Astm A36 A36m 14 PDF

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Designation: Designation: Designation ation:: A36/A3 A36/A36M 6M − 14

Standard Specification Standard Specificatio Speci fication n for

Carbon Carb on Stru Structural Struc Structura ctural turall Steel 1 Thisstandardis Thisstand ardis iss issue ued d un underthe derthe fixe fixeddesi ddesignati gnationA36 onA36/A3 /A36M; 6M; thenum thenumber ber imm immed ediat iatelyfol elyfollow lowing ing thedes thedesign ignationindic ationindicate atesthe sthe yea yearr ofsrcinalado ofsrci naladopti ptionor,inthe onor,inthe cas caseof eof rev revisi ision on,theyear ,theyear oflast rev revisi ision.A on.A num numberinpare berinparenth nthes es esindi esindicat catestheyearof estheyearof las lastreapp treapprova roval. l. A superscrip superscriptt epsil epsilon on (´) indi indicatesan catesan edito editorialchangesincethe rialchangesincethe lastrevisio lastrevision n or reapp reapproval roval.. Thiss sta Thi standar ndard d hasbeenappro hasbeenapprovedforuse vedforuse byagenci byagenciesof esof theU.S.Depa theU.S.Departm rtmentof entof Def Defens ense. e.

2. Refere Refe Re Referenc feren renc nced ced Docu Documen Documents Docume ments nts ts

1. Scope* 1. Scope* 1.1 Thi Thiss sp spec ecifi ifica cation tion2 co cove vers rs ca carb rbon on st stee eell sh shap apes es,, pl plat ates es,, and an d ba bars rs of str struc uctu tura rall qu qual alit ity y fo forr us usee in ri rive vete ted, d, bo bolt lted ed,, or welded constr constructio uction n of bridge bridgess and build buildings, ings, and for genera generall structural struct ural purpose purposes. s.

2.1   ASTM Stan Standard dards: s:3 A6/A6M   Specifica A6/A6M Specification tion for Gener General al Requir Requirement ementss for Rolle Rolled d Struct Str uctura urall Ste Steel el Bar Bars, s, Pla Plates tes,, Sha Shapes pes,, and Shee Sheett Pil Piling ing A27/A27M  Speci A27/A27M S pecifica ficati tion on fo forr Steel Steel Ca Cast stin ings gs,, Ca Carb rbon on,, fo forr Generall Applic Genera Application ation A307 Spec A307  S pecii fica ficatti on on f or or Car arbo bon n St Stee eell B ol olt s, s, St Stud udss , an and d Threade Thre aded d Rod 60 000 PSI Tensi Tensile le Str Streng ength th A325   Spec A325 Specific ificati ation on for Str Struct uctura urall Bol Bolts, ts, Ste Steel, el, Hea Heatt Tre Treate ated, d, 120/105 120/ 105 ksi Min Minimu imum m Tens ensileStren ileStrength gth A325M Spec S   pecifi ificat cation ion fo forr St Stru ruct ctur ural al Bo Bolts lts,, St Steel eel,, He Heat at Treate Tre ated d 830 MPa Min Minimu imum m Tens TensileStren ileStrength gth (Me (Metri tric) c) A500   Specificati A500 Specification on for Cold-Fo Cold-Formed rmed Welded and Seamle Seamless ss Carbon Car bon Ste Steel el Str Struct uctura urall Tubi Tubing ng in Rou Rounds nds and Shap Shapes es A501   Spe A501 Specifi cificat cation ion for Hot-Fo Hot-Forme rmed d Wel Welded ded and Seam Seamles lesss CarbonSteel Car bonSteel Str Struct uctura urall Tubi Tubing ng A502   Specification A502 Specification for Rivets, Rivets, Steel Steel,, Struct Structural ural A563   Spec A563 Specific ificati ation on for Carbon Carbon and All Alloy oy Ste Steel el Nut Nutss A563M   Spe A563M Specifi cificatio cation n for Carbon Carbon and All Alloy oy Ste SteelNuts elNuts (Me (Mettric) A668/A668M   Specific A668/A668M Specification ation for Steel Forgin Forgings, gs, Carbo Carbon n and

1.2 Supp Supplem lement entary ary req requir uireme ements nts areprovi areprovided ded for use use whe where re additional testi additional testing ng or additi additional onal restr restrictio ictions ns are requir required ed by the purchas pur chaser. er. Suc Such h req requir uireme ements nts app apply ly onl only y whe when n spe specifi cified ed in the purchasee order. purchas 1.3 1. 3 Wh Wheen t he he s tee teell i s t o be w el elde ded, d, a wel eldi ding ng pr proce ocedu durr e suitable suitab le for the gra grade de of stee steell and int intend ended ed use or serv serviceis iceis to be ut util iliz ized. ed. Se Seee Ap Append pendix ix X3 of Sp Spec ecifi ifica cati tion on   A6/A6M   for information inform ation on welda weldabilit bility. y. 1.4 The va valu lues es st stat ated ed in ei eith ther er inchinch- po poun und d un unit itss or SI units units are to be re are rega gard rded ed se sepa para rate tely ly as st stan anda dard rd.. Wi With thin in th thee te text xt,, th thee SI un unii ts ts ar aree s how hown n in br brac acke kett s. s. Th Thee va vall ues ues s tat tated ed i n ea each ch system sys tem are not exa exact ct equ equiva ivalen lents; ts; the theref refore ore,, eac each h sys system tem is to be use used d ind indepe epende ndentl ntly y of theother,witho theother,without ut com combin biningvalues ingvalues in an any y wa way. y. 1.5 The tex textt of thi thiss spe specifi cificat cation ion con contai tains ns no notes tes or footn footno otes tes,, or bo both th,, th that at pr prov ovid idee ex expl plan anat ator ory y ma mate teri rial al.. Su Such ch no note tess an and d footno foo tnotes tes,, exc exclud luding ing tho those se intable intabless andfigure andfigures,do s,do notconta notcontain in any mandat mandatory ory requir requirement ements. s.

Alloy,for General General Indust Industrial rial Use A1011/A1011MSpec A1011/A1011MSp ecifi ifica cati tion on fo forr Steel Steel,, Sh Shee eett an and d St Stri rip, p, HotHo t-Ro Roll lled ed,, Ca Carb rbon on,, St Stru ruct ctur ural al,, Hi Highgh-St Stre reng ngth th Lo LowwAll oy oy, Hig hh- St Str en en gt gth Lo ww- Al All oy oy wit h Im pr pr ov ov ed ed Formability Formab ility,, and Ultra Ultra-High -High Stren Strength gth A1018/A1018M  Spec A1018/A1018M S pecifi ifica cati tion on fo forr St Stee eel, l, Sh Shee eett an and d St Stri rip, p, He av av yy- Th ic ic kn kn es es s Co il il s, s, Ho tt- Ro Ro ll ll ed ed , Ca rb rb on on , Comm Co mmer erci cial al,, Dr Draw awin ing, g, St Stru ruct ctur ural al,, Hi High gh-S -Str treng ength th Low Low-All oy oy, Hig hh- St Str en en gt gth Lo ww- Al All oy oy wit h Im pr pr ov ov ed ed Formability Formab ility,, and Ultra Ultra-High -High Stren Strength gth F568M   Specifica F568M Specification tion for Carbo Carbon n and AlloySteel Extern Externally ally

1.6 1. 6 Fo Forr str struc uctu tura rall pr prod oduc ucts ts pr prod oduc uced ed fr from om co coil il an and d fu furrnishedwithout heat treat treatment ment or withstress relie relieving ving only,the additio addi tional nal req requir uireme ements nts,, inc includ luding ing add additi itiona onall tes testin ting g req requir uireements men ts and the rep report orting ing of additio additional nal tes testt res result ults, s, of A6/A6M apply. 1 This spec specificat ification ion is unde underr the juris jurisdicti diction on of ASTM Commi Committee ttee   A01 A01   on Steel Steel,, Stainless Steel and Relat Stainless Related ed Alloy Alloyss and is the direc directt respo responsibi nsibility lity of Subco Subcommitte mmitteee A01.02 onStructura onStructurall Steelfor Bridg Bridges,Buildin es,Buildings,RollingStockandShips. gs,RollingStockandShips. Current Curre nt editi edition on appro approvedDec. vedDec. 1, 2014 2014.. Publ PublishedDecembe ishedDecemberr 2014 2014.. Origi Originally nally approvedin appro vedin 1960 1960.. Lastpreviouseditionapprov Lastpreviouseditionapproved ed in 2012as A36/ A36/A36M– A36M– 12.DOI: 10.1520/A0036_A0036M-14.

3 ForreferencedASTMstandards, ForreferencedASTMstandard s, visitthe ASTMwebsite,www.ast ASTMwebsite,,, or AnnualBook ofASTM        contact cont act ASTM Cust Customer omer Servi Service ce at servi service@as [email protected] For   AnnualBook


Standards volume me informatio mation, n, referto the stan standard’ dard’ss Docu DocumentSummary mentSummary pageon the ASTMvolu website. webs ite.infor

For ASME Boiler er and Pressure Press Vessel Vesse CodeApplications ions,, see relat related ed Speci Specifification cat ions s SASA-36in 36inBoil Sectio Sec tion n IIof thature tha t Cod Code. e. l CodeApplicat

*A Summar Summary Summary y of Chang Change Changes ess sectio section n appear appearss at the end of thisstandard Copyright ght © ASTMInternat ASTMInternational,100 ional,100 BarrHarbor Drive,PO BoxC700, WestConshohock WestConshohocken,PA en,PA 1942819428-2959.UnitedStates 2959.UnitedStates





A36/A A36/ A3 6/A36M− 6/A3 A36M 36M− 6M − 14 TABLE TABL E 1 Appu Appurtena rtenant nt Mater Material ial Speci Specificati fications ons

5. Beari 5. Bea ring Bearing ng Pla Plates Plattes es 5.1 Unl Unlessotherw essotherwisespeci isespecified, fied, pla platesused tesused as bea bearin ring g pla plates tes for br for brid idges ges sh shal alll be su subj bjec ecte ted d to me mech chan anic ical al te test stss an and d sh shal alll confor con form m to the ten tensil silee req requir uireme ements nts of Sec Sectio tion n   8.

NOTE   1—The 1—The spe specifi cifier er sho should uld be sat satisfi isfied ed of the suit suitabi ability lity of these these materials for the materials the intende intended d applic application. ation. Chemi Chemical cal compos composition ition or mechanimechanical proper properties,or ties,or both,may be differ different ent than spec specifiedin ifiedin A36/A36 A36/A36M. M. Material

ASTM Designation

Steel rivets   Bolts   High-streng Highstrength th bolts   Steelnuts   Caststeel   Forgings Forgin gs (carbo (carbon n steel steel))   Hot-rolledsheets Hot-ro lledsheets andstrip  

Cold-formed Coldformed tubing Hot-fo Hot-formed rmed Anchor boltstubing



5.2 Unl Unlessotherw essotherwisespecifi isespecified,mecha ed,mechanicaltest nicaltestss sha shallnot llnot be required for plate required platess over 1 1  ⁄ 2        in. in. [4 [40 0 mm mm]] in in th thic ickn knes esss us used ed as bearin bea ring g pla plates tes in str struct ucture uress oth other er tha than n bri bridges dges,, subj subject ect to the requ re quir irem emen entt th that at th they ey sh shal alll con conta tain in 0. 0.20 20 to 0. 0.33 33 % ca carb rbon on by heatt ana hea analys lysis, is, tha thatt the che chemic mical al com compos positi ition on sha shall ll con confor form m to the requi requirement rementss of Ta Tabl blee 3   in in phospho phosphorus rus and sulfu sulfurr conten content, t, and an d th that at a su suff ffic icie ient nt di disc scar ard d sh shal alll be ma made de to se secu cure re so soun und d plates.

A502,, Grade A502 Grade 1 A307, Gr A307, Grad ade e A or   F568M, F568M, Class4.6 A325 or   A325M A563 or   A563M A27/A27M, Grade A27/A27M, Grade 65–35 [450–2 [450–240] 40] A668/A668M, Class A668/A668M, Class D A1011/A1011M, SS Gra Grade36 de36 [25 [250]Type 0]Type 1 o rTyp rTyp e 2 o r   A1018/A1018M, A1018/A1018M, SS Gra Grade de 36[250] A500, Grade A500, Grade B

6. Material M at at erialss and and Manuf Manu Ma Manufacture nufa fac acture c ture 6.1 6. 1 Thesteel sh shal alll be ki kill lled ed

A501 F1554, Grade36 F1554,

7. Chemi Chem Ch Chemical emical cal Compositi Composition Compositio on Thread eaded ed Met MetricFaste ricFastener nerss (Me (Metri tric) c)   (Withdrawn (Withdrawn 2012)4 Thr F1554   Spec F1554 S pecific ificat atio ion n fo forr An Anchor chor Bolt Bolts, s, St Steel eel,, 36, 55 55,, an and d 105-ks 105 -ksii Yie Yield ld Str Streng ength th

7.1 7. 1 Th Thee he heat at an anal alys ysii s s hal halll co conf nfor orm m t o t he he r equ equiir em em ent entss prescribe prescr ibed d in in   Table Table 3, ex exce cept pt as sp spec ecifi ified ed in   5.2 5.2.. 7. 2 T he he steel shall con fo form on produ ct ct analysis to the requireme requir ements nts pre prescr scribe ibed d in   Tab Table le 3 , sub subje ject ct to th thee pr prod oduc uctt analysis analys is toler tolerances ances in Specifi Specificatio cation n   A6/A6M. A6/A6M.

3. Appur Appurt App Appurtenan urtena tenant enant ntt Materials Materials 3.1 Whencompo Whencomponen nentsof tsof a ste steelstruct elstructureare ureare ide identi nti fiedwith thisASTMdesigna thisASTMdes ignati tionbuttheprod onbuttheproduc uctt fo formis rmis notli notlist stedin edin th thee scope sco pe of thi thiss spe specifi cificat cation ion,, the mat materi erial al sha shall ll con confor form m to one of the sta standa ndards rds lis listed ted in in   Table Table 1  unl unless ess oth otherw erwise ise spe specifi cified ed by the purchaser.

8. Tension Test 8.1 8. 1 Themat Themater eria iall asrepr asrepresent esentedby edby th thee te testspe stspeci cime men,exce n,excep pt as spe specifi cified ed in in   5.2 5.2   and and   8.2 8.2,, shall shall con confor form m to the req requir uireme ements nts as to the ten tensil silee pro proper pertie tiess pre prescr scribe ibed d in   Tabl Tablee 2. 8.2 Sh 8.2 Shap apeslesstha eslessthan n 1 in in.. 2 [64 [645 5 mm 2] in cro cross ss sec sectio tion n and 1 bars, bar s, oth other er tha than n flat flats, s, les lesss tha than n   ⁄ 2        in. [12 [12.5 .5 mm] inthicknes inthicknesss or diamet er er need not be su bj bjec te te d to te ns nsio n te st sts by the manufacture manufa cturer, r, provi provided ded that the chemi chemical cal compos composition ition used is

4. Gen Genera General erall Req Requ Re Requir quir uiremen iremen ements ts for Del Delive ivery ivery 4.1 Str Struct uctura urall pro produc ducts ts fur furnis nished hed unde underr thi thiss spe specifi cificat cation ion shalll co shal conf nfor orm m to th thee re requ quir irem emen ents ts of th thee cu curr rren entt ed edit itio ion n of Specification   A6/A6M, A6/A6M, for the the sp spec ecifi ificc st stru ruct ctur ural al pr prod oduc uctt ordere ord ered, d, unl unless ess a confl conflict ict exi exists sts in whi which ch cas casee thi thiss spe specifi cificat cation ion shall preva prevail. il.

appropriate approp riate for obtain obtaining ing the tensil tensilee proper properties ties in   Table Table 2. 9. Keywords 9. Ke yw ywords 9.1 9. 1 ba bars rs;; bo bolt lted ed co const nstru ructio ction; n; br brid idge ges; s; bu buil ildi ding ngs; s; ca carb rbon; on; plates plat es;; ri rivet veted ed co cons nstr truc ucti tion; on; sh shap apes es;; st stee eel; l; st stru ruct ctur ural al st steel eel;; welded welde d const constructio ruction n

4.2 Co Coil ilss ar aree ex excl clude uded d fr from om qua quali lifi fi ca cati tion on to th this is sp spec ecifi ifica ca-tion tio n unt until il the they y areproce areprocesse ssed d int into o a fini finishe shed d str struct uctura urall pro produc duct. t. Struct Str uctura urall pro produc ducts ts pro produc duced ed fro from m coi coill mea means ns str struct uctura urall pro prodductss th uct that at ha have ve be been en cu cutt to in indi divi vidu dual al le leng ngth thss fr from om a co coil il.. Th Thee processor proces sor direct directly ly contro controls, ls, or is respon responsible sible for, the operat operations ions invol in volve ved d in th thee pr proc oces essi sing ng of a co coil il in into to a fini finish shed ed st stru ruct ctur ural al prod pr oduc uctt . Su Such ch op oper erat atiion onss i ncl nclud udee de deco coiil ing ing,, l eve evelli ng ng or straig str aighte htenin ning, g, hot hot-fo -formi rming ng or cold-fo cold-form rming ing (if applic applicabl able), e), cuttin cut ting g to len length gth,, tes testin ting, g, ins inspec pectio tion, n, con condit dition ioning ing,, hea heatt tre treatatment (if applicab applicable), le), packag packaging, ing, marki marking, ng, loadi loading ng for shipment, shipment, and certi certification fication..

TABLE TABL E 2 Tensi Tensile le Requi Requirement Requireme Requ irements rements nts sA B  

Plates, Shapes Plates, Shapes,, andBars: Tensile st strength, ks ksi [M [MPa] Yield point, min, ksi [MPa] D ,  E   Platesand Bars: Elongation in i n 8 i n. n. [2 [ 200 mm m m], mi m in, % Elongation in i n 2 in i n. [5 [ 50 mm m m], mi m in, % Shapes: Elongation in i n 8 i n. n. [2 [ 200 mm m m], mi m in, % Elongation in i n 2 in i n. [5 [ 50 mm m m], mi m in, %

58–80 [4 [400–550] 36 [250] C   20 23 20 21



Seethe Or Orie ient ntat atio ion n su subs bsec ecti tion on in th the e Te Tens nsio ion n Te Tests sts se sect ctio ion n of Sp Spec ecifi ifica cati tion on A6/A6M. A6/A6M. B   For wid wideflangeshap eflangeshapeswithflang eswithflange e thi thickn cknessover3 essover3 in.[75mm],the80 ksi[550 MPa]] max MPa maximu imum m ten tensil sile e str streng ength th doe does s notapplyand a min minimu imum m elo elonga ngatio tion n in 2 in. [50mm] of19 % app applie lies. s.

NOTE   1— 1—F For str struc uctu tura rall pr prod oduc ucts ts pr prod oduc uced ed fr from om co coil il an and d fu furn rnis ishe hed d without hea without heatt tre treatm atment ent or withstres withstresss rel reliev ieving ing only only,, two tes testt res resultsare ultsare to be repor reported ted for each qualif qualifying ying coil. Additio Additional nal requir requiremen ements ts regar regarding ding struc str uctur tural al pr prod oduc ucts ts pr prod oduc uced ed fr from om co coil il ar aree de desc scri ribe bed d in Sp Spec ecifi ifica cati tion on


A6/A6M.. A6/A6M

Yieldpoint32 ksi[220MPa]for platesover 8 in.[200mm] inthick Yieldpoint32 inthicknes ness. s. Elongationnot Elonga tionnot requir required ed to be determ determinedfor inedfor floor plate. plate. For pla plateswider teswider tha than n 24in. [60 [600 0 mm] mm],, theelong theelongati ation on req requir uireme ement nt isreduce isreduced d two percen per centag tage e poi points nts.. See the Elo Elonga ngatio tion n Req Requir uireme ement nt Adj Adjust ustments ments sub subsec sectio tion n under the Tensio Tension n Tests sectio section n of Specifi Specificatio cation n  A6/A6M. A6/A6M. D   E  

4 Thee l as Th as t a pp pp ro ro ve ve d v ers ersii on on o f t hi hi s h is is to to ri ca ca l s ta ta nd nd ard ard i s re refe fere ren n ce ce d o n





A36/A A36/ A3 6/A36M− 6/A3 A36M 36M− 6M − 14 TABLE TABL E 3 Chemi Chemical cal Requi Requiremen Requireme Requ irements rements nts ts

NOTE 1—W 1—Wher heree “.. .”appea .”appears rs in thistabl thistable,thereis e,thereis no req requir uireme ement.The nt.The hea heatt ana analysi lysiss for man mangan ganeseshal eseshalll bedeter bedetermine mined d andrepo andreporte rted d asdescr asdescribe ibed d in the heat analy analysis sis sectio section n of Speci Specificatio fication n   A6/A6M. A6/A6M. Shapes A


Plates> Pla tes> 1515-in.[380mm] in.[380mm] Wid Width th Over ⁄ 4  to 11⁄ 2  [20 [2 0 to40], incl 3

Thickness, in. [mm]

To 3⁄ 4  [20], incl


Carbon,max,% Manganese, % Phosphorus,max,% Sulfur,max,% Silicon, % Copper Cop per,, min min,, % whe when n cop co p pe perr stee steell isspec isspecifi ified ed

0.26 ... 0.04 0.05 0.40 ma max 0.20

Over 1 ⁄  2 to 21⁄ 2  [40 [4 0 to65], incl


Over 2 ⁄ 2  Over to 4 [65to 100 100], ], incl


Bars; Plates # 15-in.[380 mm]Width


Over ⁄ 4  to 11⁄ 2  [20to 40] 40],, incl 3

Over 4 Over [100]

To 3⁄ 4  [20], incl

Over 1 ⁄ 2  to 4 [100], incl



Over4 Over4 [100]

0.25 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 ... 0.80–1.20 0 .80–1.20 0 .85–1.20 0 .85–1.20 ... 0.60–0.90 0 .60–0.90 0 .60–0.90 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.030 0 .030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.40 ma max 0.40 ma max 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 0.40 ma max 0.40 ma max 0.40 ma max 0.40 ma max 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20


Manganesecontentof Manga nesecontentof 0.85–1 0.85–1.35% .35% andsilicon conte content nt of 0.15–0 0.15–0.40% .40% is requir required ed for shapeswithflange thickn thicknessover essover 3 in.[75 mm]. For eac each h redu reducti ction on of 0.0 0.01 1 perc percent entagepointbelow agepointbelow thespeci thespecifiedcarbo fiedcarbon n max maximu imum, m, an inc increa rease se of 0.0 0.06 6 per percen centag tage e poi point nt man mangan ganeseabovethe eseabovethe spe specifi cified ed max maximu imum m wil willl bepermitted,, upto themaxim bepermitted themaximumof umof 1.3 1.35 5 %. B  

SUPPL SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENTA EMENTARY ARY RY REQUIR REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT EMENTS S Thesee req Thes requir uireme ements nts sha shall ll not app apply ly unl unless ess spe specifi cified ed in the ord order. er. Stan St anda dardi rdize zed d su supp pple leme ment ntar ary y re requ quir irem emen ents ts fo forr us usee at th thee op opti tion on of th thee pur purch chas aser er ar aree li list sted ed in Specification   A6/A6M. Specification  A6/A6M. Tho Those se tha thatt areconsi areconsider dered ed sui suitab table le for use wit with h thi thiss spe specifi cificat cationare ionare lis listedby tedby title: S5. S 5. Cha 5. Char Ch Charpy arp rpy p y V-Not -Notch -Notch ch Imp Impact act Test. est. S30. Charpy S30. Char Ch arpy V-Not V-Notch -Notch Impact Impa Im pacct Test Tes estt for forStruct forStru Structural Struc ctur tural ural Shapes: Shap Sh apees: Alternate Altern ate Cor Core Core e Loca Locatio tion n S32. Sin S32. Sing Si Single ngl gle le Hea Heatt Bun Heat Bundle dless S32. S3 2.1 1 Bu Bund ndle less co cont ntaini aining ng sh shap apes es or ba bars rs sh shal alll be fr from om a single sin gle hea heatt of steel. steel.

SUMMARY SUMMA SUMMARY RY OF CHANGES C om om mi mi tt tt ee ee A01 ha hass i den dentt ifie ified d t he he l oca ocatti on on of s el el ect ected ed cha han nge gess to t hi his s tan tanda darr d s inc incee the las astt i ss ss ue ue (A36/A36M (A36/A 36M – 12) tha thatt may imp impact act the use of thi thiss sta standa ndard. rd. (Ap (Appro proved ved Dec Dec.. 1, 201 2014.) 4.) (1)  Revis (1)  Revised ed Tab Table le 3 to mod modify ify phos phospho phorus rus and sul sulfur fur lim limits its for plate pla te pro produc ducts ts gre greate aterr tha than n 15 in. [38 [380 0 mm] in wid width. th. ASTMIntern ASTMInt ernationa ationaltakesno ltakesno pos positi itionrespe onrespecti ctingthe ngthe val validi idityof tyof anypat anypatentrigh entrights ts ass assert ertedin edin con connec nectio tionwith nwith anyite anyitem m men mentio tioned  ned          in thi this s sta standa ndard.Usersof rd.Usersof thi this s sta standa ndard rd are exp expres resslyadvis slyadvised ed tha thatt det determ ermina inatio tion n of the val validi idity ty of anysuch pat patent ent rig rights hts,, andthe ris risk  k          of inf infrin ringem gement ent of suc such h rig rights hts,, are ent entire irely ly the their ir own res respon ponsib sibili ility. ty. This Thi s sta standa ndard rd is sub subjec jectt to rev revisi ision on at anytime by therespo theresponsi nsibletechn bletechnica icall com commit mitteeand teeand mus mustt be rev review iewed ed eve every ry fiveyearsand          if not revis revised, ed, eitherreapprove eitherreapproved d or withdraw withdrawn. n. Your commen comments ts are invit invited ed either for revision on of thisstandard or for for addition additional al standa standards  rds      andshouldbe add addres ressedto sedto ASTMInter ASTMInternat nation ional al Hea Headqu dquart arters ers.. You Yourr com commen ments ts wil willl rec receiv eive e car carefu efull con consid sidera eratio tion n at a mee meetin ting g of the      respon res ponsib sibletech letechnicalcom nicalcommit mittee tee,whichyou ,whichyou mayatt mayattend end.If .If youfeeltha youfeelthatt you yourr com commen mentshavenot tshavenot rec receiv eiveda eda fai fairr hea hearin ringyou gyou sho should        uld         makeyour viewsknownto the ASTMCommitteeon Standa Standards,at rds,at the addres address s shownbelow. This Thi s sta standa ndard rd is cop copyri yright ghted ed by ASTMInter ASTMInternat nation ional,100 al,100 Bar Barrr Har HarborDrive borDrive,, PO BoxC700,West Con Consho shohoc hocken ken,, PA 194 1942828-295 2959, 9, UnitedStates.. Ind UnitedStates Indivi ividua duall rep reprin rints ts (si (singl ngle e or mul multip tiple le cop copies ies)) of thi this s sta standa ndard rd maybe obt obtain ained ed by con contac tactin ting g ASTMat theabove     address addre ss or at 61 610-8 0-832 32-95 -9585 85 (p (phon hone) e),, 61 610-8 0-832 32-95 -9555 55 (f (fax ax), ), or se servi rvice@as c e@astm. tm.or org g (e-ma (e-mail il); ); or th thro roug ugh h th the e AST ASTM M we websi bsite  te    (www (w ww.a .ast stm. m.or org) g).. Pe Perm rmis issionrigh sionrights ts to ph phot otoc ocop opy y th the e st stan anda dard rd ma may y al also so be se secu cured red fr from om th the e Co Copy pyri righ ghtt Cl Clea eara ranc nce e Ce Cent nter, er, 22 222  2        Rosewood Rosew ood Drive Drive,, Danve Danvers, rs, MA 01923,Tel: (978) 646-26 646-2600; 00; http:/ http://www. /www.copyri copyright.c  om/                             




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