Assignment No. 17

August 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Richard Bolosan Migriño BS. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial Leadership ENTR 40013 Section: 1-1 Question # 17

1. As a leader, how might you overcome your own felt resistance to a chang change e from above and act as a role model for implementing the change? I think this change has a different effect on everyone. Only if you step back, take a deep breath, and prepare how you will incorporate the transition with the individuals you affect in your company, will I successfully resolve my own perceived opposition. Whether you explain the transition to the individuals you affect has the single biggest effect on how much opposition to reform is i s going to happen. When you convey the shift with all your might, you will gain the workers ' hearts and minds. If you are deemed trustworthy, and your employees support you and feel committed to you, staff will be much more willing to easily embark on the transition. From the point of view of an a n individual employee, you can not learn or understand the effect. For many workers, the shift may seem trivial, but the move will have a serious impact on the favorite role of another employee. In a non-judgmental atmosphere, listening the workers out and having them share their point of view can minimize resistance to change.

2. How are Kotter’s eight -stage framework for change and the AI method similar? How are they different? Explain. Change is needed to keep up with advances and technology for any organization today, without change a company will fall behind its competitors and fail. Professor John Kotter 8-Step Change Process is widely used by large organizations for transformative top-down change initiatives where leaders are responsible for guiding employees through the process of change. The model requires a mission and plan that encourages workers to be motivated to make decisions that will eventually achieve the desired end result. Kotter's model has eight phases beginning with the need for urgency and going through the eight stages where failure in either of them may result in the desired end state failure. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) searches for what is already good in the organization and its employees. AI involves four stages where there is really no opportunity to fail. The reason there is no opportunity to fail is because the methodology is not to solve a problem, but to improve what is already good or simply to make it better than it is today. One of the steps is to Dream, which is similar to the third state of Kotter’s Eight, create a vision. Step 3 of AI is design which is similar to Kotter’s Step four communicate the vision and finally step eight is much like Kotter’s plan to sustain what was achieved3. Think of a problem situation you would like to change at work, school, or home and describe how you would provide a positive emotional attractor for this change.

3. How could you increase the number of novel and useful solutions solutions you can come up with to solve a problem? Realistically, the solution could go some hundred directions to know the truth. As politicians are agents of of change, they need to be able to think on their feet and identify solutions to a problem. The developer of answers to this problem concentrated on a few issues to be discussed here. First of all, the most important thing is that there is contact that will be affected by the shifts between themselves and the group (or parties). So, both brainstorming contact and online brainstorming network the results required for the solutions. A second idea here is that to come up with some constructive responses, one would need to utilize their past experience. While this may be difficult under pressure, a true leader will use his or her experience to find a solution to the root of a problem. Leaders must be willing to think on their feet and add the greatest possible amount of information to the scenario. A third and final idea here has to do with the quantity of ideas that are administered. As one says, the more ideas, the merrier it will be. One can never have too many options to work with as the ones which will not apply the most will likely be weeded out anyway. Additionally, more persons may get involved into the situation which could lead to a quicker resolution just as a way to help out.


4. Of the five elements that help people change (positive emotional emotional attractor, supportive relations relationships, hips, repetition of new behaviors, participation and involvement, and after-action reviews), which do you think leaders are most likely to overlook? Why?  While there is a difference of opinion here, it can ca n be a toss-up that one can determine which one would be the least used by a pupil. According to the developer of remedies, after-action reports are likely to be used for a few purposes at the least. To begin with, it's normal for most people to feel it's set in stone once a change is made. But they probably won't want to evaluate the change's net impact to assess if it was effective or not. The theory here is that and do such a work they are very lazy. It may only work for a short period, but it's all about it. While this may not be as typical a preference as the others, there are other options here that would be the positive emotional attractor and reinforcement of new behaviors. This is so because improvements with no rhyme or reason added to them can be imposed on others. Finally, selecting which one fits better here is up to one.

5. How would you suggest a leader overcome resistance to a change that is going to cause some people to lose their jobs? The situation presented here for the question at hand is one that is always difficult to do as a leader, as one must maintain a straight face while ensuring that the business is functioning properly. It's also because of this interrupting life that makes it a struggle. Realistically, there are a few things that leaders can do to get through a troubled time like this. To start, leaders must be willing to understand that they must do it for the right reasons. Thus, they should be as supportive as possible for the employees they affect so that they can get back on solid ground in a timely manner. This can include leaders assisting with job placement into a new position and or giving the affected persons resources for help. A second tip that leaders can use here is to explain the reasoning behind the change. They need to provide persons with as much information as requested so that they are not felt like they are being terminated without some due cause. This may not get d esired results but cover bases for all con cerned when it comes for letting them go. Finally, the most important thing that the leaders will need to do is to keep the process moving. In the event they delay the terminations or layoffs, it will likely cost more to the firm than what it could have been if done in a timelier manner. This is critically important because the leaders have many other things on their plates above and beyond this one situation. Hence, getting stuck on this topic alone isn’t good for business truth be known. The show must go on.

6. Is the world really changing faster today, or do people just just assume so? I believe that the world is changing faster today. Technological advances have created an exponential growth in how we receive and transmit information. The world is changing faster than ever. And we’re going to have to adapt faster than ever too, just to keep up. World is not changing, peoples are. We are all going to destroy very soon in fact we are already destroying us. I know we are living in the era of globalization and modernization but following the western culture is seriously a caution for us. First of all culture and traditions are not only embedded in our minds only, they are in our genes, in our DNA (scientifically proven) because our ancestors are following it from thousands of years. Secondly, anything coming from west has no root, their traditions are just a tree without roots.

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