~ill!'i A 999;A 999M i2.2 Forged and Bored, Cast, and Cast Cold-~Vr(]ught-If specific Clit lengths are ordered, no length of pipe shall be under the length specified or more than 1/8 in. [3 mm] over that
9. Pe.-Iuissibie Variations in \Vali Thickness 9.i Sean'liess and Welded-Except as noted in 9.1.i~ the nUIllmUm waH thick_lless at any point shaH not be more than 12.5 % under the nominal waH thickness specIfied. The nummum waH thickness on inspection is shown in Tabie XL L 9. i.l Lv1uu;;uun vYali- vV' neil the wan tillCKness or tne pipe is specified as ililrJ1ffiUm wall in the purchase order, there shall be no variation under the specified "vall thickness. 9.2 l,-'orged and Bored-The vva!! thickness shall not vaI"j over that specified by more than Vs in. [3.2 mm]. There shall be
12.3 For pipe ordered to random lengths~ the lengths and variations shall he agreed upon het\J/cen the ma.nufacturer and purchaser. 12A No girth weids are pennitted uniess agreed upon by the manufacturer ana purchaser. 13.. Standard ,X/eight (,x/eight per Unit Length)
no variation under the specified \,:lJall tl'-JcY",_ness.
i 5.1 A system of standard pipe sizes has been approved by the American l~atiGnal Standards Institute as Ai~SI B36.10 and B36.19. The standard sizes do not prorJ.bit the production arid use of other sizes of pipe produced to the various product specifications referenced in 1.1. (See ~Jote 3.) 13.2 For nonstandard sizes of pipe" the calculated \veight per foot shall be determined from the follo\Jling equation:
9.3 Cast-The waH thickness shaH not vary over that specified by more than '116 in, [L6 nun), There shall be no variation under the specIfied waH thIckness.
Hi. Permissibie Variations in inside Diameter
10.1 ,:I;'orged and Bored, and Cast-The inside diameter shall not vary under that specified by more than 1/15 in. [!.6 mm]. fhere shall be no va..riation over the specified inside diameter.
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