Assignment 1 - Solution
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assignment 1 soloution...
Assessment Task 1 Management Plan for Stores of Houzit 1. Marketing Activities Marketing activities should include: - Maga Magazi zine ne adve advert rtis isin ing g and and PR - in-s in-sto torre pr promoti motion ons s - web based promo omotio tions ns.. All of tem are outlined in te !ase Stud".
2. Integration of organizational activities #ntegration of $rganizational $rganizational a%tivities sould in%lude& - visu visual al adv adver erti tisi sing ng lin links ks tr trou oug gou outt - web web add addrress ess on on #l #l mat mater eria iall - PR %op" %op" - use used d in in #l #l med mediu iums ms - ke" words ords tr troug ougo out
3. Monitor Progress 'or e(ample& Return on marketing investment and !olle%ting primar" and se%ondar" data and understanding and anal"zing )ualitative and *uantitative data anal"sis. Return on investment + net pro,t before ta(es #nvestment 'or e(ample - 1///.//// 0 2////// + /.345 + 3.456 )ualitative and *uantitative data anal"sis sould in%lude information from 7amberts !onsulting.
4. Distribution and pricing 8istribution and pri%ing dis%ussions sould in%lude& -
$n-lin $n-line e reta retaili iling ng a new new dist distrib ributi ution on %an %annel nel Pri%e Pri%e of impor imports ts to be monitor monitored ed agains againstt %ompetito %ompetitors rs and and e(%an e(%ange ge rate. rate.
!onsumer per%eption of pri%e and value-ln te end te %onsumer will de%ide if te produ%ts pri%e is rigt. 9en setting pri%es te %ompan" must %onsider %onsumer
per%eptions of pri%e and ow tese per%eptions a:e%t %onsumers bu"ing de%isions. Pri%ing de%isions like oter marketing mi( de%isions must be bu"er orientated.
5. Pl!s ;Pls sould sow& -
market sare + store salestotal estimated market sales Marketing %ost of %ustomer a%*uisition + %ost of marketingTotal new business a%*uired. Sales e%tive of in%reasing total sales b" 3/6 tis "ear provide attainable ?"et %allenging@ ob>e%tives tat will elp tem e:e%tivel" %ontribute to a%ieving "our business ob>e%tive. ;e" terms !urrent sales revenue& Te total dollar value of sales during te %urrent time period. Previous period sales revenue& Te total dollar value of sales during te time period.
Su%%ess indi%ators A positive sales growt per%entage over te spe%i,ed time period.
". Delegation of roles and responsibilities
ob - delegation enables us to gain e(perien%e to take on iger responsibilities. 8elegation %an be used to develop "our people and "ourself - delegation is not >ust a management te%ni*ue for freeing up te boss=s time. As a giver of delegated tasks "ou must ensure delegation appens properl". ust as signi,%antl" as te re%ipient of delegated tasks "ou %an =manage upwards= and
suggest improvements to te delegation pro%ess and understanding - espe%iall" if "our boss %ould use te elp. Managing te wa" "ou re%eive and agree to do delegated tasks is one of te %entral skills of =managing upwards= A simple delegation rule is te SMART a%ron"m or better still SMARTBR. #t=s a *ui%k %e%klist for proper delegation. 8elegated tasks must be& - Spe%i,% - Measurable - Agreed - Realisti% - Timebound - Bti%al - Re%orded Te steps of su%%essful delegation&
1. Defne the task !on,rm in "our own mind tat te task is suitable to be delegated. 8oes it meet te %riteria for delegatingC 2. Select the individual or team 9at are "our reasons for delegating to tis person or teamC 9at are te" going to get out of itC 9at are "ou going to get out of itC 3. Assess ability and training needs #s te oter person or team of people %apable of doing te taskC 8o te" understand wat needs to be doneC #f not "ou %an=t delegate. 4 Exlain the reasons Dou must e(plain w" te >ob or responsibilit" is being delegated. And w" to tat person or peopleC 9at is its importan%e and relevan%eC 9ere does it ,t in te overall s%eme of tingsC ! State re"uired results 9at must be a%ievedC !larif" understanding b" getting feedba%k from te oter person. How will te task be measuredC Make sure te" know ow "ou intend to de%ide tat te >ob is being su%%essfull" done. # $onsider resources re"uired 8is%uss and agree wat is re*uired to get te >ob done. !onsider people lo%ation premises e*uipment mone" materials oter related a%tivities and servi%es. % Agree deadlines 9en must te >ob be ,nisedC $r if an ongoing dut" wen are te review datesC 9en are te reports dueC And if te task is %omple( and as parts or stages wat are te prioritiesC At tis point "ou ma" need to %on,rm understanding wit te oter person of te previous points getting ideas and interpretation. As well as sowing "ou tat te >ob %an be done tis elps to reinfor%e %ommitment. Metods of %e%king and %ontrolling must be agreed wit te oter person. 'ailing to agree tis in advan%e will %ause tis monitoring to seem like interferen%e or la%k of trust.
& Suort and communicate Tink about wo else needs to know wat=s going on and inform tem. #nvolve te oter person in %onsidering tis so te" %an see be"ond te issue at and. 8o not leave te person to inform "our own peers of teir new responsibilit". 9arn te person about an" awkward matters of politi%s or proto%ol. #nform "our own boss if te task is important and of suE%ient pro,le. ' (eedback on results #t is essential to let te person know ow te" are doing and weter te" ave a%ieved teir aims. #f not "ou must review wit tem w" tings did not go to plan and deal wit te problems. Dou must absorb te %onse*uen%es of failure and pass on te %redit for su%%ess. 8elegation of roles and responsibilities dis%ussed sould in%lude& #ou $ in$store pro%otions &on' $ (eb pages Marie $ advertising) P*
F. !ommuni%ation strategies !ommuni%ation strategies dis%ussed sould in%lude& sared emailing formal meetings informal meetings team visits - stores progress %arts. $n%e "ou ave provided te information above "ou need to meet wit te !B$ ?"our assessor@ and dis%uss wit tem te information "ou ave gatered about te proposed marketing a%tivities and "our management plan. Dou sould dis%uss and agree on te proposed delegation of roles and responsibilities for marketing e:orts des%ribed in "our management plan. 9it te !B$=s approval "ou sould develop information to be sared wit relevant personnel in "our organization in%luding all information provided under ea% eading above.
Assessment Task 3 Sta: Support Plan A staEng support plan is a framework tat attempts to s%reen and %ontrol te %osts of uman %apital wile making a base to elp in de%ision making in an asso%iation. Te plan guarantees %onsisten%" wit state and government ne%essities for e(ample %op"rigt laws prote%tion laws 8ire%t Marketing !ode of Pra%ti%e and maligning laws. #t likewise elps asso%iations %reate ob>e%tives and impa%t staEng metodologies to stakeolders. Gesides an asso%iation %an better %larif" or prote%t its %oi%es to %ontra%t or redu%e personnel given te target anal"sis and %lear tinking tat a staEng support plan o:ers. Mentoring and %oa%ing are wa"s to deal wit adding to workers= potential ?Heneman 3/13@. # built up a staEng support plan for supporting troug people and work groups wit assigned parts and obligations inside Houzit $rganization. Te staEng support plan in%luded data under te a%%ompan"ing eadings&
Strategies Te strategies %oa%es and mentors utilize %an motivate workers and e(pand eE%ien%". An organization ougt to seek out %oa%es and mentors wo are not esitant to be straigtforward wit sta: %onsidering a legitimate %on%ern for improving te organization. Strategies utilized in Houzit $rganization will in%orporate setting goals and rewarding sta:. Setting goals gives sta: someting de,nite to move in te dire%tion of and %an e(pand eE%ien%" in te work environment. !oa%es and mentors o:er sta: some assistan%e wit %reating goals tat are spe%i,% measurable a%ievable and timel". ?SMART@. Rewards pla" a uge role in motivating sta:. As sta: a%ieve ob>e%tives in te working environment and make enan%ements to teir performan%e %onsidering produ%tive feedba%k %oa%es and mentors ougt to set aside an ideal opportunit" to reward workers and praise teir a%%omplisments.
)esources Te pro%ess of Houzit $rganization %oa%ing re*uires %ertain resour%es to a%%omplis its ob>e%tives and make te operation a fruitful one. A standout amongst te most important resour%es re*uired for an organizations %oa%ing is an a%%omplised and *uali,ed %oa%. An e(pert %oa% o:ers an organization some assistan%e wit in%reasing its gainfulness organize its ob>e%tives and work towards tem more e:e%tivel". An organizations %oa% sarpens ever" one of te relationsip building abilities tat are basi% to a%ievement. A %oa% will likewise o:er an organizing some assistan%e wit de,ning teir ob>e%tive market and build up teir advertising metodologies. Iotwitstanding ever" one of tese obligations an organizations %oa% %an likewise grow te business and e(pand bene,ts.
(eedback B:e%tive %oa%es %ompreend te *ualit" and signi,%an%e of giving %onstant performan%e feedba%k to sta: bot positive and remedial. 'eedba%k ougt to appen after te %ollaboration ful,llment of te deliverable or per%eption is made. #t ougt to likewise be spe%i,% wit arti%ulations as JDou made an awesome sowingJ. Positive feedba%k forti,es performan%e. #ndividuals will normall" go an additional mile wen te" feel re%ognized and a%knowledged. At te point wen te remedial input is taken %are of inade*uatel" it will be a notewort" sour%e of %onKi%t. 9en it is taken %are of well individuals will en%ounter te bene,%ial out%omes and performan%e is reinfor%ed ?Moutino 3/13@.
*er+ormance Bvaluation of te sta: weaknesses in Houzit $rganization is ver" vital. $ne ougt to onsider variables for e(ample lateness %orresponden%e issues te absen%e of e(%itement or drive poor understanding of materials or pro>e%ts and trouble %oe(isting wit oters. $ne ougt to work wit ever" member of sta: to %ome up wit *uanti,able ob>e%tives for development. 7ikewise one ougt to devise a framework to tra%k ever" sta:s advan%ement and %e%k in %onsistentl". #f a member of sta: as an issue wit parti%ipation or lateness for e(ample one ougt to make an attendan%e %art and o:er positive feedba%k - for e(ample applause or a%knowledgment - for good parti%ipation ever" week. 'or sta: wit spe%ialized issues or an absen%e of %ompreension training on %omputer pro>e%ts or frameworks %ould be advertised. $ter approa%es to keep tabs on sta: development ma" in%orporate aving workers monitor teir da" b" da" or week after week deals numbers ?Seean 3/11@.
+cenario 1, To assist Marie to a%ieve te re*uired marketing out%omes # would provide one-on one %oa%ing b" following some steps. Sin%e Marie is un%ertain in er undertakings # would put er at ease. Su% is a %ru%ial initial pase in te %oa%ing session as it would elp er gain trust in wat se does. # would ten dis%over wat Marie alread" knows. 'or instan%e se alread" as some skills in advertising. $n%e de%ided tis %an serve as a ground for new data and would likewise elp me to re%tif" an" wrong information tat se ma" ave. Marie needs assistan%e in web marketing and web design. Hen%e # would displa" data or sow work te%ni*ues on tat ,eld. After tat # would repeat te presentation of te data te%ni*ues tat se needs on%e more. Repetition builds te %an%es of %ompreension and olding te data. Sin%e Marie is a sarp learner # would evaluate te learning se as undertaken to ,gure out weter se %ompreended te data introdu%ed or if se %an perform te skill as illustrated. Marie does not ave te %ertaint" to settle on %oi%es. To o:er er some assistan%e wit getting troug tis # would give feedba%k and let er know weter se as e:e%tivel" learned wat was introdu%ed. #f not # will go over
wat still needs some work. At long last # would assess Marie=s >ob e(e%ution b" o%%asionall" verif"ing weter se is a%%uratel" implementing te learning or strategies. # would ten reward er b" %ongratulating or giving er some oter sort of prize for mastering te area tat re*uired %oa%ing. Su% will in%redibl" inspire er and elp er %ange ow se sees tings in a marketing perspe%tive.
+cenario 2, Ton"s performan%e to-date as raised %on%ern tat triggers me to take some %orre%tive measures to ensure tat marketing out%omes %ontinue to be a%ieved. Ton" is not a keen learner of di:erent t"pes of marketing apart from web marketing. # would fo%us on tat parti%ular a%tivit" instead of is personalit" or attitude. 9en one fo%uses on a parti%ular %ondu%t te individual will more likel" ave te %apa%it" to %ompreend wat one needs and w" and feel less defensive about it ?Sontakki 3/1/@. 7ikewise e sees is insigt as is s%olarl" %apital and is never *ui%k to sare it wit an"bod". He additionall" e(ibits tougts for web market tat are uneti%al under te organization=s eti%al prin%iples. # would depi%t te out%omes of Ton"=s %ondu%t. G" outlining te out%omes one elps te members of sta: some understand te business e(planations beind w" one as determined te %ondu%t to be an issue and tat it is not >ust Jpersonal.J # would give great marketing reasons w" te issue must be solved and out%omes for inabilit" to %ompreend. 'or instan%e # would e(plain to im te importan%e of being diverse on te ,eld of marketing so tat wen one ting fails tere is an alternative. # would also sow im te importan%e of teamwork and tell im te %onse*uen%es tat ma" arise from presenting uneti%al ideas on te %ompan"s website. #n some %ases tings are not wat te" seem b" all a%%ounts to be for e(ample wen # realize tat te organization=s website as %onne%tions to a ome business tat Ton"=s %ompanion works in providing installation administrations witout m" endorsement. M" %allenge dealing wit su% dis%iplinar" matters is to utilize m" de%ision-making abilit" in de%iding wat measures to take and o:er well-reasoned >udgment on te most pro,%ient metod to manage te %urrent issue. Referen%es Heneman H.
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