Assignment - Project Development and Implementation for Strategic Managers

April 18, 2018 | Author: fms162 | Category: Project Management, Strategic Management, Logistics, Business, Economies
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Project Development and Implementation for Strategic Managers Unit 17 Edexcel BTEC level 2 Extended Diploma in strategic Management and Leadership (QCF)

Guildhall College, London

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Date of Submission:

Assignment Topics AC (1.1)

Analyze the factors that contribute to the process of project selection.

AC (1.2)

Develop Develop outline outline project project specificat specifications ions for the implementat implementation ion of a new  product, service or process.

AC (1.3)

Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new product, service or process

AC (2.1)

Produce a project plan for an agreed project.

AC (2.2)

Match appropriate resources to the project.

AC (2.3)

Cost all resources required for implementing a project.

AC (2.4)

Agree timescales for the management and implementation of a project.

AC (2.5) (2.5)

Plan Plan an appro appropr pria iate te stra strate tegy gy for for the the imp imple leme ment ntat atio ion n of of a pro projec ject. t.

AC (3. (3.1) 1)

Impl Implem emen entt a proj projec ectt in acc accor orda danc ncee with with an an agre agreed ed spe speci cifi fica cati tion on..

AC (3.2) 3.2)

Deve Devellop appr appropr opriat iate meas easures ures to monit onitor or and and eval evalua uate te progr progres esss and and Outcomes.

AC (3.3) 3.3)

Moni Monittor the impl implem emen enta tati tion on of the proj projec ectt.

AC (4.1)

Analyze the outcome omes of a pro projec ject in terms of the ori original pro project specification.

AC (4.2)

Eva Evaluate ate th the out outccomes of of a pro project ect.

AC (4.3) (4.3)

Make Make just justif ifie ied d reco recomm mmend endat atio ions ns for for impr improv ovem ement entss to to the the pro proje ject ct..

AC (5.1) 5.1)

Prod Produc ucee a rep repor ortt of of al all pr projec ojectt pro proce cedu durres used used..

AC (5.2 (5.2))

Pres Presen entt the the outc outcom omes es of of the the pro proje ject ct to to an aud audie ienc ncee usin using g an agr agree eed d form format at and appropriate.


Assignment Topics AC (1.1)

Analyze the factors that contribute to the process of project selection.

AC (1.2)

Develop Develop outline outline project project specificat specifications ions for the implementat implementation ion of a new  product, service or process.

AC (1.3)

Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new product, service or process

AC (2.1)

Produce a project plan for an agreed project.

AC (2.2)

Match appropriate resources to the project.

AC (2.3)

Cost all resources required for implementing a project.

AC (2.4)

Agree timescales for the management and implementation of a project.

AC (2.5) (2.5)

Plan Plan an appro appropr pria iate te stra strate tegy gy for for the the imp imple leme ment ntat atio ion n of of a pro projec ject. t.

AC (3. (3.1) 1)

Impl Implem emen entt a proj projec ectt in acc accor orda danc ncee with with an an agre agreed ed spe speci cifi fica cati tion on..

AC (3.2) 3.2)

Deve Devellop appr appropr opriat iate meas easures ures to monit onitor or and and eval evalua uate te progr progres esss and and Outcomes.

AC (3.3) 3.3)

Moni Monittor the impl implem emen enta tati tion on of the proj projec ectt.

AC (4.1)

Analyze the outcome omes of a pro projec ject in terms of the ori original pro project specification.

AC (4.2)

Eva Evaluate ate th the out outccomes of of a pro project ect.

AC (4.3) (4.3)

Make Make just justif ifie ied d reco recomm mmend endat atio ions ns for for impr improv ovem ement entss to to the the pro proje ject ct..

AC (5.1) 5.1)

Prod Produc ucee a rep repor ortt of of al all pr projec ojectt pro proce cedu durres used used..

AC (5.2 (5.2))

Pres Presen entt the the outc outcom omes es of of the the pro proje ject ct to to an aud audie ienc ncee usin using g an agr agree eed d form format at and appropriate.



Note: The Chosen Organization for the Assignment. Happy Heart Events Management Private Limited

Happy Heart Events Management Private Limited, has organized more than hundreds events of various types, like Annual Dinner and Dance events, wedding and solemnization occasions, product launch functions, opening ceremonies, seminars, exhibitions and carnivals, which mostly involved 150 – 300 personnel per event. Our  company, Happy Heart Event Management Pte Ltd, is a relatively new company that have organized more than hundreds events of various types, like Annual Dinner & Dance, Wedding & Solemnization, Product launching, Opening ceremony, Seminars, Exhibition and carnivals etc, which mostly involved 150 – 300 personnel per event. Our  company provides customized, strategic event experiences where guests connect with our  clients' brands and products in ways that are personally relevant and memorable. Our  team offers the creative vision, professionalism, and event expertise to create winning events - with a constant eye towards detail, quality, originality and results. Based on devotion in our mission and jobWith high levels of professionalism and commitment, we are well-trusted by our clients. Building our good reputation of excellent planning and organization skills, this reputation comes with our experience teams of more than a decade of experiences and the project manager well versed skills in project planning and management.

Our company’s vision is to be the preferred event planning company in UK. Our current  business strategy is to create a new market and as well as establish long lasting relationship with clients’ with a clear, well defined business plan, objectives and financial criteria. We provide total solutions for event ranging from all sizes, sophistication, and logistic supports to marketing and public relations function to ensure every aspect and component is strategically put in place to deliver the best results. With an equipment of  good grasp of the strategic marketing and advertising skill, we will be able to understand and fulfill our clients’ expectations and requirements. Our company motto is to be responsive towards the queries and professionally address the issues that our clients have.


We adopt a strategic design and planning process to attain the most satisfactory results with a well-managed timeline.

With all the successes and experiences on small scale events, we are currently presented with the break-through opportunity of managing Hiticha Group’s annual Dinner and Dance. Hiticha Group is an internationally reputable organization, this project will enable us to prove our capability in handling multi-national company’s event. Also, this project will put our reputation to the toughest test.


Table of Contents


AC (1.1) AC (1.2) AC (1.3)

Topic Analyze the factors that contribute to the process of project

selection. Develop outline project specifications for the implementation of a new product, service or process. Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new

 product, service or process AC (2.1) Produce a project plan for an agreed project. AC (2.2) Match appropriate resources to the project. AC (2.3) Cost all resources required for implementing a project. Agree timescales for the management and implementation of a AC (2.4)  project. AC (2.5) Plan an appropriate strategy for the implementation of a project. AC (3.1) Implement a project in accordance with an agreed specification. Develop appropriate measures to monitor and evaluate progress and AC (3.2) Outcomes. AC (3.3) Monitor the implementation of the project. Analyze the outcomes of a project in terms of the original project AC (4.1) specification. AC (4.2) Evaluate the outcomes of a project. AC (4.3) Make justified recommendations for improvements to the project. AC (5.1) Produce a report of all project procedures used. Present the outcomes of the project to an audience using an agreed AC (5.2) format and appropriate. Reference



6 7 8 12 16 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 30 31 32 34 35

AC (1.1): Analyze the factors that contribute to the process of project selection.

Technological factor

Advances in technology can help improve productivity of labor, also as reduce transportation costs, distribution costs, communication costs and production costs. Examples of it include changes that affect the production and distribution of a product or  services.

Economic factor

Economic factor affects the overall consumption and investment in a business. A stable economy attracts firms that wish to do business. An unstable economy however increases  business risks and even deters investment. Examples of it include national income, taxation policy, foreign exchange policy, inflation rate, etc.

Physical factor

It refers to the physical location and natural environment which directly affects the economic development of the countries or a region. A favorable physical environment with well-planned infrastructures likes the airport and transport facilities can attract firms.

Social and cultural factor

Social factor affects the productivity and labor supply. Examples of it include the  population structure, language ability, education level, etc. Cultural factor affects trhe taste and preferences of costumers. Examples of it include whether a country encourage women to go out and work and emphasis on virtue of hard work.

Political factor

This is related to the political system, laws and regulations of a country. Political systems can be classified as authoritarian and democratic. Laws and regulations' examples include licensing laws, customer laws, and labor laws, and licensing regulations. A country with sound legal system and stable political condition can attract investments as it enhances investors' confidence.


AC (1.2): D evelop outline project specifications for the implementation of a new product, service or process.

Hiticha Group is a well-known multinational organization which specialized in manufacturing electronic products for the retail market. With a budget of £120,000, Hiticha Group has decided to shortlist our company as the most potential event company to manage their 15th Annual Dinner and Dance event. With clients’ endorsement, it will  be named the “Starry Starry Night!!!!”

The objectives for this project are to provide our new client an extraordinary Annual Dinner and Dance, and to make an impression in our client for future engagements for  our services. With the organizational commitment from top management to the team members, it lays the fundamental structure for the project manager to develop and execute the project plan.


AC (1.3): Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new product, service or process.

Scope of the Project:

Hiticha Group is a well-known multinational organization which specialized in manufacturing electronic products for the retail market. Hiticha Group head-quarter is  based in Japan with more than 10 overseas branches. UK’s regional office deals with marketing, sales and service support etc. In December 2011, Hiticha’s UK office will host their 15th Annual Dinner and Dance event, gathering approximately 500 staffs including clients, partners as well as business associates. With a budget of £120,000, Hiticha Group has decided to shortlist our company as the most potential event company to manage their 15th Annual Dinner and Dance event.

From the initial understanding, Hiticha Group will like to conceptualize their dinner and dinner as per their latest marketing campaign – Like “The Shooting Star”. We are tasked to create a theme that chosen embraces grandeur and glamour at a beach environment, where the party will start from evening till the end. The underlying mission is to create an environment, filled with special activities. We hope to provide all guests and staffs with the experience of an extraordinary starry beach night and indulge in the wonderful and splendid performances organize by our company. With clients endorsement, we will name the event “Starry Starry Night!!!!”

Objective of the project:

Our objectives for this project are to provide our new client an extraordinary Annual Dinner and Dance, and to make an impression in our client for future engagements for  our services. This project will be the critical stepping stone for our company to gain more market share. The top management of the company will select the most suitable project manager to lead this project. The project manager is desirable to be tactful with clients,  positive and committed, and experienced in managing a team to organize the larger scale  projects. The importance of leadership is to organize the project team and amplify commitments in the team members. With the organizational commitment from top


management to the team members, it lays the fundamental structure for the project manager to develop and execute the project plan.

The project cycle is the basis for the project manager to develop the project plan. The Business aspect involves all the operational functions that relating to the overall business management of the project issues from the perspective of customer management,  justification of the project. Whereas, Budget aspect involve events related to the requisitioning of the project funds and its management throughout the life of the project implementation. Whereas, Technical aspect identifies the list of activities and events required to provide the optimum technical solution in the most efficient way. The technical aspect spans from the determination of what our client wants to validation the  project solution that satisfies our clients. The below illustration will give a more concise concept on the three aspects from our company perspective on this project.

 Business aspect: Being labeled as medium-sized event company, we are lack of multinational company’s event to our portfolio to showcase our success. The milestone project with Hiticha provides us with the opportunity to break-through our currently status and to advance into the multi-national company market. It is very much critical that we can clinch this project.

 Budget Aspect: “Starry Starry Night” is an outdoor event, which is also the 15th years anniversary celebration of the Hiticha company. It is expected to cater for about 500 guests. Our client has mentioned that they will be investing a considerable sum of  £120,000 for this event, however they also wish we able to assist them to reduce some unnecessary cost for this project. While we are aiming at a forty percents profit from the entire project, we will attempt to assist our client in reducing their cost. However, in order for our company to have better case flow during the implementation period, as per   proposed contract, the payments will be made to us by 2 installments, which is 60% follow by 40% of the total proposal cost. The first payment will be made to us when we sign the official contract, while the second payment will be the day after the event. With


the first installment being received, we will have sufficient cash flow to carry out this  project.

Technical Aspect: One of the deciding factor for the project to be considered as successful lies on the satisfaction of our clients. The smile on our client face, after the event, is the deciding factor. Our challenge is to ensure that the setting is to be done as  per the expectation of the given theme, creating the right atmosphere for the guests, within the given timeline.

In order to meet the above objectives, the following portions will highlight on the each of  the cycles. Basically Business, Budget and Technical cycle are each made up of three  periods, study, implementation and operation periods, which will be illustrated in the later part

Project management, planning and implementation cycle:

Project management and planning coordinate and optimize the resources necessary to successfully complete a project. The resources referring to are manpower, skills, budget, commitment, systems and equipment. Goal of planning is to meet project objectives meeting company and client's requirements. Project plan coordinates and optimizes coordination, mitigating risk and plan for contingencies. Importantly, it aims to obtain commitment from team members to see through the project from planning to operation and disposal. The plan puts in-place a control system to ensure for accountability of   processes and expenditure, meeting schedules and clarity.

For the project to be successful and achieve the given objectives, it is critical to understand and plan our project cycle. Project cycle is defined as an orderly sequence of  integrated activities, performed in phases, leading to success (Forsberg, Mooz and Cotterman, 2005). Like all projects, we will need to break down our project cycle into three aspects – business, budget and technical. The team should see project cycle as the foundation for achieving predictable performance which is tailored with special characteristics. The resultant project cycle then becomes the parent or driver of the


 project’s logic network – represented by PERT and GANTT charts that will be developed during the planning. (Forsberg, Mooz and Cotterman, 2005) The project cycle should be  planned throughout the study period, implementation period and operation period.


AC (2.1): Produce a project plan for an agreed project.

Scope of the Project:

Hiticha Group is a well-known multinational organization which specialized in manufacturing electronic products for the retail market. Hiticha Group head-quarter is  based in Japan with more than 10 overseas branches. UK’s regional office deals with South-East Asia marketing, sales and service support etc. In December 2011, Hiticha’s UK office will host their 15th Annual Dinner and Dance event, gathering approximately 500 staffs including clients, partners as well as business associates. With a budget of £ 120,000, Hiticha Group has decided to shortlist our company as the most potential event company to manage their 15th Annual Dinner and Dance event.

From the initial understanding, Hiticha Group will like to conceptualize their dinner and dinner as per their latest marketing campaign – Like the shooting starThe Shooting Star. We are tasked to create a theme that chosen embraces grandeur and glamour at a beach environment, where the party will start from evening till the end. The underlying mission is to create an environment, filled with special activities. We hope to provide all guests and staffs with the experience of an extraordinary starry beach night and indulge in the wonderful and splendid performances organize by our company. With clients endorsement, we will name the event “Starry Starry Night!!!!”

Objective of the project:

Our objectives for this project are to provide our new client an extraordinary Annual Dinner and Dance, and to make an impression in our client for future engagements for  our services. This project will be the critical stepping stone for our company to gain more market share. The top management of the company will select the most suitable project manager to lead this project. The project manager is desirable to be tactful with clients,  positive and committed, and experienced in managing a team to organize the larger scale  projects. The importance of leadership is to organize the project team and amplify commitments in the team members. With the organizational commitment from top


management to the team members, it lays the fundamental structure for the project manager to develop and execute the project plan.

The project cycle is the basis for the project manager to develop the project plan. The Business aspect involves all the operational functions that relating to the overall business management of the project issues from the perspective of customer management,  justification of the project. Whereas, Budget aspect involve events related to the requisitioning of the project funds and its management throughout the life of the project implementation. Whereas, Technical aspect identifies the list of activities and events required to provide the optimum technical solution in the most efficient way. The technical aspect spans from the determination of what our client wants to validation the  project solution that satisfies our clients. The below illustration will give a more concise concept on the three aspects from our company perspective on this project.

 Business aspect: Being labeled as medium-sized event company, we are lack of multinational company’s event to our portfolio to showcase our success. The milestone project with Hiticha provides us with the opportunity to break-through our currently status and to advance into the multi-national company market. It is very much critical that we can clinch this project.

 Budget Aspect: “Starry Starry Night” is an outdoor event, which is also the 15th years anniversary celebration of the Hiticha company. It is expected to cater for about 500 guests. Our client has mentioned that they will be investing a considerable sum of £ 120,000 for this event, however they also wish we able to assist them to reduce some unnecessary cost for this project. While we are aiming at a forty percents profit from the entire project, we will attempt to assist our client in reducing their cost. However, in order for our company to have better case flow during the implementation period, as per   proposed contract, the payments will be made to us by 2 installments, which is 60% follow by 40% of the total proposal cost. The first payment will be made to us when we sign the official contract, while the second payment will be the day after the event. With


the first installment being received, we will have sufficient cash flow to carry out this  project.

Technical Aspect: One of the deciding factor for the project to be considered as successful lies on the satisfaction of our clients. The smile on our client face, after the event, is the deciding factor. Our challenge is to ensure that the setting is to be done as  per the expectation of the given theme, creating the right atmosphere for the guests, within the given timeline.

In order to meet the above objectives, the following portions will highlight on the each of  the cycles. Basically Business, Budget and Technical cycle are each made up of three  periods, study, implementation and operation periods, which will be illustrated in the later part

Project management, planning and implementation cycle:

Project management and planning coordinate and optimize the resources necessary to successfully complete a project. The resources referring to are manpower, skills, budget, commitment, systems and equipment. Goal of planning is to meet project objectives meeting company and client's requirements. Project plan coordinates and optimizes coordination, mitigating risk and plan for contingencies. Importantly, it aims to obtain commitment from team members to see through the project from planning to operation and disposal. The plan puts in-place a control system to ensure for accountability of   processes and expenditure, meeting schedules and clarity.

For the project to be successful and achieve the given objectives, it is critical to understand and plan our project cycle. Project cycle is defined as an orderly sequence of  integrated activities, performed in phases, leading to success (Forsberg, Mooz and Cotterman, 2005). Like all projects, we will need to break down our project cycle into three aspects – business, budget and technical. The team should see project cycle as the foundation for achieving predictable performance which is tailored with special characteristics. The resultant project cycle then becomes the parent or driver of the


 project’s logic network – represented by PERT and GANTT charts that will be developed during the planning. (Forsberg, Mooz and Cotterman, 2005) The project cycle should be  planned throughout the study period, implementation period and operation period.


AC (2.2): Match appropriate resources to the project.

SL. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.




Contract of service provision

1 set

Event Setup

Venue for conduct of event

1 set

Event Setup

Tentage for conduct of event

1 set

Event Setup

Stage in tentage

1 set

Event Setup

Activities area

1 set

Event Setup

Dining area

1 set

Event Setup

Games booths

6 Booths

Event Setup

Pot-flower & plants



Directional signs



Mobile generator


Power supply

Prizes for games



Customized gift



Customized balloon


Decoration / special effects

Invitation card



License for usage of copyright media


Special effects




Special effects


Eight-Course Dinner with alcoholic


and non-alcoholic drinks Audio system amplifier



18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Audio Mixer & equalizer


Special effects

Speakers with stand


Special effects

Wireless microphones with stand


Special effects

Wireless microphones (hands-free)


Special effects

Audio Technician


Special effects

Dancing-man tube


Special effects


SL. 24. 25.



City color architectural lightings


Special effects

MAC-700 intelligent spot lightings


Special effects


Special effects



Rear screen projectors


Special effects







Standup comedy


Kumar - 20 mins



Olivia Ong - 3 songs

A3-size poster






intelligent stage lighting controller  Digital video camera with camera man

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.



34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

Banner (4ft by 2by)



Banner (6ft by 3ft)



Live Feed Photo Shoot



Tattoo Dauber



Who Dares To Win games



Magic Performance



Bhangara Dancers



Shaolin Matrix



Street fusion



Confetti cannon



Carbon desire




AC (2.3): Cost all resources required for implementing a project.



5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


Detail Description Provision of Stage & deco for event

Proposal to Client (£)

Cost (£)

Profit (£)

inclusive of: Food Catering at events




hall for 500 pax (A) Portable rental stage (B) 1 set of 3 dimension Backdrop




and entrance specially design for 




event  (C) Decoration of event areas Audio Visuals Productions inclusive







3,500 4,500

2,500 2,800

1,000 1,700




1,000 1,000 3,500 4,000

300 500 2,000 2,500

700 500 1,500 1,500













of electricity supply Photography and Videography EMCEE and show productions Celebrity Acts – Kumar & Olivia Ong Licenses and Fees Promotion of Event Pre Dinner Entertainments Spectacular Special Effects Professional Events

(Manpower Cost) Fixed hidden cost inclusive: wages,  project



transports allowances, etc Various hidden cost 15.




staffs, inclusive:



wages, etc Total


AC (2.4): Agree timescales for the management and implementation of a project.

SL. 1.

2. 3. 4.

Task Name


Start Date

Finish Date


0 days



Meet clients for theme and budget

1 day



First budget drafting

2 days



2 days



Proposed ideas and venue

2 days



source quotation

3 days



Evaluation of budget

1 day



segregation of task for proposal

2 days



consolidation of information

1 day



confirmation of final proposal

1 day



1 day



1 day



3 days



1 day



draft agreement

1 day



legal consultant

2 days



endorsement of contract

1 day



receive of first payment

7 days



source of venue

2 days



Brainstorming for program activities & games

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

final budget draft & breakdown budget draft

12. 13.

 presentation to client negotiation with client & revision of 

 proposal 14. finalization of proposal and theme concept 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

tentative booking of venue

1 day



confirmation of venue

1 day



selection of Project Team member

2 days



formation of sub team

1 day



design of games and activities

2 days



Continued SL. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Task Name


Start Date

Finish Date

site visit to the venue

1 day



design of general floor plan

5 days



design of stage and dinner table layout

3 days



 booths and game activities layout

3 days



cable and power point layout

3 days



2 days



design of signage

2 days



confirmation of contractor

1 day



 preparation of construction material

7 days



1 day



selection of prizes and gifts

3 days



design of customized gift

4 days



making of customized gift and balloons

7 days



verify no. of pot-flower & balloons required

31. 32. 33. 34.

construction of tent age and power  cables

35. 36. 37.


38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

collection of customized item

2 days



design of invitation card

3 days



 printing of invitation card

5 days



sending of invitation card to client

1 day



application of required license

8 days



selection of food caterer

2 days



food tasting with client

5 days



confirmation of food caterer

1 day



source of entertainers

10 days



confirmation of entertainers

5 days



design of entertainer dressing

5 days




5 days



Actual day of event

0 days




AC (2.5): Plan an appropriate strategy for the implementation of a project.

Functions of strategy planning:

1. Planning a vital aspect of management, serves several important functions. 2. It provides basis for organizing the work on the project and allocating responsibilities for the individuals. 3. It is a means of communication and coordination between all those involved in the project. 4. It induces the people to look ahead. 5. It instills a sense of urgency and time consciousness. 6. It establishes the basis of monitoring and control.

Areas of strategy planning:

1. Planning the project work. 2. Planning the resources and organization. 3. Planning the money. 4. Planning the information system.

Steps in project strategy planning:

1. Setting the project objectives. 2. Identifying the work activities. 3. Creating the project organization. 4. Preparing project schedule. 5. Making budget and resource plan. 6. Preparing forecast of time, work, cost and performance projections.

Project objectives and Strategies:

Often, the focus of project planning is on questions like who does what and when. Before such operational planning is done, the objectives and policies guiding the project  planning exercise must be articulated. The questions to be answered in this context here: 1. What are the technical and performance objectives?


2. What are the time and cost goals? 3. To what extent should the work be given outside contractors? 4. How many contractors should be terms of contract?

Well-defined objectives and policies serve as the framework for the decisions to be made  by the project manager. Throughout the life of a project, he has to seek a compromise  between the conflicting goals of technical performance, cost standard, and time target.

Work breakdown structure:

The work breakdown structure, as its name suggests, represents a systematic and logical  break down of the project into its component parts. Thus breakdown structure helps in: 1.

Effective planning by dividing the work into manageable elements, which can be  planned, budgeted, and controlled.

2. Assignment of responsibility for work elements to project personnel and outside agencies. 3. Development and control and information system.

Essentials strategies for successful project implementation:

1. Adequate formulation. 2. Sound project organization. 3. Proper implementation planning. 4. Advance action. 5. Timely availability of funds. 6. Better contract management. 7. Effective control and monitoring the progress of the project.


AC (3.1): Implement a project in accordance with an agreed specification.

Implementation Period:

As the project moves into the implementation period, the project manager needs to translate organizational business strategy into directions and instructions to the project team. This is a critical task for the project manager. When the scope of undertaking is as clear as crystal, the team can focus and optimize resources to achieve the stated objectives. Although timeline and budget given may be tight, the project manager should not compromise the quality of the event. Instead, he is required to manage the risk  involved / assessed in the project. The project risk management will be discussed in detail in the later part.

As budgeted, this project will require us to be spending a considerable sum of money; therefore the project manager can try to improve relationship with our entertainers, suppliers and venue owners while bargaining for the best value contract for the project. For example, we will be engaging famous celebrities like Kurman and SINGER – to make the event looks prestigious, it will be promotes the company’s image if the celebrities are to comment well on our project. Also, the project manager will need to ensure that the project is proper licensed with the rights to play music, MTV or fireworks.

The concept of this arrangement is because our client, Hiticha Group will be inviting their top clients and business associates from the region to attend this event. Therefore, it is critical for the project manager to make the event grand so that the guests will feel the importance of their presence in this event which is the primary reason. This will ensure these top clients and business associates to feel pampered and indulged themselves during the entire event. Meanwhile, we would be able to build rapport between us and the guest as this will aid in our business expansion through the conduit of our customers’ networking as well as enable us to explore the opportunity to gain more sales pipelines for future projects.


Lastly, the business decision gates lie on the shoulder of the project manager, with the assistant of the advisory panel. They should be informed with any hiccups or changes during the project. The project manager needs to be in control and stay in control while overseeing the overall activities.

Operation Period:

During the rehearsal and the day of the event, we continue to liaise with contractors for  on-site support. All defects reported are to be rectified immediately. At the same time, the  project team will continue to evaluate the performance of the contractors. The evaluation will aid the company to retain and improve industrial relationship with reliable contractors. For cost effectiveness and ensure reliability, our top management may consider negotiating for a term contact with selected contractors.

After the successful conduct of the event, the project team will be gathering client’s feedback. Project Manager will also consolidate lessons learnt for better improvements in future events. A final evaluation is whether key performance indicators, such as meeting company’s objectives are met. This report will aid in faster evaluation on feasibility for  similar projects.


AC (3.2): Develop appropriate measures to monitor and evaluate progress and outcomes.

As mentioned in the risk management, it is important that the project is closely monitored. However, the rationale of having a project tracking and reviewing process is to ensure the four major project variables – performance, cost, time and scope are been taken care of and well monitored by our company throughout the whole project. This is important especially when the project has advanced to the phase of performance, having a consistent and constant flow of information on the actual and accurate status of the  project would be essential. Furthermore, reviewing also play an important role in working hand in hand with both tracking and monitoring as well in the project. This is to ensure all issues have been addressed during the process.

The key elements in the project that are required for tracking purpose include: • Scope of Work  • Project Functional • Success Factors • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – Activity list and network  • Work Packages for critical path tasks to develop an additional level of detail • Budgets and Estimates • Master and supporting schedules • Financial and funding plans • Quality and Configuration Management Plans • Stakeholder Analysis, including management and clients

The Management functions of tracking and monitoring are indispensable to the effective and efficient control of the project. In another word, tracking is been defined as the fact finding process whereas monitoring is the analysis of these facts. Both are required for  the management of the project.


The Card-On-Wall (COW) methodology will be used during the implementation period to facilitate monitoring of the overall progress. OBS, WBS, PPL, network diagrams, estimated budget allocation and schedules using PERT and CPM will be made available on the server. This is to facilitate easy access for the top management and project team. In addition, team members will be submitting Weekly Update Reports (WUR) to the project manager. The WUR is a simple report that reports the status of the each task, the task  owner and the expected time of completion. Team members may include pictures or use any means to provide these information. Team members are encouraged to do open reporting on any problems, especially problems that occur in the critical path. The Project manager is expected to look into the problems and resolve it as soon as possible. If  further endorsement is required, the Project Manager is encouraged to approach the top management, such as the Chief Operations Officer (COO). The Project Manager will also  be providing a fortnightly report to the COO. The report focuses on the planned schedule and expenditures against the actual schedule progress and expenditure. The changes in client’s requirements and the related actions taken are also reported in this report.


AC (3.3): Monitor the implementation of the project.

The most dreadful incident that could happen to an event company is failing to meet the deadline given by our clients. In our case, the entire team is to work closely and effectively to ensure that this event will be ready by 10th Dec 2011 - as set by our client.

In order to reduce the possibilities of failing to meet the deadline, we have planned out the scheduling of each activity, the inter-relationship of individual activity and given a timeline to each activity. However, according to our PERT calculation, there is a  possibility that our project can be delayed by 4.14 days. Therefore, the project is to be completed on 4th Dec 2011, which is 4 working days before the actual event. Hence, we have planned the rehearsal to be held on 3rd Dec 2011, with 5 days of time allowance for  completion.

Even with additional time allowance, we can still be in the danger of failing to meet the deadline if each activity is not carried out within their given timeline, specially the activities found within the critical path. Since we are unable to forecast or prevent mishaps, we have opted to be safe than sorry. While we are working out on the Gantt chart, we have given more timeline to activities, which have more likelihood to be delayed.

With reference to the above network diagram and grant chart, we have noticed that there is a timing lapse between both the critical path and non-critical path. In another word, there might be some delays that hold up or slow down the whole process. Hence, for  example, the construction of tentage and installation of power cable are the activities which fall under the critical path. These two activities supposedly to be completed by 3rd Dec 2011. However, due to unforeseeable circumstances like raining on the day that we  plan to set up of tentage. This will eventually leads to the delay of setting up the tentage and delay in installation of sound systems and stage setup etc. The whole process is disrupted which causes the planning to be delayed as well as affected the whole progress of implementation process. Thus, our deadline might not be meets as result we are not


able to complete the project as schedule or plan. Whereas, the non critical path activity like collection of customized gifts have been deferred to another date due to the delay in shipment that causes the original collection date schedule to be delayed rather than completed by 2nd Dec 2011 - the actual collection date. But, it does not disrupt the whole progress as the other functions still able to carry out without delay. Hence,  precautionary measurement has been taken into account as we arranged the tentage to be set up by at least one day earlier than the actual plan as this will helps to prevent the disruption of the critical activities like raining. The early setup of tentage will act as a  buffers, this is to prevent unforeseeable circumstance for disrupting the progress or delay of the whole process.

With the above precautionary measurements, we believed that we will be able to meet our deadline or finish the event early which won’t fail the expectation that our clients have in us.


AC (4.1): Analyze the outcomes of a project in terms of the original project specification.

The accomplishment of this project provides many benefits to the company. Besides having a higher reputation for events planning services, there will be a boost in company’s revenue and sense of achievement in employees. Essential to the growth of  the company, the knowledge management processes will aid future project teams in managing similar projects, improving cost effectiveness and work efficiency.


AC (4.2): Evaluate the outcomes of a project.

One of the main concerns with regards to this project is on the accuracy of the project’s  budgeting plan. The objective is to create an accurate and well monitored budget plan, in order to reduce the risk of getting into cash flow difficulties or over-spending the given  budget.

In order to meet the clients expectation and given event theme, we will be engaging external companies to perform several activities and to custom-make gifts and decoration items. As we have forecasted that the number of items required and its quantity and quality required may varies, it is critical for our logistics and external liaison team to be  precise on the quotations gathered during the sourcing phase in the study period. Such variable cost includes the entertainers’ fees, cost to customize-make items, cost of  construction, cost of printing and cost of external manpower. The logistic team is to tabulate a project product list as according to projected quantity and quality. Whenever  there is any update or changes to the project product list, our logistic team is to notify the finance department. The finance department’s role is to control and monitor the  budgeting. We will discuss on the methods of monitoring in the later part.

Based on the information and quotation gathered, the finance department, together with the project manager will draft out a budget proposal which include the project cost,  proposed pricing for client and estimated profit. This budget plan has to be reviewed and agreed by all other departments, especially the logistic department. The project manager  and the external liaison team will liaise with the client to confirm on the pricing and revised the plan if necessary. Upon endorsement of contract, client will be invoiced with 60% of the contracted price and remaining balance on a later date. To ensure a flow cash flow, the estimated date of payment received from client is scheduled to be ahead of the estimated date of payment payable to the external parties. By doing so, we can be ensured that our finance department have the cash available for any out-going payment required, if the budget is well-maintained.


AC (4.3): Make justified recommendations for improvements to the project.

Based on our experience, one of the factors that can cause an event to fail is due to the client’s expectation and requirement. Although being contracted, most clients have the habits of making last minutes changes to the theme or requirements. If the project manager fails to cater sufficient timeline within the project scheduling, the project will fail either in terms of meeting the deadline or meeting the client’s expectation. As the old saying goes “Customer is always right”, we have to anticipate any changes, which our  client will have and ensure that there is always sufficient time to work on the changes incurred.

To avoid the unpleasant situation, it is the responsibility of our external liaison team to be in constant contact with our client, updating them on our current process and informing that the upcoming process. This allows our client to alert us before hand on the changes, which they have in mind. Also, external liaison team will constantly remind the client on the timeline given to them for making changes before we execute each important activity like design of gifts or arrangement of floor plan. Meanwhile, we will be closely monitoring the timeline and progress advancement that set by us internally in order to have more buffers when required as well as from our clients. This is to prevent us from having any hiccups or letting our clients to have any unpleasant experience with us. Building a good rapport with clients will enable us to give them a sense of satisfactory and that is what our company have been emphasizing.


AC (5.1): Produce a report of all project procedures used.

Before the project commence, the event manager and the team members are identified as early as possible. This is because the team members are chartered from various departments in the company. Early identification allows event manager and department managers to manage work load of the team members. In the company, the matrix functional structure is always adopted. Employees from various departments are assigned to be team members in project teams. This is because they are in the best position to assist the project team in their primary scope of work. Hence, for example, an accountant is assigned to manage financial accounting and payments for the event. With all the required staffing, the Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) provides the reporting structure for the project. Importantly, it identifies the all group members, stake holders and management. It is the structure that to organize the project team. The organization structure provides one of the fundamental structures to support the project through its  project cycle.

From the PPL listed, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is used to assist the project team to allocate budget, assign tasks and scheduling. It is also developed to provide an effective visual overview of identifying of tasks, statuses and task owner. The WBS diagram, as below, is divided in four main categories of work – Venue Setup, Entertainment, Food and Beverage and Industrial Relations. Industrial Relationship is an important









understanding and managing client’s requirements, and translating into time, cost and tasks. In addition, task owners help to market the company’s services. Another category, Venue Setup, is essential as the foundation for the rest of the activities to fall in-place. Achieving the theme at the beach is unique and challenging, and requires a lot of  resources. The entertainment category also consists of resources. It is also the key  performance indicator for our company to make the mark in Hitacha and their business  partners. The fourth category is Food and Beverages, which is baseline for customer  satisfaction.


Each category of work in the WBS is further broken down into sub-categories and eventually into tasks. WBS dictionary and WBS package compliments by further  elaborating on the tasks. The WBS dictionary defines the tasks, task requirements and expectations in the WBS. The WBS package states the critical information about completing the task. Such critical information includes the dates for commencement and completion, task owner, allocated budget and conditions. The comprehensive WBS helps the event manager to identify the tasks which are critical to fulfil the requirements for  each system or activity. During the initiation ceremony, the WBS will be signed off by the process owners, signifying top management’s recognition and commitment to the team members. Intangibly, the signing-off event harnesses organizational commitments from task owners. The WBS will be placed on the company’s server for easy access to all team members and top management. This enhances communication and better  understanding among top management and project team.

From the work breakdown structure (WBS), the project manager will allocate the members with responsibility that suit the team member’s capability. Based on their job scope, each member will attempt to assist the client’s D&D committees in their concept  planning, coordinating, and sourcing for alternative resources during the implementation  period. The purpose is to show our clients what we are capable of. As one of the main objective to the create the special effects for the theme, it is essential for the logistic team to design and build the special effects lighting in order to lift up the atmosphere and the moods of the audiences. The setting of the special effect and lighting will be pre set up and test during the rehearsal, prior to the actual event.


AC (5.2): Present the outcomes of the project to an audience using an agreed format and appropriate.

A competent project manager is selected to lead the biggest event for our company. It will be an opportunity to develop the company’s profile and improve reputation. With commitment from top management, the project manager leads the team in proposing a unique and feasible theme to clinch the deal. To ensure highest success rate, the project managers will develop a detailed and comprehensive project development plan. Risks will be identified and mitigated. Control measures will be put in-place to monitor and react to problems as soon as possible.

The accomplishment of this project provides many benefits to the company. Besides having a higher reputation for events planning services, there will be a boost in company’s revenue and sense of achievement in employees. Essential to the growth of  the company, the knowledge management processes will aid future project teams in managing similar projects, improving cost effectiveness and work efficiency.


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