ASTM C1185-08

February 3, 2017 | Author: Pham Hiep | Category: N/A
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Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheet, Roofing and Siding Shingles, and Clapboards' Tho. ,!~"JJ,d i> ".ucJ ,,,,de, Ihe ti.eJ dC.'llllatlOn C II ~~ IIoL" ,""",I.. , """,cd .. ,"I) foll""''''IIIIo" d."gna."", ,,,JIC~le, II", lC;U nr ,""mil ~J"llIion or, '" Ih~ ~~~ .. r .... ,.""",. ,he year of la" re I __ ,on A nu",he. In r=n1he~, ...J','~lC< II"" lUI' '" laM rUI'f'" .. al ,\ "'IICN:"IM CI'.. k~' It) "IIl'C>lU lUI cd"""al cl\:u'I:c ."",. " ", I..,t "" I'UlfI ling o r n (>n-:lsbc~tos fibl:r-cement flat sheet:!., roofing shingle~. ~llhng sh!llglc~. and clapboards. These products Illuy be ~m ooth or \udace 1IISI r.\'-thc mas~ PCI' unit volume C\prc~~cd III pounds per cubic fOOl (' b/ft ') 0r kllogram\ per l'\lhi~' metre (kg/Ill') 3. 1.2 flex/lml ~1r('llgl"-lho: ,I\';fagc llel(ur,11 ~Ircngth I~ thl' a"er.lgc of twO perpendicular breab cxpl'c~~ed H1 pound·fon.'c per square /IIch (mega pascals) a~ calculatcd from Ihe a~erage brcaking IO:ld of weI or cquihbriul11 test ~peclJlle ns. loaded :1\ ~ill1ple beam~. wilh Ihe load applied at thl' centcr 3.1.3 lll'ut·ra;1I .IJ",ets-fi,'(cd 10 u buddmg frame III arrol" dnrK'c with thc manufacturer' s reCOJl1I1lt:ll(kd insw.ll;ltion proc· IIces. The sheeted frame IS then ~ubjectcd to altcrn:ltc wt'tlmg ;md heullIlg cyc1e~ :md any structural ;Iltt'"r:ltion ot the ~he~-I caust'"d by the tC;\l ,\ rcported.

3,2 Otiillll!OI1.\ of Tt'/"I/1.\ S/wnjic




3,2.1 dilll(' for the purposc Ilf Ihese te~t IIICllltxh, lhe length, Width and thickness of libt ~pc.·llnen. With I."h;tnge In moi~tllre COnle111.


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Sidi/!.~ SIIII1~lc"'. (ll1d CltlpilOlIrtiS)-CUI

VI~ in. (152::!: 1.6 mill) in widlh and 12 :::: 1/,610 (305 :::: 16 mm) in length from each unit. CUI one ha lf of the ~pccllnen~ III ~uch :1 manner Ihal the 12-in. (J05-mm) dlmCJ1~lOn of e;tch specimen is parallel 10 one edge of the shingle or clapboard unit: cut one half of the 1\peclillens HI righl angle..\ thereto

4. Sampling and Inspcctinl1

4 I Employ ~"mp1ing prvccdurcs providing an acccptabk qu,di!) lese! (AQL) of 4 ~ at" 90 % confidence Icvd with a ~'\ll1plc ~1!.C given by ~pccial in~pcclion level 53. c,cepl wher\' ~I)\!cific ,ampling I' require:: ... by particular Ic~t procedure' -I:! AcCt'{Jlahlt' Qua/u\' 1.l'vel (AQL}--The acceptable qu,!I. 1I) level \AQL) may be dchned as follows: -12.1 The maximum pcr~'ent nonconforming thai, for pur-

NOTE 2-Allcm:uc leSl speclIl1Cn (!imcn~jons ~nd span 111:1)' b( lI'cd prOVided thai Ihc rauo or lhe leS! span 10 specimen Ihlhed surface of the specimen. The le ... l ~p;tn shall be 10 :!: V,n in. (254 :::: 1.6 mm) :lIld the loud line and suppon ~halt be parallel. Mount a dial micrometer reading 100.01 m. (025 nun) or an equally ~el1 ... itive upparatus. 10 bear on the IOJding member or on the ~peeimen al mld-spo.n 10 dClennine the: deflec1ion of the specimen (It the remer of the lest ~p;jn. ~1casuTt: (lnd record the dclleclion when the m:lXllnum load l~ readied. IncrclIse the load at :I UnirOml deflecli on r,j(e. !.uch :1' will re~uh in failure of the speeimen hel"Cen five and thlrt) seco/ld~. The elTor In 1he load reading sho.!l not ex(;(!ed I q of the maximum load

po-es of ~alllpli ng Ln~pccLion. can be considered s3llsfaclOr) J~ a process or long-It:nn .lver.LS!!, and -12.2 A quality levl'j WhL ~'h cOrTe),pond~ to relatively hl~h pr"b,lbility (l'ommonl) 90 'k-) of acceptance. -I :\ SlIlIIflle Si:e-The ~,"nple Sll.e i~ determined acconllll~ II) lhi! 1I1.'pco.::llon 101 ~i/c b) Ihe l>pecwl In~pccLion level S,~ "t ISO 2589-1 where 1)] " method which COl1SI>IS of determming. f,'1 ""'Y Ile1l1l>f:l sample. 11l~ pl't.'","ce or absellce of ~ ecnaln qualuame dl;"."·l~r"h~ (aurilwl~)""'!h r~,!X'ell() tile applicable ~I'ec lti caljon II In, ''>CIICC. J pas.-fall ,n'I"-·,uon "llIcb delernllnc< the nUIl1 b(r of it~m' III • """pie Ih,'1 do confunn to lhe 'I1CCi lic~11 0n and Ihe numbt'. of Lho.c Lh.,1 Ik' nUl ~\lI1r\lfm An aurihulc c""ld be 3 d'll1t"n.,onal nlea'Ufemcl1l. "I .1 fle;\,ural "rt'111:111 value. u,- nih.." Ihlll art' ue ....·ribtcd III Ihese leSI II1clll\).1In'"c~llUn b)' vlIDabk I> ., 111~lhod whIch ~·on"'I. uf me",unng ., 'I".Inl'I,'1"e characterhtK lur e~"'h Utili III a .~mplt, C(>nfuml~n~e "'Ih Ihe "I'ph~abl ... pccilkallul1 I. dclcnmn ..d frum Ille mean ,~!u ... t>f 'h. m~~'''rtd l>ropen,n Dnd Ihe Sl,llI\lIcal variation, or IhC1>(" •. ,Iu ... ah,,'c and b.:1"", Ihc meal1. Th,·,uilable fo r delcnmning the bia~ for the proced ure II) Te~l M Clhod~ C 1185 for measuring nCCl.unll strellgth. no !>latcmem on bia~ is being mJd(,".

here; R '" tkxural strength. PSt ( MPu). p m~;dmum 10'ld. lb IN). l. length of Sp:lII. tn . (mm), h = width of specimen. in. (rnm). a nd d = average thickness. in. ( mill ). The n~erage nexural ~lrcllgl h of the specimen pair sh.lIl bc' the arithmetic,' menn value obtained in the twO direcllOt1~ Rc'pon the ari thmelic mean villuc of each pai r. 5.3 2 [I Shill! be Ihe opllOn of the milnufacturer to Tepon the h;tnd!eabiliIY ind ex of his produci . Handlcability index Yalue~ are relauvc and are u~t!d 10 delemline Ihe capability of IllI." material 10 be handled Without breaking. An increa~e in hundleability inde.x means lllc reased ea~e of handling. For elch ,heel direction, cakul'ntt handleabililY index u~lIlg Iht' 101 In ula:


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here: IV = df) Illass of "'pCl"lml'll, g. and V = volume, mm '.


6,~ Pre(/jWI1 and BIiI~: f14.1 Pre{'i~i(JIl-Th~' preci.~iOll of the procedure in Te,[ Methods C 1185 for measuring density is being determined t' 4 2 H/(I,I'-Since lhere j!> no accepted rderenct! m:nen;II ~ullJblc for determinlllg the bias for the procedure III T~~! Mt'thods C 1185 for rneasurl11g density. no .~l;lte1Tlerll on bia~ i, hClIlS m3de.

on bi:ls is being made.

7. Dime nsiona l 1\11'asurCllw nts - I Sigllijinll1ce IIlId USI' 7. 1 I These are routine.- measurements for determining whether the length and width of the individual \l llits are a~ ordaed. to ensure that lhey IiI togelher properly in applicalicHi. and 10 determine the uniformity of the specified thickness 7 1.2 [n detcnnining lhr thickness of a sheet having ,I tC:l:turcd or granulated ~mfao.:e, a mctal plale is plao.:ed adjacent to lhe texlured surface. 'and the micrometer rcadi n g~ arc tak~ll on the combined thickricss of the sheet and the metal plate. The purpobc b to obtain a more nCCllrme overall thickne~~ lIlL'a ~lIn:rnellt uf the tCXllln.:J or granulated sheet. Thi~ would be ratlier ditlieuh to ..10. in many cases, because of Sllrf,lU' Irn:gulanlles when the plalc IS nOI used. 7.2 CUJldiliullillg- Condition the specimens to bI! h~sted in ,Ill environment of7) :: -I~F (23:,: 2°C) temperature ~I!ld 5U 5 4 by 4 b~ -1111 (0.4 by 102 by ]()~ 111111) against the t1nished.textured, P( I'.e . llher-e\po~cd ~urfao.:~ 01 the spt;;cimen. Using guge p.ll>le of n:adl1lg to 0,002 !II (0.05 mm). measure the over.111 thieraturc of 194 =- 4" 1 (90 =- 2°C) ilnd C o-Y. Record Ihe dry weighl of each cooled 'IJoecimen Submerge the ~JX~cimen for 48 ::- 8 h in dean waler at 73 ::- 7"F (23 ::- 4 ~C). 1),2.2 Remove c;lch ~1J":(.;111len frolll the water, wipe with ,\ U;UIlP cloth. and \.\'cigh ea(.;h specimen \CIJ. 10.2 I'mn'c!lIfj' 10.2, I Prell(lfallOIl of Tnt Speciml"ll-USC a te~t specirnl'n trum thc f1exurnl le~t When for any reason additional delerl\\Illation of moisture (.;onten( arc required. prepare ~c lXllale ~~lIl1pleS. The.~e moi~t\lrc content .specimens shnll be thc full thleknt"s) of tht" mntrnal om] 3 in . (76 mm) widl' arld 6 11\. \!:'i~ mill) long. 10.2.2 COlldiliolllllg- CunLiition as stated in 5.2.:\.1 1I/,2,J Te.~tlll,~ Pmc.'t/llfl'-After e(luilibriulII condllioning, I\,elgh e3ch ~arnple ,ep;lr:uely on a scale \n 3n aceur.lcy I,r (J 'i %. i\'otc Ihl) lIIa~) J) 1I11lial mas~ ( 10'). Dry each specimen II' eOlbtJnt mas) tn J l·lrcul:l1ed oven nl a temperaturl! of !94 ;!;. -I F (90 :': 2°C) and 1.'001 tlJ rOOm IcmpcrutUrt." in a dc~ic!;allll t~ pI! cabme!. RecorJ Ihl! dry ma~s of each cooled ~pecilllcn alill Ihlte (I) hnal mass whcn oven-dry (P). 10.3 OI/CII/OIiol/ l/Iull«'/wfI-Calculate the moi~lure l·Il!!· tent a~ tullo .... s

12. F'rccl.cfrha\\ -CJ;ldding l'rodlirLS

121 Sigllllicatl~·t' (Jlld u're-Th!\ tesl II1I'cstig:ltc~ Ihe IX" .\ ibk degradation of the product dne \0 expo.,urc 10 repe;lld freeze or thaw (·yde~. or both. Thl~ IC\I l ' i.l {'ompJmllve Olle uud i~ only ~Igniti!;iml for as-reeel~I!tllng ul

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H = 1I100swre !;Ontl·n1. "" II" = IlUlial m:1S~. Ih (Ilp;), and I "" hnal lIIa~~ whcn ol-en-dry, Ib (kg),

1()4 PfecisiOl1 mll/lJi(lS


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Iro. ASi,II04mf!' C 1185 - 08


13.3.2 Submit the first lot of len specimens 10 the salurated flexural strength test, as specified in Section 5, and ::It Ihe same time immer.:;e the ten ~pecimcns of Ihe ~econd lot in water ~atum led wilh an excess of lime and maintnmed at 140 ::!: 4°F (60 ::: 2°C) for 56 :!: 2 days. At the end of this period, pl:lec Ihe D spet:lmen~ in a condlt1oning chumber at 73 ::: .1 °F (13 ::: 1 C) and SO.!. 5 % rel:lIive humidity for 48 :!: 2 h. 13.3.3 Examine the ~pecil11en.~ with the unaided eye m orllel 111 detect pos~ible cracks. dehllmnution, or other defl!c". and record llny ob~er\ntiom. 13 ,3..1 Carry OUi the flexur:11 .~I rength II!.~! ~~ ~i>ecrfied JI1 SecliOlI 5, after prelimmary condllioning for wet 'trenglh \3.4 Ca/cu/llliOlI, IlUl!rpI"ri(ltll)/J oJ Rr,\'ulls, and RI'{)(/I'! 13.4 . 1 For each pair of specimens ( 1= 1\(10), calculate the indJviduul mtlO ( ri) as follow:. :

I :!.3.3.1 Cool 10 - 4 4 ~ F (-20 :!: 2°e) over n period 01 11(>\ less than one hHUT nor morc than two hour~ . Hold Ihtthc flexural slren~th (/-II aCl'Qnhng to SeCllun 5 12.4 .3 Cll1culate and repon the rallo ( R) of the stren/!Ih ;JH'rJged lor the set undergwng freezcll haw cycle~ (Fj) 10 the 'Ir~'nglh a~erJgell for the c011l rol of rderence set (Fr) .



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mithmcuc melm of the set of estimated st:!ndanJ d.;vintiOIl.

{)bservallOn~ .


I 3.5 Prl!ci~'hm WId Hws: 13.5 . 1 Precisiofl- The precl:'lon of thl! pro(cdure III Test Methods C 1185 for warm wateT IS being delcrnllned, 13.5.2 Bills-Since there IS no accepted reference Ill;!tcnal slIit:lble for dctennining the billS for the procedure in Test Method\ C 1185 for warm water, no Sllltemem on biaS is being Illude.

13. Wa rm W:lt cr 11. 1 Si~l!iJica'Kf' Will Ul' - Thts test mvestlgntel> the long chemical IllleraCih)ll u r c.onstltuent m:uerillb. \Vet and elevated to:mper:llurl! cond itions are used 10 accelerate the H·~~ 1tS. Thl~ test i~ a c.omp:lT3I1Ve one and IS nnly Significant rnr prflt;(lmCII~ l1lay be cut rrulll the sheet tCfln



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2.5 Pucisioll and IIWJ' 11.5 I rreci.~i(m-The prl!cislOn of the procedure in T(·~t ~1ctho(h C II RS for freeze/ thaw i~ being determined. 1252 Blas---Since there I~ no :lccepted reference matel'lnl suitabk for detennUling the bias for the procedure in TI!~1 Mdhods C IlKS for trt'('l.e/lh,lw. no Slatement em bias I~ bem~ made

1:\ Procedure: 113, I Di\ ide the patred ~pecimen~

n~{t l'

whl!re: \ '" estimated sl::lndllrd deviation. .I '" value of single observation. and II '" number of ooservatiol1\. 13A .3 Calculate and r1.!port the 95 % Iowa eontlclencc c~timate of the ralio as follows :

1-1"-, (


) .t

Hellt/Rain- \Val l Structures

14.1 Si};lIiJicGllct! ami Uu-This tC.~1 t~ u~ed to ;!s~e~~ Ihe in .~I:IJled pl!rformancc of Iht' produce ul1der C)'chc change, ,n mOIMurc ,'ontcn!. 14.2 Test SpeclmeJI.r- Sheet spccimen~ u~ed lor the te~1 shall be drawn at random from slock of liOished products. The nllmber of ~heet~ reqUIred Will depend upon the manufacturer' ~ In~tallatlon recommend::l\ion~ and on the site of Ihe ~hects to b~ Ic~tcd .

1.1 .3 Prm;l!dlfre : 10

form twO



14 .3. 1 As~cmblc a te:.1 frame. H~'WHfrwtC!r 01 the fmme should aHo .... for standard ~hce eage nhiSmUg The con"lruction or ,he ir..unc should meet Ihe followmg

5. 'Flb'er CCIllC It roofing 11 llcriah art: ta';(cned 10 a I'oohnl; frame in accordance with lh - manufacturer' s recommended I IiSI .dlJtiorT"'pr'Jeri~..:r-h tblcd fr,une l~ then subJected 10 :llterna!,;: wetting ,lIId hCJling l'ye1e;.. und :lily structural ;sher alion of Ihc roofing materiab cau~cd by the 11:,,\ i" reponed 15.3 Te.f{ SpeClIl1em- Fiber cement roolmg product ~pcn men~ used for [he [est !'>hall be drl1wn a[ random from [he Mock of fim.\hed prodW.:h The number of .)peclJTlen~ reyulfI:d will depend upon the manu facture r's In~I:1l1:11Il)n recolI\mendlllJon~ and the .)izc of th~' assembly to be tc.)ted. 15A Pmcu/wC! 15.4.1 A.)~cmble a roof 10;:.'>1 fnullc (IccorJmg to Ihe IIhIllU facturer's recommendations thai sil1lulatt:~ the ngidi[y 01 tht: field installation , The construction of the fr(lllle should hI! a minimum of 47 ,7 ft~(4.5 m~), J 5.4 J. J Avuid any ~ignificant extcrn,lI air flow during the le~1 period. 15...l.2 Fix tll..: rooting ma[erials to the tesl trame, observing all manufacturer's recommendations_ The head lappmg dl~ ' tance shall be the minimum allowed All v.eatherproormg Jnd olher auachments normally specified shall be IIlcludcd in Ihe assembly_ The assembled te~l frame muy be ~e[ 11\ a plJlle do"n to a minimull1 ~Iope of one in fOllr. or aitent:ltivcly lIl~y be ~el In II vcrticall'osi tioll A waler ~pl'ay ~llI tl \)n IS prOVIded to wei Ihe top weather ~urf:lce. along with :J hellting ~latiOn 10 proVide ulll fonn flldiant heal. The ~he..:ted te,1 fr:llllc !'>hould bc Mlb, jected 10 the nllmber of cycles !'>pccillcd in lhe ~ppll!:llblc st:lI1dard .'tpccifieiltion meeting the following requiremenl~ 15A 2.1 Waler ~pr~y al a rate 011 gal/min (4 Ulmn) for a period of 2 h. 55 111111, Wilh it "JICr lI:mperJlUre nOlto e:u:ccd 86°F (-10°C). J 5...\.2.2 Pau~e for II pcrioJ of 5 111111 15",\.2.] Radillnt heal to give :t measurement plalc ( I) lempl;'rature acro!'>s the complele lest Jramc surface of 140 :!: 9°F (60 ::!: Sec) for a period of 2 h :md 55 min 15 .424 Pau.)e for a period of 5 min


143.1 I A minimuill of .17.7 ftlp.S rn~), 14.3,12 Allow ~hee[~ HI be in~[alJed with normal orit'nl'l lIun, 1-13.1,3 Allnw 1U~1;!lla(lnn of at k;l~t two ~heeb as folhm~. ilnd 14.3_1.4 Avoid :wy signific;Jnt external our flow dunng te't p19,4 ft~(l.8 m 2 ) for 2 specimen.). IZ) Area per shcel igllJficant external air flow during [he le~1 period. 14.32 Fix lhe saml)le sh..:ets to Ihe test frame, obsc:rving all lIl.tnufacturer"s recommendation.). The edge fiXing dlsl.IIIuccC-.'>s ~pel.'i l ied in lhe proce· dure.

144 Rt'I)()rI-O ll pceimen~ have reached the pn.-,c nbed lempermurc 10.3.4 Subject [he ~peculll:n.s to the number 01 free7c1th;N c ~ des required in Ihe appllcllble product specific.ulon In ae hlc\c the desired grJde classificalion 10.3 .5 Free7e 111 n lree1er where the speCimen with 11ll" the n nocouple shall rcach at telllpenl1Ure of · 10 :!: IOQF (·23 .! O'" C ) .... ithlll 24 h and be held for:l nlinimum of I h. Ill.3.6 Thaw in lIir or W;\ler. where [he ~pecimcn with th ~' thamocouple ., hall re;u.' h a lemperalUre of 60 ::!: IRoF (10 ;:. 10 C ) within 24 h ;lIld be h.:1d for a minullum of I h befOl 1! pro-.: eeding WIth freczmg . 16.3 .7 Each freezchh;lw .;yelc shall have a minimum cyl'll: Ilmc of -I h and a m:tWllUlll of 48 h. bUI an interval of 1'2 h max imum (';In be la!"cn bcl\\ccn cycles.

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10.5 Preci.fioll Gild 8im: 16.5. 1 Prel"isioll-The preciSIon of Ihe procedure III Test Method~ C 1185 for fre..:ze/thaw-roofing products i, belllg d..:tenlllned. 16.5.2 Bia.f-Si nce there is no accep[ed rererel1c~ malenal SUitable for determining the bia.~ for the procedu re~ III Tc,t Mc[hoo~ C 1185 for freezelthaw-roofing prodUCIS. no ,laic· llIent o n bia.~ is being maue.

17. Ke y words

17 . 1 accelerated aglllg: acceptable quahlY II1111t (AQL); cellulose fiber: clapboards: cracking; de1amin:lIion : densit) . dimensional me:I.~l!rements: ed ge straightne ss measurement , eqUlhbnum conditIoning; !lat sheet; fleKur:tI: frce7c/tha\\. granulated surface; heat/rain; inspecllon by at!ribute.~: mspec· tlOn by variables; length measurement; linear changC'; long. term chemical interaction; modulus of rupture; moi~ture cnn· lenl; moisture movement; non-a~be~lo.~ fiber celllenl . polyethylene fiber; polyvinyl lI1cohol fiber; r.1dlUllt heal. roof· ing; ~ample conditiol1ing; snmple testing; sampling; ~amphllg by attributes; ~;ll n pling by vari ables; salllpltng schemes; ~(lLU raled conditioning: ~crviccability; shakes: urface: squarenc~~ measurement. Strenglh: texturt:d ~lllface: thickness measurement: W;lnll .... :tter; waler ab~orp[ion: waler di~placemenl method. waler tlghtnes,; lIeather degr:Jdation : weathering expo.~ure: w..:atherproofing: wet condi[ioning: width mea~uremenl


AS TM 1"/fllNbonal fsh •• no pOSillQll '1I$p9CIJnQ,",I·"!)t!I~U'A CQGllGCI.Ql ~ltn mlX. ..".tNJoned In lhi$ ~randaf(l U$II'$ 01 tf>js slafldald IIfll III1P'.S5Iy Ildvrs.o IIIaI o.rannonaroon 01 rl>6 ~lIhdiry oI."y such $Urr..,1 rognrs. ,no ifill fISk 01 ifllnnge",..,r 0I5UCh rlghls, .'" en/If'ry 1110" own '1l5pct1$Wlllty ThIs srarldard IS subjecl 10 IllVrSioo II/lIny '''''a by ",a 'osPO"~,()kJ Il/CMICalcommll/ee IJnO "'1111 be 'o>ll6w.o ava'Y hve y68f5 and ","/J, feapptOV/lfJ or W/lndraw" YOtIf comnle_")I~ ·Jtllltlvlred "1Il/J' lor rf/lfI$iOfl oIl111s SlanoJf
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