Assignment Material

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MEC 481 Due date: Week 12

Project Assignments (mark=10%) Course Outcomes •

Ability to apply basics concepts of structure, mechanical and physical properties of engineering materials (CO1) Ability to identify the relationships between properties and structure of engineering materials and perform materials selection process (CO2) process (CO2) Work in a small group of 3 – 5 members to communicate ideas, results, findings and etc. (CO3)

 Assignments Outcomes By i. ii. iii.

the end of this assignment, student should be able to; ake an engineering!style recommendation concerning a material for a gi"en application Write a meaningful report based on the findings from the study. #rgani$e and work effecti"ely in a team.

Description Assignment 1 (5% marks) %he ob&ecti"e of this pro&ect is to make an engineering!style recommendation concerning a material for a gi"en application. This may take the form of a justification of a particular material selecte for a particular application! specification of a material or ho" to specify a gi#en material! or a escription of the properties of a material that make it "ell suite to an application$ 'n all cases you will be best off to choose an application for your material in order to ha"e a clear conte(t for its e"aluation. tone is a fine material &ut not #ery useful for aircraft construction$ 'olymers are great &ut not for high temperatures$ )ou may choose one of the of materials* applications listed below for your study.

Bio degradable materials for f ood packaging +uture materials for automoti"e construction aterials for water filtration system aterials for medical implants aterials for porous operating de"ices aterials for orthopedic medical de"ices aterials for powder in&ection moulding components aterials for aerospace micro!components micro!components aterials for defence micro!components micro!components aterials for wear components aterials for weapons technology aterials for telecommunications aterials for high temperature applications aterials for corrosi"e en"ironments aterials for sports applications aterials for aircraft applications aterials for cutting tools in traditional machining processes trong and light materials for buildings

MEC 481 Due date: Week 12

Project Assignments (mark=10%) )ou should ideally choose a material that you would recommend for a specific application and &ustify the choice based on the re-uirements of the application and properties of the material. )ou should consider alternati"e materials in the discussion and e(plain why the material you ha"e chosen has particularly "aluable properties. )ou must make a specific recommendation in the paper concerning the use of the material. %he report will be e"aluated based on the content and creati"ity of the students. se graphics or figures where they would be helpful and be sure the report writing flows well and content is well organi$ed. %he pro&ect will consist of a report with a maximum length of / pages of te(t 0inclusi"e of figures and references1 per student on your team. %hus a team of fi"e students must submit a paper of no more than 2 pages length. euire *lements of the eport+ •

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• •

4(ecuti"e summary 0ma(imum one page summari$ing the most important aspects of the paper1 escription of the application in -uestion including what the materials re-uirements are, escription of the materials considered for this application, their properties, and a brief description of what aspects of the materials are critical to determining the properties, 4conomics6 costs, a"ailability, impact on product related to the selection, possible en"ironmental conse-uences, etc7. aterial 8ecommended6 which of the possible materials is recommended and why. %eam structure6 structure of your team and how team members participated.

 Assignment 2 (5% marks) An oral presentation  of the topic to the class will be re-uired. 4ach team will present a talk describing their research results and conclusions. All team members must  take part in the oral presentation so that if -uestions arise about their part of the research they will be able to pro"ide a clear answer.

MEC 481 Due date: Week 12

Project Assignments (mark=10%) Assignment*s %itle

6 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

%eam* :ame

6 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

eader*s :ame

6 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

ember*s :ame 6 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 cale e#el

1,2 4ery 'oor


5,. Accepta&le

/,0 oo

,1 *6cellent

)ou will rate yourself, and your team*s leader and other members will r ate you on the following criteria6

*lement ' was ready to work with my team ' did my assigned work well and always on time ' was fair to my teammates and myself ' listened to others appreciati"ely and was supporti"e ' was "ery committed and focused in my team ' put e(tra efforts to finish or accomplish our task ' encouraged others in my team and was helpful ' managed and coordinated team efforts effecti"ely ' was able to lead discussions and pro"ide solutions #"erall, ' was "ery satisfied and en&oyed my work Total 16

ember 26

ember /6

ember 36

ecturer 6


*arne Assessment eaer 8em&e 8em&e 7(8em r1 r2 &er -)

8em&e r3

MEC 481 Due date: Week 12

Project Assignments (mark=10%) 8*C-01 9 Assignment 1 Assessment :orm

?roups* :ame

6 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

eader*s :ame

6 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

ember*s :ame

6 21 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 /1 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 31 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 >1 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

cale e#el

1,2 4ery 'oor


5,. Accepta&le




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