December 23, 2018 | Author: Saabir Gariire | Category: Structural Steel, Steel, Specification (Technical Standard), Chemical Elements, Building Materials
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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: A992/A992M − 11 (Reapproved 2015)

Standard Specification for

Structural Steel Shapes 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation A992/A992M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revis revision. ion. A number in parentheses parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

A6/A6M   for the ordered material, unless a conflict exists, in which case this specification shall prevail.

1. Sco Scope pe 1.1 This specification specification covers rolled steel structu structural ral shapes for use in building framing or bridges, or for general structural structural purposes.

4. Mater Materials ials and Manuf Manufactu acture re 4.1 The steel shall be killed, killed, and such shall be confirmed confirmed by   killed steel  on the test report, or by a report on a statement of  killed the presence of a sufficient quantity of a strong deoxidizing element, such as silicon at 0.10 % or higher, or aluminum at 0.015 % or higher.

1.2 Supplementary requirements are provided for use where additional testing or additional restrictions are required by the purchaser. Such requirements apply only when specified in the purchase order. 1.3 Whe When n the steel is to be wel welded ded,, a weld welding ing procedu procedure re suitable for the grade of steel and intended use or service is to be util utilized ized.. See App Append endix ix X3 X3 of Spe Specifi cificati cation on   A6/A6M for information on weldability.

4.2 The steelmaki steelmaking ng practice practice use used d sha shall ll be one that pro pro-duces steel having a nitrogen content not greater than 0.015 % and inc includ ludes es the add additio ition n of one or mor moree nit nitrog rogenen-bin bindin ding g elements, or one that produces steel having a nitrogen content nott gr no great eater er th than an 0. 0.01 012 2 % (w (wit ith h or wi with thou outt th thee ad addi ditio tion n of  nitrogen-binding elements). The nitrogen content need not be reported, regardless of which steelmaking practice was used.

1.4 The values stated in either inch-poun inch-pound d units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI un units its ar aree sh show own n in br brac acke kets ts.. Th Thee va valu lues es st state ated d in eac each h system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently independently of the other. Combining Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.

5. Chem Chemical ical Compositio Composition n 5.1 The heat analysis shall conform conform to the requirements requirements in Table 1. 1.

1.5 The text of this specification contains notes notes or footnotes, footnotes, or bot both, h, that pro provid videe exp explan lanator atory y mat materia erial; l; suc such h not notes es and footnotes, footn otes, excluding excluding those in tables and figures, do not contain any mandatory requirements.

5.2 In addition addition to the elements elements listed in Table in Table 1, 1,  test reports shall include, for information, the chemical analysis for tin. Wher Wh eree th thee am amou ount nt of ti tin n is le less ss th than an 0. 0.02 02 %, it sh shal alll be permissible for the analysis to be reported as “
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