontouroftheinteriorsurfaceunlesstheshelfis solocatedthatthesteel spher spheresandsampleshallnot esandsampleshallnot impacton ornearthedooropeningandtheopeningcoverduringthetest. A re remo mo mova va vabl bl ble e st steel eel sh shelf elf ex exte te tend nd ndin in ing g th the e fu full ll le leng ng ngth th of th thee cylinderandprojectinginward89 6 2mm[3.5 6 0.1in.]shall bemountedontheinteriorcylindricalsurfaceofthecylinder, insuchawaythataplanecenteredbetw insuchawaythataplanecent eredbetweenthelarge eenthelargefaces faces co coin in inci ci cide de des s wi with th an ax axia ia ial l pl plan an ane. e. Th The e sh shelf elf sh shall all be of su such ch thicknessandsomounted,byb thicknessandsomounted,byboltsorothersuit oltsorothersuitablemeans,as ablemeans,as tobefirmandrigid.Thepositionoftheshelf( ( Note4 (Note4 Note4)shallbe )shallbe suchthatthesampleandthesteelspheresshallnotimpacton orneartheopeninganditscover,andthatthedistancefromthe shelftotheopening,measuredalongtheoutsidecircumference ofthecylinderinthedirectionofrotation,shallbenotlessthan 1270mm[50in.].Inspecttheshelfperiodicallytodetermine thatitisnotbenteitherlengthwiseorfromitsnormalradial

6. Appar Apparatus atus 6.1 Los A LosAngl LosAngles es mach machine ine ine,, con con-Los Ang  Ang  Angeles eles eles Mac  Mac  Machin hin hine— e—A forminginallessentialcharacteristicstothedesignshownin Fig.1 Fig.1,, shallbeused.Themachineshallconsistofahollow steelcylinder,withawallthicknessofatleast12mm[ 1⁄2 in.] (Note3 Note3)closedatbothends,conformingtothedimensions )closedatbothends,conformingtothedimensions shownin Fig.1 Fig.1,, havinganinsidediameterof711 6 5mm[28 6 0.2in.],andaninsidelengthof508 6 5mm[20 6 0.2in.]. Theinteriorsurfaceofthecylindershallbefreefromprotrusionsdisruptingthepathofthesampleandsteelspheresexcept fortheshelfdescribedbelow.Thecylindershallbemountedon stubshaftsattachedtoth stubshaftsattachedtotheendsofth eendsofthecylinderb ecylinderbutnotent utnotentering ering it,andshallbemountedinsuchamannerthatitrotateswith theaxisinahorizontalpositionwithinatoleranceinslopeof 1in100.Anopeninginthecylindershallbeprovidedforthe

6 3 : 6 1 8 1 6 0 5 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 8 6 0 9 0 7 . r N f L 3 5 3 4 1 8 7 . r N d K d t L e r o c a r r e T h t u e B d a o l n w o D n e m r o N

FIG.1 LosAng LosAngelesT elesT elesTestingMach estingMach estingMachine ine

2 


C131/C131M−14 pos positio itio ition n wit with h res respec pec pect t to the cyl cylind ind inder er er.. If eith either er con conditi diti dition on is fo foun un und, d, re repa pa pair ir or re repl pl place ace th the e sh shelf elf be befo fo fore re fu furt rt rthe he her r tes tests ts ar aree conducted.

8. TestSamplePreparatio estSamplePreparation n 8.1 Washthe ashthereducedsample reducedsample reducedsample(see (see (see9.1.1 9.1.1 9.1.1)andovendryat110 )andovendryat110 6 5°C[230 6 9°F]toaconstantmass,separateintoindividual sizefractions sizefractions,andrecombin ,andrecombineto eto thegradingof thegradingof ngofTable1 Table1 most nearlycorrespondingtotherangeofsizesintheaggregateas furnishedforthework.Recordth furnishedforthework.Recordthemassofthesamplepriorto emassofthesamplepriorto testtothenearest1g.

NOTE 3—T 3—Tole ole oleran ran rances ces for wal wall l thi thickn ckn ckness ess are giv given en in Spe Specifi cifi cificati cati cation on A6/A6M A6/A6M.. NOTE4—Theuseofa shelfofwear-resista shelfofwear-resistantsteel,recta ntsteel,rectangula ngularincross rincross sectionandmountedinde sectionandmountedindependen pendentlyofthecover,ispreferr tlyofthecover,ispreferred.However ed.However,a ,a shelf consisting consisting of a section section of rolled rolled angle, properly properly mounted mounted onthe insideofthecoverplat insideofthecoverplate,maybeusedprovi e,maybeusedprovidedthedirec dedthedirectionofrota tionofrotationis tionis suchthatthechargewil suchthatthechargewillbecaughtonthe lbecaughtontheoutside outsidefaceoftheangle. faceoftheangle.

9. Pro Procedu cedu cedure re

6.1 6.1.1 .1 Themachin Themachine e sha shall ll be so dri drivenand venand so cou counter nter nterbalbalancedastomaintainarotationspeedof30to33rpm(Note5 ancedastomaintainarotationspeedof30to33rpm( Note5 Note5). ). Ifanangleis usedastheshelf,thedirectionofrotationshallbe suchthatthechargeiscaughtontheoutsidesurfaceofthe angle.

9.1 PlacethetestsampleandthechargeintheLosAng eles testingmach testingmachineand ineandrotatethe rotatethemachine machineata ata speedof30to33 speedof30to33 r/minfor500revolutions( r/minfor500revolutions ( (Note7 Note7 Note7)). Aftertheprescr Aftertheprescribednumbe ibednumbe ibednumberr ofrevolutions,dischargethematerialfromthemachineand makea makeaprelimi prelimi preliminaryseparat naryseparat naryseparationofthe ionofthe sampleona sievecoarser thanthe1.70-mm(No.12)sieve.Sievethefinerportionona 1. 1.70 70 70-m -m -mm m (N (No. o. 12 12) ) si siev ev eve e in a ma mann nn nner er co conf  nf or ormin ormin ming g to Tes estt Method C136 C136.. Wash the mate materia ria rial l coa coarse rse rser r thanthe 1.7 1.70-m 0-m 0-mm m (No.12)sieveandoven-dryat110 6 5°C[230 6 9°F]toa constantmass,anddetermine constantmass,anddeterminethemasstoth themasstothenearest1g enearest1g ( (Note Note 8).

NOTE 5—Back-lashorslipinthedrivingmechanismisverylikelyto fur furnis nis nish h tes test t res result ult ults s whi which ch are not duplic duplicate ated d by oth other er Los Ang Angeles eles machinesproducingconstan machinesproducingconstantperipheralspeed. tperipheralspeed.

6.2 Sieves conformingto ngto Specificat Specification ion E E11 11 11.. Sieves,, conformi 6.3 Balance— Balance—Abalanceorscaleaccuratewithin0.1%of testloadovertherangerequiredforthistest.

NOTE7—Valuableinformationconcerningtheuniformityofthesample undertestmay undertestmaybeobtainedby beobtainedby beobtainedbydeterm determ determiningtheloss iningtheloss iningthelossafter100 after100 after100revol revol revolutions utions utions.. Thelossshouldbedeterminedbydrysievingthematerialonthe1.70-mm sievewithoutwashing.Theratioofthelossafter100revolutionstothe lossafter500revolutionsshouldnotgreatlyexceed0.20formaterialof uniformhardnes uniformhardness.Whenthisdeter s.Whenthisdeterminat minationismade,take ionismade,takecaretoavoid caretoavoid losin losing g anypartof thesample;returntheentire thesample;returntheentiresamp samp sample,includingthedust le,includingthedust offracture,tothetestingmachineforthefinal400revolutionsrequiredto completethetest. NOTE 8—El 8—Elimi imi iminat nat nation ion of was washin hin hing g aft after er tes test t wil will l sel seldom dom red reduce uce the measuredlossbymorethanabout0.2%oftheoriginalsamplemass.

6.4  Charge—Thechargeshallconsistofsteelspheresorball Thechargeshallconsistofsteelspheresorball bearingseachhavingadiameterofbetween46mm[1 13⁄16 16in.] and48mm[1 7⁄8 in.]andeachhavingamassofbetween390 and445g. 6.4.1 Thecharge(steelsphere Thecharge(steelspheresor sor ballbearing ballbearings), s), (Note6 Note6)) dependinguponthegradingofthetestsampleasdescribedin Section Section8 8 8,, shallbeasfollows: Numberof Spheres 12 11 8 6

Grading A B C D

6 3 : 6 1 8 1 6 0 5 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 8 6 0 9 0 7 . r N f L 3 5 3 4 1 8 7 . r N d K d t L e r o c a r r e T h t u e B d a o l n w o D n e m r o N

Massof Charge,g 5000 ± 25 4580 ± 25 3330 ± 20 2500 ± 15

9.1.1 Iftheaggregateisessentiallyfreeofadherentcoating lyfreeofadherentcoating s anddust,the requi requirementforwashingafterthe rementforwashingafterthe testis testisoptio optio optional. nal. However,inthecaseofreferee However,inthecaseofrefereetesting,the testing,thewashingpro washingprocedure cedure shallbeperformed.

NOTE 6—Thetotalmassspecifiedrequiresanaveragemassofeach steelsphereorballbearingof416g.Steelspheresorballbearings46.0 7 16 in.]and47.6mm[1 ⁄8 in.]in diam mm[113⁄16 diamete ete eter,havin r,havin r,having g a mas mass s of approx approximatel imatel imately y 400and 440g each,respect each,respectively ively ively,, arereadilyavailable. 32 in.]indiameterhavinga Steelspheresorballbearings46.8mm[127⁄32 massofapproximately420gmayalsobeobtainable.Thechargemay consistofamixtureofthesesizesconformingtothemasstolerancesof 6.4 6.4and and 6.4.1 6.4.1..

10. Calc Calculat ulat ulation ion 10. 10.1 1 Calc Calcula ula ulate te the los loss s (di (dif  f fer ferenc ferenc ence e bet betwee wee ween n the ori origin gin ginal al massandthefinalmassofthetestsample)asapercentageof theoriginalmassofthetestsample.Reportthisvalueasthe percentloss( Note9 Note9). ).

7. Samp Sampling ling

NOTE9—Thepercentlossdeterminedbythistestmethodhasnoknown consistent consistent relationshi relationship p to thepercent lossfor thesame material material when testedbyTestMethod testedbyTestMethodC535 C535 C535..

7.1 Obta Obtain in the fiel field d sam sample ple in acco accorda rda rdance nce wit with h Pra Practic ctic cticee D75 D75,, andreducethefieldsampletoadequatesamplesizein accordancewithPracticeC702 accordancewithPractice C702 C702..

PercentLoss 5 @ ~ C




C# 3 100

( 1)

TABLE1GradingsofTestSamples Sieve Size (Square Openings) Passing

Mass of Indicated Sizes, g Grading

Retained on

37.5mm(1 ⁄2 in.) 25.0 mm (1 in.) 19.0mm( 3⁄4 in.) 12.5mm( 1⁄2 in.) 9.5mm(3⁄8 in.) 6.3mm(1⁄4 in.) 4.75-mm (No. 4)


25.0 mm (1 in.) 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) 12.5 mm (1⁄2 in.) 9.5 mm (3⁄8 in.) 6.3 mm (1⁄4 in.) 4.75-mm (No. 4) 2.36-mm (No. 8)






1 250 ± 25 1 250 ± 25 1 250 ± 10 1 250 ± 10 ... ... ...

... ... 2 500 ± 10 2 500 ± 10 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 2 500 ± 10 2 500 ± 10 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 5 000 ± 10

5 000 ± 10

5 000 ± 10

5 000 ± 10

5 000 ± 10

3 



4.5%. 3 The Theref  ref ore ore, res ore, results ults of two pro proper per perly ly con conduc duc ducted ted tes tests ts fromtwodifferentlaboratoriesonsamplesofthesamecoarse aggregatesarenotexpectedtodifferfromeachotherbymore than12.7% 3 (95%probability)oftheiraverage.Thesingleop oper er erat at or co coef  ef f  fic i  c ien ent t of va vari ri riat at ion ha has s be been en fo foun un und d to be 3 2.0%. Therefore,resultsoftwoproperlyconductedtestsby th the e sa same me op oper er erat at ator or on th the e sa same me co coar ar arse se ag aggr gr greg eg egate ate ar are e no nott expectedtodif expectedtodifferfrom ferfromeachother eachotherbymorethan5.7 bymorethan5.7%(95% %(95% 3 probability)oftheiraverage.

where: C = mas massofor sofor soforigi igi iginalte nalte naltestsam stsam stsample,g ple,g ple,g,and ,and Y = fina finalmas lmas lmassofth softh softhetes etes etestsam tsam tsample,g ple,g ple,g.. 11 11.. Repo Report rt 11 11.1 .1 Reportthefollowinginform Reportthefollowinginformation: ation: 11 11.1.1 .1.1 Identi Identificationoftheaggreg ficationoftheaggreg ficationoftheaggregateasto ateasto sourc source,type,and e,type,and nominalmaximumsize; 11 11.1.2 .1.2 Gradin Grading g design designationfrom ationfrom Table1 Table1usedforthetest; usedforthetest; and 11 11.1.3 .1.3 Lossbyabrasio Lossbyabrasionandimpactofthe nandimpactofthe nandimpactofthesampleexpr sampleexpr sampleexpressed essed tothenearest1%bymass.

12.2 Bias— Since ther Since there e is no acce accepte pte pted d ref ere erence mate erence materia ria riall Bias—Sin suitablefordeterminingthebiasforthisprocedure,nostatementonbiasisbeingmade. 13. Keyw Keywords ords 13.1 abras abrasion;aggregate(coarse;small ion;aggregate(coarse;small size);degradati size);degradation; on; impact;LosAngelesmachine

12. Pre Precisi cisi cisionandBias onandBias 12. 12.1 1 Fornomin Fornominal al 19. 19.0-m 0-m 0-mm m ( 3⁄4-in.) -in.) maximumsize maximumsize coarse coarse aggregat aggregatewithpercen ewithpercentlossesintherang tlossesintherangeof10to45 eof10to45 %,the multilaboratorycoefficientofvariationhasbeenfoundtobe


The These se num number ber bers s rep repres res resent ent ent,, res respec pec pectiv tiv tively ely ely,, the (1s (1s%) %) and (d2 (d2s%) s%) lim limits its as describedinPractice C670 C670..


6 3 : 6 1 8 1 6 0 5 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 8 6 0 9 0 7 . r N f L 3 5 3 4 1 8 7 . r N d K d t L e r o c a r r e T h t u e B d a o l n w o D n e m r o N

X1. X1.1 1 Theshelfof theLosAng theLosAngelesmach elesmach elesmachineis ineis sub ject to severesurface severesurfacewearandimpact.Wit wearandimpact.Withuse,theworki huse,theworkingsurfac ngsurfacee oftheshelfispeenedbytheballsandtendstodeveloparidge ofmetalparalleltoandabout32mm[1 1⁄4in.]fromthejunction oftheshelfandtheinnersurfaceofthecy oftheshelfandtheinnersurfaceofthecylinder.Iftheshelfis linder.Iftheshelfis madefromasectionofrolledangle,notonlymaythisridge dev develo elo elop p but the she shelf lf itse itself lf may be ben bent t lon longitu gitu gitudin din dinall ally ally or transverselyfromitsproperposition.

radialpositionwithrespecttothecylinder.Ifeithercondition isfound,theshelfshouldberepairedorreplacedbeforefurther testsaremade.Theinfluenceonthetestresultoftheridge developedbypeeningoftheworkingfaceoftheshelfisnot kno known. wn. How Howeve eve everr, for uni unifor for form m test con conditi diti ditions ons ons,, it is rec recomommendedthattheridgeb mendedthattheridgebegroundo egroundoffifitsheig ffifitsheightexceeds2 htexceeds2mm mm [0.1in.].

X1. X1.2 2 The she shelf lf sho should uld be ins inspec pec pected ted per period iod iodical ical ically ly to det detererminethatitisnotbenteitherlengthwiseorfromitsnormal

SUMMARYOFCHANGES Committ CommitteeC09 eeC09 hasidentifiedthelocationofselectedchang esto thisstandar thisstandardsincethe dsincethe lastissue(C131– 06) thatmayimpacttheuseofthisstandard.(ApprovedJuly1,2014.) (1) Revisedthestandardintoadualmeasurementsystemwith th the e un units its of me meas as asur ur urem em emen en ent t no now w st state ate ated d in eit eithe he her r SI un units its or inch-poundunits. (2) RevisedSections1,5,6,8,9. (3) RevisedNotes1,3,and6.

(4) AddedNote2. (5) RepositionedNotes7and8. (6) AddedEq.1. (7) ReplacedFig.1.

4 


C131/C131M−14 ASTMInternati onaltakesno onaltakesno positi onrespectingthe onrespectingthe validi tyof tyof anypatentrights assert edin edin connec tionwith tionwith anyitem mentio ned ned inthisstandard.Usersofthisstandardareexpresslyadvisedthatdeterminationofthevalidityofanysuchpatentrights,andtherisk ofinfringementof suchrights,are entirely theirown responsibility. responsibility. Thisstandardissubjecttorevisionatanytimebytheresponsibletechnicalcommitteeandmustbereviewedeveryfiveyearsand ifnotrevised,eitherreappro ifnotrevised,eitherreapprovedorwithdrawn vedorwithdrawn.. Yourcommentsareinvitedeith Yourcommentsareinvitedeitherforrevisionofthis erforrevisionofthisstandardorforadditi standardorforadditionalstanda onalstandards rds andshouldbeaddressedtoASTMInternationalHeadquarters.Yourcommentswillreceivecarefulconsiderationatameetingofthe respon sibletechnic  sibletechnic alcommittee,whichyou alcommittee,whichyou mayattend.If youfeelthat yourcommentshavenot receiv eda eda fairhearingyoushould makeyourviewsknowntotheASTMCommitteeonStandards,attheaddressshownbelow. ThisstandardiscopyrightedbyASTMInternational,100BarrHarborDrive,POBoxC700,WestConshohocken,PA19428-2959, UnitedStates.Individualreprints(singleormultiplecopies)ofthisstandardmaybeobtainedbycontactingASTMattheabove addr ess ess or at 610- 832-  832- 9585 (pho ne), ne), 610- 832- 9555 9555 (fax  ), or serv ice@ ice@astm .org ice@astm  .org (e-m ail)  ail) ;; or thro ugh ugh the ASTM ASTM webs ite ite (www .astm.Permissi  org).Permissi onrights onrights tophotocopythe standa rdmay r dmay alsobe secure d d fromthe Copyri ghtClearanceCenter  ghtClearanceCenter ,, 222 RosewoodDrive,Danvers,MA01923,Tel:(978)646-2600;

6 3 : 6 1 8 1 6 0 5 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 8 6 0 9 0 7 . r N f L 3 5 3 4 1 8 7 . r N d K d t L e r o c a r r e T h t u e B d a o l n w o D n e m r o N



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